Organizational labor process. The labor process is…. Labor process and its components

Traditionally, the concept of “labor” is defined as the purposeful activity of people aimed at creating material and cultural values.

Basic properties of labor:

Consciousness of actions, since, before starting to work, a person creates a project in his mind, that is, mentally represents the result of labor;

The expediency of actions, that is, a person knows how to produce goods and what resources and technology must be used in this case;

The effectiveness of actions is manifested not simply as a result, but in a socially useful result;

The social usefulness of actions is characterized both by the cooperation of labor and by the means of satisfying not only personal, but also social needs;

Energy consumption of actions, that is, the expenditure of human energy in the implementation of labor activity.

The following functions are inherent in labor:

A way of satisfying needs, a basic means of livelihood;

Social wealth creation;

Formation of society and stimulation of social progress (labor is the basis of all social development - it forms the social strata of society and the foundations of their interaction);

The basis for human development and improvement.


2. Classification of types of labor

The variety of nature and content of labor determines the variety of types of labor.

Depending on the content of labor distinguish between the following types.

1. Mental and physical labor. It is known that it is quite difficult to draw a clear line between mental and physical labor, therefore it is more correct to talk about predominantly mental and predominantly physical labor. Nevertheless, mental work is characterized by the ability of a person to create in his mind a prototype of the result of labor. Physical labor is characterized by the expenditure of human muscle energy.

2. Simple and complex work. Simple labor is the labor of an employee who does not have professional training and qualifications. Complex labor is multiplied simple labor, it is the labor of a skilled worker with a certain profession.

3. Functional and professional work. Functional labor is characterized by a certain set of labor functions characteristic of a particular type of labor activity. Professional labor is a kind of concretization of functional labor, forming a broad professional structure within a certain set of labor functions. For example, a doctor is a functional type of work, a surgeon is a professional type of work.

4. Reproductive and creative labor. Reproductive labor is distinguished by the standard of reproducible labor functions, its result is known in advance and does not carry anything new. Creative work is not characteristic of every employee; it is conditioned by both the level of education and qualifications of the employee and the ability to innovate. Therefore, creative work as its result has something new, not planned in advance.

Depending on the nature of work, there are:

1. Concrete and abstract work. Concrete labor is the labor of a specific worker who transforms an object of nature in order to give it a certain utility and creates use value. Abstract labor is a commensurate concrete labor that is abstracted from the qualitative heterogeneity of various functional types of labor. Specific labor allows you to measure the productivity of the enterprise as a whole, to compare the productivity of various industries and spheres of activity. Therefore, abstract labor creates the value of a commodity.

2. Individual and collective labor embody various forms of labor organization. Individual labor is the labor of an individual worker or an independent producer, while collective labor is the labor of a collective or a subdivision of an enterprise, that is, it characterizes the form of cooperation of workers' labor.

3. Private and social labor... Private labor is always a part of social labor, since it has a social character and its results are equal to each other in value. Private labor is due to the production and legal independence of entrepreneurs.

4. Wage labor and self-employment. It is known that hired workers make up about 90% of the total employed population of the country. Wage labor takes place when a person who does not own the means of production, being personally free, is hired under an employment agreement (contract) to the owner of the means of production to perform a certain set of labor functions in exchange for wages. Self-employment assumes a situation when the owner of the means of production himself creates a job for himself.

Depending on the results of labor, the following types of labor are distinguished.

1. Living and past labor. Living labor is the labor of an employee, which is expended by him at a given moment of time. Past (reified) labor is embodied in such elements of the labor process as objects of labor and means of labor, which were created by other workers earlier and are products of production purpose. The most important task of improving the organization of labor and optimizing labor processes today is to change the ratio between living and past labor in favor of increasing the share of past labor and reducing the cost of living labor.

2. Productive and unproductive labor differ from each other in the form of the created good. The result of productive labor is natural material goods, and the result of unproductive labor is social and spiritual goods, which are no less valuable and useful to society.

The means of labor used in labor activity also predetermine the division of labor into different types.

1. Manual labor is carried out either entirely by hand or using elementary manual tools.

2. Mechanized labor involves the use of mechanized tools. In this case, the energy expended by the employee is distributed both to the tool of labor and to the transformation of the object.

3. Machine labor - the transformation of an object is carried out by the machine itself, and the worker controls it and performs auxiliary functions.

4. Automated labor puts before the employee the task of controlling the operation of the equipment, which, in turn, fully fulfills the functions of transforming the object without human intervention.

They are distinguished according to working conditions with varying degrees of regulation.

1. Stationary and mobile labor, due to the specifics of the technological process and the type of manufactured products.

2. Light, medium and hard work. This division is due to differences in the physical activity of the employee, the amount of energy expended.

3. Free and regulated labor, depending both on the management style and on the specific working conditions.

Distinguish types of work and methods of attracting people to work.

1. Labor under non-economic compulsion, when a person is included in the labor process not of his own free will, but under direct compulsion and without appropriate remuneration for labor (for example, slavery).

2. Economic forced labor to earn the necessary livelihood. In fact, all hired workers are engaged in labor under economic compulsion.

3. Voluntary, free labor. Its characteristic feature is a person's need to realize his own labor potential for the benefit of society, regardless of the amount of remuneration for work.


Labor process concept

Labor process can be viewed from two points of view - relatively speaking, in a general sense and in a special one. On the one hand, this is the activity of workers to create goods and resources, on the other, the functioning of the employer to organize labor.

Accordingly, the main qualifying features of the labor process are:

  • the nature of labor and the final result of production activities;
  • the functioning of employees;
  • the type of employee's labor involvement in the production process (the degree of mechanization or automation of labor);
  • the severity of the labor process.


  1. According to the orientation of labor activity and the final product of labor, one can distinguish:
    • the material process of labor;
    • informational.

    The subject and result of the labor of the first subgroup is some substance, thing or energy, and the second - information. Substantial labor processes are operations inherent in employees of working specialization, informational ones - for specialists and employees.

  2. Based on the types of labor functions, all employees are divided into:
    • the management staff of the enterprise;
    • specialist sector;
    • sector of technical executors.
  3. According to the employee's invested labor participation, the labor process can be:
    • manual;
    • machine-manual;
    • machine;
    • automated.

Where manual labor is execution job functions without auxiliary means and mechanisms, machine-manual - with the use of physical participation and auxiliary means (for example, drilling a hole with an electric drill), machine - control of a mechanism, for example, a machine tool, automated - control of the course of the process of the programmed action of the machine.

The structure of the labor process is ...

The structure of the labor process is represented by two components:

In this case, the means of production are the cooperation of objects and means of labor.

The labor force is understood as the combination of the physical and intellectual qualities of the worker, which he uses in the course of carrying out his job duties.

In turn, the object of labor is a natural substance, a thing or several things, the influence on which the worker exerts with the assistance of the means of labor in order to adapt them for production needs.

Accordingly, the means of labor are understood as the production tools used in the production process. The means of labor include both various mechanisms, machine tools, and computers, as well as the worker's workplace.

Elements of the labor process

Based on the above, it can be understood that upon close examination of the labor process, this is a set of actions that the worker carries out in the process of performing his job functions. The design of the labor process is represented by a number of elements that depend on the production task, the production technology used, the materials used, finances and technical means.

The basic element of the labor process is an operation as a component of the production process, performed by a staff unit of an enterprise or a group of employees in a certain sector of labor, which consists in a set of actions to perform substantive work on a specific task. In turn, one operation consists of combining labor methods as a complex of technologically completed parts of the operation. Labor practices differ in purpose:

  • basic;
  • auxiliary.

Reception of the labor process is a combination of labor actions... A labor action is a combination of successive movements that an employee performs without interruption.

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Labor movement is a part of a labor action, which is a single movement of any part of the human body in the implementation of labor functioning. Labor movements can be classified according to:

  • subspecies (movement, capture, release, etc.);
  • directionality (active and passive);
  • technological component (basic and auxiliary);
  • the way of execution (movements of arms, legs, torso, etc.);
  • accuracy (coercive and free).

The indicators of the severity of the labor process are ...

The severity of the labor process is a qualitative designation of labor, reflecting its impact on the physical condition of the employee. The analysis of the severity of the labor process is carried out within the framework of a special assessment of the working conditions on the basis of the law "On special assessment ..." dated 28.12.2013 No. 426-FZ, in order to determine the level of harm or danger of labor production at the declared place of work.

The methodology for analyzing the severity of the labor process is presented in Appendix No. 15 of the Guidelines for the Hygienic Assessment of the Factors of the Working Environment and the Labor Process R 2.2.2006-05 (approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on July 29, 2005). The data on the severity of the labor process is the following criteria analyzed:

  • the weight of the load lifted and carried without the help of mechanisms;
  • stereotyped labor movements;
  • working posture;
  • tilt of the torso (body);
  • movement in space.
  • Any of the above indicators is measured quantitatively and assessed in accordance with the provisions of clause 5.10 of the R 2.2.2006-05 manual. In these requirements, each indicator corresponds to certain standards that meet one of 4 classes of working conditions, from optimal to harmful 2nd degree. In this case, the final assessment of the severity of the labor process is determined by the most sensitive indicator, which received the highest degree of severity. It must be borne in mind that if in the conditions of a certain workplace there are several criteria of class 3.1 and 3.2, working conditions are rated 1 notch higher, that is, 3.2 and 3.3, respectively. Class 3.3 is the most severe.

    The tension of the work process

    Along with the severity of the labor process, when carrying out a special assessment of the conditions of labor activity, the intensity of labor is also analyzed. The intensity of the labor process is 23 indicators, grouped into 5 load groups:

    • intelligence;
    • sense organs;
    • emotions;
    • monotony;
    • labor regime.

    The analysis of the level of the presence of one or another criterion in the work of a particular employee is carried out on the basis of dynamic observation during a full work shift for at least 7 consecutive days. At the same time, it is unacceptable to take into account any partial indicators and ignore others.

    The analysis of the tension of the labor process is carried out according to the following rules:

    1. 1st grade - optimal - is assigned if 17 or more criteria are assessed for 1st grade, and the rest are 2nd grade and there are no data of 3rd grade.
    2. An acceptable 2nd grade is placed when 6 or more indicators have the second grade, and the rest - the first, or when no more than 5 criteria are assessed as 3.1 and / or 3.2 with the remaining 1st and / or 2nd grade.
    3. The 3rd, harmful class is set when 6 criteria are assessed as harmful (class 3), with the other 1st and 2nd classes. At the same time, the tension of the 1st degree of the labor process is:
    • no more than 6 criteria of class 3.1, and the rest - 1st or 2nd class;
    • or 3 to 5 criteria have class 3.1, and 1 to 3 criteria have class 3.2.

    The tension of the 2nd degree of the labor process is:

    • the presence of 6 criteria of class 3.2;
    • or more than 6 criteria with a rating of 3.1;
    • or no more than 5 indicators are assessed as level 3.1, and from 4 to 5 criteria - as 3.2;
    • or there are 6 indicators of class 3.1 and from 1 to 5 criteria of class 3.2.

    At the same time, if more than 6 indicators are evaluated in the 3.2 degree, the labor intensity is evaluated in the 3.3 degree.

    Work planning is ...

    Management of an efficiently operating enterprise is impossible without the implementation of operational planning of the work process. In a general sense, planning is the optimal allocation of resources for the fastest accomplishment of assigned tasks. At the same time, the essence of planning is setting tasks, goals, or anticipated actions for the future.

    Work planning can cover:

    1. The sphere of labor and include a labor plan, planning productivity there, predicting the labor intensity of the final product.
    2. A plan for the number of employees of the enterprise, including the determination of the number and structure of personnel, monitoring of the hiring and firing of employees.
    3. The pay plan, including the payroll, the average wage for the enterprise, the ratio of wages and productivity.

    One of the components of planning the work process is labor rationing, defined as indicators of the required costs and results of labor activity, as well as the required ratio between the number of staff of the enterprise, including the number of different groups of employees, and the number of pieces of equipment.

    In the planning process, the following steps must be performed sequentially:

    • define goals and objectives;
    • to develop a project (scheme of measures) in several versions;
    • determine the available resources and sources of their receipt;
    • identify specific performers and designate their assigned tasks;
    • fix the prepared plan in the form of documentation.

    In practice, as a rule, 3 production planning schemes are used:

    • linear planning (bottom-up scheme);
    • hierarchical planning ("top-down");
    • counter planning (radial, closed between equivalent structural units).

    For ease of understanding in any production plan concerning any areas of the work process, there should be answers to the following questions:

    • when;
    • for how long.

    Thus, planning of the work process is an important component of the organization of labor, without which effective production is impossible at any enterprise.

    The labor process is a person's activity for the production of goods and resources.

    The main characteristics of labor processes are: the usefulness of the results, the time and energy spent by workers, their income and the degree of satisfaction from the content of the functions performed.

    Labor processes differ in the following main features:

    The nature of the subject of labor and product of labor;
    functions of employees;
    the degree of human participation in influencing the subject of labor (the degree of mechanization and automation of labor);
    the severity of labor.

    By the nature of the subject and product of labor, two types of labor processes are distinguished: material-energy and informational.

    Substance-energy labor processes are typical for workers, Informational - for specialists and employees. The subject and product of workers' labor is substance (raw materials, parts) or energy (electrical, thermal, hydraulic). The subject and product of labor of specialists and employees is information (economic, design, technological, etc.).

    At present, it is customary to divide the labor processes of workers into main and auxiliary and, accordingly, workers - into main and auxiliary. The first includes the workers of the main shops who are directly involved in the production of the products of this enterprise, the second - all the workers of the auxiliary shops and those workers of the main shops who are engaged in servicing the equipment and workplaces (repairmen, pickers, etc.).

    According to their functions, employees of the enterprise are divided into three categories: managers, specialists and technical executors.

    The functions of enterprise managers are to make decisions and ensure their implementation, the functions of specialists are to prepare information on the basis of which managers make decisions. Technical performers provide the necessary conditions for the work of managers and specialists.

    According to the degree of human participation in influencing the subject of labor, labor processes are divided into manual, machine-manual, machine and automated.

    Manual processes - the impact on the subject of labor is carried out by workers without the use of additional energy sources or with the help of a hand tool, which is set in motion by additional energy sources (electrical, pneumatic, etc.).

    Machine-manual processes - in which the technological impact on the object of labor is performed using the actuating mechanisms of the machine (machine tool), but the movement of the tool relative to the object of labor or the object of labor relative to the tool is carried out by the worker.

    In machine processes, the change in the shape, size and other characteristics of the object of labor is carried out by the machine without the physical efforts of the worker, whose functions are to install and remove the object of labor and control the operation of the machine.

    Automated processes are characterized by the fact that the technological impact on the subject of labor, its installation and removal are carried out without the participation of the worker. Depending on the degree of automation, the functions of workers in the conditions automated production can consist in monitoring the operation of machines, eliminating failures, setting up, changing tools, ensuring the necessary stocks of items of labor and tools, drawing up a program for the operation of machines.

    Labor process factors

    The severity of labor is a characteristic of the labor process, reflecting the predominant load on the musculoskeletal system and functional systems of the body (cardiovascular, respiratory, etc.), ensuring its activity. The severity of labor is characterized by a physical dynamic load, the mass of the lifted and moved load, the total number of stereotyped working movements, the magnitude of the static load, the nature of the working posture, the depth and frequency of inclination of the body, and movements in space.

    Labor intensity is a characteristic of the labor process, reflecting the load mainly on the central nervous system, sensory organs, emotional sphere employee. The factors that characterize the intensity of labor include: intellectual, sensory, emotional stress, the degree of monotony of stress, the mode of work.

    A hazardous factor in the working environment is a factor of the environment and the labor process that can cause an acute illness or a sudden sharp deterioration in health, death. Depending on the quantitative characteristics and duration of action, certain harmful factors in the working environment can become dangerous.

    Hygienic standards for working conditions (MPC, PDU) - the levels of harmful factors of the working environment, which during daily (except weekends) work for 8 hours, but not more than 40 hours per week, during the entire working experience should not cause diseases or deviations in the state of health, detected by modern research methods, in the process of work or in the remote periods of life of the present and subsequent generations. Compliance with hygienic standards does not exclude health problems in persons with hypersensitivity.

    Organization of the labor process

    To organize the labor process means to dock in space and time, in terms of quantity and quality, the object of labor, the instrument of labor and living labor. At the same time, organizers, technologists, economists must answer the questions: what is being produced, with what parameters, who produces, where, when, with what costs and what results the labor process will take place.

    Division and cooperation of labor in the enterprise. The level of development of the productive forces of society is more clearly revealed in the development of the division of labor. In this regard, the social division of labor as a socio-economic category is inherent in all socio-economic formations, and its form and meaning are essential.

    Within the enterprise, there are three main forms of division of labor: functional, technological and classification.

    The functional determines the relationship of workers to the production process, with it, all production processes are divided into groups:

    Work on the direct implementation of the technological process (main workers);
    - work contributing to the implementation of the technological process (auxiliary workers);
    - technological leadership and production management;
    - content industrial premises and territories;
    - enterprise security (special service).

    The most important direction of improving the division of labor is to establish a rational number of groups of workers in the direction of increasing the number of basic workers.

    The technological division of labor is the operational division of labor. In this case, the following conditions must be met:

    Each worker or group is assigned to the workplace and is responsible for its condition and safety;
    - the range of functions and responsibilities must be precisely regulated;
    - the quantity and quality of labor must be taken into account and controlled.

    Operational division of labor is the basis of continuous production and has its own advantages. However, excessive fragmentation of technological processes into the simplest operations depletes their content and increases its monotony.

    Labor cooperation in an enterprise is expressed in the form of an association of workers for joint and systematic participation in a single or in different, but interrelated labor processes. The types of labor cooperation depend on the specialization of workshops, sections and the organization of the production process. Three forms of labor cooperation correspond to the three main forms of the division of labor.

    Cooperation of workers' labor within the enterprise is carried out in the form of interdepartmental, intrashop and intrasectional cooperation.

    Interdepartmental cooperation is based on the division of the production process between individual shops and is aimed at ensuring the systematic participation of these shops in joint processes for the manufacture of products.

    Intrashop cooperation is the relationship between sites, work teams, workers.

    Intra-site cooperation is expressed in production ties between individual workers or teams within the site. The most characteristic form of intra-district cooperation is the formation of production teams.

    The organization of labor processes is a system of measures aimed at ensuring the rational functioning of living labor in order to increase its productivity with the effective use of the means of production and the creation of the most favorable working conditions.

    Forms of organization of work processes. The organizational forms of labor processes include: brigade, combination of professions, multi-station service.

    The systematic transition to the brigade form of labor organization creates economic and organizational conditions for increasing productivity, strengthening labor discipline. There are two main forms of brigades: specialized and complex.

    Specialized teams are organized from workers of one profession to perform technologically homogeneous operations (molders, machine operators, etc.). Complex - from workers of different professions using a combination of professions and interconnectedness.

    The need to combine professions is determined by technical, social and economic factors. An increase in the share of free computer time in the total labor intensity of the operation, at the same time, increases the labor intensity and complexity of servicing workplaces, there is a possibility of sequential or parallel combination of professions. The combination of professions should be considered not only as a means of increasing the intensity of labor and employment of workers, raising workers' wages, but also as increasing the content and attractiveness of labor, reducing its monotony, raising culture and professional level. The combination of professions is carried out through the mastery of workers in related or secondary professions.

    A related profession is a profession that is characterized by technological or organizational commonality with the main profession, as well as the exercise of the functions of related professions in the workplaces of the main professions. For example, a turner-locksmith for the repair of equipment, a machine-tool operator, etc.

    The workplace is the primary element production structure enterprises. It unites into a single whole the means of labor, objects of labor and labor itself. Workplace - a part of the production area with technological, auxiliary, lifting and transport equipment and devices located on it, tooling and various equipment necessary for the performer or a group of performers to complete the production task.

    Manufacturing labor process

    The labor process is the process of the employee's influence on the subject of labor in order to manufacture products or perform work, accompanied by the expenditure of physical and nervous energy of a person.

    The production process is a set of interrelated labor and natural processes aimed at the manufacture of certain products.

    The production process consists of interrelated processes: technological, transportation, quality control and testing, carried out with direct human participation, aimed at converting raw materials and materials into finished products.

    A technological process is a process as a result of which the physical and chemical properties of the object of labor, its shape, appearance etc.

    The production process can include natural processes in which a person does not participate: for example, aging of beer, aging of metal. The labor process, being a part of the production process, unites works of different nature and content, which can be considered as separate labor processes.

    The labor process is connected with the production process through the technological process. The technology serves as the basis of the work process and is carried out through the work process. In the production process, labor processes occupy the largest share.

    By the nature of the subject and product of labor, labor processes are divided into material-energy (typical for workers) and informational (typical for specialists).

    The production process consists of a set of technological processes, it goes through certain phases, stages - technologically homogeneous, complete types of processing.

    Duration of the labor process:

    TP = Tts- (Tpas + Ttechn),
    where TC is the duration of the technological cycle in minutes, hours;
    Tpas - time of passive observation in minutes, hours;
    Тtechn - time of technical breaks in minutes, hours.

    Work environment

    A hazardous production factor is a factor of the environment and the work process that can cause an acute illness, a sudden sharp deterioration in health or death.

    Depending on the quantitative characteristics of the levels and duration of action, certain harmful production factors can become dangerous.

    Hygienic standards for working conditions (MPC, etc., the levels of harmful production factors, which, with daily (except weekends) 8-hour work, but no more than 40 hours per week throughout the entire working experience, should not cause diseases or deviations in health , which are found by modern research methods in the process of work or in remote periods of life of the current and future generations.With a longer (than 8-hour) shift duration in each case, the possibility of performing work should be agreed with the institutions (institutions) of the state sanitary and epidemiological service. Compliance with hygienic standards does not exclude health disorders in persons with hypersensitivity.

    The maximum permissible concentration of a harmful substance in the air of the working area (MPC is the concentration of a substance, which, under the conditions of the regulated duration of its daily action during 8 hours of operation (but not more than 40 hours during a week), should not cause diseases or deviations in the state of exposure of exposed persons. health, which can be diagnosed by modern research methods during their work experience or in remote periods of their lives or the lives of future generations.

    MPCs are established for substances that can have a harmful effect on the body of workers when inhaled.

    Occupational risk - the value of the likelihood of health impairment (damage), taking into account the severity of the consequences as a result of the unfavorable influence of the factors of the working environment and the labor process. The assessment of occupational risk is carried out taking into account the magnitude of the exposure of the latter, indicators of the health status and disability of workers.

    Time protection - reducing the harmful influence of harmful factors of the working environment and the labor process on the worker by limiting the time of their action: shortening the working day, increasing the duration of vacation, limiting the length of service in specific conditions.

    Health is a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not just the absence of diseases or physical disabilities (preamble to the Charter of the WHO).

    Occupational diseases are diseases in the occurrence of which the decisive role belongs to the influence of unfavorable factors of the working environment and the labor process.

    Ability to work is a person's condition in which the combination of physical, mental and emotional capabilities allows the worker to perform work of a certain content, volume and quality.

    Efficiency is the state of a person, determined by the possibility of physiological and mental functions of the body, which characterizes his ability to perform a specific amount of work of a given quality for the required time interval.

    Working day (change) - the duration (in hours) of work established by law during the day.

    A permanent workplace is a place where an employee spends more than 50% of his working time. If, at the same time, work is performed in different parts of the working area, the entire area is considered a permanent workplace (DSTU 2293-93).

    Based on the principles of the Hygienic Classification, working conditions are divided into 4 classes:

    Grade 1 - OPTIMAL working conditions - such conditions under which not only the health of workers is preserved, but also the prerequisites for maintaining a high level of working capacity are created.

    Optimal hygienic standards for production factors are established for the microclimate and factors of the labor process. For other factors, the optimal conditions are conventionally taken to be such work conditions under which the unfavorable factors of the working environment do not exceed the levels assumed to be safe for the population.

    Class 2 - PERMISSIBLE working conditions - are characterized by levels of factors of the working environment and the labor process that do not exceed the established hygienic standards, and possible changes in the functional state of the body are restored during the regulated rest or by the beginning of the next shift and do not adversely affect the health of workers and their offspring in the near and distant periods.

    Class 3 - HARMFUL working conditions - are characterized by levels of harmful production factors that exceed hygienic standards and are capable of adversely affecting the body of the worker and / or his offspring.

    Class 4 DANGEROUS (EXTREME) working conditions - characterized by such levels of harmful factors of the working environment and the labor process, the influence of which during the work shift (or part of it) creates a threat to life, a high risk of severe forms of acute occupational injuries.

    The definition of a general assessment of working conditions is based on a differentiated analysis of the definition of working conditions for individual factors of the production environment and the labor process. An adequate assessment of the specific conditions and nature of work will contribute to the reasonable development and implementation of a set of measures and technical means for the prevention of industrial injuries and occupational diseases, in particular by improving the parameters of the working environment, reducing the severity and tension of the labor process.

    Man in the labor process

    Man is the central and defining figure of any production process. Without his participation, creative and uniting functions, all production operations without exception - the functioning of mechanisms, tools and objects of labor - are dead and lifeless. It is in this sense that one can (and should) talk about the human factor - the component that unites all other factors of production into a single whole. Therefore, one should not hesitate to use this concept when analyzing the state, development and functioning of a production organization, or even expose it, as some researchers do. The human factor of production is a necessary element to which special requirements are imposed as an integral part of the labor process. In this regard, it is necessary to make a reservation that such an approach does not in the least diminish, does not diminish the role and significance of a person as a citizen, as a participant and creator of spiritual life, his selfhood and originality, which, as a rule, are considered more or less fully in the concepts of the sociology of personality.

    The determining role of man in production is due, first, to the fact that man is the organizing principle of production. There will be no man - all the components of production will turn into a heap of iron, metal, some buildings, structures. A unifying principle is needed, the existence of such an impulse that would make up a single organic whole out of all this. For a person is not just a participant, an element of production life - he is a component that unites all factors and conditions of production without exception. Without the motivating force of a person, it is impossible to expect any changes not only in the functioning of technology and technology, but also in the activation of the social reserves that are hidden in labor. In other words, everything comes from and depends on the employee. No matter how perfect the tool of labor is, without a person it will not work and will not solve the problems that are posed to production.

    Secondly, when talking about the human factor of production, the worker is seen not only as a consumer of certain goods, the receipt of which is intended to guarantee the payment of labor, but also as a creator. If not every employee, then most of the participants in the labor process strive to improve, improve their work. Many people have a creative impulse to search for production reserves, a desire to make their work more meaningful, more purposeful. As shown by specific studies in a number of industries, even in the face of economic recession, unemployment, part-time employment and forced interruptions in work, many people retained a responsible approach to fulfilling production targets and continued to strive to improve production activities.

    Thirdly, the growth of labor productivity, production efficiency, transformation and improvement that occur in the process of labor activity ultimately depends on a person. And the fact that labor productivity in industry in the 20th century has grown by 100-140 times can be considered the most important indicator of the use of human capabilities.

    Fourth, the human factor is very clearly manifested in a situation when it comes to the relationship between the interests of production and its workers. A person, performing any labor action, participating in the labor process, understands (imagines) what is required for production and to what extent this is combined with his personal interests. If a person does not observe, does not see this combination, then social costs of organizing production and labor arise: fluidity, dissatisfaction with work, conflicts and other factors that complicate and burden the production process. Failure to understand how production tasks are related to the social needs of people, team, organization is either an accelerator or a brake on the use of the human factor.

    And finally, the human factor does not act independently, but in combination with other factors. Even when viewed from a sociological point of view, it is singled out only for special analysis. At the same time, we must understand that it is impossible to pull out the human factor completely from the economic, socio-psychological and even physiological contexts. In characterizing the sociological approach to labor, we are called upon to take into account social parameters, considering them important and independent insofar as they affect the final result of labor. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that social labor reserves can be very effective in terms of their effectiveness in comparison with other components of production. It is not without reason that Henry Ford Jr., assessing the effectiveness of the corporation he wards, argued that the effectiveness of the use of social reserves of labor in the 40-60s of the twentieth century was not inferior to the effectiveness of technical and technological innovations and innovations in production.

    All this allows us to assert that the sociology of labor focuses on the capabilities and abilities of the employee, the conditions for their implementation, ways of reconciling personal interests with public interests in the process of production activities. In other words, we are talking about the worker as a subject who not only responds to the needs of production, but also himself formulates the requirements for him, proceeding from both individual and group motives, value orientations, interests.

    It is this significance of the human factor - the worker as a subject of economic life - to one degree or another, more and more often it has become recognized both in the practice of many industries and in scientific analysis, which has found a corresponding reflection in sociological studies. In the second half of the twentieth century, more and more sociologists began to consider various aspects or components of the economic consciousness and behavior of the worker as a subject of production as the subject of labor sociology. "Sociology of labor, like sociology as a whole," wrote the German sociologist R. Stolberg, "pays considerable attention, especially in empirical research, to the analysis of attitudes and behavior of a person." Similar conclusions and suggestions were made in the works of other foreign researchers who interpreted the sociology of labor as "a science that studies the social role played by a person in production, those social obligations of a person that are associated with his labor qualifications.

    Such an orientation towards a person, individual elements of consciousness and behavior, is also contained in one of the first Russian textbooks on the sociology of labor, published at Moscow State University. It defines the sociology of labor as a complex discipline, "the focus of which is the nature and content of labor, a person's attitude to labor, organization and working conditions, value orientations, role behavior of a person in work, motivation and satisfaction with work, etc."

    In our opinion, this approach, which is characteristic of the sociology of life, places the focus of the sociology of labor on economic consciousness and behavior in specific socio-economic conditions. This approach is becoming more and more widespread, because at the theoretical and empirical levels, in any applied research, it is equally capable of giving an answer to both scientific questions per se and the needs of practice. In terms of "economic (social, group, individual) consciousness", "economic or labor behavior (activity, action)" of a production worker, "production environment", a sociologist-labor worker ensures the continuity of scientific results, a vision of real shifts and development trends in the world of work , a more visual representation of the contradictions and conflicts that constantly fill a person's labor activity. It is on this basis that scientific and practically significant results are provided for the effective use of human labor.

    Each of these components - economic (labor) consciousness, economic (labor) behavior and production environment - in turn, consists of a number of components.

    As for the economic (labor) consciousness, its analysis should begin with what constitutes the primary link of social consciousness (from the point of view of theory) and what is the initial characteristic of real labor (from the point of view of practice). Such a primary, initial link is knowledge of one's profession, one's job responsibilities, which are the most important component of skills and abilities - those initial moments of the labor process, without which it is simply unthinkable.

    Undoubtedly, skills and abilities are an important, but not the only component of economic consciousness. Knowledge, information about individual and collective labor, about the ways and methods of their use in a specific production, about their usefulness and significance for the employee are supplemented by their assessment, on the basis of which an attitude to work is developed, including from the point of view of its compliance with real needs. In addition, numerous studies have repeatedly confirmed the fact that it is necessary to study the needs and interests of workers - a huge layer of their real life as subjects of production activity. With the knowledge of needs and interests, assessment of their significance, usefulness and necessity, it becomes important to clarify the nature and specific forms of embodiment of labor motives that induce a person to be active. The sociology of labor has accumulated considerable experience in their study, so the task is rather to present them as an indispensable element used by a person in the process of production activity. When problems arise in meeting needs, value orientations in all their diversity begin to play a huge role as meaning-forming, basic, universal guidelines that characterize the aspirations of people not only in the process of work, but also throughout their life.

    The sociology of labor explores not only the components of economic consciousness - it involves the study of economic (labor) behavior, activities that act as a form of realization of consciousness in the process of its transformation into a real social force. The fact is that economic consciousness in all its multicomponent wealth - knowledge, needs, motives, value orientations, attitudes, interests, etc. - does not always directly correlate with the practical side of its implementation. Due to objective and subjective reasons, its components do not always acquire the objectified form of their expression. Therefore, it is quite legitimate to pose the question - what should replenish (supplement) economic consciousness as an initial element of people's working life. The logic of the development of labor shows that the consciousness of people is realized in their actions, the mechanism of their implementation and in the achievement of certain results (social facts) that characterize the process of their production activities.

    From the point of view of the sociology of labor, the economic (labor) behavior of people, their activity is a sequence of actions aimed at achieving the goals of production organizations set for them as employees. In the process of labor activity, a person performs the functions prescribed to him, the success and fruitfulness of which to one degree or another correspond to his attitudes, needs and interests.

    In the sociology of labor, not only economic (labor) consciousness and economic (labor) behavior are analyzed. To obtain scientifically based conclusions, an indispensable component of the study is the work environment, which can be understood in broad sense of this word as a macroenvironment (the situation in the national economy as a whole, the economic situation in the country and even in the world, the state of the branch of the economy in which a person works), as a meso-environment (socio-economic factors of the settlement structure - that settlement or region where a person and lives and works) and as a microenvironment (i.e. a set of production conditions in which an employee performs his labor functions). This consideration of objective circumstances has its own logical explanation: if conditions for the development and functioning of a person as a citizen are provided at the level of the macroenvironment, then at the level of the mesoenvironment conditions and factors are identified that affect the life of people as residents of a certain spatial organization (region, city, village). As for the microenvironment, we are talking about objective external circumstances surrounding a person as a member of a specific production group, within which direct interaction between its members or participants takes place.

    I would like to note that such a characteristic of the sociology of labor correlates with the interpretation of sociology as a sociology of life, does not oppose them to each other, and vice versa, establishes their logical correlation, which, unfortunately, sometimes does not happen when sociology as a whole and its constituent parts are characterized.

    Thus, the sociology of labor as a special sociological theory is an organic unity of economic (labor) consciousness and behavior (activity) of people as subjects of production life and the production environment. The content of the sociology of labor is not constructed arbitrarily - it itself reflects the actual situation: the worker is included in the labor process through the realization of his consciousness, his activity (behavior), depending on the conditions of his environment.

    Social and labor processes

    In the world of work, during the formation and development of social and labor relations between collectives, groups and workers, social processes take place. There are no social and labor relations outside of social processes, and vice versa. Social processes in the world of work are understood as the functioning and change of states social groups, teams, individual workers. At the macro level, it is customary to distinguish the following social processes: the process of overcoming the differences between mental and physical labor, between town and country, the working class and the collective farm peasantry, the process of transforming labor into the first vital need.

    The most important social processes in the world of work are:

    1. Labor itself as a basic social process. The social quality of labor consists in the impact of the work functions performed by workers on their social status, their social characteristics, such as interests, professional qualifications, attitude to work, etc. These impacts are determined by scientific and technological progress, the influence of technology, tools of labor , forms of labor organization on its content and conditions. Ultimately there is a change social status different groups of workers, their social characteristics.
    2. Integrative processes: education, functioning and development of labor collectives, their cohesion, social control of labor behavior, leadership, stimulation of labor activity. These processes ensure the integrity of the social subsystem.
    3. Value-orientational processes associated with the formation of values ​​among various social groups of workers, social norms and value orientations corresponding to the socialist way of life. These processes include labor motivation and labor adaptation.
    4. Changing - supporting processes (labor movements of social groups and individual workers).

    The study of the factors and mechanisms of the course of various social processes in the world of work means, in essence, the study of the whole variety of social and labor relations that develop in the course of collective labor activity between its participants, that is, the study of the social sphere of labor.

    Depending on the scale of the course of social processes, it is advisable to consider them at four levels: the level of the national economy, the level of the region (industry), the level of association and enterprise, and the individual level. In the latter case, social processes appear in the form of labor behavior of both individual workers and various social groups, their attitude to work. The highlighted levels are irreducible to each other, although they are studied, in essence, the same processes in different manifestations. So, the process of movement of labor at the individual level appears as the behavior of workers in the situation of choosing a place of work or profession. At the enterprise level, this process looks like the selection and placement of personnel, turnover, professional and qualification promotion. At the regional and industry level, it also includes staff turnover, migration and various forms of organized movements.

    Management of social processes in the world of work involves their planning and regulation. Planning social processes is the definition of goals, objectives and the level of their development. In addition, it includes establishing the means to achieve this. Regulation means operational-tactical management of factors that directly affect a particular process. It ensures the coordination of the behavior of an individual, a collective with public interests, goals and objectives and is implemented on the basis of knowledge about the essence and mechanism of a particular social process, its tendencies, direction.

    The ratio of planning and regulation in the management of various social processes is different. For some, planning predominates, for others regulation plays an important role. In the world of work, for value-orientational processes (motivation, adaptation), integrative (cohesion, social control, leadership), regulation is predominant. For the processes associated with the change in the social status of various groups of workers, the change-supporting processes are of greater importance for planning. But this does not mean that the first processes are not subject to planned impact. For them, it is carried out through planning the conditions for their course.

    The severity of the work process

    The severity of labor is a characteristic of the labor process, reflecting the predominant load on the musculoskeletal system and functional systems of the body (cardiovascular, respiratory, etc.), ensuring its activity.

    As part of the certification of workplaces, we are interested in what kind of dynamic, static work the employee performed, how much he lifted, transferred, twisted, walked, how many times he bent over.

    Physical labor is characterized by a heavy load on the body, which requires mainly muscular efforts and appropriate energy supply, and also affects the functional systems (cardiovascular, neuromuscular, respiratory, etc.), stimulates metabolic processes. Its main indicator is severity. Energy consumption during physical labor, depending on the severity of the work, is 4000 - 6000 kcal per day, and with a mechanized form of labor, energy costs are 3000 - 4000 kcal.

    With very hard work, oxygen consumption continuously increases, and oxygen debt can arise when unoxidized metabolic products accumulate in the body. An increase in metabolism and energy consumption leads to an increase in heat generation, body temperature by 1 - 1.5 ° C. Muscular work affects the cardiovascular system, increasing blood flow from 3 - 5 l / min to 20 - 40 l / min to ensure gas exchange. At the same time, the number of heart contractions increases to 140 - 180 per minute. and blood pressure up to 180 - 200 mm Hg.

    Under the influence of muscular work, the morphological composition of the blood, its physical and chemical properties change: the number of erythrocytes, the hemoglobin content increases, the process of regeneration of erythrocytes increases, the number of leukocytes increases. These changes indicate an increase in the function of the hematopoietic organs. Certain changes during physical work occur in endocrine functions (increased adrenaline levels in the blood, etc.), which contributes to mobilization energy resources organism.

    The assessment of the severity of labor is carried out according to 7 main indicators:

    1. physical dynamic load;
    2. the mass of the load to be lifted and moved manually;
    3. stereotyped labor movements;
    4. static load;
    5. working posture;
    6. inclinations of the body;
    7. movement in space.

    The severity of work must be assessed at each workplace. When assessing the severity of labor, all of the above indicators are evaluated. Based on the characteristics of the labor process, it is concluded that it is necessary to fulfill each of the indicators of the severity of labor in connection with the technological process. If it is characteristic, its quantitative or qualitative assessment is carried out to establish the class of working conditions. If the indicator is not used in the course of the work process, when drawing up the protocol for unused indicators, a dash is put in the column for the actual value, and 1 in the assessment class.

    The assessment of the severity of labor is carried out per working shift (8 hours). The assessment is carried out not for individual operations that the employee performs according to his job description, but during the entire shift. When performing work related to uneven physical loads in different shifts, the assessment of the severity of the labor process (with the exception of the mass of the load being lifted and moved and the tilt of the body) should be carried out according to average indicators for 2 - 3 days per one work shift.

    Work environment factors

    Work environment factors can have harmful effects on workers. A harmful production factor is a factor of the environment and the labor process, the impact of which on a worker under certain conditions (intensity, duration, etc.) can cause an occupational disease, a temporary or permanent decrease in working capacity, increase the frequency of somatic and infectious diseases, and lead to a violation of the health of the offspring.

    All harmful production factors are divided into the following groups:

    Physical factors: temperature; humidity; air speed; thermal radiation; non-ionizing electromagnetic fields and radiation (electrostatic fields, constant magnetic fields, including geomagnetic, electric and magnetic fields of industrial frequency (50 Hz)); radio frequency electromagnetic radiation; electromagnetic radiation of the optical range (including laser and ultraviolet); ionizing radiation; industrial noise; ultrasound; infrasound; vibration (local, general); aerosols (dust) of predominantly fibrogenic action; natural lighting (absence or insufficient), artificial (insufficient illumination, direct or reflected glare, pulsation of illumination); electrically charged air particles (air ions);
    chemical factors, including some substances of biological nature (antibiotics, vitamins, hormones, enzymes, protein preparations) obtained by chemical synthesis;
    biological factors - producer microorganisms, living cells and spores contained in preparations, pathogenic microorganisms;
    factors of the labor process:
    a) the severity of labor - the load on the musculoskeletal system and functional systems of the body (cardiovascular, respiratory, etc.), ensuring its activity. It is determined by the physical, dynamic load, the weight of the lifted and moved load, the total number of stereotypical working movements, the magnitude of the static load, working posture, body tilt, movements in space;
    b) the intensity of labor reflects the load mainly on the central nervous system, sensory organs, the emotional sphere of the employee and includes intellectual, sensory, emotional stress, the degree of monotony of the loads, the mode of work.

    A dangerous production factor is the factor of the environment and the work process, which can cause an acute illness or a sudden sharp deterioration in health and even death.

    Working conditions - a set of factors of the labor process and the production environment in which human activities are carried out.

    In accordance with the “Guidelines for the hygienic assessment of the factors of the working environment and the labor process. Criteria and classification of working conditions. R 2.2.2006-05 "all working conditions are divided into 4 classes:

    1st grade - optimal working conditions - such conditions under which not only the health of workers is preserved, but also the prerequisites for maintaining a high level of efficiency are created. Optimal standards for working conditions are established only for microclimate parameters and factors of the labor process.
    2nd class - acceptable working conditions. They are characterized by such levels of environmental factors and the labor process that do not exceed the established hygienic standards for workplaces, and possible changes in the functional state of the body disappear during the regulated rest or by the beginning of the next shift and should not have an adverse effect in the near and distant period on the health of workers and their offspring.
    The 1st and 2nd classes of working conditions are safe for workers.
    3rd class - harmful working conditions in which harmful production factors exceed hygienic standards and adversely affect the body of workers or their offspring.

    Harmful working conditions according to the degree of excess of hygienic standards and the severity of changes in the body of workers are divided into 4 degrees of harm:

    I degree of the 3rd class - working conditions with such deviations of the levels of harmful factors from hygienic standards, which cause functional changes, disappearing, as a rule, with a longer (than by the beginning of the next shift) interruption of contact with harmful factors and increasing the risk of damage to health;
    II degree of the 3rd class - working conditions with such levels of production factors that can cause persistent functional changes, leading in most cases to an increase in production-related morbidity (an increase in morbidity with temporary disability and, first of all, those diseases that reflect the state of the most vulnerable organs and systems for these harmful factors), the appearance of initial signs or mild (without loss of professional ability to work) forms of occupational diseases arising after prolonged exposure (often after 15 years of work or more);
    III degree of the 3rd class - working conditions with such levels of harmful factors, the impact of which leads to the development, as a rule, of mild and moderate occupational diseases (with the loss of occupational ability to work) during the period of labor activity, the growth of chronic (production-related) pathology, including increased morbidity with temporary disability;
    IV degree of the 3rd class - working conditions in which severe forms of occupational diseases and high morbidity with temporary disability can occur;

    4th class - hazardous (extreme) working conditions in which the impact of production factors during the work shift (or part of it) creates a threat to life, a high risk of developing acute occupational injuries, including severe forms.

    Safe working conditions are those conditions under which exposure to harmful and hazardous production factors is excluded or their levels do not exceed hygienic standards.

    Hygienic standards for working conditions (MPC, PDU) are the levels of harmful production factors that, during daily (except weekends) work, but not more than 40 hours per week, during the entire working experience, should not cause diseases or deviations in the state of health detected modern research methods, in the process of work or in the remote periods of life of the present and subsequent generations. However, it should be noted that compliance with the hygienic standards of working conditions does not exclude health problems in hypersensitive individuals.

    The tension of the work process

    Assessment of the tension of the labor process professional group workers is based on the analysis of labor activity and its structure, which are studied by time-based observations in the dynamics of the entire working day and for at least one week.

    The analysis of the tension of the labor process is based on taking into account the entire complex of production factors, stimuli and stimuli that create the preconditions for the occurrence of unfavorable neuro-emotional states and overstrain of the employee.

    When assessing the intensity of the labor process, all 23 indicators are taken into account, regardless of profession. Selective accounting of any individual indicators for a general assessment of labor intensity is not allowed.

    1. Intelligent loads:
    1.1 Content of the work;
    1.2 Perception of signals and their assessment;
    1.3 Distribution of functions according to the degree of difficulty of the task;
    1.4 The nature of the work performed.
    2. Sensory loads:
    2.1 Duration of concentrated observation;
    2.2 Density of signals for 1 hour of work;
    2.3 The number of objects of simultaneous observation;
    2.4 The size of the object of discrimination during the duration of focused attention;
    2.5 Working with optical devices for the duration of concentrated observation;
    2.6 Monitoring the video terminal screen;
    2.7 The load on the auditory analyzer;
    2.8 Load on the voice apparatus.
    3. Emotional stress:
    3.1 Degree of responsibility for the result of their own activities. The significance of the error;
    3.2 The degree of risk to one's own life;
    3.3 Responsibility for the safety of others;
    3.4 The number of conflict production situations per shift.
    4. Monotony of loads:
    4.1 The number of elements required to implement a simple task or repetitive operations;
    4.2 Duration of performing simple tasks or repetitive operations;
    4.3 Time of active actions;
    4.4 Monotony of the production environment.
    5. Mode of operation:
    5.1 Actual working hours;
    5.2 Shift of work;
    5.3 Availability of regulated breaks and their duration.

    For each of these 23 indicators, its own class of working conditions is determined. If, by the nature or characteristics of professional activity, any indicator is not presented (for example, an employee delivers corporate gifts, he does not work with a video terminal screen or optical devices), then according to this indicator, 1 class (optimal) is put - the intensity of labor of a mild degree.

    Labor intensity can be classified into 5 classes of working conditions:

    "Optimal" (class 1) is established in cases where 17 or more indicators have an assessment of class 1, and the rest belong to class 2. At the same time, there are no indicators related to the 3rd (harmful) class.
    "Permissible" (class 2) is established in the following cases: - when 6 or more indicators are assigned to class 2, and the rest - to class 1; - when from 1 to 5 indicators are assigned to 3.1 and / or 3.2 degrees of hazard, and the remaining indicators have a grade 1 and / or 2 grade.
    "Harmful" (class 3) is established in cases where 6 or more indicators are assigned to the third class (mandatory condition).

    If this condition is met, strenuous work of the 1st degree (3.1) is set:

    When 6 indicators have an assessment of only class 3.1, and the remaining indicators belong to 1 and / or 2 classes;
    - when from 3 to 5 indicators are assigned to class 3.1, and from 1 to 3 indicators are assigned to class 3.2.

    Strenuous work of the 2nd degree (3.2) is put:

    When 6 indicators are assigned to class 3.2;
    - when more than 6 indicators are assigned to class 3.1;
    - when from 1 to 5 indicators are assigned to class 3.1, and from 4 to 5 indicators - to class 3.2;
    - when 6 indicators are assigned to class 3.1 and there are from 1 to 5 indicators of class 3.2.

    In cases where more than 6 indicators have an assessment of 3.2, the intensity of the labor process is assessed one degree higher - class 3.3 - the highest degree of labor intensity.

    Development of labor processes

    The development of labor processes is the process of forming a labor collective in the general case, consists of three stages:

    The first stage - the orientational stage, is the formation of a labor community, the basis of the unification of which is mainly formal-functional ties, which are forced, due to technology. Such connections are carried out mainly due to external, administrative pressure, supervision and control in order to receive remuneration for work, as a means of achieving personal goals that are not related to the main goal of the organization. Such a labor community is not yet a labor collective and takes place either at the initial stages of the existence of a labor community, or in the stage of its crisis and disorganization, when it disintegrates for one reason or another.

    At this stage, the organizer of the team is the leader, all the requirements come from him.

    At the first stage, individualism prevails in the behavior of people. They get to know each other, observe others and show them their own capabilities. At the same time, many take a wait-and-see attitude, avoid hostility, observe, analyze. After a certain time and with certain managerial efforts, the labor community can move to the 2nd stage.

    The second stage is the mutually adaptive stage. It is distinguished by the presence of a stable "core" formed during this time, capable of influencing other employees whose goals do not coincide with the goals of the organization. This is the "embryo" of the future real work collective, whose members identify themselves with the organization, perceive its goals as their own. At the second stage, people are brought closer together, the necessary contacts are established between them and the formation of common norms of behavior "cementing" the collective, as well as attempts to establish priorities and seize power.

    The main goal of the leader at this stage is to make the most of the team's capabilities to solve the problems for which this team is being created. Practically only now the collective reaches a certain level of its development as a subject of upbringing, as a result of which it becomes possible to purposefully use it for the individual development of each individual worker. In a general atmosphere of benevolence towards each member of the team, a high level of leadership that stimulates the positive aspects of the individual, the team becomes a means of developing socially important personality traits.

    The third stage is the stage of consolidation (rallying). At the third stage, when the labor community can be called a labor collective (real), most of its members share the goals of the organization, identify themselves as a surrendered community. At the third stage, the team is stabilized, joint goals and norms are formed, reliable cooperation is being established, which allows obtaining guaranteed results.

    In the future, with the growth of the maturity of the team, more and more complex tasks become on the shoulder, and the trust that exists between people, their good knowledge of each other in a number of cases allows it to function on the principles of self-government.

    At this stage, the leader tries to unite the team, gives clear orientations towards achieving goals.

    The fourth stage is also theoretically possible, when almost every member of the working community is actively working, consciously contributing to the achievement of general organizational goals. However, it is rather an ideal that the HR service should strive to achieve as the main goal. social development organization and personnel policy of its leadership. The ratio of formal organizational and personal goals of labor communities is a determining, but not the only indicator of the level of development of the work collective. Other important indicators of this level are the range and scope of functions performed by the labor collective along with the main production, economic function. The working community, reaching the state of the work collective, unites the employees of the organization not only in the main production activity, but also in activities related to other spheres of social life, providing them with the opportunity to satisfy important social needs: in communication, participation in the management of the organization, in self-expression and self-improvement , in familiarization with cultural and spiritual values. The real labor collective, as a rule, provides, first of all, the basic set of social services that make up the so-called social package. An important difference between the work collective and other less developed labor communities is the presence in its social structure of a sufficiently large number of informal interest groups, including those directly related to production activities, such as, for example, societies (councils) for rationalization and invention, quality circles, and etc.

    Labor process indicators

    The labor process, in addition to all other characteristics, also has such a parameter as the severity of labor.

    Any work assumes that when it is performed, the expenditure of physical strength must necessarily be made. Any load on the human body is accompanied by its influence on all the most important functional systems and metabolic processes of the body. In this regard, the main indicator of labor was established, namely, its severity.

    It was especially important to establish norms for the work that involves hard physical labor, since it is in this case that the greatest changes occur in the body and the person is required to attract additional resources:

    Hard work is characterized by the fact that during it the consumption of oxygen by the body increases.
    In addition, hard work leads to increased metabolism and increased heat production.
    Also, tense muscle work, which increases blood flow and makes the cardiovascular system work in an enhanced mode, has a serious effect.

    In connection with the above processes in the human body and their seriousness for life, studies were carried out and indicators for assessing the severity of labor were established, as well as the norms for each of them:

    Physical dynamic load.
    The mass of the load that the worker moves manually.
    Stereotypical employee movements.
    Static load.
    Working pose.
    The tilts of the body, which the employee makes.
    Moving an employee in space.

    To establish the severity of the labor process, a quantitative and qualitative assessment of all the above indicators is carried out.

    Measurements of labor severity indicators should be made in accordance with the following requirements:

    The assessment must be carried out on an 8-hour shift basis.
    The assessment is carried out not for individual operations, but for the entire shift.
    If the measurements are related to the work that is associated with uneven physical activity occurring in different shifts, then the assessment is carried out according to average indicators.

    Among the measures designed to reduce physical stress and improve occupational safety are the following:

    Labor mechanization.
    Introduction to the production process of such a regime that will alternate work and rest.
    Introduction to the work process of industrial gymnastics.

    Basic labor processes

    The labor process is the process of combining two main factors of production: labor and means of production. The latter are a set of objects of labor and means of labor.

    Labor force is the totality of a person's physical and intellectual abilities, which are used by him in the labor process.

    Objects of labor are a substance of nature, a thing or a complex of things that a person influences in the process of labor with the help of means of labor in order to adapt them to meet personal and production needs.

    Means of labor are instruments of production, with the help of which a person influences the objects of labor. The workplace also belongs to the means of labor.

    Labor process management

    The labor process is the labor activity of one or a group of employees aimed at achieving the set goal.

    Labor Process Management - Aggregate different types works and operations for the management of the activities of the divisions of the enterprise and individual employees.

    Labor process management comes down to solving three problems:

    1) determination of the rational content of the labor process;
    2) establishment of the most rational methods for their implementation;
    3) technological regulation of the labor process.

    The organization of work processes can be carried out with varying degrees of detail. It depends on the nature of the work activity. The more creative the work, the less detailed the work process and the less rigid regulation.

    The management process consists of the performance of certain management functions. Each function includes the execution of separate types of work, and the types of work consist of management operations. The main element of the labor process is the managerial labor operation.

    Management operation - labor operations of management personnel, distinguished by functional and technological characteristics and included in various management works.

    To define the content of the work, you need to define the content of the operation.

    Content management operations are diverse. The content is determined by sequential selection for each control function of the included works, operations and their elements.

    Management operations are classified according to the following criteria:

    1. Functional and technological content;
    2. The degree of mechanization;
    3. The nature of the transformation of information.

    Consider them:

    1. Operations based on functional and technological characteristics:

    Each of the classes of operations is divided into specific operations:

    1. By the degree of mechanization:
    a) manual;
    b) machine-manual;
    c) mechanized;
    d) automated.

    2. By the nature of information transformation:
    a) Stereotyped (that is, performed according to methods, instructions, etc.)
    b) Heuristic (for developing programs, algorithms, finding solutions, etc.).

    Any control function has all classes of operations, but the relationship between the classes in terms of functions is different:

    1. Service and communication operations provide service communications of employees: dispatching, service telephone conversations, receiving visitors, bypassing workplaces, movement of employees within the enterprise.
    2. Disposal operations - ensure the communication of decisions made by the head to the executors.

    It can be:

    A) verbal orders;
    B) issuing orders;
    C) instructions and orders for structural divisions;
    D) assignments to subordinates and divisions, establishing personal plans work, etc.

    3. Coordination operations serve to link the work of various departments and performers:
    A) holding meetings and sessions; B) drawing up work plans to coordinate the actions of employees of departments.
    4. Control and evaluation operations are used to check the execution of orders, orders, execution of plans, tasks, instructions, etc.
    5. Analytical operations - operations for the study and analysis of information, the study of the experience of something, actually the analysis of indicators and situations.
    6. Constructive operations are operations associated with the preparation of various kinds of management decisions (for the development of plans, designs, technologies, etc.).
    7. Documentation operations - operations for the receipt of documents, their processing, sorting, sending.
    8. Primary counting and accounting operations are operations for accounting, measurement, registration of objects and indicators.
    9. Communication and technical operations - operations that ensure the relationship of workers using technical means (sound and optical signals about the progress of work, operations for the perception of information from dispatching consoles, scoreboards, etc.)
    10. Computational and formal-logical operations - operations for processing information on various calculating devices, microcalculators and computers.

    To effectively carry out management operations, it is necessary to develop a rational technology for their implementation. For this:

    1) Determine the purpose of the work, establish the department and the workplace where it will be performed, determine the composition and content of the required documentation;
    2) Build a diagram of the management process and break it down into operations;
    3) Select sources of information to carry out the processes;
    4) Establish the composition of performers by positions and qualifications;
    5) Establish the composition of the necessary technical means;
    6) Design a rational version of each operation for different situations.

    The designed technology for performing the management process must be regulated, that is, fixed in a regulatory form that is mandatory for implementation.

    The following forms of technological regulation are used:

    Block diagrams of the scope of work by management functions;
    - work procedures;
    - operational and technological maps;
    - instructions for the computer user, etc.

    The procedure for management work is a documented procedure for performing the management process, which determines the composition, sequence, content and performers of operations, as well as the passage of documents related to the performance of this work.

    The procedure for any management process should reflect:

    1. The purpose of the work;
    2. What documents are used;
    3. What documents are being developed;
    4. The scheme of the procedure, that is, the sequence of operations, their content, the order of passage of documents.

    Operational and technological maps - the use of these maps is advisable when performing mass, typical or rather complex types of work and operations.

    This card indicates:

    1. Name of operations;
    2. Content of operations;
    3. Form of completion of operations;
    4. Methods of performing operations (if possible);
    5. Used technical means for each operation;
    6. Labor intensity of operations (it is advisory in nature).

    In comparison with the procedure, this form (operational and technological map) allows a detailed and multivariate description of the process of managerial work.

    One of the directions of regulation is to simplify the route of movement of documents. The route records the passage of the document by officials. In the process of creating, drawing up and using a document, it must go through the minimum required number of instances. The movement of the document should follow straight and short routes. If a multi-stage route is used, then this indicates either an overestimation of the number of persons signing or endorsing a document, or the approval of secondary documents by senior managers. It is possible to simplify the movement of documents by rationalizing the division of labor and establishing a clear responsibility of officials for the performance of specific work and the right to sign certain documents.

    To study the routes of information movement and rationalize the movement of documents, it is recommended to use an operogram - a graphic representation of the movement of documents in the form of an operational chain.

    When designing a new route, it is necessary to eliminate unnecessary coordination operations and apply a more rational sequence of operations.

    The result is the establishment of the minimum required, not enough number of participants in the preparation of the document, a decrease in the duration of document creation, and a reduction in the labor intensity of management work.

    Types of labor processes

    For research purposes, various work processes must be classified, i.e. to combine into homogeneous groups according to certain criteria, which are selected depending on the objectives of the study.

    Such signs may be the following:

    The nature of the raw materials used in metalworking, woodworking, chemical and other processes;
    functions performed (main, serving workplaces and employees, management);
    type of production (individual, small-scale, serial, large-scale and mass);
    the nature and content of processes (mining, processing, thermal, physicochemical, thermal);
    forms of organization of work processes (individual, collective and subject-closed);
    frequency and duration of processes (discontinuous, continuous and periodic).

    Continuous work processes are carried out for a long time and may be suspended due to preventive or overhaul of equipment. Raw material loading and unloading finished products are carried out continuously or after certain periods (for example, the production of cast iron, sulfuric acid, alcohol, etc.).

    Discontinuous work processes are characterized by the presence of breaks after the manufacture of a unit of production or a certain volume of it. During the break, finished products are taken off and equipment is loaded with raw materials or semi-finished products. Discontinuous processes are subdivided into cyclical and non-cyclical. All mechanical and woodworking processes can serve as an example of the former. Their distinctive features are the short duration of the technological process, its discontinuity and repeatability. In non-cyclical work processes, breaks, as a rule, do not repeat or are repeated at different intervals (heat treatment of parts, electroplating, etc.).

    Long duration of the technological process is typical for periodic work processes without a clearly expressed cyclicality (automatic and hardware processes of intermittent action).

    In each labor process there is a processing cycle, which is understood as the time that repeats with each unit of production or with its volume. For example, when working on machine tools, this is the time between installation and removal of a part, on a conveyor - the time from the moment the part arrives at the first operation until the finished product comes out.

    However, the classification according to such characteristics shows that all of the above factors do not have a significant impact on the content and nature of labor processes. Therefore, all labor processes, since they are performed directly by the worker, must be classified according to such a criterion as the participation of workers in influencing the subject of labor. In some literary sources, this feature is referred to as "the level of labor mechanization", but it characterizes to a greater extent the technological part of the production process, and not the nature of the labor process. To improve and reduce the duration of the labor process, it is precisely the nature of the participation of workers in the impact on cheeses and materials that is important. In accordance with the named feature, all labor processes, regardless of their industry affiliation, are classified as manual, machine-hand, machine, automated and hardware.

    Manual processes include those that are performed by one or no group of workers using simple tools or pneumatic power tools (sawing logs or boards, digging up the earth with the i o-power of a shovel, assembling units or products, filing with a file, painting with a brush, tightening nuts by hand or electric wrench, etc.). There are still many such processes in any production. The level of manual labor in mechanical engineering at a number of industries is approximately 30-35% (at enterprises of battery production - 32%). In manual processes, the change in objects of labor occurs as a result of the physical efforts of workers.

    For machine-manual processes, the processing of the object of labor by mechanisms is characteristic, and the movement of a tool or an object of labor is carried out by the worker manually. An example of such a process is sewing on a sewing machine, processing parts with manual feed on metal and woodworking machines, etc.

    Under the conditions of machine (mechanized) processes, the impact on the object of labor occurs by the actuating mechanisms of the machine without the physical efforts of the worker. Its functions are as follows: installation and removal of the object of labor; moving and changing tools; management and control of work. These processes include: machining of parts on machine tools, fabrication, spinning, etc. The supply of the tool is mechanized or automatic.

    In automated labor processes, the impact on the subject of labor (installation and removal of a part, technological processing) is carried out without the participation of the worker. The control of the mechanism is automated. The functions of the worker are as follows: starting and stopping mechanisms, setting them up; tool change; drawing up a program for the operation of machines and its control; provision of stocks of the subject of labor. An example of such processes is the operation of automatic and semi-automatic machines in mechanical engineering, the production of fabric on an automatic mill, etc.

    Under the influence of thermal, electrical and chemical energy on the subject of labor, instrumental labor processes are carried out. Loading of raw materials and unloading of finished products are usually mechanized. The functions of the worker are to control and regulate the technological process. Such processes include: chemical, metallurgical, galvanic processes, alcohol, sulfuric acid, etc.

    Classification of labor processes:

    Signs (directions) of the classification of labor processes

    Varieties of work processes


    Product manufacturing, production planning, etc.

    Technological content

    Turning, assembly operations, operational scheduling, etc.

    Mechanization degree

    Machine, mechanized (machine-manual), manual (non-mechanized)

    Share of mental labor

    Elements of mental labor predominate; there are elements of mental and physical labor in approximately equal proportions; elements of physical labor predominate.

    The nature of the relationship between workers and technological equipment

    Single-station, multi-station.


    Homogeneous, heterogeneous.


    Constantly repetitive; repetitive without strict periodicity; not repetitive.

    Production independence

    Separate (independent), connected, rigidly connected.

    The nature of the employee's production responsibility

    Responsible for individual (own) actions, responsible for the actions of the team.

    Process responsibility

    Insignificant, medium, significant (high).


    Simple, complex, especially complex

    Working conditions

    Work with normal, harmful and difficult, with especially harmful and especially difficult working conditions.

    Physical severity

    Normal, hard, extra hard.

    Nervous tension

    Normal, tense, especially tense.

    Time of labor processes

    In planning his actions, when fulfilling the schedules of commitments outlined in the course of preliminary preparation, analyzing past successes or failures, a person applies the concept of time everywhere. The need to apply the concept of time every time arises where a person solves temporary problems: synchronization and sequential ordering. If tasks of this kind are not solved automatically, then a person formulates them explicitly with the help of the concepts: “deadline”, “to be in time”, “ahead of” and others, looks for ways to solve them, and builds tactics of actions that he remembers and performs.

    Analyzing the labor activity and professional experience of operators-technologists, navigators, the labor of air traffic controllers, operators-technologists who manage the rolled sheet steel, the labor of assemblers on the conveyor, the business activity of the manager, we consider human activity as included in some stable repetitive technological process, performed strictly according to the scheme which is well known to man.

    A person's movements can become a measure of time if the motor, executive process is stable. With the help of such concepts as “beginning”, “end”, duration ”,“ tempo ”,“ rhythm ”, etc., it is possible to construct a special characteristic of the process, thus using its own time. Usually, time is used as a measure of executive movements (including speech) of a person. The disadvantage of such characteristics is that the temporal characteristic of the process turns out to be superficial, since it remains only within the framework of the consideration of the motor processes themselves and does not grasp the very plane of consciousness.

    All of the above is important when planning. Planning - working in the present about future execution - is working with a process model. Experience presupposes that the subject has a model and techniques for working with it. When the subject works with the model in the process of preparation, he builds or activates the structures of experience, organizes them, creating a system ready for use. During preparation, the subject can only create some skeletons of such systems or their fragments. Experience as an integral and full-fledged system of organized movements, perceptions, thoughts, etc. can be found only in a real process, and not in a model situation of preparation for the labor process.

    The preparation work is based on the temporary knowledge of the temporary object itself that the subject already has. The subject must have temporary knowledge of another kind: now preparations are underway for a future process that has not yet begun. This allows the model to be played over and over again by repeating individual elements. At the same time, the subject knows about the inevitable approach of the moment when it will be necessary to start real performance, where nothing can be repeated, returned, corrected.

    It is necessary in the course of preparation to create adequate structures for their implementation in real life conditions. Memory is associated with the semantic structures of the personality, but it is determined by the duration of the interval before the performance. Although a person remembers, preparing for the future use of memorized information, but memory can fail.

    It is important to note that a person is able to think about the future process, presenting it as a temporary object, in its expanded duration and consistent order. In the course of preparation, a person thinks over the course of the future process, thinks over his actions and possible circumstances of future activities.

    Preliminary thinking is also possible during the implementation of the process itself. A person simultaneously performs his functions of managing the process and thinks over the next steps. This is work with two temporary objects at once, the subject must distinguish between them. Such work is based on anticipation of the future and aspiration for it. The future makes sense to the subject. The subject hopes to accurately fulfill the tasks facing him, deeply and comprehensively thinking over his actions. This work is based on a clear perception of what is happening around the subject, and on the ability to distinguish between the present and the future.

    People differ in how carefully they think through the upcoming actions. In some types of activities, careful thought over the actions gets in the way, as does the drawing up of detailed plans for their accurate execution. A carefully constructed algorithm can become an obstacle to execution in changed conditions. Some people are enslaved by the learned algorithms when they find themselves in a new situation, they cannot quickly find a new option for action.

    Exploration, debriefing, is another form of work that creates experience. This work also contains a temporary component. What is being thought over has already passed, and nothing can be changed. The present, the circumstances in which the analysis is taking place, differ from the analyzed process. The subject, well understanding this, and detaching himself from current events, tries to understand what happened when everything happened, and to determine how to act so that what happened did not happen, or happened, but in the most necessary way. An analysis of a mistake made by an experienced specialist can serve as such an illustration.

    In the very analysis of the performed, there is an orientation towards future performance. Therefore, parsing is a form of preparation for the future execution of the process. In such work, the present, the past and the future are fused. However, the subject is able to make temporal determinations and distinguish between what relates to the future, what to the past, what to the present. This happens by itself, but such definitions and distinctions are the basis of consciousness and therefore easily become the subject of conscious analysis.

    The ability to prepare for a future process that has not yet begun allows you to replay the model many times, repeating individual elements. At the same time, the subject knows about the inevitable approach of the moment when it will be necessary to start real performance, where nothing can be repeated, returned, corrected.

    Here we can say that in the course of preparation, tools are formed that can be useful in the real process. But even after careful modeling, the actual execution may turn out to be erroneous. That is, this tool may never be formed. The problem lies in creating in the course of preparation adequate structures for execution in the course of performing real activities. The memory, which is associated with the semantic structures of the personality, is determined by the duration of the interval before the performance. A person, preparing for the future use of memorized information, memorizes the necessary set of actions, but memory can fail.

    A person has the ability to represent a future process as a temporary object, in its expanded duration and sequential ordering. In the course of preparation, he thinks over the course of the future process, his actions and possible circumstances of future activities.

    Preliminary thinking can also be carried out in the course of the activity. Performing his functions for managing the process, a person simultaneously thinks over his next actions. You need to be able to distinguish between this work with two temporary objects at the same time. This work is based on expectation of the future and aspiration for it. The future makes sense to the subject. Subject hopes that a thorough and comprehensive study of the task will allow it to more thoroughly complete the tasks before it. However, one should not forget that in some types of activities, careful thought over the task, it can prevent you from performing correctly and adequately actions. Bondage caused by careful thinking can lead to bondage, which inhibits the creative process, or an adaptation adequate to the situation.

    As for the analysis of the performed, this is another form of gaining experience. This work also contains a time component. What is being thought over has already passed, and nothing can be changed. The present, the circumstances in which the analysis is taking place, differs from the process itself. The subject, realizing this, detaches himself from the current events, and tries to understand what happened then, how everything happened, and to determine how one should act so that what happened did not happen. An example is the situation of parsing an error committed by an experienced specialist. Parsing is a form of preparation for the future execution of a process. In this work, the present past and the future are merged, and the subject is able to distinguish what belongs to the future, what to the past, what to the present. This definition and distinction is the basis of consciousness and it is easy to become the subject of conscious analysis.

    During the implementation of the process, actions and memory can occur without the conscious work of fulfilling temporal determinations. But a person is oriented in time. With its shifts, with a change in time zones, with severe overwork, the temporary work of consciousness becomes difficult. In periods when the consciousness is absorbed by the current work about what is happening, temporary determinations and permanent ones are performed automatically or are postponed.

    Formation of the labor process

    The labor process presupposes the presence of three parts: the subject of labor, the one (those) who worked, works or will work; object (subject) of labor - all that was directed, directed and will be directed labor in order to give it the required properties; mediating elements of the labor process, creating the necessary conditions for its implementation.

    The subject of labor can be one person who independently performs any work. It can also be a group of people working together, if it is impossible to do the work alone or if single-handed work will be ineffective.

    The object of labor can be represented by a wide range of objects, substances, as well as people and animals. In the economic literature, the object of labor is called the object of labor, which is essentially correct. The term "object" always appears where the term "subject" is present. They represent two sides of any process, including labor. In the labor process, the object of labor appears as an object of labor.

    In the sphere of production of material goods, the following types of objects of labor are most common: raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components.

    In the sphere of intangible production and services, the subject of labor can be finished products, people, animals, enterprises. For example: cars, mechanisms, clothing and footwear during their repair and cleaning; people in the provision of educational, medical, legal, cultural services, etc.

    The means of labor are the mediating elements of the labor process; technology of activity - production of a product, performance of work, provision of services; organization of personnel work; energy from external sources; information.

    The means of labor are all that with the help of which the worker influences the object of labor and that creates the necessary conditions for him to work. The means of labor include: tools of labor (tools, machine tools, machines, mechanisms, apparatus and other technological equipment); buildings and premises in which the labor process is carried out; structures necessary to ensure labor (roads, bridges, overpasses, tanks, etc.). It should be recalled here that the totality of the means and objects of labor is called the means of production.

    The technology of activity is a way of influencing the subject of labor. Purposefulness of activities presupposes the availability of knowledge and (or) skills to perform a particular job. Strict, consistent performance of actions, a set of methods of influencing the object of labor to change or give it new properties, shape, mutual arrangement of parts, location in space constitute the content of the technology of activity.

    The organization of personnel labor is a certain order of construction and implementation of the labor process, which consists of the system of interaction of workers with objects and tools of labor, as well as the production interaction of people with each other in the labor process.

    Energy from external sources is an important mediating element of the work process, provided that the work is not done manually. We are talking about mechanical, thermal, chemical, electrical and other types of energy that are used to drive machines, mechanisms, apparatus and other tools or for the direct implementation of technological processes: chemical, oil refining, metallurgical, etc.

    Raw material information; materials; technologies; organizations; about the actions of people doing work together; best practices; market conditions and other conditions are necessary for an employee at all stages of the labor process for his successful actions.

    Labor process tools

    The labor process is the basis of any production - both manual and mechanized. In the conditions of mechanization and automation of production, the requirements for the organization of labor processes of performers, and primarily those serving mechanized and automated complexes, are especially increasing, since it is on this, ultimately, that the effectiveness of their use depends.

    The labor process is a set of actions carried out by the performer in the process of performing specific work (functions). The content and structure of the labor process depend on the production task, the technology used and the material and technical means used.

    The main element of the labor process is an operation - a part of the production process carried out by one employee or a group at one workplace and including all their actions to perform a unit of a given work on one object of labor.

    Labor movements are classified as follows:

    By the type of movement - into displacement, grasping, liberating and supporting;
    by direction - active and passive;
    in terms of technological content - basic and auxiliary;
    by the way of execution - movement of fingers, hands, arms, legs, body, head, eyes;
    in terms of movement accuracy, they are coercive and free.

    Despite the variety of work processes, each handmade performed sequentially, in parallel or sequentially - in parallel by combining the main four types of labor movements:

    Gripping, aimed at taking or grabbing one or another object or separate parts of the tools with the fingers;
    relocatable to perform the grasping movement, as well as the movements of the arms, legs, body, made to move the object of labor or a separate part of the tool / reach out, move the hand with the object or part of the tool, incl. move, rotate, raise, lower, combine /;
    supporting movements aimed at maintaining for some time the position of the object relative to other objects or parts of equipment, etc. / support, hold /;
    liberation movements aimed at freeing the worker's hand from the object or part of the tools in it / freeing, letting go, taking away the hand /.

    With regard to the main types of movements characteristic of any labor process, microelement time standards have been developed, which are recommended for use in normative research work on labor.

    A set of techniques is a set of labor techniques for performing any complete, technologically homogeneous part of an operation. For example, a set of techniques "setting and fixing a part in a three-jaw chuck" can be divided into two labor methods: "install a part in a chuck" and "fix a part".

    Labor methods, in turn, can be divided into labor actions.

    A labor action is a set of labor movements performed without interruption by the working organs of a person to perform a part of a technique, for example, "take a part", "insert a part into a chuck."

    Movement is a single movement of the arms, legs, fingers and body of an employee when performing a labor action. So, the labor action "take a part" consists of two movements - "reach out to the part" and "take the part with your fingers."

    The efficiency and quality of labor largely depend on the methods of labor that they use when performing operations.

    The labor method is understood as a method of performing a production task, characterized by a set of certain labor techniques (actions and movements) and the sequence of their implementation.

    The degree of rationality of labor methods used by various performers when performing similar operations depends on their skill, production skills and dexterity, organization of jobs and other factors.

    The organization of the labor process includes the design and implementation of progressive methods, methods of labor and rational conditions for its implementation.

    The criteria for the optimality of labor processes are high labor productivity with full use of equipment, compliance established requirements to the quality of products, as well as the correct combination of elements of physical and mental labor, contributing to an increase in job satisfaction.

    As a result of the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, the issues of effective interaction between man and technology are highlighted. In these conditions, an increase in the productivity and attractiveness of labor depends mainly on the construction of the labor process as a whole, on the nature of the interaction of the worker with the tools of labor.

    Taking into account these criteria, in practical work to improve the organization of the labor process, a number of principles are used, the essence of which is set out below.

    The principle of the optimal content of the labor process is that its composition should include elements that provide the most favorable combination of mental and physical activity for a person, an even load on various organs and the rhythm of the labor process. The correct combination of mental and physical activity is achieved by choosing the optimal forms of the technological and functional division of labor. Equal work of arms, legs, body is of great importance, which creates conditions not only for the growth of labor productivity, but also for reducing worker fatigue in the labor process. The development of a clear work rhythm is facilitated by the specialization of workplaces to perform a certain range of similar operations, the consolidation of batches of processed parts, the elimination of cases of distraction of the worker from his main work.

    One of the main indicators of the content of labor is the number of different labor movements in the operation. A decrease in their diversity, and, consequently, an increase in the number of identical movements performed during the working day, leads to the formation of a stable dynamic stereotype in the worker and, within certain limits, to an increase in labor productivity. Further impoverishment of the content of operations entails an increase in the monotony of labor and a decrease in its productivity. It should be emphasized that the optimum content of labor depends on the psychophysiological characteristics of the worker, which is of great importance for the correct selection of labor functions and operations for each worker.

    With the brigade form of labor organization, optimization of the content of labor is facilitated by the design of the content of collective labor processes, in the implementation of which the entire brigade or link is involved, and the organization of the alternation of the performance of various operations by workers.

    The principle of parallelism is to ensure the simultaneous operation of a person and a machine, the simultaneous operation of several machines, and the simultaneous participation of both hands of the performer in the labor process. Compliance with the principle of parallelism reduces the time spent on operations and thereby increases production efficiency. From the point of view of physiology, the implementation of parallel actions by different organs not only does not increase the person's fatigue, but also, with a partial combination of actions and the presence of some micropauses, contributes to its reduction. Compliance with the principle of parallelism of the work of a person and a machine means performing, if possible, techniques of auxiliary, preparatory and final work and maintenance of the workplace during automatic operation of the equipment, simultaneous processing of several parts on one machine, parallel operation of various tools, multi-station service, etc.

    The principle of saving muscular and nervous energy provides for the exclusion of unnecessary techniques, labor actions and movements from the labor process. It is often superfluous to shift, for example, an object of labor or a tool from one hand to another, static techniques (hold, support), transitions within the workplace and outside it, etc. Excessive movements are most often bending, turning, squatting, etc. .d.

    When choosing a trajectory of movements, preference is given to symmetrical movements over asymmetrical, smooth and continuous movements over zigzag movements, circular movements over rectilinear movements, etc.

    When choosing a working posture, it should be borne in mind that muscle tension when working in a standing position and in a straight posture is 15%, and in a bent posture it is almost twice as high as when working in a sitting position. The alternation of standing and sitting work significantly reduces fatigue, since in this case the load on different muscle groups alternates. Therefore, one should strive to ensure that the working posture is relaxed and natural, so that the worker has the opportunity to work alternately while sitting and standing, to change the posture.

    The mating of the worker's hands with the controls of the equipment must be stable and ensure the speed and convenience of picking up the object, the beneficial application of efforts and their correct distribution. The practical implementation of these recommendations is ensured mainly by the design of equipment, technological and organizational equipment, taking into account the anthropometric data of a person, a rational layout of the workplace, excluding unnecessary labor techniques and movements.

    At production sites, the saving of the muscular and nervous energy of workers is achieved through the rational placement of equipment, workplaces, warehouses, storerooms, the organization of active maintenance of production, as a result of which their transitions outside the workplace are minimized.

    The saving of muscular and nervous energy is facilitated by such a construction of the labor process, in which each subsequent method, labor action or movement is a natural continuation of the preceding elements of the labor process. It is important that sequentially machined surfaces or assembly transitions directly follow one another, so that there are no return movements, return transitions within a cycle, etc.

    The principle of planned and preventive maintenance of workplaces is to coordinate in time and establish strict regulations for the performance of main and auxiliary works. Compliance with this principle allows you to reduce interruptions in work associated with deficiencies in the maintenance of workplaces and equipment, by performing all or most of the work on the maintenance of workplaces without equipment downtime and loss of working time of the main workers.

    The principle of the employee's compliance with the work performed consists in the selection of workers in such a way that they are according to their psychological and physiological data; general educational and vocational training to the greatest extent corresponded to the nature and content of the work performed.

    These goals are achieved through professional selection, as well as the organization of training, advanced training, industrial instruction and training, ensuring the acquisition of the necessary qualifications and production skills and the rapid mastery of rational methods and techniques of labor.

    The principle of optimal labor intensity is to establish, on the basis of labor standards, such a level of labor intensity that ensures its high productivity with optimal physical and nervous tension.

    The principle of optimal performance of equipment is to establish, on the basis of standards or special studies, such operating modes of equipment that would provide the lowest total costs of living and past labor for performing both individual technological operations and the production process as a whole. Based on this requirement, extremely high operating modes are set mainly on the most loaded equipment, which limits the throughput of sections and workshops.

    The principle of the optimal mode of work and rest of workers in production means setting the time for the beginning and end of work, the alternation of shifts, the beginning and end of lunchtime and other regulated intra-shift breaks that provide the most favorable working conditions, as well as create conditions for the timely implementation of repair, commissioning and other preparatory work , assignment of equipment to workers, etc.

    Compliance with the listed principles is one of the main conditions for high productivity and favorable working conditions.

    The work begins with the selection of research objects and ends with the implementation of the design of the work process.

    When choosing objects of research, it is necessary, depending on the task at hand, to determine the performer (circle of performers).

    No less important at the stage of preparation for the study is the choice of the method of conducting the study and technical means. This issue is solved taking into account the differentiation of the studied labor process, the scope of its application.

    The simplest way is visual observation both directly at the performer's workplace and remotely.

    For a more detailed analysis of the labor process, it is advisable to use film and video filming, modern technical means.

    The choice of the method and technical means of studying labor methods is due to the degree of mechanization of the process under study, the required accuracy of measurements, the expected scale of the introduction of a rational method of labor, and the expected economic efficiency.

    When carrying out work on the rationalization of labor processes, it is advisable to create working groups, which should include both labor specialists and a foreman, technologist, etc.

    Of great importance is the participation in the study of the labor processes of workers whose experience is being studied.

    At the end of the preparatory stage, it is necessary to give a preliminary economic assessment of the rationalization of the labor process.

    When analyzing the content of the labor process, unnecessary and irrationally performed techniques, actions, movements are revealed.

    As a rule, unnecessary techniques and movements are the result of improper or insufficiently thought out layout of the workplace or its incomplete equipment.

    Analysis of the sequence of performing labor techniques and actions makes it possible to identify opportunities for overlapping the time of performing manual techniques by the machine operating time of the equipment, for combining individual techniques in time due to the simultaneous work of the right and left hands, arms and legs, etc.

    When studying the content of techniques, methods of execution and trajectories of movements, the goal is to improve:

    Working posture (the convenience and stability of the worker's position, the degree of tilt and rotation of the body and head, the correct position of the hands, forearm and shoulder, the absence of unnecessary static stress);
    - pairing of the worker's hands with tools, materials, devices and controls (the location of fingers, hands is considered, the degree of ensuring the speed and convenience of taking the object, the correct application of efforts and their distribution is investigated);
    - method of performing movements (trajectory, path length, optimal speed, accuracy, timeliness, ease of movement, proportionality of efforts are revealed);
    - the nature of movements in time (the presence of pauses not associated with the need for rest, the combination of movements in time, the naturalness and convenience of coordinated movements, the presence of unavailable stops, inhibitions, a change in the direction of movements and their rhythm are considered).

    As an example of the rationalization of techniques and methods of labor, let us consider the results of improving the labor process at one of the workplaces of the production line for processing a camshaft at a machine-building enterprise. Investigated the techniques associated with cleaning the prisms of the device from shavings. Under existing conditions, the worker carried out a technique for cleaning three pairs of setting prisms from shavings with one right hand, that is, her left hand was inactive when performing this technique (for 0.125 min). Performing the technique, the worker repeated the action of cleaning the prisms 6 times and made an unnecessary movement - moving her hand with a brush from the first row of prisms to the second. This led to unnecessary waste of working time.

    The analysis showed that it is more rational to perform the technique "to clear the prisms of the setting device from shavings" simultaneously with two. To do this, it is necessary to equip the workplace with an additional brush tray and a second broom brush. The newly designed labor process provides for the combination of movements of the right and left hands in time and the elimination of unnecessary movement by moving the hand with a brush to the second row of prisms (the left hand cleans the left row of prisms, right-right). As a result of the rationalization of the labor process, it was possible to reduce the complexity of performing the analyzed labor technique from 0.125 to 0.078 minutes, i.e., by 63%.

    In case of irrational methods of labor, there may be a need for technical improvements, additional equipment of the workplace.

    An example is the labor method used at one of the workplaces of the same production line when performing a set of techniques related to the installation and removal of a part.

    Under existing conditions, the set of techniques included 16 movements of the left hand, 20 movements of the right hand, and 8 movements performed with both hands simultaneously. The complexity of the implementation of this complex was 0.137 min.

    The analysis of the labor movements performed by the worker showed that the irrational design of the clamping device of the device forces the worker to spend extra time and physical effort on fixing and detaching the part. Moreover, the worker performed these techniques in an uncomfortable position, bending forward and stretching both arms to the right and left 800-900 times per shift. The design and location of the upper center attachment arm were unsatisfactory. When installing and removing the part, the worker was also forced to stretch her hand upwards by 105 cm 800-900 times per shift, lifting herself up on her toes and stretching unnaturally while grabbing the lever with her hand. Changing the design of the clamping device and the shape of the lever (giving it a curved shape) made it possible to reduce the length of the movement "reach out to the lever" to 65 cm and perform it in the normal reach.

    A more rational and less laborious method was designed for performing a set of techniques for installing and removing a part, which took only 0.09 minutes. instead of 0.137 min. (by eliminating 19 labor movements).

    As a result, the production of parts at this workplace was increased from 440 to 462 pcs.

    The use of irrational labor methods is often associated with shortcomings in the layout and equipment of the workplace, untimely and poor-quality maintenance, lack of proper communication with services, etc. Therefore, work to improve work processes should be multi-purpose, i.e., include research not only techniques and methods of work, but also issues of rational organization and equipment of workplaces, improving the system of their service.

    A necessary condition for the successful implementation of the projected work process is the development of instruction cards, which indicate the techniques, labor actions and movements included in them, the time for their implementation, as well as elements of rationalization. Labor actions and movements are described in accordance with the sequence of their execution, etc.

    The elements of rationalization indicated in the card, and the time for the implementation of certain techniques, direct the worker to precisely those labor actions and movements that can be performed more correctly and faster.

    Drawing up instruction cards, along with instructing and training workers, is important, since it requires the researcher to take a responsible attitude to all proposals in the field of rationalizing methods and working methods. He must once again carefully analyze the entire labor process, the sequence of its implementation and, if necessary, with the help of microelement time standards, further clarify the effectiveness of the proposed method.

    Production instruction is of great importance for the introduction of advanced techniques and methods of labor. So, with the current oral briefing carried out by a foreman or a foreman in the process of bypassing workplaces on the site, irrational techniques and methods of labor of individual workers are usually detected and promptly eliminated. A very effective and efficient tool is the individual demonstration of rational working methods at the workplace of the performer.

    Particular attention should be paid to the technical means of teaching advanced techniques and working methods. Among the modern technical teaching aids, one should highlight filming, videomagnetic recording and television, as well as special simulators. When filming, the means of studying labor processes and disseminating best practices is the film. The construction of educational films depends on the task at hand and the characteristics of the work process.

    The use of industrial television in training employees in advanced labor methods is possible in the following main options:

    1) direct transfer from the workshop (laboratory) to the classroom;
    2) transmission of films or videomagnetic recordings to classrooms through a special or general television network. The choice of one or another option is determined by the specific working conditions of the enterprise, the level of technical equipment, the available television facilities, the nature of work processes, the tasks that are supposed to be solved by direct demonstration of experience and showing a film.

    The use of television makes it possible to demonstrate to large groups of workers how to perform a particular operation. In this case, the demonstration of the experience can be accompanied by the necessary explanations. The technical capabilities of television allow sequential and parallel demonstration on several screens of the same and the same type of operations performed by different workers.

    The use of simulators and control training devices can significantly speed up the process of mastering new techniques and methods of labor, as well as improve the quality of training.

    The widespread use of rational techniques and methods of labor in production will improve the use of modern high-performance equipment and working time, significantly increase labor productivity.

    The quality of the work process

    The quality of the labor process is an integral concept that comprehensively characterizes the level and degree of well-being, social and spiritual development of a person. "

    There are many definitions of what is called the quality of working life. In this work, it is defined as the degree (level) of satisfaction by members of the organization of their personal needs, the achievement of their personal goals and the fulfillment of strong desires through work in this organization. The creation of programs and methods for improving the quality of working life is one of the important aspects of personnel management.

    The overall goal of the quality of working life as a combination of organizational conditions and practical measures is to create a satisfactory workplace that is conducive to productive work for both ordinary workers and managers, the organization of which contributes to the production of quality goods and services. The quality of working life assumes that the employee is not just a mindless performer of tasks, but a thinking person, and the environment should not suppress his intellect, but contribute to its development and use. If the environment of the employee is conducive to this, everyone wins: employee, manager, customer, client.

    The concept of the quality of working life (KTZH) is a universal human movement towards the creation of conditions that impede the process of alienation of labor, the restoration of the integrity of labor and culture, the rise of a person as an independent creative person.

    According to this concept, people are considered not just as labor resources of a certain composition, but in close connection with the conditions in which they can optimally realize themselves as individuals, i.e. with all conditions up to cultural, national, moral, everyday.

    All factors are systematically studied: upbringing, education, professional training, physical and mental abilities and health, moral and spiritual values, as well as the conditions and organization of work, life and rest.

    The concept of the quality of working life is based on two provisions:

    First, the main motivator for work should not be wages, not a career, but satisfaction from achievements in the labor process as a result of self-realization and self-expression, i.e. in this case, the moral forms of compulsion to work are higher than the material ones.
    Secondly, it is assumed that full self-realization and self-expression of an employee can take place only in a labor democracy.

    High quality working life should be characterized by the following:

    1. The work must be interesting.
    2. Workers should receive fair remuneration and recognition for their work.
    3. The working environment should be clean, with low noise and good illumination.
    4. Management oversight should be minimal, but carried out whenever the need arises.
    5. Workers should be involved in decisions that affect them and their work.
    6. There should be a guarantee of work and the development of friendly relations with colleagues.
    7. Facilities for household and medical services should be provided.

    Analysis of work processes

    Analysis of the organization of work - its identification of positive and negative sides the existing organization of labor, both in general and in its individual elements, determining the influence of the organization of labor on the use of working time and equipment, on the intensity of labor, on the working capacity and health of workers, their physical and intellectual development.

    An important direction in the analysis of the degree of rationality of the current organization of labor is the analysis of the method of labor and, in particular, the analysis of labor movements.

    Analysis of labor movements - the study of movements with the establishment of their composition and method of implementation; is carried out in order to reduce their number, rationalize and eliminate unnecessary movements for performing a specific operation.

    To improve work processes, various methods are used to study them and measure the cost of working time to perform an operation and its elements. When choosing instruments and research methods, one proceeds from the purpose and type of research, as well as from the conditions in which the labor process is carried out (repeatability, complexity, mass character of the movements, techniques and operations used). Usually, visual, visual, instrumental methods of studying labor processes are used, as well as observation with the use of instruments and other means that register the time of the labor process by elements.

    Visual methods of studying the labor process (without the use of technical measuring instruments) are used to identify the qualitative characteristics of the process.

    Visual-instrumental methods (using a tool and involving observers registering actual data) are used to identify qualitative indicators and measure, as well as register quantitative indicators of the labor process.

    Depending on the duration of the measured time intervals and the requirements for the accuracy of measurements, clocks, stopwatches, chronographs, chronoscopes, and automatic dials are used as time devices. Each of them is intended for a specific type of research. So, the clock is used to measure the duration of labor processes, the stopwatch is used to quickly and accurately take readings during the observation of the labor process (with an accuracy of hundredths of a second), which is quite enough for timing observations.

    A chronograph designed for taking measurements according to the current time and for measuring short periods of time and is used when taking photographs of working hours or photo timing.

    When making observations with the help of arrow instruments, the required accuracy of measurements is not always achieved, and processing the data of such observations is laborious. Therefore, in a number of cases, observations are carried out using automatic recording devices, which make it possible to obtain accurate data on the duration of operations and the sequence of their execution. These devices are mechanical devices that record the work process automatically or semi-automatically and record observational data in the form of digital indicators or images (graphs and diagrams).

    The main methods of observation in the study of the labor process are: photography of the working day, timing and the method of momentary observations. Filming has received wide applications in the practice of studying the method of labor. general character and individual elements of the labor process, to study in detail the methods of performing techniques that elude the observer during visual observation, to clarify the list of techniques and movements and to determine the sequence and duration of the techniques. The use of filming requires large material and labor costs, therefore, it was used only in mass and large-scale production. Currently, great prospects are opening up before the study of labor processes with the help of video filming.

    In conditions of market competition, it is of particular importance for each company to reduce costs and thereby generate more income. The key direction in this activity is the correct organization of labor processes.

    Relevance of the issue

    When creating products, materials, semi-finished products and raw materials are transformed into finished products. In this case, three components are used: the instrument of production, the object and the labor force. With the help of the first, a person changes the shape of an object, its physical and chemical characteristics, type, location. The tools of production are used in the control of the manufacturing process of the product, in the implementation of other activities. Taken together, all operations form the activities of the enterprise. Thus, the content of the labor process includes the operations of the personnel necessary for the expedient change of the subject. At the same time, the efficiency of operations depends on various factors. Among them are the nature of the production process, and the specifics of the task, and the degree of human participation in its implementation.

    Features of the manufacture of products

    In the course of working activities, materials, raw materials and semi-finished products are transformed into products ready for use / use. This is done with the participation or under the control of a person. In practice, the following classification of production processes has been adopted:

    1. Basic. Their purpose is to manufacture goods for the market.
    2. Auxiliary. These include, for example, transport and repair operations. They ensure the normal operation of the enterprise.

    The classification is of significant practical importance. Any of them can be viewed from two sides. First of all, production processes are complexes of changes that occur with objects. Together with this, they are a set of actions of employees aimed at obtaining a finished product. In the first case, we are talking about the technological, and in the second - about the labor process.

    Operation categories

    Technological processes are classified according to:

    • the degree of continuity;
    • energy source;
    • method of influencing the subject.

    Depending on the energy source, active and passive operations are distinguished. The latter are considered natural and do not require additional energy converted by man to influence the object. An example of a passive operation is metal cooling under normal conditions. Active processes take place under the direct influence of either a person on an object, or set in motion by energy transformed by the worker. Technological operations can be continuous or discrete. In the first case, it does not stop during the period of loading materials, issuing products, during control activities. Accordingly, the second category is distinguished by the presence of breaks. Depending on the method of action on the object and the type of equipment used, the technological process can be hardware or mechanical. The latter is carried out by the employee manually or with the help of machines, machine tools, etc. In this process, the object is subjected to mechanical stress. As a result, there is a change in the shape, position, size of the object. Hardware processes involve exposure to thermal energy, chemical reactions, biological elements, or radiation. Such operations take place in chambers, ovens, vessels, baths, etc. As a result, a product is obtained that may differ from the starting material in its chemical properties, state of aggregation, and structure. Hardware operations are most often used in the food, metallurgical, microbiological, and chemical industries.

    Research of labor processes

    All technological operations at enterprises are carried out with the participation of a person. In an industrial environment, the labor process is the activity of personnel aimed at converting certain resources into specific products. Its key features are:

    • energy and time costs;
    • usefulness of results;
    • income;
    • the degree of satisfaction with the performance of functions.

    The essence of the activity is determined by the totality of operations and personnel movements that are required for the execution of all stages. The organization of work processes should ensure:

    • receiving assignments;
    • informational and material training;
    • direct participation in the transformation of raw materials into a finished product, according to technology;
    • delivery of the result.


    The labor process and its rationalization are provided by the methods used for performing individual operations that contribute to reducing physical activity, creating convenience in the implementation of activities, eliminating unnecessary and repeated actions. The applied methods also facilitate control and accounting activities. The classification, content and composition of work processes are closely related to the technology used in the enterprise. In this regard, the effectiveness of the activity will depend not only on its direct executor. The design of the equipment used, the organization of work processes and workplaces are of great importance. These elements play an increasing role in modern conditions.

    Features of work activities

    The labor process, the principles of its organization are considered one of the fundamental elements of any enterprise. In the conditions of automation and mechanization, the requirements for the quality of the activities of the personnel performing the equipment maintenance are significantly increased. This is due to the fact that the efficiency of the enterprise will depend on this.

    Classification of work processes: diagram, table

    The structure of the activity depends on the task, the technology used and the logistics. To study its diversity, a classification of labor processes is carried out. Various types of activities are grouped according to specific criteria. Depending on the objectives of the study, certain criteria are selected that characterize the labor process and its organization. The classification of personnel activities can be carried out according to:

    • the characteristics of the raw materials used in chemical, metal and woodworking operations, and others;
    • the functions performed (the classification of labor processes in this case provides for the division into basic, service, management operations);
    • type of production: it can be mass, serial, individual (single);
    • the nature and content of operations: they can be processing, thermal, mining, physical and chemical, and so on;
    • the form of organization of labor activity: it can be individual, subject-closed, collective;
    • frequency and duration.

    Basic information is presented in the table below.


    Depending on the purpose of the products, the activities of the personnel are divided into auxiliary and main ones. This classification of work processes influences the choice of norms for employees, ways of establishing them. It also influences the choice of methods for creating the necessary conditions for people to carry out their professional activities. The classification of work processes is also carried out depending on the degree of participation of personnel in them. Manual operations are performed manually or using non-mechanized tools. For example, it can be painting a blank with a brush. Manual mechanized operations are performed using more sophisticated tools. For example, it can be drilling holes with an electric drill. Machine-manual operations are performed by mechanisms with the participation of an employee. At the same time, the specialist makes certain efforts to control the elements of the equipment. Machine operations include processes that are performed on machines and other units. In these cases, the involvement of the employee is reduced solely to the management of the equipment. Automated processes are called processes that are performed by machines, the movement of the working bodies of which, as well as control, is carried out according to a given program using computers. The employee's tasks are reduced to monitoring the progress of operations.

    Nature of the product and subject

    There is a classification of labor processes, within which operations are divided into informational and material-energy. In the latter case, the product and subject of professional activity is a substance (parts, materials, raw materials) or energy (hydraulic, thermal, electrical). Accordingly, such work processes are typical for workers. The product and the object in the first case are information. It can be design, technological, economic. Information operations are carried out by employees (specialists).

    Specificity of creating conditions for activity

    Improving planning and improving the service of existing jobs is one of the key components of the organization of work in the company. This is necessary to create conditions for high-quality and high-performance operations at the lowest possible physical costs. Workplaces are the primary link in the structure of an enterprise. Each of them is a zone of application of a person's physical and mental efforts. The workplace should be equipped with the necessary tools used to perform the assigned tasks by one or more subjects. It predetermines the conditions for carrying out activities (heavy, normal, harmful), modes of rest and employment, the nature of operations (monotonous, varied, and so on).

    Key areas of administration

    The workplace acts as one of the most important categories studied in the framework of management theory. This is due to the fact that the area in which a person performs his professional tasks has a direct impact on the effectiveness of the activity. The effectiveness of personnel management and the enterprise as a whole depends on it. In the process of organizing work places, tasks are solved:

    • optimal use of the enterprise area;
    • rational arrangement within a limited area of ​​all elements of the workplace;
    • creating convenient and comfortable conditions for employees;
    • prevention of negative impact on people of internal and external factors;
    • uninterrupted high-quality service of each workplace, ensuring the rhythmic, continuous and synchronous functioning of the sections.

    The purpose of administration

    At workplaces, the components of the labor process are combined: funds, subject matter and direct efforts of employees. The main task in the framework of administration is the functional placement of elements to reduce time and physical losses. Particular attention is paid to ensuring safety when equipping workplaces. Competent management is characterized by an adequate justification for the regulation of professional activities. This is achieved if standards are developed:

    • experienced professionals;
    • according to the recommended method;
    • with the application of the labor standard.

    Time Cost Analysis

    It is necessary to establish adequate standards. The analysis is carried out in accordance with the classification of workers' time used. The criteria can be:

    • direct physical efforts of staff;
    • subject of activity;
    • equipment.

    Working time is a measure of labor costs.

    Significance of maintenance and provision of sites

    At workplaces, timely delivery of raw materials, tools and materials, repair and adjustment of equipment should be established. The enterprises create and implement a system of complex provision of sites. It provides:

    • preparation and communication of planned tasks to personnel and distribution of operations;
    • equipping with tools;
    • adjustment of equipment;
    • energy supply, overhaul maintenance of devices and installations;
    • current repair and maintenance of equipment;
    • quality control of tools and objects of labor;
    • acceptance of finished products to warehouses.


    It allows you to detect workplaces that do not meet modern requirements, where low-skilled, hard, manual labor is used or the performance of tasks is carried out in conditions that are dangerous for the employee. All deficiencies identified during the certification must be eliminated in the most short time... Bringing workplaces in line with modern requirements is the responsibility of managers. Implementation allows you to improve and optimize the activities of enterprises.


    Labor processes and their classification are the basis of the activities of any enterprise. In modern conditions, with the constantly growing role of automation, the requirements for the quality and speed of operations are growing. Within the framework of management activities workspace optimization models are developed and implemented, morally and physically worn out equipment is eliminated.

    Topic 4. Labor process. Labor method.

    The concept of “labor process” is closely related to the concept of "labor". Often they are not distinguished: labor, as a process that takes place in time and space, is called a labor process.

    However, there are some differences between these concepts, although when solving specific tasks the possibility of considering them as synonyms is not excluded. V general view“Labor” is a broader concept that can be viewed from various angles (occupational health, labor culture, labor physiology, labor psychology, labor sociology, labor economics, etc.), and act as a generalized characteristic of the production process.

    The concept of "labor process" is most often associated with human actions to change the subject of labor. In its narrow sense, the concept of "labor process" is directly related to the solution of problems in the field of organization, regulation and rationing of labor.

    In modern educational literature, the authors offer a fairly broad interpretation of the labor process, depending on the setting of those target tasks that determine the isolation of one or another aspect of the labor process as determining.

    So, in study guide edited by V.V. Adamchuk's labor process is understood as a set of actions of workers necessary for a reasonable change in the subject of labor. In the textbook edited by Yu.G. Odegova, the authors consider the labor process as a set of actions of the performer or a group of performers to transform the objects of labor into his product, performed in the workplace. From the point of view of G.E.Slesinger, the labor process is a cycle of consistently carried out by a person actions that are necessary and sufficient to obtain intermediate and final results of work. The team of authors of the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University is considering another option, where the labor process means a set of interrelated human actions in the course of creating material goods or providing services aimed at achieving a finished result of labor at a specific workplace and in a clearly defined period of time.

    But any interpretation of the labor process is ultimately reduced to a set of actions by the performer for a predetermined transformation of objects of labor, the final result of which is the receipt of economically justified and necessary commodity products.

    From an economic point of view, the labor process is the process of consuming labor for the purpose of producing material goods or providing services.

    From the definitions of this concept, it follows that any labor process is characterized by a set of specific actions of performers aimed at implementing a complex technological process. The technological process determines content, order actions of performers, as well as their certain subsequence, both in the production of material goods, and in the course of performing specific functions in areas of activity other than material ones.

    This means that the labor process implements (mediates) the developed technological process. It is no coincidence that K. Marx wrote: "... in the process of labor, human activity with the help of labor means prearranged change subject of labor ".

    Classification of labor processes.

    A wide variety of labor processes are carried out in the sectors of the economy. Labor processes can be considered in relation to individual workplaces, as well as in a broader sense (team, department, shop, etc.), i.e. in the narrow and broad sense of the word.

    Labor processes differ in:

    · The nature of the subject and product of labor;

    · Functions of employees;

    · The degree of human participation in the transformation of the subject of labor;

    · The form of labor organization.

    Classification of labor processes based on such features as degree of human participation, form of work organization, nature of the object and product of labor in general form can be represented by the following diagram:

    By the nature of the subject and product of labor, two types of labor processes are distinguished - material and informational. Substantial labor processes are characteristic of workers, since the subject and product of workers' labor is substance (raw materials, materials, machine parts, etc.) or energy (electrical, thermal, hydraulic, etc.). Information work processes are characteristic of employees, since one of the main subjects and products of employees' labor is information (economic, technological, design, etc.).

    With scientific and technological progress, the share of information labor processes. With the invention of computers, much more work processes have become, which to one degree or another refer to information processes.

    Further differentiation of the labor processes of workers and employees is carried out according to their functions... Currently, the labor processes of workers are divided into main and auxiliary.

    Main processes are aimed at changing the basic objects of labor and giving them the properties of finished products.

    Supporting processes are aimed at creating conditions for the normal course of the main production process. The purpose of auxiliary processes is to manufacture products that are used in the main production, but are not included in the finished product of the enterprise (products for domestic consumption). The composition and complexity of auxiliary processes depends on the characteristics of the main processes.

    A separate group is made up service processes, i.e. processes of maintenance of equipment and workplaces through transportation, storage, control, logistics.

    In the main production, where the main products of the enterprise are produced, the main and auxiliary labor processes, including service ones, take place, while in the auxiliary production, which provides the main production with the necessary types of components, tools, repairs, etc., only auxiliary and service processes take place. ...

    It is these three types of processes that are usually singled out for the purposes of labor rationing, since they are aimed at the release of products in the main shops, at the release of products in the auxiliary shops and at the maintenance of jobs in the main and auxiliary shops.

    Accordingly, according to the nature of the functions performed, groups of basic, auxiliary and service workers are distinguished. According to their functions, employees are also divided into three groups, which were discussed above.

    Features of labor processes from the point of view of labor rationing are determined by:

    √ type of production (mass, large-scale, serial, small-scale and individual);

    √ the purpose and nature of the products manufactured, as well as the nature of the functions performed by employees in the labor process (production of main products and general-purpose products, preparation of production and its maintenance);

    √ the nature of the flow of the technological process in time (continuous, discrete).

    By the degree of human participation allocate labor processes depending on the means of labor used.

    Manual processes carried out by one worker or a group of workers manually or using the simplest tools (ax, plane, shovel, hydraulic tool, etc.). In such processes, objects of labor change under the influence of the physical efforts of workers.

    In machine-manual processes, the object of labor is processed by a mechanism with the direct participation of the worker (sewing on a sewing machine, processing parts on a machine with manual feed, etc.).

    In machine processes, the object of labor (shape, type, size, position) is changed by the mechanisms of the machine, and the worker, manually or with the help of machine control mechanisms, performs elements of auxiliary work (fixing and removing parts on the machine, changing tools, etc.).

    Automated processes are carried out under the control and supervision of the worker without his direct participation. The main work on transforming the subject of labor is fully automated. With partial automation of the process, the auxiliary work of the performer is partially automated (semiautomatic devices), with full automation, it is fully automated (automatic devices).

    In connection with the specifics of automated production, the question arises: what is the subject of labor, labor itself and instruments of labor in automated production?

    If in traditional production (manual, machine) a person creates a useful product by directly influencing the subject of labor with help means of labor, then in the conditions of automated production, living labor interacts already with machines on which human efforts are directed. Under these conditions, the subject of labor is automated equipment, tools of labor are automation (robotization) and computerization, and labor itself is the maintenance and management of equipment.

    The functional content of the worker's labor as a result of the automation of production changes as follows (see table):

    Worker functions Employment performing a function
    Mechanical tools Partially automated tools Fully automated work tools
    Acquaintance with the content of the task partially busy partially busy busy
    Preparation for the execution of the technological process busy partially busy not busy
    Direct impact on the subject of labor busy partially busy not busy
    Interoperational movement of the object of labor busy partially busy not busy
    Monitoring the progress of the technological process busy busy busy
    Control, adjustment, repair of labor tools not busy busy busy
    Control of the quantity and quality of products busy not busy not busy

    The above classification of labor processes is important for determining the requirements for the accuracy of the established labor standards.

    The content of the labor process is formed under the influence of a number of factors, namely, depending on: technical means intended for the implementation of a given work; technologies; organization of production and labor; sanitary and hygienic and other conditions for its implementation; the main features of the performers of the work. It is always associated with specific labor for specific workplace.

    Elements of work processes... In the practice of labor rationing, the labor movement is considered to be the primary element of the labor process.

    Under the labor movement means a single movement of the body, arm, leg, or other part of the body by an employee in the process of performing work (reach out to the tool, take the tool).

    Labor movements are the most versatile elements of the labor process. They are highly repeatable. For example, when manually placing marmalade in trays, the labor action “take the marmalade” can be repeated 4550 times per shift.

    Studies carried out by the Research Institute of Labor in several industries have shown that when the same conditions, the composition and sequence of the movements, the time for their implementation is almost the same. For example, the time to perform the labor movement “take an object weighing up to 3 kg with one hand” was (sec): in mechanical engineering - 0.56; in the textile industry - 0.5; in the clothing industry - 0.6; in the food industry - 0.55.

    Under labor action is understood as a logically completed set of continuously following labor movements carried out by one or a group of workers with unchanged objects and means of labor (take a tool, put a part).

    Under labor reception is understood as a set of continuously following labor actions that make up the completed part of the work carried out by one or a group of workers on one or more objects of labor (install a part in the chuck of a lathe).

    Labor methods, depending on the purpose, are divided into basic and auxiliary. Basic (technological) techniques are designed to achieve the goal of changing the subject of labor. The purpose of the auxiliary techniques is to provide preparation for the implementation of the basic techniques.

    Complexes of work practices represent a set of labor techniques, which is part of the labor operation (install the part in the chuck and clamp it).

    Under labor operation means a set of work practices or their complexes, carried out by one or a group of employees at one workplace, including all their actions to perform units given work above one subject of labor.

    Complex of operations call a group of operations for the manufacture of one product at one production site with the same composition of performers.

    So, from the point of view of labor rationing, the constituent parts of the labor process, which is performed by an employee or a group of employees during the working day, are labor operations, which consist of the techniques, actions and movements of the employee.

    A labor operation is characterized by the constancy of the subject of labor, workplace and performers. When the last two conditions (workplace and performers) change, work on one object of labor is divided into separate operations. A labor operation, as a complete cycle of labor actions to change the subject of labor, performed by one or a group of workers at one workplace, is the main structural element of the labor process. Due to this, it is the labor operation that is the object of analysis and regulation of labor, and for this purpose it is divided into labor methods, actions and movements.

    Structuring the labor process with bringing its content to individual movements is carried out with the aim of studying and measuring the cost of working time, identifying the factors on which the duration of each element depends, and establishing a rational sequence for performing the elements.

    Detailed structuring of the labor process is characteristic of constantly repetitive operations, which occurs, as a rule, in mass and large-scale production. In other spheres of activity and types of production (batch, unit production), its structure can be more integrated.

    In the innovative sphere of activity, the labor process consists of operations within each stage of research and development, and in the management and entrepreneurial spheres - within each management function.

    Labor method.

    Labor movements, actions and techniques, their composition and sequence of execution determine labor method, on which the efficiency of workers' work largely depends.