Humanities related professions list. Humanities professions are the most important area in the general training of highly qualified specialists. Is it worth going to study at the humanitarian faculties

Everyone knows that the humanitarian mindset predisposes to professions where linguistic abilities and philosophical thoughts are needed. Such people work in the social sphere. But what kind of humanitarian professions are in demand? This question is especially relevant for young people after the 11th grade.

Profession rating

Here are some examples. These are the specialties that are most in demand on the market, which means they are highly paid. Society-related professions will always be popular, so you can easily find alternatives for yourself.

Average salaries, list:

  • translator - 55 thousand rubles,
  • journalist - 40 thousand rubles,
  • lawyer - 40 thousand rubles,
  • doctor - 32 thousand rubles,
  • teacher - 32 thousand rubles,
  • manager - 28 thousand rubles,
  • psychologist - 22 thousand rubles.


It is the translator who tops the list of "the most demanded and highly paid specialties". Moreover, this profession will remain a leader for many decades, as the trend of the modern world is aimed at blurring borders between countries and strengthening international relations. This specialty is ideal for both girls and young people. To some extent, it is universal.

The most important duty of a translator is to help people from different countries understand each other. They often conduct excursions for foreigners, translate books and act as an escort when traveling abroad. To become a translator, after grade 11, you need to enter the Faculty of Philology. Best of all, if he is in a linguistic university, where he will definitely give a good knowledge of foreign languages. After receiving your diploma, it will not be difficult for you to get a job in a publishing house, become a translator or try your hand at an international travel company.


The profession of a doctor will be in demand and socially useful at any time. Unfortunately, healthcare workers are not in the first place and will head the list of "in-demand and highly paid specialties" only in a few years, but the very fact of being a doctor and helping relatives, friends, and passers-by in difficult times is worth a lot. After grade 11, you need to undergo training at a medical university, where for 6 years students will study general and clinical disciplines. However, the training does not end there.

After 6 years, you can work as a therapist, gynecologist or surgeon. To obtain a narrow specialty, you need to go through another 2 years of residency, and only after that you can work both in city hospitals and in private clinics. If, after grade 11, it did not work out to enter a university, then you can graduate from a medical school, after which you can also go to a university.

Such a long learning process is imperative, since the most important thing is the life and health of the patient, and any mistake can be fatal. But despite the difficulty of learning, the appreciative looks of people will be the highest reward for the effort. The most popular specialties are: anesthesiologist, surgeon, obstetrician-gynecologist, ophthalmologist (the full list can be found on the Internet). In addition to communicating with the patient and making the correct diagnosis, the doctor is filling out the documentation.


It is no less in demand. Every year more and more young couples, girls, women, widows seek psychological help. Most often, this specialty is chosen by girls. It is possible to meet males, but rather problematic. The task of a psychologist is to understand the state of mind of a person and, using the correct methods of behavior, find an approach and help with solving the problem. Cognition of the inner world takes place through different methods.

With the help of tests, you can find out the individual characteristics of the psyche. Having a confidential conversation can help you learn about fears and also give you insight into how you can improve a person's life. Having got to know the patient better, the psychologist selects effective psychological trainings. It is they who will help a person discover new qualities in himself, teach him to restrain or, on the contrary, show his emotions. In order to become a psychologist after grade 11, you need to go to the Faculty of Psychology. After graduating from a university and receiving a diploma, you will have to undergo advanced training annually.


She is not highly paid, but she is always in demand and socially useful. Due to the low salary, there are few people willing to teach, so there is always a shortage of personnel in schools, especially highly qualified ones. Most often, girls go to teachers, but guys are no less in demand. The teacher's responsibilities include delivering lessons. During them, it is important not only to give new information in an understandable form, but also to consolidate what has already been obtained in previous lessons.

It is worth regularly assessing knowledge and doing independent or group work, which will teach children not only to think abstractly, but also to work in a team. In addition, the teacher must prepare in advance for the upcoming lessons, study additional literature, and participate in school meetings. To become a teacher after grade 11, you need to go to a pedagogical university, where you can choose a faculty. After receiving a diploma, you can work not only in schools. Other places of work include gymnasiums, colleges, higher education institutions. Universities and grammar schools are considered the most prestigious, especially the St. Petersburg and Moscow branches.


The complexity of the profession of a lawyer is that he must know all the laws in force. That is, for any question, he must correctly explain and help find ways to solve the problem. Most often, a lawyer defends the interests of his clients in court. He must have a quick reaction, have fresh thoughts and good public speaking skills. Humanities professions just do not require a mathematical mindset. Most often men work as lawyers.

A woman must have an iron character in order to resist men. After grade 11, you need to get a law degree at a higher educational institution. If you have talent, then getting a private practice will not be difficult. You can also do consultations and work in a law office. To become a judge or prosecutor, a retraining is required. This is a simple task, however, you need an already existing legal education and experience in the work of a lawyer.

Tourism manager

This specialty is relatively new and has recently appeared in Russia. Since the task of the manager is to arrange travel and meet foreigners, the demand will not decrease. This is due to the fact that countries strive for closer communication and exchange of experience. In order to be hired, you need to know at least one foreign language. The more you know, the more highly paid job you can get. After grade 11, you need to graduate from college. After that, it is easy to work in firms or agencies related to tourism. If you have money or connections, even after grade 11, you can open a small travel agency.


Despite the fact that the journalist is not considered the most demanded profession, the salary is quite high. Their main task is to find information that will be of interest to people. Therefore, it is important to be able to obtain important information in a short time. Only then it should be drawn up in the form of an article, video clip or film.

Most often, a journalist chooses a certain topic for himself and works only in it. It can be politics, theater, show business or other areas. To start working, you need to graduate from a higher educational institution with a degree in philology or journalism, having entered there after grade 11. The work cannot be called office work. You often have to be on the road to find information. In addition, it is important to check its validity before publishing. For better perception, you can take a photo or video, so it would be nice to have a camera.

The liberal arts profession is a worthy pursuit that can be equated with a hobby. They are always in demand and connected with communication. Journalism or advocacy is something that brings pleasure. And the profession of a doctor, although difficult, is very rewarding. A short list of all these professions, as well as a comparison of wages, we tried to set out above.


In society, it is believed that humanitarian professions are more suitable for girls than technical or related to the exact sciences. We will not argue now how true this statement is, because people are all different and among the girls there are those who have a penchant for technology, mathematics or biology.

For girls with a non-mathematical mindset, humanitarian professions related to communication, communication, persuasion, psychology and creativity are well suited. A humanist is characterized by a good imagination, proficiency in language, including foreign, and, in general, a good presentation of their thoughts on paper.

Real humanitarian professions for girls

All social sciences - history, social science, jurisprudence, sociology, psychology, ethics and aesthetics and so on - belong to the humanitarian professions for girls and sciences in general. There are many professions suitable for a humanities girl. All professions, one way or another connected with social interaction, can be attributed to humanitarian. Of the most popular here, for example:

Teacher. 100% humanitarian profession for girls. But a teacher is not only a school teacher, it can be a university teacher and a business coach, or an instructor, anyone who teaches something. In universities, in various courses, in fitness rooms, you can teach almost any skill that you possess and that is necessary and interesting to those around you. This profession is in great demand.

Interpreter. Another humanitarian profession for a girl. Humanitarians tend to have strong linguistic abilities, so the profession of a translator is very well suited. And it pays very well. And, if you speak some rare language, then a large amount of highly paid translation work is provided to you.

Journalist. Just a specialty that fits perfectly with the description of the humanitarian profession for girls. Working with words, working with people, working with text is very creative and very interesting.

Humanitarian, economic and political professions for girls

Tourism manager. A humanitarian profession for girls and a great option for sociable people. The travel agent selects the route of the trip, deals with visa processing, booking tickets and checking into the hotel. This profession is slightly less in demand than before due to the difficult economic situation, but, nevertheless, people have not stopped traveling and tourism managers are still needed, the tourism industry is now actively reorienting itself to promising, undeveloped domestic destinations.

Etiquette specialist. Long gone are raspberry jackets and sweatpants with stripes for visiting restaurants and business negotiations, now the trend is knowledge of the rules of social behavior and etiquette, so there is a need for appropriate specialists. Businessmen know that the success of their business depends on how they behave in society, what they say and how they look. Also, service personnel require knowledge of etiquette. Therefore, this profession is in demand.

Designer. A very popular creative humanitarian profession for girls, which has many varieties. There are interior designers, home garden designers, web development, clothing and footwear, outdoor advertising, industrial design, and so on. This is a great choice for anyone who wants to show and develop their creativity in any of the listed or other directions.

Brand manager or marketing manager. These are humanitarian professions for girls with an element of economics. These people are engaged in brand promotion, work on brand recognition, so that the attractiveness of the product, and, consequently, the number of its sales, increase. Many enterprises and firms need such professionals.

Politician and diplomat. Why not? Quite a humanitarian profession for a girl. Not only men can decide the fate of the world, but girls are not ordered to enter these professions. There are many girls among the applicants to MGIMO, many girls work in the structures of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. There are not so many women politicians and they are all very famous, you can try to join these ranks.

Humanitarian professions for girls necessarily include professions in the field of psychology and sociology. Psychologist, psychotherapist, sociologist, worker of social welfare agencies - all this is suitable for those girls who want to work with people.

All professions related to history and philosophy can be classified as humanitarian professions for girls. He is a historian, art historian, culturologist, political scientist, regional expert.

The list of humanitarian professions is long, it can be continued for a long time, but, in principle, the direction of activity is clear. Humanities professions are professions related to society, creativity, communication and language environment.

Many factors can explain the popularity and success of such professions among girls, this is the ability to multitask, the ability to care and pay attention, the ability to find a common language with people. Such qualities are more characteristic of women than men. Look for yourself and make the right choice!

Liberal arts majors include classical arts / sciences, linguistics, cultural studies, legal sciences, and various arts.

Classical arts

Classical arts include opera, ballet, dance, performing arts, classical music, painting, sculpture and literature. Until the 20th century, the task of artists (in a broad sense) was to depict people or subjects in paintings or in the form of sculptures.

During the 20th century, art has changed a lot - new methods have opened up new horizons for creativity, and classical art today needs quite serious protection and preservation. The most frequent specialties here are museum director / curator, archival worker, painting restorer, antiquarian, art historian.

Linguistics, learning foreign languages

There is a growing number of multinational companies around the world looking for multilingual staff. Of course, much more tempting prospects open up for those who, in addition to knowledge of several languages, also have other education - in law, finance, IT, sales, etc. However, this is not required. People who know several languages ​​well become translators, teachers in schools, linguists.

The culture

Experts in this field work with cultural objects of the past - buildings, historical sites, monuments, artifacts, that is, they are engaged in heritage objects.

Legal sciences (law)

Each of us is constantly faced with legal services in our lives, for example, when buying or selling a house, drawing up a will, receiving compensation for damages, participating in litigation, etc.

Lawyers can have both private practice and work in large companies, often specializing in certain areas of jurisprudence. Private lawyers can provide the following services:
  • ensure the legal purity of transactions (for example, in real estate);
  • act as an agent or representative in commercial transactions;
  • provide legal assistance in family or labor disputes;
  • provide lawyer or mediation services to individuals.

Lawyers in companies often specialize in the following areas:

  • Financial services;
  • intellectual property;
  • labor legislation;
  • construction legislation;
  • mergers and acquisitions in business;
  • tax law.


  • Industrial design (sometimes also called "Product design" - this is the design of new commercial products; the ability to create safe, comfortable and beautiful things is mandatory in the fierce competitive world of business);
  • Graphic design (we can see the work of graphic designers in newspapers and magazines, on product packaging, websites, etc. This is one of the most demanded professions in Russia and in the world today);
  • Multimedia design (this includes the creation of websites, games, digital TV and mobile communication platforms);
  • Fashion design (design in the field of clothing production);
  • Furniture design;
  • Interior design

Fine or visual arts

Not only and not so much artists fall into this category, but also sculptors, architects, photographers, etc. It is especially worth highlighting architects, who usually study for 7-9 years before becoming truly professionals. Photographers can work in journalism or in scientific or medical organizations. Photographers are usually freelancers who take on a variety of jobs, often specializing in a particular type of photography.

Entertainment and performing arts

Society's need for entertainment is driving the explosive growth of this field of activity, which includes:

  • staged and theatrical art;
  • musical art;
  • cinema;
  • radio and television;
  • internet and computer games;
  • spectacular sports, etc.

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As you can see, there are a great many specializations in this area. Therefore, it is easier and faster to decide on the choice of a future specialty by visiting the free exhibition "Master's and Additional Education" in or.

In our age of rapid progress and the active introduction of multimedia and digital technology, each person must keep up with the times and master all the novelties. However, one should not forget about the general development of the personality, which is impossible without mastering many knowledge and skills. It is for this that humanitarian professions are needed, thanks to which we can successfully develop and learn about the world around us.

So, each of us, from school, masters the minimum of general knowledge that is given to him in an educational institution. This allows you to identify the main interests of each person, as well as help determine your profession in life, choosing what you like. Humanities professions are best suited for those who have a more developed right hemisphere of the brain, which is also responsible for creativity, therefore, not only musicians, poets, singers, but also designers, historians, political scientists, journalists and psychologists are the best from such people.

If we take all the humanitarian professions, the list of which can be found in any reference book of the applicant, then we can come to the conclusion that there are a huge number of directions in which one can realize oneself by finding the most suitable profession. Among them, political scientists, journalists, managers and marketers, as well as journalists currently stand out.

Despite the large number of ready-made specialists in the labor market, it should be noted that the need for such professions is constantly growing. It is important to know that today it is not just a specialist with a diploma that acquires special value, but a truly competent person who possesses a lot of knowledge and has extensive work experience. Knowledge of one or more foreign languages ​​will be a significant advantage, since many humanitarian professions imply knowledge of English and German. Linguists and philologists are also, by the way, very much in demand in the labor market, so this profession can bring considerable income, as well as contribute to the advancement of a specialist in the career ladder.

In parallel, it should be noted that the choice of a profession in subjects can be started even in high school, since it is important for any person to decide on future activities as early as possible. After starting to deepen his knowledge on a certain topic from school, a person will be able to recruit the required number of them as early as possible, and, therefore, the chances of finding a successful job will be quite high.

At the same time, in no case should you dwell on one thing, expanding your horizons as much as possible, learning more and more new information. It is important to remember that today at every job you need not just a person who mechanically performs any actions, but a truly active employee who will boldly introduce new methods and ways of working with the information received. That is why the humanitarian professions in this regard are very important, especially if a person does not have a craving for such exact sciences as mathematics, physics, chemistry.

In conclusion, it should be said that today we live in a rapidly changing world that provides tremendous opportunities for achieving success. However, for this one should not only know many humanitarian professions, but also have practical knowledge to solve certain issues. That is why every self-respecting person should strive to achieve more, since this will give not only financial independence, but also respect among their relatives and friends.

Is it worth going to study at the humanitarian faculties

When choosing a profession, each person is faced with the problem of the demand for the profession that he has chosen. Of course, first of all, the future profession should be enjoyable and ensure material well-being. For a correct assessment of the chosen specialty, you need to know how much specialists with such a profession are in demand. Let's take a look at how the ranking of humanitarian professions among employers is distributed.

The most popular humanitarian specialties for men:

  • Lawyers in a wide variety of areas (there is a steady decline in the rating);
  • Medical professionals (upward trend in the ranking of anti-aging professions);
  • School and university teachers (humanitarian subjects);
  • Humanities specialists in the field of creating artificial intelligence (psychologists, linguists, etc.);
  • Politicians of different levels (if, of course, you can call it a profession);
  • Diplomatic workers with a wide specialization (knowledge of several languages).

It should be noted that there is a low level of demand for such professions as a historian, archaeologist, archival worker, not to mention writers and poets. Employers are very weakly interested in specialists in the field of journalism. Professional actors, directors, screenwriters also remain at the lowest lines of the ratings.

Popular humanitarian professions for women:

  • Linguists-;
  • Human Resources Managers (HR);
  • Educators and nannies;
  • and psychologists;
  • School and university teachers;
  • Philologists of various fields.

The main trend of modern liberal arts education is the need to study technical sciences. Every humanities specialist is obliged today to know the basics of computer science and confidently use a computer and other means of communication. The integration of the humanitarian and technical professions is becoming more and more tangible. From all this, we can conclude that a humanities professional must have basic knowledge in the field of information technology for successful career growth. This will make it possible to apply in their work the latest achievements of modern science in any humanitarian field.