What to do when everything in life collapsed. What if life collapses. This is the time of the next restructuring of life, challenges of fate, tests and great opportunities with the task of determining the long-term goals of its further development

What to do when everything is bad - how to act in a difficult period of life when it seems that everything collapses.

Everyone in life has periods when everything collapses, falls out of the hands and everything becomes only worse.

Doors are closed in front of you, friends turn away, life turns into hell. And it seems that nothing good can simply be. Maybe only worse. How to act and how to behave in this difficult period "black stripes"?

What to do when everything is very bad

Step 1 - Do not panic and not fall into the despondency

The more we panic, the more errors have worsened their position. The despondency and depression take the strength to fight with circumstances. Keep cool is difficult, but it will be the most faithful action in these circumstances.

Step 2 - Do not swear

In such periods, everyone is usually nerves on the attack and break on someone easier than simple. But what would not be to stay at a difficult time one, it is better not swearing if possible with your friends and loved ones, they will be very useful for you. It is not necessary to swear with the oncoming people on the street by bus, etc., they simply answer your negative attitude to life. Believers as soon as possible and with understanding. This will protect you from a large number of unpleasant moments.

Step 3 - Keep smile

Of course everything rolls to hell, but this does not mean that life ends. Just happens, what you need to survive. Smile, even the most artificial, helps you cope with your emotional state. The fact is that the position of the muscles of the face is interconnected with the allocation of certain hormones in our body. That is, when serotonin is produced in our body, we involuntarily begin to smile, no matter how hard they try to restrain themselves. You can also achieve the opposite success. If you pull even the most artificial smile on your face and save such a position for 5-10 minutes, you will notice that the mood will improve significantly. Perhaps this is not clearing your position, but it will be clearly thought to think.

Step 4 - Believe that everything will fix

No matter how hard it sounds in our materialistic time, faith is half the way to success. Believe me, not enough. Believing in something, without noticing, you form a certain energy impulse, which is thrown into the outside world. This impulse will definitely return in the form of a random decision, council or assistant. So the special energy of our consciousness works, since the world is a huge organism in which everything is interconnected and mutually reproductive.

Step 5 - accept yourself and accept what is happening how

It is sometimes very difficult for us to understand what is happening in the right light. We simply can't know why it collapses what we basically liked and satisfied. Why such sharp changes occur. However, in order to build something more durable and large, in the first place should be destroyed by the old, no matter how unpleasant this fact it seems to us.

Remember your youth. How we wanted something and how we were angry when you could not get it or done. Remember how grateful you were then, when we realized, to which consequences all this could lead. But this awareness unfortunately does not immediately come. Time and patience is necessary. Therefore, it would be difficult for you and bitterly now, just know that it has its own logical reasons.

Even after the terrible storm, the sun is sure to look like. The main thing about this is remembered and not to forget during the middle of the puchin of unpleasant events.

Below, give three letters - one addressed to me (with the permission of the author and with minor changes) and two simply found on the Internet spaces as a living example, you will definitely see analogies and even similar phrases, plus the identity of the problem. And when there is a problem, you need to look for her decision.

and what is going on now? Collapsed all theater ... And so without it hard. My son from 5 years old has been seriously sick, so much of death seemed to be very difficult in all corners of life ....

Just broken. Therefore, wrote. Around the pain and very hard. Although I try to survive .... One friend speaks only one of my life you can shoot a movie ...

Can you look at my card? ... 25 years I fight for the life of the Son. Husband lost everything !! -Well that we pay our money for treatment - we are not a citizen. A person, with whom, was, everything was well suddenly left. The husband lost his job. We were declared a deportation. In short, where ?? Find these forces that you write .... I will try ... very ....


Head, I am 22 years old, I am married, I have a wonderful daughter. All started from the moment I got pregnant. We then and my husband got married. everything was fine, but in one day it came crisis, her husband was fired from work. I could still worked, then went to the decret. Gave birth to a child, and then the constant moving began. There were 5 for the last year. Many seemed to worked, but somehow everything did not succeed and he decided to engage in entrepreneurship. First, it seems everything turned out, and then everything became worse ... Then the bank was owed a large amount, now they are submitted to the court. Not long ago, I learned that pregnant again. Of course I understood that it was not on time, but it was still very glad. The husband was not so positively configured. Then the bed began. Called an ambulance, in the hospital they said that the child was long dead ... It was not just a blow! They made cleaning ... now a month passed, I kind of hard. But here S. money everything is bad. And the husband decided to work in a taxi and today I lost all documents on the first day and money…

I do not know how to continue to live and what to do is the last drop, I can't even cry, I sit and stupidly giggled. and the worst thing I am afraid of the future, because it is not full list What happened to me over the past two years ...

Help me please! How to find the strength to survive all this? how to start everything first

Thanks in advance…..


what to do if life collapsing?!

i will have any interest in life and the struggle for the bright future, I just have already completed that I am always alone (quite a long period of my life) .. And in the last years, everything went into the wrong way, now I am unemployed, must be a large amount bank Today broke the car ....

i'm just already tired, tired of life, I can't even cry, because I was tired .... Established from these problems .... The first that I think he keeps me in this world so that I love my parents .. but for some reason I think it seems to me What and this will not be hindrance to me, I can't do it further ... what should I do?

Everyone has its own Santa Barbara

In all these three messages, we see that problems are rolling like a snowball and at some point there is a certain unpleasant event (notice - non-mercy!) And the person "breaks out", that is, it comes to the limit of patience and he happens catharsis. Or peak cycle of its crisis situation.

First, a person is deeply inside the situation that seems to him deadlock. Looking from our side it does not seem so. After all, it is not for nothing that you need to "climb over" to see the picture entirely or in a wider annex. After all, everything is not so bad.

For example, we often compare ourselves with others - especially when they have something better or there is something that we do not have and it will plunge us into negative feelings of self-esteem, envy, sadness and TP.

In this situation, the "total collapse" as a council can also be offered to compare their misfortunes with the misfortunes of others to feel better.

For example, some women have no husbands and has to take care of themselves and their children, making money, solve problems, make decisions and TP

Someone has no car and have to ride public transport. Someone has no money to afford to go abroad or just at sea and TP. Someone has no health, body parts, vision and hearing, parents, children, housing and so on.

Look at Nika Vuychich - if it seems to you that you have everything "badly" or we were delivered to something. He has no hands or legs, but he could cope with the despair and despair and even became rich, married a young beauty that gave him a daughter. He is a live motivation "not be a victim."

Are you still bad? And you feel deprived?

Sometimes it seems to us that our life is like "Santo Barbara", with many difficult moments, the first heroine even wrote that the film could be removed on her life, but look around - look at the lives of people around you, spit into their stories. Each is your movie, your own unique scenario, your series and your failures and failures. Well, who of us did not lose work? Raise your hands. Which of us did not throw a favorite person? Are there hands raised? Who did not experience financial difficulties, major losses, catastrophes, injury and accidents? I think that all readers of this article are sitting with arms raised. Write if it is not.

I myself thought for a long time that my sphere of personal relationship was solid Santa Barbara, and that there is no unhappy girl in the world, and then I saw that others happen and not so much more dramatic and more difficult.

Conclusion: Your life is the same as hundreds and thousands of others, in something better, in something worse and you always have for what to be grateful.

TIP: Try to help yourself get out of the state of the victim in which you are now on the state of the Creator of your life or the one who is able to get out of this dead end, through the change in its attitude to what is happening and replacing attention from concentration on "all bad" to focus on Tom - what do you want instead and how to achieve it.

I do not want to call you to ignore the problem, I ask you to reset its importance, reorient the focus. And this is the first step towards her decision.

They say that the God of Tests does not allow no power - we are able to get out of difficult situations, the main thing to concentrate and gather. There are many examples when people came out of the most unthinkable situations, assistance came to the most last moment And the most miraculous way. But you need to ask about it - God, Higher.

At the moments of despair - go to him and pray for help, give your situation to him for consideration. Tell me what you want, thank and promise to take everything as his will, humbly. And that would not happen next, just accommodate, taking. Sliced \u200b\u200bleg you can't get back - so sometimes you need to learn to walk on the prosthesis and live in new conditions. Some even manage to become Olympic champions in this state. We always have a choice - lie down and "die", give up and despair, fight and defeat.

It sometimes sometimes happens that life is over and there is no point in living further, hope is dying, but in fact it's not the end of life, this completion of one of her chapters and further opens a new chapter. Let something in it be something else, but this is life, another story, another scenario and we have everything in order to write the best script in this chapter.


Events that are generally accepted are considered the most negative, are a classic genre, this is a divorce, loss of work and livelihoods, loss of valuable things, the death of close and expensive people, violations of health, injury and accidents.

Anyone lives at this time the crisis, stress, depression and TP negative feelings, but you can react to them differently, for someone it will be a "end of life", and for someone "the beginning of the new". From the stories of the success of the famous, rich and successful people, we can find out that they also had to pass through such "points of the bifurcation" (moment of non-return), that is, difficult moments, when they all collapsed, losses and TP crises took place, but it was from which began the point of reference to their future success.

One of the major infobusinessmen told that his beloved girl threw him, after which he finally got up from the sofa and created his business. Now he is rich and there was another girl on which he was safely married. Another famous blogger and coach shared the story that a large car accident made her cool change her life, throw prestigious work, to leave someone else's country, to reflect on the future, return to the country and create their own online training business. And such stories millions. Because this is how the universe works. We are developing through crises.

How else can we wake or pull out of the usual routine, how to induce evolution and development? The universe is knocking in the windows and doors, and if we do not hear, then on the head .. so that we finally took their strength and did something in their lives; Or simply changed something, perhaps a long time desired, but ignored; Or simply followed his way from which TP was rejected.

Metaphorically can make a comparison - when a mother calls his child, and it does not hear or ignores the call, then the parent shouts louder or even comes and applies the gross power, in order to pay attention to itself and our Heavenly Father is calling, shouting and sometimes Yes, to pay our attention to yourself.

And yes, crisis situations are a close way to God, because many of us remember its existence only in difficult moments. And this is a wonderful chance - contact him.

Conclusion: Crisis situations draw your attention to yourself, the truth and the highest. Perhaps the time has come to change in your life and should not resist them. Perhaps the time has come to take its strength. Perhaps this is a strength test (about it lower in the astrological interpretation of events).

Tip: Try to change the attitude to what is happening, reorient from the end to the new beginning, be flexible and do not fall into despair - from any situation there is a way out, even from yours.

Well, suggestions yourself - lost work, I will definitely have another, just need to make efforts and how to search. We suffered material damage, say "Thank you, Lord, that I took the money." He left the beloved, learn to live in the novel with himself and life.

It seems that the world collapses? This is not true! He is just rebuilt. And perhaps under you!

IN this article I described Tao Pluto and offered an exercise to exit plutonic depression - Pluto is associated with death and losses, deep transformations and revival. In this exercise, you need to lie down in the bath. Immersed with your head under water - a symbolic immersion on the bottom, the moment of "death" and emerge the "re-born." When you get to the bottom of your life, you have a chance to push off as your legs and start to pop up - in Dao Pluto, it is just said about scuba diving and immersion in depths.

Astropris and Return of Saturn

If you look at such devastating situations from an astrological point of view, then here we are dealing with life and planetary cycles.

Each planet has its own cycle, for example, the cycle of the moon, which reflects the structures of life processes - in total there is a birth, development, culmination and decline / death / end. At that moment, when several negative plots are coincided in life (there are also positive, but we rarely note it as something significant) - the climax comes, the full moon of life comes. After some time a decline will happen.

In full moon, it is usually necessary to part with something that has learned its own, these are the times of increased emotionality and difficulty of its control. A little later, you look at what happened with a much smaller tragedy.

At these points you need to afford to live your emotions.

Saturn - long cycles, full of it about 29-30 years old and intermediate seven-year. Saturn is considered a harsh planet, and I often give an association with him in the form of frost from the fairy tale of the same name, when he experienced the strength of the main characters, asking them "Whether to them" and then gave them to the passage of the test. So life (Saturn) tests to how humble, durable, wise, are ready to take responsibility for their lives and become its authors.

Here is a woman who wrote the first letter just overwhelms the second return of Saturn (takes place at about 59-60 years old). This is the time of the next restructuring of life, challenges of fate, tests and great opportunities with the task of determining the long-term goals of its further development. We perceive this time as the time of crises, we can be sad, fall into despair, but Saturn-strict and fair teacher, he will give us in the future, but after a difficult period of change and restructuring.

Saturn asks to do self-confidence and self-knowledge, go through the process of reinventorying itself and our ways of life. We can face something non-working in our life, restrictions and obstacles, to see bare, weaknesses. Saturn slows us so that we can find a hard and cold look at the reality, built by us in our lives and find new ways and ways to become a true author - an authority - in your life. We have another chance to become those who are actually.

In mythology, Saturn is associated with harvest, with reward for the efforts. If we are ready to wait, work, persist. Saturn is a strict teacher and he asks to remove his psychological and physical garbage and dreamed the soil (our psyche) before we put new seeds (new intentions / new life). At the time of return, we have a chance of real changes and rewarding the life of remuneration. This is really a planet opportunity.

During the second return comes the wisdom of the oldest. Our personal and social security is subject to revision. This is a difficult time and harvest time, the results of the work over the past years.

We ask a lot of questions at this time. We cannot repeat past errors. We make the first steps to the new beginning.

Saturn often asks "In whose I am a movie?" And challenges be a director and screenwriter. It would be too easy to read the replicas of the famous scenario. Instead, we must become independent authors and become real authors of our lives.

We need to rewrite the script of your life. It is not always easy, our life is full of people and situations that no longer reflect our essence. The human unconscious often creates situations that challenge us. It seems to hire other people to play certain roles in our vital history - this will be a boss, this victim, and this wrong lover. Saturnian post-checks in life are associated with the moments when these people play their roles and comes time to adjust your life scenario. We must take our projections back and look at the drama of your life as our responsibility. And do not blame anyone.

During the second return, Saturn calls for specific actions in the real world, but it's all very thin. If we do not do what you need, we can no longer be a second chance. If you postpone check your health, it may be too late. If you do not confess yourself that "My job kills me, but I need to wait until pension," she really can kill you.

As the body aging, fatigue and depression grows, the body is no longer the object of pride and then the spirit has a chance to go ahead. Some old habits can show their heads that should be cut off. You can ask yourself a question "Why should I again deal with this question?" And the answer will be "because you have almost allowed it." Now you are more wise and ripe look at things. With the gift of wisdom you are completing unfinished affairs and situations.

At this time, it is necessary to clean the most foundations - basements of your existence and look at your sophistication, let the illusion leave. Now time will slow down and allow pleasant to enter your life.

We can return to what gives the fruits of our experience - a certain project that we can do well and even better.

And here tools helping to pass Saturnian checks:

1 to be perceptive (discern (eng) - distinguish, recognize)

Since I am wiser today than was a year ago and I know much more, I can wisely use the elections based on clarity of intentions. Dream about the future with a clearly distinguishable path between trees. "In-know yourself" and "nothing superfluous" - inscriptions from the Delphian temple clearly for me. Now it is necessary to retreat from the excesses of the youth and clearly understand that I can, but I can't do.

2 be cordial

Take the courage to ask the Council at knowing people. And at home: As far as I project my uncertainty and fears in the surrounding reality, making your life unfortunate, is not able to take responsibility and cardiacly perceive others.

3 Go deeper

"Everything or nothing" is pretty to the superficial solution to quickly, but Saturn does not like "quickly". No fast decisions and cases made by the tricks! It is better to withstand the voltage of tearing contradictions and internal conflicts until the new design of the idea does not appear. And only then, time to get out of your usual comfort zone and do it! "Copy deeper - you will find precious water at the bottom!"

4 Act!

In the end, Saturn awards those who do and introduces those who postpone from day to day.

Ironically - but while we are waiting for (heat and good weather spring - by the sea of \u200b\u200bgood weather :)) We are tested by Saturn on the fortress of our faith - rebirth and rebirth. We are like seeds on the windowsill, wait for seedlings and irrigation. And at one time we must act, dig deep, separating weeds from appearing flowers ..

... everything comes at one time ..

We regularly stopped at the return cycle of Saturn (especially for my readers who asked the question), but there are still many other cycles, for example, the opposition of uranium and the square of Neptuns at the age of about 40-42 years called middle-aged crisis, the return of Jupiter - every 12 years and also notes the beginning and end of certain milestones in life, upgrade in life style. Personal cycles can be found in consultations in astrologers and each in difficult moments of life have their own astroners.

Conclusion: The planetary, cosmic and TP cycles affect the events.

Tip: If you need support at the moments of crises, refer to professional therapists (psychologists, astrologers and TPs) and in support groups, ask for help from friends and loved ones. They will definitely help you return lost hope.

When it seems that everything in life collapses ...
Start thinking about to build on a vacant place. Osho

Sapongu mipam with devotion, love and gratitude

WHEN THINGS FALL APART: Heart Advice for Difficult Times

© 1997 by Pema Chodron

Afterword to the 20th Anniversary Edition © 2016 by Pema Chodron

Published by agreement C Shambala Publications,

Inc with the assistance of Alexander Korzhevsky agency (Russia)

© Melikhova A.A., Translation into Russian, 2018

© design. LLC "Publisher" Eksmo ", 2018

Books for self-knowledge

Internal engineering. Path to joy. Practical manual from yoga

Man is the most difficult mechanism on the planet, and yoga is instructions for its use. So considers Sadhguru - Coach leading companies in the world. In his book, he offers internal engineering system developed on the basis of ancient teachings, which will help you in search of happiness and well-being.

Power inside you. How to "reboot" your immune system and keep health for life

Dipak Chopra is a leading specialist in the field of integrative medicine and Rudolph Tanzi - a neurobiologist-innovator, represent its new revolutionary work dedicated to immunity. They do not just introduce you to the results of the latest research in the field of human mind and body interaction, but also offer a practical seven-day action plan, followed by which you can launch the body of the body's self-describing.

Go there, where scary. It is there you will gain power

The successful businessman Jim Lowles offers 10 rules, following which you can write the history of your life yourself and stop going about our fears. His book helps to move the most bold dreams into reality, overcome their own restrictions, get out of the comfort zone and make positive changes.

Biology of faith. As a power of beliefs can change your body and mind

Heredity is not a sentence, and a person is not a hostage of his genes. Bestseller of Bruce Lipton's molecular biologist will prove to you that it is your thoughts and lifestyle formed DNA. Learn how to change biological processes with awareness and defeat your stress, working with the subconscious.


In 1995, I went to a long vacation. For a whole year I did nothing. It was the most inspiring period in my life, and he greatly contributed to my spiritual development. In fact, everything that I did is relax. I read a lot, walked and slept. I prepared and ate, meditated and writing. I had no schedule, no tasks, no "mandatory deeds". I understood a lot for myself during this period, filled with freedom. I very slowly disassembled two boxes of innovated lectures, which gave from 1987 to 1994. They did not have a binding topic, unlike lectures on Datong, which formed the basis of "wisdom of refusal from flight" ("The Wisdom of NO Escape") Or Lockers on Lodzhong, which made up the book "Start right now" ("Start Where You Are"). From time to time I viewed several decodes. The material was inhomogeneous: something seemed too angry, something - amazing. I experienced an interest and embarrassment at the same time, rereading my words. Gradually, I noticed that it doesn't matter what topic I chose to lecture, in which country was at that time or in which year it happened, I didn't talk about the same thing: about incredible importance martit (loving kindness towards himself) and the awakening of fearless compassionate attitude towards their own pain and pain of others. It seemed to me that in every lecture I argued: we can step on to an unfamiliar territory and relax, having accepted the uncertainty of their situation. Another important topic to which I was returned all the time is the dissolution of the dual perception, the departure from dividing on "We" and "they", "that" and "this", "bad" and "good". My teacher, Chogyam Tringp, spoke about it like this: "Rely on sharp corners." I realized that all these seven years I just tried to learn myself and convey other important and bold tips, which Tangpad Rinpoche gave his disciples.

At about six months, my editor Emily Hillburn Sell asked if I had lecture records that could form the basis of the third book. I sent her boxes with those records that I had. She read the decoding and, by acting inspiration, said in the publishing house Shambhala Publications: "We will have another book."

The following six months of Emily worked with the material: selected, deleted, rules. And I worked on each next chapter in my pleasure. I completely plunged into these lectures, making a break only to look at the ocean or take a walk along the hills. Once Rinpoche gave me advice: "Relax and write." Years later, I finally could use it.

This book is the result of my nonesthelnia during the year and cooperation with Emily.

Let this book inspire you to make the first steps to gain harmony, and you take close to the heart of these teachings about honesty, kindness and courage. If your life is chaotic and full of stress, you will find a lot of useful tips in this book. If you suffer from loss or experience anxiety, then these teachings are for you. The main meaning is that we all need to remember the importance of the ability to take everything that arises, and turn everything to deal with, on the path to enlightenment.

Applying these instructions in practice, we join the long line of teachers and students who used the Dharma, or the Buddha's teaching, to work with take-offs and falls in everyday life. We, as before that, they are able to make friends with their ego and reveal the initial wisdom.

I thank the Vidyadhara, Honorable Chogyama Tangupa Rinpoche for the fact that he dedicated his life to Dharma and with such a willingness passed her the essence of Western people. Let the inspiration, received by me, will cover you. Let we, like him, will be on the path of Bodhisattva and will always remember his words: "Chaos is very good news."


gampo Monastery, Plezant Bay, New Scotland, 1996

Chapter 1
Close acquaintance with fear

Fear occurs as a natural reaction when we are approaching the truth.

Spiritual searches can be like traveling in the dwon boat across the ocean in the hope of opening unknown land. Along with sincere practice, inspiration comes, but sooner or later we also face fear. After all, we only know what, reaching the horizon, we will be on the edge of the world. Like all the discovers, we are pulling us to know what awaits us there, but we are not sure that we have enough courage to meet with this face to face.

If Buddhism is interested and we decided to find out that he can offer us, then soon we learn that there are different approaches to practice. Choosing meditation of insight, we begin with care, with what is fully aware of all your actions and words. In practice, Zen, we receive exercises about voidness and try to connect with an open, limitless clarity of the mind. Vajrayan's teachings introduce us to work with the energies of any situations, perceiving everything that occurs like enlightened energy. You can use any of these approaches, but if we want to penetrate deeper and practicing without oscillations, it is inevitable at some point to face fear.

Fear is familiar to every creature. Even a tiny insect is experiencing fear. When we lower your hands in the water next to the soft, open maritime anemons, they close. This is a spontaneous reaction of all beings. It is completely normal that we experience fear when faced with an unknown. Fear is part of life, it is peculiar to all beings. Such is our reaction to the possibility of loneliness, death or lack of support in life. Fear occurs as a natural reaction when we are approaching the truth.

If we decide to be here and now, our life will play new paints.

During one of the long retreats, illuminated: we cannot at the same time be in the present and distracted by your thoughts! I know it seems obvious, but when you ourselves open it for yourself, your life will change. The impermanence manifests itself especially clearly in the present moment. The same applies to compassion, amazement and courage. And fear. In fact, anyone who stands on the edge of the uncharted, fully immersed in the present and deprived of the point of reference, is experiencing a kind of state of weightlessness. At this point, our understanding is becoming deeper, we discover that staying in the present moment is a rather vulnerable state and that it can be both frightening and soft.

When we go to a spiritual journey, we are taking a baggage of all sorts of ideas and expectations. We are looking for answers, wanting to quench the hunger, which have been experiencing for a very long time. But the last thing we would like to, - to get acquainted with their inner demons even closer. Of course, people try to warn us. I remember when the first time was instructed by meditation, a woman explaining the practice to me, said: "Please do not think that meditation will save you from irritation." But all the warnings of the world are not capable of convincing us. They, rather, pushed us on the way.

It is about to find out the fear, to get acquainted with him closer, see him right in the eye. We do it not to solve our problems, but to learn to see quite new to see, hear, feel the taste and smell, think. But we should start us, and we will all be forced to show humility all the time. We will not have reasons for arrogance that occurs when we follow some ideals. Our willingness to take the next step will cut off it. Those discoveries that we will make thanks to practice have nothing to do with faith in anything. Rather, they are advancing readily to die, dying all the time all the time.

And instructions for awareness, and the teachings about voidness or work with energies talk about one thing: staying in present the moment nails us to the point in time and space in which we are located. When we stop and do not take any action, then we meet with your heart. How eloquently said one of my students: "The nature of the Buddha cunning is masked for fear and kicks makes us be open and susceptible."

Once I was at a lecture on which the presenter talked about his spiritual experience acquired in the 1960s in India. This man was determined to get rid of his negative emotions. He fought with anger and lust, with laziness and pride. But most of all he wanted to get rid of fear. His meditation teacher repeated everything to this person: "Stop fighting", but for him these words were only another way of explaining how to overcome obstacles.

In the end, the teacher sent him to meditate in a tiny hut at the foot of the mountains. The man closed the door and began to practice, and when it became dark, he lit three little candles. At about midnight, he heard some sound in the corner of the room and saw a huge snake in the twilight. It seemed to him that it was the Royal Cobra. She was right in front of him, swinging from side to side. The man did not sleep all night, not taking the eye from the snake. He was paralyzed from fear. At that moment, only a snake existed, he himself and his fear.

Shortly before the dawn, the last candle was densely, and this man was crying. He cried not from despair, but from tenderness. He felt the aspirations of all animals and people on earth: he understood their loneliness and their struggle. All his meditation was nothing but the separation and struggle. He truly, with all his heart, accepted what was angry, envied, resisted, fought and was afraid.

When we stop and do not take any action, then we meet with your heart.

He also realized his immeasurable value - he was wise and stupid, rich and poor, and completely incomprehensible. And he was overwhelmed with gratitude. In complete darkness, he got up, went to the snake and bowed. And then fell out right on the floor. When he woke up, the snake disappeared. He never recognized, whether she was the fruit of his imagination or really existed, but it already seemed unimportant. As he said at the end of the lecture, such a close acquaintance with fear eliminated all his personal internal dramas, and he opened the world around.

No one ever tells us: "Stop running away from your fears!" We extremely rarely hear the Council approach their fear, to meet him, just be with him. Once I asked the Master Zen Kobun Nanino Roshi, what kind of relationships with fear, and he answered: "I agree with him, I just agree." But usually we advise to sweeten it, smooth, drink medicine or distracting, to do everything so that it disappears.

In such councils, there is not even a special need, because the flight from fear is our natural reaction. With the slightest hint of fear, we lose their composure. We feel it approaching and running away. Well, if we realize this and do not blame ourselves, but develop an unound compassion. The saddest thing in all this is how we deprive themselves at the present moment.

Sometimes, however, fear drives us into an angle; Everything collapsing, and we are looking for a waste path. At such moments, even the deepest spiritual truths seem to us rather straightforward and banal. There is no way. We see it as clear as everyone. But sooner or later we understand: let us and we cannot turn fear into something pleasant, he nevertheless will help us realize all the exercises that we have ever heard or read,

So, when you meet with fear next time, consider what you are lucky, he is a source of courage, we usually think that bold people are those who do not feel fear. But the truth is that brave are those who are with fear of close relationships,

My first husband somehow told me that I was one of the most brave people in his life. My question is why he thinks so, he replied: although I am terribly afraid, I still go and do what you need, no matter how terrible.

Even when we find out that everything is not as we represented, it is important to continue the study, and not to flee. We will encounter this again and again. Nothing will never be as we think. This also applies to awareness, and to fear. Compassion - not what we thought. Love. Buddha Nature. Courage. It is only a conditional designation that we cannot comprehend the mind, but that each of us experienced. These words indicate what life becomes when we make the usual order of things to break and remain riveted to this time.

The key to solving the problem is how you handle it.

"The problem is not in the problem. Everything lies in your attitude to it. "

Captain Jack Sparrow

In our life, something is rarely follows. But no matter how much our way has been folded, all difficulties strengthen our character and help become better. In addition, the problems that we face from time to time help us even more appreciate the victory and makes it differently to look at the world around the world and today's world dictates completely different rules, which is why it becomes almost impossible not to face a certain kind of difficulty.

The key to solving the problem is how you handle it. Therefore, read our tips that can help you keep faith in your strength in the next difficult period when it seems to you that everything around you collapses.

11 things you need to remember when everything collapses

1. Problems of other people are not yours.

If you are accustomed to sympathize with other people, you probably feel that only you can solve their problems. However, such behavior may result in complete exhaustion, while others will begin to perceive you as a personal psychologist or therapist who can be called at any time of the day and night. Of course, the manifestation of compassion and support for others is very important, but you need to find a balance between the help of others and yourself.

2. Do not stop! Everything goes as it should.

Even if you feel that life is just a series of catastrophes between short calm intervals, do not give up! All these difficulties serve to check us themselves to make us better. They allow us to better cope with future problematic situations and assimilate valuable life lessons. Without struggle, we will not grow and develop as a person.

3. Pain - time.

Any situation does not last forever: whether it is a difficult parting, the struggle for financial stability, family quarrels or something else. No matter what you could survive before, calm down and remember that only you are the owner of your emotions. You can get out of any situation with the winner and turn one experience to the opportunity for growth.

4. Your pain gives you a goal.

The spiritual teachers of the past usually said that people attract bad situations to themselves and pain only if they themselves had a negative lifestyle and litters their mind with relevant thoughts. This may not always be true, but often any negative situation can be considered as a valuable tool for its own learning and experience for testing ourselves.

5. Take time for prayer or charge of positive energy.

Regardless of what you may encounter, try to look at the best side of this situation and contact your angels or spiritual mentors for the highest wisdom. They will help facilitate your burden or anxiety, giving new energy so that you can cope with all this. Prayer will remind you that everything on Earth is amenable to complex mysterious and cosmic factors that we can not always understand.

6. Anxiety creates more problems, and faith converts.

No concern will change the situation. It will deliver you only more pain and increase the influence of negative energy, creating more obstacles in your life. Keep positive thinking and hope that the universe has awarded you a test for it to be held and become better.

7. Perhaps you have to do exactly what is afraid to do.

The only way to stimulate personal growth is to leave the comfort zone behind. Sometimes, you need to check and experience the boundaries of our own opportunities to find out how hardy you are and discover something new. You can dig in the depths of the new passion and those things about which you did not even think and did not know earlier. Conquer your fears and get better.

8. Bad days allow you to appreciate the good even more.

Without bad days, you would not even know what they exist are good, because everything would turn into one gray solid mass. The funniest in life is that we cannot know the pleasure without pain, sadness, struggle, etc. We live in a dualistic reality, that is, we experience the opposite sides of the same spectrum in most vital cases. Appreciate the experience gained, which can offer this world, because often the worst manifestations reveal your best sides.

9. Remember that you have sufficient influence and power over your life.

You do not have to become a victim of circumstances or surrender. You fully control your life and you can easily turn the bad situation in good. Keep in mind that the rainbow appears only after the rain, so you have to withstand the storm to live happily in the future.

10. If you allow yourself to think negatively, then again put yourself in front of others as a victim.

11. Do not worry, all of us have ups and downs.

Just look forward and continue to go on. The next time you feel yourself with a dyeing of modern life, just remember that you and millions of others are in the same position. The best thing you can and should be done is to actively participate in your life and do what you like what you love without huge pressure.

Keep calm and keep going further

"The most important decision you can do is be in a good mood"

For each person at some point of life, it may come to their hour x, when the usual picture of the world collapses and there is not the slightest idea that there will be tomorrow ...

My naive, rainbow and happy world collapsed overnight. The grief collapsed as tsunami, attached and destroying everything on his way, which was built in thirteen years of family life.

My husband, a military pilot, died in a car accident. I stayed with two children, without work, without his housing, without the slightest idea that it would be with us tomorrow. It was a ninety-year-old ...

That should not happen?!

I remember that in that tragic day of my life, all my creature was eager for only one: to understand that we were not the case with us, why and what such law or someone's evil will it happened?!

Later, when I came to my senses a little, I remembered that for some time before that, we were with him in some strange state, as if they were preparing for parting, they said goodbye, not aware of this ...

The husband gave me a punishment. He could unexpectedly, not paying attention to passersby, catch me in the arms and carry so to the house ...

"This should not happen to you," people told me that way. And in my soul there was a riot against injustice of life !!!

Mercy of life manifests itself through people

It was at that moment that friends introduced me to a woman who knew how to view past lives of other people.

As it turned out later, she was my mother, sister, sweetheart, girlfriend in past incarnations.

And this time she helped me open the window of my consciousness so that I began to breathe again, live and move on. For many years, already in this life, we have become close to people. And now already grandmothers of his beloved grandson.

I survived the first dive as the second birth

First immersion B. last life I took as proof of what I wanted to believe always: there is no death!

The joy of this awareness that I was already, there is and it will always be - not comparable to any other feeling! Unless with the moment of birth of children!

I still clearly remember that the piercing feeling when I first pressed my older daughter to my chest and thought: there is no death! There is only an endless life, there is only one endless delight of life!

Then else, of course, unconsciously, I worried a new meeting with my child's soulI tragically lost in many lives. Pain and joy were merged into one inseparable sense of love.

Why did I need it all?

So my journey began to myself. Fascinating, exciting, with amazing discoveries, dangers, anxieties, disappointments, pain and joy. Everything is like in life.

Sometimes the transformation of consciousness caused such pain in the body, which was difficult to move. But over time it passed "by itself."

Sometimes the immersion turned out to be so deep that there was a lot of spiritual strength to go through all this and not lose the feeling of reality ...

But I know absolutely accurately: Never, in no one of these moments of my study of the laws of the Universe, I did not remain without the support of invisible assistants and, with the help of which overcame its self-limitation.

And today in my heart there is endless love and gratitude for this help and mercy.

My universe became infinite!

Adoption is that for which I do not get tired to move along this path.

Now I know the story of our love, written by us not only in this life. I know how hard it was my husband to lose me in the past. Our souls learn to be free in love, helping each other to find and accumulate spiritual and mental strength.

Fate gave me another meeting with a man I already know a lot of lives. I waited for her 15 years. I was surprising that he was also looking for me, was very close, but I was waiting for my hour.

Pear of parting and loss (I really hope and believe in it!) It will no longer kill me and does not deprive the mind, as it was in my past incarnations. And I am grateful to my native soul, which agreed for me for me and for the soul of our children to this lesson.

It is worth survive

But do not think that only one knowledge of the root causes of the event, if it has its roots in the past embodiment, automatically makes you free and happy.

My experience suggests that the more deeply the problem is the more serious and the transformation of our consciousness is necessary and the transformation of the spiritual growth of man is becoming globally.

Changes occur gradually, step by step, Approaching us to our true Ya.

But if a person is ready - these changes can be rapid. And then there is an instant transformation. I would compare it with how the creep on a sheet raised to the fire ...

A person becomes more manifested in all his qualities, brighter as a person. It is worth going through.

Therefore, the path itself over the years has become for me and for my family a way of life and way of thoughts. It is no longer possible to stay halfway. I began to look at everything otherwise.

A chance that is given to all

From the very beginning of the emergence of the Reincarnation Institute, it was important for me to understand, in which direction will it be to go? And what I see today, I am very inspired by me.

I think that collective consciousness and support can at times speed up the evolutionary movement of each person. Moreover, exactly now, humanity has received such a chance.

And I am among those who are willing to take advantage of it. And you?

P.S. It seems to me that my personal story can help someone find a mental support in the most terrible moment of life when everything collapses. Because only surviving it, you can say people: "Everything will be fine!"