Folk omens about birds in different situations. Folk omens about birds: what do the feathered messengers warn about? Chuvash legends about the bird jay

Other names of the holiday: Winter Stepans, Bird Jay, Irinarkhov day, Jay-prophet.

Among the people, this is a holiday of greeting the jay. It is a small bird with bright plumage, a tuft on its head and a long tail. Most interesting is the fact that she can imitate any sound, from the singing of other birds to human speech.


Irinarchus was an executioner. He lived in the second century AD in Armenia in the city of Sevastia. For many years he was engaged in the torture of martyrs, who were sentenced by the ruler to suffering and death.

He once attended the execution of seven women. The pagans sentenced them to death for the fact that they, being Christians, converted their husbands to the Orthodox faith and refused to sacrifice to pagan idols, drowning them in the Sebastian lake.

Observing the steadfastness and courage of women, how they proudly stigmatize the torturer, Irinarchus realized that he wanted to become a Christian. He immediately announced his decision publicly and recognized Jesus Christ as the true God. After that, he was martyred at the hands of a fellow craftsman.

Traditions and rituals on Soykin's day

- The jay is a forest bird that is known for imitating the singing of other birds. She can reproduce other sounds as well - from the knocking of an ax to a human voice. In Russia, in the old days, it was said that if on its day a jay flies to the window and starts screaming at him, then this is a good sign. A wise person, having heard such a signal, will leave the house and follow the bird. It was believed that the jay can show the way to happiness.

- In Russia, the jay was the patroness and intercessor of newborns. They believed that "a jay asks for intercession from a flock of crows, from a blizzard-twirl for the one born on that day, and brings happiness and good luck to the born one."

- The jay was popularly called the prophet. People believed that this bird had small mirrors on its wings, in which you could see your future. You could find out what awaits you on this day without the help of this bird. The peasants approached the well and listened to the water: if a tinkling was heard, they could wait for profit, and if there was silence, they should not count on success.

- Also on Soykin's day they used to guess on coins. To do this, they took several pieces and threw them into a snowdrift, and then took them out one by one. If the first coin found turned out to be the largest of those thrown, then they believed that luck would surely smile upon a person. If the smallest coin came across, then this indicated that one could not count on success in business.

Signs and sayings on Soykin's day

  • If a jay sits on the window that day and starts screaming, this is a good sign.
  • If you follow the jay you meet, it will open the way to happiness.
  • If on December 11 crows fly in the sky - there will be an imminent snowfall, settled on the ground - there will be a thaw, and if they sit in flocks on the lower branches or in the very crown of trees closer to the trunk - there will be bad weather with the wind.
  • In the well on Soykin's day, something tinkles - to wealth.
  • Those born on this day especially love the color blue. An amazing and wonderful fate awaits them.

Name days December 11

Alexey, Andrey, Anna, Vasily, Gregory, Daniel, Ivan, Konstantin, Nikolay, Pavel, Peter, Sergey, Stepan, Timofey, Fedor.

The last winter days are leaving, and we notice that spring is on its way. How to define it? On a ringing drop, on bright sunny days, on blossoming trees, on the first flowers. There are many of these signs of renewal.

And by the changes in the behavior of birds, we can also determine that spring returns to us after the winter monotony.

More often than others, a jay catches the eye at this time. At some tree "for dating" birds gather two or three in number. Here they flutter incessantly, plan from tree to tree, almost without flapping their wings, take intricate poses. Demonstrate to each other, like women of fashion, feather dyes and squeal. In such an environment, the reunification of the pairs that broke up in the fall takes place and the formation of new ones. Courting begins with the fact that the female, like a chick, asks the gentleman to feed her. And he either feeds or performs a ritual offering of food. Here you can also find a "newlywed apartment" nearby. The nest is located on a pine or elder tree, 1.7 - 7 meters from the ground. It is a jay on the outside, sloppy, rough, made of dry branches. But the tray itself is neat, dense, lined with thin intertwined roots.

Their nest, secretly flying off it and also imperceptibly returning to it, the birds also carefully guard from the eyes of others. It usually contains 5 - 8 testicles about three centimeters long. The shell is bluish-green with numerous small olive-brown specks. And yet the offspring, despite all the efforts and precautions, sometimes die. The main enemy of the nest and babies is the marten. And adult birds are hunted by the goshawk and large owls.

Once a pair is formed, the female becomes dependent on the partner. He tirelessly carries everything she needs. And on the nest, when the eggs hatch, he also delivers food to the brood hen. Feeds every two hours. The mother, who distributes food between the chicks, continues to be in the nest until the young grow up, and only then she also begins to bring food when more and more of it is required.

Jay - from the genus of crows. About ten mirrors her outfit. Brownish-red plumage of the body. The tail and feathers are black and white. And on the wings, as an identification mark, there are blue-black ripples. Big eyes. The beak is also large, confirming its relationship with crows and magpies. With black spots of "mustache" on the sides. But in general, the bird is small - with a jackdaw. In special cases, the jay bristles feathers on its head. This crest is also her distinctive sign.
In total, there are 15 species of this bird, there are three of them on the territory of our country. But first of all, it is a stomach one - familiar to our forests near Moscow. Wine-brown color, a crest like a Tyrolean cap, with black spots, bordered with blue. The wings and tail are black, covered with white and blue transverse stripes, the throat and undertail are white. This species is our constant companions. They roam for 100-150 kilometers.

In the event of a poor harvest of nuts and acorns, jays unite in large flocks and leave their permanent habitats in search of food, as Siberian nutcrackers do. But such a phenomenon is very rare, since the jay, like the crow, is able to find food for itself everywhere. He will grab a beetle, a grasshopper, find a larva under the bark of a tree, catch a mouse, a young horror, a viper or a lizard. From plant food, a lot is also beneficial: lingonberries, blueberries, pears, peas, corn. He will be happy to check the ripeness of the apples. But the main object of her food interests is still acorns, hazelnuts, beech and pine nuts. The bird's special attention is to acorns. In oak forests, it is most often found. Acorns, as we know, are hard, but the bird copes with them without much difficulty. Plucking them straight from the branch, the jay carries the fruit first in the goiter and in the hyoid sac. Softened in this way, the acorn is easily peeled from a tough shirt and is carefully cut with a powerful beak. Acorn porridge is a favorite food not only in autumn, but also later - in spring and summer. For this, the bird makes large stocks - up to 2700 storerooms in autumn days. In the ground somewhere near a bunch of grasses, a lying twig, a pebble, under the root of a noticeable tree. By these signs, the jay is then guided by when the time comes to open the "cellar". However, during the winter it is possible to find and use only a part of such reserves - 80-85 percent. The remaining acorns sprout in the spring ...

You walk through the forest and suddenly you see strong, half a meter sprouts away from the oak trees. This is the unconscious work of the jay. In such stocks, as a rule, the best fruits are selected.

Jays are held by communities, and if you suddenly hear a cracked throat cry of a jay, you are not surprised when her fellow tribesman responds right there nearby. In the same way, the birds move around the selected territory. At the same time, in daily flights, they adhere to certain routes, following each other.

Jays are endowed with great intelligence, curiosity and courage. It is worth visiting several times at the nest of a bird sitting on eggs, and you will be recognized as "their own", and even after weeks they will be "recognized". Their alertness gives way to joy when they see a familiar figure again. They do not avoid humans, settling not only in forests, but often in gardens and city parks.

When dissatisfied, excited jays scream in unpleasant voices in chorus. But the male's song is very interesting, original, full of borrowed sounds. It seems that the thrush is singing, then the goose is screaming, then the chicken is cackling ... Sometimes in their voice you can hear the meow of a cat, the barking of a dog, the signal of an electric train. They are skillful imitators of the voices of many songbirds. That is why jays are called mockingbirds.

And our jay also has a special day - December 11th. On this day she is a birthday girl. Not every feathered creature is worthy of such veneration. In the old days, there was a legend that if a jay flies to the window or starts screaming at the porch, then this is a good sign. The bird informs about the good news, reveals the future, cares about your happiness.

I still found a time when village girls-brides on Soykin's day went to the forest to bewitch. They sang songs, danced in circles. They asked the bird for help for loved ones or for the betrothed, who protected his native Russian land in the army. To remember, to love and to return home as soon as possible.

Here is such an amazing our bird jay!

The memory of the bishop of the Russian Church is honored today Theodore Simonovsky ( in Ivan's world). He was born in Moscow, the exact date of birth is unknown. Was born around 1339-1340.

His father was the brother of St. Sergius of Radonezh, and his grandfather was an influential person at the court of Prince Andrei of Radonezh. The saint's mother died early, and his uncle was engaged in his upbringing. He cut Ivan into a monk at the Trinity Monastery with the name Fedor. In the monastery, the young man studied icon painting, learned the Greek language, read a lot. In 1370 he founded his monastery, which was moved to a new place 9 years later.

After the Battle of Kulikovo, Fedor becomes the spiritual mentor of Dmitry Donskoy. For some time he leaves for Constantinople, after which he returns to his homeland.

The saint was a gifted and versatile educated person, a good diplomat. Died on November 28, 1394. Since the 15th century he has been revered as a saint.

Video: church calendar for December 11

December 11: traditions, fortune-telling and customs

The name of this day is dedicated to a bright and small bird with a long tail, on whose head is a crest. Jay feathers shine in the sun. The bird perfectly imitates various sounds, for which it was nicknamed the mocking jay.

In ancient times, it was considered a good sign if on December 11 a bird flies to a person's dwelling and sings a song. Then it was necessary to leave the house and follow her. They believed that a songstress can lead a person to happiness.

It was believed that on the wings of a jay there are small mirrors, looking into which you can see the future. For this, the bird was called a prophet.

December 11 is a good day for fortune-telling. Our ancestors every year enchanted on this day for money, love and destiny. Some of the divinations are suggested below.

Fortune-telling for money on Soykin's day

To see if it improves financial position, people came to the well and listened to the water. If there was a splash, then soon the person will get rich. And if it is completely quiet, then a series of failures is coming.

They wondered for money in another way. A handful of coins of different denominations were thrown into a snowdrift and began to get them. If a coin of large denomination comes first, then next year the money will always be found in the fortuneteller's wallet. If it is small, then you should not expect profit.

Divination by the betrothed

After dark, the girls bewitched the betrothed. To do this, everyone got together and wrote in a circle the names of the guys they knew on pieces of paper. A light thread was threaded into the needle and placed in the center of the table with the point down. The girls took turns gently lifting the thread. In the direction of which name the needle swung, they will call the betrothed fortuneteller.

Fortune telling

Even on Soykin's day, they wondered what the next year would be like. To do this, they took a handful of beans and divided into three uniform heaps. Each of them characterized a separate area of ​​human life:

  1. Health.
  2. Work.
  3. Personal life.

People believed that a person born on this day would live a long and happy life.

December 11: signs and beliefs

  1. If it has sharply become warmer, it will soon become very and for a long time colder.
  2. Geese often flap their wings - for a thaw.
  3. The cold and dry weather promises dry and hot summers.
  4. Ash in the oven quickly goes out - to warming.
  5. The crows in the sky made a round dance - to the snowfall, they sit on the lower branches of the trees - to the wind, they walk on the ground - to the thaw.

Person born on December 11 according to the horoscope Sagittarius. These people are hardy and strong-willed, have a powerful energy that can be felt from a distance. They are leaders who are not afraid to take on responsibility and responsibility for others. Opal suits them as a talisman.

Video: signs and fortune-telling on Soykin's day

Soykin's Day is celebrated on December 11, 2020 (November 28 old style). Among the people, this is a holiday of greeting the jay. It is a small bird with bright plumage, a tuft on its head and a long tail. Most interesting is the fact that she can imitate any sound, from the singing of other birds to human speech.

The church calendar honors the memory of the martyr Irinarch of Sevastia on this day.

He once attended the execution of seven women. The pagans sentenced them to death for the fact that they, being Christians, converted their husbands to the Orthodox faith and refused to sacrifice to pagan idols, drowning them in the Sebastian lake.

Observing the steadfastness and courage of women, how they proudly stigmatize the torturer, Irinarchus realized that he wanted to become a Christian. He immediately announced his decision publicly and recognized Jesus Christ as the true God. After that, he was martyred at the hands of a fellow craftsman.

Traditions and rituals

The people called the jay "things". They predicted their future by its wings.

Also on Soykin's day they used to guess on coins. To do this, they took several pieces and threw them into a snowdrift, and then took them out one by one. If the first coin found turned out to be the largest of those thrown, then they believed that the person would definitely be lucky. If the smallest coin came across, then this indicated that one should not count on success in business.


If a jay sits on the window that day and starts screaming, this is a good sign.

If you follow the jay you meet, it will open the way to happiness.

In the well, something tinkles on Soykin's day - to wealth.

In previous centuries, people tried to live in harmony with nature, to listen to its signs. Gradually, folk signs were formed about birds - messengers of light and dark forces. By the way, human wisdom has passed the test not only by time, but also by technical progress. Science explains to us almost any phenomenon, creates mechanisms that simplify life, but it cannot tell anything about why the feathered one knocks on the window. As in ancient times, we use folk signs about birds. It is useful to know them, because whoever is forewarned will cope with the situation. Let's figure it out.

The bird flew through the window

You know that in the old days there were no glasses. The birds traveled calmly, not knowing obstacles, fluttering wherever they pleased. Moreover, in a human dwelling, you can always pick up crumbs or warm up. However, folk signs about birds are not based on these considerations, but on observations and analysis of events. Of course, there were also legends. In the old days, it was believed that the soul of a deceased relative moved to a feathered inhabitant of forests and fields. And he comes not on a regular visit, but on business. The feathered messenger carries the message. How to read it, we are told by folk signs about birds. So, if a dove flew into the girl's room, a wedding was expected. The swallow is a very rare guest. She portends immense wealth. It is very bad to kill her or harm one of the aforementioned messengers. If the bird dies, then a good event will turn into trouble. For example, the wedding will be canceled due to the death of the groom, or wealth will pass by the hands of the owners of the house.

Folk signs about birds: sparrows

According to legend, the birds participated in the process of the execution of Christ, but behaved in different ways. The swallows took the nails with which they nailed the Savior's cross, and carried them away from the executioners. The sparrows found the instruments of torture and returned them back. Whether it was so or not is unknown. But a suspicious and wary attitude towards the nimble and cunning city dwellers has become entrenched among the people. Their visit to the house is considered undesirable. If a sparrow flies into the room, expect bad news. As a rule, it portends a disruption of plans, a sudden illness, quarrels and contentions. Sparrows got into the habit of gathering on the windowsill - they gossip about family members, pour mud on them behind their backs. If they knock on the glass, there will be sad news from afar. In addition, an important trip or trouble on the road is likely to be disrupted. Sparrows should be treated with caution, they do not bode well.

What news are the tits, owls and cuckoos

In the old days, the world was divided into black and white, they did not notice the semitones. In general, people were sure that the soul of the deceased had come to take someone from the family members. The news of death is believed to be carried by the cuckoo. But this is a very secretive bird, it rarely appears near human habitation. But to hear her characteristic song - to find out what age is measured out for you. You just need to ask a question and count the number of her cakes. People believe that this feathered beauty knows exactly the fate of a person. The cuckoo is ranked among the dark messengers, like the magpie. If they gather on the roof of a house or near a window, you will listen to black gossip or spread them yourself. Light messengers also exist. There are such folk signs about birds about them: a titmouse has flown - to good news, knocks on the window - wait for guests. Owls avoid human dwellings, but if you hear her hooting, expect a fire, folk signs warn about birds. The dove, on the contrary, protects space from fire, pacifies evil forces. If this bird lives near the house, the owners are not afraid of fires.

Folk signs about birds about the weather

Feathered messengers bring people not only personal messages. So, they are excellent weather indicators. Swallows fly low - rain. If the sparrows are cackling and huddle up to the house, trying to settle closer to the warmth, then a cold snap is coming. If you see a flock of sparrows bathing in the dust, take an umbrella. They feel that the weather is changing and it will rain. In cold weather, the birds decided to swim in the water - warming is coming. In winter, this behavior portends early spring. But before everyone else, the lark learns that there is a warming, and the frosts are receding. The people believe: his first song is the victory of the sun over snow and ice. Other birds are also sensitive to atmospheric changes. For example, the noise and din of starlings foreshadows a thunderstorm, these birds react to the electrical voltage that accumulates around.

Other signs about birds

It is not recommended among the people to keep wild birds at home. The only exception is the pigeon. Other free birds in a cage - to trouble. This does not apply to artificially bred pets. If, after the wedding, the newlyweds discovered that a bird had died in their house, then the marriage would soon be broken off. It is believed that it is bad to glue wallpaper with the image of birds. People say that it is unfortunate for those who live in the house. Bird watching also helps predict the future. So, if they move from left to right - to luck, in reverse side- get in trouble. Birds fly right at you - your cherished desire will come true, they flew away - to obstacles.

What to do when the bird has flown?

Our ancestors not only noticed how the behavior of birds was connected with upcoming events, but also developed methods of getting rid of negativity. So, a bird that has accidentally got into the room cannot be caught. She, believe me, is already so scared. Open the window and let the feathered guest get away. And then say this: "Walk free, but don't come to me!" If a sign promises trouble, wash the window with holy water, and tie a red ribbon to the frame. They say this will help ward off unhappiness. And it is better to make friends with the birds, feed them, then they will only bring joy, and not frighten with negative predictions.