4 study of the job description of the ATP dispatcher. Job description of a road transport dispatcher. The procedure for familiarizing an employee with the job description

The transport dispatcher plays the role of a liaison in the work transport company... The bulk of the work is related to the distribution of vehicles according to requests, as well as the solution of issues and problems arising during the movement Vehicle... The main organizational document governing the work of a transport dispatcher is his job description.

Within the framework of staffing table the dispatcher belongs to the category of specialists. He is appointed to the position by the director of the company by his order. Other aspects of the work of the dispatcher of the transport company are defined in the job description presented below.

General Provisions

The job description of a road transport dispatcher contains general information about the position. For example, this includes the following questions:

  1. The dispatcher of the transport company is a specialist. The position is appointed and dismissed by the order of the director of the company.
  2. The official salary is established in accordance with the staffing table.
  3. The dispatcher is directly subordinate to the head of the garage, the chief engineer and the chief mechanic.

During the performance of functional duties, the transport dispatcher must be guided by the following regulatory and local acts:

Main tasks and responsibilities

The main task of the dispatcher of the transport company is quality organization work of transport and drivers on the line, as well as control over the observance of routes and, in general, over the course of transportation work. Within the framework of this task, the transport dispatcher performs a huge list of functions.

Carries out work with drivers and interaction with other personnel of the company or vehicle fleet:

  • organizes the work of drivers;
  • control of the work of dispatching points on the line;
  • conducting briefings with drivers on transportation and route features.

Deals with the organization of cargo transportation. To do this, it performs the following functions:

  • maintains and organizes contacts with the company's clients on transportation and route organization;
  • monitors bus stations and bus stations for the purpose of high-quality and efficient route management;
  • controls and prevents vehicle downtime;
  • controls traffic schedules and timetables, if necessary, promptly redistribute transport when the intensity of passenger traffic changes;
  • organizes special and additional flights;
  • promptly resolve conflicts and problem situations on the routes, preventing disruption of traffic flows, as well as take timely and effective measures to eliminate them;
  • keeps a record of the performed transportations, as well as to carry out timely control over the progress of cargo transportation;
  • controls the work on unloading and loading vehicles, as well as the technical condition of access roads;
  • controls the issues of ensuring the safety of transportation;
  • informs the management about cases of illnesses of drivers and personnel, cases of injuries and breakdowns of vehicles;
  • work with automated systems and devices for the control of cargo transportation.

The dispatcher for the clear performance of his duties must keep the following documentation:

  • waybills sheets;
  • calculations of technical and operational characteristics;
  • register of applications and tasks for cargo transportation;
  • an incident log, and also draws up reports and operational summaries of accidents that occurred, incidents that occurred during the shift;
  • checks the correctness of the routing lists, as well as documents for the performed transportation;
  • duty log;
  • journal of accounting and movement of waybills;
  • special transport work log;
  • instruction logs with drivers;
  • logbook of transport entering the line and returning;
  • prepares and submits reporting documentation to the management;
  • controls the correctness of the accompanying documentation for the goods.

Responsibility and rights

The dispatcher is a very important position for any enterprise where it is provided. Indeed, it depends on the correctness and clarity of the actions of this person whether the cargo will arrive on time, whether the machine will go to the line, whether the equipment will function correctly, and so on.

Due to errors, the entire production may stop or equipment downtime may occur, which entails losses for the company.

Therefore, the dispatcher can be held liable for the following:

  1. For failure to fulfill their duties (including improper performance) painted in the job description.
  2. If, in the course of his work, he committed offenses (violation of safety precautions), the responsibility for which is provided for by administrative, civil and criminal legislation;
  3. If the dispatcher caused property damage to his organization.

All sanctions are governed by civil and labor law. But if people were injured as a result of the actions of the dispatcher, then criminal legislation already comes into play.

The dispatcher, in addition to responsibility, has rights. You can also find out about them in the job description. The rights of the dispatcher include:

  • participation in the discussion of issues that directly relate to dispatching duties. He participates in meetings where issues of improving the work of the enterprise are considered. Can offer his ideas in this direction;
  • the dispatcher has the right to demand and receive all the necessary information and documents that will be necessary for him for work;
  • give instructions and instruct drivers before the trip, distribute tasks for the transportation of goods among drivers;
  • check the quality of implementation of previously given instructions.

Requirements for a specialist

The dispatcher is a very important profession, and therefore the specialists in this position have certain requirements that they must meet. Requirements are individual for each enterprise, but there are general ones that are found almost always:

Although, as practice shows, length of service is determined by the employer in each case individually for each applicant. But the requirements for education have been tightened. Now you need to complete special courses if your education is non-core, or you need to graduate from an educational institution according to your profile.

Features of the dispatcher's work

The specifics of the work are mainly due to the direction of the company. The essence and complexity of the work lies in the competent organization of traffic flows. Large shipping companies with a large fleet of vehicles prefer to hire people with a logistic profession for this position.

Small companies, for example, taxi services do not have great educational requirements, preferring to train a specialist in the workplace... In addition, upon completion probationary period, the employee may be offered to undergo a course retraining within the framework of this specialty.

This video clearly shows the work of the road transport dispatcher.

Job description of a road transport dispatcher

I. General Provisions:

  1. Appointed, moved and dismissed from his position by order of the head of the enterprise on the proposal of the chief engineer.
  2. The dispatcher's salary is established according to the staffing table.
  3. The dispatcher reports directly to the garage mechanic.
  4. The dispatcher must exercise personal caution and discretion when moving throughout the territory of the river port, in the building of the administrative building and other production and service premises.
  5. In his work he is guided by:

Regulations on labor protection and safety in river ports;

Regulatory legal acts, as well as instructions and guidelines regulating the activities of a road transport dispatcher;

Orders and orders of the head of OJSC "____";

The charter of the enterprise;

The present job description.

II. Tasks and responsibilities:

  1. Receives and registers forms of waybills. Fills in, issues and accepts waybills.
  2. Prepares waybills for every working day. In the case of transport service in intercity traffic, it is possible to issue a waybill for several days, which must be confirmed by an order for the company.
  3. Checks the correctness of their design, the presence of all the requisites.
  4. Carries out registration of travel documentation. Keeps a dispatch log, where he enters data from the main details of waybills.
  5. Controls the correctness of records of speedometer readings, receipt and residues of fuels and lubricants (fuels and lubricants).
  6. Identifies in the waybills records of violations of traffic rules committed by drivers and reports them to the management.
  7. Compares the obtained data on the operation of vehicles with shift-daily tasks, identifies deviations and the reasons for their occurrence.
  8. Every day he submits the waybills for the previous day to the accounting department.
  9. Every month, by the 10th day of the month following the reporting month, submits to the accounting department a statement with daily data on fuel consumption and mileage accounting for each car.
  1. Take care of personal safety and health, as well as the safety and health of people around them in the process of performing any work or during their stay on the territory of the enterprise.
  2. Fulfills the requirements of regulatory and legal acts on labor protection.
  3. It undergoes preliminary and periodic medical examinations in accordance with the procedure established by law.

III. Must know

  1. Labor regulations of the enterprise.
  2. Regulations, instructions, other guidelines and regulations concerning the activities of the road transport dispatcher.
  3. The order of registration and processing of waybills.
  4. Traffic Laws.
  5. Fundamentals of Labor Law.
  6. Rules and regulations for labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire safety.

IV. Rights:

The road transport dispatcher has the right to:

  1. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise concerning its activities.
  2. Submit to the management of the enterprise proposals for improving the organization and improving the methods of work performed by him.
  3. Require drivers to undergo pre-trip and post-trip medical examinations every shift.
  4. Report to the head of the department on the revealed signs of the presence of alcohol or drug intoxication, or deterioration in the health of drivers.

V. Responsibility:

The road transport dispatcher is personally responsible for:

  1. Inconsistency of his decisions with the current legislation of Ukraine.
  2. Improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this instruction - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.
  3. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation
  4. Giving inaccurate information about the state of the work being performed.
  5. Violations of the requirements of laws and other legal acts on labor protection.

Vi. Relationship:

For all questions related to the performance of his official duties, he addresses his immediate supervisor.

Vii. Qualification requirements:

A road transport dispatcher must have a secondary education, without presenting requirements for work experience.

Supervisor structural unit _____________ __ __________ G.

(signature, full name)


Chief Engineer _____________________________ __ __________

(signature, full name)

Legal Counsel _____________________________ __ __________

(signature, full name)

Occupational safety engineer ____________________________ __ __________

(signature, full name)

I have read the instructions: ___________________________ __ __________

(signature, full name)

Labor assignment of a road transport dispatcher

The road transport dispatcher carries out operational management of the enterprise's vehicles during the work shift and is in demand mainly in companies engaged in passenger, freight and other transportation. Besides, this position can be in demand in an organization that simply has in its staff a significant amount of transport used on an ongoing basis for the needs of the enterprise.

The structure of a typical job description of a road transport dispatcher

The job description of a road transport dispatcher defines the main components labor activity(general requirements, job rights and responsibilities, scope of responsibility) of this staff unit within a particular enterprise, taking into account the specifics and direction of the organization's work. Since the job description is an internal document, it is developed by each organization independently. However, the main attributes and sections of the document, adopted by the customs of business turnover, in the overwhelming majority of cases remain unchanged.

Like any internal document of the organization, the job description must be approved by its manager. Information about this is placed at the beginning of the instruction: at the top right on the title page there is a special place where the date of approval of the document and the position of the head are indicated, who here also puts his signature with a decryption. Slightly below or at the end of the document, the employees who participated in the coordination of the job description at the stage of its development are signed.

The main information of the document is presented in the following sections:

Don't know your rights?

  1. General Provisions
    This section contains mainly information about the requirements that the employer places on candidates for the position of a dispatcher (education, work experience, age, professional and personal skills). Also, this part of the instructions includes a list of regulatory and internal documents that the employee must be familiar with before starting to perform his job duties. In the same section, the place of the position of the vehicle dispatcher in the regular structure of the enterprise is determined, the category is indicated (according to the unified qualification handbook of employees, the position of the vehicle dispatcher belongs to a group of specialists), the immediate chief of the employee is appointed and the procedure for accepting, dismissing and replacing an employee is established.
  2. Official rights and responsibilities
    This is the key section of the document and is represented by the list job responsibilities and the associated rights of the employee. A competently drawn up job description requires to paint in as much detail as possible job duties since detailing labor functions facilitates the work of the employee and ultimately improves labor productivity.
  3. Employee responsibility
    This section specifies the responsibility of the employee. At the same time, the employer should not forget that the law prohibits the internal documents of the organization to establish liability stricter than that provided for by the Labor Code.

Education and other skills required for a dispatcher to work

Single qualification handbook positions of employees to the requirements for applicants for the position of a vehicle dispatcher include higher or secondary specialized education. At the same time, applicants with higher education not to burden with the necessary work experience in the specialty, and to select candidates with secondary specialized education with work experience in the specialty of at least 3 years.

In practice, however, most often the employer just needs an employee who can imagine what kind of work they are talking about, not only theoretically, but also in action. That is why, depending on the complexity of the direction in which the dispatcher has to work, either a certificate of completion of special courses, coupled with higher or secondary education not in the profile, or a diploma of completion of a special educational institution by profile. Each employer determines the length of service in the profession individually (as a rule, it takes at least a year).

In addition, the dispatcher must know:

  • the main provisions of transport and labor legislation;
  • regulatory documents on the organization of traffic management;
  • rules for making waybills;
  • road map and addresses of organizations in the service area;
  • basics of traffic rules;
  • transportation rules;
  • distances and routes of transportation, the condition of the roadway along the route.

In addition to special education and work experience, the profession of a dispatcher also requires a number of personal qualities of an employee, such as:

  • attentiveness;
  • a responsibility;
  • organization;
  • good memory;
  • stress tolerance;
  • organizational skills;
  • Analytical mind.

Job responsibilities of a road transport dispatcher

Despite the fact that each company compiles a job description for a road transport dispatcher individually, there are general job responsibilities of this specialist that can be included in the job description of any organization.

These responsibilities include:

  1. Organization and control of vehicle drivers on the line.
  2. Monitoring the work of linear dispatching points.
  3. Instructing drivers about the peculiarities of transportation on the route, including road conditions and meteorological conditions.
  4. Maintaining communication with customers, loading and unloading and linear dispatch centers, bus stations and stations.
  5. Application of measures to eliminate forced downtime transport.
  6. Registration and control of registration of travel documents.
  7. Drawing up reports on the results of the last shift.
  8. Control of the traffic schedule, timetables and intervals of movement and taking appropriate measures to comply with them.
  9. Redistribution of vehicles along routes when the situation changes.
  10. Formation of proposals for the management to improve the quality of customer service.
  11. Control over the execution of orders.
  12. Taking measures to eliminate failures in a timely manner transport processes.
  13. Control over the observance of transport discipline by drivers.
  14. Organization, if necessary, of technical assistance to the rolling stock on the line.

The procedure for familiarizing an employee with the job description

According to labor law, an employee is not obliged to perform work that is not provided for by an employment contract. In this regard, the labor contract, as a rule, includes a clause according to which the employee undertakes to fulfill the job duties specified in his job description. In this regard, the procedure for familiarizing a newly hired specialist with his job description is of particular importance and importance.

It will be optimal and timely to acquaint the employee with his job description on the day of signing employment contract with him, that is, on the day of hiring. In this case, in practice, several methods are used to fix the time of the specialist's acquaintance with the document:

  1. The company uses a single copy of the job description to familiarize all employees of this position. Acquaintance marks are affixed right at the end of the document in the form of an employee's signature with a decryption and indication of the acquaintance date.
  2. Each newly hired employee is given a separate copy of the instruction for review, on which marks of acquaintance are affixed (also with the date). In this case, the signed instruction is kept in the employee's personal file.
  3. To confirm the fact of familiarization with job descriptions, a special journal is used, in which the date of acquaintance and the signature of the employee is recorded.


It is important, when drawing up a job description for a vehicle dispatcher, not to forget that work on it requires an individual approach. On a par with general information used in most instructions, it is advisable to include special content in the document, taking into account the specifics of the work of a particular enterprise and the direction of its activities.



(approximate form)


1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the dispatcher "_____________" (hereinafter - the "organization").

1.2. The dispatcher is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the organization.

1.3. The dispatcher reports directly to the ________________ organization.

1.4. A person is appointed to the position of a dispatcher who has:

1.4.1. Secondary vocational education without presenting requirements for work experience or initial vocational education and work experience in operational regulation of the management (production) process for at least 3 years, including at least 1 year in this organization.

1.5. The dispatcher must know:

Normative legal acts, methodological materials on production planning and operational management of production;

Organization of production planning and dispatching in the organization;

The production capacity of the organization and its divisions;

Specialization of organizational units and production relations between them;

Range of products, types of work (services) performed;

Organization of the work of industrial warehouses, transport and loading and unloading operations in the organization;

Fundamentals of the production technology of the organization's products;

Technical requirements for the organization's products;

Organization of operational accounting of the progress of production and delivery finished products;

Computer facilities, communications and communications;

Fundamentals of Economics, Organization of Production, Labor and Management;

Labor protection rules and regulations.


Note. Functional responsibilities the dispatcher is determined on the basis and in the scope of the qualification characteristics for the position of the dispatcher and can be supplemented, clarified in the preparation of the job description based on specific circumstances.

2.1. Dispatcher:

2.1.1. With the use of computer technology, communications and communications, realizes operational regulation of the course of production and other types of core activities of the Organization or its divisions in accordance with production programs, calendar plans and shift-daily tasks.

2.1.2. Supervises the provision of the Organization's divisions with the necessary materials, structures, components, equipment, as well as transport and handling facilities.

2.1.3. Carries out operational control over the course of production, ensuring maximum use of production capacity, rhythmic and uninterrupted movement of work in progress, delivery of finished products, performance of work (services), warehouse and loading and unloading operations according to established schedules.

2.1.4. Ensures compliance with the established norms of backlogs at sites and in workshops, the size of the batch of launches and the timing of their submission.

2.1.5. Takes measures to prevent and eliminate disruptions in the course of production, involving, if necessary, the relevant services of the organization.

2.1.6. Reveals production reserves to establish the most rational operating modes technological equipment, a more complete and even loading of equipment and production areas, a reduction in the duration of the production cycle.

2.1.7. Implements and ensures the rational use of technical means of operational management of production.

2.1.8. Keeps a dispatch log, prepares reports and other technical documentation on the production progress.

2.1.9. Participates in the work on the analysis and assessment of the activities of the organization's divisions, the identification of internal production reserves.

2.1.10. Supervises the work of operators of the dispatch service.


3.1. The dispatcher has the right:

3.1.1. Require the management of the organization to assist in the performance of their duties.

3.1.2. Improve your qualifications.

3.1.3. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization's management concerning its activities.

3.1.4. Submit proposals on their activities for consideration by their immediate supervisor.

3.1.5. Receive from employees of the organization the information necessary to carry out their activities.

3.1.6. Make decisions and give instructions for solving operational issues of organizing production.


4.1. The dispatcher is responsible for:

4.1.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of his duties provided for by this job description - in accordance with the current labor legislation.

4.1.2. For offenses committed during the period of carrying out their activities - in accordance with the current civil, administrative and criminal legislation.

4.1.3. For causing material damage - in accordance with applicable law.

4.1.4. Violation of the internal labor regulations, fire safety and safety rules established in the organization.


5.1. The dispatcher's mode of operation is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the organization.

5.2. Due to operational needs, the dispatcher can be sent to business trips(including local significance).

This job description was developed in accordance with _________ __________________________________________________________________________. (name, number and date of the document)

AGREED BY: Legal Counsel ____________ ___________________ (signature) (full name)

"___"__________ ___ G.

I have read the instructions: _____________ ___________________ (signature) (full name)

Automobile transport dispatcher.

1. The position of the road transport dispatcher is included to the list of jobs, professions, positions directly related to the management of vehicles or traffic management, approved by the Government Russian Federation dated January 19, 2008 N 16.

2. To the dispatcher of road transport, as well as urban land electric transport, in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of September 28, 2015 N 287 "On approval of professional and qualification requirements for employees of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out transportation by road and urban land electric transport" the following are presented professional and qualification requirements:

2.1. The road transport dispatcher should know:

- fundamentals of transport and labor legislation;

regulations on the organization of operational management of road traffic;

- the order of registration and processing of the waybill, accounting of technical and operational indicators;

- the scheme of roads and their condition on the routes of movement of vehicles, the movement of which is organized and controlled by the dispatcher;

- the requirements of the manufacturer of vehicles, the movement of which is organized and controlled by the dispatcher, for the technical operation of vehicles;

- work schedules of drivers on the routes of movement of vehicles, the movement of which is organized and controlled by the dispatcher;

- tariffs and rules for their application on the routes of vehicles, the movement of which is organized and controlled by the dispatcher;

- fundamentals of economics, organization of labor and production;

- transportation distances and the nature of road conditions on the routes of movement of vehicles, the movement of which is organized and controlled by the dispatcher;

- timetables and stopping points on the routes of vehicles, the movement of which is organized and controlled by the dispatcher;

- route network and traffic conditions that ensure the safety of transportation;

- rules and instructions for labor protection, fire protection.

2.2. The road transport dispatcher must be able to:

- organize and control the work of drivers and their implementation of the shift plan and transportation tasks;

- take the necessary measures to ensure the safety of road traffic of vehicles (trams, trolleybuses);

- instruct drivers about the conditions and peculiarities of transportation on the routes, paying special attention to the condition of the roads, the peculiarities of traffic on certain sections in specific meteorological conditions;

- ensure interaction with all participants in the transportation process in order to optimize it;

- take measures to eliminate excess vehicle downtime;

- fill out, issue and accept waybills and other documents reflecting the work performed by drivers, check the correctness of their execution. written about waybills used in road transport;

- calculate the corresponding technical and operational indicators in the waybills;

- issue planned assignments, register assignments and applications for transportation;

- draw up operational summaries and reports on work and incidents per shift;

- to coordinate the work of automobile and (or) urban land electric transport with other modes of transport;

- take measures to include reserve vehicles in road traffic on the route instead of those who prematurely left the route for technical or other reasons, operational switching cars from route to route, to another route in connection with road repairs;

- check the correctness of paperwork for the performed transportation, coordinate the work of vehicles of third-party enterprises;

- to ensure control and accounting of the performed transportation of goods and take measures to promptly eliminate failures of transport processes, excess downtime at the points of loading and unloading vehicles, as well as loading empty vehicles in the same direction;

- to carry out operational accounting, control the work of loading and unloading mechanisms of enterprises and organizations, control the condition of access roads, as well as the observance of transport discipline by drivers;

- to organize, if necessary, the provision of timely technical assistance to the rolling stock on the line.

2.3. To the dispatcher of the automobile and urban land electric transport, one of the following requirements is imposed:

a) the presence of a diploma of education not lower than secondary vocational in the specialty included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Engineering and technology of ground transport" (subgroup "Organization of transportation and management in transport, profession code 23.02.01";

b) the presence of a diploma of secondary vocational education in specialties not included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Engineering and technology of ground transport", and a diploma of additional professional education under the program professional retraining with the assignment of the qualifications of a dispatcher of automobile and urban ground electric transport.

There are no requirements for length of service (experience).

3. Professional retraining with the assignment of qualifications of a road transport dispatcher is carried out on the basis of a qualification training program for the organization of road transport within the Russian Federation in the amount of 82 hours of full-time education. Persons with higher, secondary specialized education of a non-automotive profile undergo qualification training.

3.1. Learning objectives: to provide students with the necessary level of knowledge to manage the transportation of goods and passengers by road, which should contribute to the normal functioning of the transport services market and the protection of consumer rights, ensuring traffic safety and compliance with environmental standards in the operation of road transport.

The training includes lectures and practical lessons. The training ends with a vocational qualification exam for the entire course material.

3.2. The course includes the following disciplines.

Fundamentals of transport and civil legislation.

Licensing of activities in road transport.

Russian legislation on the basics of the tax system.

Agreements and contracts.

Road transport certification.

Rolling stock, requirements for it, maintenance of its technical condition.

Operating materials, their use, storage, disposal, ways of saving.

Storage of rolling stock, spare parts, operating materials.

Environmental requirements for road transport.

Organization of work to ensure traffic safety.

Commercial vehicle operation.

Organization of freight road transport.

Loading and unloading works.

Organization of passenger road transport.

Basic concepts about the organization of transport and forwarding services.

Organization of transportation of dangerous and special types of cargo.

Finance and management.

Compulsory and voluntary insurance for road transport.

Labor protection, safety measures, fire-prevention measures in road transport.

4. The road transport dispatcher must work on the basis of the job description of the same name, containing sections: qualifications, must know functions, duties, rights and responsibilities. The job description is approved by the head legal entity or individual entrepreneur... The basis for the development of job descriptions are qualification characteristics contained in paragraph 2 of this article.