Career building - plan, strategy, stages. Career planning Needed to build a career life

The life hacker, together with Alena Vladimirskaya, figured out why it is important to think about professional development and how to prevent typical mistakes when planning a career.

Why you need to plan a career

You need to plan a career in order to get where you want in life.

Alena Vladimirskaya

Wandering in the dark, relying on the theory of probability, is also an option that works on the 50/50 principle. You may or may not be lucky. So is it worth the risk?

If you haven't planned in advance when and where you will go on vacation, you will either have an enchanting adventure or the worst vacation possible. Both you will remember until the end of your own life.

Alena Vladimirskaya

Ask yourself questions at every stage of your life, prioritize and focus on them first.

What are the typical mistakes

You haven't fully asked yourself a question

You have not been able to formulate a specific question and continue to keep in your head an abstract image of “good and interesting work". You must decide what meaning you put into these words. There is no single correct description of a good job, each has its own requirements and selection criteria.

What to do

Be honest with yourself and don't generalize. Think about what goals you are pursuing when choosing a company or industry. If it is important for you that the work is interesting, determine what this interest is for you. Are you interested in the people working for the company, your responsibilities, or is it the salary that is being offered?

Do you believe myths about the industry in general or the company in particular

Without knowing specific industries, without talking to people who work in companies that are attractive to you, you very seriously risk falling into the trap of the brand.

Alena Vladimirskaya

A well-built company image and stereotypes about areas of activity can mislead anyone. For example, a popular belief: PR people drink champagne at events, have fun and constantly interact with interesting people. Without knowing the inside story, you might think that this is not a job, but a dream. But not everyone understands that between three-hour activities there are months of scrupulous and routine preparation, sleepless nights and years of developing the necessary contacts.

What to do

In an era, it is a sin to complain about the lack of communication. You can always ask a question to your potential colleagues, find out the specifics of the work and hear what difficulties may await you.

No one canceled attending industry seminars or webinars - this will allow you to get to know the industry and its representatives better. You will be able to ask questions, develop useful connections and understand whether this is what you need or not.

What can get in the way of your dream career

You are undisciplined

If you are avid and have problems with self-organization, then you will be looking for a dream job for a very long time. And, perhaps, unsuccessfully.

What to do

First of all, you have to change the approach to the process. Learn to evaluate your resources and capabilities in order to set adequate deadlines for the implementation of certain. Start writing down what you are doing to achieve the goal, what you have already done and what you have not yet begun, how much time and effort was spent on completing each of the points. So you will see what comes easy for you, and what comes out only from under the stick.

You need to reconsider your plan

You made a mistake in your plan. You may have been unwittingly fooling yourself into not writing down your real goals, getting confused in prioritizing, or assigning an inaccurate sequence of steps.

What to do

Be guided by your desires and capabilities. Even if everyone around you trumpets that you need a leadership position in a large international company, although you like a small local business where you need to manage several people.

Review your actions and answer the question: why didn't they lead me where I was going?


  • Ask yourself only clearly formulated, specific, and honest questions.
  • Do this periodically to understand your current priorities.
  • Focus only on your own needs.
  • Find out information about the desired field of activity from employees, and do not rely on images and stereotypes.
  • Remember, your career is in your hands.

Career occupies an important place in the structure of the needs of a modern person, thereby influencing his satisfaction with work and life in general. Successful career provides a person with material well-being, satisfaction of his higher psychological needs, such as the need for self-realization, for respect and self-respect, for success and power, the need for the development and expansion of the space of fate.

Career (from the French "carriere" - running, profession, field) - fast and successful advancement in official or other activities; achievement of fame, fame or material gain. Career in broad sense- the sequence of professional roles, statuses, activities in a person's life. This is an active comprehensive achievement by a person of previously designated posts and positions in professional activity; successful promotion or career development; a set of types of conscious productive activities that a person is engaged in throughout his life (including study, work, leisure). Career in the narrow sense is the actual sequence of positions held, jobs or positions in the team by a specific employee.

Career is an individually conscious position and behavior associated with work experience and activities throughout a person's working life. It should be emphasized that the understanding of a particular career is always subjective, that a career does not mean any other success or failure, except in the individual's own judgment. That is, only the individual who makes it can judge his career. It can be successful for him, even if from the outside it looks like a chain of failures and life collisions. In order to realize your life career consciously, it is necessary to master the methods of building a career strategy, that is, to master modern methods and techniques of self-marketing.

Career strategy is a way to build a career in such a way that the very method of promotion and organization of activities ensures the optimal use of driving mechanisms and weakens the effect of any factors of deterrence and resistance. With this understanding of career strategy strategic goal is to ensure the sustainability of the career process. Career strategy includes the goals that a person pursues in his career, their combination with life values ​​and the basic principles and rules for the implementation of career goals.

Career strategy principles:

  1. The principle of continuity. None of the achieved career goals can be final or serve as a reason for stopping. Progress may be slowed down or interrupted due to emerging difficulties. In this case, it is necessary to create a resource reserve (additional knowledge, strengthening social connections, health, etc.).
  2. The principle of meaningfulness... Any career action must be appropriate. Knowledge of the general goals and characteristics of the movement ensures the optimal choice of the route. The activities carried out should be socially productive, only then the promotion will be supported by the environment.
  3. The principle of proportionality. The speed of individual advancement should be commensurate with the general movement in the group of leaders. Team promotion is usually safer.
  4. The principle of agility. Straight-line movement is possible only on a polygon or a "clean" track. Such conditions do not exist in a career. Attempts to move on " high speed"And" only directly "are always fraught with destructive collisions. Strategically, a career maneuver involves: mitigating a collision through compromise; "Skipping ahead" in a dangerous section of a risk-averse opponent and expectant follow-through; "Bypassing the obstacle" without significant change route.
  5. The principle of economy. On a specific field, the method of activity always wins, which gives the greatest result with the least expenditure of resources. Productivity is increased by elevation in skill, by joining forces, by increasing motivation. The career path is long. For many, this is practically the whole life. To build a successful career, it is important to skillfully distribute forces along the way. Match career aspirations with real-world opportunities.
  6. The principle of visibility... It is better if the person making a career will be noticed earlier. Often talented people unsuccessful in their careers due to inconspicuousness. If the result can be proud, it must be presented and used for this at any convenient opportunity.

Career strategy rules:

  1. Set yourself only realistic goals.
  2. Believe in your capabilities.
  3. Not to waste time working with an unpromising boss, but to become necessary for the proactive leader.
  4. Prepare to take a higher-paying job that will soon become vacant.
  5. Get to know and appreciate others who can contribute to their careers.
  6. Expand your knowledge, acquire new skills.
  7. Make a plan for the day and for the whole week, in which to reserve a place for your favorite activities.
  8. Remember that everything in life is changing: we, our knowledge, skills, market, organization, environment, etc. We must be able to assess these changes.
  9. You cannot live by the past alone.
  10. You must quit as soon as you are convinced that it is necessary.
  11. Looking for new job you must rely primarily on yourself.
  12. The organization should declare itself.

Building a professional career is inextricably linked with career goals, the image of the desired result, which at different periods of life can change each other at different rates, have different levels and priorities, or be absent altogether.

As an immediate motive, the goal directs and regulates the conscious human activity, giving it consistency and consistency. In a self-marketing system, a goal is a specially revised dream prepared for fulfillment. Like a dream, a quality goal should be attractive, inspiring, but unlike a dream, it is more specific, detailed, somehow measurable, defined in time, and obligatory for achievement.

The process of setting a goal for building a career includes three main phases:

Phase number 1 - finding goals: "what do I want?" (goals should be clear).

Phase # 2 - Situational Analysis: What Can I Do? (registration of personal resources).

Phase 3 - formulating goals: "what am I getting started with?" (specific practical goals with clear results and timelines).

There are certain principles for setting a career goal that almost every worker or job seeker person and the level and significance of which can be completely different. We invite the reader to choose one of his personal or professional goals, correlate it with the following principles for setting a career goal and answer the proposed questions:

1. Attractiveness. The choice of a career goal is often associated with the prestige of a position in public opinion. This condition must be taken into account, but it is important that this position is attractive to the individual. In this respect, it must correspond to personal interests, values, ideas. This choice of goal helps to get carried away with it and therefore it is easier to overcome the difficulties of "rough" work when moving towards it.

Security Question: Do you really like what you have chosen as your career goal?

2. Reality. A novice worker does not aim at the position of industry minister or department head (although a soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad). More realistic is the goal of professional advancement and development of the ability to perform the closest position in the organizational hierarchy.

Security question: do you know what position you can take as a young specialist, having received a professional education? Do you like her? See what the next professional step might be?

3. Consistent closeness. The range of targets disperses aspirations. Breakdown of movement into stages concentrates efforts. Sequential goal setting brings the final goal closer.

Security question: do you see the milestones in achieving your professional goal? Do you know what needs to be done today to advance along the chosen path in order to build a career?

4. Progressiveness and consistency. Each of the following subgoals should involve building up abilities and capabilities. If the goal is achieved by leaps and bounds, without ensuring the readiness to master a new position, the career process loses its stability.

Security question: do you understand what knowledge, experience and abilities will be required from you upon obtaining vocational education?

5. Possibility of target adjustment. In the process of promotion, his motives may change. To move towards the goal, rigidly focusing on the initial motives - violence against oneself and inhibition of the career process.

Security question: is it easy enough for you to abandon what you have planned when, halfway to achieving the goal, you are disappointed with the result? If so, how to build a career in this case?

6. Possibility of performance evaluation. The goal should be formalized and include criteria for assessing its achievement. Correlation of the results obtained with the previously set goal is the basis for assessing the effectiveness and further planning of career development.

Security question: do your professional goals in building a career have qualitative and quantitative indicators? Can they be measured?

  1. If all questions are answered positively, it is worth considering whether you really objectively assess the current situation. Is it too perfect?
  2. If all questions are answered in the negative, think about whether you really want to achieve the stated goal. How will you build your career? Maybe this is not your goal?
  3. If positive and negative answers alternate, you can rejoice: you are a living person and nothing human is alien to you, there is something to scold and praise yourself for. You have some career strategies, and then everything depends on you. There is a chance to get even better. Good luck on the way to setting goals!
P.G. Break. The art of self-marketing. Employment without problems. - H. 2009. See also:

Elizaveta Babanova


For those who are concerned about the question “How to make a career”, such information will be of interest. Legendary Jack Welch, based on his 30-year experience of managing the international corporation General Electric, has deduced the following formula: out of 100% of employees of any organization, 20% are stars / honors, 70% are good employees who will never become high-level leaders and managers. , and 10% - C and L, who should get rid of.

You can work with good people if they are carefully controlled, but fast career growth it does not shine for them. Only the stars become leaders! The remaining 80% of employees, even when they advance in the service and go through different stages of career growth, will never take leadership positions.

Who are you - a manager, a business owner or an employee who dreams of becoming a manager himself or starting a business one day?

Whatever position you occupy today, this article can help you answer the question “How to make a career” at 3 levels:

  1. If you consider yourself a star / excellent student, you can check whether you are doing everything in order to achieve fast career growth or start your own successful business.
  2. If you do not consider yourself a star yet, but you have a great desire to grow professionally, then the recommendations will be the most useful for you: how from an ordinary good guy to become an irreplaceable excellent student who is not afraid of layoffs and layoffs? Even if your company files for bankruptcy, the skills you gain from this advice and your career plan will give you a huge head start on your next job.
  3. If you are a manager or leader, you can use these criteria when evaluating your team.

So what does it take to become a superstar? I made a list useful tips on the topic “How to make a career?”?


Nothing distinguishes a star from a mediocre employee like initiative in work and ability to work. As a rule, it is these qualities that contribute to fast career growth.

Dale Rogers, President of Rogers Capital, where I had an internship in the last 2 years of study at an American university, once he told me that in his company there are people who work with dedication and soul, and there are stationery rats who come to work at 8:00 and leave at exactly 17:00.

"They will never be able toget a raiseon duty, ”Dale told me. Comparison with rats, of course, is rude, but this is how the president of a successful company evaluated his people. As a trainee, I devoted more and more time to work and carried out additional projects assigned to me, while my colleagues, who work from call to call, career growth , to put it mildly, did not shine. In two years, as a trainee, I have overtaken many of my colleagues.

People who work harder than others in their team are the first to get promoted, and vice versa - those who work from"Call to bell".

Another advantage of working full-time rather than on a fixed schedule is your increased value to the manager. Only exceptional employees, after receiving the credit of trust from their superiors, subsequently have the opportunity to have flexible hours and choose which projects they take on.


Despite the fact that for professional and career growth you need to work a lot - it does not mean to work smart yet. In my practice, there were cases when my subordinate worked from morning to night, hoping for fast career growth , but at the same time I performed as many tasks as I could complete in a couple of hours.

Learn to make the most of your time and strive to always exceed the expectations of your manager or client. Learning to regularly raise the bar for yourself will be the first signal for your manager to raise.

While still an intern at Rogers Capital and developing marketing material for an investment project, without even thinking about what is needed for career growth , proposed and implemented several innovations: additional graphics, interesting statistics and new handouts. This has earned me the right to participate in the negotiations, which have resulted in several millions of additional investment capital for our firm.


If your manager considers such an impulse to be a threat to his position, then it's time for you to look for another job. If a job change is not practical at the moment, then find yourself a professional mentor who occupies a high position in another company and is ready to help you with development and career growth.

I was very lucky - even at the university, my mentors were the dean of an American business school, part-time consultant in an investment company, a hedge fund manager, who made a multimillion-dollar fortune in two years. Then the CFO of a multi-billion dollar investment company, the president of Frost Bank, and other mentors from whom I learned a lot, and some later became my friends.

Every time I met interesting person I requested that you give me an hour of your time to talk about their careers and learn from them. In 100% of cases, I received a positive answer. I studied their companies, biographies, and I always had a huge number of questions for them. Meetings were made either in their offices or in a restaurant over a cup of tea, and they were delighted to share their principles of building a successful career.

Very rarely, our communication ended in one meeting. Feeling my enthusiasm and desire for development, they invited me to interesting business events, and sometimes to visit. Communication with such people is a truly invaluable experience.


How does a mediocre employee respond if his job does not satisfy the manager?

"I am very sorry that I could not do this."

How does the “star” answer?

"What do I need to do to make you happy with my work?"

Every leader on his way of working with career growth has made a lot of mistakes and knows that without them the path of professional development is impossible. But if he became a leader, it means that he worked on his mistakes and strove to correct them.

If your manager is unhappy with your work, do your best to fix it. Do not give up and do not let him finish what you did not manage to do. For him, correcting your mistakes will be a signal that he needs to look for another, more capable employee. And for you, a serious obstacle on the way to career growth.

If you make a mistake and you have a choice - notify your boss or hide, always do the first. The truth will come to light sooner or later, but if you jeopardize the reputation of your company or your boss, you will permanently lose his trust. Accordingly, you can forget about fast career growth.

The loss of trust of the leader in the subordinate most often leads to the replacement of the subordinate, unless he is instantly rehabilitated and then proves his honesty and diligence over a long period of time.

Your leader needs people he can count on, otherwise he will have chronic stress from the need to constantly monitor you, recheck.

If you find an error, report it to your boss immediately. Most The best way to voice a problem is to tell right away how you are solving it. If you cannot solve it on your own, then tell your boss how you have already tried to solve it, what steps you took, and only then ask him for help.


This is the best way to build a career. Your boss wants you to do your job and delegate additional projects to you. The more he can convey to you, the more irreplaceable you will become for him.

Constantly improve all processes and help your colleagues to improve. Also, remember to be delicate in taking the initiative. It is very important that your leader does not feel like you are aiming for his place. An underdeveloped person will start to put spokes in your wheels and interfere with your development and professional growth. Take the initiative in a delicate way, with the intention of making life easier for your boss, and not "cheating" him.


One of the biggest irritants for a manager is when an employee does not bring the assigned task to completion. Often, the manager does not explain all the details of the project, but he expects the employee to ask him questions to clarify the task.

If you need to get an answer from a boss who is not responding to your question, grab his attention until you get what you want. This is exactly what all people who have managed to achieve professional and career growth do. Very often, an employee comes to a dead end, asks a question, but without receiving an answer, shifts the responsibility to the manager. However, the employee is not relieved of responsibility, it is still on him.

Your manager usually has 3 times more daily tasks than you. Therefore, he can postpone the answer to your question, switch to a more significant matter.

Remind him that you are waiting for an answer from him to complete the assigned task.

An annoying, but executive employee who brings everything to the end is much more valuable than one who gives up.

One more recommendation. Before contacting your boss, ask your coworkers if they can help you. Always think about how to make life easier for your leader: if the answer can be found in your organization (your team) - find it!


Only those who know how to obey the leader will be able to learn to lead in the future. If you want to build own plan career growth, you must understand this.

Sometimes a leader wants you to innovate, but often he wants you to simply get the project done right.

The manager may be in time trouble and not be able to explain to you why the task should be done in a certain way.

You will become an invaluable player if your manager is confident that you can be assigned a task and forget about it, knowing that you will do it the way it should be.


This is a big secret that most employees, even those seeking career growth, do not know about.

Assuming that by working less than a manager (not by the number of hours, but by the number of most efficiently completed projects), they will be able to rise to the next level. There are no miracles.


If you do not respect a leader who is at a higher level, find yourself another job and another boss who will be your authority and leader, under whose leadership you will not be a burden to make a career. Only then can you learn and grow from him.

There is a law of hierarchy: if you do not respect the one who stands above, your subordinates will not respect you.

Show respect and never allow yourself to be familiar.


Never say such words: "Why can't I make mistakes, but can you?" The leader is, first of all, your teacher and coach. He has his own teachers and coaches who help him work on his mistakes throughout all stages of his career. The primary school teacher also makes mistakes, but the first grader has no right to point them out to him.


Gossip at work always leads to a loss of trust and sincerity. Your boss will certainly know if you said something negative about him. As a result, this will slow down your career growth, because he will be much less enthusiastic about promoting you in the service, and even more so he will not stand up for you in redundancies.


To succeed in the professional world and have a stunning career, you need to be strong physically and energetically. Replenish your energy reserves daily by exercising and following basic nutritional guidelines. Of course, a huge number of successful people lead the wrong way of life. But what pleasure will you get from success if you are constantly sick or have chronic fatigue syndrome?

In the United States, almost all successful people devote time to their health. When I was last employed in America, I was asked what kind of sport I do. And as a reward for the year successful work I was handed an unlimited subscription to the best fitness club in the city with daily individual lessons with a trainer.


It is not the organization that decides how much you get paid, when you can be promoted, and when you go on vacation. This is decided by the person to whom you report. Think more about him: how to make his life calmer and more efficient. The dream of every competent leader is to have people on their team that you can rely on. Become one, and your rapid professional growth will be just around the corner.


The more you take responsibility and love what you do, the more you will develop the habit of working as an owner.

This is, in my opinion, the most important skill in developing the leadership qualities of a superstar.

While ordinary employees are constantly looking for ways to shift responsibility to someone else on their team, potential stars take on any job and treat it like their business.

It is such invaluable employees who become partners in the future, and also develop the skills necessary to manage their own business.

Think of the successful people around you. Are they doing everything listed here? What else are they doing to be successful? What are you doing (or not doing)?

Choosing a profession and planning a career: what you need to pay attention to.

We devote most of our time to work. It is very important that what we do brings us satisfaction. But not everyone is happy with the way their life develops in professional field.

The modern world offers many professional opportunities, but choosing what really suits us is often difficult.

When building a career, we must solve two problems:

To make the job bring moral satisfaction and, at the same time, a decent income and / or a desired position in society?
- to bridge the “gap” between what is now and what we want to achieve in the future?

Finding a balance between self-realization and success in society.

Building your professional life it is important not to go to one of the extremes.

Some people perceive work as a means of obtaining money or other benefits and do not pay attention to the content of their activities. But if we are not interested in what we are doing, procrastination occurs, we are unable to work with concentration and productivity.

Other people give all their strength to express and realize themselves, without thinking about how much their activities are in demand by society. As a result, there is a feeling of unrecognized talent, lack of demand.

It is not easy to choose a field of activity that would both bring satisfaction and allow you to realize financial and / or social ambitions. There are circumstances when it is not possible to do only what we like. Then we can either systematically create favorable conditions in order to do what we love in the future (accumulate the necessary financial resources, receive necessary knowledge, choose a suitable place of residence, etc.) or work simultaneously in two areas: in one - to earn money and receive social status, the other is for self-expression and self-realization.

Bridging the gap between the present and the desired future.

How to build your professional life so as to achieve the desired future?

Numerous psychological studies have shown that the most important condition for achieving success is the ability to set specific, realistic, but at the same time complex goals and plan for their gradual achievement.

In some cases, it is useful to formulate intermediate "learning" tasks related to obtaining the necessary knowledge or skills. People who are ready to develop themselves and engage in self-education to achieve their goals, achieve them, as a rule, especially successful.

When planning our careers, we are often dominated by stereotypical thinking. We either do not notice many opportunities, or we immediately sweep aside. That is why it is so important not to be afraid to dream and realize their dreams, even if they seem "unrealistic" or "stupid" to someone.

If you want to better understand your desires in the professional field and see the professional future in a new way, we invite you to attend the lesson.

You can build a career in enough short time if you put a lot of effort into it. If you correctly understand and use your capabilities, develop and make useful contacts, you can quickly become a respected professional and ensure career growth.

Why do you need to develop a career

Rapid career growth, a highly paid position, an executive chair - this is what most employees dream of. However, this can only be obtained with some effort. You will have to constantly learn, improve and develop skills in the chosen and related areas.

Define a professional growth goal - what drives you? Some want to become leaders, others are tired of sitting in the same place, and they yearn for development, for others, material goals are fundamental. Only after you have decided on the incentives that drive you, you can.

If you want to get leadership position, you have to learn to manage people. This is a whole art that needs to be constantly improved. A talented leader is not one who tells his subordinates what to do, but one who can quickly understand all the processes, competently build a work system and distribute responsibilities. You also need to be able to motivate staff to achieve common goals.

Those who sit in one place and want to move forward should clearly understand their plan for professional growth. You need to understand whether you want to continue your career and professional growth in the chosen field or want to do something new. We need to look for opportunities that can be - refresher courses, trainings, a second education. Study literature, communicate with colleagues, go to thematic exhibitions- all this will contribute to your professional development.

If your goal is high earnings, you need to think not only about money, but also about the quality of work. Show consistently high KPI, improve, carry out any project at a high professional level... Good employees do not go unnoticed, soon you will be entrusted with more complex and responsible tasks that will be better paid. With due diligence, the ability to correctly apply your skills and distribute work time your career progresses quickly enough.

Do I need education

Many people ask the question - is education necessary as a form of professional growth, will it help in further development career, or experience decides everything? Education is definitely needed, because you are adopting experience and knowledge that will be useful in. In addition, the employer looks not only at the skills on the resume, but also at the basic and additional education.

However, the choice of an educational program must be taken very carefully. If you want to go to higher education educational institution, choose the best universities with the highest ratings, otherwise you risk losing several years in vain. University is not only knowledge, but also new useful acquaintances. The higher the rating of the university, the more high-level professionals there, not only theorists, but also practitioners.

Find out about continuing education courses and continuing professional education opportunities in your city. It might be worth learning a new one computer program, learn foreign language or learn how to run large projects.

Communicating with professionals from your field should also be viewed as an opportunity for professional growth. You can always make useful contacts, make new acquaintances, which can contribute to the achievement of professional goals.

The professional growth system must necessarily include education. Get information from different sources- communication, professional literature, business meetings. Mine educational process should be built clearly in accordance with your career goals.

What personal qualities do you need

Career growth requires the development of such personality traits, how:

  • purposefulness;
  • a responsibility;
  • hard work.

“They are greeted by their clothes” - this principle also works in the professional world. Learn to keep track of your appearance, dress appropriately for the occasion, always come in clean and tidy clothes. Things do not have to be expensive at all - you can pick up things of the middle price category, the main thing is that they look presentable.


- one of the engines of professional growth and development. Now there are a lot of opportunities for this, from the Internet to international educational programs. You just need to choose. Career development directly depends on self-education, so you need to constantly improve your skills.

Focus on one area while being interested in related areas. For example, if you are a marketing specialist, knowledge in the field of management, sociology, and personnel management will be useful to you.

Do not become self-contained - communicate with colleagues. Learn from the experience of professionals, read interviews with in your field, attend meetings with them. Many people share their knowledge absolutely free in their blogs, video blogs and books, which can be found freely available on the Internet.

Business or career growth

Business as a form of professional growth is the choice of those who are ready to take responsibility for all processes and understand, are ready to take risks and understand that successful development will take a long time. Starting your own business in the chosen field in order to strengthen the position of your company in the market.

Build a professional growth plan not only for yourself, but also for. Think about what goals you want to achieve, how much you plan to earn, how you are going to develop. Find like-minded people, go to professional meetings.

Business is a great prospect for professional growth if you are ready to constantly improve. You need to be prepared for the fact that no one will tell you what to do, but you also take full responsibility for all actions. Follow new trends, do not lose sight of your competitors, contact as many professionals in your field as possible.

Don't be afraid to take risks - you have to do it all the time. Any experience, even a negative one, is your impetus for development. In business, professional growth and risks - interrelated concepts, so the more you try something new and unknown, the more more information it turns out. Of course, the risks must be justified - you need to understand what you can gain or, conversely, lose from the performance of this or that action.

An important question for many is at what age you can be in business. This is purely individual, because someone starts their own business as a student, and someone decides to work for themselves after many years of professional activity. Business success depends not so much on your age as on the speed of your reaction to any market events, the ability to be in trend and readiness for constant development.

Speaking about how professional growth and business are interconnected, we can cite as an example a couple of young entrepreneurs who decided to start their own business from school. They tried themselves in different types of activities, but in the end they settled on a holiday agency. Opening the company, they simultaneously received education in the field of management, studied new trends in their professional activities, made many new acquaintances. As a result, the small company has grown into a rather serious organization that more and more clients trust.

How quickly can you grow professionally

For some, career growth lasts for many years, while for others it is rapid. This is because everyone uses their potential in different ways. Someone grabs at any opportunity, while others are satisfied with measured activities, where you just need to go with the flow. Career and professional growth is, first of all, How long you will achieve the desired position - depends only on you. Someone takes a leadership position after a year of work, and someone still does not achieve it, since they incorrectly assessed themselves.