Development of a new strategy for personnel management. Development of an organization's personnel management strategy using the example of V-Laser LLC. Determination of wages and benefits: Designing a pay structure and benefits to attract, recruit and retain

There is safety in numbers…

Even a wise leader needs a strong, highly qualified and cohesive team to meet the challenges ahead.

Any company implements its activities for any purpose, for example, a commercial mining enterprise can be created to develop a mineral deposit, a non-profit organization - to achieve public goods, a government institution - to provide various services to the population.

But for the organization's activities to be effective, it is not enough just to hire employees, it is necessary to regularly engage in advanced training of personnel, to organize the activities of employees so that in total it is as effective as possible. In this regard, it is necessary to give importance to the strategy of personnel management.

HR strategy and strategic management goals

The personnel management strategy is a management tool aimed at identifying the main development blocks for the implementation of the strategic objectives of the organization, taking into account future changes in the external and internal environment.

Consider the main goals of strategic personnel management:

  1. Ensuring the interchangeability of personnel, the formation of a personnel reserve.
  2. Establishing wages that can retain and motivate staff to work efficiently.
  3. Development of the necessary skills and competencies of employees.
  4. Development of effective communication tools between structural units.
  5. Ensuring corporate culture.
  6. Determination of methods for identifying and regulating "psychological weather" in the organization.

Types of HR strategy

  • Innovation strategy. This type of strategy is typical for those companies that are aimed at providing new services or producing innovative goods. Therefore, the main objectives of the strategy are: recruitment of young, ambitious specialists capable of generating new ideas and implementing them; incentives for employees; development of professional skills of specialists.
  • Growth strategy. This strategy is aimed at professional employees who are ready to work for a result.
  • Profit strategy. A company with a profit strategy should pay great attention to control over the work of personnel and maintain discipline.
  • Elimination strategy. Companies choose a liquidation strategy when profits fall sharply and costs rise. In this case, the management makes a decision to reorganize the company: reduction of staff, reduction of working hours, etc.

The main components of a management strategy

When using strategic management, it is necessary to consider the general structural components of enterprise management.

The constituents Description
Strategic goalWhat the organization wants to achieve
Strategic ObjectivesNecessary events that affect the achievement of the strategic goal
Measures to achieve the taskSpecific activities to which efforts are directed: product to be created, services to be provided
Organization resourcesAll kinds of resources (human, material, equipment, materials, etc.)
Success indicator (KPI)A standardized indicator established by management, reflecting how well the task is performed

Stages of developing a personnel management strategy

Stage 1 Analysis

To understand what should be included in the strategy, you need to answer 5 questions:

  • What are the weaknesses of the organization in terms of personnel management? To answer the question, you can apply SWOT analysis (a tool for analyzing strategic factors, identifying threats and opportunities in the external environment, determining the strengths and weaknesses of the organization).
  • What is the goal to resolve the identified problems?
  • The solution of what tasks will contribute to the achievement of the goal?
  • What does the staff expect from us?
  • What steps need to be taken to ensure that employees are able to successfully complete the organization's new tasks?

After you have answered or received answers to the questions posed, you already have a clear picture of "what and with what" you have to work with.

2. Stage Planning

Each strategic goal should be related to a specific strategic objective (there can be several strategic objectives for one strategic goal). In order to determine what measures need to be taken to achieve the goal, the requirements of the interested parties are determined. For HR strategy, we must match expectations with the expectations of the company's employees.

Stage 3 Measurability

But how do you know that an activity has been performed properly? To do this, a KPI (target value) is established for each event, based on an understanding of the strategy and the desired results.

An example of a HR strategy

Before offering ready example, consider what areas can be included in the personnel management strategy:

  • Personnel adaptation, career guidance, career advancement systems;
  • Development of personal and professional skills of personnel through regular training, development of a competency matrix, etc .;
  • Creation of a tool for material and moral motivation of personnel;
  • Improvement of information resources in the context of personnel management.

For better assimilation of information, we offer a real example of a personnel management strategy (the name of the organization is hidden due to restrictions on the use of information).

The personnel management strategy is a priority, well-defined direction of actions developed by the organization's management, necessary to achieve long-term goals for creating a highly professional, responsible and cohesive team and taking into account the strategic objectives of the organization and its resource capabilities.

The strategy makes it possible to link numerous aspects of personnel management in order to optimize their impact on employees, primarily on their labor motivation and qualifications.

The main features HR strategies are:

Its long-term nature, which is explained by the focus on the development and change of psychological attitudes, motivation, personnel structure, the entire personnel management system or its individual elements, and such changes, as a rule, take a long time;

Connection with the strategy of the organization as a whole, taking into account numerous factors of the external and internal environment, since their change entails a change or adjustment of the organization's strategy and requires timely changes in the structure and number of personnel, their skills and qualifications, style and management methods.

Most senior executives argue that the HR strategy is part of the overall strategy of the organization. However, in practice, there are different options for their interaction.

1. The most common is concept of strategy personnel management as a dependent derivative of the strategy of the organization as a whole. In such a situation, female personnel management services must adapt; the actions of the leaders of the organization, obeying the interest of the general strategy.

2. General strategy of the organization and the HR strategy are developed and developed as a whole, which means the involvement of HR specialists in solving strategic tasks at the corporate level. This is facilitated by their high competence, and, consequently, the ability to independently solve problems related to personnel, from the point of view of the development prospects of the entire organization.

Relationship strategy organization and choice of personnel management strategy can be shown in the following example.

Organization strategy, producing products in a certain market of goods and striving to increase its share in this market, consists in reducing production costs, and, consequently, in reducing the price of products. At the same time, in the field of personnel management, there are several options for achieving possible savings. One of them is that conducting a thorough analysis of potential areas saves choices, for example, this: rationalizing the work process, identifying and reducing unnecessary, unnecessary, repetitive labor operations. This will be the HR strategy. Moreover, the implementation of this strategy can also be carried out in several ways.

One side, analysis and identification of unnecessary operations can be carried out by specialists in the field of organization and economics of labor, working at the enterprise or attracted from outside, and on the other, which is preferable today, such an analysis can be carried out by the interested workers themselves, united in project groups or quality circles and who are essentially experts on the issues present in their own workplaces. The solution of such specific strategic tasks should be reflected in the strategic plan.

HR strategy as a functional strategy can be developed at two levels:

For the organization as a whole, in accordance with its overall strategy - as a functional strategy at the corporate, corporate level;

For certain spheres of activity (business) of a diversified, diversified company - as a functional one; strategy of each business area, corresponding to the goals of this] area (for example, if a large electrical company! is engaged in the production of aircraft engines, military electronics, electrical equipment, plastics, lighting fixtures, then a personnel management strategy is developed for each area of ​​production, since they have differences in the structure of personnel , requirements for qualifications and professional training, teaching methods and other issues).

In the context of strategic management qualitative changes are taking place in the field of work with personnel. They consist in the fact that within the framework of the traditional directions of personnel work, strategic aspects are becoming increasingly important. Combining with strategic technologies, such specific areas of work with personnel, as planning personnel needs, selection, business assessment, training and others, act as components of the personnel management strategy, acquire a new quality and a single target focus, consonance with the goals and strategic objectives of the organization ...

The components of the personnel management strategy are:

Labor conditions and safety, personnel safety;

Forms and methods of regulation of labor relations;

Methods for resolving industrial and social conflicts;

Establishing norms and principles of ethical relationships in a team, developing code of conduct ;

Employment policy in the organization, including the analysis of the labor market, the system of recruiting and using personnel, the establishment of work and rest hours;

Career guidance and adaptation of personnel;

Measures to build human resources and make better use of them;

Improvement of forecasting and planning methods for personnel requirements based on the study of new requirements for workers and workplaces;

Development of new professional qualification requirements for personnel based on a systematic analysis and design of work performed in various positions and workplaces;

New methods and forms of selection, business assessment and certification of personnel;

Rice. 4.6. Diagram of the organizational structure of the strategic personnel management system based on the personnel management service of the organization

Elaboration of the concept of personnel development, including new forms and methods of training, planning a business career, professional and service promotion, forming a personnel reserve in order to advance these activities in relation to the timing of the emergence of the need for them;

Improving the mechanism for managing labor motivation of personnel;

Development of new systems and forms of remuneration, material and non-material incentives for employees;

Measures to improve the solution of legal issues of labor relations and economic activity;

Development of new and use of existing measures of social development of the organization;

Improvement of information support in personnel work within the framework of the chosen strategy;

Measures to improve the entire personnel management system or its individual subsystems and elements (organizational structure, functions, management process, etc.), etc.

On a case-by-case basis the personnel management strategy can cover not all, but only its individual components, and the set of these components will be different depending on the goals and strategies of the organization, goals and strategies of personnel management.

Example. The industrial enterprise has developed the following personnel strategists: hire qualified engineers for the long term and entrust them with R&D... For this, it is not enough to take appropriate measures only to attract personnel and search for the necessary specialists of a given professional qualification group in the external labor market. It is important to give these specialists a set of tasks corresponding to their potential level and requiring an independent approach to their solution; provide an opportunity for engineers to maintain their qualifications: attend seminars, meetings, have professional literature at their disposal, gain additional experience through rotation within the enterprise. No less important is the incentive system, which should be so attractive that specialists do not leave at the first opportunity to another enterprise.

This example shows that it is necessary to combine various components to implement the strategy of personnel management (this is the selection and attraction of personnel, the distribution of tasks and work, measures for development and encouragement); create a unified combination of HR tools corresponding to a specific strategy. If one of these tools (for example, recruiting or remuneration system) fails, implementation of the strategy as a whole may be in jeopardy.

Example. If the strategy of personnel management of the organization is to increase the qualification potential in the team, i.e. the degree of mastery of professions and compliance with the requirements of positions and jobs, then its implementation requires the interaction of the following components of the employment policy in the organization: hiring employees, taking into account their qualification potential; offering forms of labor relations designed for long-term employment for the long-term use of existing and future qualifications; administrative management of personnel: involving employees in identifying and solving emerging problems; regular developmental conversations with employees in order to achieve feedback; organization of work: regular change of tasks in order to acquire a wider range of skills; distribution among employees of activities that require continuous improvement of their qualifications; personnel training and development: systematic involvement of employees in training and professional development activities at various stages of their career; incentive: reward for successful training and professional development.

One more example. The company has adopted a business strategy focused on low prices and high volume production to reduce production costs. The strategy in the field of labor and personnel was chosen to increase labor productivity by 10%. The components of the strategy are (recruitment: the recruitment is aimed at improving the quality of testing candidates to identify the most motivated and qualified among them); Information Support(the system of information exchange between employees of the enterprise should be improved in order to increase the productivity of their work); staff motivation(when determining remuneration and bonuses, take into account the intensity of work and the final results of the activity of each employee).

Already pointed out that the personnel management strategy can be both subordinate to the strategy of the organization as a whole, and combined with it, representing a single whole. But in both cases, the HR strategy is guided by a specific type of corporate or business strategy (business strategy). The relationship between the strategy of the organization and the strategy of personnel management (with its components) is shown in table. 4.4.

Table 4.4

Relationship between organizational strategy and personnel management strategy

Organizational strategy type HR strategy
Entrepreneurial strategy Accept projects with a high degree of financial risk, with a minimum number of actions. Resource satisfaction of all customer requirements. The focus is on the quick implementation of immediate measures, even without appropriate elaboration Search and attraction of innovative workers, proactive, contact, with a long-term orientation, ready to take risks, not afraid of responsibility. It is important that key employees do not change. Personnel selection and placement: Finding people who can take risks and follow through Rewards: Competitive, impartial, suit the tastes of the employee as much as possible Evaluation: Based on results, not too tough Personal development: Informal, mentor-centered Relocation planning: in the center is the interest of employees. Selection of a workplace that meets the interests of the employee
Dynamic growth strategy Less risk. Constantly comparing current goals and building a foundation for the future. The organization's policy and procedures are recorded in writing, since they are necessary here both for stricter control and as the basis for the further development of the organization. Employees must be organizationally secure, flexible in a changing environment, problem-oriented and collaborate with others Selection and placement of personnel: finding flexible and loyal people who can take risks Rewards: fair and impartial Assessment: based on clearly agreed criteria Personal development: emphasis on quality growth in level and field of activity Travel planning: taking into account today's real possibilities and various forms service promotion
Profitability Strategy The focus is on maintaining the current level of profits. The financial effort is modest, possibly even termination of employment. The management system is well developed, there is an extensive system of various kinds of procedural rules Focuses on the criteria of quantity and efficiency in the area of ​​personnel; timing - results - with a relatively low level of risk and a minimum level of organizational commitment of employees Selection and placement of staff: extremely tough Rewards: based on service, seniority and intra-organizational perceptions of fairness Assessment: narrow, result-oriented, well thought-out Personal development: emphasis on competence in the field of tasks assigned to her, experts in a narrow field "

Continuation of table. 4.4.

Liquidation strategy Sale of assets, elimination of opportunities for losses, downsizing of employees in the future - as much as possible. Little or no attention is paid to rescue efforts as profits are expected to fall further Focused on the need for short-term employees, great commitment to the organization Recruitment - unlikely due to downsizing Pay: merit-based, slowly growing, no additional incentives Assessment: rigorous, formal, based on management criteria have the opportunity to promote
Cycle strategy (cyclical) The main thing is to save the enterprise. Measures to reduce costs and personnel are carried out with the aim of surviving in the near future and gaining stability for the long term. Staff morale is rather depressed Employees must be flexible in the face of changes, focus on big goals Diversified workers required Pay: incentives and merit testing Training: great opportunities, but careful selection of applicants Promotion: various forms

Compiled by: Ivantsevich J., Lobanov A.A. Human resources management. - M., 1993.S. 33.

Strategy development and implementation process is continuous, which is reflected in the close relationship between the solution of strategic tasks both in the long term and in the medium and short term, i.e. their solutions in the context of strategic, tactical and operational management. Such concretization of the personnel management strategy and bringing it to strategic objectives and individual actions is embodied in strategic plan- a document containing specific tasks and measures for the implementation of the strategy, the timing of their implementation and responsible executors for each task, the amount of resources required (financial, material, informational, etc.).

The tasks of some components of the personnel management strategy in the context of strategic, tactical and operational management are presented in table. 4.5.

HR strategy should contribute: strengthening the organization's capabilities (in the area of ​​personnel) to resist competitors in the relevant market, effectively use its strengths in the external environment; expanding the competitive advantages of the organization by creating conditions for the development and effective use of labor potential, the formation of qualified, competent personnel; full disclosure of the staff's abilities for creative, innovative development, in order to achieve both the goals of the organization and the personal goals of employees.

Table 4.5

Tasks of the main components of the personnel management strategy in the context of strategic, tactical and operational management

Period and type of management Components of HR strategy
Selection and placement of personnel Remuneration (salary and bonuses) Personel assessment Staff development Promotion planning
Strategic (long term) Determine the characteristics of the workers required by the organization in the long term. Predict changes in the internal and external environment Determine how labor will be paid during the period under review, taking into account the expected external conditions. Link these solutions to your long-term business strategy capabilities Determine what exactly needs to be assessed in the long term. Use various means of assessing the future. Give a preliminary assessment of your potential and its dynamics Assess the ability of the existing staff to reorganize and work in new conditions necessary in the future. Create a system for forecasting changes in the organization Build a long-term system that provides the necessary combination of flexibility and stability. Link it to your overall business strategy
Tactical (medium term) Select the criteria for the selection of personnel. Develop a labor market action plan Develop a five-year plan for the development of the employee compensation system. To work out the issues of creating a system of benefits and bonuses Create a well-grounded system of assessments of current conditions and their future development Develop a general personnel development management program. Develop measures to encourage self-development of employees. Work through organizational development issues Determine the stages of promotion of employees. Link the individual aspirations of workers to the objectives of the organization
Operational (short term) Develop a staffing table. Develop a recruitment plan. Develop a scheme for the movement of workers Develop a remuneration system. Develop a bonus system Create an annual employee assessment system. Create a day-to-day control system Develop a system of professional development and training for employees Ensure the selection of suitable employees for individual workplaces. Plan the next staff movements

Development of a personnel management strategy is based on deep systematic analysis of factors of the external and internal environment, as a result, a holistic concept for the development of personnel and the organization as a whole can be presented in accordance with its strategy. The external environment includes the macro-environment and the immediate environment of the organization, which have a directional impact and contacts with the personnel management system. The factors by which the analysis of the external and internal environment is carried out to develop a strategy for personnel management are presented in table. 4.6.

As a result of the analysis of the external and internal environment using the method SWOT(CBOT) identifies the organization's strengths and weaknesses in human resources management, as well as the opportunities it has and the threats to avoid.

Revealing strengths and weaknesses reflects the self-esteem of the organization and allows it to compare itself with the main competitors in the labor market and, possibly, in the sales market. The assessment can be carried out by individual indicators and functions of personnel management using the so-called competitive profile (Table 4.7). The assessment of individual indicators is carried out by the method of comparative analysis, and the management functions - by the expert method.

The strengths and weaknesses of the organization in the area of ​​personnel, as well as threats and opportunities, determine the conditions for the successful existence of the organization. Therefore, within the framework of strategic personnel management, when analyzing the internal environment, it is important to identify which strengths and weaknesses individual areas of personnel management and the personnel management system as a whole have.

To solve this problem, such well-known methods and techniques are used in strategic management as the SWOT method, matrices of opportunities, threats, compilation of an environment profile, etc.

After compiling a specific list of the organization's strengths and weaknesses in terms of personnel, as well as threats and opportunities, the stage of establishing connections between them. To establish these links, a SWOT matrix is ​​drawn up, proposed by Thompson and Strickland(fig. 4.7). On the left, there are two blocks: strengths and weaknesses, into which all sides of the organization's personnel management, identified in the course of the preliminary analysis, fit accordingly. At the top of the matrix, two blocks are also highlighted, in which are written the opportunities and threats in the field of personnel management that are important for a particular organization.

At the intersection of these blocks, four fields are formed:

Field I - strengths and threats;

Field II - Strengths and Opportunities;

Field III - weaknesses and opportunities;

Field IV - Weaknesses and Threats.

Table 4.6

External and internal factors affecting the development of a personnel management strategy

Wednesday Factors
External environment: macroenvironment Factors of an international nature (military tension, scientific activity, etc.). Political factors (political stability, activity of social and trade union movements, criminal situation in the country). Economic factors (trends in changes in economic ties, average annual inflation rates, the structure of the distribution of household income, tax indicators). Socio-demographic factors (life expectancy of the population, living standards, fertility and mortality, infant mortality as a percentage of fertility, population structure by indicators, migration, etc.). Legal (labor and social security regulation). Environmental. Natural and climatic. Scientific and technical. Cultural
immediate environment Local labor market, its structure and dynamics. Competitors' personnel policy. Market infrastructure (the degree to which the organization's needs for resources are met and the state of market structures). Environmental monitoring (quality of the external environment). Health care (capital-labor ratio, qualifications, etc.). Science and education (the level of education of the population, the novelty of scientific developments, etc.). Culture (the degree of satisfaction of the needs of the population in cultural, etc. objects). Trade. Catering. Transport and communication. Suburban and agriculture. Construction and housing and communal services. Household supplies
Internal environment Principles, methods, management style. Human resources of the organization. Personnel structure. Staff turnover and absenteeism. Staff rotation rate. The structure of knowledge and skills of personnel. Workload of workers. Labor productivity. Social protection measures. Organization finances. The level of organization of production and labor. Prospects for the development of technology and technology in the organization. Organizational culture. The level of development of the personnel management system, etc.

Table 4.7

Comparison of the competitive profile (based on strengths and weaknesses) for strategic personnel management

The task of the HR specialist is to use these fields to consider all possible paired combinations and highlight those that should be taken into account when developing a HR strategy.

In particular, for those couples that were selected from field II, a strategy should be developed to use the strengths of the organization's human resources management in order to capitalize on the opportunities that exist in the external environment. For field I couples, the strategy should be to leverage the organization's human strengths to eliminate threats from the environment. For those couples who find themselves on field III, the personnel strategy should be structured in such a way as to try to overcome the weaknesses in the personnel area due to the emerging opportunities in the external environment. And for couples in field IV, the HR strategy should be one that would allow the organization to eliminate its HR weaknesses and try to prevent the looming threat from the external environment.

Opportunities and Threats Strengths and Weaknesses Opportunities 1. Having a better HR strategy and HR policy than competitors. 2. Favorable location of the organization. 3. Ability to attract more candidates for vacant positions. 4. High level of labor productivity in comparison with competitors. 5. High quality products (services) due to qualified workforce. 6. Favorable image of the organization among buyers. 7. Pleasant, friendly employees, etc. Threats 1. Unfavorable socio-economic policy in the country. 2. Unfavorable demographic changes. 3. Deterioration of the social security system in the city, district. 4. Weak positions in the field of personnel policy in comparison with competitors. 5. The release of jobs due to a decrease in the volume of production of goods, services, etc.
Strengths 1. Developed personnel management system. 2. High level of leadership competence. 3. High level of qualifications of specialists. 4. Availability of innovative potential of the personnel. 5. Sufficient financial resources allocated for the HR service. 6. High level of job satisfaction among employees. 7. Developed system of staff motivation to work. 8. Availability of a social protection system. 9. Good working conditions. 10. Advantages in the level of wages compared to competitors, etc. field 11 field!

Continuation of the matrix

Rice. 4.7. Thompson-Strickland matrix used to analyze strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the area of ​​personnel

So, if the personnel of the organization is distinguished by a high level of qualifications and the presence of innovative potential and at the same time on the scale of the district, city, the social security system is deteriorating (field I), the personnel management strategy should be aimed at finding additional financial and other sources and taking measures to preservation and development of the social infrastructure of this organization, strengthening and expanding the types of social assistance and support of its employees in order to maintain their number and potential, to avoid the outflow of specialists to other districts and regions.

Or, for example, if the organization does not sufficiently finance activities in the field of personnel management aimed at development, training of its employees, but the organization has a favorable location, and, consequently, the possibility of attracting a larger number of candidates for vacant positions and, accordingly, the selection of the best of them (field III), then when developing a personnel management strategy, the leaders of the organization should provide for additional allocation of funds, in particular for training and other measures to develop personnel in order to attract and retain in the organization the most qualified employees from among applicants for vacant positions.

The characteristics of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the area of ​​personnel will be individual for each organization, depending on the specific situation in which it is located. Therefore, when choosing a personnel management strategy, it is necessary to consider all possible paired combinations using the matrix SWOT and highlight those that will be the most favorable and must be taken into account when developing a strategy.

Thus, the personnel management strategy can cover various aspects of the organization's personnel management: improving the personnel structure (by age, category, profession, qualifications, etc.); optimization of the number of personnel, taking into account its dynamics; improving the efficiency of personnel costs, including salaries, remuneration, training costs and other cash costs; personnel development (adaptation — training, career advancement); measures of social protection, guarantees, social security (pension, medical, social insurance, social compensation, social, cultural and welfare, etc.); development of organizational culture (norms, traditions, rules of behavior in a team, etc.); improvement of the organization's personnel management system (composition and content of functions, organizational structure, personnel, information support, etc.), etc.

When developing a personnel management strategy, the achieved, prevailing level in all the indicated areas should be taken into account and taking into account the analysis of the external and internal environment of the organization and the factors affecting their change, as well as taking into account the strategy of the organization as a whole, the level should be determined, the achievement of which will make it possible to implement organization strategy.

At the same time, the task of developing the necessary strategy for personnel management can be so complicated due to the lack of financial, material, intellectual resources, the level of professionalism of managers and specialists, that it will become necessary to set priorities for choosing the right directions and components of the personnel management strategy. Therefore, the criteria for choosing a strategy can be the amount of resources allocated for its implementation, time constraints, the availability of a sufficient professional and qualification level of personnel, and some others. In general, the choice of strategy is based on strengths and the development of activities that strengthen the organization's capabilities in a competitive environment through advantages in the field of personnel.

The effectiveness of the functioning of the integrated personnel management system of the enterprise is legitimately considered as part of the effective operation of the enterprise as a whole.

The main stages of the formation and development of the company's human resources are shown schematically in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Stages of formation and development of human resources


In the conditions of market relations, an indispensable condition for the successful operation of each enterprise is the choice and use of a strategy for managing its own personnel. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the specific market for the sale of goods (services), the specialization of the enterprise, its potential, the type of employment, the development and implementation of new technologies and a number of other factors.

The term "Strategy" literally translated from Greek (strategos) means the art of the general.

A strategy in general is a program of action directed towards the future to ensure survival and development. It is expressed in the search for the most effective options for the commissioning of resources (capital, labor) in accordance with the main goals of the organization and taking into account the market situation both now and expected in the future.

The goal of the strategy is to achieve long-term competitive advantage that enables the organization to generate sustainable profit and ensure profitability. In modern conditions of global competition and the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, organizations are under constant pressure from competitors, which forces them to improve products or services, expand their range, optimize production and management processes. Therefore, modern companies are in a state of constant change, the speed of implementation of which depends on the success of the company.

The key to mastering innovative management lies in the efficient use of available human resources, and this can only be achieved if personnel management is part of the overall development strategy of the organization.

Analysis of literary sources and practical activities made it possible to distinguish three approaches to the classification of enterprise personnel management strategies, related to:

The development of the enterprise and its general strategy;

Management philosophy and personnel policy;

Separate elements (mission of the enterprise, type of workforce, management functions, etc.).

According to the first approach, the most common is the classification of personnel management strategies depending on the type of general strategy of the enterprise. Within this approach, the HR strategy focuses on a specific type of corporate or overall strategy of the organization.

However, different scientists use different classification features of general strategies, predetermine the selection of different types of personnel management strategies.

So, J. Ivantsevich and A.A. Lobanov distinguishes between the following five types of organization strategies: entrepreneurial, dynamic growth strategy, profitability strategy, liquidation and cyclical strategy.

1) entrepreneurship strategy - it is chosen by organizations that seek to develop new areas of activity. In such organizations, there is an intensive replacement of existing personnel with new, usually young, workers - innovators. The system of labor motivation sharply individualizes and is directed towards the development of individual capabilities of the individual;

2) a dynamic growth strategy - its basis is the modification of the goals of the organization's activities, balancing between changes and stability. It combines the preservation and development of the existing human potential with the selection of highly qualified employees for key positions that ensure the modernization of the organization. The reward system is based on a combination of individual and group incentives.

3) profit strategy - it is used by stable organizations that have a well-developed mechanism of activity, qualified personnel with potential development opportunities. They have not observed significant personnel changes, only those specialists are involved in the competence of which there is a need. Incentives for employees are stable and balanced within the professional qualification groups;

4) liquidation strategy - it is used by organizations balancing on the brink of bankruptcy. Its signs are an intensive reduction in the number of employees, various ways to minimize personnel costs (transition to a part-time working week, a shorter working day, unpaid leave, internal movements of employees, etc.). Recruitment of new employees is not carried out, and incentives are carried out within the limits of official salaries;

5) the strategy of changing the course - this strategy is effective when a stable working organization begins to struggle to increase profitability, develop a new or expand an existing market. This is associated with the creation of new jobs, intensive internal movement of workers and the recruitment of qualified specialists from outside, tangible changes in the system of incentives for workers (the most dramatic - in the direction of changing the course). Its use is justified when it is necessary for the organization to get out of a crisis state by changing the course. Under such conditions, the personnel management strategy is to consolidate personnel, within certain limitations of the incentive system, until the organization achieves stable results.

However, it should be noted that this classification of personnel management strategies does not sufficiently take into account the conditions and environment of the enterprise in the market, its potential, competitive advantages and goals of activity.

In general, according to the first approach to the classification of enterprise personnel management strategies, when identifying their types, scientists are based on the general directions of enterprise development (corporate strategy, marketing strategies, stages of development (life cycle), etc.). This does not take into account the impact of personnel policy and leadership style on the corresponding type of enterprise personnel management strategy and options for its implementation through a set of personnel management functions, as well as motivational measures in relation to its personnel.

Proponents of the second approach to classifying personnel management strategies distinguish between their types in accordance with the philosophy of management and types of personnel policy of the enterprise.

According to the philosophy of management, scientists classify the strategies of enterprise personnel management in works into three types:

1. Taylor's (corresponds to the type of person "X", model D. McGregor);

2.integrated (corresponds to the type of person "Y")

3. Japanese.

According to Taylor's strategy for personnel management, preference is given to less qualified, but efficient workers, equated to the role of a tool.

An integrated strategy is the opposite of Taylor's and involves the attraction of highly skilled workers and the development of personnel.

The Japanese HR strategy is based on a system of lifelong recruitment, on-the-job training and systematic staff rotation.

When implementing such strategies, attention is focused on four of its components (employment policy and guarantees, organization of work and professional development of workers). At the same time, due importance is not attached to motivational activities.

In general, according to the second approach to the classification of personnel management strategies, the expediency of using the personnel management strategy at a certain point in the development of the enterprise has not been established. In addition, the influence of the workforce and its characteristics in the decision-making process, as well as the existing type of leadership style, are not taken into account.

In the third approach, the classification of personnel management strategies is based on various elements: the mission of the enterprise, the type of workforce, management functions, etc.

Depending on the mission of the enterprise, the classification of strategies for managing its personnel is given in the works of such scientists as

IN AND. Gerchikov, I.B. Gurkov, O. I. Zelenova, A.A. Mutovin. They identify 6 types of personnel management strategies that correspond to the main component of the overall strategy of the organization - its mission (profit, customers, work, employees, development, territory). In this case, the difference in the types of personnel management strategies consists mainly in the perception and positioning of the employee as a resource, an active communicator, a specialist in this case, a person (partner), a source and means of development.

According to the types of labor collective, the Russian scientist G.B. Kleiner. This author identified 6 types of collectives of workers, which correspond to the strategy of personnel management. With this classification, the difference between the types of personnel management strategies lies in the role of the leader (significant or insignificant) and the relationship between team members (rivalry, indifference, cooperation).

Within the framework of the third approach, in addition to the classifications of personnel management strategies discussed above, in the scientific literature on strategic management and personnel management, researchers propose to distinguish their types by time period (short-term, medium-term, long-term), the number of criteria (single-criteria, multi-criteria), decision-making methods ( intuitive, based on considerations, based on a rational procedure), by the nature of resources (external, internal), by the nature of the strategy (real, pronounced), etc.

In general, according to the third approach, the classification of personnel management strategies is narrowly focused. At the same time, the main directions of development of the enterprise, its potential and production capacity, the level of qualifications of personnel, etc. are not taken into account.

The analysis of the considered approaches to the classification of enterprise personnel management strategies allows us to draw the following conclusions:

Firstly, all the listed classifications of personnel management strategies exist and are used separately from each other, that is, there is a disorder of their features;

Secondly, the relationship between certain types of personnel management strategies has not been established;

Thirdly, there is no hierarchical representation of them, that is, the main and secondary signs of the classification of strategies are not highlighted.

enterprise personnel management.

In modern conditions of high competition, domestic enterprises must be competent in their field of activity, which will ensure a sufficiently high level of their competitiveness. Ensuring a sufficient level of competitiveness in a strategic perspective is possible under the conditions not so much of constant improvement, searching for something new, using the latest technologies and methods of organizing production and management, as training personnel with unique knowledge and experience in this area.

In the process of developing a personnel management strategy for a competent organization, it is necessary to take into account its key competencies, i.e. capabilities that shape the distinct features of an organization that are difficult to replicate and meet the primary needs of customers and enable entry into a variety of markets.

When developing a development strategy, a competent organization should rely not only on those competencies that it already has, but also provide for their further development or mastering new competencies. Since the bearers of key competencies are employees of the organization who accumulate diverse (technological, organizational, communicative, etc.) experience, then when developing a strategy, the organization should be aimed at developing key competencies, which implies, first of all, a system of personnel development as a bearer of key competencies.

Thus, we can conclude that when forming a strategic set of a competent organization, the personnel management strategy should decide a decisive role and be integrated with the general strategy and other strategies of the enterprise.

Development methodology and procedure for evaluating the effectiveness of the personnel management strategy

The problem of developing a methodological approach to determining the indicator for assessing human resources is important for various business entities, including for state and municipal management structures.

The proposed method for determining the level of personnel potential by components is based on the need to take into account the following:

1) determination of the list of components of the personnel potential of the enterprise;

2) the rationale for the choice of the sample and the possibility of modeling personnel

potential that would be as close as possible to the needs of a business entity (ideal human resources) based on the theory of desirability;

3) orientation when comparing components not at the average level, but at


4) ensuring the analysis of components that have a beneficial effect on human resources and components that reduce its level, in order to develop a set of measures to eliminate their negative impact.

Evaluation of the chosen strategy is mainly carried out in the form of an analysis of the correctness and sufficiency of taking into account the main factors that determine the possibility of implementing the strategy when choosing a strategy. The procedure for evaluating the chosen strategy is ultimately subordinate to one thing: whether the chosen strategy will lead to the achievement of the firm's goals. And this is the main criterion for evaluating the chosen strategy. If the strategy is consistent with the goals of the company, then its further evaluation is carried out in the following areas.

Compliance of the chosen strategy with the state and requirements of the environment. It is checked to what extent the strategy is linked to the requirements of the main subjects of the environment, to what extent the factors of market dynamics and the dynamics of the development of the product life cycle are taken into account, whether the implementation of the strategy will lead to the emergence of new competitive advantages, etc.

Compliance of the chosen strategy with the potential and capabilities of the firm. In this case, it is assessed how the chosen strategy is linked to other strategies, whether the strategy corresponds to the capabilities of the personnel, whether the existing structure allows the strategy to be successfully implemented, whether the program for implementing the strategy is verified in time, etc.

The acceptability of the risk inherent in the strategy. Risk justification assessment is carried out in three directions:

Are the assumptions underlying the choice of strategy realistic;

What negative consequences for the company can the failure of the strategy lead to;

Does the possible positive result justify the risk of losses from failure in the implementation of the strategy?

The proposed method for determining the level of personnel potential of an enterprise is based on the following principles:

Human resources are characterized by a set of components that determine its suitability for use in specific conditions;

Conducting an assessment of human resources on indicators important for management;

The competitive advantages of human resources should be long-term, i.e. be forward-looking.

It is proposed to assess the level of the personnel potential of the enterprise in the following stages:

1. The first stage is the study of the external environment, which involves the collection and analysis of information, as well as the assessment of opportunities and threats.

2. Selection of the list of components for assessing the level of human resources.

The components for the assessment should reflect those properties of human potential that are related to it from the side of management and can be measured.

On the basis of the general nomenclature of human resources components, each manager must form a list of them specifically to assess the level of human potential of his business entity, based on the requirements of the analysis of its management.

To solve this problem, they conduct a questionnaire survey of enterprise managers or a survey of experts who are specialists in this field.

Determining the components that are primarily of interest to the management and determine the level of human potential and the possibility of achieving the goals of the enterprise is the first step to assessing the degree of this satisfaction and comparing the human potential of various enterprises with each other for each component separately and in aggregate.

3. At this stage, an analysis of the components of the personnel potential of the enterprise is carried out in order to determine trends in their change and to identify strengths and weaknesses.

The development of a comprehensive methodology for analyzing human resources revealed the need to build a system of indicators classified in relation to a certain attribute.

In the process of developing and testing the methodology for analyzing human resources, the indicators that characterize them are classified into primary, secondary and integral.

Primary indicators relate to the system of labor indicators, characterize the quantitative and qualitative components of human resources, are determined by calculation or are normative.

Secondary indicators are constructed separately for each of the components of the quality of human resources in order to obtain a group indicator. Secondary indicators are the basis for making management decisions and for a comprehensive assessment of the level of human resources (determination of the integral indicator). In further studies of human resources, it is the secondary indicators that are of great importance. The more flexible and meaningful they are, the more likely they are to achieve their goals.

An integral indicator can include primary, secondary and both types of indicators and refer to any set of employees, structural unit and the entire enterprise. In the study, the integral indicator is the value of the desired and actual level of human resources

4. Determination of the level of the personnel potential of the enterprise by components: professional and qualification, labor, personal, psychological and physiological. Assessment of the level of personnel potential by components is carried out for all indicators characterizing the main components of a particular component.

5. Determination of the integral indicator of the level of personnel potential of the enterprise, taking into account its components.

This indicator gives a complex (integral) characteristic of the level of human potential, which takes into account all the components.

The main criteria for assessing the personnel management of a state body can be the following:

1) staffing level;

2) the level of quality of qualification requirements (by education);

3) staff turnover;

4) rotation of personnel "center-region", "region-center";

5) training and development of personnel;

6) the level of corruption;

7) satisfaction of civil servants with work in a state body;

8) the level of development of the personnel management system in the state body.

For each of the above criteria, indicators are determined, in accordance with which points are assigned. The weighted values ​​of the criteria and indicators are presented in Appendix 2. Let us dwell in more detail on the assessment of each criterion proposed in the methodology.

Assessment according to the criterion "staffing of the state body" is determined according to the following indicators:

The proportion of man-days of vacant posts;

The proportion of man-days during which positions were not occupied due to illness of civil servants and for other reasons.

The assessment is carried out based on the analysis of analytical information provided by central government bodies. The assessment takes into account the data of monitoring reports on the state of personnel on the number of civil servants.

K1 = P1 + P2 (3)

К1 - assessment of the state body according to this criterion;

Р1 is an estimate according to the indicator "the share of vacant man-days, formed due to the availability of vacant posts, of the total number of man-days";

P2 is an estimate according to the indicator "the proportion of man-days during which positions were not occupied due to illness of civil servants and for other reasons."

P1 = k * (1 - 10 * a / b) (4)

a is the number of man-days created due to the availability of vacant posts;

The total number of man-days is determined using the following formula:

c - the average staffing of the state body;

d is the average number of working days per year.

The average number of staff is determined as the average value of the sum of the number of staff of a state body from the first to the fourth quarter inclusive.

P2 = k * (1 - 10 * a / b) (6)

k is the coefficient for reducing the results obtained to a weight value (for this indicator, the coefficient is 5);

a - the number of man-days during which the positions were not occupied due to illness of civil servants and for other reasons. This number does not include cases when an employee is on annual labor leave, on maternity leave during the period established by the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, on a business trip;

b is the total number of man-days;

10 is an indicator of the severity of the assessment.

If the result obtained is a value with a minus sign, the state body for this indicator is given a score of 0.

Assessment according to the criterion "level of quality of qualification requirements (by education)" is determined by the following indicators:

- "the proportion of full-time positions for which specific specialties (by education) are not indicated in the qualification requirements";

- "the percentage of full-time positions of the state body, for which the requirements for education have been changed in the qualification requirements."

The calculation is carried out according to the following formula:

K2 = P1 + P2 (7)

К2 - assessment of the state body according to this criterion;

Р1 - assessment according to the indicator "the proportion of staff positions for which specific specialties (by education) are not indicated in the qualification requirements, of the total staff number";

P2 is an estimate according to the indicator "the proportion of full-time positions of the state body, for which the requirements for education have been changed in the qualification requirements, of the total staff number."

P1 = k * (1-5 * a / b) (8)

k is the coefficient for reducing the results obtained to a weight value (for this indicator, the coefficient is 5);

a - the number of full-time positions of the state body for which specific specialties are not indicated in the qualification requirements (by education);

b - the average number of staff in the state body.

5 - an indicator of the severity of the assessment;

P2 = k * (1-50 * a / b) (9)

k is the coefficient for reducing the results obtained to a weight value (for this indicator, the coefficient is 5);

a - the number of full-time positions of the state body for which the requirements for education were changed in the qualification requirements in the reporting period;

Assessment according to the criterion "turnover of personnel" is determined by the following indicators:

- "the level of turnover of management personnel";

- "the level of turnover of non-management personnel";

- "the average length of service of all employees (in a given government agency);

- "the proportion of executives dismissed after the change of the first head";

- "the share of non-executive employees dismissed after the change of the first manager."

The score is calculated using the following formula:

K3 = P1 + P2 + P3 - P4 - P5 (10)

К3 - assessment of the state body according to this criterion;

Р1 - assessment according to the indicator "level of turnover of management personnel";

Р2 - assessment according to the indicator "the level of turnover of non-managerial personnel";

Р3 - assessment according to the indicator "average length of service of all employees (in a given government agency);

Р4 - assessment according to the indicator "the proportion of executives dismissed after the change of the first manager";

Р5 - assessment according to the indicator "share of non-executive employees dismissed after the change of the first manager".

P1 = k * (1-5 * a / b) (11)

a - the number of civil servants from among the leadership of the state body, dismissed in the reporting period;

b - the number of leading government positions;

5 - an indicator of the severity of the assessment.

If the result obtained is a value with a minus sign, the state body for this indicator is given a score of 0.

P2 = k * (1 - 4 * a / b) (12)

k is the coefficient for reducing the results obtained to a weight value (for this indicator, the coefficient is 10);

a - the number of civil servants from among the non-management staff of the state body, dismissed in the reporting period;

b - the number of non-executive government positions;

4 - an indicator of the severity of the assessment.

P3 = k * ((a) / 10) (13)

k is the coefficient for reducing the results obtained to a weight value (for this indicator, the coefficient is 5);

a is the average length of service of civil servants in a government agency;

10 - threshold value.

P4 = a, a = b / c (14)

a - the share (ratio) of civil servants from among the leadership of the state body, dismissed before the end of the reporting period after the change of the first head;

b - the number of civil servants from among the leadership of the state body, dismissed by the end of the reporting period after the change of the first head;

с - the number of leading government positions.

If the value (s) is:

From 0 to 5%, the score is (0) points.

From 11 to 15%, the score is (-4) points (subtracted from the total scores for this criterion).

More than 15%, a score (-6) points is given (subtracted from the total score for this criterion).

P5 = a, a = b / c (15)

a - the share of civil servants from among the non-management staff of the state body, dismissed before the end of the reporting period after the change of the first head;

b - the number of civil servants from among the non-management staff of the state body, dismissed by the end of the reporting period after the change of the first head;

с - the number of non-leading government positions.

If the value (s) is:

From 0 to 3%, the score is (0) points.

From 4 to 5%, the score is (-1) point (subtracted from the total score for this criterion).

From 6 to 10%, the score is (-2) points (subtracted from the total scores for this criterion).

From 11 to 15%, the score is (-3) points (subtracted from the total score for this criterion).

More than 15%, the score is (-4) points (subtracted from the total scores for this criterion).

If the total score for this criterion is a value with a minus sign, the state body is given a score of 0.

When calculating the assessment of turnover, the dismissed civil servants are not taken into account: in connection with the transfer to another state body according to the rotation system "center-region", "region-center"; in connection with retirement; in connection with the reorganization of a government agency or staff reduction; for health; in connection with the appointment to a political office.

Assessment by the criterion "staff rotation" center-region ",

"region-center" is determined by the indicator "the proportion of civil servants appointed in the order of transfer from center to region, from region to center, of the staff number."

Calculated using the following formula:

К4 = k * ((a / b * 100) / 3) (16)

К4 - assessment of the state body according to this criterion;

k is the coefficient for reducing the results obtained to a weight value (for this indicator, the coefficient is 5);

a - the number of civil servants transferred according to the "region-center", "center-region" rotation system; (to central government bodies from local executive bodies or territorial subdivisions of central government bodies), "center-region" (from central government bodies to local executive bodies or territorial subdivisions of central government bodies);

b is the average number of staff in the state body;

3 - threshold value.

The maximum score for this criterion is 5 points.

Assessment according to the criterion "training and development of personnel" is determined by the following indicators:

- "the proportion of civil servants who have completed advanced training courses";

- "the proportion of civil servants who have completed retraining courses."

- "correspondence of the subjects of advanced training programs to the goals and objectives of the strategic development plan of the state body"

Calculations are carried out according to the following formula:

K5 = P1 + P2 + P3 (17)

К5 - assessment of the state body according to this criterion;

Р1 - assessment according to the indicator "share of civil servants who have completed advanced training courses";

Р2 - assessment according to the indicator "share of civil servants who have completed retraining courses";

P3 is an assessment according to the indicator "correspondence of the subjects of advanced training programs to the goals and objectives of the strategic development plan of the state body".

P1 = k * (a / b) (18)

a is the number of civil servants who completed advanced training courses in the reporting period;

b - the proportion of civil servants subject to training in refresher courses in the reporting period.

P2 = k * (a / b) (19)

k is the coefficient for reducing the results obtained to a weight value (for this indicator, the coefficient is 6);

a is the number of civil servants who completed retraining courses in the reporting period;

b - the number of civil servants to be trained in refresher courses in the reporting period.

k is the coefficient for bringing the results obtained to a weight value (for this indicator, the coefficient is equal to 3);

a - the number of civil servants who have been trained in refresher courses, the topics of which correspond to the goals and objectives of the strategic plans of the state body;

b is the total number of civil servants who have completed training in refresher courses;

The maximum score for this criterion is 15 points.

Assessment according to the criterion "level of corruption" is determined by the following indicators:

- "the proportion of civil servants convicted of a corruption offense";

- "the share of civil servants brought to administrative responsibility for committing a corruption offense";

- "the proportion of civil servants brought to disciplinary responsibility for committing a corruption offense."

The score is calculated using the following formula:

K6 = P1 + P2 + P3 (21)

К6 - assessment of the state body according to this criterion;

Р1 - assessment according to the indicator "share of civil servants convicted of corruption offenses";

P2 is an estimate according to the indicator "the proportion of civil servants brought to administrative responsibility for committing a corruption offense";

Р3 - assessment according to the indicator "share of civil servants brought to disciplinary responsibility for committing a corruption offense".

P1 = k * (1 - 100 * (a / b)) (22)

k is the coefficient for reducing the results obtained to a weight value (for this indicator, the coefficient is 6);

a is the number of civil servants convicted of a corruption offense;

b is the average number of staff in the state body;

100 is an indicator of the severity of the assessment.

If the result obtained is a value with a minus sign, the state body for this indicator is given a score of 0.

P2 = k * (1 - 80 * (a / b)) (23)

k is the coefficient for reducing the results obtained to a weight value (for this indicator, the coefficient is 5);

a - the number of civil servants brought to administrative responsibility for committing a corruption offense;

b is the average number of staff in the state body;

80 is an indicator of the severity of the assessment.

If the result obtained is a value with a minus sign, the state body for this indicator is given a score of 0.

P3 = k * (1 - 50 * (a / b)) (24)

k is the coefficient for reducing the results obtained to a weight value (for this indicator, the coefficient is 4);

a - the number of civil servants brought to disciplinary responsibility for committing a corruption offense of the actual number;

b is the staffing of the state body;

50 is an indicator of the severity of the assessment.

If the result obtained is a value with a minus sign, the state body for this indicator is given a score of 0.

Assessment according to the criterion "satisfaction of civil servants with work in a state body" is determined by the following indicators:

- "the share of civil servants dissatisfied with career opportunities";

- "the share of civil servants dissatisfied with the system of motivation and reward";

- "the share of civil servants dissatisfied with working conditions".

The assessment is determined based on the results of interviews with civil servants of executive bodies. Polls are carried out in the form of anonymous questionnaires. Human Resources Services ensure the participation of civil servants in the survey.

The score is calculated using the following formula:

K7 = P1 + P2 + P3 (25)

К7 - assessment of the state body according to this criterion;

Р1 - assessment according to the indicator "share of civil servants dissatisfied with career opportunities";

Р2 - assessment according to the indicator "share of civil servants dissatisfied with the system of motivation and reward";

Р3 - assessment according to the indicator "share of civil servants dissatisfied with working conditions".

P1 = k * (1 - 2 * (a / b)) (26)

k is the coefficient for reducing the results obtained to a weight value (for this indicator, the coefficient is 5);

a is the number of civil servants dissatisfied with career opportunities in a government agency;

If the result obtained is a value with a minus sign, the state body for this indicator is given a score of 0.

P2 = k * (1 - 2 * (a / b)) (27)

k is the coefficient for reducing the results obtained to a weight value (for this indicator, the coefficient is 5);

a - the number of civil servants dissatisfied with the system of motivation and reward in the state body;

b - the number of civil servants who were actually present at work on the days of the survey;

2 - an indicator of the severity of the assessment.

If the result obtained is a value with a minus sign, the state body for this indicator is given a score of 0.

P3 = k * (1 - 2 * (a / b)) (28)

k is the coefficient for reducing the results obtained to a weight value (for this indicator, the coefficient is 5);

a - the number of civil servants dissatisfied with working conditions in a government agency;

b - the number of civil servants who were actually present at work on the days of the survey;

2 - an indicator of the severity of the assessment.

If the result obtained is a value with a minus sign, the state body for this indicator is given a score of 0.

Assessment according to the criterion "level of development of the system

personnel management "is defined by the indicator" introduction of new technologies for personnel management ".

The assessment is carried out on the basis of information and documents submitted by the central state and local executive bodies. Measures for the introduction of new technologies for personnel management include various management systems aimed at increasing the efficiency of civil servants, taking into account the volume and quality of their work, the degree of responsibility, and the level of professionalism. New technologies should be focused on the final result and on measuring the labor contribution of civil servants, determining and developing the professional potential of civil servants, their motivation and career planning.

The assessment takes into account the information of state bodies, to which supporting documents are attached. Calculated using the following formula:

К8 - assessment of the state body according to this criterion;

k is the coefficient for reducing the results obtained to a weight value (for this indicator, the coefficient is 5);

a - presence / absence of measures to introduce new technologies for personnel management.

In the presence of an event, 100% of the indicator value is assigned, in the absence - 0%.

Final assessment of state bodies

for personnel management is determined by adding the results of calculations for all criteria:

O = K1 + K2 + K3 + K4 + K5 + K6 + K7 + K8 (30)

О - the final assessment of the central state and local executive body for personnel management.

The conclusion on the results of the assessment of personnel management must contain: the name of the assessed state body; a table of grades for all criteria; analysis of the effectiveness of the activities of the state body according to the criteria; conclusions and recommendations.

The next step should be the development of a mechanism that allows citizens to clearly see and evaluate the quality of the work of any official on the basis of real cases and documents that clearly illustrate the format and nature of communication with citizens.

Conclusions on the first chapter

Personnel management, as well as the organization as a whole, is a necessary element of the life of every organization. Russian experts do not have a consensus on the definition of personnel management. The personnel management system is considered as a system that has an object and a subject of management, between which there are organizational and managerial relations, as well as management functions, which are implemented through a system of certain methods. Changing, improving the personnel management system is a complex process that requires taking into account many variables. It is advisable to consider the change in the personnel management system itself from the point of view of innovation. The innovation process requires the support of personnel from the management and the provision of complete information about the upcoming changes. The task of managers when introducing an innovation is to form the psychological readiness of personnel, as well as ways of personal involvement in the implementation of the innovation.

Personnel management methods are ways of influencing the managing subject on the managed object, the leader on the team headed by him. In the field of work with personnel, various classifications of such methods are used according to the nature of the impact, according to the attribute of belonging to a general management function, according to the attribute of belonging to a specific management function.

HR strategy is one of the main competitive advantages of any company. To measure its effectiveness, you need to know what tools you can use to do this. Today, the most popular are the benchmarking method, the method for assessing investments in personnel, the method of metric indicators of personnel management - HR Metrics.

Methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the central state and local executive bodies of regions, a city of republican significance, the capital for personnel management

developed for the purpose of assessing the performance of central state and local executive bodies.

Sources of information for assessing the management of civil service personnel are reports of state bodies, statistical data, information obtained in the course of inspections carried out by state bodies. It is advisable to assess personnel management annually.

It is recommended to assess the personnel management of the state body according to the following criteria: staffing level; the level of quality of qualification requirements (by education); turnover of personnel; staff rotation "center-region", "region-center"; personnel training and development; the level of corruption; satisfaction of civil servants with work in a government agency; the level of development of the personnel management system in the state body. For each criterion, indicators are determined, in accordance with which the corresponding points are set.

Do not forget that the most realistic assessment of the performance of civil servants should be the assessment of citizens, therefore, a mechanism is needed that allows people to clearly see and evaluate the quality of the work of any official on the basis of real deeds and documents.


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The article contains theoretical and practical information that will facilitate the process of personnel management. Following the prompts, you will learn how to competently build and adjust the system, choose the appropriate methods of influencing the team.

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Human resource management: definition

Management - personnel management, aimed primarily at achieving the goals of the organization, and not employees. But since the staff is able to make decisions and evaluate requirements, to protest in case of disagreement with the rules, the system is built on beneficial relationships and cooperation.

The dynamics of the organization's development, labor efficiency, profitability and much more directly depend on the actions of the manager. Novice managers often make mistakes that can be avoided if they thoroughly study the personnel management process, and, based on theoretical information, develop their own strategy.

Useful table. Check if you have the right knowledge and skills for successful HR management

Goals and principles of personnel management

In each company, the rules for cooperation with subordinates are selected individually, so you cannot copy the experience of others, but you can take it as a basis. Adhere to the basic principles, which are supplemented with norms that help to achieve the desired goal and keep business processes under control.

The basic principles and tasks of management can be depicted in the form of a schematic drawing:

What principles to adhere to:

  • select staff on personal, professional and business qualities;
  • observe continuity - combine young and experienced workers in a team;
  • ensure the career growth of specialists, timely relocate the best employees who consistently show high results;
  • maintain the spirit of competition, because it allows the potential of a person to unfold;
  • trust employees, but check their diligence;
  • practice automatic replacement of absent employees with other specialists who are able to cope with job duties;
  • send employees to training so that the level of qualifications of personnel is at the proper level;
  • make decisions based on legal acts.

To increase the efficiency of work with personnel, eliminate unnecessary paperwork, reduce the number of errors in documents, you can automate personnel management processes.

Management methods

Combine different methods of personnel management with each other, look for a balance. Apply administrative, economic and socio-psychological methods of influencing employees. Encourage the team to observe labor discipline, adhere to the established rules. Establish standards and educate employees about them.

Important! Make sure that there are no unspoken rules promoted by lidars in the team. They can contradict the approved norms, negatively affect the processes, the team, the psychological climate, the image of the organization, etc. Has the informal leader become a source of negativity?

Human resource management models

In world practice, including in Russia, different models of personnel management are used, including methods, principles, strategies and technologies. Choose the one that will contribute to the disclosure of creative and labor potential, the achievement of economic well-being. Build on the needs of the staff. For example, young people strive for career growth, development, and empowerment, people of age - for stability, high wages, and recognition of merits.

If a governance model has not been chosen or needs to be revised, compare several options with each other in order to choose the most suitable system ... Preliminarily identify what results employees are focused on.

Model No. 1. Motivational management

Personnel management through motivation is based on the study of the mood, needs, interests, goals of employees. At the same time, the goals of the employees must overlap with the goals of the company, otherwise only one side will benefit. Such a personnel policy is focused on the development of human resources, the implementation of personnel programs, and the strengthening of the psychological climate.

Test for determining the managerial style of a manager

Model No. 2. Framework management

The model implies the creation of conditions for the development of responsibility, initiative and independence of employees. Framework management contributes to an increase in the level of organization, responsibility, job satisfaction. In the course of this, a corporate leadership style develops.

Model No. 3. Delegation-based personnel management

The management system by means of delegation is considered the most modern and perfect. Employees are empowered to independently make decisions and implement them. They are aware of their responsibility, they feel their importance. The work in the organization is in full swing even in those periods when there is no leadership.

Model No. 4. Entrepreneurial management

The concept of intrapreneurship is taken as a basis. The relationship between managers and employees takes on a different form - the team is transformed into a community of creators, innovators and entrepreneurs. Everyone strives to achieve his goal, but everyone adheres to a common idea, which leads to harmony, high productivity and mutual understanding. If you manage active employees who come up with creative ideas and strive to bring and receive value, this management model is optimal.

How to create the perfect HR system

Council number 1. Distribute roles among management staff

You can't do all the tasks on your own. Even if you put in a lot of effort, individual processes will be left to chance.

Council number 2. Work with bottlenecks

Do your best in your work - they interfere with personnel management, provoke problems. Experts from the Human Resources Director magazine told how to act for an HR-ruler when deficiencies are found.

Council number 3. Listen not only to the management, but also to the staff

The challenge for business owners is to maximize profitability. Often they put pressure on HR-ditch, forcing them to use prohibited methods of influencing employees, a system of punishments. Your task is not to spoil relations with either the owners of the company or with the employees. Choose such management methods in which the maximum satisfaction and labor productivity are noted, motivate, then you do not have to act as an executioner.

Council number 4. Do not build the system only on administrative methods

Formalization of all processes negatively affects the psychological climate, does not dispose to creativity. Employees go to work like hard labor, and leave the organization at the first opportunity. It is impossible to achieve high results from them.

Council number 5. Evolve

Improve your qualifications, attend seminars and trainings. If you do not have time for this, pay attention to.

Before studying the article, evaluate how correctly you are now thinking over the personnel development strategy and its implementation. The test will take 5 minutes and will determine whether you need to dive deeper into the topic or just study the article for general development and search for new trends.

10 questions to determine if the HR strategy is being built correctly

Answer the questions "yes" or "no". If you want to answer "partially true" - refer to the option "no".

1. Does the organization have an HR action plan?
2. Is the HR plan aligned with the company's strategy?
3. Does HR participate in the development of the management strategy and personnel development plan?
4. Has the HR budget been calculated and included in the plan?
5. Does the plan for the implementation of the strategy of dismissal and recruitment (in the number of people), training and relocation, certification and interim control, the development of corporate culture?
6. Are tasks distributed in the plan by dates and periods?
7. Have the responsible executors for the events been appointed?
8. Does the manager approve an action plan and budget to align with the company's strategy?
9. Does the plan change dramatically during the year, are the tasks being carried out according to the plan?
10. Are there activities during the year that are not specified in the strategy implementation plan?

If 10 negative answers came out, it's not scary, everything is catching up: carefully study the article and pay attention to the material additionally indicated in the text.

If positive answers from 1 to 5 are the beginning of the path to success, continue to delve into the question and select from the article what you will improve this year.

From 6 to 8 positive answers speak about professionalism in the matter of planning, perhaps the article will broaden your horizons and make it even more professional.

If you counted 10 positive answers, most likely your company is on the list of the most successful enterprises in Russia. Please read the article and leave a comment on what else is important to consider when choosing a HR strategy and planning its implementation, so that readers can use these methods as a reference.

Options for possible strategies and goals of HR-s.

HR strategy is related to the strategy of the enterprise. Consider the typical options for these bundles.

Enterprise strategies:
1. Entrepreneurial strategy.
Suitable for companies that are focused on creating new solutions. At the same time, the level of risks is high, because It is not clear in advance whether the created product will be in demand.

A. To attract to the company people with creative potential, who know how to work in a situation of uncertainty and focus on achieving results. Train them to calculate risks.
B. Retain key employees who are able to implement the company's innovative strategy.
C. To develop an individual scheme of motivation for each manager, which forms the innovative activity of the enterprise.

2. Strategy for dynamic growth.
Suitable for companies that have introduced a new product or service to the market that have become in great demand. To maintain profit growth, executives start replicating successful business processes, and sometimes all activities (for example, opening dealers or franchising). To do this, they set the task of creating strategic maps of the enterprise (indicating for each division the standard goals that can be taught to newcomers) and work standards.

HR strategies:
A. Engage newcomers to provide standardized strategies.
B. Create a system for large-scale recruitment and training of specialists.

3. Strategy for profitability.
It is realized when the company has grown, produces a stable and standard product for the market, and the market is competitive and saturated. The only thing that will ensure the growth of the profits of such an organization is to reduce costs.

HR strategies:
A. Organize work to improve efficiency. Those. to set up systems of new methods and ways of working, certification and development of competencies. Engage specialists with competencies in production optimization.
B. Create a corporate culture focused on efficiency, frugality, and employee initiative.
C. Create a motivation scheme that rewards fundamentally new, more effective solutions than those that were previously.
D. Make a plan to replace ineffective employees.
E. Attract a minimum number of new staff to the company.

4. Liquidation strategy.
Associated with bankruptcy, when the owners of the enterprise or investors have come to the conclusion that the business is ineffective. All actions are focused on reducing the costs of liquidation. Often an enterprise is divided into several independent organizations that have a certain value in the market.

HR strategies:
A. Reduce personnel as efficiently as possible within the framework of the law.
B. Hire people who can build groundbreaking new ways of working in companies set up for sale.

5. Cycle strategy or cyclical strategy.
Aimed at surviving in a falling market. The task of the enterprise is to retain employees with key competencies, to preserve individual processes, and also to find ways of further development.

HR strategies:
A. Develop a system of motivation for key employees, aimed at retention.
B. Strengthen the psychological climate of the team so that there is no decadent mood.
B. Show initiative in finding solutions to the current situation.

Development of a personnel management strategy

There are many approaches and algorithms for developing a personnel management strategy, but in each of them there are 3 main steps:

1. Determination of requirements for employees based on the strategy of the enterprise:
- the composition and structure of the enterprise required for the implementation of the strategy;
- competence and quality of knowledge of employees in this structure.

2. Assessment of the current level of competencies and the quality of knowledge of specialists in order to determine the existing gap between the requirements and the actual state.

Often, PEST analysis, SWOT analysis, and other tools are used to complete the first two steps to help assess current and future prospects.

3. Drawing up a list of actions that will help fill the gap between the required and the existing level. Including determining the sources of obtaining competencies (for example, organizing internal training programs, attracting specialists with ready-made competencies, training in the external market, etc.), as well as the cost of these resources.

The personnel development strategy will be based on these three pillars.

To form a strategy, as a rule, one of two methods is used:

- “from top to bottom” - the management itself determines the strategy and communicates to the subordinates, distributing the lists of plans and tasks by departments;
- “from bottom to top” - each department forms a vision of its development and draws up organizational and technical measures. Further, the ideas of the departments are summarized in a general strategy for managing the organization's personnel.

In the second variant of strategy formation, it is important for employees to set the direction corresponding to the type of enterprise strategy. Otherwise, the proposed action plans may run counter to management priorities and will not be accepted.

As a result, the list of necessary actions is written out in more detail and turns into a plan for the management and development of personnel, in accordance with the chosen strategy.

Typically, the plan contains the following blocks of information:

1. Date of approval, who draws up and approves the HR strategy.
2. Development strategy of the company and its actual position in relation to the final goals.
3. The rules of the game in the current environment: limitations, problems, opportunities.
4. Goals for working with personnel in the framework of the chosen strategy of the company (an example is given in the table above).
5. An action plan to achieve these goals. For example, in this format:

6. Schedule for the implementation of the planned tasks. For example, in this format:

Month Tasks Methods Resources Responsible

7. The budget required to implement the strategy.
You will find information on how to form a budget in the article.

8. Appendices detailing the strategy action plan.

The main components of the action plan for the implementation of the strategy

2. Plan of personnel changes (including for the period of vacations), layoffs and hiring.

3. Methods of assessment and selection of specialists.

4. Formation of clear qualification requirements for an objective analysis of the work.

5. Career guidance.

6. Creation of internal regulations and standards (ethics, dress code, etc.).

7. Creation of labor standards.

8. Modernization and development of existing methods for forecasting the need for employees.

9. Creation of employee promotion programs (career development, personnel reserve, etc.).

11. Improvement of the personnel motivation system.

12. Development of acceptable methods of remuneration, material non-material incentives.

14. Planning social support activities.

15. Options for providing information at each stage of the personnel management strategy.

16. List of necessary communications with employees (meetings, meetings, articles in the media, corporate newspaper, seminars, etc.).

Depending on the strategy and position of the company, the HR strategy may include some of the listed blocks and combine them depending on the need. You can read more about drawing up a personnel development plan in the article.

The system of strategic personnel management can be considered built competently, when managers can receive answers to questions at any time:
What is the position of the company in the market today?
What is the level of professionalism of the employees at the moment?
How is the development of employees going to implement the strategy, what activities are currently being carried out for this?
What needs to be done in order for the team to begin to effectively perform new tasks?

Evaluate the developed HR strategy on these issues before carrying it to the protection of the management. Think about whether the manager will be able to look into it over time and find relevant answers to the same questions. If not, supplement the strategy with the missing information.