Script for mom's day in kindergarten. Scripts for mother's day in kindergarten. Funny scenes for Mother's Day in kindergarten - original ideas, video


In kindergarten, symatokha and shym:
- Coming soon! - Where is my suit?
-Sasha and Dasha, take the balls!
Whispers, movement, arguments, chuckles.

Under these words, children enter and stand in a semicircle. to the music of "Mustache Nanny"

What kind of holiday is being prepared here?
Apparently the guests of honor are coming!
Maybe the generals will come? No!
Maybe the admirals are coming? No!
Maybe a hero who has flown all over the world?
No, no, no!
Quit guessing,
Look, here they are - guests.
Honorable, most important:

Children:- Hello, beloved mothers!

Leading: It is very pleasant that the most beautiful, affectionate, kind and beloved mothers came to visit us. The words "Mom, mother are one of the most ancient on Earth." All people respect and love mothers. The word “Mother” is also used to refer to their Motherland to emphasize that she treats her children like a mother. Many countries celebrate Mother's Day. People congratulate their mothers and come to visit them, give gifts, arrange a holiday for them. And today we are going to talk about mom.

Happy mother's day, dear ones! May this holiday be bright! May all sorrows go away and dreams come true! May people from all over the world give you kindness and smiles!

All children: Mom is the most important word in the world!
Mom is a word that all children understand!

Children read poetry:

Go around the whole world
Just know in advance:
You will not find warmer hands
And more tender than mom's.

You will not find eyes in the world
Affectionate and stricter.
Mom to each of us
All people are dearer.

Hundred paths, roads around
Walk around the light:
Mom is the best friend
Better than mom - no!

I paint on the pavement
Multi-colored crayons
In a snow-white delicate dress
Mom with blue flowers
I'll write below "Mom"
Even if it is uneven, even crooked,
For her, for herself,
The sweetest and most beautiful.

Children sing the song "Beloved Mom" ​​(And only after the song sit down)

Savenkova Nadezhda Pavlovna

educators GBOU SOSH 364,

Moscow, Russia.

Targets and goals:



Targets and goals:
- develop emotional sphere, artistry of children;
- to foster a sense of respect, love for parents and elders.

Create a warm moral climate between mothers and children,

Awaken in adults and children the desire to be benevolent and trusting to each other.

The music hall is festively decorated with balloons.

Children 1st Jr., 2nd Jr., senior group under musical accompaniment go into the hall, sit on chairs.

Children preparatory group perform the "Polka" dance, after the dance they sit down.

The presenter and 2 girls of the preparatory group enter the hall.

Veda: Good afternoon, dear mothers, grandmothers and everyone who came to our holiday - Mother's Day on this autumn day.

Mom is the most beautiful word on earth. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages ​​of the world.

Mother's Day is celebrated in Russia every last Sunday in November. And our children should be aware of this. Thus, we will cultivate in children's hearts reverence, respect and love for the mother.

1. Today is a holiday! Today is a holiday!

Celebration of grandmothers and mothers.

This is the kindest holiday Anya

Comes to us in autumn

This is a celebration of obedience

Congratulations and flowers,

Diligence, adoration,

A holiday of the best words.

2. I love you mom, for what I do not know.
Probably because I breathe and dream.
And I rejoice in the sun and the bright day, Jennet
For this, I love you, my dear.
For the sky, for the wind, for the air around.
I love you mom, you are my best friend!

Ved: Happy Mother's Day, dear ones!

May this holiday be bright!

Let sorrows go away and dreams come true!

May people from all over the world give you kindness and smiles!

And now our little pupils want to congratulate you.

Speech by children of the 2nd junior group poems, song_

Veda: Much has been said about moms, but this word does not lose its essence and value. I would like to repeat the words of love and gratitude again and again.

(Read by children of the older group)

3. We are gathered here today,

To congratulate our moms, Milan

Great happiness and health

We sincerely wish you!

4. Mom cuddles,
Mom will cheer you up. Tanya
If he scolds,
It will always forgive.

5.With my mother I'm not afraid
No villain. Aminat
There is no kinder and more beautiful
My mothers!

6. I'm not naughty today,

I'm not a prankster!

Guess why? Dima

Because it's a holiday!

7. Because moms are with us

They are smiling in the hall, Karina

Because this holiday

All the guys love it!

8. Gentle, kind, very sweet,

Kind holiday Sasha

Both cheerful and beautiful

Happy holiday to you, mothers!

9. We are the mothers of our kind smiles

We will collect in a huge bouquet. Kirill

For you, dear, beloved,

We sing a song today!

Children sing the song "Mommy dear, I love you"

  1. Shaking us in the cradle, Mothers sang songs to us,

And now it's time for us to sing a song for our mothers

Chorus: Children call everything mom

The best, the most expensive.

  1. We will grow up and we ourselves will take care of mom

In the meantime, let's bring her joy with our song.

Ved: Guys, let's play the Mommy game with you.

I will ask you questions, and you answer in chorus "Mommy"
- Who came to me in the morning?
- Who said "It's time to get up!"
- Who managed to cook the porridge?
- Poured tea into my cup?
- Who braided my braids?
- Who kissed me?
- Who loves laughter as a child?
- Who is the best in the world?

Ved: What are you all friendly ... Well done, guys!

Mom ... There are no more dear words in the world!

No matter what path you take,

Mom's love shines over her.

To help you in difficult times.

Ved: Now Kirill and Ksyusha will sing a song for you.

Song of the Mammoth

Ved: Guys, do you know that grandmother is also father's or mother's mother, so today we congratulate our dear grandmothers on this wonderful day.

(read by children of the preparatory group)

  1. Who is in the kitchen with a ladle
    It always stands at the stove,
    Who darn our clothes, Dasha
    Who's buzzing with a vacuum cleaner?
  2. Who tastes best in the world
    Always bakes pies, Kirill L.
    Even dads who are more important
    And who is honored in the family?
  3. Who will sing us a song for the night
    To make us sleep sweetly? Vova D.
    Who is the kindest and most wonderful?
    Well, of course - grannies!
  4. My grandmother and I

Old friends Andrey P.

How good is it

My grandmother,

He knows so many fairy tales

What do not count,

And always in stock

There is a new one.

  1. And here are the hands of the grandmother

It's just a treasure

To be idle for grandmother Lera

Hands do not command

Gold, dexterous

How I love them

There are no others, probably

Not to find such.

Veda: Our dear guests,

and now we will play

Let's cheer up our grandmothers and mothers,

May their smiles be clear

It will become more joyful for us!

Games with mothers and grandmothers.

  1. Game "Find your child" - 2 mothers, 5 children participate.

Target-moms blindfolded trying to find their child.

(dark eye masks - 2 pcs.)

  1. Game "Winders" - 2 mothers, 2 children participate. The goal is to quickly wind the ribbon on a stick to the middle, when you meet, give each other a kiss.(sticks with ribbons - 4 pcs.) the game can be played 2-3 times
  2. Relay game "Purity is the guarantee of health" - 5 mothers, 5 children, can be from different families. The goal is to collect the scattered toys, each participant can take only one toy.

(2 cubes, 2 balls, 2 soft toys, 2 books, 2 plates)

  1. Game "Delivery of cargo" 4 mothers, 4 children - boys participate.

The goal is to carry a car with a load on a string between the cones without dropping the load.(2 cars on a string, 2 cubes, 6 cones)

  1. Game "The most agile" 4 mothers, 4 child-girls participate.

The goal is to carry a cube on a tennis racket without dropping it.

(2 tennis rackets, 2 dice, 2 racks)

Preparatory group presentation

1. Mom is loved by everything in the world,

Mom's first friend.

Not only children love mothers,

They love everyone around.

  1. If anything happens

If suddenly trouble,

Mommy will come to the rescue

It will always help out.

  1. Mom is a lot of strength, health

Gives it to all of us.

So, the truth is not in the world

Better than our mothers.

They perform the song "my mommy"

Ved. We all live on this earth only thanks to our mothers. It was they who raised and raised children as they are,

and, I dare say, not bad at all, since the world still exists.

Speech by the workers of the village garden:

  1. Take care of your children
    Do not scold them for their pranks.
    The evil of my bad days
    Never rip off on them.
    Don't be seriously angry with them,
    Even if they are guilty,
    Nothing is dearer than tears
    That from the cilia of relatives rolled down.
  2. If fatigue falls down
    There is no urine to cope with her,
    Well, sonny will approach you
    Or my daughter will stretch out her hands.
    Hug them tight
    Cherish the caress of children
    This is a short moment of happiness
    Hurry to be happy.
    After all, they will melt like snow in spring,
    These golden days will flash
    And they will leave the hearth dear
    Grown up your children.
  3. Flipping through the album
    With photographs of childhood
    Remember the past with sadness
    About the days when we were together.
    How will you want
    At this time, come back again
    So that they sing a song to the little ones,
    Touch the cheeks with tender lips.
    And while there is children's laughter in the house,
    There is nowhere to go from toys
    You are the happiest in the world,
    Take care of childhood, please!

Ved. Dear guests, our holiday is already over,

what else can we say?

Allow me to wish you health goodbye

Don't get old, don't get sick, never be sad!

Stay so young forever and ever !

The children and their teachers leave the hall to the music.

On the last Sunday of November, Russia celebrates Mother's Day. This year it is celebrated 18 times. The holiday has not yet gained the popularity it deserves, which is a pity, because the holiday is very important and undoubtedly useful. Important because it is a "legitimate" reason to express your gratitude to the dearest person. And the benefit of this day is to once again remind the child that not only his holidays are important in life, and gifts should not only be received, but also given with pleasure. Luckily baby preschool institutions don't forget about Mom's Day. But it would be nice if the family also found time to congratulate their beloved mom.

The proposed script for Mom's Day "Who Lives in the Wizarding World?" will help, without much preparation, arrange a home holiday or celebration for mothers in kindergarten and in primary school... But, of course, specially prepared concert numbers, dances, poems, songs, or just decorate the program.

Participants: children, parents, educators. Dad acts as the Leader. (For home party: family, family friends with children)


The room can be decorated traditionally: balls, streamer ribbons. And especially for mothers: a gallery of portraits of mothers drawn by children. (For a home holiday, you can rummage through mom's archives and find portraits of mom that children painted at different ages). You can make a photo exhibition (photo newspaper), providing the photos with the appropriate captions: mom with her mom: mom - daughter; mom is small; mom is a schoolgirl; mom - mom, etc.


stickers - small stickers that can be glued on the hand, or on the face of a child (some people love this very much) when he wins a competition

paper lanterns with "floating" candles (lanterns must be made of oiled paper, then they will not light up)

gnome costumes, or caps

Two - three hats for the competition "It's all in the hat"

Festive table:

Cookies that children with educators will bake the day before (for a home party - you can organize a festive table, but on the condition that children and dad arrange it)

Musical recordings

Introduction to the script "Who Lives in the Wizarding World?"

Leading: Do you like holidays? I am very! A holiday is always fun, bright, a holiday is good mood and gifts, a holiday is a time when you can abandon important matters, and just rejoice from the heart. And tell me, please, what holidays do you know?

A game-auction is held, the winner is the one who has the last word.

Leading: What is your favorite holiday?

As a rule, children call Birthday and New Year.

Leading: Yes, New Year is a holiday that everyone always loves. As for other holidays, very often favorite holidays change with age. The kid will remember the New Year, the older child will remember his birthday, and in a family with children, the child's birthday will probably be named among his favorite days. But there is another very important holiday that children also love. As a rule, adult children. After our fabulous day today, I think you will love it too. Who knows what kind of holiday we are talking about?

(Guests answer)

Now I will ask you, my dear children, to tell you what kind of mother she is.

Rehearse in advance who will say what. Words should be short, with only one characteristic. For example:

Katya: my mother is the most beautiful

Misha: my mom is very funny

Lisa: my mom cooks very well, her cakes - you will lick your fingers!

Denis: my mom sings very well!

The host can sometimes comment, something like this: Well, then we will all ask to visit you on some holiday.

Or we will definitely ask Denis's mom to sing at our holiday ...

Leading: Oh, what wonderful mothers you all have! They are both smart and beautiful, and they can do everything and do everything. Do you understand WHO lives next to you? It's simple - good Fairies, real Sorceresses!

Z teaches the beginning from the composition "Good Tale"

Leading: Let me tell you a little secret, guys, real sorceresses don't have days off. Even on holidays, our Fairies, our mothers are busy: they prepare gifts and a festive table, come up with various fun and amuse guests, and after the holiday they put the kids to bed, they clean everything and only go to bed late at night so that they wake up the very first in the morning and smile at you. But this is unfair! Let's make our kind, beloved sorceresses a gift: let's arrange a real holiday for them! And let's start with a good song.

Karaoke "Mommy dear, my mom!"

Leading: And now a question for mothers: tell me, please, do real sorceresses have children - ordinary boys and girls? Obedient and capricious, diligent and restless?

It turns out that our dear Fairies, you, behind your affairs and concerns, did not at all discern the abilities of your children. So for you, I also have a secret that is worth revealing: your children are also wizards, only they are still small.

At this time, you can turn off the light and leave only the glowing flashlights burning. Not the ones that the children did, but additional ones, especially for this moment. These can be Christmas tree garlands, aroma lamps, or just candles in sleeves, placed on tables and window sills. Children, on the other hand, put on their "gnomish" caps.

Leading: See how glorious your helpers are growing up. They still do not know much, they only master the secrets of magical sciences. But today I think they will surprise you.

Another question for moms, what magic tools do dwarfs have? With what help do they work their little miracles?

The correct answer is caps and flashlights, the one who gives the correct answer receives a sticker. But it may happen that the enumeration of different magical items begins. For example: running boots, magic wand, pipe, etc. In this case, the host can arrange an additional auction. And then name the correct answers.

Competition "It's all in the hat"

Leading: So, we found out that the main magic tools of the gnomes are lanterns and hats. Well, everything is more or less clear with flashlights, but what can you do with a hat?

Now I will demonstrate to you one of the possibilities of the magic hat. Tell me, who loves candy the most?

A child or adult is invited to eat the candy.

Leading: Now with the help of magic words, we will return the candy to this Magic Hat. Well, let's say together "Kreks, fex, pex!"

Everyone repeats the magic words three times, after which the presenter puts a hat on the head of the sweet tooth.

Leading: Woo-a-la! Candy in the hat!

Sometimes the audience does not always understand the meaning of the joke, explain to them that the candy is in the sweet tooth, and the sweet tooth is in the hat, therefore, the candy is in the hat.

Leading: And now I will ask everyone to come to me. We will run another test for this hat. Or rather, for several hats.

The host proposes to form two or three (as far as the room allows) teams of mothers and children. The teams line up in the back of the head to each other, in front of the kids, and behind the mother. The Leader is at a distance of 4-5 meters in front of them.

Leading: Now we will have a hat relay. I explain the rules:

On the heads of the first team members they put on the hats behind them, take off their hats and put on their heads, those who follow them, take off their hats, and put on themselves ... The last one takes the hat and runs up to me. The fastest team wins.

You can put in front of the teams at a distance of two or three chairs, then the hat will need to be put on the chair of your team.

Leading: Reade set Go!

All members of the winning team receive prize stickers.

Leading: Just look at what friendly, funny and dexterous teams gathered at our holiday! Sorry, on your holiday, our dear mothers, our good Fairies. And now we will ask you, our wise Sorceresses, to hold a master class for your young colleagues - gnomes.

Contests for mothers are held.

Contests for mothers.

1. "Cinderella"


* for each participant two empty containers and one each with a mixture of red and white beans.

The presenter invites the participants to sort out the white and red beans as quickly as possible. The participant who divides the contents of the bowl into two parts faster and better will be declared the winner.

The smartest gets a sticker.

2. "Who is more boring?"

Individual or team championship. In the second case, the leader will need assistants, to have time to quickly prepare the "cows".


* rubber gloves (according to the number of participants), filled with water, in the "fingers" of which there are small holes;

* basins , in which "milk" will be collected

Mothers are encouraged to “milk the cow”. The role of the cow will be played by a rubber glove. The winner is the one who can milk more milk faster and more.

The winner receives a sticker.

3. "Nimble brooms"

Team championship. Fairy mothers form two teams (if there are not enough adults, you can attract gnomes - children)


* twigs for brooms by the number of participants minus one

* two ropes for tying brooms

* two scoops

* small garbage: candy wrappers, small pieces of paper

*two chairs

Participants will have to quickly sweep the floor. But before tidying up, the teams will have to make the brooms themselves. The teams line up at the back of the head at the starting position.

In front of each team, at a distance of several steps, there is a chair on which there are several rods (according to the number of team players minus one) and a string. Candy wrappers or small pieces of paper are scattered behind the chairs. The chairs have scoops.

At the command of the leader, the players, starting from the last number, in turn run up to the chair, take a twig and give it to the first number. When all the twigs are collected, the first number runs to the chair, ties the broom and gives it to the last number. He again runs to a chair with a broom, and collects trash in the scoop. The fastest win. As a reward - a sticker for everyone.

Leading: Well, now, while we are all here, in the arena, let's have a general dance animation or, if quite in an adult way, then a flash mob. Listen to music, do not forget to change the rhythm, watch your Fairies, repeat the movements.

Dance flashmob.mp3 sounds

While mothers and children are dancing (it is better for them to think up and rehearse movements in advance), the organizers of the holiday are preparing a festive tea party. Of course, the tables must be set in advance, but you still need to turn on the kettle, and it will not hurt to check everything on the spot.

The facilitator's assistant (or, better, several, it can be dads, or mothers with whom you need to make an agreement in advance) light candles in lanterns made by the children.

Leading: I don't even know which team was the best. You all danced so well that even I could not resist. Moreover, I have not been able to determine the winner, and therefore all dancers receive award stickers.

The mothers sit down and the children stay in the center of the room.

Leading: However, we still have one unresolved issue. We figured out the hats, but why do the gnomes need flashlights? Do not know? They will show you now!

Kids take their paper lanterns, go up to moms.

Leading: Children need flashlights to find miracles in life, to illuminate the road, to give light to people, and to share joy.

Children at this time lead their mothers to the tea table.

Tea party (banquet)

Leading: These are cookies, our dear Sorceresses, our beloved mothers, the children themselves baked for this holiday. So our little gnomes are growing up, growing before our eyes!

During tea drinking, you can make riddles, show a few concert numbers prepared by children and mothers, or to play.

Magic finale

Leading: Our holiday is coming to an end. Let's congratulate our mothers again. And yet, my wonderful little wizards, let us always remember that adult fairies also get tired, that fairies also love kind words, that your kind, still little hands are already capable of working a miracle.

Karaoke "Song of Mom"

After the first verse, the children bring their mothers to the window. There are merry lights on the playground. They illuminate the paths that lead to the most lit gazebo. This gazebo contains gifts for mothers prepared by children.

Leading: Before we say goodbye, I want to ask everyone one last question. There are a lot of fairy tales in the world, but no matter how hard I tried, I could find only one fairy tale about my mother. Maybe because our mothers work miracles themselves, and in fact they themselves are fairy tales. Fairy tales dedicated to you, children! Nevertheless, the question remains. What fairy tale, in which the main character is Mom, can you remember?

Children answer. The correct answer is "The Wolf and the Seven Kids".

The song "Mom - the first word" from the movie "Mom"

13.10.2019 | We looked at the script 1662 human

Scene "Masks Show":

Leading. Now the TV show "Masks Show" is on the air.

The most artistic mothers are invited to the stage.

(9 mothers come out to the middle of the hall, they are given masks of heroes: a teremok, a mouse, a frog, a bunny, a chanterelle, a wolf, a bear., Two from ...

Mother's Day (joint leisure for children 4-5 years old with their parents)

11.11.2018 | We looked at the script 9404 human

Children together with their mothers enter the hall, sit down together. The presenter enters the stage.

Host: Mom is a short but very capacious word, and it sounds the same in many languages! Moms are different, but they are all united by the same feeling - unlimited ...

Scenario of a holiday dedicated to Mother's Day in senior preschool age "My mother is the best in the world!"

11.11.2018 | We looked at the script 10260 human

Host: We are glad to see you in our hall on such a wonderful day - Mother's Day.

Mother's Day is still a young holiday, but everyone is happy with it, of course,

Everyone who was born under a lucky star and mothers with the care of the heart.

We want you for the holiday now ...

Scenario of the holiday Cafe "Mom's Smile"

11.11.2018 | We looked at the script 10032 human

Children with their mothers enter the hall and sit down in subgroups at tables, focusing on the symbolism (to be discussed in advance).

The song of M. Plyatskovsky "My mom is the best in the world" is played.

Presenter: Mom is the kindest word for every person. Mother likes...

"My dear mommy ..." Holiday dedicated to Mother's Day

11.11.2018 | We looked at the script 10015 human

The presenters and children come to the music "Mom - the first word".
1 presenter: - good evening, Dear friends!
2 host: - Good festive evening! Festive, thanks to the dearest, dearest, most affectionate, most tender - mothers!
1 presenter: - And ...

Mother's Day Scenario for Senior Preschool Children and Parents

11.11.2018 | We looked at the script 8686 human

To the music, children enter the hall, where guests are greeted with applause. They stand in three lines, in a checkerboard pattern.

Host 1. Hello dear mothers, grandmothers and all guests present! We are glad to see you all in our kindergarten!

Lead 2. ...

"Good next to mom"

11.11.2018 | We looked at the script 4072 human

Host: How wonderful is the word "mom"! Everything on earth from mother's hands! Our meeting today is dedicated to you, our dear guests, since the last Sunday of November in Russia is Mother's Day.
How much warmth and affection it conceals in itself ...

Scenario of a matinee in kindergarten "Mother's Day"

11.11.2018 | We looked at the script 4520 human

The hall is festively decorated with balloons, posters, flowers are in vases. Dressed guests are sitting in the auditorium.

Host: We solemnly congratulate all mothers,
And in your honor, we are starting a holiday!
Songs and poems for you today!
And who will congratulate you? ...

Sports entertainment dedicated to Mother's Day

11.11.2018 | We looked at the script 2800 human

Host: There are words in this world that we call holy. And one of such holy, warm, tender and tender words is “MOMA”. The word that the child says most often is the word "MAMA", The word in which an adult, gloomy person smiles is ...

Scenario of the holiday on "Mother's Day" for children of the older and younger groups

11.11.2018 | We looked at the script 3914 human

Holiday progress:

The hall is decorated in accordance with the theme of the matinee. Music sounds, children enter the hall to the "song about mom". Make a circle of honor and stand in a semicircle.

Read poems:

Child 1:
How many people are in the hall!
A glorious holiday awaits ...

Scenario of the holiday "Mother's Day" in kindergarten

Dear colleagues, for several years now I have been spending the Mother's Day in the kindergarten.

The material that I am preparing for this holiday can then be partially used on March 8, usually by March 8 there is a terrible park, and the script is almost ready, you just need to repeat something and add something! I advise everyone to do this!

Holiday script

Children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle.

Veda: Good afternoon, dear mothers, grandmothers and everyone who came to our holiday - Mother's Day. And let it be frosty outside, but this holiday blows with such warmth that it warms everyone sitting in this hall.

(Song "Happy holiday has come to us" by D. Kabalevsky)

(Children read)

1. We are here today,

To congratulate mom

Great happiness and health

We sincerely wish you!

2. May this wonderful day, snowy!

Will be remembered as the most gentle!

As the most joyful and sweetest,

Cheerful, kind and beautiful!

3. We congratulate our mothers -

And this is so pleasant for us!

(song "The Most Good" by Ivannikov)

(children sit down)

Ved. Guys, which of you has the most beautiful mom?

Children. I have!

Ved. Guys, who has the kindest mom?

Children. I have

Ved. Who has the best mom?

Children I have!

Ved. Guys, why do you love your mothers?

(children's answers)

(child reads)

Waking up early, sometimes,

I know, although I don't get up:

If I open my eyes -

I'll see my mom.

Mama is a bird of dawn

Driving sleep and fatigue

Will curl like a swallow

In the room next to me.

Mom is everywhere and near

The sun of a clear day -

Affectionate word and look

Warms me since birth



There are no more precious words in the world!

No matter what path you take,

Mom's love shines over her.

To help you in difficult times.

(The song "Dawn is more beautiful" soundtrack)

Ved.Mother ... We call the earth so,

When we grow bread and flowers

When we soar over it in a rocket,

And we see how she is from above.

Clean, clean, all blue -

This is probably because

That mothers walk on it, smiling

Children, their future.

Veda: And now we'll play and cheer up our mothers,

Let us become happier from their clear smiles!

(games "Find your mom"

"Feed Mom"

"Swaddle the baby"

Ved: Guys, do you know that grandmother is also father's or mother's mother, so today we also congratulate our dear grandmothers

(children read)

1. Hair of her locks

The fluffy snow is whiter,

At my old grandmother.

Then he can be heard in the house,

Now near my sister

In the garden

I am our grandmother

2. Grandma wants to, she will not sit down in the morning

Yesterday I washed, today it's time for her to iron

“Oh, how tired I am! "- dad will say

“I’m barely alive! "

And mom is tired

Will sit down, returning home.

And the older sisters will sigh:

- Hurry to bed!

Only our grandmother

Doesn't want to in any way

Get tired ...

3. My grandmother and I

Old friends

How good

My grandmother

He knows so many fairy tales

What can not be counted

And always in stock

There is a new girl

4. And here are the hands of the grandmother

It's just a treasure

Being idle grandma

Hands do not command

Gold, dexterous

How I love them

There are no others, probably

Not to find such.

Ved. For our dear grandmothers, girls will dance with headscarves

(dance with headscarves, phonogram)

Vedas: Stompers and firecrackers,

For you funny ditties!

You can't judge boys strictly,

After all, everyone sings to himself!


Ved: Guys, do you like fairy tales?

Who reads them to you most often?

(children's answers)

Ved. But today we will ask your dear mothers to tell you a fairy tale, and not only to tell, but also to show!

(puppet theater-impromptu "Kolobok")

Ved: Fun, fun

Music plays.

All the girls and boys

Invites you to dance.

(dance "Friendly couples" by I. Strauss)

Ved. Dear mothers and grandmothers, now the question is, what is the very first song a child hears in his life?


Ved. Each family has its own lullaby, which is sung from generation to generation.

(invites mothers and children to sing)

Ved: For you, our dear mothers.

Let the flowers bloom

The sun gives its rays

May your dreams come true soon!

Let every day be festive

And wonderful, as if in a fairy tale!

There will be a cheerful joyful life

Kind sweet and lovely!

Ved. We invite all our dear guests to stand with us in a circle and dance "Boogie-Woogie"

(dance "Boogie-Woogie")

(children line up in a semicircle for the closing song)

(song "Guests have come to us")

Ved. Our holiday is already over, what else can we say?

Allow me to wish you health goodbye

Don't get old, don't get sick, never be sad!

Children and ved. Stay so young forever!

(giving gifts)

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