Training and retraining of the unemployed. Professional training, retraining and advanced training of unemployed citizens. Benefits during the period of study

"Financial newspaper. Regional edition", N 26, 2000

Vocational training, retraining and advanced training (hereinafter - vocational training) of unemployed citizens are a form of realization of their constitutional rights to work, protection from unemployment and an active policy of employment of the population.

The right of unemployed citizens to free vocational training in the direction of the employment service is enshrined in the Law Russian Federation of 04/19/1991 (as amended on 04/20/1996 N 36-FZ) "On employment in the Russian Federation" (Articles 9, 12).

At present, a system of vocational training for unemployed citizens is operating and constantly developing. It includes:

formation of a network of educational institutions and organizations that have an educational and production base for vocational training of unemployed citizens;

formation and systematic updating of territorial data banks by professions, specialties, occupations for which vocational training is carried out or can be carried out, professional selection of unemployed citizens, taking into account their right to choose an occupation and profession;

methodological support for vocational training of unemployed citizens;

the formation of training groups from among unemployed citizens, as well as referral to training on an individual basis;

material support for unemployed citizens during the period of study;

guarantees of employment after graduation.

Joint Decree of the Ministry of Labor and social development The Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of January 13, 2000 N 3/1 approved the Regulation on the organization of vocational training, advanced training and retraining of unemployed citizens and the unemployed population (hereinafter - the Regulation).

It should be noted that not all unemployed citizens can undergo vocational training directed by employment services, but only those who meet one of the conditions specified in Article 23 of the Law "On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation".

In accordance with this article, vocational training of unemployed citizens can be carried out in the direction of the employment service, if:

impossible to pick up suitable job due to the lack of a citizen of the necessary professional qualifications;

it is necessary to change the profession (specialty, occupation) due to the lack of work that meets the professional skills of the citizen;

the citizen has lost the ability to perform work in the previous profession (specialty).

At the same time, some categories of citizens have a priority right to vocational training. First of all, the following are sent for training:

unemployed disabled people;

unemployed citizens after a six-month period of unemployment;

citizens dismissed from military service;

wives (husbands) of military personnel and citizens dismissed from military service;

graduates of educational institutions;

citizens, for the first time job seekers(previously not working), who do not have a profession (specialty).

So, how can a citizen exercise his right to vocational training in the direction of the employment service?

First of all, you should contact the employment agency at your place of residence. After registering a citizen as an unemployed person in accordance with the procedure established by law, he has the right to receive full information about the possibilities of vocational training, professional advice in order to choose a profession (specialty) in which training will be carried out, as well as material support in the form of a scholarship for the period of study.

Vocational training is carried out in professions, specialties that are in demand on the labor market. At the same time, the possibility of vocational training in a profession (specialty) that is not in demand on the labor market is not excluded, but for a specific workplace provided by the employer upon completion of training in accordance with the contract concluded with the employer. Employment service bodies can offer the unemployed, taking into account their education, professional experience and health status, options for choosing a profession, specialty.

Vocational training for unemployed citizens directed by the employment service is, as a rule, of a short-term nature and cannot exceed 12 months. At the same time, educational institutions and organizations providing training are given the right, in agreement with the employment service, to change the duration of training provided for in the curriculum.

The regulation provides different kinds vocational training:

professional training in order to accelerate the acquisition by students of the skills necessary to perform a specific job, a group of jobs;

retraining of workers to acquire new professions;

training of workers with professions, second professions;

advanced training of workers;

professional retraining of specialists for obtaining additional knowledge, abilities and skills;

professional development of specialists in order to update theoretical and practical knowledge;

training of specialists.

Getting unemployed citizens of the second higher or secondary vocational education in the direction of the employment service is not allowed.

Vocational training of unemployed citizens can be carried out in full-time and full-time - part-time (evening) forms of training and can include a theoretical course, industrial training (industrial practice) and, if necessary, internship. Distance learning is not provided.

The direction of unemployed citizens for vocational training is preceded by vocational guidance work, including professional counseling and professional selection, psychological support, carried out by the relevant divisions (employees) of the employment service, vocational guidance services of educational institutions.

Study groups are completed, as a rule, from persons sent to study in the professions of the same name or related professions, specialties close in the level of qualifications obtained, taking into account their educational background, practical experience.

In the course (group) form of training for unemployed citizens, study groups are completed, as a rule, with a number of at least 10 people, with an individual one - for one teacher (consultant), an instructor of industrial training is assigned simultaneously no more than 2 people.

Employment service bodies determine on a competitive basis educational institutions, as well as organizations that provide vocational training for unemployed citizens, and conclude with them in established order contracts.

After the selection has been carried out, the employment service bodies conclude agreements with unemployed citizens, on the basis of which they are issued referrals for training in the prescribed form. Sending unemployed citizens to vocational training is carried out all year round.

Unemployed citizens sent for vocational training are guaranteed by the state free medical care and medical examination, free education, payment of a scholarship, including during the period of temporary disability of an unemployed citizen, established in the manner and amount stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with Article 30 of the Law "On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation", unemployed citizens during the period of study are paid a scholarship, the amount of which is differentiated for different categories.

Citizens dismissed from organizations in the 12 months preceding the start of training, and who had paid work for at least 26 calendar weeks during this period, the amount of the scholarship is determined depending on the size of their average earnings at the last place of work. In this case, the scholarship will be paid in the amount of 75% of the average earnings in the last place of work throughout the entire study. At the same time, the amount of the scholarship cannot exceed the level of the average wages established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Citizens who, at the beginning of their studies, have a paid work period of less than 26 calendar weeks, as well as citizens who have a break in labor activity who are more than one year, looking for a job for the first time (who have not previously worked) can count on a scholarship in the amount established by the state for educational institutions corresponding profile, or in the amount established by law minimum wage labor.

After the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner determine the size of the subsistence minimum in a given republic, territory, region, the amount of the scholarship will not be higher than this subsistence minimum and not lower than 20% of the subsistence minimum in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Citizens who have lost the ability to perform their previous work due to an accident at work or occupational disease, for the period of study, a scholarship is established in the amount of 100% of the average earnings at the last place of work, and at the expense of these organizations. In the presence of persons who are supported by an unemployed citizen, the amount of the scholarship increases.

In case of poor progress or irregular attendance at classes, the amount of the scholarship may be reduced or its payment may be suspended for up to one month.

If necessary, the bodies of the employment service can provide citizens who are sent for vocational training, material assistance.

The current Regulation provides for the case when specialists cannot find a suitable job for themselves and want to master working profession... This opportunity is provided to them.

An integral part of the vocational training system is training unemployed citizens in the basics entrepreneurial activity... The specified direction of training is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the organization of training for the unemployed population in the basics of entrepreneurial activity, approved by the Order Federal Service employment of Russia from 18.04.1996 N 93.

The direction of training in the basics of entrepreneurial activity is preceded by professional selection. In the process of training, unemployed citizens master such areas and disciplines as organizing their own business, drawing up a business plan, marketing, finance, accounting, taxation, legislation, resource management, personnel management, etc.

Educational institutions, organizations providing vocational training for unemployed citizens and the unemployed shall issue appropriate orders (orders) on the beginning and end of training.

Unemployed citizens sent by the employment service for vocational training can receive an appropriate salary at the place of industrial training (industrial practice) for their own production finished products(work), which does not affect the amount of the scholarship they receive.

One of the forms of vocational training is evening, therefore, the training of unemployed citizens, if necessary and taking into account their wishes, can be combined with the performance of paid public works by them on the basis of urgent labor contracts in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Successful completion of vocational training in vocational education institutions with state accreditation is confirmed by the relevant documents state standard(certificate, certificate, diploma).

Employment service bodies take part in monitoring the quality of education. An educational institution that has state accreditation and carries out vocational training for unemployed citizens and the unemployed, the state certification service, upon the proposal of the employment service, may, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, be sent, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the established procedure, a complaint about the quality of training and non-compliance of training with the requirements.

The expulsion of persons sent by the employment service bodies for vocational training, before the end of the training, is carried out by educational institutions, organizations in accordance with the procedure established by them with the obligatory notification of the employment service authorities.

Citizens who have completed vocational training in the direction of the employment service and have not found work (profitable employment) are recognized as unemployed in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Funding for vocational training of unemployed citizens is carried out at the expense of the State Employment Fund of the Russian Federation, intended for this purpose, and other sources. Employment service bodies pay the following costs associated with vocational training of unemployed citizens:

salary teaching staff and persons carrying out theoretical and industrial training (industrial practice), internship;

remuneration of labor of members of commissions for certification of persons who have completed training;

payment for the development, acquisition, production, examination of curricula and programs, educational - teaching materials, teaching aids;

payment for the purchase, rent and maintenance of training and production areas, equipment, tools, fixtures, raw materials, and other material resources necessary for training;

payment of scholarships to unemployed citizens for the entire period of study;

payment, if necessary, of the cost of travel (to the place of study and back) and the costs associated with the accommodation of citizens sent by the employment services for vocational training in another locality;

payment, if necessary, of overalls, footwear and other personal protective equipment, as well as special meals during the period of professional training of citizens;

the costs of maintaining and equipping training centers of the employment service in accordance with contracts for these purposes;

other expenses directly related to the organization and implementation of vocational training.

Legal Department

Every citizen who has received the status of unemployed is given the opportunity not only to receive state support in the form of social payments, but also to take retraining courses. The ninth and twelfth articles of the Law on Employment of the Population stipulate which courses can be completed from the employment center.

Labor exchange activities are regulated by:

  • International documents on employment of the population, ratified by the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner;
  • The Labor Code;
  • Federal Employment Law;
  • Others regulations, providing for the procedure for providing state support to certain categories of people.

How the exchange will help

The CPC keeps records of people looking for work, promotes their employment, and also pays benefits to those who have received the status of unemployed. Such payments are accrued for a certain period, and their size depends on the average salary at the previous place of work, as well as the time during which the citizen does not work.

Functions of labor exchanges:

  • Registration of persons who do not have a permanent place of work;
  • Job placement assistance;
  • Registration of payments to the unemployed;
  • Sending unemployed persons for training, retraining or advanced training;
  • Preparation and implementation of special programs (paid public Works, other employment measures);
  • Professional and social adaptation of the unemployed (psychological assistance, retraining courses).

Who is sent for training

The CPC has the right to offer a citizen to get another profession if:

  • The person has no profession;
  • A citizen should retrain due to lack of work in his specialty;
  • A person cannot work according to the qualifications that he has.

Free courses at the employment center can help:

  1. To find a job;
  2. Start your own bissnes;
  3. Increase competitiveness in the professional market.

Preferential queue for passing the CPC courses

Those who have received the status of unemployed have the primary right to undergo free training from the Employment Center:

  • Persons with disabilities. When providing an act of the VKK that the disease prevents a person from engaging in a certain type of activity;
  • Family members (parents, adoptive parents, guardians) of a disabled child;
  • Citizens who have been unemployed for more than six months;
  • Military retirees, as well as their spouses;
  • Persons who have received a certificate of graduation from a general education school (lyceum, gymnasium);
  • Those who first applied for help in finding a job.

What will the CPC courses teach?

By agreeing to take courses from the labor exchange, a citizen will be able to acquire one of over fifty specialties. The choice of profession depends on the region of residence. The labor market of Moscow and the regional center have different needs for qualified personnel.

The following specializations are priority:

  1. Economic direction:
  • Accountant;
  • Auditor;
  • Auditor;
  1. Working professions:
  • Locksmith;
  • Milling cutter;
  • Plumber;
  • Tiler;
  • Turner;
  • Collector of furniture;
  • Picker;
  • Mechanism operator;
  1. Service specialties:
  • Assistant to the head;
  • Confectioner;
  • Hairdresser;
  • Manicurist;
  • Waiter;
  • Baker;
  • Bartender;
  • Lifter;
  1. Private enterprise;
  2. Computer techologies:
  • Programmer;
  • Website layout designer;
  • Graphic Designer;
  1. Medical professions:
  • Nurse (nurse);
  • Pharmacist.

The local labor exchange will provide precise information on the list of specialties for which you can retrain free of charge.

How to get to the courses

The duration of training is from one month to six months. The start of studies depends on the formation of groups. Some qualifications are in high demand, so there is a queue for such groups. If you are interested in a certain specialty, you will have to wait for the start of training. To whom, immediately after registration, the employee of the labor exchange will not immediately offer to undergo retraining.

List of documents

To get to the courses from the employment center, the applicant must provide the necessary documents:

  • Applicant's application;
  • Identity document (passport);
  • Labor book (if any);
  • Certificate of the acquired profession (certificate, diploma, certificate of completion of courses, driver's license);
  • Certificate of income for the quarter (for people who had a job);

If you sign up for training again, you will need:

  • Passport;
  • Appointment document individual program for rehabilitation (for persons with disabilities).

Learning process

Not so long ago, labor exchanges began to work according to a new retraining scheme. The new system of modules allows to train applicants with the necessary professional skills in shortest time... Many teachers conduct classes in an accessible playful way. Applicants study some humanitarian disciplines on their own.

Full-time study is used to improve qualifications or acquire a new profession. Theoretical lessons alternate with practical training of the acquired skills. The courses offer both individual and group lessons. Most often it depends on the set of groups.

After completing the courses, the applicant is offered to pass an exam to obtain a certificate. It takes place orally or in writing (at the request of the applicant). The certificate of completion of the courses contains information about the assignment of a category or qualification.

Benefits during the period of study

During the training, the applicant retains the allowance provided for by law. The amount of the benefit does not depend on the status of a citizen; only the assignment of the status of an unemployed person matters.

Material assistance is not charged or its payment stops if:

  • The citizen arbitrarily interrupted the learning process;
  • The applicant was expelled from the course of study;
  • For the period of illness;
  • During maternity leave.

Advantages and disadvantages of courses from CPN

There are the following advantages of passing free retraining from the labor exchange:

  • Courses offer to master a profession that is in demand among employers;
  • You can try to change the field of activity and succeed in it;
  • Obtaining new skills that will not harm anyone;
  • The study process is absolutely free for the applicant;
  • An unemployed person receives a "scholarship" - material assistance from the state.

Please note that you will not be studying the profession with the employees of the Center for Health Care Services, but with the teachers of educational institutions that have won the tender for the provision of such services. A citizen can not only retrain, but also improve his qualifications in the existing specialty. Any certificate of professional development is your bonus when applying for a job.

Of course, there is a fly in the ointment in this barrel of honey. When agreeing to courses from the CPC, remember:

  • Exchange employees are not interested in what profession you will master. To become a student of the course you are interested in, you will have to wait;
  • The level of teaching in the regions is poor. Therefore, how much knowledge you acquire depends primarily on you;
  • Having received a new specialty, you will receive new job offers. But they can disappoint you with the size of your salary. And the refusal of several offered vacancies may result in the refusal to pay benefits.

Applicants who have already completed retraining courses from the CZN are advised to choose a specialty that is of interest to you and give preference to classes with teachers of higher educational institutions.

In paragraph 1 of Art. 23 of the RF Law "On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation" lists possible cases of sending unemployed citizens for vocational training, advanced training and retraining. These include: 1) the inability to find a suitable job due to the lack of a citizen of the necessary professional qualifications; 2) the presence of the need to change the profession (specialty, occupation) due to the lack of work that meets the professional skills of the citizen; 3) loss by a citizen of the ability to perform work in the previous profession (specialty). Undertaking vocational training is the right of an unemployed citizen.

The exercise of this right entails the emergence of new responsibilities for the employment service that sent a citizen for training, for example, to provide the unemployed with a suitable job in accordance with the skills acquired in the course of such training. Whereas the refusal to exercise this right in individual cases is associated with adverse consequences for the citizen. In particular, the termination of training in the direction of the employment service is one of the grounds for the suspension of the payment of unemployment benefits. However, the presence of adverse consequences does not make a citizen's right to vocational training an obligation. Refusal to exercise any right is always associated with adverse consequences, since in this case there is no obligation corresponding to this right. In this connection, the refusal to undergo vocational training in the direction of the employment service authorities releases from the obligation to pay unemployment benefits within the period established by law.

Such a refusal testifies to the lack of the unemployed citizen's readiness to perform the work that the employment agency can offer him. In this connection, the suspension of the payment of unemployment benefits in connection with the refusal of vocational training in the direction of the employment service does not conflict with the concept of an unemployed citizen, one of the components of which is the willingness to start a suitable job.

From clause 2 of Art. 23 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation" it follows that vocational training, advanced training and retraining of unemployed citizens are carried out in educational institutions of professional and additional education, training centers employment service bodies or other educational institutions, educational subdivisions of organizations or in other educational institutions in accordance with the contracts concluded by the employment service bodies. Consequently, in the direction of the employment service bodies, a citizen can study in educational institutions with which the employment service body, where the citizen is registered as an unemployed person, has entered into an appropriate agreement. For a citizen, this training is free. Moreover, in Art. 29 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation" provides for the payment of a scholarship during the period of vocational training, advanced training and retraining in the direction of the employment service. This scholarship replaces unemployment benefits.

For persons who, during the 12 months preceding the start of training, have worked the full standard of working time for at least 26 calendar weeks, the amount of the scholarship paid to them is 75 percent of their average earnings calculated for the last three months at the last place of work, but not in excess of the subsistence minimum established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, on the territory of which the scholarship is paid. The scholarship cannot be less than 20 percent of this minimum and 100 rubles per month.

For the rest of the citizens, the scholarship is paid in the amount of scholarships established for the respective educational institutions by the state, but not lower than the unemployment benefit that could have been assigned to them. And in this case, the scholarship cannot be less than 100 rubles per month. At the same time, the regional coefficient on the territory of the Far North and equivalent areas is applied to the scholarship of the listed persons, which does not exceed 100 rubles per month. Whereas those who have worked the standard of working hours, these coefficients receive to all scholarships paid in the indicated localities.

Citizens who have lost the ability to perform their previous work due to an industrial accident or occupational disease are paid a scholarship in the amount of 100 percent of the average earnings calculated for the last three months of work at the last place of work, but not higher than the subsistence minimum established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the amount of the scholarship for these persons cannot be less than 20 percent of this minimum and 100 rubles per month.

Persons who are studying under the direction of the employment service are also eligible for an increase in the scholarship, if they have dependents in the amount that is set for a similar increase in unemployment benefits.

In accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 29 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation", citizens who have been exposed to radiation due to radiation accidents and disasters and are recognized as unemployed in the prescribed manner, during the period of vocational training in the direction of the employment service, the scholarship is paid:

Those permanently residing in the territory of the zone of residence with a preferential socio-economic regime when studying in this territory - in an increased amount of 20 percent;

Those permanently residing in the territory of the zone of residence with the right to resettlement, subject to training in this territory - in an increased amount by 50 percent;

Those permanently living in the resettlement zone before their resettlement to other areas, subject to training on the territory of this zone - in an increased by 100 percent.

In paragraph 6 of Art. 29 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation" provides for the possibility of reducing the amount of the scholarship received by a citizen by 25 percent for a period of one month or suspending its payment for up to one month in cases of academic failure or irregular attendance at classes without good reason. The decision to suspend or reduce the amount of the scholarship is made by the employment agency that sent the citizen for training. This decision must be legal and justified, it cannot be dictated by formal considerations. For example, irregular attendance at classes without good reason, while successfully mastering the taught disciplines, can hardly be considered a legitimate reason for reducing the scholarship or suspending its payment.

In paragraph 1 of Art. 23 of the RF Law "On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation" lists possible cases of sending unemployed citizens for vocational training, advanced training and retraining. These include: 1) the inability to find a suitable job due to the lack of a citizen of the necessary professional qualifications; 2) the presence of the need to change the profession (specialty, occupation) due to the lack of work that meets the professional skills of the citizen; 3) loss by a citizen of the ability to perform work in the previous profession (specialty). Undertaking vocational training is the right of an unemployed citizen.

The exercise of this right entails the emergence of new responsibilities for the employment service that sent a citizen for training, for example, to provide the unemployed with a suitable job in accordance with the skills acquired in the course of such training. Whereas the refusal to exercise this right in some cases is associated with adverse consequences for a citizen. In particular, the termination of training in the direction of the employment service is one of the grounds for the suspension of the payment of unemployment benefits. However, the presence of adverse consequences does not make a citizen's right to vocational training an obligation. Refusal to exercise any right is always associated with adverse consequences, since in this case there is no obligation corresponding to this right. In this connection, the refusal to undergo vocational training in the direction of the employment service authorities releases from the obligation to pay unemployment benefits within the period established by law.

Such a refusal testifies to the lack of the unemployed citizen's readiness to perform the work that the employment agency can offer him. In this connection, the suspension of the payment of unemployment benefits in connection with the refusal of vocational training in the direction of the employment service does not conflict with the concept of an unemployed citizen, one of the components of which is the willingness to start a suitable job.

For persons who, during the 12 months preceding the start of training, have worked the full standard of working time for at least 26 calendar weeks, the amount of the scholarship paid to them is 75 percent of their average earnings calculated for the last three months at the last place of work, but not in excess of the subsistence minimum established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, on the territory of which the scholarship is paid. The scholarship cannot be less than 20 percent of this minimum and 100 rubles per month.

For the rest of the citizens, the scholarship is paid in the amount of scholarships established for the respective educational institutions by the state, but not lower than the unemployment benefit that could have been assigned to them. And in this case, the scholarship cannot be less than 100 rubles per month. At the same time, the regional coefficient on the territory of the Far North and areas equated to it is applied to the scholarship of the listed persons, which does not exceed 100 rubles per month. Whereas those who have worked the standard of working hours, these coefficients receive to all scholarships paid in the indicated localities.

Citizens who have lost the ability to perform their previous work due to an industrial accident or occupational disease are paid a scholarship in the amount of 100 percent of the average earnings calculated for the last three months of work at the last place of work, but not higher than the subsistence minimum established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the amount of the scholarship for these persons cannot be less than 20 percent of this minimum and 100 rubles per month.

Persons who study under the direction of the employment service are also eligible for an increase in the scholarship if they have dependents in the amount set for a similar increase in unemployment benefits.

Those permanently residing in the territory of the zone of residence with a preferential socio-economic regime when studying in this territory - in an increased amount of 20 percent;

Permanently residing in the territory of the zone of residence with the right to resettlement, subject to training in this territory - in an increased amount by 50 percent;

Those permanently living in the resettlement zone before their resettlement to other areas, subject to training on the territory of this zone - in an increased by 100 percent.

In paragraph 6 of Art. 29 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation" provides for the possibility of reducing the size of the scholarship received by a citizen by 25 percent for a period of one month or suspending its payment for up to one month in cases of academic failure or irregular attendance at classes without good reason. The decision to suspend or reduce the amount of the scholarship is made by the employment agency that sent the citizen for training. This decision must be legal and justified, it cannot be dictated by formal considerations. For example, irregular attendance at classes without good reason, while successfully mastering the taught disciplines, can hardly be considered a legitimate reason for reducing the scholarship or suspending its payment.

The employment service provides not only work for people, but also training. If your profession is not very popular, then you can master a new one. Usually such centers offer several specialties, from which you can choose the one that suits you. Training from the employment center allows you to get a document with which you can. And all this is provided free of charge, since it is funded by the budget. You just need to know what is required for this.

Pros of retraining

After losing a job, a person usually turns to a labor exchange where vacancies are offered. Sometimes people cannot choose a suitable specialty. But for this there is from the employment center. The advantages of such courses are that:

  • vacancies in demand;
  • a new profession will be mastered;
  • new knowledge will not be superfluous;
  • training is free, since it is paid by the state;
  • scholarships are provided to many categories of citizens.

Training from the employment center is conducted by experienced teachers, specialists from various educational institutions. The unemployed are offered not only retraining, but also the issued document will serve for employment.

Cons of learning

But vocational training from an employment center also has disadvantages:

  • there are not always interesting vacancies, sometimes you have to wait for suitable ones for a long time;
  • technical equipment in many regions is not so rich;
  • if, after training, give up several vacancies, then the unemployed person is not paid benefits.

Therefore, you should think carefully before signing up for training from an employment center. Reviews indicate the need for retraining, because after that there are job opportunities. Many citizens are happy to receive free training in a specialty of interest, especially since it is carried out at a convenient time. Most people are attracted to the courses due to the lack of fees.

Still, there are such reviews indicating the ineffectiveness of retraining. On the stock exchange, they can not always offer an interesting profession for a person. And then you have to wait for the required vacancy for a long time.

Who needs training?

Free courses at the employment center for the unemployed are laid down by Russian law. All unemployed citizens can sign up for them. Training is performed in the following cases:

  • lack of qualifications;
  • difficulties with the selection of vacancies;
  • the need to change the profession;
  • the inability of a citizen to do his job.

The main goal of the courses is further employment, increasing competitiveness, opening your own business.

Types of professions

The list of offers for retraining is quite rich. In many centers, it reaches 70 professions. The most popular are the following areas:

  • economic: accountant;
  • working: plumber, locksmith, turner;
  • service: cook, security guard, secretary;
  • social: psychologist, educator;
  • entrepreneurship;
  • IT: designer;
  • creative and educational;
  • management;
  • medical.

In each region, the list of professions may differ, it all depends on the labor market in the region, as well as the availability of educational institutions and teachers. In many organizations, you can get training as a welder from an employment center. Accounting courses are also in demand, since employees with this specialty are required almost everywhere. All the necessary information can be obtained only at the employment center.

Each person has the right to choose a specialty, no one can arbitrarily enroll him in training in any profession. If you wish, you can not go to the courses, but wait for a suitable vacancy to appear.

Features of admission

The term of study lasts 1-6 months, depending on the program. Groups are recruited in different time of the year. In some institutions there are queues, thanks to which you can study for the desired profession.

Accounting courses are the most demanded direction, as they provide an opportunity for profitable employment. This profession is always appreciated, and even more so, such employees receive high and stable salaries. Training mothers on maternity leave from the employment center is widespread. During this period, they receive an allowance and master a new profession.

Training benefits

Although all unemployed citizens have the right to improve their qualifications, there are still priority groups of people who are given greater preference:

  • disabled people;
  • unemployed registered for more than 6 months;
  • dismissed citizens;
  • servicemen and their families who have lost their jobs;
  • school graduates.

For such people, the employment center offers all available professions, from which you can choose your favorite. It is important for the state to find a job for them in the first place.

If you have experience in vocational training, then at the employment center it is necessary to demand admission to the required course. It is also important to find out where such training is funded.

Training from the employment center for many citizens is carried out with the payment of a scholarship. Also, one-time financial assistance is provided, travel compensation, accommodation, if there is a need to stay in another area.

Funds may not be paid when a person does not attend training. After that, a document confirming the receipt of the specialty is provided. You can find a job with him.

In decree

Training from the employment center is also offered for young mothers who are on maternity leave. It is important that the child is under 3 years old, and the woman has official employment.

The following conditions must be met:

  • you need to apply only to the employment center that is fixed at the place of residence;
  • training is provided only if it is one during parental leave;
  • at the time of graduation, the leave must still be valid;
  • if there is no part-time work or at home.

What is required from the documents?

Before starting training, the employment center offers to collect a list of documents:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • birth certificate of a child;
  • a copy of the document confirming maternity leave.

What services are provided?

The employment center offers full-fledged training, which includes the following services:

  • vocational orientation: there is an opportunity to take a test, on the basis of which a suitable specialty will be chosen;
  • familiarization with the labor market providing employment opportunities;
  • referral to training.

Types of training

Depending on the need, the following types of training are selected:

  • Preparation: Skills are acquired in a short time.
  • Retraining: programs are studied to gain additional knowledge, skills and abilities.
  • Further training: improving personal knowledge, skills and abilities in the profession received.

In the employment center, professions are selected on the basis of wishes, as well as existing education, professional qualifications, and vacation time.

Where does the training take place?

Usually it is carried out by universities, educational institutions that cooperate with the employment center. The list of establishments must be provided by the employees of the labor exchange or on their website.

Sometimes they are sent to study in another city. In this case, compensation for travel and accommodation expenses is due. All this is documented.

How is training done?

According to the forms, training is:

  • full-time;
  • part-time (evening).

Classes can be held in individual and group forms. Distance learning is also practiced. The duration of the courses depends on the program, but usually it is not more than 6 months.

Features of employment

After training, you can get a job, but you should know how to do it correctly in order to find a suitable vacancy. Employers put forward certain requirements for applicants. This is due to the fact that the employee will perform one of the important work for the development of an enterprise or company. Therefore, the following requirements are put forward for applicants:

  • Education: preferable secondary specialized or higher.
  • Some vacancies require knowledge of a foreign language.
  • Work experience: important almost everywhere.

If a person fits all the criteria, then he will definitely be hired. Additional skills may also be required: driving a car, knowledge of English language... This information in the resume must be indicated honestly, since the untruth will still be revealed.

Writing a resume

When looking for a job, it is important to write a resume correctly. The main information in it is:

  • address;
  • marital status;
  • education;
  • citizenship.

The resume should include additional skills. This often helps to find the right job. These include knowledge of languages, use computer programs, car driving.

After training, you can get a job referral. It is necessary to take a testimonial on the passage of practice. The resume should even include a part-time job, if there was one. If there is no experience, then this should be indicated.


If the employer is satisfied with the resume, then he invites the applicant for an interview. To prepare for this event, you need to use the following tips:

  • you must behave confidently;
  • the voice should be firm and the smile calm;
  • the interviewer needs to face it;
  • answer questions honestly;
  • it is advisable to choose discreet clothing;
  • women need to do make-up discreet;
  • there should be a small amount of jewelry in the image.

Even in the absence of work experience, you can get a job if you prove yourself. It is important to show a desire to work and develop further. Often this allows you to get the desired position.

After training, the employment center usually offers several vacancies by providing job referrals. After training, most people still find the necessary vacancy and successfully find a job.