Organization of production in the projected public catering enterprise. Public catering Development of the production program consists of several stages



Description of the enterprise.

Organization of supply and storage facilities for the restaurant.

Manufacturing process documentation.

Scientific organization of labor.

Organization of production.

Description of the event.




Food is the basis of human life. How a person eats depends on his health, mood, ability to work. Consequently, a person's nutrition is not only his personal, but also a public matter.

Catering establishments are equipped with mechanical, refrigeration and heating equipment with gas, electric and steam heating. In this regard, the technologist must know the equipment of public catering establishments and other technical disciplines. Knowledge of the economics of public catering is no less important for a technologist. It is impossible to achieve high labor productivity, improve the culture of service without knowing the basics of organizing public catering.

Public catering development:

gives a significant economy of social labor due to a more rational use of technology, raw materials, materials;

provides workers and employees with hot food during the working day, which increases their efficiency, preserves health;

makes it possible to organize balanced rational nutrition in children's and educational institutions.

Increasing the efficiency of public catering is based on the principles of intensifying production common to the entire national economy - achieving high results with the lowest cost of material and labor resources.

1. Characteristics of the enterprise.

In accordance with GOST 50761-95 “Catering services. General requirements ”certain requirements are imposed on catering services. The public catering service is the result of the activities of enterprises and citizens-entrepreneurs to meet the needs of the consumer in food and leisure.

The Arcadia restaurant belongs to the "top" class restaurants. The hall is designed for 150 seats. (restaurant plan annex 1)

The structure of the building includes: a trading hall, a billiard room, a bar, production premises, administrative premises, warehouses, amenity premises for staff, technical premises.

The production premises include; hot shop, cold shop, shop for finishing semi-finished products, vegetable shop, washing kitchen utensils, washing tableware.

Administrative premises include the office of the director, the accounting department, and the office of the head of production.

Amenity facilities include a changing room for staff, a shower room and toilet rooms.

The technical premises include ventilation, switchboard, heating unit.

The Arcadia restaurant has a neon light sign, and there is a lobby at the entrance to the restaurant. The lobby includes: a wardrobe, toilets, a security post.

The trading floor has a stage and a dance floor in front of it.

The interior of the hall is designed in blue and green colors. When decorating the hall, modern materials were used, as well as wood and fabrics. Superior furniture in accordance with the interior of the restaurant, tables have a soft cover. Soft armchairs with armrests.

For the decoration of the hall and premises for consumers, exquisite and original decorative elements (lamps, draperies, paintings, etc.) are used.

The Arcadia restaurant offers everything that billiards fans need:

First-class tournament-grade billiard tables;

Great interior;

Quiet, calm atmosphere conducive to good play;

Cozy bar with a wide range of spirits and delicious home cooking;

Discounts for regular customers.

To create an optimal microclimate, the restaurant has an air conditioning system.

The Arcadia restaurant is a public catering enterprise that provides consumers with a wide range of sophisticated dishes, mainly for individual orders, as well as wine and vodka, tobacco and confectionery products. The high level of service is combined with the organization of the rest of the visitors.

Leisure services include:

organization of musical services;

organization of concerts, programs, variety shows.

The Arcadia Restaurant organizes receptions, family celebrations, banquets, themed evenings.

Visitors are served by waiters, head waiter, bartenders, meals and drinks are prepared by highly qualified chefs. The service staff has uniforms and footwear of the same sample.

The Arcadia Restaurant offers lunches (business lunch) and dinners.

The restaurant has a convenient road access and a guarded parking lot.

2. Organization of supply and warehouse facilities for the restaurant.

In the restaurant "Arcadia" the delivery of products is handled by a freight forwarder. To provide the enterprise with food products, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

What to buy;

How much to buy;

Who to buy from;

On what conditions to purchase;

In addition, you must:

Enter into a contract;

Monitor the execution of the contract;

Arrange delivery;

Organize warehousing and storage.

These tasks are solved by the supply department of the restaurant. It works independently, performing its functions defined above. The company has a list of suppliers from whom products are constantly purchased, as well as purchases are made in markets and wholesalers.

The compiled list of suppliers is analyzed based on specific criteria. Often they are limited by the price and quality of the supplied products, as well as the reliability of supplies.

Other criteria to consider when choosing a supplier include the following:

The remoteness of the supplier from the consumer;

Terms of order fulfillment;

Organization of quality management at the supplier;

The financial position of the supplier, its creditworthiness, etc.

Delivery of products is carried out in a centralized and decentralized way.

The centralized delivery of goods to enterprises is carried out by the forces and means of suppliers. With centralized delivery, the company is freed from the need to have its own transport.

With decentralized delivery, the export of goods from suppliers is provided directly by the enterprise itself, using its own transport.

Transport plays an important role in the movement of goods.

Transport drivers and freight forwarder in the process of movement of goods must ensure:

Safety of cargo during transportation;

Timely delivery of cargo;

Compliance with the rules of loading and transportation of cargo;

Efficient use of vehicles.

In the restaurant "Russian Trapeza" for each car designed for the carriage of products, there is a sanitary passport issued by the institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service.

The acceptance of goods in a catering enterprise is an important part of the technological process. Acceptance is carried out in two stages.

Products are obtained in terms of quantity and quality. The first stage is preliminary. Acceptance of products by quantity is carried out according to consignment notes, invoices, by recalculating containers, weighing. If the goods were received in a non-defective container, in addition to checking the gross weight, the company has the right to demand that the container be opened and the net weight checked. The second stage is final acceptance. The net weight and the number of trade items are checked simultaneously with the opening of the container. The tare weight is checked simultaneously with the acceptance of the goods.

If a shortage is detected, a unilateral act on the identified shortage is drawn up, this product is stored separately, its safety is ensured and the supplier is called. After the final acceptance, an act is drawn up in 3 copies.

Simultaneously with the acceptance of goods in terms of quantity, goods are also accepted in terms of quality.

Acceptance of goods in terms of quality is carried out organoleptically (in appearance, color, smell, taste). At the same time, they check compliance with standards, TU. The transport documents are accompanied by certificates or quality certificates.

To ensure the uninterrupted operation of production facilities for the sale of products in a sufficient range, taking into account the demand of consumers, commodity stocks are necessary.

Non-perishable products (flour, sugar, cereals) - 8-10 days

Perishable food (meat, fish, poultry) - 2-5 days

Stocks of bread and milk should not exceed one day's sale.

3. Technological documentation for production.

The main planning stage is the preparation of a menu plan. The menu plan is drawn up by the production manager on the eve of the planned day (no later than 15:00) and approved by the director of the enterprise.

The main factors to consider when drawing up a menu. They concern: the approximate range of products recommended for public catering enterprises, depending on the type and type of the provided ration, the availability of raw materials and its seasonality.

When approving the menu plan, the director and production manager are responsible for ensuring that the dishes included in the menu are on sale throughout the entire day of the company's trade.

The hallmark of the restaurant is called its menu, that is, a list of snacks, dishes, drinks (with an indication of the price and output), available for sale during the entire opening hours.

The word menu comes from the French "menu" and means a schedule of food and drinks for breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as a listing of meals for receptions and other types of service.

All dishes on the menu are listed in sequence according to the meal order. The order of listing the dishes must comply with the assortment minimum established for each enterprise - a certain number of dishes and drinks that must be sold daily.

Reducing the number of names of dishes and snacks provided for by the assortment minimum is not allowed. On the contrary, the assortment can be expanded by including seasonal and specialties in the menu.

When compiling the menu, a variety of snacks and dishes should be achieved, both by the types of raw materials (fish, vegetables, meat) and by the methods of culinary processing (boiled, stewed, fried, stewed, baked), as well as the correct combination of the side dish with the main product.

When compiling the menu, the taste qualities of food, the external design of dishes are taken into account. It should also be borne in mind that taste harmony must be achieved in dishes by combining various components with each other.

The next factor taken into account when drawing up the menu is the seasonality of consumption. It is known that meals rich in fats and proteins are in great demand in winter, while in summer there is an increase in demand for cold meals, vegetables and fresh fruits.

Many consumers visit cafes every day at lunchtime, so the menu should be varied not only for a given day, but also by days of the week.

When choosing side dishes and sauces for dishes, it is necessary to ensure that they correspond to the main product.

Meals and snacks included in the menu must be available during the whole day of operation.

It should also be borne in mind that consumers with children often visit the cafe during the day. Therefore, the menu should include half-portions or special meals for children.

On the menu, all appetizers and dishes are arranged in the following order: from less spicy to more spicy, from stewed to boiled, fried to stewed.

The types of menus differ from each other in terms of the selection of the offered dishes and the structure of prices.

A la carte menu. This type of menu offers a choice in each type of food, with each dish being judged separately. Dishes from such a menu, chosen by visitors, are prepared to order.

Menu "Tabldot". This type of menu offers a small assortment of dishes and is priced as a total per person for the entire menu.

A typical example of such a menu is a "business breakfast" (business lunch) at reasonable prices, which includes three or four names of dishes. The visitor pays the set price for the entire meal or breakfast.

Table d'hote type menus are very popular on holidays such as New Years.

Menu "a la part" - guests make reservations and are served at a specific time frame. It is used more often in resort hotels.

"Buffet" - this is a wide choice of dishes with free access, this service method increases the capacity of the hall, speeds up the service process.

A cyclic menu is a group of menus for a certain period of time. This type of menu is mainly used in inpatient settings such as hospitals, sanatoriums, etc.

The cyclic menu aims to diversify the assortment of dishes for consumers and service personnel, as well as to guarantee the nutritional value of a whole group of people in order to maintain health.

4. Scientific organization of labor.

The scientific organization of labor in public catering, as in other sectors, must solve three main problems: economic, psychophysiological and social.

The solution to the economic problem assumes the most complete use of technology, materials, raw materials, provides an increase in the efficiency of production and labor.

The solution to the psychophysical problem provides for the creation of favorable working conditions at the enterprise, contributing to the health of employees, reducing fatigue and increasing working capacity.

The solution of a social problem ensures the all-round development of a person, promotes the transformation of labor into a vital necessity, fosters responsibility for the results of one's labor.

These tasks are interconnected and must be solved in a complex. Without solving the psychophysical problem and social problems, economic problems will not be solved.

NOT distinguish the following main directions.

development and implementation of rational forms and division and cooperation of labor;

improving the organization and maintenance of workplaces;

introduction of advanced techniques and methods of labor;

improving working conditions;

training and professional development of personnel;

rationalization of work and rest regimes;

strengthening labor discipline;

improvement of labor rationing.

5. Organization of production.

The Arcadia restaurant has a variety of workshops, specializing in the types of processed raw materials and manufactured products: a workshop for finishing semi-finished products, vegetable, hot, and cold. Warehouse, container, sanitary facilities.

The shops are subdivided into: billet (shop for the completion of semi-finished products, vegetable); precooking (hot, cold).

In each workshop, a technological line is organized - a production area equipped with the necessary equipment for a specific technological process.

In the procurement shops of the restaurant, they carry out mechanical processing of meat, fish, poultry, vegetables and the production of semi-finished products to supply them to the hot shop of their enterprise.

In the Arcadia Restaurant they mainly work on semi-finished products, therefore the processing of meat, poultry, by-products and fish is concentrated in one workshop (the workshop for the completion of semi-finished products), as well as the processing of all vegetables.

Cold shop.

Cold shops are designed for the preparation, portioning and decoration of cold dishes and snacks, sweet dishes and cold soups. The products used for cooking are not subjected to secondary heat treatment before being released, therefore, strict sanitary requirements must be observed in the workshop: products used for cooking must be stored in refrigerated cabinets or chambers at a temperature not exceeding 6-8 gr .; utensils and utensils must be marked and used for their intended purpose; In accordance with the technological process, workplaces for processing raw and boiled vegetables, gastronomic meat and fish products, portioning dishes, etc., should be clearly delineated; salads, vinaigrette, sandwiches should be prepared only in batches and sold within one hour; observe the temperature regime for storing and dispensing cold dishes (10-14 gr.).

Hot shop.

The hot shop is the main workshop of the enterprise, where the technological process of food preparation is completed: heat treatment of products and semi-finished products, cooking broths, cooking soups, sauces, side dishes, second courses, and also heat treatment of products for cold and sweet dishes. The hot shop has a convenient connection with the blank shops, with warehouses and a convenient connection with the cold shop, distribution and sales area, washing kitchen utensils.

Hot shop dishes produced in the Arcadia restaurant meet the requirements of state standards, industry standards, enterprise standards, collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products, and are developed according to technological instructions and maps, technical and technological charts in compliance with the Sanitary Rules for public catering establishments.

The production program of the hot shop is drawn up on the basis of the assortment of dishes sold through the sales area.

The hot shop is equipped with modern equipment: heating, refrigeration, mechanical, and non-mechanical: stoves, ovens, electric pans, electric fryers, refrigerators, production tables and shelves.

Vegetable workshop.

The vegetable shop has a convenient connection with the cold and hot shops, where the finished product is completed.

The technological process of processing vegetables consists of sorting, washing, cleaning, cleaning after mechanical cleaning, washing, and slicing.

Equipment for the vegetable shop is selected according to the equipment standards, depending on the type and capacity of the enterprise. The main equipment is production tables, tables for peeling potatoes, washing baths, and vegetable pans.

Workplaces are equipped with tools, inventory for performing certain operations.

In the vegetable shop, a line for processing potatoes and root crops and a line for processing fresh cabbage and other vegetables and herbs are distinguished. The equipment is installed in the course of the technological process

The work of the vegetable shop is organized by the production manager.

Workshop for finishing semi-finished products.

In the Arcadia Restaurant, a workshop for finalizing semi-finished products has been organized, which the enterprise receives from industrial and procurement enterprises in the form of meat in large chunks, fish of special cutting, chilled and frozen, carcasses of chickens and chickens.

Separate workplaces are organized in the workshop for the processing of semi-finished meat products, semi-finished products from poultry and fish.

A universal drive PM-1,1 with a set of machines for loosening, grinding meat and performing other operations is installed from the equipment in the workshop for finalizing semi-finished products. In addition to mechanical equipment, refrigeration equipment, washing baths, production tables, mobile shelves are installed in the workshop.

In the Arcadia Restaurant, according to the production program, lumpy semi-finished products are cut into portioned, small-lump and chopped. The workplace is equipped with a production table, on which I lay the cutting board, set the dial scales.

By-products are delivered to the enterprise in the form of raw materials and a separate place for their processing is provided in the semi-finished product preparation shop.

A separate workplace has also been set up for handling poultry from industry. The preparation of semi-finished poultry products is carried out at the workplace, where washing baths and a production table are used.

Taking into account the specific smell of fish products, the preparation of portioned semi-finished products is carried out on separate production tables. In addition to the separate equipment, there are separate tools, containers, cutting boards marked for fish processing.

In the workshop for the completion of semi-finished products, desktop meat grinders are used.

In the workshop, cooks of the 4th and 5th categories perform the work. For their work, cooks report to the head of production or the foreman.

Washing kitchen utensils.

Kitchenware washing is intended for washing cookware (boilers, pots, baking trays, etc.), kitchen and cutting utensils, tools.

The washing room must have a convenient connection with the production departments (cold, hot). In the washing room there are set-ups for used dishes, racks for clean dishes and utensils, washing baths with three compartments - for soaking, washing and disinfection.

6. Description of the event.

Banquet buffet for 30 people.

A banquet-buffet is usually held by organizations when, in a limited time, it is necessary to receive a large number of people in the same area of ​​the banquet hall; during the banquet, each participant has the opportunity to approach any guest for a conversation, independently take the snacks and drinks he likes; those invited can leave the banquet at any time. As a rule, a buffet banquet is organized from 6 pm to 8 pm and lasts 1-1.5 hours.

Chairs are not placed at this banquet. Guests eat and drink while standing at the tables or, taking a snack, leave the table. The menu includes cold and hot snacks, desserts and hot drinks. Hot snacks should be portioned without bones and sauce, salads - in baskets, caviar - in valovans; gastronomic products are cut so that they can be eaten without a knife.

Before receiving guests of the restaurant hall we decorate with fresh flowers. They are covered with flannel and covered with green banquet tablecloths that match the color of the walls. On all tables, the tablecloths are lowered to the same length at a distance of 1-2 cm from the floor in order to hide the table legs, and the corners of the tablecloths are taken inward at a right angle.

Additional and utility tables are set as banquet tables (with a descent). The light is darkened, calm music is playing. Fresh wildflowers in low vases serve as decoration.

At a banquet-buffet with service by waiters for business negotiations, the number of waiters is taken at the rate of one waiter for 15 people. Therefore, to serve 30 guests, 2 waiters will be required, who will serve the dishes and remove the used dishes.

Waiters in the hall, standing at the tables, pour drinks, lay out dishes, snacks. Due to the fact that not all invitees can immediately come to the table, waiters should pay the main attention to guests standing to the side or at additional tables, offering them drinks and snacks.

During the entire service, waiters keep order on the table, take away used dishes, bottles, replenish serving items, empty or replace ashtrays in a timely manner.

For the banquet-buffet we use standard restaurant tables 1250x800mm in the amount of 5 pieces. at the rate of 1p / m for 6-8 people Compiled in the form of the letter P. And also, in addition to buffet tables, we use tables 500x500 in the amount of 4 pieces. installed against the walls and one side table for supplies of tableware, cutlery, glasses, napkins.


The successful operation of a catering establishment depends on many factors. Like any complex system, a nightclub begins with the intention of its creator and ends with its control and functioning. In my work, I considered, in my opinion, the most important factors affecting the success in the restaurant business. These factors are:

Management functions in the restaurant business. Organization management is based on the general principles of the production management system. Management functions reveal the content of management as a process, reflect the type of management activity, job responsibilities assigned to a specific structural unit or employee, the appointment of a specific management body. The main functions of management are common to all production and economic systems, refer to any object of management. They are necessary for solving general management problems and are typical for the entire management decision.

The structure of the public catering enterprise management system. A properly structured management system structure for any public catering enterprise simplifies and relieves the manager from a number of functions, for which there are qualified specialists. The structure of the management system is fixed in the organizational charts of the management structure, staffing tables, provisions on structural divisions, job descriptions.

Arrangement and selection of personnel. Recruitment is very important for the success of a restaurant. Further work will depend on how much the manager selects the staff correctly. The manager must understand exactly what type of candidates is needed for a stable workforce capable of achieving high end results. Recently, due to the increased demand of visitors, restaurants are trying to improve the quality of food preparation and service. Accordingly, the needs of restaurants for highly qualified personnel are increasing.

Functions of managers. In this work, I paid great attention to studying the work of managers in the restaurant business. Based on my own experience and local practice, I would like to note that despite the large number of restaurants in Bishkek, there are very few restaurants where there are managers who comply with the requirements imposed on them.

The catering service is a service for the preparation, sale and organization of consumption of dishes and products of complex manufacture of all main groups from various types of raw materials, purchased goods and wine and vodka products, provided by qualified production and service personnel in conditions of an increased level of comfort in combination with the organization of leisure.

Vegetable workshop.

The vegetable shop is organized at an enterprise with a large and medium capacity.

The vegetable shop is located, as a rule, in the part of the enterprise where the vegetable chamber is located in order to transport raw materials, bypassing the general production corridors. The workshop should have a convenient connection with the cold and hot workshop.

The assortment and quantity of products depends on the production program of the enterprise. The equipment for the workshop is selected according to the equipment standards, depending on the capacity of the enterprise.

Plan of the vegetable shop.

1 - potato peeler

2 - product kit.

3 - washing bath

4 - table for cleaning

potatoes and root vegetables

5 - mobile shelving unit.

6 - vegetable cutting

7 - production table.

8 - table for cleaning


Hot shop plan.

1 - electric stove PESM-4Sh 2 - electric frying pan SESM-0.5 3 - electric frying cabinet 4 - deep fryer. FESM-20 5 - 2-burner electric stove. 6 - insert for heating equipment 7 - electric bain-marie MSESM-50. 8 - production table. 9 - universal drive PG-0.6 10 - table for installing small-scale mechanization equipment. 11 - cooled table SOESM-2. 12 - barbecue oven. 13 - mobile rack. 14 - food boiler KPE-100. 15 - electric boiler KRNE-100B. 16 - food boiler KPESM-60. 17 - mobile bath. 18 - refrigerating cabinet ШХ-0,4М. 19 - bain-marie counter for first courses. 20 - electric dispensing rack SRSM 21 - dispensing rack. 22 - a table with a built-in washing bath. 23 - sink.

Cold shop plan.

1- cold cabinet ШХ-0.8; 2- cold cabinet ШХ -0.6 3- production table. 4- section-table with a refrigerated cabinet and a slide SOESM-3 5- low-temperature counter СН-0,15. 6- section-table with a cooled cabinet SOESM-2; 7- front-movable rack. 8- washing tub VM-2SM 9- machine for cutting boiled vegetables 10- manual butter divider

Hot shop plan.

1 - electric stove PESM-4Sh 2 - electric frying pan SESM-0.5 3 - electric frying cabinet 4 - deep fryer. FESM-20 5 - 2-burner electric stove. 6 - insert for heating equipment 7 - electric bain-marie MSESM-50. 8 - production table. 9 - universal drive PG-0.6 10 - table for installing small-scale mechanization equipment. 11 - cooled table SOESM-2. 12 - barbecue oven. 13 - mobile rack. 14 - food boiler KPE-100. 15 - electric boiler KRNE-100B. 16 - food boiler KPESM-60. 17 - mobile bath. 18 - refrigerating cabinet ШХ-0,4М. 19 - bain-marie counter for first courses. 20 - electric dispensing rack SRSM 21 - dispensing rack. 22 - a table with a built-in washing bath. 23 - sink.

Annex 1

Annex 1.


1 - foyer. 2 - dressing room. 3 - security room. 4 - toilet rooms. 5 - bar, billiard room. 6 - hall. 7 - hot shop, 8 - shop for finalizing semi-finished products, 9 - washing shop, 10 - cold shop, 11 - vegetable shop, 12 - warehouse premises, 13 - personnel premises and those premises, 14 - administration,




    Description of the enterprise.

    Organization of supply and storage facilities for the restaurant.

    Manufacturing process documentation.

    Scientific organization of labor.

    Organization of production.

    Description of the event.




Food is the basis of human life. How a person eats depends on his health, mood, ability to work. Consequently, a person's nutrition is not only his personal, but also a public matter.

Catering establishments are equipped with mechanical, refrigeration and heating equipment with gas, electric and steam heating. In this regard, the technologist must know the equipment of public catering establishments and other technical disciplines. Knowledge of the economics of public catering is no less important for a technologist. It is impossible to achieve high labor productivity, improve the culture of service without knowing the basics of organizing public catering.

Public catering development:

    gives a significant economy of social labor due to a more rational use of technology, raw materials, materials;

    provides workers and employees with hot food during the working day, which increases their efficiency, preserves health;

    makes it possible to organize balanced rational nutrition in children's and educational institutions.

Increasing the efficiency of public catering is based on the principles of intensifying production common to the entire national economy - achieving high results with the lowest cost of material and labor resources.

1. Characteristics of the enterprise.

In accordance with GOST 50761-95 “Catering services. General requirements ”certain requirements are imposed on catering services. The public catering service is the result of the activities of enterprises and citizens-entrepreneurs to meet the needs of the consumer in food and leisure.

The Arcadia restaurant belongs to the "top" class restaurants. The hall is designed for 150 seats.

(restaurant plan annex 1)

The structure of the building includes: a trading hall, a billiard room, a bar, production premises, administrative premises, warehouses, amenity premises for staff, technical premises.

The production premises include; hot shop, cold shop, shop for finishing semi-finished products, vegetable shop, washing kitchen utensils, washing tableware.

Administrative premises include the office of the director, the accounting department, and the office of the head of production.

Amenity facilities include a changing room for staff, a shower room and toilet rooms.

The technical premises include ventilation, switchboard, heating unit.

The Arcadia restaurant has a neon light sign, and there is a lobby at the entrance to the restaurant. The lobby includes: a wardrobe, toilets, a security post.

The trading floor has a stage and a dance floor in front of it.

The interior of the hall is designed in blue and green colors. When decorating the hall, modern materials were used, as well as wood and fabrics. Superior furniture in accordance with the interior of the restaurant, tables have a soft cover. Soft armchairs with armrests.

D For the decoration of the hall and premises for consumers, refined and original decorative elements (lamps, draperies, paintings, etc.) are used.

The Arcadia restaurant offers everything that billiards fans need:

    First-class tournament-grade billiard tables;

    Great interior;

    Quiet, calm atmosphere conducive to good play;

    Cozy bar with a wide range of spirits and delicious home cooking;

    Discounts for regular customers.

To create an optimal microclimate, the restaurant has an air conditioning system.

The Arcadia restaurant is a public catering enterprise that provides consumers with a wide range of sophisticated dishes, mainly for individual orders, as well as wine and vodka, tobacco and confectionery products. The high level of service is combined with the organization of the rest of the visitors.

Leisure services include:

    organization of musical services;

    organization of concerts, programs, variety shows.

The Arcadia Restaurant organizes receptions, family celebrations, banquets, themed evenings.

Visitors are served by waiters, head waiter, bartenders, meals and drinks are prepared by highly qualified chefs. The service staff has uniforms and footwear of the same sample.

The Arcadia Restaurant offers lunches (business lunch) and dinners.

The restaurant has a convenient road access and a guarded parking lot.

2. Organization of supply and warehouse facilities for the restaurant.

In the restaurant "Arcadia" the delivery of products is handled by a freight forwarder. To provide the enterprise with food products, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

    What to buy;

    How much to buy;

    Who to buy from;

    On what conditions to purchase;

In addition, you must:

    Enter into a contract;

    Monitor the execution of the contract;

    Arrange delivery;

    Organize warehousing and storage.

These tasks are solved by the supply department of the restaurant. It works independently, performing its functions defined above. The company has a list of suppliers from whom products are constantly purchased, as well as purchases are made in markets and wholesalers.

The compiled list of suppliers is analyzed based on specific criteria. Often they are limited by the price and quality of the supplied products, as well as the reliability of supplies.

Other criteria to consider when choosing a supplier include the following:

    The remoteness of the supplier from the consumer;

    Terms of order fulfillment;

    Organization of quality management at the supplier;

The financial position of the supplier, its creditworthiness, etc.

Delivery of products is carried out in a centralized and decentralized way.

The centralized delivery of goods to enterprises is carried out by the forces and means of suppliers. With centralized delivery, the company is freed from the need to have its own transport.

With decentralized delivery, the export of goods from suppliers is provided directly by the enterprise itself, using its own transport.

Transport plays an important role in the movement of goods.

Transport drivers and freight forwarder in the process of movement of goods must ensure:

    Safety of cargo during transportation;

    Timely delivery of cargo;

    Compliance with the rules of loading and transportation of cargo;

    Efficient use of vehicles.

In the restaurant "Russian Trapeza" for each car designed for the carriage of products, there is a sanitary passport issued by the institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service.

The acceptance of goods in a catering enterprise is an important part of the technological process. Acceptance is carried out in two stages.

Products are obtained in terms of quantity and quality. The first stage is preliminary. Acceptance of products by quantity is carried out according to consignment notes, invoices, by recalculating containers, weighing. If the goods were received in a non-defective container, in addition to checking the gross weight, the company has the right to demand that the container be opened and the net weight checked. The second stage is final acceptance. The net weight and the number of trade items are checked simultaneously with the opening of the container. The tare weight is checked simultaneously with the acceptance of the goods.

If a shortage is detected, a unilateral act on the identified shortage is drawn up, this product is stored separately, its safety is ensured and the supplier is called. After the final acceptance, an act is drawn up in 3 copies.

Simultaneously with the acceptance of goods in terms of quantity, goods are also accepted in terms of quality.

Acceptance of goods in terms of quality is carried out organoleptically (in appearance, color, smell, taste). At the same time, they check compliance with standards, TU. The transport documents are accompanied by certificates or quality certificates.

To ensure the uninterrupted operation of production facilities for the sale of products in a sufficient range, taking into account the demand of consumers, commodity stocks are necessary.

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food dish menu public


1. Characteristics of the enterprise

1.1 Description of the investigated enterprise

1.2 Management of a catering establishment

2. Operational planning of the work of the structural unit

2.1 Calculation of the number of consumers

2.2 Determination of the number of dishes and drinks to be produced and sold

2.3 Breakdown of meals by assortment

2.4 Calculation of the amount of cold drinks, flour confectionery and bakery products, bread

2.5 Drawing up the settlement menu of the enterprise

2.6 Drawing up an enterprise menu plan

2.7 Calculation of the number of products, semi-finished products and finished products

2.8 Drawing up a table of the sale of dishes by the opening hours of the trading floor

2.9 Calculation of the number of production workers

2.10 Scheduling going to work

2.11 Calculation and selection of technological equipment

3. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the structural unit

4. Maintenance of accounting and reporting documentation

4.1 Drawing up a technical and technological map

4.2 Drawing up a calculation card for a dish

4.3 Drawing up a claim to the pantry

4.4 Drawing up an invoice for the issue of products and other material values

4.5 Drawing up a timesheet


List of sources used


Public catering is a branch of the national economy, the basis of which is made up of enterprises characterized by the unity of forms of organization of production and consumer services and differing in types of specialization.

Particular attention is paid to the Republican concept for the development of fast food enterprises for the period up to 2020 has been implemented for fast food enterprises in our country. The bistro is represented by both stationary and mobile enterprises, which are located, as a rule, in places of mass population flows, in the administrative centers of cities.

Mobile quick service enterprises, which are organized on the basis of Kupava trailers, are provided with products from large enterprises or culinary workshops of blank factories. Transportation of food is carried out in gastronomic containers of specially equipped transport.

Another type of fast food service, widespread not only in Western Europe and America, but also in our country, is McDonald's.

There is an increase in the number of catering facilities with the provision of such related services as the broadcasting of sports TV programs. The number of tea and coffee houses is also growing.

Over the past 15 years, the range of high-quality products has significantly expanded in the country, new ones, previously not used, have appeared, which has led to an increase in the range of dishes in retail outlets.

A restaurant is a special type of enterprise in which the organization of the production of a wide range of complex culinary products is combined with the organization of a high level of service for visitors in the sales areas of the restaurant.

The success of a restaurant depends on many factors, ranging from formulating a general philosophy of running the business to controlling how this philosophy is actually implemented.

In order for the concentration of the restaurant business to be successful, it must be designed with its potential visitors in mind. The profile of each restaurant is determined by its concept, and this concept determines its image, appealing to a specific market: everyday, formal, children's, adult only, ethnic, etc.

The concept should be suitable for the selected area and focus on the selected target market. In other words, the location of the restaurant, its concept, menu and design features must be harmonious and consistent with each other.

The purpose of this work is to study the organization of production in the cold shop of the restaurant "Orange mood".

The fulfillment of the research goal involves the solution of a number of interrelated tasks, namely:

Characteristics of the enterprise in question,

Disclosure of the organization of production and labor processes at the enterprise.

Object of research: restaurant "Orange mood".

1. Characteristics of the enterprise

1.1 Description of the investigated enterpriseLLC "ORANGEMOOD"

The type of ownership of the enterprise is a limited liability company (LLC).

The category of consumers of the restaurant includes citizens with an average income.

Service in the restaurant is combined with the organization of recreation and entertainment. Food preparation and service is carried out by highly qualified chefs and waiters. It is also possible to organize banquets and buffets.

For a restaurant, the coefficient of consumption of dishes is m = 3.0. The restaurant works on the 2nd column of the collection of recipes for culinary products.

The address of the enterprise: Udmurt Republic, Izhevsk, st. Revolutionary 217.

The Orange Mood restaurant is open from 10:00 to 18:00, Sunday is a day off.

The purpose of the enterprise is to meet public needs for works, goods and services.

The projected restaurant "Zhemchuzhina" for 80 seats is a specialized public catering enterprise, distinguished by the best equipment, serving, and interior design.

The enterprise has the following production workshops and premises:

· Lobby (including wardrobe, washrooms and restrooms).

· Hot shop.

· Cold shop.

· Meat and fish shop.

· Confectionary shop.

· Bakery shop.

· Washing utensils.

· Handout.

The restaurant belongs to enterprises with a full production cycle, i.e. carries out processing of raw materials, produces semi-finished products and finished products, and then sells them themselves.

The Orange Mood restaurant offers a wide range of specialties, a varied selection of customized and branded drinks.

The assortment of the restaurant includes: 7 appetizers and salads, 3 soups, 14 hot dishes, 7 side dishes, 3 sauces, 10 drinks, baked goods.

1.2 Enterprise management

Table 1- Personnel structure.

The general diagram of the organizational process is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1- General diagram of the organizational process.

The restaurant "Orange mood" includes the following premises: premises for visitors, production, warehouse, administrative and amenity.

The interrelation of premises at the enterprise is shown in Figure 1.2.

Figure 2 - Interconnection of premises: 1-hall, 2-toilet, 3-washing, 4- dispensing, 5- cold shop, 6- hot shop, 7-confectionery and bakery shop, 8- freezer, 9- changing room, 10- administrative premises, 11- warehouse, 12- service entrance.

The hot shop occupies a central place in the enterprise. It carries out heat treatment of products and semi-finished products, boil broths, prepare soups, sauces, side dishes, main courses, perform heat treatment of products for cold and dessert dishes. The shop has a convenient connection with the meat and fish shop, which is designed for the production of meat, fish, chicken semi-finished products. Also, the hot shop is expediently located in relation to the warehouses and to the cold shop, the dispensing and sales area, and washing tableware.

The layout of the retail space was made in the direction of the visitors' movement. It is possible to reduce their movement and ensure the evacuation of people in the event of a fire.

All entrances to production and warehouse premises are from the side of the utility yard, and to retail premises - from the street.

The great advantage of this object is that it was created literally from scratch according to a clearly defined plan, which means that all the premises were originally correctly designed. This also applied to the kitchen. Raw food and drinks are delivered to an unpacking room, where they are unloaded and distributed to refrigerators, a vegetable pantry, or a wine storage. The hot shop of the kitchen is located opposite these warehouses through the corridor, and no raw food rushes through it. This is followed by a dishwasher, a washing container and rooms for staff - a wardrobe, a bathroom and a shower.

The mutual arrangement of the main groups of premises provides the shortest connections between them without crossing the flow of visitors and service personnel, clean and used dishes, unloading of newly brought products and delivery of ready-made meals to the hall.

2. Operational planning of the work of the structural unit

2.1 Calculation of the quantity byconsumers

The number of consumers can be determined on the basis of the room load schedule for all types of EPP or on the turnover of one seat per day.

When determining the number of consumers according to the hall load schedule, the main data for scheduling are: the hours (mode) of the enterprise, the turnover of the place per hour and the percentage of the hall load by the hours of its work.

The number of consumers served for 1 hour of work of the enterprise is determined by the formula:

where, Nr - the number of consumers served for 1 hour of work;

P is the capacity of the hall;

F - turnover of a place in the hall during a given hour;

Nd. =? Nr, (2)

where, Nd is the total number of consumers.

The calculations are summarized in Table 1.

Table 1 - Schedule of the loading of the diner hall for 80 seats.

Trading floor opening hours

Hall turnover in 1 hour

Average% of hall load

Number of consumers per hour

Dish recalculation factor

We calculate the number of consumers according to the formula (1)

Shopping room

10-11 Nr = 1 * 25 * 80/100 = 20

11-12 Nr = 1 * 25 * 80/100 = 20

12-13 Nr = 1.5 * 60 * 80/100 = 72

13-14 Nr = 1.5 * 55 * 80/100 = 66

14-15 Nr = 1 * 50 * 80/100 = 40

15-16 Nr = 1 * 40 * 80/100 = 20

16-17 Nr = 1 * 30 * 80/100 = 24

17-18 Nr = 1 * 30 * 80/100 = 24

The total number of consumers is determined by the formula (2)

Nd. = 20 + 20 + 72 + 66 + 40 + 20 + 24 + 24 = 286 (consumers).

The dish recalculation factor is determined by the formula.

Let's calculate the coefficient of recalculation of dishes in table 1 according to the formula (3).

10-11 K = 20/286 = 0.06

11-12 K = 20/286 = 0.06

12-13 K = 72/286 = 0.25

13-14 K = 66/286 = 0.23

14-15 K = 40/286 = 0.13

15-16 K = 20/286 = 0.06

16-17 K = 24/286 = 0.08

17-18 K = 24/286 = 0.08

2.2 Determination of the number of dishes and drinks to be produced and sold

To determine the number of dishes, the following data are required: the number of consumers and the coefficient of consumption of dishes.

The total number of dishes is determined by the formula:

A days. = N d. * M, (4)

where, N д. - the number of visitors for each hour;

m is the coefficient of food consumption (sum of the coefficients of consumption of cold dishes, soups, second, hot dishes, sweet dishes and hot drinks).

In a cafe, the consumption coefficient is 3.

N = 286 * 3 = 858 (dishes).

2.3 Breakdown of dishes by assortment

The total number of dishes sold at the enterprise depends on its type of equipment and is determined by the formula:

N = n cold dishes + n second courses + n soups + n sweet dishes (5)

The breakdown of the total number of dishes into separate groups (cold dishes, soups, hot dishes, sweet ones) and the intra-group distribution of dishes by main products (fish, meat, vegetables, etc.) are made in accordance with the table of the percentage of different groups of dishes in the product range produced by the enterprise.

Table 2- Breakdown of dishes by assortment.

2.4 Calculation of the amount of cold drinks, flour confectionery and bakery products, bread

Bakery products - bakery products. Bakery products include: bread, bakery product, small-piece bakery product, low humidity product, pie, pie, donut.

Confectionery - high-calorie and easily digestible food products with a high sugar content, distinguished by a pleasant taste and aroma.

Cold drinks include: milk and milkshakes, bread kvass, fruit and berry soft drinks.

The amount of cold drinks, flour confectionery and bakery products, bread is determined according to the consumption rates per person. Using the calculations of the number of consumers of the enterprise.

Table 3 - Calculation of the amount of cold drinks, flour confectionery and bakery products, bread.

Based on the Collection of recipes, the assortment minimum and the data obtained from the previous tables, the settlement menu of the enterprise is compiled, which is its derivative program.

2.5 Drawing up the settlement menu of the enterprise

The essence of operational planning lies in the preparation of an enterprise program. The production manager and accountant are in charge of planning the production program.

The restaurant must approve a monthly turnover plan, on the basis of which the production program is drawn up.

Operational planning of production work includes the following elements:

· Drawing up a planned menu for a decade (cyclical menu), on its basis the development of a menu plan reflecting the production program of the enterprise; preparation and approval of the menu;

· Calculation of the need for products for the preparation of dishes provided for by the menu plan, and drawing up requirements for raw materials;

· Registration of a bill of lading for the release of products from the pantry in production and receipt of raw materials;

· Distribution of raw materials between workshops and definition of tasks for cooks in accordance with the menu plan.

The first stage of operational planning is the preparation of a planned menu, the presence of which makes it possible to ensure a variety of dishes in a decade, to avoid repetitions of the same dishes, to ensure a clear organization of the supply of raw materials and semi-finished products, timely sending applications to wholesale depots, industrial enterprises, to properly organize the technological process cooking and labor of production workers. The planned menu indicates the assortment and the number of dishes of each item that can be prepared at the given enterprise on days of the decade. When drawing up a planned menu, the qualifications of chefs, consumer demand, the possibility of supplying raw materials and the seasonality of raw materials, and the technical equipment of the enterprise are taken into account.

The second and main stage of operational planning is the preparation of a plan-menu by the production manager on the eve of the planned day (no later than 3 pm) and its approval by the director of the enterprise.

The calculated menu is a list of names of dishes with an indication of the output of the finished dish and the amount of the dish. A menu is compiled according to collections of recipes for dishes and other literature, taking into account:

· Type of enterprise;

· Contingent;

· National characteristics of seasonality;

· Methods of heat treatment;

Variety of assortment

The menu can be:

· With a free choice of dishes;

· Packed breakfasts, lunches and dinners;

· Daily ration menu;

· Dietary menu;

· banquet menu

The main factors that must be taken into account when drawing up the menu include: the approximate range of products, the type of diet provided, the availability of raw materials.

An approximate assortment of dishes (assortment minimum) is a certain number of names of cold dishes and drinks typical for a restaurant.

When drawing up a menu plan, it is necessary to take into account the availability of raw materials in the pantries. Dishes and snacks included in the menu should be varied both in the types of raw materials and in the methods of heat treatment (boiled, stewed, fried, stewed, baked); the qualification structure of employees, production capacity and equipment of its trade and technological equipment are also taken into account, as well as the labor intensity of dishes, i.e. time spent on preparation of a unit of production.

When approving the menu plan, the director and production manager are responsible for ensuring that the dishes included in the menu are on sale throughout the entire day of the company's trade.

The breakdown of the total number of dishes by type (cold, first, second, second, sweet) and by assortment (fish, meat, vegetable, etc.) is made in accordance with the percentage of different types of dishes in the product range.

Table 4- Plan-menu of the enterprise.

Dish recipe number

Name of the dish


Cold meals and snacks

Cabbage salad with crab sticks

Herring under a fur coat

Mimosa salad"

Caesar salad with chicken"

Wedding salad

Vegetable slides

Imperial salad

Meat solyanka

Vegetable puree soup

Hot dishes

Boiled pork

Pork kebab

French meat

Albanian chicken

Roast beef with mushrooms

Chicken chop with cheese

Beef Goulash

Mexican pork chop

Chicken pockets with pineapple

Charcoal salmon

Pink salmon in Leningrad

Perch with vegetables


Beef kebab

Hot, cold drinks

Assorted tea bags

Espresso coffee

Coffee "Americano

Cappuccino coffee

Packaged coffee 3 in 1

Black packaged coffee

Cranberry juice

Min. Assorted water

Assorted juice

Coca Cola

Flour confectionery

Vanilla bun

Bun with nuts

Butter bun with fondant

Bun "Pink"

Bun with cream

Autumn bun

Meat loaf

Roll with poppy seeds

2.6 Drawing up a plan-menu of the enterprise

Depending on the type of catering establishment and the form of service, menus are divided into the following types:

· Menu with a free choice of dishes;

· Menu for banquets and special services (weddings, anniversaries);

· Complex breakfasts, lunches and dinners; menu of lunch (duty) dishes.

Restaurants usually use a menu with a free choice of dishes; a type of such menu is the à la carte menu, which provides a wide selection of specialty and customized dishes, snacks, first and second courses, hot drinks and pastries.

Menu plan. OP-2 form is a document intended for drawing up a daily menu at an enterprise, organization or other institution, regardless of the specifics of its activities. The unified form OP-2 displays the necessary products intended for the preparation of a specific number of dishes.

The document is drawn up in a single copy a few days before the preparation of a particular dish. The menu plan indicates the full name of the prepared dish, the number according to special cards or the Collection of recipes, as well as the number of dishes scheduled for preparation.

The plan-menu is the production program of enterprises with a full production cycle and preparatory ones. The main factors that need to be considered when drawing up a menu plan include:

An approximate range of products typical for this type of enterprise;

Seasonality of raw materials;

The ratio of the assortment in each group of dishes;

Consumer demand for the products of enterprises.

The menu plan must indicate:

The name of the dish, indicating its main ingredients and the method of preparation;

Output of one portion of a dish or product;

The number of servings of each type and name of dishes.

Appendix 1 presents the restaurant menu.

2.7 Calculation of the number of products, bydumplings and finished products

The basis for calculating products is the menu plan. The daily amount of products is determined by the formula:

where, G is the number of products of this type, kg

g n - product norm per one dish according to the Collection of recipes,

n is the number of dishes sold by the enterprise per day.

The enterprises operating on semi-finished products receive semi-finished products of various degrees of readiness and culinary products. For such enterprises, they calculate the required amount of semi-finished products and culinary products, but not the products that are spent on their manufacture.

After calculating the quantity of products, in all cases, a consolidated product list is drawn up and a demand for a warehouse is drawn up.

Table 5- Calculation of the number of products, semi-finished products and finished products.

Name of products

Recipe No.

Recipe No.

Total gross, kg

Herring under a fur coat

salad "Vegetable slides"

for 1 serving

for 1 serving


Salted cucumbers

2.8 Drawing up a table of the sale of dishes by the opening hours of the trading floor

When organizing a cold shop, a schedule is drawn up for the sale of cold and sweet dishes, drinks of our own production.

The table of realization of dishes is a schedule of sales for all dishes and drinks according to the menu, except for bakery and confectionery products.

The basis for compiling this calculation is the hall load schedule and the calculation menu. The number of dishes sold for each hour of operation of the enterprise is determined by the formula:

where, n h - the number of dishes sold in 1 hour of work,

n. D - the number of dishes sold for the whole day (from the calculated menu),

K is the conversion factor for a given hour.

Table 6- Sales of dishes by hours of loading of the trading floor.

Name of dishes by type

Number of meals per day

Trading floor opening hours

Dish recalculation factor

Cold dishes

Hot dishes

Sweet food and drinks

2.9 Calculation of the number of production workers

The number of production workers in workshops can be determined according to the norms of time (for cold and hot shops), according to the norms of time (for blank shops), taking into account the working time fund of one worker for a certain period and the production program of the shop for the same period

The number of production workers according to the norms of time is determined by the formula:

R1 =? N * t / T * 3600 * l (9)

where, R1 is the number of production workers, people

n-number of products per day in pieces, kg., dishes.

t-time norm for the manufacture of a unit of a product.

l-coefficient taking into account the growth of labor productivity (1.14)

T is the working hours of each employee (11.5).

R1 = 35 * 15 / 11.5 * 3600 * 1.14 = 1 (person)

The total number of production workers, taking into account weekends and holidays, vacations, sick days, is determined by the formula:

where, К 1 - coefficient taking into account weekends and holidays (1.32 and 1.59).

2.10 Compositionscheduling of going to work

In order to establish a work schedule, each enterprise draws up schedules for going to work. Correctly working and adhered to the work and rest regime at the enterprise ensure an increase in the productivity of workers, significantly reduce injuries and morbidity, and increase the culture of production. When drawing up a schedule, the effective working time is calculated first, i.e. the time that each cook must work in a calendar month. The calculation is made according to the formula:

E eff = [K - (P + B)] * T cm, (11)

where, E eff - effective fund of working time;

K is the number of calendar days;

P. - the number of holidays;

B - the number of days off;

T cm - the duration of the work shift.

E eff = * 9 = 216 hours.

Then, a schedule is drawn up for the chefs of the workshop to start working for a month.

Appendix 2 provides a timetable for starting work.

2.11 Calculation and selection of technological equipment

The area of ​​cold shops is regulated by SNiPs, which indicate the recommended parameters, which depend on the types of catering facilities and production capacity. It should ensure the organization of production in compliance with all technological requirements, allow placing all the necessary equipment and create comfortable working conditions for the service personnel. The cold shop is located on any floor, except for the underground one, next to the dining room, to which finished products are sent, and the kitchen, from where the main raw materials come from.

The height of the room must be at least 3 meters. Walls, floors and ceilings are finished with hygienic materials that maintain a high level of sanitation.

The cold shop must be supplied with: sewerage, cold and hot water, heating. Ventilation and system and power supply with voltages of 220 and 380 W. Particular attention is paid to lighting, where the main one should be natural, and the additional one should be artificial. In summer, to maintain the temperature in the room no higher than 18. ° C, it is necessary to provide an air conditioner.

The selection of mechanical equipment for the cold shop is carried out in accordance with the "Standards for equipping public catering establishments with trade, technological and refrigeration equipment" (Order of the USSR Ministry of Labor of 11/26/1971 No. 187), depending on the type of enterprise, its mode of operation, the typical maximum load of the trading floor during hours " peak ”, as well as forms of service. The selection is carried out with an indication of the productivity of the machines and the number of units of each type.

According to the above principles, I select the following equipment for the cold shop of the enterprise:

Cold shop neutral equipment:

To begin with, these are staff workplaces, that is, neutral and refrigerated tables, with sinks, pedestals and without . In addition, in any workshop there will certainly be racks and shelves for storing inventory, removable parts of equipment, spices, for temporary placement of portioned dishes, etc., freeing up space on the tables.

Tables, tables-pedestals, tables with a sink .

Chef's workplace - production table , designed for cutting and processing products - does not differ in a wide variety of characteristics, but still, the choice of this table is very important. It is important what material it is made of (the tabletop is usually made of food grade stainless steel). Otherwise, the variations of this type of equipment relate mainly to the size, the presence of a rear edge (with a wall location) or its absence (central location), as well as the presence / absence of additional devices, such as a washing bath, shelf, grate and cabinet (with doors compartment and shelves, drawers, etc.).


1. Universal drive PU - 0.6 - 1pc.

2. Bread slicer MXR - 200 - 1pc.

3. Butter-separating manual RDM - 5 - 1 pc.

4. Machine for cutting boiled vegetables MROV - 160 - 1pc.

5. Machine for cutting gastronomic products MRG - 300A 1pc.

6. Here are the technical characteristics of the equipment:

The calculation of production tables is carried out by the number of chefs working simultaneously in the workshop in the maximum shift according to the formula:

Ј = l. * K p. (m), (12)

where, Ј is the linear length of production tables (m);

l is the norm of the linear length of the table per 1 worker (m);

Kr - the largest number of chefs working at the same time in the workshop

(taken from the go-to-work schedule).

Ј = 1.25 * 5 = 6.25 (m).

When designing a cold shop, we accept for installation:

1) Table with a refrigerated cabinet and a slide SOESM - 3 - 1 pc. (length 1.68 m)

Table with built-in washing tub SPM-1500 - 1 pc. (length 1.5 m)

Production table SPMM-1500 - 2 pcs. (length 1.5 m)

Non-mechanical: using the order of the Ministry of Trade of the USSR dated 9.11.73 No. 38 "Standards for equipping public catering establishments with dishes, cutlery, furniture and kitchen utensils", the following non-mechanical equipment was selected:

Table 7 - Non-mechanical equipment of the cold shop of the restaurant for 80 seats.



Fillet knife

Gastronomic knife (sausage)

Ham slicing knife

Double-handled knife for slicing butter and cheese

Kitchen knife

Butter knife

Knife Fork

Manual tomato cutter

Egg cutter

Butter scraper

Cutting board

Manual juicer

Shovel - knife for jellied dishes

Shelves SP-230 (accepted without calculation based on the convenience of work)

Washing bath VMSM-1 (accepted without calculation based on the convenience of work)

Using the order of the Ministry of Trade of the USSR dated 09.11.1973 No. 38 "Standards for equipping public catering establishments with dishes, cutlery, furniture and kitchen utensils", the following inventory, containers and kitchen utensils were selected:

Table 8 - Container, inventory and kitchen utensils of the industrial enterprise canteen for 80 seats.



Side dish slide

Jellied Trays

Forms for pates, aspic and sweet dishes

Spatulas for serving portions

Spatulas-knives for laying out jellied dishes

Devices for unfolding dishes:

Salad cutlery

Canned fruit appliance

Pliers for serving portions

Pots of different sizes

Salad bowls

3. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the structural unit

The efficiency of the structural unit is determined by calculating the planned turnover, cost, gross income, profit from the sale of products of its own production.

Trade turnover is the most important indicator characterizing the economic activity of trade and public catering enterprises. It is an estimated indicator of public catering trade enterprises, a measure of the effectiveness of their activities.

The cost of raw materials in public catering is the cost of our own production.

The costs of production and circulation of catering establishments are determined without the cost of raw materials used to prepare products.

Profit - acts as an increase in income from the sale of goods (services) over the costs incurred.

Net profit after income tax remains at the complete disposal of the company.

Profitability is an indicator of the effectiveness of one-time operating costs. In general terms, profitability is determined by the ratio of profit to one-time investments and current costs due to which this profit was obtained. Distinguish between "production profitability" and "product profitability".

Table 9 - Calculation of the cost of raw materials in the cold shop.

Product name

Number of products required, kg

Price for 1 kg of product, rub.

Cost of raw materials for a daily production program

Canned green peas

Chicken eggs


Fresh table carrots

Ground tomatoes

Bulgarian pepper

Dutch cheese

Refined sunflower oil

Thus, the cost of raw materials is CC = 323.84 rubles.

Table 10. The results of financial and economic activities of the cold shop of the enterprise "Orange mood"

The average mark-up for self-produced products is 100%

1. The daily turnover of the cold shop is determined as a result of the addition of the prices of all sold dishes, drinks and products per day.

T = 35 * 340 = 12138 rubles.

2. The planned gross income of the cold shop is determined by the formula:

VD = T - SS, (13)

where, VD - gross income, rubles.

CC - the cost of raw materials, rubles.

VD = 12138-323.84 = 11814.16 rubles.

3. The planned profit from the sale of products of own production is determined by the formula:

P = VD - I, (14)

where, P. - profit from the sale of products of its own production, rubles. VD - gross income, rubles.

And - the cost of production and circulation, rubles.

P = 11814.16 - 5409 = 6405.16 rubles.

4. Profitability of sales is determined by the formula:

R. = P. / T * 100%, (15)

where, Р - profitability of sales,%.

P - profit from the sale of products of own production, rubles.

T - daily turnover, rubles.

P = 6405.16 / 12138 * 100 = 52.76%

4. Maintenance of accounting and reporting documentation

All business transactions carried out by the organization, in accordance with Article 9 of Federal Law No. 402-FZ "On Accounting", must be formalized with supporting documents. These documents are primary documents on the basis of which accounting is kept.

Based on the calculation of the need for raw materials, the following documents are drawn up: flow charts, technical and technological charts, a costing chart, a demand for a pantry, an invoice for the release of goods.

4.1 Drawing up a technical and technological map

Technical and technological maps are developed for new and specialty dishes and culinary products - those that are developed and sold at this enterprise and its branches.

The period of validity of the TTK is determined by the enterprise itself.

Appendix 3. Technical and technological map for grilled pork loin.

4.2 Drawing up a calculation card for a dish

The calculation of prices is drawn up in the calculation cards of the established form (Form OP-1) separately for each type of dish. You can make a calculation for one or a hundred dishes.

The sales price can be calculated in different ways, depending on the method of generating the sales price.

1. An assortment of dishes is compiled according to the menu plan, for which it is necessary to make a calculation.

2. The norms for the investment of raw materials for each dish are established on the basis of a collection of recipes or technical and technological maps.

3. The sale prices for raw materials are determined on the basis of receipt documents.

4. The selling price of the dish is established by adding the cost of the raw material set and the markup in monetary terms.

5. The output of the dish is indicated.

6. In the pricing card, the sales price is valid until the components of the raw material set or the price of raw materials and products are changed.

Appendix 4. Calculation card for grilled pork loin.

4.3 Drawing up a claim to the pantry

The requirement (Form OP-3) is used to determine the release of the required amount of products from the pantry. It is compiled in one copy, taking into account the need for raw materials (products) for the coming day and the remainder of raw materials in production (kitchen) at the beginning of the day. On the basis of the requirement, an invoice for the release of goods is issued.

Appendix 5. Requirement for the pantry.

4.4 Drawing up an invoice for the issue of products and other material values

Invoice for the release of goods in the OP-4 form is used for registration

the release of products (goods) and containers from the organization's pantry to production (kitchen), buffets, small retail chain, as well as with a one-time release of finished products from the kitchen to branches, buffets, small retail chain, distribution, if it is separated from the main production. Form code OKUD 03300504.

The invoices are issued based on the requirements in the pantry. The waybill is drawn up in two copies. One copy remains with the financially responsible person who receives the goods, the other, together with the goods report, is submitted to the accounting department.

The invoice is signed by the head of production and approved by the head of the organization.

Appendix 6. Invoice for the release of goods.

4.5 Drawing up a timesheet

A timesheet is a document that contains

information on the actual hours worked and the number of absences per month for each employee of the organization. On its basis, the calculation and calculation of wages is carried out.

If the time sheet is kept manually, the standard form T-12 is used, if the control of attendance - non-attendance is carried out automatically (turnstile) - use the form T-13.

The procedure for filling out the timesheet.

The time sheet is kept every day during the month, on the last day of the month the total number of hours worked and absences by each employee is summed up.

This document is drawn up in one copy and transferred to the accounting department.

The time sheet and the calculation of wages (form T-12) are filled in in the following order:

Completing the timesheet begins with the legal name of the organization in the header paragraph of the first page. If an enterprise or firm has differentiation by department, then the section "Structural unit" is filled in.

The columns "Document number", "Date of compilation" and "Reporting period" indicate the serial number of the form according to the document flow of the enterprise and data in accordance with the period according to which the sample is filled out.

The table for filling in the main indicators is on the second page of the timesheet. It has its own line for each employee, and the data is entered by:

1. The names of the corresponding columns:

2. Number in order;

3. Information from the employee's personal card;

4. Indicators of time costs (the type of costs is designated by the corresponding code, the line below prescribes the duration in hours, minutes);

5. The time worked by the employee in days and hours, respectively, in the upper and lower lines.

Registration of indicators that follow in the line in order is possible only at the end of the accounting period after summing up, when the total amount of time worked in days and hours is known. In this case, working time is taken into account, minus business trips and days off, absenteeism, sick leave and is filled in in the sequence:

The total number of days worked.

If any, no attendance with a reason code designation.

The total number of days off the employee.

The following columns contain information about the type of payment and corresponding accounts for each employee and for the entire team of the department.

The tables on the third and fourth pages of the form are intended to be filled out by accounting employees.

The accounting of the use of working time prepared in a single copy is checked by the head of the unit and a representative of the personnel department. After certification with signatures, the time sheet is transferred to the accounting department.


Food enterprises play an important role in the life of human society. The successful operation of an enterprise depends on many factors. Like any complex system, a catering enterprise begins with the intention of its creator and ends with control and its functioning.

It can be concluded that the designed cold shop meets the architectural, planning, technological, constructive, special engineering solution. As well as the detailed layout of the cold shop in the Orange mood restaurant meets all the requirements of technological planning.

All equipment in the workshop is placed according to the technological process. Workplaces are organized in accordance with the technological process. The arrangement of the equipment is correct, the preparation of workplaces, as well as the equipping of the necessary equipment, utensils, ensures the supply of raw materials during the shift and the smooth execution of work. This workshop can be used for its direct purpose and carry out all the necessary technological processes in it without any harm.

In this course work, I calculated the cold shop of the restaurant, its equipment and inventory, the staff of chefs and the daily dress, the layout of the restaurant with its reflection in the drawing. The work performed allowed me to understand all the intricacies of restaurant design, to learn all the complexity and laboriousness of this activity, and most importantly, it made me imbued with a sense of responsibility for the accurate and thorough calculations necessary for the future accurate and smooth operation of the restaurant.

Work is also important because it allows future leaders to feel responsibility for their work, for the personnel, for the entrusted material values.

List of sources used

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Public catering is a branch of the national economy, the basis of which is made up of enterprises producing culinary products, characterized by the unity of forms of organizations for production and consumer services and differing in types, specialization, and premium categories. The main directions of development of public catering at the present stage include: ensuring, in accordance with scientifically grounded norms, the needs of workers in food at the place of work (at industrial enterprises, in institutions); development of a network of catering establishments in secondary schools, colleges, higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, a network of dietetic canteens, fast food outlets, shops, culinary establishments to provide the population with semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products for home consumption, and leisure activities.

The improvement of production organizations in public catering is associated with the introduction of industrial technology for the production of semi-finished products and culinary products of a high degree of readiness on the basis of relatively large procurement enterprises of the public catering system and food industry enterprises and an integrated purposeful supply of these products to canteens, restaurants, cafes, snack bars, and culinary stores.

The specificity of the industry lies in the maximum provision of services to public catering enterprises of various groups of the population, which is achieved with the maximum proximity of enterprises directly to consumers.

The social forms of the enterprise of the division of labor in public catering include specialization, concentration and cooperation of production. Concentration in public catering refers to the process of concentration of the means of production, workers in enterprises or workshops of high capacity.

Specialization provides for the organization of production in specialized enterprises or workshops intended for the production of a certain homogeneous range of products (confectionery, flour, culinary products, semi-finished products).

Concentration and specialization of production presuppose the establishment of organizationally and economically justified production links between enterprises that jointly manufacture certain products, that is, cooperation.

Industrialization acts as the main direction in organizing the production of public catering products at the present stage.

In the field of improving the processes of organizing production, the basis is the industrialization of public catering, which should be understood as the centralized organization of the production of semi-finished products of a high degree of readiness and ready-to-consume culinary products on the basis of procurement enterprises using mechanized treacle, auto-mechanized lines and other types of effective equipment,

Industrialization assumes that the bulk of public catering enterprises with halls function as prepackaging enterprises, where the main production function is to bring products to a state of culinary readiness in order to further sell consumption.

Scientific and technological progress is the most important source of growth in labor productivity, improving product quality.

Achievements of scientific and technological progress contribute to resource conservation, a decrease in material and energy consumption of products, an increase in the efficiency of capital investments and fixed assets. The introduction of the achievements of the scientific and technical process in public catering should be considered as a complex task associated with the main functions performed by the enterprises of the industry.

The main directions of scientific and technological progress, ensuring the efficiency of organizing the processes of sale and consumption, provide for:

Introduction of means of dispensing equipment for mechanized lines for picking and distributing complex food rations (for a free choice of dishes) and corresponding sets of dispensing equipment (when serviced by waiters). The dispensing equipment includes mobile cooking kettles, mobile heating cabinets and food warmers, trolleys with a squeeze device for dishes.

Production and widespread introduction of equipment for the preparation and dispensing of products at specialized fast food enterprises.

The widespread use of vending machines for the sale of various groups of goods and the organization of specialized cafes (snack bars) machines that provide a high throughput of enterprises, especially in places where potential consumers are most concentrated.

The organization of mechanized washing departments that ensure the use of effective means for the transportation and processing of used tableware and utensils in large enterprises.

Use of tableware and disposable appliances at catering establishments.

Technical progress in the industry is associated with the need to use electronic computers for the analysis and planning of economic activities to determine the energy value of products and their initial quality for the preparation of ready-made food rations, components and the delivery of ready-made meals.

1. Characteristics of public catering establishments

A public catering enterprise is understood as a trade and production unit (canteen, restaurant, cafe, snack bar, bar, etc.) that performs the functions of providing the population with food (production of culinary products, their sale and organization of consumption in the form of a complete diet of dishes or their types) , as well as organizing the leisure of the population.

The peculiarity of the activities of public catering enterprises is that the processes of production, sale and organization of consumption are organically linked and, as a rule, coincide in time. It is in the unity of production and organization of consumption that the specific feature of public catering, its functional purpose, lies.

At the same time, public catering enterprises must solve the main task - to most fully satisfy the needs of the population in food products in accordance with the requirements of a scientifically grounded balanced diet.

The difference between retail trade in food products and public catering is that trade sells products and goods, and public catering organizes their consumption.

Public catering enterprises, due to the specifics of the products sold, as a rule, deal with direct consumers (with the exception of certain cases of selling meals at home). Stores (departments) of culinary perform the same functions as trade enterprises.

The functions and characteristics of the production of public catering enterprises may vary depending on the level of development of the industrial base, including the food industry, which produces products for the supply of public catering enterprises. In this regard, in the future, it is possible to preserve two functions: implementation and organization of consumption. Nowadays, such functions are inherent in distribution enterprises as well.

The activities of public catering enterprises are characterized by the following conditions:

the range of manufactured and sold products directly depends on the nature of consumer demand, and it has its own specific characteristics at manufacturing enterprises (depending on the intensity of labor), in educational institutions, recreation, sports and tourism;

demand for products and services of public catering and its changes depend on the season, time of day, days of the week. For example, in the summer, the demand for vegetable dishes, cold soups, soft drinks and ice cream increases.

In addition, the demand in cities and towns is influenced by age and demographic composition, regional or national characteristics.

A characteristic feature of products manufactured at public catering enterprises is their short storage time. Therefore, the preparation of ready-made meals and culinary products should be carried out in relatively small batches, taking into account the sales schedules. When servicing stable contingents (at industrial enterprises, in institutions, educational institutions, sanatoriums, boarding houses, etc.), planning the rhythm in the sale of products is possible, in all other cases, the organization of rhythmic work is complicated by the fact that the flow of consumers at public catering enterprises is uneven not only in days of the week, but also hourly throughout the day.

The activities of public catering enterprises are associated with the need to strictly take into account the sanitary and hygienic requirements for the organization of production and technological processes: compliance with the commodity neighborhood when storing products, eliminating the intersection of technological flows of finished products and semi-finished products, clean and used utensils, creating optimal lighting conditions at workplaces, device effective ventilation systems in rooms and at every workplace. The production and sale of culinary products consumed by the population requires constant sanitary control over the quality of products, compliance by each employee of the enterprise with sanitary rules established by health authorities.

Catering enterprises, in accordance with their target functions, are divided into two main groups: enterprises directly related to serving the population, which have halls in their composition, and enterprises for the centralized production of semi-finished products, culinary, flour and confectionery products (procurement enterprises), intended to supply these products to a network of enterprises serving the population.

The variety of public catering establishments is given by their classification, which is based on the following features: served contingents; assortment of products sold and types of services for the population; volume and nature of services; level of comfort and quality of service; forms of organization of production; frequency (timing) of functioning throughout the year; degree of mobility (place of operation); a way of placing enterprises in buildings.

Depending on the purpose in the service system, enterprises are divided into enterprises serving organized (stable) contingents (working in industrial enterprises and institutions; students of secondary schools, secondary and higher educational institutions; vacationers in rest homes, boarding houses, sanatoriums, etc.), and public enterprises that directly serve residents and guests of cities and towns during their stay within the availability of the respective enterprises. Public catering establishments at city and village hotels, cultural institutions, sports facilities, leisure centers, etc. are also generally accessible.

According to the range of culinary products and types of services provided to consumers, there are universal and specialized enterprises.

Universal enterprises carry out the production and sale of a varied assortment of dishes that provide a complete diet (breakfasts, lunches, dinners) or one of its types, as well as organize leisure activities in the evenings, weekends and holidays (restaurants, cafes, snack bars). Specialized enterprises carry out the production and sale (or only sale) of a homogeneous assortment of dishes and drinks (snack bars - dumplings, sausages, flour, pancakes, fish; cafes - ice cream, confectionery, etc.) or serve a certain contingent of visitors (cafes - youth, children, theatrical, family leisure, etc.).

In accordance with the volume and nature of services, the level of comfort and quality of service, enterprises are divided into five extra charge categories: luxury, higher, I, II, III. Luxury enterprises (as a rule, restaurants) are characterized by a wide selection of custom-made and specialty dishes of complex preparation, the maximum level of service comfort, a unique architectural and artistic solution of the interior of the premises for visitors (lobby, entrance hall, hall, bar). The highest category includes restaurants, cafes, bars, and other enterprises that are distinguished by the complexity of the assortment of prepared products, a high level of organization of customer service and the architectural and artistic design of the lobby, halls, and other service premises. Category I includes restaurants, cafes and pastry shops, cafes with special programs (youth, theatrical, literary, etc.), specialized snack bars, bars and buffets at leisure centers and cultural and sports institutions (cinemas, theaters, stadiums, etc.). Category II includes public canteens (including dietary ones), cafes organized in the evening on the basis of canteens, specialized snack bars, stationary buffets. Category III - canteens, buffets, cafes, snack bars at industrial enterprises, institutions, educational institutions.

On the basis of the frequency (timing) of functioning during the year, enterprises are subdivided into permanently (year-round) operating and seasonal, operating only during certain periods of the year. Seasonal enterprises, as a rule, are organized in resort towns, recreation areas of cities and towns, on highways. Year-round businesses can also increase their capacity with seasonal seats. A seasonal network can be created by any type of enterprise, depending on specific conditions.

According to the degree of mobility, catering enterprises can be stationary, associated with a permanent place of operation, and movement - auto-table, auto-cafe, auto-buffets, restaurant cars, ship restaurants.

All public catering enterprises by the forms of production organization, depending on the type of the main initial products used for the production of ready-made meals and products, are subdivided into precooking, working on semi-finished products of a high degree of readiness, dispensing, working on ready-made dishes and products; as well as enterprises using raw materials (with a complete production cycle). When forming a network of public catering establishments in cities and towns, all catering establishments in towns and villages, all catering establishments of direct service according to the form of organization of production should be provided for by pre-procurement. Distribution enterprises are organized, as a rule, to serve small stable contingents in manufacturing enterprises, institutions and educational institutions. Enterprises with a complete cycle (for raw materials) can be created in cases of temporary absence of a centralized production base, as well as in hard-to-reach areas, on highways, in suburban recreation areas, etc.

According to their functional purpose, types of services provided, specific forms and methods of service, composition and areas of premises, enterprises are divided into the following types: canteen, restaurant, cafe and snack bar.

The restaurant is the most comfortable catering enterprise in which catering is combined with relaxation. The restaurant provides consumers with a wide assortment of dishes, drinks, complex confectionery products. The restaurant menus include a la carte and specialties, drinks, pastries. Specialties should reflect the peculiarities of the national cuisine, the thematic focus of the enterprise. Some of them are served by waiters with final preparation operations in the presence of consumers. If appropriate products are available in production, orders for the production of dishes that are not included in the menu are accepted.

For restaurants of the luxury category and the highest category, tableware and utensils are made mainly according to individual orders; porcelain dishes must bear the logo of the restaurant. In restaurants of the luxury and higher categories, metal dishes and cutlery made of stainless steel of an increased cut group are used, and in restaurants of categories 1 and 2, they are made of stainless steel. When serving banquets and receptions in restaurants of the luxury category and the highest category, they use metal dishes and cutlery made of cupronickel, and crystal glassware.

Table linen (tablecloths, napkins) are used in white or color, taking into account the artistic idea of ​​table setting and the characteristics of the interior of the hall. It is allowed to use various types of hand finishing (lace, embroidery). In restaurants of categories 1 and 2, instead of tablecloths on tables with a polyester surface, individual linen napkins can be used for serving. Furniture for luxury restaurants is made according to individual orders, and for other enterprises they are selected in accordance with the interior of the halls. Two-, four- and six-seater tables with soft cover (square, rectangular, round or oval), soft armchairs or chairs, utility tables, sideboards for waiters, etc. matching the name of the restaurant.

Service is provided by waiters, head waiter, specially trained bartenders, and meals and drinks are prepared by highly qualified chefs. In restaurants serving foreign tourists, employees must speak one of the foreign languages ​​to the extent necessary to perform their duties. Service personnel must have a uniform uniform of clothing and footwear.

Restaurants provide consumers, as a rule, with lunches and dinners, and when serving participants in congresses, meetings, conferences, a full diet. On pre-holiday Saturdays or Sundays, restaurants organize family dinners, tastings of national cuisine, theme nights, serve weddings, anniversary celebrations, and friendly meetings.

They provide restaurants and additional services: vacation of dinners for scrap, sale of semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products, acceptance of pre-orders for the preparation of meals for family celebrations and service of guests at home, consultation of the population on the technology of cooking and table setting.

In restaurants of the luxury category (at hotels), in restaurants of the highest and 1 categories, complex breakfasts and lunches are served in the daytime. In addition, consumers are provided with a varied assortment of meals and snacks not included in these lunches and breakfasts. In the evening, concert and variety performances, performances of musical ensembles are organized.

Luxury restaurants can be located in the locations of historical and architectural monuments, protected areas, in resorts, in administrative and entertainment complexes. Such restaurants are distinguished by a special architectural and planning solution and provide consumers with the maximum level of comfort.

Restaurants of the highest category are located in public and administrative buildings, entertainment complexes, in resorts, in a hotel of the highest category, at purchased air terminals, and restaurants of the 1st category in public, administrative and entertainment complexes, in resorts, in hotels, at stations and water jetties.

Calculated part

Determination of the capacity and production program of the enterprise.

The calculation of the number of visitors is determined by the formula:

where N is the number of consumers P is the number of seats

S is the turnover rate per seat in the visitors' hall per day S = 7 people

N = 50 * 7 = 350 people

We determine the number of dishes sold per day using the formula:

n = N * m,

where n is the number of dishes per day m is the coefficient of food consumption

catering assortment production dish

m = mcold. + + m second bl. + msl.

2,8 0,4 0,75 1 0.65

n = 350 * 2.8 = 980 dishes

980 - 2.8 xhol. = 980 * 0.4 / 2.8 = 140 dishes

xhol. - 0.4 980 - 3 xhol. = 980 * 0.75 / 2.8 = 263 dishes .. - 0.6 980 - 2.8 xhol. = 980 * 1 / 2.8 = 350 dishes .. - 1

980 - 2.8 xhol. = 980 * 0.65 / 2.8 = 228 dishes

hsl .. - 0.65

Percentage of meals for a canteen in a manufacturing enterprise:

Cold dishes: fish -25% meat -30% vegetable -35% milk and fermented milk -10%

Soups: filling -75% transparent -15% milk, cold, sweet - 10%

Second hot dishes: fish -20% meat -55% vegetable -5% cereals -10% sweet and hot - 10%

Let's calculate the number of dishes:

Cold dishes:

140 - 100% Rip. = 140 * 55/100 = 77 dishes

756 - 100% Khmeats. = 756 ∙ 30/100 = 227 dishes

756 - 100% Hov. = 756 ∙ 35/100 = 265 dishes

756 - 100% Hov. = 756 ∙ 10/100

Khkisl. - ten%

First meal:

504 - 100% X = 504 ∙ 15/100 = 76 dishes

Xproz. - 15%

504 - 100% X = 504 ∙ 75/100 = 378 dishes

504 - 100% X = 504 ∙ 10/100 = 50 dishes

Khmol, hall, sl. - ten%

Second hot dishes:

1008 - 100% X = 1008 ∙ 20/100 = 202 dishes

1008 - 100% X = 1008 ∙ 55/100 = 554 dishes

1008 - 100% X = 1008 ∙ 5/100 = 50 dishes

Khovosch. - 5%

1008 - 100% X = 1008 ∙ 10/100 = 101 dishes

1008 - 100% X = 1008 ∙ 10/100 = 101 dishes

Khgor.zak, sl. - ten%

Assortment minimum of dishes

Production rate

Beef cutting - 72kg / state mutton - 58kg / state pork - 107kg / state

Cutting into portioned semi-finished products 1000pcs / per shift

Cutting small-sized semi-finished products 60kg / per shift

Products from cutlet mass 800pcs / per shift

Fish processing 10kg / hour

Deboning with sirloin meat separation 90kg / shift

Plan - Menu

Recipe collection number

Name of dishes

Total amount


9-11 12-16

Cold dishes

Marinated fish

Squid with mayonnaise

Herring with onions

Assorted meat

Poultry aspic

Gourmet salad

"Meat" salad

Spring salad

Capital salad


Cheese "Russian"

Cottage cheese with cream

Hot appetizers

Kidneys in Russian

First courses, soups

Meat broth

Borscht with beans

Homemade noodles

Solyanka meat

Second courses

Fish in Russian

Grilled fish

Shrimp with rice

Beefsteak with egg

Beef kebab

Azu in Tatar

Chicken tobacco

Vegetable cabbage rolls

Sweet hot dishes

Vanilla soufflé

Apple pudding with nuts

Croutons with fruits and berries

Boiled rice

Mashed potatoes

Stewed cabbage

Hot drinks

Implementation hours

Name of dishes

Total amount

Cold dishes

Marinated fish

Squid with mayonnaise

Herring with onions

Assorted meat

Poultry aspic

Gourmet salad

"Meat" salad

Spring salad

Capital salad


Milk and lactic acid products

Cheese "Russian"

Cottage cheese with cream

Hot appetizers

Kidneys in Russian

Boiled scallop with sauce

Goose neck with onion sauce

First courses, soups

Meat broth

Borscht with beans

Homemade noodles

Solyanka meat

Second courses

Fish in Russian

Grilled fish

Fish stew in tomato sauce with vegetables

Shrimp with rice

Beefsteak with egg

Beef kebab

Escalope with fried potatoes

Entrecote with fried potatoes

Azu in Tatar

Chicken tobacco

Vegetable cabbage rolls

Sweet hot dishes

Baked apples with whipped cream

Vanilla soufflé

Apple pudding with nuts

Croutons with fruits and berries

Boiled rice

Mashed potatoes

Stewed cabbage

Hot drinks

Tea with milk

Oriental coffee

Cold drinks

Orange drink

Drink "Petrovsky"

Flour and confectionery

Cheesecakes with cottage cheese

Belyashi with meat

Pancakes with sour cream

Fried pies with potatoes

Wheat bread

Calculation of the number of employees

R1 = ∑ С ___ Нв * גּ

R1 - the number of workers employed in the performance of the production operation (people).

С - the number of manufactured products (pcs, kg).

Нв is the production rate for a normal working day.

גּ - coefficient that takes into account the growth of labor productivity.

N1 = 1.2 * 1.59 = 1.908 - 2 people

In the workshop we install

Refrigerator cabinet

Universal drive

Mechanical meat grinder

Catlet Forming Machine

Fish cleaner

Fish cleaning table

Production tables

Washing bath

Table with integrated washbasin

Sleeping horn

Chopping chair

Calculation of mechanical equipment

ty = T * ny, where

Q tr - the required capacity of the machine (kg / h, pcs / s)

C - the number of products or articles processed for a certain period of time

ty - conditional time of machine operation in hours

T is the duration of the workshop

ny - conditional utilization factor of the machine (n = 0.3; 0.5)

On the basis of production calculations according to the current reference books, we select the machine available with a capacity close to the required one, then we determine the actual operating time of the machine and the coefficient of its use.

Mechanism for cutting meat and fish

Meat loosening machine

Based on the calculation, we install one MIM meat grinder - 82m (length 510, width 340).

Based on the calculation, we install one mechanism for cutting meat of the MBP-II-1 brand.

Based on the calculation, we install one MFK-2240 meat looser.

Refrigeration equipment

Е = ∑ Q V, where

E - cabinet capacity (kg)

G - product weight

V - coefficient taking into account the mass of the container in which the products are stored, and the degree of filling the volume of refrigeration equipment

Product name Unit of measurement Number of products to be stored Weight of 1 portion, gr. Product weight, kg.Sea perch kg 40 127 5.08Squid kg 40 154 6.1Beef kg 500 110 55.0Beef tongue kg 35 42 1.4Chicken kg 50 286 14.3Herring kg 50 104 5.2Crabs kg 40 6 0.2Veal kg 60 95 5.7Smoked-boiled ham kg 70 53 3.7Sausages kg 60 41 2.4Beef kidney kg 60 121 7.3Scallop fillet kg 20 156 3.1Goose neck kg 40 150 6.0Goose kg 30 157 4.7Sturgeon kg 30 311 9.4Pike perch kg 40 298 12.0Shrimps kg 30 167 5.0Fat kg 40 41 1.6Pork kg 60 173 10.3Chickens kg 60 414 24.8Total:

E = 183.3 = 261.8 0.7

Calculation of non-mechanical equipment

Production tables are calculated according to the number of people simultaneously working in the workshop and the length of the working table per worker. For workshops that manufacture culinary products, the total length of the production tables (m).

N - the number of people simultaneously working in the workshop

E - the length of the workplace per worker m (on average L = 1.25m)

Number of tables

lst. - the length of the accepted standard production tables, m (1.5; 2; 2.5; 3 m)

l = 2 * 1.25 = 2.5

n = 2.5 = 2.5 1.5

By calculation, we install 2 production tables with a length of 1500m in the workshop. The capacity of baths (dm3) for washing products is determined by the formula:

V = G * (1+ nv)

G - product weight, kg.

p - bulk density of the product, kg / dm3

k - bath fill factor k = 0.85

n is the rate of water per 1 kg. product (3 - 6 liters of water)

y - bath turnover

T - the duration of the shift

ty is the duration of the heat treatment cycle, h

Number of baths

Vst - capacity of the accepted standard bath, dm3 (140; 240; 360)

Vokun, squid = 11.2 * (1 + 3) = 17.8 0.45 * 0.85 * 6.6 V beef = 55 * (1 + 3) = 45.9 0.85 * 0.85 * 6.6

V beef tongue = 1.4 * (1 + 3) = 0.9 0.7 * 0.85 * 6.6

Beef kidney V = 7.3 * (1 + 3) = 3.6 0.7 * 0.85 * 6.6

V chicken = 24.8 * (1 + 3) = 70.9 0.25 * 0.85 * 6.6

n = 139.1 = 1 140

Based on the calculation, we install one washing bath VM - 1 (length 1050, width 860).

Shop area calculation

S - total area of ​​the room

F floor - usable area, that is, the area occupied by all types of equipment installed in the workshop

ny - conditional coefficient of the used area (0.3).

S = 6.7 = 17 m2 0.4

Length = 4.3 m2

Width = 4 m2

3. Control over the work of the enterprise and the quality of products

Planning and managing product quality means the planned implementation of measures to improve the quality of food, i.e. development of organizational, technical, technological measures aimed at achieving this goal and their implementation. At public catering establishments, the following forms of quality control of culinary products are recommended: - food rejection, - quality screen, - rejection right, - quality coupon, - laboratory control, - sanitary control, - enterprise report on the quality of products.

The rejection of food is carried out by a rejection commission consisting of: the director of the enterprise, the head of production, the engineer - technologist, cooks, the sanitary worker, the worker of the technological laboratory. In its activities, the commission is guided by the "Regulations on the rejection of food at public catering establishments." The organoleptic assessment of the quality of each batch of manufactured products is carried out according to a five-point system. Records of the evaluation of dishes and products are recorded in a marriage log, numbered and sealed with a wax seal. In the marriage log, the names of persons who have committed violations in the technology of making dishes, which led to a decrease in the assessment, are indicated. The entries in the journal are confirmed by the signatures of all members of the commission. Employees who have the right of personal marriage record themselves data on the quality of the dishes they have prepared and affix their signature. Quality coupons are one of the forms of control that are not widely used in public catering establishments. At public catering establishments, quality posts are organized in production workshops and quality councils, which include master chefs, production managers and experienced production workers. Their task is to provide practical assistance to employees in improving the quality of products manufactured at enterprises. Control over the quality of incoming raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, the correctness of the technological process and compliance with recipes is carried out by sanitary and technological food laboratories. Their main task is to control the quality of products for compliance with the requirements of GOST, OST, TU and compliance with the sanitary and hygienic regime of the enterprise. When holding technological conferences, an organoleptic assessment of the quality of dishes is carried out and their physical and chemical indicators are determined. The work of the technology conference ends with the completion and signing of the protocol by all members of the commission. Based on it, measures are developed to improve the quality of products, service culture.

4. Organization of workplaces, labor protection and safety measures in the shop

To ensure the rhythm of the production and release of products, a clear interaction of all divisions of the enterprise is necessary. The conditions for the rhythm of work are: scientifically grounded planning, comprehensive and guaranteed supply of enterprises with raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products and material and technical means, etc.

At medium-sized enterprises (restaurants, canteens), working on raw materials, meat and fish shops are organized, where the processes of meat processing and the manufacture of semi-finished products are less mechanized.

In accordance with the technological process, the meat is thawed, cleaned, branded and washed in a suspended state on hooks above the ladder or washed in baths with running water. Then the carcasses are chopped into pieces on a cutting table. Deboning, trimming of meat is carried out on production tables, which, after the operations performed, are used for the manufacture of portioned and small lumpy semi-finished products. At the workplace for the manufacture of minced meat products, a meat grinder and a universal drive are installed. Products are molded using a catlet-forming machine and table dial scales to control the output of products.

Production operations in the workshop are carried out by cooks of 3, 4, 5 categories. There is a functional division of labor in the workshop. The cook of the 4th category in the restaurant performs the following technological operations per shift: processing of fish of sturgeon and small breeds. Cook of the 3rd category - gutting game, poultry, processing offal, molding and breading of semi-finished products from the cutlet mass.

In the meat shop, workplaces are organized for deboning, trimming of meat, cutting portioned semi-finished products, etc. Repeatedly repeating the same movements when performing production operations, workers acquire professional skills, work more clearly and rhythmically. Reducing manual labor is an important prerequisite for balancing jobs and labor resources. The active participation of innovators and inventors in the development and implementation of advanced equipment contributes to the reduction of manual labor.

Persons responsible for labor protection and safety precautions are appointed by order of the director of the enterprise. They instruct workers, monitor the health of the equipment in operation, monitor the implementation of safety regulations and industrial sanitation, participate in the development of measures to improve working conditions, ensure its safety, mechanize labor-intensive and heavy work, and provide workers with a dignity. overalls, special footwear, personal protective equipment. The responsibilities of those responsible for labor protection include: organizing control over the implementation of labor legislation, orders, instructions and regulations. To prevent accidents at public catering establishments, a system of training workers in safe techniques and methods of work has been established. This system includes the conduct of safety briefing, which, depending on the purpose, is divided into induction, conducted at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and ongoing. An introductory briefing is carried out with each employee newly entered the enterprise. The goal is to familiarize employees with the internal labor regulations, general safety rules, as well as with first aid methods in case of an accident. On-the-job briefing is carried out with all newly hired workers, as well as when transferring them from one job to another. The goal is to familiarize employees with the workplace, the arrangement of equipment, production equipment and tools, as well as with safety devices and fences, their purpose and rules of use. During the briefing, special attention is paid to the rules of electrical safety, the appointment and use of special personal protective equipment. All employees of the catering enterprise, regardless of their qualifications, undergo re-training at least once every six months, and employees of manufacturing enterprises at least once every three months. The main purpose is to check the conditions by employees of the rules and instructions on safety and their application of practical skills acquired during induction and on-the-job briefing. Unscheduled instruction at the workplace is carried out when the technological process and the nature of the work change, when new equipment is received, as well as after accidents. Ongoing briefing is organized in cases where workers use incorrect working methods or do not follow safety instructions. For the registration of safety briefings at each enterprise there must be a special journal. All employees of the company are instructed. Responsibility for the timely and correct conduct of briefing as a whole for the enterprise rests with its head.


1. Organization of service in restaurants. Usov V.V. Practical guide - M. Vysh.shk., 1990

2. Design of public catering establishments. T.T. Nikulenkova., V.N. Margepov. Moscow 1987.

3. Organization of production and service at public catering establishments.

I.G. Berezhnaya, G.A. Petrov and V.I. Semenov. Moscow 1980

4. Organization of production and management of public catering enterprises. L.S. Kucher Moscow 1980

5. Organization, technology and management of catering establishments. I.V. Ploshai., G.G. Khlebnikov Moscow -256s

6. Organization and technology of catering establishments.

G.G. Zavadtseva. Moscow 1975


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education




T.M. Beresneva

MDK 06.02. Organization of production in public catering organizations. Course work.


St. Petersburg

Beresneva T.M. MDK 06.02. Organization of production in public catering organizations. Course work.: Tutorial / T.M. Beresneva - FGBOU VPO GTEU SPbETKP, 2013 .-- 71 p. /

The textbook was approved at the meeting of the cycle commission of service and economy on August 29, 2014, protocol No. 1.

The tutorial contains:

    coursework topics,

    execution plan,


It is intended for full-time and part-time students of the specialty 19.02.10 Technology of public catering products.

Reviewer: Potapenko N.V. Lecturer of the highest category at the St. Petersburg Economic and Technological College of Nutrition of the FGBOU VPO SPBGTEU.

Explanatory note 4

List of coursework topics 5

Requirements for completing coursework 10

Coursework evaluation criteria 19

Coursework Implementation Plan 21

Methodical instructions for completing coursework assignments 22

    Characteristics of the investigated public catering establishment 23

    Characteristics of the production of public catering enterprises 31

    The practical part. Research work with conducting technological

calculations 36

3.1 Calculation of the production program 36

3.1.1 Calculation of the number of consumers 36

3.1.2 Determining the number of dishes and drinks to be prepared 37

3.1.3 Breakdown of dishes by assortment, in accordance with consumption factors 37

3.1.4 Planning - Menu 39

3.1.5 Calculation of the demand for raw materials 43

3.2 Calculation of the number of personnel of the production team of the investigated workshop 43

3.3 Selection of technological equipment 46

3.4 Selection of dishes, implements, tools, small-scale mechanization means 48

3.5 Organization of the workshop. Organization of work 48

Conclusion 50

Appendices (Sketch of the investigated workshop with the arrangement of equipment, graphics, diagrams) 51

Sample cover page (Appendix 4) 68

Sample assignment for term paper (Appendix 5) 69

Literature 70


Tutorial for the implementation of term paper on MDK 06.02. "Organization of production in public catering organizations" is intended for full-time and part-time students studying in the specialty 19.02.10 Technology of public catering products. The textbook is compiled in accordance with state requirements for the minimum knowledge of graduates in the specialty 19.02.10, the work program.

Course work is carried out by full-time students - on the 3rd year, by correspondence students - on the 2nd year when studying MDK 06.02. "Organization of production in public catering organizations."

The tutorial contains:

    coursework topics,

    execution plan,


    criteria for evaluating coursework,

    applications for performing technological calculations.

This manual will allow students to more purposefully carry out work on the implementation of the course assignment.

Before completing the course work, the student must carefully familiarize himself with the purpose of the course work, the order of implementation and the requirements for its implementation.


Organization of production of a top-class restaurant with Russian-European cuisine for 100 seats. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the hot shop.

Organization of the production of a 1st class restaurant with European cuisine for 100 seats. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the cold shop.

Organization of production of a restaurant with Italian cuisine for 75 seats. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the hot shop.

Organization of production of a restaurant with French cuisine for 60 seats. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the cold shop.

Organization of production of a restaurant with German cuisine for 120 seats. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the cold shop.

Organization of production of a restaurant with German cuisine for 75 seats. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the hot shop.

Organization of production of a restaurant with Mediterranean cuisine for 100 seats. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the cold shop.

Organization of production of a restaurant with Japanese cuisine for 75 seats. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the cold shop.

Organization of production of a restaurant with Japanese cuisine for 60 seats. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the hot shop.

Organization of production of a restaurant with Spanish cuisine for 80 seats. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the cold shop.

Organization of production of a restaurant with Caucasian cuisine for 75 seats. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the hot shop.

Organization of the production of an open kitchen restaurant for 100 seats. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the cold shop.

Organization of the production of a 60-seat open kitchen restaurant. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the hot shop.

Organization of the production of a fish restaurant for 75 seats. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the hot shop.

Organization of the production of a fish restaurant for 150 seats. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the cold shop.

Organization of production of a luxury restaurant with 60 seats. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the hot shop.

Organization of the production of a restaurant at the train station of the 1st class for 100 seats. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the cold shop.

Organization of the production of a restaurant at the station with 60 seats. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the hot shop.

Organization of production of a restaurant with 80 seats at a 4-star hotel. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the hot shop.

Organization of production of a restaurant with Russian cuisine for 100 seats. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the cold shop.

Organization of production of a restaurant with Russian cuisine for 50 seats. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the hot shop.

Organization of production of a family restaurant with 40 seats. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the hot shop.

Organization of production of a family restaurant with 60 seats. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the cold shop.

Organization of the production of Internet cafes for 40 seats. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the hot shop.

Organization of the production of a cafe - youth club for 75 seats. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the cold shop.

Organization of work of production of a student cafe for 50 seats. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the hot shop.

Organization of the production of a literary cafe for 60 seats. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the cold shop.

Organization of the production of a cafe for 75 seats at the office. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the hot shop.

Organization of the production of a disco cafe for 100 seats. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the cold shop.

Organization of the production of a children's cafe for 50 seats. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the hot shop.

Organization of the production of a 60-seat dairy cafe. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the hot shop.

Organization of work in the production of a cafe-confectionery with 40 seats. Organization of production of finished products in the confectionery shop.

Organization of the production of a cafe with 120 seats at the entertainment center. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the hot shop.

Organization of the production of a coffee house for 40 places. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the hot shop.

Organization of the production of a coffee shop for 50 seats. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the hot shop.

Organization of the production of a 60-seat coffee shop. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the cold shop.

Organization of the production of a 40-seat "pancake" diner. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the hot shop.

Organization of the production of a tea house for 50 places. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the hot shop.

Organization of the production of a 50-seat bistro. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the hot shop.

Organization of production of a pizzeria snack bar for 50 seats. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the hot shop.

Organization of the production of a 40-seat "barbecue" diner. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the hot shop.

Organization of the production of a canteen for 50 places at an industrial enterprise. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the hot shop.

Organization of the production of a canteen for 60 places at an industrial enterprise. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the hot shop.

Organization of the production of a canteen for 100 seats at an industrial enterprise. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the hot shop.

Organization of the production of a canteen for 150 places at an industrial enterprise. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the cold shop.

Organization of the production of a canteen for 200 seats at an industrial enterprise. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the hot shop.

Organization of production work in a public canteen for 80 seats. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the hot shop.

Organization of the production of a dietetic canteen for 60 seats. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the cold shop.

Organization of the production of a dietetic canteen for 80 places. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the cold shop.

Organization of the production of a dietary canteen for 75 seats. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the hot shop.

Organization of production work in a school canteen for 100 seats. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the hot shop.

Organization of the production of a canteen for 100 places at the Lyceum. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the hot shop.

Organization of the production of a canteen for 200 places at the college. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the cold shop.

Organization of the production of a canteen at the university for 250 places. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the hot shop.

Organization of the production of a canteen at the university for 300 places. Organization of the release of finished culinary products in the cold shop.


    The purpose of the course work.

Coursework is one of the most important types of the educational process and is carried out by students in accordance with the curriculum. Coursework completes the study of the discipline and is focused on the systematization of knowledge and consolidation of the skills acquired in the specialty.

The student's coursework is carried out with the aim of:

    systematization and consolidation of the obtained theoretical knowledge and practical skills;

    deepening theoretical knowledge in accordance with a given topic;

    formation of the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in solving the assigned professional tasks;

    formation of the ability to use reference, regulatory and legal documentation;

    development of creative initiative, independence, responsibility, organization;

    preparation for the final state certification.

Assessment based on the results of coursework is one of the criteria in determining the level of a student's professional training.

    Topic selection and coursework guidance.

The choice of the topic by the student is carried out independently and in advance.

The topic of work can be proposed by a student, provided that it is justified.

Assigning the topics of coursework for students is approved by the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs. Any change of theme after approval is not allowed. The deadline is determined by the schedule of the educational process. By agreement with the teacher, the student specifies the range of issues to be studied, draws up a research plan, determines the structure, the timing of its stages, the necessary literature, initial data.

    The sequence of the course work.

    Choose the topic of your term paper.

    Select the appropriate regulatory, legislative, educational literature.

    Review, summarize and analyze the literature.

    Carry out the necessary technological calculations, prepare practical digital material.

    Logically consistently distribute the material according to the content of the work.

    Make analytical conclusions, indicating the reasons, factors, give an assessment.

    To issue a term paper in accordance with the requirements of the guidelines for the design and writing of term papers.

    Submit the work for verification.

    Read the review.

    Carry out revision according to the comments, prepare for replies to the indicated comments.

    Prepare a report for the defense of term paper.

    Basic requirements for the content of the course work, its design, protection.