What you need to pass to enter the veterinarian. Profession - veterinarian: problems and specifics of obtaining veterinary education in Russia. About the veterinarian profession, where the veterinarian works

Greetings readers! This veterinary blog article is about the profession of a veterinarian, from which you will learn how to become a veterinarian and something about the profession itself. Perhaps this information will be of interest to those who love animals and want to become a veterinarian or those who choose their own path, their specialty.

Where to get the profession of a veterinarian?

Those who are determined to devote their lives to treating animals need to know what needs to be done for this. So, you can study to be a veterinarian at a technical school or at an institute, university or academy. Such education can be obtained practically throughout Russia; agricultural universities and technical schools are in every regional center and large cities.

In order to enter a veterinarian in a technical school, 9 classes of education are enough, in which case, having a good certificate, you will need to pass exams, and then become a student of a technical school. After graduation, you will receive a specialty - a veterinary paramedic. The training period will be almost 4 years. A veterinary paramedic can work and hold the positions of even the chief specialist of the farm or the chief physician of the clinic, here knowledge and skills, the desire to work are more important.

How to become a veterinarian?

If you want to have a higher education, graduate from a university with a degree in veterinary medicine, it is also possible in the capital and in any regional center. For admission, you need to finish 11 classes, have a good certificate and academic performance in chemistry, biology, Russian, but now they are applying according to the USE results. Upon completion of your studies, you will receive a specialist diploma and qualification - a veterinarian.

To summarize: how to become a veterinarian - you need to unlearn at a technical school or university.

About the profession of a veterinarian, where does a veterinarian work?

This profession is agricultural, so people with a fine mental organization, who are in the clouds and are afraid of physical work, will not be easy.

Where does the veterinarian work? It all depends on where you live.

  • If you are in countryside Most likely, you will have to work on a farm, after graduation you can take care of any animals, so your patients in the village are cows, horses, pigs and poultry. Although in the village you can open a veterinary pharmacy or work in the state veterinary service.
  • If you prefer to live in the city, then most often you have to work in. Most of the animals that the “city” veterinarian has to work with most often are dogs and cats, ferrets and exotic animals. In the clinic, you can choose your specialization if you like surgery or therapy or you like working with exotic animals, becoming such a specialist will make you in demand and will easily find work in any clinic.
  • There are also options for work in the specialty - civil service, customs, dog handler, inspector, these professions also require veterinary education, although they do not involve the treatment of animals.

Those who have initial capital can organize their own business, clinic, pharmacy or office. Choosing the profession of a veterinarian - you will not be left without work.


Describing everything a veterinarian needs to know is not easy. The profession, of course, is ancient, much of it is based on folk methods of treatment. But modern world does not tolerate only herbalists and healers.

Today, the veterinarian needs to know not at all folk legends about the proportions in which plantain and coltsfoot should be mixed in order to cure an upset stomach in a horse, but the anatomy and physiology of animals. It will also require knowledge of the latest trends and innovations in pharmaceutical science.

What does a veterinarian need to know when applying to an educational institution?

If you want to apply for training in this profession, first of all, what a veterinarian needs to know is school subjects: biology, chemistry, mathematics and Russian. After all, it is the results of these subjects that will be taken into account when entering a university and knowledge on them will be very useful in the process of study. Of course, biology is the first and most important thing a veterinarian needs to know. But chemistry is also important in order to better understand the processes occurring in the body, in the action of drugs on it, in the mechanisms of cell interaction.

Many veterinarians, chuckling, say that a veterinarian will diagnose a person faster than a general practitioner, because a veterinarian is a general practitioner and studies absolutely all aspects of medicine at a university. After all, the volume that a veterinarian needs to know is enormous. They have no specialization, and every doctor must be ready to perform any medical action. A veterinarian and a therapist, a surgeon, an obstetrician, a cosmetologist, a nutritionist, a dentist, an ophthalmologist, and a traumatologist at the same time.

The veterinarian must know everything and possess basic knowledge in all areas of medicine. The breadth of the veterinarian's outlook will give odds to the human doctor. Some division by specialization exists only in large cities, where there are many veterinary clinics and it is possible for a doctor to focus on one area, for example, dentistry.

What should a veterinarian be able to do?

A qualified veterinarian should be able to treat anyone, not only pets (cats, dogs, parrots or snakes), but also farm animals (cows, horses, goats, birds, bees and fish and even ostriches, there are also ostrich farms in Russia).

What else does a veterinarian need to know?

Anatomy is an interesting science about the structure of the organism of a living being, how animals differ from each other. Physiology tells how the animal's body works, what physiological life processes take place in it, what is the nature of nerve impulses, how the blood circulation process takes place, and much more. These are the basic disciplines that a veterinarian needs to know, without them it is impossible to become a medic.

But, besides this, future veterinarians should know a little bit about everything. Also, a student who wants to become a good specialist must additionally read scientific literature. Of course, the veterinary faculties also offer practical training.

In addition to everything a veterinarian needs to know in theory, experience forms a true professional. The more and more versatile this practical experience, the better the veterinarian will be, the better his demand in the labor market will be. After all, only a wealthy person can work from altruistic motives, and there are not so many of them. The bulk still needs to live on something.

A good veterinarian not only treats pets, but also teaches their owners how to properly handle their pets. Therefore, the veterinarian also needs to know psychological science. This is especially important when communicating with the owners of exotic animals, since in our country there are almost no veterinarians treating the diseases of such animals.

There is so much a veterinarian needs to know and be able to do, but the main thing a veterinarian needs is, of course, a great love for animals and a desire to help them, this will help to overcome all the difficulties, which will be many, and become a good doctor.

The profession of a veterinarian is very necessary and in demand and brings not only difficulties, but also very often gives joyful moments. These are the moments when the doctor sees the result of his labors - the rescued pet and the joyful smiles of its owners.


One of the kindest professions is a veterinarian. But goodness hides years of study, and even earlier - admission to an educational institution. What do you need to take to a veterinarian to get a glorious profession? Let's find out.

As with any medical profession, the veterinarian specialty requires a strong disposition and disposition. Much is required of a doctor before making a choice; one must be aware of the extent of these requirements and one's ability to meet them.

It is not necessary to tell for a long time who a veterinarian is and what he does, everyone is presented in general terms. The veterinarian receives animal patients, diagnoses and selects treatment, and conducts medical procedures. The doctor must be able to perform surgical operations. He must know by heart all medical disciplines, because in one person he provides the animal assistance, which is provided to people by different specialists. That is, you will have to study a lot and cover different areas. To become a doctor and treat animals, you need to go to a veterinary school. For those who have decided exactly what they will do, the question becomes urgent: What should be taken to the veterinarian?

But before you enroll, weigh the pros and cons of this profession alone with yourself, assess the possible difficulties and difficulties, assess the possibility of employment in this profession.

If you have thought everything over and decided that you need to take a veterinarian, enter a medical profession and get this profession, that you are ready to work with animals, are not afraid of blood, "dirty" work, are psychologically and emotionally hardened and ready to accept everything that you can to happen means that the profession of a veterinarian is for you and all that remains is to choose a university and enter it.

It is also important to be ready to learn without shirking knowledge, and to imagine correctly what awaits you in practice when applying for a job. Most veterinarians say the biggest disadvantage of their profession is the fact that not all patients can be helped, this is the most difficult thing. And besides sick animals, you also have to work with their owners who are under stress, who are not always knowledgeable and able to provide proper care.

If you are ready for all this, it is up to the choice of the university. And here you need good preparation in what you need to take to the veterinarian. First of all, you need to focus on biology.

There are not so many universities in Moscow that provide versatile and fundamental veterinary education. There is only one specialized university, this is the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after V.I. K.I. Skryabin, but a suitable education in the specialty "Veterinarian" can be obtained in agricultural or medical universities. There are some varieties of veterinary qualifications at large universities. For example, Moscow State University has a faculty of veterinary and sanitary examination.

The Agrarian Faculty of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN) is very popular. It has a department of veterinary medicine, which gives good theoretical and practical training in best traditions Russian science. Students of RUDN University undergo practical training in specialized research institutes, large pedigree agricultural enterprises, and various divisions of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Another large Moscow university is the Russian State Agrarian University of the Moscow Agricultural Academy. K.A. Timiryazeva. There is a department of veterinary medicine at the Faculty of Animal Science and Biology. This institute also has excellent experimental and scientific bases and a brilliant teaching staff for the preparation of highly qualified specialists.

What do you need to take to the veterinarian in these universities? As a rule, for admission to them, it is required to present the results of the exam in three subjects: biology (this is the main subject), mathematics and the Russian language. Without knowledge of biology, it is not possible to become a doctor - this is a major subject and it is imperative to know it “perfectly well”. In some universities there is also an interview. But school graduates should focus on these three subjects, and pay increased attention to them.

The profession of a veterinarian is quite in demand in the current labor market. Surely more likely to find suitable job living in large cities. Just because the population is larger, there is more demand for veterinary services. But in small towns and villages, veterinarians are needed. Not only in agricultural enterprises, such as state farms, fur farms, pedigree farms, food production enterprises, veterinarians can work, but there is also the opportunity to conduct private practice. Veterinary clinics, zoos, circuses, stables - a veterinarian is required everywhere. Even at an animal show, he must be present. So, if you wish, you can open own business... But, first of all, a veterinarian is still not a businessman, but a doctor of animals who helps them stay healthy.

The profession of a veterinarian is very difficult and responsible, because not everyone can be responsible for the life and health of animals. Despite this, many people aspire to become animal doctors.

This profession is usually chosen only by a very enthusiastic and really loving brothers of our smaller people.

Who is a veterinarian and how to become one

A doctor who treats animals is called a veterinarian.

He is responsible not only for checking the health of pets, but also must be able to carry out various manipulations, surgical operations and other very serious things.

Getting the profession of a veterinarian is easy enough. It is necessary to enroll in a specialized university. After graduating from the institute, the graduate must undergo an internship and receive the position of an assistant, in order to subsequently proceed directly to his duties.

Characteristics of the profession - what you need to know and be able to

Education standards are the same throughout Russia, but in other countries they may differ significantly. Therefore, it should be remembered that when choosing a profession, the standards will be valid only on the territory of their country.

Some schoolchildren, after grade 11, decide to enter a university related to veterinary medicine. There are a lot of such institutions in our country and their choice is great. But graduates need to know whether it is difficult to study in such a specialty.

Describing the learning process, it should be noted that usually already in the first year students are prepared for the fact that this profession implies not only caring for animals, but also serious interventions. Therefore, any person should remember the responsibility that he takes upon himself, entering the specialty.

What personal qualities a veterinarian should have

A veterinarian needs a number of qualities:

  • love to the animals;
  • the ability to find contact with people, because often you have to explain to the owners what happened to their pet and for what reason;
  • good memory and attention;
  • the ability to do several things at the same time;
  • sense of responsibility.

The above qualities will help a person become not just an ordinary ordinary paramedic, but a real and very good chief doctor for animals.

What exams you need to take as a veterinarian

Lists of subjects for admission may differ at educational institutions throughout the country. But usually schoolchildren take the exam in the following subjects: Russian language, biology and sometimes chemistry.

Often, upon admission, you can get to a budgetary place, since not all schoolchildren are ready to accept such a profession for themselves, and it is quite rare.

Veterinary universities in Russia

There are several main and very popular universities in this specialty in our country, where you can get the education of a veterinarian.

But of them one can single out five best(it is important to note that not all of them are located in Moscow):

  1. Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology. K. I. Skryabin.
  2. Russian State Agrarian University named after K. A. Timiryazev.
  3. St. Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine.
  4. Novosibirsk State Agrarian University.
  5. Kalmyk State University named after B. B. Gorodovikov.

Each of the universities gives students the opportunity to obtain the profession of a veterinarian with the possibility of choosing the most desirable specialization. After training, students quickly find work, since they received high quality training and necessary skills.

How many years to study as a veterinarian

Veterinary medicine involves a lot of knowledge and skills. Therefore, usually the term of study at such a university is at least 4-5 years, depending on the form of training.

It is advisable to enter the full-time department. The study is quite difficult, there are a lot of subjects, but for an addicted person this will not cause any particular difficulties.

The question of whether it is difficult to study in a specialty can only be answered by a person who has already passed this path and is working in a profession. Usually these people say that learning is easy because they really like what they do.

But of course, there are many pitfalls in the profession in the form of knowledge of additional languages, a lot of terms that you must memorize. Therefore, no one will give an obvious answer.

Where can a veterinarian work?

Learning to be a veterinarian is one thing. After training, it is important to find a decent and affordable job.

After graduation, the student is obliged to do an internship in a veterinary clinic as an assistant for about 2 years in order to acquire the necessary skills and consolidate the knowledge acquired at the institute.

After that, the graduate can go to work in a veterinary clinic, become a private veterinarian, or get a job at a veterinary pharmacy. Also, for such people, the doors to training, grooming, and zootechnology are open.

Also, graduates with a diploma can get a job at an enterprise for the production of animal feed or vitamin complexes. In addition, work in agricultural production as a veterinarian will always be available.

How much veterinarians earn

The salary of such a doctor directly depends not only on the region in which he works, but also on his qualifications.

People with higher education and a large number of additional "crusts" receive a salary above average.

In the capital wage a veterinarian varies from 30 to 100 thousand rubles. In the regions, this amount will be slightly less.

It should be borne in mind that large enterprises usually pay higher wages than small firms. In settlements and villages, the average wage will not be very high, about 25-30 thousand rubles.

Career growth and development prospects

In order to develop in the profession, you need to make an effort. However, careers in veterinary medicine are available.

Obtaining the necessary useful knowledge in refresher courses, a person provides himself with the opportunity career growth, because a general specialist will be more in demand in the labor market.

Is it worth studying to be a veterinarian - the pros and cons of the profession

The advantages of the profession include a large amount of contact with animals, which always brings positive emotions.

Also one of the advantages is a wide choice of jobs and a small number of applicants. Since very few people want to become veterinarians, it will be much easier to get a job after graduation than in any other specialty.

The disadvantages include:

  • work is stressful;
  • continuous monitoring, there must be constant attention;
  • deaths in animals are possible;
  • possible negative reactions from pet owners;
  • unexpected work moments;
  • irregular schedule is possible.

The history of the profession is quite long. Therefore, those who work as a veterinarian now can say that their work is facilitated modern technologies and medications that effectively treat many diseases.

If you are ready to constantly learn, for at least five to seven years to go up the career ladder, sincerely love animals, easily find a common language with people, are not afraid of responsibility for the life of our smaller brothers - then this job is for you.


The question of how to become a veterinarian visits people of vocation. If you are one of them, for sure, it will be useful to find out about where to study to be a veterinarian today. What do animal doctors teach and what does it take to become a veterinarian?

What if the animal is sick or injured? How to "fix" a horse? An experienced specialist - a veterinarian - will be able to understand the "breakdown". It is veterinarians who treat animals. There are several universities in Moscow, where you can unlearn a veterinarian if you have the desire and hard work.

How can you become a veterinarian?

How to become a veterinarian? In general, it is impossible to become a veterinarian, whether it is or not, like any medical profession, veterinary medicine is a vocation. First of all, there must be love for animals, a desire to communicate with them, to help them. This is the first thing you need to become a veterinarian, as your "patients" can neither complain nor object, and the veterinarian does not take the Hippocratic Oath. That is, everything that the doctor will do is his personal responsibility and much depends on the attitude of the doctor himself to his wards.

Also, to become a veterinarian, you need to be prepared for the difficulties of working with animals. A veterinarian is one of the most dangerous professions, sick animals can bite and injure a doctor, you need to be able to find a common language with them.

Learn to be a veterinarian at a university

Of course, how to become a veterinarian without higher education. Without it, nowhere. To be eligible to heal animals, you need to get it. Higher education obtained in the specialty "Veterinary Medicine". In universities, general education is given, without division into specializations, all graduates receive the qualification "Veterinarian". Domestic universities are more focused on Agriculture, not on pets, but you will receive general knowledge of anatomy, physiology and possible diseases.

If you unlearn to be a veterinarian in a secondary special educational institution, technical school, college or school, you can apply for the position of "Veterinary Paramedic". If you graduated from the secondary school, then you can study for a veterinarian at the university by correspondence. If you do not have a secondary veterinary education, then study at the university should only be full-time.

Universities for training as a veterinarian

There are several well-known universities where you can study to be a veterinarian in Moscow. First of all, this is the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K.I.Skryabin. In addition to a veterinarian, you can learn to be a dog handler there. There are preparatory courses at the Academy.

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia is also very popular. You can unlearn a veterinarian at the Military Veterinary Institute, Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology. The Russian State Agrarian University named after K.A. Timiryazev has a zooengineering department. These are universities where anyone who loves animals and who has excellent USE scores in biology and mathematics and the Russian language can study to be a veterinarian.

Before making a decision and wondering how to learn to be a veterinarian, you need to understand where you want to work with which animals.

Once you have been able to become a veterinarian, you will be able to treat and advise not only in the clinic, but also on call. Every veterinarian should be able to diagnose, be able to prescribe the necessary treatment and conduct necessary procedures... Veterinarians take tests, conduct laboratory tests, make vaccinations, operations to eliminate reproductive functions, provide obstetric care, and monitor the progress of the animal's health recovery.

Veterinarians are required in private and public veterinary clinics, in zoos, circus, in agricultural enterprises. They also check the quality of milk and meat that goes on sale to shops and markets. In addition, veterinarians often assist animal engineers, dog handlers and breeders.

Many students, while still in their senior years, find work as orderlies or assistants in veterinary clinics or other enterprises and organizations. This helps to gain experience and determine if the right choice has been made.

Also, this experience will not be superfluous for employment after graduation. Many representatives of the profession, having accumulated sufficient experience, open their clinics. In this case, the veterinarian will also need knowledge in the field of economics.

Therefore, we can say that the profession is quite promising, useful and noble. After all, man has tamed many animals and is now responsible for their health. But make the decision to become a veterinarian only by vocation and love for our smaller brothers.