Profitable niche with minimal investment. Small business ideas with minimal investment. Tutoring and additional education


Today, the unstable financial situation in the country leads to job cuts. Some people go into new companies after being laid off, while others are looking for ways to start their own profitable business. After reading the article, you will find out which business is profitable to open in Russia with small investments.

What business is in demand now

Supply is driven by demand. This is one of the main economic laws, therefore, in order to open the most demanded business, you need to determine what products and services are needed by the population of your city. It is believed that in any region the organizations involved in the repair, replacement of plumbing fixtures, and the sale of household chemicals and products are in the greatest demand. To find out more precisely what kind of business is relevant now, an analysis of the market for services and goods will help.

Service demand

According to statistics, employment agencies are very popular: the crisis and constant layoffs increase the need for such organizations. The demand for the services of plumbers, hairdressers, electricians and funeral directors remains unchanged. In Moscow and other large cities in the first place in terms of the number of calls are companies that provide commercial transportation. Organizations from the field of beauty and health are only 1% behind in the top. Having found out what services are in the greatest demand among the population, you can organize profitable business.

What is profitable to sell now

Aspiring entrepreneurs like to wonder what people are in demand right now. Actual goods remain the same. Examples of high-margin products: flowers, drinks, jewelry, handmade products. Such goods are distinguished by stable demand, low production and storage costs. Popular alcoholic beverages are considered popular products.

What kind of business is in demand in a small town now?

Small settlements are bypassed by novice entrepreneurs. In their opinion, the business there generates very little income. This is partly true, because salaries there are less than in megacities. The costs of renting and buying premises will also be less than in big cities, so you can organize your own business with minimal financial costs.

The most popular business in small town- a hairdressing salon of a wide profile. In addition to hairdressers, there should be masters of manicure-pedicure, cosmetologists and masseurs. Shoe and furniture repair shops are popular regardless of the country's financial situation. people tend to restore old things out of fear of big waste.

Demanded business

Commercial activities are always aimed at meeting the needs of people or stimulating demand. Any promising business is built on this. You can create demand for products artificially by launching advertising for products on the street and on television. The relevance of the entrepreneurial field and whether business solutions are effective still play a significant role.

Profitable business

Commercial activity should bring maximum income with minimum cash investment and exploitation of various resources. These features are characterized by high profitable business... During a crisis, you should not open enterprises that manufacture any products. Their profitability will be low, the risks are high, and you will see real profits only in a few years. The service sector is considered to be successful.

Super profitable business

All start-up entrepreneurs dream of getting fabulous money, but in practice, few manage to realize this. Some franchises allow you to build a super-profitable business from scratch in just a couple of months. Another way not to save money and get a lot of money is to create a completely new and in-demand business for the region. Options for directions: from restoration or car rental - to your own thrift store.

The most profitable business

By opening your own bakery in a large city, you can quickly return all your invested funds - in less than 2 months. A similar situation is observed with healthy food restaurants. People are no longer attracted to fast foods. The fastest paying business is able to return all invested funds in a month. Before starting your own business, study them by sorting them according to profitability indicators for your region - this way you can weed out proposals that will lead to bankruptcy of the company in the future.

Profitable business on the Internet

A distinctive feature of activities on the World Wide Web is the lack of attachment to their place of residence. You can look for clients both in your city and outside it, so organizing a profitable business on the Internet is easier than doing it in a real market. A budding entrepreneur doesn't even need start-up capital. There are several areas of such business:

  • provision of online services (programming, design development, accounting, etc.);
  • launch of an online store;
  • participation in partnership programs;
  • creation and promotion of your information product.

An up-to-date business with the provision of services on the Internet can be created if you are an expert in any field. You need to design a portfolio or launch a business card site, where your skills will be detailed. You can launch an online store without money, acting as an intermediary between foreign sellers and buyers from Russia. The goods will be sold with a slight wrap.

Online store

Let's consider the opening of an online store in more detail.


  • minimum investment (often enough 10-15 tr.)
  • you can work within the Russian Federation from any city
  • everything is growing rapidly: in 2018, the turnover of online commerce exceeded 1 trillion rubles, the forecast for 2023/24 is 3-4 trillion.

The main problems are 2 - to find a profitable product and stand apart from competitors.

Advice - communicate more with the owners of existing online stores. Then the ideas will come by themselves.

The best place for communication is the clubs of the owners of Internet sites. The largest of them - "Imsider", unites tens of thousands of entrepreneurs. The club is founded by the owners of large sites, every month there are large (including free) online and live events.

  • it is hosted by the founder of the club, Nikolay Fedotkin, the owner of the Video-shoper store (the site is visited by 10-15 thousand people a day)
  • the issues of choosing a niche (they give more than 1000 verified products), competition, website creation, advertising, suppliers, individual entrepreneurs, delivery, etc.

The webinar is free. You will not find anything better in Russia now.

Profitable business with minimal investment

Many people want to make a profit without spending their own money, but not everyone succeeds. On practice profitable business with minimal investment, it can be organized if you offer products of your own production, are engaged in intellectual work or act as an intermediary, organizing sales and purchases. Some open collection points for glass containers or scrap metal in the garage.

Network marketing also refers to making money with a small investment. You can develop your business at home by recruiting interested persons from the population. If the idea of ​​creating a network of independent distributors does not appeal to you, then you can start farming: the demand for basic food products that are not harmful from the point of view of ecology is high among residents of megacities.

Rating of profitable businesses in Russia

The commercial activity must be profitable. The proceeds should cover the costs of the further development of the organization, remuneration of employees and the entrepreneur's own needs. If this is not observed, then the business is recognized as unprofitable. Some entrepreneurs initially choose unprofitable areas, which leads to the loss of finances over time. By examining the rating of small business in terms of profitability in Russia, you can avoid this. TOP-5 best entrepreneurs includes:

  1. Private auditors... The economic state of the country, changes in legislation practically do not affect the popularity of auditing. Consulting services also belong to this list.
  2. Specialized clinics... Various types of cosmetic and medical procedures are in demand among residents of all cities, therefore this field of activity is classified as highly profitable.
  3. Accounting services... Needed by both small companies and large enterprises... The only drawback of this industry is high competition today.
  4. Law Offices... Highly profitable business with highly qualified specialists and many cases resolved in favor of clients.
  5. Microcredit... This niche has gained popularity over the past 3 years. Money is issued on the security of products manufactured by enterprises or any property.

Business profitability by industry

Indicators economic efficiency determine whether the company will survive or not. They must be taken into account when choosing the directions of the enterprise. Economic efficiency indicators determine the company's development strategy. Below is a table showing business profitability by industry:

Business branch

Percentage of profitable organizations

Transport / logistics

Trade, catering

Finance, insurance, banking

Mechanical engineering

IT and software development

Business services

Car sales and service

Food industry

Scientific activity, education

Construction, reconstruction and modernization of buildings

Ore processing, mining

Pharmaceuticals, medicine

Speaking about general trends, in particular, in 2017, it should be noted that most business ideas with minimal investment are related to making money on the Internet, hand-made or mini-productions in a rural garage.

The ongoing crisis has hit large and medium-sized market players hard, but small entrepreneurs, due to their business mobility, remain practically “unharmed”.

In our list (the most complete of those existing in the Russian Internet) you will find a wide variety of options in a wide variety of areas of life and economy.

We intentionally did not describe every idea from A to Z, since this list is just a list of opportunities, and not a business plan for any project.

Learn more about a particular business model, you can find out in our separate articles, links to which will be posted below.

So, we bring you 70 topical ideas for your own business, for the start of which you will need a minimum investment, as well as the experience you have.

Opportunities for making money in this segment today are simply huge and they keep growing.

First of all, this is due to the stable growth of mobile traffic and the number of Internet users around the world. Thousands of new online stores, publishers, blogs and the like are popping up, which in turn creates excellent niches for small businesses.

1 YouTube Channel - You can shoot videos of how to craft, cook, clean, catch or plant something. Anything. You won't believe how many people use YouTube every day - hundreds of millions. The more views, the more profit. It will come from clicks on contextual advertising, and if you become a very popular video blogger, then from direct customers.

2 Blogging - starting your blog is now easy, fast and very cheap. Millions of people surf the Internet and search for stories, guides, reviews, travel reports, etc. If you write a lot and in an interesting way, you will quickly gain a permanent audience and a high traffic rate.

In this case, you will receive income from contextual advertising, as well as from placing banners of direct advertisers. You just need to learn to be interesting in talking about the things you know or the places where you have been, and it will start to make money.

3 Copywriting agency. Many webmasters, online stores and web portals need competent and qualified specialists who can proofread or edit an article, write a selling text using NLP techniques, prepare an ideal press release, etc. Demand for high-quality services in the field of creating and editing Russian and the English-language content is huge at the moment.

4 Freelance broad spectrum- in the past, programmers, photographers, designers and others were considered freelancers. Today, the situation has changed radically, as there is a great demand for conventional services that can be ordered via the Internet. Large portals and entire exchanges have appeared where you can earn your first capital by doing what you do best. Now any person can call himself a freelancer: an electrician, teacher, writer, even a lawyer and many others.

5 Creation of a mobile application- suitable for those who already have programming skills. The demand for smartphone apps in 2017 is perhaps as strong as ever. If earlier the lion's share of them was complex and high-budget software, now is the golden time for small and convenient programs. There are two options for earning money. The first and simpler one is for developing the application and delivering it to the customer. The second (more complex, but also profitable) - from online sales of the application in mobile markets (AppStore, PlayMarket, etc.).

6 Selling your photos to photo stocks- since the amount of content on the Internet is growing exponentially, there is a great demand for photographs on various topics that publishers need to design articles. If you have a good camera and know how to use it, you have a chance to make good money at your job. There are a dozen large foreign photo stocks (online stores selling photos and pictures) that are constantly looking for new images.

7 Resale of goods from online auctions- eBay, Avito, OLX, Aukro, etc. The level of income in this business model is highly dependent on your knowledge of the items you decide to resell. In the CIS, the Internet sale of things is not yet very developed, so the range of items, as well as the number of potential buyers, is lower than abroad.

8 Affiliate Marketing- it is also called affiliate (from the English "affiliate"). The essence of this business idea lies in the fact that if you already have a website (preferably informational or review), then you can place banners of a partner company on it (as a rule, these are large online stores, for example, Amazon) to promote its products or services. If a user goes from your site to a partner's site and buys something there, then you get a commission ranging from 4% to 15%. The most profitable niches for this are electronics, home appliances and e-books.


The general trend in the field of food products and catering is a clear trend towards greater naturalness and healthiness of food, as well as a factor of originality and mobility.

9 Author's baking- if you know how to bake deliciously and you have an original idea, then this business idea will be the best for you. The best option would be to choose a very narrow niche, for example, designer eclairs, eco-friendly cookies for children and adults, pies according to forgotten recipes, sweets self made etc. Don't chase volume, focus on quality and presentation.

10 Food delivery from supermarkets and restaurants... Relevant for big cities. From the attachments, you will need a website with the possibility of online prepayment, as well as a description of the full range of products of the most popular grocery and restaurant chains.

11 Unique sweets- both in form and in content. In terms of the first, it is the production of sweets and cakes to order. As for the composition, now the use of exclusively natural ingredients is considered original. These sweets sell well at food festivals and fairs.

12 Mobile snack bars- we are not talking about those "booths" with shawarma, which "migrate" from one metro station to another. In this business model, an event or event that attracts thousands of people plays a key role.

It can be a multi-day festival, a concert, a large fair, etc. At such events, there is always a demand for fast foods and the like. The organizers of such events are almost always open to small businesses, and you can make good money.

Various services

This section includes diverse business ideas that may be of interest to a wide range of people who want to start their own business from scratch.

13 Interior designer, decorator- this is an option for people who have a gift to combine interior items, colors various elements, which is supported by knowledge of the rules of good manners when decorating rooms. The best advertising for your business will be ready-made apartments, so it is advisable to establish cooperation with a company that deals with renovations.

14 Niche (narrow-profile) consulting- is a business idea that really requires minimal material investment, but requires a lot of knowledge from you. The key to success is becoming the best consultant in a very narrow niche.

15 Repair of equipment - in every house there is only more of it. Accordingly, the demand for technical non-warranty service is growing every year. To get by with small investments in this case, you can start by renting a very small room (you can even in a semi-basement room).

16 Real estate agent Is quite an old idea, but you can implement it in your own way and start to stand out from the crowd of colleagues in the field. For example, specialize exclusively in commercial real estate or in a narrow target audience (for example, foreigners).

17 CV writing and design- sounds very simple, but at the moment in the CIS there are already several recruiting agencies that provide this service as an option. It is especially popular for job seekers who wish to get a job abroad. The cost of such a service varies from 50 to 300 USD.

18 Sale of rare imported goods- I mean the resale of consumer goods of a narrow purpose, and not of rarity or antiques. For example, from China you can regularly order all kinds of inexpensive gadgets or devices, which in our countries either do not exist at all, or are sold by a few people. The best platform for purchasing such goods is the website.

19 Restoration of furniture and antiques- in our time there are very few specialists who are ready to "breathe" new life into old objects, and there are many things that need them. Therefore, if you know how to do this, then take a closer look at this business idea. You can start by advertising on Avito or OLX.

20 Author's driving courses - there are hundreds of people who wish to improve their driving skills. Some want to learn extreme driving, others want to improve their driving skills on highways or in heavy traffic. Experience, an individual approach to the client and a flexible training schedule will be your trump cards.

B2B (services for business)

Providing various kinds of services in new small niches (sub-niches) that large companies do not go to is a very promising business idea that can be implemented with minimal investment.

As a rule, such services are based on understanding what your customer-enterprise needs and knowing where to find it. Undoubtedly, strict requirements are imposed on such services in terms of their quality and the qualifications of the performers.

21 Foreign market research and consulting on these issues. First of all, this concerns the study of new promising directions for the export and import of goods. China, for example, does not count, since it has already been explored far and wide. Nevertheless, much less is known about trade with countries such as India, Indonesia, Mexico, Malaysia. If you have a working knowledge of these regions, you can make good money advising companies that are interested in them.

22 Search for highly specialized personnel. Besides searching good lawyers, accountants and sales managers, many companies have vacancies for which it is very difficult to find a qualified specialist. As a rule, this applies to rare technical, medical and intersectoral specialties, as well as top management.

23 Internet Marketing and Research. You cannot imagine how many online stores there are that do not track the interests and behavior of their potential customers, as well as such global parameters as market size, number of competitors, price fluctuations in a niche. If you can efficiently collect, organize and arrange such information, you will definitely not have a shortage of clients.

24 Project management- This is the management of a large project (as a rule, IT or development of a business development strategy) or its part of a large foreign customer. Working in this business will require you to be fluent foreign language and excellent knowledge of the area in which it will be necessary to provide services. Very often, such a business is opened by former hired employees who worked on similar projects, gained knowledge, understood how it works and decided to open their own business.

25 Outsourcing is a search for subcontractors for a foreign customer who has undertaken a large project (IT, advertising, production). Basically, the main criterion for finding outsourcers is good quality performance at a low price. That is why many European and American projects are partly done by guys from India, Pakistan, Eastern Europe. If you know and understand how this can be arranged, this business idea is for you.

26 Local courier delivery- with the growth of online commerce, the demand for prompt and inexpensive delivery increases. Large players in this market raise prices, and they come for goods only the next day. This business idea is based on services for the delivery of goods within one locality on the principle of "delivery on the day of order".

27 Remote IT services. Large companies have their own IT departments, or at least a system administrator. Small business is not ready to have a separate specialist on staff, the need for whose services may arise once a month. But, since iron does not last forever, sooner or later they need to adjust the technique or software... Today, many of these problems can be solved remotely, which makes it possible to work even with foreign clients.

28 Remote accounting- as in the case of IT services, such services will be very interesting for small businesses (mainly individual entrepreneurs). The need for regular filing of reports, keeping records in strict accordance with the law, as well as the inability to maintain a full-time accountant, force entrepreneurs to seek help remote specialists accounting and auditing.

For the countryside

Let's make a reservation right away that the realities of our villages are such that in the village itself you will hardly be able to sell anything. But! The village is an excellent venue for a range of business ideas. If the village is located near the city, then this is very, very good.

It is at the expense of city dwellers that you will earn your first capital. So, most likely you have a house (cottage, garage) and a land plot there. Naturally, you need to make the most of these resources, and here are some suggestions.

29 Greenhouse cultivation- on the one hand, many already know about this idea, but on the other hand, quite a few undertake its implementation. But in vain, because fresh vegetables and fruits grown in the village can be easily sold in a nearby town at a good price. You will get the most profit in the early spring. The range of what can be grown is very wide and you can find all the necessary information on specialized forums.

30 Breeding chickens and quails- there will always be demand for poultry meat (and eggs). Having even a small plot, it will not be difficult for you to buy and maintain meat or egg-bearing breeds of chickens or quails. You will definitely need an additional refrigerator (for eggs), and a freezer for storing meat supplies.

31 Fish farming - at first it may seem like an overly expensive idea, but in fact it is not at all. You can start artificially raising fish even in small tanks with a volume of 2-3 cubic meters. The main thing here is to provide uninterrupted filtered water, proper nutrition and maintaining the desired temperature regime. You will definitely not have any problems with the sale of fish, since it is always in price, because it is tasty and healthy. For example, there is a site that is entirely devoted to the benefits of such a species of fish as mackerel, a whole site of recipes. And he's very popular.

32 Home-made feed mixtures for animals. Small farmers have to buy mixed feed from dealers with a double or triple mark-up. As a rule, in the village you can get a wide variety of cereals at a very low price. Knowing the composition of the compound feed (can be found on the Internet), as well as having even a small Soviet grain grinder and the corresponding ingredients, it is possible to produce from 20 to 100 kg of ready-made feed mixtures per day with minimal investment.

33 Furniture manufacturing and assembly- you need a lot of different tools, as well as material, but you have a place to do it. Ideally, such furniture is most profitable to order on a partial prepayment basis. In such conditions, it is possible both to make furniture from solid wood, and to assemble cabinet furniture from chipboard according to catalogs.

34 Home preservation- in fact, it is an optional idea, that is, an additional version of what else can be sold to the "city". As a rule, preservation made by hand at home by a skilled housewife has a number of advantages over factory counterparts. It is these advantages that should be voiced when selling. Preserves and pickles are the most popular in this segment.

35 Homemade bait mixes for fishing- as in the case mentioned above, this is more a way to earn extra money than a separate business idea. It will not be difficult for you to find recipes for various dry baits for different types of fishing. At the cost price, a kilogram of your mixture will cost 3-4 times cheaper than branded counterparts. The first customers for your product can be found on specialized fishing forums.

Best of all, of course, if you can do everything that is listed above in this list. Stable good earnings will help you move to another level of the economy: with hired personnel, regular customers and even your own brand.


Caring for pets, especially purebred ones, is always associated with certain costs for their owners. Here are some business ideas on how you can make money in this area.

36 Grooming. Have you noticed how many small (almost decorative) breeds have become? Yorkshire Terriers, Shih Tzu, Chinese Crested, Havanese Bichon and many more need regular haircuts. Believe me, their imposing owners will only be in favor of having their shaggy “miracle” professionally trimmed. Plus there are a number of cat breeds that are clipped for the summer. Of course, such a business idea only makes sense in large cities.

37 Training. At the same time, guard dogs are also always in demand. Owners of shepherd dogs, mittel schnauzers, cocker spaniels, rottweilers and others will be interested in the primary professional training of their pets. Naturally, you must have the proper experience and skill in handling such animals.

38 Breeding purebred cats or dogs. The business idea may not sound new, but if you start breeding rare, not “pop” breeds of animals, you can make good money in the long run. Greater success can only be achieved here if there is appropriate experience and knowledge in this area.

39 Eco scratching posts for cats represent a compressed mass of cardboard of a certain ergonomic shape, which is most convenient for animals. As a rule, harmless corn glue is used in the production. In Europe, such scratching posts can be found in every pet store, but so far they can be found only in large cities.


The largest section in this article. This segment is one of the most popular in 2017, and here you can find many good business ideas with the most minimal investment.

The key factor will be whether you have certain skills and abilities in a particular craft. Believe me, a quality handmade product will always find its buyer.

40 Universal outerwear for children- many parents know that children's jackets and overalls are very expensive, and their assortment is very small. Moreover, as a rule, they are enough for a maximum of one season. As an alternative to factory clothes, there are already small ateliers that offer individual tailoring of children's overalls. If you know how to sew and model children's clothes, think, maybe this business idea is worth paying special attention to.

41 Ceramics- this is especially true for products made of polymer clay... You will need a minimum of time and investment to start making various crafts. They will have a fairly low cost and you can easily sell them.

42 Handmade decorations will always be in demand. As with other hand-made ideas, imagination plays an important role here. Creative approach and quality execution will provide you with the first and regular customers. Feel free to post examples of your work on social media.

43 Knitting - but only if these are not banal scarves and socks. The core of this business idea is knitting something very original. For example, one Ukrainian craftswoman began to knit blankets from very large links. She got a very original product, which at the moment became very popular, especially in Europe.

44 Master classes (courses) modeling, knitting, sewing and other handicrafts. Again, everything is very simple here. You know how to do this, there is a place for a group, there is a desire - lead, teach, have fun and money.

45 Handmade signboards... More and more shops, showrooms and other small businesses are moving away from plastic signs. There is a good demand for quality products from wood, metal and other natural materials. Your potential customers are shops in the mall, fast food restaurants, various beauty studios and others.

46 Sewing furniture covers- a narrow, but rather low competitive niche. Such covers, for example, are very useful for sofas and armchairs in families with children or pets. Anyone would agree that it is cheaper to order a cover that is easy to wash than to buy a new sofa.

47 Stained glass making. Another type of "garage" production, which can be implemented without significant investment. You can start with small stained-glass windows, which are often needed by private furniture makers. In the future, you will have orders for large canvases that will decorate someone's rich home.

48 Memorable children's souvenirs- absolutely any child will be pleased to have a small cup on the shelf for his success in sports or any hobby. This will be a source of pride for him and a motivation for further development... Copyright memorable gifts will be ordered by both ordinary parents and kindergartens, schools and sports clubs.

49 Mobile trading. Recently, especially in large cities, near shopping centers or at weekend fairs, it is more and more common to meet small portable "shops" of people who want to sell their handicrafts. This is a great opportunity not only to sell your product, but also to popularize your brand or product. As a rule, in such cases, the payment for the right to compactly accommodate is very small (from 1000 to 3000 rubles).

health and beauty

In this area, there have always been a large number of small and low competitive niches in which you can easily start your business with minimal investment.

50 Yoga instructor Is one of the most popular business ideas in 2017, especially among women. Once you have the knowledge in this area, all you have to do is find a cozy room for group lessons. You can promote your services through facebook.

51 Healthy food consulting Is another good idea, dictated by the growing popularity of a healthy lifestyle. For starters, it doesn't hurt to start your blog or Facebook page and share your experiences. In the future, people will begin to turn to you for advice on diet, child nutrition and much more.

52 Beauty salon at home- a common and well-known idea to many. This is a great option for starting your own small business on the way to opening a full-fledged hairdressing salon or salon. During this time, you will be able to build up an excellent base of regular customers.

53 Visiting make-up specialist- a good option for big cities, where all kinds of events take place every day and there is a need for the services of a stylist-make-up artist. From attachments you will need quality cosmetics, tools, Instagram accounts, and then a small site with many photos of your work.

54 Art tattoo studio... It is impossible not to notice that the number of people with permanent and temporary tattoos has increased significantly in recent years. Today it is possible to apply temporary tattoo and henna painting, which are very popular among today's youth. Such a studio does not need a lot of space, but you have to spend money on good equipment and materials.

Entertainment and leisure

Despite the crisis, people try not to forget about entertainment. In the context of limited foreign tourism for citizens of the Russian Federation, the demand for domestic tourism, the organization of corporate events and holidays, as well as various master classes has increased significantly.

55 Aerial photography by quadcopter is, perhaps, one of the most modern business ideas, which is rapidly gaining popularity around the world during 2016-2017. Investments are minimal - only the quadrocopter (drone) itself. With its help, you can shoot stunning panoramic videos that will appeal to newlyweds, organizers of public events, etc. With this technique, you will leave far behind your competitors who are used to shooting banal videos.

56 Bicycle tours. The community of cyclists in the CIS has grown 16 (!) Times over the past 10 years. A whole mass of people appeared who are ready to break into a long bike trip. Such tours can be organized on weekends (in local areas) or for several days (trips abroad). Now your hobby can become a full-fledged small business.

57 Organization of trips. As with cycling tours, this business idea will appeal to those who have been hiking all their lives. The most profitable will be long-term international routes, on which far from poor people will be ready to venture. Having behind your shoulders similar experience, you can easily organize such group trips.

58 City tours. This idea is especially relevant for tourist hubs, where visitors are willing to pay good money for visiting local attractions and an interesting story about their history and origins. Investments in this case are minimal: you need to take special small courses and successfully pass the exam.

59 Workshops on tourism and survival. Another one new business an idea that will appeal to experienced adventure tourism enthusiasts. Many novice tourists know absolutely nothing about equipment, physical training, climate, flora and fauna in a particular area. Such master classes are in demand in big cities, where people of average and higher income are preparing to go on hikes of high difficulty.

60 Event management. Services for organizing parties, concerts, festivals and other major events are also popular today. You've probably noticed how many street food festivals, marathons, and charity gatherings are being held nowadays. Event managers and agencies are behind their successful organization.

61 Workshops in drawing and other creative crafts. If you are a creative person who has been doing this for a long time as a hobby, then it's time for you to make money on it. A large number of people strive to learn how to draw, sculpt, embroider, sing beautifully and much more.

62 Organization of children's parties. Along with the big "holidays" for adults, there is a need (demand) for organizing children's events. Birthdays, new year holidays, promotions of children's stores or salons - all this requires the development of a special program, the selection of costumes and performers. Leave all this to the customer "on a silver platter" and start earning.

63 Dance lessons for adults Is still a good idea for those who have been dancing all their lives and decided to start their own business. You just need to find a good hall, come up with a specialization (Latin, ethnic or other dances) and advertise on the Internet.

64 Shopping Consultant- at first glance it sounds frivolous, but, for example, several such consultants are already successfully working in Moscow. Thanks to your sense of style, knowledge of the latest trends in fashion and other important news, you can become indispensable helpers for wealthy women and even men.

Educational services

As in the old days, many people are eager to learn something new, develop and improve their skills. In the age of the internet

65 Cooking master classes. So far, only chefs are engaged in this, and then only as a part-time job or for television broadcasts. At the same time, if you have the skills and the ability to rent a kitchen, you can regularly conduct such practical exercises. Believe me, there is a demand for this in large cities.

66 Organization of seminars and conferences. Here we are talking exclusively about the idea of ​​organizing these events. Considering the huge number of seminars held today, the demand for such services is extremely high.

67 Own training webinars. An excellent business idea, which has already been used by thousands of trainers, experts and other professionals. This model is convenient because no one needs to go anywhere. Everything happens in the form of an online conference. You, as an organizer, just have to take on the small expenses for using the service, which makes it possible to conduct webinars.

68 Tutoring. This idea is perceived by many as a side job, but in fact it is not. Here, a lot depends on the level of income from classes, and it, in turn, depends on the area of ​​expertise and the audience with which you will work. The most beneficial will be individual tutoring for top managers, specialists who are preparing to go to work abroad, etc.

69 Own educational portal. It sounds global, but you have to start small. You must create unique training material for a specific niche of professionals. This material needs to be presented in a variety of forms: articles, videos, infographics, etc. Ultimately, you will be able to build an entire course in your discipline and sell it successfully.

70 Personal growth and motivation coach. Many are skeptical about this idea. Largely due to the "bad" reputation of some of these coaches who are good at PR, but teach little. If you are a very energetic person, you know how to light fire in the hearts and heads of other people, then this path may be for you.

Clients (customers) are your everything!

Therefore, remember one of the most important rules for starting any business with minimal investment - people, your potential customers should know about your skills, your services or product.

You can be the world's best mechanic, trainer, artist, or bake delicious pies, but if only you know about it, you will not make money.

Believe me, with the appearance of the first customers (provided that they are very happy with you), the next customers will not be long in coming.

Our team sincerely wishes you to succeed in your new business!

Write in the comments what ideas you liked. We will be grateful for your likes and reposts =)
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New articles

Have you decided to open your own business, but do not know what business idea to start with? Which occupation or craft is right for you?

If you are looking for interesting business ideas to help you make your choice, then this article is just what you need.
Presented here 123 business ideas in a wide variety of areas: customized services, retail sales, cleaning services, working with animals, technology and much more.

In this list, you will surely find best business ideas that perfectly suit your goals and requirements.

But before you dive headlong into this extensive list, we want to draw your attention to one question - if you do not already have a logo or other corporate identity elements, we recommend you an online logo generator called Logaster.

You don't need any technical skills to create a logo using this tool. See for yourself by going to.

Home business ideas

Makeup at home

If you know how to emphasize the dignity of a person's appearance and work wonders with eyeshadow and lipstick, then why not monetize your talent? For less than $ 250-500, you can start your own makeup business from scratch. With a skillful approach, such an undertaking can turn into a rather lucrative part-time job.


This, of course, is not the most profitable activity, but it is an excellent opportunity to live in different parts of the planet (including exotic ones) without paying a dime for rent.

Do not assume that only teenagers and students are looking after other people's children. Quite the opposite. This job can generate decent income, especially for those who work at night and on weekends.

When you look at the world around you from the window, you want to see everything clearly and clearly. This creates a great demand for window cleaners, especially in office buildings.

Property management

Are there people you know who rent out property? Then they may need someone to handle their business. This is an excellent source of additional income that does not require much effort on your part. However, this position requires agility and a willingness to work flexibly. Your responsibilities will include collecting rent, organizing repairs and other work, as well as resolving any unforeseen situations. Most real estate investors need a manager like air.

Airbnb Rentals

Airbnb offers a great way to make money by renting out a spare bed or sofa. But that is not all. It is also a great opportunity to make a lot of interesting acquaintances (of course, provided that you are a sociable person). You can even rent out an entire apartment. But do not think that this is a passive source of income that does not require any effort from you. You must keep the apartment clean, always be ready to receive guests and do everything possible for their comfortable stay with you.

Carpets can instantly transform any home, making it more cozy and comfortable. But over time, dust, dirt, grease, allergens and germs accumulate in carpets. Carpet cleaning services will always be in demand, and it would be foolish not to take advantage of the opportunity that lies right in the palm of your hand. However, for this you will need to invest in the purchase of the appropriate equipment and tools (vacuum cleaners, carpet brushes, detergents, etc.). An alternative option is to rent the equipment for the weekend in order to immediately serve 5-10 clients and cover the rental costs. If you get off to a good start, you will eventually be able to purchase your own equipment and raise your rates. So a small part-time job can turn into a serious business.

Real estate appraisal

Real estate appraisal can be done from home, devoting several hours a day to it. This is a great idea for earning money in addition to your main income. Although you do not need to graduate from university in your specialty, you will need documents confirming your professionalism (licenses, certificates of completion of training, etc.), deep knowledge in the field of real estate, as well as a large base of potential clients (brokers, real estate agents, banks, other appraisers, etc.).

If you want to expand the range of your services and earn more, you can do complex cleaning of houses. During this cleaning, you should pay attention to carpets, floors, lawns, garages, windows, walls, roof, etc. Naturally, such a scale of work requires a whole arsenal of detergents and cleaning agents. Or you can form your own cleaning staff, and you yourself can handle administrative issues and interaction with clients. If you have not yet decided on, then you can get a job as a cleaner in a cleaning company in order to first get acquainted with the business from the inside.

Sale of goods from China

Trading with China for beginners can be in two variations:

  • Online store
  • One-pages

The point is to establish all agreements with suppliers via the Internet.

On the landing page, the conversion is higher, so separate one-page sites are created for trending products. So you can make a decent income from scratch in China in 1-2 months.

Trading with China for Beginners - good way raise money without any registration of individual entrepreneurs and LLCs.

But the disadvantage is that for such a start, a mere mortal needs to possess information: either the Chinese can substitute, or the Russian partners will break the price. Or you yourself confuse something.
However, do not rush to give up the business. Still, 400% of the deal can not be earned anywhere.

For those curious and motivated, there is a webinar in which we talk about the key points. All on personal experience... For participation, . And you will have a stable business with China!

Business ideas in the field of design

Graphic design

Knowledge and experience in graphic design will only be a plus. But if you are a beginner, do not despair: with convenient program Adobe Illustrator or the more accessible Stencil and Visme, everyone can master the basics of graphic design. A couple of working hands, a pinch of imagination and motivation, and - voila! - you are already ready to pay for the creation and editing of images.

Alternatively, you can create logos and other graphic products using the service and then resell them to customers.

Web design

Web designers are needed in every company that works with modern technologies... Web design is one of the most popular third-party hiring ideas today. The purpose of web design is to make the process of using a website or application simple and convenient.

Websites have long been an integral part of a wide variety of businesses. Therefore, entrepreneurs are trying to create vivid and memorable online projects in order to promote their company and attract a huge number of customers. And in order to do this in a minimal amount of time, you may need WordPress Business Templates. They are designed for a variety of industries and everyone can find something to their liking. Besides, ready-made solutions delight with their responsive design, many options for personalization and additional tools. Equally important, you can familiarize yourself with HTML templates in Russian. Their packages also include all the necessary tricks that make it possible to build a website with almost no effort.

By the way, if you are a budding entrepreneur, we recommend that you download our free book. Tips, practical examples, useful services - in a word, everything you need to create your own style!

Presentation design

Yes, yes, even when working on a familiar PowerPoint presentation, a person may need help or advice, especially if he is not strong in this area.

Interior design

Imagine that a person is planning to update the interior of the kitchen, and cannot decide which shade of granite will best harmonize with a mahogany floor. If you visit the Contemporist portal more often than the website with the weather forecast, then in such a situation your knowledge will come in handy.

Collecting works of art

Collecting should not be confused with the senseless buying of items that represent at least some kind of artistic value. Collecting takes patience, love for your craft and, of course, a huge investment of time. If you are good at decent art, you can start by attending an arts department at your local university. But don't expect quick money, there is no money in this business. Many students of art academies are ready to sell their painting or sculpture for a penny, but it is quite possible that in a few years its cost will amount to thousands of dollars.

Valentine's Day, birthdays, weddings ... Every year people celebrate dozens of holidays and events, which cannot do without flowers. By entering into profitable agreements with reliable suppliers, you can keep your costs relatively low. The profit in the flower business reaches 300% (on cut flowers), and this is not the limit. As you can see, selling flowers is a lucrative craft, provided the geographic region is chosen correctly.

Online Business Ideas

Web development

The knowledge and skills of web developers are traditionally in high demand. To master the craft of website development in just a few months, try one of our budget online educational programs (Treehouse, Web Developer Bootcamp on Udemy, or Codecademy).

Once you've learned all the ins and outs of HTML, Ruby, Python, Javascript or CSS, start freelancing to build a decent portfolio. And when you gain experience and expand your client base, you can feel free to do web development on an ongoing basis.

Application Development

One gets the impression that there is an app for everything these days. Yet new applications continue to appear every day and are still in demand. If you find a relatively free niche, then by learning how to write code (or knowing an experienced developer), you have every chance of gaining a foothold in the market. Moreover, coding skills are not required to create an application. The most important thing is to make sure your idea sells. Even if your application does not make a splash in the market, you will gain valuable experience or even decide to try yourself in managing the release of new programs.

Online News Correspondent

Today, in order to work as a correspondent, you do not need to sit for several years at the university. News websites are in constant need of help with covering regional news. On some portals (The Examiner and HuffPost), the correspondent's earnings are determined by the income from displaying ads per article.

If you think that blogging will no longer make money, then you are deeply mistaken. Tens of thousands of bloggers create engaging content on a wide variety of topics, from food to travel and cinema. They generate income through their followers, sponsors, affiliate marketing programs, and other channels. Start by honing your writing skills. You also need to understand what kind of content your audience is waiting for, and how to write texts that will provide you with a constant influx of new readers. Think about it: you can make good money by talking, for example, about gadgets or any other things that you like.

Once you've formed your audience, you can begin to delve deeper into their expectations by tailoring your content to the preferences of your readers.

Buying and selling domain names

It is not the first year that they have been making money on trade in domain names. And although the most advantageous options have long found their owners (for example, in 2009 the domain went for $ 16 million), there are still enough names on the market that can be bought for little money and then sold profitably. But some experts believe that the golden days of this business are behind. Therefore, you shouldn't quit your main job to trade domain names (unless you already have several profitable trades behind you). Get started with helpful tips from GoDaddy, the world's largest domain name repository. Just imagine that you may have domain names in your hands, for which in the next ten years companies will be ready to pay fabulous money.

If you create useful and interesting video content and grow your subscriber base to several thousand, you will be able to place ads in your videos. And this is a stable source of income. There are many YouTubers out there who make millions. The success of your channel depends on a number of factors, including content, audience, skills, relationships, and timing. By paying close attention to each of these factors and skillfully combining them, you can transform your YouTube channel from a small side job into a multimillion dollar business.

Online Courses

The best ideas for part-time jobs are based on the opportunity to capitalize on your skills and talents. If you consider yourself an expert on a particular issue, then there are surely people who are willing to pay you to share your knowledge and experience with them.

Online coaching

If you are not only well versed in a particular field, but also have great enthusiasm for your business, you can very well turn your hobby into income by providing personal coaching services. But try to assess your options sensibly so as not to reassure clients whom you, for whatever reason, are unable to help.

Attraction of subcontractors

If you have already established your freelance business in several areas, you can outsource some orders to other freelancers. This is a great opportunity to expand your client base and increase your income accordingly.

Online assistant

If you consider yourself an organized and versatile person, then why not try on the role of an online assistant? Check out the Elance, Indeed or Upwork platforms for offers that might interest you. This is a great opportunity to make good connections, connect with influential people, and improve your skills. Another huge plus of this part-time job is that at first you can work from home. This is especially convenient if you have to frequently change your place of residence (for example, if your companion (or your companion) is a professional athlete or coach, and you do not stay in one place for a long time).

Remote teaching of English language

Teaching English as a foreign language is a stable source of additional income, not to mention the opportunity to see the world. Ideally, you should be accredited as an ESL teacher, but this is not required. If you are a native English speaker, in some countries (Hong Kong, UAE) people will be willing to pay you $ 25 per hour for Skype lessons.

Selling goods from Amazon under your own brand

Amazon is not only one of the largest IT companies, but also a bottomless global marketplace where almost anyone can make money from the growing online trading. However, just like everywhere else, it takes a little sweat. Get ready to explore the markets for popular non-branded products (such as watches, key chains, mugs, etc.) and select products that you can successfully sell under your brand name. Moreover, in order for coins to fall into your pocket, you need to thoroughly think over the sales strategy.

Completing online questionnaires

Yes, this is not the most exciting and interesting activity. Nevertheless, for filling out the questionnaires, they pay, albeit small, money. Since you cannot make capital here, it is better to do this in your free time from your main work.

Buying sites

Websites are somewhat similar to securities on stock exchanges. Some are considered garbage, while others can generate significant profits. Therefore, sites are constantly buying and selling. When trading websites, factors such as traffic volume, profitability, domain name and some others are taken into account. With the proper approach, you have every chance of finding a real gem, the true value of which no one but you has yet discerned.

Mobile laundry

We all wear clothes (at least most of the time), so washing dirty clothes has been and remains a lucrative business. The US self-service laundry market is valued at more than $ 3 billion. And every year the industry is replenished with new services - mobile app to find laundries, mobile laundries, laundry services with pickup and delivery, etc. As you can see, there is no shortage of earning opportunities.

Small Business Freelance Ideas

Writing e-book

Have you ever thought about presenting your skills and knowledge in the form of an e-book? Such a book will be useful for people who want to learn something, develop in professionally or open your own business. This is a truly valuable product (assuming you choose the right audience). Spare no effort and time on your book, interest your target audience, and then you have a chance to release your work in a real publishing house and create your own. own brand.

Proofreading and editing of texts

While the texts are being written, there is always work for editors. Proofreading and editing texts not only provides a decent hourly rate, but also provides an opportunity to get acquainted with interesting content. Moreover, this kind of work allows you to travel and work from anywhere in the world.

Small Business Marketing Consulting

If you have experience in marketing and SEO, or you can get people interested in a product or service from half a turn, then why not make money by offering marketing advice for small businesses? For example, you can position yourself as an SEO specialist and help local businesses improve their search engine rankings. Any business constantly needs to attract new customers, so you will not be left without work.

Instagram marketing

If you can manage to build a large subscriber base on yours, you will be able to advertise products and services that are relevant to your content. With good marketing skills and hundreds of thousands of subscribers, you can easily make anywhere from $ 100 to $ 1000 per post (and that's not the limit).

Let's be honest: we all sometimes hang out for hours on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. So why not make this experience work for you? Most companies (especially startups in the retail and tourism) and influencers are widely represented on social media, and they need smart people to promote their brand online.

Do you have a regular audience that watches and listens to your podcasts? Take advantage of this and find a sponsor to fund your business idea.
Ideally, you should already have an established online audience ready to listen to your regular podcasts. But it is not required condition: Thousands of people have already achieved incredible success creating content that is directly related to podcasting (like how to create podcasts, how to make money from podcasts, etc.).

Landing page creation

Text content is your element and do you know how to create beautiful SEO-optimized landing pages? Then do not waste a minute and start making money on your skills. Even a small landing page costs several hundred dollars now.

How to make your car work for you? The most obvious way is to join Uber or Lyft. But there are other ways as well. One of them is to advertise on your car. Such a side job can bring you anywhere from $ 100 to $ 600 monthly. Whatever brand of car you drive (compact sedan or big bus), its surface is a great place for all kinds of advertisements. Are you interested? Then get comfortable with Wrapify, Carvertise and other similar sites.

Customer service on a contract basis

Some firms outsource customer service operations outside organizations, and many of them agree to trust a private specialist who will work remotely from home. You can start by registering on one of the freelance sites, for example - Upwork. If you already have customer experience and management skills, you can form your online team and operate as a customer service company. Moreover, you can provide advice to such teams and individuals.

When taking their first steps in the Internet space, most small companies start with a standard WordPress website, and only then begin to customize it to suit their needs. For launching a website, many firms are willing to pay a third-party specialist up to several hundred dollars. If you have the patience to master all the intricacies of WordPress, then you will acquire a very valuable and, most importantly, profitable skill.

Business ideas for photographers

Portrait photographer

If you have a good camera, you might as well try yourself in the portrait genre. It's not bad Additional income... Practice taking free pictures of friends and family. This will help you build your portfolio and get comfortable with the hardware and photo editing process. Then you can safely charge a fee for portraits and pictures from family celebrations.

Stock Photographer

Do you like taking pictures of happy families and laughing kids blowing bubbles? Then you should definitely consider selling your images to stock photo sites (Unsplash, ShutterStock, iStockPhoto, etc.). You will receive a reward for every sale of your photo. If you are more serious, you can post work on your own website and take orders from companies.

Wedding photographers capture one of the most important points in the life of a couple, and therefore value their work highly. For shooting a wedding professional photographers take from $ 500 to $ 1500 (and this is not the limit). We recommend the Complete Wedding Photography Experience course, which will show you how to build successful business in this niche.

Travel & Fitness Business Ideas

Do you live in a place that attracts crowds of tourists? If you easily make new acquaintances with people from different parts of the world and love your city, then conducting excursions will be both a pleasure for you, and additional source income.

Travel Consulting

If fitness is an integral part of your life, and besides, you have charisma and business acumen, why not try yourself as a personal trainer in your free time from your main job? This will be beneficial not only for your health, but also for your wallet. And having earned good reputation and having formed a client base, you can safely devote all your time to teaching.

Yoga or Meditation Instructor

Apparently, the popularity of yoga is not going to subside. This means that yoga instructors will always be in demand. In your free time, you can help others find a balance between emotional and physical well-being. This, in turn, will greatly help your bank account.

Event planning business ideas

Professional organization

If you keep order with ease (both in your daily activities and in the closet) and love helping other people, then perhaps a professional organizer is your calling. There is a steady trend among baby boomers to cut consumption and more modest lifestyles, and your organizational skills can bring you anywhere from $ 50 to $ 125 an hour. The huge advantage of this business is that it has almost no upfront costs. Jen Kilborn's tips will help you navigate this niche. Believe me, the services of organizers are needed not only by hoarders who suffer from an excess of unnecessary things. Now more and more people are hiring assistants to stop wasting time and money due to banal disorganization. A huge plus is that you can do this part-time job on the evenings and weekends when your clients are at home.

Wedding planning

Weddings, like birthdays, happen all the time, providing an inexhaustible source of income opportunities for sellers of dresses and jewelry, restaurants, property owners, photographers, videographers, artists, florists, travel agencies, artisans, etc. By uniting several providers of such services into one network, you can offer entire wedding packages to newlyweds. Convenient, right? Of course, such a business requires a lot of attention, but the profit can exceed all your expectations.

Planning events and parties

Wedding planning is for the real professionals, but organizing a wider range of events also has its advantages. Such specialists serve not only weddings, but also seminars, corporate events, birthdays, christenings, concerts, conferences, parties and other events. Here are some tips for those looking to try their hand at event planning. Also, it will not be superfluous to get acquainted with an extremely honest opinion about the pros and cons of this profession.

If you are ready to hone your talents in music writing or mixing, you can easily work as a DJ at local events, and then even make serious business out of it. But starting from scratch will not work here. To get your first commission, you have to have a solid background in sound design, mixing, music and lyrics writing.

Seasonal decoration production

Christmas, Halloween, Easter, Hanukkah, Valentine's Day, Chinese New Year, Mother's Day ... Such a variety of holidays beckons to start a business of producing and selling seasonal decorations, especially if people and companies are willing to pay good money for them. For example, in 2014, Christmas trees alone were sold in the US for $ 1.04 billion. Just think about this figure! And there are still garlands of light, nativity scenes, baskets, wreaths and hundreds of other decorations.

Dance instructor

Most people like to move to the beat of the music, although some of them will never admit it. What's more, it's good for your health. If you once had to hang your dance shoes on a nail and find a more stable job, this does not mean that you should forget about your hobby. You can teach dance in your spare time. If you are not lazy, you can easily make several hundred dollars a week. Agree, this is a good bonus to your main income!

Auto business ideas

Working for Uber or Lyft

Uber and Lyft are two of the leading taxi services around the world. And working as a driver in one of these systems in the evenings and weekends is a great source of additional income. Its main advantage is that you can only work when you want. But before you plunge headlong into this idea, sit down and calculate the costs associated with the transportation (gasoline, tires, depreciation, etc.).

Buying and selling cars

If cars are your passion, then car trading can be a great idea for a startup, provided you have some capital and a penchant for risk taking. Cars are traded on a “buy low, sell high” principle, but the potential profit is very high. According to Jeremy Fisher of, the key to this business is learning how to find great deals. This way you can minimize your time expenditures and maximize profits for each trade.

Many car owners simply do not have time to take care of their vehicle... In your free time (after work or on weekends), you may well make money from it. You don't need much to do this: shampoo, polish, tire cover, sponges, bucket and hose.

Other creative and profitable business ideas

Business consulting for local companies

If you have valuable skills in a certain area, confirmed by reputable certificates, then in your free time you may well be advising local companies. Regardless of your specialization (marketing, business strategy, manufacturing, etc.), in your region there is likely to be a company willing to pay you for help in solving this or that issue. The main thing here is to present yourself correctly in order to interest potential customers and instill confidence in them.

Commission sales

If you easily connect with people and like to take risks, then commission sales on a freelance basis is just the kind of additional income you need. Many companies (especially startups) often need part-time salespeople, so you won't have any problems finding a job. Develop your business strategies and do sales in your spare time. Your reward will be a commission. The more profitable deals you make for the company, the better for you!

Trade in covers for mobile phones

The market for mobile phone accessories does not even think about narrowing. Selling hand-made cases can generate six-figure profits.

Music teacher

Do you play an instrument well enough to teach it to others? Then how do you look at writing music, doing sound design, or teaching? Depending on qualifications, private music teachers earn between $ 20 and $ 100 (and this is not the limit!). Moreover, not all such lessons require face-to-face meetings. This is undeniably a great idea for additional income that allows you to monetize your passion for music.

Writing greeting cards

Do you feel poetic potential in yourself? Did you know that a publishing company pays about $ 300 for each poem for a greeting card? Not a bad option for making money, right? The main thing is to be psychologically prepared for the fact that the publisher may reject some of your work.


Let's make a reservation right away: this business idea is not for everyone. But, for example, Kia Silverbrock from the USA has already registered more than 4,665 patents. You don't have to invent incredible things to make money on patents. The main thing is that the price of your future product is competitive, otherwise no one will buy it.

If you're a beer fan, why not try brewing it yourself? Patience and hard work - and you have every chance to create a drink for which others will be willing to pay money. Check out for one of the Beginner's Brewing Kits. Hone your skills, poke fun at your unique drink and start selling it to family and friends!

Purchase and repair of used electronics

Many people throw away their cell phones, laptops and camcorders without even understanding the cause of the breakdown. If you know how to repair electronic appliances, you can bring broken appliances back to life and resell them.

Resale of goods from electronics stores

Large electronics stores throw away a huge amount of valuable goods, from printer cartridges to tablets. If you do not consider it shameful to dig in trash containers, then you can dig yourself up a good source of income.

Repair and alteration of clothes

Fashion and style continues to be a popular and lucrative destination for starting your own small business. If you are adept at repairing and altering clothes, there will be no shortage of clients looking to save money on new wardrobe items or strive to create their own unique style. It usually takes about $ 2000 to start a business in this niche. But if the amount of your starting capital is less, it doesn't matter. The main thing is the ability to work miracles with a thread and a needle.

Investing your own funds

If you keep your money under your mattress or feel like crying at the tiny interest on your savings account, why not put your savings to a better use? Investing is fraught with many pitfalls. But the surest advice that you will hear from any expert is to start studying the securities market.

Investing other people's funds

Helping other people increase their savings is a good way to improve their own financial position... If you consider yourself an expert in securities and finance, you can advise people on the most profitable investment options. If your recommendations prove to be effective, you will earn good interest.

Many small companies and start-ups prefer to outsource work to perform tasks outside of their core business. Usually these are areas such as personnel management, administration, accounting, etc. And since any company needs to track its cash flows, the demand for the services of freelance accountants does not even think to decline. Profitable use of your love in numbers, right?

Caring for people

To care for the elderly, you need a number of documents that prove your professional suitability (licenses, certificates of special training, permits to maintain entrepreneurial activity, tax returns). The set of documents depends on the country in which you plan to work, the nature of the care, and also whether you are going to open your own business or simply earn extra money as an individual.

Computer Repair

If you are familiar with the technique, then you may well monetize your skills by doing computer repairs at home. If things go smoothly, don't be afraid to expand your business and form a whole team of specialists. You can not only take orders in your region, but also provide a remote technical support through correspondence or video calls.

Computer literacy lessons

Now, in order to enjoy the benefits of technological progress, absolutely everyone (even children and the elderly) must be able to work on a computer. Just look at how rapidly some educational platforms are developing (Codecademy, Treehouse, Udacity, etc.), and you will understand that computer literacy is one of the essential skills of a modern person. Any computer dock can financially benefit from this trend by giving lessons at home or online (like YouTube or Udemy). Creating your own website with an interface for online payments is also a good option.

Production of custom-made furniture

What could be better than doing anything day after day and getting paid for it? Jacob Hass of Soteria Designs is one of those lucky ones. Jacob makes wood furniture and decorations. Now, when people strive to personalize absolutely everything they use, the production of unique interior items can literally be called a gold mine for entrepreneurs. The number of people who are sensitive to their own style and the style of their home is steadily growing, and craftsmen can make good money on this.

Dogs are beautiful, and you can hardly argue with that. But, unfortunately, their owners do not always have time to walk their pets. If you love dogs, then here's an idea for a dream job. Get a steady income just walking with your four-legged friends in the park. In the United States, dog walking has become a thriving business because Americans - for all their endless love for dogs - often cannot find a free minute to walk with them. Even a special Wag application has been released, which helps owners find the right person to walk their pets.

Public notary

Public notaries are persons authorized by the state to take oaths and oaths, as well as certify official documents and commercial transactions. This is a great source of additional income. If you want to try yourself in this field, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the requirements for public notaries in Russia and the CIS.

Hosting informal sporting events

Can't imagine your life without sports? Playing amateur sports games in parks and on university grounds in the evenings and weekends will give you a lot of fun and delight your wallet.

At least three young craftsmen have already managed to open a successful business for the production of handmade jewelry. These are Maddie Bradshaw from M3 Girl Designs, Bella Weems from Origami Owl and the girl representing the DesignedByLei brand. Growing by 5-6% annually, the handmade jewelry market is ready to welcome new talented craftsmen with their interesting ideas.

Snow removal

Christmas holidays bring joy and fun with them, but winter has another invariable attribute, and that is snow. Almost every year we fight huge snow drifts that paralyze traffic on the streets. Removing snow and ice is a great idea for a seasonal part-time job.

T-shirt printing

As I wrote in one of my articles, selling T-shirts is a very profitable business. But what if you want to make these same T-shirts? Printing on T-shirts can make you good money, but it is also time consuming. This multibillion dollar industry brings together players of all levels - from giant factories to small entrepreneurs working at home.

Sale of handmade clothes

Handcrafted platforms like Etsy are more popular than ever. This means that sewing and wooden craftsmen will always find buyers for their masterpieces. If you've always wanted to model and sew clothes, be sure to grab this idea. Your old dream can come true!

Antique items update

It looks like the golden age of the antiques market is over. But if you love antiques and know how to breathe new life into them, then there is always a place for you in this industry. To start such a business at home, you will need several thousand dollars. This money will be used to equip the workshop and purchase the necessary tools and materials. Beginners shouldn't buy expensive equipment right away. It is better to rent it, focusing your efforts on mastering all the intricacies of the craft.

Believe it or not, this guy makes more money in his spare time than some of the call-to-call office workers. Of course, you are unlikely to earn $ 50,000 like him, but you certainly won’t be offended. Even Uber is already testing its bike delivery service, and WunWun and Amazon are screaming for dominance in the day-to-day delivery niche. If you own a reliable bike, then you can make good money just by pedaling.

Professional organization

If you can easily maintain order (both in your daily activities and in the closet) and love helping other people, then perhaps a professional organizer is your calling. Nowadays, there is a steady trend among baby boomers to reduce consumption and a more modest lifestyle, and on this wave you can easily earn from $ 50 to $ 125 per hour. The huge advantage of this business is that it has almost no upfront costs. Jen Kilborn's tips will help you navigate this niche. Believe me, the services of organizers are needed not only by hoarders who suffer from an excess of unnecessary things. Now more and more people are hiring assistants to stop wasting time and money due to banal disorganization. A huge plus is that you can do this part-time job on the evenings and weekends when your clients are at home.

Consulting on the selection of a profession

Do you know how to land a high paying job that others can only dream of? Can you easily help friends and colleagues find their dream job, successfully pass an interview, get a raise or raise? Have you ever thought about the fact that other people are willing to pay good money for your valuable advice? Start blogging with helpful tips. Also sign up on specialized platforms (like The Muse and Coach Me) where people who want to do successful career and are looking for a mentor in this area. Forget about making money at first. Help people achieve real results. Prepare scenario descriptions for specific situations. As you gain experience, you will be able to provide services for a fee.

Best Business Ideas 2020

Drawing on the latest trends and demographics from Google Trends, we've rounded up the best business ideas of 2020.

Mobile Phone Cases

The market for mobile phone accessories will be valued at $ 121.72 billion by 2025. In addition to covers, the market covers a wide variety of products, so future entrepreneurs will definitely have a lot to choose from.

Despite the huge number of case sellers, there is still room for new players in the industry. For example, you can explore the range on AliExpress and resell phone cases (iPhone, Samsung), wallet cases, and more. Among women, covers with images of flowers and animals, as well as lace and marble patterns are especially popular. And businessmen, who are often on the road, will come in handy with battery cases.

HIIT, or High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), is one of the most popular areas in fitness. Fitness and weight loss are two niches that can generate consistently high income for entrepreneurs. HIIT training requires a variety of gear (weights, jump ropes, medicine balls, fitness mats, etc.).

You may not find accessories for HIIT on AliExpress, so you will have to look for the products you need on other sites.

If you are interested in the smartwatch market, then you can easily find a wide range of these products on AliExpress. For example, a smartwatch with a heart rate function is in demand among those who play sports or suffer from heart disease. Fans of travel and outdoor activities can be offered devices with a built-in GPS-navigator. Business opportunities are varied and depend on your promotion strategy.

Tea is the second most popular drink after water. Almost 80% of American families have tea at home. You can purchase matcha tea and tea accessories from AliExpress through the Oberlo service. In addition to the matcha tea itself, you can also sell whisks, cups and other accessories for the tea ceremony. Start a blog with interesting content. Shoot video recipes with matcha tea. If you want to get your products to the top of the top search engines, you need to think carefully about your long-term SEO strategy. And to get your first orders as quickly as possible, you can post advertisements on Facebook.

Beard oil is considered one of the most popular products for men. This is not surprising, since the market for hairdressing and allied services for men is growing by $ 6 billion annually.

Although the market for beard oils is highly competitive, there is still room for new entrants. In addition to beard oils, you can specialize in other cosmetic products for men, since there is no shortage of them. To build trust and respect for your brand, we advise you to take a series of “before” and “after” shots of your cosmetics. This will help potential buyers imagine purchasing your product.

If you need an idea for your own store clothing, we advise you to pay attention to the ruffles. Per Last year this piece of clothing has become a hot trend. Dresses, tops, and even trousers are now sewn with frills. A huge plus for this niche market is that you don't have to limit your assortment to just ruffled pieces. You can add them to your store as a special collection.

Once you've found a suitable idea, the next step is to write a business plan. Read how to do it correctly.

Are we missing something?

Here are some more ideas for inspiration:

Tell us in the comments about other interesting ideas for additional income. And if you are already working on one of these ideas, be sure to share!

Taking photographs and conducting photo sessions - interesting ideas for business with minimal investment allowing in short time get a guaranteed income.

For this business idea with a small investment, you must:

  • undergo registration as an individual entrepreneur;
  • purchase professional equipment;
  • create a portfolio.

Website development and promotion

It is believed that some of the most profitable projects are business ideas with minimal investment based on website promotion and promotion. Sites that go to the TOP of search engines bring their owners a permanent income.

but"Promotion" of a site or store is a troublesome business, so most people prefer to contact professionals. Small business ideas with minimal investment in a small town are often limited, so going online can be a smart decision.

Creating green products as a profitable business

Eco-friendly products are very popular nowadays. therefore, the best business ideas with minimal investment are often based on the sale of eco products.

An increasing number of people are becoming supporters of a healthy diet. This business idea is well suited if you live in the suburbs and have your own farm.

You can sell both meat and milk, and vegetables, mushrooms, fruits. Considering that food products are in the essential group, this is a fast-payback business with minimal investment. It can cost about $ 1,000 to manufacture and sell green products.

Opening a fitness club or working as a personal trainer

With the growing popularity of a healthy lifestyle, fitness is a profitable business with minimal investment.

According to RBC research, recently the volume of the fitness services market amounted to about $ 2 billion.

It is possible to realize business ideas with small investments for opening a fitness center for 2-3 thousand dollars. (if the premises are rented).

To be more successful than competitors, you can buy special simulators, which, for example, will be able to train not only ordinary visitors, but also people who have experienced complex injuries.

Create handmade stationery

How to start a business with a minimum investment if only paper and glue are at hand? Today, making handmade stationery means producing piece goods that are sold out in a matter of minutes.

A variety of creation techniques, themes allows us to produce products for every taste. Interestingly, the most profitable business with minimal investment can be set up by a beginner for about $ 500.

Sewing bags and clothes

Interesting business ideas with minimal investment can be realized in the field Hand-Made... Products created with my own hands, at all times were highly valued. A small amount of created goods can be offset by a high cost per item.

Particular attention should be paid to the quality and uniqueness of things, because it is the originality that determines their relevance... What is most interesting, it’s easier than ever to organize such a business in a garage with a minimum investment of about $ 1000.

This is a fairly lucrative form of earning, but certain difficulties can arise when looking for rare fabrics or natural leather.

Jewelry products

Real business ideas should be based on selling products that are in demand. Jewelry falls into this category. Semi-precious stones, silver, gold and even ordinary beads are the most popular materials for creating jewelry.

If you plan to create a small business with minimal investment in the manufacture of jewelry, then the craftsman is required to have skills, knowledge and equipment that can be bought for $ 1,500.


What business can you open in a small town with minimal investment? Cooking - profitable small business with little investment as it only requires food and a kitchen area to start. A menu can be placed on a personal blog or website.

Employees of factories or offices are more likely to give preference to just such dishes if there is no opportunity to eat in canteens or in cafes nearby.

This is a fairly low-cost business (from $ 400), but special requirements will be placed on the quality of the food, as well as its cost. You need to have specific ideas when drawing up a menu. It will also be necessary to organize a delivery system. However, such a project can easily be created by one family.

Advertising and sale of "exotic goods"

Anything that arouses consumer interest can be turned into the most profitable business with a small investment.

Products familiar to Western or Central Asian consumers are practically unknown on the domestic market. Selling exotic goods and products can be a lucrative undertaking. A business with minimal investment and quick payback can be built on the sale of exotic goods to a domestic buyer.

However, the entrepreneur must be confident in the quality of his goods and know for sure that the products correspond to the names presented. It is very important that suppliers are conscientious... The "promotion" of the project will require about $ 1,000.

Your own business with minimal investment for the sale of auto accessories

Making auto accessories is a lucrative business. It is possible to organize the production of vinyl stickers, for which a special printer and plotter are purchased.

Many car enthusiasts purchase rubber or PVC rugs, first aid kits, emergency locks, jacks and other accessories. The peak of sales comes in the spring. You can start a business for about $ 2,000.

Printing on T-shirts and accessories

Organize profitable business with minimal investment, even a beginner is quite capable. Printing on T-shirts, drawing images on mugs - good projects with a minimum investment for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Printing a variety of prints on T-shirts and mugs - a great way to make money even in limited conditions, including in a small town. Such things are especially in demand during the holidays, when people tend to buy gifts.

Necessary equipment for this business

  • Jet printer;
  • Direct transfer printer;
  • A computer;
  • Special graphics application;
  • Cutting mini plotter;
  • Ink cartridges.

The opening of the project will cost about $ 2,000.

Social entrepreneurship

Social entrepreneurship is based on the fact that an entrepreneur implements and develops business ideas with minimal investment and quick payback, in which other people should participate.

A striking example- opening a business for the revival of patterned knitting or other interesting activity that may be of interest to society.

During the implementation of a business idea for beginners with minimal investment, there is an opportunity to receive grants. Is written detailed business plan, in which the strategy for the development of the project is prescribed. The cost of opening a business is about $ 500.

Video creation

A person who knows how to shoot and edit video can. The range of services can be different - from shooting weddings to creating corporate videos. It all depends solely on the personal skills of the entrepreneur.

Creating videos, original content are excellent business options with minimal investment, since educational videos are needed even when promoting sites, since search engines "prefer" sites whose articles are equipped with detailed video material. In this case, the equipment costs about $ 1,500.

Renovation of apartments

Even in a small town, apartment renovation is a type of business with minimal investment, which will always be profitable. The entrepreneur can repair himself or hire a team of employees, leading it. This type of business is especially relevant in the warm season, when construction is underway.

The purchase of equipment and tools costs from 1 to 2 thousand dollars, depending on the range of services planned to provide to customers.

Baking cakes

Cakes are bought as for corporate events and for private events. Nowadays, exclusive cakes, created according to the wishes of the client, are in vogue.

For example, cakes depicting the heroes of the occasion are quite popular, as well as "sculptural" cakes, which are a whole work of art.

The creation of cakes is profitable with minimal investment, because to make a product you only need special dishes, products and a kitchen.

To start a business with a minimum investment (from $ 600), you must first assess the capabilities of competitors, find an actively purchased type of product. This is an interesting business for a woman with a small investment, in which you can create cakes at home, which is especially important on maternity leave.

Vending business

How to start your own business with minimal investment? A vending company implies the purchase of vending machines with various goods. Usually, the most popular are vending machines selling snacks or drinks... You can place the machine at a university, in a large production facility and in other places where there is a large crowd of people.

Despite the fact that this business is being implemented with minimal investment, it will be necessary to buy one or more vending machines. As a rule, the purchase and maintenance of one vending machine costs 1-1.5 thousand dollars.

Carriage of goods

Cargo transportation service is the most profitable business with minimal investment required both in the industrial sector and for private clients. This is a demanded business that can bring a lot of income., especially if the company is a monopoly in a particular region.

In order to understand how profitable this type of business will be, you need to carefully evaluate the proposals of competitors. If there is strong competition in a particular region, you can offer services to potential customers on more favorable terms.

Cargo transportation is a business that requires certain investments. For example, to open such a business, you will need about $ 5,000 (if you rent a truck). This amount includes the rental of equipment, advertising campaign required at the start of the project, as well as hiring employees.

Fish farming

Own fish farm is a good business idea for beginners allowing to produce products that will always be bought.

However, this business has its pitfalls, because in order to implement a business with the least investment, you need to know the intricacies of fish farming, understand the types, varieties of feed, know everything about the temperature required to maintain life, etc.

In addition, in this case, it is necessary to equip a special room in which fish will be grown. However, many farm owners create their own mini-fish farms. From a mini business idea, over time, an enterprise can grow into a large-scale production with high profitability.

Another nuance of such a business is that for the cultivation and subsequent sale of fish, it is necessary to have a documentation complex from the relevant state authorities, to undergo checks and registration as a private entrepreneur.

In principle, it is quite possible to implement such a business idea with minimal investment at home. Create similar small business you can have on hand 200,000 rubles.

Making paintings

Making beautiful paintings - especially in demand during the holidays. Nice picture can be a great gift.

The most popular type of painting art at all times were portraits. You can implement these business ideas in your garage with minimal investment by setting up your own workshop.

Painting or printing vibrant images is a profitable, low-investment business that you can create from the comfort of your home.

Author's style, any new idea help in starting your own painting business. However, here you must be able to draw well or create images in special editors... If you plan to print images, you will need to purchase printers and special paper for printing ($ 500).

The sale of paintings can take place both through a personal website, through social media. network, and when organizing personal exhibitions.

Sale of boiled corn

What business to do with minimal investment and quick profitability? Boiled corn trading is a fast payback type of business. It is enough to place several points of sale of corn in crowded places to increase profitability.

It's easy to open such a business, however, it will be necessary to purchase technically equipped carts in which you can cook corn (about $ 600).

Feed production

It is better to open your own business with minimal investment in a field that will always be in demand. The production of feed is a profitable business in which equipment is purchased and a technologist and other employees are hired.

The production of feed will be especially in demand in the suburbs or in places where there are many households. As practice has shown, business ideas with small investments in the field of mini feed production pay off within a year.

Dresses and suits for rent

Suits and dresses rental are ideal business ideas for beginners with minimal investment, because there is no need to understand the nuances of technology.

For graduation balls, school and corporate events costumes are required, which are most often rented. Wedding dresses are rented, which is the most profitable part of starting a startup. During the holidays, profits can reach unprecedented heights.

On New Year or on Halloween there is a huge number of people willing to "rent" a beautiful costume. Dress rental is the perfect business for a girl with minimal investment, allowing you to receive passive income.

When implementing a business idea, you should purchase a fairly wide range of suits of different sizes and colors. The approximate cost of a startup is about $ 3,000. The larger the assortment, the higher the profitability will be.

Private kindergarten

Private kindergartens are great home business ideas with minimal investment, because open Kindergarten you can also at home.

To do this, you must obtain the appropriate permits, as well as go through the registration procedure.

The main requirement for placing a kindergarten in a private home is safety. Therefore, inside and outside the house is equipped in such a way that the stay of children in the room is as safe as possible.

Queues for kindergartens are always long, so the opening of such an institution is a fast-payback business with minimal costs and maximum benefits.

Among other things, it will be necessary to think about purchasing equipment for opening a private kindergarten - children's furniture, dishes for cooking, etc. To launch the project, you need about $ 2,200.

Home bakery

Homemade baking can be a profitable startup... The implementation of this business idea from scratch with minimal investment can begin with the preparation of pies, rolls and pies.

You can start a business without a lot of money, since you don't need any equipment. If it is planned to expand production, then the purchase of technical equipment is necessary (about 1,600 thousand dollars).

Opening courses

In education, you can also find interesting ways to implement a small business idea from scratch with minimal investment. When opening your own courses, an important factor is the thematic focus of the classes.

For example, language courses, as well as computer literacy courses, exam preparation courses will be especially popular. Cooking classes are also quite in demand. A particularly popular area is training courses for IT specialists. You can open courses when renting a room for about $ 1,400.

On the Internet, you can easily implement your small business options in education with minimal investment. Classes can be held both in a rented facility and on the Internet.

The latter option is the most preferable, since in this case you do not need to spend money on renting premises, and the search for students is not limited to a specific city.

You can create your own website providing training services in a particular area. You can also create a training complex that will be sold at a certain price.

Wooden things and furniture

Opening a business with minimal investment in the production of things or furniture made of wood is possible, provided that the entrepreneur has the equipment, skills and imagination.

It is necessary to start producing goods that would be different from competitors' products. A small business with a small investment can start by creating miniature wood crafts - boxes, combs, wooden jewelry, etc. However, you can start creating unique designer furniture or specialize in making beautiful wooden stairs.

Wood- an environmentally friendly material that has not lost its demand, so there will always be demand for wood products. Starting a business will cost about $ 800.

Souvenir production

Manufacture and sale of souvenirs - demanded business ideas without large investments for a city where tourism is well developed.

Souvenir products are most popular with tourists who want to buy some kind of thing that reminds of visiting a city or country. Therefore, the most in demand business for the production of souvenirs will be in cities where tourism is established.

Souvenir products are diverse in their assortment - from the production of calendars to the production of flags. To implement such a business idea, an entrepreneur will need to purchase equipment - printers, materials for souvenirs, etc. The total cost of a startup is about $ 1,800.

The demand for souvenirs depends on how interesting and varied the presented assortment will be. To open this business with minimal investment, you will need a garage (rent) and the necessary inexpensive equipment (machines) from China.

Handmade dolls

What business can you open with minimal investment if you are interested in the field of art? Handmade dolls are a unique collection item. The products of famous masters are in great demand, and the cost of a beautifully made doll starts from several hundred dollars.

You can sell products both via the Internet and at special exhibitions and fairs, which are visited by potential buyers.

When making handmade dolls, the master, first of all, focuses not on creating toys for children. The task of the master is to create a unique unit, which after some time will take a place in the collection.

In this case, the creation of dolls and their sale are unique business ideas from scratch and with minimal investment, in which professionalism and the development of an author's style are required from the master.

Making handmade dolls is a laborious process in which the master must have certain skills. Any mistake can be critical, so making a doll can take from several weeks to a month.

Usually, such a business does not require special investments, since craftsmen often make do with improvised means as tools. The cost of launching a startup will be about 2000 thousand dollars (a little more than 100 thousand rubles).


Often entrepreneurs, not knowing which business to start without large investments, stop at production. However, providing services is a great, low-investment business that doesn’t have to buy expensive equipment or pay rent.

Cleaning services are more relevant today than ever, since cleaners are invited to both private homes and offices.

No special investment needed as it is enough to hire a qualified cleaning team, providing them with detergents, brushes and rags.

Dry cleaning

Almost all small business ideas with minimal investment are focused on the everyday needs of society. The opening of a dry cleaner is one such project.

For example, in order to open a dry cleaner and start a business with a minimum investment, you will need about $ 4000. Not exactly a small investment, but this business brings stable good money.

Raising thoroughbred animals

Not knowing what kind of business can be done with minimal investment at their leisure, entrepreneurs are looking for options that combine profitability with fun. Breeding thoroughbred animals is just such a case.

One thoroughbred kitten or puppy can cost up to several thousand dollars, and you can build a lot of capital from selling animals.

However, animals should receive a lot of attention.- regular visits to the veterinarian, the best feed, constant training. In addition, not all litters can be sold, since there are many criteria according to which the value of a kitten or puppy is calculated.

Each breed has its own criteria, so it is better to focus on breeding one specific breed, having a good understanding of the nuances of breeding and maintenance.

It is also profitable to create such a business with minimal investment in a small town, as in a metropolis, since people can come for pedigree animals from anywhere in the world.

Breeding thoroughbred animals is best done in a spacious area of ​​a suburban house. An entrepreneur needs to be prepared for the fact that for breeding it will be necessary to spend a lot of money on a thoroughbred kitten or puppy, to keep an eye on them, look for partners for mating, etc. The launch of the project will cost about 3000 thousand dollars.

Gift shop

To create a gift shop means to organize your business with minimal investment in such a way that the gift assortment is in demand among a wide range of people.

In such a store, an assortment of goods should be presented that would be nice to receive as a gift for people of all ages and hobbies. In order for ideas for a small business with minimal investment to quickly pay off, you need to carefully consider the assortment of the gift store, since its payback directly depends on this.

The store can be located both in a rented space and create on the Internet... The approximate cost of launching such an Internet project is $ 600.


If the question of what kind of business can be started without large investments is being decided, then it is possible to follow the Western trends, which after some time will become popular in domestic entrepreneurship. Opening an anti-cafe belongs precisely to this category of small business ideas with small investments.

Antikafe is establishments in which payment is not charged for food, but for the time spent. The essence of opening such establishments is to organize high-quality leisure activities, as well as to provide a venue for various events.

Implementation of the idea for starting a business with minimal investment involves focusing on the desires of potential customers. For example, anti-cafe is more often visited by freelancers, start-up entrepreneurs and students, for whom it is of great importance:

  1. comfortable environment;
  2. the opportunity to spend leisure time in a quality and interesting way;
  3. the opportunity to make interesting acquaintances;
  4. free wi-fi.

To open your own anti-cafe, you will need about 2-3 thousand dollars (the premises are rented).

Web design

Profitable business ideas without large investments can arise as a new stage in professional development. Opening a web design agency best to example, since most often such an enterprise is organized by a professional who has reached unprecedented heights in his field.

A web designer is a professional who specializes in designing interfaces for applications and websites.

What kind of business with a small investment you can start on the Internet

Online business has certain advantages over other startups. Relevant business ideas with minimal investment on the Internet do not require renting premises or purchasing raw materials.

The Internet allows you not only to quickly find a job, but also to organize own enterprise specializing in certain services... The implementation of a business idea with minimal investment in a small town is especially relevant, since Internet business is not limited locally.


In order to find new business ideas with minimal investment, you need to closely monitor global business trends.

After the rise in the value of bitcoins, cryptocurrency is one of the most. Investment in cryptocurrency can start with a small amount ($ 200-400), which allows you to start a profitable business with the least risks. There is an opportunity to get real income on international platforms.

contextual advertising

Making money on websites or a blog is a relatively new type of business with minimal investment that has just begun to gain popularity.

This type of business is suitable for owners of blogs or their own sites. When placing contextual advertising, the owner of the Internet site is entitled to a certain percentage. Income depends on the "promotion" of the site, as well as on how many people visit it daily.

This is an interesting way of passive income, and such a business usually brings in from 10,000 to 100,000 rubles ($ 150-1800) per month. In general, there are no limits on contextual advertising. The more traffic to the site, the higher the income.

Tips and tricks for starting a business with minimal investment

Choose the best option from business ideas you need to take into account your own profession, skills, desires... When deciding which business to open with minimal investment, several factors should be taken into account:

  • Competition;
  • Demand;
  • Sales opportunity.

Even the most best ideas for small businesses without large investments and favorable terms cannot be sold if the products are not in demand in a particular region.

First, it is necessary to monitor the market and determine what goods or services the consumer needs. Even before starting a business, you should determine how the sale of goods will take place.

An important factor that influences the success of a business project is the presence of competitors on the market. At the stage of developing a business idea, you need to understand whether your project will be able to withstand the competition and what advantages your business will have over competing enterprises.

In order to open a profitable business with minimal investment, you need to create a good business plan.

In principle, business plans for small businesses with minimal investment are no different from the creation of similar documents for medium and large businesses. The document prescribes a list of necessary organizational and production issues, and also calculates the amount of costs and the possible income of the enterprise.

It is better to carry out settlements in dollars or euros, since the ruble is unstable and has recently been falling.

    • 2. Carpentry work
    • 4. Working at the computer
    • 5. Online trading
    • 7. Automotive business
  • 3. Small business with minimal costs for girls and women - 8 original ideas
    • 1. Growing exotic flowers and plants
    • 2. Handmade souvenirs
    • 3. Manicure and extension at home
    • 4. Cakes to order - pastries
    • 5. Selling handmade soap
    • 6. Toys at home
    • 7. Dressmaker services
    • 8. Cleaning services
  • 4. Business ideas of 2020 with minimal investment and good payback
    • 1. Apartment building and rental business
    • 2. Idea related to sales
    • 2. Own real estate agency
    • 3. Searching for clients for other companies
    • 4. Sale of works of authorship
    • 5. Resale of things on message boards
    • 6. Cooking meals at home
    • 7. Organization of events using the Internet
    • 8. Business on conducting activities in social networks
  • 5. Conclusion

Own business is one of the steps towards financial independence. If you are a purposeful, morally stable person, then your financial investments will pay off pretty quickly!

The most relevant ideas are always close at hand. Today, it is quite possible to open a profitable business with a minimum investment of money, but not every person understands exactly where to start. In this article, we will give such tips to aspiring entrepreneurs that will help solve the issue of starting their own business.

Unfortunately, in our country the situation is rather unstable and not permanent. You will not be able to draw up long term business plans.

For example, in the USA they are planning a business 20, or even 30 years ahead! There is no need to talk about this in Russia.

What business can be opened with minimal costs - an overview of ideas

1. Choosing a small business idea with minimal financial investment at home

Small home business ideas with minimal cash investment represent small costs in their own business, the starting amount is up to 4 000 $ (four thousand dollars). Choose the winning option in advance, do not get down to business if in doubt.

Take time-tested business ideas, use the experience of your colleagues who have already gone from starting their own business to a successful business.

There are two main areas of business:

  1. Trade sphere
  2. Services sector

When making a choice between these two points, keep in mind: the sphere of trade pays off gradually! But the service sector, on the contrary, has a wide range - from physical to mental labor.

The most interesting business ideas that do not require significant financial investments or large start-up capital

2. Where to get money to start your own business

There are several ways to find money for your business, the first is, we do not recommend using borrowed money if you do not have experience in business and a really working model that already brings money, albeit small.

Method number 2 (we recommend) - it's trite to make money... There is a very simple rule for starting a business - all the money is in sales, so if you need money for development - go and sell something, do not rush to buy furniture and rent an office, but make money first!

One of the fastest ways to do this.

See what you can sell to make money quickly to start a business:

Download your free checklist

18 ideas that you can sell on Avito right now to make money

3. What business can you open with minimal investment - 7 proven ideas for men

1. Manufacturing of paving slabs

Now in demand Construction Materials... To start such a business, you need to study the production process, buy special molds, a protective coating, and make advertising samples.

2. Carpentry work

There are at least 2 options here:

  • 1. Option. Furniture manufacturing;
  • Option 2. Manufacturing of wood products, for construction.

To create such a business you will need:

  1. Appropriate workplace. For example a garage;
  2. Joiner's machine;
  3. Special devices for polishing and grinding, gluing, and more;
  4. Experience in this area, so that buyers treat you like a person with "golden hands".

3. Get involved in metal processing

Purchase necessary tools for forging, welding. You will be able to make gates, beautiful decorative elements (which is now fashionable in private houses, in the country).

4. Working at the computer

If physical labor is not for you, a computer is an ideal opportunity to earn extra money! ...

It will be difficult at first, there will be few orders. But over time, when you get your hands on it, you will have large orders. Another plus of freelancing is that it does not require any special expenses. All you need is a computer and internet access.

5. Online trading

In order to do trade, you do not need a tent in the market or rent a shop. Create your site where you will post products, make advertising, attracting customers to your resource. For men, it will be appropriate to take in trade in equipment, fishing tackle, auto parts. Agree that the investment will be small. (We recommend reading - "")

Idea for a business with minimal investment - your own online store

6. Breeding animals at home

If you love animals, then this is another business idea for you! Please note that it will not bring a lot of money, but it can be considered as additional income. Don't just dwell on dogs and cats! Pay attention to farm animals: horses, pigs, nutria, etc.

7. Automotive business

If you are well versed in car repair, spend most of your time in the garage, then you can make excellent money! Offer your services to other people. Open your own small car workshop or

You don't need to equip an entire sewing workshop or workshop. Simple enough to develop 1 product, make it with high quality, photograph it and put it up for sale.

You can choose a lesson to your liking, as well as get detailed master classes and see examples of work here.

Read 5 more articles on the topic:

You can conduct such a business from anywhere in the world. And looking for clients is also easy - now there are many who are looking for an employee on their own. remote work to support the dribbling social networks... You can start as a freelancer, and then start your own agency and become a business owner.

5. Conclusion

As a rule, there is no separation between men's and women's business. We have considered the main and most popular small business ideas that are suitable for anyone who wants to start a business with little money and time. Be confident in your success and then you will succeed!

The list of business ideas for services and goods with minimal investment is endless. Use your imagination and analyze the market. If you do not have enough funds at the moment, attract investors and co-founders to your business!