Business manager job description. The job description of the manager. Is the job description mandatory

The main purpose of the job description of a sales manager is a detailed definition of the main responsibilities and qualification conditions of the seller, the procedure for subordinating the employee to the management, his rights, responsibilities, as well as the rules for appointment and dismissal from his position. Although job description does not belong to the standard, mandatory documents of the enterprise, its presence allows, in the event of any disputes and disagreements, to identify or cancel the guilt of both the employee and the employer, which is why it should be taken as seriously and thoughtfully as possible.


Rules for drawing up a job description

There is no legally enshrined concept of “job description”, therefore there is no unified, strictly established sample. Organizations can develop a document template at their discretion, as well as change it depending on the employee's working conditions and other parameters.

It should be noted that the job responsibilities of sales managers may vary slightly from company to company, but the fundamentals should always be the same.

The wording in the job description must be written in detail and clearly, without the possibility of double interpretation. If a document is drawn up for employees of one department, then in order to avoid duplication of the same functions, the document should be corrected if necessary.

The main rule is that the job description must always be approved by the head of the department and the director of the enterprise, and also signed by the employee himself.

The signature of the sales manager will indicate that he agrees with what is entrusted to him labor duties granted by the rights and understands its responsibility. The standard job description consists of four sections:

Filling out the job description for a sales manager

First, at the top of the document, in the middle, it is written with its name indicating the position for which it is being drawn up.
Further on the right, you need to leave a few lines for the approval of the job description by the head of the organization. Here you need to enter his position, company name, last name, first name, patronymic, and also leave a line for signature, with a decryption.

The main part of the instruction

In the first section titled "General Provisions" should indicate to which category of employees the sales manager belongs (worker, specialist, manager, technical staff etc.), to whom he specifically reports (without specifying the names), the qualifications he must meet (specialization, education, additional courses), the required length of service and work experience.

Next, the person who will replace him during his absence from the workplace (also without specifying specific names) is entered, as well as the basis for the appointment or dismissal of the employee from office (for example, an order or order of the director of the enterprise).

Below you need to list all the documents and rules with which the sales manager, due to the specifics of the work, must be familiar with:

  • fundamentals of labor legislation,
  • rules for concluding transactions and contracts,
  • the procedure for drawing up documentation,
  • rules on labor protection and internal regulations, etc.

Also here it is necessary to designate specific documents and regulations on which this category of specialists should rely in their work.

Second section "Job responsibilities" concerns directly the functions that are entrusted to the sales manager. Depending on the enterprise and its type of activity, they may be different, but they should always be described as fully and in detail as possible, from market research to reporting and employee participation in internal events.

In chapter "Rights" you need to describe in detail the rights of the sales manager, that is, the powers that are given to him for the most efficient execution of his work. Here it is necessary to register the possibility of an increase professional level, interaction with the management of the enterprise and employees of other departments, as well as the initiatives expected from the employee.

Fourth section "A responsibility" defines those violations that may be punished by the management of the enterprise. It is desirable to indicate them in detail. If necessary, specific sanctions and penalties can be introduced into this part of the document, which will follow for certain violations.

Finally, the job description is necessary agree with the responsible employee... Here you need to enter his position, organization name, last name, first name, patronymic, and also sign with a decryption.

Below you should indicate the data about the sales manager: his last name, first name, patronymic (in full), the name of the organization, passport data (series, number, where, when and by whom it was issued), signature and date of familiarization with the document. At the end, the job description should be transferred to the head of the organization for resolution.

Job description is necessary to regulate labor relations. It is developed by the heads of departments. Approved by the director of the organization.

The job description of the manager establishes the procedure for the subordination of the employee, the appointment and dismissal of him from office. The document specifies the requirements for knowledge, education, skills of the employee, his rights, functional duties, responsibility. A number of provisions of the instructions may differ depending on the specialization of the manager.

Sample of a typical job description for a manager

Regional Manager

The regional manager establishes and manages the activities of the sales network for the company's products and services. The main tasks of the official:

1. Search for business partners.

2. Preparation of solutions to increase sales of products and services of the company.

3. Control of pricing, compliance by sales partners with customer service standards, compliance with quality standards for products and services.

2. Participation in the implementation of the strategy for the sale of products and services of the company on the territory of the representative offices.

3. Training of the entrusted personnel in methods of negotiation, sales, conclusion of contracts.

5. Participation in the development of standards for the conduct of the company and the dealer network.

Working with clients involves a range of actions aimed at creating a positive impression from the client of the company and its services or goods. Working with clients leads to ultimate goal- attracting profit to the company. That is why timely regulation of the duties and responsibilities of the account manager is important.

The name of the specialty "customer service manager" speaks for itself. A specialist whose job responsibilities include contact with the client, and accordingly, his search, attraction to the company, full support during the contact - this is the account manager.

The profit of the company and its image depend on his work.

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It is the account manager that is responsible for the attitude towards the company, for the desire of clients to return to the services of a particular company, for recommendations and feedback from clients to their environment about the experience of working with the organization.

Responsibilities and rights of the manager

The functionality of the account manager is quite wide and depends on the professional orientation of the company in which he works, organizational structure enterprises and other factors. Generally, the responsibilities and rights of the client manager can be formulated as follows:

  1. The account manager searches for clients through the use of different channels... Analyzes the market of services provided by the company, identifies target audience company and each specific product or service. Monitors competitors.
  2. The specialist attracts potential customers to his company, forms interest in it. This is done through calls, meetings, advertising campaigns, presentations and other actions leading to the final goal.
  3. Processes inbound traffic of interest to the organization. Clarifies the needs of customers with a formed interest in the company... Examines the reasons for contacting his company.
  4. Account manager makes a deal... Sells a product or service, monitors the receipt of the product or service by the client in full and within the agreed time frame. Prepares the necessary documents.
  5. The account manager creates a positive image of the company in the eyes of clients... He takes all the necessary actions so that the client next time buys a product or service again from him and his company.
  6. The manager has the right to use the resources of the enterprise to achieve professional goals... For high-quality work, a specialist must have skills, know the theory of sales, understand the products and services offered by the company, be competitive in comparison with specialists of this level of other companies. In light of this, the specialist has the right to count on periodic training at the expense of the employer.

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Depending on the specialization of the organization for which the sales manager works, the functions may be broader or more limited.

The maximum requirements for the range of work performed by a specialist are spelled out in his job description.

The job description of the account manager can be downloaded

What is a job description for an account manager and what is such a document for?

The job description is a set of duties and powers of an employee in a detailed description. Each action of the manager that he must perform, the rights that he can use and responsibility for violation of these points are described in it.

The obligation to fulfill the job description is prescribed in the employment contract.

The job description of an account manager describes all the steps an employee needs to take to work with a client. It includes items on finding a client, on documentary work, on the entire cycle of transaction support.

What kind of clients are there and how to establish contact with them?

The employee's rights specific to this position are reduced to training opportunities, methods and opportunities for obtaining information, communication with the company's divisions.

The instructions for work are necessary for the manager to understand his functionality, authority and responsibility... The instructions reflect step by step the whole principle of the manager's work.

Responsibility clauses are for the manager an algorithm of work to achieve the required result. Over the course of time, the employee's list of obligations may increase, and then changes and additions are made to the job description.

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Also, the instruction is needed to clearly determine whether or not the manager is performing his functions.

Based on the job description, the head of the manager sees the employee's compliance with the position.

Who prepares the job description and when?

A job description is drawn up for both employed and vacant staff positions. It is not compiled for each employee, but for the position as a whole.

Depending on the structure of the organization, the development of the job description of the account manager may be carried out by enterprise personnel department, legal department, Head of Customer Service Department... The subtleties of the profession, the required business qualities, duties and necessary rights are known and understood to a greater extent by the head of this department.

Due to this, the instruction compiled by other departments in mandatory must agree with him.

The job description should be approved by the head of the enterprise or the director of the organization, based on the goals facing his employees, the principles and capabilities of the company.

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The main sections and requirements for the design of the instructions

The job description looks standard and includes five general sections:

  1. General Provisions. The first paragraph indicates all general issues related to the position: the purpose of this document, the procedure for appointment to the position, the subordination of the staff unit, qualification requirements, documents mandatory for study and execution, and others. .
  2. Job responsibilities. It describes step by step what a manager should do: does his position involve searching for clients, making calls to clients, meetings, travel on a business trip. Preparation of documentation, presentation of goods, review of product testing and other actions provided for by the specifics of the organization.
  3. Rights. A list of actions that an employee can take to successfully achieve the set goals is displayed. The client-manager has the right to count on professional training, can make decisions within his competence, make proposals to improve the quality of client service, and others.
  4. Service communications. The section describes the relationship of the manager with the divisions and departments of the company, which are aimed at obtaining the best result. The method of communication, the timing of responses to inquiries, the time of submission of applications and other necessary aspects of interaction are described.
  5. A responsibility... The types of responsibility for failure to comply with the job description with references to legislation are prescribed.

It is these sections that are the necessary skeleton of the instruction. Based on them, the manager understands what the employer expects from him, and the manager evaluates his work.

However, the instruction can be supplemented with other clauses that allow for more specific work and assessment. For example, a separate clause introduces "the procedure and criteria for attestation of an employee", "work mode", "competencies necessary for an employee."

The job description is drawn up on the company's letterhead with details. The name of the organization, the assigned number, date and city of signing are indicated. The title of the document is necessarily reflected - "Job description".

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The document is approved by the signature of the head of the organization and, after review, is signed by the employee. In case of making changes, it is necessary to read and sign the employee again.

The nuances of drawing up a job description in the service and sales sector

The account manager is the person who conveys the image of the company. Therefore, in the job description, it is important to clarify how the manager should introduce himself when he calls, how he should dress, what tools the employee can use to resolve conflict situations.

For a sales account manager, knowledge of the product being sold is required, the ability to demonstrate it strengths, knowledge of the theory of sales. All this should be reflected in his job description.

A customer service manager in the service sector will be successful and effective if the client contacts him and his company again. That is, the manager's task is not so much to find a client, but to form the client's need for the services of a particular company.

In addition to communication skills, the manager must know the basics of advertising and be able to properly develop a customer loyalty program. These nuances are also reflected in terms of responsibilities and rights in the job description of the account manager.

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A high-quality and detailed job description is the key to a successful professional relationship between an employer and an employee.

If you want to learn more about the profession of a customer service manager, then watch this video:

helps the employee to navigate the range of duties that the employer expects from him, and the scope of rights that he is vested with for this. What structure the job description of this employee can have and what items can be included in it will be described in our article.

About the position of a specialist in contractual work

In companies with many counterparties, the relationship with which is secured by written agreements, there is a need for employees involved in contractual work (for example, in sales organizations that deal with supplies). The manager decides how the position will be called, but one of the most common is the option “contractual work specialist”.

The employee holding this position is charged with the duties related to the conclusion of contracts and the subsequent monitoring of the implementation of the agreements reached. At the same time, a contractual specialist does not sign contracts himself and often does not even participate in the discussion of the terms of the agreement - he simply prepares the technical aspects of concluding an agreement, for example, drafting the text of the contract and acts of acceptance for it. In addition, in the future, this specialist monitors that the parties steadily fulfill their obligations.

Different companies have different responsibilities for the contractual specialist. Somewhere he simply keeps a record of contracts, and somewhere he is charged with starting claim work on unfulfilled obligations by counterparties - all these points must be taken into account in the job description so that the employee clearly knows what tasks are assigned to him. The same applies to the rights of a contractual specialist.

The approximate structure of the job description for a specialist in contractual work

When developing a job description for a specialist in contractual work, the following structure of such a document can be taken as a basis.

Don't know your rights?

  1. General Provisions

    This section is for general job information such as:

    • job title (specialist in contract work);
    • determination of subordination, procedure for admission and dismissal from work;
    • qualification requirements;
    • replacement procedure;
    • a list of regulations that an employee must use in his work.
  2. Rights

    Here is a list of the rights that a contractual work specialist is endowed with in order to fulfill his labor function... For example, an employee may be granted the following rights:

    • request information and documents from all divisions of the company within their competence (or specific divisions may be listed here);
    • get acquainted with the decisions of the head;
    • send your suggestions to the manager for modernizing the workflow;
    • negotiate with counterparties on the submission of documents required for the conclusion or renewal of the contract;
    • contact the counterparty directly with the requirement to fulfill the obligation under the contract.
  3. Job responsibilities

    This section serves to detail the responsibilities to be performed by the contractual work specialist. For example, it may be said that he is obliged to:

    • prepare the text of agreements on the basis of agreements reached with the counterparty;
    • keep records of concluded contracts;
    • track the terms of the contracts, inform the manager in advance of the agreements that require a solution to the issue of renewal;
    • analyze the progress of the parties' fulfillment of obligations under contracts;
    • identify current debts of counterparties and take measures to repay them within the framework of its competence;
    • organize the exchange with counterparties of primary accounting documents confirming the fulfillment of obligations under the contract;
    • prepare additional agreements on the extension of contracts and amendments to them.
  4. A responsibility

    Describes the consequences of violation of the rules and regulations that are harmful to the employee. For actions carried out by a specialist in contractual work, or for decisions made by him, he can be brought to the following types of responsibility:

    • disciplinary action - for violation of labor discipline;
    • administrative or criminal - for misdemeanors or crimes;
    • material - for causing property damage.

In conclusion, it remains to say that the job description should concretize those issues of the performance of the labor function by an employee that take place in reality, and it is imperative to take into account the circumstances associated with this. For example, if the manager decided that a contractual work specialist should also be responsible for handling claims work, this is prescribed in the section job responsibilities; however, in the section of rights in this case, the right of the employee to carry out such work should be indicated. Simply put, the sections of the job description should be drafted so that the employee can do his job as efficiently as possible.

1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the Manager.

1.2. The manager is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order Director General.

1.3. The manager reports directly to ________ (full name, position).

1.4. A person with higher education is appointed to the position of Manager. professional education(specializing in management) or higher professional education and additional training in the field of theory and practice of management, work experience in the specialty for at least two years.

1.5. The manager should know:

  • legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating entrepreneurial and commercial activities;
  • market economy, entrepreneurship and doing business;
  • market conditions, pricing, taxation, marketing fundamentals;
  • the theory of management, macro- and microeconomics, business administration, stock exchange, insurance, banking and finance;
  • theory and practice of working with personnel;
  • forms and methods of advertising campaigns;
  • the procedure for the development of business plans and commercial terms of agreements, agreements, contracts;
  • foundations of sociology, psychology and labor motivation;
  • business ethics;
  • basics of production technology;
  • management structure of an enterprise, institution, organization, prospects for innovation and investment activities;
  • assessment methods business qualities workers;
  • basics of office work;
  • methods of information processing using modern technical means of communication and communication, computer technology;
  • fundamentals of labor legislation;
  • advanced domestic and Foreign experience in the field of management;
  • rules and norms of labor protection.

1.6. During the temporary absence of the Manager, his duties are assigned to ________ (full name, position).

2. Functional responsibilities of the manager

2.1. Manager:

  • manages the entrepreneurial or commercial activities of the organization aimed at meeting the needs of consumers and making a profit through stable operation, maintaining business reputation and in accordance with the mandate and resources allocated;
  • based on the strategic goals of the organization's activities, plans entrepreneurial or commercial activities;
  • monitors the development and implementation of business plans and commercial terms, agreements, agreements and contracts, assesses the degree of possible risk;
  • analyzes and solves organizational, technical, economic, personnel and socio-psychological problems in order to stimulate production and increase sales of products, improve the quality and competitiveness of goods and services, economically and efficiently use material, financial and labor resources;
  • carries out the selection and placement of personnel, motivation of their professional development, assessment and stimulation of the quality of work;
  • organizes relations with business partners, a system for collecting the necessary information for expanding external relations and exchange of experience;
  • analyzes the demand for manufactured products or services, forecast and motivates sales through the study and assessment of customer needs;
  • participates in the development of innovative and investment activities, advertising strategies related to further development entrepreneurial or commercial activities;
  • ensures the growth of profitability, competitiveness and quality of goods and services, increasing labor efficiency;
  • coordinates activities within a certain area (area), analyzes its effectiveness, makes decisions on the most rational use of the allocated resources;
  • engages consultants and experts on various issues (legal, technical, financial, etc.) to solve problems.

3. Manager's rights

The manager has the right:

3.1. To give subordinate employees and services (divisions) instructions, tasks on a range of issues included in his functional duties.

3.2. Control the implementation of planned tasks and work, the timely execution of individual orders and tasks by the services (subdivisions) subordinate to him.

3.3. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the activities of the Manager, subordinate services (divisions).

3.4. Enter into relationships with subdivisions of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve operational issues of production activities within the competence of the Manager.

3.5. Represent the interests of the organization in outside organizations on issues related to his professional activities.

4. Manager's responsibility

The manager is responsible for:

4.1. Failure to enforce their functional responsibilities, as well as the work of the subordinate services (divisions) of the organization on issues within the responsibilities of the department.

4.2. Inaccurate information about the status of the execution of work plans by the department, subordinate services (divisions).

4.3. Failure to comply with orders, orders and instructions of the General Director of the organization.

4.4. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the organization and its employees.

4.5. Failure to ensure compliance with labor and performance discipline by employees of subordinate services (divisions) of the organization.

5. Working conditions of the manager

5.1. The Manager's work schedule is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the organization.

5.2. Due to operational needs, the Manager can go on business trips (including local ones).

5.3. To resolve operational issues to ensure production activities, the Manager may be assigned company vehicles.

I have read the instructions: (initials, surname) _____________________________ (signature)