How to evaluate staff incentives and performance. Evaluation of the effectiveness of staff incentives. The motivational system in the broadest sense has been less studied. It represents the whole phenomenon of motivation in its integrity, the unity of the subjective

Company management performance indicators are high economic indicators, stable position in the market, competitiveness, stability. They also include specific indicators: employee performance, low staff turnover, staff satisfaction and loyalty, discipline and the absence of conflicts. Unfortunately, one net salary is not able to provide this; it also does not have the proper stimulating effect on employees. That is why all kinds of bonus systems have arisen, the main task of which is to motivate employees, inspire them, officially speaking, for further labor achievements. The point system of staff incentives is the best way to meet the above goals.

As the name implies, when using such a system, staff receive grades, or points, for their work. They show what are the abilities, professional growth of each employee and other qualities: organization, responsibility, diligence, ability to plan working time, work in a team, etc. According to the points scored, the employee is awarded a bonus.

With a bonus point system, one should take into account the key point: setting goals, planning work and summing up the results are tied to the performance of tasks that can be assigned to an individual employee, department and organization as a whole.

The project to develop and implement a new incentive and remuneration system (its model is schematically shown in the figure) requires not only the participation of HR department specialists, but also the support of the company's management and functional services, and hence their interest. For the successful implementation of the project, it is necessary to form a working group that can take into account all the features of the organization's activities. So, when creating a system, management must take into account the overall strategy, plans, policies of the enterprise, etc. Accordingly, the heads of departments form specific tasks for departments and employees, requirements for the quality of work and timely execution of internal regulations. The Personnel Service determines the norms, standards and monitors the level of remuneration in its segment of the market economy. It is important that the work associated with the job responsibilities is discussed, and not the employees themselves. For the objectivity of the distribution of incentive payments in the company, a balance commission is created, the composition of which is elected by a simple majority of votes at general meeting labor collective for a period of one year.


Model of the points system for staff incentives

When developing performance indicators for each business process, you must adhere to the following rules to avoid conflicts:

  1. Clear requirements for the evaluation of positions should be formed.
  2. The set of indicators should contain the required number of indicators to ensure full-fledged management of the business process.
  3. Each indicator must be measurable.
  4. The scorecard should be flexible, i.e. vary depending on the functionality of the unit.
  5. The stimulus fund in the division should be formed on the basis of the achievement of the company's strategic goals, and not on the basis of figures for the past period.
  6. The total amount of incentive payments cannot exceed the size of the "stimulus" fund.

To assess the results achieved by the employee, the degree of performance official duties, the quality of the labor expended, the employer must ensure control and accounting of the work performed. It is important that the immediate supervisor expresses his opinion on the quality of the employee’s work, thanks for Good work, gave constructive criticism if, for some indicators, the results were below the planned values. For each of the evaluation criteria, a scale (2-, 5-, 10-point, etc.) should be developed, which describes clear characteristics for each of the points. For example, "0" is set in the following cases:

  • the work (corresponding item) is not submitted within the established deadlines;
  • mistakes were made in the submitted documents (quality);
  • deviation from the standard (quality);
  • justified claims from management.

The points received are recorded in special evaluation forms, so that, summing up, the commission for the distribution of incentive payments (balance commission) can determine the specific amount of the bonus. Since tasks such as compiling professiograms, vacation schedules, training plans, career ladders and / or creating a list personnel reserve, can be one-time, therefore, the names of works and evaluation indicators for them are formed as needed. Moreover, any employee of the company has the right to familiarize himself with the assessment of his own professional activity and, if he disagrees, file an application for appeal, which makes this remuneration system fair.

Expert opinion

Valery Chemekov,
candidate of psychological sciences, one of the leading specialists and practitioners in grading,
assessment and development of personnel in Russia and the CIS, professional trainer and coach, author of a number of articles
in personnel periodicals

The author's approach to assessing the contribution of staff and determining the amount of bonuses has a right to exist. After all, KPI technologies are well known and widely used, based on objective, and most importantly, measurable criteria: sales volumes, financial performance, timing, etc. We know that such indicators are applicable to the layer of workers who directly influence them, to the “white collars, top managers. And what to do with the assessment of the work of those who are “distant” from the economic and operational processes of the company? For example, back office workers do not have SMART tasks, and, unlike the work of managers, the contribution of “clerks” (for example, accountants, personnel officers, etc.) is difficult to evaluate using objective criteria. But how to determine the degree to which they perform routine functions? The methodology proposed in the article makes it possible to evaluate the quality of the performance of official duties and the amount of labor expended.

Of course, such an assessment is subjective, since it is based on expert opinion, but its objectivity is ensured by the work of a whole team - the balance commission. In addition, the author rightly notes that the success of such a technology depends on the involvement of the manager: his participation not only in assessment activities, but also in setting goals and daily monitoring of the employee. Thus, the methodology encourages managers to be interested in the management process and take a more responsible approach to assessing the work of subordinates. It is also valuable that the employee knows for what he was awarded or not awarded points, i.e. receives feedback on their work.

At the same time, the reader would like to see what is the mechanism (criteria) for scoring, and how the maximum number of points per unit is determined. It is also clear that not all evaluation criteria have the same time perspective. So, planning tasks and projects - “compiling professiograms”, “scheduling holidays”, “drawing up training plans”, “forming a list of personnel reserve” and “planning career ladders” - may not be set every week or even every month, but, for example, quarterly, and then remuneration according to these criteria can also be quarterly.

The author pointed to several objects of assessment, the main one being the degree of performance of official duties, as well as the quantity and quality of labor. If we assume that the degree of fulfillment of duties and the amount of labor expended are one and the same, and this is precisely what is measured using the methodology, then the assessment of the quality of labor remains beyond its scope. But the criterion of labor quality is very relevant for workers for whom this tool is intended.

In Art. 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states: “Remuneration systems, including the size of tariff rates, salaries (official salaries), additional payments and allowances of a compensatory nature, including for work in conditions that deviate from normal, systems of additional payments and allowances of a stimulating nature and bonus systems are established collective agreements, agreements, local regulations in accordance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing norms labor law».

Therefore, this system is described in detail in the relevant local document (see appendix for an example). The regulation on the point system of bonuses for personnel consists of the following sections:

  1. General provisions.
  2. The procedure for establishing incentive payments.
  3. The procedure for deprivation of incentive payments.
  4. The activities of the commission for the distribution of incentive payments.
  5. Final provisions.

Evaluation forms for each business process are a tabular form with columns: job title, job title, evaluation criterion, scores (planned and actual). Incentive payments are distributed by the balance commission, which compiles a summary table of employee performance based on the results of the month. The sum of points for each employee is calculated, then all points for each business process are summed up. The value of one point (i.e., the amount of incentive payments for each employee) is determined by dividing the amount of incentive payments for the unit by the total number of points for the unit (by the number of its employees). It can be visualized as a formula:

where S stim. employee - incentive payments for each employee, amount in rubles;

S stimul. – incentive payments per subdivision, amount in rubles;

B points - the maximum number of points for the unit;

K employee score - the number of points scored by the employee.

Consider an example.

Fund for incentive payments for the personnel department - 60,000 rubles.

Number of department: 3 people.

The rating scale is 2-point (for simplicity): 0 - not done, 1 - done without any complaints.

The maximum number of points for each position in each unit must be equal; in this case it is 14 points.

Head of Human Resources (1) scored 12 points.

HR manager (2) scored 10 points.

HR Specialist (3) scored 13 points.

The maximum number of points for the unit: 14 × 3 = 42 points.

As a result, using the above formula, we get the amount that is an incentive increase to official salary employee:

S stimul. employee (1) = 60,000: 42 × 12 = 17,143 rubles.

S stimul. employee (2) \u003d 60,000: 42 × 10 \u003d 14,286 rubles.

S stimul. employee (3) = 60,000: 42 × 13 = 18,571 rubles.

Total for the division (personnel department): 50,000 rubles.

Further, these amounts for each employee are indicated in the minutes, which are signed by all members of the balance commission who were present at the meeting. Payments to employees are made on the basis of the order of the head of the company.

If we compare the scoring system with the currently popular KPI’s system (from the English Key Performance Indicators), then the key differences between these systems are as follows:

  • in the scoring system, the number of indicators is not limited to a few (usually 3-5) key indicators efficiency;
  • the point system is based on job performance indicators, and not on abstract KPIs;
  • scoring does not depend on employees holding high positions or having a large economic or financial impact on the company's performance, since points are awarded not for achieving goals, but for performing functions. Therefore, the results of the "clerks" back office are not strongly dependent on the results of the "white collars" who earn money.

The use of a point system to evaluate the performance and motivate personnel, despite the complexity and high requirements for the qualifications of employees conducting the assessment, when properly applied, helps to create an atmosphere of fairness in the interaction between the manager and subordinates, stimulates the growth of responsibility and independence, increases employee satisfaction with the work performed and their commitment to their organization and unit. Evaluating the staff in this way, the manager can increase the efficiency of the enterprise and successfully manage it, because the introduction of this system allows you to move from evaluation tools to a personnel management system.

The essence of motivation and stimulation of the personnel of the enterprise. Normative-legal aspects of personnel stimulation at the enterprise. Methods for increasing labor motivation. Implementation of more advanced management methods on the example of SK Centurion LLC.

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1.1 The essence of motivation and stimulation of the personnel of the enterprise

1.2 Indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of the staff incentive system


2.1 Organizational legal characteristic enterprises LLC "SK "Centurion"

2.2 Analysis financial condition OOO "SK "Centurion"

2.3 Evaluation of the effectiveness of the incentive system for employees of the enterprise LLC "IC "Centurion"


3.1 Disadvantages of the incentive system for the personnel of the enterprise

3.2. Ways to improve and evaluate the effectiveness of the incentive system for employees in IC Centurion LLC




The effectiveness of any organization, first of all, depends on the effectiveness of its employees. Therefore, the main task of the leaders of the organization is to build such an employee management system in which the efficiency of their work is maximized. However, such a personnel management system cannot be created and implemented in the organization's activities without a clear understanding of the needs of the personnel and the factors that stimulate the personnel to work.

Thus, the study of stimulating employees of the organization and methods of increasing labor motivation is a task that does not lose its relevance and modernity. With the development of society, the technologies of organization and management are changing, the stereotypes of people's behavior are changing, their needs are acquiring a new form and content, due to which, the methods for determining needs and the ways to satisfy them also undergo changes.

The science of personnel stimulation is one of those few branches of scientific knowledge where the works of practitioners are no less significant and important than the developments of theorists. Due to the applied nature of research in this area, the history of its development is stormy and fast. Moreover, it seemed that everything they could have already been invented here. But every year brings more and more useful materials to human resource managers.

The abundance of literature on the problems of incentives is accompanied by a variety of points of view on their nature. This undoubtedly predetermines a great interest in the problems of motivating and stimulating a person to activities, including professional ones.

In Russia, the process of formation of personnel incentive systems takes place in difficult socio-economic conditions. There are not many successful enterprises in the country. At each of them, they try to create their own model of motivation and stimulation, taking into account the real conditions of the economic environment. Moreover, some top managers form their motivation models, still based on the Soviet experience, many of the pro-Western-oriented companies are introducing foreign management technologies at their enterprises. There are also those who develop qualitatively new models that have no analogues in the world's fairly extensive practice.

Modern conditions inevitably affect the activities of each business entity. The crisis makes many think and rethink something, makes many rely only on their own strength, look for untapped reserves, reveal their inner potential. In this case, the employees of the enterprise can become the driving resource, therefore, the focus of internal analysis is the competent stimulation of personnel.

The economic efficiency of the personnel incentive system is one of the most effective measures during the crisis. This is what determines the relevance of the chosen topic. thesis.

The purpose of the work is based on the analysis economic efficiency incentive policy of the enterprise to suggest ways for its improvement.

Based on the goal, the main tasks of the graduation qualifying work will be:

1. Analysis of the economic efficiency of the personnel incentive system.

2. Research of the incentive system at the enterprise.

3. Develop proposals for improving the incentive system for the personnel of the enterprise under study.

The object of study in the work is LLC "SK "Centurion".

The subject of the study is the needs and motives of the personnel of LLC IC Centurion, stimulating it to increase economic efficiency labor activity.

The work uses the works of well-known foreign and domestic scientists dealing with the problems of activity motivation, including motivation and stimulation of labor activity, in particular, such authors as R.S. Alaverdov, M.I. Magura, S.A. Shapiro, N.V. Samoukina, A. Maslow, H. Heckhausen, and others.

The main research methods used in writing a thesis are methods of analyzing the literature on the issues under consideration, methods economic analysis activities of the enterprise, modern psychotechnical methods for analyzing the level of satisfaction and motivation of the personnel of the enterprise.

The information base of the analysis was management reporting LLC "SK "Centurion" for 2010-2011, as well as analytical materials on the organization of personnel management at the enterprise.

The practical significance of the issues under consideration lies in the fact that recommendations to increase the motivation of employees of the enterprise to go there will find their application in its personnel policy and will allow the introduction of more progressive management methods, which will improve the performance of Centurion IC LLC.


1.1 The essence of motivation and stimulation of the personnel of the enterprise

The management of the organization can develop excellent plans and strategies, find optimal structures and create effective systems for transmitting and processing information, establish the most modern equipment and use the most modern technologies. However, all this will be nullified if the members of the organization do not work properly, if they do not cope with their duties, do not behave appropriately in the team, strive by their work to contribute to the achievement of the organization's goals and the fulfillment of its mission.

The willingness and desire of a person to do their job are one of the key success factors for the functioning of an organization. Man is not a machine, he cannot be “turned on” when his work is required, and “turned off” when his work is no longer needed. Even if a person has to perform routine work, which is very simple in content and easily controlled and accounted for, work that does not require a creative approach and high qualifications, in this case, mechanical forced labor cannot give a high positive result. The slave-owning system of housekeeping and the communist camp system clearly proved that, contrary to the will and desire of a person, it is impossible to achieve much from him Salnikova N.A. Motivation as a "core" of management efficiency // Motivation and remuneration - 2005 - No. 4, P. 20-21 ..

Having a certain disposition, having desires and mood, based on a certain system of values, following certain norms and rules of behavior, a person personifies each specific work, and therefore “humanizes” it, giving it a unique character to a certain extent. However, this does not mean that it cannot be managed effectively. On the contrary, if you know and understand well what motivates a person, what induces him to action and what he strives for, performing certain work, it is possible, in contrast to coercion, which requires constant influence and control, in such a way to build a person's management that he himself will strive to do his job in the best and most efficient way in terms of achieving the organization's goals.

The path to effective management of a person lies through understanding his motivation. Only knowing what motivates a person, what motivates him to activity, what motives underlie his actions, one can try to develop an effective system of forms and methods of managing a person. The key expectations of the employee from the company are presented in Table. one.

Table 1.1.

Employee expectations from the company



Personal expectations

The nature of work in a new place, its content, requirements for results, development prospects, remuneration, quality working life, fairness of assessment, guarantees for the future

group expectations

Comfort when working in a group, isolation of the team from others, its importance in the company, autonomy in decision-making, degree of responsibility for work

Status expectations

Evaluation of one's place and role in the company, significance, recognition, respect, communication style, leadership style, conflict management style.

Cultural and ethical expectations

The degree to which the company's values, goals, ethics, leadership style, and other elements of the company's culture are aligned with the provision, standards, and culture of the employee

The key expectations of the company from the employee are presented in Table. 2.

Table 1.2.

The company's expectations from the employee



Labor expectations

Conscientious performance of official duties, manifestation of diligence, diligence, enterprise, initiative, creativity, self-learning mode.

group expectations

Conformity, friendly conflict-free work in a group, leadership qualities, ability to work in a team

Security Expectations

Loyalty, discipline, compliance with all norms and regulations, do not belong to risk groups, do not disclose confidential information

Cultural and ethical expectations

Compliance of the most important parameters of the employee's culture with the main parameters of the company's culture, its mission, goals, values, norms and corporate codes

A variety of manifestations of labor activity of personnel requires the use of a whole system of motivation factors, which are reflected in the concept of "motivation system". This term itself - "system of motivation" is used in a broad and narrow sense. In a narrow sense, the motivation system is a set of interrelated factors (incentives) that are used in an organization to motivate employees, as well as the principles and norms for their use. In essence, this is a system of stimulating labor and organizational activity in general.

The motivational system in the broadest sense has been less studied. It represents the whole phenomenon of motivation in its integrity, the unity of the subjective and objective aspects, external and internal motivation.

Increasing the labor activity of personnel is possible when taking into account the subjective and objective aspects of the determination of behavior, the presence of good external and internal motivation of employees. The transformation of internal incentives into real activity is largely determined by what types of external incentives: material or non-material, are applied to the employee.

Motivation is a set of internal and external driving forces that encourage an individual to carry out labor activity, determine the boundaries, forms and intensity of this activity, the level of effort, diligence, conscientiousness, perseverance, which give it a focus on achieving target parameters.

Consider the basic concepts that explain the essence of motivation.

The key characteristic of the personality is the system of its needs, motives, interests. It is this system that determines the causes of a person's behavior and helps to understand the causal relationship of decisions made.

Need is a conscious need for certain material, cultural benefits, social and spiritual values ​​Solomanidina T.O., Solomanidin V.G. Personnel motivation management. Educational and practical guide. - M .: LLC "Journal" Personnel Management, 2005. - S. 44 ..

In relation to labor activity, a need is defined as a certain state of a person, which is the source of his active labor activity, created by the needs that an individual feels in relation to vital objects.

The classification of needs is shown in fig. one.

Fig 1.1. Classification of needs Samoukina N.V. Effective staff motivation at minimal financial cost. - M.: Vershina, 2006. - S. 29.

A distinctive feature of motivation lies in its direct dependence on the needs of employees. An individual, experiencing a need for something (not necessarily realizing it), always tries to relieve tension in satisfying any need (biological or social).

A motive is a phenomenon of consciousness, it is a motivation for activity realized by an individual. Personnel management of an organization / Ed. AND I. Kibanova. - M .: INFRA-M, 2003. - S. 23 .. However, it does not unequivocally determine the content, features and structure of human activity, since the need can be satisfied different ways in the shape of various kinds activities. Thus, the need for clothing can be satisfied by buying it in a store, stealing it, sewing it yourself or in an atelier, and finally, clothes can be asked for, borrowed, etc. Here we are already talking about the objective conditions of human life, which act as the goals of his activity.

If, having passed through the consciousness of the individual, the needs are recognized as a necessity, that is, there is a combination of internal (from the side of human consciousness) and external (from the side of the need to satisfy the need) motivation, then the activity is carried out to realize the needs of the subject, the implementation of the motive into action.

The group of basic motives that determine the behavior of individuals in a team is a motivational core or complex. The motivational complex has its own structure, which varies depending on the specific working situation.

There is a greater variety of motives for labor activity.

The main criteria for classifying motives include:

The needs that the individual tries to satisfy through work activity,

Goods that an individual needs to satisfy his own needs

The price that an individual is able and willing to pay to acquire the desired goods.

Incentives play a special role in the process of labor motivation.

A stimulus is also an impact on a person, no matter where it comes from and no matter what nature it has, which affects its activity Samoukina N.V. Effective staff motivation at minimal financial cost. - M.: Vershina, 2006. - S. 30.. This influence is based on the provision of guarantees that the object of attraction that satisfies the need will be achieved as a result of this activity.

The specificity of incentives is that by themselves they cannot cause a certain type of activity, they can only serve as a “catalyst” for the activity of workers, the direction of which will already be determined by the internal motivational structure of the individual.

The classification of incentives by factors is presented in Table. 3.

Table 1.3.

Classification of incentives by factors


Types of incentives

By scale of impact

Global (the impact of consumption on production, finance - on the economy, etc.), regional (oil prices in the Middle East, cotton prices in Central Asia, etc.); nationwide (inflation, migration, birth rate), sectoral (due to sectoral characteristics), intra-organizational incentives

By repeatability

One-time, temporary, reusable, permanent incentives

From the point of view of the object of stimulation

Individual (the value of the incentive is set based on the performance of a particular employee) and collective (the value of the incentive is set based on the performance of the entire team)

According to the intensity of the impact

Weak, medium strength and strong incentives.

By deviation of performance results from the norm

Material (monetary and non-monetary), moral, free time and labor.

According to the nature of the manifestation

Positive (when assigning an incentive, only the achievement or excess of standard parameters is assessed) and negative (when assigning an incentive, the lag, deviation from the standards is assessed).

According to the degree of certainty of the stimulus before the action

Leading and reinforcing

By the lag between performance and incentives

Immediate (incentive is given immediately upon completion of activities), current (incentive is given with a lag behind the results of activities for up to a year - weekly, monthly, quarterly) and prospective (the stimulus is assigned with a lag behind the results of at least a year - remuneration based on the results for the year, for five years upon retirement)

According to the degree and nature of the specific conditions for obtaining an incentive

General (there is no specificity in evaluating the results of activities to receive an incentive), reference (incentives are established for achieving predetermined results) and competitive (incentives are established for taking a place in a competition or competition)

The main goal of the motivation process is to get the maximum return from the use of available labor resources, which improves the overall performance and profitability of the enterprise.

Motivation, considered as a process, can theoretically be represented as a series of successively changing stages. Naturally, such a consideration of the process is rather conditional, since in reality there is no such clear delineation of stages and it is incorrect to assume that for each individual employee, for each of the actions he performs simultaneously, there is a separate process of motivation. But if it is necessary to show how the motivation process unfolds, what its logic and components are, the following model of Fig. 2 Heckhausen H., Dernberg R. Motivation and activity: a short translation. with him. ed. Velichkovsky B.M. - M.: Progress, 2006. - S. 280.

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The first stage is the emergence of needs. The person feels that something is missing. He decides to take some action. Needs are very different, in particular: physiological; psychological; social.

The second stage is the search for ways to satisfy a need that can be satisfied, suppressed or simply ignored.

The third stage is the definition of the goals of the action. It is determined what exactly and by what means needs to be done to meet the need. Here it is revealed what needs to be obtained in order to eliminate the need, in order to get what is desirable, to what extent it is possible to achieve what is necessary and what is actually obtained, can eliminate the need.

The fourth stage is the implementation of the action. A person expends efforts to carry out actions that open up to him the possibility of acquiring what is necessary to eliminate the need. Since the work process affects motivation, goals can be adjusted at this stage.

The fifth stage is receiving a reward for the implementation of the action. Having done the necessary work, a person receives what he can use to eliminate the need, or what he can exchange for what he wants. It reveals how the implementation of actions provided the desired result. Depending on this, there is a change in motivation for action.

The sixth stage is the elimination of need. A person either stops activities before a new need arises, or continues to look for opportunities and take actions to eliminate the need.

We can point to several factors that complicate and obscure the process of practical deployment of motivation. One of them is not the obviousness of motives: one can only guess what motives drive the activity of each individual person in neutralizing similar needs, but it is impossible to explicitly determine these motives by human behavior. It is very difficult to identify which motives are the main ones, which dominate in the implementation of actions by a person in specific conditions.

A special factor is the transformability of the motivational process, its nature each time depends on what needs initiated it. At the same time, the needs themselves are often in complex interaction with each other, and often directly contradict one another.

Even with the most careful study of the motivational structure of a person, it is impossible to predict unforeseen changes in his activity and his reaction to the effects of external motivation Agaptsov S. A., Mordvintsev A. I., Fomin P. A. Labor motivation as a factor in increasing the efficiency of the production and economic activities of the enterprise. - M.: 2002 - S. 33 ..

Personnel motivation is carried out at three interrelated levels, each of which has its own characteristics. At the personal level, long-term, medium-term, short-term and momentary motivation of each employee is carried out. There are all three types of motivation: attraction, retention and effective work. In relation to one employee, motivation may be effective, and in relation to another - ineffective. At this level of motivation, the situational factor is of great importance. The use of the same methods and approaches to employee motivation in different conditions leads to different results. Therefore, the basic principles of motivation at the personal level are timeliness, differentiated approach and connection with the interests of the employee. Important factors effective employee motivation at the personal level are the clarity of the task, its compliance with the competence, competence and interests of the employee.

At the group level, the motivation for effective and efficient group work is carried out. Motivation for group work comes down to determining the range of tasks that can be effectively completed in a group way, and creating optimal conditions for group interaction. Key factors in effective group motivation are group characteristics, leadership, and management style. The principles of group motivation are thoughtfulness, trust and openness.

At the organizational level, stimulation is carried out with the help of economic and political incentive methods supported by all management subsystems. Important factors in effective motivation at the organizational level are the image of the organization and the reputation of top managers, as well as its adequacy. strategic goals and changing organizational environment. The effectiveness of motivation is determined by its social assessment and employee expectations. The principles of organizational motivation are responsibility, manageability and balance of interests of all categories of employees.

1.2. Indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of the personnel incentive system

A rare leader does not seek to attract a competent and thinking specialist to his company, but often later such an employee becomes only a means to make a profit, and his personal qualities fade into the background. Such a profit, based on the illiterate exploitation of personnel, will not exist for long: sooner or later, the employee will quit, and the company will again look for a person on vacant position spending time and material resources while losing profits.

Stimulation of labor consists of two components - material, which is the most understandable for all groups of workers employed in various fields of activity, and moral, which implies recognition personal qualities person.

According to the developed concepts, the main forms of material incentives for labor are:

Wages, bonuses and allowances that characterize the assessment of the contribution of a particular employee to the results of the enterprise. Salary must be competitive above all, as it is the key factor in choosing a job. Unfortunately, at the moment this form of material incentives at many enterprises does not fulfill its role in improving the productivity of labor and production, and often hinders these processes. Various bonuses are increasingly paid at constant rates that do not change depending on the performance of the enterprise;

The system of intra-company benefits, which include partial payment food or travel to the place of work, selling the products of the enterprise to its employees at preferential prices, providing interest-free loans or credits at low interest rates, additional payment for the length of service at the enterprise, insurance of employees at the expense of the enterprise. Along with a decent level wages The system of intra-company benefits is one of the most effective forms of labor incentives, because it clearly demonstrates that the company cares about its employees, allowing them to save time and money, while acting in the interests of the organization.

Along with the material, moral forms of stimulating the work of workers are distinguished:

Promotion of an employee on the career ladder, payment for training in advanced training courses, organization of internships. This kind of moral stimulation is especially attractive for novice specialists, since they are more active and mobile. At the same time, it is important that the system of promotion of employees is clear. A person must understand what exactly he needs to do today in order to get a promotion tomorrow. This is exactly what most Russian enterprises sin with: when hiring an employee, from the managers of such companies one can hear only the phrase “career growth is possible”, and not a clear sequence of actions;

Intangible benefits to staff: granting the right to a flexible work schedule depending on the workload of the enterprise, earlier retirement, the provision of time off or additional leave for special achievements in work, the organization of summer holidays for children and adults. Such benefits are mainly available to enterprises of heavy and oil industry where the provision of intangible benefits is associated with difficult working conditions;

Creation of a favorable atmosphere among the employees of the enterprise, elimination of administrative and status barriers. This form of labor stimulation really has a positive effect on the financial and economic activities of the organization, since employees feel support and mutual understanding within the team, work “on the same wavelength” - the efficiency of such work is much higher. The creation of such an atmosphere is largely facilitated by holding corporate evenings, sports events, participation of the organization in city (regional) events.

The main goal of any of the above forms of labor stimulation is the realization of the interests of the enterprise, which include an increase in revenue, intensification of sales, an increase in labor productivity and a reduction in production costs. To determine the extent to which the goal is achieved by the enterprise, economists analyze the effectiveness of stimulating labor resources, which shows to what extent the costs of material and moral incentives for employees are justified, whether there has been an increase in production, whether the cost has decreased.

Obviously, for different industries and categories of workers, the indicators of the effectiveness of stimulating labor resources will be different. For example, in production, production rates are compared, while for accounting staff this indicator is unacceptable, since the accounting department at the enterprise performs not a production, but a supporting function.

One of the most overall indicators The effectiveness of stimulating labor resources is the conduct of sociological research at the enterprise, which are questionnaires of employee satisfaction with the nature of work, wage levels, and moral forms of staff incentives.

Often, such questionnaires are anonymous and are designed to provide management with a general picture of the mood of employees, on the basis of which top management makes appropriate decisions in the field of motivation and incentives for staff. For example, such questionnaires may contain questions of the following nature:

1. "Do you like the nature of the work you are doing now?";

2. "Have you ever thought about changing jobs?";

3. "Is your immediate supervisor a role model for you?";

4. "Are you satisfied with the level of wages you receive?".

Based on the analysis of these surveys, the management of the enterprise draws conclusions about the qualitative level of the effectiveness of stimulating labor resources, that is, in fact, receives an answer to the question: do labor incentive programs organized at the enterprise bring results or not?

Such sociological studies make it possible to identify the causes of dissatisfaction of the employees of the enterprise with the conditions and nature of work and quickly eliminate them, which positively affects the general moral and business climate in the team and is reflected in the economic performance of the enterprise.

Speaking of quantitative indicators of the analysis of the effectiveness of stimulating labor resources, we, of course, mean material incentives for workers. There are several approaches to assessing its effectiveness that can be used by enterprise economists.

One of the most widely used methods today is to stimulate innovation. It can be any field of activity - from industrial enterprises to insurance organizations and banks.

The bottom line is to reward employees for rationalization proposals that reduce the cost of the enterprise and generate additional income.

In practice, indicators of productivity and labor intensity are considered in close connection with the analysis of the wage fund, which, as a rule, takes into account the costs of the enterprise.

They analyze indicators that reflect the relative savings in the wage fund, the ratio of the growth rate of labor productivity to the growth of average wages.

The analysis of the wage fund begins with the calculation of the absolute and relative deviation of its actual value from the planned one. The absolute deviation is determined by the difference between the actual wage fund and the planned one:

FOT abs = FOT fact - FOT plan, (1.1)

where, payroll fact, payroll plan - the actual and planned sizes of the wage fund.

The relative deviation is calculated as the difference between the actual payroll fund and the planned one, adjusted for the production plan fulfillment factor. In this case, only the variable part of the wage fund is adjusted, which changes in proportion to the volume of production:

FOT relative \u003d FOT fact - (FOT plan. per. To issue + POT planned. post.), (1.2)

where, FOT plan. per., FOT plan. fast. - variable and constant part of the planned wage fund, K vol. - coefficient of implementation of the plan.

The most important condition for increasing the efficiency of production is a faster growth in labor productivity compared to the growth of average wages. This ratio in rates provides savings in the cost of production for the element of wages. The change in the average earnings of workers for a given period is characterized by its index:

I zp \u003d GZP fact / GZP plan, (1.3)

where GZP is a fact, GZP plan is the actual and planned average wages, respectively.

The labor productivity index is calculated in a similar way:

I gv \u003d GV fact / GV plan, (1.4)

where GV fact, GV plan - respectively, the actual and planned productivity of labor (for example, the annual or hourly output of one worker).

The lead coefficient (K def) is equal to:

K def \u003d I gv / I zp (1.5)

Savings (-E) or overspending (+E) of the payroll is calculated by the formula:

E \u003d FZP fact (I zp - I gv) / I zp (1.6)

In the context of inflation, when drawing up a plan for the growth of average wages, it is necessary to take into account the index of price growth for consumer goods and services (Ic):

Izp \u003d ZPplan (1) / (ZPfact (0) Ic). (1.7)

All activities that are carried out by the management of the enterprise to stimulate personnel are ultimately aimed at achieving one goal - increasing profits.

1.3 Regulatory aspects of staff incentives in the enterprise

As a rule, incentives for employees are carried out in such areas as wages, additional social guarantees and benefits, personal services and training. This approach seems to be quite natural, since takes into account the basic interests of the employee in labor relations.

The modern labor legislation of Russia, by establishing a minimum set of rights for workers and the level of guarantees for them, allows participants labor relations complete this minimum. This opportunity arises due to a combination of methods of centralized (state), contractual and local regulatory regulation.

In accordance with Art. 9 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the regulation of labor relations and other relations directly related to them can be carried out by concluding, amending, supplementing by employees and employers collective agreements, agreements, employment contracts.

According to Art. 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, employers adopt local regulations containing labor law norms, within their competence in accordance with labor legislation, collective agreements, agreements.

When using contractual or local methods of regulating labor relations, it must be remembered that various kinds of agreements, individual or collective, cannot create less favorable working conditions for the employee compared to those provided for by law.

In turn, local regulations cannot worsen the position of workers, not only in comparison with the law, but also with the collective agreement and social partnership agreements. The terms of agreements and the norms of local acts that do not meet this rule cannot be applied and are not provided with judicial protection by virtue of Art. 8 and 9 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The most difficult, from the point of view of legal regulation, are the issues of establishing, applying and changing wage systems - both in the organization as a whole and in relation to a particular employee.

In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the remuneration systems used by the employer, including the size of tariff rates, salaries (official salaries), additional payments and allowances of a compensatory nature, including for work in conditions that deviate from normal, the system of additional payments and allowances of an incentive nature and bonus systems are regulated by collective agreements , agreements, local regulations in accordance with labor legislation.

The salary of a particular employee, in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 135 and Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is determined by his employment contract and is consistent with the remuneration systems in force for this employer. Moreover, the condition of remuneration is necessarily included in any employment contract.

It will be more beneficial for the employer, from a legal and organizational point of view, to establish a remuneration system by issuing a local regulatory act (regulation on remuneration, bonuses, etc.)

Any employer, in one form or another prescribed by law, must approve the system of remuneration applied by him. If it is established by contract (through a collective agreement or agreement), then it is the result of collective negotiations and agreements between the employer and employee representatives.

At the same time, in the absence of a collective agreement or agreement and the simultaneous adoption by the employer of a local regulatory act, the remuneration system is determined, as a rule, at the sole discretion of the employer. Given this circumstance, it will be more beneficial for the employer, from a legal and organizational point of view, to establish a remuneration system by issuing a local regulatory act (regulation on remuneration, bonuses, etc.). Negotiating parties often find it difficult to reach a consensus.

In addition, the procedure for concluding a collective agreement and agreements is rather complicated: it presupposes the existence of representative bodies of workers (trade union, council of labor collectives, etc.). A system established in this way is more difficult to change, since any innovations in it depend on the results of collective bargaining.

As indicated above, the employer can form local regulations on the issues of the remuneration system independently, taking into account his economic interests and tasks in the field of stimulating employees to work efficiently.

With the conclusion of an employment contract, the generally applicable system of remuneration takes the form of individual conditions for remuneration (terms of an employment contract) for a particular employee.

Is there a legal basis for an employer to change these conditions? On the one hand, Article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation gives the employer the right to change the wage system. On the other hand, according to Art. 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the terms of an employment contract determined by the parties can be changed only by agreement of its parties, with the exception of cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. How to make adjustments to the employment contracts of employees if the payment system as a whole changes? The ideal situation is when all employees are ready for changes in employment contracts by agreement of the parties. However, in practice this does not always happen.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides that the terms of an employment contract can be changed not only by agreement of the parties, but also in individual cases- at the initiative of the employer, which ensures his right to change the wage system. According to Art. 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in the case when, for reasons related to changes in organizational or technological working conditions (changes in equipment and production technology, structural reorganization of production, etc.), the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties cannot be saved, they can be changed on the initiative employer, with the exception of labor function worker. In our case, we can talk about organizational change working conditions or, in other words, about changes in the organization of the remuneration system of the employer as a whole.

In turn, part 1 of Art. 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation implies that the terms of labor contracts on wages “follow” the wage system in force for the employer as a whole, and therefore cannot be saved when it is changed in in due course. Please note: changing the terms of employment contracts at the initiative of the employer is carried out according to a special procedure, which includes, among other things, advance warning of employees and their right to refuse to continue working (Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Unlike the terms of remuneration, the terms of additional social guarantees and benefits are not subject to mandatory inclusion in the employment contract.

In addition to the formation of various wage systems, the employer, using contractual and local methods of regulation, can use such incentives for employees as additional guarantees and benefits in the social sphere (voluntary insurance, family support, etc.). It is more profitable to provide for such conditions not in labor agreements, including collective and labor contracts, but in local regulations.

At the same time, in contrast to the terms of remuneration, the terms of additional social guarantees and benefits are not subject to mandatory inclusion in the employment contract. This allows the employer, as a rule, to simply and quickly change the provided " social package» through amendments to the relevant local act, its cancellation and (or) the adoption of a new document. At the same time, it must be remembered that, being included in a collective or labor agreement, social guarantees and benefits can only be changed in the manner prescribed by law.

Special attention should be paid to the issues of so-called corporate training. In accordance with Art. 196 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the need for professional training and retraining of personnel for their own needs is determined by the employer. He also chooses the forms of such training, as well as a list necessary professions and specialties, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of workers, if any. Only in some cases, the employer is obliged to conduct staff training.

In turn, according to Art. 197 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, employees have the right to vocational training, retraining and advanced training, including training in new professions and specialties. This right is exercised by concluding an additional agreement between the employee and the employer (student agreement).

It can be concluded that for an employee such training is, with the exception of some cases, additional benefit. At the same time, the employer himself is usually interested in high-quality training of personnel.

AT legal regulation learning at the local level, a student agreement is crucial - of course, well-written. According to Art. 198 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is an addition to the employment contract.

According to Art. 199 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the student agreement must contain: the name of the parties; an indication of a specific profession, specialty, qualification acquired by the student; the obligation of the employer to provide the employee with the opportunity to study in accordance with the student agreement; the obligation of the employee to undergo training and, in accordance with the acquired profession, specialty, qualification, work under an employment contract for the period established in the student agreement; period of apprenticeship; payment during this period. In addition, it may contain other conditions determined by agreement of the parties.

When drawing up an employment contract, it is necessary to carefully consider the rights and obligations of the parties during and after training, including the obligation of the employee to study conscientiously and work for the employer for a certain time after completion of training. At the same time, clear conditions for its termination should also be provided, including in the event of a violation of the obligations of each of the parties.

According to Art. 207 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if at the end of the training the employee does not fulfill his duties, he will have to reimburse the employer for the costs of training. A similar condition regarding the period of study itself can be included in the student agreement.

Summing up, it should be noted that the correct implementation of the norms of labor legislation in the construction corporate systems staff incentives in many ways helps to reduce the legal and financial risks of the employer in this area.


2.1 Organizational and legal characteristics of the enterprise LLC "SK "Centurion"

1. Full company name - Company with limited liability"Construction Company" Centurion ". The abbreviated corporate name is SK Centurion LLC.

2. Legal, postal address of the enterprise: postal code 183038, Murmansk, Egorova st., 19.

3. Number and date of state registration:

TIN 5190903014 OGRN 1095190005162 KPP 519001001 was registered in accordance with the provisions of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation on April 21, 2009 in the Federal Tax Service for the city of Murmansk. Attachment 1

4. Founders:

Citizen of the Russian Federation - Langova Tatyana Nikolaevna (general director);

Citizen of the Russian Federation - Kostyuchik Andrey Sergeevich (deputy general director).

5. Organizational and legal form: Limited Liability Company; form of ownership: Private.

The main activities of the company are the management of apartment buildings and repair and construction activities. In accordance with 148-FZ dated July 2, 2008, Centurion Construction Company LLC is a member of the NP Association of Builders of St. Petersburg and has permits for work that affects the safety of capital construction projects. LLC “Construction Company “Centurion” is listed in State Register Rostekhnadzor for the operation of high-risk facilities. The engineering and technical staff of the enterprise has a specialized education, attestations of the White Sea Department of Rostekhnadzor, energy supervision, boiler supervision.

The professional team of the enterprise was formed in 2005. In the field of housing and communal services, the team began to master the commercial direction within the framework of the experiment "Our Yard", conducted by the Administration of Murmansk in 2004, while showing a high production and economic result.

The construction direction of the enterprise has sufficient experience and business reputation in construction industry in Murmansk, the team designed, built and put into operation the car depot building of the government of the Murmansk region, saving the regional budget more than 40 million rubles.

Having separated into a separate independent enterprise, SK Centurion LLC continues the traditions of professionalism and reliable partnership in the field of construction and housing and communal services. LLC "IC" Centurion "has a production base, equipment, emergency service. The company manages 27 apartment buildings Murmansk. The company also provides services as a contracting organization to other management companies and homeowners associations. SK Centurion LLC is not only the functions of a managing organization, it is a complete, closed cycle of maintenance and repair work, both of the building structure and engineering networks and systems, and the function of a general contractor for construction and installation works.

LLC SK Centurion is legal entity and carries out activities in accordance with the Charter, approved by the Resolution of the Administration of the city of Murmansk No. 1139 dated 30.05.08. and adopted by the general meeting of shareholders on 26.04.08.

Members of the company are individuals and legal entities.

The main activity of IC Centurion LLC is the management of apartment buildings, construction, reconstruction and repair of industrial and civil facilities.

The Company owns separate property accounted for on its independent balance sheet.

The Company may, on its own behalf, acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights, bear obligations, be a plaintiff and defendant in court, open bank accounts in accordance with the established procedure, may voluntarily unite in unions, associations, and also be a member of other non-profit organizations both on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad.

The governing bodies of IC Centurion LLC are:

General Meeting of Participants of IC Centurion LLC;


Management current activities society is carried out CEO. The General Director organizes the work at the enterprise and bears full responsibility for the state and duration of the enterprise.

The general director manages all the work through his deputies.

Control over the financial and economic activities of the company is carried out by the audit commission. The audit (audit) of the financial and economic activities of the company is carried out based on the results of the company's activities for the year, as well as at any time on the initiative of the audit commission of the company, the decision of the general meeting of shareholders, the board of directors of the company or at the request of the shareholder (shareholders) of the company, who owns in total at least than 10 percent of the company's voting shares.

Main normative documents are:

Federal laws: 41-FZ " state regulation tariffs”, 131-FZ “local self-government”, 185-FZ “fund for assistance and reform of housing and communal services”, 188-FZ “housing code”;

Decree state committee Russian Federation on construction and housing and communal complex dated September 27, 2003 No. 170 on approval of the rules and norms for the technical operation of the housing stock;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 No. 307 on the procedure for providing public services to citizens;

Government Decree No. 491 on the approval of the rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building and the rules for changing the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises in the event of the provision of services and performance of work on the management, maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building inadequate quality and (or) with breaks exceeding the established duration;

For construction company"Centurion" is important professionalism of employees, so all employees agencies have higher education and systematically participate in programs to improve their skills.

The current management, responsibility for the implementation of the policy in the activities of the organization lies with the head, according to the charter, the general director of IC Centurion LLC.

The structure and staffing are developed and approved by the General Director of the organization IC Centurion LLC.

Staff job descriptions are developed by the Management Representative and approved by the General Director.

The main functions and tasks of the company's staff are determined by the strategic directions of development to maintain the appropriate level of services provided and ensure the wages of employees, depending on their qualifications, complexity, quality and conditions of their work.

Functions and tasks full-time employees are implemented through official duties that are established by the employee and brought to him against receipt after signing the order for employment (appointment to another position) simultaneously with others essential conditions labor contract.

Labor relations with employees arise when concluding an employment contract with the establishment in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation probationary period. The procedure for concluding employment contracts, their termination is regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In the management of the organization, wage funds (payroll) are formed, which include the amount of official salaries, regional coefficients, allowances, bonuses and piecework earnings. The specific amount of the wage fund for management is indicated in their budget.

The following wage systems are used at the enterprise:

Piecework - for employees who are on piecework payment labor;

Time - bonus - for other categories of workers.

Based on the budgeted labor costs, the director of the branch, when drawing up the staff list for the year, determines the number of employees and their salaries and submits proposals to the general director.

Salaries for employees are set in staffing, which is approved by the General Director, depending on their qualifications, the complexity of the work performed. The official salary of the deputy director is set by the director of the enterprise. The official salary of an employee is announced upon hiring in the order of the director of the organization.

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Stimulation and motivation of staff must be constantly improved and improved. To do this, you need to know in which direction to move, what changes and in what area of ​​the incentive system to carry out, etc. This is possible only after an assessment of the labor incentive system already in place at the enterprise. As such, there are no special methods for assessing the labor incentive system. But, as already mentioned, the incentive system is integral part personnel management systems at the enterprise, therefore, methods for assessing the personnel management system can also be used to assess the labor incentive system. The evaluation methods are presented in Table 1.

Survey methods (data collection) include: interviewing and questioning.

The interview method can be used to evaluate the labor incentive system. Interview - a survey "face to face", obtaining information in personal communication. This is not an exchange of opinions, but the receipt of information from one person - the respondent. According to the author Abryutina M.S., in contrast to the conversation, the roles of the interview participants are different: the respondent acts as an object of study, the other - as a subject. The essence of the method: interview questions are developed either for the workers of the enterprise, or for specialists acting as interviewees. After the interview, conclusions are drawn about the labor incentive system and its impact.

Table 1.1. Classification of incentive evaluation methods

Examination methods

Justification methods

Analysis Methods


Comparison method

System Analysis


Method for assessing the economic efficiency of the bonus system

Functional cost analysis

Expert-analytical method

Assessment of the qualitative composition of personnel

Questioning is a system of logically consistent methodological and organizational and technical procedures interconnected by a single goal: to obtain objective reliable data about the object or process under study for their subsequent use in management practice.

The justification methods include: the method of comparisons and the method of assessing the economic efficiency of the bonus system at the enterprise.

The comparison method allows you to compare existing system stimulation of labor in the enterprise of the food and other industries with a similar system of advanced organization of the relevant industry, with a standard state or state in the past period.

Method for assessing the economic efficiency of the bonus system at the enterprise. The effectiveness of the labor incentive system can be judged by the effectiveness of the bonus system at the enterprise, which is the main form of its manifestation. Such a bonus system can be considered cost-effective, which forms the level of payment in accordance with the degree of fulfillment of the indicators and conditions of bonuses and ensures the achievement of an effect greater than the corresponding bonus part of the salary, or equal to this part.

Qualitative assessment of the effectiveness of the bonus system. When evaluating the effectiveness of the bonus system, it is necessary to give it a qualitative assessment in terms of fulfilling its functional purpose. To do this, it is revealed: the compliance of the established bonus indicators with the task of the enterprise; the validity of the size of the incentive. The bonus system does not have a stimulating effect if the bonuses are too low (less than 7 - 10% of the tariff rate, official salary).

Quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of the bonus system. This assessment is given from the standpoint of the benefits of its application for the employer. It involves: determination of the achieved level of performance of the bonus indicator during the period of performance evaluation (U d); comparing it with the level of performance of the indicator in the base period or some other level of performance of the indicator taken as the base (Ub), and determining the magnitude of the change in the indicator; determination of the effect in terms of money received from the change in bonus indicators (E d); comparison economic effect with an appropriate bonus payment and determining the absolute or relative effectiveness of the bonus system. The absolute efficiency of the bonus system (Ae) is understood as the difference between the effect of a change in the level of bonus indicators in the period under review (ED) and the amount of bonuses paid corresponding to this change (P). Calculated by formula (1.1) [37, p.319]:

A e \u003d E d - P (1)

Relative efficiency (O e) is the ratio of the economic effect from a change in the level of bonus indicators to the amount of the bonus paid. Calculated by formula (1.2) :

Indicators of absolute and relative efficiency are used to compare various bonus systems in terms of their profitability for the employer. The effect in monetary terms, obtained on the basis of a direct comparison of the achieved and the basic level of indicators, is calculated by formula (1.3) as follows:

E d \u003d E n \u003d U d - U b (3)

When calculating the economic effect of long-term bonus systems, it is most appropriate, according to the author V.V. Kulikov, take the average level of performance of the indicator in the base period. When calculating economic efficiency, the cost of bonuses must be taken together with deductions attributable to bonuses to off-budget federal funds (pension fund, social insurance fund, medical insurance).

Thus, according to the bonus system, one can judge the system of labor stimulation at the enterprise. If the bonus system is cost-effective (Ed is greater than zero, Ae is greater than zero, Oe is greater than one), then the labor incentive system effectively fulfills its stimulating role (function) and is effective from a material point of view.

The methods of analysis include: system analysis, functional cost analysis and expert-analytical method of assessment (method of expert assessments), the Pattern method.

The systematic approach directs the researcher to study the system of labor stimulation as a whole and its components: goals, functions, structure, means (methods) of stimulation, information; to identify the types of connections of these components between themselves and the external environment (other subsystems, for example, the wage system, the quality system) and bringing them together into a single holistic picture.

The essence of the method is as follows. A systematic analysis of the state of the labor incentive system has several goals:

  • - determination of the current provision of the incentive system;
  • - identification of changes in the state of the incentive system in the spatio-temporal context;
  • - identification of the main factors causing changes in the state of the incentive system;
  • - forecast of the main trends in the future state of the incentive system.

This evaluation method is based on the analysis of certain indicators that characterize the labor incentive system, such as labor productivity, wage growth in the enterprise, their ratio, staff turnover, an indicator of the qualitative composition of workers (by age, education, length of service), an indicator of defective products, discipline. After analyzing the compliance of these indicators with the required level, a conclusion is made about the labor incentive system as a whole. The more inconsistencies and discrepancies, the less effective the incentive system is. The advantages of this assessment method are that its implementation does not require the direct participation of the workers of the enterprise, therefore, there are less costs, it is only necessary to analyze the documentation on the indicators. But at the same time, the opinions of those for whom the incentive system functions, to whom it is directed - the workers of the enterprise are not taken into account. This is the disadvantage of this assessment method.

Functional cost analysis of the incentive system (FSA) is a method of feasibility study of the functions of the incentive system at the enterprise, aimed at finding ways to improve and reduce the cost of organizing the incentive system in order to increase its efficiency.

The expert-analytical method is one of the most common methods for assessing not only the labor incentive system. This assessment method is based on rational arguments and on the intuition of highly qualified experts.

Method Pattern, consisting of the first letters of English words meaning planning assistance through the quantitative evaluation of technical data, was developed in 1962-1964. The following steps go through the process of applying this method:

  • - the problem under study is divided into a number of sub-problems, individual tasks and elements subject to expert evaluation;
  • - problems, sub-problems, tasks, their elements are arranged in a "decision tree";
  • - coefficients of importance of each task, each element are determined;
  • - assessments put forward by individual experts are subject to open discussion.

The motivational mechanism for managing the behavior of employees is based on such factors as a system of formal procedures and rules for performing functions and work designed to achieve the goals of the company and represent management about the real interests, motives, needs of people working in the organization, ways to satisfy them, significant values ​​and norms. behavior.

Indicators of the effectiveness of company management - high economic performance, stable position in the market, competitiveness, stability. They also include specific indicators: employee performance, low staff turnover, staff satisfaction and loyalty, discipline and the absence of conflicts. Unfortunately, one net salary is not able to provide this; it also does not have the proper stimulating effect on employees. That is why all sorts of point-based incentive systems have arisen - bonuses, the main task of which is to motivate employees, inspire them, officially speaking, to further labor achievements. best suited to the aforementioned purposes.

As the name implies, when using such a scoring system of incentives, staff receive assessments, or points, for their work. They show what are the abilities, professional growth of each employee and other qualities: organization, responsibility, diligence, the ability to plan working time, work in a team, etc. According to the points scored, the employee is awarded a bonus.

Trainings and evaluation of managers are conducted by Aleksey Shirokopoyas, an expert in the development of managerial competencies. -consultant. Editor in Chief .

8-926-210-84-19. [email protected]

When scoring a staff incentive system, one should take into account the key point: setting goals, planning work and summing up the results are tied to the fulfillment of tasks that can be assigned to an individual employee, department and organization as a whole.

The project to develop and implement a new point system for incentives and remuneration (its model is schematically shown in the figure) requires not only the participation of HR department specialists, but also the support of the company's management and functional services, and hence their interest. For the successful implementation of the project, it is necessary to form a working group that can take into account all the features of the organization's activities. So, when creating a scoring system for stimulating personnel, management should take into account the overall strategy, plans, policies of the enterprise, etc. Accordingly, the heads of departments form specific tasks for departments and employees, requirements for the quality of work and timely execution of internal regulations. The Personnel Service determines the norms, standards and monitors the level of remuneration in its segment of the market economy. It is important that the work associated with the job responsibilities is discussed, and not the employees themselves. For the objectivity of the distribution of incentive payments, a balance commission is created in the company, the composition of which is elected by a simple majority of votes at the general meeting of the labor collective for a period of one year.


Model of the points system for staff incentives

When developing performance indicators for each business process, you must adhere to the following rules to avoid conflicts:

  1. Clear requirements for the evaluation of positions should be formed.
  2. The set of indicators should contain the required number of indicators to ensure full-fledged management of the business process.
  3. Each indicator must be measurable.
  4. The point system for stimulating personnel should be flexible, i.e. vary depending on the functionality of the unit.
  5. The stimulus fund in the division should be formed on the basis of the achievement of the company's strategic goals, and not on the basis of figures for the past period.
  6. The total amount of incentive payments cannot exceed the size of the "stimulus" fund.

In order to assess the results achieved by the employee, the degree of performance of official duties, the quality of the labor expended, the employer must ensure control and accounting of the work performed. It is important that the immediate supervisor expresses his opinion on the quality of the employee's work, thanks for the good work, gives constructive criticism if, for some indicators, the results were below the planned values. For each of the evaluation criteria, a scale (2-, 5-, 10-point, etc.) should be developed, which describes clear characteristics for each of the points. For example, "0" is set in the following cases:

  • the work (corresponding item) is not submitted within the established deadlines;
  • mistakes were made in the submitted documents (quality);
  • deviation from the standard (quality);
  • justified claims from management.

The points received are recorded in special evaluation forms, so that, summing up, the commission for the distribution of incentive payments (balance commission) can determine the specific amount of the bonus. Since such tasks as compiling professiograms, vacation schedules, training plans, career ladders and / or creating a list of personnel reserve, can be one-time, therefore, the names of work and evaluation indicators for them are formed as necessary. Moreover, any employee of the company has the right to familiarize himself with the assessment of his own professional activity and, if he disagrees, file an application for appeal, which makes this point system of incentives and remuneration fair.

Expert opinion on the point system for staff incentives

Valery Chemekov,
candidate of psychological sciences, one of the leading specialists and practitioners in grading,
assessment and development of personnel in Russia and the CIS, professional trainer and coach, author of a number of articles
in personnel periodicals

The author's approach to assessing the contribution of staff and determining the amount of bonuses has a right to exist. After all, KPI technologies are well known and widely used, based on objective, and most importantly, measurable criteria: sales volumes, financial performance, timing, etc. We know that such indicators are applicable to the layer of workers who directly influence them, to the “white collars, top managers. And what to do with the assessment of the work of those who are “distant” from the economic and operational processes of the company? For example, back office workers do not have SMART tasks, and, unlike the work of managers, the contribution of “clerks” (for example, accountants, personnel officers, etc.) is difficult to evaluate using objective criteria. But how to determine the degree to which they perform routine functions? The methodology proposed in the article makes it possible to evaluate the quality of the performance of official duties and the amount of labor expended.

Of course, such an assessment is subjective, since it is based on expert opinion, but its objectivity is ensured by the work of a whole team - the balance commission. In addition, the author rightly notes that the success of such a technology depends on the involvement of the manager: his participation not only in assessment activities, but also in setting goals and daily monitoring of the employee. Thus, the methodology encourages managers to be interested in the management process and take a more responsible approach to assessing the work of subordinates. It is also valuable that the employee knows for what he was awarded or not awarded points, i.e. receives feedback on their work.

At the same time, the reader would like to see what is the mechanism (criteria) for scoring, and how the maximum number of points per unit is determined. It is also clear that not all evaluation criteria have the same time perspective. So, planning tasks and projects - “compiling professiograms”, “scheduling holidays”, “drawing up training plans”, “forming a list of personnel reserve” and “planning career ladders” - may not be set every week or even every month, but, for example, quarterly, and then remuneration according to these criteria can also be quarterly.

The author pointed to several objects of assessment, the main one being the degree of performance of official duties, as well as the quantity and quality of labor. If we assume that the degree of fulfillment of duties and the amount of labor expended are one and the same, and this is precisely what is measured using the methodology, then the assessment of the quality of labor remains beyond its scope. But the criterion of labor quality is very relevant for workers for whom this tool is intended.

In Art. 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states: “Point systems of remuneration, including the size of tariff rates, salaries (official salaries), additional payments and allowances of a compensatory nature, including for work in conditions that deviate from normal, point systems of additional payments and allowances of a stimulating nature and systems bonuses are established by collective agreements, agreements, local regulations in accordance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms.

Therefore, this scoring system for staff incentives is described in detail in the relevant local document (see the sample in the Appendix). The regulation on the point system for staff incentives consists of the following sections:

  1. General provisions.
  2. The procedure for establishing incentive payments.
  3. The procedure for deprivation of incentive payments.
  4. The activities of the commission for the distribution of incentive payments.
  5. Final provisions.

Evaluation forms for each business process are a tabular form with columns: job title, job title, evaluation criterion, scores (planned and actual). Incentive payments are distributed by the balance commission, which compiles a summary table of employee performance based on the results of the month. The sum of points for each employee is calculated, then all points for each business process are summed up. The value of one point (i.e., the amount of incentive payments for each employee) is determined by dividing the amount of incentive payments for the unit by the total number of points for the unit (by the number of its employees). It can be visualized as a formula:

Where S stim. employee - incentive payments for each employee, amount in rubles;

  • S stimul. – incentive payments per subdivision, amount in rubles;
  • B points - the maximum number of points for the unit;
  • K employee score - the number of points scored by the employee.

Let's consider an example of using a scoring system for staff incentives

Fund for incentive payments for the personnel department - 60,000 rubles.

Number of department: 3 people.

The rating scale is 2-point (for simplicity): 0 - not done, 1 - done without any complaints.

The maximum number of points for each position in each unit must be equal; in this case it is 14 points.

Head of Human Resources (1) scored 12 points.

HR manager (2) scored 10 points.

HR Specialist (3) scored 13 points.

The maximum number of points for the unit: 14 × 3 = 42 points.

As a result, using the above formula, we get the amount that constitutes an incentive increase to the employee's official salary:

  • S stimul. employee (1) = 60,000: 42 × 12 = 17,143 rubles.
  • S stimul. employee (2) \u003d 60,000: 42 × 10 \u003d 14,286 rubles.
  • S stimul. employee (3) = 60,000: 42 × 13 = 18,571 rubles.

Total for the division (personnel department): 50,000 rubles.

Further, these amounts for each employee are indicated in the minutes, which are signed by all members of the balance commission who were present at the meeting. Payments to employees are made on the basis of the order of the head of the company.

If we compare the point system of staff incentives with the currently popular KPI's system (from the English. Key Performance Indicators), then the key differences between these systems are as follows:

  • in the point system of staff incentives, the number of indicators is not limited to several (usually 3–5) key performance indicators;
  • the point system of staff incentives is based on performance indicators, and not on abstract KPIs;
  • scoring does not depend on employees holding high positions or having a large economic or financial impact on the company's performance, since points are awarded not for achieving goals, but for performing functions. Therefore, the results of the "clerks" back office are not strongly dependent on the results of the "white collars" who earn money.

The use of a point system for staff incentives to assess the performance and motivate staff, despite the complexity and high requirements for the qualifications of employees conducting the assessment, when used correctly, helps to create an atmosphere of justice in the interaction between the manager and subordinates, stimulates the growth of responsibility and independence, increases employee satisfaction with the work performed and their commitment to their organization and unit. Evaluating the staff in this way, the manager can increase the efficiency of the enterprise and successfully manage it, because the introduction of this scoring system for staff incentives allows you to move from evaluation tools to a personnel management system.

Thus, it is an excellent way to increase the efficiency of corporate work.

Stimulus (lat. stimulus - goad, goad) - an external impulse to action, a push, a motivating reason.

Stimulation of labor involves the creation of conditions (an economic mechanism) under which active labor activity, which gives certain, pre-fixed results, becomes a necessary and sufficient condition for satisfying the significant and socially conditioned needs of the worker, forming his labor motives. Incentive purpose - not in general to encourage a person to work, but to encourage him to do better (more) what is due to labor relations.

motive - this is what causes certain actions of a person, his internal and external driving forces.

AT motive structure labor includes:

    the need that the employee wants to satisfy;

    a good that can satisfy this need;

    labor action , necessary to receive the benefit;

    price - costs of a material and moral nature associated with the implementation of a labor action.

Labor motivation - this is the desire of the employee to satisfy needs (to receive certain benefits) through labor activity. The influence of motivation on human behavior largely depends on many factors, it is very individual and can change under the influence of motives and feedback from human activities.

Good work on motivating employees leads to:

To increase turnover and profit;

To improve the quality of products;

To a more creative approach and activity in the implementation of the achievements of scientific and technical progress;

To an increased influx of employees;

To improve their performance;

To greater cohesion and solidarity;

To reduce staff turnover;

To improve the company's reputation.

A person who is described by a certain motivational profile, in order to change his behavior in the organization, is influenced in the form of some incentive. Classification incentive forms:

1. Negative - displeasure, punishment, the threat of job loss.

2. Cash - wages, including all types of bonuses and allowances.

3. Natural - buying or renting a home, providing a car, etc.

4. Moral - certificates, badges of honour, presentation for awards, honor board, etc.

5. Paternalism (concern for the employee) - additional social and medical insurance, creation of conditions for recreation, etc.

6. Organizational - working conditions, its content and organization.

7. Involvement in co-ownership and participation in management.

Having received a stimulus, a person reacts to it in accordance with his motivational profile. This reaction may be positive, and the person will change his behavior as it was intended; neutral; negative when the unwanted behavior only intensifies.

In concept compensation package includes:

    Salary is a fixed part of the remuneration, expressed in some monetary terms.

    The bonus system, or bonus system, is part of the remuneration, which can vary greatly from company to company, from position to position, from employee to employee. In practice, there are bonuses ranging from 0 to 50-60% of an employee's annual salary. Paid for achieving certain results. Salary in pure form, and also in combination with a bonus are not a sufficient means of motivation.

    The non-monetary reward system, which in turn is divided into two parts:

    Non-monetary material reward - everything that an employee can touch, feel, keep for himself or use them,

    Not financial reward.

Forms of incentives

Table 8.5 - Forms of incentives

Incentive form

material money

Salary (nominal)

Remuneration of an employee, including the main (piecework, time, salary) and additional (bonuses, allowances for professional skills, additional payments for working conditions, part-time work, for working at night, for teenagers, nursing mothers, for work on holidays and Sundays, for overtime, team leadership, vacation pay or compensation, etc.) wages

Salary (real)

Ensuring real wages by: 1) raising tariff rates in accordance with the minimum set by the state; 2) introduction of compensation payments; 3) indexation of wages in accordance with inflation

One-time payments from the profit of the enterprise (remuneration, bonus, additional remuneration). Abroad, these are annual, semi-annual, Christmas, New Year's bonuses, associated, as a rule, with work experience and the amount of salary received. There are the following types of bonuses: for the absence of absenteeism, export, for merit, for length of service, target

Profit Sharing

Profit sharing payouts are not a one-time bonus. The share of profit from which the incentive fund is formed is established. It applies to categories of personnel that can really affect profits (most often these are management personnel). The share of this part of the profit correlates with the rank of the head in the hierarchy and is determined as a percentage of his base salary

Equity participation

Purchase of shares of an enterprise (JSC) and receipt of dividends: purchase of shares at preferential prices, gratuitous receipt of shares

Additional payment plans

The plans are most often associated with employees of sales organizations and stimulate the search for new markets: gifts from the company, subsidizing business expenses, covering personal expenses indirectly related to work (business trips not only of the employee, but also of a spouse or friend on a trip). These are indirect costs that are not taxed and are therefore more attractive.

Tangible non-monetary

Payment of transport costs or service by own transport

Allocation of funds for: 1) payment of transportation costs; 2) purchase of transport with: a) full service (transport with a driver); b) partial service to persons associated with frequent trips, management personnel

savings funds

Organization of savings funds for employees of the enterprise with the payment of interest not lower than those established in the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation. Preferential modes of accumulation of funds


Allocation of funds for: 1) catering at the enterprise; 2) food subsidies

Sale of goods manufactured by the enterprise

Allocation of funds for a discount on the sale of these products

Scholarship programs

Allocation of funds for education (covering the costs of education on the side)

Studying programs

Coverage of expenses for the organization of training (retraining)

Health Care Programs

Organization of medical care or conclusion of contracts with medical institutions. Allocation of funds for these purposes

Advisory Services

Organization of advisory services or conclusion of contracts with them. Allocation of funds for these purposes

Housing programs

Allocation of funds for own construction of housing or construction on mutual terms

Programs related to the upbringing and education of children

Allocation of funds for the organization of pre-school and school upbringing and education of children and grandchildren of the company's employees, privileged scholarships

Flexible social benefits

Organizations set a certain amount for the "acquisition" of necessary benefits and services. The employee, within the established amount, has the right to independently choose benefits and services

Life insurance

Life insurance of an employee (for a symbolic deduction), members of his family at the expense of the company. At the expense of the funds withheld from the employee's income, in case of an accident, an amount equal to the employee's annual income is paid, in case of a fatal accident, the amount paid is doubled

Disability Benefit Programs

At the expense of company funds and at the expense of funds withheld from the employee’s income

Health insurance

Both the employees themselves and their families

Benefits and compensation not related to results (standard nature)

Payments that are not formally related to the achievement of certain results (compensation for the transfer to service from other companies of expenses related to moving, selling, buying apartments, real estate, employment of a wife (husband), etc., bonuses and other payments in connection with leaving for retirement or dismissal). These payments, which have received the name “golden parachutes” abroad, are intended for top managers, usually include additional salary, bonuses, long-term compensations, mandatory (provided by the company) pension payments, etc.

Pension insurance

Retirement plans

Such an alternative to the state fund for additional pension provision can be created both at the enterprise itself and under an agreement with any fund on the side


Stimulation free time

Regulation of employment time by: 1) providing the employee for active and creative work extra holidays, holidays, choice of vacation time, etc.; 2) organizing a flexible work schedule; 3) reducing the length of the working day due to high labor productivity

Labor or organizational incentives

Regulates the employee's behavior on the basis of measuring the feeling of his job satisfaction and assumes the presence of creative elements in his work, the possibility of participating in management, promotion within the same position, creative business trips

Incentives regulating employee behavior based on the expression of social recognition

Presentation of diplomas, badges, pennants, placement of photos on the honor roll. In foreign practice, honorary titles and awards, public encouragement are used (avoid, especially in Japan, public reprimands). In the United States, a merit-based model is used for moral incentives. Circles are created (“golden circle”, etc.)

Incentive methods

As part of motivation programs, two levels of incentive methods can be distinguished: basic and competitive.

Part basic level includes motivation methods traditionally included in the standard employee compensation package: salary, insurance, benefits provided by the company.

As part of competitive level methods of motivation are singled out, which carry out the main impact on employees to achieve the main goal of the company.

Figure 8.1 - Methods of stimulating the competitive level

They are designed to solve certain problems of the motivation system. The task of incentive methods - in orienting employees to improve the company's efficiency in the future, creating interest in achieving future high results - option plans (with the exercise price of options above the current market price of the share).

The challenge of reward methods - in encouraging employees for the results achieved, recognizing their current and past merits - bonus plans.