Documenting the activities of collegial bodies. What is a collegial body? What collegial bodies are there? Factors influencing the effective work of collegial bodies

Management of different companies or the entire state is carried out not by one person, but by a group of persons, for which collegial bodies are formed. They can be used in different fields of activity, and also have a variety of parameters. A collegial body is a specific group of specialists with education and experience in a particular field who are involved in the management of a trusted agency.

Advantages of this control method

A collegiate body is a fairly common way of managing various companies or government agencies. The advantages of using this method include the fact that several specialists work together, which allows you to make really correct and rational decisions.

It is necessary to understand not only what a collegial body is, but also what types of it exist, as well as what features they have.

This method of management is considered the most effective if the members of such an organization have the same education, similar thinking, and they are about the same age. Therefore, economists and managers, as well as employees of various services with relevant work experience, are united in groups.

Quite often, on the contrary, a collegial body is formed, which is based on an association of people with different points of view on a particular issue. This leads to the emergence of disputes, on the basis of which the most correct and effective decisions can be made.

There are several types of such tips, and they all have their own purpose and characteristics.


Such a collegial body is a variety of collegia, or commissions. They are most commonly found in government offices. Numerous questions are considered by specialists:

  • options for making various management decisions;
  • discussion of all issues related to the work of a particular organization;
  • knowledge of various specialists is accumulated, as well as numerous opinions are collected, which allows, through collective experience, to find the best solution to any problem;
  • the interests of each group are taken into account.

The advisory boards do not make any decisions, since their tasks include only discussing various issues, as well as providing advice or recommendations. The head of the existing institution makes a decision based on the information received.


Such a collegial body is a special council dedicated to the management of the institution. All decisions that he makes are binding, but they must not violate the Charter of the organization.

Most often, such governing councils are formed in numerous public educational institutions.

Informational character

Such a collegial body consists in the formation of special councils at which the heads of different departments share information. At meetings, the heads of numerous departments of the same company contact.

The head of the company informs the rest of the participants about various difficulties, specific issues, decisions made or important events. It is allowed to specify measures for solving different problems.

This advice is usually used when there are large companies with a large number of different divisions.


This organizational link usually acts as a body that permits the adoption of certain decisions, and it is preliminarily assessed whether they correspond to the requirements and capabilities of the entire organization.

Control can be exercised over different areas of the firm's work, so it can refer to decisions related to the general policy of work, to acts of management, to administrative actions or executive activities.


The collegial executive body is a special council with directive functions. It can be used for commercial or non-commercial use. The procedure and peculiarities of its functioning must be regulated in the Charter of the company, but at the same time they must not violate the legislation in any way.

Often, the constituent documents indicate the need to form an executive collegial council, and in this case it is elected at a meeting of founders.

Collegiates are usually represented by executive assemblies. In this case, a Chairman is certainly appointed for them.

The collegial authorities perform various functions, which include:

  • running a specific organization, which can be commercial, non-profit, or government;
  • protecting the interests of the company;
  • execution of various transactions based on the data contained in the statutory documentation;
  • issuance of powers of attorney;
  • issuance of orders on the basis of which employees can be dismissed or specialists can be hired, as well as various sanctions can be applied, and they can be not only negative, but also positive.

Other functions can also be performed if they are provided for by the Charter of the organization.

How are decisions made?

The collegial executive body is a special council consisting of several specialists, therefore decisions are made by them jointly.

For this purpose, appropriate meetings are convened, and the period during which they are held is determined by the board of directors. All members of one body have one vote, and it is not allowed to transfer it to others.

How many participants can there be?

Collegiate members can have a different number of members, and it depends on the number of employees in the organization.

The more employees there are in the firm, the more members the council can consist of. If the firm employs about 50 specialists, then the collegial body includes 6 people.

Only large managers of the company, represented by directors or managers, can become members of these bodies, and the CEO himself must be included here.

The nuances of the work of government agencies

In most cases, various state organizations are represented by collegial bodies. They work on the basis of all sorts of principles, which include:

  • taking into account the content of the Constitution;
  • the rights of citizens are priority, therefore all decisions should be made in such a way that they are not infringed upon in any way;
  • the principle of publicity assumes that all decisions taken are open to the public;
  • by all means, only qualified and experienced professionals in various fields act as members of such a body;
  • in the work of such organizations, unanimity of decision-making is combined with collegiality;
  • the principle of hierarchy assumes that such bodies can be located at different levels of government.

Thus, collegial bodies are represented by special councils with multiple functions. They are divided into several varieties, and each type has its own purpose and characteristics. All decisions are made exclusively by voting, therefore, due to the difference of opinions of various specialists, it is possible to achieve high and necessary results.

When using different types organizational structures collegial forms of work are gaining in importance. These are committees, task forces, commissions, councils, collegia. Of course, these forms do not represent any particular type of structure. It is worth noting that they can be permanent or temporary, have a different status, level of authority provided and perform different tasks in the organization. Collegial bodies are often empowered to make certain decisions, exercise leadership (or delegate powers to exercise leadership). It is a well-known practice of forming such bodies to perform advisory functions, that is, to provide a manager of any level with a reasoned opinion on a particular issue. Let us study in more detail the issues of organizing their activities and the level of authority.

1. Collegial body of informational character. At the meetings of his body, contacts are made between the heads of departments. Their common leader informs the participants of the meeting about the current situation, about the adopted and planned decisions. As a result, the methods for implementing solutions can be refined. Information bodies are needed primarily at the highest levels of government. Their use at lower levels serves to improve mutual understanding, in particular between specialists (or employees of functional units) and line managers. The activities of such a body are designed to lead to strengthening ties and improving personal relationships.

2. Collegial advisory body. Such a body (committee, expert council, etc.) may have the task of studying any problem and presenting an opinion on it. It is worth noting that it does not replace, but complements the activities of the expert specialists available in the organization. At the same time, it is necessary to distinguish between bodies engaged in research and bodies that use the conducted research to draw up its opinion. The advisory body can carry out activities with the help of specialists or experts when it is possible to combine their knowledge on a particular complex problem. There are cases when the head of an organization gathers a certain number of specialists working in advisory and staff services for collegial work. At the same time, the issue under consideration is complex and requires the knowledge of various specialists, and the body can perform a certain coordinating role.

3. A collegial body empowered to make decisions. This kind of body can be used in the absence of a line manager to perform this function, as well as to assist the line manager in making particularly important decisions. For example, there are decision-making committees on the general policy of the organization. Such a body is chaired by the top manager of the organization, and the heads of key departments and experts who are part of it play a very active role.

4. The collegial body in charge of control. Such an organizational link implements in relation to managers mainly the role of a body that gives permission to make decisions that meet certain requirements. It is worth noting that he also monitors the implementation of these decisions. The activities of collegial bodies can cover various areas of the organization's activities: 1) decisions related to the overall strategy and policy; 2) acts of management and administrative actions; 3) direct performing activities that implement the decisions made.

The advantages of such organizational form are primarily associated with the joint work of a group of people.
It should be noted that a special mutual understanding between people is achieved in groups whose members are characterized by traditionally the same behavior and even specific skills (line and functional managers, specialists in technology, economics, commercial activities etc.) This ensures the coordination of the work of various services or employees of the management apparatus. It is also significant that there is a clash of different points of view of people who are usually engaged in different types of activities, and most importantly, those who have unequal training and experience. In many cases, ϶ᴛᴏ encourages new ideas. Excluding the above, collegial bodies contribute to the stability of the organization, since they enable a certain number of managers to be aware of the problems of related services, and also create conditions for the training of young leadership personnel.

Quite often it appears in the media, business literature, and documentation. Let's try to understand in detail what it means in general, as well as in narrow specializations.

Total value

In the most broad sense a collegial governing body is an organization of executive power in which the main problems and issues are resolved through joint discussion, discussion, taking into account the opinion of each member of the collegium. The correct solution is considered to be the solution for which the majority is in favor. Then this decision is formalized in the form legal act and is confirmed by the signature of the chairman of the board. An example of such a body is the Government of the Russian Federation.

Types of collegial bodies

In general, they are divided into individual and collegiate, depending on the number of responsible persons. Collegiality, in turn, is subdivided into vertical and horizontal.

Vertical collegiality is a type in which the subordinate officials participate in the discussion of issues and problems within the competence of higher officials.

Horizontal collegiality is a type in which a group discussion of problems occurs only by a circle of people who have the competence to solve them.

Collegial supreme governing body

It is the authority that has the most general competence and the broadest powers, which is dominant over other governing bodies. In the modern Russian system of power, it can be called the Government. And, say, in the Bank of Russia the Board of Directors is the highest collegial governing body.

But such a main division of management may still have, for example, commercial and non-profit organizations... There, the main purpose that a collegial governing body may have is the responsibility for strict adherence to the goals for which the organization was created. His competence extends to changing the charter, determining priority lines of activity, participating in the formation of solving issues related to the disposal of property, approving financial plan, opening of branches and representative offices, reorganization and liquidation of the organization.

Public administration

Collegial administrations are an independent part of the state apparatus, having a certain area of ​​influence, endowed with a public form of power. First of all, it is a political organization, which necessarily has state and power powers. It has the right to issue legal acts that are binding on those to whom these acts are addressed. But at the same time, the body of the state apparatus is not endowed with the right to go beyond the limits of its clearly limited competence. It is also important that this collegial body must and is obliged to demand the execution of its decisions, to supervise their implementation. In case of non-compliance, he has the right to use coercive measures against violators.

Thus, the main features of a public administration body are as follows:

  • he is necessarily part of the state apparatus;
  • carries out on behalf of the state its functions, goals and objectives;
  • has the powers of state power;
  • it is necessarily a definitely formed cell of human society;
  • it is formed in a manner strictly prescribed by law;
  • has a strictly delimited structure and degree of competence;
  • bears responsibility for its activities to the state;
  • is an executive and administrative authority;
  • implements a specific form state activities- management.

Management of an educational organization

Based on the third part of Article 26 of the Federal Law No. 273, an educational institution must have a sole manager - a rector, director or head. And the fourth part of this law provides for collegial management bodies educational organization, subdivided into mandatory and optional.

An obligatory collegial governing body is:

  • Meeting of employees of this educational institution- as part of his powers, labor, professional, socio-economic issues with regard to employee-manager relations.
  • - a school government body that decides questions regarding the quality and level of knowledge of pupils or students, improving the qualifications of teachers or teachers.

An optional collegial governing body is:

  • The Board of Trustees is a body that controls the expenditure of material support provided to an educational institution.
  • The Governing Council is a body that includes the parents of students, the decisions of which are binding on the administration of the organization.
  • The Supervisory Board is a control and supervisory body for managing an educational organization.
  • Other organs.

Sources of collegiality

Topic 5.2. Collegiality in management

Specifications different styles guides

Concept and content of the manual

Topic 5.1. Leadership styles

Section 5. Leadership, Leadership, Power

Management can be defined as the process of influence of a manager on other people to achieve a set goal.

The leadership is characterized by various styles. Leadership stylespecific traits behavior, techniques, actions used by the head in the process of personnel management.

Ø Only the result is important

Ø Motivation is based on unquestioning obedience

Ø Subordinates are not involved in management

Ø Tough exactingness

Democratic style:

Ø Both the results and the ways to achieve

Ø Motivation is based on meeting both material and non-material needs

Ø Subordinates are actively and essentially involved in management

Ø Demanding combined with trust

Liberal (club) style:

Ø Results are not important

Ø There is practically no motivation

Ø The appearance is created that subordinates are involved in the management

Ø Low demand

All kinds of leadership styles are theoretical models. In practice, in a particular situation, the same leader can use any of the listed leadership styles.

Situational leadership involves the use of various management styles depending on the level of maturity of the working group, the degree of qualifications of employees and the desire for its growth.

The main source of collegiality in management is the democratization of the management process. Democratic leadership means using collegiality, that is various forms participation of employees in the development and decision-making.

Sometimes this management is called participatory management.

Collegiality can be horizontal and vertical.

Horizontal collegiality- group discussion of problems directly related to implementation job responsibilities participants in their area of ​​competence.

Vertical collegiality - participation of employees of lower levels in the formulation and discussion of issues within the competence of higher levels, and participation in decision-making on these issues.

Forms ensuring collegiality:

Ø Leadership Council- helps in the formation of a strategy, discusses general issues; is formed according to the official principle; going to regularly

Ø Meeting - discusses ways to solve a specific problem; is formed from among the most competent employees capable of group discussion of issues; going to as needed... The optimal number of participants in the meeting is 10 people.

If the decision on the organization of work and the implementation of the assigned tasks is made by a partnership (a group of officials or authorized persons) at general meeting(meeting), then such management is called collegial. That is, collegial bodies are such bodies in which fundamental decisions are made according to the principle of voting by the majority of its members after a preliminary discussion, taking into account all the comments made. With such management, control is exercised not by one person, but by a part of the partnership, each member of which has equal rights and bears personal responsibility.

The principle of collegiality is used in the work of all branches of government: legislative, executive and judicial. Political parties, commercial and non-commercial organizations are guided by the same principle.

Causes of occurrence

Collegial bodies are authorities that were created in connection with the emerging need to eliminate various errors in the decision-making process. In addition to collegiality is associated with other points:

  • with the vital need for the formation of legislatures and the judiciary;
  • that the interests of all parties are fully taken into account;
  • so that there is no temptation to carry out arbitrariness and lawlessness.

That is, collegiality acted as a counterbalance to one-man management and was a defense mechanism against the human factor.


Legislative Collegiate Bodies: Parliament, Senate or National Assembly; judicial: Council of Judges (Supreme Judicial Council), High Qualification Collegium of Judges; executive bodies: the Cabinet of Ministers, the Council of Ministers, the Council of the Ministry, the Municipal Council; international collegial bodies: the Council of Foreign Ministers of the CIS, the North Atlantic Council.

An exception is the Armed Forces (of almost any country), the principle of which is one-man command. Collegiality can take place (for example, in, but is of an exclusively recommendatory nature. In the Russian Armed Forces, only the Court of Officers' Honor is a collegial body, which stands for the protection of the honor and dignity of officers. Members of this body work out certain decisions within their competence. The commander of the formation in no way he cannot influence the adoption of these decisions, he has only the opportunity to appeal them.

There are areas in which collegiality may not necessarily be expressed in some form of collegiality. Problems are resolved in ad hoc workshops. Such a system exists, for example, in education, health care, business, sports, as well as in religious administration.

How the work is organized and what is the mandate

How are the activities of collegial bodies (CBs) structured? What is their range of powers?

Duties of the collegial body:

  • facilitate the implementation of interaction between the heads of various departments;
  • inform the participants of the meeting about the decisions taken in the current situation;
  • clarify and improve methods for implementing solutions;
  • contribute to the improvement of personal relationships of members collegially executive body.

The functions of a collegial advisory body (for example, an expert council, a committee), which does not replace the work of expert experts, but supplements it:

  • study in depth any issue and provide a conclusion about its essence;
  • coordinate actions to combine the knowledge of several specialists on a specific problem.

The activities of a collegial body, whose powers include making final decisions, are relevant if there is no line management to perform this function, or if it needs help in making particularly important decisions.

The work of the collegial government body that controls the process of implementing decisions is aimed at different types of activities of organizations:

  • strategy and policy (in general);
  • management and administrative actions;
  • activities of performers who are involved in the implementation of approved decisions.

How the final decision is made

A general decision is developed through long discussions, during which everyone comes to a common opinion (that is, the final decision is made by a simple majority of votes). The good thing about the majority strategy is that it is pretty simple and straightforward. On the downside is the fact that the minority remains unheard.

A documented overall solution consists of two parts:

  • The first part is a statement of the existence of a certain issue, as well as an analysis of the situation that has developed in this regard.
  • The second part includes a list of measures that must be taken to resolve the existing problems, with the obligatory indication of those responsible and the timing of their implementation.

The draft final decision can be written in advance, corrected during the discussion, and then adopted at the meeting as a whole. Decision reflected in a regulatory document (for example, in an order or order).


The main advantages of working as a collegial body:

  • the fact that a group of people works together (after all, collegial bodies are partnerships);
  • there is a clear coordination of all services;
  • different points of view on the same problem are discussed, as a result new ideas are born;
  • such work contributes to the creation of conditions for the training of young, novice leaders;
  • Ensures the stability of the organization by keeping managers in the loop of the problems of the services with which they have to contact.

Factors influencing the effective work of collegial bodies

To significantly increase the efficiency of the KO, you need to pay attention to some points:

  • The duration of the meeting should not exceed 45 minutes (1 academic hour). You should not follow the lead of those who like to waste time.
  • It is necessary to prepare in advance a list of issues that will be brought up for discussion.
  • The productivity of work largely depends on the number of participants: the size of the collegial group should not exceed 10 people (and not less than 5 people).
  • It is necessary to competently prepare for the meeting: organize the distribution normative documents, notify all interested parties about the date and time of the event.
  • Establish the rules of the meeting.

Collegial executive body

The fundamental points of the activity of the executive collegial body (CIO):

  • The KIO is headed by a chairman.
  • Only individual(not legal) can be a member of a collegial executive body. Moreover, if he is not a member of the company, then he can take part in the meeting, having the right only an advisory vote.
  • Decision-making and organization of work are at the discretion of the members of the collegial body.
  • All decisions are taken by a majority of votes, and in case of equality, the casting vote belongs to the chairman.

  • Each member has one vote.
  • If necessary, committees can be formed from among the members of the collegial executive body to deal with specific problems.
  • In the Board of Directors, the members of the KIO should not constitute a majority in number.
  • Determination of the number of members of a collegial executive body depends on the total number of employees of the company: for example, with a staff of 30-40 people, the collegial body has up to 5 people.
  • The TIN of a collegial body includes the TIN of all founding members. This means that only after each of the founders has received their individual TIN, it is possible to draw up the full TIN of the organization.
  • The duration of the existence of such an organ is 1-5 years. After this period, the powers can be renewed either at a meeting of the board of directors or at a general meeting. At the same time, the procedure for approving a new composition may also go through.


So, collegial bodies are bodies whose work is to make objective and well-grounded decisions regarding the activities of an organization. The collegiality, as well as the involvement of competent persons in the work, make it possible to reduce mistakes to almost zero and bring the quality of decisions made to a high level. In order to avoid abuse of powers, the functions and competence of each such body should be regulated by the Charter of the organization.