Download the director's speech at the prom. Prom. School script. but on the other hand

The assembly hall is festively decorated. A song about school sounds. Parents and guests of graduates take their places in the hall, the director, head teacher, teachers are on the stage. Graduates line up in pairs at the entrance to the hall. Fanfare sounds. Two presenters take the stage.
Leading. good evening, dear guests, we are glad to welcome you in this hall.
Leading. At the 200 ... year prom!
Leading. The school is full of guests today
Festive noise and fuss.
Leading. The music will sound until late -
There is a graduation party at school today!
Leading. Our guys say goodbye to school,
Leading. Today they will be awarded certificates!
Leading. Today graduates of the 200 ... year are saying goodbye to their childhood at the graduation party.
Leading. Dear guests, welcome our graduates: 11-A class, classroom teacher(last name, first name, patronymic), 11-B grade, class teacher (last name, first name, patronymic).
To the music, graduates enter the hall, sit down in their places.
Leading. The ceremonial part of the prom is declared open. I ask everyone to stand up.
The Anthem of Russia sounds.
Leading. Please sit down.
Leading. Our dear graduates, dear teachers, parents, guests!
So everyone grew up for a year,
Leading. And the time has come - the school of its best children
Sees off on a long flight.
Leading. And it's not for nothing that they suddenly felt sad,
And the whole class became unusually quiet -
Leading. This, fluttering out of hand,
The years of childhood pass away from them.

Music sounds. A couple of first graders are dancing the waltz.

Leading. School years passed in succession
The bright days of your life are fun.
Leading. Farewell evening, your graduation ball,
Sweet school is saying goodbye to you.
Leading. And, of course, at the hour of parting, at the hour of parting
There will be parting words and wishes!
Leading. And the first to say the word
We will entrust the highest honor to the director of our school
(name, patronymic, surname).

First teacher. Dear Guys! You have spent eleven years within the walls of this school, with your friends, who have become your school family. Today you are saying goodbye to school, going out into an independent adult life. There will be many trials, difficulties and victories on your way. And it is very important not to lose in life the good things that you had in childhood. Do not lose touch with your school family, do not forget your childhood. And be grateful to school, parents, grandparents, friends. All the best to you guys!
Leading. As old as the world, this school drama -
A cool mother says goodbye to the children.
Leading. She recently chased them for deuces,
I called home, scolded for absenteeism.
Leading. Well, now he says: “These children ...
Leading. The best on the planet! "
Leading. The class teacher of the 11-B grade (surname, name, patronymic) addresses the graduates.
Classroom teacher. Our dear graduates! So this day of farewell to school has come. An unknown distance of independent life lies ahead. In the past, there is a well-trodden path in the schoolyard, two and five, vacations and phone calls, moralizing from parents and teachers, experiences at the final exams. And now the most important thing remains - to find yourself, your place in life. And I wish everyone on this path to always remain human, no matter how hard it may be.

The song “Where does childhood go” is performed by pupils of 9-10 grades.

Leading. Moms and dads, brothers and sisters,
Grandparents, uncles and aunts
Leading. They also made a significant contribution,
So that the graduate received a certificate.
Leading. On behalf of the parents, the floor is given (surname, name, patronymic).
Parent. Dear children! For eleven years we went to lessons with you, did our homework, and prepared for the tests. Together with you we solved difficult problems and wrote
essays, typed abstracts and scribbled cheat sheets. Together with you, we came up with scripts and rehearsed performances. We rejoiced at your successes and experienced your failures. Today you receive your certificates. And each parent is proud of his child and joy that together we were able to take this first height on the path to knowledge. You will have more than one such height ahead. And on behalf of all parents, I want to wish you success. We believe in you and are proud of you! Be happy!

Leading. And now their younger comrades want to say goodbye to the graduates!
Two first graders come out.
They sing to the melody of the song "Granite Pebble" by the "Ladybug" group.
First grader 1.
I asked my mother to take me with her
At the last ball, at the graduation night.
It seems that I was there no worse than all the guys,
But the director did not give me a certificate.
First grader 2.
I will write a letter to the President,
I will ask you to take me as a graduate,
I'll teach you a little math,
And I will get a gold medal.
Together. If my friends ask me
Where are the best graduates in the country?
Let's boldly say these words to them:
"Well, of course, at school number thirty-two!"
Option 1: We will boldly repeat the words to them:
"Well, of course, at school number thirty-five!"
Option 2: We will repeat it boldly until dawn:
"Well, of course, at school number thirty-three!"

Five students of 5-8 grades come out.

Disciple 1. What happened, what happened?
Laughter, fun, such noise -
Pupil 2. In our school, in our school
The ball is graduation today!
Disciple 3. Your last bell has already rung,
And your last lesson has made noise.
Pupil 4. Tears in the eyes - and how not to be sad -
The time has come to leave forever.

A song to the melody of M. Tariverdiev “Don't think down on seconds” is being performed.

Don't think down on school
And the school has always been dear to you -

You studied the alphabet diligently,
Various wrote essays,
Cyanide was obtained in test tubes,
Squares solved equations.
Now you are graduates forever,
And new roads are open for you.
So don't forget the school calls
Exams, tests and lessons.
Don't think down on school
Secondary education is available to all,
And the school has always been dear to us -
From the first call to the last.

Pupil 1. The years passed quickly,
You have matured noticeably
Student 2. And now all of you guys
Certificates are awarded here ...
Pupil 3. And in honor of the occasion of this
We got together again
Pupil 4. To better about each other
You found out at your leisure.
Pupil 1. Who is at all Olympiads
Have you represented our school?
Pupil 2. Who rewards for knowledge
Did you get what you deserved?
Disciple 3. Who behaved decently,
And he studied perfectly well?
Pupil 4. And who was given today
Precious medals?
Student 1. Well, of course, this is (names and surnames of graduates who received medals)!
Pupil 2. The school is proud of them!
Disciple 3. Graceful and plastic,
Nice and artistic
Pupil 4. Any role will be played,
Shine with talents!
Student 1. (Name, surname) and (name, surname) are the stars of the school scene!
Pupil 2. And about (name, surname) all the guys will say in chorus,
What can become a laureate in a world competition,
Student 3. And she will sing a soprano
We are at the fort and the piano.
Student 4. (Name, surname), like Jordan,
Not a basketball player.
Student 1. He is with a boxing glove
Whoever you want will win!
Apprentice 2. In a fight with a heavy equation
They always have enough strength.
Disciple 3. There is only one outcome - and no worries -
I came, saw and decided!
Pupil 4. (Names, surnames) - our great mathematicians.
Disciple 1. Their eyes are always shining,
Their smiles are one hundred percent!
Disciple 2. Help those who fall behind.
Guess who is this?
Pupil 3. Well, of course, these are (names, surnames)!
Student 4. (Name, surname) -
He's cool and funny
Pupil 1. Can make the whole school laugh:
Pupil 2. And naive kids,
Pupil 3. And gray-haired teachers.
Pupil 4. In the classroom (no circus needed)
Everyone laughs at him in unison!
Pupil 1. (Names, surnames) - real tourists,
Rock climbers, climbers,
Disciple 2. They love wildlife,
Disciple 3. Water also went through fire
Pupil 4. And whiled away the evenings with a guitar by the fire!
Disciple 1. I will be strong like Petrenko,
I will lift weights,
Disciple 2. To make all the beautiful girls
Protect from bandits!
Apprentice 3. Every graduate must
Foreign to know the language.
Pupil 4. Speak English fluently
Now it's even very fashionable!
Pupil 1. But (name, surname) and (name, surname),
Oddly enough ...
Pupil 2. They can even think in a foreign language!
Student 3. (Name, surname) is very nice,
With his good manners, he conquered everyone.
Pupil 4. He is engaged in music and sports,
All the girls just admire him!
Student 1. They want to become a teacher
Many little guys
Disciple 2. But ten years later
There are no people here.
Disciple 3. And therefore, friends,
Bravo I say to everyone
Student 4.
Who has not changed his dream -
I decided to become a teacher.
Pupil 1. This is (name, surname) and (name, surname)!
Disciple 1. There are many talents among you:
Painters, musicians,
Pupil 2. Mathematicians, artists,
Both singers and football players.
Pupil 3. At school, everyone distinguished themselves,
And he achieved fame.
Pupil 4. And now any business
Everyone can choose boldly.
Disciple 1. All paths are open for you!
Everyone will become famous!
Disciple 2. And now our wishes.
Disciple 3. So that you guys
Everyone is healthy and rich
Disciple 4. Strong, brave and beautiful,

Together. To glorify Russia!

A waltz sounds.

Leading. According to the school tradition, the graduates invite their teachers to the last school waltz.
Graduates dance with teachers.
The music fades.

Leading. This was the end of the ceremonial part of the prom. I ask everyone to stand up.

The Anthem of Russia sounds.

Leading. We proceed to the official part of the prom - the presentation of certificates.
Leading. The floor is given to the school principal (name, patronymic, surname).

The school director presents certificates to graduates. Carcass sounds.

Leading. So the official part of our evening has ended.
Leading. A concert of graduates awaits you. A break is announced for 20 minutes.

This important gala evening, which marks goodbye to school in the 9th or 11th grade, is eagerly awaited by both graduates and parents. That is why the organization, the design of such a holiday should be in advance. Prostobaby tells about how the prom or ball at school goes, how to prepare for it, what parents will have to spend money on.

As it will be

The organizing committee, which includes representatives of the school administration, the parent committee and alumni, is responsible for the preparation of the prom. They are developing the script for the evening, staging musical numbers, decorating the hall where the solemn ceremony will take place. Their task is to organize the prom at the best possible level.

Usually, the celebration begins with a gathering of graduates and their attendants at the school, where the official part of the holiday takes place - the certificate presentation ceremony, at which graduates receive congratulations and parting words from representatives of the school, district, and parents. As a rule, a small concert begins after the ceremonial part.

Parents on a note: it will be interesting if the official part ends with some entertaining action - all graduates will release balloons with wishes inside, or a small tree will be planted from each graduating class in the school park.

After the official part, if it is provided for by the celebration plan, the graduates go for a walk around the city. Then they, along with their parents and visiting teachers

go to a festive banquet. Depending on the decision of the parents, a restaurant, club, cafe or motor ship can be rented for a festive banquet.

In the midst of the holiday, there is a fireworks display. And in the morning, tired graduates go to meet the dawn. The prom script may vary depending on the school's prom traditions.

We discuss organizational issues

The main responsibility for preparing the prom rests with the parents of the graduates. To do this, they meet at a parents' meeting and discuss organizational and financial issues. Traditionally, such a meeting is held at the beginning of the school year, since parents have time to solve many problems. Among them - determining the venue for the solemn banquet, discussing the cultural and entertainment program and the number of people who can accompany the graduate, choosing a photo and video operator, buying gifts for teachers and school. Fundraising for the celebration, all agreements and purchases of the necessary are usually carried out by members of the parent committee. The size of the general budget is discussed at the meeting, but it can change during the year. Recently, it has been practiced to collect money for the graduation party in stages - throughout the academic year.

For many parents, the most important question is how much it will cost their family to celebrate the prom. The price of the issue, in this case, depends on many factors:

  • the cost of the banquet menu (per person);
  • festive decoration of the banquet hall;
  • work of a photographer and videographer at the celebration;
  • services of the host of the evening;
  • an entertainment program (if this is not included in the price of the presenter's services);
  • the cost of the fireworks;
  • rent of transport for transportation of graduates (if necessary);
  • gifts for teachers and school;
  • ribbons for graduates and invitations to teachers;
  • graduation photo album.

The amount that will have to be spent on the graduation party largely depends on the prices in the restaurant, as well as on the number of people accompanying the graduate. If parents plan that another of their relatives will be at the banquet, then you should worry about this in advance. It is important that the parents will also have to pay for the teachers invited to the banquet, representatives of the school administration (this amount is split for everyone). It is better to choose a place for a banquet and book as early as possible, especially if there are several schools in the city.

At some graduation parties, parents do not go to the banquet by general prior arrangement. It may be that they refuse to go for it in order to save money or on their own convictions, so as not to embarrass children with their presence. The very question of whether parents should be at the prom is quite controversial, and it must be solved with the child.

Some parents invite a professional presenter to the prom. A DJ often works in tandem with him. The services of the host of the prom can be provided by the agency for the preparation of the holidays. By the way, it can take over not only this function, but also the preparation of the prom as a whole, albeit for an additional fee.

As for gifts to teachers, they can be memorable or "in an envelope." It is best to talk to your homeroom teacher when choosing a present for your school.

Willingness number one

Future graduates are also actively preparing for the upcoming event, and they think, first of all, about their own appearance... One more item is added to the total amount of family expenses for graduation - the outfit of the graduate. Traditionally, at the prom, young men wear a classic suit and a shirt with a tie or bow tie. Girls pick up an evening dress, handbag, jewelry. It is better to choose smart shoes, but the most comfortable - you will need to spend at least 12 hours in them. If possible, it is worth taking a replacement pair with you. It will be useful for a girl to take a shawl or a light cape - it can be cool at dawn. Ignoring the established rules, some graduates come to the holiday in casual clothes. It is clear that this does not look very appropriate, however, the main thing at the prom is a good mood.

If for young men the preparation for graduation is practically completed at this point, then the girls still need to solve the issue with their hair, makeup and manicure.

If there are skin problems, it is advisable to visit a beautician a few weeks before graduation to eliminate them - this applies to both girls and guys. Some beauty salons specifically for such an event offer graduates to purchase a package of special services.

Usually, girls and boys come in pairs to the prom. However, it will not be ashamed to appear there alone, or just with friends. The main thing is not to forget to buy a bouquet of flowers to congratulate your beloved teacher. Graduates need to worry about using cutlery well in advance. It's also a good idea to use the services of a choreographer, especially if the graduate is going to dance a waltz at a party.

but on the other hand

It is no secret that schoolchildren associate this day with the opportunity not only to taste alcohol, but also to get drunk "as a lord", as well as to get their first sexual experience, if this has not happened before. The order at the celebration is usually controlled by the parents present, school representatives, and the police. However, those who wish will always be able to achieve their goals and "excel" at the holiday.

All that parents can do is to have an explanatory conversation with their adult child in time. Its tone should not be preachy; it is better to refuse from demands, rigid prohibitions and appeal to the consciousness of the graduate. Well, if there is no taboo in the family on topics of communication, then the conversation about sex will be softer. It is important to make it clear to the child that you are on his side, since you were also once a teenager. It is necessary to tell the student about the responsibility that each person assumes when starting an intimate life. After all, the first sexual experience should be deliberate, occur when a person is ready for it. It should bring joy, not worries about possible consequences. Therefore, on the graduation party, the student is better off refraining from such a decisive step.

If a graduate is already in anticipation of a drunken holiday, then it is necessary to explain that alcohol is a loss of self-control, which is fraught with consequences (from quarrels, fights, unprotected intercourse to drunken driving), these are memory lapses and a hangover in the morning. And also the opportunity to end the holiday in the hospital due to severe alcohol poisoning or injury.

I won't be there!

Some schoolchildren sincerely perceive the graduation party as a farewell to school, for some it is just a way to assert their status in the team. This is expressed in everything - in appearance, in behavior, in the manner of communication. Therefore, the prom is often called a vanity fair, where everyone can compete in their own "coolness". This is one of the reasons why alumni refuse to celebrate such an important event. Among other reasons, schoolchildren name the following:

  • they are not interested in it;
  • they have no friends among classmates;
  • the funds that will need to be invested in organizing the celebration can be spent more profitably;
  • the parents do not have the money to cover all expenses.

Whatever the decision of the graduate, parents should listen to him and try to accept his arguments.

It is clear that any adult strives to provide his student with a beautiful and memorable holiday. However, no one canceled the solemn part, and parents will still have the opportunity to admire their child receiving a certificate. And then - you can remarkably celebrate this event in the circle of relatives and friends of the graduate.

Funny video

The 2 year old loves to throw. Look what happened when his parents bought him a basketball hoop!

Dear teachers, dear parents, guests! Today we have a big party "Graduation Party". A carefree childhood is over, an independent adult life is ahead. But before we leave school, let's fantasize. Imagine a warm summer evening. The setting sun is reflected in the azure waves of the sea. It's great to be there! Drop by in passing at a film festival, because they are usually held in just such places, in Cannes, for example, or in Hollywood. And how is our Okhotsk worse than some San Remo? We decided to hold our own film festival. Let `s start

We are pleased to welcome you to this hall at the School Starfall Film Festival.

Today's film festival is unique: qualifying rounds were held throughout the school year. For this, students and teachers participated in all kinds of competitions, olympiads, concerts, where, of course, they had to show their skills and abilities, to show themselves.

Time passes inexorably ... It seems that it was a very long time ago, when we timidly and hesitantly entered the first grade. Then for us everything was ahead: the first teacher, the first bell, the first word read, the first school joys and sorrows ...

Song to the melody "For those who are at sea" (all 11th grade students sing )

Do you remember how it all started
Everything was for the first time and again
Calls to lessons, ABC and notebooks
And the first love in my life
We solved problems together
Read, learned poetry
Exams were passed and every fifth
As a rule was at the blackboard


Thank you, all those who are at school
Works, teaches, leads the roads of knowledge
We will remember you both in joy and in sorrow
We wish you good luck, health and happiness
Worthy students

We remember well how our first teachers took our hands from the warm mother's hands.

In the nomination "From a pure source to a beautiful far away" our first teacher Kostrichkina L.V. is awarded with a medal.

Once very small

We were brought to school

Our bows were turning white

The bouquets were blooming.

You were an affectionate mother

With kindness, warmth and light,

We were happy in class

Well, how can I forget all this?

And the years are gray horses

Faster - rushed faster,

The first teacher

How we missed you!

We will never forget
The radiant light of your beloved eyes
We wish you to be healthy
We want to be happy to see you

Song to the melody "Parent's House"

We came to the first grade inadvertently,
To learn everything from scratch.
We owe you an unpaid debt,
Our first teachers.

Our first call, the beginning began
He new life meant to us.
Our first lesson and first answer -
Our lucky ticket to adulthood.

In the nomination "The most important helmsman" the medal is awarded to the strict and attentive, understanding and all-knowing best director Rybina Galina Aleksandrovna.

Thank you, our dear director,

We are grateful to you to tears.

We don't know where you get your strength

Pulling such a heavy cart!

We wish the guys year after year
We were in a hurry to visit you with the arrival of September.
To call our school the best,
Thanks to the directors for everything!

Across all seas and oceans
On all earthly continents
We traveled with you
And it was interesting to us!

We fell in love with geography
And we want to wish you
In all those countries that we have taught
Travel someday!

Song to the melody "Everything froze again until dawn"

Everything froze again until dawn

Footsteps died down in the corridors

This is our favorite director
Again bypasses his possessions / 2 times

For lessons will go to teachers

Then the notebooks will start to check
Scolds the truants strictly,

So as not to think about taking a walk again / 2 times

In the nomination "Everything is fine, everything is in order, all exams have been passed »The medal is awarded to the Deputy Director for educational work Yedinak Vasily Yakovlevich

Today we sincerely congratulate the head teacher,
And we will leave the wishes with all our hearts!
May our school only flourish
And the head teacher knows exactly how to achieve success!

We learn the laws of life,
In which, alas, they would have lost their way.
For teaching us physics
And you revealed the secrets of nature to us,

We are very grateful and grateful.

Now we are completely gifted in sciences!
May your science bring you happiness!
May the school please you every autumn!

(to the tune of the song "Shalanda")

For a physics lesson a week
I'm getting ready, I get up a little light,
And the whole family, of course, knows -

That I love Vasya very much.
And in practical work
I have a secret interest
Where did the neighbor hang the weight,
To get a counterweight.
I won't tell you about our school,
Our school is very big
We repeat everywhere and everywhere
Great names of physicists.

In the category "Maternal Care" the medal is awarded to our class teacher Naboka Valentina Vasilievna.

Valentina Vasilievna!

You became our second mother,

And together with you for many years

Dear knowledge we are stubborn

We walked, because teaching is light.

You always knew everything about us,

We shared joy and misfortune.

Our problems, difficulties, sorrows

We carried you at times, as if delirious.

We knew: you are our reliable friend,

What will not deceive, will not betray,

But it will calm and comfort,

And he will give us practical advice.

We were, to you, used to be rude

Sometimes we did not obey you

Lessons weren't always taught

And a day for a thousand pranks.

We love you, we will remember you

And we will never forget

And if you can forgive

Forgive us one last time.

For your friendship, for your care,

For your loyalty to your friends,

For an eternal soul work -

For everything, for everything ...

Everything: …thank you!

To the tune of the song "Weather in the House"

How will we stay at school without you,

And to whom do we leave you

And the fact that everything is really happening

We still couldn't believe

And everything went well but we do not cry

After all, parting is nonsense

We love you which means
You won't have to wait for us for a long time / 2 times

We grew up and matured before our eyes

Let's not become five graders again

Thanks for everything to our cool mom,

And to release does not mean to lose / 2 times

In the nomination "The most organic" medal is awarded to Tereshko Larisa Vasilievna, as well as Larisa Vasilievna became the winner in the nomination "Life-giving force".

Everything about fauna and flora,
Life's origin
They opened our eyes
Removed delusions.

Thank you for the science,
For a useful story.
We didn't know boredom with you
Your lesson is adorable.

Your chemical experiments
We have become a precious experience!
We felt together
In chemical compounds!

Of course, we are not Mendeleevs,
But you were able to teach us
Excellent knowledge of chemistry,
Let me thank you.

To the tune of the song "Everything is good, beautiful marquise"

And in our school there is such a teacher
We are always interested with her.

We study fauna and flora

And we will never forget

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts

For your hard work

And who at least once was in your lesson

Then our thought will be easily understood.

And we will remember you

And forever your blooming class

For the rest, beloved Larissa

All is well, all is well.

In the nomination "Through the pages of unread novels" the medal is awarded to Irina Aleksandrovna Goncharenko, teacher of the Russian language and literature.

We will not forget your speeches,

As long as we live in the world.

You taught us how to love,

You gave your heart to the children.

Your work cannot be overestimated
After all, everyone immediately understands:
You may not be Pushkin,
But you must know your native language!


I'm in Russian, like on a holiday,

Walked for ten years in a row.

I dragged myself from the verbs,

I got a thrill from declensions.

OnLiterature lesson,

As if on wings, I fly.

I read all the writers.

I want to become a writer.

You would first learn

Write unmistakably.

To you with a deuce in dictations

Never become a writer for a century!

Whose cow would moo

Yours would be silent in a rag.

How many years have you studied -

I just dragged myself from the verbs.

These jokes are jokes

From the heart they sang for you,

Because our Ira

We wanted to please.

In the nomination “I would have learned Ukrainian just for what you taught us”, the medal is awarded to Galina Ivanovna Trofimchuk.

Has done meme mother

Movu native vivchati.

Movu ridnu I am vivchala,

Ta th on lads looked.

Scho f now I have a day,

Yak ZNO from zdavati.

Lyuba vchitelko, dear,

You I love, I’m born Nenka.

May we kilim you zіtkati,

Mauger well namalyuvati,

I can hang a chemise

At the little ones at the little ones?

Look, put it on, it’s not too bad,

Eleven little

Yak can't be eleven

That's two twelve years old.

To the tune of the song “ Khali kozaks "

Ukrainian for you at once mi vivchali

First and foremost, the speeches were put together.

Oh ti Galyu, Galya our Galya

The first tsikavi speeches were made with you.

Sidimo at the class sonechko siya

Galya is all about pidmet, we are open.

Oh ti Galyu, Galya our Galya

Spring is already not up to us.

We tried and vivchali

In Lesya Ukrainka, everyone shrank.

Oh ti Galyu, Galya our Galya

In our native Galya, everyone shrank.

In the nomination "Mathematics accuracy - kings" won the teacher of mathematics Khalilov Nazim AzhmerovichMathematics is a science
We will tell you without embellishment,
It's not an easy thing at all -
Our entire class knows this.

We want to wish you order on a holiday,
So that everything in life is solved, as in a notebook,
Everything worked out, came out on time.
Thank you teacher for the lessons!

To the melody of the song "Our Neighbor »

My dear mathematics, how I love you!
And today in this hall I sing only about you:

How can we not have fun
Don't laugh or sing
How much can we learn
Sit over tasks

We adore Nazim, we fly to class in a crowd

He knows about it too, the guy is just like that.

We have worked wonderfully well,
We have passed a lot in a year.
Lose weight and tired
See how you got there.

Nomination "Cool hacker" medal is awarded to the teacher of informatics Zair Suryaevich Ismailov.

We will continue to study computer literacy
And we will have to learn a lot more new things.
But we cannot forget the first lessons
Thanks! After all, it was not easy for you to teach us.

To the melody "And I love a married man"

There are many lessons at school,
There is also math,
But I really liked it

When the teacher enters the classroom
Everyone listens attentively.
Leads a story about a computer
He's very entertaining.

Rashid Narimanovich Memetov won in the nomination "Language will bring to London".

English poetic.
Isn't that so, our dear teacher?
Favorite Present and Future
We know better and better!

The declination of verbs is close to us.
We think so in English.
Respect you accept today!
You are exactly the best, our teacher!

To the tune of the song "The wind blew from the sea"

We are all English, we are all English.
Learning for many years, learning for many years,
In our heads, in our heads
There is only nonsense, there is only one nonsense.

It is not destiny, it can be seen, it is not destiny
We live in peace, we live in peace.
We will be until the end, we will be until the end
We teach him, we teach him.

In the nomination "Oh, sport, I love you" the medal is awarded to Vladimir Ivanovich Mochalin

Without physical education
It's hard to live in this world!
Develop muscles
Gotta be adults and children!

Thank you for teaching
You breathe us right,
If it took a long time
We run the distance.

To the tune of the song "My sail is turning white"

No, we don't cry or weep
We run a couple of kilometers with a smile,
After all, our life is a game, and who is to blame for that,
That we were carried away by this game?
And you must admit how lovely
Get into the basket with the ball, almost without aiming.
Eagle gaze, pressure, good turn -
And all the people rejoice and rejoice.
Ivanovich - though he is not an apostle,
But we believe him in everything
And let the records are not easy for us,
We will live like this for a hundred years.

In the nomination "Beauty will save the world", the medal is awarded to Elena Aleksandrovna Vernienko, a teacher of world art culture.

The architecture of the ancient world certainly conquered us all
We all recognized the temples and sculptures - they showed them to us at the MHC.
Painting also attracts us - maybe someone will become an artist.
And even Van Gogh will envy that such a teacher taught us!

(To the tune of the song "Vernissage" - chorus)
Rather, all for Opening Day!
See a portrait, look at a landscape
And admire endlessly
The art of every creator.
MHC teacher!
You smile at us a little,
Like Mona Lisa through the ages
Smiling at us for now.

In the nomination "Guardian of Security", the winner was Vladimir Dmitrievich Yashchuk, who taught us lessons in OZ

How can we find a reservoir so that we can swim in it?
How not to get sick in a blizzard, how not to burn out under the sun?
How to put on a gas mask, what to do with the "Gas!"
If you want to live long, you need to be friends with the basics of health!

In order not to lose heart
To be saved in trouble
Call not mom and dad-
Dmitrich with OBZH!

In the nomination "How long we did not resist, you tried to educate us" the medal is awarded to the deputy director for educational work Svetlana Vasilievna Poddubtseva

Fanfare, you better shut up:
Our choir is already invincible!
Favorite music teacher
We want to sing an ode to you!

Not in vain, changing generations
So love your tender subject!
Please accept our congratulations!
Health, happiness, many years!

You are a friend, teacher and mentor,

Always kind and cheerful

And, without a doubt, deserved

You are of the highest praise.

Song to the tune "How much progress has come"

How I love to sing

And it's not scary that I wheeze

I immediately start singing a song

I can only catch the tune.


I am not a composer, but my own soloist.

We love you very much

We will never forget

How did they perform on stage

You didn’t try in vain.

Forgotten Rachmaninoff, resting Liszt,

Our Sveta is the world's best soloist

In the nomination "Oh, the guard gets up early" - Sergei Brichka won, teacher of Defense of the Fatherland

We shake your sinewy hand
For your difficult science.
We were sometimes capricious

But you prepared us for life.
Our duty, we give you our word in this,
We are always ready to fulfill!

Song "Soldiers on the Road"

The path lies far before us

But we are looking at the falcon,

Seryoga taught us to glory

We will defeat all enemies.

Soldiers in / way / 3 times

And for you, dear, dear mother

We will send a letter, when we serve, let's go

In the "Sensitive Heart" nomination, the medal is awarded to Olga Yaroslavovna, a nurse of our school, Romanenko

Kind doctor Aibolit
Sits at the post since the morning.
She gives us certificates,
And he will enter the dining room,
And he will deliver the vaccinations on time,
And he will send the sick home.

(Singing to the melody "A Million Scarlet Roses")
We have a nurse at school
Very gentle and sweet.
Heals all children alone,
She gives health.
We are all grateful to her
Will not leave us in trouble.
Will immediately come to the rescue
If your stomach hurts.
A million, million, million times a year
Vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate walks us.
And going in, and going in, and going into each class,
Pills us.

In the “Just good girls” nomination, medals are awarded to 3 of our teachers at once: school psychologist Lydia Sergeevna Popova, teacher-organizer Elena Nikolaevna Kholodyuk, labor training teacher Lyudmila Sergeevna Guskova.

We wish you joy, success,
Health, happiness and love!
May luck be with you
More than once on life path!

To the psyche of a child
Didn't inspire fear in adults
They need a subtle psychologist
Suggest when and how,
Explain both this and that
Personal do the test,
Give parents answers
Why isn't their son eating ...
Psychology is a science
Difficult thing, brothers.

Thank you very much for the nice word,
For a smile, for help in our most difficult hour.
We will all remember you, we will never forget
Well, you sometimes remember at least all of us.

Cheerful girls Lida, Luda Lena

Friendly faces, lights of cheerful eyes,

As soon as you enter the school -

All the kids in the hallways

They support you with their smiles.

And school duty

And the main cleaning,

And the director's office

Us withyounot scary

And you confess honestly

That even though we are crazy

All the same to you forever

Still needed!

In the nomination "Books are our friends" the medal is awarded to the librarian of our school Lavrenko Zinaida Vasilievna

You open up new distances

In a stormy stream of rustling pages

Always striving for everyone to understand

That hopes have no boundaries

(to the tune "The solar circle, the sky around")
Joyfully suddenly
Became around
The boy froze in delight.
Sat in the corner
Holds in hand
Everyone's favorite book.
The door is always open here.
What is hidden behind it?
There are books in a row
And they look at the guys.

In the Nerves of Steel nomination, medals are awarded to our technical workers:

Your work is invisible and familiar,
But while you come to us,
Congratulations, our technicians,
There is a lot of happiness, health to all of you!

motive "Moments" from the movie "17 Moments of Spring"

Do not think down on techies!
The time will come myself, you will probably understand
That they will have time to wash the floor before the bell rings,
In an instant, in an instant, in an instant ...

They will wash the office in an instant!
The recreation will be washed in an instant!
And only for an hour they will rest at lunch,
And then again for the mop, to the last!

Our chefs won in the nomination "You will lick your fingers"

The cook at the stove creates
He soars like on wings.
Everything is bubbling around him
The kitchen is his forge.

Thanks to Aunt Natasha and Aunt Oksana, we will say
For your delicious soups and porridges,

We honestly always ate them
And they grew up imperceptibly.

Song to cooks "Marusya 1.23 .."

“Every day as always
Waiting for the kids to feed
Because without food
Neither there nor syudy.

Natasha 1.2.3 viburnum, white girl

And Oksana is next to her

Let's tell the cooks today
We are very grateful
After all, no one in our school
Will not last without food.

In the nomination "Pleasant companions" medals are awarded to the school manager Nadezhda Yakovlevna Grigoruk, school secretary Taisiya Sergeevna Tarasenko, Olga Yaroslavovna Grechka's labotanist.

Who is in charge seriously
All the household? Our caretaker!
In whose hands it is always skillful

Any business goes well.

Let the enthusiasm in your eyes sparkle
And getting sick is not good for you.
We are parting. The hour has struck.
Remember us more often

I want to wish you Taisiya Sergeevna
Angel of patience
May it always be good
Your mood!

Olga Yaroslavovna! And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you
Health, happiness, long years,
And may fate only give joy
Keeping your home safe from any troubles!

Oh, viburnum blooms in the field by the stream

Nadia has been walking around the school since the morning

The technician checks and gives instructions

Thank you from us for order at school

Well, the secretary Tasechka sits

Always writes something, knocks on the keys

You are always calm, you are kind to children

You deserve all the spring flowers.

And at the labotanskaya Olya will meet us,

Asks our affairs every time.

Everything is cheating something in quiet she.

She should have become a teacher for a long time.

Scene for parents

A tiny son came to his father,

And the baby asked:

Here I brought the certificate -

Cool or bad?

I praise you, son,

That I graduated from high school

But first I'll take a look

Your certificate is "cool".

I looked at the certificate,

Losing my balance

- All fives are in it,

Just running on the spot - "ten"!

Certificate, son, unimportant,

You can put it mildly so.

We need to collect a lot,

To go somewhere.

What should I do?

Enough for me to study!

I'm going already

Get married on Friday!

Are you out of your mind?

You are insolent, baby!

I'll tell you what:

Marry early- poorly!

- Okay, dad, changed my mind

I will apply for a surgeon.

Sew up, heal and cut

I, parents, love.

- This, baby, is good

But think a little

Instead of a sore hand

You didn't heal your leg.

- No, daddy, you're wrong

He underestimated me.

The conversation is very serious,

To waste words in vain.

I swear to you in front of everyone

That in the morning I will take up my mind!

And with a sigh, the father said:

- So, the little one understood,

What is good",

And what is "bad".

Thank you for all my relatives,
Thank you for living
For the fact that I have you such
I, dad and mom, tenderly call you ..

Thank you for your affection and love
Thank you for your help and patience.
I'll tell you this over and over again
I repeat, I am your creation ..

Thank you for your tenderness and warmth
I love you and I am responsible for you
So that there is only light in your life
There is no one in the world dearer than you ...

Path to home

We will not forget the path

What leads to the home

We will remember all the time

About parents with warmth

After all, they dedicated to us

The best years

And for that we thank you

We tell them today


We say thank you

To those who loved us from childhood

For those who are the best in the world

This life gave us

Mom, dad is for you

Our warm words

Mom, dad, mom, dad

Everyone in the world is dearer to us

Time has passed quickly

We matured a long time ago

But for you it remained so

Kids don't care

May we be babies

Let us remain children

If only they would not part

In this life you are with us

The holiday will end, the lesson will begin,

The lesson that the bell does not ring.

We will no longer sit at school desks,

The teacher with the magazine will no longer enter.

And you can't slip through there with a cheat sheet,

There the account for other assessments goes.

This lesson of ours will never be interrupted.

This lesson is eternal. He is called life.

Song Bad Weather for Teachers

Changes in our school

Take place year after year,

We leave against our will

This is the law of nature,

We are leaving for another life,

But a change comes to us,

Chorus: We are glad that the school is like this

Fate gave us all | 2 times

We can not stay for a moment or an hour,

After all, there is no way to postpone life,

We will not forget you for a moment or an hour.

Teachers who gave us their lives

You taught us for so long

And thank you for that,

We want to tell you a lot,

But this song is not enough

We love you and will not

Never a replacement for you

Dear graduates!

The path of new life lies before you.
Please accept our hello, quiet but warm.

You will soon comprehend the essence of life,

May faith in your own strength not leave you forever!


Dmitry is reliable and very smart,

Everything that is conceived, he will do.

In the future, Dima wants to become a doctor,

We sincerely want to wish him:

Diligence, patience, brilliant successes!

Good luck in business and real friends!

Anya- conscientious,
Hardworking and active.
Will not refuse to help
If you will not be able to

Let her confession not bypass
The chosen lot will be needed!
Let there be time and desire
For good deeds useful to people!


Dear, kind Sasha

Our congratulations sound:

Waltz he dances like a god

In his studies, he is not at all strict.

Let it be for you everywhere and always

Good luck the star is shining!


She is sociable and of course,

Loves school friends.

In life, reasonable, unhurried,

But time requires us to act quickly. Alime

You found a remedy in life

So as not to say goodbye to childhood,

You want to become a good teacher!

Don't say goodbye to school and come back soon.

Believe me, they will be waiting for you here!


Tall, slim, pretty

The girls smiles perfectly

He loves basketball

And with discipline - a puncture.

But he will look for seriousness in himself,

After all, he wants to become a police officer.

Gymnastics, volleyball and basketball,

Everything is subject to her. Sport is her element!

Will always score a goal successfully

With a ball in her hands - she is a goddess!

We wish Anya not to lose the excitement of victories,

Go confidently towards the cherished goal,

Let fate keep from troubles

Protects from underwater shoals!


He always looks great

Leads concerts, evenings.

He reads poetry artistically!

Arpentiy Kolya - you are a star!

We wish you inspiration

Great mood!


In ordinary life, Kolya is a workaholic,

Can repair equipment and loves to play sports!

Well, as for the lessons at school -

Kolya doesn't like to strain here.

No problem! Its priority is

Despite all the obstacles

Achieve goals and victories!

We believe he will find his reward!

Asanova Mavile

In her eyes - a secret of the east!

Will enchant, take prisoner ...

Sportswoman, activist is not accidental! Luda

And how she bakes the cake!

And undoubtedly loves children

Mavile has already chosen her path,

You will become an excellent teacher

Just don't forget school!


Well, and Osipov Kirill

He surprised us all with his dream!

He dreams of going to China

He thinks it's just paradise

Where will he scratch pandas' backs,

To correct the pillows with love.

Well, what is our dear friend -

Dream and suddenly come true

This is an incredible desire.

And glory will come and recognition.

You are still in class, in a lesson,

But already the last school May,

Outside the window, sonorous and high,

The ringing of bird flocks excites.

You are in love, argue with passion,

You like the noise and clamor of spring,

You can hardly be chained to your desks

For successful graduation.

Now the faces darken, then they brighten,

You rub your foreheads nervously with the palm of your hand ...

Last pages are filling

Carefree schoolboys of fate.

Song to the tune "New, new generation"

Throw away all your doubts

Now your finest hour has come!

You choose your course

You are the future flag!

Cataclysms will not scare you,

A strong spirit beats in your hearts,

It's time to walk through life ourselves,

You are time for a new circle!

New, new generation

You choose your current!

Always be on the crest of a wave

You are the future of the country!

New, new generation!

Do not be afraid of obstacles and without a doubt

Always be on the crest of a wave

You are the future of the country!

Graduation party for school. Detailed and detailed scenario prom for 11 classes.

Solemn music is playing. First-graders form a living corridor in the hall, along which graduates pass to their assigned seats in the first rows. Those present in the hall greet them standing up.

Head teacher(introduces the members of the presidium and opens the solemn part of the evening).

School principal's speech at the graduation party (address to graduates)

The waltz of D. Kabalevsky "School years" sounds in the recording.

Together with the certificates, the school director presents the graduates with certificates of honor. At the same time, classmates are presented with comic letters and symbolic gifts for memory.

While the called graduate rises on stage, the presenters briefly characterize him. For example.

Head teacher: Ivanov Peter, 11 B, is invited to the stage!

Leading: Who could arrange a wall newspaper better than him? Whose jokes were passed from mouth to mouth and became school folklore? The grieving school presents him with a photograph of the last wall newspaper that he designed.

Head teacher: Alexander Sidorov, 11 A, is invited to the stage!

Leading: At one time, a rare girl saved her braids from him, and now it's time to envy his gallantry! As a keepsake from classmates - this bow. Keep and remember us always!

Head teacher: Kotova Anna, 11 A, is invited to the stage!

Leading: Modest but charming! How many grateful neighbors copied her control!

Head teacher: Ivanova Elena, 11 A, is invited to the stage!

Leading: Her craving for knowledge, we fools, to admit, always amazed a little. We think that over time, we will probably be proud that we studied with Elena in the same class. Good luck to you! And as a keepsake from us - this notebook with our phones. When you become famous, don't be arrogant!

Head teacher: Kolobko Sergey, 11B is invited to the stage!

Leading: Seryozha pierced our hearts once and for all with his songs. We give him this disc with the recording of his favorite band - our girls!

Head teacher: Etina Tatiana, 11B is invited to the stage!

Leading: It's even scary to imagine that today we are parting with Tanechka, our constant lifesaver. Tanya! We adore you! And in memory of us - this notebook with wishes! Happiness to you! And good luck with everything!

Head teacher: Egor Koshkin, 11A, is invited to the stage!

Leading: Egor is a serious person with us. The unchanging head of the class, the bulwark of order, he had a hard time trying to organize us disorganized! In memory of sloven classmates, this is a clever manual "How to achieve success." When you succeed, remember that this is also our merit!

Head teacher: Fedotova Maria, 11 B, is invited to the stage!

Leading: Our star! Masha has toured the whole region with performances, and soon, we hope, she will be applauded in Europe and America. Masha! Our hearts are always with you! (Presenting a souvenir-heart.)

Head teacher: Fedorov Mikhail, 11 A, is invited to the stage!

Leading: We admire the incredible courage with which Mishka overcame his natural laziness and successfully passed the exams. Keep it up! From classmates Mishka is awarded a certificate of honor "For the servants shown in the fight against laziness!"

After the presentation of the certificates, the children are congratulated by the class teacher of the graduating class, parents, and guests of honor.

Leading: We all know that, unfortunately, there are schools, parting with which is a holiday. One can only sympathize with those who studied there. Although today, unlike us, the graduates of such schools are happy to part with the place where they studied for 11 years, the place where most of their lives passed without leaving a good memory.

On the stage there are two - the Graduate and the School.

The School's costume is an ordinary white fabric over clothes, the building of the school is conventionally depicted on the fabric - windows, the inscription “school”.

Graduate: Has this moment really come and we are parting?

School: It looks like it. Are you very sad?

Graduate: And no one will wake me up in the hopeless early just so that I study all sorts of logarithms and syllogisms all day?

School: Knowledge is light! I've been explaining this to you for 11 years!

Graduate: Aha! Until the darkness in your eyes! I almost went blind while I reread everything that was required for the exams!

School: Only a person enriched with knowledge can become ...

Graduate: Highly skilled unemployed!

School: So you're not sorry to part with me?

Graduate: Not a bit!

School: Quite quite?

The graduate shakes his head negatively.

School: Wasn't there anything good?

Graduate: Well ...

School: Do you remember when you, very little, came to first grade? You could neither read nor count. I taught you! Would you know without me how parallel differs from cosine?

Graduate: What? He lived peacefully and cheerfully, no worries. And then study until you're blue in the face. They are also punished for unlearned lessons.

School: I introduced you to your friends ...

Graduate: Well, yes ... Nothing unites like a common struggle for freedom.

School: Won't you remember me with nostalgic sadness and sadness?

Graduate: Fifteen thousand hours erased from life, taken away from football, discos, hanging out with friends, the Internet and other interesting activities ?!

School(sadly): So we are parting forever ... (Sings with anguish from "Juno and Perhaps".) "I will never see you ..."

Graduate(with a shudder): I will never forget you!

Leading: Fortunately - and unfortunately - we have a different situation. We ourselves do not know what we experience more on this day - joy or sadness. On the one hand, yes, such an exciting event - we are already adults, we are on the verge of a new life, and it’s terribly interesting what’s next. On the other hand ... How can you imagine that the bell will not ring, your friends will not tumble into the classroom ... I think after some time we will start to desperately miss each other. We will miss our Elena Antonovna, who was not only great for us, but also a wonderful friend. It used to happen that you could not tell your mother everything, but you could always have a heart-to-heart talk with Elena Antonovna, consult Elena Antonovna - this is a person! And Natalya Petrovna! We have five people going to enroll in Physics and Mathematics because thanks to her physics is dear and dear to us. And the guys from other schools claim that it is a difficult, boring and incomprehensible subject. Galina Antonovna! How much you chased us, we grumbled and whined, and cursed our fate, but the result - after all, we know mathematics! This was confirmed by the city Olympiads! And this is only thanks to you. Tatyana Kirillovna, do you know that after you came here, half of our class writes poetry? How can you not miss such a school? How can you not miss such teachers?

Graduate: Dear teachers! Now that exciting moment has come when we say goodbye to school. We are happy and at the same time sad, we are sad to part with each other and with you. Wherever we live, no matter how our fate develops, we will never forget you. With a feeling of deep gratitude, we will remember both you and our native school. You taught us not only the basics of science, but also kindness, justice, honesty, taught us to be people. On behalf of all the alumni, accept our deepest gratitude and deepest bows for everything that you have done for us. Thank you, dear teachers, for your wonderful, noble work!


You every day and every hour

Dedicated to hard work,

Just thinking about us,

You live by one concern,

So that the Earth is famous for us,

And so that we grow up honest.

Thank you teachers

Thank you so much for everything!

Taught to appreciate beauty,

They gave knowledge and skills.

Thank you for your kindness,

For unfailing patience!


Today is graduation night

We have an assumed look,

Don't hide your excitement with a funny joke ...

We go along the same stairs,

All the same windows, the same house

We called the school for ten years.

Well, this is necessary, it is necessary:

We are seventeen years old already

And everyone can’t believe that they have become adults.

As if only yesterday

Mom brought us to school,

And now we are standing in front of large crossroads.

Do not forget this day for us:

Lilac blooms outside the windows,

In the very spring, happiness is prophesied to us!

The earth still turns

There are teachers all around

And to tell us "Thank you!"

You all want.

The song "Thank you, teachers!" (lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by Y. Dubravin).

You loved all of us equally

Sharing my love equally with everyone.

For the fact that you sculpted people out of us,

Thank you teachers!

And it was not kinder and stricter than you,

When the world was opened to us from scratch.

For the fact that we are a little like you,

Thank you teachers!

We all disturbed you a little,

Sometimes angry, sometimes merry.

For taking us on the road

Thank you teachers!

For the eternal multiplication table,

For giving us the Earth,

For the fact that we are all your continuation,

Thank you teachers!

Graduate: We ask the adored class teacher 11A Gorelskaya Elena Antonovna to go to the stage!

The class teacher 11 A enters the stage. Her students surround her, say all sorts of pleasant words to her in turn (5-6 people), give flowers and souvenirs, then take pictures on the stage in a close group, hugging everyone together.

The class teacher in response talks about his class, how he will miss him, invites you to go to school, call her at any time. He wishes the children success and happiness. Everyone leaves the stage together.

Graduate: We ask you to go to the stage of the unchanging class teacher of 11B Plekhanov Viktor Ivanovich!

The 11A class teacher enters the stage. The students thank him for all the years that he spent with them, list what they learned from him, give flowers and souvenirs, take pictures with him on stage. All subsequent classes are similar.

Graduate: Now let's welcome our first graders! They came to congratulate the graduates.

To the sounds of the march "Our School Country" (lyrics by K. Ibryaev, music by Y. Chichkov), first-graders with flowers enter the hall. There is applause.

First grader:

To walk you on long paths,

Do not retreat before anything.

And all that you have planned

Let it be done at five!

First grader:

You graduated from school, and we are your shift,

We'll take your place at the desks.

We, too, will learn everything gradually,

We will master all the knowledge and certainly

We will come to adulthood after you!

Don't worry about us, we won't let you down!

First grader:

We will study well,

Really be friends

Be the first to strive in everything

And cherish the honor of the school.

Graduate(to the graduate): Just look at what nice guys have replaced us. Were we really like that too?

Graduate: It seems that we can leave our native school on them with peace of mind.

Graduate: Dear Guys! We leave our dear school, our beloved teachers, to you. Please treat them with care!

Graduate: Now we seem so big to you. But you will not even notice how ten years will fly by, and you yourself will be graduates, and it depends only on you with what baggage you will leave school.

Graduate: With knowledge, self-esteem, self-confidence, dedication ...

Graduate: Or with laziness, frivolity, carelessness, wretchedness ...

Graduate: Right now you should think about whether you want to become pilots, scientists, engineers, bankers in the future ...

Graduate: Professionals, specialists, respected people ...

Graduate: Or lazy, worthless dropouts, unable to do anything, wanting nothing.

Graduate: Which there is nothing to respect.

Graduate: We hope you all make the right choice! And as a keepsake of us, take these books from us as a gift!

Graduates donate children's books to first graders. Then everyone leaves the stage, leaving only the Graduate and the Graduate.


We no longer sit at a narrow desk,

Therefore, we are slightly saddened.

The last call in us remained music,

Like those last words, farewell.


And in the class, the lines of the classics are cherished

Now to finish to other students,

Should we theorem of eternal life

By destiny to prove to ourselves.


We also remember the first exams,

Everything that we dreamed of with you will come true,

We will not be able to return only childhood.

As the first waltz, it will not be forgotten.

Graduate: Our dear teachers! Thank you for your lessons, advice, and your infinite patience. We know that it was not easy with us at times. We wish you continued success in your difficult teaching work.

And we - we will not forget you.

Yes, we grow up every day

But your all lessons

We will take with us on the road,

Entering the wide world.

Graduate: And now we would like to present you with albums with photographs of our class and souvenirs as a keepsake.

Graduate: We address our love, our sincere admiration and gratitude first of all to our director, Galina Stepanovna, who somehow manages to keep up with everything and, like a real mother, take care of the entire school. We give you the most precious thing we have - our dreams. In this envelope, we all wrote who we want to be. We ask you to open this envelope in 5 years, when we meet at the school for the alumni meeting.

Graduate: In this room are the teachers who were the first to lead us along the path of knowledge.

We are children here,

With pencil cases and books

They entered and sat down in rows.

Here ten classes passed,

And here we are the word "Motherland"

For the first time read syllables.

We want to express words of great love and gratitude to our first teachers - Galina Ivanovna, Irina Dmitrievna, Irina Stepanovna. Your love and warmth helped us to get comfortable at school. You taught us the most important and basic thing - not only to read and write, but also to love books, to count and reckon with other people's opinions, to respect ourselves and others. Thank you very much!

Graduates give flowers to their first teachers.

Graduate: In this room are also those teachers who brought us by the hand to graduation.

Graduate: Although some of us, at the same time, desperately resisted!

One of the graduates peeps out from behind the curtains.

2nd graduate: If not for Galina Ivanovna, I would definitely have done a stupid thing and left after the ninth grade! My certificate is your merit! thanks


All our life we ​​will remember

How, without hiding a smile,

You returned the notebook to us,

Where there was no mistake

How grieved you were

When, although rarely,

You should have delivered

Bad grade for us.

We were children and sometimes,

Shalya, did not notice

In the look of your kind eyes

Concerns and sorrows.


Wise people taught us the mind,

We finished the class after the class.

Thank you very much, thank you

Who spared no effort for us.

We ask the teachers to come up on the stage. (Names are listed.)

The song "Farewell Waltz" (lyrics by A. Didurov, music by A. Flyarkovsky) is played. Teachers rise to the stage.

Graduate: Look at these people! They made us who we are. It is to them that we owe everything that we know and can do.

Head teacher: Good luck and happiness to you, dear graduates! We will miss you!

The host invites everyone to dance. Sounds "Waltz on the pavement" (words by D. Sedykh, music by P. Aedonitsky).

Sorry brochures,

Sorry boulevards

Allow me this night

Disturb the peace.

And on your asphalt

Whirl to the guitar

Waltz in white shoes

White waltz graduation.

He is both sad and cheerful,

This waltz on the asphalt at night.

Goodbye childhood

Hello youth, -

Let's go to life tomorrow!

Excuse us moms

Excuse us dads

Today we probably

Back in the morning.

Somewhere platforms are waiting for us

Or gangways and ladders,

Your parting handkerchief

Will feel sad in the wind.

Sorry brochures,

Sorry boulevards, -

This is childhood and adolescence

Bridges are being raised.

A belated passerby

Get drunk with a guitar

Wish to come true

Certainly dreams.

In between dances, contests, games, attractions are held, graduates read their poems and poems of their favorite poets, perform songs, act out scenes. And in the morning they meet the dawn.