Federal register of state and municipal services (functions). Federal register of state and municipal services (functions) Register of frgu regulatory authorities


A full description of the possibilities of interaction with the IAS MKSU can be downloaded at this link ..

Form actualization

Form for regular services: http: //dev.site/hershel/current-form/direct

Form for electronic services: http: //dev.site/hershel/current-form/electronic

Receiving events

The service is used to register in the IAS MKSU the facts of citizens' appeals to the territorial authorities in order to obtain public services... The response of the web service when a valid message is provided will be the event package identifier in the IAS MKGU.
Method: POST
Content Type: application / xml
URL: https: // site / hershel / events

Sample XML Request

0.0.0 +79160000000 [email protected] site --- --- --- 79000000000 2012-04-04 14:14:06 +79160000000 [email protected] site --- --- --- 79000000000 2012-04-04 14:14:06

Acceptance of estimates

The service is designed for batch transmission of assessments to the IAS MKGU. The service supports two scenarios of use: obtaining ratings for an already registered event in the IAS MKSU and receiving ratings along with a new event.
Method: POST
Content Type: application / xml
URL: https: // site / hershel / rates

Sample XML Request

0.0.2 1

[email protected] service Proced proce 2012-04-04 14:14:06 2012-04-04 14:14:06 79000000000 1 6 7
[email protected] service Proced proce 2012-04-04 14:14:06 2012-04-04 14:14:06 79000000000 2 3 4

SMEV services


All information about the operation of the IAS MKGU services, working through the SMEV, is posted on the portal of its services, in more detail:

Service for updating the survey form


Reception of data on the facts of the provision of public services

Link to service documentation on those. SMEV portal: SID0003944

Service for receiving grades

Link to service documentation on those. SMEV portal: SID0003954

Service for checking the status of a package in the IAS MKGU

Link to service documentation on those. SMEV portal: SID0003952

Service for issuing short ("popular") names of public services

Link to service documentation on those. SMEV portal:

In 2011, Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 861 on the creation of a single resource "Federal Register of State and Municipal Services (Functions)" was approved. FDRU was created to control the provision of services to the population by the administration, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, educational and medical institutions, extra-budgetary funds and other departments.

List Sections

Summary Information system consists of four sections:

  • federal services;
  • services of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • municipal services;
  • reference materials.

The list is regulated by legislative and other normative legal acts (NLA), including administrative regulations of local authorities.

Each section contains information about the activities of the respective departments. The part of the reference block contains information about the location of the organization assisting citizens.

To maintain the Federal Register of State and Municipal Services (Federal Register of State and Municipal Services), the Government of the Russian Federation has appointed an authorized representative office for filling out the information register. The placement and updating of data is carried out by the responsible employees of the department.

To provide citizens with access to the functions of various departments, regional lists and web portals are being created.


FRSU should contain the following information about the service provided:

  • the name of the body;
  • legal act;
  • method of providing;
  • term of rendering;
  • applicant's documents;
  • intradepartmental and interdepartmental procedures.

The registry was created with the aim of solving the following tasks:

  • reduced regulation by the state;
  • improving the quality of public services;
  • increasing the efficiency of administrations;
  • informational openness for citizens.

Thanks to the creation of the Federal Republican State University, uniform requirements to the structure and content of legal acts regulating the procedure for exercising powers on the part of the authorities.

Reference: The main goal of the creation of the Federal State University was the transfer of state and municipal services into electronic form.

Who has the right to access

Everyone is not allowed to enter the Information Society Web Portal. Only registered users who are responsible for entering information into the Federal State University and who have an electronic digital key obtained in a certain order have access.

To provide assistance to citizens, a portal www.gosuslugi.ru has been created, which is directly linked to the Federal List.

Regional register

The administrative bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation can create regional registers of state and municipal services, as well as local web portals of state services. Each area is assigned structural units responsible for the formation of the list. The information published in the RSU is checked by an authorized representative for compliance with the normative legal acts. It also undergoes an automatic formal logical verification within one day. If violations are detected, the data is sent for revision.

These RSUs contain information about the services provided by local governments. The composition and placement procedure are regulated by the Government of the Russian Federation. Administrative regulations adopted at the regional level must be published on the official website of the region.

Principles of interaction in the exchange of information

To ensure the operability of the portal, the Government of the Russian Federation from among federal bodies management appoints:

  • the operator of the joint register;
  • responsible for maintaining the reference resource;
  • authorized organization in the field of digital signature.

Each structure is endowed with specific functions. Operator:

  • places information;
  • provides round-the-clock, uninterrupted access for citizens;
  • is a member of the commission for the development of methodological recommendations;
  • protects information from unauthorized access.

The agency responsible for maintaining the information portal ensures:

  • verification of the entered data;
  • development of methodological recommendations;
  • monitoring and analysis of the functions of the authorities.

The organization responsible for issuing EDS certificates generates and publishes on "Gosuslugi" the names and addresses of certification centers, to which citizens can apply to obtain a digital signature key.

It is important to know: The recipients of assistance from the municipal authorities are individuals and legal entities.

What is transferred to "Gosuslugi"

After entering a function in the Federal or regional register, it must be transferred to the portal of public services within three days. The following information is posted on "Gosuslug":

  • registry number;
  • Name;
  • executive authority;
  • category of applicants;
  • Required documents;
  • information about retribution;
  • term of rendering;
  • result;
  • reasons for refusal;
  • place of provision;
  • application forms;
  • contacts.

In addition, the procedure for pre-trial challenging the actions of officials is prescribed for each function.

In addition to information from the consolidated list, the operator has the right to publish on the Internet resource www.gosuslugi.ru reference information determined by the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation.


Below are the answers to typical questions on the provision of information about state (municipal) services to GAS "Management":

  1. What access rights to GAS "Management" must be assigned to a user to transfer information about state (municipal) services in the "1-GU" and "1-MU" forms?

To transfer reports in the form "1-GU" and "1-MU", the user of GAS "Management" must be assigned the "Specialist" authority.
The request for access authority is carried out in accordance with Appendix E "" GAS "Management".

  1. Where in the closed part of GAS "Management" you can find input forms for transfer information about state (municipal) services in the forms "1-GU" and "1-MU"?

A user who has access authorization with the "Specialist" role must click on the "Information services" button. At the end of the list information services it is necessary to select "Monitoring of state (municipal) services".

  1. When entering the GiMU monitoring, an error occurred while searching for the OGRN of the user's authority in the Federal Republic of Germany database. How can I fix this error?

Initially, it is recommended to refresh the page by simultaneously holding down the Ctrl + F5 buttons. If the error persists, then it is necessary to check the presence of the correct PSRN of the authority in the database of the federal register of public services (FRGU). To do this, it is recommended to contact authorized body the authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, responsible for the formation and maintenance of the regional RSU, as well as sending this information to the Federal Republican State University. In the absence of information about the responsible authority, it is recommended to contact the support service of the regional or federal RSU.

If the OGRN of the authority is absent or is indicated incorrectly in the consolidated register of the Federal State University, then it is necessary to correct the relevant information. Updating of data to GASU from FRGU is carried out once a day. Therefore, after the adjusted record of the organization is checked and agreed, as a result of which it will receive the status " Published by", it is necessary after 1 day to re-check the access to the" Monitoring of state (municipal) services "in the closed part of the State Agency for Architecture and Civil Engineering.

If after 2 days the error remains, then it is recommended to contact the support service of the State Architectural University on this issue. When contacting, it is recommended to indicate the full name, OGRN and the identifier of the organization in the Federal State University, and also you must send a screenshot of the error when entering the "Monitoring of state (municipal) services". In the appeal, it is necessary to indicate how much time has passed since the organization's record was edited in the Federal State University.

  1. When entering the GiMU monitoring, a message arose that the user's authority is not responsible for the provision of state (municipal) services. How can I fix this error?

Initially, it is recommended to refresh the page by simultaneously holding down the Ctrl + F5 buttons. If the error persists, then it is necessary to check the availability of registered services provided by the authority in the database of the Federal State University. To do this, it is recommended to contact the authorized authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which is responsible for the formation and maintenance of the regional RSU, as well as sending this information to the FRSU. In the absence of information about the responsible authority, it is recommended to contact the support service of the regional or federal RSU.

If in the FRGU the authority does not have records of state (municipal) services, then it is necessary to correct the corresponding information. Updating of data to the State Architectural University of Ukraine from the consolidated register in the Federal State University is carried out once a day. Therefore, after the corrected records of the organization's services are checked and agreed upon, as a result of which they will receive the status " Published by", it is necessary after 1 day to check again whether the records of the state (municipal) services provided by them appeared in the" Monitoring of state (municipal) services "in the closed part of the State Agency for Architecture and Civil Engineering of the relevant authority.

If after 2 days the error remains, then it is recommended to contact the support service of the State Architectural University on this issue. When applying, it is recommended to indicate the full name and PSRN of the authority, identifiers necessary services to the Federal State University, and you also need to send a screenshot of the error when entering the "Monitoring of state (municipal) services". In the appeal, it is necessary to indicate how much time has passed since the download of the corresponding records of the services provided by the authority in the Federal State University.

  1. Who should fill out information about state (municipal) services in GAS "Management"?

Information about the state (municipal) service is filled in by the organization (federal executive authority, regional executive office, local government authority) responsible for the provision of the service, according to the information published on the Federal State University.
Information about the state (municipal) service, for which the state (municipal) institution is responsible, is submitted by the superior organization (federal executive office, regional executive office, local government authority).
If the organization responsible for the provision of the service does not have the technical ability to work with the GAS "Management", then the information about the state (municipal) services for it is entered by its superior organization.

  1. When entering the GiMU monitoring, a message appeared that an error occurred while searching for the user's organization, or that the authority was identified, but a blank page is displayed. How can I fix it?

In case of such an error, it is recommended to refresh the page by simultaneously holding down the Ctrl + F5 buttons. If the error persists, then it is necessary to check the presence of a record of the authority in the database of the Federal Republic of Germany. To do this, it is recommended to contact the authorized authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which is responsible for the formation and maintenance of the regional RSU, as well as sending this information to the FRSU.
If the data is entered correctly in the Federal Republic of Germany, then it is recommended to contact the service technical support GASU on this issue. When contacting, it is recommended to indicate the full name, OGRN and the identifier of the organization in the Federal State University, and also you must send a screenshot of the error when entering the "Monitoring of state (municipal) services". In the appeal, it is necessary to indicate how much time has passed since the last editing of the record of the authority in the Federal Republic of Germany.

  1. When entering the monitoring of GiMU, only monitoring filters are displayed. At the same time, no information is displayed under the filters anymore. How can I fix this problem?

The most likely reason for this problem is the use of Internet Explorer 8 version to work with GAS "Management". In this case, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the requirements for the browsers used to work with GAS "Management", which are given under.

  1. Our government body is responsible for the formation and maintenance of the regional register of public services (RRGU), as well as for sending information from the RRGU to the federal RGU. How can you get access to the forms for entering the entire list of organizations in the region in the monitoring of G&M in the closed part of GAS "Management"?

It is necessary to send the information containing the full name of the authority, its OGRN and NLA, or a link to the NLA, according to which this authority is assigned the appropriate powers, to the mail of the technical or methodological support service of GASU. In the appeal, it is necessary to indicate that this authority must be provided with full access to the "Monitoring of state (municipal) services" in the closed part of the State Agency for Architecture and Civil Engineering. At the same time, users from this authority must still be given an access authorization with the role of "Specialist" in the profile of the authority in the Unified Information System.

  1. Why are the lines of Sections 1 and 4 missing in the forms for entering reports for the reporting quarter in the "Monitoring of State (Municipal) Services" in the closed part of GAS "Management"?

In accordance with the order of Rosstat No. 217, data on sections 1 and 4 of reporting forms 1-GU and 1-MU are provided only in the annual report. In quarterly reports, it is necessary to transfer data only for sections 2 and 3.

  1. In the monitoring of GiMU, the authority displays an incomplete list of services provided. How can this problem be resolved?

It is necessary to check the correctness of the list of registered services provided by the authority in the Federal Republican State University database. To do this, it is recommended to contact the authorized authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which is responsible for the formation and maintenance of the regional RSU, as well as sending this information to the Federal Republican State University. In the absence of information about the responsible authority, it is recommended to contact the support service of the regional or federal RSU.

If in the FRGU the authority does not have records of some state (municipal) services, then it is necessary to correct the corresponding information in the FRSU. Updating of data in the State Architectural and Control Service of Ukraine from the consolidated register in the Federal State University is carried out once a day. Therefore, after the corrected records of the organization's services are checked and agreed upon, as a result of which they will receive the status " Published by", it is necessary after 1 day to re-check the compliance of the list of services provided by the authority, which are displayed in the State Architectural Service of Ukraine, with the list of registered services provided by the authority from the Federal Republic of Germany.

If after 2 days the list has not changed, then it is recommended to contact the technical support service of the State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering about this problem. When applying, it is recommended to indicate the full name, OGRN and the identifier of the organization in the Federal Republic of Germany. It is also necessary to indicate the identifiers of services in the Federal Republic of Germany, which are not displayed by the authority in the list in the State Agency for Architecture and Civil Engineering. In the appeal, it is necessary to indicate how much time has passed since the corresponding records of services provided by the authority in the Federal Republic of Germany were changed.

  1. In the monitoring of GiMU by the authority, the list contains services that are no longer provided. How can this problem be resolved?

In the event of a similar problem, it is recommended to refresh the page by simultaneously holding down the Ctrl + F5 buttons. If the problem persists, then it is necessary to check the correctness of the list of registered services provided by the authority in the Federal State University's database. To do this, it is recommended to contact the authorized authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which is responsible for the formation and maintenance of the regional RSU, as well as sending this information to the Federal Republican State University. In the absence of information about the responsible authority, it is recommended to contact the support service of the regional or federal RSU.

If in the FRGU the authority has records of state (municipal) services that are no longer provided by this authority, then it is necessary to correct the corresponding information in the FRSU. Updating of data to the State Architectural University of Ukraine from the consolidated register in the Federal State University is carried out once a day. Therefore, after the corrected records of the organization's services are checked and agreed upon, as a result of which they will change their status from " Published by"on status" Removed", it is necessary after 1 day to re-check the compliance of the list of services that are displayed by the authority in the State Architectural Service of Ukraine with the list of registered services provided by the authority from the Federal Republic of Germany.

If, after 2 days, the list has not changed, then it is recommended to contact the technical support service of GASU on this problem. When applying, it is recommended to indicate the full name, OGRN and the identifier of the organization in the Federal Republic of Germany. It is also necessary to indicate the identifiers of services in the Federal Republic of Germany, which are displayed in the list in GASU, despite the fact that in the consolidated register of the Federal Republic of Germany they have the status "Deleted". In the appeal, it is necessary to indicate how much time has passed since the corresponding records of the services provided by the authority in the Federal State University were changed.

  1. In the monitoring of GiMU, the list of organizations contains records of organizations that have not been deleted from the RSU. How can this problem be resolved?

In the event of a similar problem, it is recommended to refresh the page by simultaneously holding down the Ctrl + F5 buttons. If the problem persists, then it is necessary to check the correctness of the list of organizations in the Federal Federal State University's database. To do this, it is recommended to contact the authorized authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which is responsible for the formation and maintenance of the regional RSU, as well as sending this information to the Federal Republican State University. In the absence of information about the responsible authority, it is recommended to contact the support service of the regional or federal RSU.

In the Federal State University, the organization's status should indicate "Deleted". If the status indicates something else, then it is necessary to correct the corresponding record of the organization in the Federal Republic of Germany and wait for the status of the record of the organization to change to "Deleted". In addition, services registered in the Federal State University for this organization must also have the "Deleted" status. Updating of data to the State Architectural University of Ukraine from the consolidated register in the Federal State University is carried out once a day. Therefore, after the changes in the consolidated register of the FRSU are checked and agreed, as a result of which the organization's record will change its status to " Removed", after 1 day, it is necessary to re-check the correspondence of the list of organizations in the State Architectural Service of Ukraine to the list of organizations in the Federal Republic of Germany that have the" Published "status.

If, after 2 days, the list has not changed, then it is recommended to contact the technical support service of GASU on this problem. When contacting, it is recommended to indicate full names, OGRN and identifiers in the FRGU of organizations that in the FRGU have the status "Deleted", but are displayed in the GASU. In the appeal, it is necessary to indicate how much time has passed since the corresponding records of organizations in the Federal State University were changed.

  1. For what period is it necessary to provide information on forms 1-ГУ and 1-МУ (urgent, quarterly) for the 3rd quarter of 2015: only for the months of the 3rd quarter of 2015 or on an accrual basis from January 2015 to September 2015?

For forms 1-GU and 1-MU (urgent, quarterly) for the 3rd quarter of 2015, it is necessary to provide information only for the period from July to September 2015 inclusive.

  1. Is it possible to put a dash in the forms for entering monitoring of G&MU?

According to Rosstat Order No. 217 of 05/06/2015 (as amended by Rosstat Order No. 342 of 07/23/2015) in forms 1-GU and 1-MU (urgent, quarterly), dashes are placed only in lines 1-11 of section 1, as well as in lines 46-56 of section 4. All other indicators (ie lines of sections 2 and 3) in quarterly forms must be filled in, dashes in these sections are not allowed.

  1. Only integer values ​​can be specified in the monitoring input forms for G&MU. Why can't I put the decimal places?

According to the Rosstat Order No. 217 of 05/06/2015 (as amended by the Rosstat Order No. 342 of 07/23/2015) in the 1-GU and 1-MU forms, all indicators must be filled in whole numbers without a decimal point.

  1. In what units of measurement (day, hour, minute) it is necessary to indicate the value in line 40 of the monitoring input forms for G&MU?

According to Rosstat Order No. 217 of 05/06/2015 (as amended by Rosstat Order No. 342 of 07/23/2015), in Forms 1-GU and 1-MU, line 40 indicates the average number of hours provision of public services. In this case, the value in line 40 is calculated as the weighted average value from the total array of information for the line and greater than or equal to the value of the exponent in line 41... In the event that the actual term for the provision of public services, established administrative regulations, calculated in days, when filling in the value of the indicator 24 hours must be counted as day... In the event that the actual period for the provision of public services, established by administrative regulations, is calculated in minutes, it must be taken into account that an hour is 60 minutes; thus, the value of the indicator when filling in must be divided by 60.