Definition of the object and subject of the psychology of managerial activity. Psychology of management. Psychological patterns of management activity

1. Management psychology: its object and subject.

2. Basic concepts of management psychology.

3. Basic principles of management activity.

1. Management psychology: its object and subject

One of the most famous managers - Lee Iacocca said: "Management is not just business management, it is business management through filigree work with people." In the problem of improving business efficiency, a special place belongs to the psychology of management. Modern management purposefully unfolds in the direction of psychologization. Employees are considered not so much as a means to achieve certain results, but as the main goal of management, the subject of activity. Management is a creative process and a manager needs to learn how to effectively manage resources, including people.

M.I. Dyachenko and L.A. Kandybovich give the following definition of this branch of psychology: "Psychology of management is a branch of psychology that studies managerial activity, the properties and qualities of a person necessary for its successful implementation."

In the field of view of management psychology are the following problems:

manager's personality, questions of his self-improvement and self-development;

Organization of managerial activity in terms of its psychological effectiveness;

communication skills of a manager;

Conflicts in the production team and the role of the manager in overcoming them.

object studying the psychology of management are people who are legally and financially in a variety of organizational management systems.

Thing studying the psychology of management - psychological aspects, factors and mechanisms of functioning of the managing and managed subsystems of the organization, which determine its effective activity.

The rules, norms and requirements of the organization presuppose and give rise to special relations between people that exist only in the organization - these are the managerial relations of people, i.e. relations regarding the organization of joint activities.

The subject of management activity is the collective work of a particular organization, led by this management personnel. Since organizations differ significantly in terms of the conditions and content of labor, the psychological characteristics of managerial activity acquire a specific character in each case and are subject to special study.

in management psychology and individual worker, and social group, and the team are analyzed in the context of the organization they belong to.

2. Basic concepts of management psychology

The management process implies the presence in a certain organization of a management system. Features of managerial activity are associated both with the hierarchical place of the leader in it, and with the type of organizational structure.

Basic concepts of management: " organization", « control", « managerial functions».

An organization can be considered a group of people that satisfies three mandatory requirements: the presence of at least two people who consider themselves part of this group; the presence of at least one goal, which is taken as common members this group; the presence of group members who deliberately work together to achieve a goal that is meaningful to all.

Organization- a differentiable and mutually ordered association of individuals and groups acting on the basis of common goals, interests and programs. A distinction is made between formal and informal organization.

Formal has an administrative-legal status, makes the individual dependent on impersonal functional connections and norms of behavior. Any formal organization is a social environment where people interact not only as prescribed, but also guided by personal likes, dislikes and desires, on the basis of which an informal organization is formed.

informal an organization is a community of people united by personal choice and direct non-official contacts.

Control- targeted impact on a specific object. Organizations may have a different number of levels of management, depending on the goals, objectives, size, formal structure and other external and internal factors. Regardless of how many levels of management exist in a particular organization, managers are traditionally divided into 3 categories.

Lower level leader. This level of management is located directly above the specific performers of the work. The lower link ensures the constancy and reproduction of the specified parameters of the system elements, their stability. Most managers in general, and engineers in particular, are low-level managers. Their work is intense and varied. It is characterized by frequent transitions from one task to another, the short duration of each specific action. The time period for the implementation of decisions made by the master is also very short.

middle manager coordinates and supervises the work of the lower levels. It creates a viable structure that functions in the unity and variability of elements and relationships. The nature of the work of middle management varies greatly from organization to organization, but basically these managers participate in the decision-making process, identify problems, start discussions, and make recommendations for organizing activities. Middle managers often head departments of the organization - heads of services, chief specialists.

Top organizational level- senior managers (this level is much smaller than others). They determine the direction of development of the organization, are responsible for making the most important decisions. Strong senior leaders often define the face of an organization. Their work is characterized by great tension, high pace and huge volume. Successful senior executives around the world are highly valued.

3. Basic principles and patterns

management activities

Principle- this is the basic, initial position of some theory, doctrine, etc. This is the guiding idea, the main rule of activity. Control functions focused more on the organizational structure, the principles of management are focused on the behavior of people. If the management functions show what the leader in the organization should do, then the principles show how he does it. The set of principles is always open, it is enriched by new managerial experience.

Organization management is based on the following principles:

· principle of conformity of people to structure (you can not adjust the organization to the abilities of working people, you need to build it as a tool to achieve a clearly defined goal and select people who can ensure the achievement of this goal);

· principle of unity of command, or administrative responsibility of one person (no employee should report on his activities to more than one supervisor, and he must receive orders only from this supervisor);

· principle of departmentalization (the organization is built from the bottom up, at each stage the need to create new divisions is analyzed. The functions and role of the new division should be precisely established, its place in overall structure organizations);

· management specialization principle (all regularly repeated actions must be distributed among employees and not duplicated);

· control range principle (one leader should not have more than 6-12 subordinates. Some scientists believe that when performing physical work, a leader can have up to 30 people in submission, and at the top of the management pyramid - this is 3-5 people);

· vertical hierarchy principle (the fewer hierarchical degrees, the easier it is to manage the organization);

· principle of delegation of authority (the leader should not do what his subordinate can do, while managerial responsibility remains with the leader);

· correlation principle (at all levels of management, power and responsibility must coincide and be equal);

· principle of subordination of individual interests to a common goal : (the functioning of the organization as a whole and each of its divisions must be subordinated strategic goal organization development);

· remuneration principle (Each employee should receive remuneration for his work, and it should be assessed by him as fair).

As you know, management is carried out through the interaction of people, so the leader in his activities must take into account the laws that determine the dynamics of mental processes, interpersonal relationships, group behavior.

Such regularities include the following.

1. Law of response uncertainty. Different people and even one person can react differently to the same impact. The reaction of a particular person is determined by many factors that cannot be taken into account. This can lead to a misunderstanding of the needs of the subjects of managerial relations, their expectations, the peculiarities of the perception of a particular business situation and, as a result, to the use of interaction models that are inadequate to the mental state of each of the partners.

2. The law of inadequacy of the reflection of a person by a person. Its essence is that no person can comprehend another with such a degree of certainty that would be sufficient for making serious decisions about this person.

This process is explained by the super complexity of the nature and essence of man. At different moments of his life, even an adult can be at different levels of physiological, intellectual, emotional, social, sexual, motivational-volitional states. What matters is the fact that often the person himself does not know himself fully enough.

In addition, any person, whatever he may be, always hides something about himself, weakens something, strengthens something, denies some information about himself, substitutes something, attributes something to himself, he emphasizes something, etc. Using such defensive techniques, he shows himself to people not as he really is, but as he would like others to see him.

3. The law of inadequacy of self-esteem. The law is based on the pattern that the human psyche is an organic unity, the integrity of two components - the conscious and the unconscious, and these components correlate with each other like the surface and underwater parts of an iceberg. Therefore, a person evaluates himself inadequately - in some ways he underestimates, in some ways he overestimates.

4. The law of distortion of the meaning of management information. Any management information (directives, resolutions, orders, instructions, instructions) has an objective tendency to change meaning in the process of moving up the hierarchical ladder of management. It has been established that oral information is perceived with an accuracy of up to 50%. This is due, on the one hand, to the allegorical possibilities of the natural language used, which leads to differences in the interpretation of information, on the other hand, to differences in education, intellectual development, physical and even more so mental state subjects of analysis and transfer of management information. The change in the meaning of information is directly proportional to the number of links through which it passes.

5. Law of self-preservation. Its meaning is that the leading motive social behavior the subject of management activity is the preservation of his personal social status, self-esteem.

6. The Law of Compensation. With a high level of incentives for this work or high requirements of the environment for a person, the lack of any abilities for a successful specific activity is compensated by other abilities or skills. This compensatory mechanism often works unconsciously, and the person gains experience through trial and error. If compensation is carried out consciously, then the effect of it can be increased. However, it should be borne in mind that this law practically does not work at sufficiently high levels of complexity of management activities.

Management is the oldest field human activity. It exists as long as people live and work together. Only through coordinated action could people develop and create material and social values.

By the beginning of the XX century. management was not considered an independent branch of scientific research. However, with the advent of F. Taylor's book "Management" or "Factory Management" (1911), the main principles of managerial work were singled out.

In the 20s pp. 20th century the famous French engineer A. Fayol, the manager of a giant mining and metallurgical company, proposed a consistent system of management principles. He is considered the founder of management.

The concept of "management" is based on the English verb "to manage", which means to manage. A. Fayol's book "Fundamentals of Management", published in the 20's pp., Became a classic. Thanks to A. Fayol, management began to be considered a special activity. This is how the applied interdisciplinary science of management psychology arose.

Let us define the basic concepts of management psychology.

Management is a set of a system of coordinated activities aimed at achieving significant goals of the organization.

Management is management, leadership, direction, administration.

The term "management psychology" was first used in the 20s pp. 20th century in the former Soviet Union. As early as 1924, at the 2nd Conference on Problems of the Scientific Organization of Labor of the former Soviet Union, it was discussed about the psychology of management, which should fulfill the following tasks:

Selection of employees with the functions performed and to each other;

Influence on the psyche of managers through stimulation in order to increase labor efficiency.

In the works of A. Gastev, V. Dobrynin and others, there are many provisions on the use of psychological knowledge in the field of management (Stalin repressed and destroyed these scientists). And when psychology was banned in 1936, this also applied to developments in the psychology of management. Only from the mid-60s pp. the period of active application of psychological knowledge of the theory and practice of management begins.

B. Vendrov and L. Umansky were among the first to start developments in the psychology of management. They identified the following aspects of the psychology of production management:

Socio-psychological issue of production groups and collectives;

Psychological analysis of the leader's activity;

Psychology of the leader's personality;

The psychological issue of the selection of leadership personnel;

Psychological and pedagogical training of the leader;

Engineering psychology.

Other views were held by A. Kovalev, who attributed only socio-psychological issues to the sphere of management:

Optimal moral and psychological properties of the leader's personality;

Real types of leader and their influence on the moral and psychological climate of the team and on the production activities of employees;

Patterns of development of the production team and the dynamics of management;

The structure of the team and the specific approach of the leader to various microgroups;

At the present stage, there are two views on the object of management psychology. According to the first object, there are systems such as "man-technology", "man-man", which are considered in order to optimize the management of these systems.

According to the second object of management psychology, there is only a "man-man" system. The subsystems "person-group", "person-organization", "group-group", "group-organization", "organization-organization" are also called here.

Following the views of Vendrov and Umansky, V. Rubakhin and A. Filippov name the following main problems of management psychology:

Functional and structural analysis of management activities;

Engineering and psychological analysis of construction and use automated systems management;

Socio-psychological analysis of production and management teams, relationships in these teams;

Study of the psychology of the leader, the relationship between leaders;

Psychological aspects of selection and placement of leading personnel;

Psychological and pedagogical issues of training leaders.

Supporters of Kovalev's views, such as A. Kitov, pay the main attention to the activities of the leader. They believe that the psychology of management is mainly interested in the psychological aspect of managerial relations that function in the process of interpersonal and intergroup interaction of people involved in labor activity.

Consequently, there is reason to consider the psychology of management as a complex psychological science. And this means that this science uses the basic provisions of social psychology, ergonomics, engineering psychology, differential, pedagogical and other psychological sciences. Also, management psychology is based on the relevant knowledge of science. social management.

So, according to B. Lomov, "the psychology of management synthesizes in a certain respect the achievements of the social, natural and technical sciences."

Management psychology can be defined as a science that studies the psychological aspects of managing systems that encompass a person.

The psychology of management develops on the basis of integration, the list of sciences, makes a differentiated application of the acquired knowledge of the theory and practice of management.

The need to fully take into account socio-psychological factors in the management system led to the separation of psychology as an independent section of this social science. The need for such a section is noted in their publications by I. Volkov, Yu. Emelyanov, A. Zhuravlev, B. Kuzmin, B. Shorokhova and others.

The object of social psychology of management is the labor collective in broad sense of this word (organization, collective of the enterprise, workshop, brigade).

The subject of social psychology of management is the socio-psychological aspect of various managerial relations that cover all people as members of the workforce. This diversity of managerial relations can be specified:

The relationship between the control subsystem and the subsystem that is being controlled, or its individual elements;

Relations in the control subsystem;

Relationships in a controlled subsystem.

The subject of socio-psychological management also covers the socio-psychological characteristics of the leader and his activities.

The relationship between subject and object can be analyzed at four levels:

individual person;

primary team;

The team of the workshop, department, subdivision;

The team of the enterprise, organization.

The object of management at each of these levels is characterized by its socio-psychological specifics, it turns out to be in the appropriate managerial relations between the subject and the object of management.

Also, the specificity of each of the above levels is reflected in the features of managerial relations both within certain teams and objects of management.

General socio-psychological analysis of managerial relations in the workforce should be carried out in accordance with the above levels.

So, we can summarize that the psychology of management should cover the analysis of the psychological aspects of the controlling subsystem and the subsystem that is being controlled, as well as the interaction between them.

Manager is an entity that performs managerial functions. The word "manager manager" has long been part of the practice of Western management. An important practical principle of management is the following statement: "Who manages - does not produce, who produces - does not manage" (W. Siegert and L. Lange. Manage without conflict. - M., 1990). These authors give the following definition of management: "Management It is the leadership of people and the use of means in such a way as to accomplish the tasks set in a humane, economical and rational way.

The well-known American scientist P. Drucker also defines the concept of "management". Management is a special kind of activity that turns an unorganized crowd into an efficient, purposeful and productive group.

In management psychology, the concept of "human factor" (human factor) is often used. The concept of "human factor" began to be used during the Second World War. It comes from English.

The human factor is everything that depends on a person, his capabilities, desires, abilities, etc. Its importance is determined by the fact that the role of a person and his capabilities in the management process increases, the more the requirements for the intellectual functions of a person and other mental processes increase, from perception and attention to the responsibility of human life.

The human factor is also important where methods are implemented in practice in accordance with the psychological and psychophysiological properties of a person. Lack of respect for the human factor in most cases leads to an increase in the number of conflicts, staff turnover, disruptions in work, and a decrease in labor productivity.

Accordingly, reasonable use human factor, that is, taking into account personal, socio-psychological, psycho-physiological, motivational characteristics of people, can contribute to obtaining significant economic effect even without economic costs.

Some scientists recommend considering management psychology as an interdisciplinary scientific and practical direction, the purpose of which is to study and psychological support solving the problems of organizations in a market economy.

The subject of the study is the psychological phenomena in the activities of organizations, in particular the factors that determine the effectiveness of the work of managers. These factors include:

Psychological support for the professional activities of managers, in particular, solving the problems of professional self-determination of managers, their vocational training and advanced training;

Search and activation of reserves of managerial personnel, in particular, assessment and selection of managers for the needs of the organization;

Assessment and improvement of the socio-psychological climate, rallying personnel around the goals of the organization, including improving the style and culture of business relations in the company;

Psychological support for the long-term goals of the organization, in particular, the development of the personnel policy of the company, the creation of effective mechanisms for managing the company as socio-technical systems.

According to V. Loznitsa, considering the psychology of management as an interdisciplinary direction somewhat narrows its significance and sphere of influence.

After all, managing personnel, the manager must stimulate his work, reveal the creative possibilities of employees, take care of psychological compatibility and, on this basis, combine the work of personnel, take care of the image of the organization, product and his own, be able to build a psychological service, etc.

So, based on management psychology (which is also a sub-branch of work psychology), management psychology should be based on research in the field of psychology of creativity, psychology of personality, etc., if it concerns the duties of a manager.

Management psychology is a branch of psychological science, which is based on management psychology, partly marketing psychology and other aspects of psychological sciences, in a certain way reflected in the activities of managers, the knowledge and use of which determine the successful operation of an organization in a market economy. Management psychology is a branch of psychological science that studies the psychological patterns of managerial activity, in particular the role of human and psychological factors in management, the optimal distribution of professional and social roles in a group (team), leadership and leadership, processes of integration and team cohesion, informal relations between its participants, psychological mechanisms of managerial decision, socio-psychological traits of the leader, etc.

Summarizing the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. The psychology of management is part of the complex science of management. Management psychology was formed and developed at the intersection of such psychological disciplines as engineering psychology, labor psychology, social psychology and educational psychology.

2. The object of research in management psychology is a system of the "man-man" type, but the peculiarity of this area lies in the fact that this object is considered from the point of view of organizations of managerial relations.

3. The subject of management psychology is the activity of leaders (managers) and subordinates, which is implemented by performing the main managerial functions, and managerial relations in the "man-man" system.

4. The purpose of management psychology is to develop ways to improve the efficiency and quality of life of organizational systems.

6. Sources of management psychology:

a) management practice;

b) the development of psychological science;

c) the development of the sociology of organizations.

Management psychology is a branch of psychology that studies the psychological patterns of managerial activity, that is, the influence of the psychology of an individual or a group of people on the management process and, conversely, the influence of managerial relations on the psychology of an individual and a group.

Psychological science should be attributed to a number of branches of knowledge designed to contribute to the improvement of management. Without knowing the psychology of people, it is impossible to purposefully influence their behavior and activities.

Psychology of management is a branch of psychology formed at the intersection of social psychology and management science (i.e., it synthesizes the data of social psychology and refracts them in relation to the management system).

object management psychology is the behavior and activities of the management team and subordinates (i.e., management necessarily includes a human, and, therefore, a psychological component).

Subject management psychology are psychological mechanisms and patterns that are manifested in management activities and allow you to effectively solve management problems.

As a branch of psychological science, management psychology has determined not only the object and subject, but also the goal, as well as the range of tasks facing it.

aim management psychology is: to equip future managers with a system of psychological knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to improve their level professional excellence, effective management in modern conditions and develop professional personal qualities and future professional managers.

Achieving the goal of studying the course is realized in the process of solving the following tasks:

1. Formation of positive motivation for mastering the system of psychological knowledge, skills and abilities implemented in the process of professional activity in the management system.

2. Assimilation of the theoretical foundations of the course (introduction to the course, personality in the system of social management, socio-psychological phenomena in management activities).

3. Familiarization with the main methods of studying the personality of the leader and subordinate.

4. Development of basic psychological skills and abilities implemented in the process of managerial activity.

Logic and structure of the course proceed from the concept of humane management of a person and are aimed at activating the psychological potential of the individual and the team for the successful solution of managerial tasks.

A distinctive feature of management psychology is that its object is the organized activity of people, i.e. this is not just a joint activity of people united by common interests or goals, sympathies or values, but the activity of people united in one organization, obeying the rules and norms of this organization and performing the joint work assigned to them in accordance with economic, technological, legal, organizational and corporate requirements).

These rules, norms, requirements of the organization give rise to special psychological relations between people that exist only in the organization - managerial relations.

In management psychology, both the individual worker, and the social group, and the collective act in the context of the organization to which they belong. Without organization, their analysis in terms of management is incomplete.

Summarizing all that has been said, we can conclude that the subject of management psychology is a set of mental phenomena and relationships in an organization:

Psychological factors of effective activity of managers;

Psychological features of making individual and group decisions;

Psychological problems of leadership;

Problems of motivation of the behavior of subjects of managerial relations, etc.

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Discipline abstract

"psychology of management",

on the topic: "Subject, object of management psychology"




Psychology of management provides knowledge that can be used in solving the problem of managing the activities of the workforce.

A feature of management psychology is that its object is the organized activity of people. Organized activity is the activity of people united in one organization, obeying the rules and regulations of this organization and performing the joint work assigned to them in accordance with economic, technological, legal, organizational and corporate requirements. Socio-psychological relations act as relationships between people, mediated by the goals, objectives and values ​​of joint activities, i.e. its real content. Managerial relations constitute an organized joint activity, make it organized.

In social psychology, the individual worker acts as a part, as an element of a social group, outside of which his behavior cannot be understood.

In the psychology of management, both the individual worker, and the social group, and the team act in the context of the organization to which they belong, and without which their analysis in terms of management is incomplete.

1. Definition of the concept of "management psychology"

The concept of "management" has entered our lives so firmly that we sometimes do not think about its exact meaning. When it comes to managing people united in an organization, the psychological aspect joins many other aspects of managerial activity, therefore a new subject has appeared and is successfully developing in psychological science - management psychology.

For any science, an exact definition of its subject matter is important. Understanding the subject of management psychology is still debatable, since in modern society this topic is more relevant than ever. To understand what management psychology is, let's turn to such concepts as "psychology", "management".

Psychology is the science of the patterns of development and functioning of the psyche as a special form of life. More precisely - an objective science of subjective mental phenomena.

Management is a set of a system of coordinated activities aimed at achieving significant goals of the organization.

Modern German researchers of management problems W. Siegert and L. Lang give the following definition of management: "Management is such a management of people and such use of funds that allows you to complete the tasks in a humane, economical and rational way."

In the very general view management is understood as an element, a function that ensures the preservation of a certain structure, organized systems, maintaining the mode of their activities, the implementation of their programs and goals.

Until the beginning of the 20th century, management was not considered an independent field of scientific research. However, with the appearance of F. Taylor's book "Management" or "Factory Management" in 1911, the basic principles of managerial work were identified.

In the 20s. the famous French engineer A. Fayol proposed a consistent system of management principles. Thanks to A. Fayol, management began to be considered a special, specific activity. In this regard, a special applied interdisciplinary science arose - "management psychology".

The purpose of management psychology is to develop ways to improve the efficiency and quality of life of organizational systems.

The subject of management is the carrier of subject-practical activity, the source of management activity aimed at a specific object of management. The subjects of management can be both a separate individual and a social group.

The object of management can be a part of the objective reality, which is directed by the management impact. The object of control can also be an individual or a social group.

Between the subject and the object of management there is a dialectical interaction and mutual influence. At the same time, an important condition for the effectiveness of management is the compliance of the subject of management with its object.

Management psychology intersects with various areas of psychology. So, for example, general psychology, just like management psychology, studies motivation, personality, will, emotions and feelings, etc. But, unlike general psychology, in which the main problem is the problem of personality, in management psychology it is considered in the applied aspect: as a subject and object of management.

Its connections with general, social, engineering psychology, ergonomics, economic psychology, as well as with other sciences, such as philosophy, sociology of organizations, are well known. Among the psychological disciplines, the psychology of management is an independent section of psychology, but management is impossible without an appropriate economic context, i.e. without the use of knowledge economic theory, ergonomics, management, ethics, culture and psychology business communication and etc.

Thus, management psychology is an interdisciplinary applied branch of psychology, the main task of which is to study and solve problems of management activity using psychological knowledge and theories.

From all of the above, it follows that management psychology is a branch of psychological science that combines the achievements various sciences in the field of studying the psychological aspects of the management process and aimed at optimizing and increasing the efficiency of this process.

2. Subject and object of management psychology

The understanding of management as a profession based on various achievements of the interdisciplinary field of scientific and practical knowledge occupies a strong place in modern society. Currently, it is believed that a leader at any level is called upon to solve two interrelated tasks:

· master theoretical foundations rational management, i.e. management science;

· to be able to creatively apply the provisions of this science, that is, to master the art of management.

The first task is solved in the process of learning, the second - in the process of practical activity.

The activities of leaders (managers), implemented in the performance of basic management functions, this is the subject of management psychology.

The subject of management psychology is the psychological aspects of the leadership process. various types joint activities and interpersonal communication in organizations, i.e. psychological aspects of managerial relations. A specific manifestation of the subject of management psychology can be represented in the following levels of psychological and management issues:

1. Psychological aspects of the leader's activity:

Psychological features of managerial work in general, its specificity in various fields of activity;

Psychological analysis of the leader's personality, psychological requirements for the personal qualities of the leader;

Psychological aspects of making managerial decisions;

Individual management style of the head and problems of its correction.

2. Psychological aspects of the organization's activities as a subject and object of management:

Possibilities of using psychological factors to solve managerial problems;

Patterns of formation of a favorable socio-psychological climate in the organization;

Patterns of formation of optimal interpersonal relationships in the organization, the problem of psychological compatibility;

Formal and informal structures of the organization;

Motivation of work of members of the organization;

Value orientations in the organization, management of the process of their formation.

3. Psychological aspects of the interaction of the leader with the members of the organization:

Problems of creation and functioning of the communication system in the process of interaction;

Problems of managerial communication;

Optimization of relationships in the link "leader - subordinate";

Awareness as a factor in improving effective management.

The subject of management psychology can also be the subject of administrator's work - information. The manager receives information both about the system as a whole and about individual processes or subsystems. Then he transforms it, giving the information a qualitatively different character. The transformation of information is focused on subsequent points in time, on the near or distant future, i.e. on the system of models: static (fixing some ideal pattern) or dynamic (fixing the pace, temporal aspects of the functioning of the system). Information coming from the leader (what is commonly called management decision) has an incentive function. Thanks to this, the solution is implemented through the activities of the performers. The result of this entire cycle should be a change in the state of the managed system.

The subject of management psychology is the activity officials leading teams, and management psychology is a complex system of knowledge relating to various aspects of management activity.

The object of study of management psychology is people who are part of

financial and legal relations in independent organizations,

whose activities are oriented towards corporately beneficial goals.

3. Basic methods of management psychology

psychology management head

Management psychology as a science relies on various psychological methods, the main of which are observation and experiment.

Observation is a complex objective psychological process of reflecting reality. Its complexity is due to the fact that it is carried out in the natural environment of the functioning of the organization, in which the place and role of the researcher as an observer has a certain influence and impact on the observed, on the one hand, and on the selection and generalization of information, on the other. In addition, in most cases, the role of the researcher is passive, since he only fixes the opinion or attitude of people towards processes, facts and phenomena.

The experiment is one of the most peculiar and difficult to master methods of collecting information. The implementation of the experiment makes it possible to obtain very unique information, which is simply not possible to obtain by other methods. For example, in order to increase labor productivity, the enterprise decided to use a number of new forms of moral and material incentives. However, it is not clear whether this will lead to the desired result or, conversely, entail Negative consequences, reduce the effect of the previously introduced and accustomed forms of encouragement for conscientious work? Here, an experiment comes to the aid of the leader, which, due to its capabilities, is able to “lose” a certain situation and “give out” valuable information. The main purpose of its implementation is to test hypotheses, the results of which have direct access to practice, to various management decisions.


At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, management psychology is undergoing intensive development, its ideas and practical recommendations become relevant for various sciences. It was during this period that many books on psychological and managerial issues appeared. This period is characterized by a number of features:

Applied nature of the developed problems of management psychology. Most of the literature published during this period is, in fact, a desktop for managers at various levels;

Integration of psychological and managerial knowledge, going by combining the achievements of various branches of science. Figuratively speaking, the psychology of management is just beginning and only the first steps in this direction have been taken;

The main emphasis is placed on the consideration of the features of management in the field of business and business relations, relatively less attention is paid to other branches of knowledge. Attempts are being made to reduce the psychology of management to the psychology of management.

The more complex management, the more attention is paid to the subject and tasks of management psychology. Every year, the requirements for mental processes and mental abilities of a person are growing, ranging from perception and attention to responsibility for human lives. These are the tasks that managerial psychology solves.

List of used literature

1. Petrovsky A.V. Psychology is about each of us. M., 2002.

2. Rozanova Paradoxes and contradictions of management // Personnel management.-1998.-№1.

3. Siegert W., LangL. Leader without conflict. M "2003.

4. Ershov A. A. A psychologist's view of human activity. M „20007.

5. Maslow A. Self-actualization // Personality Psychology: Texts. M 1999.

6. Petrovsky A.V. Psychology is about each of us. M., 2005.

7. Sventsitsky A.L. Social psychology of management. L „2008.

8. Types of leaders - management styles / Comp. N. A. Nekrasov,

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9. Yadov VL Social psychology / Ed. E. S. Kuzmina, V. E. Semenova. L „2007.

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