Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation 162. On the approval of the list of heavy work and work with harmful or hazardous working conditions, in the performance of which the employment of women is prohibited. XXIII. Stone processing and production of stone products

Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 5, 1998 No. 162
"On approval of the Rules for the supply of gas to Russian Federation"

(as amended on November 8, 2018,
with changes and additions, incorporated into the text,
according to the decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation: dated 07.12.2005, No. 738,
dated 10.05.2010 No. 311, dated 24.11.2011 No. 973, dated 26.03.2012 No. 234,
dated 08.08.2013 No. 679, dated 19.06.2014 No. 566, dated 23.07.2015 No. 741,
dated 25.11.2016 No., dated 04.02.2017 No. 139, dated 27.12.2017 No. 1663,
dated October 29, 2018 No. 1282)

In order to improve the reliability of gas supply in the Russian Federation, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 28, 1997 No. 426 "On the Basic Provisions of Structural Reform in the Spheres of Natural Monopolies" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, No. 18, Art. 2132) The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. To approve the attached Rules for the supply of gas in the Russian Federation.

2. To recognize as invalid the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 1994 No. "On Approval of the Rules for the Supply of Gas to Consumers of the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, No. 2, Art. 152).

Gas supply rules in the Russian Federation

I. General Provisions

1. These Rules define the relationship between suppliers and buyers of gas, including gas transmission organizations and gas distribution organizations, and are binding on all legal entities involved in the relationship of gas supply through pipeline networks.

2. The supplier, gas transmission and gas distribution organization and the buyer of gas are obliged to strictly observe the rules of technical operation and safety measures in order to ensure reliable gas supply and rational use of gas.

II. Terms and Definitions

3. The following terms and definitions are used in these Rules:

"gas"- natural, oil (associated) and stripped dry gases produced and collected by gas and oil producing organizations and produced by gas and oil refineries;

"gas consumption armor"- the minimum volume of gas consumption required for trouble-free, subject to the maximum use of reserve fuels, work technological equipment buyers who are supplied with gas in accordance with laws and other regulations legal acts The Russian Federation cannot be terminated or reduced below a certain limit;

"gas distribution organizations"- specialized republican, regional, regional, city, interdistrict, rural organizations engaged in the development and operation of gas supply systems for territories, supplying buyers with gas, as well as providing services for the transportation of gas through their networks;

"gas transportation organization"- an organization providing gas transportation, in which the main gas pipelines and gas branch pipelines are owned or on other legal grounds;

"gas transportation system"- a gas pipeline system connecting a gas producer and a gas consumer, including main gas pipelines, gas lateral pipelines, gas distribution networks owned by a gas transmission, gas distribution organization or a buyer or on other legal grounds;

"non-sampling of gas"- selection (receipt) by the buyer of gas in the amount of less than the daily rate of gas supply in the event that the gas pressure provided by the supplier at the place of its transmission gave the buyer the opportunity to withdraw (receive) gas in the volume established by the contract;

"gas overrun"- selection by the buyer of gas in the amount of more than the daily delivery rate;

"billing period"- the period agreed by the parties to the contract for which the volume of gas supplied must be determined, mutual settlements between the supplier, gas transmission, gas distribution organizations and the buyer for the supplied gas must be made. The settlement period agreed by the parties is indicated in the contract;

"average daily gas supply rate"- the volume of gas supply, determined by dividing the monthly volume of supply by the number of days of the corresponding month;

"daily gas supply rate"- the average daily rate of gas supply or the rate established by the dispatch schedule or by agreement of the parties;

"gas transportation"- movement and transmission of gas through the gas transmission system.

III. The procedure for concluding contracts

4. Before starting to use gas as a fuel, the buyer must fulfill the technical conditions for connecting gas-using equipment to the gas distribution system. The technical conditions for connection to the gas transmission and gas distribution system are issued by the gas transmission or gas distribution organization, respectively.

The costs associated with connecting the facilities of the supplier and the buyer of gas to the gas transmission system are borne by them.

5. Gas is supplied on the basis of an agreement between the supplier and the buyer, concluded in accordance with the requirements of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws, these Rules and other regulatory legal acts.

The gas supply agreement must comply with the requirements of paragraph 3 of Chapter 30 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The gas balance for the Russian Federation is developed and approved by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation based on gas resources and the forecast of Russian consumers' demand for fuel and energy resources. The gas balance in Russia is of a recommendatory nature for gas suppliers and buyers.

In the event that individual buyers establish a minimum volume of gas consumption by them in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, in the contract, at the request of such a buyer, the volume of gas supply must be determined not less than this minimum level.

Gas supply to persons providing services for the formation of a promising technological reserve of production capacities electrical energy in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 738 dated December 7, 2005, it is carried out on the basis of an agreement with a gas supplier concluded for a period not less than the term of the agreement on the provision of services for the formation of a promising technological reserve of capacities for the production of electrical energy, unless otherwise specified by agreement of the parties.

5.1. To conclude a gas supply agreement (with the exception of gas supply contracts concluded at organized tenders), an applicant intending to act as a buyer under such an agreement has the right to apply to the supplier with an application for the purchase of gas, which indicates the full and abbreviated name of the legal entity (surname, name , patronymic individual entrepreneur), bank details, the estimated period and date of the start of gas supply, the number and location (name) of connection points and gas-using equipment for each of them, the volume of gas requested for delivery for the entire estimated period of the contract (or annual gas volume), broken down by months and blocks for each or all connection points.

Copies of the following are attached to the gas purchase application:

constituent documents a legal entity or a passport of an individual entrepreneur;

certificate of state registration of a legal entity or certificate of state registration natural person as an individual entrepreneur;

documents confirming the authority of persons to sign the contract on behalf of the buyer;

documents confirming the ownership of gas-using equipment (gas supply facilities) to the applicant on the basis of ownership or otherwise legal basis, and technical passports for the specified equipment;

an act of connection (technological connection) or an act of connection of an object to gas distribution networks, through which gas can be supplied to the applicant. If the connection (technological connection) of the specified object was made before the entry into force of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 13, 2006 No. 83 "On approval of the Rules for determining and providing technical conditions for connecting a capital construction object to the engineering and technical support networks and the Rules for connecting a capital construction object to engineering networks ", these documents are attached to the application for the purchase of gas, if any;

documents confirming that the share of heat supply to the address budgetary institutions, whose activities are financed from the relevant budget on the basis of estimates of income and expenses, state-owned enterprises, homeowners' associations, housing construction, housing and other specialized consumer cooperatives, management organizations or individual entrepreneurs managing apartment buildings in the total volume of goods supplied by the buyer and the services provided is more than 75 percent (provided by heat supply entities with a specified share of the supplied heat);

a document confirming the establishment of a gas consumption reservation.

Copies of the documents provided for in this clause are certified by the persons who issued (drawn up) such documents, or by a person authorized in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to take actions to certify copies of such documents.

The application for the purchase of gas and the documents attached to it (subject to their compliance with the requirements of this clause) are considered by the supplier within 30 days from the date of their receipt. Within the specified 30-day period, the supplier sends the applicant a proposal to conclude a gas supply contract (a draft contract signed by the supplier) or a written reasoned refusal to conclude it.

6. The preferential right to conclude gas supply contracts is enjoyed by buyers of gas for state needs, household needs and the population, as well as buyers who have concluded contracts for the supply of gas earlier - to prolong these contracts.

7. The buyer or supplier of gas has the right to transport it in accordance with the provisions on ensuring access of independent organizations to the gas transmission system of the open joint stock company Gazprom and to gas distribution networks approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

8. The procedure and conditions for the transportation of gas through the gas transmission system are established by the gas transmission or gas distribution organization and are drawn up by an agreement in accordance with these Rules.

9. The proposal to conclude a gas supply agreement is sent by the supplier to the buyer who has previously submitted an application for the purchase of gas.

10. The proposal to conclude a gas transportation agreement is sent by the gas transmission or gas distribution organization to the supplier (buyer) simultaneously with the permit for access to the gas transmission system, issued in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

11. Consent to conclude a gas supply agreement or gas transportation agreement (signed draft agreement) must be sent by the party that received the proposal to conclude an agreement (offer) no later than 30 days from the date of its receipt, unless another period is specified in the offer.

In case of disagreement with the terms of the contract, the party that received the offer is obliged to send the other party the protocol of disagreements, if it is not received within 30 days from the date of sending the protocol of disagreements signed by the supplier, apply to the arbitration or arbitration court and upon expiration of the contract concluded for the previous period, stop gas sampling.

The selection (continuation of selection) of gas by the buyer after the expiration of the specified 30-day period and (or) the term of the agreement concluded for the previous period is considered the consent of the party that received the offer to conclude a gas supply (transportation) agreement on the terms of the supplier (gas transmission or gas distribution organization ).

If the buyer has applied to the arbitration court, the gas supply agreement concluded for the previous period is extended until the court decision enters into force.

11.1. The supply (selection) of gas without a contract concluded in the manner prescribed by these Rules is not allowed. Such gas sampling is recognized as unauthorized (unauthorized).

IV. Conditions, terms and procedure for the execution of contracts

12. The supplier is obliged to supply and the buyer to take gas in the amount specified in the gas supply contract.

12.1. The gas supply agreement defines the monthly, quarterly and annual volumes of gas supply and (or) the procedure for their approval, as well as the procedure for changing the volumes of gas supply specified in the agreement.

13. The supplier is obliged to supply and the buyer to receive (take) gas evenly throughout the month within the limits of the average daily rate of gas supply established by the contract, and, if necessary, according to the dispatch schedule agreed between the parties (including the owners of the gas transmission system).

Uneven delivery of gas by day within a month is allowed in cases stipulated by the contract.

In the gas supply agreement, which provides for uneven gas supply by day within a month, the minimum and maximum daily volumes of gas supply must be determined. At the same time, the minimum daily gas supply should not be more than 20 percent lower, and the maximum daily gas supply should not be more than 10 percent higher than the average daily gas supply. This rule does not apply to gas supply contracts concluded through organized tenders.

Unless otherwise provided by the agreement between the supplier and the buyer, the irregularity of gas supply agreed upon by the agreement does not entail a corresponding change in the monthly contractual volumes of gas supply.

The provisions of this clause on uniformity and unevenness (including the minimum and maximum daily volumes) of gas supply do not apply to the contractual volumes established by the dispatching schedule.

14. At the request of the buyer, irregularity of gas supply by day within a month is stipulated by the contract for the supply of gas to following cases:

paragraph two became invalid according to the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 25, 2016 No. 1245 ;

if the supply of gas is carried out for public utility needs, for boiler houses and thermal power plants in volumes that meet the needs for heat energy of public utility organizations and the population;

if gas is supplied for generating facilities, using which services are provided in the electric power industry for the formation of a promising technological reserve of capacities for the production of electrical energy in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 738 dated December 7, 2005 and in respect of which in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation determined the amount of electrical energy required for production with an uneven schedule of their loading during the day.

15. In case of excessive consumption of gas by the buyer, the supplier shall have the right to enforce limitation of its supply to the established daily rate of gas supply after 24 hours from the moment the buyer and the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are warned about this.

16. Failure to sample gas does not give the buyer the right to subsequently demand an increase in gas supplies above the daily rate.

In case of non-sampling of gas by buyers consuming up to 10,000 thousand cubic meters. meters of gas per year, in accordance with the concluded gas supply agreements, the volume of unselected gas is not paid for and no sanctions for non-sampling of gas are envisaged.

A different rule in relation to a buyer for non-sampling of gas under gas supply contracts concluded at organized tenders may be established in the said contracts.

17. In case of excessive consumption of gas without prior agreement with the supplier, gas transmission or gas distribution organization, the buyer pays an additional amount of gas taken by him in excess of the amount established by the contract and the cost of its transportation for each day using the coefficient:

This rule does not apply to gas volumes consumed by the population and household consumers.

Another rule in relation to a buyer for gas overruns may be established in gas supply contracts concluded at organized tenders, or in gas supply contracts for natural gas produced by the public joint stock company Gazprom and its affiliates and sold to organizations for the production of natural gas in liquefied state or organizations that entered into gas supply contracts after November 1, 2018, providing for the start of natural gas supplies after January 1, 2020, for the production of methanol from natural gas in a gaseous state for subsequent export.

The obligation to provide the supplier in a timely manner with documentary evidence of the grounds provided for in this paragraph for not applying the coefficients to the cost of the corresponding volumes of gas and its transportation rests with the buyer.

18. The gas pressure stipulated by the gas supply and transportation contracts is maintained on condition that the buyer selects it within the daily gas supply rate.

19. The executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation approve the schedules:

the transfer of consumers to reserve types of fuel during a cold snap and the procedure for putting these schedules into effect in order to ensure the execution of the state contract for the supply of gas for state needs, export contracts under international obligations, contracts for the supply of gas for public utilities and the population;

restrictions on gas supply to customers and the sequence of their shutdown in case of disruption of the technological mode of operation of the gas transmission system in an accident.

The Central Operations and Dispatch Department of the open joint-stock company Gazprom gives instructions on the introduction of the above-mentioned schedules and the corresponding change in the daily volume of gas supplied to buyers.

Such instructions of the Central Operations and Dispatch Department of the open joint stock company "Gazprom" on the mode of transportation, supply and withdrawal of gas are binding on suppliers, gas transmission and gas distribution organizations and gas buyers.

The procedure for the preparation of instructions on the introduction of the said schedules is approved by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.

During the validity period for individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation of the above-mentioned schedules, gas supply to the indicated constituent entities of the Russian Federation under gas supply contracts concluded at organized tenders may be suspended until the mentioned schedules are canceled.

20. If the supplier does not have the opportunity to directly supply gas to the buyer, the supply agreement determines the party that concludes the gas transportation agreement with the gas transmission (gas transmission) and (or) gas distribution organizations.

V. Gas metering

21. Delivery and withdrawal of gas without taking into account its volume is not allowed.

22. Gas volume accounting is carried out in accordance with the procedure approved by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.

The gas transportation contract may entrust the gas transmission and gas distribution organization with responsibilities and authorities to receive-transfer and ensure metering of the supplied gas on behalf of the supplier (buyer). The supplier (buyer) that has entered into a gas transportation agreement notifies the counterparty about it.

23. In the event of a malfunction or absence of measuring instruments at the transmitting side, the volume of the transferred gas is taken into account according to the measuring instruments of the receiving party, and in their absence or malfunction - according to the volume of gas consumption corresponding to the design capacity of unsealed gas-consuming installations and the time during which it was supplied gas during the period of failure of measuring instruments, or by another method stipulated by the contract.

24. Installation, operation and verification of measuring instruments are carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements.

25. Responsibility for the technical condition and verification of gas metering instruments is borne by the organizations that own the metering instruments.

26. Each of the parties to the gas supply agreement or the gas transportation agreement is obliged to provide the representative of the other party with the opportunity to check at any time the operability of the measuring instruments, the availability of valid certificates of their verification, as well as documents on the metering and use of gas by the buyer.

27. The clause has ceased to be in force in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 23, 2015 No. 741.

28. The party that keeps records of gas in accordance with the procedure approved by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, on a monthly basis, by the fifth day of the month following the billing period, draws up an act on the volume of gas transferred, which reflects the daily volumes of gas transfer and acceptance.

If one of the parties disagrees with the determination of the volume of the transferred gas, it signs an act stating a dissenting opinion.

If there are disagreements, the parties have the right to go to court.

Before the court makes a decision, the volume of the transferred gas shall be established in accordance with the readings of the measuring instruments of the instruments of the party transmitting the gas.

Vi. Calculations for gas and its transportation

29. Prices for gas and tariffs for its transportation are indicated in the relevant agreements in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of federal executive bodies.

30. The supply and selection of gas is carried out exclusively on a reimbursable basis in accordance with the concluded agreement.

The settlement procedure and payment terms are determined by gas supply contracts in accordance with these Rules.

The contracts under which the suppliers are gas distribution organizations must contain the following mandatory conditions payments for gas:

crediting funds received by gas distribution organizations for the supplied gas to specially opened transit accounts of these organizations;

transfer of funds credited to special transit accounts of gas distribution organizations, minus the amounts of surcharges of gas distribution organizations, to the settlement accounts of their suppliers no later than the day following the day the funds were received on these transit accounts.

31. The terms of payment for gas transportation are determined by the gas transportation contract on the basis of tariffs for its transportation, established in the manner determined by the federal executive authorities.

Vii. Rights and obligations of the parties under the contract

32. The parties fulfill their contractual obligations in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, other laws and legal acts of the Russian Federation and these Rules.

33. The gas distribution organization is obliged to immediately implement a complete restriction of gas supply to the consumer, whose networks are directly connected to the networks of the specified gas distribution organization (gas transporter), in case of detection emergency and threats to human life and (or) health caused by the unsatisfactory condition of the consumer's gas-using equipment.

34. The supplier has the right to reduce or completely stop the supply of gas to customers (but not below the gas consumption reservation) in case of repeated violation of the terms of payment for the supplied gas and (or) for its transportation, with the exception of consumers, the list of which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The decision to terminate the gas supply is valid until the elimination of the circumstances that served as the basis for such a decision.

35. The supplier is obliged to ensure the quality of the gas in accordance with regulatory requirements.

36. Gas odorization is carried out in accordance with the normative and technical documentation.

37. The supplier, gas transmission and gas distribution organizations and the buyer are responsible in the prescribed manner for the technical condition of their gas supply facilities and compliance with operational dispatch discipline.

38. The supplier, gas transmission and gas distribution organizations and the buyer are obliged to immediately inform each other about accidents and malfunctions at gas supply facilities leading to a violation of the gas supply or reception regime.

39. The gas distribution organization, upon the supplier's request, provides operational information on the gas consumption regime and the status of payments for gas supplied to customers.

40. The gas transportation organization shall, upon the request of the gas distribution organization, provide up-to-date information on the volumes and modes of gas supply for each gas distribution station.

VII.1. The procedure for determining buyers who are obliged to provide security for the fulfillment of obligations to pay for gas supplied under a gas supply agreement concluded with the supplier, and the procedure for providing such security

40.1. The buyer is obliged to provide the supplier with security for the fulfillment of obligations to pay for gas supplied under the gas supply agreement, if the buyer did not fulfill or improperly fulfilled the obligations to pay for gas to the supplier and this led to the formation of a debt to the supplier for payment for gas in an amount equal to twice the average monthly amount of obligations the buyer for payment of gas or exceeding such double size.

When determining the compliance of the buyer (with the exception of the heat supply organization) with the criterion established by the first paragraph of this clause, the debt to the supplier for gas payments, confirmed by a court decision that has entered into legal force or recognized by the buyer, is taken into account.

When determining the compliance of the buyer - the heat supply organization with the criterion established by the first paragraph of this clause, the amount of the debt of the heat supply organization to the supplier for gas, multiplied by a factor of 0.6, is taken into account, confirmed by a court decision that has entered into legal force or recognized by the heat supply organization.

Documents confirming the buyer's recognition of the debt to the supplier are documents that contain the explicit consent of the buyer with the fact that there is a debt to the supplier and with the amount of such debt (an agreement between the supplier and the buyer, an act of reconciliation of mutual settlements, a letter signed by an authorized person of the buyer, or other document).

For the purpose of applying these Rules, the average monthly value of obligations to pay for gas (P obligation) is determined by the supplier according to the formula:

S post - the cost of gas indicated in invoices for payment of actually consumed gas or in other payment documents issued by the supplier to the buyer for the billing periods for which the buyer has a debt to the supplier specified in the first paragraph of this clause, confirmed by a court decision that has entered into legal force or recognized by the buyer;

n - the number of months in the period for which the price of gas (S post) was determined and for which the buyer had the debt to the supplier specified in the first paragraph of this clause, confirmed by a court decision that entered into legal force or recognized by the buyer.

40.2. The supplier determines the buyer who meets the criterion provided for in paragraph one of clause of these Rules, and sends him a notification of the obligation to provide security for the fulfillment of obligations to pay for gas in a way that allows to confirm the fact and date of receipt of the notification.

A notice of the obligation to provide security for the fulfillment of obligations to pay for gas is sent within a period not exceeding 6 months from the date of the debt, in the presence of which, in accordance with paragraph of these Rules, the buyer is obliged to provide the supplier with security for the fulfillment of obligations to pay for gas.

The specified notification must contain the following information:

the amount of the buyer’s debt, which served as the basis for the presentation of a demand for the provision of security for the fulfillment of obligations, the calculation of the indicated amount of the debt and the average monthly amount of the buyer's obligations to pay for gas;

the amount of security for the fulfillment of obligations to pay for gas to be provided by the buyer to the supplier;

the period for which security for the fulfillment of obligations to pay for gas must be provided;

the period during which it is necessary to provide security for the fulfillment of obligations to pay for gas.

40.3. The amount of security for the fulfillment of obligations to pay for gas to be provided by the buyer, which complies with the criterion provided for in paragraph one of clause of these Rules, is determined by the supplier and cannot exceed the amount of the buyer’s debt to pay for gas, which served as the basis for filing a demand against him to provide security for the fulfillment of obligations.

40.4. The buyer who meets the criterion provided for in the first paragraph of clause of these Rules is obliged to provide the supplier with security for the fulfillment of obligations to pay for gas for a period determined by the supplier. The specified period cannot exceed 6 months from the date of the provision of security for the fulfillment of obligations.

40.5. The period within which it is necessary to provide security for the fulfillment of obligations to pay for gas is determined by the supplier, while the expiration date of the specified period cannot come earlier than 60 days from the date the buyer receives a notification of the obligation to provide security for the fulfillment of obligations to pay for gas.

40.6. Security for the fulfillment of obligations to pay for gas is provided by the buyer, which complies with the criterion provided for in the first paragraph of these Rules and is determined by the supplier, in the form of an independent guarantee issued by the bank that meets the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the bank guarantee).

The bank guarantee ensures the fulfillment of the obligations arising after its issuance to pay for gas supplied under gas supply contracts.

By agreement with the supplier, the buyer can be provided with a state or municipal guarantee, or the fulfillment of obligations to pay for gas can be ensured in other ways provided for by law or contract.

The provision of security for the fulfillment of obligations to pay for gas is not required if, before the expiration of the period provided for in paragraph seven of clause of these Rules, the obligations to pay for gas, failure to fulfill or improper performance of which served as the basis for the buyer's obligation to provide security for the fulfillment of obligations, have been fulfilled in full.

40.7. If the bank guarantee provided by the buyer meets the requirements of the Federal Law "On Gas Supply in the Russian Federation" and these Rules, or if the provided other security for the fulfillment of obligations to pay for gas complies with the method and conditions for securing the fulfillment of obligations agreed between the supplier and the buyer, as well as the requirements of the law, or of the agreement, the supplier, no later than 3 working days from the date of receipt of the bank guarantee (other security for the fulfillment of obligations to pay for gas), sends the buyer a notification of its acceptance in a way that allows confirming the fact and date of receipt of the notification.

If the provided bank guarantee does not meet the requirements of the Federal Law "On Gas Supply in the Russian Federation" and these Rules, the supplier, within the time period stipulated by the first paragraph of this clause, sends the buyer a notice of rejection of the provided bank guarantee, indicating the reason for rejection in a way that allows to confirm the fact and the date of receipt of the notification.

If the provided other security for the fulfillment of obligations to pay for gas does not comply with the method and conditions for securing the fulfillment of obligations agreed between the supplier and the buyer, as well as with the requirements of a law or contract, the supplier, within the time period stipulated by the first paragraph of this clause, sends the buyer a notice of non-acceptance of the provided security execution with an indication of the reason for non-acceptance in a way that allows you to confirm the fact and date of receipt of the notification.

40.8. The supplier prepares proposals for the formation of a list of buyers, in respect of which the gas suppliers have established an obligation to provide security for the fulfillment of obligations to pay for the supplied gas.

These offers must contain the following information about the buyer:

full and abbreviated (if any) name of the legal entity, its address, taxpayer identification number and the code of the reason for registering the legal entity with tax authority in accordance with the information contained in the Unified state register legal entities;

surname, first name and patronymic (if any) of an individual entrepreneur (individual), taxpayer identification number in accordance with the information contained in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (if such information is available);

The supplier sends these offers to in electronic format higher official constituent entity of the Russian Federation (to the head of the higher executive body state power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation), in the territory of which this supplier supplies gas, monthly, no later than the 5th working day of the month.

In the event that the buyer fully pays off the debt on gas payment, which served as the basis for the obligation to provide security for the fulfillment of obligations, the supplier shall send in electronic form no later than the 5th business day of the month following the month in which the specified debt was paid off, a proposal to exclude such a buyer from the list of buyers, formed in accordance with paragraph of these Rules, to the highest official of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (the head of the supreme executive body of state power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation), in the territory of which this supplier supplies gas.

40.9. The highest official of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (the head of the supreme executive body of state power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation), no later than the 5th business day following the day of receipt of the proposals specified in paragraph of these Rules from suppliers, shall form a list of gas buyers in respect of which gas suppliers have established the obligation to provide security for the fulfillment of obligations to pay for gas, and publishes the specified list in the public domain on the official website of the highest official of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (head of the supreme executive body of state power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation) in the information and telecommunications network "Internet".

This list is maintained electronically by entering the following information about the buyers into it:

full and abbreviated (if any) name of the legal entity;

surname, name and patronymic (if any) of an individual entrepreneur (individual);

legal entity address;

taxpayer identification number;

the code of the reason for the registration of the legal entity with the tax authority;

the date the buyer receives a notice of the obligation to provide security for the performance of obligations.

The absence in the specified list posted on the Internet information and telecommunications network of information about a buyer that meets the criterion provided for in paragraph one of clause of these Rules does not relieve such a buyer from the obligation to provide security for the fulfillment of obligations to pay for gas at the request of the supplier.

40.10. In the event of failure by the buyer, which meets the criterion provided for in paragraph one of clause of these Rules, of the obligation to provide security for the fulfillment of obligations to pay for gas before the expiry of the term for the provision of security provided for by the notification specified in the clause of these Rules, and if the specified buyer has a debt to the supplier, which served as the basis for the presentation to him requirements for the provision of security for the performance of obligations, the supplier sends to federal body executive power, whose competence includes consideration of cases of administrative offenses related to violation of the procedure for providing security for the fulfillment of obligations to pay for gas, the information specified in paragraph of these Rules, as well as the following information and original documents (duly certified copies of documents):

a) a supplier's statement containing data indicating the existence of an administrative offense event, including information on the amount of the buyer’s debt, which served as the basis for filing a demand against him to provide security for the performance of obligations, as well as calculating the amount of this debt and the average monthly amount of obligations to pay for gas ;

b) last name, first name, patronymic (if any), date of birth, place of residence of the manager and (or) other official of the buyer (if such information is available);

c) an agreement under which the buyer violated the obligations to pay for gas;

d) court decisions that have entered into legal force confirming the existence of the buyer’s debt, and (or) documents confirming the recognition by the buyer of the debt to the supplier;

e) invoices for payment of gas or other payment documents, in connection with non-payment of which the buyer has a debt, which served as the basis for his obligation to provide security for the fulfillment of obligations;

f) a certificate signed by an authorized person of the supplier and confirming the absence of full payment of the debt, which served as the basis for sending a notice of the obligation to provide security for the fulfillment of obligations, and the fact of failure to provide this security within the prescribed period, and (or) other documents confirming the fact of the buyer's failure to fulfill the obligation to provide security fulfillment of obligations to pay for gas;

g) notification of the obligation to provide security for the fulfillment of obligations to pay for gas or information contained in such notification;

h) documents confirming the fact and date of receipt by the buyer of a notification of the obligation to provide security for the fulfillment of obligations to pay for gas;

i) documents confirming the authority of the person to sign the application.

VIII. Responsibility for violation of these Rules

41. The supplier, gas transmission and gas distribution organizations and the buyer are liable for violation of these Rules in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the contract.

Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. To approve the attached amendments to the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the management of apartment buildings.

2. Establish that subparagraph "h" of paragraph 4 1 of the Licensing Regulations entrepreneurial activity on the management of apartment buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 28, 2014 N 1110 "On licensing entrepreneurial activities for the management of apartment buildings" (as amended by this resolution), applies from March 1, 2019, paragraph 4 2 of the said Regulation (in edition of this resolution) is applied after 10 days from the date of entry into force of this resolution.

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation

D. Medvedev

Changes to be made to the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on management of apartment buildings

1. In the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 N 491 "On approval of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building and the Rules for changing the amount of payment for the maintenance of residential premises in the event of the provision of services and performance of work for the management, maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration "(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 34, Art. 3680; 2016, N 1, Art. 244):

a) subparagraph "e 1" of paragraph 26 shall be stated as follows:

"e 1) the register of owners of premises in an apartment building, the maintenance of which is provided for by part 3 1 of Article 45 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, as well as a list of persons using common property on the basis of contracts, compiled taking into account the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of personal data (by decision general meeting owners of premises in an apartment building); ";

b) in paragraph 27, the words "technical documentation for an apartment building and other documents, make the necessary changes related to the management of common property" to replace the words "technical documentation for an apartment building and other documents related to the management of such an apartment building, keys to premises, included in the common property, electronic access codes to the equipment included in the common property, and other technical means and equipment necessary for the operation and management of an apartment building, make the necessary changes to such documents related to the management of common property. "

2. In the Rules for the implementation of activities for the management of apartment buildings, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 N 416 "On the procedure for the implementation of activities for the management of apartment buildings" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 21, Art. 2652; 2016 , No. 1, Article 244; 2018, No. 15, Article 2113):

a) in paragraph 4:

subparagraph "a" after the words "provided for by the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 N 491," add the words access codes to equipment that is part of the common property in an apartment building, and other technical means and equipment necessary for the operation and management of an apartment building (hereinafter - technical documentation for an apartment building and other documents related to the management of such an apartment building, technical means and equipment),";

subparagraph "b" shall be stated as follows:

"b) maintaining a register of owners of premises in an apartment building in accordance with part 3 1 of article 45 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, collecting, updating and storing information about tenants of premises in an apartment building, as well as about persons using the common property of owners of premises in an apartment building on the basis of contracts (by decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building), including keeping up-to-date lists in electronic form, taking into account the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of personal data; ";

paragraph seven of subparagraph "e" after the words " utilities the appropriate type "add words" and the acquisition of communal resources consumed in the use and maintenance of common property in an apartment building ";

in the fourth paragraph of sub-clause "g" the words "resource supply in order to ensure the provision in the prescribed manner to the owners and users of premises in an apartment building of a communal service of the corresponding type" replace with the words "energy supply (purchase and sale, supply of electricity (power), heat supply and (or) hot water supply, cold water supply, sewerage, gas supply (including the supply of domestic gas in cylinders) in order to ensure that the owners and users of premises in an apartment building are provided with a utility service of the corresponding type and the acquisition of communal resources consumed when using and maintaining common property in an apartment building ";

b) in the title of Section V, the words "documents related to the management of this house" shall be replaced by the words "documents, technical means and equipment related to the management of such an apartment building";

c) in clause 19 the words ", other documents related to the management of an apartment building" shall be replaced with the words "and other documents, technical means and equipment related to the management of such an apartment building";

d) Clause 21 shall be stated as follows:

"21. If the organization that previously managed an apartment building does not have one or more documents that are part of the technical documentation for an apartment building, and other documents, technical means and equipment related to the management of such an apartment building, such an organization is obliged within 3 months from the date of receipt notifications provided for in paragraph 18 of these Rules, take measures to restore them and, in the manner prescribed by paragraph 22 of these Rules, transfer them according to a separate act of acceptance and transfer of the organization chosen by the owners of premises in the apartment building to manage this building, to the management body of the partnership or cooperative, or in the case of direct management of such a house by the owners of the premises in this house to one of the owners indicated in the decision of the meeting on the choice of the method of managing this house. ";

e) paragraph 22 after the words "other documents related to the management of this house" shall be supplemented with the words ", technical means and equipment";

f) paragraph 23 after the words "other documents related to the management of this house," add the words "technical means and equipment";

g) the first paragraph of clause 25 shall be reworded as follows:

"25. The managing organization, in the event that information about an apartment building is excluded from the register of licenses of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as if the license is terminated or the license is canceled, transfers to the person who has assumed the obligations to manage the apartment building, according to a separate act of acceptance and transfer technical documentation for an apartment building and other documents related to the management of such a house, technical means and equipment, as well as documents and information specified in subparagraphs "e" and "e 1" of paragraph 18 of the Rules, binding upon the conclusion of the management organization or the homeowners' association, or housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative of contracts with resource supplying organizations, approved by Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2012 N 124, paragraph 56 1 and subparagraph "b" of paragraph 57 of the Rules for the provision of communal services to owners and users of premises in multi-quarters other houses and residential buildings approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 N 354. ".

3. In clause 11 of the Regulation on State Housing Supervision, approved by the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 11, 2013 N 493 "On State Housing Supervision" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 25, Art. 3156; 2017, N 38, Art.5628; N 41, Art.5965):

a) subparagraph "a" shall be supplemented with paragraphs of the following content:

"the validity of the amount of payment for the maintenance of residential premises for owners of residential premises who have not made a decision on the choice of a method for managing an apartment building, a decision to establish the amount of payment for the maintenance of a residential premises, and compliance with the limit indices for changing the amount of such payment;

the procedure for posting information in the state information system housing and communal services in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. ";

b) supplement with subparagraph "a 1" as follows:

"a 1) the requirements of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building and the Rules for changing the amount of payment for the maintenance of a dwelling in the event of the provision of services and work on the management, maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 N 491 "On approval of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building and the Rules for changing the amount of payment for the maintenance of residential premises in apartment building of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration ", the Rules for the provision of utilities to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 N 354" On pr provision of utilities to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings ";".

4. In the Regulations on the Chief State Housing Inspector of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 12, 2014 N 927 "On the Chief State Housing Inspector of the Russian Federation and the procedure for agreeing on the appointment and dismissal of the head of the executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation carrying out regional state housing supervision "(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2014, N 38, Art. 5068):

a) clause 4 shall be supplemented with subparagraph "e" of the following content:

"e) ensuring that the senior official of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (the head of the highest executive body of state power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation) (hereinafter referred to as the highest official of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation) is sent a submission to dismiss the head of the body of state housing supervision.";

b) in paragraph 5:

in subparagraph "e" the words "(of the head of the supreme executive body of state power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation) (hereinafter - the highest official of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation)" shall be excluded;

supplement with subparagraphs "p" and "p" of the following content:

"p) issues, in accordance with the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, orders (instructions) on the appointment of an unscheduled inspection for its conduct by the state housing supervision body, the municipal housing control body (in cases where the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation authorized bodies local self-government by certain state powers to conduct inspections during the implementation of licensing control) in the form approved by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation;

p) send to the senior official of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, in the manner prescribed by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation, a proposal to dismiss the head of the state housing supervision body. "

5. In the Regulation on licensing entrepreneurial activity in the management of apartment buildings, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 28, 2014 N 1110 "On licensing entrepreneurial activities in the management of apartment buildings" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2014, N 44, Art. 6074 ; 2016, N 1, Art.244):

a) in paragraph 3:

the first paragraph shall be stated in the following edition:

"3. The licensing requirements for the licensee, in addition to the requirements provided for in clauses 1-6 1 of part 1 of article 193 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, are the following requirements:";

subparagraph "c" shall be stated as follows:

"c) compliance with the requirements provided for by part 3 1 of article 45 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation;";

supplement with subparagraph "d" as follows:

"d) compliance with the requirements provided for by part 7 of article 162 and part 6 of article 198 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.";

b) the second sentence of clause 4 shall be deleted;

c) supplement with clauses 4 1 and 4 2 as follows:

"4 1. Gross violations of licensing requirements include:

a) violation of the license requirement provided for in subparagraph "a" of paragraph 3 of these Regulations, resulting in harm to life or serious harm to the health of citizens, which is confirmed by a court decision that has entered into legal force;

b) violation of the license requirement provided for in subparagraph "a" of paragraph 3 of these Regulations, in terms of the licensee's failure to conduct strength and density tests ( hydraulic tests) input nodes and heating systems, flushing and regulation of heating systems, carried out in order to properly maintain heat supply systems (heating, hot water supply) in apartment buildings;

c) violation of the license requirement provided for in subparagraph "a" of paragraph 3 of this Regulation, in part of the failure to conclude within 30 calendar days from the date of commencement of the execution of the contract for the management of an apartment building contracts for the performance of work in order to properly maintain the systems gas equipment in accordance with the requirements established by the Rules for the Use of Gas in terms of ensuring safety in the use and maintenance of in-house and in-house gas equipment when providing utility services for gas supply, approved by the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 14, 2013 N 410 "On measures to ensure safety when using and maintenance of indoor and indoor gas equipment ", performance of operation, including maintenance and repair of elevators, lifting platforms for disabled people in accordance with the requirements established by the Rules for the organization of safe use and maintenance of lifts, lifting platforms for disabled people, passenger conveyors (moving pedestrian walkways) and escalators, with the exception of escalators in subways, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 24, 2017 N 743 "On the organization of safe use and maintenance of elevators, under removable platforms for disabled people, passenger conveyors (moving walkways), escalators, except for escalators in subways ", except for the case of performing operation, including maintenance and repair of elevators, lifting platforms for disabled people, by managing organizations independently in accordance with the requirements established by the Rules for the organization of safe use and maintenance of elevators, lifting platforms for disabled people, passenger conveyors (moving walkways) and escalators, with the exception of escalators in subways, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of June 24, 2017 N 743 "On the organization of safe use and the maintenance of elevators, lifting platforms for the disabled, passenger conveyors (moving walkways), escalators, with the exception of escalators in subways ";

d) violation of the license requirement, provided for in subparagraph "b" of paragraph 3 of this Regulation, in terms of the licensee's failure to conclude contracts with resource supplying organizations within 30 calendar days from the date of commencement of the execution of the contract for the management of an apartment building in order to acquire utility resources consumed in the use and maintenance of common property in an apartment building;

e) violation of the license requirement provided for in subparagraph "b" of paragraph 3 of these Regulations, in terms of the licensee has a debt recognized by him or confirmed by a judicial act that has entered into legal force to a resource supplying organization in an amount equal to or exceeding 2 average monthly values ​​of payment obligations under a resource supply agreement concluded in order to ensure the provision of a corresponding type of utility service to the owners and users of premises in an apartment building and (or) the acquisition of communal resources consumed when using and maintaining common property in an apartment building, regardless of the fact of subsequent payment of the specified debt by the licensee;

f) violation of the license requirement provided for in subparagraph "b" of paragraph 3 of these Regulations in terms of refusal to transfer, carried out in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, technical documentation for an apartment building and other documents related to the management of such an apartment building, keys to premises, included in the common property in an apartment building, electronic access codes to equipment included in the common property in an apartment building, and other technical means and equipment necessary for the operation and management of an apartment building (hereinafter - technical documentation for an apartment building and other related with the management of such an apartment building, documents, technical means and equipment), which has assumed obligations for the management of an apartment building by a management organization, a homeowners' partnership, housing cooperative, a housing construction cooperative, another specialized consumer cooperative, and in the case of direct management of an apartment building by the owners of premises in such a building, one of the owners specified in the decision of the general meeting of owners of premises on choosing a method of managing an apartment building, or, if such an owner is not specified, to any to the owner of the premises in this house, or evasion of transferring technical documentation to an apartment building and other documents, technical means and equipment related to the management of such an apartment building to the specified persons, or violation of the procedure provided for by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with them and the timing of the transfer of technical documentation to an apartment building and other documents, technical means and equipment related to the management of such an apartment building;

g) violation of the license requirement provided for in subparagraph "d" of paragraph 3 of these Regulations, in terms of the licensee's non-termination of the activity of managing an apartment building within 3 days from the date of exclusion of information about such a building from the register of licenses of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, except for the implementation of such activities in accordance with with the provisions of part 3 of article 200 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation;

h) violation of the license requirement provided for in subparagraph "b" of paragraph 3 of these Regulations, in part of the violation by the licensee of the requirements for emergency dispatch services provided for in paragraph 13 of the Rules for the implementation of activities for the management of apartment buildings, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of May 15, 2013 No. N 416 "On the procedure for the implementation of activities for the management of apartment buildings."

4 2. If the licensee repeatedly commits within 12 months from the date of imposing an administrative penalty for violation of license requirements, which is attributed to gross violations of license requirements, gross violations of license requirements provided for in subparagraphs "a", "b", "d", "e" and " h "clause 4 1 of this Regulation, from the register of licenses of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in accordance with part 5 2 of article 198 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, information about an apartment building or apartment buildings in respect of which such gross violations of license requirements have been committed must be excluded.

If the licensee repeatedly commits within 12 months from the date of imposing an administrative penalty for violation of licensing requirements, which is attributed to gross violations of license requirements, gross violations of license requirements provided for in subparagraphs "c", "f", "g" of paragraph 4 1 of this Regulation, from the register of licenses of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in accordance with part 5 2 of article 198 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, information on all apartment buildings in respect of which the licensee carries out management activities shall be excluded. ";

d) subparagraph "e" of paragraph 5 shall be declared invalidated;

e) clauses 8 and 9 after the words "on the granting of a license and documents," shall be supplemented with the words "as well as verification of the compliance of the license applicant with the licensing requirements specified in clause 4 of these Regulations,";

f) the second sentence of clause 13 after the words "licensing requirements" shall be supplemented with the words ", including gross violations of licensing requirements,";

g) clauses 17 and 18 shall be stated as follows:

"17. An application for extending the validity of the license shall be submitted to the licensing authority no earlier than 60 business days and no later than 45 business days before the expiration date of the license.

The decision to extend the validity of the license is made by the licensing authority, provided that, as a result of the licensee's inspection, compliance with the deadline for submitting an application for the extension of the license, its compliance with the licensing requirements provided for in clauses 1-6 1 of part 1 of article 193 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, as well as absence of gross violations by the licensee of the license requirements stipulated by subparagraphs "c" - "e" of paragraph 4 1 of this Regulation, and unfulfilled orders to eliminate gross violations of license requirements, the deadline for which has expired on the date of the specified check. The term for such an inspection cannot exceed 30 calendar days.

18. An application for renewal of a license shall be submitted to the licensing authority no later than 15 working days from the date of the occurrence of an event that is the basis for renewal of a license in accordance with Part 1 of Article 18 of the Federal Law "On Licensing of Certain Types of Activities."

6. Paragraph three of sub-clause "k" of clause 4 of the amendments approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2018 N 331 "On amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the implementation of activities for the management of apartment buildings and the maintenance of the common property of owners of premises in apartment buildings and the recognition as invalid of certain provisions of some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation "(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2018, No. 15, Art. 2113), add the words", within walking distance from the said apartment buildings. accessibility is understood as a distance of no more than 3 kilometers, covered on foot. "

"On approval of the list of heavy work and work with harmful or hazardous working conditions, during which the use of women's labor is prohibited"

Edition of 25.02.2000 - Valid


dated February 25, 2000 N 162


Prime Minister
Russian Federation

Government Decree
Russian Federation
dated February 25, 2000 N 162



1. Work associated with lifting and moving heavy weights manually, in case of exceeding the established norms of maximum permissible loads for women when lifting and moving heavy weights manually


2. Underground work in the mining industry and in the construction of underground structures, with the exception of work performed by women in leadership positions and not doing physical work; women engaged in sanitary and household services; women undergoing training and admitted to internships in the underground parts of the organization; women who must go down from time to time to the underground parts of the organization to perform work of a non-physical nature (the list of positions of managers, specialists and other workers associated with underground work, in which, as an exception, the use of female labor is allowed is given in paragraph 2 of the notes to this list)


3. Cupcake

4. The beater of castings, engaged in manual beating

5. Filling the charge into cupolas and furnaces, busy loading the charge manually

6. Casting teapot

7. Metal filler

8. Cutter engaged in work with pneumatic tools

9. Smelter of metal and alloys

10. Workers engaged in the suspension of hot casting on the conveyor and maintenance and repair of equipment in the tunnels of foundries

Welding works

11. Gas welder and electric welder of manual welding, working in closed containers (tanks, boilers, etc.), as well as on high-rise communication structures (towers, masts) over 10 meters and climbing work

Boiler houses, cold stamping, drawing
and pressure works

Work performed by profession:

12. Boiler man

13. Turner on metal-spinning lathes, engaged in manual work

14. The chaser engaged in works with a hand pneumatic tool

Press-forging and thermal works

Work performed by profession:

15. Bandage worker engaged in hot work

16. Spring worker engaged in hot work when winding springs from wire with a diameter of more than 10 mm

17. Rolling machine engaged in rolling rings in a hot state

18. Spring for hot metal processing

Metal coatings and painting

19. Sealing inside the caisson tanks

20. Continuous work on hot lead (not electroplated)

Locksmith and fitter-assembly works

Work performed by profession:

21. Pneumatic driller performing work with a pneumatic tool that transmits vibration to the hands of the worker

22. Locksmith-repairman, busy: adjustment of equipment in workshops and departments:

hot-rolled, pickling, enameling, insulating with the use of organosilicon varnishes, lead sealing in cable production;

hot repair of selenium and shooing apparatus (equipment);

adjustment of equipment in workshops and departments for the preparation and use of organosilicon varnishes and varnishes containing 40 and more percent of toluene, xylene;

repair of equipment in closed fuel and oil storage facilities at thermal power plants, as well as repair of equipment in tunnels and heating chambers in heating networks; maintenance of water-jacket furnaces in the production of non-ferrous metals and alloys; adjustment and repair of hot chill molds; directly in the shops: mill, spreading, shaping, foundry, pipe-filling, glacial mixing and assembly in the production of lead-acid batteries; repair of technological equipment at engine test stations, running on leaded gasoline and located in boxes

23. Smelting, casting, rolling, broaching and stamping of lead products, as well as lead-coating of cables and soldering of lead-acid batteries


24. Hot repair of furnaces and boiler furnaces

25. Grubbing tree stumps

26. Fastening structures and parts using a construction and assembly gun

27. Slab works, dismantling of buildings and structures

28. Punching holes (grooves, niches, etc.) in concrete, reinforced concrete and stone (brick) structures manually and using pneumatic tools Works performed by profession:

29. A fitter engaged in the manual installation of frames, manual, bending machines and scissors

30. Asphalt concrete worker, asphalt concrete grinder, engaged in manual work

31. Water jet

32. Excavator engaged in digging wells

33. Bricklayer engaged in the laying of modular solid silicate bricks

34. Steel roofer

35. Caisson operator-operator, caisson operator-tunneller, caisson operator-locksmith, caisson operator-electrician

36. Motor grader driver

37. Asphalt distributor driver, truck driver

38. The driver of the concrete pumping unit, the driver of the mobile bitumen-melting plant

39. Bulldozer driver

40. The driver of the grader-elevator

41. Driver of a mobile asphalt concrete mixer

42. Driver of asphalt concrete paver

43. Single-bucket excavator driver, rotary excavator driver (trencher and trench excavator)

44. Operator of a mobile electric welding unit with an internal combustion engine

45. A mobile power plant operator working at a power plant with an internal combustion engine with a capacity of 150 liters. with. and more

46. ​​Telecommunications installer-antennae, busy working at height

47. Assembler for the installation of steel and reinforced concrete structures when working at height and climbing work

48. Lead solder (lead solder)

49. Carpenter

50. Plumber engaged in the repair of the sewer network

51. Pipeline for industrial reinforced concrete pipes

52. Pipeline for industrial brick pipes


Open pit mining and operating surface
and mines and mines under construction, beneficiation, agglomeration,

Works performed in the general professions of mining and mining operations:

53. Borehole Driller

54. Blaster, Master Blaster

55. Miner for the prevention and extinguishing of fires

56. Supplier of fastening materials to the mine

57. Woodworker

58. Blacksmith Brewer

59. Drilling rig operator

60. Loader driver

61. The operator of the installation for drilling shafts of mines with a full cross-section

62. Excavator driver

63. Dumper engaged in manual rolling and rolling of trolleys

64. Tunnel

65. Stem, busy manually feeding the trolleys into the cage

66. Cleaner busy cleaning bins

67. Electrical fitter (locksmith) on duty and equipment repair, engaged in the maintenance and repair of equipment, mechanisms, water and air highways in mining works.

68. A crusher engaged in crushing hot pitch in the production of alumina

69. A roaster engaged in the process of roasting raw materials and materials in the production of mercury

70. Workers and foremen of concentration and crushing and sorting factories, mines, mines and metallurgical enterprises engaged in crushing, grinding, grinding and mixing ores of ferrous, non-ferrous and rare metals, fluorspar and coal, which generate dust containing 10 percent and more free silicon dioxide, when working by hand

71. Workers employed in lead enrichment workshops

72. Workers and foremen engaged in the beneficiation of niobium (loparite) ores

Construction of subways, tunnels and underground
special structures

Work performed by profession:

73. Mining equipment installer

74. A drifter on surface works

Mining of ores

Work performed by profession:

75. Miner of alluvial deposits

76. Chisel driver

78. Dredge Sailor

79. Dredge Driver

80. Engineer of a rocket launcher

Extraction and processing of peat

Work performed by profession:

81. Groove

82. Grubber

83. Driver of machines for the extraction and processing of sod peat

84. Machine operator for the preparation of peat deposits for operation

85. Driver of a peat excavator

86. Peat worker engaged in felling trees, on the lining of peat bricks

Processing of brown coal and ozokerite ores

Work performed by profession:

87. Administrator of the production of mountain wax

88. Operator of the production of ozokerite and ozokerite products

89. Crusher

90. The driver of the briquette press

91. Filling machine operator


Work performed by profession:

92. Blaster, Master Blaster

93. Assembler of geodetic signs

94. Electrician (locksmith) on duty and equipment repair, employed in field conditions


Work performed by profession:

95. Driller of production and exploration wells for oil and gas

96. Rig, rig-welder, rig-electrician

97. Drilling rig operator

98. Well cementing operator

99. Motor operator of a cementing unit, a mechanic of a cement-sand mixing unit

100. Pipe crimper

101. Assistant driller of production and exploration wells for oil and gas (first)

102. Assistant driller of production and exploration wells for oil and gas (second)

103. Mud maker engaged in manual mud preparation

104. Rig service mechanic, directly employed at the rigs

105. Locksmith-repairman engaged in the repair of drilling equipment

106. Drill Joint Installer

107. Drilling electrician


108. Well workover driller

109. Driller of a floating drilling unit at sea

110. Operator of a mobile steam dewaxing unit

111. The driver of the mobile compressor

112. Lift driver

113. Driver of the washing unit

114. Hydraulic fracturing operator

115. Operator for preparing wells for capital and underground workovers

116. Well workover operator

117. Chemical Well Treatment Operator

118. Well Workover Driller Assistant

119. Assistant driller of a floating drilling unit at sea

120. Workers, managers and specialists constantly engaged in underground oil production

121. Fitter for the installation and repair of the foundations of offshore drilling platforms and racks

122. Locksmith-repairman engaged in the installation and maintenance of technological equipment and repair of oilfield equipment

123. Electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, engaged in the maintenance and repair of technological equipment


124. Ladle working with molten metal

125. Metal heater employed at work in methodical, chamber furnaces and wells of rolling and pipe production

126. Metal surface blemish handler, engaged in work with pneumatic tools

Blast-furnace production

Work performed by profession:

127. Horse blast furnace

128. Blast Furnace Plumber

129. Blast furnace furnace

130. Scale car driver

131. Skipova

Steel production

Work performed by profession:

132. Filling machine operator

133. Mixer

134. Stuffer of blocks

135. Furnace reduction of iron and annealing of iron powders

136. Smelter of deoxidizers

137. Converter Steelmaker's Handy

138. Handyman of the open-hearth furnace steelmaker

139. Helper of the steelmaker of the electroslag remelting plant

140. Electric Furnace Steelmaker's Handyman

141. Steel casting

142. Converter Steelmaker

143. Open-hearth furnace steelmaker

144. Steelmaker of the electroslag remelting plant

145. Electric furnace steelmaker

Rolling production

Work performed by profession:

146. Roller of a hot rolling mill

147. Pitch Brewer

148. Hot-rolling mill operator's assistant

149. Rail fastening press-broaching machine

150. Locksmith-conductor employed in the section rolling production

Pipe production

Work performed by profession:

151. Roller of the sizing mill

152. Roller of a hot-rolled pipe mill

153. Roller of the furnace pipe welding mill

154. Roller of cold-rolled pipe mill

155. Roller of the pipe-forming mill

156. A pipe dragger employed in non-mechanized mills

157. Pipe calibrator on the press

158. Blacksmith on hammers and presses

159. Helper of a rolling mill of hot-rolled pipes

160. Helper of a rolling mill of cold-rolled pipes

Ferroalloy production

Work performed by profession and by certain categories of workers:

161. Furnace of ferroalloy furnaces

162. Smelter engaged in the smelting and granulation of molten vanadium pentoxide

163. Ferroalloy smelter

164. Workers engaged in the smelting of silicon alloys in open arc furnaces

165. Workers engaged in the production of metallic chromium and chromium-containing alloys by the aluminothermal method

By-product coke production

166. Work associated with direct employment in the production of benzene, its hydrotreating and rectification Work performed by profession:

167. Barely

168. Dover

169. Crusher

170. Lukova

171. Scrubber-pump, engaged in the maintenance of the phenolic plant in the shop for collecting coking products

172. Locksmith-repairman engaged in the maintenance of coke oven batteries


Work performed in general professions:

173. Anode grinder engaged in pouring bottom sections of anodes in the production of aluminum, silumin and silicon

174. Fitter at the repair of baths, engaged in drilling a recess for a cathode rod in the production of aluminum, silumin and silicon

175. Melter

176. Caller

177. Locksmith-repairman, electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, employed in the main metallurgical workshops

178. Sinter

179. A burdener working at furnaces in the production of tin

Production of non-ferrous and rare metals, production of powders from non-ferrous metals

180. Works performed by workers and foremen employed in workshops (departments and sections) of the production of titanium tetrachloride (tetrachloride)

181. Work performed by workers and foremen employed in the chlorination shops of loparite concentrate

182. Works performed by workers and foremen employed in workshops (departments and sections) of tetrachloride recovery and metal separation in the production of titanium metal

183. Work performed by workers and foremen employed in the departments (at sites) chlorination and rectification of titanium raw materials (slags)

184. Work performed by workers employed in the slag processing department by the fumigation method on fuming in the production of tin

185. Work performed by workers employed in smelting shops, as well as on the processing of cinders in the production of mercury Work performed by profession:

186. Anode in the production of aluminum

187. Titanium Sponge Beater

188. Metal pourer-pourer

189. Cathode

190. Converter

191. Capacitor

192. Assembler of reaction devices, engaged in the installation and dismantling of baths and furnaces, on the repair and restoration of reaction devices

193. Mercury Beater

194. Grain in the production of zinc dust

195. Bakery at the Welzpech

196. Furnace for recovery and distillation of titanium and rare metals

197. Nickel powder recovery mill

198. Titanium-containing and rare-earth materials processing plant

199. Slimer of electrolyte baths, engaged in manual cleaning of baths

200. Molten salt electrolysis cell

Processing of non-ferrous metals by pressure

201. Work performed by a hot metal rolling stock engaged in the rolling of non-ferrous metals and their alloys

Electrolytic aluminum production

202. Work performed by workers and foremen

Alumina production

203. Work performed by the loader driver employed on repair work in hard-to-reach places of pneumatic and hydraulic loaders


Work performed by profession:

204. An electrician for the repair of overhead power lines, engaged in climbing work, repairing high-voltage power lines

205. Electrician for repair and installation of cable lines, engaged in repair cable glands with lead litharge and on the soldering of lead cable sleeves and sheaths


Work performed by profession:

206. Balancer-pourer of abrasive wheels, busy pouring lead into abrasive products

207. Bulldozer driver engaged in hot disassembly of resistance furnaces in the production of abrasives

208. Smelter of abrasive materials

209. Breeder employed in the corundum workshop

210. Disassembler of resistance furnaces employed in the workshop for the production of silicon carbide


Work performed in general professions:

211. Distiller of mercury

212. A molder of mercury rectifiers, performing work with open mercury

Electric coal production

213. Work performed by workers in the smelting of pitch

Cable production

Work performed by profession:

214. Lead or aluminum cable crimper engaged in hot lead crimping

215. Cable stripper, engaged in stripping only lead sheaths

Manufacture of chemical power sources

Work performed by profession:

216. Lead alloy foundry worker

217. Dry matter mixer (for lead-acid batteries)

218. Lead Alloy Smelter

219. Cutter of battery plates, engaged in stamping-separation of shaped lead plates


Work performed by profession:

220. Tester of parts and devices engaged in testing about about

devices in thermo-vacuum chambers at a temperature of +28 C and above and -60 C and below, provided that they are directly located in them

221. Caster of magnets on crystallizing furnaces

222. Melter of Shoopalloy and Bismuth


Work performed by profession:

223. A locksmith for the repair of aircraft engines and a locksmith for the repair of units engaged in the repair of engines and units operating on leaded gasoline


Work performed by profession:

224. Reinforcement bar for reinforced concrete ships, engaged in work on vibrating tables, vibrating platforms, cassette installations and with manual vibrators

225. Ship hibernator engaged in hot bending

226. Ship Boiler

227. Painter, ship insulator, employed in painting work in tanks, the second bottom area, warm boxes and other hard-to-reach areas of ships, as well as in work on cleaning old paint in these areas of ships

228. Coppersmith for the manufacture of ship products, engaged in hot work

229. Ship carpenter working in closed compartments of ships

230. Workers of the acceptance team at mooring, factory and state tests

231. Ship cutter engaged in work with hand pneumatic tools

233. Mechanic mechanic for testing installations and equipment, engaged in the adjustment and testing of marine diesel engines in enclosed spaces and inside ships

234. Ship fitter, engaged in installation inside ships during repair

235. Locksmith-ship repairman, engaged in work inside ships

236. Shipbuilder-Repairer

237. Ship Rigger

238. Ship's pipe fitter


Work performed in chemical industries by profession and by certain categories of workers:

239. Apparatus melter engaged in the smelting and refining of pitch

240. A steamer engaged in rubber stripping

Production of inorganic products

Calcium carbide production

241. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed in furnaces and manual crushing of carbide

Phosgene production

242. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed in technological stages

Production of mercury and its compounds

243. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages, except for production with remote control

Yellow phosphorus production

244. Workers, shift managers and specialists directly involved in the maintenance of shaft slit furnaces, roasting and sintering furnaces, fines granulation units, in phosphorus subdivision departments, filling phosphorus tanks, servicing storage tanks of phosphorus, phosphorus sludge, sludge distillation and processing of fire-liquid slag

Production of phosphorus trichloride and phosphorus pentasulfide

245. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Chlorine production by mercury method

246. Workers employed at technological stages

Liquid chlorine and chlorine dioxide production

247. Workers employed at technological stages

Carbon disulfide production

248. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed in the departments: retort and condensation

Work with fluorine, hydrogen fluoride and fluorides

249. Workers, managers and specialists (except for work performed in laboratories using hydrofluoric acid and fluorides)

Arsenic and arsenic compounds production

250. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Silicon tetrachloride production

251. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Production of technical iodine

252. Workers engaged in the extraction of iodine

Organic food production

Production of benzatron and its chlorine and bromine derivatives, vilontron

253. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Production of aniline, paranitroaniline, aniline salts and fluxes

254. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Production of benzidine and its analogues

255. Workers, managers, specialists and other employees employed directly in production and at the station for the dissolution of these products

Production of carbon tetrachloride, golovax, rematol,

256. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Chloropicrin production

257. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Arsenic catalyst production

258. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Production of tsiram, mercury and arsenic pesticides

259. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Chloroprene production

260. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Chloroprene rubber and latex production

261. Workers involved in the technological stages of polymerization and product recovery

Ethyl liquid production

262. Workers, managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Benzene, toluene, xylene production

263. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Paint and varnish production

Production of lead litharge and red lead, lead crowns, white,

leaden greenery and yarmedyanka

264. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Manufacture of chemical fibers and threads

265. Regeneration apparatchik employed in the regeneration of carbon disulfide

Production of products from fiberglass based

synthetic resins (phenol-formaldehyde,

epoxy, polyester unsaturated resins)

266. Apparatus workers engaged in contact molding of large-sized items with an area of ​​1.5 square meters. m and more

Production of medicines, medical, biological
preparations and materials

Antibiotic production

267. Filtration apparatus operator engaged in manual disassembly and assembly of filter presses with frame sizes over 500 mm

Obtaining morphine from raw opium

268. Filtration apparatus operator engaged in manual disassembly and assembly of filter presses with frame sizes over 500 mm

Androgen production

269. Apparatus for the production of synthetic hormones, engaged in the production of testosterone and its derivatives


Work performed by profession:

270. Vulcanizer engaged in loading, unloading products in boilers over 6 meters long, vulcanizing propeller shafts

271. Rubber mixer driver

272. Workers employed in departments: cold vulcanization, production of radol and facts

273. Repairer of rubber products engaged in the manufacture and repair of large rubber parts and products, on the vulcanization of reinforced parts (large tires, rubber fuel tanks, tanks, conveyor belts, etc.)

Production, restoration and repair of tires

274. Work performed by a vulcanizer, a tire collector (heavy duty)


Work performed by profession and by certain categories of workers:

275. Coke Cleaner

276. Coke unloader

277. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed in technological installations for leaded gasoline

278. Workers employed in extraction shops and departments of aromatic hydrocarbons production

279. Workers engaged in the preparation of arsenic solutions when cleaning sulfur-containing petroleum gas


Logging works

280. Loading and unloading round timber (excluding pulpwood, mine rack and firewood up to 2 meters long)

281. Stacking round timber (excluding pulpwood, mine racks and firewood up to 2 meters long) Works performed by profession:

282. Feller

283. Lumberjack engaged in felling, crosscutting logs and hilling longitude, chopping firewood, harvesting and cutting pneumatic resin, as well as harvesting wood with hand tools

284. Timber filler, engaged in the creation of interoperational and seasonal stocks of logs and trees, loading trees, logs and round timber (with the exception of pulpwood, mine racks and firewood up to 2 meters long) onto the timber rolling stock and unloading them, performing manual work

285. Choker

Timber rafting

Work performed by profession:

287. Rigger engaged in loading and unloading rigging

288. Raft Shaper


Work performed by profession:

289. Apparatus for the preparation of chemical solutions, engaged in the dissolution of chlorine

290. Impregnation machine operator engaged in the production of anti-corrosion and inhibited paper

291. Brewer of fibrous raw materials

292. Pulp Maker

293. Woodburner

294. Pyrite Crusher

295. Loader of balances in defibrers

296. Loader of pyrite, sulfur furnaces and turm

297. Sulfate Loader

298. Acid

299. Mixer

300. Lining of acid tanks

301. Fiber filing machine

302. Impregnator of paper and paper products, engaged in fiber impregnation

303. Sulfurous acid regenerator

304. Locksmith-repairman, lubricator, cleaner of industrial and office space, an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, employed in the production of sulphite pulp and sulfurous acid

305. Sister

306. Dryer of a paper (board) machine, employed on high-speed paper and board machines operating at a speed of 400 or more meters per minute

307. Bleacher


308. Work performed by workers on the cleaning of sludge pools and talkers


Work performed by profession:

309. Pourer of stone products

310. Stonewar

311. Stones

312. A mill operator engaged in breaking diabase crushed stone into powder

313. Adjuster for stone processing equipment

314. Stone Sawer

315. Stone Router


316. Work as a carver of concrete and reinforced concrete products


Work performed by profession:

317. Bitumen

318. Cupcake


319. Work performed by the loader of digesters


Work performed by profession:

320. Quarceduv (except for those engaged in the manufacture of products with a diameter of up to 100 mm and a wall thickness of up to 3 mm)

321. Quartz Smelter

322. Mirror Dyer employed at work using mercury

323. A charge compiler engaged in manual work with the use of red lead

324. Ridiculous


Works performed in general textile manufacturing professions:

325. Operator of sizing equipment engaged in non-mechanized lifting and removal of rollers

326. Plumber cleaning sewer trenches and wells

Primary processing of cotton

327. Working as a pressman

Hemp-jute production

328. Work as a fiber maker engaged in breaking jute bales

Woolen production

Work performed by profession:

329. Industrial Cloth Washer

330. Assistant foreman employed in the weaving shop in the production of cloth

Felting and felt production

Work performed by profession:

331. Feller engaged in the manufacture of dense felts

332. Shoe bit engaged on handicrafts

333. Shoe remover from last, engaged in manual removal of felted shoes

Leather and raw hides production

335. Transportation, unloading and loading of large leather raw materials and semi-finished products manually in the ash-soaking shops of leather factories Works performed by profession:

336. Scourer, engaged in turning large leathers on logs by hand, on fleshing and breaking up large leather raw materials

337. Leather distributor, engaged in rolling large and hard leather on rollers

338. Cutter of leather raw materials

339. Sorter of products, semi-finished products and materials, engaged in sorting large leather raw materials

340. Cleaner of products, semi-finished products and materials, engaged in cleaning large hides and large leather raw materials on decks by hand

Manufacture of leather footwear

341. Work as a molder of parts and products, employed on machines such as "Anklepf"


342. Bale of corrugated-board production waste Works performed in the general professions of food production:

343. Diffusion apparatus operator, servicing intermittent diffusers when loading manually

344. An ice collector engaged in the preparation of ice in reservoirs and laying it in riots

345. Bone charcoal manufacturer 346. Cleaning machine operator engaged in manual disassembly of separators

Production of meat products

Work performed by profession:

347. A cattle fighter engaged in stunning operations, picking up, bleeding cattle and small ruminants and pigs; gutting, shooting cattle skins by hand; sawing carcasses; scalds and opals of pork carcasses and heads; horizontal processing of cattle carcasses

348. Skin Scourer

349. Skin Handler

350. All types of work on fishing, prospecting and receiving and transport sea vessels, with the exception of sea floating crabs, canning factories, fish processing bases, large freezer fishing trawlers and sea refrigerated vessels, where women are allowed to work in all jobs, excluding jobs (professions, positions) specified in sections XXXII "Sea transport" and XXXIII "River transport" of this list

351. Manual tipping of barrels with fish Works performed by profession:

352. Loader-unloader of food products, engaged in manual loading of grids with canned food into autoclaves

353. A sea-beast handler, engaged in fleshing of the hides of the sea-beast

354. A fish processor engaged in manual pouring and unloading of fish from vats, chests, vessels, slots and other navigable containers; mixing fish in salting vats by hand

355. Presser-squeezer of food products, engaged in pressing (squeezing) fish in barrels by hand

356. Acceptor of floating craft

357. Coastal fisherman, engaged in manual pulling of seine nets, ice fishing on seine nets, fixed nets and ventilators

Bakery production

358. Work performed by a dough breeder employed on kneading machines with rolling bowls with a capacity of over 330 liters when moving them manually

Tobacco, tobacco and fermentation production

359. Work performed by an auxiliary worker engaged in the transportation of bales of tobacco

Perfumery and cosmetic production

360. Work performed by a worker engaged in grinding amidochlorine mercury

Extraction and production of table salt

Work performed by profession:

361. Bulk of salt in swimming pools

362. Pool preparation

363. Road Worker on the Lake


Work performed by profession and by certain categories of workers:

364. Accumulator engaged in the repair of lead-acid batteries

365. Trolley driver and his assistant working on broad-gauge railway lines

366. Conductor of freight trains

367. Fireman of steam locomotives in the depot

368. Diesel train driver and his assistant

369. The motor vehicle driver and his assistant working on broad gauge railway lines

370. Engine driver and assistant

371. Diesel locomotive driver and his assistant

372. Traction unit driver and his assistant

373. Electric locomotive driver and his assistant

374. Electric train driver and his assistant

375. Track fitter (when exceeding the established norms of maximum permissible loads for women when lifting and moving heavy weights manually)

376. Porter engaged in the movement of baggage and carry-on baggage

377. Inspector-repairman of wagons

378. Pipe Puncher

379. Conductor for escorting goods and special wagons, engaged in escorting goods on open rolling stock

380. Washer for steam locomotive boilers

381. Impregnator of sawn timber and wood products, engaged in impregnation with the use of oil antiseptics

382. Regulator of the speed of movement of wagons

383. A locksmith for the repair of rolling stock, performing the work: on the repair of headsets on steam locomotives during their warm washing; in fire and smoke boxes; for blowing out the bottom and gutters of electric rolling stock and diesel locomotives with electric transmission; for disassembly, repair and assembly of drain devices and safety valves, for inspection and refueling of drain valves in tanks for oil and chemical products

384. Train maker, train maker assistant

385. An electrician of the contact network, engaged in work on electrified railways at height

386. Workers loading asbestos waste, constantly working in the ballast pit of asbestos waste


Work performed by profession:

387. A car driver working on a bus with more than 14 seats (except for those employed in intra-factory, intra-city, suburban transportation and transportation in rural areas within one day shift, provided that they are not involved in maintenance and repair of the bus)

388. A car driver working on a car with a carrying capacity of more than 2.5 tons (except for those employed in intra-plant, intra-city, suburban transport and transport in rural areas within one day shift, provided that they are not involved in maintenance and repairs truck)

389. A car repair mechanic performing manual washing of engine parts of a car running on leaded gasoline

390. Car repair mechanic, engaged in running in the engine using leaded gasoline

391. A locksmith for fuel equipment, employed in auto services on the repair of fuel equipment of carburetor engines running on leaded gasoline


392. Coastal boatswain, coastal sailor, senior coastal sailor (except for those working at passenger berths of local and suburban lines)

393. A ship's fireman and a boiler operator engaged in servicing boilers on ships and cranes, regardless of the type of fuel burned in the boilers

394. Cranmeister and His Assistant

395. Crane driver (crane operator), employed on a floating crane, and his assistant

396. Engineer command staff (mechanics, electromechanics and others) and engine crew (machinists, mechanics, electricians, turners and locksmiths of all types and others) of ships of all types of the fleet

397. Deck crew (boatswain, skipper, mate and sailors of all types) of ships of all types of the fleet, as well as floating cleaning stations, docks, floating grain, cement, coal and other dusty cargo

398. Workers of complex brigades and loaders engaged in loading and unloading operations in ports and on quays

399. Crew members of all types of the fleet, combining work in two positions of deck and engine personnel


Work performed by profession and position:

400. Loaders, dockers-machine operators (except for dockers-machine operators, who constantly work as crane operators, drivers of intraport transport and workers serving machines and mechanisms of continuous action on the processing of goods, with the exception of substances belonging to 1 and 2 hazard classes)

401. Ship's fireman employed on solid fuel ships

402. Sailors of all types of passenger and cargo-passenger vessels (except for hydrofoils and planing vessels, as well as vessels operating on intracity and suburban lines), dredgers, dredgers and vessels of mixed "river-sea" navigation

403. Crane driver (crane operator) employed on a floating crane

404. Engine crew of vessels of all types of the fleet, as well as crew members of vessels of all types of the fleet, combining work in two positions of deck and engine personnel


Work performed by profession and by certain categories of workers:

405. Aviation mechanic (technician) for airframe and engines, aviation mechanic (technician) for instruments and electrical equipment, aviation mechanic (technician) for radio equipment, aviation technician (mechanic) for parachute and emergency rescue equipment, aviation technician for fuels and lubricants , an engineer employed directly on maintenance aircraft (helicopters)

411. Works on casting operations and stereotype finishing Works performed by profession:

412. Adjuster of printing equipment, employed in the areas of casting stereotypes, type, typesetting and blank materials

413. Caster

414. Stereotype

Intaglio printing workshops

415. Work in the printing department of gravure printing (except for acceptance and packaging of finished products)

416. Work performed by the etcher of gravure printing plates


417. Roughing and cleaning of cast-iron frames for pianos and grand pianos on abrasive wheels

418. Work performed by a wind instrument parts manufacturer engaged in the manufacture of parts for brass instruments


419. Performing operations in plant growing, animal husbandry, poultry farming and fur farming with the use of pesticides, pesticides and disinfectants (under the age of 35)

420. Serving bulls-sires, stallions-sires, boars

421. Loading and unloading animal carcasses, confiscated goods and pathological material

422. Work in wells, slurry tanks and cisterns, silos and silage towers

423. Work as tractor drivers in agricultural production

424. Work as truck drivers

425. Filming of hides from corpses of cattle, horses and cutting of carcasses

426. Transportation, loading and unloading of pesticides

427. Manual Drainage Tubing


428. Cleaning, sanding and painting works in ship and railroad tanks, ship liquid fuel tanks and oil tankers, cofferdams, fore and after peaks, chain boxes, double bottom and inter-board spaces and other hard-to-reach places

429. Painting with white lead, lead sulphate or other compositions containing these dyes

430. Installation, repair and maintenance of contact networks, as well as overhead power lines when working at a height of over 10 m

431. Direct fire fighting

432. Maintenance of floating equipment, dredgers with the performance of ship rigging

433. Cleaning of tanks (tanks, measuring tanks, cisterns, barges, etc.) from sour oil, products of its processing and sulfur-containing petroleum gas

434. Work with metallic mercury in the open state (except for workers employed in installations and semiautomatic devices, where effective air exchange at the workplace is ensured)

435. Composing a mixture of gasoline with ethyl liquid

436. Cleaning of mercury rectifiers Work performed by profession:

437. Antennae-mast

438. Bitumen Cook

439. Snowmobile Driver

440. Diver

441. Gas rescuer

442. Mercury dispenser engaged in manual dispensing of open mercury

443. Wood Splitter Busy with Manual Work

444. Boiler repairing hot boilers

445. Boiler Cleaner

446. A paint-maker engaged in the preparation of lead paints by hand

447. Painter employed inside containers by painting with the use of paints and varnishes containing lead, aromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbons, as well as painting large-sized items in closed chambers with a spray gun using the same paints and varnishes

448. Crane driver (crane operator), busy working at sea

449. The driver (stoker) of the boiler house, engaged in the maintenance of steam and hot water boilers when loading manually with a consumption for the change of solid mineral and peat fuel per driver (stoker), exceeding the established norms of maximum permissible loads for women when lifting and moving heavy loads manually

450. Paratrooper (paratrooper-fireman)

451. Workers of the machine crew of floating cranes

452. Grinder engaged in grinding pitch

453. Repairer of artificial structures

454. Locksmith of emergency recovery works, engaged in works on cleaning the sewage network

455. Rigger engaged in the installation and dismantling of equipment

456. Cleaner cleaning pipes, ovens and gas ducts


1. The employer may decide on the use of women's labor in jobs (professions, positions) included in this list, provided that safe working conditions are created, confirmed by the results of certification of workplaces, with a positive conclusion of the state examination of working conditions and the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision service of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

2. The list of positions of managers, specialists and other workers associated with underground work, in which, as an exception, the use of female labor is permitted:

general director, director, head, technical manager, manager, chief engineer of mines and mines for the extraction of coal, ore and nonmetallic minerals by the underground method, for the construction of the subway, tunnels, mine construction and mine shafts, construction and construction and installation departments and construction and other underground structures, their deputies and assistants;

chief, chief engineer of mining shops and sections, their deputies and assistants;

senior engineer, engineer, technician, other managers, specialists and employees who do not perform physical work;

engineer, technician, laboratory assistant, other specialists and employees who do not perform physical work and who are not permanently underground;

chief surveyor, senior surveyor, mine surveyor, mine surveyor; chief geologist, chief hydrogeologist, chief hydrologist, mine geologist, mine, geologist, mine hydrogeologist, mine, hydrogeologist, hydrologist;

workers servicing stationary mechanisms that have automatic start and stop, and do not perform other work related to physical activity;

employees undergoing training and admitted to training in the underground parts of organizations;

employees of scientific and educational institutions, design and engineering organizations;

doctor, nurses and nurses, bartenders and other workers involved in sanitary and domestic services.

Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 25, 2000 N 162
"On approval of the list of heavy work and work with harmful or hazardous working conditions, during which the use of women's labor is prohibited"

In accordance with Article 10 of the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Labor Protection in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 29, Article 3702), the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

To approve the attached list of heavy work and work with harmful or hazardous working conditions, during the performance of which the use of women's labor is prohibited.

heavy work and work with harmful or hazardous working conditions, during which it is prohibited to use the labor of women
(approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 25, 2000 N 162)

I. Work related to lifting and moving heavy loads manually

1. Work related to lifting and moving heavy weights manually, in case of exceeding the established norms

II. Underground works

2. Underground work in the mining industry and in the construction of underground structures, with the exception of work performed by women in leadership positions and not doing physical work; women engaged in sanitary and household services; women undergoing training and admitted to internships in the underground parts of the organization; women who must go down from time to time to the underground parts of the organization to perform work of a non-physical nature (the list of positions of managers, specialists and other workers associated with underground work, in which, as an exception, the use of female labor is allowed is given in paragraph 2 of the notes to this list)

III. Metalworking

Foundry works

3. Cupcake

4. The beater of castings, engaged in manual beating

5. Filling the charge into cupolas and furnaces, busy loading the charge manually

6. Casting teapot

7. Metal filler

8. Cutter engaged in work with pneumatic tools

9. Smelter of metal and alloys

10. Workers engaged in the suspension of hot casting on the conveyor and maintenance and repair of equipment in the tunnels of foundries

Welding works

11. Gas welder and electric welder of manual welding, working in closed containers (tanks, boilers, etc.), as well as on high-rise communications structures (towers, masts) over 10 meters and climbing work

Boiler houses, cold stamping, drawing and pressing works

Work performed by profession:

12. Boiler man

13. Turner on metal-spinning lathes, engaged in manual work

14. The chaser engaged in works with a hand pneumatic tool

Press-forging and thermal works

Work performed by profession:

15. Bandage worker engaged in hot work

16. Spring worker engaged in hot work when winding springs from wire with a diameter of over 10 mm

17. Rolling machine engaged in rolling rings in a hot state

18. Spring for hot metal processing

Metal coatings and painting

19. Sealing inside the caisson tanks

20. Continuous work on hot lead (not electroplated)

Locksmith and fitter-assembly works

Work performed by profession:

21. Pneumatic driller performing work with a pneumatic tool that transfers vibration to the hands of the worker

22. Locksmith-repairman, engaged in: adjustment of equipment in workshops and departments: hot-rolled, pickling, enameling, insulation with the use of organosilicon varnishes, lead in cable production; hot repair of selenium and shooing apparatus (equipment);

adjustment of equipment in workshops and departments for the preparation and use of organosilicon varnishes and varnishes containing 40 and more percent of toluene, xylene;

repair of equipment in closed fuel and oil storage facilities at thermal power plants, as well as repair of equipment in tunnels and heating chambers in heating networks;

maintenance of water-jacket furnaces in the production of non-ferrous metals and alloys;

adjustment and repair of hot chill molds;

directly in the shops: mill, spreading, shaping, foundry, pipe-filling, glacial mixing and assembly in the production of lead-acid batteries;

repair of technological equipment at engine test stations, running on leaded gasoline and located in boxes

Lead work

23. Smelting, casting, rolling, broaching and stamping of lead products, as well as lead-coating of cables and soldering of lead-acid batteries

IV. Construction, installation and repair and construction works

24. Hot repair of furnaces and boiler furnaces

25. Grubbing tree stumps

26. Fastening structures and parts using a construction and assembly gun

27. Slab works, dismantling of buildings and structures

28. Punching holes (grooves, niches, etc.) in concrete, reinforced concrete and stone (brick) structures manually and using pneumatic tools

Work performed by profession:

29. Rebar, engaged in the manual installation of frames, manual, bending machines and scissors

30. Asphalt concrete worker, asphalt concrete grinder, engaged in manual work

31. Water jet

32. Excavator engaged in digging wells

33. Bricklayer engaged in the laying of modular solid silicate bricks

34. Steel roofer

35. Caisson operator-operator, caisson operator-tunneller, caisson operator-locksmith, caisson operator-electrician

36. Motor grader driver

37. Asphalt distributor driver, truck driver

38. The driver of the concrete pumping plant, the driver of the mobile bitumen-melting plant

39. Bulldozer driver

40. The driver of the grader-elevator

41. Driver of a mobile asphalt concrete mixer

42. Driver of asphalt concrete paver

43. Single-bucket excavator driver, rotary excavator driver (trencher and trench excavator)

44. Operator of a mobile electric welding unit with an internal combustion engine

45. A mobile power plant operator working at a power plant with an internal combustion engine with a capacity of 150 hp. and more

46. ​​Telecommunications installer-antennae, busy working at height

47. Assembler for the installation of steel and reinforced concrete structures when working at height and climbing work

48. Lead solder (lead solder)

49. Carpenter

50. Plumber engaged in the repair of the sewer network

51. Pipeline for industrial reinforced concrete pipes

52. Pipeline for industrial brick pipes

V. Mining operations

Open pit mining and the surface of operating and under construction mines and mines, beneficiation, agglomeration, briquetting

Works performed in the general professions of mining and mining operations:

53. Borehole Driller

54. Blaster, Master Blaster

55. Miner for the prevention and extinguishing of fires

56. Supplier of fastening materials to the mine

57. Woodworker

58. Blacksmith Brewer

59. Drilling rig operator

60. Loader driver

61. The operator of the installation for drilling shafts of mines with a full cross-section

62. Excavator driver

63. Dumper engaged in manual rolling and rolling of trolleys

64. Tunnel

65. Stem, busy feeding trolleys into the cage manually

66. Cleaner busy cleaning bins

67. Electrician (locksmith) on duty and equipment repair, engaged in the maintenance and repair of equipment, mechanisms, water and air lines in mining

Works performed in the general professions of beneficiation, agglomeration, briquetting and certain categories of workers:

68. A crusher engaged in crushing hot pitch in the production of alumina

69. A roaster engaged in the process of roasting raw materials and materials in the production of mercury

70. Workers and foremen of concentration and crushing and sorting factories, mines, mines and metallurgical enterprises engaged in crushing, grinding, grinding and mixing ores of ferrous, non-ferrous and rare metals, fluorspar and coal, which generate dust containing 10 percent and more free silicon dioxide, when working by hand

71. Workers employed in lead enrichment workshops

72. Workers and foremen engaged in the beneficiation of niobium (loparite) ores

Construction of subways, tunnels and underground structures
special purpose

Work performed by profession:

73. Mining equipment installer

74. A drifter on surface works

Mining of ores

Work performed by profession:

75. Miner of alluvial deposits

76. Chisel driver

77. Drager

78. Dredge Sailor

79. Dredge Driver

80. Engineer of a rocket launcher

Extraction and processing of peat

Work performed by profession:

81. Groove

82. Grubber

83. Driver of machines for the extraction and processing of sod peat

84. Machine operator for the preparation of peat deposits for operation

85. Driver of a peat excavator

86. Peat worker engaged in felling trees, on the lining of peat bricks

Processing of brown coal and ozokerite ores

Work performed by profession:

87. Administrator of the production of mountain wax

88. Operator of the production of ozokerite and ozokerite products

89. Crusher

90. The driver of the briquette press

91. Filling machine operator

Vi. Geological exploration and topographic and geodetic works

Work performed by profession:

92. Blaster, Master Blaster

93. Assembler of geodetic signs

94. Electrician (locksmith) on duty and equipment repair, employed in the field

Vii. Drilling of the wells

Work performed by profession:

95. Driller of production and exploration wells for oil and gas

96. Rig, rig-welder, rig-electrician

97. Drilling rig operator

98. Well cementing operator

99. Motor operator of a cementing unit, a mechanic of a cement-sand mixing unit

100. Pipe crimper

101. Assistant driller of production and exploration wells for oil and gas (first)

102. Assistant driller of production and exploration wells for oil and gas (second)

103. Mud maker engaged in manual mud preparation

104. Rig service mechanic, directly employed at the rigs

105. Locksmith-repairman engaged in the repair of drilling equipment

106. Drill Joint Installer

107. Drilling electrician

VIII. Mining of oil and gas

108. Well workover driller

109. Driller of a floating drilling unit at sea

110. Operator of a mobile steam dewaxing unit

111. The driver of the mobile compressor

112. Lift driver

113. Driver of the washing unit

114. Hydraulic fracturing operator

115. Operator for preparing wells for capital and underground workovers

116. Well workover operator

117. Chemical Well Treatment Operator

118. Well Workover Driller Assistant

119. Assistant driller of a floating drilling unit at sea

120. Workers, managers and specialists constantly engaged in underground oil production

121. Fitter for the installation and repair of the foundations of offshore drilling platforms and racks

122. Locksmith-repairman engaged in the installation and maintenance of technological equipment and repair of oilfield equipment

123. Electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, engaged in the maintenance and repair of technological equipment

IX. Ferrous metallurgy

124. Ladle working with molten metal

125. Metal heater employed at work in methodical, chamber furnaces and wells of rolling and pipe production

126. Metal surface blemish processor, engaged in work with pneumatic tools

Blast-furnace production

Work performed by profession:

127. Horse blast furnace

128. Blast Furnace Plumber

129. Blast furnace furnace

130. Scale car driver

131. Skipova

Steel production

Work performed by profession:

132. Filling machine operator

133. Mixer

134. Stuffer of blocks

135. Furnace reduction of iron and annealing of iron powders

136. Smelter of deoxidizers

137. Converter Steelmaker's Handy

138. Handyman of the open-hearth furnace steelmaker

139. Helper of the steelmaker of the electroslag remelting plant

140. Electric Furnace Steelmaker's Handyman

141. Steel Castor

142. Converter Steelmaker

143. Open-hearth furnace steelmaker

144. Steelmaker of the electroslag remelting plant

145. Electric furnace steelmaker

Rolling production

Work performed by profession:

146. Roller of a hot rolling mill

147. Pitch Brewer

148. Hot-rolling mill operator's assistant

149. Rail fastening press-broaching machine

150. Locksmith-conductor employed in the section rolling production

Pipe production

Work performed by profession:

151. Roller of the sizing mill

152. Roller of a hot-rolled pipe mill

153. Roller of the furnace pipe welding mill

154. Roller of cold-rolled pipe mill

155. Roller of the pipe-forming mill

156. A pipe dragger employed in non-mechanized mills

157. Pipe calibrator on the press

158. Blacksmith on hammers and presses

159. Helper of a rolling mill of hot-rolled pipes

160. Helper of a rolling mill of cold-rolled pipes

Ferroalloy production

Work performed by profession and by certain categories of workers:

161. Furnace of ferroalloy furnaces

162. Smelter engaged in the smelting and granulation of molten vanadium pentoxide

163. Ferroalloy smelter

164. Workers engaged in the smelting of silicon alloys in open arc furnaces

165. Workers engaged in the production of metallic chromium and chromium-containing alloys by the aluminothermal method

By-product coke production

166. Work associated with direct employment in the production of benzene, its hydrotreating and rectification

Work performed by profession:

167. Barely

168. Dover

169. Crusher

170. Lukova

171. Scrubber-pump, engaged in the maintenance of the phenolic plant in the shop for collecting coking products

172. Locksmith-repairman engaged in the maintenance of coke oven batteries

X. Non-ferrous metallurgy

Work performed in general professions:

173. Anode grinder engaged in pouring bottom sections of anodes in the production of aluminum, silumin and silicon

174. Fitter at the repair of baths, engaged in drilling a recess for a cathode rod in the production of aluminum, silumin and silicon

175. Smelter

176. Caller

177. Locksmith-repairman, electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, employed in the main metallurgical workshops

178. Sinter

179. A burdener engaged in work at the furnaces in the production of tin

Production of non-ferrous and rare metals, production of powders
from non-ferrous metals

180. Works performed by workers and foremen employed in workshops (departments and sections) of titanium tetrachloride (tetrachloride) production

181. Work performed by workers and foremen employed in the chlorination shops of loparite concentrate

182. Work performed by workers and foremen employed in workshops (departments and sections) of tetrachloride recovery and metal separation in the production of titanium metal

183. Work performed by workers and foremen employed in the departments (at sites) chlorination and rectification of titanium raw materials (slags)

184. Work performed by workers employed in the slag processing department by the fumigation method on fuming in the production of tin

185. Work performed by workers employed in smelting shops, as well as on the processing of cinders in the production of mercury

Work performed by profession:

186. Anode in the production of aluminum

187. Titanium Sponge Beater

188. Metal pourer-pourer

189. Cathode

190. Converter

191. Capacitor

192. Assembler of reaction devices, engaged in the installation and dismantling of baths and furnaces, on the repair and restoration of reaction devices

193. Mercury Beater

194. Grain in the production of zinc dust

195. Bakeware on Waelz ovens

196. Furnace for recovery and distillation of titanium and rare metals

197. Nickel powder recovery mill

198. Titanium-containing and rare-earth materials processing plant

199. Slimer of electrolyte baths, engaged in manual cleaning of baths

200. Molten Salt Electrolysis Cell

Processing of non-ferrous metals by pressure

201. Work performed by a hot metal rolling stock engaged in the rolling of non-ferrous metals and their alloys

Electrolytic aluminum production

202. Work performed by workers and foremen

Alumina production

203. Work performed by the operator of loaders engaged in repair work in hard-to-reach places of pneumatic and hydraulic loaders

XI. Repair of equipment for power plants and networks

Work performed by profession:

204. An electrician for the repair of overhead power lines, engaged in climbing work, repairing high-voltage power lines

205. An electrician for the repair and installation of cable lines, engaged in the repair of cable glands with lead litharge and on the soldering of lead cable sleeves and sheaths

XII. Abrasives production

Work performed by profession:

206. Balancer-pourer of abrasive wheels, busy pouring lead into abrasive products

207. Bulldozer operator engaged in hot disassembly of resistance furnaces in the production of abrasives

208. Smelter of abrasive materials

209. Breeder employed in the corundum workshop

210. Disassembler of resistance furnaces employed in the workshop for the production of silicon carbide

XIII. Electrotechnical production

Work performed in general professions:

211. Distiller of mercury

212. A molder of mercury rectifiers, performing work with open mercury

Electric coal production

213. Work performed by workers in the smelting of pitch

Cable production

Work performed by profession:

214. Lead or aluminum cable crimper engaged in hot lead crimping

215. Cable stripper, engaged in stripping only lead sheaths

Manufacture of chemical power sources

Work performed by profession:

216. Lead alloy foundry worker

217. Dry matter mixer (for lead-acid batteries)

218. Lead Alloy Smelter

219. Cutter of battery plates, engaged in stamping-separation of shaped lead plates

XIV. Radio engineering and electronic production

Work performed by profession:

220. Tester of parts and devices engaged in testing devices in thermal vacuum chambers at a temperature of + 28 ° C and above and -60 ° C and below, subject to direct presence in them

221. Caster of magnets on crystallizing furnaces

222. Melter of Shoopalloy and Bismuth

XV. Aircraft manufacturing and repair

Work performed by profession:

223. A locksmith for the repair of aircraft engines and a locksmith for the repair of units engaged in the repair of engines and units operating on leaded gasoline

XVI. Shipbuilding and ship repair

Work performed by profession:

224. Reinforcement for reinforced concrete ships, engaged in work on vibrating tables, vibrating platforms, cassette installations and with manual vibrators

225. Ship hibernator engaged in hot bending

226. Ship Boiler

227. Painter, ship insulator, employed in painting work in tanks, the second bottom area, warm boxes and other hard-to-reach areas of ships, as well as in work on cleaning old paint in these areas of ships

228. Coppersmith for the manufacture of ship products, engaged in hot work

229. Ship carpenter working in closed compartments of ships

230. Workers of the acceptance team at mooring, factory and state tests

231. Ship cutter engaged in work with hand pneumatic tools

232. Assembler of the hulls of metal ships, engaged in sectional, block and slipway assembly of surface ships with a constant combination of his work with electric tie-down, gas cutting and metal processing with hand pneumatic tools, as well as ship repair

233. Locksmith-mechanic for testing installations and equipment, engaged in the adjustment and testing of marine diesel engines in enclosed spaces and inside ships

234. Ship fitter, engaged in installation inside ships during repair

235. Locksmith-ship repairman engaged in work inside ships

236. Shipbuilder-Repairer

237. Ship Rigger

238. Ship's pipe fitter

XVII. Chemical production

Work performed in chemical industries by profession and by certain categories of workers:

239. Apparatus melter engaged in the smelting and refining of pitch

240. A steamer engaged in rubber stripping

Production of inorganic products

Calcium carbide production

241. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed in furnaces and manual crushing of carbide

Phosgene production

242. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Production of mercury and its compounds

243. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages, except for production with remote control

Yellow phosphorus production

244. Workers, shift supervisors and specialists directly involved in the maintenance of shaft slot furnaces, roasting and sintering furnaces, fines granulation units, in phosphorus subdivision departments, filling phosphorus tanks, servicing storage tanks of phosphorus, phosphorus sludge, sludge distillation and processing of fire-liquid slag

Production of phosphorus trichloride and phosphorus pentasulfide

245. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Chlorine production by mercury method

246. Workers employed at technological stages

Liquid chlorine and chlorine dioxide production

247. Workers employed at technological stages

Carbon disulfide production

248. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed in the departments: retort and condensation

Work with fluorine, hydrogen fluoride and fluorides

249. Workers, managers and specialists (except for work performed in laboratories using hydrofluoric acid and fluorides)

Arsenic and arsenic compounds production

250. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Silicon tetrachloride production

251. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Production of technical iodine

252. Workers engaged in the extraction of iodine

Organic food production

Production of benzatron and its chlorine and bromine derivatives, vilontron

253. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Production of aniline, paranitroaniline, aniline salts and fluxes

254. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Production of benzidine and its analogues

255. Workers, managers, specialists and other employees employed directly in production and at the station for the dissolution of these products

Production of carbon tetrachloride, golovax, rematol, sovol

256. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Chloropicrin production

257. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Arsenic catalyst production

258. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Production of tsiram, mercury and arsenic pesticides

259. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Chloroprene production

260. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Chloroprene rubber and latex production

261. Workers involved in the technological stages of polymerization and product recovery

Ethyl liquid production

262. Workers, managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Benzene, toluene, xylene production

263. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Paint and varnish production

Production of lead litharge and red lead, lead crowns,
whitewash, leaden greens and yarmedyanka

264. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Manufacture of chemical fibers and threads

265. Regeneration apparatchik employed in the regeneration of carbon disulfide

Production of products from fiberglass based
synthetic resins (phenol-formaldehyde, epoxy,
polyester unsaturated resins)

266. Apparatus workers engaged in contact molding of large-sized products with an area of ​​1.5 square meters and more

Production of medicines, medical, biological
preparations and materials

Antibiotic production

267. Filtration apparatus operator engaged in manual disassembly and assembly of filter presses with frame sizes over 500 mm

Obtaining morphine from raw opium

268. Filtration apparatus operator engaged in manual disassembly and assembly of filter presses with frame sizes over 500 mm

Androgen production

269. Apparatus for the production of synthetic hormones, engaged in the production of testosterone and its derivatives

XVIII. Production and processing of rubber compounds

Work performed by profession:

270. Vulcanizer engaged in loading, unloading products in boilers over 6 meters long, vulcanizing propeller shafts

271. Rubber mixer driver

272. Workers employed in departments: cold vulcanization, production of radol and facts

273. Repairer of rubber products engaged in the manufacture and repair of large-sized rubber parts and products, on the vulcanization of reinforced parts (large tires, rubber fuel tanks, tanks, conveyor belts, etc.)

Production, restoration and repair of tires

274. Work performed by a vulcanizer, a tire collector (heavy duty)

XIX. Oil, gas, shale and coal processing, production
synthetic petroleum products, petroleum oils and lubricants

Work performed by profession and by certain categories of workers:

275. Coke Cleaner

276. Coke unloader

277. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed in technological installations for leaded gasoline

278. Workers employed in extraction shops and departments of aromatic hydrocarbons production

279. Workers engaged in the preparation of arsenic solutions in the purification of sulfur-containing petroleum gas

XX. Logging and timber rafting

Logging works

280. Loading and unloading round timber (excluding pulpwood, mine rack and firewood up to 2 meters long)

281. Stacking round timber (excluding pulpwood, mine rack and firewood up to 2 meters long)

Work performed by profession:

282. Feller

283. Lumberjack engaged in felling, crosscutting logs and hilling longitude, chopping firewood, harvesting and cutting pneumatic resin, as well as harvesting wood with hand tools

284. A logger-dumper of timber, engaged in the creation of interoperational and seasonal stocks of logs and trees, loading trees, logs and round timber (except for pulpwood, mine racks and firewood up to 2 meters long) onto the timber rolling stock and unloading them, performing work manually

285. Choker

Timber rafting

Work performed by profession:

286. Rafter

287. Rigger engaged in loading and unloading rigging

288. Raft Shaper

XXI. Manufacture of pulp, paper, cardboard and articles thereof

Work performed by profession:

289. Apparatus for the preparation of chemical solutions, engaged in the dissolution of chlorine

290. Impregnation machine operator engaged in the production of anti-corrosion and inhibited paper

291. Brewer of fibrous raw materials

292. Pulp Maker

293. Woodburner

294. Pyrite Crusher

295. Loader of balances in defibrers

296. Loader of pyrite, sulfur furnaces and turm

297. Sulfate Loader

298. Acid

299. Mixer

300. Lining of acid tanks

301. Fiber filing machine

302. Impregnator of paper and paper products, engaged in fiber impregnation

303. Sulfurous acid regenerator

304. Locksmith-repairman, lubricator, cleaner of production and office premises, electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, engaged in the production of sulfite cellulose and sulfurous acid

305. Sister

306. Dryer of a paper (board) machine, employed on high-speed paper and board machines operating at a speed of 400 or more meters per minute

307. Bleacher

XXII. Cement production

308. Work performed by workers on the cleaning of sludge ponds and talkers

XXIII. Stone processing and production of stone products

Work performed by profession:

309. Pourer of stone products

310. Stonewar

311. Stones

312. A mill operator engaged in breaking diabase crushed stone into powder

313. Adjuster for stone processing equipment

314. Stone Sawer

315. Stone Router

XXIV. Production of reinforced concrete and concrete products and structures

316. Work as a carver of concrete and reinforced concrete products

XXV. Production of thermal insulation materials

Work performed by profession:

317. Bitumen

318. Cupcake

XXVI. Production of soft roofing and waterproofing materials

319. Work performed by the loader of digesters

XXVII. Glass and glassware production

Work performed by profession:

320. Quarceduv (except for those engaged in the manufacture of products with a diameter of up to 100 mm and a wall thickness of up to 3 mm)

321. Quartz Smelter

322. Mirror Dyer employed at work using mercury

323. A charge compiler engaged in manual work with the use of red lead

324. Ridiculous

XXVIII. Textile and light industry

Works performed in general textile manufacturing professions:

325. Operator of sizing equipment engaged in non-mechanized lifting and removal of rollers

326. Plumber cleaning sewer trenches and wells

Primary processing of cotton

327. Working as a pressman

Hemp-jute production

328. Work as a fiber maker engaged in breaking jute bales

Woolen production

Work performed by profession:

329. Industrial Cloth Washer

330. Assistant foreman employed in the weaving shop in the production of cloth

Felting and felt production

Work performed by profession:

331. Feller engaged in the manufacture of dense felts

332. Shoe-fitter engaged in handicrafts

333. Shoe remover from last, engaged in manual removal of felted shoes

Leather and raw hides production

335. Transportation, unloading and loading of large leather raw materials and semi-finished products manually in the soaking-ash shops of leather factories

Work performed by profession:

336. Scourer, engaged in turning large leathers on logs by hand, on fleshing and breaking up large leather raw materials

337. Leather distributor, engaged in rolling large and hard leather on rollers

338. Cutter of leather raw materials

339. Sorter of products, semi-finished products and materials, engaged in sorting large leather raw materials

340. Cleaner of products, semi-finished products and materials, engaged in cleaning large hides and large leather raw materials on decks by hand

Manufacture of leather footwear

341. Work as a molder of parts and products, employed on machines such as "Anklepf"

XXIX. Food industry

342. Bale of corrugated packaging waste

Works performed in the general professions of food production:

343. Diffusion apparatus operator, servicing intermittent diffusers when loading manually

344. An ice collector engaged in the preparation of ice in reservoirs and laying it in riots

345. Bone Charcoal Maker

346. Operator of cleaning machines engaged in manual disassembly of separators

Production of meat products

Work performed by profession:

347. A cattle fighter engaged in stunning operations, picking up, bleeding cattle and small ruminants and pigs; gutting, shooting cattle skins by hand; sawing carcasses; scalds and opals of pork carcasses and heads; horizontal processing of cattle carcasses

348. Skin Scourer

349. Skin Handler

Extraction and processing of fish

350. All types of work on fishing, prospecting and receiving and transport sea vessels, with the exception of sea floating crabs, canning factories, fish processing bases, large freezer fishing trawlers and sea refrigerated vessels, where women are allowed to work in all jobs, excluding jobs (professions, positions) specified in sections XXXII "Sea transport" and XXXIII "River transport" of this list

351. Tipping fish barrels manually

Work performed by profession:

352. Loader-unloader of food products, engaged in loading grids with canned food into autoclaves manually

353. A sea-beast handler, engaged in fleshing of sea-beast skins

354. A fish processor engaged in manual pouring and unloading of fish from vats, chests, vessels, slots and other navigable containers; mixing fish in salting vats by hand

355. Presser-squeezer of food products, engaged in pressing (squeezing) fish in barrels by hand

356. Acceptor of floating craft

357. Coastal fisherman, engaged in manual pulling of seine nets, ice fishing on seine nets, fixed nets and ventilators

Bakery production

358. Work performed by a dough breeder employed on kneading machines with rolling bowls with a capacity of over 330 liters when moving them manually

Tobacco, tobacco and fermentation production

359. Work performed by an auxiliary worker engaged in the transportation of bales of tobacco

Perfumery and cosmetic production

360. Work performed by a worker engaged in the grinding of amidochlorine mercury

Extraction and production of table salt

Work performed by profession:

361. Bulk of salt in swimming pools

362. Pool preparation

363. Road Worker on the Lake

XXX. Rail transport and subway

Work performed by profession and by certain categories of workers:

364. Accumulator engaged in the repair of lead-acid batteries

365. Trolley driver and his assistant working on broad-gauge railway lines

366. Conductor of freight trains

367. Fireman of steam locomotives in the depot

368. Diesel train driver and his assistant

369. The motor vehicle driver and his assistant working on broad gauge railway lines

370. Engine driver and assistant

371. Diesel locomotive driver and his assistant

372. Traction unit driver and his assistant

373. Electric locomotive driver and his assistant

374. Electric train driver and his assistant

375. Track fitter (when exceeding the established norms of maximum permissible loads for women when lifting and moving heavy weights manually)

376. Porter engaged in the movement of baggage and carry-on baggage

377. Inspector-repairman of wagons

378. Pipe Puncher

379. Conductor for escorting goods and special wagons, engaged in escorting goods on open rolling stock

380. Washer for steam locomotive boilers

381. Impregnator of sawn timber and wood products, engaged in impregnation with the use of oil antiseptics

382. Regulator of the speed of movement of wagons

383. Locksmith for the repair of rolling stock, performing the work:

for repairing the headset on steam locomotives when washing them warmly; in fire and smoke boxes;

for blowing out the bottom and gutters of electric rolling stock and diesel locomotives with electric transmission;

for disassembly, repair and assembly of drain devices and safety valves, for inspection and refueling of drain valves in tanks for oil and chemical products

384. Train compiler, train compiler assistant

385. An electrician of the contact network, engaged in work on electrified railways at height

386. Workers loading asbestos waste, constantly working in the ballast pit of asbestos waste

XXXI. Automobile transport

Work performed by profession:

387. A car driver working on a bus with more than 14 seats (except for those employed in intra-factory, intra-city, suburban transportation and transportation in rural areas within one day shift, provided that they are not involved in maintenance and repair of the bus)

388. A car driver working on a car with a carrying capacity of more than 2.5 tons (except for those employed in intra-plant, intra-city, suburban transport and transport in rural areas within one day shift, provided that they are not involved in maintenance and repair of a truck)

389. A car repair mechanic performing manual washing of engine parts of a car running on leaded gasoline

390. Car repair mechanic, engaged in running in the engine using leaded gasoline

391. A locksmith for fuel equipment, employed in auto services on the repair of fuel equipment of carburetor engines running on leaded gasoline

XXXII. Sea transport

392. Coastal boatswain, coastal sailor, senior coastal sailor (except for those working at passenger berths of local and suburban lines)

393. A ship's fireman and a boiler operator engaged in servicing boilers on ships and cranes, regardless of the type of fuel burned in the boilers

394. Cranmeister and His Assistant

395. Crane driver (crane operator), employed on a floating crane, and his assistant

396. Engineer command staff (mechanics, electromechanics and others) and engine crew (machinists, mechanics, electricians, turners and locksmiths of all types and others) of ships of all types of the fleet

397. Deck crew (boatswain, skipper, mate and sailors of all types) of vessels of all types of the fleet, as well as floating cleaning stations, docks, floating grain, cement, coal and other dusty cargo

398. Workers of complex brigades and loaders engaged in loading and unloading operations in ports and on quays

399. Crew members of all types of the fleet, combining work in two positions of deck and engine personnel

XXXIII. River transport

Work performed by profession and position:

400. Loaders, dockers-machine operators (except for dockers-machine operators, who constantly work as crane operators, drivers of intraport transport and workers serving machines and mechanisms of continuous action on the processing of goods, with the exception of substances belonging to 1 and 2 hazard classes)

401. Ship's fireman employed on solid fuel ships

402. Sailors of all types of passenger and cargo-passenger vessels (except for hydrofoils and planing vessels, as well as vessels operating on intracity and suburban lines), dredgers, dredgers and vessels of mixed river-sea navigation

403. Crane driver (crane operator) employed on a floating crane

404. Engine crew of ships of all types of the fleet, as well as crew members of ships of all types of the fleet, combining work in two positions of deck and engine personnel

XXXIV. civil Aviation

Work performed by profession and by certain categories of workers:

405. Aviation mechanic (technician) for airframe and engines, aviation mechanic (technician) for instruments and electrical equipment, aviation mechanic (technician) for radio equipment, aviation technician (mechanic) for parachute and emergency rescue equipment, aviation technician for fuels and lubricants , an engineer engaged directly in the maintenance of aircraft (helicopters)

406. Porter engaged in the movement of baggage and carry-on baggage at airports

407. Operator of filling stations engaged in refueling aircraft with leaded gasoline, as well as refueling special vehicles with leaded gasoline

408. Workers engaged in cleaning and repairing the inside of the fuel tanks of gas turbine aircraft

409. Workers engaged in the preparation of bitumen and the repair of runways and taxiways (filling seams) at airfields

XXXV. Connection

410. Operational and technical maintenance of radio equipment and communication equipment on high-rise structures (towers, masts) with a height of over 10 m, not equipped with lifts

XXXVI. Printing production

Work related to the use of lead alloys

411. Casting operations and finishing stereotype

Work performed by profession:

412. Adjuster of printing equipment, employed in the areas of casting stereotypes, type, typesetting and blank materials

413. Caster

414. Stereotype

Intaglio printing workshops

415. Work in the printing department of gravure printing (except for acceptance and packaging of finished products)

416. Work performed by the etcher of gravure printing plates

XXXVII. Production of musical instruments

417. Roughing and cleaning of cast-iron frames for pianos and grand pianos on abrasive wheels

418. Work performed by a wind instrument parts manufacturer engaged in the manufacture of parts for brass instruments

XXXVIII. Agriculture

419. Performing operations in plant growing, animal husbandry, poultry farming and fur farming using pesticides, pesticides and disinfectants (under the age of 35)

420. Serving bulls-producers, stallions-producers, boars

421. Loading and unloading animal carcasses, confiscated goods and pathological material

422. Work in wells, slurry tanks and cisterns, silos and silage towers

423. Work as tractor drivers in agricultural production

424. Work as truck drivers

425. Filming of hides from corpses of cattle, horses and cutting of carcasses

426. Transportation, loading and unloading of pesticides

427. Manual Drainage Tubing

XXXIX. Works performed in various sectors of the economy

428. Cleaning, sanding and painting works in ship and railroad tanks, ship liquid fuel tanks and oil tankers, cofferdams, fore and after peaks, chain boxes, double bottom and inter-board spaces and other hard-to-reach places

429. Painting with white lead, lead sulphate or other compositions containing these dyes

430. Installation, repair and maintenance of contact networks, as well as overhead power lines when working at a height of over 10 m

431. Direct fire fighting

432. Maintenance of floating equipment, dredgers with the performance of ship rigging

433. Cleaning of tanks (tanks, measuring tanks, cisterns, barges, etc.) from under sulfurous oil, products of its processing and sulfur-containing petroleum gas

434. Work with metallic mercury in an open form (except for workers employed in installations and semiautomatic devices, where effective air exchange at the workplace is ensured)

435. Composing a mixture of gasoline with ethyl liquid

436. Cleaning of mercury rectifiers

Work performed by profession:

437. Antenna-mast driver

438. Bitumen Cook

439. Snowmobile Driver

440. Diver

441. Gas rescuer

442. Mercury dispenser engaged in manual dispensing of open mercury

443. Wood Splitter Busy with Manual Work

444. Boiler repairing hot boilers

445. Boiler Cleaner

446. A paint-maker engaged in the preparation of lead paints by hand

447. A painter employed inside containers by painting with the use of paints and varnishes containing lead, aromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbons, as well as painting large-sized items in closed chambers with a spray gun using the same paints and varnishes

448. Crane driver (crane operator), engaged in work at sea

449. The driver (fireman) of the boiler house, engaged in the maintenance of steam and hot water boilers when loading manually with a consumption for the change of solid mineral and peat fuel per driver (fireman), exceeding the established norms of maximum permissible loads for women when lifting and moving heavy loads manually

450. Paratrooper (paratrooper-fireman)

451. Workers of the machine crew of floating cranes

452. Grinder engaged in grinding pitch

453. Repairer of artificial structures

454. Locksmith of emergency recovery works, engaged in works on cleaning the sewage network

455. Rigger engaged in the installation and dismantling of equipment

456. Cleaner cleaning pipes, ovens and gas ducts


1. The employer may decide on the use of women's labor in jobs (professions, positions) included in this list, provided that safe working conditions are created, confirmed by the results of certification of workplaces, with a positive conclusion of the state examination of working conditions and the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision service of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

2. The list of positions of managers, specialists and other workers associated with underground work, in which, as an exception, the use of female labor is permitted:

general director, director, head, technical manager, manager, chief engineer of mines and mines for the extraction of coal, ore and nonmetallic minerals by the underground method, for the construction of the subway, tunnels, mine construction and mine shafts, construction and construction and installation departments and construction and other underground structures, their deputies and assistants; chief, chief engineer of mining shops and sections, their deputies and assistants; senior engineer, engineer, technician, other managers, specialists and employees who do not perform physical work; engineer, technician, laboratory assistant, other specialists and employees who do not perform physical work and who are not permanently underground; chief surveyor, senior surveyor, mine surveyor, mine surveyor; chief geologist, chief hydrogeologist, chief hydrologist, mine geologist, mine, geologist, mine hydrogeologist, mine, hydrogeologist, hydrologist;

workers servicing stationary mechanisms that have automatic start and stop, and do not perform other work related to physical activity; employees undergoing training and admitted to training in the underground parts of organizations;

scientists and educational institutions, design and engineering organizations;

doctor, nurses and nurses, bartenders and other workers involved in sanitary and domestic services.

Active Edition from 25.02.2000

Type of documentresolution, list
Host bodyRussian government
Document Number162
Date of adoption01.01.1970
Date of revision25.02.2000
Date of registration with the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
  • Document in electronic form FAPSI, STC "System"
  • "Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation" N 10, 06.03.2000,
  • "Bulletin of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation" N 3, 2000
NavigatorNotes (edit)



In accordance with Article 10 of the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Labor Protection in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 29, Art. 3702), the Government of the Russian Federation decides: To approve the attached list of heavy work and work with harmful or hazardous working conditions, under which the employment of women is prohibited.

Prime Minister
Russian Federation

Government Decree
Russian Federation
dated February 25, 2000 N 162


1. Work associated with lifting and moving heavy weights manually, in case of exceeding the established norms of maximum permissible loads for women when lifting and moving heavy weights manually


2. Underground work in the mining industry and in the construction of underground structures, with the exception of work performed by women in leadership positions and not doing physical work; women engaged in sanitary and household services; women undergoing training and admitted to internships in the underground parts of the organization; women who must go down from time to time to the underground parts of the organization to perform work of a non-physical nature (the list of positions of managers, specialists and other workers associated with underground work, in which, as an exception, the use of female labor is allowed is given in paragraph 2 of the notes to this list)


Foundry works

3. Cupcake

4. The beater of castings, engaged in manual beating

5. Filling the charge into cupolas and furnaces, busy loading the charge manually

6. Casting teapot

7. Metal filler

8. Cutter engaged in work with pneumatic tools

9. Smelter of metal and alloys

10. Workers engaged in the suspension of hot casting on the conveyor and maintenance and repair of equipment in the tunnels of foundries

Welding works

11. Gas welder and electric welder of manual welding, working in closed containers (tanks, boilers, etc.), as well as on high-rise communications structures (towers, masts) over 10 meters and climbing work

Boiler houses, cold stamping, drawing
and pressure works

Work performed by profession:

12. Boiler man

13. Turner on metal-spinning lathes, engaged in manual work

14. The chaser engaged in works with a hand pneumatic tool

Press-forging and thermal works

Work performed by profession:

15. Bandage worker engaged in hot work

16. Spring worker engaged in hot work when winding springs from wire with a diameter of over 10 mm

17. Rolling machine engaged in rolling rings in a hot state

18. Spring for hot metal processing

Metal coatings and painting

19. Sealing inside the caisson tanks

20. Continuous work on hot lead (not electroplated)

Locksmith and fitter-assembly works

Work performed by profession:

21. Pneumatic driller performing work with a pneumatic tool that transfers vibration to the hands of the worker

22. Locksmith-repairman, busy: adjustment of equipment in workshops and departments:

hot-rolled, pickling, enameling, insulating with the use of organosilicon varnishes, lead sealing in cable production;

hot repair of selenium and shooing apparatus (equipment);

adjustment of equipment in workshops and departments for the preparation and use of organosilicon varnishes and varnishes containing 40 and more percent of toluene, xylene;

repair of equipment in closed fuel and oil storage facilities at thermal power plants, as well as repair of equipment in tunnels and heating chambers in heating networks; maintenance of water-jacket furnaces in the production of non-ferrous metals and alloys; adjustment and repair of hot chill molds; directly in the shops: mill, spreading, shaping, foundry, pipe-filling, glacial mixing and assembly in the production of lead-acid batteries; repair of technological equipment at engine test stations, running on leaded gasoline and located in boxes

Lead work

23. Smelting, casting, rolling, broaching and stamping of lead products, as well as lead-coating of cables and soldering of lead-acid batteries


24. Hot repair of furnaces and boiler furnaces

25. Grubbing tree stumps

26. Fastening structures and parts using a construction and assembly gun

27. Slab works, dismantling of buildings and structures

28. Punching holes (grooves, niches, etc.) in concrete, reinforced concrete and stone (brick) structures manually and using pneumatic tools Works performed by profession:

29. Rebar, engaged in the manual installation of frames, manual, bending machines and scissors

30. Asphalt concrete worker, asphalt concrete grinder, engaged in manual work

31. Water jet

32. Excavator engaged in digging wells

33. Bricklayer engaged in the laying of modular solid silicate bricks

34. Steel roofer

35. Caisson operator-operator, caisson operator-tunneller, caisson operator-locksmith, caisson operator-electrician

36. Motor grader driver

37. Asphalt distributor driver, truck driver

38. The driver of the concrete pumping plant, the driver of the mobile bitumen-melting plant

39. Bulldozer driver

40. The driver of the grader-elevator

41. Driver of a mobile asphalt concrete mixer

42. Driver of asphalt concrete paver

43. Single-bucket excavator driver, rotary excavator driver (trencher and trench excavator)

44. Operator of a mobile electric welding unit with an internal combustion engine

45. A mobile power plant operator working at a power plant with an internal combustion engine with a capacity of 150 liters. with. and more

46. ​​Telecommunications installer-antennae, busy working at height

47. Assembler for the installation of steel and reinforced concrete structures when working at height and climbing work

48. Lead solder (lead solder)

49. Carpenter

50. Plumber engaged in the repair of the sewer network

51. Pipeline for industrial reinforced concrete pipes

52. Pipeline for industrial brick pipes


Open pit mining and operating surface
and mines and mines under construction, beneficiation, agglomeration,

Works performed in the general professions of mining and mining operations:

53. Borehole Driller

54. Blaster, Master Blaster

55. Miner for the prevention and extinguishing of fires

56. Supplier of fastening materials to the mine

57. Woodworker

58. Blacksmith Brewer

59. Drilling rig operator

60. Loader driver

61. The operator of the installation for drilling shafts of mines with a full cross-section

62. Excavator driver

63. Dumper engaged in manual rolling and rolling of trolleys

64. Tunnel

65. Stem, busy feeding trolleys into the cage manually

66. Cleaner busy cleaning bins

67. Electrical fitter (locksmith) on duty and equipment repair, engaged in the maintenance and repair of equipment, mechanisms, water and air highways in mining works.

68. A crusher engaged in crushing hot pitch in the production of alumina

69. A roaster engaged in the process of roasting raw materials and materials in the production of mercury

70. Workers and foremen of concentration and crushing and sorting factories, mines, mines and metallurgical enterprises engaged in crushing, grinding, grinding and mixing ores of ferrous, non-ferrous and rare metals, fluorspar and coal, which generate dust containing 10 percent and more free silicon dioxide, when working by hand

71. Workers employed in lead enrichment workshops

72. Workers and foremen engaged in the beneficiation of niobium (loparite) ores

Construction of subways, tunnels and underground
special structures

Work performed by profession:

73. Mining equipment installer

74. A drifter on surface works

Mining of ores

Work performed by profession:

75. Miner of alluvial deposits

76. Chisel driver

77. Drager

78. Dredge Sailor

79. Dredge Driver

80. Engineer of a rocket launcher

Extraction and processing of peat

Work performed by profession:

81. Groove

82. Grubber

83. Driver of machines for the extraction and processing of sod peat

84. Machine operator for the preparation of peat deposits for operation

85. Driver of a peat excavator

86. Peat worker engaged in felling trees, on the lining of peat bricks

Processing of brown coal and ozokerite ores

Work performed by profession:

87. Administrator of the production of mountain wax

88. Operator of the production of ozokerite and ozokerite products

89. Crusher

90. The driver of the briquette press

91. Filling machine operator


Work performed by profession:

92. Blaster, Master Blaster

93. Assembler of geodetic signs

94. Electrician (locksmith) on duty and equipment repair, employed in the field


Work performed by profession:

95. Driller of production and exploration wells for oil and gas

96. Rig, rig-welder, rig-electrician

97. Drilling rig operator

98. Well cementing operator

99. Motor operator of a cementing unit, a mechanic of a cement-sand mixing unit

100. Pipe crimper

101. Assistant driller of production and exploration wells for oil and gas (first)

102. Assistant driller of production and exploration wells for oil and gas (second)

103. Mud maker engaged in manual mud preparation

104. Rig service mechanic, directly employed at the rigs

105. Locksmith-repairman engaged in the repair of drilling equipment

106. Drill Joint Installer

107. Drilling electrician


108. Well workover driller

109. Driller of a floating drilling unit at sea

110. Operator of a mobile steam dewaxing unit

111. The driver of the mobile compressor

112. Lift driver

113. Driver of the washing unit

114. Hydraulic fracturing operator

115. Operator for preparing wells for capital and underground workovers

116. Well workover operator

117. Chemical Well Treatment Operator

118. Well Workover Driller Assistant

119. Assistant driller of a floating drilling unit at sea

120. Workers, managers and specialists constantly engaged in underground oil production

121. Fitter for the installation and repair of the foundations of offshore drilling platforms and racks

122. Locksmith-repairman engaged in the installation and maintenance of technological equipment and repair of oilfield equipment

123. Electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, engaged in the maintenance and repair of technological equipment


124. Ladle working with molten metal

125. Metal heater employed at work in methodical, chamber furnaces and wells of rolling and pipe production

126. Metal surface blemish processor, engaged in work with pneumatic tools

Blast-furnace production

Work performed by profession:

127. Horse blast furnace

128. Blast Furnace Plumber

129. Blast furnace furnace

130. Scale car driver

131. Skipova

Steel production

Work performed by profession:

132. Filling machine operator

133. Mixer

134. Stuffer of blocks

135. Furnace reduction of iron and annealing of iron powders

136. Smelter of deoxidizers

137. Converter Steelmaker's Handy

138. Handyman of the open-hearth furnace steelmaker

139. Helper of the steelmaker of the electroslag remelting plant

140. Electric Furnace Steelmaker's Handyman

141. Steel Castor

142. Converter Steelmaker

143. Open-hearth furnace steelmaker

144. Steelmaker of the electroslag remelting plant

145. Electric furnace steelmaker

Rolling production

Work performed by profession:

146. Roller of a hot rolling mill

147. Pitch Brewer

148. Hot-rolling mill operator's assistant

149. Rail fastening press-broaching machine

150. Locksmith-conductor employed in the section rolling production

Pipe production

Work performed by profession:

151. Roller of the sizing mill

152. Roller of a hot-rolled pipe mill

153. Roller of the furnace pipe welding mill

154. Roller of cold-rolled pipe mill

155. Roller of the pipe-forming mill

156. A pipe dragger employed in non-mechanized mills

157. Pipe calibrator on the press

158. Blacksmith on hammers and presses

159. Helper of a rolling mill of hot-rolled pipes

160. Helper of a rolling mill of cold-rolled pipes

Ferroalloy production

Work performed by profession and by certain categories of workers:

161. Furnace of ferroalloy furnaces

162. Smelter engaged in the smelting and granulation of molten vanadium pentoxide

163. Ferroalloy smelter

164. Workers engaged in the smelting of silicon alloys in open arc furnaces

165. Workers engaged in the production of metallic chromium and chromium-containing alloys by the aluminothermal method

By-product coke production

166. Work related to direct employment in the production of benzene, its hydrotreating and rectification Work performed by profession:

167. Barely

168. Dover

169. Crusher

170. Lukova

171. Scrubber-pump, engaged in the maintenance of the phenolic plant in the shop for collecting coking products

172. Locksmith-repairman engaged in the maintenance of coke oven batteries


Work performed in general professions:

173. Anode grinder engaged in pouring bottom sections of anodes in the production of aluminum, silumin and silicon

174. Fitter at the repair of baths, engaged in drilling a recess for a cathode rod in the production of aluminum, silumin and silicon

175. Smelter

176. Caller

177. Locksmith-repairman, electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, employed in the main metallurgical workshops

178. Sinter

179. A burdener engaged in work at the furnaces in the production of tin

Production of non-ferrous and rare metals, production of powders from non-ferrous metals

180. Works performed by workers and foremen employed in workshops (departments and sections) of titanium tetrachloride (tetrachloride) production

181. Work performed by workers and foremen employed in the chlorination shops of loparite concentrate

182. Work performed by workers and foremen employed in workshops (departments and sections) of tetrachloride recovery and metal separation in the production of titanium metal

183. Work performed by workers and foremen employed in the departments (at sites) chlorination and rectification of titanium raw materials (slags)

184. Work performed by workers employed in the slag processing department by the fumigation method on fuming in the production of tin

185. Work performed by workers employed in smelting shops, as well as on the processing of cinders in the production of mercury Work performed by profession:

186. Anode in the production of aluminum

187. Titanium Sponge Beater

188. Metal pourer-pourer

189. Cathode

190. Converter

191. Capacitor

192. Assembler of reaction devices, engaged in the installation and dismantling of baths and furnaces, on the repair and restoration of reaction devices

193. Mercury Beater

194. Grain in the production of zinc dust

195. Pechevoy on Welzpeches

196. Furnace for recovery and distillation of titanium and rare metals

197. Nickel powder recovery mill

198. Titanium-containing and rare-earth materials processing plant

199. Slimer of electrolyte baths, engaged in manual cleaning of baths

200. Molten Salt Electrolysis Cell

Processing of non-ferrous metals by pressure

201. Work performed by a hot metal rolling stock engaged in the rolling of non-ferrous metals and their alloys

Electrolytic aluminum production

202. Work performed by workers and foremen

Alumina production

203. Work performed by the operator of loaders engaged in repair work in hard-to-reach places of pneumatic and hydraulic loaders


Work performed by profession:

204. An electrician for the repair of overhead power lines, engaged in climbing work, repairing high-voltage power lines

205. An electrician for the repair and installation of cable lines, engaged in the repair of cable glands with lead litharge and on the soldering of lead cable sleeves and sheaths


Work performed by profession:

206. Balancer-pourer of abrasive wheels, busy pouring lead into abrasive products

207. Bulldozer operator engaged in hot disassembly of resistance furnaces in the production of abrasives

208. Smelter of abrasive materials

209. Breeder employed in the corundum workshop

210. Disassembler of resistance furnaces employed in the workshop for the production of silicon carbide


Work performed in general professions:

211. Distiller of mercury

212. A molder of mercury rectifiers, performing work with open mercury

Electric coal production

213. Work performed by workers in the smelting of pitch

Cable production

Work performed by profession:

214. Lead or aluminum cable crimper engaged in hot lead crimping

215. Cable stripper, engaged in stripping only lead sheaths

Manufacture of chemical power sources

Work performed by profession:

216. Lead alloy foundry worker

217. Dry matter mixer (for lead-acid batteries)

218. Lead Alloy Smelter

219. Cutter of battery plates, engaged in stamping-separation of shaped lead plates


Work performed by profession:

220. Tester of parts and devices, engaged in testing about about

devices in thermo-vacuum chambers at a temperature of +28 C and above and -60 C and below, provided that they are directly located in them

221. Caster of magnets on crystallizing furnaces

222. Melter of Shoopalloy and Bismuth


Work performed by profession:

223. A locksmith for the repair of aircraft engines and a locksmith for the repair of units engaged in the repair of engines and units operating on leaded gasoline


Work performed by profession:

224. Reinforcement for reinforced concrete ships, engaged in work on vibrating tables, vibrating platforms, cassette installations and with manual vibrators

225. Ship hibernator engaged in hot bending

226. Ship Boiler

227. Painter, ship insulator, employed in painting work in tanks, the second bottom area, warm boxes and other hard-to-reach areas of ships, as well as in work on cleaning old paint in these areas of ships

228. Coppersmith for the manufacture of ship products, engaged in hot work

229. Ship carpenter working in closed compartments of ships

230. Workers of the acceptance team at mooring, factory and state tests

231. Ship cutter engaged in work with hand pneumatic tools

232. Assembler of the hulls of metal ships, engaged in sectional, block and slipway assembly of surface ships with a constant combination of his work with electric tie-down, gas cutting and metal processing with hand pneumatic tools, as well as ship repair

233. Locksmith-mechanic for testing installations and equipment, engaged in the adjustment and testing of marine diesel engines in enclosed spaces and inside ships

234. Ship fitter, engaged in installation inside ships during repair

235. Locksmith-ship repairman engaged in work inside ships

236. Shipbuilder-Repairer

237. Ship Rigger

238. Ship's pipe fitter


Work performed in chemical industries by profession and by certain categories of workers:

239. Apparatus melter engaged in the smelting and refining of pitch

240. A steamer engaged in rubber stripping

Production of inorganic products

Calcium carbide production

241. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed in furnaces and manual crushing of carbide

Phosgene production

242. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Production of mercury and its compounds

243. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages, except for production with remote control

Yellow phosphorus production

244. Workers, shift supervisors and specialists directly involved in the maintenance of shaft slot furnaces, roasting and sintering furnaces, fines granulation units, in phosphorus subdivision departments, filling phosphorus tanks, servicing storage tanks of phosphorus, phosphorus sludge, sludge distillation and processing of fire-liquid slag

Production of phosphorus trichloride and phosphorus pentasulfide

245. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Chlorine production by mercury method

246. Workers employed at technological stages

Liquid chlorine and chlorine dioxide production

247. Workers employed at technological stages

Carbon disulfide production

248. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed in the departments: retort and condensation

Work with fluorine, hydrogen fluoride and fluorides

249. Workers, managers and specialists (except for work performed in laboratories using hydrofluoric acid and fluorides)

Arsenic and arsenic compounds production

250. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Silicon tetrachloride production

251. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Production of technical iodine

252. Workers engaged in the extraction of iodine

Organic food production

Production of benzatron and its chlorine and bromine derivatives, vilontron

253. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Production of aniline, paranitroaniline, aniline salts and fluxes

254. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Production of benzidine and its analogues

255. Workers, managers, specialists and other employees employed directly in production and at the station for the dissolution of these products

Production of carbon tetrachloride, golovax, rematol,

256. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Chloropicrin production

257. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Arsenic catalyst production

258. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Production of tsiram, mercury and arsenic pesticides

259. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Chloroprene production

260. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Chloroprene rubber and latex production

261. Workers involved in the technological stages of polymerization and product recovery

Ethyl liquid production

262. Workers, managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Benzene, toluene, xylene production

263. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Paint and varnish production

Production of lead litharge and red lead, lead crowns, white,

leaden greenery and yarmedyanka

264. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed at technological stages

Manufacture of chemical fibers and threads

265. Regeneration apparatchik employed in the regeneration of carbon disulfide

Production of products from fiberglass based

synthetic resins (phenol-formaldehyde,

epoxy, polyester unsaturated resins)

266. Apparatchiks engaged in contact molding of large-sized items with an area of ​​1.5 square meters. m and more

Production of medicines, medical, biological
preparations and materials

Antibiotic production

267. Filtration apparatus operator engaged in manual disassembly and assembly of filter presses with frame sizes over 500 mm

Obtaining morphine from raw opium

268. Filtration apparatus operator engaged in manual disassembly and assembly of filter presses with frame sizes over 500 mm

Androgen production

269. Apparatus for the production of synthetic hormones, engaged in the production of testosterone and its derivatives


Work performed by profession:

270. Vulcanizer engaged in loading, unloading products in boilers over 6 meters long, vulcanizing propeller shafts

271. Rubber mixer driver

272. Workers employed in departments: cold vulcanization, production of radol and facts

273. Repairer of rubber products engaged in the manufacture and repair of large rubber parts and products, on the vulcanization of reinforced parts (large tires, rubber fuel tanks, tanks, conveyor belts, etc.)

Production, restoration and repair of tires

274. Work performed by a vulcanizer, a tire collector (heavy duty)


Work performed by profession and by certain categories of workers:

275. Coke Cleaner

276. Coke unloader

277. Workers, shift managers and specialists employed in technological installations for leaded gasoline

278. Workers employed in extraction shops and departments of aromatic hydrocarbons production

279. Workers engaged in the preparation of arsenic solutions in the purification of sulfur-containing petroleum gas


Logging works

280. Loading and unloading round timber (excluding pulpwood, mine rack and firewood up to 2 meters long)

281. Stacking round timber (with the exception of pulpwood, mine racks and firewood up to 2 meters long) Works performed by profession:

282. Feller

283. Lumberjack engaged in felling, crosscutting logs and hilling longitude, chopping firewood, harvesting and cutting pneumatic resin, as well as harvesting wood with hand tools

284. A logger-dumper of timber, engaged in the creation of interoperational and seasonal stocks of logs and trees, loading trees, logs and round timber (except for pulpwood, mine racks and firewood up to 2 meters long) onto the timber rolling stock and unloading them, performing work manually

285. Choker

Timber rafting

Work performed by profession:

286. Rafter

287. Rigger engaged in loading and unloading rigging

288. Raft Shaper


Work performed by profession:

289. Apparatus for the preparation of chemical solutions, engaged in the dissolution of chlorine

290. Impregnation machine operator engaged in the production of anti-corrosion and inhibited paper

291. Brewer of fibrous raw materials

292. Pulp Maker

293. Woodburner

294. Pyrite Crusher

295. Loader of balances in defibrers

296. Loader of pyrite, sulfur furnaces and turm

297. Sulfate Loader

298. Acid

299. Mixer

300. Lining of acid tanks

301. Fiber filing machine

302. Impregnator of paper and paper products, engaged in fiber impregnation

303. Sulfurous acid regenerator

304. Locksmith-repairman, lubricator, cleaner of production and office premises, electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, engaged in the production of sulfite cellulose and sulfurous acid

305. Sister

306. Dryer of a paper (board) machine, employed on high-speed paper and board machines operating at a speed of 400 or more meters per minute

307. Bleacher


308. Work performed by workers on the cleaning of sludge ponds and talkers


Work performed by profession:

309. Pourer of stone products

310. Stonewar

311. Stones

312. A mill operator engaged in breaking diabase crushed stone into powder

313. Adjuster for stone processing equipment

314. Stone Sawer

315. Stone Router


316. Work as a carver of concrete and reinforced concrete products


Work performed by profession:

317. Bitumen

318. Cupcake


319. Work performed by the loader of digesters


Work performed by profession:

320. Quarceduv (except for those engaged in the manufacture of products with a diameter of up to 100 mm and a wall thickness of up to 3 mm)

321. Quartz Smelter

322. Mirror Dyer employed at work using mercury

323. A charge compiler engaged in manual work with the use of red lead

324. Ridiculous


Works performed in general textile manufacturing professions:

325. Operator of sizing equipment engaged in non-mechanized lifting and removal of rollers

326. Plumber cleaning sewer trenches and wells

Primary processing of cotton

327. Working as a pressman

Hemp-jute production

328. Work as a fiber maker engaged in breaking jute bales

Woolen production

Work performed by profession:

329. Industrial Cloth Washer

330. Assistant foreman employed in the weaving shop in the production of cloth

Felting and felt production

Work performed by profession:

331. Feller engaged in the manufacture of dense felts

332. Shoe-fitter engaged in handicrafts

333. Shoe remover from last, engaged in manual removal of felted shoes

Leather and raw hides production

335. Transportation, unloading and loading of large leather raw materials and semi-finished products manually in the ash-soaking shops of leather factories Works performed by profession:

336. Scourer, engaged in turning large leathers on logs by hand, on fleshing and breaking up large leather raw materials

337. Leather distributor, engaged in rolling large and hard leather on rollers

338. Cutter of leather raw materials

339. Sorter of products, semi-finished products and materials, engaged in sorting large leather raw materials

340. Cleaner of products, semi-finished products and materials, engaged in cleaning large hides and large leather raw materials on decks by hand

Manufacture of leather footwear

341. Work as a molder of parts and products, employed on machines such as "Anklepf"


342. Bale of corrugated-board production waste Works performed in the general professions of food production:

343. Diffusion apparatus operator, servicing intermittent diffusers when loading manually

344. An ice collector engaged in the preparation of ice in reservoirs and laying it in riots

345. Bone charcoal manufacturer 346. Cleaning machine operator engaged in manual disassembly of separators

Production of meat products

Work performed by profession:

347. A cattle fighter engaged in stunning operations, picking up, bleeding cattle and small ruminants and pigs; gutting, shooting cattle skins by hand; sawing carcasses; scalds and opals of pork carcasses and heads; horizontal processing of cattle carcasses

348. Skin Scourer

349. Skin Handler

Extraction and processing of fish

350. All types of work on fishing, prospecting and receiving and transport sea vessels, with the exception of sea floating crabs, canning factories, fish processing bases, large freezer fishing trawlers and sea refrigerated vessels, where women are allowed to work in all jobs, excluding jobs (professions, positions) specified in sections XXXII "Sea transport" and XXXIII "River transport" of this list

351. Manual tipping of barrels with fish Works performed by profession:

352. Loader-unloader of food products, engaged in loading grids with canned food into autoclaves manually

353. A sea-beast handler, engaged in fleshing of sea-beast skins

354. A fish processor engaged in manual pouring and unloading of fish from vats, chests, vessels, slots and other navigable containers; mixing fish in salting vats by hand

355. Presser-squeezer of food products, engaged in pressing (squeezing) fish in barrels by hand

356. Acceptor of floating craft

357. Coastal fisherman, engaged in manual pulling of seine nets, ice fishing on seine nets, fixed nets and ventilators

Bakery production

358. Work performed by a dough breeder employed on kneading machines with rolling bowls with a capacity of over 330 liters when moving them manually

Tobacco, tobacco and fermentation production

359. Work performed by an auxiliary worker engaged in the transportation of bales of tobacco

Perfumery and cosmetic production

360. Work performed by a worker engaged in the grinding of amidochlorine mercury

Extraction and production of table salt

Work performed by profession:

361. Bulk of salt in swimming pools

362. Pool preparation

363. Road Worker on the Lake


Work performed by profession and by certain categories of workers:

364. Accumulator engaged in the repair of lead-acid batteries

365. Trolley driver and his assistant working on broad-gauge railway lines

366. Conductor of freight trains

367. Fireman of steam locomotives in the depot

368. Diesel train driver and his assistant

369. The motor vehicle driver and his assistant working on broad gauge railway lines

370. Engine driver and assistant

371. Diesel locomotive driver and his assistant

372. Traction unit driver and his assistant

373. Electric locomotive driver and his assistant

374. Electric train driver and his assistant

375. Track fitter (when exceeding the established norms of maximum permissible loads for women when lifting and moving heavy weights manually)

376. Porter engaged in the movement of baggage and carry-on baggage

377. Inspector-repairman of wagons

378. Pipe Puncher

379. Conductor for escorting goods and special wagons, engaged in escorting goods on open rolling stock

380. Washer for steam locomotive boilers

381. Impregnator of sawn timber and wood products, engaged in impregnation with the use of oil antiseptics

382. Regulator of the speed of movement of wagons

383. A locksmith for the repair of rolling stock, performing the following work: repairing the headset on steam locomotives during their warm washing; in fire and smoke boxes; for blowing out the bottom and gutters of electric rolling stock and diesel locomotives with electric transmission; for disassembly, repair and assembly of drain devices and safety valves, for inspection and refueling of drain valves in tanks for oil and chemical products

384. Train compiler, train compiler assistant

385. An electrician of the contact network, engaged in work on electrified railways at height

386. Workers loading asbestos waste, constantly working in the ballast pit of asbestos waste


Work performed by profession:

387. A car driver working on a bus with more than 14 seats (except for those employed in intra-factory, intra-city, suburban transportation and transportation in rural areas within one day shift, provided that they are not involved in maintenance and repair of the bus)

388. A car driver working on a car with a carrying capacity of more than 2.5 tons (except for those employed in intra-plant, intra-city, suburban transport and transport in rural areas within one day shift, provided that they are not involved in maintenance and repair of a truck)

389. A car repair mechanic performing manual washing of engine parts of a car running on leaded gasoline

390. Car repair mechanic, engaged in running in the engine using leaded gasoline

391. A locksmith for fuel equipment, employed in auto services on the repair of fuel equipment of carburetor engines running on leaded gasoline


392. Coastal boatswain, coastal sailor, senior coastal sailor (except for those working at passenger berths of local and suburban lines)

393. A ship's fireman and a boiler operator engaged in servicing boilers on ships and cranes, regardless of the type of fuel burned in the boilers

394. Cranmeister and His Assistant

395. Crane driver (crane operator), employed on a floating crane, and his assistant

396. Engineer command staff (mechanics, electromechanics and others) and engine crew (machinists, mechanics, electricians, turners and locksmiths of all types and others) of ships of all types of the fleet

397. Deck crew (boatswain, skipper, mate and sailors of all types) of vessels of all types of the fleet, as well as floating cleaning stations, docks, floating grain, cement, coal and other dusty cargo

398. Workers of complex brigades and loaders engaged in loading and unloading operations in ports and on quays

399. Crew members of all types of the fleet, combining work in two positions of deck and engine personnel


Work performed by profession and position:

400. Loaders, dockers-machine operators (except for dockers-machine operators, who constantly work as crane operators, drivers of intraport transport and workers serving machines and mechanisms of continuous action on the processing of goods, with the exception of substances belonging to 1 and 2 hazard classes)

401. Ship's fireman employed on solid fuel ships

402. Sailors of all types of passenger and cargo-passenger vessels (except for hydrofoils and planing vessels, as well as vessels operating on intracity and suburban lines), dredgers, dredgers and vessels of mixed river-sea navigation

403. Crane driver (crane operator) employed on a floating crane

404. Engine crew of ships of all types of the fleet, as well as crew members of ships of all types of the fleet, combining work in two positions of deck and engine personnel


Work performed by profession and by certain categories of workers:

405. Aviation mechanic (technician) for airframe and engines, aviation mechanic (technician) for instruments and electrical equipment, aviation mechanic (technician) for radio equipment, aviation technician (mechanic) for parachute and emergency rescue equipment, aviation technician for fuels and lubricants , an engineer engaged directly in the maintenance of aircraft (helicopters)

406. Porter engaged in the movement of baggage and carry-on baggage at airports

407. Operator of filling stations engaged in refueling aircraft with leaded gasoline, as well as refueling special vehicles with leaded gasoline

408. Workers engaged in cleaning and repairing the inside of the fuel tanks of gas turbine aircraft

409. Workers engaged in the preparation of bitumen and the repair of runways and taxiways (filling seams) at airfields


410. Operational and technical maintenance of radio equipment and communication equipment on high-rise structures (towers, masts) with a height of over 10 m, not equipped with lifts


419. Performing operations in plant growing, animal husbandry, poultry farming and fur farming using pesticides, pesticides and disinfectants (under the age of 35)

420. Serving bulls-producers, stallions-producers, boars

421. Loading and unloading animal carcasses, confiscated goods and pathological material

422. Work in wells, slurry tanks and cisterns, silos and silage towers

423. Work as tractor drivers in agricultural production

424. Work as truck drivers

425. Filming of hides from corpses of cattle, horses and cutting of carcasses

426. Transportation, loading and unloading of pesticides

427. Manual Drainage Tubing


428. Cleaning, sanding and painting works in ship and railroad tanks, ship liquid fuel tanks and oil tankers, cofferdams, fore and after peaks, chain boxes, double bottom and inter-board spaces and other hard-to-reach places

429. Painting with white lead, lead sulphate or other compositions containing these dyes

430. Installation, repair and maintenance of contact networks, as well as overhead power lines when working at a height of over 10 m

431. Direct fire fighting

432. Maintenance of floating equipment, dredgers with the performance of ship rigging

433. Cleaning of tanks (tanks, measuring tanks, cisterns, barges, etc.) from sour oil, products of its processing and sulfur-containing petroleum gas

434. Work with metallic mercury in the open state (except for workers employed in installations and semiautomatic devices, where effective air exchange at the workplace is ensured)

435. Composing a mixture of gasoline with ethyl liquid

436. Cleaning of mercury rectifiers Work performed by profession:

437. Antenna-mast driver

438. Bitumen Cook

439. Snowmobile Driver

440. Diver

441. Gas rescuer

442. Mercury dispenser engaged in manual dispensing of open mercury

443. Wood Splitter Busy with Manual Work

444. Boiler repairing hot boilers

445. Boiler Cleaner

446. A paint-maker engaged in the preparation of lead paints by hand

447. A painter employed inside containers by painting with the use of paints and varnishes containing lead, aromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbons, as well as painting large-sized items in closed chambers with a spray gun using the same paints and varnishes

448. Crane driver (crane operator), engaged in work at sea

449. The driver (fireman) of the boiler house, engaged in the maintenance of steam and hot water boilers when loading manually with a consumption for the change of solid mineral and peat fuel per driver (fireman), exceeding the established norms of maximum permissible loads for women when lifting and moving heavy loads manually

450. Paratrooper (paratrooper-fireman)

451. Workers of the machine crew of floating cranes

452. Grinder engaged in grinding pitch

453. Repairer of artificial structures

454. Locksmith of emergency recovery works, engaged in works on cleaning the sewage network

455. Rigger engaged in the installation and dismantling of equipment

456. Cleaner cleaning pipes, ovens and gas ducts


1. The employer may decide on the use of women's labor in jobs (professions, positions) included in this list, provided that safe working conditions are created, confirmed by the results of certification of workplaces, with a positive conclusion of the state examination of working conditions and the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision service of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

2. The list of positions of managers, specialists and other workers associated with underground work, in which, as an exception, the use of female labor is permitted:

general director, director, head, technical manager, manager, chief engineer of mines and mines for the extraction of coal, ore and nonmetallic minerals by the underground method, for the construction of the subway, tunnels, mine construction and mine shafts, construction and construction and installation departments and construction and other underground structures, their deputies and assistants;

chief, chief engineer of mining shops and sections, their deputies and assistants;

senior engineer, engineer, technician, other managers, specialists and employees who do not perform physical work;

engineer, technician, laboratory assistant, other specialists and employees who do not perform physical work and who are not permanently underground;

chief surveyor, senior surveyor, mine surveyor, mine surveyor; chief geologist, chief hydrogeologist, chief hydrologist, mine geologist, mine, geologist, mine hydrogeologist, mine, hydrogeologist, hydrologist;

workers servicing stationary mechanisms that have automatic start and stop, and do not perform other work related to physical activity;

employees undergoing training and admitted to training in the underground parts of organizations;

employees of scientific and educational institutions, design and engineering organizations;

doctor, nurses and nurses, bartenders and other workers involved in sanitary and domestic services.

On the website "Zakonbase" is presented the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 25, 2000 N 162 "ON APPROVAL OF THE LIST OF HEAVY WORK AND WORK WITH HARMFUL OR DANGEROUS WORKING CONDITIONS, WHEN IMPLEMENTING WHICH IS PROHIBITED IN THE LATEST VERSION." It is easy to comply with all legal requirements if you read the relevant sections, chapters and articles of this document for 2014. To search for the necessary legislative acts on a topic of interest, you should use the convenient navigation or advanced search.

On the website "Zakonbase" you will find the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 25, 2000 N 162 "ON APPROVAL OF THE LIST OF HEAVY WORK AND WORK WITH HARMFUL OR DANGEROUS WORKING CONDITIONS WHEN IMPLEMENTING WHICH IT IS PROHIBITED TO USE full version, which includes all changes and amendments. This guarantees the relevance and reliability of the information.

At the same time, download the REGULATION of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 25, 2000 N 162 "ON APPROVAL OF THE LIST OF HEAVY WORK AND WORK WITH HARMFUL OR DANGEROUS WORKING CONDITIONS, WHEN IMPLEMENTING WHICH IT IS PROHIBITED TO USE LABOR, completely free of charge, by individual WOMEN."