Transport processes in logistics are an example. Fundamentals of transport logistics. Documents for international transport




State educational institution

higher professional education


Evening and correspondence faculty

Department of Management and Marketing

Transport logistics

(on the example of OOO KF Slobodskaya)

Explanatory note

to the course work on the discipline


Completed by a student of the EKMu-933 ____________ / I.I. Rychkova /


Head: __________________________ / O. V. Skopin /


The work is protected with the rating "__________" "____" _________2010

Commission members





Introduction 3

1. Theoretical aspects of transport logistics 5

1.1. The essence and objectives of transport logistics 5

1.2. Logistic communications in transport operations 8

2. Analysis of the state of transport logistics in LLC "KF" Slobodskaya "11

2.1. Brief description of OOO KF Slobodskaya 11

2.2. Characteristics of the transport logistics system of the enterprise 18

2.3. Analysis of enterprise traffic flows 21

3. Draft measures to improve transport logistics at OOO KF Slobodskaya 24

3.1. Identification of the main directions for improving transport logistics at the enterprise 24

3.2. Designing measures to reduce costs in the process of transporting goods to OOO KF Slobodskaya 25

3.3. Calculation of the effectiveness of project activities 27

Conclusion 31

List of used literature 33

Appendix 35


Transport logistics - moving the required amount of goods to the desired point, using the optimal route in the required time and at the lowest cost. Transport is a connecting link between the elements of logistics systems, which carries out the movement of material resources. The costs of creating any product are made up of the production cost and the costs of performing all work from the moment of purchasing materials to the moment the goods are purchased by the end consumer. Most of the cost is the so-called "transition cost", that is, the mark-up of each link in the chain producer - end customer. The markup for such a transition can be 15 - 20%.

The movement of the material flow from the primary source of raw materials to final consumption is carried out using various vehicles. The costs of these operations can be up to 50% of the total logistics costs.

Transport is presented as a system consisting of two subsystems: transport intended for public use and non-public transport.

Public transport serves the circulation and the population. This type of transport is often called the mainline (a highway is the main, the main line in some system, in this case, in the system of communications). The concept of public transport covers urban transport, rail transport, water transport (sea and river), road, air transport and pipeline transport.

Non-public transport - intra-industrial transport, as well as vehicles of all types belonging to non-transport enterprises, is, as a rule, part of any production systems.

Transport is an integral part of production and trade processes. Therefore, the transport component is involved in a variety of technological processes, performing the tasks of the logistics system. At the same time, there is a fairly independent transport area of ​​logistics, in which the multidimensional consistency between the participants in the transport process can be considered outside of direct connection with the associated production and storage areas of the movement of the material flow.

The tasks of transport logistics primarily include tasks, the solution of which enhances the coordination of actions of the direct participants in the transport process.

The presence of a single operator of the end-to-end transportation process, performing a single function of managing the end-to-end material flow, makes it possible to effectively design the movement of the material flow, achieving the specified parameters at the exit.

The purpose of this term paper is the consideration of the methods of transport logistics at the enterprise.

In accordance with the goal, the following tasks are set:

    consideration theoretical foundations transport logistics at the enterprise;

    consideration of the organizational and economic characteristics of the investigated enterprise;

    consideration of the organization of transport logistics at the enterprise at the investigated enterprise.

The object of the research is OOO KF Slobodskaya, the subject of which is bakery.

Research period: 2006-2008

When writing the work, the following methods were used: monographic, abstract-logical, analysis.

The sources of information were the works of domestic and foreign authors in the field of commercial logistics.

1.Theoretical aspects of transport logistics

1.1. Essence and tasks of transport logistics

From the point of view of specialization and cooperation of production, the study of transport cannot be limited to the sphere of individual material and technical ties. It should be considered throughout the entire logistics system - from the primary supplier to the final consumer, including intermediate stages. And, finally, in order to minimize costs, it is proposed to expand the concept of "logistics concept" to include the entire product life cycle - from the design stage to the use of secondary raw materials and waste.

The policy of deregulation of road transport and the application of the system "just in time" contributed to the expansion of the scope of its activities. This is especially noticeable in the United States, with its relatively long transportation routes compared to Western European countries and Japan. In the United States, cars are increasingly used not only at short and medium distances, but also at distances of up to 1600 km - for the delivery of both components and finished products. Due to this, the share of road transport in the development of cargo transportation has slightly increased. This applies to the greatest extent to contract trucking firms. The latter stipulate incentives and penalties for the quality of transportation, and this contributes to raising the standards for the services provided.

Nevertheless, according to foreign experts, this does not mean that in the new conditions of demand for transportation, the role of railway transport is doomed to decline. On the contrary, such qualitative characteristics as the regularity and speed of trains in direct traffic (in the European region, this is international traffic), can be very useful. Moreover, in order to accelerate the delivery of goods by rail, the use of container transportations, containers and block trains can be expanded. It will be advisable to carry out operations for the preparation of trains at a limited number of marshalling yards. Consolidation of cargo is of paramount importance for increasing the utilization of the carrying capacity of wagons.

The use of inland waterway transport in the logistics chain is largely limited by the seasonality of its operation in a number of countries. However, inland waterways can be used as an alternative mode of transport compared to road transport, which is subject to constraints such as weekend work bans, road taxes, etc. Thanks to the just-in-time system the possibilities of attracting water transport have expanded in comparison with those cases when the emphasis was on increasing the speed of delivery.

The introduction of the logistics concept into the practice of world economic relations will, to a certain extent, increase the volume of cargo transportation by sea and especially air transport in intercontinental traffic. The growth of air traffic in domestic traffic is not excluded. For example, in the United States, by the early 1990s, the demand for air transport increased for 29% of firms using just-in-time systems, and only 5% of firms refused its services.

In logistics systems operating "strictly on schedule", the main factor that provides effective work on the supply and distribution lines of inventory, - this is a new service of road and rail companies in the collection and distribution of goods. These services of transport companies provide acceleration of long-distance transportation from suppliers to manufacturers or markets of final products and often eliminate the links that exist in traditional cargo packing systems. As a result, the operations performed are usually less expensive and provide a higher quality of service than competing distribution methods. In addition, companies using the new services are reaping direct benefits, such as reduced turnaround times for order processing and replacement of inventory holdings with traffic flows. Taking into account the above-stated, it is of interest to look more closely at the policy of transport companies, which has led to a change in the nature of the latter's activities.

The main provisions of logistics, typical for manufacturing firms and consumers of products (consumer priority, high level of service, reduction in order fulfillment time, etc.), fully apply to transport enterprises involved in logistics systems. A distinctive feature of their work in the new conditions of competition in the market of transport services is the development of a policy for an integrated solution of transport and related problems at a different, qualitatively high level. Practice shows that such a policy is successful if it is sufficiently differentiated and based on such basic components as: provision of unconventional new value-added services, communication policy and contracting policy.

The policy of the services provided includes all decisions and actions aimed at the integrated implementation of the transport process. This means that the organization of cargo transportation, taking into account the distance of their transportation, the quantity and delivery time, is planned along with the provision of additional services to customers.

The experience of many transport firms that have adopted the logistics concept shows that the policy of value-added services not directly related to transportation is of great importance and gives positive results. It increases the potential for attracting customers, increases profits, allows accelerating the introduction of more advanced transport technologies and improving service to consumers who are in constant contact with the carrier, as well as strengthening the company's position in the transport services market.

In turn, industrial firms that have entrusted some of their functions to transport enterprises prefer to specialize in their core business to increase its efficiency and are ready to pay for qualified third-party services to perform a number of logistics functions. Industrial firms see their main benefit in this process - a reduction in total costs and especially a reduction in the fund. wages... In addition, along with purely economic factors, cargo owners get a higher degree of freedom of maneuver. Thus, increased commercial flexibility is very valuable for industries operating in markets distributed over large areas and incurring losses from untimely switching of commodity flows in accordance with fluctuations in demand.

According to some logistics experts, the main reason preventing the expansion of interaction between industrial and transport companies in the field of logistics is the danger of the cargo owner losing control over the movement of raw materials and finished products. At the same time, it should be noted that this reason is, apparently, subjective, and one can expect a decrease in its influence as experience of joint work accumulates and mutual trust is strengthened. This is confirmed by the fact that at present the process of transferring logistics functions to transport firms from production firms is rapidly developing. This trend is likely to continue in the future.

Transport is a branch of material production that transports people and goods.

For a long time, transport was not given due attention. But with the growth and complication of world economic relations, transport gradually becomes important factor increasing the efficiency of commodity circulation and all production as a whole. A new view of transport is emerging.

In particular, there is a synchronization of the work of transport and production, much attention began to be paid to adherence to time schedules. The interest in the value of tariffs, the length of routes, the availability of specialized rolling stock has increased. In some cases, there is a fusion of transport with the serviced production. Door-to-door systems are emerging.

In the end, all this leads to the emergence of transport logistics, by which they began to understand the key logistics function associated with the movement of products by vehicles using a certain technology in the supply chain, and consisting of logistics operations and functions, including forwarding, cargo handling, packaging, transfer of rights cargo ownership, risk insurance, customs procedures, etc.

The basic concepts of transport logistics were also formulated.

The first concept is a transport corridor. It is part of a national or international transport system that provides significant freight traffic between geographic areas.

It includes mobile vehicles and stationary devices of all modes of transport operating in this direction and

a set of legal conditions for the implementation of these transportation.

The next important concept is the transport chain. These are the stages of transporting goods over certain distances, over a certain period of time, using vehicles of one or more modes of transport. All this time, the goods remain unchanged (for example, a cargo package or container).

Gradually, a transportation mission was formed in the logistics service system, which sounds like “to deliver the desired product required quality and quantity at a given time and at an optimal cost. "

The transport service began to include not only cargo transportation, but also forwarding services, information support, transaction operations, cargo handling services, insurance services, security services, etc.

Transportation management includes the following main stages:

Choice of transportation method;

The choice of the type of transport;

Choosing a vehicle;

Choosing a carrier and logistics partners for transportation;

Optimization of the parameters of the transport process;

Determination of rational delivery routes;

Joint planning of transport processes in various modes of transport;

Joint planning of the transport process with warehouse and production;

Coordination and planning of the transportation operation together with cargo handling, packaging, etc.

The most important question is the choice of a vehicle. To successfully solve this issue, it is at least necessary to know the selection parameters and characteristics of the vehicle itself, its strengths and weaknesses.

The selection parameters include the parameters of the rolling stock, which include:

Technical and operational speed of the vehicle;

Overall dimensions of cargo containers and the vehicles themselves;

Gross weight and axle load;

Engine power;

Carrying capacity and overall dimensions of trailers, semi-trailers, wagons, etc.

In addition, it is imperative to remember about the parameters for communication routes, which include:

Transport capacity of communication lines;

Carriageway width (track), fairway depth;

Permissible load on the roadbed.

Finally, it is important to know the parameters for the terminals. This is, first of all, the usable storage area, as well as the number of revolutions (turnover rate).

It should be borne in mind that all transport is divided into two main groups.

Public transport it is a sector of the national economy that meets the needs of all other sectors of the national economy and the population in the transportation of goods and passengers.

Non-public transport is internal production transport, as well as vehicles of all types belonging to non-transport enterprises. It is, as a rule, an integral part of any production systems and must be organically incorporated into them.

Each type of transport has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Railway transport in our country is one of the most widespread. Its advantages include:

Independence from climatic conditions, time of year and day;

High regularity of transportation;

Ensuring the possibility of delivering cargo over long distances;

Relatively low tariffs and significant discounts for transit shipments;

Relatively low cost of cargo transportation;

High speed of delivery of goods over distances exceeding 1500 km;

Well suited for the transportation of various volumes of consignments;

The ability to effectively organize the execution of loading and unloading slaves, etc.

But this type of transport also has its drawbacks:

Limited number of carriers;

Large capital investment to the production and technical base;

High material and energy consumption of transportation;

Unavailability at endpoints;

Insufficiently high safety of cargo, etc.

The following advantages are characteristic of sea transport:

Possibility of intercontinental transport (it is the largest carrier in international transport);

Low cost of long-distance transportation, low freight rates;

High carrying and carrying capacity;

Low capital intensity of transportation, etc.

It also has significant disadvantages:

Limited geography of transportation;

Low delivery speed;

Dependence on geographic, navigation and weather conditions;

Low frequency of dispatches;

Strict requirements for packing and securing loads.

The need to create a complex port infrastructure, etc.

Inland water transport also has its advantages and disadvantages. Its advantages include:

High carrying capacity on deep rivers and reservoirs;

Low cost of transportation, low freight rates when transporting goods weighing more than 100 tons over a distance of more than 250 km;

And its disadvantages are:

Limited geography of transportation, low geographic availability;

Low delivery speed;

Dependence on uneven depths of rivers and reservoirs, navigation conditions;

Seasonality in many places;

Insufficient reliability of transportation and safety of cargo, etc.

Recently, road transport has become increasingly popular in our country. Its advantages include:

High availability;

Possibility of door-to-door delivery of cargo;

High maneuverability, flexibility, dynamism;

High speed of delivery;

The ability to use various routes and delivery schemes;

High safety of cargo;

Possibility of sending cargo in small lots, regularity of delivery;

Wide choice of the most suitable carrier;

Compared to other types, less stringent requirements for product packaging, etc.

But he also has some disadvantages:

Low efficiency;

Dependence on weather and road conditions;

High cost of long distance transportation;

Relatively low carrying capacity;

Insufficient ecological purity;

Impossibility of long waiting for unloading, urgency of unloading;

The possibility of theft of cargo and theft of vehicles, etc.

In some cases, air transport can become irreplaceable and preferable due to its advantages, such as:

The highest speed of cargo delivery;

High reliability;

The highest safety of the load;

Shortest transportation routes;

The ability to reach remote areas, etc.

And its inherent disadvantages can become problematic in its use:

High cost of transportation, the highest tariffs;

High capital intensity, material and energy consumption of transportation;

Dependence on weather conditions, which reduces the reliability of adherence to the delivery schedule;

Limited geographic availability, etc.

Pipeline transport is a specific type of transport. Its advantages include:

Low cost price;

High performance;

High safety of cargo;

Low capital intensity, etc.

At the same time, it can be used to transport only special types of cargo (gas, oil products, emulsions of raw materials) and only in large volumes.

Grade different types transport

The globalization of the economy is accompanied by an unprecedented rate of growth in trade. The global export volume has grown 10 times over 50 years and continues to grow at a higher rate than GDP. The daily volume of foreign exchange transactions exceeds $ 1.5 trillion against $ 15 billion in 1973. In these conditions, the importance of the global transport network is maximizing. Transport serves as the material base of production ties between separate territories, acts as a factor organizing the world economic space and ensuring further geographical division of labor.

In structure social production transport refers to the production of material services. A significant part of LP on the way of MT movement from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer is carried out using various vehicles. The costs of these operations are up to 50% of the total logistics costs. This determines the importance of optimizing the movement of the MP at the transportation stage.

Transport solves the following main tasks:

  • creation transport systems, including the creation of transport corridors and transport chains;
  • joint planning of transport processes in various modes of transport (in the case of multimodal transport);
  • ensuring the technological unity of the transport and warehouse process;
  • joint planning of the transport process with warehouse and production;
  • selection of the type and type of vehicle;
  • determination of rational delivery routes.

The initial data for choosing the optimal mode of transport for a specific transportation is the information:

  • about the characteristic features of various types of transport, their pros and cons;
  • on other logistics tasks related to the transportation of products, such as creating and maintaining the optimal level of stocks, choosing the type of packaging, etc.

There are six main factors in choosing a mode of transport:

  • time of delivery;
  • frequency of shipments;
  • reliability of adherence to the delivery schedule;
  • the ability to carry different goods;
  • the ability to deliver cargo anywhere in the territory;
  • transportation cost.

Automobile transport. Scope of application road transport in Russia - intracity, suburban and intraregional freight and passenger transportation, as well as medium and long distance transportation of low-tonnage valuable and perishable goods.

Advantages: high maneuverability and efficiency; regularity of delivery; less stringent requirements for product packaging compared to other types.

Disadvantages: relatively high cost of transportation (based on the maximum carrying capacity of the vehicle); the urgency of unloading; the possibility of cargo theft; the possibility of car theft; relatively low carrying capacity.

Railway transport. In the conditions of Russia, railway transport is most effective for the transportation of bulk types of goods over medium and long distances with a high concentration of freight flows. Advantages: relatively low cost of transportation; well adapted for the transportation of various consignments of goods in all weather conditions; the ability to deliver cargo over long distances; regularity of transportation; possibility efficient organization loading and unloading works. Disadvantages: low maneuverability.

Sea transport. It is the largest carrier in international transport. Sea transport mainly performs external, export-import transportation (including all cargo transportation in intercontinental traffic). Its role is great in coastal (domestic) transportation for the northern and eastern coastal regions of the country.

Advantages: low freight rates; high carrying capacity. Disadvantages: low speed; strict requirements for packing and securing cargo; low frequency of dispatches; dependence on weather conditions.

Inland waterway transport. Inland waterway (river) transport is intended for the transportation of certain bulk types of cargo over medium and long distances, as well as for passenger traffic (especially suburban). However, in recent decades, it cannot withstand competition with other modes of transport and has practically turned into a specific type of technological transport intended for the transportation of mineral construction materials.

Advantage: low freight rates, when transporting goods weighing more than 100 tons over a distance of more than 250 km, this type of transport is the cheapest.

Disadvantages: slow delivery speed; low geographic accessibility due to the restrictions imposed by the configuration of the waterways; seasonality.

Air Transport. In terms of its functions, air transport also belongs to highly specialized: it mainly carries out passenger transportation over long and medium distances, although it is of great importance in the transportation of a number of valuable, perishable and urgent cargo.

Advantages: high speed; the possibility of delivery to remote areas.

Disadvantages: high freight rates; dependence on weather conditions, which reduces the reliability of adherence to the delivery schedule.

Pipeline transport. Pipeline transport is designed for pumping gas, oil and oil products. Pipeline transport, in contrast to the above-described universal modes of transport, still remains highly specialized, designed for long-distance pumping of liquid and gaseous products of a limited range: gas, oil and oil products.

Advantages: high speed of delivery; the most cost-effective way to transport oil and gas. Disadvantages: narrow specialization; frequent emergency situations for reasons of pipeline safety violations, theft of non-ferrous metals, equipment from along-route structures; unauthorized tie-ins into pipelines; acts of sabotage; increased risk of environmental and social consequences of possible failures and accidents: fires, explosions, environmental pollution, a great threat to the population, losses due to theft through unauthorized tie-ins into oil pipelines; science intensity and capital intensity of defect diagnostics, repair, equipment modernization, reconstruction and construction of new pipelines.

Industrial firms that have entrusted some of their functions to transport enterprises specialize in their core activities to increase its efficiency and are ready to pay for qualified services of third-party firms for the implementation of a number of LFs. Industrial firms see their main benefit in this process - a reduction in total costs and especially a reduction in the payroll. In addition, along with purely economic factors cargo owners get a higher degree of freedom of maneuver. Thus, increased commercial flexibility is very valuable for industries operating in markets distributed over large areas and incurring losses from untimely switching of commodity flows in accordance with fluctuations in demand.

A detailed answer to the question of what transport logistics is, as well as complete information about its tasks, features, types, functions and advantages and disadvantages of individual modes of transport that are used in this type of logistics.

What is transport logistics in simple words

Transport logistics is one of the most demanded types, the task of which is to organize the delivery (transportation) of goods or products. We are talking about the movement of goods, for example, from the manufacturer's warehouse to the warehouse of a store or another company. This includes internal movements.

All major operations are carried out by land, air or water transport.

Transport logistics should be considered from several perspectives:

  • Organization of the processes of cargo transportation and transportation of goods or products.
  • The efficiency of the transport used.
  • From the point of view of clients (customers).

This type of logistics is based on 6 main stages:

  • Choosing the right vehicle.
  • Calculations of transportation costs.
  • Preparation of documents.
  • Transportation.
  • Unloading.

With the help of transport logistics, you can move goods within the enterprise, deliver them to the warehouses of customer companies located in different regions of the country or abroad.

“I have heard a lot of definitions of transport logistics, but the most appropriate one that reflects this field of activity, I believe, is the organization of cargo delivery from the moment the car is loaded to the moment it is unloaded. It is also loading the required quantity and quality, at the specified time, time, and delivery at the specified time and time at the best price, since the minimum price is not always a high-quality service. "

Svetlana Koschy - Director of the Ibis transport and forwarding company

The main and important tasks of transport logistics

As it has already become clear, transport logistics is responsible for organizing the timely delivery of goods with minimal financial and time costs. That is, these are the main tasks that this type of logistics solves.

However, in order to achieve the desired results, expressed in the same cost minimization, you need to perform several mandatory actions:

  • Analyze the reliability of delivery points.
  • Analyze the cargo (its properties, features, transportation requirements, etc.).
  • Determine the most suitable mode of transport (land, air, water).
  • Select a carrier (transport company).
  • Determine a less time-consuming transportation route.
  • Ensure control of the cargo during its transportation.
  • Optimize all processes on which the quality and speed of transportation depends.

It is worth clarifying some points.

An analysis of the delivery point must be carried out in order to determine how much and what types of transport will have to be used to transport the goods and whether there is a need for intermediate points.

Cargo analysis is also needed to determine the appropriate transport. It is necessary to take into account its weight, dimensions, fragility, storage requirements, safety and other parameters.

The choice of transport should be based on the data obtained from previous analyzes. It is also necessary to pay attention to the speed of delivery and its cost, since different types of transport have different technical capabilities, on which the quality and time of transportation depend.

If the company does not have its own vehicle fleet, then it is advisable to contact a transport company. In this case, several options must be considered at once, from which to choose the most suitable in terms of quality and price.

Logisticians, in turn, determine point A, point B, and then think over the optimal route for the movement of transport.

Fundamentals of transport logistics and its functions

Now it is worth listing the basics and main functions of the described type of logistics in order to consolidate the information obtained above.

Transport logistics includes several activities at once:

  1. Forecasting and organization of cargo transportation.
  2. Registration of contracts and other documents for the movement of goods or products to the end customer.
  3. Legal service, which includes support for all cargo transportation operations.
  4. Calculation of financial costs for transportation.
  5. Planning of optimal transport routes.
  6. Cargo packing.
  7. Loading and unloading works.
  8. Warehousing of cargo ().
  9. Information support of all processes.
  10. Customs and insurance services.

Types of transport logistics and cargo transportation

There are only two types of transport logistics:

  1. Internal - movement of goods between branches of the same company or enterprise.
  2. External - delivery of goods (for example, products) from the manufacturer to the consumer.

And transport cargo transportation can be divided into:

  • Unimodal - transportation is carried out by one transport.
  • Multimodal - several types of vehicles are involved at once (in the case of international cargo transportation) of one company.
  • Intermodal - delivery is carried out using several types of transport, which are organized by one operator and several carriers.
  • Mixed - delivery of cargo by one transport to the place of its loading in another transport.
  • Combined - almost the same as mixed, only more than two types of transport are involved here.

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of transport in logistics

Type of transport



Ground (cars)

Optimal price


High speed

Affordable for most businesses

Possibility of transportation of small consignments

Large selection of transport companies

Minimum packaging requirements

Low lifting capacity

Dependence on weather and road conditions

Expensive maintenance

High risk of cargo theft

Extremely expensive overseas transportation

A high speed of loading and unloading is required

Ground (trains, trains)

High lifting capacity

Stability of frequent shipments

No dependence on weather conditions

High delivery speed

Low cost

Minimum mobility

Water (intercontinental transportation)

Virtually unlimited carrying capacity

Minimum financial costs

Reliability, safety and security of cargo

Slow transportation

Geographic restrictions on transportation

Low regularity of shipments

Severe packaging requirements


High delivery speed

High lifting capacity


Short routes

High price

Depends on weather conditions

What documents are used in transport logistics

The most important document is, of course, the contract between the carrier and the consignor of the cargo. The conditions of this document are practically the same in all cases: one party undertakes to deliver the cargo to the final destination in a timely manner and in safety, the second - to pay for the services according to the tariff.

For the transportation of cargo itself you will need:

  • Consignment note
  • Power of attorney for carriage
  • Supplier invoice
  • Summary statements

Problems and prospects for the development of transport logistics in the Russian Federation

Difficulties in the development of transport logistics in Russia are associated with the lack of carefully designed projects in this area. That is, there are no clear rules that would regulate individual divisions of a particular enterprise or company.

Since responsibilities are not distributed correctly, one specialist can perform several logistics jobs at once, not being a professional in the industry and not having the proper knowledge. This is due to the reluctance of managers to "inflate" the company's staff.

However, it cannot be said that transport logistics in Russia is not developing. There is development, but it lags significantly behind the rest of the world. That is, the pace is very slow. This is caused by the following factors:

  • Regular instability of the economic situation within the country and in the world market.
  • The minimum number of companies specializing in the production of packaging.
  • Poor road condition.
  • Poor production and technical base.

With the normalization of all of the above factors, the pace of development of logistics in Russia will be able to increase and approach the world level.

V modern conditions logistics operations are in most cases carried out not so much by the supplying company itself as by enterprises and organizations specializing in this kind of operations. Specialized companies can perform part of the logistics operations or completely all operations, acting on behalf of and on behalf of the principal - the supplier company (cargo owner).

Moreover, most often the execution of logistics operations is carried out as if in a combined version. Some of them are performed by the supplier company. This is the storage and management of stocks at the supplier's premises, the registration of all commodity and shipping documentation, often it is customs clearance and insurance, information support of the delivery. In addition, it is the sender who enters into a contractual relationship with all enterprises participating in the delivery of goods and pays for their services directly or through intermediary organizations.

Enterprises that facilitate the fulfillment of contracts for the sale and supply of goods to recipients by the supplier company were named logistics providers.

Logistics providers include enterprises that facilitate the organization and implementation of the delivery of goods in international and domestic transport. It can be transport companies, forwarding companies, brokerage (providing chartering of sea tonnage for the client), warehouse, agency (serving shipping companies), companies performing customs operations. In other words, these are all those enterprises and firms that facilitate the organization and implementation of the delivery of goods, their promotion to domestic and international markets.

The main content of transport logistics operations

The delivery of goods from the place of production to the place of consumption can be subdivided into two types of operations: actual transportation carried out by transport companies, and on additional operations covering a complex of various, sometimes complex and time-consuming works associated with the carriage of goods, but beyond the usual functions of carriers.

The most important for cargo owners are freight forwarding operations, since it is transport and forwarding services of goods that are of greatest interest to organizations and enterprises. In accordance with international practice, forwarding organizations, firms, companies are called upon to represent and protect the interests of cargo owners. A freight forwarding company by its status is obliged to act on behalf of and on behalf of the client (cargo owner), organizing the service of the cargo in the process of its delivery and performing a number of operations that the client entrusts to it. The term "freight forwarder" appears in the Middle Ages. The word "forwarder" is of Latin origin from expedire accelerate.

Currently according to terminology modern management the term "freight forwarding company" is increasingly being replaced by the terms logistics provider, logistics, logistics partner. It doesn't matter what the name of this kind of company is. The bottom line is whose interests it represents and protects, on whose behalf it works and whose assignments it carries out.

Currently, they are conventionally divided into four categories.

First level logistics provider - 1PL (logistics provider), a logistics provider company that limits its services to only a narrow part of its operations.

For example, a company works only in one region, deals only with warehousing, works only for road transport.

Second-tier service provider - 2PL a logistics provider providing a wide range of services at home and abroad.

But he works only as an intermediary, as an agent organizing the chain of delivery of goods. Responsibility for the delivery of the goods is borne directly by the logistics company that made the loss, loss, theft, etc.

Third level logistics provider - 3PL is able to solve the problems of full and complex logistics services, uses any type of transport, has its own rolling stock, owns terminal complexes in ports or at railway stations, owns its own warehouses, etc.

This logistics provider takes over general functions for the delivery of goods and is responsible to the cargo owner for his actions and the actions of all those subcontractors who were involved in the execution of the delivery. In modern law, this is called the "presumption of guilt".

Level 4 logistics provider 4PL a logistics company capable of doing everything that characterizes a third-tier logistics provider plus "management logistics".

That is, a provider of this level is able to optimize the product delivery process based on the wishes of the clientele. These optimization criteria, as a rule, are the speed of delivery, safety or the amount of logistics costs.

The most common freight forwarding operations for cargo handling:

  • advising the clientele when choosing the type and means of transport in terms of its convenience, speed, cost and safety of cargo delivery;
  • advising on the route of transportation, type of communication, transport conditions of the contract and the basis for the delivery of goods;
  • organization of delivery of goods from the warehouse of the sender to railway station, port, airport (i.e. to main transport) or from a station, port, airport to the consignee's warehouse;
  • packaging and repackaging, marking and relabelling;
  • complete set of consignments, i.e. consolidation of small consignments into a consolidated large consignment (consignment) in order to make the most rational use of the carrying capacity of vehicles and obtain more favorable tariffs for cargo owners (in the overwhelming majority of cases, tariffication for small consignments is unprofitable for customers);
  • mediation in the conclusion of contracts by the cargo owner with carriers, warehouse companies, ports, insurance companies and, in general, any enterprises involved in the delivery of goods;
  • rendering assistance to cargo owners or performing, on behalf of cargo owners, customs, sanitary, quarantine, veterinary and other operations related to the delivery of goods;
  • transfer of cargo to the carrier or its cargo agent (port, pier, station) with the registration of acceptance, transportation and other necessary documentation;
  • organization of storage of goods in warehouses (possibly in our own warehouse);
  • organization or execution own funds loading and unloading operations during loading, unloading or transshipment of cargo;
  • assistance in payments for the goods and for the performance of operations related to the delivery of goods;
  • acceptance of cargo at the point of destination from the carrier or his cargo agent, checking the number of pieces, weight, condition of containers and packaging, and sometimes the quality of the cargo itself, with the involvement of experts (surveyors);
  • preparation of claim documentation (commercial acts on deficiencies, surpluses, damage to cargo and containers, re-grading, etc.) together with carriers or their freight agents;
  • settlement of accounts for transportation and loading and unloading operations at the points of departure and destination of cargo;
  • sorting of large consignments of cargo by lot, grade and size;
  • organization of personal escort of cargo during the delivery process.

Large forwarding companies are not limited only to intermediary operations and the organization of delivery of goods, but are also being introduced into the transportation process. Basically, freight forwarding companies purchase and operate vehicles, and they use it both for domestic and international transport. At the same time, the cargo owner is offered not only freight forwarding services for the cargo, but also its transportation. Less commonly, freight forwarding firms own river vessels, railway platforms or sea vessels. However, this also happens, however, not so often.