Thanks to the employee in connection with the anniversary of the organization. A letter of thanks for the conscientious work of the librarian sample. The effect of gratitude on motivation

Thank you for your efforts
And for your invaluable work.
Let in recognition and glory
Glorious years go by.

I wish you new victories,
Always be the best in business.
And before a difficult task
Never give up.

Especially for the site

Thanks to the team from the boss

For Working Hard
I want to thank you all.
I wish you my job
Only from the heart to always love.

Let the work give inspiration
Brings a capacious result.
Well, today shouts of "bravo"
Let it sound to you guys.

Especially for the site

Thank you all for your work,
For diligence, hard work.
I wish you inspiration
Let the years go by in happiness.

We deserve gratitude,
That's for sure, no doubt about it.
I wish you to leave
There is a bright trace in the business of life.

Especially for the site

Words of gratitude to the boss for cooperation in prose

The best gratitude for any master is if the work done pleases with the result not only the customer, but also the author himself. Your professionalism is visible in everything: both in the approach to work and in the fruits of your labor. It's a pleasure to cooperate with you!

Especially for the site

Gratitude for the work of a woman in prose

Thank you for the excellent work and warm relations in the team! May work bring joy and impressive results! We wish you happy sunny days, female happiness and a cheerful smile!

Thanks for your work!

I am grateful to a first-class specialist, an excellent employee for the impeccable work. I wish you good earnings in the future. Let absolutely all of your working days are pleasant and easy.

Especially for the site

When the master gets down to business and performs the work efficiently and on time, I want to express my gratitude and admiration in return! Thank you for your diligence and skill. It's not scary to offer you new task knowing that the matter is in the reliable hands of a professional.

Especially for the site

Thanks to colleagues for working together

Dear Colleagues! I want to thank from the bottom of my heart for the invaluable work, efforts and endurance that you show every day, regardless of your mood and circumstances. Let your energy be inexhaustible, diligence - endless, and efforts - highly paid!

Especially for the site

Thank you for a job done honestly, for daily work... You are a true professional! I am especially grateful for the explanatory work and practical recommendations, which were useful to me in future projects. Good income and adequate customers!

Especially for the site

Beautiful words of gratitude for the work in verse

For wonderful work and skill,
We want to say thank you
For the fact that you are in the habit,
Bow to you low to pass

For the fact that you do your job
We were able to do it wonderfully,
What did they do to hunt
And they brought everything to the end!

Thank you for the quality,
For clarity with clarity in everything,
We will tell all our friends about you,
So that orders go day after day!

You are invaluable as workers!
You can hardly find people like you,
Smart, kind, not lazy at all,
Skills in you - well, just darkness,

And whatever you take,
It comes out efficiently, on time,
Receive honor from us in verse
For a wonderful result!

Thank you, dear, big,
That you made us happy
Thank you Russian simple
For the result, well, that's all.

Thank you for your work
I want to say now.
Undoubtedly it turned out super
After all, guys, you have everything.

You tried your best
Honor and praise to you today.
Will only be favorably disposed
Let it be a capricious fate.

Especially for the site

Thank you for your efforts
And for an honest, glorious work.
Laurels of all their heroes
Let them find it soon.

Let there be work only for joy,
Let things go well.
I wish you success
The path has led you.

Especially for the site

Thank you for your work
For a creative approach to business,
For wonderful work and care,
I want to say thank you
That they did her hunting,
I bow low to you!

Especially for the site

thanks for good job

Say thank you in verse
I am burning with great desire
And for your work,
I thank you from the heart!
You are a master, of which there are not many
You approach work strictly
The result of work is always excellent
Easy, beautiful, harmonious!

Thanks for a job well done in your own words

Your erudition and outlook are unique, and help in different situations- priceless! May happiness, love and luck always help to enjoy life! Thank you for your work!

Any work should be rewarded - this is an axiom. Employee Excellence should be rewarded, thereby encouraging employees to perform even better in the course of their work. labor activity... Various types of incentives are provided Labor Code RF. So, in Article 191 of this legal act it is said that the gratitude of the employer to individual employees can be expressed in the form of the presentation of valuable gifts, bonuses or intangible benefits. To non-material incentives for the employee for Good work the letter of thanks belongs. The intricacies of its compilation will be discussed in this article.

In what cases is it written

Example of a thank you letter

As a rule, writing and presenting a letter of thanks to a particularly distinguished employee is timed to coincide with some significant event. This can be the anniversary of the employee himself, a professional holiday, the so-called birthday of the organization itself, or the employee's retirement. Psychologists reasonably believe that the expression of personal gratitude addressed to a particular person is a high motivating factor, so this reward tool should not be neglected.

Written for good work on behalf of the head, or the immediate head of the unit. Usually the delivery of such a letter takes place in a solemn atmosphere in front of the entire team.

How to write

A letter of thanks to an employee is written either on the letterhead of the company itself, or on specialized paper purchased for such purposes. A similar blank for writing a letter of thanks can be purchased at any stationery store, or, if the event for which the letter is delivered is of particular importance, custom-designed thick paper forms can be ordered at a printing shop.

The letter itself is written in a business style. This is the basic requirement. As for the design, various options are allowed. For example, you can arrange a "letter head", where you indicate to whom and from whom it is handed over. At the same time, the “cap” in the form of the letter of thanks can be omitted - one way or another, the data of the compiler, his position and personal signature, certified by the seal of the organization, are put down at the bottom. When writing, it is recommended to focus on the following:

  • Use a strictly formal, business-like writing style;
  • The address to the employee is made by name and patronymic after the word "respected". Familiar, colloquial word forms are unacceptable;
  • The text should definitely mention the reason for the presentation;
  • The text itself is written based on the personality of the employee, his merits, positive qualities important to the organization. It is advisable to avoid standard, banal phrases that are the same and applicable to one and all;
  • The end of the text usually consists of wishes for success and expressions of hope for further joint activities or partnerships in the event that the letter is addressed not to an individual employee, but to business partners.

Sample text and sample

In order to clearly demonstrate what a letter of thanks should be to an employee for a good job, consider possible options writing:

Example # 1

Dear Lev Alexandrovich!

On my own behalf and on behalf of the entire team of the Company, I would like to express gratitude to you for the long and fruitful work, and also to especially note your merits and high labor performance, which in many ways contributed to the development of the entire production. Your innovative approach, coupled with first-class professional skills, has paid off, significantly increasing productivity. I would like to emphasize that your example inspires colleagues, whom you enjoy respect from the very first day of your appearance in the team. For my part, I would like to wish you every success and express gratitude for your excellent work.

Sincerely, general manager"Company" Ruslanov I.V.

Example No. 2

Dear Lilia Alexandrovna!

I would like to thank you for your impeccable work in our organization. Over the years that you have worked in our team, labor indicators, general discipline and the level of performance have improved, in which, undoubtedly, your personal merit is visible. Most of your colleagues speak of you as a sensitive, decent and sincere person, noting that they are proud that they had the opportunity to work with you. Subscribing to the opinion of the employees, I would like to add on my own behalf that I appreciate everything that you carry out to advance our plans and tasks. I sincerely wish you health, prosperity and good spirits for many years to come, with hope for further fruitful cooperation.

Best regards, General Director of "Company" Ruslanov I. V.

Example No. 3

Dear Stanislav Eduardovich!

I express my sincere gratitude to you in connection with your activities in the development and promotion of our new product. Thanks to your efforts, the company managed to reach a new level and fill the empty market niches. I also noted the fact that on the way to our common success you have spent a lot of effort and involved a lot of time, including your personal on weekends. In connection with the fifth anniversary of our organization, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart, wish you every success and personal well-being, and also express the hope that our professional tandem will last for many years.

Best regards, Director of "Company" Popov I.A.

Texts of letters of thanks to an employee

Home »Letters» Texts of letters of thanks to the employee

A letter of thanks is a certain form of expression of one's thoughts, recognition and respect for a person. The letter of gratitude is written incognito or in a representative setting.

Often letters of thanks are written to an employee of the organization from the employer. Gratitude can be expressed for good work, achievements, participation in the event, long-term cooperation, long-term work, upon retirement. There are three main types of thank you letter:

  • Business letter;
  • On behalf of the entire company;
  • Honorable Mention.

How to write a correct letter of thanks to an employee?

  • A cap is written if necessary;
  • Address to you, and the initials are full name;
  • The appeal itself is text;
  • Date, signature and transcript.

Examples of Thank You Letters:

Video - Ideas for Writing a Thank You Letter (with examples)

Texts of letters to an employee (samples)

1. Letter of thanks to the employee for many years of work sample text.

Dear, Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, thanks from the head of the company "..." Viktor Viktorovich Viktorov.

Dear Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, thank you for your long-term cooperation and labor contribution to the development of our company. I and all the employees really appreciate your experience, as well as your active participation in the development of the company. Your professionalism undoubtedly plays a big role for many (what kind of area, what the company does), and as a manager I want to express my gratitude to you for your fruitful work.

Date: Painting: (in full) ___________________

2. A letter of thanks to an employee for a good job, sample text.

Dear Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, the company "..." expresses its gratitude to you for the good and high-quality work, always interesting and correct solutions to the problems that have arisen. Your loyalty and dedication are appreciated by the management and the whole team. Many employees are very proud to work with you personally, and I, as a leader, celebrate your work, expressing gratitude from the whole company.

Best regards, (full name) head of the company "..."

Date: Signature: (in full) _____________________

3. The text of a letter of thanks to an employee for his contribution to the development of the company.

Dear (full name), I am sincerely grateful to you for your great contribution to the development of the entire company. Your efforts at work have contributed to the success of the company. I want to especially emphasize that the amount of work that you do is a model for many. Your merits are undeniably worthy of the highest praise, and I am once again glad to thank you for your efforts, skill and professionalism.

Best regards, head of the company "..." (full name)

Date: Signature: (in full) _______________________

In addition, you can enter the merits of the employee, his work experience, and some personal wishes.

Sample text of a letter of thanks to an employee

A letter of thanks to an employee is drawn up on behalf of the head of the organization or the head of the department in which the employee works. A sample thank you letter can be downloaded below.

With the help of a letter of gratitude, the management can thank its employee for the professional approach to work, for any achievements in work, for the conscientious performance of work duties.

As a rule, a letter of gratitude is written to an employee about some event: the achievement of great success in work, a professional holiday, an anniversary, an important event in which the employee took an active part.

How to write a letter of thanks to an employee kindergarten, you can read here. A sample letter to a healthcare worker can be downloaded here.

At the top in the middle, you need to indicate the name, patronymic of the employee to whom the letter of thanks is addressed.

The text indicates what exactly gratitude is expressed for, for what successes and achievements, words of wishes are written.

Signature must be at the bottom of the letter. The letter of gratitude to the employee is signed by a representative of the management: the head of the organization or the immediate superior of the employee.

A letter of thanks is drawn up, as a rule, on the letterhead of the organization or on a special printing form for such letters.

Sample text of a letter of thanks to an employee:

Dear Andrey Nikolaevich!

We express our gratitude for your contribution to the development of our company. Thank you for already 10 years working in our company, reaching new heights with us. Thanks to your professionalism and literacy, our company develops, grows and expands.

We express our sincere hope that our relationship will only get stronger and develop over the years.

We wish you inexhaustible energy, new achievements and grandiose plans.


Director of LLC "AST" Petrov A.A. Petrov

You can download a sample letter of thanks to an employee by following the link.

Letter of thanks to the employee

A letter of thanks to an employee is a written encouragement by the boss. Given in a solemn atmosphere, it will become a worthy reward for labor success or long-term work, for personal achievements in the labor field, as well as congratulations in honor of the anniversary of the enterprise or the person being awarded.

The procedure for writing a letter of thanks, its structure can be found here.

Below we offer sample texts of thank-you letters for employees from the company's management. In a letter to the employee, gratitude can be expressed for success in work, for special achievements, participation in the event and other merits.

We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the texts of the letters of thanks addressed to other persons: for the student - see the samples. to the teacher - the texts of the letter. to the doctor - a sample. the teacher - texts.

Sample letter of thanks to an employee

1. The text of the letter of thanks to the employee

Thank you for your active life position, for never standing still and inspiring colleagues to accomplish labor deeds by your example. They say that a person is happy when he goes to work with pleasure, and returns home with joy. We wish you to always be happy and remain creative and talented person... Let on your life path only reliable and loyal people meet, faithful friends, may happiness never leave your home. Good health, great success and all kinds of prosperity!

2. Sample text of a letter of thanks to an employee from the head

Dear Stepan Semenovich Petrov!

Administration (name of organization)

expresses its endless gratitude to you for the creative contribution to the work of the team (name), for significant progress in improving labor process and in connection with the celebration of the anniversary of our enterprise. We wish not to stop at what has been achieved earlier and always be an example for colleagues. We wish that health never interferes with work, and that work is not an obstacle to happiness in the family. May inspiration never leave you, and work everyday life will be a joy. And if there are obstacles on your life path, then let them be easily surmountable. Good luck and success in everything!

Director: (surname, name, patronymic)

3. A sample of a letter of thanks to an employee from the director for success in work

for a high level of professionalism and workmanship. Thank you that the quality of the work performed has always been and is for you in the first place. Thanks to you, our team takes a worthy position and a high rating. You are a shining example for experienced colleagues and a wise mentor for the younger generation. You are respected for always turning your ideas into action. We wish you that the kindness, wisdom and strength of your heart never run out. New achievements and all kinds of victories!

Director: (surname, name, patronymic)

Letter of thanks to the employee

A letter of thanks to an employee is a business letter that expresses gratitude to the employee for his work, contribution to the development of the company, conscientious attitude to work, etc. A letter of gratitude is drawn up on behalf of the head of the organization in honor of some significant event: an anniversary, a professional holiday, etc.

How to write a thank you letter to an employee

A letter of thanks to an employee has the same form and structure as a regular business letter:

In the upper right corner, the position, surname and initials of the person in the genitive case, to whom the gratitude is expressed, is indicated. An optional element of a thank you letter - written if necessary.

  • Appeal In the middle of the sheet, the surname, first name, patronymic of the person to whom is expressed gratitude is indicated.
  • The text of the letter of thanks to the employee; contains words of gratitude to the employee and wishes to him.
  • Signature.

    In the lower left corner of the letter of thanks, the signature of the head of the organization is put, which expresses gratitude to the employee, his position, surname and initials are indicated.

  • Sample letter of thanks to an employee

    Dear Victor Ivanovich!

    Dear Valery Nikolaevich!

    I express my sincere gratitude to you for mutual cooperation and assistance in ensuring my activities as a deputy The State Duma Federal Assembly Russian Federation IV convocation.

    Legislative initiatives, examination of draft laws, hundreds of replies and letters to solve pressing problems of citizens, meetings with professional communities to discuss fundamental issues - all this would be impossible without your active and support from your Trade Union. I highly appreciate your enthusiasm, responsibility and high professionalism.

    I wish you and your Trade Union members continued success in your work, economic stability, and confidence in your abilities!

    Good health, prosperity to you and your loved ones!

    Deputy of the State Duma.

    Application, Act, Passport, Resume, Characteristics, Receipt, Autobiography, Order ↓

    Letter # 1:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    I wanted to let you know that you are doing a great job with [job title]. I know that you take the extra time to meet the deadline and I truly appreciate everything you do to help the department succeed. You are an intelligent, talented and dedicated employee. We are really glad to see you in our team.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter # 2:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    I would like to thank you for the hard work you have done to get [project name] project on schedule. Not only did you complete the work on time, but the project was done professionally and looks fantastic. You have done an amazing job and deserve the highest praise.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter # 3:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    I'm really glad I hired you to manage the [name] department. I couldn't ask for more better man to take care of such important projects. You are very professional and treat all employees on your team with respect. I have only heard the highest praise from everyone who has ever worked with you.

    Thanks for everything you do. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed.


    Petr Petrov

    Letter # 4:

    Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

    Congratulations on your achievement commercial purpose in [month] month! This is a huge success. You really went to great lengths to get the job done. You always go one step further, you are a wonderful role model. I really appreciate everything you do and for your amazing work.


    Examples of texts of a thank you letter to an employee

    Remuneration for labor must necessarily take place, it can be expressed in the form of a letter of thanks to an employee, the sample texts of which are offered below. Examples of the design of the texts of letters with gratitude for good work, many years of work, achievements in work, participation in an event in honor of the employee's anniversary are given.

    Merit should be encouraged to motivate workers to improve their work performance. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for different kinds encouragement. Article 191 of the Labor Code states that gratitude can be expressed in valuable gifts, bonuses or intangible benefits. A letter of thanks is a non-material incentive. In what cases is it awarded and for what merits?

    In what cases and for what merits is a letter of thanks written to an employee?

    The presentation of gratitude to an employee who excelled in something is carried out at some important event for the organization. Cases in which an employee can receive a letter of thanks:

    1. Good Job, Special Achievement;
    2. Long-term work;
    3. Anniversary of the employee;
    4. "Birthday" of the organization
    5. Professional holiday;
    6. Retirement.

    A letter of thanks is, first of all, a way to motivate an employee to continue active work, so you should not neglect it. And in the case of retirement, this is gratitude for the years of work given to the organization.

    Sample Thank You Letters:

    • to the doctor;
    • educator;
    • teacher.

    Samples of texts of a letter of thanks to an employee

    1. An example of the text of a letter with gratitude for a good job and many years of work

    Dear Olga Anatolyevna!

    On behalf of our entire friendly team and on my own behalf, I want to express my gratitude to you for the fruitful work and to note your high labor performance and professionalism, thanks to which you have made a huge contribution to our common cause. Your own approach and creativity have helped optimize our performance. You are an example in our team and are respected by absolutely all colleagues. On my own behalf, I would like to wish you even greater development in your field of activity and thank you for a long and successful work.

    WITH Best wishes, director structural unit"Example" Drill P.P.

    2. Sample text of a letter of thanks in honor of the anniversary of the company

    Dear Elsa Konstantinovna!

    I would like to thank you for your activity in our company. Thanks to you, we have reached a qualitatively new level and do not fall face down in the dirt in the fight against competitors. Your efforts and hard work, which you showed in our organization, did not go unnoticed. In connection with the tenth anniversary of our company, thank you and wish you even more development of your skills. I would like to believe that our cooperation will continue for more than one year.

    Yours faithfully, the management of the company "Example" represented by the director, Ivanov I.I.

    3. An example of the text of a letter of thanks to an employee for participating in the event:

    Dear Nelya Faridovna!

    The management of the "Example" company expresses its gratitude to you for your help in organizing the holiday. Your creativity and activity were indispensable in this matter. I wish you to remain as bright and sparkling and continue to make our gray everyday life more joyful.

    Yours faithfully, Director of the company "Example", Ivanov I.I.

    More often than not, employees are involved in drafting the text of gratitude. personnel service... In some cases, in local regulations the institution contains a separate provision, which sets out the rules for the design of letters of thanks, as well as the conditions that must be met in order for the employee to receive it.

    A letter of thanks should start with the traditional address to employees: "Dear", "Dear" or "Dear" (colleagues). It expresses the respect of the superiors. It is necessary to follow the formal business style. Moreover, if gratitude is expressed to partners, you need to contact the director, and emphasize that you are grateful to the whole team in the text itself.

    The letter of thanks should contain an indication of who is thanking the employee. This is the entire company or the management of an organization or its division: "Company Name OJSC" thanks "or" Company Name "Company Management" walls »of the company.

    "On behalf of our company, we express our gratitude to JSC" Example "..."

    "The management of the company OJSC" Example "expresses gratitude ..."

    In this part of the thank you letter, you need to tell whom you are grateful: one person or a whole team. If you want to reward your employee, it is better to express gratitude personally to highlight their achievements and successes. This personalization needs to be expressed in the address in the text by contacting you:

    Example text: "On behalf of the entire Company, I express my gratitude ..."

    If we are talking about another organization, it is worth mentioning to whom exactly thanks are addressed:

    "Example" company would like to thank your company ... "

    "Example" Company would like to thank the employees of your company's division ... "

    You can also highlight in the letter of thanks a few people who have particularly distinguished themselves, or the leadership.

    There is no need to thank “for everything”. We need specifics. And this specifics depends on the reason for the letter and the addressee. In the case of an employee, these can be various personal qualities:

    Sample text: “Thank you for your contribution to the development of the enterprise, the professionalism shown in solving professional problems during 20 years of work. And we also express our admiration for your hard work and dedication. "

    Partners can be thanked for their support, various services or assistance.

    Example of text: "Example" JSC sincerely thanks JSC "Another Example" for timely assistance in delivery and the opportunity to take part in the regional program "You are an entrepreneur"

    For positive attitude Thank you letter to the employee to wish him success in the future.

    Sample texts:

    "We wish you to remain a professional in your field, whose burning eyes illuminate our organization's path to excellence."

    "We wish your organization development and profitable orders"

    • Hope for cooperation

    It is necessary to show the addressee of the letter of thanks that they want to continue cooperation with him in order to open mutual bright prospects.

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    The successful development of the company largely depends not only on the actions of the management, but also on how productive the work of the employees is. When there is encouragement, people will definitely try. The company can stimulate not only financially, but also morally - to declare gratitude for the work.

    What is this document and why is it important

    A so-called letter of gratitude is a non-profit business letter that acknowledges an employee for a certain achievement. For example:

    • execution of the order;
    • plan overfulfilment;
    • successful project implementation;
    • initiative, etc.

    At first glance, it may seem that no one needs gratitude for a good job, long-term work or cooperation. But this is a delusion.

    First, the employee will be pleased that the management appreciated all the efforts. There will be recognition and respect among others and colleagues. As a result, you want to work even better.

    Secondly, this type of reward encourages colleagues to observe labor discipline and fulfill the duties successfully.

    Thirdly, the fact of reward has a positive effect on the employee's career.

    Article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation lists different types of incentives. Among them is an announcement of gratitude. If you are unable to issue an award or buy a valuable gift, please your employees at least with a letter of gratitude.

    When the decision is made

    A prerequisite for the execution of the document in question is the conscientious fulfillment of duties in accordance with:

    • with job description;
    • labor protection requirements;
    • internal regulations;
    • qualification characteristics of work;
    • other documents.

    The main reason for declaring gratitude for the work of an employee may be:

    • improvement of labor indicators;
    • participation in a significant event;
    • suggestions for improving the work of the organization;
    • significant overfulfillment of the work plan;
    • implementation of a serious project;
    • improvement of enterprise technologies, etc.

    Specific merits must be recorded in internal regulatory documents firms.

    What formalities need to be completed

    When announcing gratitude for the work, an employee must follow certain formalities so that there are no questions from the regulatory authorities. Remember 3 things:

    How gratitude is written: general approach

    Many employers are interested in the question of where to get a sample and how to write a thank you for a good job. There are no hard and fast rules, but when drafting your text, try to stick to a formal business style and use letterhead. The general structure of the document is something like this:

    How to write a thank you letter for cooperation

    A sample text of thanks for your cooperation is presented below. This paper indicates the same details as when writing business letters: full name. person, position. Also put the signature of the employer, his position, initials and surname.

    The peculiarity lies in the fact that they express words of gratitude and hope for the continuation of business relations in the future.

    Moral reward for conscientious work

    When a person works with great dedication to achieve high economic indicators and performs duties efficiently, be sure to encourage him with gratitude for his conscientious work. Otherwise, over time, the "spark" may go out. Especially if there is no way to present an award. Sample text:

    How to reward employees with years of experience

    Some people have been with the organization for years. It would be unfair not to pay attention to this. Reward them with gratitude for many years of work. A sample text is provided below:

    Reward for quality work done

    If you want to express gratitude to an employee for the work done, the content of the letter may be as follows:

    Remember an effective incentive letter like a thank you letter. It takes a little time to design and compile, but such awards become the key to fruitful cooperation in the future.

    Thank you letter is a great tool for building strong and loyal relationships. Consider - what are the thank-you forms, how they are drawn up and why they are written.

    What is a Thank You Letter

    A thank you note refers to a business document that includes an expression of gratitude to a particular person or company for any reason. Gratitude can be expressed for professional execution tasks, for the quality of services performed, etc. Gratitude may turn out to be an independent letter or turn out to be a response to some initiative (for an invitation, congratulations, etc.).

    How to write a letter of thanks

    There are no special requirements for the design of a thank you form - it is allowed to draw up such a document in a free style. Nevertheless, a letter is considered a business document, therefore, certain recommendations are established for its structure:

    1. Letterhead cap placed at the top, right. It is filled in only when necessary. Here you can see data about the person or company that is being approached with gratitude:
      • Name
      • position
      • FULL NAME. person.
      • Specific appeal.
    1. Main section of the document displays an expression of gratitude. As a rule, the address begins with formulaic words ("Let me express my gratitude ...", "We are grateful to you for ...", "We express our gratitude ...", etc.).
    2. Signature... At the bottom left, the full name and position of the person who expressed gratitude is written, and the document is signed.

    Instructions for writing a thank you letter

    The format for writing a thank you letter has a clear consistency. By doing this, you will be able to ensure the preservation of the structure and logic of the appeal, and clearly display your gratitude to the addressee. The volume of the document should be half of an A4 sheet.

    1. If the document is addressed to an employee of the company, then it is advisable to use the phrases "Dear (s) ...", which emphasizes a respectful attitude towards the interlocutor. It is advisable not to use official phrases "Mister ..." or "Dear (s) ...". They look unnatural and ruin the official style of the document. Using the phrase "Dear ..." is only possible when you have a personal relationship with the addressee.
    2. When expressing gratitude to your team, you can address with the phrase "Dear colleagues!" In the content of the document, it is necessary to clarify to whom specifically gratitude is expressed.
    3. It is necessary to indicate the person who became the initiator, that is, who thanks and to whom the gratitude is expressed. A Thank You Form can be sent from a business, group, or individual. For example:
      • "Svetlyi Put LLC expresses its gratitude"
      • "The management of the enterprise" Horns and Hooves "..."
      • "On behalf of the employees of Stroygidravlik and on your own behalf, accept gratitude"
    1. If you are writing a letter to partners or employees, you can use phrases indicating to whom the document was sent: “We want to express our sincere gratitude to the employees of your plant”, “Stroygidravlika Company thanks your team”. When contacting employees, it is advisable to mark several persons (no more than 5-7 people). For example, “Dear colleagues! I, as a leader, want to express my sincere gratitude to the employees ... ". With a large team of the department, you can simply mark the head of the department.
    2. You should always indicate what the gratitude is for. It is necessary to avoid vague phrases like: “Dear ...! The organization thanks you for everything, for your kind attitude ... ". This wording is incorrect. A correctly written acknowledgment will look like this: “Dear ...! The team of the enterprise expresses its gratitude to you for the assistance provided in the establishment of partnerships, etc. "
    3. The gratitude needs to be concretized and detailed, noting the moments that the recipient of the form successfully turned out. It is this wording that makes this letter individual.
    4. At the same time, one should not resort to outright flattery such as: "Has no equal ...", "incomparable ...", etc. As stated earlier, it should be noted specifically for which the recipient received the thanks.
    5. It would be nice if you wish the recipient success in the future.
    6. The last stage of drawing up the form should include checking for errors and correcting the written content of the document.

    A thank you form is awarded for a job well done, assistance provided, support, financial sponsorship, etc.

    for work

    A letter of thanks for the work must be expressed by the immediate superior of the employee or team. A message is written in the text, both to one employee and to the general team of the company. Appreciation is usually displayed if the task was completed on time or ahead of schedule. If the employees of the enterprise have been working on a project for a long time, as a result of which the enterprise has earned a solid profit, then gratitude will be a good moral help.

    Indicative content:

    “Dear (named by name, patronymic or company name)! Taking a moment, I would like to express my gratitude to the employees of the company (name) for the assistance provided, excellent quality, prompt work and assistance in eliminating the problems that have arisen. I hope for further long-term joint work. Yours faithfully, (full name) ".

    Sample form

    • For their contributions:

    It is not uncommon for enterprises to thank their sponsors for their assistance, support, and contribution. Filling out the form is similar to the previous samples:

    Dear (I.O.)! The management of [company name] would like to thank for their contribution to the organization of the song and dance competition. Successful implementation this project would not have taken place without your active help. We wish you health, promising projects and further development firms. Yours faithfully, (full name).

    Sample letter

    This type of gratitude document is very common. It is sent to both company employees and business partners. Such a letter is handed out at the official level.

    The indicative content is as follows:

    Dear (named by name, patronymic)! We deeply appreciate the joint cooperation with your company. We perfectly recognize that high achievements are due to the successful operation of your company. We wish you and your company success and prosperity! Respectfully yours (full name of the head).

    Sample letter

    Thanks to the organization

    A form with gratitude to the organization, as a rule, is an official document containing kind words addressed to the organization for the completed project, for assistance in the event, for other work. This section offers some examples of how to fill in such a document.

    Such letters of thanks have the following structure:

    • The addressee is filled in at the top right of the form.
    • Then an appeal is written from an organization wishing to express gratitude.
    • The text to be filled in should not be official. The text of the appeal is written in a free style with an expression of gratitude.
    • The form is signed official expressing gratitude indicating the position.

    Thanks to the employee - How to write correctly

    Any work must be rewarded - this is an axiom. Therefore, various achievements of employees must be rewarded, stimulating him to even greater achievements in the process of their joint work. The labor legislation of the Russian Federation prescribes different types of incentives. Thus, article 191 states that the manager's gratitude to individual employees can be expressed in the form of rewarding with valuable gifts, bonuses or in the form of moral encouragement. A form of gratitude can be attributed to moral encouragement.

    In this section, we will try to describe the subtleties of filling out such a form.

    As a rule, a letter of thanks is presented to a leader in honor of some famous event. Gratitude to the employee for the timely completion of the work is drawn up on behalf of the management. More often, rewarding with such a letter is carried out at a solemn meeting in front of all employees.

    1. The document is drawn up on the company's letterhead. You can write your document using specialty letterhead purchased from a store or printing office.
    2. The letter is drawn up in a business style. When registering, it is proposed to do the following:
      • Apply a formal, business-like design style
      • The address to the employee is carried out by name and patronymic: "Dear (s) ..."
      • You can not use familiar, colloquial phrases
      • The text must reflect the reason for the award
    3. The content of the text should reflect the merits of the employee, his positive characteristics that are significant for the company.
    4. At the end of the text, you must wish successful career and hopes for the continuation of joint activities.

    Thank you employee sample

    Thanks to the client

    When doing business, it is important to strengthen the relationship with the client so that they use your services again and again. And here a letter of thanks plays an important role. This document must have personality and adhere to the following rules:

    • When drawing up a document, in the greeting you need to write the client's name correctly.
    • Specify the reason for the thank you document.
    • The message must be sincere. You can quote excerpts from a conversation with a client so that he understands that he has not been forgotten.
    • Attach related service improvement questions.
    • Express hope that the client is satisfied with the service, and note the willingness to respond to his questions and recommendations.
    • Ask a question if you need Additional services to increase his satisfaction.
    • Record your business name, logo and brand names. It is better to fill in on letterhead where these symbols exist.
    • When sending a thank you form by E-mail, the name and logo of the company must be placed under the signature of the sender.
    • In conclusion, it is necessary to express hope for continued cooperation with the client.
    • The letter must be personally certified by hand.