Fairy tale impromptu for children little red riding hood. Theater -expromt "Little Red Riding Hood". Summer camp scenario. Little Red Riding Hood

The dramatization of this fairy tale does not require any preliminary preparation from the actors, and as an acting competition it can be offered to almost any audience.
The presenter invites 12 characters to the stage, in a lottery drum (magic box, top hat, hat, basket, unusual saucepan, inside a balloon, etc.) plays roles, presents props (Little Red Riding Hood gets a hat, mom gets an apron and kerchief, a wolf - a mask of a wolf, a pie - an image of a pie or a plate with the inscription: "Pie", etc.).
The full text of the script is handed over together with the props.
The presenter reads the text, and characters illustrate it with their actions.
Characters: Little Red Riding Hood, mom, trees, insects, birds, flowers, Wolf, Rope and Door (grandmother's house), grandmother, woodcutter.
Introduction There was a girl in one village. (Little Red Riding Hood comes out.) Her name was Little Red Riding Hood, because she always wore a smart little red cap. (Demonstrates).
Once mother (mother comes out) baked a pie (mother “takes out” a pie from behind the curtains) and said to her daughter: “Go to grandmother, take her a pie, and find out if she is healthy.”
Little Red Riding Hood got together (takes the player representing the pie by the hand) and went to her grandmother. (Pie and Little Red Riding Hood wave their hand to mom, mom leaves and also waves her hand at the same time).
She walks through the forest, trees are noisy around (trees come out): both fir trees (depict fir trees), and oaks (depict oaks), and aspens (depict aspens). Different insects fly (insects "fly out"): bumblebees (depict bumblebees), mosquitoes (depict mosquitoes), midges (depict midges). Flowers (flowers come out) are visible and invisible: both daisies (depict daisies), and bells (depict bells), and pansies (depict pansies).
Little Red Riding Hood is walking through the forest (between trees, insects, flowers), and a gray wolf is walking towards her (a wolf comes out). He really wanted to eat Little Red Riding Hood. The wolf licked his lips (licks his lips) and asks the girl:
- Where are you going, Little Red Riding Hood?
- I go to my grandmother and bring this pie (points to the pie).
- What a caring girl (the wolf strokes Little Red Riding Hood on the head). I also want to visit your grandmother, let me follow this road (shows), and you follow that (shows). Let's see which of us comes to your grandmother earlier.
And the wolf ran as far as the spirit along the shortest road (the wolf runs away along the road, knocking down trees, insects, flowers, birds, which also run backstage), and Little Red Riding Hood went along the longest road (slowly in the other direction backstage).
(The door and the rope go out and represent a house.) The wolf (runs out from behind the curtains) ran to grandmother's house earlier and knocks on the door: “Knock-knock, knock-knock” (knocks). Grandmother (grandmother comes out) asks: "Who is there?" The wolf answers her: “It's me, your granddaughter (portrays a granddaughter), Little Red Riding Hood. I came to visit you, brought a pie. Grandmother was delighted (grandmother is happy, throwing up her hands) and says: "Pull the string, my child, the door will open." (The wolf examines the device of the door with a rope.) The wolf pulled the rope (pulls), the door and opened (the door opens and does not close back).
The wolf rushed to the grandmother (rushes, she runs away behind the curtains, the wolf follows her - and immediately leaves, stroking her belly). The wolf swallowed the grandmother. He was very hungry because he hadn't eaten for three days.
The wolf closed the door (closes the door) and began to wait for Little Red Riding Hood (looks "at the clock"). Soon she came (with a pie) and knocked: "Knock, knock, knock" (knocks on the door). The wolf asks in a rough voice: "Who is there?" The girl got scared (scared) because her voice was not at all grandmother's, but then she thought that her grandmother was hoarse from a cold (stopped being afraid), and said: “It's me, Little Red Riding Hood, who brought you a pie” (demonstrates a pie). The wolf cleared his throat (coughs) and said tenderly: "Pull the string, my child, the door will open." Little Red Riding Hood pulled the string (pulls), the door opened (door opens). The girl entered the house (enters the house, the door closes), the wolf rushed at her (rushes at Little Red Riding Hood, Little Red Riding Hood runs backstage, the wolf follows her - and immediately enters the stage, stroking her belly). The wolf swallowed Little Red Riding Hood.
But, fortunately, a lumberjack passed by (the lumberjack comes out), heard a noise (puts his hand to his ear, listens), ran into the house (quickly pulls the string, the door opens), saw a wolf (the wolf gets scared and runs backstage, the lumberjack follows him next).
Of course, the woodcutter killed the evil wolf, ripped open his belly, and from there, first Little Red Riding Hood came out (comes out, bows), and then grandmother (comes out, bows). They were very grateful to the woodcutter (the woodcutter comes out, grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood curtsy in front of him).
Let's applaud the savior lumberjack and all the actors.
All the characters come out, join hands, bow together.

Script for summer camp... Little Red Riding Hood

(Fairy tale - impromptu)

The dramatization of this fairy tale does not require any preliminary preparation from the actors, and as an acting competition it can be offered to almost any audience.
The host invites you to scene 12 characters, in a lottery drum (magic box, top hat, hat, basket, unusual saucepan, inside a balloon, etc.) plays roles, presents props (Little Red Riding Hood gets a hat, mom gets an apron and kerchief, a wolf gets a wolf mask, pie - an image of a pie or a plate with the inscription: "Pie", etc.).
The full text is handed over with the requisite script.
The presenter reads the text, and the characters illustrate it with their actions.
Characters: Little Red Riding Hood, mom, trees, insects, birds, flowers, Wolf, Rope and Door (grandmother's house), grandmother, woodcutter.
Introduction There was a girl in one village. (Little Red Riding Hood comes out.) Her name was Little Red Riding Hood, because she always wore a smart little red cap. (Demonstrates).
Once mother (mother comes out) baked a pie (mother “takes out” a pie from behind the curtains) and said to her daughter: “Go to grandmother, take her a pie, and find out if she is healthy.”
Little Red Riding Hood got together (takes the player representing the pie by the hand) and went to her grandmother. (Pie and Little Red Riding Hood wave their hand to mom, mom leaves and also waves her hand at the same time).
She walks through the forest, trees are noisy around (trees come out): both fir trees (depict fir trees), and oaks (depict oaks), and aspens (depict aspens). Different insects fly (insects "fly out"): bumblebees (depict bumblebees), mosquitoes (depict mosquitoes), midges (depict midges). Flowers (flowers come out) are visible and invisible: both daisies (depict daisies), and bells (depict bells), and pansies (depict pansies).
Little Red Riding Hood is walking through the forest (between trees, insects, flowers), and a gray wolf is walking towards her (a wolf comes out). He really wanted to eat Little Red Riding Hood. The wolf licked his lips (licks his lips) and asks the girl:
- Where are you going, Little Red Riding Hood?
- I go to my grandmother and bring this pie (points to the pie).
- What a caring girl (the wolf strokes Little Red Riding Hood on the head). I also want to visit your grandmother, let me follow this road (shows), and you follow that (shows). Let's see which of us comes to your grandmother earlier.
And the wolf ran as far as the spirit along the shortest road (the wolf runs away along the road, knocking down trees, insects, flowers, birds, which also run backstage), and Little Red Riding Hood went along the longest road (slowly in the other direction backstage).
(The door and the rope go out and represent a house.) The wolf (runs out from behind the curtains) ran to grandmother's house earlier and knocks on the door: “Knock-knock, knock-knock” (knocks). Grandmother (grandmother comes out) asks: "Who is there?" The wolf answers her: “It's me, your granddaughter (portrays a granddaughter), Little Red Riding Hood. I came to visit you, brought a pie. Grandmother was delighted (grandmother is happy, throwing up her hands) and says: "Pull the string, my child, the door will open." (The wolf examines the device of the door with a rope.) The wolf pulled the rope (pulls), the door opened (the door opens and does not close back).
The wolf rushed to the grandmother (rushes, she runs away behind the curtains, the wolf follows her - and immediately leaves, stroking her belly). The wolf swallowed the grandmother. He was very hungry because he hadn't eaten for three days.
The wolf closed the door (closes the door) and began to wait for Little Red Riding Hood (looks "at the clock"). Soon she came (with a pie) and knocked: "Knock, knock, knock" (knocks on the door). The wolf asks in a rough voice: "Who is there?" The girl was scared (frightened) because the voice was not at all grandmother's, but then she thought that her grandmother had become hoarse from a cold (stopped being afraid), and said: “It's me, Little Red Riding Hood, who brought you a pie” (demonstrates a pie). The wolf cleared his throat (coughs) and said tenderly: "Pull the string, my child, the door will open." Little Red Riding Hood pulled the string (pulls), the door opened (door opens). The girl entered the house (enters the house, the door closes), the wolf rushed at her (rushes at Little Red Riding Hood, Little Red Riding Hood runs backstage, the wolf follows her - and immediately enters the stage, stroking her belly). The wolf swallowed Little Red Riding Hood.
But, fortunately, a lumberjack passed by (the lumberjack comes out), I heard noise(puts his hand to his ear, listens), ran into the house (quickly pulls the string, the door opens), saw a wolf (the wolf is frightened and runs backstage, the woodcutter follows him).
Of course, the woodcutter killed the evil wolf, ripped open his belly, and from there, first Little Red Riding Hood came out (comes out, bows), and then grandmother (comes out, bows). They were very grateful to the woodcutter (the woodcutter comes out, grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood curtsy in front of him).
Let's applaud the savior lumberjack and all the actors.
All the characters come out, join hands, bow together.

Little Red Riding Hood

(fairy tale)

Step 1. A curtain.

Once went Little Red Riding Hood to his Grandmother visit her.

K.Sh. walked along the path. It was very beautiful all around. Bloomed flowers fluttered butterflies... Suddenly an evil Gray jumped out of the forest Wolf. V. asked K. Sh., where K. Sh... goes. K. Sh... said she was going to the old one B. to visit. V... asked where he lives B. K. Sh... happily talked about the long and short road to B.

A curtain.

Step 2. A curtain.

V... ran the shortest way and was soon at the door B. at home. V. knocked on a door. B. asked: "Who is there?" V. introduced himself as a granddaughter K. Sh... and came to her to B... to visit. B... ordered to pull stringa door and will open. V... pulled on stringa door and opened. V... jumped into the house and swallowed B... entirely.

A curtain.

Step 3. A curtain.

At that time K. Sh... walked through the forest collecting flowers in a bouquet, whirled with butterflies... Finally, K. Sh... went to doors and knocked. V... voice B. ordered K. Sh... pull on stringa door and will open. K. Sh... pulled on string, a door opened. K. Sh... entered the house and saw V... in clothes B.

K. Sh... very surprised by the size of ears, eyes, paws and teeth B., V... said that all this is in order to eat it K. Sh. K. Sh... scared flowers fell out of her hands and she ran. V... behind her, but V... it was hard to run, because he swallowed B.

A curtain.

Step 4. A curtain.

Walked by Hunters, heard a noise in the house. Hunters came to doors, pulled on string, a door opened. Hunters rushed into the house. Caught V., cut V. belly, jumped out safe and sound B. B... and K.Sh. hugged and happily thanked Hunters for salvation.

A curtain... End.

The moral of this tale is as follows:

If you go to your grandmother, don't make your eyes to the Wolf.

It's not a fact that he'll like you, but what if grandma tastes better ?!


(squeaks terribly)

Little Red Riding Hood

(Oops! Here I am!)


(Oh-ho-ho! And nothing else!)


(I'm just Macho!)


(Take me, honey!)

Hunters (2)

(Stand! We shoot!)

Flower (1)

(Ah, nothing can spoil her beauty)

Butterflies (2)

(And a butterfly with wings: byak-byak-byak-byak)

A curtain

(opens and closes)

The tale is universal, suitable for any (preferably an adult) company that is ready to have fun. The fairy tale wins if the characters prepare elements of costumes and props, but you can do without them.

Cheerful musical fairy tale for any holiday "Vasya-Vasilek" it is very easy to play around, while the "artists" will not have to memorize any remarks, just improvise according to the text of the fairy tale and musical excerpts (which one of the organizers includes in accordance with. ( Many thanks to the authors of the music and the idea of ​​this fairy tale S. Shaporenko!)

Note: all the music can be downloaded in the text - just click on the files

Characters of the tale:





Little Red Riding Hood

The text of the musical fairy tale "Vasya-Vasilek"

(read by the host)

A beautiful and playful flower Vasya-Vasilek was growing in a beautiful green meadow. He was very cheerful: he sent everyone around him air kisses and giggled happily

Sounds Laughter1

Vasya-Vasilek generally liked to have fun and dance to the music of the wind.

Once, a charming Butterfly flew into a clearing with a dancing cornflower

Music sounds at the exit Butterflies

She, too, circled a little to the music, and then sat down closer to Vasilko and embraced her with her tender wings, Vasilechek was even more delighted and laughed again.

But the Butterfly decided not to waste time in vain and invited the merry fellow to a white dance

An excerpt at the White Dance sounds

And then a slightly slanting, but also very cheerful Bunny appeared in the clearing.

Sounds Chocolate Bunny

Vasya-Vaselechka liked the hare so much that he laughed again with happiness.

And the frustrated Butterfly began to circle around Vasya-Vasilechka, attracting his attention, but Vasilechek and the Hare danced, absorbed in each other, completely forgetting about the Butterfly.

Music for Dance 2 sounds

Suddenly, a terribly hungry Wolf appeared in the clearing. The wolf was hungry, and very impudent, he began to bypass everyone in turn, look around and dance.

The music sounds on the Wolf

Vasya-Vasilek somehow immediately wilted, and he felt completely sad. The butterfly, too, trembled all over with fear and began to hide behind the stalk of Vasya-Vasilka. And the Hare was completely numb with fear and hid behind the wings of the Butterfly. And the Wolf walked around and licked his lips bloodthirsty. But then his attention was distracted by Little Red Riding Hood, who was walking through the clearing and humming a merry song.

An excerpt of the song "I'm with Macho Super-lady"

Little Red Riding Hood went up to Vasya-Vasilechk, sniffed him and kissed the drooping pistil, straightened the Butterfly's wings, trembling with fear, and stroked the frightened Bunny. And only then I noticed the devouring gaze of the hungry Wolf. He slowly approached the girl. The wolf has already opened its mouth to swallow Little Red Riding Hood, but then ...

Music sounds (softly) Martial arts - the presenter continues to read the text against the background of music

... received a blow from her to the solar plexus, then Little Red Riding Hood worked on him a couple of karate techniques and made a throw over the thigh.

The wolf retired in disgrace to lick his wounds in the neighboring bushes, and in the clearing the laughter of Vasya-Vasilechka sounded again.

But the Butterfly shook off her wings and began to flirt with Vasilechk again, the Hare gratefully clung to Little Red Riding Hood and everyone began to dance a merry dance.

Common dance sounds

Thanks to all the actors for the talent and the pleasure! This applause from the audience is for you!

(P.S. A version of this tale, redone for children and family holidays, watch )

Little Red Riding Hood lived in one village. The girl is prominent, okay. Frayed jeans ran around the bottom. Above - a hoodie painted with incomprehensible slogans. A red riding hood was famously sitting on his head. A present from my grandmother for her sixteenth birthday. That is why she was called Little Red Riding Hood. Once mom says to Little Red Riding Hood:
- Here's a cake, a bottle of wine. Take it to grandma. Let him eat a little. She has already become old. Sick.
As it should be in a fairy tale, my grandmother lived behind the forest.
- Just hurry, - said my mother, - while the sun is high.
Little Red Riding Hood went, walked away so that she could not be seen with the naked eye. She sat down under a bush. I drank the wine. I ate the pie. She took a cigarette from a secret pocket in her jeans. She lit a cigarette, sits smoking and hums:
- Ah, that red rowan
I'm looking at you, darling,
Among the autumn yellowness.
Now from the side ...
Just then the Wolf comes out of the bushes. Terrible, huge. The eyes glow with hungry fire. How to bark:
- A-ah-ah! Little Red Riding Hood! Gotcha! I'll eat you now!
Little Red Riding Hood turned around. She spat through her thickly oiled lip.
- Get out from here! Unfortunate shket! And they saw not such ...
She breathed on the Wolf with tobacco and wine fumes. The wolf went crazy.
Little Red Riding Hood grabbed the Wolf by the ears, sat astride him and shouted:
- Go!
- Where? - the Wolf was frightened.
- Somewhere! - spurred Wolf's sides with the wooden soles of her boots. And he jerked.
Until the early morning, Little Red Riding Hood rode on the Wolf. And early in the morning I drove up to my grandmother's hut. I went into the light room.
- Chao ancestors!
- Dear granddaughter! - the grandmother threw up her hands. - Where did you come from so early here?
- Sha! - Little Red Riding Hood put her finger to her lips. - If mom asks where I was, then you will say that you spent the night with you.
- Yes, God be with you, Granddaughter! Aren't you from home?
- Better let me devour! - said Little Red Riding Hood, spinning in front of the mirror.
- There is nothing, granddaughter, - says the grandmother. - I was sick
- Drive the grandmother. I'll send the Wolf, bring something now ..
Grandma stared at her granddaughter.
- Give me the money! - Little Red Riding Hood explained hoarsely.
Grandmother took out the bundle with shaking hands. Untied it. She held out her pension to Little Red Riding Hood.
- On. No more.
- Then I'll eat you! - Little Red Riding Hood scared.
The fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood Just at that time a hunter was passing by the grandmother's hut. He looks, a hunted Wolf is lying near the house, his tongue has fallen to one side, his tail is thrown back. And from the hut, grandmother's lamentations are heard:
- No more, granddaughter! By God, there is nothing else!
The hunter dropped into the hut. The gun is at the ready:
- Who is offending grandmother here?
Little Red Riding Hood smiled wryly:
- And you do not interfere in the family showdown! Unfortunate poacher! Now I’ll roll on you and declare that you killed the Wolf, robbed my grandmother and harassed me. Then you will crow.
The hunter was brave. Never trembled in front of the most terrible beast. And then his veins began to shake. He remembered his young wife. White-toothed kids. And quietly began to move back towards the exit.
Nobody knows what happened in the grandmother's hut later. There were no witnesses. Only about noon did Little Red Riding Hood come out of it. With a huge knot on the back. And disappeared into the forest.
No one knows where she wanders to this day.
If you suddenly meet her inadvertently, then at least tell her mother. And then she is killed, wringing her hands, where her child is underage, does not know ...