Whose position is higher than senior or presenter. Categories of positions in the state civil service of the Russian Federation. Categories of positions in the state civil service

Answer to the question:

1. Talking about who is "more important", the senior or the leader is incorrect.

Don't Miss: Major HR Changes

Which is accepted and entered into force this month.

"Senior", "leading" - these are the categories of positions. The concepts are established by the Qualification handbook of positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved. Decree of the Ministry of Social Development dated 21.08.1998 No. 37 (hereinafter referred to as the Handbook). The basis for the construction of the Handbook is an official characteristic, since the requirements for the qualifications of employees are determined by their official duties, which, in turn, determine the names of positions (clause 2 General provisions Reference).

We quote para. third, fourth clause 7 of the General Provisions of the Handbook: “The use of the official title“ senior ”is possible provided that the employee, along with fulfilling the duties stipulated for the position held, is in charge of subordinate performers. The position of "senior" can be established as an exception and in the absence of performers in the direct subordination of the employee, if he is entrusted with the functions of managing an independent section of work. For positions of specialists for which qualification categories are provided, the official title “senior” is not applied. In these cases, the functions of managing subordinate performers are assigned to a specialist of the 1st qualification category.

The duties of the “leading” are established on the basis of the characteristics of the respective positions of the specialists. In addition, they are entrusted with the functions of a manager and a responsible executor of work in one of the areas of activity of an enterprise, institution, organization or their structural divisions, or responsibilities for coordination and methodological guidance of groups of executors created in departments (bureaus), taking into account the rational division of labor in specific organizational -technical conditions. Requirements for the required length of service are increased by 2-3 years in comparison with those provided for specialists of the 1st qualification category. "

2. On the second question. There are no judicial practice and explanations of state bodies on the issue raised.

Details in the materials of the System Personnel:

Situation:In what cases is the official name "chief", "leading", "senior"

The use of the official title "senior" is possible if the employee, along with fulfilling the duties stipulated for the position held, manages the performers subordinate to him. This position can be established as an exception and in the absence of performers in the direct subordination of the employee, if he is entrusted with the functions of managing an independent section of work. At the same time, for professional positions for which qualification categories are provided (for example, an engineer of the 1st category), the official title "senior" is not applied.

The duties of the "leading" category are established on the basis of the characteristics of the respective professional positions. In addition, they are entrusted with the functions of a manager and a responsible executor of work in one of the areas of activity of the organization or its structural divisions, or responsibilities for the coordination and methodological guidance of groups of executors created in departments (bureaus). Requirements for the required length of service in the "leading" category are increased by 2-3 years in comparison with those provided for specialists of the 1st qualification category.

Category "main" in individual cases is directly provided, approved, in the title of the position and is associated with increased qualification requirements for the occupation of such positions (chief engineer, chief accountant, chief power engineer, etc.). In addition, the category "chief" can be established by a local act of the organization, depending on the requirements for the education and qualifications of the employee, for example, "chief specialist in ..." ().

Nina Kovyazina,

Deputy Director of the Department of Medical Education and Personnel Policy in Healthcare of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Best regards and wishes for a comfortable work, Irina Pavlova,

Expert Systems Personnel

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Acquiring knowledge in a particular field and mastering the chosen specialty, university graduates do not always receive an engineering degree. The awarded qualification must be indicated in the document on higher education.

For those who have completed the second level of study in a compulsory university program, it corresponds to the entry "specialist".


Engineer- technical specialty, which is received by persons who have graduated from higher education educational institution in one or more branches of technical education.


A specialist is a person who has received higher education humanitarian, economic, legal or any other direction.

In colloquial speech, a specialist is a person who knows how to perform some specific work and does it efficiently and skillfully.

An engineer is a technical specialist for whom the received education allows him to engage in a certain type of engineering works, from design, construction, construction to quality control, in one of the areas of technical sectors of the national economy.

Currently, about 300 engineering specialties and about 400 narrower specializations related to metallurgy, mining engineering, energy, mechanical engineering are in demand.

Conclusions TheDifference.ru

  1. Concept specialist, compared to the word engineer, has a broader meaning. A specialist is considered a person who has received a higher education.
  2. Concept specialist exists as a qualification category. Word engineer does not matter.
  3. In the concept engineer specifies the meaning of the word specialist indicating a specific technical specialty: civil engineer, software engineer, marine transport engineer.
  4. A specialist is considered a person who knows how to masterfully perform a certain type of work.
  5. Not everyone is called an engineer. technician... To take an engineering position, it is required to confirm the relevant qualifications with a diploma of a higher technical educational institution.

Employee Job Directory

Unified qualification

Single qualification handbook positions of employees (EKSD) contains official qualification characteristics, in which a list of the main, most frequently performed work at enterprises is given, based on the characteristics of the sectors of the national economy.

EKSD sets the volume job responsibilities qualification requirements for managers, specialists and employees in connection with the occupation of the corresponding position. A specific list of job duties of employees is established by job descriptions that are developed in organizations and approved by employers.

Job descriptions allow, based on the definition of a specific range of responsibilities of each performer, to clearly distribute between them the performance of management functions, to ensure the relationship in the work of employees holding various positions, as well as the sequence, obligation and timeliness of the implementation of the work assigned to him.

How does a specialist differ from a manager?

Job descriptions make it possible to systematize and generalize the accumulated experience of organizing the work of employees, the use of the most expedient and productive techniques and methods of work.

The job description is an organizational and administrative document that defines the set of labor functions (job responsibilities) of each

employee, rights and responsibility for the work performed, as well as the regulatory framework for the correct application of disciplinary and material measures. Example job descriptions is given in Appendix 2.

The assignment of qualification categories to specialists is carried out for a more complete accounting in official salaries of differences in skill levels, complexity and responsibility of the work performed, increasing the interest of specialists in the growth of professional skills, and improving the quality of labor.

The assignment of a category does not require a change in the nature of work, thereby creating the best opportunities for the growth of professional skills within the limits of their qualifications. For example, the following qualification groups have been introduced for technicians of all specialties: technician without category, technician II category, technician I category; for specialists (except for designers and technologists): specialist without category, specialist of II category, specialist of I category, leading specialist; for designers and technologists, five qualification groups: no category, III, II, I categories, leading specialist. At the same time, the position of a leading specialist can be introduced in any organization.

For specialists who are not assigned qualification categories, the assignment of the official title “senior” is possible provided that the employee, along with fulfilling the duties stipulated for the position held, manages the performers subordinate to him. The position "senior" can be established as an exception in the absence of performers in the direct subordination of the employee, if he is entrusted with the functions of managing an independent section of work (if it is inexpedient to create a separate structural unit).

For those specialists for whom qualification categories are established, the official title "senior" is not applied. In these cases, the functions of managing subordinate performers are assigned to a specialist.

For teachers, doctors and a number of other specialists, for example, the education system, health care, culture, art, the following groups are provided: a specialist without a category, a specialist of the II category, a specialist of the I category, a specialist of the highest qualification category.

For government bodies (central offices of ministries, other government bodies), there are: specialists without category, category II, category I, leading specialists, chief specialists.

The qualification category for specialists and the salary for the position held are established by the employer on the basis of recommendations attestation commission and comprehensive assessment business qualities specialist. The assignment of the next qualification category is made subject to professional growth and the ability to perform work of a higher degree of complexity.

In case of deterioration of performance indicators, violation of labor and production discipline by a specialist, the assigned qualification category may be downgraded with a corresponding decrease in wages. The decision on this is made by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the certification commission.

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There are people who call themselves specialists, and there are those who prefer to call themselves employees. What can both of them do?


The term " specialist"- very capacious. It can be understood as a person who is well versed in any field - due to extensive experience or education received. There are also official definitions of the term. For example - if we are talking about the qualification "specialist" indicated in the diploma after 5 years of study at the university.

Many employees of Russian offices work in specialist positions. Moreover, the areas of their professional activities can be very different. There are consulting specialists, information technology, HR, financial matters. It is extremely rare, however, that workers and engineering professions are called specialists. Unofficially.

The term "specialist" is often used to denote the level of the position occupied by a person. For example, in government agencies, the lowest positions correspond to it.

In turn, in the course of professional growth, a person can become a "senior" or, for example, a "leading" specialist.

Thus, the term "specialist" denotes the field of employment of a person, his profession or level of qualifications.

Under the term " clerk»Is most often understood as a person engaged in mental work, as well as employed in the field of trade and the provision of services. The most important thing is that he should work for someone. I.e individual entrepreneur who provides engineering services for projects or is engaged in trade cannot be called an employee in any way.

There are well-established phrases in which the term in question is necessarily used. For example, "civil servant", "municipal employee".

Thus, the term "employee" can denote not only the professional field, but also the social status of a person - as an employee and engaged in mental labor.


In many cases, it is not easy to detect any obvious difference between a specialist and an employee. For example, a specialist in the finance department of a large company is likely to be considered an employee. But, as we noted above, the term "specialist" can mainly denote only the professional area, but not social status. Which, in turn, can be expressed in performance.


So now we know what is the difference between a specialist and an employee. Let's try to display its criteria in a table.

Return back to Municipal Employee

According to Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation labor function- this is work according to the position in accordance with the staffing table, profession, specialty with an indication of qualifications; the specific type of work entrusted to the employee.

Position municipal service- This is a position in a local government body, the staff of the election commission of a municipal formation, which are formed in accordance with the charter of the municipal formation, with an established range of responsibilities to ensure the fulfillment of the powers of a local self-government body, the election commission of a municipal formation or a person holding a municipal position. Such positions are established by municipal legal acts in accordance with the register of municipal service positions in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, approved by the law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The system of municipal legal acts includes the charter of the municipality, which has supreme force, normative and other legal acts of the representative body of the municipality and legal acts of the head of the municipality, local administration and other bodies of local self-government and officials local self-government provided for by the charter of the municipality.

A representative body of local self-government is an elected body of local self-government, which has the right to represent the interests of the population and make decisions on its behalf that are in effect on the territory of the municipality. The special status of representative bodies of local self-government is primarily associated with their election. This body is, as a rule, the city council or the council of deputies.

The names of the posts of the municipal service provided by the register of posts are used in compiling staffing table a local government body, the apparatus of the election commission of a municipal formation (Art. 6 of Law No. 25-FZ).

Level qualification requirements vocational education, the length of service in the municipal service (public service) or the length of service in the specialty, professional knowledge and skills necessary for the performance of official duties, are established by municipal legal acts by category and group of positions. In addition, depending on the correspondence of the level vocational training municipal employees qualification requirements for positions, employees are assigned class ranks.

Groups of positions are established by Art. 8 of Law No. 25-FZ - higher, main, leading, senior and junior. Categories and grade ranks of municipal service positions are established by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Using the example of the Law of the Moscow Region No. 137/2007-OZ "On Municipal Service in the Moscow Region" (hereinafter - Law No. 137/2007-OZ), we will consider what categories and class ranks are established for municipal employees of the Moscow Region.

So, the following categories of employees are distinguished there:

Leaders are the positions of heads of administrations of municipalities and their deputies, heads of local governments and their deputies, etc. They are divided into the highest, main and leading groups of positions in the municipal service;
assistants (advisers) - positions established to directly ensure the execution of the powers of a person holding a municipal position, replaced by municipal employees for a certain period, limited by the term of office of the said person. Make up the leading group of municipal service positions;

Specialists - positions established for professional, as well as organizational, informational, documentary, financial, economic, economic and other support for the execution of the powers of a local government body, an election commission of a municipal formation, replaced without limitation of the term of office. Subdivided into leading, senior and junior group posts of municipal service.

The laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation also compare the groups of positions of the municipal service and the groups of positions of the state civil subject of the Russian Federation. So, the highest and main groups of the municipal service correspond to the main group civil service.

The register of posts of the municipal service, approved by Law No. 137/2007-OZ, for example, for the municipal service in the administration of the municipality, establishes the following titles of positions.

Higher positions - the head of the administration of the municipal formation;
main positions - first deputy / deputy head of the administration of the municipality, first deputy / deputy head of the administration of the municipality, head of the administration body of the municipality, manager of the administration of the municipality, first deputy head of the local government body, deputy chairman of the control and accounting body, head of the department, Deputy Head of Department;
leading positions - deputy chairman of a committee, deputy head of a department, deputy head of a department; head of a department as part of a committee, department, deputy head of a department as part of a committee, department; head of the sector as part of a committee, department, department.

Category "assistants (advisers)" - positions that are filled for a certain term of office. This includes the leading positions of the municipal service - adviser to the head of the municipal formation, press secretary of the head of the municipal formation, assistant to the head of the municipal formation.

Leading position - consultant;
senior positions - chief specialist, leading specialist;
junior positions - 1st category specialist, 2nd category specialist, specialist.

If the person holding the position of the municipal administration service of the category "specialist" is the chief accountant or his deputy, then a double name of the position is allowed.

In accordance with Art. 8 of Law No. 137/2007-OZ, municipal employees of the Moscow Region are assigned the following class ranks:

Replacing the highest positions of the municipal service - the rank of "actual municipal councilor of the Moscow region" 1st, 2nd and 3rd class;
substitutes for the main positions - "municipal councilor of the Moscow region" of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd class;
for leading positions - “councilor of the municipal service of the Moscow region” of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd class;
for senior positions - "senior assistant of the municipal service of the Moscow region" 1st, 2nd and 3rd class;
for junior positions - "assistant of the municipal service of the Moscow region" of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd class.

For Moscow employees, the term of a classroom rank is from one to two years.

job difference

Ranks are awarded based on the results of a qualifying exam. The exception is employees who fill positions of the categories "managers" of the highest group of positions, "assistants (advisers)" for a certain term of office: they are assigned class ranks without qualifying examinations.

This manual has been translated automatically. Please note that automatic translation does not provide 100% accuracy, so there may be minor translation errors in the text.

Qualification Requirements
Complete higher education of the corresponding professional direction at the educational and qualification level of a specialist, master. Work experience in the specialty in the civil service as a specialist for at least 3 years or work experience in the specialty in other areas of management for at least 5 years. Postgraduate education in management: Master of Public Administration in the relevant specialization.

Knows and applies in activities: The Constitution of Ukraine, laws of Ukraine, decrees of the President of Ukraine, regulations The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Disciplinary Charter, other normative legal acts and normative documents regulating the activities of the State Special Communications Service, the procedure for preparing and submitting draft normative legal acts to the relevant bodies; rules of business etiquette; rules and norms of labor protection and fire protection; basic principles of working on a computer and the corresponding software, which provide the processing of text information, spreadsheets and databases, means to ensure the protection of information. Must know the state language.

Description of work, tasks and duties
Monitors, analyzes, evaluates the state of affairs, provides coordination and methodological guidance in a certain area of ​​one of the areas of work of the relevant department (sector). Participates in the generalization of the practice of applying legislation and the implementation of state policy on issues related to the competence of the department (sector), the implementation of individual planning tasks assigned to the department (sector). Develops proposals on measures that relate to the development of the direction of the department (sector). Participates in the organizational support of meetings, seminars, conferences in relevant areas, in the preparation of drafts of regulatory and organizational and methodological documents on issues related to the activities of the department (sector).

Is the chief specialist a leader?

Prepares draft decisions and proposals for the implementation of instructions from the management. Carries out an examination of documents relating to the relevant direction of the department (sector) and related to its competence. Prepares relevant information on the results of this work and draft responses to appeals and applications received for consideration by the department (sectors). Analyzes and summarizes the relevant experience in order to use it to improve the efficiency of the department (sector). Participates in the work to improve the qualifications of the personnel of the department (sector) in accordance with the approved plan. Organizes work with documents in accordance with applicable law.

Has the right to: on behalf of the management, represent the department (sector) in the State Service for Special Communication and their structural divisions, executive authorities, local governments, enterprises, institutions and organizations on issues related to the competence of the department (sector), and within the granted powers; take part in the inspection of enterprises, institutions, organizations in accordance with the current legislation on issues related to the competence of the relevant department (sector); form requirements for a request to receive, in accordance with the established procedure, from bodies, enterprises, institutions, organizations, regardless of the form of ownership, public associations, statistical and operational data, reports and reference materials necessary for the performance of their official duties; make proposals for improving the work of the relevant department (sector); be provided with social and legal protection in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine, legislation and the status of ordinary and commanding personnel of the State Special Communications Service.

In the section to the question Who is older: leading or chief specialist? given by the author Anna the best answer is. In accordance with the Federal Law "On the state. and civil service in the Russian Federation" - the main one is older, then there are duties: deputy. early department, beginning. department, deputy. hand-la, hand-l. And in front of the main thing: specialist, specialist (by class).

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Who is older: the leader or the main specialist?

Answer from freshly salted[guru]

Answer from Kolyan-Balyan ©[guru]
As a rule, the main one 😉 Here I am, for example, the leading specialist of the direction, but I have the head of the direction. he is also the chief specialist. In general, this is dialectic;))) The main thing is that you like your work.

Answer from tall[guru]
In all cases, the main one is higher.

Answer from chevron[guru]
now I am in charge, and before that I was the host, and even before that I was special. Category 1 ... here are my career races!

Answer from ALICE[guru]
in the city administration this is the order: the lowest level is a specialist of the 2nd category, special. 1st cat, sweat leading specialist, potm chief, then head of department. I was a leading specialist

Answer from Ўlya Govorkova[newbie]
we have a consultant after the main specialist, then the deputy head

Answer from Andrey Kolesnikov[newbie]
In my department like this: locksmith => repairman => leading => chief => chief started as a locksmith and went to the chief ... and in the next department only the 2nd stage (chief => chief)

Answer from Makar Tsvetukhin[newbie]
I xs but I want balls

Each state-owned enterprise assumes the obligatory presence of a special hierarchy of positions. This allows you to successfully distribute all work responsibilities between the representatives of the team, thereby increasing the chances of worthy cooperation to the maximum. Moreover, each employee of the company gets the opportunity to realize the existing potential and contribute to the successful promotion of the company in the modern market.

Specialists - who are they?

Specialists are specialized workers who are engaged in the development of tactics of action. In most cases, employees of this category interact with information, thanks to which they successfully solve functional, production, and management issues.

It is customary to subdivide specialists taking into account their functions and the available level of training.

  1. A specialist can be of different categories and classes, as well as the main and the leader.
  2. Specialists include engineers, accountants, economists, psychologists, sociologists, and lawyers. It is assumed that such a position can only be used in state-owned enterprises.

Fundamentals of the separation of professionals

Each company involves the creation of a certain social hierarchy. It is assumed that some employees can run the company, while other employees will be at the lowest level of the hierarchy. Most of the team members are located in the middle of the hierarchy.

The division of specialists into categories and profiles allows you to successfully regulate relationships in labor collective to improve the efficiency of working activities. This approach guarantees the successful solution of existing issues and contributes to increasing the efficiency of entrepreneurial activity.

Each specialist has the opportunity to demonstrate his potential and the ability to develop successful contacts with other people, and the possibility of moving up the career ladder largely depends on this. Only the employee who has shown the presence of experience and the optimal level of qualifications has the right to advance in the position and receive more job responsibilities.

IN mandatory the presence of a hierarchy in the structure of positions contributes to the promotion of the company in the modern market.

The chief specialist is not an ordinary employee, but mentor... The leading specialist is performer while the chief gets additional responsibilities the head. This classification makes it possible to improve the work of each performer, thanks to which the company successfully develops in the direction of interest.

Features of the division of positions in state-owned enterprises

Qualification standards, organizational documents allow you to correctly divide work responsibilities between managers, specialists and technical performers (other employees). A hierarchy of positions is required for the correct delineation of functions, powers and responsibilities in each case.

The qualification characteristics of the positions of the employees of the companies were approved more than ten years ago. They are a reflection of the current organizational, technical, as well as economic conditions for the activities of enterprises. At the same time, there is an opportunity to make changes to such a structure in order to eliminate unwanted shortcomings, gaps and improve the efficiency of work activities.

Every employee of the company must have certain work knowledge and skills for successful management labor activity... The characteristics of specialists at each level reflect modern standards, thanks to which companies can successfully develop in the right direction. Only if a specialist copes with certain jobs and is ready for the required level of complexity, specifics of work duties, can you count on a successful career.

What aspects are taken into account when determining the level of a specialist?

  • Availability professional knowledge and the level of education. This assumes an opportunity for professional development.
  • Accumulation of the necessary work experience for the successful implementation of the assigned tasks and the possibility of promotion.

Features of the division of working positions.

The structure of working positions involves the division of the entire team into several levels.

  1. Managers are responsible for the management of the company, making managerial decisions and their implementation, coordinating all departments and maintaining optimal performance of the company's employees.
  2. Specialists solve specialized tasks in accordance with the level of their qualifications.
  3. Technical performers are engaged in copying and duplicating works, primary processing of documentation, transfer of information, accounting.

Despite such a division of work responsibilities, it is advisable to know and understand the difference between the main and the leading specialist.

Chief and leading specialist: differences.

  1. The chief specialist holds the highest position, the leading one - the lower one.
  2. The chief specialist receives a large salary. The only way to resolve the situation for a leading specialist is to receive service allowances, bonuses.
  3. The chief specialist takes on some of the responsibilities of the manager, the leader does not.
  4. The chief specialist performs more specific and specialized work, the leader does less.

The main differences indicate that a leading specialist, if desired, can continue his career.

Acquiring knowledge in a particular field and mastering the chosen specialty, university graduates do not always receive an engineering degree. The awarded qualification must be indicated in the document on higher education. For those who have completed the second level of study in a compulsory university program, it corresponds to the entry "specialist".


Engineer- a technical specialty, which is received by persons who graduated from a higher educational institution in one or more branches of technical education.


A specialist is a person who has received a higher education in humanitarian, economic, legal or any other direction.

In colloquial speech, a specialist is a person who knows how to perform some specific work and does it efficiently and skillfully.

An engineer is a technical specialist whose education allows him to engage in a certain type of engineering work, from design, construction, construction to quality control, in one of the areas of technical sectors of the national economy.

Currently, about 300 engineering specialties and about 400 narrower specializations related to metallurgy, mining engineering, energy, mechanical engineering are in demand.

Conclusions site

  1. Concept specialist, compared to the word engineer, has a broader meaning. A specialist is considered a person who has received a higher education.
  2. Concept specialist exists as a qualification category. Word engineer does not matter.
  3. In the concept engineer specifies the meaning of the word specialist indicating a specific technical specialty: civil engineer, software engineer, marine transport engineer.
  4. A specialist is considered a person who knows how to masterfully perform a certain type of work.
  5. Not every technician is called an engineer. To take an engineering position, it is required to confirm the relevant qualifications with a diploma of a higher technical educational institution.