How many jobs can be part-time. How many hours per week can you work part-time workers? Restrictions on internal part-time jobs

Today employment of various formats is legally allowed. One of the most commonly used methods is part-time job.

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This moment is covered in sufficient detail in the current edition of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. But it is worth remembering that special restrictions are imposed on the use of this type of employment contract.

In particular, this also applies to the amount of time when it is possible to perform this work. The employer should keep this nuance in mind and keep track of working hours accordingly.

Otherwise, the likelihood of a wide variety of problems with regulatory authorities (labor inspection and others) is high.

Important aspects

Very often, employment is carried out on a part-time basis. This is especially becoming often in demand due to the difficult economic situation inside the country.

Since for the most part a large number of workers are not required today. Or the fulfillment of duties will be reduced to the very minimum.

It is important for an employer to remember about a large number of very different features and nuances associated with the use of the type in question.

Violation of labor laws can lead to the imposition of an administrative penalty and other serious problems. Only knowledge of the theory will allow to avoid this.

The most significant issues today include the following:

  • definitions;
  • conditions of employment;
  • legal grounds.


To avoid violating labor laws when concluding a contract of the type in question, you should study it well.

But it will be possible to understand this segment only after acquaintance with the basic terms used.

V regulatory documents of this type, the following concepts can most often be found:

  • "Job responsibilities";
  • "Production";
  • "Main place of work";
  • "Full time, shift";
  • "Accounting period";
  • "Working time norm".

First of all, it must be remembered that there is a fairly large difference between "part-time" and "combination".

"" Means the fulfillment of certain job duties to positions directly within one organization.

Moreover, the fulfillment of such additional duties should be carried out simultaneously with the main ones. Combining positions is usually used in the case of closeness of the specifics of the performance of a certain job.

"Combining" also provides itself for parallel with the main work.

But at the same time, the observance of obligations when combining takes place in their free time from permanent work.

The duration of the working time during part-time work should not exceed a certain amount during one day.

A fairly large number of features of a very different kind are associated with this kind of employment format.

"Job responsibilities" - a list of tasks and functions to be performed by a part-time employee.

The list of all job responsibilities is reflected in. It is imperative to conclude such an agreement.

When combined, the simple consent of the employee to him is sufficient. In this case, the preparation of a new employment contract is not required.

"Working time" - a certain period of time during which it is necessary to perform certain job duties.

The calculation of payment for part-time work is carried out taking into account "production". This is the total amount of time that an employee performed their duties.

"Primary place of work" - an enterprise, the employer of which a particular employee is employed on a permanent basis. Also, it is usually at the main place of work that the work book is located.

It is in the free time from the main job that part-time jobs are possible. "Full time", "shift" - a period of time with a lunch break, during which the employee performs his main duties.

"Accounting period" - the period of time for which the wage and the working time is summed up.

It is important to remember how long the working hours are set for people who work part-time.

There are certain restrictions that, if violated, can cause serious problems. These time limits are called “working hours”.

Conditions for hiring

It must be remembered that hiring a part-time job must be carried out in accordance with the procedure developed at the legislative level.

It includes several main stages that need to be implemented in mandatory.

The standard algorithm includes the following:

Getting the appropriate The legislation does not establish the presence of this document, but in some enterprises this is required.
Check out the full list All internal regulatory, local acts, documents, (if any)
Conclusion If something like that is necessary
Registration of the contract About material responsibility
Handing over To the employee himself a copy of the contract
Issue of the corresponding order About hiring
Registration of an order About hiring
Familiarization of the employee with the drawn up order for his employment It is imperative to have a signature confirming this moment.
If the employee wishes It is possible to make an appropriate entry in his work book, which is located at the main place of work (based on a special confirming document)
Registration of special
Enabling the employee himself To the timesheet

It must be remembered that some individual citizens of the Russian Federation simply cannot be hired part-time. This moment is reflected in the legislation in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Similar requirements apply to the following groups of citizens:

Also, some restrictions are imposed on certain categories of persons holding certain positions.

These citizens include the following:

There is a very large number of very different features associated directly with a citizen who is employed part-time.

Also, certain restrictions are imposed on the operating time. It is necessary to find out how many hours a week a part-time job can be performed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Do not forget about specialized legislation that applies to individual citizens.

Legal grounds

Today, at the legislative level, the issue of part-time work, combination and otherwise has been considered in sufficient detail.

At the same time, in addition to specialized legislative acts, it is imperative to familiarize yourself with the sections of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The main ones today are the following:

It is important to remember about the need to comply with the standards reflected in the regulatory documents discussed above. Otherwise, the likelihood of various difficulties arising.

Violation of labor laws is punished quite severely. Moreover, in some cases, the responsibility is not only administrative, but also criminal.

How many hours can you work part-time

When concluding an agreement when carrying out part-time work, it will be imperative to familiarize yourself with the time restrictions in advance.

The most significant issues today are the following:

  • established norms;
  • additional labor;
  • going on vacation.

Established standards

In accordance with the current legislation, the duration of working hours in the case of part-time jobs within one day should not be more than 4 hours.

She covers in sufficient detail the question of part-time job itself, all its aspects, difficulties.

Video: general provisions about part-time work

Each employee has the unconditional right to work part-time. This concept means the performance of duties in another position. In this case, the combination can be both external and internal (but in any case, an appropriate order must be drawn up). In the first case, such a duty means performing work in the same organization. An employee is assigned two or more positions.
You can work in two or more organizations, this is also not prohibited by law.
However, issues related to work remuneration and the duration of working hours are of fundamental importance.

Part-time work under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Legislation on labor relations contains a number legal regulations, which regulate the procedure and rules of work for several positions. How long an employee can work at several rates is defined in the law, as well as in the Regulation on the conditions for part-time work.

In these legal acts there are no restrictions on the number of professions. Accordingly, how many rates a particular employee can perform depends on his main job responsibilities and the agreement with the employer. Thus, the law does not contain a clear answer to the question of how many rates can be combined in combination.
Since there are no restrictions, you can work in two or more professions. The only condition is compliance with the maximum level of working hours at several rates.

How many rates can you work part-time in different organizations

The number of bids directly depends on the workload of the employee at the main place. If he has the opportunity to perform several duties in two or even more organizations, then he can do so.

For example, teaching music in a school might be on-site for as little as 20 hours a week. At the same time, he has the right to combine two, three or more rates in other organizations, working 1 - 2 per day. This will not contradict the norms of the law in any way. This combination of several rates from different employers is perfectly possible.

How many rates can be combined externally

The answer to the question of how many hours you can work with external part-time jobs is regulated by Art. 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This rule sets the maximum length of a normal work week and day for such work.

The standard regulation on labor rationing is to establish a 40-hour work week. Accordingly, an employee at the base of the place must work just such a time. With an external part-time job, the employee will perform duties in various organizations.
This means that he can work 4 hours a day. After all, it is impossible to work at the main place for less than this time. But if several different positions involve performing work for 1 or 2 per day, then the employee gets the opportunity to work in two or even three different organizations.

How many rates can you work internally

The general rules of internal combination are also limited by the rules of working hours. But in this case, the employee has the right to work the usual 8 hours in the main position. And an additional 4 remain for a combination of positions. Thus, the employee has the ability to perform several duties for 12 hours a day. On a weekly basis, the maximum value cannot exceed 56.

That is, an employee works 8 hours at the main place, and in the remaining 4 hours he can perform one or several positions in one organization. The number of overlaps depends on the amount of work. If a person manages to work in two additional professions, he has the right to do so.

The main thing is that the limit values ​​are not exceeded. In addition, an important factor is the work schedule of the organization itself. If he suggests labor time after 6 pm or after non-working days, then such a combination is possible.

Payment of rates for part-time jobs

At his primary place, the employee receives regular pay. After all, he fulfills his duties in full and underpays him, there is no reason.

For an additional profession, he is paid based on the period worked. In this case, it is possible to establish a summarized accounting of payment. Of fundamental importance is the correct and accurate reflection in the report card of the hours worked, which the employee works to combine.

Part-time work how many hours per week

The standard time is 40 hours per week or 8 per day. When bets are combined, the possibility of a longer time is established. One day's work can be 12 hours, but no more. And you can work 16 more than the norm a week. This amounts to 56 hours. Therefore, execute additional responsibilities every day for 4 hours will not work. Otherwise, the total length of the week will be 60 hours, which is not allowed by law.

Combining job involves the implementation job responsibilities in a period free from main employment. This opportunity is approved by the current legislation.

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The employee has the right to draw up the corresponding agreement in a third-party company or with his own employer.

What does the law say?

The relations that develop between the parties to this legal relationship are subject to the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (for part-time workers - chapter 44).

It is this legislative act that is fundamental in regulating the length of the working day for a part-time worker.

The legislator pays close attention to this moment, since the employee implements the labor function during the rest period at the first place of employment.

Thus, regulating the duration of the shift, he takes measures to protect the health of the part-time worker.

Labor law provisions determine the maximum permitted working hours for him. In each specific case, this rule is established in an agreement signed by the parties to legal relations.

It is in this agreement that the schedule of employment is determined. In the process of its formation, the parties are obliged to follow the rules approved by the legislator.

Working hours

The total value of the period of implementation of the labor function with the corresponding type of employment should not exceed 4 hours a day.

However, an employee is not prohibited from working and a full shift, but only when he is released from the implementation of the duties assigned to him at the first place of employment.

The legislator determines the monthly rate of hours for a part-time job.

It should not constitute more than half of the corresponding indicator approved for a specific category of staff.

For example, if the norm is 40 hours per week, an employee can perform his part-time work duties for 20 hours.

External combination

This allows them to avoid the obligation to pay for overtime activities, which, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, are reimbursed in a special manner.

Inspection inspectors are aware of such tricks of employers, therefore, they often recognize internal part-time jobs as sham.


Certain restrictions on the length of the work shift have been ratified for certain categories of workers.

So, in the decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2003 N 41, the following indicators were approved:

  • 0.5 norms per month - for medical, pharmaceutical, teaching staff;
  • monthly rate - for doctors and nurses settlements, where there is a shortage of personnel, as well as for certain cultural figures.

You can read the text of the document here:

What's in practice?

How is the part-time job actually carried out? How many hours per week can an employee work? Let's consider the typical situations that develop in reality.

Working hours when working in several enterprises

Employees can work part-time at several enterprises at once - the legislator does not limit the number of agreements for one employee.

The limitation we have considered - no more than 4 hours a day - is often not performed, while the work performed by the employee in excess of the established norms of the contract is not additionally paid.

In addition, without notifying the employer about part-time jobs in several organizations, in pursuit of additional in cash an employee in fact can be employed almost 24 hours a day, which cannot be noticed by the regulatory authorities during an inspection.

However, this moment can definitely negatively affect the quality of work.

Work in the night

The Labor Code, defining restrictions on the length of the working hours for a part-time worker, does not make any reservations about night work.

In this case, the 4-hour occupancy rate can be easily circumvented.

For example, if the organization hires a watchman for the whole night for several days a week, if he performs work in the first place labor activity in the daytime and verbally notifies the part-time employer about the flexible working hours at the main place of employment (although this is not the case).

The decision on such processing is made exclusively by the employee himself, and on the part of employers there is no documentary violation of the Labor Code.

Work on weekends and holidays

The duration of part-time working hours on a weekend or holiday directly depends on the schedule for the first place of performance of labor duties.

So, if an employee has a standard 5-day working week, then he can be hired for a full day (shift). The same goes for holidays.

If for the employee at the first place of employment approved shift work at which work time is not the same on different days, it will not be possible to unequivocally answer the question posed.

When a part-time worker takes a break from performing his job on a holiday or weekend, he can be assigned to work on a full shift, and payment is charged in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

However, work on weekends or holidays for special categories of workers is allowed only with their written consent.

These standards must be respected by the employer. Otherwise, the part-time worker has the right to apply to the supervisory services with a complaint about the violation of his rights.

Employer fines

The legislator defines a very specific maximum period for the implementation of such labor functions, namely, how many hours per week and per day are allowed to work part-time.

Failure to comply with these requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation will entail the imposition of appropriate fines under Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

  • for individual entrepreneurs and managers - 1-5 thousand rubles;
  • for an organization - 30-50 thousand rubles.

Often, both the leader and the organization are held accountable as entity generally.

Repeated violations may result in disqualification. official for 1-3 years.


In the conditions of the crisis, many people living in Russia are not getting enough income from one job to provide for their families. There are thoughts about part-time work and further search for a second job that will allow you to earn more money, but is it possible to work in two jobs officially and is it legal?

Formal employment in multiple jobs is not illegal. First you need to get a job in an organization that will be considered the main job. Activities at the second enterprise are considered part-time work.

The division between the two services into primary and secondary employment is divided depending on how long you are at a particular workplace. The organization where the employee spends most of the working time is considered the main one.

The possibility of part-time activities is spelled out in Art. 60.1 Labor Code RF. This type of service is regulated by Chapter 44 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It contains:

  • Basic rules for part-time work;
  • List of required documentation for an applicant for a vacant position;
  • Length of the working day;
  • Payment nuances;
  • The procedure for registration and payment of sick leave, vacation or decree;
  • What guarantees are provided to a part-time worker;
  • Dismissal procedure, its features.

In an employment contract with an employee, the type of activity is mandatory: the main job or as a part-time job. The number of combined contracts for one employee is unlimited.

Types of employment

There are two types of part-time jobs:

  • Internal. An employee works in one enterprise, but at the same time performs different functions. V labor agreements the employer is the same organization. The option is simple enough to decorate and comfortable for both parties. A person has one place of work in fact, but performs several work functions. There are also no difficulties with the registration of the work book, since it is stored in both variants of work in one place. Another advantage is that there is no need to re-collect the package of necessary documents, the employer can independently make duplicates of the necessary papers.
  • External. In this situation, the employee enters into two employment contracts with different enterprises. Accordingly, the workplaces will be located at two different addresses. This option is much more complicated than the first, it requires a separate paperwork for employment. Yes, and with the provision of sick leave or leave, problems may arise.

The current legislation of the Russian Federation allows both options for combining activities, so the employee has the right to choose.

When the combination of positions is prohibited

Some categories civilians cannot officially work on 2 jobs at the same time. It refers to:

  • Minor children. They work only in one place with additional benefits.
  • People performing hard work... They spend a lot of physical strength to perform their official duties, they need time to recover.
  • Employees working in hazardous industrial production.
  • Other categories of citizens. In Art. 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation stipulates that, in addition to the Labor Code, the activities of some employees are controlled by other regulatory documents, which may contain a ban on combining activities. Prosecutors cannot combine service and earn extra money; police; judges; deputies; employees of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, etc.

Sometimes working two jobs at the same time is officially allowed, but with some reservations. For example:

  • The director of an enterprise can be part-time in another organization, having permission for this from the owner.
  • Athletes or coaches combine positions only after obtaining permission from higher authorities.

An important point when looking for a part-time job is the availability of free time from the main activity to perform official duties. Accordingly, it is possible to work officially in two jobs only if the schedules do not coincide (for example, shift method employment).

How many rates can one person work

Labor legislation does not impose restrictions on the number additional places work. Each person is guided by their physical capabilities and state of health (relevant for retirees).

Employment is allowed for ½ the rate or for an hour per day at the rate of 0.1 rate. Thus, an employee can be employed simultaneously in four organizations. The main thing is that the total number of additional working hours does not exceed the standard established by law (no more than four hours).

Art. 284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation says that in his free time a citizen can work in additional work full time (eight hours) and receive a full rate for them.

There are restrictions on the standard working time for the main type of activity. The part-time service should not take more than ½ of this rate (no more than twenty hours a week).

Registration procedure

The employee gets a job at the main place of activity according to the "classic" scenario:

  • Registration and signing of an employment contract, which reflects the nuances of the upcoming cooperation;
  • Familiarization with the list of job responsibilities, the employee must sign this list;
  • A job order is issued;
  • On the basis of the order and the contract, an entry is made in the work book. It is kept by an employee of the personnel department until dismissal.

Settling on additional work the provision of a work book is not required, you must have with you:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or other document confirming the identity of the applicant for the position;
  • Education document;
  • Help from the main job indicating the type of activity.

The registration procedure is standard:

  • Signing an employment contract, indicating the information that the activity is carried out "part-time".
  • The employee is given a list of responsibilities, he signs a document that he is familiar with them;
  • Registration of an order for employment.

Since the work book is located at the main place of work, only the employee decides whether he needs a record of additional employment.

How to work: one or two work books

You can get a job at the same time for two jobs with one book.

A work book will be required when applying for a main job. At enterprises where you work part-time, you do not need to provide it. Sometimes the employer asks to confirm the employee's experience and seniority, then you will need to take a copy of the work record book at the main job, certified by a signature and seal.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not prohibit an employee to work on two labor books, but at the same time negative consequences are possible:

  • Difficulties with the tax service;
  • Charge of fraud and imposition of penalties;
  • Difficulties in applying for a pension and calculating the total length of service;
  • Employer's negative reaction.

The law does not stipulate that an employee must notify at the main place of work of the presence additional activities but it is best to do so to avoid further problems.


You can officially work on two jobs at the same time, the main thing is to correctly calculate your efforts and time. Remember that unofficial activities are fraught with risks, it is better to formalize everything according to the law, get guarantees and protection from the state.

The Labor Code gives a citizen the right to perform another one or more paid work in his free time from his main job.

Such work is called. Its concept, conditions and procedure for registering an employee with a part-time job are disclosed in Articles 282-288 of Chapter 44 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

A prerequisite is registration, in which the terms of payment, working regime and responsibilities of the parties will be clearly spelled out.

The legislation does not in any way limit the number of combined jobs, but sets a limit on the amount of part-time working hours.

Article 284 says that he can only work part-time and not more than four hours a day. If the employee on some days is completely released from the main job (he has a day off or), then he has the right to go to another job for a full day. At the same time, during the accounting period of working hours, a part-time worker should not accumulate more than half of the norm for main employees for the same period.

For example, if we take a week for the accounting period, then the norm of working hours for an accountant working full-time in the main job will be forty hours (five-day working week, eight-hour day). For a part-time accountant, this rate will be half - that is, twenty hours. At the same time, he can work throughout the week for four hours a day, or three days for four hours and one full day on his free day (day off) at his main job or position, if this is an internal combination.

These restrictions cease to apply if the employee is not paid a salary at the main place (more than 15 days), or if he is removed from office for health reasons.

In proportion to the hours worked or when the amount of work specified in the employment contract is fulfilled.

Also, the terms of payment can be reflected in the employment contract.

Certain categories of workers

For some workers, the hourly rate per week is reduced to less than 40 hours. Accordingly, for persons belonging to these categories and part-time workers, it is still divided in half.

Working hours restrictions apply to socially vulnerable categories:

  • for workers with disabilities of the first and second groups, the working week is no more than thirty-five hours at the main job and 17.5 hours part-time;
  • for workers in the (third and fourth degree of harmfulness) working hours per week will be no more than thirty-six and eighteen hours, respectively.

For , medical professionals and pharmacists also have restrictions: they cannot work part-time more than half of the hourly norm established for a month.

The exception is those with half work norm less than 16 hours a week. In this case, part-time work should be no more than 16 hours a week.

Medical personnel in areas where there is a shortage of it can work part-time within the monthly norm established by them.

Cultural workers set a limit in the amount of the work norm per month.

Processing penalties

One of the points of an employment contract with a part-time job is to establish conditions wages.

If this is not the volume of work performed and not other conditions, but the number of working hours per day, then if it is voluntarily exceeded, the work is considered and paid in accordance with the law.

For example

Under the contract, KR Gurinov was hired as a part-time programmer at Rassvet LLC. His working day is two hours during the working week from Monday to Friday. If the need arises, Gurinov is delayed at work for an hour or two. This time will be paid as overtime. At the same time, we must not forget about the current restrictions on the hourly rate during the accounting period for this category of workers. That is, a part-time programmer cannot be forced to overtime work three hours a day all week, since this will be above his twenty hour norm (forty for main workers and twenty for part-time workers). If this is recorded by the labor inspectorate, the manager will be fined in the amount of five thousand rubles, and the organization - from thirty to fifty thousand.

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