Kindergarten graduation script fairytale journey. Kindergarten graduation script: “Graduation ball. "Twist" - general dance of the group

On the last day that the guys will spend in kindergarten, they are invited to make an unforgettable fairytale trip to the ball to the princess. Games, contests and gifts will be a reward for overcoming obstacles.


Farewell to kindergarten in a solemn atmosphere.


Balloons, congratulations, toys. Small tables and chairs are installed for children.

Required attributes:

  • The map of the kingdom on which the route of travel is indicated: Fairy Glade - Milk River - Mountains - Dense Forest - Palace;
  • Milky fabric - a river, a strong twig;
  • The image of the mountain on paper, in the middle there is a disguised door;
  • Cards with numbers;
  • Brooms, scoops, baskets;
  • A ball of thick thread;
  • Various items for the game "Collect the portfolio";
  • Cards with the letters w, k, o, l, a;
  • Gifts for children.


  • Leading
  • Apple tree
  • Baba Yaga
  • Herald
  • Princess

Event progress

Leading: Hello, guests of our holiday! Today is the most important day for the pupils preparatory group kindergarten. On this day, they will have to say goodbye to games and fun in order to step on the next step. Here they are - graduates! Meet them with loud applause!

Graduates go out and perform a dance, then go to the tables.

Leading: Dear graduates! A significant day has come for you - you are saying goodbye to our kindergarten. Summer will pass, and you will cross the school threshold and rush to knowledge. By the way, today there will be a ball in the royal palace - their Majesties, the King and Queen, are celebrating the 7th birthday of their daughter - the Princess. Do you want to attend this ball?

Children answer.

Leading: Then I propose to take a trip to a real fairy tale. If we pass all the tests with dignity, we will get to the ball in the royal palace! So the journey begins. Close your eyes and imagine a fabulous meadow.

The "fabulous" music sounds, the Fairy comes out.

Hello children! Are you in a hurry to the ball too?

Leading: Of course, this is an important event in the fairy kingdom!

Then you need to hurry up, because the ball will start soon!

Leading: We would hurry, but we don't know where to go. Show us the way, please.

The fairy takes out a map of the kingdom, on which the path to the palace is indicated by arrows.

Good. Here is a map for you, and it will show you the way. And I have to go - I need to choose the most beautiful dress for Cinderella so that she shines despite the wiles of her evil stepmother (runs away).

Leading (hangs the map on the wall): Guys, help me figure out the map. Where do you think we are now?

Children: In a fabulous meadow.

Leading: Exactly, here it is, look. So where is the palace? Is he so far away? To get to the palace, you will need to cross the milk river with jelly banks, cross the high mountains guarded by Koshchey the Immortal, go through the dark dense thicket where Baba Yaga herself lives! Our path will be very difficult, but we can handle it. Really guys?

Children answer.

Leading: I thought that difficulties would not frighten you. So, you can hit the road. And on the way, let's remember what we did in kindergarten.

Children perform with poems about life in kindergarten, gratitude to educators, cook, head. After the reciters have performed, a milky fabric is lined on the stage - a river.

Leading: How imperceptibly time flew by. Guys, look, we are already at the river bank. And the river is not easy - milk, with jelly banks. Do you know in which fairy tale she occurs?

Children:"Swan geese".

Leading: Do you know this tale well? Then tell me, who helped the children escape from the geese?

Children answer: oven, river, apple tree. Apple tree comes out.

Apple tree: Hello guys. Where are you going?

Leading: We are going to the ball to the Princess, but that's the problem we don't know how to get around the river.

Apple tree: You will not be able to bypass the river, and you will not find a ford. And if you want to swim across, you will get bogged down in milk and drown. But I can help you cross the river.

Leading: That would be great.

Apple tree: But you remember that in the fairy tale the girl did not immediately fulfill our requests, so she had to do everything in last moment, in a hurry. The swan-geese almost grabbed them then.

Leading: Still, politeness is one of the main qualities of a person.

Apple tree: And I would like to know if you know the polite words.

Conducts the polite words survey. Graduates take turns calling words of greeting, farewell, gratitude, apology.

Apple tree: Well done, you know a lot of words. I think that in life you use them. Therefore, I will help you. Take this rod - it will help you get across the river.

The game "Jump over the river" is held. Children, leaning on a cane, jump over the river. The apple tree helps them, then says goodbye and leaves. Children sit in their seats.

Leading: Guys, we passed the river safely. Move on. And so that time does not pass so slowly, we will sing a song.

Children go on stage and sing a song about kindergarten. Towards the end of the song, the scenery of the mountain is brought out and set in the background.

Leading: Guys, look - the mountains! Do you remember who guards them?

Children: Koschei the Deathless.

Leading: He's probably wandering around here somewhere. You need to keep your eyes open so as not to fall into his skillfully placed traps. Let's see if he is here.

The presenter and the children put their hand to the forehead, "peer" to the left, to the right. A quiet threatening melody sounds, Koschey comes out.

Well hello. Why did they come?

Leading: We want to get to the ball to the Princess!

And if I don't let you in?

Leading: Let us in, please. The guys have graduation today - the last day in kindergarten. When else will they get into a fairy tale?

Do you want to go to the ball so badly?

Children answer.

Even if I miss it, you will not be able to go around the mountains or fly over. So it doesn't even depend on me whether you get to the ball or not!

Leading: You even let it go, but we will figure out how to get over the mountains.

I don't even know ... If only you can cope with the task. And the task will not be easy! Will you do it?

Leading: Well, of course. After all, we really want to get to the ball!

Then let's check how well you can count.

Conducts the game "Cheerful Counting". Children are divided into 2 groups, each of which receives cards with different numbers, which all players receive one by one. The task of the participants is to stand so that the numbers are in order, and then in the reverse order.

Not just quick-witted, but also fast, dexterous guys! Amazing! Why do you need school? Stay with me, I will teach you a lot: scare, take away, conquer.

Leading: I think that the guys do not want to become like you, Koschey. Do not be offended, but evil will never defeat good.

You're right. Well, okay, don't want to - however you want! I let you pass further, but the mountains, most likely, will not let you pass (leaves).

Leading: Guys, the mountains will really be very difficult to get around. How should we be now?

A Fairy enters the stage, sneezes, wipes her red nose.

Apchhi! Guys, you've been through so much! Well done! Apchhi!

Leading: Yes, Fairy. But we don't know how to proceed further. The mountains are very high and wide. By the way, why are you sneezing?

I do not know. Apchhi! As she began to fly to the mountain, she sneezed. Apchhi!

Leading: You are probably allergic to dust. It's so dusty here that you yourself want to sneeze.

I cannot fly in such an environment. And it takes too long to walk on foot.

Leading: Fear not, Fairy. We will help you. Really guys?

Children answer.

Then you will need magic brooms to sweep this dust away (gives back to the leading brooms).

Leading: Well, now it's clean and comfortable around. You, Fairy, can fly further.

Yes, and you can safely go.

Leading: But how? We can't fly!

And you don't need to. While you were cleaning up here, in the mountain I found a through passage on the opposite side. See you at the ball! Good luck (leaves).

The presenter approaches the set and opens the “door” to the mountain. Together with the graduates, they come out from the other side of the mountain.

Leading: Hooray! We only have to go through the dense forest, and we will be in the palace! But wait! What if we get lost? What do we do?

Baba Yaga comes out.

Baba Yaga: Don't get lost, dear ones! I will help you!

Leading: Something is unclean here. Baba Yaga herself volunteered to help! What trap are you preparing?

Baba Yaga: What kind of trap? I can say, I'm happy for the Princess. I wish her only happiness. And today my father invited so many people to the palace, but did not take into account one thing: the princess was only 7 years old, and all the guests are already over 20. She will be bored with them, and you will amuse her.

Leading: Then we will accept your help. But which one?

Baba Yaga: This magic ball will help you to pass through the forest (hands the ball). But you only need to follow him with your eyes closed, otherwise all the magic will evaporate.

Leading: Thank you, grandmother Yaga. We are grateful to you for your help.

Baba Yaga: Please. You just do not offend the Princess (leaves).

Leading: And we will go to the forest. But remember what Baba Yaga said? Everyone needs to be blindfolded.

While the children are blindfolded, a pattern of dense thread is laid out on the floor, but so that it does not intersect. Then the game "Walk along the thread" is played. Children take off their shoes and take turns walking the path along the thread. Then the guys go to their places.

Leading: Guys! Listen!

The bugle sounds. The Speaker enters the stage.

Herald: Attention! Attention! The ball dedicated to the 7th birthday of the Princess is declared open! We ask everyone to the palace (leaves)!

The Princess and Fairy appear on the stage. Children are performing a dance.

Princess: Guys! I'm so glad you came today! It will be possible to play with you and have fun!

Games and contests are held

"Collect a portfolio"

Of the various items, put into the knapsack only those that will be useful at school.

"The cherished word"

Find the cards with letters that are hidden in the hall and make up the word "school" from them.

"School riddles"

Riddles on school topics.

Leading: So we had some fun. Now it's time to go back - home.

Wait! What about gifts? Do the guys need magic pens that will write for them? Or magic pencils that will draw whatever they want? Or a magic book that you don't need to read - it speaks itself?

Leading: If our children have such objects, they will never learn to write, draw, read, or count. Therefore, Fairy, we do not need such gifts.

Exactly. After all, you will not always have a magic pen at hand to write something ... then I will give you something else! Also magical!

Handing over to children folders containing creative kits that will help children paint brighter, sculpt smoother and glue more accurately.

Leading: But for these gifts, guys, we will thank Fairy.

Children thank Fairy. Then the Fairy and the Princess say goodbye, and the graduates "return" to kindergarten: they sing a song about kindergarten.

Leading: Guys, our last magical journey is over. But you still have many miracles ahead, and even more magic. And now I would like to reward you with memorable gifts.

Children are awarded with certificates, graduate folders. Then there is a response from the parents of the graduates.

Leading: Well, it's time to say goodbye. But we do not say goodbye to you! We say, "Goodbye!" After all, we believe that you will visit us at least from time to time.

Farewell song or dance from graduates, at the end of which they leave.

Olesya Krezhenovskaya
Scenario of the graduation matinee in kindergarten: "A journey through your favorite fairy tales"

1 Presenter: It's light in our hall today

The guys got together for the last time.

There will be a sea of ​​joy and a drop of sorrow,

They leave us for the first grade!

2 Lead: Light and elegant now in this hall!

Everyone has a lively, worried look.

Today we celebrate a big holiday:

We accompany our children to school!

Meet, Kindergarten, their graduates!

(there is a performance of children who go out in pairs, after the presentation of everyone, the children perform a waltz)

Reb. : Hello, moms, dads and guests!

Hello, our dear kindergarten!

We look forward, special excitement

We were waiting for our big holiday!

Reb. : Here comes our first high school graduation!

And may the wizard, admire yourself.

Showered with tender lilac

Beautiful, fragrant flowers.

Reb. : The sun is a cheerful ray

Knocks on the windows with joy

And we are proud today

An important word « Graduate» !

Reb. : Here we were taught how to play,

Dance and sing without boredom

And the entertainment was carried out

Under the magic sounds!

Reb. : We grew up and wiser here,

Solve problems, compose stories

And draw different pictures!

Reb. : There are pictures on the wall,

And flowers on the window.

If I want - I will ride,

On a toy horse!

Reb. : This is such a nice house!

We grow in it every day,

And when we grow up,

Let's go to school together!

Song: " Kindergarten house for children" (Music by K. Kostin, lyrics by T. Kersten, K. Kostin)

Reb. : I'll tell you a secret,

I am always sure of that.

Educators and children -

Real friends!

Reb. : How much different professions in the world,

But I want to talk about one,

Who cares so much about little children?

People who do not know peace.

Reb. : People who don't get enough sleep

They cut something, sew interesting things,

They sculpt, paint, compose poems,

The role is rehearsed, the songs are sung.

Reb. : Fiction has no end, no limit,

They can do whatever they want.

What others would already be tired of

These with patience demolish alone!

Reb. : They can do everything, they can do everything,

People with a broad, kind soul.

No evil can overcome them!

They are Teachers with a capital letter!

Reb. : To educate is a good calling!

Be in love, understand and, of course, forgive,

To be an example in everything, to show compassion,

To educate means to give to others.

Reb. : Our garden is depressed today,

And we are a little sad.

That the day of goodbye has come

And a long road awaits us.

Reb. : More than once we will remember how we played,

And how many undertakings there were!

How to paint in the evenings

And the forest and mom and the stream!

Reb. : Like books are kind loved.

How we went on excursions,

To know everything, everything, everything about life!

Reb. : Yes, we are sad quite a bit,

And time cannot be turned back.

And we want, now guys,

About garden life tell.

"Farewell song" (Music and lyrics by Bokach)

Reb. : Dressed up Kindergarten -

You don't know directly.

Your very best outfit

Put on by mom.

And ironed trousers

Cleanly washed hands

And the excitement is just us

They are escorted to the 1st grade!

Reb. : Ate delicious meals,

We slept in the bedroom at a quiet hour,

And in the frosty winter

We fed the birds more than once!

Reb. : Answered in occupations,

We listened to the fairy tale in silence,

There were noisy, funny,

Mischievous kids.

Reb. : We are leaving today,

Like birds from a nest.

It's a pity I have to say goodbye

WITH baby saom forever!

Reb. : And today, on the day of farewell,

We will not lose heart

Kindergarten we will be long

Remember with a kind word.

song: "Goodbye Kindergarten"

1st Ved: Expensive Graduates! Today is your last holiday in kindergarten and the whole person says goodbye to you Kindergarten.

Children enter the second junior group.

2nd Ved: The kids came to the holiday today,

They brought their wishes to you!

1st: Reb. ml. group: Soon you will go to school,

Please do not be lazy.

We wish you guys

Study well!

2nd reb. ml. gr. : You rarely played with us,

They called babies

Sometimes we were offended

They didn't give us toys!

3rd reb. ml. gr. : But now you are not like that

You are big now.

We came to congratulate you

With the transition to the first grade!

Children perform a dance "Goodbye Toys" handing over toys to children. The kids go off to the music The kids sit down

1 - led. : You are with never a fairy tale,

Never part.

Let the years go by,

TO come back to fairy tales.

Donates fairy tales magic,

Teach us to be wiser than all of us.

There, good will punish evil.

Who is kinder is stronger.

2- led. : The heroes of your sazok are in a hurry

Congratulate all your friends.

Graduates! Hurry up to meet

Thank you numerous guests!

queen book comes out

Queen Book: Hello guys! Do you recognize me? I, Queen of the Book, invite you to journey to the land of fairy tales... You see, I have a magic book in my hands. Now we will see together in what we will get a fairy tale. (shows the title fairy tales) ... Right! it fairy tale 12 months!

Suddenly the princess rushes into the hall, followed by the teacher.

Princess: And I tell you, I don’t want to study!

Teacher: Your Majesty, this is absolutely necessary, you will not be able to read and sign any royal document!

Princess: Why do I need this? After all, I have you All-Knowing Academievich.

Teacher: Yes, but I'm already old, you can to tell... It's time for me to retire, Your Majesty.

Princess: No pensions! You are still healthy and strong. You have your whole life ahead of you. Come on, hands to the sides, up, forward, reach the tip of the nose with your right hand (teacher performs)... So good! Now step march! Let's run! Fine! Serve another 50 years!

Teacher:(wearily) But Your Majesty ...

Princess: None "but"... Wake up to serve with me until…. until I become as smart as you.

Teacher: Yes, but how will you become like that if you absolutely do not want to study?

Leading: Do you guys understand anything? I'm nothing. Now I’ll find out what this princess is doing at our holiday. Dear princess, please explain what you are doing here?

Princess: What! Who dares to contact me?

Host: Excuse me, but I do not know how to contact you.

Princess: Well, they say that I'm stupid and don't want to study. Honey, you don’t know basic things! Royals are called "Your Majesty"

Leading: It is clear now I will know. So, Your Majesty, what are you doing on our holiday?

Princess: How is your holiday, but I don't know anything about it? Why they didn’t inform me.

Leading: We didn't think that you would want to celebrate with us a holiday dedicated to our graduates who go to school.

Princess: School again! I don't want to hear about her. As if without learning it is impossible to know everything. What have you learned in kindergarten?

Teacher: Guys, now let's check if you are ready to go to grade 1. If you agree, then we shout YES, YES, YES!

And if you do not agree, then NO, NO, NO!

Attention, begin:

Let's go to school in the fall - Yes, yes, yes.

We will find friends there - Yes, yes, yes

We will study at school - Yes, yes, yes

And we will fight with friends - No, no, no

We'll sleep in class - No, no, no

We will take the diary to school - Yes, yes, yes

To get deuces - No, no, no

Let's play with dolls - No, no, no

We will solve the problems - Yes, yes, yes

We will become students - Yes, yes, yes

We will do the lessons ourselves - Yes, yes, yes. !

I'll ask me to answer

What are we going to take to school?

We put notebooks in the briefcase, Yes, yes, yes

We also need slingshots No, no, no

Album to draw Yes, yes, yes

Set fire to school matches, no, no, no

Notebooks to write Yes, yes, yes

Let's take outfits for the dolls, no, no, no

Markers and paints are needed Yes, yes, yes

Call mom cell phone Yes, yes, yes

Plasticine to sculpt Yes, yes, yes

We'll take the kitten to school No, no, no

We put the gun in the briefcase No, no, no

Pills to heal No, no, no

The tutorial will definitely come in handy. Yes Yes Yes!

1st Ved. :. These are our children

Everyone wants to know in the world

Let's wish them good luck

To solve all the problems.

2nd Ved. : A rooster flew up the fence,

I also met a vuh there.

How many roosters are there?

Who has the answer ready? (3)

1- Ved. : Three apples from the garden

The hedgehog brought

The most ruddy

I gave it to the squirrel.

Happy gift

Got a squirrel

Count the apples

Do you have a hedgehog in your plate? (2)

2nd Ved. : A squirrel is sitting on a cart,

Gives out his nuts -

To the fat-headed bear,

Zainke mustachioed,

Chanterelle - sister,

Sparrow, titmouse.

How many animals have you counted in total? (6)

1st Ved. : Mother brought toys

And brought the guys:

Gave Masha a ball

And Tanyusha is a samovar,

Son Vanya - a drum.

Daughter Milochka - a sofa.

How many toys did mom give? (4)

2nd Ved. : Our children can do a lot

Sing and paint and poetry tell.

And when they go to school, they will get even more knowledge.

Now they will sing you a song about what they teach in school.

Song: "They teach at school"

Princess: My Majesty wants to know, what else can you learn at school?

Princess: Is it possible to get all this knowledge at school?

Leading: If you try, you can.

Princess: Then I also want to go to school. Take me with you.

Leading: Let's take?

Princess: Well, I ran to get ready ( shouts: "Mothers, nannies, I'm going to school, prepare your suitcases")

the curtain closes, in the meantime the scenery changes.

Queen Book: well, my dears, we are going to visit another fairy tale... Let's see what we have the next tale... Look guys, this is what we have fairy tale(shows) (children's answers) right! These are Geese and Swans!

The curtain opens, and there Baba Yaga….

Baba Yaga (on a broomstick) :Stop! Stop! Stop! Where are you accursed! I will said to sleep! Did the mistress dare to disobey me? Completely got out of the hands! She saw enough of all sorts of dances on TV, then give her lambada, then macarena, then suddenly she wants to dance ballroom dances, and then she caught fire! I wanted to learn oriental dance. And I was preparing, iris, for your holiday. I wanted to surprise you, I was in a hurry to visit you! I found out that you are going here, but I was not invited…. I want to go to first grade with you!

2 leads : Wait, Baba Yaga, how old are you?

Baba Yaga:Hundred!

1 presenter: How many?

Baba Yaga: Well, two hundred! So what?

2 presenter: Too much ...

Baba Yaga: And by the way, it's never too late to learn.

Baba Yaga: No, of course, but I can shoot at sparrows with a slingshot, put buttons under the chair, pull girls by their pigtails, pinch, whistle, shout (tries to hang, nothing works) Ugh! The whistle is broken! I ride a broomstick. Dryn! Dryn! I can teach you! This is how you get to school!

2nd presenter: How is it - on a broomstick to school?

Baba Yaga: That's how (shows)

1 ved: No, Baba Yaga, children will go to school neat, beautiful, with bouquets. Dads and mothers will accompany them. And this skill is not needed at school.

Baba Yaga: What do you need?

Children read a sentence made from letters on cubes or on a magnetic board "Attention, soon to school"

Baba Yaga: Right! Now let's find out what our parents will do when the children go to school. Dear parents, we have a school lottery, pull a ticket for my question, answer speak loudly: (parents take turns pulling answers from Baba Yaga's basket (mom, dad, doggy, etc.)

1. Who will set the alarm clock in the evening?

2. And who will follow the form of the first grader?

3. Who will get up at 6 am?

4. Who will eat breakfast first?

5. To whom will have to collect a portfolio?

7. Who will cry without strength?

8. Who is to blame if the child received a deuce?

9. Who will attend the meetings?

10. Who will take the first grader to school?

Baba Yaga: Well, now I see that the children and their parents are ready to enter the first grade. Therefore, it remains for me guys to wish you a happy and easy path to the heights of knowledge.

Baba Yaga says goodbye, the curtain closes.

Queen Book: Well, let's go to visit one more fairy tale! We look at which let's go to a fairy tale ...... Shows. Learned? This is Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka!

The curtain opens, the cartoon music sounds and Shapoklyak comes out with a briefcase (grabs children by the noses, pulls the bows, scares Lariska) .

Shapoklyak: Hello my dears! Kids are stumps, mischievous and rascals. You are your they recognized my beloved grandmother? Yes, yes - it's me, granny Shapoklyak, and what are you doing here?

Leading: We accompany the children to school.

Shapoklyak: I am the most important teacher, I am a professor of all sciences. Who loves disgrace, my best friend. The guys are going to school, they need our advice. After all, they still have neither stakes nor twos in their portfolios. Trust no one, kids, there is no better mark than a deuce. You guys in the morning, do not do exercises, and do not go to school, you better sleep longer, and whoever gets fives, Shapoklyak does not play with those.

Leading: And by the way, dear Shapoklyak, what is in your portfolio, can you show us?

Shapoklyak: Well, okay, so be it I will show (takes it out of the portfolio)... Here is a funny toy called a rattle, an elephant with a hole in its side lies here in spite of the enemy. I will pour water into it, I will pour you all at school (splashes children and parents)... Beads to dress up and a slingshot to defend yourself. Buttons to put on chairs and Lariska to scare

Leading: Are you granny not tired of hurting and bothering everyone? Maybe you'd better sit down and read a newspaper quietly?

Shapoklyak: That I don’t read them, I know everything better than you.

Leading: Well, then, please answer, wild or domestic animal, bear?

Shapoklyak: Bear homemade, small, shaggy. He looks like a monkey, guys. It feeds on carrots and potatoes and knows how to eat soup with a spoon.

Leading: Do you guys agree? (Answers of children)

Leading: Yes, Granny Shapoklyak, you shouldn't be proud of yourself. You need to walk in Kindergarten, learn from our children.

Shapoklyak: Well, here's another, I'm not messing with you. You are laughing at Granny. And by the way, where is my portfolio, where did it go? Shapoklyak: Well, the guys surprised, they did not teach you in vain. Only you won't go to school, you will disappear at school. There is one science, phew, longing! Eh, boredom!

Child: And we are a joyful people, we drive boredom out of the gate,

If only we want, we will amuse everyone in a moment,

And now we really want to dance for you.

Dance "Rock'n'roll", at the end of the dance everyone disperses, Shapoklyak is also dancing.

Shapoklyak: Well done! Guys, I see you are ready to go to school! I wish you good luck so that only fives studied!

says goodbye, the curtain closes.

Queen Book: Well that's all, our the journey has come to an end... And if you also make friends with the book, you will be able to handle any business! You will read many interesting books at school. They will open up a wonderful world of knowledge for you! And your first book will be an ABC book!

Child:: If you know letters,

And you will hear in the same hour

Amusing story!

Reb. : You will find out how old

The sun gives us its light

Why are flowers in winter

And in winter the fields are empty.

Reb. : You recognize your native land

Peaceful, strong and big.

The book is a good friend to us.

Read it - you will find out for yourself!

Queen Book: Yes, you really are great! Everything you have been taught in kindergarten taught them it's time to say goodbye, until we meet again at school.

Reb. : The years passed unnoticed,

The deadline is coming.

Today we are in kindergarten,

Let's spend our last day!

Reb. : We are with kindergarten

Saying goodbye forever.

We need to learn now.

We are going to school!

Reb. : In our time, no, not just running a kindergarten.

Every day a million questions

All of them must be solved.

Rest is unknown to her, peace is unknown to her.

Still young, and besides, pretty,

Hardworking and energetic:

And I'm ready to work on the weekend

And even at night she can't really sleep.

No one to us in the garden here will not replace it!

And the Administration appreciates her very much!

Will find any approach to a person,

For each "key" will pick up its own.

Reb. :! You are the bosses' right hand,

It was hard for you sometimes

So that in the whole pedagogical process in the garden

Was like "Wonderland"

Pedagogical advice, master classes,

All the worries are countless.

Don't forget about seminars.

Our honor to the Methodist!

Reb. : There is a whole load of affairs on the farm,

But the caretaker copes.

He's on his feet all the time

His day passes on the run.

There is a lot to do -

Do not count all the cases sometimes:

Give out powder and soda,

Give soap and dishes.

Keep records of property.

Now take, then bring.

On it m device of each group:

Need both nails and screws

Products, both board and timber.

But he can shoulder this burden!

Reb. : Medical staff

He kept us healthy.

And vaccinations and greens-

The best friends of the child!

Who will give us a vitamin?

A pill, ascorbic acid?

Who will put the thermometer,

Will it save us from pain?

Of course - Svetlana Alexandrovna!

Reb. : White sheet,

Apron and scarf,

You can bypass the whole white light

You won't find a better washerwoman!

Reb. : The speech therapist tries to

He deals with us,

The letters are all in a row now

You-go-va-ri-vat I'm glad!

Reb. : For health and shape,

And for the strength of the legs and arms

For physical education classes

The physical education teacher will take the children!

Reb. : Psychology is a science,

Difficult thing, brothers.

Without a psychologist in our age

Man cannot live!

Reb. : We are with our musician

Ready to sing until dawn

Polonaises and square dance

Polkas have not forgotten either!

Reb. : Dear chefs,

Always feed deliciously!

Look at us:

These cheeks are awesome!

Reb. : We always have cleanliness in the group

Both the floor and the dishes sparkle

Our nurse since the morning

Brings order everywhere

That's why everything shines and sparkles.

He will bring food to the group in time,

She will feed us deliciously, she will give us additives.

Without her, the teacher is just a disaster!

We need an assistant always by your side!

Reb. : Our favorite teacher:

The best,

Kind, empathetic and considerate, like a mother

We came to your group with a desire,

Because they were waiting for us there and loved!

song "Educator"

Reb. : We are leaving the kindergarten

AND we wish you all,

So that have always loved you

Let's never forget!

Reb. : If we were very naughty,

You scolded us a little.

We lived in the kindergarten together.

But you still need to say goodbye.

And in this farewell hour

We kiss you hard!

Thank you all

And thank you for everything.

1 Leading : Remember little friend,

Mine native kindergarten!

Here you took the first step

Into the new and big world!

2 Leading : Learn, work and conquer,

Don't get tired of dreaming.

Mine don't forget kindergarten,

Though the years will fly by!

I give the floor to our head

Our children are not very fond of fairy tales that our parents read to us. But they are happy to watch new films based on Disney and other film studios. This is understandable, because in them even older characters are shown in a new way, with humor and in a modern way. That is why we had the idea to come up with a script for a graduation in kindergarten based on modern fairy tales to make children like it. Everything will take place in a playful way, so young graduates will not be bored. And so, we look and take new ideas for ourselves.

In a certain kingdom, in a distant state….

Here the music from the Disney screensaver sounds and the fairy godmother appears.

No no! All wrong! What do you want - to spoil our holiday?

On the contrary, we want to spend a holiday, we have a graduation ceremony in kindergarten today!

High school graduation?! It's easy to arrange!

The fairy waves her wand, the music plays and the fairy continues.

In a distant kingdom ruled by a kind king and a beautiful queen, a happy day has come. The students of the Royal Academy of Young Skills were on the verge of a significant event - they were waiting for the last day in the castles. Yes - it was their graduation day. And now the holiday begins.

Children enter the hall in pairs to the solemn music. They can come in and walk nicely in a circle. You can go to the waltz, spinning in it.
When the children have walked, they stand in one line.

Here they are - our young beauties and young fellows - our graduates and the hope of the kingdom!
During the years that they spent within the walls of the castle, they learned a lot. They had the best teachers and educators, who were invited by the king himself from all over his vast kingdom. Educators taught children to read, write and other sciences. And they are already ready to take the next important step in their lives.

Music sounds and a cat in boots appears.

Puss in Boots:
Do you know who I am? That's right - I'm a puss in boots. I helped a baron arrange his life, and I will help you. But only for this you need to try! You are ready?

Playing with children is a profession.

You need to prepare pictures, for example: various equipment, scissors, a computer, sports equipment, and so on. All the pictures are upside down on the table so that no one can see them. Children take turns choosing any picture, watching it and telling Puss in Boots and other guests what kind of object it is and in what profession it is needed. And so all the children take turns.

Puss in Boots:
Well done, you can handle it without me. Therefore, I go where my help is needed. But in the end, I want to hear beautiful poems from you.

Children recite poetry in the form of a scene. A scene about a profession and about how adults help children choose a profession.

Absolutely all the heroes of fairy tales live in our fairy kingdom. And today many of them have come to us for a holiday. We meet a new guest!

Rapunzel appears.

Hello dear children! Good afternoon, parents! Do you recognize me? As soon as I found out that you had a graduation, I immediately decided to attend the holiday. Look at my hair - you can see how long it is and how it is braided. Surely the girls' mothers know how difficult it is to braid a braid every morning and straighten their hair again in the evening. Therefore, I want to play with moms. You are ready?

Playing with moms.

Each team has three mothers. They each have three colored ribbons. Each mother holds one ribbon, and the other ends of the ribbons are held by the caregivers. At Rapunzel's command, mothers should start braiding a braid of ribbons. At the same time, you cannot let go of the ribbons from your hands, and you need to squat under the ribbons, step over them and do everything else to braid the braid. The winner is the team that was the first to braid the braid and did not break the rules.

It looks like this:

We did an excellent job. I could trust you with my hair too. Now let's play with the kids!

Playing with children.

We divide the children into teams and give each team a puzzle from the cartoon Rapunzel. On command, the teams should begin to assemble the puzzle. Which team will cope faster, that one wins.

You have done a great job! Well, it's time for me to return to my castle. But in parting, I would love to hear you sing.

Children are singing a song.

You can sing an ordinary song about childhood and kindergarten, you can come up with your own song.
Watch a video where children perform a beautiful song at the graduation at a preschool educational institution:

Hear the noise? I wonder who it could be? Only someone very big can make noise like that.

A moment later, Kung Fu Panda appears in the hall.

Here I am! How long did it take me to get to your fairy kingdom! It's good that a path was laid between China and the kingdom, and I walked along it, walked, and now, three months later, I am with you!

Panda! How so, don't you know that you can get to us for a long time using more modern methods.

Yes? What is it?

Children, let's help Panda find out how you can get from China to our kingdom?

Playing with children.

For the game, you need to prepare different sounds. For example, how a train travels, how a steamer sails, how an airplane flies, how a car travels, and so on. But you need to prepare other sounds, for example, the cry of seagulls, the sound of a stream or thunder.
We turn on the sounds in turn, and the children guess them. And then they say whether it is possible to get from China to the kingdom on this.

That's how it is! There are so many different options. I don't even know how I can get back now? Maybe by plane - so very fast. Or maybe on a steamer - I will admire the ocean. And if I go by train, I will see beautiful forests, fabulous lands and the meeting of my old friends.
Yes, you have to think about it! Can you help me think? Dance will help me best. When I look at a dance, I immediately come up with something interesting.

Children show dance.

You can put on your own dance or watch how other graduates in kindergarten danced.
Watch the following video:

Danced well! Now I figured out how to get to China. I'll take the train to the ocean first. Then I will cross the ocean by steamer, and I will fly over the impenetrable jungle by plane. So I'll get home.

Well, our fabulous prom is coming to an end. There is very little time left. And we will spend this time for a reason. I know that the children have prepared poems for parents and educators. And now they will tell them to all of us.

Children recite poetry.

But now it's definitely time to say goodbye. But in parting, I ask all of you children to come to the tables. Sheets and pens are on the tables. Write your wishes goodbye, and then we will hide their magic chest. And we will close the chest with eleven locks. After each year in the school, one lock will be opened on the chest. And in eleven years the chest will be completely open, and you are already quite adults, you will be able to see your wishes again and remember how small you were.

Children write wishes, after all the sheets are put in the chest. Further, the holiday is transferred to the dining room, where a feast and dances take place.


- create conditions for a festive mood and a solemn atmosphere;

- evoke positive emotions;

- Deliver joy from participating in a festive event and in all types of activities at the celebration.

Equipment: costumes of the heroes of the holiday, a knapsack, a ball, stars with desires written on them, cubes with letters.

1st host. Good afternoon, dear guests!

2nd presenter... Hello, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers and everyone who came to the music hall of the kindergarten on this exciting day for us.

1st host. The years go by very quickly. We do not have time to look back, as the kids become schoolchildren.

2nd presenter... Today we are seeing off our graduates to school. A very important page in the life of preschool children has been passed.

1st host. A new page opens before the children, interesting and exciting - they are waiting for a school. Meet the graduates coming.

The presenters name the names of the children who come out to bow.

2nd presenter... Ahead is a difficult road to the world of adult school life. And today they, beautiful, funny, smart and, of course, a little excited, came to the first prom in their life.

1st host. Let us greet our alumni with loud applause once again.

There is applause.

2nd presenter... It has already become a tradition to start the graduation ball with a wonderful dance - a waltz. So let's not deviate from it. We present this waltz to all guests.

Children perform "Waltz" (from T. Suvorova's program "Dance Rhythm for Children").

1st host. We give the floor to our guys.

1st child

Our favorite kindergarten,

The kingdom of the fairy tale is golden.

We ask you not to forget

We say goodbye to you.

2nd child

Kindergarten has become our home,

Let's say in this sad hour

To their educators:

We love you with all our hearts!

3rd child

Even the sun shine

It got brighter above the ground

To give us all

It's a graduation party.

A. Metzger

Children perform the song "Goodbye, kindergarten" (music by G. Levkodimov, lyrics by V. Malkov).

1st presenter

It is always very difficult to part with childhood.

The white boat sailed away, you can't return it.

Memories bright feeling

It will get stronger the longer you live.

M. Ryabinin

2nd presenter... But I wonder what our guys dream about? They will tell their secret in funny ditties.

Children perform ditties.


We will sing ditties for you


Because we are children

Super modern.

My years are growing

I will be seventeen

What to work for me then,

What to do?

To strive for knowledge.

To become very smart

And travel abroad.


I'm going to run for president

I will receive presents.

I will rule the country

To add salaries to all.

1st girl

I want to be a star

I am not silent about this.

Without much difficulty

I'm always ready to sing.

2nd girl... I would become an educator, let them teach me.

3rd girl... Think what you said, children will torture you.


We sang ditties to you,

Clap, try.

You brought us up

You and sort it out.

1st educator

Yes, there are many different professions,

But the road to them is difficult.

Become a teacher, chauffeur,

A businessman, a sailor,

Conductor and actor,

President and physician,

Will you remember, friends,

It is impossible without teaching.

A boy runs in with a knapsack behind his back - Petya Lentyaykin.

Peter. Who said that it is impossible? Here I, Petya Lentyaykin, do not like to study.

2nd leader. What a suspicious name. And you say the wrong words. Better say the words of parting words to our children, future first graders.

Peter. Don't go to school. School years are terrible, the most, the most terrible. I already went twice to the first grade, twice to the second.

2nd leader. So are you a bad student?

Peter. That's not my fault. It was the wrong teachers I came across. Take me to school with you, maybe I will study well with you!

2nd leader. Well, what is behind you, it seems, a knapsack? The diary should be in it. Can I see what you were asked for reading? Here is the task to guess riddles. Did you fulfill it?

Peter. No.

2nd leader. Guys, let's help Petya and do it for him homework for reading.

There is a house, who will enter it, that mind will acquire. (School.)

If it lies on the table, then the food appears on its own. (Self-assembled tablecloth.)

What object of the house lies on the floor, but flies in fairy tales? (Magic carpet.)

They were waiting for mom with milk, and they let the wolf into the house.

Who were these little children? (Little kids.)

Going up the rolls, the guy rode on the stove,

I took a ride through the village and married a princess.

Who is this? (Emelya.)

What do wizards wave when they cast a spell? (With a magic wand.)

Well, Petya, the riddles have been guessed and the reading task has been completed. Let's see what is asked in math. Have you solved the problems?

Peter. No.

2nd presenter... Guys, let's help solve the problems too, so that Petya doesn't get a deuce.

May beetles lived under the bushes by the river:

Daughter, son, father and mother, who managed to count them?

Seryozhka fell on the snow, and behind him Alyoshka,

And after him Irinka, and then Marinka.

And then Ignat fell.

How many guys are there in the snow?

Gave the ducklings a hedgehog

Eight brand new boots.

Who will answer from the guys

How many ducklings were there?

Seven sparrows sank into the beds,

They jump and peck at something without looking back.

The cunning cat suddenly crept up,

Instantly grabbed one and dashed off.

That's how dangerous it is to peck without looking back,

How many sparrows are in the garden now?

(Six flew away.)

Petya, you need to do your homework, and then you will do well at school.

Peter. I'll run to school faster.

Petya runs away, leaving his knapsack.

1st presenter... He ran away, but left the knapsack. Let's see what else is in it. (Names items that are in the knapsack, but does not take them out.)

Guys, let's play school. I will name the lesson for which the student must prepare. You need to quickly get those accessories that will come in handy, for example, for a drawing lesson.

The game "Get ready for the lesson" is held.

Now you know everything you need to take with you to school. But little mice from T. Efimova's poem take not only books and notebooks:

For the first time two mice were going to the first grade.

They took pens and notebooks, each took a chocolate bar,

Paints to paint and a pillow to take a nap.

They took the clubs, took the helmets - this is all for a change.

And also a tape recorder to make your sleep pleasant.

The mother mouse told them:

- We need to remove the excess,

In order not to play at school, and not to jump, and not to sleep.

The mouse mom helped, she collected the backpacks herself.

And now for a fun break.

Children perform a dance (at the teacher's choice).

2nd leader. And here's a book in my knapsack. What a beautiful book of fairy tales. Let's open it to any page and read it.

There was a hut in the depths of the forest. Those who entered this forest could no longer find their way back, because Baba Yaga lived in that hut.

Baba Yaga runs in on a broomstick.

Baba Yaga. Wait, the device does not let me down, carrying me above the ground. Wow, where did I go? Have you taken my fairy tale to read?

2nd presenter... Hello, grandmother Yaga. This is us guys from kindergarten. We are having fun today, because it’s a holiday.

Baba Yaga. What fun is it all of a sudden, is it your birthday?

2nd leader. No, the guys are going to school, and therefore the holiday is the graduation party.

Baba Yaga... What is this holiday, what is this ball? Who gave permission for such an event?

2nd presenter... Grandma, don't be angry, because the guys love you and have always expected such a cheerful old woman to visit.

Baba Yaga. Yes, I'm so funny, groovy. What, don't you believe? Well, play with me, you can even tease me, I will not be offended.

The game "In the dark forest"

There is a hut in the dark forest,

Stands backwards.

There is an old woman in that hut -

Grandma Yaga lives.

Crochet nose, big eyes,

Like lights are burning.

Wow, what an angry one,

The hair is standing still.

Children perform movements according to the text, at the end of the game they run away from Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga... It's okay to tease you. You better ask, and I will sing. The children are applauding.

Baba Yaga sings (to the tune of the robbers' song from the movie "The Bremen Town Musicians").

They say I'm Grandma Hedgehog,

And I limp a little,

As if my nose had become a crochet

Curls, curls - all upright.


Oh, la, la, oh, they invent in vain,

Oh la, la, oh la, la, eh ma!

I am beautiful, I am beautiful

And you laugh in vain

Take a better look

My whole soul is inside.


And I don't like dancing alone. Well, where are my gentlemen? (He takes several boys onto the stage and dances with them.)

Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit and look at the girls.

2nd leader. Yes, our girls are very beautiful today.

Baba Yaga... Yes, not on these, but on those that took the very first place in the competition, because they sang a song about me. Let's meet, please.

Children perform a song about Baba Yaga (at the teacher's choice).

Pleased the old woman, I am leaving for a fairy tale with a calm soul. You study well at school, but do not forget to look into fairy tales, because "In a fairy tale there is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows." Hey guy, handsome, come on, see the old lady.

The boy escorts Baba Yaga to the door of the hall and waves to her.

1st presenter

We will study at school

Mandatory for "five"

In gym class

Let's play balls.

Competitions are held with the ball.

2nd presenter... Our children dream of studying at school only for "four" and "five", to find new friends, to see their class and the first teacher as soon as possible. Oh, I imperceptibly ended up in a fairy tale ...


I hear you want to dream

Just talk about a dream.

I look at the stars in the night sky,

I'll tell you about stellar secrets now.

I took a few stars with me,

There are already too many lights in the sky.

I know everything, the stars tell everything. Here you are, boy, I know your name is Nikita. And you dream ... Oh, you are still a little dreaming about this. But this girl's name is Masha, and she dreams ... oh, what a beautiful dream.

1st presenter... Suleiman, give our guys a star dream, because you can do anything.

Suleiman. Oh, fairest of stars, help spread my stars on your flying carpet.

Game "Our desires"


Let's run in circles now

One after another all forward.

And the star will now show

In the future, what awaits us all.

Children jump around the carpet to the music, and at the end of the music they take one star. Desire is written on the reverse side of it. Each child reads what is written on his star. For example, I want to learn how to drive a car. I will only study for A's. I want to find a seven-flowered flower. I will be a military man and pass all tests in physical education with excellent marks. I will go on a trip around the world in a big ship.

I’ll tell you guys what I’ll tell you:

Dream more often, and I will help.


2nd presenter... Well, let's turn one more page of the magic book of fairy tales.

Three girls sit on a bench.

1st presenter

Three girls on a spring day

We were in a sweet mood.

On the bench they cooed and dreamed of the future.

1st girl

If I were a queen

Then for the whole baptized world

I would prepare a feast.

2nd girl

Eka is unseen, sister.

If I were a queen

Then there would be one for the whole world

I knitted canvases.

1st girl

Canvas? Well, you say too,

And why does the king need matting?

2nd girl

Do you think he needs

Burnt pancakes?

Both girls(referring to the third girl)

Why are you silent

Don't you say anything?

3rd girl

I want to study at school, I promise not to be lazy.

Therefore, as I grow up, I want to become a scientist.

And study the computer, and be friends with mathematics.

To own the geography so that the whole world can be seen.

Geometry and Russian, Biology, French

At school, you need to study in order to be the smartest.

1st girl

The smartest, that's how it is!

Aren't you tired of it?

2nd girl... Why should such beauties like us go to school? We will find suitors for ourselves.

The girls come up to the boys and take them out to dance.

Children perform "Tango" (from T. Suvorova's program "Dance Rhythm for Children").

1st host. Girls dream of grooms, people dream of happiness, guys dream of school, new friends, a kind teacher and good grades.


Very soon, very soon

I will go to school.

And for the first lesson

Call me to call.

I'll grow up over the summer

To make it visible to everyone

That it's time to go just

I study in first grade.

The song "We are now students" (music by G. Struve, lyrics by K. Ibryaev) is played.

1st presenter

The fairy tale is over, we are in the kindergarten again,

It's time to say goodbye.

How fast our lovely children grow

How quickly the years pass.

2nd presenter

Everything passes, but we're a little sorry

That childhood page is closing.

Everything is ahead, but only to kindergarten

You will never return.

And again we give the floor to the main heroes of our celebration - the graduates.

Children take flowers for employees, and presenters take out cubes with letters.

1st child

Today we all stand in front of you,

A little tired, but proud inside.

We have grown up in the garden in five years,

We stand handsome, whatever you say.

2nd child

For everything we want to say "thank you"

To all those who raised us so carefully.

To everyone who healed, fed, protected

And he loved the mischievous ones very much.

3rd child

We will never forget the teachers and the nanny,

We will miss you at school, sometimes visit you.

We will receive fives,

We will never forget you.

4th child

And our head is a beauty,

Cope with all matters.

And her work is voluminous,

And thanks a lot to her.

5th child

We are parting with kindergarten

But still, there is no need to be sad.

After all, on a golden autumn day

All together we will go to school.

But we will always remember

The first time we came here.

Children perform the song "Goodbye, kindergarten" (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina).


One word we want

From large letters to fold,

We want him today to you

Speak with love.

Children put together the word "thank you" from large cubes.

Everything(together). Thanks!

Children give flowers to kindergarten staff.

Congratulations from the manager and presentation of diplomas. Congratulations to the parents.