Analysis and evaluation of the commercial activities of the wholesale enterprise. Commercial work on wholesale purchases The specifics of the organization of the work of commercial departments of wholesale organizations

At this stage, the following issues are resolved:

  • - determination of the need for goods;
  • - selection of preferred partners (placement, assortment and volume of supplies, price, terms of delivery);
  • - organization of economic ties in trade;
  • - establishment of contractual relationships with suppliers;
  • - control over the execution of supply contracts;
  • - establishment of direct economic ties with manufacturers.

Assortment formation and inventory management at the enterprise. This block is connected with the fact that there is a selection of groups, subgroups, types and varieties of goods, taking into account the demand for maximum customer satisfaction. Inventory management involves ensuring uninterrupted trade, reduces production and distribution costs. Commercial work, but wholesale of goods. It is very important here to choose the right partner for commercial activities, successfully carry out operations with him to formalize the sale of goods and organize control over the fulfillment of the terms of the contract. Commercial work on retail goods. Retailers sell goods directly to the public. Therefore, commercial workers must take the initiative, but the choice of rational sales methods, quality service, must resist competitors and ensure profit.

Any activity, including commercial, has a specific focus and is organized to achieve the set goals, which can be called the goals of functioning. As an attribute of the market, commerce is formed on its principles, which are an indispensable condition for its development. The market acts as a system of economic relations between sellers and buyers, the basis of which is the purchase and sale of goods, that is, commercial activity. Its goal is to increase income in trade, provided that the demand of buyers is met.

In the domestic economic literature, there are various definitions of commercial activity.

Here are the most common ones:

  • * commerce - "bargaining, trade turnover, merchant crafts" (according to the definition from Explanatory dictionary IN AND. Dahl);
  • * commercial activity - commodity-money exchange, in the process of which goods from the supplier become the property of a commercial enterprise with a focus on needs market demand;
  • * commercial activity - a special type of activity associated with the sale of goods, on which the final results of a commercial enterprise depend;
  • * commercial activity is everything that ensures the maximum profitability of a trade deal for each of the partners, with the primary consideration of the interests and requests of consumers;
  • * commercial activity - a set of operations that ensure the sale and purchase of goods and, together with trading processes, constitute trade in broad sense the words;
  • * commercial activities - operational and organizational activities for the implementation of operations of exchange of inventory in order to meet the needs of the population and make a profit.

During the transition period to the market, when the role of commercial activity increases trade enterprises, a more complete disclosure of its essence and content is required. In the monograph of Professor F.G. Pankratov and Professor T.K. Seregina traces an objective approach to commercial activities. The essence of the problem under consideration is formulated as follows: "The commercial activity of trade organizations and enterprises covers the issues of studying the demand of the population and the market for goods, identifying and studying the sources of income and suppliers of goods, organizing rational economic relations with suppliers, including the development and submission of applications and orders for goods. , the conclusion of contracts for the supply of goods, the organization of accounting and control over the fulfillment of contractual obligations by suppliers ". At the same time, the authors distinguish commercial work in trade separately and characterize it as follows: "Commercial work is a broad sphere of operational and organizational activities of trade organizations and enterprises aimed at completing the processes of buying and selling goods to meet the demand of the population and make a profit." This approach concretizes and predetermines the direction of the functions of commercial activities associated with the purchase, promotion of goods from supplier to consumer and their sale to the final customer.

A broader interpretation of the essence of commercial activity was given by Professor B.A. Raisberg: "Now the term" commercial activity "has become broadly interpreted and means not only directly trading, but also other types entrepreneurial activity».

Further, the author concretizes that with a simple formula for a trade transaction: "goods - money" when selling and "money - goods" when buying - the real picture of commercial business is more complex. Business activities include sourcing, purchasing a specific product, ensuring its safety, transporting it to the point of sale, selling and after-sales service.

Commercial work must be accompanied by commercial actions and decisions based on the conditions of the specific external environment and market conditions.

where is the coefficient of production of the vehicle on the line;

Duration of the vehicle being on the line, h;

Estimated vehicle mileage, km / h;

Mileage utilization rate;

Load capacity utilization factor; the coefficient is selected depending on the class of cargo; for the first class it will be equal to 0.9, for the second - 0.8, for the third - 0.6;

Average length of a ride with a load, km;

Downtime for loading, unloading per ride, h

where is the rate of downtime during loading, unloading, min / t.

Freight turnover is calculated using the formula:

The total mileage of the car is found by the formula:

where is the average daily mileage of the car, km;

Car-days at work.

Vehicle-hours in operation are calculated using the formula:

Annual output per average listed autoton is calculated as follows:

in tons: (2.10)

in ton-kilometers: (2.11)

Substituting the initial data into formulas (2.3) - (2.11), we calculate the technical and operational indicators of the ATP operation.

Based on the results of the calculations, table 2.1 is filled in.

Table 2.1 - Indicators of ATP performance



By ATP for the year

Industrial base

  • 1. Average number of cars, units.
  • 2. The total carrying capacity of vehicles, t

Automotive production program

  • 3. Volume of traffic, thousand tons
  • 4. Freight turnover, thousand t-km
  • 5. Total mileage of cars, thousand km
  • 6. Vehicle-hours of operation, thousand hours
  • 63610,8
  • 1590,27
  • 1204,68
  • 47267,5

Technical and operational indicators

  • 7. Coefficient of production of cars per line
  • 8. Duration of the car being on the line during the day, h
  • 9. Estimated vehicle mileage, km / h
  • 10. Coefficient of use of carrying capacity
  • 11. Downtime for loading and unloading per trip, h
  • 12. Utilization rate of mileage
  • 13. Average length of a ride with a load, km
  • 14. Average daily mileage of one car, km
  • 15. Annual output per average listed autoton:

in ton-kilometers

  • 188,6
  • 636,10
  • 11903

Thus, we determined the average number of cars (25 cars). The volume of traffic amounted to 63610.8 thousand tons. Cargo turnover is 1590.27 t-km. The total mileage of the car is 1204.68 thousand km. The car-hours in operation amounted to 47267.5 thousand. hours, and annual output in tons 636.10; in ton-kilometers 11903 t-km.

The profitability of production is calculated by the formula:

The profitability of transportation is determined by the formula:

Determined the tariff for the carriage of goods and the financial results of the operation of the ATP. As a result, the tariff for 1 ton is 918 442 rubles; the tariff for 1 shipment of goods is 2,202,906 rubles; the tariff per ton-km is 19 134.2 rubles; for 1 km of run is equal to 24,217.6 rubles. And also determined the profitability of production was 28.29% and the profitability of transportation was 28.19%.

Because of its apparent simplicity, which does not require preliminary preparation and time-consuming collection of information, SWOT analysis has become a widely used tool. Unfortunately, strengths this tool is leveled out by haste of application and lightness of judgment, which leads to impractical (sometimes meaningless) results.


Faculty of Economics and Management


Analysis and evaluation of commercial activities

(on the example of LLC MFC "Business")

Chelyabinsk 2013

The work of enterprises in modern conditions characterized by a high level of business risk and diversification of activities. In a highly competitive environment the main task sales management services - to ensure that the organization gains and maintains a preferred market share and to achieve the company's superiority over competitors.

For the fruitful functioning of an enterprise in market conditions, the sale of products should be based on the volume and range of production, which, in turn, are determined by the demand from potential buyers. Sales should be understood as a set of promotion procedures finished products to the market (generating demand, receiving and processing orders, assembling and preparing products for shipment to customers, shipping products and transporting them to the place of sale or destination) and organizing settlements for it (establishing conditions and performing settlement procedures with customers for shipped products).

The main purpose of sales is the realization of the economic interest of the manufacturer (obtaining entrepreneurial profit) by satisfying the effective demand of consumers.

The functions of trade enterprises are subdivided into commercial and organizational and technological.

Commercial functions include:

Functions related to the sale and purchase of goods (trade);

Supply Chain Management;

Management of business relations between suppliers and consumers;

Inventory management;

Product assortment management;


Management of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise;


Organizational and technological functions include:

Management of technological processes of commodity circulation;

Forward planning;

Procurement Management;

Organization of labor and formation of the wage fund;

Management of support services.

Technological processes are associated with the movement of goods as a use value, and are a continuation of the production process in the sphere of circulation. Technological processes solve the problems of scientific organization of the interaction between the rational use of living labor and material elements (tools and objects of labor).

Trade processes are processes associated with a change in the forms of value, i.e. with the sale and purchase of goods. They also include processes that ensure the normal implementation of transactions for the sale of goods in the field of commodity circulation (study of consumer demand, organization of economic ties between suppliers and buyers of goods, advertising of goods, bulk purchases, sale of goods, etc.). An intermediate position between these two types of processes performed in trade is occupied by the so-called trade services provided to customers in the sale of goods. In developed trade, it is these services, by their very nature, that are becoming more and more dominant in terms of the amount of labor expended on them (delivery of goods at home, installation of purchased technically complex goods at home from buyers, taking orders from buyers, etc.). In terms of their functional content, trade services can be classified as both technological and commercial processes.

For the implementation of commercial activities of an applied nature, positive and normative tools are distinguished. Positive instrumentation captures the established phenomena arising from market factors affecting commerce. It is called upon, based on the accumulated experience, to give an answer to what has been achieved in the field of commerce, and to predict its further practical development. The normative toolkit defines how to act in order to achieve the desired result. Here they are guided by the provisions and standards for the organization and conduct of commercial work. The provided positive and normative tools are used in the management of commercial processes in the promotion of products from the sphere of production to the sphere of consumption.

Carrying out commercial activities is accompanied by the presence of commercial risks. When planning a business, it is important to consider the impact of commercial risk. In order for the risk to be justified, it is necessary to use the maximum possible amount of information, a comprehensive analysis of commercial activities, financial results, effectiveness of partnerships, comprehensive market research, careful selection of personnel. The ability to anticipate commercial risks is a very important principle for a commercial entrepreneur. Risk is the degree to which a result is uncertain.

The main types of commercial risks include:

- the risk of accidental loss of property. Associated with the possible loss of enterprise property as a result of an accident, fire, theft, non-observance of storage conditions, sabotage;

Risk non-fulfillment of contractual obligations. It is determined by the dishonesty of commercial partners, their failure to comply with their obligations or their insolvency;

- economic risk. Occurs as a result of a violation of the course economic activity enterprises and failure to achieve planned economic indicators... It can be associated with a change in the market situation, as well as with economic miscalculations of the managers of the enterprise itself. This type of risk is the most common in the activities of the enterprise;

- price risk. This type of risk is the most dangerous, since it directly affects the possibility of loss of income and profits of a commercial enterprise. It manifests itself in an increase in the level of selling prices of manufacturers of goods, wholesale prices of intermediary organizations, an increase in prices and tariffs for the services of other organizations, and an increase in the cost of equipment. Price risk constantly accompanies the economic activity of the enterprise;

- marketing risk. Represents the risk of choosing the wrong market behavior strategy. This may be the wrong orientation towards the consumer of goods, mistakes in the choice of the assortment, the wrong assessment of competitors, etc.;

- currency risk. It poses a danger of currency losses associated with a change in the exchange rate of one currency in relation to another. By importing goods, the company loses when the exchange rate of the corresponding foreign currency rises in relation to the national one;

- inflationary risk. Represents the possibility of devaluing the monetary income generated by the rise in inflation. In this case, the real value of the enterprise's capital will also be depreciated;

- investment risk. Characterizes the possibility of unforeseen financial losses in the process investment activities enterprises;

- risk of insolvency. Represents a situation where an entity will be unable to meet its obligations. The reason for its occurrence may be incorrect planning of the timing and amount of receipts and expenditures. Money... In terms of its financial consequences, this risk can cause the initiation of a bankruptcy case, therefore it is also classified as the most dangerous risk;

- transport risk. Includes loss of goods during transportation.

Being part of market, commerce, relying on its positions, at the same time becomes the basis of the market economy. As practice shows, the more stable and dynamic the operating environment of the market, the higher the activity of commerce. In its purpose and activity, commerce should be based on the Russian model of market formation and emerging market relations. It is important to realize that commercial activities are not limited to predetermined boundaries. As you move to the market, it will certainly expand. Commercial processes should be viewed in conjunction with business entities and environmental factors.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that commercial activity in the market for goods and services is a set of organizational and economic operations serving the exchange, the commission of acts of sale and purchase in order to make a profit. In this case, the subjects of commercial transactions are trade organizations and enterprises, endowed with the right to carry them out. In the course of the activities of these organizations, the principles of this work are determined, the forms and methods of its implementation that are most acceptable in a particular situation are selected, economic levers and controls are improved. The object of commercial legal relations in the consumer market is goods and services.

Introduction 3
1.2. Development trends of wholesale enterprises in Russian Federation 11
1.3. Foreign experience commercial activities of enterprises wholesale trade 15
Chapter 2. The state of commercial activity in the wholesale trade in the Russian Federation 19
2.1. Analysis of the state of wholesale trade in the Russian Federation 19
2.2. Wholesale trade in the Perm Territory 27
2.3. Analysis of wholesale trade in Perm on the example of Dobrynya Trading House LLC 31

3.1. Recommendations for optimizing the commercial activities of the Dobrynya group of companies 41

Conclusions and recommendations 54
References 59
Appendix 62

The work contains 1 file

Organization of commercial activities of wholesale enterprises


Chapter 1. Theoretical basis commercial activities of wholesale enterprises

1.1. Features of the commercial activities of wholesale enterprises

1.2. Development trends of wholesale enterprises in the Russian Federation

1.3. Foreign experience of commercial activities of wholesale enterprises

Chapter 2. The state of commercial activity in the wholesale trade in the Russian Federation

2.1. Analysis of the state of wholesale trade in the Russian Federation

2.2. Wholesale trade in the Perm Territory

2.3. Analysis of wholesale trade in Perm on the example of OOO Trading House "Dobrynya"

Chapter 3. Ways to improve the efficiency of commercial activities of wholesale enterprises 41

3.2. Effect and effectiveness of the proposed measures 52

References 59

Appendix 62


In market conditions, the center of economic activity moves to the main link of the economy - a wholesale enterprise, since it is here that products are accumulated, consumer demand is studied, the need for goods is determined, the economic prerequisites for the conclusion of economic agreements and contracts are substantiated, the industrial assortment is transformed into a commercial one, and services are rendered. To solve the set tasks and achieve the intended goal, the enterprise develops business plans, carries out management, conducts marketing research, organizational and technical measures, calculates the efficiency of commercial activities and ways to improve them.

Wholesale trade is a form of relations between enterprises, organizations, in which economic ties for the supply of products are formed by the parties independently. It influences the system of economic relations between regions, industries, determines the routes of movement of goods in the country, due to which the territorial division of labor is accomplished, proportionality is achieved in the development of regions.

All of the above testifies to the undoubted relevance of the topic.

Target term paper- to reflect the essence of the organization of commercial activities of wholesale enterprises.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set: reveal the theoretical foundations of the commercial activities of wholesale enterprises;

2. to analyze the activities of wholesale enterprises in the Russian Federation, including in the Perm Territory and on the example of a wholesale enterprise in Perm, OOO Trading House "Dobrynya";

3. draw conclusions and reflect the ways of increasing the efficiency of commercial activities of wholesale enterprises in Russia and in the Perm Territory, as well as on the example of OOO "Trading House" Dobrynya ".

The object of the research is the wholesale trade enterprises of the Russian Federation, in particular, the wholesale trade enterprises of Perm and the Perm Territory.

The subject of the research is the commercial activity of wholesale enterprises.

The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the implementation of the recommendations contained in it on improving the efficiency of commercial activities of wholesale consumer cooperation enterprises will contribute to improving the quality trade service population, will increase the competitiveness and strengthen the relationship of the wholesale enterprise, contributing to the development of commercial activities.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of commercial activities of wholesale enterprises

1.1. Features of the commercial activities of wholesale enterprises

In a market economy, commodity-money relations are dominant. Therefore, practically every product of labor produced in enterprises is necessarily sold and bought, i.e. goes through the exchange stage. Sellers and buyers of goods enter into purchase and sale transactions, carry out sales and purchases of goods, provide intermediary and other services.

Commercial activity is a part of entrepreneurial activity in the commodity market and differs from it by and large only in that it does not cover the very process of manufacturing a product or providing a service. In a broad sense, any organization offering to the market the products of its employees' labor, and therefore participating in the exchange process, can be classified as subjects of sale. It is important to take into account that if a given entity involves receiving income from the sale (sale) of goods or the provision of services in excess of the cost of their creation, then its activities are usually classified as commercial. In a similar way, an idea is formed about the acquisition of raw materials, materials and products for the production of goods and the provision of services.

All enterprises, organizations and institutions operating on the commodity market can be conditionally subdivided into two main groups: commercial and non-commercial. Practically all enterprises in the sphere of material production (factories, factories), a significant part of enterprises in the production infrastructure (transport and trade-intermediary enterprises, communications enterprises, etc.) and non-production sphere ( domestic services, entertainment industry, etc.), almost all subjects of the securities market.

The subject of commercial activity is the sale and purchase of goods. However, in the broadest sense of the word, one should consider not only material and material objects produced, but also services, and even objects of intellectual property as a commodity.

Into a separate category among commercial enterprises it is necessary to highlight the trade and intermediary operations in the consumer and industrial (business) market, bearing in mind, first of all, wholesale and retail trade. In many cases, the participation of an intermediary in the process of commodity circulation is a prerequisite for concluding a sale and purchase transaction, as it provides wider access to the goods for consumers. Moreover, in the consumer market, a buyer, almost always, can purchase goods only through an intermediary (retailer), since manufacturers almost never work with individuals.

Wholesale trade covers the entire totality of commodity resources, which are both means of production and consumer goods.

In the wholesale trade, goods are purchased in large quantities. Wholesale trade is not associated with the sale of products to specific end consumers, i.e. it allows manufacturers to sell goods through intermediaries with minimal direct contracts with consumers. In the commodity market, wholesale is an active part of the sphere of circulation.

Wholesale trade is all types of activities related to the sale of goods and services to those who purchase them for resale or use for organizing a business. Wholesale trade is considered more profitable if it performs the functions of delivering and selling products more efficiently than the manufacturers of products themselves could carry out with direct deliveries.

Wholesale trade principles:

1. Creation of a resource base for its functioning, i.e. achieving a balance of the mass of commodities and cash, expressing the effective demand of buyers.

2. Creation of the necessary elements of the market infrastructure, allowing you to freely choose partners and form commercial relations for successful implementation trade deal.

3. Formation of a system of financial and price regulators at all stages of wholesale trade, including elements of material incentives and responsibility.

The main functions performed by the wholesale trade are:

1. collecting and processing information about demand, buyers and offers;

2. purchase and formation of a product range. The wholesaler has the opportunity to purchase goods of the widest range in large quantities from different manufacturers;

3. selection, sorting and formation of the most acceptable consignments for the buyer. The wholesaler, on the basis of large consignments, forms small ones, if necessary, carries out their sorting, prepares them, etc .;

4. warehousing and storage of goods;

5. transportation of goods. Sometimes wholesalers provide direct delivery of goods to their points of sale;

6. participation in the promotion of goods to the market;

7. distribution of risk. Wholesalers take the risk of being responsible for theft, damage and obsolescence of stock;

8. financing of supplies and sales. This can be either an advance payment for the delivered goods to the manufacturer, or a loan to the seller or buyer;

9. provision of consulting services.

Quantity the listed functions and the level of their implementation depends on what form of wholesale trade is implemented.

There are four types of intermediary structures that can be classified as wholesale: wholesalers themselves, independent traders (brokers and agents), various branches and offices of manufacturers and retailers, and various specialized wholesalers.

1. Wholesalers are wholesalers, distributors, trading houses. In turn, they are subdivided into wholesale intermediaries with a full and limited cycle of customer service.

Full-service wholesalers fulfill the following responsibilities: preservation of material; stocks in our own warehouses; maintenance of personnel for the sale of goods; providing a loan to both manufacturers (for shipped products) and consumers (for goods received); delivery of goods to specific consumers.

Such wholesale organizations are of two types: organizations for servicing retailers and wholesale organizations for servicing manufacturers of products and providing various services. This category of wholesalers refers to the distributors of manufactured products.

Limited service wholesalers provide a limited range of services to suppliers and consumers. Among such wholesalers, one can distinguish those who provide retailers with goods of a limited range, sell goods for cash, as well as wholesale brokers, wholesalers-consignees, wholesalers selling from catalogs, producers' cooperatives for selling goods in local markets, etc.

2. Independent traders are brokers and agents who do not take ownership of the goods and only facilitate the sale and purchase, for which they receive a commission at the rate agreed with the manufacturers from the sale price. The main task of a broker is to bring buyers and sellers together to complete transactions, most often on commodity exchanges. Brokers do not have warehouse space, do not store, deliver consignments of goods and store them, do not assume any obligations on the delivery of goods, their quality, etc. Agents, unlike brokers, represent the interests of the seller or the buyer. They also do not have ownership of the goods, receive a commission for the transactions carried out to sell goods, and are divided into purchasing agents and commission agents.

3. Branches and offices of manufacturers and retailers. Transactions are performed directly by sellers or buyers of goods. Sales offices are used in cases where manufacturers take over the wholesale distribution functions directly, without involving wholesale intermediaries.

4. Specialized wholesalers are wholesalers - collectors of agricultural products, wholesale oil depots, terminals, etc.

Commercial activity in the wholesale of products at the enterprise begins with a study of the product market. Market research helps to reduce the commercial risk associated with making decisions on the sale of products and the choice of channels for promoting goods to the market. The development of a sales program (sales plan) in market conditions is carried out after assortment planning. The most important part of the sales program is sales forecasting (sales). The constituent parts of the forecast of the volume of sales are the forecast of the general state of the economy, industry and market forecasts. There are long-term, medium-term and short-term forecasts. Long-term forecasting allows you to determine general directions development of the enterprise, and the medium-term is necessary in order to check whether the development of the enterprise, provided for by the long-term forecast, is being carried out correctly. The short-term sales forecast is very useful in scheduling production and managing finished goods. Operational and sales activities at each of the enterprises have their own characteristics, which are determined by the purpose of the products, the sales management structure, and the industry specifics of the enterprise. At the same time, at all enterprises, operational and sales work is the completion of the process of selling products. The scheme of the trade and technological process in the wholesale trade is shown in Figure 1 (See Appendix).

Consideration of the theoretical aspects of commercial activities; study of methods and methods for assessing the effectiveness of commercial activities; evaluation of the effectiveness of the commercial activities of PETROKOM LLC; direct development of measures to improve the efficiency of the commercial activities of PETROKOM LLC;

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