Concert numbers for mother's day at school. Scenario of the concert dedicated to Mother's Day “Profession - Mom! Mother's Day Concert for School

Scenario of the holiday on "Mother's Day" "Through the pages of children's fairy tales"

Target: create an atmosphere so that the children understand that the most important thing is mom.
1 Create a fabulous, festive atmosphere.
2. to please the performance of mothers., To introduce children to the beautiful.
Event progress: festive concert.
The stage where the event will take place is decorated with posters "Happy Mother's Day", "Beloved Mom!"
There are flowers, balls. Pre-selected music included.
The first hero mother appears on the stage:
Mum: What a good day today! The sun is bright, perhaps even it knows what a holiday it is today. Let's go with our daughter somewhere to rest.
Daughter runs out
Daughter: Hello Mom! What a wonderful day. I'm going for a walk with my friends. (runs away)
Mom lowers her head and leaves. The sound of a strong wind.
Two fairies run out.
Fairy 1: Can you imagine she forgot.
Fairy 2: you need to do something about it. Oh, let's enchant them. We will send mom to school for the holiday. And the girl is enchanted in the forest. Let him see how all the children have prepared for the holiday.
Wave magic wands.
Fairies: one, two, three, the wind whirl around the change.
Scenery with a forest appears. Hut on chicken legs. A girl appears.
Girl: Oh, where am I? What a miracle? And what kind of shack is this?
Girls run out from behind the screen.
1. grandma-hedgehog: ha, look who it is to us has wandered. Surround her sisters.
2b.f .: look how pretty, tasty and sweet.
3 headstock: it will be a good gift for mom for a holiday.
Everything: grab hold it.
Tie up the girl.
Dance of the hedgehogs.
Girl: What time have you danced, well let go.
The hedgehog's grandmothers: aha now mom will come soon. And we'll roast you for a festive dinner.
Girl: what is your holiday?
Bucks hedgehogs: how, what kind of holiday? Today is mother's day.
Girl: how did I forget. Mom was offended. Girls let me go. You have a good dance for mom. And my mother is all alone there, I also want to congratulate her.
The hedgehog's grandmothers: Okay, since then let's let go.
Girl: You know, mom, it's a normal day
I can't live without you!
The word mom is so familiar
Talk to us from the first days!

One has only to look closely -
The whole world will warm around
With the warmth of my mother's heart
Gentle, kind hands ...

Our troubles and adversities
Retreat before you
It becomes clearer to us every year
How are you fighting for us!

Mom, - there is no friend dearer -
Do you believe in our every takeoff!
Who else will help you ?!
Who else, like you, will understand ?!
A red cap runs out to the meeting.

Little Red Riding Hood: song.
"The best word in the world"
Go around the whole world -
Just know in advance:
You will not find warmer hands
And more tender than mom's.
You will not find eyes in the world
Affectionate and stricter.
Mom to each of us
All people are dearer.
Mom, mom is the most beautiful word in the world.
Mom, mom gives warmth and a smile to children.
Mom, mom, I share joy and sadness with you,
Mom I love you!
No matter how much you look around
But in winter and summer
Mom is the best friend
There is no better mother.
I want to wish you
And goodness and light.
Let about my mother
The whole planet knows!
Girl: hi. Are you that little red riding hood? Treat yourself to a pie.
K. sh .: you, what pies? I'm bringing a cake to my grandmother to congratulate.
The wolf runs out
Wolf: you are already here Beanie. Let's go congratulate grandmother. I prepared a verse for her.
There is so much room in the world!
The world is illuminated by millions of stars!
There are seas with millions of shells in it,
There are forests in it with a million cuckoos,
There are meadows in it with a million blades of grass,
Ladybirds, horses and pigs.
Only mother alone ... But the universe
With her, not the Universe, but FUN!
Girl: how can I get home.
A voice is heard behind the scenes.
- magic shoes will help. Find Dorothy. You take her shoes and bang your heels. And you're at home.
Girl: thanks of course. And who are you? Show yourself. Stop scaring me.
Ivan: scared. This is me, Ivan Tsarevich the Younger. I took the hat from my father’s safe. I went to pick flowers for my mother, so that no one would notice. I wanted to make a surprise. Yes, I met my sister-in-law, the swans, and they dance for a feast for the eyes. So I asked them to help with congratulations. See how they dance.
Dance of the swans.
Girl: your swans dance well. I'll go look for Dorothy.
The scenery changes. On the scenery there are beautiful trees, somewhere in the distance is a castle.
A song is heard. The girl Snow White is singing.
1. "You are the most beautiful"
Familiar places again
Where life is like a street is empty.
Like a warm rain, you suddenly come through
You will return a good fairy tale to me.

You are the most beautiful, kind, dear,
You are the most beloved, my mother.
You are the most beautiful, gentle, clear,
But the most distant, my mother.
That day was like me:
As sad as me.
I will wait, search for words
And again quietly repeat:
The river is running out of time.
You are so close and far away.
Unable to wait when again
I can tell you again:

Girl: what a beautiful song.
Snow White: I prepared this for my mother, Snow White.
Girls in smart dresses run out. Boys in suits.
Children: here you are, where is Snow White. We knocked off our feet, lost you. Mom needs to run to congratulate. Who's that?
Girl: Yes, I'm not who. On the way. I'm looking for Dorothy to ask for shoes.
Snow White: Dorothy, so she and Toto are at home in Kansas.
Girl: so what should I do?
Children: and you go to the Great Wizard.
Girl: thanks, and who are you all?
Children: you don't recognize us. we gathered from all the kingdoms to congratulate our mothers of queens: Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Marya princess.

Everything in the forest is noisy, singing -
Mother's holiday is coming!
Everyone needs to discuss:
Shall we give mothers what?

The monkey dads will say:
- We will buy bananas for mothers!
To cook all year round
Banana compote for us.

Hamster dads will say:
- We will buy hooks for mothers!
To day-day to night
They knitted sweaters for us!

Daddy-bears will say, say:
- Let's buy, we'll buy covers for moms!
Let's buy jars, roots -
Let the mothers cook the jam!

Well, the bunny is at the edge
Rushing into the distance, ears outstretched,
Hey, wait! Where are you going?

- I'm in a hurry to buy flowers!
After all, why give hooks?
Eh, you bears, hamsters!

For moms to rest
So that birds flutter like birds,
Let's love mothers!
We will give them flowers!

So stop thinking a lot!
All for me on the road, the road!
For a gift - the very hour!
Mothers are waiting for us with flowers.

And where to get flowers - we will find!
Let's go to the mothers with them in the forest,
Mothers' holiday - after all, it's a big day ...
We love mothers with all our hearts!

Girl: how great you are all. Well, I'll go further.
Ivan: take a ball from dad got it. Will bring you to the right place without any problems.
The girl leaves, a song is sung, but no one is there.
Sometimes the morning is so foggy
The day is as dark as night.
But mom will flicker into consciousness
She will be able to help me.
And immediately the sun shines brighter
How do you remember cute features.
A hotbed of warmth and kindness.
It's so good that there is in the world
A hotbed of warmth and kindness.
Sometimes you want so much in the evening
Talk to you in silence.
But our meetings are fleeting
We're all in a hurry
We're all in a hurry
But our meetings are fleeting
We're all in a hurry
We are all in a hurry.
I know life is not easy.
But one thing is my dream:
In your eyes, darling.
To never see tears
In your eyes, darling.
And immediately the sun shines brighter
How do you remember cute features.
It's so good that there is in the world
A hotbed of warmth and kindness.
It's so good that there is in the world
A hotbed of warmth and kindness.
Fairies appear.
Fairy 1: how do you think she understood everything?
Fairy 2: I think yes.
Fairy 1: then let us shorten her path.
With a wave of their wand, new castle decorations appear.
The girl comes out.
Girl: Well, here's the castle. Ay. Someone is here.
A loud voice is heard.
- who dared to disturb me? Where the screen drops the head is big.
Girl: hello help. I really want to go home. I need magic shoes.
Wizard: well, why did you come to me. I have no shoes.
Girl: but you are a wizard, a great wizard.
Wizard: hahaha.
A sorcerer comes out from behind the screen.
Wizard: I am the dark magician Rumplestilsken. But I can help with the return home. You’ll make a deal with me and you’ll be home in no time.
Girl: yeah, I read fairy tales. And I know that you are not the most positive hero.
Rumple: don't worry on such a day, I won't ask anything terrible. You will dance with me. You will please my mother.
Waltz music sounds.
Rumple: Thanks. One two Three. Change this world, find yourself next to your mother. The girl closes her eyes and opens her next to her mother.
Girl: Mom, Happy Mother's Day, your beloved. I thought for a very long time what to give you and decided to give a song, and my friends will help me.
The final song "Good Tale" is played
A good fairy tale with a good ending ...
Blue stars are burning over the pond.
Gray hare, meeting spring,
Silence guards in the dark forest ...
You sang these happy songs
You have warmed my heart forever
Sweet mother, sweet mother
Dear mom ...
A good fairy tale - parental home ...
The star above the pond has quietly gone out.
Somewhere under the shade of a quinoa grass
Traces of the gray hare have disappeared.
Only a dewy drop of childhood
I inherited your song
Sweet mother, sweet mother
Dear mom ...
“... Prince Ivan sat on a wolf,
gray wolf and galloped -
skips the blue forests,
sweeps the lakes with its tail.
How long, how short did they gallop -
suddenly sees Ivan Tsarevich tower,
and in the mansion there is the Firebird ... "
A good fairy tale in the soul of the shore ...
I will light blue stars in the sky.
I will wake up the sleepy wizards
I'll find the gray rabbits in the forest.
In the evening I will rise over the quiet field,
I will hear your gentle voice again.
Sweet mother, sweet mother
Dear mom ...

Scenario of the "Mother's Day" holiday for schoolchildren "I love you very much, mom!"

The presenters read against the background of music.

1st presenter. How many stars are there in the clear sky!

2nd leader. How many spikelets are in the fields!

1st presenter. How many songs the bird has!

2nd leader. How many leaves on the branches!

1st presenter... There is only one sun in the world!

2nd presenter... There is only one mother in the world!

1st presenter. Mother's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of November in our country.

2nd presenter... Mom is life and happiness, warmth and joy, reliable support and consolation in any sorrow.

1st presenter... Mom is the most precious and valuable thing on earth.

2nd presenter... But not every day mothers hear from us: "Mommy, I love you very much!"

1st presenter... More often, our pranks, rash actions upset our mothers.

2nd leader.

On the ground good people a lot,

There are many warm-hearted people

And yet the best on earth is mom,

My mum! (R. Rozhdestvensky)

1st presenter. Today we have invited you here so that you can hear a declaration of love from your children and grandchildren.

A ballroom dance is being performed.

1st Reader.

This word sounds the same

In various earthly languages.

Whispers - Mom! - a caressing baby,

Dozing off in her arms.

2nd Reader.

The first step is the first fall

And through his tears he calls his mother.

Mom is a true salvation

Only mom can save you from pain.

3rd Reader.

They became adults, they became stubborn.

In the whirlwind of events and days

We are guarded by mother's prayer,

But sometimes we forget about it.

1st Reader.

We're chasing ghostly happiness

All of us have no time, all the lack of time.

But in a dream we return to our dear home

To touch the warmth of her hands.

2nd Reader.

Bow down with a gray head

And press her fingers to her lips ...

3rd Reader.

Who understood everything, endured everything,

You forgive your children, mother. (N. Motorina. "Mother's Day")

A song about mom is playing.


Not knowing no fatigue

No rest - every hour

Day and night dear mother

Everyone worries about us.

She cradled us, fed us,

She sang to us by the crib

She taught us first

Kind, kind words.

How it twists when we

Saddened at times.

How much joy mom has

If someone praises us.

How much torment she had with us,

And she doesn't need awards,

Mothers dream of one thing -

About the love of your children!

A concert number is being performed. Cheerful music sounds. Pupils of elementary grades appear on the stage. The readers perform poetic congratulations.

1st Reader.

I love you mom. For what, I do not know.

Probably because I breathe and dream,

And I rejoice in the sun and a bright day -

For this I love you, dear.

For the sky, for the wind, for the air around ...

I love you mom. You are my best friend!

2nd Reader.

My dear mother, dear

I will hug and kiss.

I want to congratulate her

And wish you health

Correct behavior

I want to promise her.

I promise to be obedient

And less upset

Do only what you need to do

And help around the house.

3rd Reader.

Our dear mothers,

We ourselves admit

That, of course, we are not always

We behave well.

4th Reader.

We often grieve you,

That sometimes we do not notice.

We love you very, very much!

Let's be kind to grow

And we will always try

To behave.

There are many mothers in this world.

Children love them with all their hearts!

They go off to the music. A cheerful pop dance is being performed.

1st presenter. And now there is a small pause in our concert.

2nd presenter... We will run a small competition.

1st presenter. To participate in it, we need two mothers.

Moms take the stage. The presenters will recognize their names and introduce them to the audience.

2nd leader. We know that mothers often help their children with homework.

1st presenter... Try to prove your cleverness to us. In one minute, make up as many words as possible from the word "Telegram". Here's a paper and a pencil. Let's start!

Music sounds. Moms write new words. The music stops. The hosts determine the winner.

2nd presenter... We award our participants with prizes. This is a Samobranka kitchen machine.

1st presenter... Contribute prizes.

Mothers are given an ordinary spoon. A funny song is being sung.


Two old women - mother and daughter,

Gray ones, old ones,

You won't understand who is the mother, who is the daughter, -

Both became small.

Live the century together

Quiet, monotonous,

And getting older every day

Both are inseparable.

From under the bucolic hats -

White shavings.

Buy bagels

At the old lady's bakery.

How so? I froze suddenly


After all, one of the two old women

She gave birth to another.

Nursed and not lived,

I washed my face

Braided fresh

Baby braids,

Protected from colds

Well it was, it was ...

Grooms scattered,

I loved her so much. (N. Dorizo. "Mother and Daughter")

A song about mom is being sung.

1st presenter.

Ah, serials! Oh, serials!

We have filled all the TV channels!

They are played all day: from morning to night.

To see everything - no strength, no urine.

2nd leader.

Sometimes the whole family watches the series,

My girlfriends and friends are watching.

For many years all the "The rich cry"

And at the hacienda - again failures.

1st presenter.

Well, and oriental dances from "Clone"

We were all conquered, of course.

2nd leader.

We will not bore you for a long time,

We want to show the Eastern dance. (S. Kochurova)

An oriental dance is being performed.

Reader... Mom mom! I remember your hands from the moment I began to recognize myself in the world. Over the summer, they were always covered with a tan, it did not leave in winter, it was so gentle, even, only slightly darker on the veins. Or maybe they were rougher, your hands, because they have had so much work in their life. But they always seemed so gentle to me, and I loved kissing them right in the dark veins.

I always remember your hands at work. I remember how they scurried about in the suds, washing my sheets, when these sheets were still so small that they looked like diapers.

I see your fingers with slightly thickened joints on the primer, and I repeat after you: "be-a-ba-ba."

I remember how imperceptibly your hands could remove a splinter from your son's finger and how they instantly threaded a needle when you sewed and sang, sang only for yourself and for me. Because there is nothing in the world that your hands would not be able to do, that would be beyond their power, why they would abhor!

I kiss your pure, holy hands! ("Mother's Hands". Excerpt from the novel "Young Guard")

The song is being played.

1st presenter. And now new competition... It is called "Mary the Artisan".

2nd presenter... Several mothers have agreed to take part in this competition.

1st presenter. They perfectly know how to sew and knit.

2nd presenter... Models will be demonstrated by their children.

Music sounds. The fashion show of clothes made by mothers for their children begins.

1st presenter... We award prizes to all mothers without exception.

2nd leader. Please accept this armor.

The presenters are handing thimbles to mothers.

A folk dance is being performed.


In a hurry to date ... grandma,

Isn't it funny?

Grandma is in a hurry to date,

He is waiting for her outside the cinema!

The granddaughter burst into tears offended,

The son-in-law frowned angrily.

Grandma is in a hurry to date,

But how can you understand this!

She left the house, timid,

Guilty of something left ...

Once upon a time widowed

She gave them all her life.

She always nursed someone -

First your daughter, then your granddaughter.

And suddenly for the first time I was puzzled

By his disobedience to the family.

First time daughter

Desperate to cook dinner.

Grandma went on a date

And this is in old age!

Grandma went on a date

And that is why she is ashamed ...

Grandma went on a date

And grandmother is forty in total. (N. Dorizo. "Grandma")

The song of the 60s-80s is being performed.


Mom thanks

For the native fields,

For the clear sun

Wild flowers,

For spring dawns

And the night under the moon

For what I live

On this land.

Thanks for the kindness

Love and smile

For the happiness that

The world is so shaky

So that your life is the same

Decent to live.

1st presenter.

Let all misfortunes melt

And adversity will dispel.

2nd leader.

We wish you all happiness -

And let the years not age you!

1st presenter... Be successful!

2nd leader. Be beautiful!

1st presenter... Be healthy and patient!

2nd leader. Always be young, happy

Everything. We love you very much!

The recording contains a song about mom from the movie "Mom".

All students of grades 1-4 take part in this concert, this is a collective creative work. Someone sings songs, ditties, someone plays sketches, the winners of the readers' competition (also timed to Mother's Day) perform .. Many guests always come to such an event: mothers and grandmothers.



Scenario of a concert for mothers of students in grades 1-4 "Mother's Day"

Goals :
1. Create a warm moral climate between mothers and children.
2. To develop the creative and acting abilities of children, as well as the desire to arrange holidays for loved ones.
3. To cultivate love, feelings of gratitude and respect for mothers.

1. Presentation "Mom's Smile".
2. Children's drawings "Our mothers are the most beautiful."
3. Gifts from children.

The presenters come out

1.Good day, our lovely mothers!

2. Hello, dear grandmothers!

1 ... There are many kind words in the world,
But one thing is kinder and more important:
From two syllables, a simple word "mom"
And there are no words dearer than it.

2. This word is our happiness
Our life and beauty.
Mom, dear mom -
This is what is sacred forever.

1. We are all happy to congratulate
All mothers around the planet
Thank you mom say
Both adults and children!

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear mothers and grandmothers!Let me congratulate you on the tender family holiday, Mother's Day. We would very much like today's meeting to bring you joy, taking you away from your everyday worries at least for a while, so that you feel how the children love you, how dear your attention is to them.

Happy Holidays!

2. We are glad to congratulate now
All women who are with us!
But congratulations separately
Our grandmothers and mothers!
And with love we dedicate our concert to you today.

Students of grade 4a sing the song "Mommy, Dear Mommy" for you


1. Mom! We wish you, dear,

Health, warm days, kindness!

And know: we need you like that

Like a ray of the sun, like air, like water!

2. There is no one dearer on Earth than mom,

The mother who gave us life!

And how many warm words would not be said to her, this is not enough,

We all want my mother to live for a long, long time!

Poem "To Anyone Who Lives in the World" A. Gavryushkin. Reading by Natasha Savina, a student of grade 4b, winner of the reading competition among students of grade 3-4.


1 it's late or early to be born

At least for the light,

To utter the word "mom" for the first time,

Which is no more sacred in the world!

Song performed by 1st grade students "Oh, what a mother"

2.Moms - to the people closest to the world

Sometimes we smile sweetly

And to say that we love them,

We often do not have enough time.

The guys from the 3rd grade seriously thought about what kind of children are right now!

(Scene "What kind of children are right now")

Scene: What kind of children are they now, right?

1.M - I'm thinking, wondering,

Why are children born?

So you guys don't mind?

Let's weigh all the pros and cons!

2.D - Why do you need all this?

1.M - For a specific answer!

Preparing for adulthood ..

2.D - You came up with it cleverly!

1.M - Yes, I'm sorry for my mother,

Life is not visible from the problems.

2.E - Yes ... we have a lot of problems ...

Not an easy position - mom.

How much easier it would be for her

Without children like us.

3.D - Fu! What nonsense!

She will be bored then!

And in old age, compote

Who will bring it in a glass?

Imagine now

Mom has no children at all!

4.M - At home - quiet ... cleanliness ... Beauty!

3.D - And emptiness! The house is cozy, but empty!

He is not alive without children!

4.M - But on the other hand, I'll tell you straight,

Mom will have a nice rest.

She won't have to again

Check all lessons

Solve problems for children,

Write an essay,

For various tricks

Then scold, then punish,

Kitchen, dinner, laundry,

Collect toys again.

Sparing no nerve cells,

Drive children into bed!

5.D - And to hear, falling asleep, ...

You are so beautiful

Honestly - honestly,

Mom, I love you so much!

6.M - Yes ... um-hm ... sounds beautiful ...

And such a prospect? "

Just raised children ...

Got married as soon as possible ...

Do you want to rest now?

Here are your grandchildren! Get it!

7.D - So what? Play again.

Respond to granny

They sat down, got up, ran,

All the toys were collected again,

Cooking at the stove

Carriage of home bustle

8.M - No! I still doubt

So many nerves and worries!

I am more and more convinced:

Children are troublesome people.

It takes a long time to grow them,

And educate, teach,

Don't get enough sleep at night

Day and night do not get enough sleep,

To worry day and night

Sick to treat

Guilty - to beat,

And help in my studies,

And feed and dress up ...

9.D - What is the difficulty? I do not understand!

I dress up dolls!

8.M - Well, I compared it! In - it gives!

10.D - Children are troublesome people!

But for mom

All the more important, I will say bluntly.

For mothers - a continuation in children.

And honor and respect!

And great love.

8.M - And care again and again ...

5D - So, my friend, calmness!

Care is a pleasure!

While you bring up the kids

You won't get bored for a moment.

1M - Yes-ah, I got the answer -

The meaning of life is evident in this.

10.D - The meaning of life is evident in

So that the kids are full of the house!

Each mother has a child!

All - Well, better just two!

So that mommy is out of boredom

I didn't have a headache.

Mothers will not have a headache from worries, if you do not upset her and always help.

The presenters come out:

Girl ... What do you need for the birds?

Boy. The sun, the sky, the greenery of the garden.

Girl. And for the sea?

Boy . Shores.

Girl . And for skis?

Boy. For skis - snow.


Well, and for me, I’ll tell you straight, -

So that she was with me ...

Together. Mum!

The poem "Mama" is recited by Masha Rezvinskaya, a 1st grade student, winner of the reading competition among students in grades 1-2.

Teacher: Children and mothers are inseparable concepts. And you can express your love and gratitude to your mother every day. And today we want to say special words of gratitude to our mothers, whose names sound proudlyLARGE MOTHER. THIS is ... (list names of mothers)

Let's welcome them. Applause to our mothers with many children.

For you, dear mothers, students of the 1st grade are speaking. Musical tale"The wolf and the seven kids in a new way."

(students of grade 1 are speaking)


1. How many words we want to say
To all the women of our beloved land
I wish you all health and happiness
Hope, patience, joy, good luck.

2. We live in the world for a few years
And many more, friends, we do not know.
But I believe in victory and success,
When your mother is with you!

For you, dear mothers, funny ditties performed by grade 2 students. (Students of grade 2 are speaking)


Our dear mothers

We will sing ditties for you.

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts

And a big hello to you.

"I will help my mother", -
Our Seryozha says
But how to wash the dishes
His stomach hurts.

Having passed the work in Russian,

I expected the result on Saturday.

Dad got a deuce -

Poorly illuminated the topic!

Once Alyosha went himself

For cereals in the supermarket.

“Mom, but there is no cereal,

I had to buy candy! "

Parents have a ring

Julia asks: "With a heart!"

Daddy to her: "Go to the gym,

There I saw two at once! "

Gave it somehow to Vovka

Birthday sneakers.

Good! He, unfortunately,

The laces are out of tune.

On the computer to the game

Denis finished playing in the morning.

Denis at the blackboard at school,

Like a computer, it "froze" itself.

Kostya was summoned to the board.

He was not longed for long.

I wanted to write an example,

But I accidentally ate chalk.

I taught my little sister Masha:

"You need to eat porridge with a spoon!"

Eh! In vain I taught -

I got it on my forehead with a spoon.

We went to the circus as a class
You've seen tricks.
After all the tricks
The diaries are gone!

Mom asked Luda
Wash dirty dishes
For some reason, Luda became
Also dirty as dishes.

We finish singing ditties
And we give this advice:
Help more moms -
They will live a hundred years!


2. Look! We have guests today -
Honorable, most important!

1 These are grandmothers, mothers mothers!

These are grandmothers, daddy's mothers!

You are like a fairy from a fairy tale
You give us again love and affection,
Help with deeds and advice,
You will feed deliciously at the same time.

1.And completely inappropriate
All talk about the year.
After all, you will - have long been known! -
The soul is always the youngest of all!

For you, dear grandmothers and mothers, the scene "General cleaning" We invite girls of grade 4b.

Scene "General cleaning"

LEADING: In one fairy kingdom there lived a queen who had three daughters: princess Olya, princess Lena and princess of Light. One morning the queen entered the princesses' room.
Enter the displeased Queen, armed with a broom. The princesses are sitting in the room. Princess Olya is leafing through a magazine, Princess Lena is amazed, looking in the mirror, Princess of Light knits.
QUEEN: Dear daughters, our palace is a complete mess. What's going on with us? Toys are scattered, dust and candy wrappers everywhere. Books are scattered about, on the tables are cups of unfinished tea. Today I issue a decree: a general cleaning is announced. Will you help me?
PRINCESS OLYA: I will definitely help you. You get out, and I'll read you a book. So it will be more interesting for you, and you will cope with the cleaning faster.
QUEEN (sad): Well, and you, Princess Lena, how can you help me?
PRINCESS LENA (without looking up from the mirror): And I'll turn on the tape recorder. I will put on a cassette with your favorite songs, and with cheerful music you will quickly cope with the cleaning.
QUEEN (even sadder): Well, you, Princess of Light, what will you turn on?
PRINCESS OF LIGHT (putting aside knitting and getting up). And I will turn on the vacuum cleaner ... Or rather, first I will put all the things in their places, wash the dishes, then vacuum the floors and wipe the furniture with a damp cloth. (Puts on an apron.)
QUEEN (with joy, but not without reproach): Now I see which of the three of you is my real helper.

Teacher: So which princess really helped mom? That's right, of course, the princess of the Light. And although in our scene the action took place in a fairy kingdom, the same thing can happen in any house. If you think carefully and be honest with yourself, then you will surely remember the time when you did not help your mother or grandmother.
Of course, playing, reading books and listening to music is also very good, but you must not forget that your mothers and grandmothers are tired at work and they need your help. You may not yet be able to clean up and cook dinner, but you can wash the dishes, water the houseplants, and tidy up your toys. Both mom and grandmother will appreciate your help.


1.Help your mom,
And you will see for yourself:
Her smile will bloom
Like the sun in the spring.

2. The day will be bright and bright.
Your help is like a gift -
And priceless and beautiful -
To your mom dear.

(Film "Mom's Smile" - photos of mothers and children. Song "Mom's Smile")


1. And finally, we sincerely want to wish you:

Do not let the children upset you
They will be beautiful like flowers!
Highs at school get
And they make all dreams come true.

2.From you, our dear mothers,
Let's take an example in everything.
Let the songs ring everywhere
About our beloved mothers,
We are for everything, for everything, relatives,
We say: "Thank you!"

All children sing the song "Mom - the first word".

Teacher: Thank you, dear mothers !!! Proud, strong, gentle!

Always live with faith, hope and, of course, with great love!

Our holiday concert is over. Once again, happy holidays.

Health, success, smiles !!! (Children give gifts)

The stage is framed with balls. Before the start of the concert, pleasant music sounds in the hall. The hall is festively decorated. Children’s pictures about mom are flipping on the slides ... At the beginning of the holiday, crying sounds, laughter - of a child. From behind the curtains, blue balloons (can be different) are flying over the set.

Against the background of music, the words sound off-screen:

Past the gnarled poplar
Che's childhood trampled in sandals,
I watched him from the window,
Childhood, with a doll in hand, went away ....

A girl comes out in large slippers with a doll in her hands, against the background of music she recites a poem:

My mom is tired.
At home - and here is work.
For her to play -
This is my concern.

If you prick your finger
I will kiss her fingers.
"Oh, you, my minx ..."
Mom will put aside the embroidery frame.

I'll bury my nose in my palms
And the evening will get warmer.
Even a pony with mom
Running in circles is easier.

I always go out with my mom.
Puddles don't bother us!
Mom plays with me -
I’m her minx!

The presenters come out from both sides and take the girl by the hand.

Host 1. Hello friends!

Host 2. Good afternoon! Today we are glad to see our lovely and affectionate mothers, loving and caring grandmothers and dear teachers at the holiday.

Host 1. We are very pleased that the most beautiful, affectionate, kind and beloved mothers and grandmothers came to visit us.

Host 2. Dear ones! We have invited you to this holiday to express our deep love, respect and great gratitude to you.

(From behind the curtains, the boys of the theatrical collective “Rampa” head T.N.Plop come out, pick up the balls and say poetry)


Mother ... We call the earth so,
When we grow bread and flowers
When we soar over it in a rocket
And we see what she is from a height:

Clean, clean, all blue -
This is probably because
That moms walk on it, smiling
Children, their future.

Black, white - different mothers.
It is very difficult for them sometimes.
It happens that their lips are compressed stubbornly,
But there is always a smile in kind eyes.

This is a piece of the sun for their children,
This, perhaps, is a ray of hope ...
Mum! Mum! With this name
I would like to go up in a rocket.

Above the tallest clouds.
I would take flowers - a billion bouquets -
And scatter them over the planet.
Moms will get them, smile -
And immediately everywhere will come summer.(K. Ibryaev. "Mom")

Children of the choir "Zvezdochka" run out onto the stage and perform the song "Far from Mom", the leader is M.M. Boytsova.

Host 1. Mom! How capacious, how beautiful this word is. It is addressed to the one that gave life, and the life of each of us in childhood is made up of small, sometimes imperceptible grains of mother's tenderness and care.

Host 2. It's nice when we can feel this care within the walls of our native school, from our school mothers. The word for greeting is given to the mother with many children, the school director Marina Borisovna Svetlova.

(Director's speech)

Presenter 1. Our first-graders continue to delight mothers. Please welcome!

(Speech by first graders)

(A children's song is played. First-graders appear on the stage.)

First grader:

I love you, mom, why, I don't know
Probably because I live and dream,
And I rejoice in the sun and a bright day,
Why do I love you, my dear?
For the sky, for the wind, for the air around.
I love you, mom,
You are my best friend.

First grader:

Not knowing no fatigue
No rest every hour
Day and night dear mother
Everything worries about us.
She cradled us, fed us,
She sang songs to us by the bed.
She taught us first
Kind joyful words.

Girl: Who came to me in the morning?

Everything (in chorus): Mommy!

Boy: Who said “it's time to get up!”?

Everything (in chorus): Mommy!

Girl: Who managed to cook the porridge?

Everything (in chorus): Mommy!

Boy: Pour tea into my glass?

Everything (in chorus): Mommy!

Girl: Who picked flowers in the garden?

Everything ( chorus): Mommy!

Boy: Who kissed me?

Everything ( chorus): Mommy!

Girl: Who kiddie likes to laugh?

Everyone (in chorus): Mommy!

Boy: Who is the best in the world?

Everything (in chorus): Mommy!

(The kids go away)

Host 2. Mom is a huge window into the world. She helps the child to understand the beauty of the forest and sky, the moon and the sun, clouds and stars ... Mom's lessons are for life.

Sonny, wake up, the first snow has fallen!

Daughter, look, the snowdrop has blossomed!

Presenter 1. A lot of words have been said about mothers, a lot of unspoken lives in the heart of each of us ...

Host 2. Children from large families live and study in our favorite school, and we want to introduce you to mothers who skillfully create a family hearth:

1. Solodovnikova Sveta will tell us about her mother Olga Petrovna. (Performance)

2. Nikitin Masha and Andrey introduce us to my mother - Svetlana Ivanovna. (Performance)

3. Thank you Masha and Andrey, and we meet Bolshakova Katerina, who has prepared a story about her mother, Valentina Nikolaevna. (Performance)


Presenter 1. Words mom, mother - one of the most ancient on Earth. They sound almost the same in the languages ​​of different peoples of the world. How much warmth is concealed by the word, which we call the closest, dear and only person!

The song “Mama” in Ukrainian sounds for you, performed by the soloist of the vocal group “Caprice” - Karina Fedorova, leader M.M. Boytsova.

Presenter 2. Every second three people are born in the world, and they, too, will soon be able to pronounce the word “mother”. From the first day of a child's life, the mother lives with his breath, his tears and smiles. Mother's love is as natural as a lilac bloom, like the first spring rain. The sun warms the earth and all living things, and her love warms the life of the baby.

Host 2. The life of each of us in childhood consists of small, sometimes imperceptible grains of mother's tenderness and care.

We continue to meet mothers:

4. Lokis Olga introduces us to my mother - Tatiana Borisovna. (Performance)

5. Shevelevs Natalia and Anton will tell about mommy - Inna Nikolaevna. (Performance)

Host 1: Our mothers wake up early in the morning. It is necessary to redo household chores, and not to be late for work. They have golden hands, and they also have the most faithful and sensitive heart. If we get sick, our mothers will cure us, if we become sad, they will console us, and if we get scared, they will certainly save us.

The song “Rechenka-Rechushka” is played by the vocal group “Caprice”, the leader is M.M. Boytsova.

6. Tadjibova Aliya prepared a story about her mother Aminat Alievna. (Performance)

7. Bella Bagautdinova will tell about her mother Khushurmat Alievna with deep love and gratitude. (Performance)


Presenter 1. Time runs inexorably, parents grow old before our eyes, but their souls are still young!

Presenter 2. Love for the mother is inherent in us by the Creator of the universe. This feeling lives in a person until the end of his days.

Try to say kind words when mom can hear them.

The trio performed the song “Mom, you live ...”, leader M.M. Boytsova.

Presenter 1. Parents recklessly love kids. It is after years that restraint and severity come. But this also has its own meaning. After all, the mother does not care who we are friends with, with whom we walk, which means that she loves and cares about us! Lead 2. Mom can scold us, "spoil our nerves" a little - well, let it be. It's for our benefit.

8. The Barsukovs Alexandra and Boris talk about their mother - Oksana Valerievna. (Performance)

9. Magomedov Rinat, with a deep sense of respect and love, introduces us to his mother Mininor Babekovna. (Performance)

10. Kurbanovs Valery and Nikolay came to tell about mother Galina Vasilievna. (Performance)

Host 1. No need to quarrel with the person closest to us. And no matter how sometimes we try to oust him from the heart, replacing him with our best friends and girlfriends, nothing will work. In difficult and bitter hours, we still remember our mother - the closest and dearest person.

The poem "My mother" is performed by Plop Victoria, a student of grade 8 "B".

On the cool palms of the sunset
The red wind cherishes the dawn,
And as in childhood distant once
I call you, my mother.
I'm in a hurry to the sad sounds
Forever a passing day
And your, mother, gentle hands,
Warm me with love.
Like a baby, like a sweet child,
I will fall asleep in this joyful moment.
And I don't need more happiness
Except for your tender embrace.
The days are spinning over week week,
In a dance of personal problems and worries
But the origins of my cradle
Protect from anxiety and adversity.
And when it is very sad
Your dear and smiling look
My memory then returns
These days are golden back.
These kind happiness moments
I'll keep it for myself forever
Like your sweet voice, trust me.
Soothes my soul.
And you always understand me
You honestly wish well
And furtively you bless
You have me for any business.
Sometimes you lament over me
For my words, for my misdeeds.
But you forgive, you forgive, you forgive
This is the highest power of Love.
And I understand a lot now
I owe you an endless debt.
And as before, I promise you
I just can't swear.
Over time, I still learn
The depth of maternal love.
And as in my childhood I remember
Mom, your warm hands.

The song "Mom's Hands" is performed by Tatyana Erkhova.

Host 2. Moms love us the way we are, but my mother’s most cherished desire is to see us healthy, kind and smart. And we want to see them always young, cheerful and cheerful. Try to be grateful ... and not just take things for granted ...

Boys come out, say the text:

  • When you were 1 year old, she fed you and cleaned after you. In gratitude, You cried all night.
  • When you were 2 years old, she taught you to walk. In gratitude, You ran away when she called you.
  • When you were 3 years old, she cooked delicious food for you. In gratitude, You threw a plate on the floor.
  • When you were 4 years old, she gave you a pen to teach you how to draw. In gratitude, You painted on the walls.
  • When you were 5, she dressed you in beautiful clothes, In gratitude, You came home smeared with mud.
  • When you were 6, she enrolled you in school. In gratitude, You shouted that you did not want to go to class.
  • When you were 10, she was waiting for you to come home from school to hug you. In gratitude, You ran to your room.
  • When you were 18 she cried at your prom... In gratitude, you asked me to buy you a car
  • When you were 20, she asked you to be with your family. In gratitude, You spent all your time with your friends.
  • When you were 25, she helped you with your wedding expenses. In gratitude, You lived with your wife as far away from her as possible.
  • When you were 30, she gave you advice about your children. In gratitude, you asked her not to interfere with your personal life.
  • When you were 35, she called and invited you to dinner. In gratitude, You answered that you have no time and you will not be able to.
  • When you were 40, she called and said that she was sick and needed your support. In gratitude you said: Problems of parents always pass to children.

Love your mom -

  • do not leave her;
  • do not forget her;
  • do everything in your power to make her happy no matter what she does or says;
  • never be angry with her, do not say words that can upset her or break her loving heart;
  • you only have one mom !!!

The song "Mom is the first word" is played by the vocal group "Premier", the leader is M.M. Boytsova.

The readers come out and say the words against the background of the music:

No matter how the run of events beckons you,
How would not attract into your whirlpool,
Take care of your mother's eyes
From offenses, from hardships and worries.

If you are hard in heart,
Be, children, more affectionate with her.
Protect your mother from an evil word.
Know that children hurt everyone the most.

If your mothers are tired
They really need to rest.
We give everyone an order, we remind:
Children, children, take care of your mother!

Our dear mothers, always keep:

Your youth;



Good health;

Your smile;

And the love of your loved ones !!!

All: We love you !!!

The final song "Give a Smile to the World" is performed by all vocal groups, the leader is M.M. Boytsova.

Mother's Day Concert Script - 11/23/13

Developed Art. counselor Eshcherkina Svetlana Viktorovna

Fanfare sounds

Lead 1 . Are burning with myriads of stars skies,

And in this burning - majesty of heaven ...

But the greatestcreation of nature

A woman appears - a miracle of miracles.

Vedas 2. I believe that a woman - such a miracle

What you can't find on the Milky Way

And if “beloved” is a holy word,

That is thrice sacred - "woman-mother".

Ved. 1. Hello dear guests! Today we gathered in this hall to congratulate the dearest, sweetest and most beloved mothers and grandmothers on the holiday, because you are the culprit of our today's holiday dedicated to International Day Mother.


Vedas 2. Today is our beloved holiday

Cheerful, kind, gentle, sweet.

For mothers we will sing songs

Let's dance and read poetry.

Ved. 1. The word for greeting is given to the director of the Burya school, Elena Evgenievna

Vedas 2. There are words in this world that we call holy. And one of these holy, warm affectionate words is the word "MOTHER".How much kindness, care, peace, hope in this word!

Ved. 1.Because this word carries in itself warmth - the warmth of a mother's hands, a mother's word, a mother's soul. And what is more valuable and desirable for a person than the warmth and light of the eyes of a loved one?

Vedas 2. Yes, only my mother fully knows what a child's character is. She experiences our every prank, every comment that we receive from the outside. And our transitional age ?! Only when we grow up do we realize how many gray hairs on my mother’s head appeared precisely at this nasty transitional age of ours!

Ved. 1. And how much strength and anxiety falls on our mothers if we suddenly get sick. Only they are able to stay awake at night, watch our beds, heal us, pray for us and at the same time smile in order to calm us down.

Vedas 2. How often mother's requests seem trifling and ridiculous to us: dress warmly, do not wet your feet, have dinner properly, wash your hands ... But only mothers know how hard it is to correct all our stupidity afterwards.

Ved. 1. To you, the people most dear to us, is dedicateddance "Eh, Cossacks!"

Ved. 1. The human race begins with the mother, and it continues with the mother. Mother and child are two inseparable threads both in trouble and in joy

Vedas 2. Contrary to a changeable fate

Artists have glorified for centuries

Not a girl with a crown on her head

And a woman with a child in her arms.

Veda 1. Poem "A woman with a child in her arms"read by Yarish Ekaterina

Vedas 2. There are many good words in the world,

But one thing is kinder and more tender:

Of two syllables, the simple word "mom".

And there are no words dearer than it!

Ved. 1. This word sounds the same

In various earthly languages.

Whispers: "Mom!" - a caressing child,

Dozing off in her arms.

The first step and the first fall

And through his tears he calls his mother,

Mom is a true salvation

Only mom can save you from pain.

Vedas 2. "Mum" - this is the name of the wonderful song , which will be performed by the guys of the 2nd grade for their beloved and caring mothers.

Veda .one. Mom teaches us to take the first steps in this world, to open our hearts to kindness and love, from her we take valuable life advice in adulthood. It was mothers who gave us confidence in the world around us, the confidence that we are loved - disinterestedly and sincerely. And for this we are infinitely grateful to you, dear mothers.

Vedas 2. And our grandmothers ?! Our next word of gratitude is addressed to you, affectionate and caring! If not for your kind and sensitive hands, would we have grown as you see us here?

Ved. 1. Our grandmothers! How many times in your life has your wisdom helped and will still help us. You will always give advice, find time to listen to us ...

Vedas 2. And you will never advise bad. We trust you and love you. For many children, the grandmother became the second mother. May you live quietly and peacefully. And we will try not to upset you over trifles.

Ved. 1. For all mothers and grandmothers - this cheerful children'sdance "Quadrille".

Vedas 2. Mum! What a good word!

Mom is ready to be around all the time

In a moment of misfortune, she is always there,

It will support you with a smile, a word, and a look.

Ved. one. Will share hopes, comfort, understand

In life, he will confidently walk alongside.

You can always believe her without looking back,

It is not difficult to entrust any secret to her.

Vedas 2. To you, the most beloved, dear, the only one is given song "Mom" students of grade 11 "A"

Ved. 1. The first time, looking at her baby, mom already knows: he is the best, the most beautiful, the most beloved. No matter how old we are, mothers will love us as firmly and tenderly as in childhood.

Vedas 2. To you, relatives of our mothers, a guest from the 9th school of h. Marina Kazymova gives laborsong "Lullaby".

Ved. 1. And only over the years do you begin to appreciate more and more the love of your mother, you understand that you always need a mother, her affection, her look. Everything beautiful in a person is from the rays of the sun and from the heart of the mother. Mom is a soul, warmth, love.

Vedas 2. This word is a call and an incantation

In this word there is a soul.

This is the spark of the first consciousness

Frisky smile of a kid.

Lead 1 You, our mothers, have come to congratulate the guys from grade 2b - ditties.

Vedas 2. Mum! How capacious, how beautiful this word is. It is addressed to the one that gave life, and the life of each of us in childhood is made up of small, sometimes imperceptible grains of mother's tenderness and care.

Led. 1 Song, which will now be performed by Elena Screamer and Tatiana Klintukh, is called"Mum".

Vedas 2. Peace on earth and the happiness of children -

The most important thing for mothers!

Ved. 1. We grow up. The hour comes for everything.

But from a young age until the very end

With the beating of the heart it beats forever in us

The word "mom" born of love!

Vedas 2. You, the kindest and gentlest mothers, Oganesyan Elena and Pavlyuk Alyona, givesports dance.

Ved. 1. And now it will soundpoem "Mom", which will be read by the senior counselor Eshcherkina Svetlana Viktorovna.

The boy chose the rose carefully,
So that the rest do not wrinkle,
The saleswoman looked anxiously:
Help him, not help him?

With thin fingers in ink
Bumping into flower thorns
Chose the one that revealed
Petals in the morning today.

Raking my change out of my pockets
To the question - who did he buy?
I got embarrassed in a very strange way:
"Mom ..." - whispered barely audibly.

Birthday, she's thirty today ...
We are very close friends.
Only now she is in the hospital,
Soon I will have a brother.

Ran away. And we were standing with the saleswoman,
I am over forty, she is over fifty.
Women should have been born
To raise guys like that.

Ved. 1. For you, our relatives and beloved ones,this wonderful funny number -dance "Rock-roll"

Vedas 2. On a short, beautiful autumn day, poems are dedicated to mothers, they talk about love and fidelity. Poets and musicians praise a woman whose name is Mother, whose name is love, whose destiny is to give Life, Joy, Dream.

Ved. 1. "Mother's heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles"

Vedas 2. Mother's heart, it kept us warm

On the days when it was not easy for us

It only knew the mother's heart

Where are we, near or far.

Mother's heart, it alone was waiting for us

Even if no one was waiting.

Ved. 1. From a pure heart to our mothers, with love and joy we givesong "Mom's heart"performed by Gaiduk Daria and Derid Julia

Gentle background music sounds. A boy, a girl, 2 boys and 2 girls go up to the stage. The presentation "Mom's Heart" is being demonstrated without sound.

Boy : Anyone who lives in this world

To love who can think and breathe

On our blue planet

There is no dearer word than mother.

Girl: Thank you, dear mother,

For kindness, for affection and love.

I was disobedient and stubborn,

But you, with patience, forgave everything again.

First youth: Over the years, becoming an adult, my feelings are stricter.

Suddenly you begin to understand with your heart.

There is no person closer and dearer.

Than a woman whose name is Mother.

First girl: She is with you in joy and sorrow

She is with you, even if you are far away.

And how much is hidden in her gaze -

Heart, maternal warmth.

Second youth: Hurry to her through the years and separation.

To comfort her and hug her.

Kiss your hands with great love.

That woman whose name is Mother!

Second girl: We are our mothers, dear mothers

Hearts and lives will be given without words.

They are truly saints for us,

It doesn't matter that there are no halos around the heads.

Vedas 2. We walked different roads in life

It doesn't matter how many winters and how many years

But this truth has long been known:

There is no person dearer than mother.

Ved. 1. We bow to all mothers for selfless love. Kindness, by the hands that do good and justice on Earth, adorn life, fill it with meaning, make you happy.

Vedas 2. We bow to you, mothers, for your great maternal feat.

Ved. 1. We bow to you for your concern.

Vedas 2. For your understanding and patience.

Ved. 1. For your cordiality and for the fact that we have you.The children on the stage bow and leave.

Veda .2.Be always beautiful and loved! May your children give you strength and happiness! Life goes on because you are on Earth!

Ved. 1. Mothers will be happy, which means that the family will be strong, the children will be healthy, the present and future of Russia will be prosperous.

Ved. 2 Peace, kindness, prosperity to you, our mothers!

Ved. 1. And in conclusion of our festive concert incendiarydance "Evry-bari".

Vedas 2. Our dear mothers and grandmothers,Thank you for your attention. Be happy and healthy!