Job descriptions of the personal assistant to the general director. Job description of assistant (assistant) general director, job descriptions of assistant (assistant) general director, sample job description of assistant (assistant)

V job description specifies the scope of duties and work that must be performed by the person occupying a certain position... Job description in accordance with All-Russian classifier management documentation, or OKUD, OK 011-93 (approved by the Resolution of the State Standard No. 299 dated 30.12.1993) is referred to the documentation on organizational and regulatory regulation of the organization's activities. The group of such documents, along with the job description, includes, in particular, the internal labor regulations, the provision on the structural unit, the staffing table.

Is the job description mandatory?

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not oblige employers to draw up job descriptions. Indeed, in an employment contract with an employee, his labor function should always be disclosed (work according to the position in accordance with staffing table, profession, specialty indicating qualifications or the specific type of work entrusted to him) (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore, it is impossible to hold the employer accountable for the lack of job descriptions.

At the same time, it is the job description that is usually a document in which the employee's labor function is specified. The instruction contains a list of the employee's job duties, taking into account the specifics of the organization of production, labor and management, the rights of the employee and his responsibility (Letter from Rostrud dated 30.11.2009 No. 3520-6-1). Moreover, the job description usually not only discloses the labor function of the employee, but also sets out the qualification requirements that apply to the position held or the work performed (Rostrud Letter dated November 24, 2008 No. 6234-TZ).

The presence of job descriptions simplifies the process of interaction between the employee and the employer on content issues labor function, the rights and obligations of the employee and the requirements for him. That is, all those questions that often arise in relationships with both existing employees and newly hired ones, as well as with applicants for a certain position.

Rostrud believes that the job description is necessary in the interests of both the employer and the employee. After all, the presence of a job description will help (Letter of Rostrud dated 09.08.2007 No. 3042-6-0):

  • objectively assess the employee's performance during the period probationary period;
  • reasonably refuse to hire (after all, the instructions may contain additional requirements related to business qualities employee);
  • to distribute labor functions between employees;
  • temporarily transfer the employee to another job;
  • evaluate the conscientiousness and completeness of the employee's job function.

That is why the preparation of job descriptions in the organization is advisable.

Such an instruction can be attached to labor contract or be approved as an independent document.

How the job description is drawn up

The job description is usually drawn up on the basis of the qualification characteristics that are contained in the qualification reference books (for example, in the Qualification reference manual for the positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor dated August 21, 1998 No. 37).

For workers who are hired in the professions of workers, to determine their labor function, uniform tariff and qualification reference books of work and professions of workers in the relevant industries are used. The instructions developed on the basis of such reference books are usually called production instructions. However, in order to unify and simplify internal documentation in the organization, instructions for blue-collar occupations are often also referred to as job descriptions.

Since the job description is an internal organizational and administrative document, the employer is obliged to familiarize the employee with it against signature when hiring him (before signing an employment contract) (

The job description of the assistant manager is created to streamline labor relationships. The document indicates the functional duties, responsibilities, rights of the employee.

The position "assistant manager" in different organizations can be called differently: personal assistant director, assistant manager, secretary.

Sample of a typical job description for a manager's assistant

І. General Provisions

1. Assistant to the head is appointed to the position and dismissed by the order of the head of the organization.

2. The assistant to the head reports directly to the head of the company.

3. During the absence of the assistant manager, his rights and functional duties are transferred to another official, as reported in the order for the organization.

4. A person who has higher education and a similar work experience of one year or more.

5. The assistant manager is guided in his activities by:

  • the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • Internal labor regulations, the Charter and other regulations companies;
  • orders and orders of the management;
  • this job description.

6. The assistant manager should know:

  • the established procedure for handling documents in the organization;
  • regulations business communication and etiquette;
  • the procedure for maintaining reporting documentation;
  • rules for the use of office equipment, communications;
  • the basics of working in a text editor, spreadsheets;
  • basics of office work;
  • organizational and staff structure of the company;
  • the procedure for the conclusion and execution of contracts.

II. Job responsibilities of assistant manager

The assistant manager has the following functional responsibilities:

1. Planning the manager's working day: developing and agreeing on a schedule for meetings, visits, calls, receptions and other actions.

2. Personal accompaniment of the manager at meetings, receptions, travel.

3. Technical support manager's work: ordering tickets, transport; organization of negotiations, meetings.

4. Keeping minutes and other documents recording the course and result of meetings, meetings, negotiations.

5. Bringing to the attention of employees of structural divisions of the organization instructions, orders of the management and control of their implementation.

6. Collection of information, preparation and provision of analytical, informational, reference and other reports to the management.

7. Record keeping, receipt of correspondence sent to the head.

8. Registration of visitors for a personal reception with the head, the organization of their reception.

9. Acceptance of documents and applications for signature of the head, their registration, accounting and transfer to the head.

10. Drawing up letters, inquiries, other documents on behalf of the management.

11. Preparation of sessions, meetings, meetings, conducted by the head. Collecting the necessary materials, notifying the participants about the time, place of their holding, agenda.

12. Fulfillment of office assignments of the head.

ІІІ. Rights

The manager's assistant has the right to:

1. Receive information in the amount necessary to complete the assigned tasks.

2. Send suggestions to the management to improve their work and rationalize the company's activities.

3. Send requests to organizational units (on behalf of the head or on personal initiative) to obtain documents necessary for the performance of his official duties.

4. Require the management of the institution to create the conditions necessary to fulfill its official duties.

5. Accept independent decisions within their competence.

6. Have access to confidential information when a business need arises.

IV. A responsibility

The assistant manager is responsible for:

1. Providing employees of the organization with inaccurate information.

2. Improper performance their job responsibilities.

3. Material damage to the organization, the state, its counterparties, employees.

4. Violation of the deadlines for completing the tasks.

5. Violation of the provisions of the governing documents of the organization, decisions, decrees.

6. Disclosure of trade secrets, personal data, confidential information.

7. Actions beyond his competence.

8. Violation labor discipline, safety precautions, internal labor regulations, fire protection.

9. Violation of the norms of business etiquette, rough treatment of business partners, visitors, employees of the organization.

Job responsibilities assistant (assistant) general director - this is, first of all, assistance to the first person of the company. The job description of an assistant (assistant) to the general director may include specific requirements (for example, knowledge of two foreign languages) and responsibilities. In any case, a sample job description of an assistant (assistant) CEO will help you in drawing up a personnel document.

Job description of assistant general director
(Job Description for Assistant CEO)

General manager
Surname I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The assistant (assistant) to the general director belongs to the professional category.
1.2. An assistant (assistant) to the CEO is appointed and dismissed by the order of the CEO of the company.
1.3. The assistant (assistant) of the CEO reports directly to the CEO of the company.
1.4. During the absence of the assistant (assistant) of the general director, his rights and obligations are transferred to another official, which is announced in the order for the organization.
1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of assistant (assistant) to the general director: education - higher or incomplete higher education, experience of similar work from a year, knowledge of office equipment (fax, copier, scanner, printer), Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel), office work.
1.6. The assistant (assistant) of the general director is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- the Charter of the company, the Internal Labor Regulations, other regulations of the company;
- orders and orders of the management;
- this job description.

2. Job responsibilities of the assistant (assistant) general director

The assistant (assistant) to the general director performs the following job duties:
2.1. Schedules the CEO's working day (meetings, calls, receptions, etc.).
2.2. Provides technical support for the activities of the General Director (ordering transport, tickets; organizing meetings, negotiations; etc.)
2.3. Accompanies the CEO at meetings, on trips, etc.
2.4. Takes part in negotiations, business meetings, special receptions; keeps minutes and other documents formalizing the course and result of meetings, negotiations.
2.5. On behalf of the General Director, coordinates individual issues with employees of structural divisions, brings to them the instructions and orders of the head; controls the execution of instructions and orders.
2.6. Collects materials and information required by the CEO, prepares analytical, informational, reference and other materials and submits them to the manager.
2.7. Maintains office work, receives correspondence received for consideration by the General Director, accepts documents and personal applications for the signature of the General Director, maintains their records and registration, and transfers them to the head.
2.8. Keeps an appointment with the manager, organizes the reception of visitors.
2.9. On behalf of the General Director, prepares letters, inquiries, and other documents.
2.10. Carries out work on the preparation of meetings and meetings held by the General Director (collecting the necessary materials, notifying participants about the time and place of the event, agenda, their registration), keeps and draws up minutes of meetings and meetings.
2.11. Carries out certain official assignments of the General Director.

3. The rights of an assistant (assistant) to the general director

The assistant (assistant) of the general director has the right to:
3.1. Receive information, including confidential information, in the amount necessary to solve the assigned tasks.
3.2. Submit proposals to the management to improve their work and the work of the company.
3.3. Request information and documents necessary for the performance of his official duties personally or on behalf of the head from the divisions of the enterprise and other specialists.
3.4. Require management to create normal conditions for the performance of official duties and the safety of all documents generated as a result of the company's activities.
3.5. Make decisions within their competence.

4. Responsibility of the assistant (assistant) general director

The assistant (assistant) of the general director is responsible for:
4.1. For non-fulfillment and / or untimely, negligent fulfillment of their duties.
4.2. For non-compliance with the current instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of commercial secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of the rules of internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety regulations and fire safety.

The executive assistant is the elite administrative staff... Director large enterprise needs a responsible and reliable assistant who conducts all organizational and informational work. Thus, the leader stops wasting time irrationally, fussing and preoccupying himself with small issues. The assistant acquires a special status in the company, because he is the director's confidant.

To perform your duties efficiently, it is not enough to possess a basic set of knowledge and skills, you need to have certain human qualities. You must be punctual, friendly, self-possessed, tactful, committed to corporate interests. At the same time, you need to prepare to be in a subordinate position, to be able to adapt to the circumstances and character of the boss.

First of all, you need to be able to respect both the leader himself and others. You will have to master the ability to manage and give orders, because you will be charged with the responsibility of overseeing simple projects. Work must be taken with full responsibility and not be afraid of it. Apply your initiative and do not be afraid to express your opinion to your boss if you think you are right.

The main responsibilities of a good manager's assistant are: paperwork and organizational work. Information and documentation services include the following cases:
1. Acceptance and verification of prepared draft documents that are given to the chief for signature, their editing and revision.
2. Reception of correspondence, which arrives at the address of the company, and its transfer to the appropriate structural units and specific employees. Preparing and sending responses.
3. Drawing up letters, inquiries, reports, reports and other documentation required by the head.
4. Maintaining archival records and safe storage of cases.
5. Controlling the work of the company's employees, monitoring the deadlines.
6. Maintaining a registration card file.

Undocumented maintenance consists of other responsibilities:
1. Reception and broadcasting of messages through various communication channels.
2. Controlling incoming phone calls, the "face" of the company in conversation with clients, quick decision-making on the importance of the call.
3. Ensuring the work of the head by organizing his table.
4. Rational planning of meetings and other affairs of the chief.
5. Preparation of councils, sessions, meetings (collection of participants and documents). Keeping minutes of these meetings.
6. Organization of company presentations.
7. Execution of personal requests and orders of the head.

The scope of these responsibilities depends on the scale of the enterprise, management. The director of a large company has several assistants, whose duties are narrower, but no less.

The executive assistant is a great opportunity to master management skills. This position can be the next step in your career.

Job description of assistant general director
(Job Description for Assistant CEO)

General manager
Surname I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The assistant (assistant) to the general director belongs to the professional category.
1.2. An assistant (assistant) to the CEO is appointed and dismissed by the order of the CEO of the company.
1.3. The assistant (assistant) of the CEO reports directly to the CEO of the company.
1.4. During the absence of the assistant (assistant) of the general director, his rights and obligations are transferred to another official, which is announced in the order for the organization.
1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of assistant (assistant) to the general director: education - higher or incomplete higher education, experience of similar work from a year, knowledge of office equipment (fax, copier, scanner, printer), Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel), office work.
1.6. The assistant (assistant) of the general director is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- the Charter of the company, the Internal Labor Regulations, other regulations of the company;
- orders and orders of the management;
- this job description.

Job responsibilities of the assistant (assistant) general director

The assistant (assistant) to the general director performs the following job duties:
2.1. Schedules the CEO's working day (meetings, calls, receptions, etc.).
2.2. Provides technical support for the activities of the General Director (ordering transport, tickets; organizing meetings, negotiations; etc.)
2.3. Accompanies the CEO at meetings, on trips, etc.
2.4. Takes part in negotiations, business meetings, special receptions; keeps minutes and other documents formalizing the course and result of meetings, negotiations.
2.5. On behalf of the General Director, coordinates individual issues with employees of structural divisions, brings to them the instructions and orders of the head; controls the execution of instructions and orders.
2.6. Collects materials and information required by the CEO, prepares analytical, informational, reference and other materials and submits them to the manager.
2.7. Maintains office work, receives correspondence received for consideration by the General Director, accepts documents and personal applications for the signature of the General Director, maintains their records and registration, and transfers them to the head.
2.8. Keeps an appointment with the manager, organizes the reception of visitors.
2.9. On behalf of the General Director, prepares letters, inquiries, and other documents.
2.10. Carries out work on the preparation of meetings and meetings held by the General Director (collecting the necessary materials, notifying participants about the time and place of the event, agenda, their registration), keeps and draws up minutes of meetings and meetings.
2.11. Carries out certain official assignments of the General Director.

3. The rights of an assistant (assistant) to the general director

The assistant (assistant) of the general director has the right to:

Receive information, including confidential information, in the amount necessary to solve the assigned tasks.
3.2. Submit proposals to the management to improve their work and the work of the company.
3.3. Request information and documents necessary for the performance of his official duties personally or on behalf of the head from the divisions of the enterprise and other specialists.
3.4. Require management to create normal conditions for the performance of official duties and the safety of all documents generated as a result of the company's activities.
3.5. Make decisions within their competence.

4. Responsibility of the assistant (assistant) general director

The assistant (assistant) of the general director is responsible for:
4.1. For non-fulfillment and / or untimely, negligent fulfillment of their duties.
4.2. For non-compliance with the current instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of commercial secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of the rules of internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety regulations and fire safety.

If after reading this article you do not receive a definite answer, ask for quick help:

1. General Provisions

1.1. The assistant general manager is an executive assistant.

1.2. Qualification requirements:
Higher professional education, without presenting requirements for work experience or incomplete higher professional education and work experience in the relevant industry profile of the industry for at least 1 year.

1.3. An assistant CEO needs to know:
- decrees, orders, orders, other governing and regulations higher authorities concerning the financial and economic activities of the enterprise;
- profile, specialization and features of the structure of the enterprise, prospects for its development;
- production capacity and human resources of the enterprise; production technology of the company's products;
- the procedure for drawing up and agreeing business plans for the production and economic and financial and economic activities of the enterprise;
- means of communication, computing and organizational technology;
- the procedure for the conclusion and execution of business and financial contracts;
- the procedure and terms of reporting;
- means of mechanization of manual labor;
- the procedure for purchasing equipment, furniture, inventory, stationery and registration of payments for services;
- fundamentals of economics, labor organization, production and management;
- labor legislation;
- internal labor regulations;
- rules and norms of labor protection.

1.4. Appointment to the position of assistant to the general director and dismissal from office are made by order of the general director.

1.5. The Assistant General Manager reports directly to the General Manager.

1.6. During the absence of the assistant to the general director (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in established order... This person acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the improper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Job responsibilities

General Director Assistant:

- organizes the work of receiving, processing, dispatching to the destination of incoming goods, documents and correspondence, ensuring their safety and timely delivery to addressees;
- monitors the availability of the necessary types of transport, organizing the correct transportation;
- takes measures to fulfill the transportation plan, shift assignments by car drivers;
- fills out, issues and accepts waybills and waybills;
- Carries out registration of travel documentation and accounting of work Vehicle;
- monitors the correctness of the records of the speedometer readings and the receipt of fuels and lubricants (fuels and lubricants);
- identifies in the waybills records of violations of the rules by drivers road traffic and reports them to the management;
- compares the obtained data on the operation of vehicles with shift-daily tasks, identifies deviations and the reasons for their occurrence;
- monitors the observance of road transport discipline by drivers of vehicles, keeps records of the operation of vehicles;
- notifies consignees about the time of arrival of goods to their address.

2.3. Takes part in the development of plans for current and major repairs and the preparation of estimates of economic costs.

2.4. Organizes the repair of premises, monitors the quality of repair work.

2.5. Solves issues on the acquisition and storage of office supplies, necessary household goods, equipment and inventory, provides them with structural units, and also keeps records of their expenditure and compilation of established reporting.

3. Rights

The assistant to the general director has the right to:

3.1. Provide structural divisions, individual specialists and other employees of the enterprise with binding instructions.

3.2. Take action if violations of the internal order at the enterprise are detected and bring the perpetrators to justice.

3.3. Request and receive from structural divisions any information, reference and other materials on the activities of the enterprise.

To get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and obligations in the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties.

3.5. Submit for the General Director's consideration proposals for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this Instruction.

4. Responsibility

The Assistant General Manager is responsible for:

4.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their duties provided for by this Job Description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage to the enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

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Collection of job descriptions

The collection includes job descriptions drawn up in accordance with qualifications contained in Qualification handbook positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by the decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 21, 1998 No. 37, as well as in accordance with other regulations on tariff and qualification characteristics (requirements).
The collection consists of two sections: the first includes industry-wide job descriptions of managers, specialists, technical executors, in the second - job descriptions by industry (editorial and publishing, transport, banking, trade, research, education, healthcare).
For heads of organizations, employees of human resources and legal services.

The job description of the assistant manager is created to streamline labor relationships. The document indicates the functional duties, responsibilities, rights of the employee.

The position "assistant manager" in different organizations can be called differently: personal assistant director, assistant manager, secretary.

І. General Provisions

1. Assistant to the head is appointed to the position and dismissed by the order of the head of the organization.

2. The assistant to the head reports directly to the head of the company.

3. During the absence of the assistant manager, his rights and functional duties are transferred to another official, as reported in the order for the organization.

4. A person who has a higher education and a similar work experience of one year or more is appointed to the position of assistant manager.

5. The assistant manager is guided in his activities by:

  • the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • Internal labor regulations, the Charter and other regulations of the company;
  • orders and orders of the management;
  • this job description.

6. The assistant manager should know:

  • the established procedure for handling documents in the organization;
  • rules of business communication and etiquette;
  • the procedure for maintaining reporting documentation;
  • rules for the use of office equipment, communications;
  • the basics of working in a text editor, spreadsheets;
  • basics of office work;
  • organizational and staff structure of the company;
  • the procedure for the conclusion and execution of contracts.


Job responsibilities of assistant manager

The assistant manager has the following functional responsibilities:

1. Planning the manager's working day: developing and agreeing on a schedule for meetings, visits, calls, receptions and other actions.

2. Personal accompaniment of the manager at meetings, receptions, travel.

3. Technical support for the work of the head: ordering tickets, transport; organization of negotiations, meetings.

4. Keeping minutes and other documents recording the course and result of meetings, meetings, negotiations.

5. Bringing to the attention of employees of structural divisions of the organization instructions, orders of the management and control of their implementation.

6. Collection of information, preparation and provision of analytical, informational, reference and other reports to the management.

7. Record keeping, receipt of correspondence sent to the head.

8. Registration of visitors for a personal reception with the head, the organization of their reception.

Acceptance of documents and applications for signature of the head, their registration, accounting and transfer to the head.

10. Drawing up letters, inquiries, other documents on behalf of the management.

11. Preparation of sessions, meetings, meetings, conducted by the head. Collecting the necessary materials, notifying the participants about the time, place of their holding, agenda.

12. Fulfillment of office assignments of the head.

ІІІ. Rights

The manager's assistant has the right to:

1. Receive information in the amount necessary to complete the assigned tasks.

2. Send suggestions to the management to improve their work and rationalize the company's activities.

3. Send requests to organizational units (on behalf of the head or on personal initiative) to obtain documents necessary for the performance of his official duties.

4. Require the management of the institution to create the conditions necessary for the performance of its official duties.

5. Make independent decisions within their competence.

6. Have access to confidential information when a business need arises.

IV. A responsibility

The assistant manager is responsible for:

1. Providing employees of the organization with inaccurate information.

2. Improper performance of their duties.

3. Material damage to the organization, the state, its counterparties, employees.

4. Violation of the deadlines for completing the tasks.

5. Violation of the provisions of the governing documents of the organization, decisions, decrees.

6. Disclosure of trade secrets, personal data, confidential information.

7. Actions beyond his competence.

8. Violation of labor discipline, safety precautions, internal labor regulations, fire protection.

9. Violation of the norms of business etiquette, rough treatment of business partners, visitors, employees of the organization.

Job descriptions

Job Descriptions for Assistant Director for General Affairs

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1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the Assistant Director for general issues.

1.2. The assistant to the director for general issues is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the director of the enterprise.

1.3. The assistant director for general affairs reports directly to the general director of the company.

1.4. The Assistant Director for General Affairs should know:

- decrees, orders, orders, other governing and normative documents of higher authorities concerning administrative and economic services; the structure of the enterprise, institution, organization and the prospects for its development; means of communication, computing and organizational technology; the procedure and terms for drawing up reports; means of mechanization of manual labor; the procedure for the acquisition of equipment, furniture, inventory, stationery and registration of payments for services; fundamentals of economics, labor organization, production and management; labor legislation; Internal labor regulations; rules and regulations of labor protection.

1.6. During the temporary absence of the assistant director for general affairs, his duties are assigned to the office manager.


Assistant Director for General Affairs:

2.1. Carries out and monitors the implementation of measures to ensure the rational use of road transport organizations, as well as:

· Organizes work on the receipt, processing, dispatch of incoming goods, documents and correspondence according to their destination, ensuring their safety and timely delivery to addressees.

· Carries out control over the availability of the necessary types of transport, the organization of the correct transportation.

· Takes measures to fulfill the transportation plan, shift assignments by car drivers

· Fills in, issues and accepts waybills and waybills.

· Carries out registration of travel documents and accounting of the work of vehicles.

· Controls the correctness of the records of the speedometer readings and the receipt of fuels and lubricants (POL).

· Reveals in the waybills records of violations of traffic rules committed by drivers and reports them to the management.

· Compares the received data on the operation of vehicles with shift-daily tasks, identifies deviations and the reasons for their occurrence.

· Monitors the observance of road transport discipline by drivers of vehicles, keeps records of the operation of vehicles.

· Notifies consignees about the time of arrival of goods to their address.

2.2. Provides maintenance and proper condition in accordance with the rules and regulations of industrial sanitation and fire protection of the building in which the company's office premises are located, as well as control over the serviceability of equipment (lighting, heating systems, ventilation, etc.).

2.2. Takes part in the development of plans for current and major repairs and the preparation of estimates of economic costs.

2.3. Organizes the repair of premises, monitors the quality of repair work.

Solves issues on the acquisition and storage of office supplies, necessary household goods, equipment and inventory, provides them with structural units, and also keeps records of their expenditure and compilation of established reporting.

2.6. Controls the rational use of materials and funds allocated for economic purposes.

2.7. Supervises work on the improvement of the office territory, as well as monitors the condition and timely repair of furniture.

2.8. Ensures the implementation of fire-prevention measures and the maintenance of fire-fighting equipment in good condition.


The assistant director for general affairs has the right to:

3.1. To give subordinate employees and services assignments, assignments on a range of issues included in his functional duties.

3.2. Monitor the execution of tasks and work, the timely execution of individual orders and tasks of the subordinate service and employees.

3.3. Request and receive necessary materials and documents related to the activities of the Assistant Director for General Affairs.

3.4. Enter into relationships with departments outside organizations to resolve operational issues of production activities within the competence of the Assistant Director for General Issues.


The Assistant Director for General Affairs is responsible for:

4.1. Results and efficiency of production activities.

4.2. Failure to enforce their functional responsibilities, as well as for the results of the work.

4.3. Inaccurate information about the status of the work being performed.

4.4. Failure to comply with orders, orders and instructions of the director of the company.

4.5. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the company, its employees.

4.6. Failure to ensure compliance with labor and performance discipline by employees of the department.


5.1. The working hours of the assistant director for general issues are determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the company.

5.2. To resolve operational issues to ensure the production activities of the department, the assistant director for general issues disposes of transport in a general manner.