Is there a demand for chinchillas. High profitability of the business in chinchilla breeding is guaranteed. Growing chinchillas at home

Household profitability from 300%. In cooperation with us, you will always have a guaranteed sales. Business is not subject to any crises.

Making your million on breeding chinchillas is real!

Elite nurseries from the USA, Germany, Poland, Ukraine and other countries offer to become the owner of cute fur animals for domestic, as well as pedigree and amateur breeding. The farms sell chinchillas in bulk of all ages and colors. A furry animal, if desired, can be not only a cute pet, but also a source of good income.


We offer young animals at the age of 2 - 4 months, as well as adult couples, ready to organize mini-farms. One young family of chinchillas is capable of producing up to 3 litters and up to 15 puppies per year. The cost of a two-month-old animal (the most suitable age for weaning from its mother) varies from 2,500 to 50,000 rubles, depending on gender and color. The female chinchilla, getting older, brings more puppies in 1 litter. A mother under the age of 1.5 years gives birth to 1-3 cubs in a litter, from 1.5 to 6 years old, 2-5 puppies are born.

Chinchillas perfectly feed on budget food, which can always be bought in any quantity on our farm. To ensure the longevity and health of your pet, you need to follow a few simple rules of care. We attach to each chinchilla detailed instructions by content, as well as the pedigree of origin. In addition, each of our clients receives balanced food for the first month of keeping and sand for bathing the animals. On our farm you can buy chinchillas in bulk, as well as order by low prices a cage for a couple or breeding animals.

Prices for breeding chinchillas

Our farm contains about 400 fur-bearing animals, their number is constantly growing, thanks to the effective action of the partner program for the sale of young animals and our own increase in the number of animals. There are always puppies, young chinchillas, adult animals, couples and polygamous families of any color available. Orders for families of any configuration and color are accepted. You can buy chinchillas for breeding at the following prices, subject to the conclusion of a sales contract.

Chinchilla "Gray standard": age 6-10 months.

  • Pair (male and female of reproductive age) - 13,000 rubles;
  • From 3 to 5 pairs - 13,000 rubles per pair (with the possibility of delivery within the Moscow Ring Road);
  • From 5 to 10 pairs - 13,000 rubles per pair (with free shipping within the Moscow Ring Road);
  • About 10 to 20 pairs - 13,000 rubles per pair (delivery up to 300 km from the Moscow Ring Road);
  • From 20 to 30 pairs - 12,000 rubles per pair (delivery up to 600 km from the Moscow Ring Road);
  • From 30 to 50 pairs - 12,000 rubles per pair (delivery up to 1000 km from the Moscow Ring Road);
  • Over 50 pairs - the cost is 12,000 rubles per pair (delivery up to 2,000 km from the Moscow Ring Road).

A colored pair of chinchillas, depending on the color, costs from 15,000 rubles.

You can buy a family of chinchillas or several pairs depending on the breed with a 10% to 50% discount.

Transport service

  • Pick up or take away within the Moscow Ring Road: 1000 rubles for 1-5 animals, 1500 rubles for 5-10 animals.
  • Pick up or drop off outside the Moscow Ring Road: at a distance of up to 100 km -30 rubles / 1 km;

from 100 to 500 km - 25 rubles / 1 km,

from 500 to 800 km - 20 rubles / 1 km.

* The distance from the Moscow Ring Road and back is taken into account.

Special affiliate program

Our farm has a special partnership program for the purchase of young chinchillas, subject to the purchase of at least 5 pairs to organize a breeding farm. Young animals are bought at the age of 4 months at a price of 1000 - 3000 thousand rubles, depending on the sex and color of the cubs. The program is valid only upon conclusion of an agreement between the parties at the time of sale. A special affiliate program allows you to buy chinchillas in bulk, while providing a starting business with a constant source of sales.

Terms of sale

The only condition for the purchase of animals is the physical integrity of the chinchilla: the presence of 4 paws, 2 ears, a tail, all fingers, as well as the absence of damage to the fur. The breeder is insured against the appearance of these defects until the chinchilla reaches adulthood (2-4 months). As a rule, conflicts arise precisely from 4 months between animals of the same sex and different ones. Before reaching this age, in 99% of cases, the cubs can be kept both with their parents and separately from the family. When weaning from the mother, pups from one litter are placed in a cage separate from other puppies.

By joining our affiliate program, you get:

  • Constant information support on conditions of detention, treatment of diseases and breeding issues.
  • Individual prices with up to 30% discount on balanced feed, bathing sand, treats, accessories and other products for animals.
  • Stable income and guaranteed sales, secured by a bilateral agreement.
  • Confidence in buying a healthy animal. Our farm is constantly working on the breeding quality of chinchillas.

Example of calculating costs and benefits

We present the calculation of the maximum maintenance costs for 1 family of 2 breeding chinchillas of the Gray Standard breed:

  1. Balanced feed 22-24 kg - 450 rubles.

Feeding with natural forages is possible: hay 3-5 kg ​​50 rubles.

When harvesting hay on your own, the costs are zero.

  1. Top dressing (rolled oats, milk powder) 1 kg. - 100 rubles.
  2. Vitamin complex (liquid) 50 ml / l - 100 rubles
  3. Treats (raisins, rose hips, dried apples, etc.) 2 kg - 50 rubles.

With self-procurement, the costs are zero.

Mineral stone for teeth 4pcs. - 200 rubles.

It is possible to use other materials - zero costs.

Sand for bathing fur animals 3-5 kg. - 300 rubles.

In case of self-production - the costs are minimal.

Toys for rodents (wooden blocks, branches, etc.) 3 kg - 50 rubles.

With self-production - zero costs.

Total: Commercial costs for the maintenance of chinchillas: 1300 rubles.

If desired, the cost of maintaining chinchillas is reduced to: 650 rubles.

Minimum annual profit calculation:

One pair of breeding animals brings 2-3 litters a year on average 8 puppies - 3300 rubles. for one animal.

In general, for the offspring per year - 26,400 rubles.

Total: The net profit for keeping one pair of breeding chinchillas of the Gray Standard breed is 25,750 rubles.

Everyone evaluates the profitability of pedigree breeding of chinchillas for himself!

Small, fluffy animals from South America- chinchillas are not lucky in life. Their fur is so prized in the world fur market that hardly even every second of them dies a natural death. However, let's not talk about sad things. To paraphrase a well-known proverb, let's say: that chinchillas are bad, then people are good and profitable. Especially those who breed them. At current prices for chinchilla fur, this business can be considered highly profitable. Then why don't most entrepreneurs do it?

The fact is that chinchilla breeding as a business is a long-term project. One female chinchilla is capable of giving birth to four to six cubs three times a year, but more often than not, this happens only once a year. Among those who are engaged in breeding chinchillas, this is considered normal.

Chinchilla care

Chinchillas can be kept anywhere, even in a city apartment. The animal does not smell at all, since it does not have sweat glands, it is very neat, neat, and does not require too much attention. Chinchillas do not shed their hair.

Room requirements:

  • Dry, heated room without drafts.
  • Cells are at least fifty centimeters in size on each side.

A couple of tablespoons of dry food a day is enough to feed one chinchilla. The whole care process comes down to simple actions:

  • Daily: feed, water, clean.
  • Weekly: change the shavings in the cage.
  • Monthly: change or pass through a sieve and heat the fine sand in which the chinchillas bathe on the fire.
  • Once every six months: disinfect the cage.

You definitely need to know:

Fertility in female chinchillas begins at the age of six months. The gestation time is about four months. After three months, young offspring are placed in separate cells, and after another four - at the age of seven months, the fate of the animals is determined. It should be noted that mainly males go for fur, females remain for breeding. Strong, active individuals are left to the tribe, others are sold. One male and four females are considered a normal family of chinchillas for breeding. You can also feed the animals with grass or hay, compound feed. It is estimated that a chinchilla eats about twelve kilograms of grass and six kilograms of compound feed in a year. Agree, these are very small expenses. And yet, it is not recommended to hold the chinchilla in your hands, but if you still want to hold it, it catches the animal either by the tail or by the ear.

Strengths and weaknesses of the chinchilla business.


  • The high cost of these products
  • Cheap feed
  • Sufficient stability of production costs
  • Availability of own premises, suitable after appropriate repair, maintenance and breeding of chinchillas
  • Simplicity and ease of breeding


  • Gradual expansion of production and a corresponding increase in profits
  • A transition from selling skins to sewing and selling fur products is possible, thereby increasing profitability several times
  • The ultimate goal of breeding chinchillas, the main task is to obtain a finished product - valuable fur skins, as well as breeding animals, which, frankly, is impossible without the other.

Weak sides:

  • Changes in tax legislation are possible, which may complicate the sale of fur abroad
  • An unpredictable change in government policy, which may lead to a complete or partial prohibition of this type of activity.
  • The biggest problem that one has to face when growing tires for sewing in Ukraine is the insufficient number of competent and practicing veterinarians, veterinary laboratories. Unfortunately, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the level of veterinarians without proper permanent practice declined. This factor can be easily explained, because earlier there were minilabs at a working collective farm, now, unfortunately, there are very few of them and their level, to put it mildly, wants to remain the best.
  • Situations may arise, for the solution of which a competent veterinarian and veterinary laboratory is needed, and this is a problem in Ukraine. You have to read the relevant literature and sometimes do everything yourself.

But we can say that proper prevention and compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards is the best treatment. If your cultivation technology is correct, and you do not violate it, then you will rarely have such cases.

Implementation of chinchillas:

Finding a market for both chinchilla skins and livestock will not be difficult. The Internet is the largest trading floor, give
announcement, and in a few hours your phone will be ringing. It is interesting that not only chinchilla fur is valuable. The animal's meat is also prized for its properties. It is very useful for patients with tuberculosis, sclerosis, or cancer.

The average cost of a pelt ranges from $ 50 to $ 90. This is the price that companies that sew fur products are willing to pay. Over the past three years, prices for chinchilla fur at world auctions have only increased, and this is against the backdrop of the global financial crisis. According to the Copenhagen Fur Auction (one of the largest fur auctions in the world), over the past two years, prices for chinchilla fur have increased by 22-24%, mink fur - 27-33%. The leading experts associate the rise in the cost of "soft gold" with an increase in demand in China, Russia and the CIS countries. Since money does not disappear anywhere, but passes from hand to hand, after the impact of the economic crisis, they concentrated in a close circle of people with great opportunities, of which there are plenty in the CIS countries. Today the global fur market is estimated at US $ 9 billion. Among the sales leaders are undoubtedly mink, marten, silver fox, ermine, chinchilla, beaver and others. The greatest connoisseurs of warm products are those countries with a cold climate. Therefore, it is not surprising that the largest fur farms are located in Denmark, Finland, Czech Republic, Norway, China, USA, Canada. In most of these countries, there are national programs to support the development of farming business, in particular, exhibitions and conferences are regularly held, which are partially financed by the state.

In addition, the chinchilla is considered the talisman of treasure hunters. This is really so - even the ancient Indians of South America noticed that animals settle where there is gold nearby. Now domestic “craftsmen” have adapted hand-held chinchillas to search for lost gold jewelry on sea beaches. So, problems with the sale of animals should not be expected. Well, after the business goes, there is already not far to the chinchilla farm. The main desire!

And as a bonus - a video about the chinchilla breed:

This article discusses chinchilla breeding as a business. Is it profitable or not to organize fur farming of these fur-bearing animals? Natural fur chinchillas are in great demand among Russian buyers, but on the other hand, many have come to love keeping chinchillas as pets. We tell you how much financial investment is required, how much profit these fluffy animals can bring and what difficulties breeders will have to face.

Chinchillas are rodents known for their quality fur. The homeland of these animals is South America, but even before the 20th century, a significant part of these animals was exterminated precisely for commercial purposes and the species was on the verge of extinction.

Modern domesticated individuals are somewhat different from their wild ancestors.

Chinchillas live in monogamous families. The life span of these animals is very significant - up to 20 years, while they retain the ability to reproduce for up to 15 years. An adult chinchilla weighs between 400 and 600 grams.

Currently, you can buy a chinchilla at any pet store. However, if you plan to engage in economic breeding of these animals, it is better to purchase the first individuals from professional breeders. How finicky these animals are and how profitable will be own farm chinchillas?

Chinchillas are unpretentious and fertile, and their maintenance is inexpensive.

Benefits of breeding chinchillas

  1. These animals are very unpretentious. Breeding and keeping is inexpensive and easy to organize.
  2. Chinchillas are fertile - they reproduce up to 3 times a year until the age of 15.
  3. Such fluffy animals can eat special food, as well as hay, alfalfa, corn, peas, lentils, soybeans, fresh carrots, zucchini, nuts, seeds. In general, chinchillas are unpretentious in food, and they eat quite a bit, unlike other rodents. It will take no more than 3-4 thousand rubles a month to feed even a large livestock.
  4. Chinchillas are more accurate than other rodents, keeping them in special display cases will completely solve the problem of cleaning. Accommodation requires a little space - a 50x70 cage is enough. In addition, animal cages can be stacked vertically on top of each other, significantly saving space.
  5. Low competition in the industry with a fairly high demand.
  6. Profitability. Regardless of whether chinchillas are bred for fur or for the sake of selling individuals as pets, they bring a good income.

Negative reviews about chinchilla farming are usually associated with the humane side of the issue.... Most often, these rodents are bred for the sake of fur, which causes outrage among animal rights defenders. If this side of the issue does not bother you, there are no serious shortcomings in breeding chinchillas. Take a look at the video at the end of the article - it will give you a better idea of ​​breeding these fur-bearing animals.

Russian experience of fur farming of chinchillas

On the Russian market there are several fairly large fur-bearing fur farms, for example, the Retas chinchilla farms. There are farms for raising these animals in the Vladimir region, in the Krasnodar region, in the Moscow region, in Neftekamsk and other regions of Russia. However, in general, the market remains uncovered, and even an inexperienced breeder can take his own niche on it.

For what purpose are chinchillas bred

If you are interested in the fur farming of these fur-bearing rodents, first of all you need to understand for what purpose you will grow them. There are two options:

  1. Selling chinchillas as pets.
  2. Sale of chinchilla fur.

These two options suggest various forms farm organization, completely different development strategies and, of course, different profits. Consider the features and ways of developing each direction of breeding.

It is better to buy individuals from professional breeders or well-known farms.

Purchase of the first animals for breeding

Where to buy chinchillas for breeding? The price for one animal usually starts from 5 thousand rubles, but can vary greatly depending on the farm and breeder. It is better to buy individuals from professional breeders or well-known farms. Study offers on the Internet, find addresses, read reviews about a particular farm before deciding to buy.

First you need to buy from 2 to 10 chinchillas, preferably in families. Ask the sellers for all the data on the animals you buy. Some animals have a pedigree attached - a document indicating the date of birth, breed, color, birth weight and even the number of puppies in the litter. Such a paper will give an idea of ​​how the animal and its children will develop. However, in practice, most chinchillas do not have any documents.

What to look for when buying

There are several signs that you should definitely pay attention to when buying a chinchilla:

  1. The animal's coat should be shiny and well-groomed, uniform throughout the body.
  2. Tearing, nasal discharge indicate that the animal is not healthy.
  3. The nose and ears should not flake off.
  4. The chinchilla is vigorous and active. Lethargy is a sign of illness.
  5. There are no signs of eating disorders.

Another important question is At what age should I buy a cub? The age of purchase depends on the buyer's purpose. If the goal is animal breeding, it is better to wait for the age of 6-8 months. If you just buy a pet, then you can pick it up earlier - in 2.5-3 months. Note that the mother feeds the puppies up to 2 months, so you should not wean them from her ahead of time.

Raising animals for sale

Consider breeding chinchillas at home for beginners. Practice shows that at home it is quite comfortable to keep up to 20 individuals. This option is suitable for those who want to raise fur animals only for sale.

After purchasing several adults (6-8 months), it is necessary to organize their comfortable and correct placement. Chinchillas usually live in upright cages or special "showcases". Note that moving is stressful for the animals, so after getting home, carefully transfer them to their cages and try to disturb them as little as possible. It will take about a week to adapt.

The age of purchase at 6-8 months is due to the fact that puberty in chinchillas occurs at about 7 months. That is, if your goal is to raise animals for sale, it is logical to acquire individuals that are already ready for breeding.

Chinchillas are very prolific animals. It is believed that they can reproduce up to three times a year (in practice, usually 1-2). In each litter, from 1 to 5 puppies are born, but 1 - much more often 5. The grown animals are handed over to buyers 2.5-3 months after birth.

The most effective way to sell chinchillas is to sell puppies over the Internet.

How much can you earn selling chinchillas

When grown for sale, the most important thing is to efficiently organize the sale of chinchillas... The most effective way to do this is to sell puppies over the Internet. Get pages in the most popular social networks(for trading this is Vkontakte and Instagram), regularly post photos and information about animals there. Please accompany your publications with a set of hashtags and a geolocation mark. This way you can find more buyers.

It is advisable to select owners for the animals immediately after birth. Some breeders even offer "booking" of animals. Provide your customers with all the necessary information on caring for chinchillas, keep in touch with them, ask them to send photos of grown animals. This will build your reputation as a conscientious breeder who is not indifferent to the fate of animals.

The price of one chinchilla starts from 5 thousand rubles and can go up to 30-40 thousand rubles. By selling 10-20 chinchillas a year, you can achieve an income of 100 to 500 thousand rubles, and the cost of raising animals is only a few thousand rubles a month.

The sale of chinchillas in Moscow is currently more profitable- here you can offer higher prices, and the demand for rodents is very high. In the regions, the fashion for chinchillas is not so strong, and the purchasing power of the population is much lower.

Growing chinchillas for fur

Fur fishing on chinchillas requires a completely different approach to organization. Is it realistic to organize a "fur" business on chinchillas?

Breeding chinchillas is a very interesting activity, which, with the right approach, calculation and established marketing, can bring considerable profit. After all, the skins of an animal can be sold profitably or you can sew a fur coat, a fur collar, a hat yourself. How much time, money and effort should be spent in Russia in order for the cultivation of chinchillas to start making a profit - this is the subject of today's conversation. We will also find out how much a chinchilla skin costs in our country and where you need to contact for the sale of goods. But first things first.

Breeding chinchillas in Russia is a very promising business and a very decent business, which can be based on the cultivation and sale of the animals themselves, as well as the sale of skins for a fur coat. How much does a breeding animal cost to sell? The price can vary within 100 USD. However, today we will talk about the sale of chinchilla skins, the specifics of doing business and the risks.

To begin with, all beginners need to make a small business plan, which will include the main organizational, legal, economic costs. It outlines the prospect of doing business, describes the implementation of the final product.

Fur characteristic

Besides dietary meat, chinchilla is very valuable due to its fluffy skin. You can make a fur coat, hats, fur and much more. This direction, among others, is the most profitable and promising in our country. Fur is valuable due to the presence of a huge number of hairs (on average, there are about 25 thousand hairs per 1 cm sq.) And incredible beauty and silkiness. However, you can combine several lines of business and at the same time sell meat, donate skins and sell live animals.

How much does a chinchilla skin cost? This is a very important question for those new to chinchilla breeding. Much in pricing policy depends on the quality of the pelts and appearance product. But on average, the price of the finished product varies from 250 to 300 USD. The cost of the skin highest quality may increase in the market several times.

Business advantages

  • Financial benefit. At small investment capital, you get a net income in a short time;
  • Availability. This type of business can be carried out by absolutely any person who has a small space and a great desire to open his own business from scratch. This does not require special deep knowledge, the presence veterinary education, big money. You need to have desire and strength;
  • Simplicity. In fact, it is not very difficult to start breeding chinchillas and organize the work correctly.

It is not difficult to make an approximate calculation of the future business and you do not need financial education for this. The first thing worth paying attention to is that chinchilla breeding can be carried out in an apartment or a private house. The thing is that these animals do not have an unpleasant smell, due to the absence of sweat glands in them. Therefore, they can be safely grown in an apartment without fear that a bad aroma will come from them. In addition, they are very friendly, unlike, for example, muskrats, which constantly bite. Chinchillas are very cute and kind creatures that can even bite off their claws on their own! Animal cages are a separate topic, but they can be made by yourself, or purchased in special zoological stores.

Conditions of detention

Chinchillas have some characteristic features on which their breeding depends. It:

  • Compliance with the temperature regime, which varies from 15 to 20 degrees. It is very important not to allow a decrease in indicators, as well as an increase in it by more than 25 degrees. This can lead to the death of the animal. Therefore, if there are possible hot days in your climatic zone, it is better to immediately equip the room with air conditioning;
  • Location. Try not to put cages with chinchillas near the window, because animals do not like sunlight. Also avoid any players with loud music or other sound;
  • The cages should be roomy, but not high, so that the animal cannot break. One individual must have at least one square meter of cage territory;
  • The inside of the cage is lined with sawdust, which must be changed at least once a week. In addition, each cage should have a bather with special ash, a feeder and a drinking bowl;
  • Animals eat hay, tree branches, grasses, pellets, grain, nuts and much more;
  • Chinchilla is a nocturnal inhabitant. Therefore, she eats at night. As well as fulfilling all other needs, it is worth paying special attention to. And do not place cages near children, as well as feed before nightfall.


In order to start a chinchilla business, you must:

  • Purchase 3-4 females and one male. It is desirable that these animals come from different families.
  • Set cells. On the territory of 2 square meters, about 10-15 animals can freely fit. To save space, you can install the cages on top of each other. You can save on purchasing equipment for keeping chinchillas and do it yourself. This is not difficult.
  • Purchase food. Roughly, one healthy individual consumes about 1 kg of pelleted feed per month. Here you can also save money and prepare dry food for the winter. It can be hay, twigs of trees and bushes, rose hips, hawthorns, etc.


One female per year, on average, can produce about 5-9 puppies. Her childbearing period at proper feeding and the content can last up to 15 years. Accordingly, a family of 4 females and a male can bring up to 30 young animals per year for fattening. They can be grown for reproduction or left on the skin. A one-room apartment can accommodate about 2-3 families.

As you can see, breeding chinchillas is a very profitable and monetary business. Keeping animals is not troublesome and simple, they do not bring any harm, do not have an unpleasant smell, do not cry, eat well and reproduce. In order to start a business, you shouldn't buy 2-3 families at once and spend a lot of money. We advise you to purchase 2-3 individuals and observe them for a couple of months, get used to their lifestyle, and follow the breeding process. And only if everything suits you, and you like the animals, you should start mass breeding them.

If you are very interested in this type of activity, and you want to expand its scale, then we advise you to open a small farm. What might be required for this?

First of all, this is a room. Its size should be related to the number of animals that you are going to breed there. Ensure that the room is always dry and clean. For hot days, it is best to use an air conditioner.

Secondly, you will need to legalize your activities. To do this, you will need to open a business and pay monthly taxes to the treasury.

Thirdly, it will require spending some amount on the purchase of breeding animals for breeding and feed.

And the fourth is the staff. To begin with, you may need only one assistant who will monitor the behavior of animals, clean their cages, feed, etc.

Implementation issues

Now you have equipped a large room with cages, purchased animals, mated, received the first young growth, which grew up to a year. What's next? Where can the goods be sold?

Here is a list of potential buyers:

  • Farmers at the fur market. These can be already experienced business executives, novice buyers, as well as those who are engaged in the resale of goods, intermediaries. It won't be difficult to find them. You will need to carry out advertising work, exhibit samples of your products on all kinds of thematic sites, portals. Sell, as we said, you can live individuals, skins, meat;
  • All kinds of pet shops, zoos, exhibition centers, nurseries that need a live animal;
  • Ordinary residents of cities and villages who buy animals for their homes;
  • Factories for sewing fur products;
  • All kinds of establishments Catering for the sale of meat (restaurants, cafes, canteens, etc.).

As you can see, breeding chinchillas is not very troublesome and promising business if everything is calculated correctly. Do what you love and scale up your production.

Every year the Chinchilla Farm "Chinchilla Club" pleases its partners and new customers with New Year's prices. And this year is no exception. If you want to increase your livestock or just start your way in breeding chinchillas, then this offer is especially for you. Until January 15, 2020, a pair of breeding chinchillas at a festive price - 9,000 rubles! (This promotion does not apply to)

Chinchilla breeding farm: 4500 rubles. per skin, 450,000 rubles. for 100 pieces.
Favorable sale of young animals up to 300,000 rubles. for 100 pieces.
, which are known to have the most valuable fur of all animals that inhabit our planet.
The advantages of these animals are that they are 2 - 3 times smaller in size than rabbits, are herbivorous - they eat everything the same as rabbits, but much less (20 times, 35 grams each): vegetables, grain, herbs, hay, leaves, branches, seeds, etc. Chinchillas do not moult in season, and unlike other animals, they are odorless. Chinchillas do not need any vaccinations as they are all raised in captivity. Sexual maturity is reached as early as 6 - 7 months. Moreover, their main advantage is simple maintenance and breeding.

They usually say about chinchillas: "You feed it like a rabbit - you sell it like a sable!"
Whether to get chinchillas just for fun or seriously engage in their breeding - everyone decides for himself. But in any case, the pleasure of communicating with these cute animals will be guaranteed to you.