Organization of a locksmith's workplace, tools and basic operations. Test assignments in the specialty "Locksmith MSR Organization of a locksmith's workplace for mechanical assembly works test

Test work

Industrial training

Course: 1

Profession: 01.23.03 Auto mechanic

Theme : "Workplace of a locksmith"

Target : midterm control of students' knowledge

Verifiable knowledge:locksmith's workplace, T / B.

Assimilation level: 1,2

Lead time: 15 minutes

Exercise : finish a sentence, choose the correct answer from the options.

Option 1.

  1. A locksmith's workplace is understood as:

a) an office in the workshop;

b) part of the area, site, or workshop, which is assigned to a certain employee;
c) workbench.

2. The workplace is intended for ……

3. The main equipment of the locksmith's workplace is:

a) a vice; b) hammer; c) workbench.

4. Devices designed for fixing the processed


A) sponges; b) a vice; c) anvil.

5. The height of the vice is regulated by:

A) sponges; b) a screw; c) a chisel.

6. The height of the workbench must correspond to …… ..

7.Before starting work, it is necessary ………

8. Work in a workshop for what:

A) overalls; b) T-shirt; c) boots.

9. It is necessary to clean the surface of the workbench after work:

A) with a brush - with a sweep; b) hands; c) broom.

10. At the end of work from the workbench, it is prohibited:

A) blow off the metal shavings;

B) knock on the anvil;

C) work without sponges.

11. Each workplace must have an instrumental ……

12. When working at the workplace, it is necessary to constantly maintain:

A) off lighting;

B) a rug;

V) maintain cleanliness and order in the workplace.

13. To clamp the finished finished surface of the part (product), the working parts of the vise jaws are closed with overhead plates:

A) center punch;

B) mouthpieces;

C) anvil.

14.At the end of the work it is necessary …….

Processing of results

Total tasks -14

One task -0.1



Less than 7










When performing a test work, PVCs are formed:

the ability to properly organize a workplace, correctly build a technological process, logical thinking and imaginative representation, memory.

Sample answers Option 1.

Correct answer

performing work of a certain type

A workplace is a specific section of the production area of ​​a workshop, department, site or workshop, assigned to a given worker (or a team of workers), designed to perform a specific job.

The layout of the workplace must meet the following requirements: provide conditions for productive work with maximum savings in labor and time of the assembler; rational use of the production area; create convenience for the maintenance of the workplace; not to violate the rules and requirements of labor protection and safety measures.

The location of equipment and tools in the workplace should ensure the shortest and least fatiguing movements; to minimize the inclinations and turns of the body; eliminate unnecessary movements and labor movements; ensure the uniform performance of labor movements with both hands.

To create such conditions, it is necessary that the workbench or table, fixtures, tools, racks, as well as parts and assembly units supplied to the assembly, and technical documentation are placed at the workplace as follows:

When placing special equipment and technological equipment at the workplace, the limits of reach and normal zones of movements of the hands of the collector in the horizontal and vertical planes are taken into account (Fig. 3, a, b, c).

Rice. 3.
Scheme of the organization of the workplace of a mechanic assembly work:
a - hand reach in the horizontal working plane: 1 - normal zone, 2 - maximum zone, 3 - maximum hand reach when the body is tilted forward no more than 30 °, b, c - in the vertical plane

The most convenient layout of the workplace of an assembler assembling a product with component parts weighing more than 16 kg is shown in Fig. 4, a. Parts and assembly units arrive on the rack 5, then the locksmith using the electric hoist 2 on the monorail sets them on the press 3, assembles and moves the assembled product to the rack 1. In the rack 4 there are small parts for assembly.

Rice. 4.
Layout of the workplace of a mechanic assembly work:
a - for the assembly of large-sized products, b - for the assembly of products on a conveyor belt of large-scale and mass production

The layout of the workplace for large-scale and mass production is shown in Fig. 4, b. The assembly of products is carried out on a conveyor 10 with a subassembly at the workplace from the conveyor. In this case, the component parts from the mechanical shop are fed by a pushing conveyor 18. By the lifting table 17, the parts are removed from the pushing conveyor and fed to the driven roller conveyor 16. From the roller conveyor, by a pneumatic pusher 15, they are fed to the bench 14, where they are assembled using an overhead wrench 13.

The finished assembly unit is fed to the assembly conveyor by means of a roller table 8 and a jib crane 11, where it is installed on the product. At the workplace there are 12 racks for parts and containers 7.9 with fasteners, as well as a foot grate 6 for the convenience of the collector. Each position of the assembly line has a similar layout, taking into account the performance of the corresponding assembly operations.

Organization of a locksmith's workplace

Workplace - a section of the production area equipped with equipment, means of labor, characteristic of work at this workplace.

The form of organization of jobs depends on the type of production and the specification of the work process. The equipment of the workplace is determined by its technological purpose, the level of specification and the degree of mechanization of the work performed.

Equipment is usually divided into the following groups:

  • - main technological equipment;
  • - technical equipment;
  • - auxiliary equipment;
  • - organizational equipment;
  • - protective devices.

Pneumatic, electrical or mechanical tools are isolated from the technological equipment. Auxiliary equipment includes bedside tables, chairs, various containers. Protective devices, protected from mechanical moving mechanisms and other devices provided for safety and fire safety. Adhering to these rules, norms and requirements, the workplace of a fitter - assembler at machine assembly plants is organized.

Safety and fire safety

Safety engineering is a system of the most important state measures in the field of labor protection, consisting in a complex of technical means and methods of work that ensure the safety of working conditions. Measures of a technical nature aimed at workers from all sorts of industrial injuries, accidents, facilitating labor and eliminating the causes of injuries and harmful effects on the human body. Safety measures are aimed at the implementation of legal norms and norms of labor legislation, various industry and departmental rules of technical safety when performing work in different technical conditions, in different environments, for construction, installation when working at height, on scaffolds, when using compressed air, during the operation of electrical installations, etc. Fire safety is associated with technical safety, designed to provide protection against fire. It is aimed at preventing and extinguishing fires, preventing accidents. The technical means of fire extinguishing include: chemical, foam fire extinguishers, hand fire pumps, sand, fire trucks. In order to prevent fires in enterprises, there are people who monitor the implementation of safety measures and, if necessary, call it a violation. Large enterprises have their own fire brigades to eliminate fires more quickly.

Workplace - a specific section of the production area of ​​a workshop, site or workshop assigned to a given worker, designed to perform a specific job.

Check whether the workplace and the approaches to it are sufficiently lit. Report burned-out bulbs to your immediate supervisor.

Inspect and tidy up the workplace, remove anything that might interfere with work, if the floor is slippery (doused with oil, paint, water), demand that it be wiped or do it yourself.

The workplace should exclude the risk of injury by motor vehicles and other vehicles, as well as by the load moved by lifting mechanisms and other production factors.

Check the serviceability and fastening of the vice. The clamps should not have any play, there is an unworked notch on the jaws and should firmly grip the clamping products.

Check and prepare the hand tools and devices necessary for work, and, if necessary, personal protective equipment.

When working, use only serviceable, dry and clean tools and devices:

1.Hammers and sledge hammers should be mounted on the handles at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the tool and securely fastened by wedging with metal wedges. Handles should be made of hardwood and have an oval and smooth surface. The length of the hammer handle should not be shorter than 300 mm, and the sledgehammer - 450 ... 900 mm, depending on the weight of the tool,

2. strikers of percussion tools (chisels, cores, hammers, sledge hammers, etc.) should have a slightly convex, smooth, not oblique and not knocked down surface without burrs, gouges, dents, cracks and rivets,

3. Tools with sharpened ends (shanks) for fitting handles (files, hacksaws, screwdrivers, etc.) must have strong reinforced wooden or plastic handles. The handle must have a length in accordance with the dimensions of the tool, but not less than 150 mm, and in order to avoid splitting it must be tightened with metal band rings,

4.blades of axes, chisels, scrapers, drills and other cutting tools must not have burrs, dents, cracks, and their cutting edge must be properly sharpened and present a smooth and slightly convex surface,

5. the length of the chisels must be at least 150 mm, and the drawn part must have a length of 60 ... 70 mm,

6.The blade of the screwdriver must be pulled back and flattened to such a thickness that it fits into the slot of the screw head without play,

7. Wrenches must correspond to the sizes of nuts and bolt heads and must not have cracks, dents, burrs. The jaws of the keys must be strictly parallel and not rolled up,

8.the sliding keys should not have slack (play) in the moving parts,

9. Needle-nose pliers and pliers should not have chipped, broken grip jaws. The jaws of the needle-nose pliers must be sharp, and the pliers must be properly serrated,

10.Bars and large files for filing wide surfaces must be equipped with special handles that allow convenient processing of these surfaces,

11.the ends of crowbars, mandrels for pointing holes in metal products should not be bent or knocked down,

12.supports used for manual riveting, crimping and other work must be strong and safe,

13. pullers must be rigid and free from cracks, bent rods, bent or crumpled threads, and must ensure the alignment of the thrust (tensioner) device with the axis of the part being removed. The grips of the pullers must ensure a tight and reliable grip of the part in the place of application of the force.

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An assembly fitter's workplace is a part of the production area of ​​a workshop or site with the necessary equipment, tools, fixtures, materials and accessories that a worker or team uses to complete a production task. During fitting and assembly work, an area of ​​6 to 10 m 2 is allocated for each locksmith's workplace (depending on the size of the assembled product).

The organization of a fitter's workplace is understood as the correct arrangement of equipment, the most advantageous arrangement of tools and parts at the workplace, the systematic supply of parts and auxiliary materials, mechanization and equipping with special devices for the assembly process.

The main workplace of the assembly fitter is Workbench or assembly table on conveyor(Fig. 1, a, b).

Rice. 1. Mechanic assembly locksmith workplace:

a - a workbench with a movable assembly table and with a device for hanging a power tool, b - the location of the tool on the workbench and in the box

Depending on the type of products to be assembled, the workbench table is covered with durable sheet material (decorative plastic, linoleum, plywood, etc.). In front and on the sides of the table cover, wooden planks or metal squares are installed to prevent small parts and tools from falling from the workbench. Depending on the working conditions, the workbenches are single and multi-seat, for two or more workers. In multi-seat locksmith workbenches, the distance between the vice should be 1200-1500 mm. The workbench must be strong and stable. The workbenches should be placed in such a way that the aisles between them are at least 1.5 m. During assembly, the workbenches should be placed near the conveyor so that the worker is between the conveyor and the workbench. The workplace at the workbench should be well lit. For work in the evening, the workplace is illuminated by an electric lamp of local lighting.

The following requirements are imposed on the workplace:

1. The workplace should contain only what is required for the task.

2. Tools, parts and documentation should be located at arm's length; the objects that the worker uses more often are placed closer, and the objects that he uses less often, farther away.

3. Everything that is taken with the left hand should be on the left, and everything that is taken with the right hand should be on the right. Anything that is taken with both hands should be in front.

4. Tools and parts should be laid out in the strict sequence of their use, and not scattered or overlapped.

5. Workbench drawers should contain the most frequently used tools, fixtures and materials. All precision measuring instruments must be kept in their cases.

6. Files, drills, taps and other cutting tools should be placed on wooden supports so that they are protected from damage.

7. Drawings, instructions, orders and other documentation should be placed in a conspicuous place for ease of use.

Before the start of work, the assembly fitter must familiarize himself with the task, work order, technological process and drawings, prepare the necessary tools, fixtures, materials and parts, having previously checked their serviceability.

Assembly locksmith during work is obliged during the whole working day to fully use all working time, without being distracted from work, and not to leave the workplace without the permission of the master, to use the tool only for its intended purpose and to protect it from damage and contamination; strictly follow the safety regulations.

At the end of the work, the assembly fitter must tidy up the workplace (equipment, workbench, machine tools, as well as the area adjacent to them), thoroughly cleaning it of shavings and debris; lubricate the working parts of the machines with a thin layer of machine oil; clean the tools and devices used during the work from dirt and oil; thoroughly clean, wipe the measuring instrument and cover it with a thin layer of petroleum jelly or acid-free oil; spread out or arrange ready-made units and parts in the allotted places;

push the jaws of the vise apart, leaving a gap of 5-10 mm between them.