Optical Internet. Fiber optic internet connection. Getting a Modem and Preparing for Fiber Optic Switches

Living in a private home may impose some restrictions on the connection to the World Wide Web, that is, on the connection to the Internet. We will consider options for conducting the Internet in a private house from Rostelecom, one of the largest Russian communication service providers.

At the moment, you can connect the Internet from Rostelecom to a private house in one of the following ways:

  • using the "technical reserve" of the home telephone;
  • on "optics" - an optical communication line;
  • connect via a fixed point of wireless communication via Wi-Fi;
  • using a mobile or satellite connection.

At the moment, PJSC Rostelecom does not provide satellite Internet services for a private house, which are especially in demand in remote settlements. One of its subsidiaries, RTKomm, operates in this niche. It is advisable to use this method of connection only in cases where other methods are much more expensive than the cost of equipment for satellite communications - it is about 30,000 rubles, although there are discounts that reduce the price.

Let's figure out how to connect the Internet from Rostelecom to a private house.

PON (fiber optic)

Fiber optic is one of the most optimal ways to bring the Internet from Rostelecom to a private home. Technically, the method is data coding with a luminous flux, which can transmit large amounts of information at very high speeds - up to 1 Gbit / s.

The optical cable is not connected directly to the user's computer. You will need a special set-top box decoder that "switches" the connection to a regular twisted pair (Ethernet cable). It is through him that the connection to the Internet is carried out either directly from a PC or a home router.

How much does it cost to install optical fiber from Rostelecom to the house? By itself, an optical cable has a high price and installation is complicated. Special equipment is required for stripping and splicing cables, which cannot but affect the cost of fiber-optic connection. The ability to extend optical fiber to a private house at Rostelecom directly depends on the distance to the nearest fixed optical router. Ultimately, the price depends on the same distance. But the quality of the connection will be impeccable.

ADSL (telephone line)

How to connect the Internet in a private house using a phone, if the budget does not allow using the technology described above? A good option is ADSL technology, which was used in the "zero" years and still has not lost its usefulness.

To do this, you will need to bring a telephone from Rostelecom into the house. This means stationary. Communication using ADSL technology takes place over a telephone cable, while the telephone line itself is not busy. It's all about the difference in frequencies - the telephone conversation is conducted at low frequencies, the connection to the Internet is carried out at high frequencies. We'll have to buy a frequency splitter - a splitter (cost about 200-300 r) and an ADSL router, which can also be a Wi-Fi router at the same time. It is better to purchase the latter from the provider itself, otherwise you will have to tinker with the settings. Its cost, depending on the brand, is 2-3 thousand rubles. A splitter can be included.

The Internet connected to the house using this technology can deliver speeds of up to 24 Mbit / s. In practice, usually less, 8-10 Mbps. It depends on the fact that the speed depends on the length of the telephone line and its quality, as well as the capabilities of the operator himself. The Internet can also come into the house through wires laid in the 60s, but be prepared for frequent communication problems, especially in the rain.
However, with frequent complaints, the provider's employees quickly eliminate problem areas on the line, and communication is getting better.


Rostelecom provides the private sector (villages with a population of up to 500 people) with wireless Internet, installing Wi-Fi routers there. Communication is available on any device capable of connecting to a Wi-Fi network. This is done under the state "Program for Eliminating the Digital Divide", so at present such a connection is free, but the speed is limited to 10 Mbit / s, sometimes less. The list of sites that can be accessed is limited to 2000 different government portals.

Using wireless Internet technology, Rostelecom also connects a separate house, but this is a paid service. There are no restrictions on sites, except for those established by law. It is called "Internet at Home", and you can apply for it on the official website of the company.

Mobile Internet

Mobile Internet from Rostelecom for a private home can be a good option for people who use mainly tablets and / or smartphones. Not so long ago, this company joined the ranks of providers providing 3G-standard communication services. Rostelecom offers users a range of tariffs, from which you can choose any to your liking - to surf the Internet all day or to connect at home from time to time to check mail. The volumes of the provided traffic range from 70 MB to 25 GB per month - for each according to his needs.

Service cost

Connection price and usage price are different things. How much it costs to bring the Internet to a private house is impossible to say unequivocally. The cost of connection is individually determined in each specific case. It depends on many factors, primarily on the location of your home and on the chosen connection method.

The tariff for ADSL-Internet is one - 349 rubles / month (over time, the rate may change). The main direction of development is optical fiber. The price of "optical" Internet from Rostelecom for home depends on the selected speed - from 99 rubles / month for the "minimum" to 890 rubles / month for unlimited at a speed of 200 Mbps. For a fee, additional services are connected - parental control, antivirus, etc.

How to leave a request and connect?

An application for connecting to the Internet, like other communication services, is easiest to place on the official portal of the provider. Enough:

  1. Select a region from the list.
  2. Go to the subsection "Internet".
  3. Check out the options and click on the one you like the most.

The system will display an online application dialogue. It must be filled in, indicating your contacts, address and full name, and click the "Connect" button. After a while the manager of the company will call you.
If this method is inconvenient for you for some reason, you can leave a request for connection at any office of the company.

Recently, many people have become interested in fiber-optic Internet. Most people know that this technology assumes a fairly high speed. Not so long ago, such speeds seemed to be a fantasy to many, although technology began to develop almost a century ago - back in the thirties of the last century. That is why it is worth considering what a fiber-optic Internet is and why this technology is out of competition.

A bit of history

The first attempts to transmit data at a distance by means of light and transparent materials were made back in 1934. Norman French was asked to convert the voice into light signals, which would then be transmitted through rods of glass. A few years later, a physicist from Switzerland, Jean Daniel Colladon, conducted an experiment with the transmission of light through a "parabolic liquid flow", that is, water. Optical fiber in its modern form appeared in 1954. The authorship belongs to two physicists from England - Harold Hopkins and Narinder Singh Kapani, as well as a researcher from Holland - Abraham Van Heel. Since they simultaneously announced their invention, all three of them were considered the founders of this technology. And already two years later, the name was invented - fiber optic.

The first had very large losses of light. In the late fifties, Lawrence Curtins was able to reduce them. And when laser technology was discovered in 1962, fiber had another chance to exist.


Now you can go back to the present. At the moment, fiber-optic Internet is characterized by an incredibly high data transfer rate. This is not surprising at all. The carrier of information in this case is light, and its speed of movement is the highest in the Universe. Such a property must have found an application, and it is. In a simplified sense, it is transmitted as follows: if the light is on, then it is 1, and not - then 0. The fiber-optic Internet cable transmits the alternation of zeros and ones at such a speed that it is simply impossible to see it with the naked eye. The transmitter is responsible for changing the pulses, converting electrical signals into light signals. And at the other end of the cable, there is usually a receiver that does the inverse conversion.

Fiber-optic Internet is characterized by tremendous speeds, which is its main advantage. Another plus is the ability to work over long distances. for the Internet it is laid along the ocean floor, it can stretch across the entire continent. Naturally, it is very difficult for the fitters who lay it: they install signal amplifiers at the joints, which cost several hundred times more than the wire itself, but for the technology as a whole, such investments cannot be called excessively large.

Additional properties

It is used in this way in other areas as well. Through the thinnest wiring, illumination can be provided during complex operations on the human heart or brain. Light systems are also gaining popularity, based on the same optical fiber, only instead of information, they bring sunlight into the house, which they catch from the street.

In addition to the speed and long range of information transmission, this technology has one more plus - it is almost impossible to intercept information when using it.

Fiber-optic internet: disadvantages

There is only one drawback here - too expensive equipment and tools for installation. The cable itself is not that expensive compared to the transmitters, receivers and signal amplifiers. The wires are soldered by means of special inverters, which can cost like very expensive cars.


Fiber-optic Internet is characterized by high speed, as described earlier. For home use, its minimum rate is 10 Mb / s. Physically, no home cable is capable of supporting this speed. It is best to use such a connection if you have a home server, or if you have not one, but several computers that constantly need access to the Internet. Separating the fiber optic cable requires the installation of a dedicated router. It can be intended for home use or for trunk lines. Fiber-optic Internet will work with special routers that were produced no earlier than 2010. Their lineup is quite extensive, so you can choose the best option for each user.

Fiber-optic Internet (Rostelecom)

For several years now, Rostelecom has been providing citizens with access to the World Wide Web using ADSL technology, which involves transmitting a signal over a regular telephone line. Now the operator has started to actively introduce completely new methods. Now, fiber-optic Internet using FTTB technology (optics to the building) is being actively introduced. With its help, you can significantly improve the quality of services provided to the population, the reliability of the connection and its maximum speed, which can reach 100 megabits per second. When the network is fully modernized, each resident of the selected settlement will be able to use the full range of services. For example, it will be possible to watch digital television, which is many times superior to cable and satellite in quality and capabilities. Such a solution provides high quality video, image and sound, as well as a convenient interactive menu, ease of use and other benefits.


At the moment, the fiber-optic Internet is an advanced solution to the problem of data transmission. Only crypto networks are capable of surpassing it in speed, which are still at the design stage, and it is not yet very clear when their development will begin. That is why it is worth thinking about how to connect the fiber-optic Internet.

The rapid development of communication technologies has led to the spread of broadband Internet. If not long ago people rejoiced at speeds of 128-256 kbps, then today you will not surprise anyone with even a hundred megabits. Fiber optic from Rostelecom is an excellent opportunity to conduct an Internet channel to an apartment or private house at a decent speed. The provider's optical networks have penetrated even into small towns, allowing subscribers to enjoy high-quality Internet services and interactive television.

For a long time, Rostelecom used telephone lines using ADSL technology in its activities. It provided an access speed of up to 24 Mbit / s, depending on the performance of the line and its technical condition. The longer and worse the line, the more attenuation and the more losses. At the maximum length, the access speed was up to 2-3 Mbit / s. But if it was possible to set a solid thrashing of Rostelecom, the telephonists "licked" the line up to a speed of 4-5 Mbit / s.

The main advantage of ADSL is that it uses good old telephone lines. And it is much easier to bring a telephone into a house or apartment - telephone cables are laid practically along all streets. But ADSL also has disadvantages:

  • Limited line length - we have already written about this.
  • Communication interruption once a day - at approximately the same time (technological feature of ADSL).
  • Dependence on line attenuation - the more twists in the wires and the worse the quality of their connection in telephone cabinets, the greater the attenuation and the lower the speed.
  • The dependence of the incoming speed on the busyness of the outgoing channel - for example, if the torrent client began to work intensively for distribution, page loading begins to suffer. Ping also grows a lot.

If it rains, there may be problems on the line if somewhere the water starts flooding the connections. In other words, ADSL has many disadvantages.

Features and Benefits of Fiber Optic

An optical line is a channel in which data transmission is carried out over a thin fiber-optic cable. The diameter of the working core is measured in micrometers. Information is transmitted by modulating the luminous flux. This flow moves inside the cable with practically no attenuation. The core is made of silicon dioxide and is characterized by minimal attenuation.

Lightweight and thin optical fiber is capable of transmitting gigantic amounts of information. And if several tens of cores are combined in one cable, then the throughput grows to incredible values. Compare yourself - only one telephone conversation can be conducted over traditional copper conductors, with high-frequency compaction - several tens or hundreds of conversations, and an optical cable with one conductor can connect several thousand and even tens of thousands of subscribers.

Fiber optic is characterized by its high cost. To connect and solder it, expensive equipment is required. It is difficult to lay, it is difficult to connect single subscribers along it. The traditional expensive optics have been replaced by PON (or GPON) optical networks based on passive fiber. It is distinguished by its low cost and ease of connection, which ensured the rapid development of technology. Thanks to GPON, you can have high-speed Internet access to each house or apartment via a separate optical cable.

Benefits of optics for the subscriber:

  • High speed of access to network resources - in some regions Rostelecom "accelerates" home Internet up to 250 Mbps, which is a very decent indicator. In most regions, the maximum speed is 100 Mbps. In the far northern regions, speed is limited to lower values.
  • High speed of information delivery - the fiber-optic Internet will provide not only fast downloading of files, but also their fast sending.
  • Channel stability - forget about regular disconnections. In addition, heat and cold, as well as atmospheric precipitation, are absolutely not afraid of optical fiber.
  • Quick connection to the network - on ADSL, it takes about a minute to establish a connection after turning on the modem. A fiber optic connection takes a few seconds.
  • High quality digital TV connectivity - enjoy HD TV.

Fiber optic from Rostelecom will allow you to connect a whole bunch of home devices to the Internet, and they will not interfere with each other.

Another advantage of optics is a more reasonable compromise between subscription fees and speed. In some regions, the difference can reach 10 times. For example, 3 Mbps for 550 rubles for ADSL and 30 Mbps for the same 550 rubles for fiber. And by connecting several services at once within the package tariff plan, you will receive a discount on the total subscription fee.

Disadvantages of fiber

The main disadvantage of optical fiber is its small geography of development. The private sector suffers especially, where the majority of subscribers are connected via telephone lines. Subscribers can wait for years to see if the fiber will reach them from Rostelecom and, in general, from any provider. The same telephone is much easier to lay - there are cabinets and wells almost everywhere. But it is not always possible to connect optical fiber from Rostelecom.

The cost of wiring optical fiber to an apartment by Rostelecom may turn out to be low or even zero - if the highway has reached a multi-storey building, then it will take several hours to distribute the optics to the apartments. But the price for connection in the private sector can be high - up to several thousand or tens of thousands of rubles. But it's really worth it, believe me.

Basic connection diagrams

There are two main schemes for connecting the Internet from Rostelecom via fiber. The first is called FTTx - an optical cable reaches a multi-storey building, then subscribers are connected with a cable used for laying local networks (twisted pair). This scheme is highly reliable, because this cable provides connection speeds of up to 1 Gbps.

The second scheme is xPON technology, when a fiber-optic cable for the Internet is brought directly into the apartment. To do this, a flexible (so-called pigtail) is soldered to a rigid optical cable, then the flexible cable is connected to the media converter. A twisted pair cable goes from the media converter to a computer or router). Also on sale there are routers with PON support, here a media converter is not needed (at the same time it will not take an extra socket).

The constant development of technologies allows you to connect the Internet to apartments at ever higher speeds. One of the ways of such connection is the Gpon technology, which is also offered by Rostelecom.

Gpon - general job description

Passive optical technologies (Pon) have appeared not very long ago, but they are confidently replacing traditional methods of organizing Internet access using copper cables. Optical cable has huge advantages over copper cable:

The "G" prefix assumes that the connection is at gigabit speed. This technology is called passive because there is no active network equipment between the provider's node and the end user, and the optics are laid directly into the client's apartment.

No equipment is required, because the length of the optical cable without additional signal amplification is up to 20 km, and in the near future, developments are underway to increase the trunk to 60 km.

Connection can be carried out in synchronous and asynchronous modes. Usually providers prefer asynchronous mode. The maximum speed is limited to 2.5 Gb / s for receiving, and 1.25 Gb / s for transferring information.

The principle of connecting to Rostelecom

In order to connect to a future subscriber, it is necessary to contact the nearest Rostelecom office and leave a request. You can connect one or several services to choose from:

  • Internet;
  • City (landline) telephony;
  • IP television.

Any wire connection to the provider requires additional costs.

Those clients who have previously been connected to Rostelecom using ADSL technology know this from their own experience, new subscribers will be told about this when submitting an application.

The main difficulties are the installation of the cable, which, due to its specific qualities, is not desirable to bend strongly, therefore, usually all equipment is installed in the hallway. The equipment includes a special ONT router designed to work in fiber-optic networks, which can be rented directly from the provider or bought on your own. It is advisable that an electrical outlet be installed in the hallway. End devices are connected via a normal twisted-pair Ethernet cable, or via WiFi.

Gpon network diagram provided by Rostelecom provider.

After the technical issues are agreed with the client, the router is purchased, a service contract is concluded. Installation and cable laying, and router configuration are performed.

Setting up equipment for connection

If a router is purchased or leased from Rostelecom, then its initial configuration is performed during installation directly by Rostelecom employees. In cases where the subscriber is buying a router himself or he already has equipment, the configuration options may differ depending on the model and manufacturer of the network equipment, as well as on its capabilities. On the Internet, you can find enough information with step-by-step instructions by which you can configure yourself.

Rostelecom offers its customers several models of ONT devices, one of which is G PON ONT RFT620. This is a fairly successful and versatile model that allows you to connect up to 4 devices to the LAN, and an unlimited number of wireless technology, you can watch streaming TV, and connect up to 2 stationary phones.

All settings are made via the web configurator. To do this, type in the browser the address "", and enter the username and password: user / user. You do not need to drive in any Internet settings, this has already been done by the provider. You just need to configure your home network to suit your needs:

  • turn on the wireless WiFi module;
  • change security settings;
  • set static or dynamic IP addresses, etc.

Services and packages

Rostelecom offers its customers many different options and service packages, the most popular of which are the following:

  • home internet via fiber-optic line with a choice of connection speed;
  • interactive television with over 160 channels;
  • home landline telephone, with a choice of tariff for calls;
  • mobile telephony;
  • ONT router rental at a low price.

All these services can be selected separately or combined into packages. The monthly subscription fee will also depend on the choice. The company holds constant promotions and discounts, information about which can be found on their portal. Also, for each region, the price for services is different.

Pros and cons of Gpon connection

Connecting via GPON, like in any other way, has its positive and negative sides. The positive ones include the following:

  • The cable runs directly between the provider's PBX and into the user's apartment, i.e. there are no intermediate nodes, which significantly increases the speed of information transfer and the stability of the signal.
  • The signal in the fiber optic cable is transmitted not by electrical, but by light pulses. This means that there is no danger of electric shock at all.
  • Possibility to connect several services at once through one ONT device.

There are, of course, disadvantages in this connection method:

  • The optical wire is very afraid of sharp bends, which means that it will be difficult to bring it around the apartment to distant rooms. It is also not recommended to put furniture and other heavy objects on the cable.
  • Although there is nothing of value in the cable, the main lines and wiring in the entrances are constantly threatened by vandals.
  • Electricity is not transmitted through the cable, therefore, on the part of animals, there is an increased interest in it. It is advisable to hide it in boxes.