Strategic marketing planning for territorial development. The role of strategic planning in the development of the region Planning the economic development of the territory

Tatyana Vladimirovna Kramkova, Counselor of the State Legal Department of the President of the Russian Federation, member of the Expert Council for Urban Development of the State Duma Committee for Construction and Land Relations, Candidate of Law (Moscow).

The article deals with the formation and development of the institutions of territorial and strategic planning in the Russian Federation as the most important tools for managing the development of territories. The influence of territorial planning on investment and construction processes and the real estate market is analyzed. The conclusion is made about the end of the transition period associated with the preparation of documents for territorial planning and urban planning zoning, and the main problems of their implementation are identified. The prospects for the development of legislation on urban planning are shown.

Key words: development of territories, territorial planning, strategic planning, town planning activities, master plan, town planning zoning.

Spatial and strategic planning: key issues and trends of the law

The article examines the emergence and development of the institutions of territorial and strategic planning in the Russian Federation as the most important instruments of development management areas. Analyzes the impact of spatial planning, investment and construction processes and the real estate market. The conclusion of the transition period associated with the preparation of territorial planning and zoning, identifies the main problems of their implementation. The prospects for the development of the legislation on urban development.

Key words: regional development, territorial planning, strategic planning, urban development, the general plan, zoning.

In recent years, public authorities, local governments, as well as professional participants in the investment and construction process are looking for effective strategies for ensuring the development of territories, including cities and urban agglomerations. One of the main legal instruments for regulating territorial development activities (urban planning activities) is territorial planning. Today in Russia the institute of territorial planning is at the stage of formation, and a new meaning is given to planning the rational organization of territories.

As you know, in the Soviet period, the main functions of urban planning and territorial planning were primarily the location of industrial enterprises and productive forces, solving the problems of the military-industrial complex, developing the natural resources of Siberia and the Far East, etc. The Soviet system of settlement and use of territories was mainly formed under the influence of these factors. With regard to the economically efficient use of territories, the quality of the urban environment, taking into account public interests when using urban space, these issues were not considered as priorities.

Nowadays, through territorial planning, the tasks of forming a homogeneous and high-quality urban environment, modernizing infrastructure, reconstructing industrial areas, saving energy and resources, developing public and bicycle transport and various public spaces are being solved. Now the priorities are the rejection of the extensive development of cities, the creation of high-quality architecture and a comfortable human environment.

With the change in the economic and technological structures of the country, the involvement of land plots in the market turnover, the development of the real estate market, the transition from Soviet master plans and detailed planning projects to a new system of territorial development planning has become inevitable.

The new system for managing the development of territories in the forms of territorial planning, urban planning zoning and planning of territories was enshrined in the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), adopted in 2004.

An integrated and systematic approach to the spatial organization of territories should contribute to their sustainable development, that is, ensuring safety and favorable conditions for human life, limiting the negative impact of economic and other activities on the environment, ensuring the protection and rational use of natural resources in the interests of present and future generations. In this regard, in territorial planning, it is necessary to solve difficult and large-scale tasks to harmonize economic, environmental, social and other interests, which often have the opposite direction. At the same time, it is of particular importance to find a balance between the rights of owners of land plots and other real estate objects and the requirement to take into account public interests when using urban and other public space. Thus, it is obvious that the processes occurring in the real estate markets are connected with territorial planning and urban planning zoning.

The general approaches to planning the organization of territories used in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation were borrowed from international legal acts and the legislation of economically developed countries (European Charter for Regional Spatial Planning (1983), Declaration of the European Parliament on Spatial Planning (1990), etc.). As you know, the issues of spatial planning are of great importance abroad, and separate normative legal acts regulating these relations exist in most European countries, for example, in Sweden (The Svedish Planning and Building Act, 1987: 210), Great Britain (Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995, SI 1995/418) and other countries.

Following the example of the legislation of many European countries, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides for the allocation of planning levels (national, regional, local), information transparency and public discussion of urban planning projects; defines the types and purpose of urban planning documentation, bodies responsible for planning; the procedure for monitoring the implementation of plans and decisions is established, etc. At the same time, the establishment of the institution of territorial planning in Russia is very difficult. The legislation of the Russian Federation on urban planning not only has to solve problems common to the countries of a post-industrial society (accelerated urbanization and the associated change in the way of life, social transformation, structural changes in the economy and employment of the population, technological revolution, etc.), but also overcome obstacles that are the legacy of the Soviet period (inconsistency of the existing structure of land use with the demand for urban space from the population and business; morally outdated architectural and planning solutions; technical imperfection and deterioration of the systems of communal infrastructure and housing stock, etc.). In this regard, the difficulties encountered by state authorities and municipalities in the implementation of the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation in practice are largely due to objective historical reasons.

The ratio of strategic and territorial planning

As a general rule, territorial planning should be preceded by strategic planning, the task of which is to determine the general directions, goals and objectives of the development of certain territories, to outline long-term development guidelines for the authorities, municipalities, business and the population. The goals set during strategic planning are further projected for a specific territory that has an established land use structure, engineering and social infrastructure and other individual characteristics.

It should be noted that foreign tools for managing the development of territories, carried out in the form of Comprehensive Planning in the United States and Canada or Spatial Planning in Europe, include elements of both territorial and strategic planning. As a result, documents defining the directions for the development of territories in the long term (Comprehensive Plan, Spatial Plan, Community Plan, Municipal Development Plan, Master Plan, Strategic Master Plan, etc.), are complex voluminous documents containing an analysis of natural, social economic, ecological, demographic conditions of the territory, targets, strategic goals and development priorities, as well as the corresponding graphic documentation.

As for the Russian Federation, until recently, a sectoral approach was often used in territorial planning, which allowed state authorities and local governments to adopt territorial planning documents aimed at solving certain short-term economic problems to the detriment of the tasks of integrated sustainable development of territories. When using this approach, it was also allowed to plan the development of territories by adopting sectoral schemes based on the views of individual departments.

It should be admitted that the issue of the relationship between strategic and territorial planning is not actually regulated in the legislation of the Russian Federation. An indication of the need to take into account the strategic goals and directions of socio-economic development, as well as the possibility of budgetary and other financing of relevant projects in territorial planning is contained in part 5 of article 9 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. It has been established that the preparation of territorial planning documents is carried out on the basis of strategies (programs) for the development of individual sectors of the economy, priority national projects, interstate programs, programs for the socio-economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, plans and programs for the comprehensive socio-economic development of municipalities (if any) taking into account the programs adopted in accordance with the established procedure and implemented at the expense of the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets, decisions of state authorities, local authorities, other main managers of funds of the corresponding budgets, providing for the creation of objects of federal significance, objects of regional significance, objects of local importance, the development of investment programs of subjects of natural monopolies, organizations of the communal complex and the submission of information contained in the federal state information ormational system of territorial planning.

The specified norm does not seem to be specific enough; the Civil Code of the Russian Federation does not contain real mechanisms for accounting for the above programs, strategies, projects and information.

According to some experts (see, for example,), with the adoption of the Federal Law of March 20, 2011 N 41-FZ "On Amendments to the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in terms of territorial planning", the boundaries between the status and content of territorial and strategic planning documents, the role of territorial planning documents has diminished, while the importance of documentation on territorial planning and land use and development rules developed on their basis has sharply increased.

An attempt to resolve the issue of the relationship between strategic and territorial planning was made in the draft Federal Law No. 143912-6 "On State Strategic Planning", which was adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in the first reading on November 21, 2012. This project is aimed at the legal consolidation of the system of state strategic planning, including state forecasting, target-oriented and territorial planning, as well as monitoring the implementation of state strategic planning documents.

According to the draft law, the documents of state strategic planning developed at the federal level include the general scheme of settlement in the territory of the Russian Federation, which, in particular, contains the mechanisms for the implementation of the federal urban planning policy, and the scheme of territorial planning of the Russian Federation.

The documents of state strategic planning developed in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation include settlement schemes in the territories of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and territorial planning schemes of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Considering that the current edition of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation does not provide for such documents as settlement schemes, the adoption of this draft law will undoubtedly require adjustments to the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation concerning territorial planning.

It should be noted that relations on strategic planning are regulated by this draft law only in relation to the federal and regional levels of government, while the issues of the municipal level of government go beyond its regulation.

In the absence of legal regulation of relations on strategic planning at the municipal level, some local self-government bodies are making attempts to use elements of master plans (Master Plan), strategic master plans (Strategic Master Plan) and other similar documents developed in strategic and spatial planning of cities abroad.

The concept of "master plan" is unknown to Russian legislation, therefore, its content can only be judged on the basis of an analysis of foreign master plans, as well as a few domestic developments (at present, the city of Perm is the only entity that has developed a strategic master plan). Unlike the master plan, which is a legally significant document, the master plan is in fact a concept for the development of the city for the long term, which links urban planning decisions and the economic basis with a set of basic ideas and principles of planned development, goals and strategies for achieving them.

Despite the uncertainty of the legal status of the master plan, the authorities of some cities are planning to develop such a document. In particular, the need to develop a master plan for the city of Moscow as an instrument of a new spatial policy was announced by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for Urban Development Policy and Construction M. Khusnullin and the Chief Architect of Moscow S. Kuznetsov at the Moscow Urban Forum, which took place on December 4-5. 2012. In their opinion, the task of the Moscow master plan is to put urban planning decisions on an economic basis. It should contain the priorities for the development of the capital in the long term and ways to achieve the set objectives, that is, serve as a hinge between the city's development strategy and graphic documentation. When preparing a master plan for Moscow, which, together with an updated master plan for Moscow, should be submitted by the end of 2014, it is planned to use the experience of developing master plans of 14 large cities, such as Amsterdam, London, Paris, Chicago, Seoul, Shanghai, Vancouver and others. ...

We believe that in the case of developing master plans, city authorities will inevitably face the need to determine their place in the system of documents that are already provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, in particular, to resolve the issue of the relationship between master plans and master plans.

Types and content of territorial planning documents

The purpose of territorial planning is to determine in the relevant documents the designation of territories based on a combination of social, economic, environmental and other factors in order to ensure the sustainable development of territories, the development of engineering, transport and social infrastructures, to ensure that the interests of citizens and their associations, the Russian Federation, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are taken into account. , municipalities.

The significance of territorial planning documents lies in the fact that they are mandatory for state authorities and local self-government bodies when they make decisions related to the construction and other development of the territory, as well as when implementing such decisions. In addition, territorial planning documents are the basis for the development of land use and development rules, as well as land planning documents, in which the provisions on territorial planning are detailed in relation to specific zones and land plots. In essence, the development and approval of territorial planning documents is a means of systematically organizing the territories of urban and rural settlements, districts, regions and the territory of the Russian Federation as a whole. In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, territorial planning documents are divided into three levels:

  1. documents (schemes) of territorial planning of the Russian Federation;
  2. documents (schemes) of territorial planning of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  3. documents of territorial planning of municipalities (schemes of territorial planning of municipal districts, master plans of urban and rural settlements, master plans of urban districts).

Master plans of settlements, master plans of urban districts, territorial planning schemes of the Russian Federation, territorial planning schemes of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, territorial planning schemes of municipal districts, providing for the placement of linear objects of federal significance, linear objects of regional significance, linear objects of local significance, are approved for a period of at least than twenty years. In other cases, these territorial planning schemes are approved for a period of at least ten years.

Requirements for the content, preparation, coordination and approval of territorial planning documents are established by Chapter III of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The territorial planning documents of the Russian Federation are the territorial planning schemes of the Russian Federation in the following areas:

  • federal transport (rail, air, sea, inland waterways, pipelines) and federal highways;
  • defense of the country and security of the state;
  • energy;
  • higher professional education;
  • healthcare.

In other areas, territorial planning schemes of the Russian Federation may be developed on the basis of regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation or regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Lists of types of objects of federal significance to be displayed on territorial planning schemes of the Russian Federation are defined in the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 9, 2012 N 162-r.

In accordance with the Action Plan aimed at implementing the provisions of the Federal Law "On Amendments to the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts Regarding Issues of Territorial Planning", approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2011 N 2463-r, all schemes planning of the Russian Federation were to be developed and approved by August 2012. However, today, of all the listed schemes, only the scheme of territorial planning of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare has been approved (order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2012 N 2607-r); the scheme of territorial planning of the Russian Federation in the field of higher professional education (order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 26, 2013 N 247-r) and the scheme of territorial planning of the Russian Federation in the field of federal transport (rail, air, sea, inland waterway) and federal highways values ​​(order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 19, 2013 N 384-r).

Territorial planning schemes of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are prepared as part of one or several documents and contain provisions on territorial planning and maps of the planned location of objects of regional significance related to the following areas:

  • transport (rail, water, air), regional or inter-municipal roads;
  • prevention of inter-municipal and regional emergencies, natural disasters, epidemics and elimination of their consequences;
  • education;
  • healthcare;
  • physical Culture and sport;
  • other areas (in accordance with the powers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation).

According to the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia), by the end of 2012, all territorial planning schemes for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation were approved or were being approved.

Finally, the basic instruments for regulating construction and other activities are the documents of territorial planning of municipalities - territorial planning schemes of municipal districts, master plans of settlements and urban districts. The territorial planning scheme of the municipal district in accordance with Article 19 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation contains:

  1. a map of the planned placement of objects of local importance of the municipal district, related to the following areas:

a) electricity and gas supply to settlements;

b) highways of local importance outside the boundaries of settlements within the boundaries of the municipal district;

c) education;

d) healthcare;

e) physical culture and mass sports;

f) utilization and processing of household and industrial waste;

g) other areas in connection with the solution of issues of local importance of the municipal district;

  1. a map of the boundaries of settlements (including the boundaries of formed settlements) located in inter-settlement territories;
  2. a map of functional zones established in inter-settlement territories, if it is planned to locate objects of federal significance, objects of regional significance, objects of local significance in inter-settlement territories (except for linear objects).

The preparation of the draft scheme for the territorial planning of the municipal district is carried out in accordance with the requirements of Article 9 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and taking into account regional and (or) local standards for urban planning, as well as taking into account the proposals of interested parties.

Requirements for the content, preparation and approval of general plans are established by Articles 23 - 25 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The master plan should contain:

  1. regulations on territorial planning;
  2. a map of the planned placement of objects of local significance of a settlement or urban district related to the following areas:

a) electricity, heat, gas and water supply of the population, water disposal;

b) highways of local importance;

c) physical culture and mass sports, education, health care, utilization and processing of household and industrial waste in the event of a master plan for an urban district;

d) other areas in connection with the solution of issues of local significance of a settlement, an urban district;

  1. a map of the boundaries of settlements (including the boundaries of formed settlements) that are part of a settlement or urban district;
  2. a map of functional zones of a settlement or an urban district, including the boundaries and description of functional zones with an indication of objects of federal significance planned for placement in them, objects of regional significance, objects of local significance (except for linear objects) and the location of linear objects of federal significance, linear objects of regional significance, linear objects of local importance.

The preparation of the draft master plan is carried out in accordance with the requirements of Article 9 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and taking into account regional and (or) local standards for urban planning, the results of public hearings on the draft master plan, as well as taking into account the proposals of interested parties.

The master plan can be considered a tool for monitoring the compliance of investment projects with public benefit. Thus, the inclusion in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation of Article 28 on the compulsory nature of public hearings on draft master plans of settlements, master plans of urban districts is not accidental. Through such public hearings, following the example of the European Union and other foreign countries, public control over the compliance of the adopted urban planning decisions with public interests is carried out, and the basic principle of the legislation on urban planning activities is implemented - the principle of the participation of citizens and their associations in the implementation of urban planning activities, ensuring the freedom of such participation ...

If the master plans of cities are common documents, since they were also developed in the Soviet period, then the requirement for the development of territorial planning schemes for municipal districts and master plans for rural settlements is an innovation of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Previously, such documentation was not provided for by law. It is no accident that in practice the greatest difficulties arose in the development and approval of these particular documents.

According to the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia, posted on its official website (, by the end of 2012, out of 1820 territorial planning schemes for municipal districts, 1118 schemes were approved and 499 were at the stage of agreement and approval (which was 89 percent of the total) ... Out of 516 master plans for urban districts, 364 plans were approved and 114 plans were at the stage of agreement and approval (93 percent of the total). Of the 1709 master plans of urban settlements, 862 plans were approved, 418 were at the stage of coordination and approval (75 percent of the total). Finally, out of 18784 master plans of rural settlements, only 5085 plans were approved, while in 2830 rural settlements, in accordance with part 6 of article 18 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, local governments decided that there was no need to prepare master plans.

Regarding the land use and development regulations to be approved taking into account the spatial planning provisions contained in the spatial planning documents, by the end of 2012, they had been approved in 71 per cent of urban districts, 45 per cent of urban settlements and 30 per cent of rural settlements.

In this regard, the most important task of state authorities and local self-government bodies is to complete the work on the preparation and approval of territorial planning documents and rules for land use and development. Only after the completion of the preparation of these documents can the principle be implemented, according to which, without a strategy for the development of the territory, without approved schemes for territorial planning of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, master plans for settlements, urban districts, land use and development rules, construction and other activities on the relevant territory would be impossible.

Implementation of territorial planning documents

In accordance with article 26 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the implementation of territorial planning documents is carried out:

  1. by preparing and approving documentation for the planning of the territory in accordance with the documents of territorial planning;
  2. by adopting, in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, decisions on land reservation, on the seizure, including through redemption, of land plots for state or municipal needs, on the transfer of land or land plots from one category to another;
  3. by creating objects of federal significance, objects of regional significance, objects of local significance on the basis of documentation for the planning of the territory.

Thus, in fact, the implementation of territorial planning documents is actions for the placement of objects through the preparation of documentation for the planning of the territory, as a result of which the boundaries of land plots for the relevant objects are precisely determined, urban planning plans of land plots are prepared, which are subsequently used to prepare project documentation and obtain a building permit.

On April 1, 2013, the Federal Law of December 30, 2012 N 289-FZ "On Amendments to the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" came into force, which establishes requirements for programs for the integrated development of communal infrastructure systems and their relationship with general plans of settlements and urban districts. In accordance with the aforementioned Federal Law, programs for the integrated development of communal infrastructure systems (PCR) are documents establishing lists of measures for the construction, reconstruction of electricity, gas, heat, water supply and water disposal systems, facilities used for disposal, neutralization and disposal of solid household waste, which are provided for, respectively, by the schemes and programs for the development of a unified national (all-Russian) electrical network for a long-term period, the general layout of electric power facilities, the federal gasification program, the corresponding interregional and regional gasification programs, heat supply schemes, water supply and sewerage schemes, programs in the field of circulation with waste. They are developed and approved by the local self-government bodies of the settlement, the urban district on the basis of the general plans of the settlement, the urban district approved in accordance with the procedure established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and must ensure a balanced, long-term development of communal infrastructure systems in accordance with the needs for the construction of capital construction projects and the reliability that meets the established requirements. energy efficiency of these systems, reducing the negative impact on the environment and human health and improving the quality of goods supplied to consumers, services provided in the areas of electricity, gas, heat, water supply and sewerage, as well as services for the disposal, neutralization and disposal of solid household waste.

According to the aforementioned Federal Law, the GKR must be approved within 6 months from the date of approval of the master plans of the corresponding settlements, urban districts. In the presence of master plans of settlements and master plans of urban districts approved before the date of entry into force of the specified Federal Law, programs for the integrated development of communal infrastructure systems of the corresponding settlements, urban districts must be developed and approved no later than January 1, 2014.

In the event that programs implemented at the expense of the federal budget, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets, decisions of state authorities, local governments, other main managers of funds of the respective budgets, providing for the creation of objects of federal, regional and local significance, investment programs subjects of natural monopolies, organizations of the communal complex, were adopted prior to the approval of territorial planning documents and provide for the creation of objects of federal, regional and local significance to be displayed in territorial planning documents, but not provided for by the specified territorial planning documents, such programs and decisions within 2 months from the dates of approval of the said territorial planning documents shall be brought into conformity with them.

If such programs are adopted after the approval of the territorial planning documents and provide for the creation of objects of federal, regional and local significance, which are to be displayed in the territorial planning documents, but not provided for by these documents, in the said territorial planning documents within 5 months from the date of approval of such programs and making such decisions, appropriate changes are made.

These norms, it seems, will be adjusted taking into account the evolving law enforcement practice.

Completion of the transition period associated with the preparation of documents for territorial planning and urban planning zoning

When the Civil Code of the Russian Federation was adopted (entered into force on December 30, 2004), it was assumed that the documents of territorial planning and urban planning zoning should be adopted without fail no later than a year after its entry into force - by January 1, 2006. Only after fulfilling the established requirements, the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation could fully enter into force. However, these requirements have not yet been fully met. Federal laws extended the time frame for preparing documents several times. Accordingly, the temporary norms of the Federal Laws "On the Enactment of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation" and "On the Enforcement of the Land Code of the Russian Federation" were extended, allowing to resolve construction issues in a "manual mode", making "perceived" decisions on the facts of appeal of legal entities and citizens, which leads to an imbalance in the development of the territory, in particular, to "infill development" and other negative consequences. The last time the deadlines for approving territorial planning documents and land use and development rules were extended by Federal Laws of December 30, 2012 N 289-FZ "On Amendments to the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" and N 290-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On Assistance to the Development of Housing Construction" and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation ".

It should be noted that in this case the legislator applied a differentiated approach to the preparation of these documents. In particular, the deadline for the territorial planning documents of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation was not extended. Thus, from January 1, 2013, in the absence of approved schemes for territorial planning of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, it will be impossible to make decisions on land reservation, on the seizure, including through redemption, of land plots for state or municipal needs, on the transfer of land from one categories to another, on the provision of land plots in state or municipal ownership for the purpose of placing the relevant objects. Exceptions were made only for such subjects of the Russian Federation as Moscow and the Moscow Region, which must adopt their territorial planning documents by December 31, 2014.

As for the territorial planning documents of the municipal level, the ban on the disposal of land plots and the construction of objects of local importance in the territories of urban settlements comes into force on April 1, 2013, in the territories of rural settlements - from January 1, 2014.

The aforementioned Federal Laws also extended the period for preparing land use and development rules for Moscow and the Moscow Region until December 31, 2014, for municipal districts - until June 30, 2013, for urban settlements and urban districts - until December 31, 2013, for rural settlements - up to June 1, 2014. In addition, until December 31, 2016, the specified period was extended with respect to ensuring the use for the purposes established by the Federal Law "On Assistance to the Development of Housing Construction" of the federal property of land plots and land plots of the Federal Fund for the Promotion of Housing Construction. At the same time, the requirement on the inadmissibility of issuing permits for the construction of capital construction projects in the absence of land use and development rules comes into force in relation to inter-settlement territories of municipal districts from July 1, 2013, to the territories of urban settlements and urban districts - from January 1, 2014, to rural areas. settlements - from June 1, 2014.

An additional incentive to complete the preparation of documents for territorial planning and urban planning zoning can be considered some provisions of the Action Plan ("road map") "Improving the business climate in the construction industry", approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 16, 2012 N 1487-r. In particular, it is planned to prepare a draft Federal Law "On Amendments to the Land Code of the Russian Federation on the Transfer of State-Owned Land Plots to the Ownership of Municipal Formations", which provides for the transfer of state-owned land plots to the ownership of municipal formations in the absence of documents territorial planning of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Thus, the authorities have clearly indicated that the transition period is coming to an end and the deadlines set by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation for the preparation of documents for territorial planning and urban planning zoning will no longer be extended.

The end of the transition period will finally bring certainty to the activities for managing the spatial development of territories, which, in turn, should lead to a more efficient use of territories and an improvement in the investment climate.

It seems that over the next years we will have to master new methods of organizing urban spaces, move to new types of land use, rethink the role and tasks of the state, municipalities, designers, architects, developers, investors and the urban community in the development of urban areas, as well as in related such development of investment and construction processes.

Literature and information sources

  1. Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation: Federal Law of December 29, 2004 N 190-FZ.
  2. European Charter for Regional Spatial Planning (adopted on May 20, 1983 in the city of Torremolinos (Spain)).
  3. The Svedish Planning and Building Act 1987: 210.
  4. Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995, SI 1995/418.
  5. Federal Law of March 20, 2011 N 41-FZ "On Amendments to the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation Regarding Issues of Territorial Planning".
  6. Draft Federal Law N 143912-6 "On State Strategic Planning" (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in the first reading on November 21, 2012).
  7. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 9, 2012 N 162-r "On the approval of the lists of types of objects of federal significance to be displayed on the territorial planning schemes of the Russian Federation."
  8. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2011 N 2463-r "On approval of the action plan aimed at implementing the provisions of the Federal Law" On Amendments to the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation Regarding Spatial Planning Issues ".
  9. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2012 N 2607-r "On approval of the territorial planning scheme of the Russian Federation in the field of health care".
  10. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 26, 2013 N 247-r "On approval of the territorial planning scheme of the Russian Federation in the field of higher professional education."
  11. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 19, 2013 N 384-r "On approval of the territorial planning scheme in the field of federal transport and federal highways."
  12. Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation // URL:
  13. Federal Law of December 30, 2012 N 289-FZ "On Amendments to the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation".
  14. Federal Law of December 29, 2004 N 191-FZ "On the Enactment of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation".
  15. Federal Law of October 25, 2001 N 137-FZ "On the Enactment of the Land Code of the Russian Federation".
  16. Federal Law of December 30, 2012 N 290-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On Assistance to the Development of Housing Construction "and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation".
  17. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 16, 2012 N 1487-r "On the approval of the action plan (" road map ")" Improving the business climate in the construction sector. "
  18. Trutnev E.K. Commentary on the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation in terms of the institute of territorial planning, as amended by the Federal Law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation Regarding Issues of Territorial Planning of March 20, 2011 N 41-FZ" // SPS "ConsultantPlus".
  19. Zemlyakova G.L. Some problems of territorial planning regulation // SPS "ConsultantPlus".

Strategic plan for the development of the region is a management document that contains an interrelated description of various aspects of the development of the region. The preparation of such a document provides for:

    setting goals for the development of the region;

    determination of ways to achieve the set goals;

    analysis of potential opportunities, the implementation of which will allow you to achieve success;

    development of methods for organizing traffic in selected directions;

    substantiation of rational ways of using resources.

The strategic plan for the socio-economic development of the region is an indicative document that allows the administration of the region and the regional community to act together. This is a document not only of the administration, but to a greater extent of all subjects of the regional development process, including economic agents and participants in the political process. This is not a directive from above, directed from the regional administration to entrepreneurs and residents of the region, but a guideline developed with the participation of all agents of economic activity.

Such a plan provides for balanced and coordinated actions of all actors to solve existing problems. It is a tool for building partnerships, a mechanism for identifying and implementing effective strategic actions in all spheres of life in the region.

TO the main characteristics of the strategic plan socio-economic development of the region include:

    highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the regional economy, striving to strengthen, develop, form the competitive advantages of the region with a focus, first of all, on the creation of better living conditions for people;

    concise ideas and principles that guide producers of goods and services, investors, the administration and the population, helping them to implement decisions based on a vision of future development;

Partnership interaction of all regional forces.

A component of the strategic plan for the development of the region should be the administration's action plan attached to it for the implementation of the planned activities.

Strategic plan development stages socio-economic development of the region include:

    assessment of the achieved level and features of the socio-economic development of the region, which also presupposes an analysis of the regional resource base of this development;

    development of a concept for the development of the regional economy, development of scenarios for the modernization of the regional economy in order to

adaptation of the latter to the new system of interregional ties and interdependencies;

3) selection and substantiation of directions for the future development of the region.

These directions are classified depending on the possible scenarios of future development, determined on the basis of a preliminary analysis, based on calculations of various options for the specialization of the regional economic complex.

The starting point for the development of the concept should be the definition of the development goals of the region, as well as its sectoral priorities ("poles" of the development of the region). The main development goalregion is seen in solving the problem of self-sufficiency of the region, i.e. the ability to independently perform the full set of functions determined by its status.

The main target of the strategic plan development of the region is to improve the level and quality of life of the population of the region. To improve the living standards of the population, it is proposed to form and fulfill a "social order". The concept of "social order" includes a set of services necessary to ensure the normal life of the population.

To implement this installation, the following standards are being developed:

    currently achieved standards of consumption of goods and services;

    actual consumption in developed countries;

    rational standards.

In a roughly generalized form, the alternatives to regional development can be defined as follows:

    a growth strategy, which is implemented by a significant annual excess of the level of short-term and long-term target parameters over the level of indicators of the previous year (it is used, as a rule, in dynamically developing regions with significant potential);

    a strategy of limited growth, which is characterized by the setting of goals from the achieved level, adjusted for inflation (this strategy is chosen mainly by regions with a stable economic situation that do not want to take much risk in choosing development options);

    reduction strategy (this alternative is chosen in the case of inevitable stagnation of production in the region in order to mitigate the negative consequences and is called the last-average strategy

state, since the level of the goals set is lower than that achieved in the past).

This strategy may have several options: reorganization or complete elimination of ineffective production; cutting off the excess, i.e. the curtailment of those industries, the economic inefficiency of which causes a drop in results for the region as a whole; downsizing and reorientation: liquidation of a part of production facilities with the allocation of the released funds to repurposed and modernized enterprises in the region.

Definition "Poles" of regional development is the most important task in developing a strategy for the development of the region. The main direction of reforming the economy of most regions at the present stage is a gradual movement towards the formation of a new social order of the post-industrial type based on the use of new technological methods of production in a multi-structured socially oriented economic system with modern characteristics of the quality of life of the population and with an active role of state bodies in regulating the economy.

An important principle for the development of social sectors will be to reduce the pressure of these sectors on the regional budget with a simultaneous increase in funding for these sectors in the budget.

The implementation of this provision means:

    expanding possible sources of financing for social sectors, attracting funds from the population and enterprises for this on mutually beneficial terms, up to the creation of enterprises with mixed capital in budgetary sectors of the social sphere;

    reducing the cost of the social sphere due to the regime of saving resources, conducting targeted social events, restructuring and expanding self-sustaining activities, in connection with which institutions and enterprises of the social sphere should enjoy the regime of tax benefits and most favored nation;

    pursuing a policy of developing competition in the social services market with the obligatory control of regional authorities over the quality of services; stimulating the creation of a competitive environment in monopoly markets for social services; holding tenders and bidding for the right

performance of social services; formation of a municipal order for social services for all main types of social sphere.

Another area of ​​modernization of the region is to provide conditions for economic growth based on the expansion of production competitive goods, support of innovative industries and new technologies.

The region should more actively participate in the formation of priority areas for the development of enterprises of all forms of ownership and levels of subordination. The basis should be based on the priority development of industries working to serve the population. In this regard, the restructuring of industry, especially large enterprises, should provide for the support of those enterprises that, as a result of conducted market research, have a real effective demand for products. It is also necessary to support the innovative type of development and the establishment of industries that are competitive in other markets.

To solve the problem of industrial restructuring at the first stages, the allocation of priority sectorslei economy and leading enterprises, allowing to ensure a balanced growth of production in all sectors. Support for leading enterprises will create the necessary financial stability of the region's economy, become a source of increasing employment, provide work for enterprises in related industries for cooperation, and concentrate financial resources on breakthrough areas of the economy without scattering them. Such support presupposes closer ties between enterprises of the same industry and within the framework of inter-industry cooperation with the aim of gradually including all enterprises in the region in the development process.

Industrial restructuring involves increasing the flexibility and adaptability of enterprises, support for small and mediumhim entrepreneurship.

Production of mass and large-scale nature in most industries in times of crisis are not profitable enough. Therefore, it is necessary to support the policy of reducing the scale of production with a simultaneous increase in the number of small enterprises in various fields of activity.

Carrying out a diversification policy will make it possible, on the basis of large industrial enterprises, to form several medium

them and small ones that use the same production facilities more efficiently. However, this is only possible if a certain mechanism is created for the implementation of the procedure for the unbundling of enterprises and the division of ownership. One of the options for such a mechanism is the creation of an industrial group on the basis of large enterprises with a management company responsible for solving joint problems and interfering in the affairs of each of the enterprises only within the framework of its powers.

Support for small and medium-sized businesses is necessary for the region to pursue a policy of creating jobs without reducing production efficiency and labor productivity. Small business, especially in the production and service sectors, has large reserves for providing employment to the population.

One of the goals of economic restructuring is the saturation of the commodity market, the achievement of which is impossible without support of local producers and industries operating in conditions closed on the regional market.

Support for local producers is focused on ensuring the stability of the economy, its strategic independence from foreign markets, the concentration of financial flows in the region and, as a consequence, ensuring the stability of its budget. The change in the direction of support towards domestic production and consumption does not mean an orientation towards a closed market, which is practically unrealistic in the context of the globalization of economic ties. We are talking about adjusting economic ties, eliminating imbalances between the import and export of products in terms of their public utility and impact on the region's economy.

The creation of cooperative structures in the form of the most closed technological chains of product manufacturers within the region will ensure a more complete utilization of production capacities, reduce costs, and save on taxes.

The restructuring of the country's economy at the present stage is impossible without support resource-saving and energy-savingproductions, pursuing a resource conservation policy. High material consumption and low efficiency of resource use are one of the main obstacles to the growth of production in the context of focusing on effective demand, therefore resource conservation can be considered as the main criterion for assessing

the feasibility of measures for the restructuring and development of this production. For this purpose, it is proposed to create a mechanism for comparing resource costs for all development projects. Enterprises should justify the costs of resources in the calculations and disclose alternative possibilities for their use, especially in the case of obtaining investment loans.

They require a solution to the problem of inter-budgetary relations, the distribution of subsidies and transfers across the regions of the country. To implement this direction, a policy of strict control over the region's revenues and expenditures is required, and the efficiency of property management in the region must be increased.

Improving the efficiency of the regional economy is also possible through increasing productivity, utilization and efficiency of using production capacities, which can be achieved through the introduction of intensive technologies and, as a result, cost reduction.

A long-term promising direction for the implementation of these measures is to achieve financial stability of the regional budget, change its structure, and find additional sources of funding.

The main components of the strategy socio-economic development should be:

    pursuing a targeted structural, scientific, technical and investment policy;

    solving social problems in reforming the economy;

    stimulation of business activity in the real sector of the economy.

The main direction of economic policy is the creation of a middle class of property owners.

The restructuring of the domestic industry is possible on the basis of the organizational and economic reorganization of the scientific and technical complex, the formation of an effective system of research and development, the activation of science on this basis and the implementation of its achievements in life.

The solution of social problems is the most important criterion for the effectiveness of the reforms carried out in the country.

Depending on the time horizon one or another target setting can be set and measures are planned to solve social problems:

In the long term, the global target for social policy is

the approximation of the standard of living of Russians to the standards of a post-industrial society;

    within the medium-term period, the task is to achieve the pre-crisis standard of living of the population of Russia;

    as an operational goal, one can set the task of ensuring conditions for the physical survival of people, preventing a social explosion in society.

In the field of stimulating business activity in the real sector of the economy, the most important measures are:

    the establishment by law of the minimum guaranteed wages, which reflects the price of unskilled labor and should be focused on the living wage in the country; bringing the parameters of the Unified Tariff Schedule in line with the size of the subsistence minimum;

    guaranteeing the timely payment of wages by the employer;

    legislative definition of the method and procedure for indexing the incomes of the population in order to preserve the real purchasing power of monetary wages in the context of inflation;

    reduction of property stratification of the population, overcoming unreasonably high differences in income levels of the subsistence part and the poor.

Introduction ……………………………………………………………… ... 3

municipalities of urban type… .. ……………………… 7

1.1 Basic concepts and definitions ………………………………… 7

municipalities of urban type ……………………….… .9

Chapter 2. Methodological foundations of territorial strategic

planning …………………… .. ……………… .. …………………… ..16

2.1 Basic principles for the development of a strategic plan ………… ..16

2.2 Analysis of conditions and resources of socio-economic development

cities ……………………………………………… ... ………………. …… 21

methodological support of territorial strategic

planning …………………………………………………………… ... 24

3.1 Improving strategic development planning

municipalities …………………………………. ………… 24

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………… .30

Sources and literature …………………………………………………… ... 32


The transition to a new system of social relations, the economic and political structure of the country and the transformations associated with this process became the basis for the formation of local self-government in the Russian Federation. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the system of local self-government is designed to “ensure the independent solution by the population of issues of local importance”, which, in accordance with the Federal Law “On General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation”, also include issues of socio-economic development of cities and settlements. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the previously operating system of centralized administrative planning turned out to be incapable of effectively solving the problems that faced it in a market economy and lost its relevance. It was to be replaced by a new system of views on the planning process, based on the observance of the principle of balance of interests and the establishment of a system of partnership between government, business and the local community. At the same time, the process of restructuring interbudgetary relations, economic and financial crises have increased the need for local authorities to manage the process of municipal development based on more efficient use of existing potential and adaptation to changes in the external environment. The search for a new quality and content in planning the socio-economic development of municipalities has led to the emergence of new forms and methods of this activity. One of these forms is territorial strategic planning, which has become widespread in developed countries since the 1980s.

The relevance of the topic of this work is also due to the fact that modern Russian science of municipal management, although it has deep historical roots, is currently experiencing a period of rapid development in the changed political and economic conditions. At the same time, the very concept of "development" in relation to municipalities still causes a lot of discussion.

The degree of elaboration of the topic... The problems of management and planning of the socio-economic development of cities and settlements arouse considerable interest in society and are widely considered in foreign and Russian economic literature. The theory and experience of strategic planning, the development of local self-government in foreign countries are of undoubted scientific and practical interest, are discussed in detail in the works of R. Ackoff, J. Bryson, D. Wolfson, G. Gordon, L. Goodstine, R. Kemp, G. Mintzberg, A. Miller. However, due to significant differences in the conditions of functioning of municipal authorities in foreign countries and in the Russian Federation, the possibilities of using the scientific results obtained by foreign researchers are sometimes limited. Additional difficulties are introduced by the unique nature of the transition period currently undergoing in the Russian Federation, the often unpredictable changing “rules of the game” in the sphere of the redistribution of powers between the levels of government.

A great contribution to the development of the theory of local self-government was made by Russian scientists at the beginning of the century: H.H. Avinov, L.A. Velikhov, M.A. Sirinov, V.N. Tverdokhlebov, M.I. Friedman. The works of these authors contain both a detailed analysis of the foundations of the emergence of zemstvo and city self-government, communal services and city finance, and practical approaches to their development. Many theoretical propositions developed by Russian scientists at the beginning of the century have not lost their relevance at the present time.

Among modern Russian studies in the field of local self-government and socio-economic development of territorial-administrative formations, the works of A.E. Balobanova, I.N. Brodsky, G.I. Voblenko, V.A. Vorotylova, B.M. Grinchel, M.A. Rusakova, B.S. Zhikharevich, M.I. Knysha, A.E. Koguta, O.P. Litovki, A.N. Petrova, V.E. Rokhchina, A.A. Rumyantsev, I.I. Sigova, A.M. Khodachek, V.M. Khodachek and others. The studies of these authors are focused on various aspects of the socio-economic development of territories, strategic planning, municipal management, etc. At the same time, as researchers themselves often note, it is still premature to talk about the formation of a unified methodological and organizational support for the development and implementation of strategic development plans in municipalities.

Research goals and objectives... The main goal of this work is to develop recommendations for improving the process of territorial strategic planning based on the generalization and analysis of existing scientific and practical experience, identifying problems and shortcomings in the organizational and methodological support of this process.

Achievement of this goal determined the need to solve the following tasks:

Determine the place and purpose of territorial strategic planning in the management system of the municipality;

To determine the reasons why strategic planning has become widespread today in the practice of managing the development of municipalities in the Russian Federation;

Formulate and summarize the organizational and methodological foundations of territorial strategic planning;

Determine the stages of the territorial strategic planning process and the requirements for its organization;

Explore the practical experience of developing strategic plans for the development of municipalities at the present stage in Russia, conduct a critical analysis of this experience in order to identify the most typical problems and shortcomings;

To develop and offer municipal officials and specialists involved in strategic planning a tool for conducting self-assessment and monitoring the compliance of the documents being developed with the requirements for the strategic plan.

Object and subject of research... The object of the research is urban-type municipalities.

The subject of the research is the strategic planning of the socio-economic development of urban-type municipalities, the organizational and methodological support of this process and the practical experience of its application.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the works of domestic and foreign researchers in the field of the theory of local government, city and municipal economy, strategic planning.

I used general scientific methods of cognition of socio-economic processes, a combination of deductive and inductive analysis, methods of abstraction. Using the method of content analysis, strategic plans, concepts of socio-economic development of cities were studied. Analyzed the statistical materials and regulatory legal acts of the federal and local levels related to the subject of the study. In generalizations, the systemic method was widely used.


1.1. Basic concepts and definitions

The modern Russian science of municipal management, although it has deep historical roots, is currently experiencing a period of rapid development in the changed political and economic conditions. And like any science that is experiencing a period of rapid accumulation of new knowledge and rethinking of the achievements of the past period, it requires a more attentive attitude to the terminology used. Old terms may be hiding new content, and new terms have not yet made it into explanatory dictionaries. In essence, this section is introductory, since it focuses on the interpretation of several key concepts, without which, however, a correct understanding of the further logic of the presentation of the material is not possible.

Some authors, experts in the field of municipal self-government and municipal economics, point to the existence of a persistent misconception that the municipal economy is often equated with the municipality itself, i.e. many believe that a municipal economy is a city or other municipal entity. However, the concept of a city (municipality), as rightly noted in the works of L.A. Velikhova is much more complex and, if the municipal formation is considered as an integral socio-economic system, then the municipal economy is a part of this complex system.


Ruzavina Alina Olegovna,

Rostov State Economic University (RINH)

economics student

Rostov-on-Don, Russia


This article discusses the concept and essence of strategic planning of the region. Strategic planning for the development of a region is a management process and can be presented as a chain of consistent, purposeful actions of the authorities and management. Dividing the process into stages allows you to maintain a hierarchy of goals and objectives, as well as clearly identify the participants in the process at each of its phases.

Keywords: strategic planning; strategic plan; economic development; economic growth.

At the present stage of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, regional problems are becoming more and more urgent. Russia consists of 88 subjects, each of which, in turn, includes many municipalities - cities and towns, rural administrative regions, hundreds of settlements. Each of them is characterized by a unique structure of the economy, specific reproduction cycles, and its own social sphere. To achieve the goals of sustainable economic growth in the Russian Federation, it is necessary to ensure the cumulative development of each of the municipalities.

The Russian Federation has made some progress in suppressing inflation, making payments of a social nature, and transitioning to a growing trajectory of economic development. However, these positive tendencies are manifested far from evenly throughout the country. Many subjects continue their difficult "struggle for survival", which allows us to put forward the thesis of growing regional asymmetry. In addition, the strengthening of regional differentiation has extremely negative consequences for the socio-economic development of the state as a whole.

The development of a regional development strategy is the most important task both in regional science and in practice. The content of a city development strategy is determined by a specific socio-economic situation, and its development is impossible without taking into account and assessing the development prospects of leading enterprises located in the city.

The leading enterprises are the city-forming ones, which determine the profile or specialization of the city. Strategic choice of profile is the key to future success in developing competitiveness factors and attracting or retaining consumers. It is achieved through strategic planning of urban development using tools for the development and implementation of decisions on a long-term vision of the future. In general, strategic planning is a special type of planned work, consisting in the development of strategic decisions in the form of forecasts, projects and programs that provide for the advancement of development goals and strategies, the implementation of which will ensure their effective and sustainable functioning in the long term.

Strategic planning is the process of formulating the mission and goals of the organization, choosing specific strategies to identify and obtain the necessary resources and allocating them to ensure the effective operation of the organization in the future. Strategic planning can also be presented as a certain set of actions, decisions taken by management to develop specific strategies that help the organization achieve its goals.

Rice. 1. Sections of strategic planning

Strategic planning at the level of the municipality can be defined as “a systematic process by which local communities (with the participation of all stakeholders) create a picture of their future, based on local resources, external and internal conditions, and determine the stages and activities to achieve the intended goals ...

The strategic development plan can be viewed as a reflection of the desired future state of the economic and social structure of the region (goals) presented in the documents and a way of using available and realistically possible resources to achieve this ”.

The implementation of strategic planning occurs through:

  • resource allocation;
  • adaptation to the external environment;
  • internal coordination;
  • organizational strategic foresight.

According to the Ural economist V.S. Bochko, the positive aspects of strategic plans are:

  • systemic resolution of objective contradictions;
  • complex use of resources available on the territory;
  • purposeful implementation of structural restructuring in the territory in the direction of diversification of the economy and services;
  • moving away from the "raw material" orientation of the development of the local economy;
  • subordination of investment activities to the creation of comfortable production, cultural and living conditions for the population of the territories;
  • gradual approximation of the economies of municipalities to the standards of the world level of development.

V.S. Bochko writes: “Since the economy of Russia, and therefore of the regions, has a catching-up character, it is impossible to get out of this state by gravity, without special organizational efforts. We need creative and coordinated actions of the authorities, all structures and social groups. Such an opportunity is presented by the development and implementation of plans for the strategic development of territories, i.e. complexly developing and solving social issues not only on the residual principle, but on the basis of purposeful programmatic development. In such conditions, the main results of the implementation of strategic plans will be:

  • increasing the competitiveness of the territory;
  • development of a new way of thinking about the forms and methods of territory development;
  • the formation of structures on the territory - the locomotives of economic development;
  • synthesis of state municipal regulation and market self-regulation;
  • the formation on the territory of a new, corporate type of relationship between the government, business, the public and other structures.

Strategic planning for the regional economy is a relatively new phenomenon. The objective need for it appeared as a result of the fact that in the conditions of an unstable external environment, cyclical planning turned out to be unacceptable, and in order to cope with "strategic surprises" in the form of unexpected threats and opportunities, strategic decisions must be made quickly enough. In a market economy, strategic regional planning allows:

  • use the competitive advantages of the region;
  • to identify "points of growth", the development of which will bring the greatest effect;
  • to concentrate investment resources in priority areas;
  • to create a basis for the substantiated development of a rational scheme of territorial planning;
  • to demonstrate the desire of the regional authorities to use modern management methods.

The existing management system in many regions of Russia has not undergone any significant changes in comparison with the one that was formed during the period of the centralized economy. Regional power structures turned out to be more capable of reproducing the old command-administrative system than of innovative methods and forms of management. Today, at the regional level, there are practically no new management mechanisms; at best, their deficiency is made up for by copying Western models and mechanically transferring them to Russian practice in the form of various kinds of reforms. In the management of the region, a limited set of instruments is mainly used, which boils down to budget transfers and federal targeted programs.

Currently, the management of the region is undergoing a complex transformation due to:

  • strengthening the economic independence of regions and shifting economic reforms to the regional level, which implies the need to take into account the specifics of each region;
  • the predominance of private capital in the most important manufacturing industries, forcing the search for new indirect methods of state regulation of the regional economy;
  • the transition to the construction of a social state in Russia, which provides for the creation of conditions that ensure a decent life and the free development of the individual. This process is rather lengthy and complex and requires active influence from the regional authorities;
  • the lag in the development of the theory of regional management from the practice of reforming the economy of the region. Thus, attempts to update the regional management system are carried out without the necessary theoretical study, many of the measures taken are of a spontaneous and opportunistic nature. There are growing signs of command, authoritarian governance, subjectivity and a simplified approach to the complex socio-economic processes taking place in the region.

The end result of the strategic development of the territory is the achievement of a social effect from the activities carried out, which consists in increasing the well-being of the population living in the given territory. "

Thus, regional strategic planning is currently a prerequisite for increasing the efficiency of public administration in the region. Despite the elaboration of a number of issues related to the theory and practice of strategic regional management, there are still many problems outside the scope of scientific consideration, the solution of which will contribute to the sustainable development of the region, as well as to improve the level and quality of life of the population.


  1. Belkina T.D. Strategic plans for urban development and tools for their implementation // Problems of forecasting. 2010. No. 3.P. 14.
  2. Bochko V.S. Theoretical and methodological foundations of integrative strategic development of territories. Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Economics. Yekaterinburg, 2010.26 p.
  3. Voronin A.G. Strategic planning and management of territory development. M., 2010.
  4. Granberg A.G., Lvov D.S., Obozov S.A. Strategic management: Region, city, enterprise: Textbook. M .: Economics, 2010.S. 337.
  5. Zhikharevich B.S., Yanovsky A.E. How to assess the quality of strategic planning: A practical guide: Territorial strategic planning. T 2. SPb .: ICSEI "Leontief Center", 2010. 43 p.
  6. Strategic planning as a factor of regional development [Electronic resource] / access mode:

The origins of strategic planning for economic development are found in the analysis of organizational behavior. Only after realizing the possibilities of this type of planning at the organizational level, we can talk about the transfer of its principles to territorial planning. In this regard, one of the ways of theoretical support of territorial development is the borrowing of developments accumulated in the framework of strategic planning at enterprises.

Currently, many Russian regions and municipalities do not have strategic development plans, and in some cases the existing plans are considered only as a description of the general vector of the territory's development, regardless of the need to carry out any measures to implement these plans.

At the same time, there are a number of reasons why the leadership of certain territorial entities adheres to similar views on the implementation of development strategies. This usually happens when:

- the impossibility of predicting the state of the territorial environment in the future is clearly recognized;

- there is an inextricable connection between the territory and the political system of its environment and it is impossible to pursue an independent line of development without entering into conflict with this environment.

An alternative option for territorial behavior is active interaction with the external environment through the implementation of strategic planning activities.

The effect of the implementation of measures for strategic planning at the territorial level can be represented by the following diagram (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1 Territory development using strategic planning tools

Let's consider the essence of strategic planning by analyzing various definitions of this concept. At the same time, we note that most of the definitions are associated with planning at the organizational level. G. Mintzberg identifies the following understanding of planning:

1. Planning as thinking about the future;

2. Planning as control of the future;

3. Planning as decision making;

4. Planning as an integrated decision-making process;

5. Planning as a formalized procedure for formulating results in the form of an integrated system of decisions.

A similar difference in views is characteristic of the concept of "strategy". There are the following options for understanding the essence of the strategy: strategy as a plan; strategy as a model.

However, in this case, both understandings of the strategy are correct, since the strategy presupposes the presence of a certain list of actions (plan) and serves as a model for the actions being implemented. Analysis of various definitions of strategic planning allows us to single out a number of approaches to the essence of strategic planning (Table 1).

Table 1 - Approaches to defining the essence of strategic planning

The essence of the approach

Key element

I.A. Poddelinskaya, M.V. Byankin, M. Evans, L.P. Vladimirova, L.E.Basovskiy, E.A. Utkin

Management process for choosing a development strategy

Strategy Formation Process

V.V. Piskaev, Marketing Agency MD-Management, T.P. Lyubanova, L.V. Myasoedova, Yu.A. Oleinikova

Building a management system that provides a long-term competitive advantage

Strategic management process

A.I. Ilyin, L.E.Basovskiy, A.D. Vachugov, V.R. Vesnin, V.P. Georgians

Tool for the formation of a system of goals, vision of the enterprise in the future

The process of setting goals and objectives