Income is never without hassle. Income is never without hassle Introduction Who Said It Was Easy


Copyright © David Stevenson.

First published in the English language by Hodder and Stoughton Limited

Translation by CJSC "Company EGO Translating"

What will you learn from this book

Why do we save by buying expensive things? - see chapter 6

Rule 72: How to Build Capital Without Using a Calculator? - see chapter 9

When to start building your pension capital? - see chapter 10

How to protect yourself from the unknown? - see chapter 13

Opening a new business or startup - how to minimize risks? - see chapter 19

How to catch up with your own plans for wealth? - see chapter 38

How to save your savings from government encroachment? - see chapter 43

Why are consistently high incomes dangerous? - see chapter 44

Can I manage my mortgage? - see chapter 49

This SECRET book contains pictograms to help you navigate the text quickly and easily. They represent the following symbols.

Each chapter contains inspirational quotes from famous personalities. They introduce different points of view and help to understand the practical benefits of each Secret.

In addition, each chapter contains descriptions of several strategies, including how to put each Secret into practice.

At the end of each chapter, you will find a “Summarizing” block. The information in it will help you highlight the main point of the chapter - and once again comprehend what you read.

You will also see numbering to the right of the text on every right page. This gives you the opportunity to celebrate progress as you work through the book — or return from time to time to a chapter you find helpful or inspiring.

Who Said It Was Easy?

It doesn't matter at all whether you are right or wrong.

What matters is how much money you make when you are right, and how much you lose when you are wrong.

George Soros

Business opportunities are like buses:

if one of them is missed, then there will always be the next.

Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group Corporation

Your life should focus on maximizing objectivity.

Charlie Munger, renowned economist, investor

Many people think that if they save money, they will protect themselves. If money is your ONLY hope for independence, you will never achieve it. The only real protection that a person can have in this world is a pool of knowledge, experience and abilities. Without these qualities, money is practically useless.

Henry Ford

An increased interest in any business is irreplaceable if you are truly going to succeed in it.

Charlie Munger

Income is never without hassle!

This book will help you get more meaningful about capital accumulation throughout your (hopefully!) Long life. It is based on real facts, pessimistic economic calculations and long conversations with successful entrepreneurs and investors. A book will not make you rich overnight, but it can change your mindset and help you become better off.

Priorities change with age, so there are several parts here that relate to different stages of a person's life:

In the first chapters, we will look at the basic thoughts that help preserve and accumulate wealth.

We will then discuss strategies and ideas to help young investors in their 20s and 30s. These chapters describe risky entrepreneurial ideas.

Next, we move on to the next age group - 40 and 50 years - when we seriously take up the business of accumulating wealth. This block concludes with several chapters that examine the challenges facing older investors in retirement or on the cusp of retirement; it also examines the many risks to maintaining financial stability and prosperity.

The last chapters focus on simple tips that are useful for any age. These practical ideas and behaviors will help you save money and focus on what is guaranteed to generate capital.

This is what this book gives you!

Each chapter begins with striking statements from famous investors and legendary businessmen: Charlie Munger, George Soros, Henry Ford. You will see that there are not many secrets on the list. These are all pretty simple, obvious things.

There are tons of books out there on how to get rich quick. They usually have an ingenious plan, built on several basic strategies, which, in turn, are based on one of the "predictions" for the future.

And here's my secret: no one can predict the future and tell if the readers of this book will get richer.

I have learned the hard way that the world we live in is a messy, noisy, chaotic place with no specific form or structure; it is full of terrible ideas that come up with sad regularity. In this noise, certain signals appear that are worth paying attention to (below we will talk about them), but, in general, people tend to make mistakes - there is a set of behavioral patterns, because of which we somehow believe that we can understand the meaning happening. There is a corresponding term in psychology: the tendency to excessive selfishness. It means that a person considers his view of a disorderly existence to be reasonable and reasonable. This is usually not the case. And the bad news is that the tendency to over-selfishness is strongest when it comes to things as important as money and wealth.

Time to reveal the next secret. In my experience, the vast majority of the wealthy entrepreneurs and investors I have spoken to and made friends with work like damn. Nothing can replace hard work, hard work and patience. I doubt this secret will surprise anyone; I think this is a mockery of self-help books that supposedly predict miraculous paths to wealth. There are no such paths, but there are many options and very hard work. And also dead ends - from time to time.

But here's another secret. Wealthy and successful people make very stupid mistakes - over and over again. It's amazing: the richer people are, the more they are fixated on themselves, on their own chimeras. They hold strong opinions about money matters based on their vast experience. But one day they make a mistake - and they lose most of the money, if not all. Mistakes due to the naive belief that the future can be foreseen destroys wealth. Years of hard work are devalued in one moment - because of stupid ideas.

Every product has a price

Money is a means to pay for goods and services. The price of a product shows how much money you need to pay to purchase a product. Change is the difference between the money the buyer paid and the price

purchased goods. How to pay at the checkout. What the check can tell. The check reflects the price of goods, the purchase price and the amount of change.

Explain how goods and services are paid for;

Determine the amount of change when making a purchase.

Excursion to the store;

The game "Shop" and other role-playing games on the topic of pre-

service industry acceptance.

What do you need to know in order to buy goods?

Properties of goods: price and quality. Dependence of the price on the quality of the product, on the costs of its production, delivery. The buyer has the right to purchase a quality product. This right is enshrined in law. Check as proof of purchase. Advertising as a source of information about various goods and services. Do we really need the products that are advertised? Thoughtful buyer. Bargain. The choice of a product depending on its price and quality, on its need to meet the needs of the family or its members.

Universal learning activities:

Establish the relationship between the price and its determining factors;

Highlight the essential characteristics of the product.

Games: "Shop", "Beneficial for the buyer - profitable for the seller";

Research: “What determines the price of milk”, “What determines

stool price "," Price and quality of goods in various stores ",

“Where is it more profitable to buy”, “What advertising tells us: truth and fiction”;

Gift wrapping.

Income is never without hassle

Family income is money that goes into the family. Salary

fee, pension, scholarship, allowance. Family expenses - money that the family spends on the needs (needs) of all its members. Family budget - the correlation of income, expenses and savings. Accounting for income and expenses. Bank as a place for saving and accumulating money. Keeping and depositing money in the bank. A loan is money that people borrow from a bank for a certain period with the payment of interest to the bank for using the loan.

Universal learning activities:

Make a choice of goods in conditions of limited family


- to carry out the simplest economic calculations;

Plan for savings and frugality results.

Practical and playful activities:

Family budgeting, personal budgeting;

Draw your "invention" for obtaining water, electricity

or heat;

Excursion to the bank;

Games: "Bank", "Credit and Entrepreneurs";

Drawing a bank card.

"The house is small, but it does not order to lie"

Family economy. Private and family property. Family needs.

Distribution of responsibilities in the family. The contribution of each family member to the household. Economy and frugality. To save is to be able to purchase other goods for unspent funds. What

you need to save in the house (electricity, water, heat). Saving methods: try to reduce the consumption of water, electricity, heat; use devices and devices that help save money; invent new sources of electricity, water, heat.

Universal learning activities:

Plan the results of savings and frugality;

Interact and negotiate during the game.

Practical and playful activities:

By the end of the 3rd grade, the student will learn:

About money and its role in the life of a person and society;

Family income and expenses;

On the formation of the family budget.

By the end of the 3rd grade, the student will be able to learn:

Draw up your budget;

Distinguish Russian money from foreign ones;

Calculate the purchase price and the amount of change.

4th grade (34 h)

Wealth and Poverty

How wealth is created. Sources of state wealth: natural resources (land, minerals, rivers, forests). Sources of human wealth: the results of labor activity, knowledge, skills, enterprise. Discoveries and inventions. Creation of new technologies.

Show respect for things, objects of labor


- to carry out actions of self-service, household labor;

Practical and playful activities:

Game "Household Service";

Meeting with a person of an interesting profession;

Excursion to the school cafeteria;

Excursion to the library;

Themes of the projects: "How a work of art is created", "What

and how they produce it at the plant ”,“ Labor awards in my family ”.

How goods are produced

For goods to appear, materials, tools are needed, as well as craftsmen who would make the goods. All that is needed to produce goods are resources. Natural resources are materials that nature gives: land, water, plants and animals. Material resources are human-made equipment, tools and materials needed to produce goods. Labor resources are craftsmen, people who create goods. The importance of the work of people of different professions. Producers are people who create (produce) goods. The product of the labor of one producer can be a resource for the production of another good. Factory, plant - places where goods are produced.

Universal learning activities:

Distinguish between types of resources;

Justify the importance of mutual assistance and cooperation of manufacturers;

Respect the work of people who provide resources for production

necessary goods.

Practical, play and research activities:

Walk to the park for natural material;

Making products from natural materials for a gift;

Games: "Hairdresser", "Polyclinic", "Supermarket", "Yar-

brand ";

- excursion to the store;

Excursion to the post office;

Projects: "How the shirt grew in the field", "Like bread on our table

came "," Pedigree book ", etc .;

Drawing on project themes.

By the end of the 4th grade, the student will learn:

The main types of resources;

How the goods are made;

Why taxes are important for the existence of the state.

By the end of the 4th grade, the student will be able to learn:

Determine the resources required for the production of goods;

Explain the importance of patronage and charity

Lesson topic: "Family income" Grade 6

Lesson type: generalized repetition lesson

The purpose of the lesson: to repeat, consolidate, generalize, systematize, deepen the knowledge of students on the topic "Family income".

Lesson Objectives:

1. subject: check, repeat, generalize, consolidate, systematize the knowledge of students on a given topic;

2. metasubject: to develop economic thinking, oral speech, memory, the ability to apply existing knowledge in search of problematic situations in the context of new educational tasks;

3.Personal: to foster a sense of friendship, camaraderie, the ability to work in a team, to increase interest in teaching economics;

Equipment: puzzles, anagrams, a crossword puzzle, tasks, an image of representatives of different professions, a statement about income.

During the classes:


Good afternoon, guys, dear guests. I am glad to welcome you to our today's lesson in economics. Outside the window, the weather is great, we are in a great mood and I think that our lesson will be wonderful.

Raise your hand, who loves to travel? I also love to travel and today we will take a trip to the wonderful world of the economy.

Guys, look at the board. Before you is an encrypted proverb, if you rearrange the letters on each sheet so that you get a word, then from the words you will get a proverb that will reflect the theme of our journey. Well, what shall we try?


What is the theme of our trip? (Income)

Our journey will be short-lived. And in order to be in time for everything and everywhere, you must be attentive, correctly answer the questions posed, quickly raise the signal signs that lie on your tables. You work in teams: team yellow, red, green. Your work is organized by the captains of the teams and for each correctly completed task you get 10 econ. At the end of the lesson, each of the teams will earn their own income.

So, let's go, young friends!

2. Repetition of the studied material.

1.Explain to me the meaning of our presented proverb?

(Earning income takes effort, time, and labor.)

2.And what other proverbs do you know about income?

Guys, can you quickly and correctly answer the questions?

1.Then a quick question for you

1.What is income?

Receipt of money over a period of time.

2. What 2 groups are incomes divided into?

Real and cumulative

3. Why does every person and family need income?

To be able to buy what you need

4. Why do people seek to increase income?

The more income, the more your needs can be satisfied

5. What is the main type of income?


6. What types of wages do you know

Time-based, piecework

7. What influences the size of wages?

(risk, education, degree of difficulty, responsibility, are working conditions attractive)

8. In a few years, you will graduate from school and will have to choose a profession for yourself. Despite the fact that you will choose different professions, you will be the same in one desire - you will want to receive a good salary for your work. What do you think you need to do for this?

(study well, develop character traits that the future profession requires, acquire skills, skills. You need to choose a profession so that in the future someone will need your work.)

Well done, you got your first econas.

2.Working with a painting

Look closely at the picture and tell me what professions are paid piece-rate? Why?

Woodcutter, hairdresser, bricklayer, miner, because the results of their work can be measured and need to stimulate more production.

And what professions do they receive hourly wages? Why?

Teacher, watchman, policeman, doctor, because their work is varied, there is no way to measure the results of work.

Are you representatives of any profession?

(yes, students, and the wages are the marks you get. The better you study, the more you earn)

Your income is increasing.

3. And now for you troubles from a barrel

Here we will check not only your economic knowledge, but also mathematical

capabilities. I ask the team captains to come up to me and take one problem at a time. The decision is given in 2 minutes.

1. 1. For 4 hours of work, the workers were paid 64 econ. How much does 1 hour of their work cost? How much money would workers get if they worked not 4, but 7 hours? What is the name of this form of remuneration?

2. Papa's salary is 270 econ, and my mother's is 2 times less. The grandmother receives a pension that is 3 times less than the father's salary. In addition, the grandmother's apartment is rented out. The rent is 24 economies less than my mother's wages. Calculate your family's monthly income.

3. Dad's salary this month is 290 econ. He also received a 200 econ award. He spent 40% of the bonus received on gifts for his wife, 30% for his son and 30% for his daughter. Mom made 135 econas. Calculate your family's monthly income

You continue to multiply your revenue side.

Fizminutka. Probably you are tired, it's time to recuperate.

Well, quickly everyone got up,

Rather raised their hands up,

We reached out very amicably

And they smiled at each other.

They walked on their toes

The body was tilted forward

8 ku instantly outlined

Sat down got up, sat down got up.

Guys, I know that you have excellent skills in composing and solving puzzles.

4. I invite you to practice solving economic puzzles

Guess the puzzles and find out what other types of income exist.

(Allowance, scholarship, pension.)

Well done!

- Who gets these types of income?

Allowance - Child Care

Scholarship - Students

Pension - retirees

5.Anagrams are hung around our office. Solve them and say which word is superfluous. Why?

Redana - rent, nisepya - pension, lapazrat - salary, specialty - benefit

Rent, since it is not a type of income, but an opportunity to temporarily use someone else's property.

6. Determine whether the statement is true by solving the test task. Lead time 2 minutes.

1. The more income, the more you can satisfy your needs.


2. Property is the main source of income ( Wrong)

3. For those who work very well, there is an additional monetary reward, which is called a bonus.(Right)

4. It will be better if everyone gets the same wages.(Wrong)

5. Poor people are people or families whose incomes are insufficient to meet the most necessary needs for food, clothing, housing.(Right.)

6.The allowance is paid only to families with many children(Wrong)

7 the one who owns property is called the owner(Right)

8. Rent is an opportunity to use your property(Wrong)

9. Interest - payment for the use of money borrowed for a certain period.


7. Let's solve the crossword puzzle in reverse.

3. Summing up. Today we have done an excellent job with you, showed brilliant knowledge. Calculate your income earned today in the lesson. Which team is the winner? What helped your team win? According to the number of earned econas, grades are also distributed.

What did we do in class today during our trip?

4.Homework: write an essay - reasoning

The last fine days of late autumn are standing. And the cobweb has long since flown away, and the time of rains is passing, for which the earth so dehydrated during the hot summer awaits. It will freeze, fog up, dry out, slightly freeze, frost will appear on the branches of bare trees, on the roofs of houses, but as soon as the sun rises, everything will melt, turn into silvery droplets of water.

It has become completely deserted in the fields, quiet in the village, unusually empty in the sky, storks do not walk in hayfields, cranes do not stand in the swamp, there are no rooks' cries and mooing cows going to the pasture, crossing the Olsha - Velizh - Nevel high-speed road. Guess what and who will be the story of this article?

Of course, we will talk about the Krutoye agricultural complex, located on a hillock, the borders of which, like the entire village, are so close to the federal highway.

When approaching the turn to Sharp, the gaze stops on a plowed field with an area of ​​30 hectares. Once, in the 80s, these lands were subject to reclamation, they were sown with agricultural crops, later overgrown with grass, where there was a real pasture of cattle. And here again, a few years later, there is a flat field with sown perennials. Excellent, well-defined contour of the field, and the bushes have nowhere to grow. It is immediately clear that everything was done in a businesslike manner.

And the chairman of the SEC Nadezhda Petrovna, dashingly driving a brand new car, showed other fields around the village, which would also be plowed up in the spring, saying that it would be enough for them to overgrow with thistles. They are, whatever one may say, the face of the district. At night you see the lights of the "city", during the day - a sprawling large village with a cell tower, a good road. The village at all times has been rich, populous, and prestigious.

Let us compare the pre-revolutionary poem of the poet Sluchevsky "Dawn in the village" with the present day life of the villagers. And we will see something that changed their lives, severed the connection of times.

Through the long village, through the haze of darkness,

There is a wagon train with a rich baggage of zhita;

Here the shutters slammed: in the window an old gray-haired man

Looks and crosses himself at the first ray of dawn;

And here is the girl on a winding path

Goes to the river, warmed by the fire of the dawn,

The sun is ready to rise in shimmering dust

The song of birds grows stronger

under an endless vault,

And pulls from the fields with carnations and honey,

And the warm freshness of the plowed land.

Peasant life, peasant labor in the fields, farms from dawn to dusk. Thought knocks like a metronome, how to convey this feeling of the grandeur, the immeasurability of human labor? When the working day for farm workers starts at 4.15 in the morning and ends at 20 in the evening. How to tell about people, who now assembles a motor for a caterpillar tractor in a workshop, who is driving on the road, who feeds, milks, who does not sleep at night, who is responsible for the entrusted team, numbering up to 50 people, who rallied it to solve the assigned tasks into a single whole and increased the material and technical base of the economy at times, therefore, the material wealth of everyone.

Nadezhda Petrovna Besshaposhnikova has been the head of the agricultural production cooperative "Krutoe" since April 2007.

Several times in different years I had to visit this farm: at the reporting and election meetings, when it was hot and hot in front of all the leaders, under the current elected chairman, where some accusations about and often without reason flowed like a river, and during the hay season , procurement of fodder, when the machine operator fraternity stood up for their chairman, not for a moment doubting her business and human qualities. And Nadezhda Petrovna herself will not let anyone be torn apart.

“I will stand up as a mountain for my workers, I will never hurt anyone. Although sometimes you have to milk the cows itself. This is life. But people understand their mistakes and try to make them less and less, ”she says in an interview.

But what the head of the central farm Natalya Filippovna Terentyeva, a former milkmaid who knows the hard work of her colleagues firsthand, said about the head: Natalya Grigoryevna Novikova, Tatyana Anatolyevna Kurysheva, Nina Nikolaevna Shilikova, each serving in their groups of 50 cows.

“Our Nadezhda Petrovna is gold, not a man. If not for her, we would not have anything. This year, in the spring, slabs fell apart in the walls of the barn. It was necessary to urgently transfer the cows to the summer area. At the same time, it became clear that the farm, built in the 70s, is subject to major repairs. Now, as you can see, the farm is dry, clean, comfortable, milkmaids work conscientiously. The working day is full: to milk, feed, water the little calves (this is the responsibility of the calf Tamara Dmitrievna Ananyeva.) I have long been of retirement age, but I am not going to leave. Everything here is dear. I myself cope with switching on and off the milk pipeline, and with refrigeration equipment. It happens that I pass the time in the shed. The floors, walls, windows are insulated. And we will cook tea with homemade pies and jam, and have a rest, you can even lie down on the couch. Nadezhda Petrovna promises to install a shower cubicle for us. "

We pass with the chairman of the SEC N.P. Besshaposhnikova and chief zootechnician A.N. Prokhorov on the farm, you can immediately see that they are proud of what they have done, satisfied with the reconstruction done. Such an order is now rarely seen anywhere. Each of the workers is busy with their own business. N.N. Budan works on a conveyor to remove manure, Andrei Zakharenko and his replacement, Alexander Vladimirovich Samsonov, bring hay on a tractor, laying it out in rows. Hay is not rotten, fragrant, smelling of herbs. His cows eat enough without any restrictions. All harvested feed is of high quality, in sufficient quantity. In total, there are 24.8 centners of standard units per one conventional head of livestock. This means that the animals are provided with a satisfying wintering and warm stall housing, which allows even when starting cows to milk up to 7 kilograms 300 grams of milk per cow with a fat content of 3.9 to 4.3 percent.

A new cow is given 2 kg of concentrated feed and 0.5 kg of sunflower meal, hay and silage - how much they eat. The cows are well-fed, easily contact even with a stranger, substituting their foreheads for affection. At the moment, the agricultural enterprise has 200 tons of good-quality concentrated feed, which will be enough until the grazing period. Packaged hay and silage were brought from the fields and are located near farms under sheds or in stacks. There is plenty of feed, so you can safely sell 200 tons of hay and 100 tons of hay.

Fuels and lubricants were delivered taking into account annual consumption.

The farm is not credited, it lives on the funds received from the sale of milk. A monthly salary is paid; by the end of the year, members of the cooperative will receive a thirteenth salary.

There are three farms in the SEC, which are not only renovated every year, because all the buildings of the 70s, but are also reconstructed as the central farm in the village of Krutoye. I would like to tell you about it in more detail, because what has been done on the farm is not within the power of every household.

The farm is designed for 200 heads: 150 cows with 23 heifers of breeding age and 20 calves-babies. Bear with Grishka, bulls-producers, fed with bread brought from home by laboratory assistant-inseminator Natalya Dmitrievna Volodchenko or someone else from the workers, have become completely tame with kind eyes and outstretched heads to people.

3.5 million rubles were spent on the reconstruction of the farm, and annually capital investments - up to 6 million rubles.

What's amazing on the farm? Rotten wood floors have been replaced. We made a filling with sand, each machine of sand costs 2,500 rubles. They poured cement with a thickness of 10 centimeters, of which 40 tons went, and rubber mats measuring 1.90 x 1.20 were laid on top. The cost of such a rug is 2150 rubles, and there are 175 pieces of them. New wooden floors have been made for the calf babies. And the newly born lie in cages on dry hay, where it is warm, dry and comfortable.

The old leash, watering, conveyors were completely removed, windows and gates were replaced, walls were repaired, whitewashed was done. For securing the conveyor and for other purposes, 5 kilometers of reinforcement were purchased for the amount of 615 thousand rubles. A new input was made for water supply, for this a trench was dug from the well through the field to the farm and new pipes were laid. There is no rusty metal on the farm. Watering is made in such a way that the water in deep iron trays is at the level of the cow's head, constantly replenishing and refreshing.

Replaced 40 windows measuring 1.85 x 1.50. The frames themselves are made of metal corners, and the windows are made of polycarbonate. Brick walls around the entire perimeter under the old windows simply fell out, you could stick your hand through. Now they are laid in blocks. The doors are iron, reliable, strong.

The entrances were first compacted with sand and then laid with reinforced concrete slabs.

Milk does not touch the hands of milkmaids; it runs through the milk pipeline, being filtered, and gets into the refrigeration equipment. And then every morning he goes to the Yartsevsky milk cannery.

Nadezhda Petrovna, talking about how the farm managed to make such a reconstruction in a short time, never ceased to admire the team of builders from Belarus who worked every day without days off, often until 3 in the morning, and her men who helped in all the work, and her son Vladimir, the chief engineer who came from Smolensk to help his mother. Under his leadership, all the equipment was installed, order was put in the workshop, at the sites. Young, purposeful, handy, copes with three, thinking out of the ordinary. So on the day of his arrival at the farm, Vladimir was working on a farm in the village of Osinovitsa, installing doors.

“My children are my support. They will never leave me under any circumstances, - said Nadezhda Petrovna with pride. - I haven’t seen the summer: I’m here at dawn, and in the evening, and at midnight, I thought I couldn’t stand it. But thanks to the entire SEC team for their support, understanding and help. Such people, kind and sympathetic, still need to look. "

- Nadezhda Petrovna, you can bring a delegation of the highest level to your farm, hold any seminars, you won't be ashamed, that's for sure!

On the advice of the chief specialist of the District Administration Galina Vladimirovna Zubkova, we visited the Vitebsk farm "Rudakovo", looked at what and how, and then we adopted something, thought up something ourselves and got the result. I am grateful to Nikolai Alekseevich Bakalov, the head of Velizhsky Distribution Zone, Galina Vladimirovna Zubkova and many others who did not hinder our work, but promoted it. Light, water, washing, refrigeration equipment, manure removal, milk pipelines, summer milking, which became 260 thousand rubles for us - all this was done during the summer and finished in October this year. But that's not all.

We are planning to make a new roof with a ventilation ridge, improve the sewerage system and equip a shower room for the staff.

Having driven a little from the farm, we stopped at the workshop. Not without pride, the owner of the collective farm yard showed the new gates, sealed windows, brand new MTZ standing in a row, there is also a caterpillar tractor with a removed engine, subject to major repairs. The mechanization shop is clean, there is order everywhere, no drafts.

And in the machine yard there is a recently purchased new cart for removing the removed manure, a new MTZ-82 tractor with a small cab for entering the farm gates with hay and haylage was purchased. In general, there are three tractors for work on farms. We can safely say that all the equipment was acquired during the leadership of the SPK N.P. Beshaposhnikova. The barrel has been rebuilt for draining the sewage system independently - in private houses or on farms. A platform for washing tractors and cars has been concreted. There are more than a dozen tractors alone, there are also old ones, but they stand as a reserve for spare parts.

Next to the granary there is a new warehouse for storing trailed and mounted equipment, all of which have been cleaned and oiled by the spring. Here, too, the windows have been replaced, the gates are iron, and the new roof is made of metal profiles. All old buildings that spoil the overall picture will be demolished.

Members of the SEC may not buy grain on the farm at the market price, and write out hay, if suddenly it is not enough for their cow. All this will be brought to the yard free of charge. Such care of the leader allows keeping cows in the village, of which there are about 40 heads.

Nadezhda Petrovna is thinking of purchasing an organic fertilizer spreader. The fields are plowed up, which means there will be a good grass stand, and a pea-oat mixture, which so loves to grow here and give an excellent harvest. The main thing is that the price of milk corresponds to real life. This is still the only income of the agricultural enterprise, not counting the sale of organic matter, which was sold this year for 150 thousand rubles, feed - for 300 thousand rubles.

The chairman has a dream to build a milk pipeline on the third farm in the village of End.

After spending half a day at the Krutoye SEC, I realized that the land is supported by such leaders. An economist by education, Nadezhda Petrovna knows the value of every penny, without throwing words to the wind, continues to develop the economy, realizing that without him people have nowhere to go. “I would like to keep everything that is, and then go further forward. We have staff, but we need a veterinarian, a mechanic, and another livestock technician. Indeed, the head plans to create a feedlot for cattle, and for this, the reconstruction of the former pig farm is again needed. And as she said, by the summer she will definitely renovate three apartments for new settlers.

Driving with Nadezhda Petrovna in a brand new jeep on the country roads of the farm, I was once again able to make sure of her purposefulness, optimism, love for her native places where she was born, learned and took place as a person, as a leader, for whom all life is a struggle for the prosperity of an agricultural enterprise and, therefore, everyone who works in it. “I love my possessions: fields, streams, copses, people. You cannot separate them. Everything is painfully dear, not to destroy, but to take care of. And as long as I have the strength, I will defend the interests of people to the end, ”said the chairman of the Krutoye SEC, Besshaposhnikova Nadezhda Petrovna.

PS : While the issue was being prepared for publication, it became known that the money for the spreader of organic fertilizers had already been paid. There are plans to purchase mineral fertilizers for spring sowing, and oats have already been purchased.