The most unusual professions in the world presentation for children. Presentation for a class hour "rare professions". Class teacher: V. M. Dolgova

Rare profession

The presentation was made by

Kuzvesova irina vladimirovna MAOU "Secondary school No. 16", Perm

What is a profession?


(Latin professio - from profiteor - I declare my business) - the kind of labor activity of a person who owns a set of theoretical knowledge and skills acquired in the course of special training.

  • Some rare professions require special skills and abilities, even talent.
  • There are rare professions that represent a very narrow specialization within a wider one.
  • Some professions are rare only in Russia. In the West, they have long become familiar and widespread, but they came to us with the introduction of the Western model of doing business in some firms, so for us these professions are new and so far rare.
  • There are professions that have become rare because the need for them is disappearing.
  • There are professions that are rare due to their territorial uniqueness.

Smells surround us everywhere, they are immaterial, but they affect our feelings and emotions. The power of aromas has been used for several millennia, even shamans, healers, priests used aromas in their craft.

The sniffer (scent scientist) evaluates the aromas and composes his own perfume compositions. Agree, the knowledge acquired during study is not enough here - you need a very delicate scent

1.scent scientist

A scent scientist job is open at some deodorant companies. Smells apply deodorant to the armpits of the test subjects and monitor the smell of the deodorant throughout the day.

1. Titester

Titester (English tea-tea, taster-taster) is a professional compiler and taster of tea, which taste, smell and outward appearance determines the type of tea and the place where it was grown, the harvest season, and the way it is stored and processed.

There are rare professions that represent a very narrow specialization within a wider one. Typically, such professions are not taught at universities: to acquire a profession need to after graduation receive additional education ... Many people do not even suspect that such rare professions exist, because they are used to thinking in more general categories: lawyer, economist, doctor ... But these, in fact, are not even names of professions, but of spheres of activity.

2. Epidemiologist-cartographer.

In his work, he uses the latest technological advances: powerful computers, photographs of the Earth's surface, huge databases to predict the spread of the next epidemics around the world and to compile a detailed map that will be used by epidemiologists for timely measures in foci of infection.

2. Radiosurgeon

A radiosurgeon performs operations using a "cyberknife". A special beam device called CyberKnife makes the effect of radiation beams on the tumor strictly targeted. This cancer treatment method is promising enough, so it is not surprising that the demand for radiosurgeons who can handle the "cyberknife" is growing.

A sign language interpreter is a specialist in translating spoken language into sign language and vice versa.

Sign language - kind non-verbal communication, a combination of gestures, facial expressions and articulation (shape and movement of the mouth and lips). Sign language is universal. In the world, millions of people communicate on it. In some countries, such as Iceland and New Zealand, sign language has been assigned the status of a second official language.

The first sign language translation school in Russia was opened at the beginning of the 19th century in Pavlovsk. The idea of ​​teaching and educating deaf-mute children belongs to Empress Maria Feodorovna, wife of Paul I. On her initiative, the best European specialists, mainly Frenchmen, were invited to Russia, who laid the foundation for national deaf-teaching.

3. Usability specialist

Usability - specialists (English use-to, ability-ability) are engaged in the design and research of user interfaces.


Speechwriter (English speech-speech, writer-writer) - a specialist in writing speeches, reports and other texts of public speeches.

The main task of such people is to write the most interesting and positive text for the public. A speechwriter must combine the abilities of a political scientist, actor, psychologist, and writer.

3. stringer

Stringer (English stringer-independent journalist) is an equally rare profession, which means highly specialized specialists and freelance correspondents, whose competence includes the creation of reports from extreme parts of the world, for example, zones of natural disasters or military operations.

4. Chimney sweep

In our time, there are very few houses with fireplaces and chimneys left, therefore there are not so many chimney sweeps in the world, but they still exist.

glass blower

A glassblower is a craftsman who creates products from a heated glass mass by blowing. Actually, the business is not limited to blowing; for the further formation of the product, the glassblower uses many different tools and, in the end, pleases us with unimaginable vases, toys, figurines and dishes.

5. Penguin flipper

Penguin flipper - specialists in this field live only in Antarctica near the airfield. In vain you think that the one who pulled out a short straw is going to turn the birds, everything is serious here. The penguins themselves never fall on their backs - only on their stomachs, but since these animals are very curious, they like to walk around the airfield. Naturally, when a helicopter flies by, they lift their heads up and, not keeping their balance, flop on their backs. They won't be able to get up, poor things, so they have to be turned over.

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Currently, there are over 70,000 professions officially in the world. There is plenty to choose from when you are wondering who to become! And if for one vacancy several tens of thousands of applicants are recruited, then it is embarrassing to tell about others even to your best friend. And there are those that you can only roll with laughter and wonder - what do such workers do, and how could such a profession appear? For warm-up, we recommend contacting all-Russian classifier professions of workers, positions of employees and wage grades - this is a real masterpiece of bureaucratic inarticulateness. There you will find fossils such as Mixer Runner, Tail Regulator, Plank Polisher, Fur Flap Binder, as well as Razor, Dagger, and Shaker. In fact, these are necessary and serious professions, which, frankly, cannot be immediately discerned behind the curious name. We found some really unusual and rare professions.

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Let's start ... Wishmaker A wonderful and amazing profession, which seems to have descended from the pages of a children's fairy tale. All people dream of something unrealizable, and a few kind (but not selfless) guys make their wildest fantasies come true. The lover longs to give his passion a pink elephant. The cleaning lady dreams of feeling like Elvis - limousine, stage, fans, autographs. The dream is closer than it seems - you just need to come to the company's office in Chicago, discuss the implementation, and pay a tidy sum: the minimum cost of one desire is $ 150,000.

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Resident of Iraq Not too politically correct profession, or rather its name. However, advertisements for such vacancies are often found in American newspapers. "Iraqis" are recruited for military exercises in the US Army and other armed forces in the country. And I must say, there are always a lot of people who want to be in this role.

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Toilet Guide Two unexpected professions were presented to the world by the fourth largest (and first by the number of inhabitants) country - China. On the streets of the cities there are special workers who, for a small fee of 4 cents, are ready to help all those in need and tell them where the nearest public toilets are.

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Interlocutor In the cities of China, special booths have appeared, which are both a confessional and a psychologist's office. In the booths there are living people who listen to everyone who wants to, and those who share their problems, hardships and experiences. Surprisingly, the service immediately began to enjoy wild popularity, as evidenced by the numbers: every professional interlocutor per week allows as many as 10,000 residents of the country to speak out.

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Queuing up British researchers have established that every Englishman has been queuing for more than a year in his life (oh, what a wealth of material for scientific research awaited these scientists at any Soviet grocery store 30-40 years ago!). After that, a company appeared in the country, whose employees stand in line instead of the British themselves, and receive for this simple activity at least forty dollars an hour.

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Cat food taster The description of food for your pet in advertising can make even the owner of a purring lump appetite: tender lamb, juicy lamb, goose liver pate, etc. Well, you can personally make sure that your four-legged friend is eating the best food possible. This profession is for those with strong stomachs. Before being marketed, cat food undergoes strict control: first, the tester must bring his face closer to the bowl of food and inhale its smell properly in order to understand how fresh it is. During the second stage, the controller should immerse his hands in the mass and carefully probe it for bone fragments in the food. The third test is for the content of cartilage: the food is spread over a flat surface and fingered with fingers.

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Rammer A profession that recently appeared in the metro of big cities at the busiest stations. Tough guys help people to get into a crowded carriage, practically pushing passengers there by force, and pushing away the "superfluous" ones.

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Penguin Flipper Can you imagine a profession where there are only two people working all over the world? This profession is at the same time, perhaps, the most touching, and has already become the talk of the town. In Antarctica, around airfields, curious birds, gazing at helicopters and airplanes, throw their heads back so that they often fall on their backs, and from such a position they cannot get up themselves. So a kind person walks after takeoff or landing, and helps the unfortunate penguins to roll over on their stomachs, and then they themselves do an excellent job.

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Ant catcher. The ant catcher must catch the best individuals in the anthill, which will later serve for procreation on artificial ant farms.

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Egg breaker. The main duty of an employee of this profession is to separate the whites from the yolks using a special machine, in which he must put whole chicken eggs.

Around the world, from year to year, a rating of unusual professions is published, and each time new specialties are added to this list. So, for example, last spring, the American list of the most unusual jobs included jam bun winders, glass cup packers, and a telephone fortune teller. This list also included Christmas tree decorating specialists, donut fillers and a personal stenographer for college students. A ranking of unusual professions is published year after year around the world, and each time new specialties fall on this list. So, for example, last spring, the American list of the most unusual jobs included jam bun winders, glass cup packers, and a telephone fortune teller. This list also included Christmas tree decorators, donut fillers and a personal stenographer for college students.

There are also many unusual specialties in Russia. Let's divide them conditionally into two types. The first of them are the consequences of bureaucratic tongue-tied. These specialties are added to the register of official professions. Here you can see such specialties as a fire rake, a tail management, a forest pathologist, a slotter, a pencil dyer, an assembler of the skeleton of small animals, a paper bag tester, a picker of dry preparations, and a picker of linen. There are also many unusual specialties in Russia. Let's divide them conditionally into two types. The first of them are the consequences of bureaucratic tongue-tied. These specialties are added to the register of official professions. Here you can see such specialties as a fire rake, a tail management, a forest pathologist, a slotter, a pencil dyer, an assembler of the skeleton of small animals, a paper bag tester, a picker of dry preparations, and a picker of linen.

Dream Trader If an ordinary clerk dreams of becoming a great actor for just one night. A businessman's dream is to manage a multi-ton train. When a psychiatrist dreams of meeting 20 girls, moreover, from 20 different countries, and even in 20 of his days off. How can you make such dreams come true? This is how the Chicago-based company makes every fantasy and every desire of its customers come true. To make your dream come true, you just need to visit their office, tell about your cherished dream and pay the amount named by the specialists. But you need to remember that the minimum amount to make your dreams come true is dollars.

Smelling. Scent science vacancies are opened mainly in companies that produce deodorants. Their job is to apply deodorant to the armpits of those participating in the experiment and then monitor the deodorant's odor changes throughout the day.

Egg breaker. An employee of such a profession is basically obliged to separate the yolks from the whites, using a special machine for this, in which he needs to lay whole chicken eggs. The operator that determines the sex of the chicks. When the chickens reach the age of 1 day, the operator, who determines the sex of the chickens, must do this accurately, since not only their nutrition depends on this, but also the conditions for further keeping.

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Unusual professions. Disappeared professions.

Rare professions Currently, there are about 70 thousand professions in the world. There are many rare and unique professions. Arborist - a specialist in treating trees from various diseases, monitors their condition.

Rare professions. Genetic therapist - genetic engineering consultant. Gondolier is a profession that exists in the only city - Venice. 425 people.

A paleontologist is a specialist who studies the fossil remains of ancient animals. Dörgal - seaweed collector

A sign language interpreter is a person knowing the language gestures to help deaf people. (4 translators per 1000 deaf) Glassblower - a craftsman who creates products from heated glass mass.

Rare professions A Flavorist is a scent specialist who composes scents in perfumery. Pastiger is a master of making wigs, mustaches, eyelashes, etc.

Rare professions Stringer is a freelance correspondent working in hot spots, natural disasters.

Speechwriter is a specialist in drafting public speeches for representatives of elite groups: politicians, business leaders, and residents.

Torsedoros is a master at rolling cigars. Cuba. Oenologist is a specialist in the field of winemaking.

Serpentine Rare Professions.

The bell caster - there are only 12 people in Russia, hereditary craftsmen.

Rare pr Croupier is a casino employee. Mine surveyor - mining engineer, specialist in the construction of underground structures.

Rare professions Tee - tester - professional composer and taster of tea, tea blends. Coffee - tester.

Rare professions Crematoria - crematorium worker

Rare Professions Wrinkle Smoother

Hour of work - up to $ 20 per hour.

Rare professions. Diamonds controller.

Rare professions Astronaut. Pyrotechnician. Robot programmer. Greenkeeper Chicken Sorter

Unusual Professions Penguin Raiser

Disappeared professions

Disappeared professions. ?

Disappeared professions ?? Lantern

Shoe shiner. Raftsman.

Switchboard operator (telephone operator). Typist.

Lost Professions Ice Slayer Pied Piper

Disappeared Man - Alarm Clock.

Disappeared professions Clerk, stoker, pimokat, tinker, water carrier, organ-grinder, barge haule, draftsman, copyist, etc.

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Kaleidoscope of professions "What is a profession? What professions are there?"

This lesson is intended for students of grade 1 ". The lesson is a conversation about such professions as: cook, doctor, teacher, librarian, driver.)

CONVERSATION: All professions are important, all professions are needed. Objectives: to expand the knowledge and understanding of children about various professions, their benefits; motivate to choose a future profession; foster a respectful attitude towards people of different professions; show the importance of tr

Labor gives a person everything he needs for life. Books, works of art, architecture are created by labor. In the process of work, people communicate, become more educated. As a result of labor ...

Postman One of the endangered professions in modern world this is the postman. Now, when it is possible to send a letter by e-mail, the need for paper messages, and at the same time for those who deliver them, has practically disappeared. Those who subscribe to newspapers and magazines are becoming less and less, therefore press delivery is not popular. In Russia, postmen also carry pensions. But it is not hard to guess that this function will disappear when Russian pensioners, like Western ones, will receive transfers to bank cards.

Travel agent Despite the influx of applicants to the country's tourism universities, the profession of a tour operator may soon turn into an atavism. Tourism graduates run the risk of being left without job prospects. The fact is that there is no need for travel agents for the simple reason that it has become easier to organize vacations via the Internet, without intermediaries. Already now you can book a room on the hotel website without resorting to services travel agencies... Many vacationers also choose to buy plane tickets online.

The Typographer Soon, the typographer will, if not disappear entirely, their ranks will dwindle considerably. Printers and printers will be the first to suffer. This is due to the fact that more and more people prefer books in electronic format... No need to spend on expensive printed editions and piling up numerous volumes at home. Correctors are also under threat of extinction. Paying a person to search for errors in texts is becoming less and less profitable, since now this can be done by spelling programs. The only thing that keeps the profession afloat is the imperfection of such programs.

The seller Already now, the profession of a seller, so widespread earlier, is considered to be disappearing in Europe and America. This is primarily due to the growing popularity of online stores. In Russia, the e-commerce industry is still much weaker, but analysts predict a great future for chain “couch shops”. This means that many trade workers will have to retrain in the near future.

Draftsman If earlier entire departments were engaged in the construction of plans, graphs, diagrams, tables and drawings, today numerous computer programs... Architects, engineers and designers can now do everything necessary calculations using a computer. The need to draw lines with a pencil on whatman paper has also disappeared; now all the lines will be drawn by a professional program.

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