How to make a claim for the return of a poor-quality fur coat? Sample claim for the replacement of goods of inadequate quality Claim for a poor-quality product for a fur coat

The exchange of a non-food product of good quality is carried out if the specified product was not in use, its presentation, consumer properties, seals, factory labels are preserved, and there is also a sales receipt or cashier's receipt or other document confirming payment for the specified product.

Fur and fashion

Can I return a fur coat to the store?

The warranty period has been set within the warranty period. During operation, the following defects were discovered (or appeared): enumeration. In accordance with Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights", a consumer to whom a product of inadequate quality has been sold, if it has not been agreed by the seller, has the right to refuse to execute the sales contract and demand the return of the money paid for the product, as well as compensation all damages caused. In accordance with Art. 22 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Protection of Consumer Rights, the term for satisfying individual consumer requirements, including refunding money, is 10 days from the date of receipt of the demand. For the delay of Art.

Application for the return of a fur coat to the store

Of the Consumer Protection Law): Consumer claims for a commensurate reduction in the purchase price of the goods, reimbursement of expenses for correcting defects in the goods by the consumer or a third party, return of the money paid for the goods, as well as the claim for compensation for losses caused to the consumer due to the sale of goods of inadequate quality or the provision of inadequate information about the goods, are subject to satisfaction by the seller (manufacturer, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) within ten days from the date of the relevant request. (Article 23 of the Law on Consumer Protection): 1.

Legal aspects of the return of a poor-quality fur coat

If within fourteen days you have not been able to return the goods of proper quality to the seller, then it will be possible to hand over it only if a defect is found. How to return a faulty fur coat? How to return a faulty fur coat? Before answering this question, there are a few important things to note:

    The law does not regulate the warranty period for fur coats. Therefore, when buying, be sure to ask him and ask for warranty documents.

Practice shows that the guarantee for a fur coat is usually a year or two;

  • Not all product defects can be considered defects. There is a whole list of things that are not considered a marriage. It makes no sense to list them all - we only note that defects considered natural (for example, fading of fur) are not considered a marriage;
  • How to write an application for the return of a fur coat

    • Is it possible to return, reasons for return
    • How to return
    • Claim
    • Refund period
    • Return of a fur item purchased on credit

    According to the law “On protection of consumer rights, any product of proper and inadequate quality can be returned back to the seller. Consider the features of the return of a fur coat and the reasons for the return, and also describe the procedure for returning a fur product purchased on credit. to the table of contents Is it possible to return, reasons for return? According to the law, any non-food product of proper quality can be returned back to the store if it does not fit in color, size, style and other characteristics. Fur products are no exception, they can be returned as well.

    Claim for a refund for a fur coat after 14 days

    The RF Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” provides for the consumer's right to exchange goods of good quality within 14 days, not counting the day of purchase. At the same time, the goods should not be in use, their presentation, factory labels, as well as sales and cash receipts should be preserved. If you could not receive the desired product for exchange, the seller is obliged to return the money spent on its purchase within 3 days.

    Sample claim for the return of good quality goods

    At the same time, it perfectly emphasizes the status of the owner. That is why most fur coats cost a lot of money and are sometimes purchased on credit. And every buyer wants to be sure that he buys a quality product with his own money that will serve him for many years. Therefore, the most relevant question for buyers purchasing such an expensive and luxurious product is how to return a fur coat to the store in case of a shortcoming? The content of the article:

    • When can you return fur product of proper quality?
    • How to return a faulty fur coat?
    • How to return a fur coat in a claim procedure?
    • How to return a fur coat to a store if it was bought on credit?

    When can a fur product be returned of proper quality? Various fur products, and especially fur coats, are very expensive.

    Rules for filling out the application form for the return of goods

    Got a fake? Stolen - what to do? Quality certificate Can I return and how? Claim for return Warranty Money back Expertise Defects and marriage Return You bought a fur coat, and after a few days, or even on the same day, you find that it has a fairly worn fur (although you have not worn it yet), poor-quality finishing, or even it began to creep apart at the seams. What to do if a poor-quality fur coat was purchased? Of course, don't panic. There is a consumer protection law that will definitely help you in such a situation.

    First of all, it is worth taking a fur coat, checks and at the same time go to the store where the item was purchased. Contact the seller who sold you a low-quality fur coat with a request for a replacement or a refund. If the seller refuses your request, then you will need to make your request in writing as a claim.

    The law does not oblige you to do this. However, to simplify the procedure and speed it up, you should write this statement. If payment for a fur product was made in cash, they must be returned on the day of circulation and return of the goods. When paying by bank transfer, funds are transferred to the account from which the payment was made within 3 days.

    Application for the return of a low-quality fur product

    If you are going to take it to the store in person, ask the representative to mark the second copy with an acceptance mark. It is possible to send an application by mail services. Only the letter must be sent by registered order with a notification. The notification will be returned to your address with a confirmation of delivery.

    back to table of contents Refund period Claim response time is 10 days. If there was no answer or it was negative, you can file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor or the prosecutor's office, with a statement of claim to the court. back to table of contents Return of a fur product bought on credit You can return a fur coat bought on credit as a quality or a low-quality one. When buying a fur product in this way, two contracts are concluded. One is between the buyer and the seller, the other between the buyer and the credit institution.

    Application for the return of a low-quality fur product

    Return of good quality goods Claim form for the return of good quality goods Claim to the seller for the return of good quality goods Return of good quality goods Art. 25 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights of 02/07/1992 No. 2300-I (hereinafter - Law No. 2300-I) provides the right of the buyer to exchange a non-food product of good quality for an identical one from the same seller, if it did not fit, for example, in style, color, model, configuration, etc. For more information on the rules for returning products of proper quality, see the article Rules for returning products of proper quality.
    If the consumer has expressed a desire to return the product, but the seller refuses to accept it, for example, because there is no similar replacement product, and he does not want to return the money, etc., the citizen has the right to make a claim for return and transfer it to the seller. How to return a fur coat to a store if it was bought on credit? A fur coat is a very expensive thing.

    So expensive that sometimes the easiest and fastest way to buy it is to take out a loan. Therefore, if you took a loan for the purchase of a fur coat, then you will also need to give it along with the purchase.
    By agreement of the consumer with the seller, the exchange of goods may be provided upon receipt of a similar product for sale. The seller is obliged to immediately inform the consumer about the receipt of a similar product for sale. The RF Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights provides for a penalty in the amount of 1% of the price of the goods for each day of delay in meeting the claim, and the amount of the penalty is not limited.

    I draw your attention to the fact that I do not agree to the elimination of the above deficiencies (product repair). Also, if there is any doubt about the cause of the defect, I ask you to ensure my presence at the examination, and notify me in advance by the indicated phones. In connection with the above, I ask you to return the amount paid for / product name / inadequate quality within 10 days.

    In case of non-satisfaction of the stated requirements within the prescribed period, I intend to file a statement of claim in defense of my rights to the courts with the requirements specified in the claim, as well as with a claim for compensation for non-pecuniary damage; court, in accordance with Art. In theory, many stores respond positively to such a request, since they want to solve the problem peacefully, without bringing the matter to court. Your request must be reviewed within ten business days, after which you will be given a written response. If you were refused again, then this is already a reason to go to court.

    But, when going to court, keep in mind that an examination of the purchased fur coat will be required, and if you lose this case, you will need to pay for the examination yourself. On July 1, 2012, a law was introduced on the introduction of compulsory certification of all fur products in Russia. Moreover, when buying a fur coat, you have the right to demand from the seller to provide you with the appropriate document.

    The certificate must indicate: 1. The legal address of the manufacturer or seller. 2. The organization that carried out the certification, stamped and signed. 3. The type of fur.

    4. Funds paid with a plastic card are returned only to this card.
    Return of goods of IMPROPER QUALITY When refunding money for goods of INCORRECT QUALITY, the response time is 10 days, then for delay - a penalty of 1% per day from the price of the goods. When returning, a statement with a claim is written in 2 copies, on one by the seller a visa of receipt and the date are put. If it is necessary to leave the item with the seller, he must write a safe receipt or a similar document, in which it is necessary to describe the item in as much detail as possible: fur, color, model, article and all claim defects are obligatory (!) If there is a disagreement about the reasons for the defect, the seller is obliged to conduct an examination of the product. The cost of the examination is paid by the losing party.

    If the examination confirms the marriage, and the seller refuses to return the money, you need to sue. With the onset of winter, the Office of Rospotrebnadzor in the Altai Republic has received more frequent requests for exchange and return of fur products.Consumers ask whether it is possible to exchange a fur coat if it does not fit (in size, style, etc.) and how to return a fur product if it turns out to be substandard? Dear consumers, fur products are the same goods as all the others purchased under a retail sale and purchase agreement.

    The only difference is that this product will be used at a certain time of the year, and the warranty period does not always begin to run from the moment of the purchase and sale transaction (the winter season in the Altai Republic begins on November 1).

    Application for the return of a low-quality fur product

    You need to look for an expert on your own, refuse the services of the experts of this store, since they usually conduct research in their favor. In general, it is enough to turn directly to the management of the store, because no one wants problems with the court and immediately make concessions, solving everything peacefully. Examination of a defective (low-quality) fur coat Examination is appointed when a statement of claim has already been filed with the court (if the store refused even to a written request in the store).

    At the same time, it perfectly emphasizes the status of the owner. That is why most fur coats cost a lot of money and are sometimes purchased on credit. And every buyer wants to be sure that he buys a quality product with his own money that will serve him for many years. Therefore, the most relevant question for buyers purchasing such an expensive and luxurious product is how to return a fur coat to the store in case of a shortcoming? Contents of the article: The Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights provides for the consumer's right to exchange goods of good quality within 14 days, not counting the day of purchase.

    At the same time, the goods should not be in use, their presentation, factory labels, as well as sales and cash receipts should be preserved. If you could not receive the desired product for exchange, the seller is obliged to return the money spent on its purchase within 3 days.
    The consumer's absence of a sales receipt or cashier's receipt or other document confirming payment for the goods does not deprive him of the opportunity to refer to witness testimony. In the event that a manufacturing defect is discovered during the wearing process, the consumer is protected by Art. 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights".

    The exchange of a non-food product of good quality is carried out if the specified product was not in use, its presentation, consumer properties, seals, factory labels are preserved, and there is also a sales receipt or cashier's receipt or other document confirming payment for the specified product. The consumer's absence of a sales receipt or cashier's check or other document confirming payment for the goods does not deprive him of the opportunity to refer to the testimony. 2. If a similar product is not on sale on the day the consumer contacts the seller, the consumer has the right to refuse to execute the sales contract and demand the return of the money paid for the specified product.

    The consumer's demand for the return of the money paid for the specified product is subject to satisfaction within three days from the date of return of the specified product.

    • In the claim, you can prescribe the norms of the law that allow the buyer to return the goods of good quality to the store. We are talking, for example, about Art. 25 of Law No. 2300-I.
    • If the buyer has a cash or sales receipt, it must be mentioned and a copy must be attached to the claim.
    • A claim for the return of a good quality product is made in the name of the store manager, therefore, before writing it, we recommend that you clarify all the necessary details, the correct name of the organization and the mailing address. You can download a sample version of the Good Quality Return Claim here: Sample Good Return Claim. Thus, drawing up a claim for the return of goods of good quality is a necessity if the seller does not want to make a return on a voluntary basis.

    Got a fake? Stolen - what to do? Quality certificate Can I return and how? Claim for return Warranty Money back Expertise Defects and marriage Return You bought a fur coat, and after a few days, or even on the same day, you find that it has a fairly worn fur (although you have not worn it yet), poor-quality finishing, or even it began to creep apart at the seams.

    What to do if a poor-quality fur coat was purchased? Of course, don't panic. There is a consumer protection law that will definitely help you in such a situation.

    Claim for the return of a poor-quality fur coat

    IS FREE! If, after examining a fur coat in a store, the buyer nevertheless found a defect already at home, it is necessary to shortest time contact the seller with a written claim. We must not forget that the condition for the exchange and return of goods is to preserve their presentation and packaging, from which the conclusion follows - do not rush to throw away receipts, labels and packaging for a fur coat.

    In addition, another important condition should be borne in mind - a fur coat that was used for its intended purpose and under conditions suitable for this type of product is subject to return and exchange. As a rule, in the sales contract or a memo, the consumer is informed about the conditions for the operation of the fur coat, violating which the consumer is forever deprived of the opportunity to return or exchange the goods. The claim is made in two copies, one of which is transferred to the seller, and the second - with a mark of acceptance and the seal of the trade organization - remains with the buyer. The exchange of a non-food product of good quality is carried out if the specified product was not in use, its presentation, consumer properties, seals, factory labels are preserved, and there is also a sales receipt or cashier's receipt or other document confirming payment for the specified product.

    The consumer's absence of a sales receipt or cashier's check or other document confirming payment for the goods does not deprive him of the opportunity to refer to witness testimony. 2. If a similar product is not on sale on the day the consumer contacts the seller, the consumer has the right to refuse to execute the sales contract and demand the return of the money paid for the specified product. The consumer's demand for the return of the money paid for the specified product is subject to satisfaction within three days from the date of return of the specified product.

    The warranty period has been set within the warranty period. During operation, the following defects were discovered (or appeared): enumeration. In accordance with Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights", a consumer to whom a product of inadequate quality has been sold, if it has not been agreed by the seller, has the right to refuse to execute the sales contract and demand the return of the money paid for the product, as well as compensation all damages caused.

    In accordance with Art. 22 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Protection of Consumer Rights, the term for satisfying individual consumer requirements, including refunding money, is 10 days from the date of receipt of the demand. For the delay of Art. By agreement of the consumer with the seller, the exchange of goods may be provided upon receipt of a similar product for sale.

    The seller is obliged to immediately inform the consumer about the receipt of a similar product for sale. Upon delivery, a passport is required, you will need to fill out an application with an exchange / return request. When you return money for goods of PROPER QUALITY, the money must be returned to you within 3 days, then interest is charged at the rate of the Central Bank.

    If the seller does not have the opportunity to return the money to you immediately, it is better to issue a second copy of the application, on which the seller put the visa and the date of delivery. Make a copy of the sales receipt in advance and keep the original with you before receiving the money. Funds paid with a plastic card are returned only to this card.

    Claim for a refund sample for mink coats

    Application for the return of a fur coat to the store. Why do people usually write an application to return a fur coat to the store? What documents are needed to successfully return a fur coat to the store? What are the reasons that prompt people to write an application for the return of a fur coat to the store?

    Every buyer should be aware of the Consumer Protection Law. And if a person knows about this law and has studied it, then he should also know that there are circumstances under which it will be possible to return the purchased item within fourteen days from the date of purchase. The Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights provides for a penalty in the amount of 1% of the price of the goods for each day of delay in meeting the claim, and the amount of the penalty is not limited. I draw your attention to the fact that I do not agree to the elimination of the above deficiencies (product repair). Also, if there is any doubt about the cause of the defect, I ask you to ensure my presence at the examination, and notify me in advance by the indicated phones.

    In connection with the above, I ask you to return the amount paid for / name of the product / inadequate quality within 10 days. In case of non-satisfaction of the stated requirements within the prescribed period, I intend to file a statement of claim in defense of my rights to the courts with the requirements specified in the claim, as well as with a claim for compensation for non-pecuniary damage; court, in accordance with Art.

    • 7.2009 00:06 # 4 And if the store gave your sample application Larik, you have the right to use any sample applications or not to use any, but come up with your own. Don't be led by the seller. That is, you need to write another claim and what date to indicate in it. The compilation date, of course. The main thing is to transfer this application before the expiration of the period for exchange (by 19.07) and get a mark of receipt on your copy. cash and sales receipt No, well, I absolutely do not understand our consumers.

    For violation of the deadlines provided for in Articles 20, 21 and 22 of this Law, as well as for failure to fulfill (delay in fulfilling) the consumer's requirement to provide him with a similar product for the period of repair (replacement) of a similar product, the seller (manufacturer, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer), who committed such violations, pays to the consumer for each day of delay a penalty (penalty) in the amount of one percent of the price of the goods. An example of an application for a refund of the amount paid for a product of inadequate quality to the Director of jurid.
    name of the organization on the checkout Surname and name of the resident at the address: Adrestel. Contact phone number Passport passport data, when and by whom the CLAIM was issued On such a date and year, I purchased the name of the product, fur, company, a short description for the amount of rubles in your store, which is confirmed by the presence of a check.

    Claim (demand) for a refund for a fur coat

    In the event that a similar product is not on sale on the day the consumer contacts the seller, the consumer has the right, at his choice: a) to refuse to fulfill the contract of sale and demand the return of the amount paid for the goods; b) exchange a product for a similar product when it first goes on sale. The consumer's demand for the return of the money paid for the specified product is subject to satisfaction within three days from the date of return of the specified product. Based on the foregoing, according to Art.

    How to correctly place a claim on the return of a fur coat How to correctly place a claim on the return of a fur coat An appeal-claim for a refund for a low-quality or defective product can be drawn up and written in free form, it does not matter - by hand or printed on a PC. It is desirable that the document consists of three important parts, and contains all the detailed and important information: Indicate when and what you purchased from the seller's company, what product. Attach documents for products, check receipts for the purchase of goods. Claim for the return of money for goods of inadequate quality - mink coat Claim statement to the supplier for the quality of the goods How long the claim for the quality of the goods is accepted Sample letter of claim for the quality of the goods Statement of the claim to the supplier for the quality of goods who, upon purchase, was satisfied with the quality of the product, discovered any defects during its operation. The exchange of a non-food product of good quality is carried out if the specified product was not in use, its presentation, consumer properties, seals, factory labels are preserved, and there is also a sales receipt or cashier's receipt or other document confirming payment for the specified product.

    The consumer's absence of a sales receipt or cashier's check or other document confirming payment for the goods does not deprive him of the opportunity to refer to the testimony. 2. If a similar product is not on sale on the day the consumer contacts the seller, the consumer has the right to refuse to execute the sales contract and demand the return of the money paid for the specified product. The consumer's demand for the return of the money paid for the specified product is subject to satisfaction within three days from the date of return of the specified product. How to write an application for a refund for a fur coat

    According to the law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", any product of proper or inadequate quality can be returned back to the seller. Consider the features of the return of a fur coat and the reasons for the return, and also describe the procedure for returning a fur product purchased on credit.

    Return of a fur item purchased on credit

    You can return a fur coat bought on credit as a high-quality one, as well as a low-quality one. When buying a fur product in this way, two contracts are concluded. One is between the buyer and the seller, the other between the buyer and the credit institution. When the goods are returned, the initial payment is returned to the buyer, and the funds issued on credit are transferred to the buyer to his bank account within 10 days.

    Next, you should contact the bank to terminate the loan agreement. If Money it will not be enough to repay the loan due to the payment of interest and insurance, then the borrower will need to replenish it. Keep in mind that if you return a poor-quality fur coat, the seller is obliged to reimburse you the interest, insurance and other payments paid.

    If the parties cannot agree on the reasons for the appearance of defects in the product, the seller, manufacturer or other persons involved in the sale of the goods, conduct an examination (at their own expense). The term for the examination is established by the Law (Art. Art. 20, 21, 22 ZoZPP). Buyer who attended on their own when conducting an audit, but still disagree with its results, may require independent expertise... In this case, he pays for it from own funds... Also, the results of the examination can be refuted in court. In the event that it is proved that the defects in the goods have arisen through the fault of the consumer, he will have to reimburse the costs of the second party for the examination and other costs associated with the transportation or storage of the goods. Ask for an examination only if you are sure of the fault of the seller or manufacturer.

    Legal aspects of the return of a poor-quality fur coat

    Proceedings in a judicial body As mentioned above, the outcome of a case often depends on a correctly drawn up claim. Therefore, try to carefully study the requirements for drawing up an application. These requirements are set out in Art. 13 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation. A statement of claim is a written document containing the required data.
    Download the claim form for the consumer to recover the amount paid for the goods of inadequate quality for free in word format The claim contains the following information:

    • name and details of the court where the appeal is sent;
    • information about the applicant (personal data, registration address or actual place of residence). If the plaintiff is legal entity or individual entrepreneur, then information about its registration and place of conduct is indicated entrepreneurial activity, phone number.

    Claim (demand) for a refund for a fur coat

    The quality assessment of the goods can be made within 45 days, no more. Usually, as a result of an examination, the reason for the lack of a product is found out, and who should be responsible for it. READ ALSO: Return of a fur coat purchased in the market.

    Examination of the quality of goods What is the time frame for the examination of low-quality products:
    • 10 days. During such a period, the goods are checked if the consumer demands to return the money, reduce its cost, compensate for the funds spent on repairs;
    • 20 days. During this period, a defective product is replaced with the same product, but without flaws, with a similar thing with a recalculation of the cost;
    • 45 days.

    This time is necessary for the examination, elimination of deficiencies. Such a requirement to repair a product that is within the warranty period.

    Based on the results of the examination, it becomes clear who is guilty of the presence of defects in the goods.

    Can I return a fur coat to the store?

    Claim for the return of money for goods of inadequate quality - mink coat

    • Sample claim for the quality of goods to the supplier
    • Claim for poor-quality tailoring of a fur coat
    • Sample claim for the return of goods of inadequate quality clothing
    • Sample claim for return or exchange of good quality goods

    Claim for the return of money for goods of inadequate quality - mink coat Statement of claim to the supplier for the quality of the goods How long the claim for the quality of the goods is accepted Sample letter of claim for the quality of the goods Statement of claim to the supplier for the quality of goods In practice, a situation may arise when the buyer, who, upon purchase, was satisfied with the quality of the product, discovered any defects during its operation.

    Sample claim for the replacement of goods of inadequate quality

    Of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" for violation of the term provided for in Article 21 of this Law, the seller who committed such violations pays the consumer for each day of delay a penalty (penalty) in the amount of one percent of the price of the goods. 21 of this Law, the consumer has the right, at his choice, to present other requirements established by Article 18 of this Law. In connection with the above, I demand: 1. Replace the product with (indicate one of the options: for a similar one or for a product of a different brand). 2. If it is necessary to conduct a quality check, I ask you to notify me of the date, place and time of its carrying out, in order to ensure my presence.
    The goods for quality control / examination will be provided by me personally.

    Quality claim fur coat sample download

    When selling goods according to a sample and (or) description, the seller is obliged to transfer to the consumer the goods that correspond to the sample and (or) description. 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the consumer in case of finding defects in the product, if they were not agreed by the seller, at his choice has the right to: - demand replacement for the product of the same brand (the same model and (or) article); - replacement for the same product of another brand (model, article) with a corresponding recalculation of the purchase price; -to demand a commensurate reduction in the purchase price; -to demand the immediate gratuitous elimination of defects in the goods or reimbursement of expenses for their correction by the consumer or a third party; -to refuse to execute the purchase agreement- sales and demand a refund of the amount paid for the product.

    Claim for the return of a fur coat of inadequate quality sample

    • Is it possible to return, reasons for return
    • How to return
    • Claim
    • Refund period
    • Return of a fur item purchased on credit

    According to the law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", any product of proper or inadequate quality can be returned back to the seller. Consider the features of the return of a fur coat and the reasons for the return, and also describe the procedure for returning a fur product purchased on credit. to the table of contents Is it possible to return, reasons for return? According to the law, any non-food product of proper quality can be returned back to the store if it does not fit in color, size, style and other characteristics. Fur products are no exception, they can be returned as well.

    The return period to the store is 14 calendar days. Its course starts from the next day from the date of purchase.

    Sample claim for a poor-quality fur coat


    In this regard, it is recommended to declare in writing a claim for a refund, considered within 10 days, and orally agree on a replacement. Name, address of the selling organization Full name, address, contact phone number of the consumer CLAIM "" 200 years I purchased from you (name, description of goods) worth rubles, which is confirmed by (commodity, cashier's check, receipt, invoice, other document). “” 200_ in the course of operation of the goods, the following shortcomings were found in it: (description). According to Art. 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the seller is obliged to transfer the goods, the quality of which corresponds to the contract.

    In theory, many stores respond positively to such a request. want to solve the problem peacefully, without bringing the case to court. Your request must be reviewed within ten business days, after which you will be given a written response. If you were refused again, then this is already a reason to go to court.

    But, when going to court, keep in mind that an examination of the purchased fur coat will be required, and if you lose this case, you will need to pay for the examination yourself. On July 1, 2012, a law was introduced on the introduction of compulsory certification of all fur products in Russia. Moreover, when buying a fur coat, you have the right to demand from the seller to provide you with the appropriate document. The certificate must indicate: 1. The legal address of the manufacturer or seller. 2. The organization that carried out the certification, stamped and signed. 3. The type of fur. 4.

    A claim for a poor-quality fur coat sample

    In this case, it becomes necessary to return it to the seller. A written claim is made. There are no special requirements for this paper. It is drawn up in free form, but in the tradition of writing business papers.


    The text should be stated clearly, without unnecessary emotions. It is customary to start an application with a header. This part of the text specifies:

    • the addressee to whom the claim is sent;
    • applicant.

    Note! Before starting to write an appeal, find the full name and address commercial enterprise where the purchase was made. It is advisable to write the full name of its manager instead of the name of the store.

    Such information can be found on the company's website or at the information stand of the store. In the event that the manager is an individual entrepreneur, information about him is on the check issued at the time of purchase.
    The absence of documents confirming the purchase does not deprive the consumer of the opportunity to refer to the testimony. The consumer has the right to exchange a non-food product of good quality within 14 days, excluding the day of purchase. “” 20, I applied for an exchange of goods, but I could not find the right product (size, dimension, style, shape, color, configuration). In the event that a similar product is not on sale on the day the consumer contacts the seller, the consumer has the right, at his choice: a) to refuse to fulfill the contract of sale and demand the return of the amount paid for the goods; b) exchange a product for a similar product when it first goes on sale. The consumer's demand for the return of the money paid for the specified product is subject to satisfaction within three days from the date of return of the specified product. Based on the foregoing, according to Art. 5/5 (5)

    How to correctly make a claim for the return of a fur coat of inadequate quality

    The product that you purchased in the store may not be suitable for some reason. In this case, it becomes necessary to return it to the seller. A written claim is made.

    There are no special requirements for this paper. It is drawn up in free form, but in the tradition of writing business papers. The text should be stated clearly, without unnecessary emotions.

    It is customary to start an application with a header.

    This part of the text specifies:

    • the addressee to whom the claim is sent;
    • applicant.

    Note! Find the full name and address of the retailer where the purchase was made before starting to write your appeal.

    It is advisable to write the name of its manager instead of the name of the store. Such information can be found on the company's website or at the information stand of the store.

    In the event that the manager is an individual entrepreneur, information about him is on the check issued at the time of purchase.

    In order for the seller to have the opportunity to contact you, it is important to write a contact phone number in the claim.

    The main part of the document is a description of the problem situation:

    • when you bought the product;
    • where the purchase was made;
    • violations found in the product after purchase.

    The purchase description must be complete:

    • product name;
    • brand;
    • model;
    • colors;
    • the size;
    • type, other.

    The listed criteria for describing the goods are confirmed by the sales receipt.

    Please clarify the fact that you cannot use this product due to the fact that it has certain deficiencies.

    Why is the claim made in duplicate? it important point in the relationship between buyer and seller. You give one of the copies of the paper to the person who is authorized by the management to do this.

    The second option with a confirmation of acceptance, a signature (with a decryption) and an indication of the position of the person in charge, as well as the date of delivery, remains with you. In the event of a court proceeding, a copy of the claim will be proof that you tried to resolve the dispute out of court.

    ATTENTION! Look at the completed sample of the claim for the return of a fur coat of inadequate quality:

    Attention! Our qualified lawyers will assist you free of charge and around the clock on any issue.

    What documents to attach

    The requirements that you put forward to the seller must be substantiated and documented.

    Documents that are usually attached to the claim:

    • an agreement on the purchase of a fur product (if such a document was drawn up);
    • a purchase receipt (if the receipt is lost, you can use witness testimony confirming the purchase of a fur coat);
    • a warranty card confirming contacting a workshop to eliminate problems, or a certificate from this organization;
    • conclusions of the expert commission (if the product was examined by experts).

    Remember! Do not send originals of the above documents to the seller. Make copies of them.

    At the end of the document, list the documents to be submitted.

    What can be required by law

    There are a number of requirements that, according to Article 18 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the buyer can put forward to the seller if defects are found in the purchased fur coat:

    • replace the defective product with a thing of the same brand (model, type);
    • replace with the same product, but of a different brand (model, article). At the same time, the procedure for recalculating the purchase price is stipulated;
    • reduce the cost of the product;
    • urgent free repair of a thing or compensation for funds spent on the elimination of defects by the consumer personally or by a third party;
    • terminate the contract unilaterally, put forward a demand for a refund. In response, the buyer returns the defective product purchased from him to the seller.

    One more thing can be added to all the above requirements - compensation for losses associated with the fact that the owner of a defective fur coat could not use it for its intended purpose.

    Suppose you need a warm fur garment for a business trip to the North. But since the new fur coat was defective, and there was no replacement in the store, you could not go on a trip on time.

    This entailed unpleasant consequences associated with financial losses (the ticket was not used, the task was not completed, the bonuses were lost).

    In such a case, the consumer has the right to demand a refund for the fur coat and compensation for material damage.

    How long does it take to write a claim for a refund

    The manufacturer or seller sets a warranty period for the product. The buyer can contact the seller with his requirements, set out in a written request, within this period.

    When there is no warranty period, the consumer has 2 years from the date of purchase, when he can exercise the right to a replacement product or a refund.

    How to file a claim with a seller

    There are several options for transferring a claim to the seller: at a personal meeting, by mail (sent by registered mail with notification of receipt).

    It was mentioned earlier that there should be two copies of the appeal: one is sent to the seller, the second remains with you.

    Your copy must be with a note of receipt, personal data of the receiving person, position, signature and date of acceptance.

    If during a personal meeting it was not possible to transfer the document, use the second method and send it by letter with notification.

    Important! You will also need a description of the attachment. It is done with the aim of confirming the fact of sending the claim and documents, and not any other papers.

    As we know, the claim is processed within 10 days. In this case, this period will start counting from the moment when the envelope is handed over to the recipient.

    Terms of consideration of the claim

    According to Art. 20 ZOZPP, a maximum of 45 days is allocated for the elimination of defects found in the goods. If during this period the product was not corrected, or moreover, they did not even consider the appeal, you can complain to higher authorities. By failing to comply with the law, the seller violates your rights. By agreement of the parties, this period can be increased (in case of major repairs).

    Remember! Compliance with consumer requirements (product replacement, refund, free repair, etc.) must be carried out within 10 days. In the same time period, an examination is carried out (if there is such a need).

    If you are not satisfied with the conclusions of the experts, you have the right to challenge them. In this case, initiate a repeated independent examination (carried out at your expense).

    If the court later recognizes your case, the seller will be obliged to compensate for the funds spent on the examination.

    A claim is usually processed within 7 days, although there are exceptions. This is due to the characteristics of the product and the defects found. The review period is extended up to 20 days in connection with the main or additional inspection. When you need to replace a product, but there is no such option in the store, you have to wait for it. Sometimes the wait is delayed for 30 days.

    Often, another product is offered instead of a defective item for the time of troubleshooting. Such goods are provided within 3 days. It is quite rare that a problem is resolved within 45 days. Basically, the deadlines for fulfilling the requirements are being delayed.

    What to do if the seller does not recognize the marriage

    Art. 18 ZoZPP discloses the order of actions of the buyer and the seller in case of detection of defects in the purchased goods.

    Attention! Persons to whom the buyer applies with requirements regarding the inadequate quality of the product are obliged to accept the goods. If required, they carry out quality checks on the product. The client has the right to be present at the testing of the product.

    If the parties cannot agree on the reasons for the appearance of defects in the product, the seller, manufacturer or other persons involved in the sale of the goods, conduct an examination (at their own expense). The term for the examination is established by the Law (Art. Art. 20, 21, 22 ZoZPP).

    A buyer who voluntarily attended the inspection, but still does not agree with its results, may require an independent examination.

    In this case, he pays for it from his own funds. Also, the results of the examination can be refuted in court.

    In the event that it is proved that the defects in the goods have arisen through the fault of the consumer, he will have to reimburse the costs of the second party for the examination and other costs associated with the transportation or storage of the goods.

    Ask for an examination only if you are sure of the fault of the seller or manufacturer. The quality assessment of the goods can be made within 45 days, no more. Usually, as a result of an examination, the reason for the lack of a product is found out, and who should be responsible for it.

    Expertise on the quality of goods

    What is the time frame for the examination of low-quality products:

    • 10 days. During such a period, the goods are checked if the consumer demands to return the money, reduce its cost, compensate for the funds spent on repairs;
    • 20 days. During this period, a defective product is replaced with the same product, but without flaws, with a similar thing with a recalculation of the cost;
    • 45 days. This time is necessary for the examination, elimination of deficiencies. Such a requirement to repair a product that is within the warranty period.

    Based on the results of the examination, it becomes clear who is guilty of the presence of defects in the goods. If the shortcomings are the fault of the buyer himself, then the check is paid by him. In this case, there is no question of fulfilling the requirements put forward by the seller.

    If it turns out that the manufacturer or the seller is guilty in the situation that has arisen, they are obliged to fulfill the requirements of the consumer. In addition, they are charged with the examination fee.

    Watch the video. Return of goods of inadequate quality:

    In what time frame should the money be returned

    If the seller or manufacturer cares about his authority, he tries to resolve all financial disputes with the buyer as soon as possible. They usually just refund money for a poor-quality product. Such actions are carried out within the time limits established by law.

    The manufacturer, importer, seller or authorized organization must return the money for the goods, as required by the client, within 10 days from the date of receipt of the claim from the buyer (Article 22 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated 07.02.1992 No. 2300-1).

    What to do if money is not returned

    The seller does not always meet the buyer halfway. Often, customers do not receive a response to a complaint, or the seller refuses to fulfill their requirements. In this case, it is necessary to write a statement of claim to the court.

    You should seriously prepare for this step, namely, collect certain documents:

    • copy of the appeal to the seller (claim);
    • the seller's refusal to accept the claim;
    • check (receipt);
    • papers confirming the existence of the warranty period;
    • other.

    Note! The outcome of the case often depends on the correctness of the preparation of the claim, so pay attention to this point.

    Proceedings before a judicial authority

    As mentioned above, often the outcome of a case depends on a correctly drawn up claim. Therefore, try to carefully study the requirements for drawing up an application. These requirements are set out in Art. 13 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.

    A statement of claim is a written document containing the required data.

    The claim contains the following information:

    • name and details of the court where the appeal is sent;
    • information about the applicant (personal data, registration address or actual place of residence). If the plaintiff is a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, then information about its registration and place of business, telephone number is indicated. Further, detailed information about all persons involved in the case (defendant, representative of the plaintiff, third parties) is indicated;
    • cost of a claim - the sum of all claims expressed in monetary terms;
    • for what reason the plaintiff goes to court;
    • the essence of the claims, references to the law. Written in a narrative form, with the provision of evidence;
    • directly the requirements for the defendant;
    • a list of documents supplementing the claim;
    • date of writing the application;
    • applicant's signature.

    According to the law, the claim can be signed by a representative of the consumer. At the same time, he must have an advisory document, a copy of which is among the rest of the documentation.

    If you do not know which court to submit your application to, read Article 17 of the ZoZPP and articles of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation. The statutory regulations indicate that lawsuits filed by consumers are considered by the courts of general jurisdiction.

    Consumer Protection Courts:

    • courts at the place of permanent or temporary registration of the plaintiff;
    • courts at the place of purchase of goods or conclusion of an agreement on the provision of services;
    • courts at the place of registration of the trade organization with which the plaintiff is suing, or at the place of residence of the individual entrepreneur.

    In most cases, the court takes the side of the consumer. By a court decision, the consumer is issued a writ of execution. On the basis of this sheet, the seller compensates the plaintiff's costs.

    ATTENTION! Look at the completed sample of the statement of claim on the collection by the consumer of the amount paid for the goods of inadequate quality: