ASC shop of logistics a registered letter what can. A registered letter from "Moscow Asc Logistics Shop". Letter from ASC-DTI

0 In our time, there are a lot of abbreviations, the meaning of which can not be understood by everyone .. Today we will talk about another mysterious abbreviation, this is ASC DTI, which means you can read a little below.
However, before you continue, I would like to recommend you a couple more sensible publications on the subject of abbreviations. For example, what does PNKh mean, what is SSZhV, what does LS mean, how to understand the word IMHO, etc.
So let's continue what does the Moscow ASC DTI mean? This abbreviation stands for "automated sorting center - additional technical index".

ASC- this institution automatically selects postal items according to the specified index, which are sent by state-owned companies regarding taxes, fines, etc., that is, correspondence from ordinary people there is no

ASC is a branch of the Russian Post

DTI- this is an additional, that is, a local index, which is necessary for faster sorting of letters by district. Such indexes are commonly used by bailiffs and the police.

Many inquisitive citizens are interested, a registered letter from Moscow ASC DTI, what is it?
If you received a letter that was processed in the Moscow ASC-DTI, it means that it was in the automated sort center of our capital for some time.

The main principle ASC is an accelerated sorting correspondence by post offices. Letters come to the center itself in bags, simply piled up in a heap, and then go to an automated distribution line, which deals with their scrupulous sorting, after which the correspondence is sent to its recipients.

What is in the envelope of the ASC DTI letter?

Many are interested in finding out in advance what may be in a registered letter with DTI... There may be:

An offer from the bank to issue a credit card;

Activation code on the portal of public services;

Reminder of late payment for a loan from a bank or collection agency;

Penalty for breaking the rules road traffic.

However, it should be added that this system is successfully used by "unscrupulous" people who may demand to pay a receipt for receiving a letter. Also, to be sure that this letter is not fake, carefully study its contents, check all the names, numbers, codes, accounts.

How to check the sender of ASC DTI?

If you have a desire to check who sent you the notification, then this can be done by the tracking number.

The Russian Post website has a page for tracking mail and parcels. In the window you will need to "score" a 14-digit track number, which you can find on your letter, it is located under the barcode at the top. Then press " Enter"on the keyboard, and see who this mail came from. It is worth noting that all the information is in the public domain, so it is surprisingly easy to use it.

After reading this short but very informative article, you learned what is the Moscow ASC DTI registered letter, decoding of the abbreviation.

The infrastructure of the capital includes many state organizations working in the provision of any budgetary services to its residents. Bodies function in Moscow social protection, The Internal Affairs Directorate, the prosecutor's office, the water utility and many other structures that together provide a full-fledged life for the city. One of the most significant municipal formations can be called the Moscow Automated Sorting Center, located in the town. Lvovsky on Magistralnaya street.

This center is listed as the first to appear in Russia. The institution has a rich history. During its existence, it has significantly expanded its capacity, increased the speed of processing correspondence and its movement across the service area. Currently, the Moscow ASC sorts about a quarter of all correspondence in circulation. Regular, registered letters sent by the first class or having declared value, as well as parcels, parcels and other items are subject to processing.

The Moscow ASC of logistics began its work in 2009. The area of ​​this center is about 29,000 square meters. The well-known Italian company SELEX Elsag SpA, selected as a result of a tender, took an active part in the construction of the company, as well as in its completion with sorting equipment. When creating the organization, the advanced experience in the formation of postal infrastructure and highly efficient information Technology... The workshop of the Moscow ASC works according to the zonal-nodal principle of mail transportation, which significantly reduces the number of processing and sorting, optimizes the logistics system and ensures the accelerated movement of shipments in settlements.

ASC Moscow: areas of work

ASC in Moscow handles the processing of written correspondence of various types. Sorting takes place in a special machine that reads the address and zip code, providing automatic output of the letter. Incorrectly filled envelopes (with an illegible address or without an index) are handled manually.

Parcels are also sorted in the Moscow ASC. Received parcels are weighed and scanned, during which their barcode is determined. The high-performance machine operating here is equipped with 5 lines for loading parcels and 1 for oversized parcels.

One of the tasks of the center is the processing of non-formatted written correspondence.

Address: Moscow region, Podolsk urban district, Lviv microdistrict, Magistralnaya street, 7

Negative sides

Positive sides

Already from 10/14/17, the parcel is in the sorting station in Podolsk ASC 140983, I really hope that you will sort and send the parcel 14007016916137, I am really looking forward to it. Recently, the post office did not deliver the parcel, this is my money and the time I spend waiting for it and not waiting, and writing a loss statement. I will not tolerate the second time, we will sort it out through the prosecutor's office.

An ordinary mailbox is traditionally used to receive various correspondence. Unfortunately, but often they throw in it various advertising offers that are unnecessary for a person, some of which can be framed in the form of a regular letter. Therefore, it is not surprising that many mailbox owners are extremely wary of notifications from unknown addresses. For example, some people began to report that they received a registered letter sent by some Moscow ASC logistics department.

Naturally, several questions immediately arise:

  • What is this organization?
  • Is such a letter so important in order to go to the required branch of the Russian Post to receive it?

Detailed answers should be given to these questions.

What is this institution and why does it send letters to a person

In the very name of the organization Moscow ASC logistics shop there is only one abbreviation - "ASC". It stands for Automatic Sort Center. The goal of this organization is to relieve the work of the country's ordinary postal services by redirecting part of the correspondence through the new logistics department.

Sometimes in the name you can find another abbreviation - "DTI", which means "additional technical index.

Quite recently, it was this service that began to be used for sending various special correspondence. First of all - from various government bodies.

Before answering the second question, it is important to understand what exactly can be contained in such registered letters.

What exactly can such an organization send

So, what does this institution mean - we figured it out. And why is it engaged in such activities - too. It remains to understand what exactly can be contained in such letters.

As it was already written above, the overwhelming part of the correspondence going through this service is sent to a person from one of the government agencies. That is, it may contain:

  1. Notice of the need to pay a monetary fine for violated traffic rules.
  2. Any other injunction.
  3. An activation code designed to access your personal account on the pages of one of the state Internet portals.
  4. Reminder notifications about the need to pay one of the debts, first of all, the credit one.
  5. Debt restructuring proposals or a program for more comfortable debt repayment.

Also, various advertising or commercial offers can come through this service.

It is important to note that such activities do not require any payment from the recipient for receiving what was sent to him. Especially if someone brought a notice to the person at the address of residence and demands money for its transfer - it is enough to call the nearest branch of the Russian Post to settle this issue.

In addition, the recipient has the opportunity to find out exactly who sent him the letter. This requires:

  • Go to the official resource of the Russian postal service;
  • Find a search string;
  • Drive fourteen digits into it, which can be seen under the barcode on the notification.

The result of these actions will be the information the citizen needs.

Is it necessary to receive such letters

So, most of the incoming information is sent in this way by one of the government agencies. Russian Federation... Of course, you can ignore it and not visit the post office. Where it leads? To the following results:

  • The letter will be stored for exactly one month;
  • Then the return will be made to the sender.

And there is one very important point- it is understood that the recipient of such correspondence has familiarized himself with its content! That is, if there was any court decision in it, and the person decided not to receive it, then this does not mean at all that he will not have to comply with it!

Therefore, it is recommended, nevertheless, to visit the post office of the Russian Federation, spending quite a bit of your personal time. Moreover, there is a rather impressive period of time to receive it - as much as thirty days from the moment it was in the notification box.

How to get the

With this question, everything is just simple. You can go on your own. To obtain, you will need to provide an identity document and the notification itself. Alternatively, you can send a relative if he has the same surname. If the recipient is unable to visit, for whatever reason, the post office, and he does not have “namesake” relatives, then the way out of the situation will be to issue a power of attorney for such a person.

The literal interpretation of this abbreviation means “automated sorting center - additional technical index”.

A registered letter from the Moscow ASC DTI. What is it?

The sorting center, created in 2009, by index distributes letters sent from government websites, from companies, about fines, taxes, etc. That is, there are no letters from ordinary citizens there.

If you received registered letter from Moscow ASC-DTI, which means it has been processed in an automated sorting center in Moscow.

The purpose of this institution is to automatically select correspondence according to the specified index. All addressers of registered letters do mass mailing.

ASC is a branch of the Russian Post. Its purpose is to assist the main enterprise in the distribution of correspondence flows. The principle of operation of the ACS is the operational sorting of letters by post offices. Since all correspondence comes to the center in bulk, the automated distribution line sorts them in the right directions, after which the letters go to the recipients on special vehicles.

If a few years ago large post offices were engaged in this work, today there is one specialized center for the entire region.

Why is DTI on the notice?

If on postal notice that you received is the code DTI then it means a local (optional) postcode that helps sort the correspondence by district. These indices are used by police officers, bailiffs.

What's in the envelope?

In a registered letter that received notification from DTI, may be:

  • fine for traffic violations,
  • activation code on the portal of public services,
  • offer,
  • advertising booklet,
  • loan offer,
  • offer to issue a card
  • a reminder of a late payment from a collection agency or bank.

But each of the residents of the city should remember that such a system is easily used by fraudsters. Never pay receipts if payment is required to receive the letter. Before you commit this or that manipulation, carefully check the contents of the envelope: compare all accounts, codes, numbers, surnames.

How do I check the sender?

If you want to first understand who the letter came from, then you can do this by the notification number.

Go to the Russian Post website, find the mail tracking tab, enter the 14-character document number indicated in the notification (under the barcode above) and see who sent you the letter. All information is in the public domain.

Many citizens receive a registered letter from the Moscow ASC DTI logistics department. Most also do not know what a Moscow ASC logistics shop is and how to deal with it, because people can receive such a letter for the first time. Let's take a look at this later in the article.

Automated sorting center

What is a Moscow ASC logistics workshop?

More often, the name ASC logistics shop has an additional abbreviation DTI, which complements the concept.

  • ASC Is a special automatic sorting center;
  • DTI- additional technical index.

It is necessary to understand that such letters from other citizens cannot come to you, they are sent by certain government services with different intentions. You may receive letters with this addressee from the judiciary, the State Automobile Inspectorate, and other government agencies.

Next to these abbreviations there are additional digital codes that have their own meaning and serve to identify information about the sender. If you received a letter with such a return address, it means that it was sorted in this area. ASC and DTI are special automatic services, the purpose of which is to relieve the work of the official post offices of Russia. Such centers are auxiliary and automatically distribute correspondence through the necessary channels. Most recently, post offices were engaged in this work, but today one such distribution center is helping the entire post office area to route correspondence through the right channels. I think you understand what this is a Moscow ASC logistics shop, and what kind of registered letter I will tell you later.

What can you expect in a letter from the Moscow ASC

As we have already said, such sorting centers "Moscow ASC Logistics Shop" work only with government correspondence. In turn, such a sender does not send one letter only to you, the mailing takes place in automatic mode. The batch of such mailings can have different sizes based on what kind of organization it is and what kind of correspondence. So you can receive in a registered letter:

  • Notification of traffic violations and payment of the corresponding amount in the form of a fine.
  • Commercial offers, sales letters, etc.
  • Reminder of payment of overdue loan / offer for a loan for favorable terms based on your official position. Offers to issue a credit / deposit card.
  • Special code for activations from personal account on state portals.

There are cases when, when delivering a notification from the Moscow ASC of the logistics department, citizens fell to scammers who demanded to pay various kinds of receipts to receive a letter. You should not do this, check all the information yourself, contact the post office or call hotline Russian Post - 8-800-2005-888.

Notice of registered letter

How to get a certified letter with the addressee Moscow ASC logistics shop

After you have received the notice of the letter, you need to contact work time mail (the working hours of the Russian Post are usually from 8:00 to 20:00) with personal documents and a letter notification in hand. After presenting the notification and identity documents, you will receive a letter from the Moscow ASC of the logistics department. If you do not wish to receive the letter in person, you can ask your relative who has the same last name as you. In some cases, you may need to issue a power of attorney for a relative. This is necessary when you do not have a common surname.

By calling the hotline, you can also find out prematurely who the sender of the letter is. To do this, you may be required to provide some personal data for verification.

How to find out the addressee of a registered letter of the Moscow ASC of the Logistics department

If you received a notice of a registered letter and the sender's line contains the Moscow ASC logistics shop, then you can use Internet services to determine who exactly sent you the correspondence:

  1. - here you can enter a special 14-digit code and get full information about which government agency sent the letter and on what issue.
  2. - this service is suitable for correspondence such as UPS, EMS, DHL.

In order to check the addressee by number, go to the official portal of the Russian Post. Next, enter in the search box a special track that bears each registered letter. It is located below the barcode. You need to enter all 14 digits to identify the government agency that sent you the package or letter.

Usually the first 6 digits of the number under the barcode is the code of the post office from which the letter was sent. The rest of the digits are the identifiers of the parcel, thanks to these digital codes, you can track the entire path that the parcel or letter has made, using the necessary services for this. You can find out the addressee of the letter or parcel that you received, but what is inside it - you can only find out personally by opening the envelope.

The Moscow automatic sorting center supplies most of the surrounding districts and regions. Sometimes, post office employees do have to intervene in an automated service process. This happens when there are glitches and mismatches in addresses and indexes, or they are illegible, although such cases are quite rare.

In this center, the daily rate of processed correspondence exceeds three million copies, the Moscow ASC receives up to a quarter of sent letters and parcels from the entire Russian Federation. If you have received a registered letter and this center appears in the addressee's line, then this letter was processed in the Podolsk region.

ASC workflow

For the same scale of processing of letters, the center is listed in St. Petersburg, it accounts for up to 2 million per day of passing correspondence. All letters that must reach the Novgorod, Leningrad, Pskov regions are sorted here.

What will happen if you do not receive a certified letter from the Moscow ASC of the logistics department

Registered letters in the post office are stored for up to one week (court decisions, notices of arrears, etc.), other informational letters - up to a month. If you do not receive a letter from the Moscow ASC of the logistics department, then after the expiration of the storage period it will be sent back to the addressee. And it will be considered that you are familiar with its content. Therefore, in any case, you need to pick up the letter from the post office. After all, only you run the risk of not being informed about the future court session or its decision, about collecting funds from you in the form of a fine.

If for some reason you cannot pick up a registered letter, if you are absent on a business trip, then you can contact the post office with a request to extend the storage period for a registered letter from the Moscow ASC of the logistics department. In this case, you can contact using the Russian Post website or by calling the hotline. You can independently apply directly to the authority from which such a letter was received and discuss all issues, having found out before this the state institution by the identifier under the barcode. Your close relatives can get it for you by providing their documents or a special power of attorney.

You can make a statement that you are not able to receive a certified letter on time by providing convincing arguments for this.

Look at the video what the ASC is:

Moscow ASC-DTI, what kind of organization is it?

Let's try to figure out what kind of organization the ASC-DTI is. Yesterday I received by mail a receipt for a certified letter with a declared value of 100 rubles with the encoding 140841 Moscow ASC-DTI.

What does ASC DTI mean?

Let's analyze in order:

ASC is an automated sorting center (photo below). It employs about one and a half thousand people. These are auxiliary centers that simplify the work of the Russian Post - letters (including registered ones, like a letter from the Moscow DTI) come to these places, they are sorted, and then sent to the appropriate branches.

DTI is a fictitious index used by government services to alert citizens of the country. Most often, this index is used by the traffic police to send fines by mail. The DTI index does not correspond to any real place in Russia - it is only needed to simplify the work of civil services, since they send a lot of letters.

Conclusion: a letter was sent to your name from the state services (tax, traffic police or other authority). Letters from there are sent in batches, because at first it got to the automated sorting center, from where the employees of the Russian Post sent a registered letter to your local branch.

If the letter contains the numbers 140846, it means that a notification from the traffic police is guaranteed. This information has already been verified by thousands of people who have received fines and notifications from this government service.

  • Rejection letter, what is it?
  • What do letters from PKO FM mean?

You have absolutely nothing to worry about, such letters are received by many residents of Russia.

Moscow ASC-DTI - transcript

  • ASC stands for “automated sorting center”;
  • DTI stands for "additional technical index";
  • numbers 140841 and serve to designate this index.

Thus, you received a letter that was processed at the Moscow automated sorting center, which was built in 2009. The main goal of the center is to auto-sort the indexes of letters, that is, the processing of millions of letters arriving at the center is carried out by a special system, and not by a person.

Important: the senders of such letters are not private individuals. These are banks, public and private firms and organizations that, as a rule, order bulk mailing.

What's in the envelope?

Penalty for violation of traffic rules. If you violated the rules and came under the "gaze" of the camera, a notification of such an act may come from the Moscow ASC.

Activation code on the portal of public services. This service has launched a new form of identity verification, letters with a code come from the ASC.

This can be a commercial offer from a company, an advertising brochure or a call for cooperation from a bank (“take a loan”, “get a card”, etc.).

If you have late payments, in this way you can be contacted by the collection agency or the Bank itself, to which you owe.

It is important to know: fraudulent organizations have begun to use such a system. Never pay receipts if you have to pay to receive the letter. Also, carefully check the inner content of the envelope, if a fine came from the traffic police, see if your car is listed in the documents, etc.

Read more about working with information right and having fun.

Literal translation: automated sorting center - additional technical index. There they sort letters by index ... Such letters usually contain information from government websites, a letter from a company, about a fine, etc. Letters from individuals are not received there.

To broaden your horizons, find out the answers to the questions:

Let's reveal all the secrets of an unusual letter from the addressee of the ASC DTI!

Towards the end of the year, the Tax Service always sends letters to individuals, that is, ordinary citizens of the Russian Federation. Naturally, the notification does not come to everyone, but only to people with overdue fines. This may be an unpaid tax on land, real estate (car, truck, yacht, apartment, house, cottage).

For example, you wanted to sell an old car and buy a new car, but it turned out that the order turned out to be completely different and you first bought a vehicle, and then sold the old one. It turns out that for a certain period, let the same month you owned two cars. And since everyone knows very well that in Russia it is considered a luxury and is taxed, then punishment cannot be avoided! V mandatory you need to pay the state!

Fig. 1 - sorting center.

The letter sent may just be those penalties and fines. And in no case should you ignore the received notification. You need to immediately follow the letter to the post office, and then go to the tax office. The branch you need is indicated in the letter in the right corner (note the address).

As for the graph from whom, which misleads so many people and makes them a little confused. Everything is quite simple:

ASC - the abbreviation stands for automated sorting center (see Fig. 1). It is there that, according to the database from the tax services of Moscow, the Moscow region and other cities of our capital, letters are printed. Then they are packed in envelopes, the cost of a registered letter with a notification is added and shipped to the nearest post office. But there is already a mass mailing.

DTI is the second word. It does not carry any semantic meaning. You can say practically nothing. But as they say, if there is no sense, then it would not be written at all. In fact, this is the system number that the program assigns to the taxpayer in its information base... (see fig. 2)

Sample letter that came to a person from Moscow (140801):

Figure 2 is a sample of what can be found in a mailbox.

Again, do not delay checking and paying! Otherwise, frantic interest will run up.

For example, in our family, the left case turned out altogether. We have a car that passes all the standards for horses and engine and we do not need to pay for superpower. But as a result of some kind of failure or error of the employee, it turned out that a notification came before the New Year. We immediately went to the post office, then to the authorities. Everything was decided. But after a couple of months another letter came. We already have steam from our ears, how is it so, but how much you can find out. As a result, I had to rush to the tax office again. There they reported about the amendment that had not passed to the general database, and a second letter was a mistake. Now there is silence. But you must admit that the situation is depressing! An inexperienced person could pay a receipt with an n-noy amount (insert in the letter) and live in peace, until next year. It turns out that the number of errors is colossal and the work is being done not competently, but massively!

Podolsk-dti fine

We in the Far East received such a letter from Kemerovo about an overdue tax arrears for a car, which has not been there for three years, maybe you have debts on real estate taxes, etc., but this information is stored in the database and now they are sending notifications to debtors.

This index indicates that your registered letter was sent from the Podolsk-dti post office. The additional DTI index is often used by various government services: tax, traffic police, etc.

The easiest way is to dial the mail hotline and ask, the number is 8-800-2005-888, calls are free, but I don't know how realistic it is to get through. In any case, the letter needs to be opened and looked at. Most likely, the letter is from a state or municipal organization.

Feel free to open and see what and who sent you.

Letters with the designation DTI usually come from the tax inspectorate, the pension fund, the traffic police and many other state bodies, these are notifications of some fines or arrears in rent that you for some reason did not pay on time, in fact, it may be that whatever, but the addressees of these letters are only government services.

Now is the very time when such letters come with an additional technical index, the meaning of which is to send you some kind of tax that must be paid before the fall. Most often, you need to pay property taxes and fines on these letters.

Everybody uses the letters DTI when sending letters state institutions, ranging from tax and ending with traffic police.

Podolsk-DTI registered letter 142128 - what is it? Which decryption?

Registered letters with such a special index and letter code are nothing more than a letter from government agencies - most often the tax service, pension fund and other similar institutions. And most often in such a letter there will be notifications of fines or any debt.

A certified letter with this number is a letter from government agencies. It can be a tax service, a pension fund, or it can be a fine from the traffic police.

Podolsk-DTI registered letter 142128 - what is it? What is the decryption

You can pick up such a registered letter at any post office in Russia. DTI is a virtual zip code that is used to offload real zip codes.

A registered letter came from some serious company in Podolsk. This virtual zip code is used by many city offices when sending registered letters addressed to citizens at home. For example, from a pension or other social institution, if they violated traffic rules, then a letter from the traffic police, if there are problems with taxes, then from the tax office, etc.

Around there are swindlers and swindlers and the first swindler is a state that is ready to rob its citizens by its beloved ways. I also received a Notice to my address from the Podolsk DTI - I received such a letter addressed to a person who died in 2002 and now, as you know, 2017. I come to the post office and say, the person died 100 years ago, and you still send to his name is correspondence. And they answered: throw these letters and notifications in the trash - how can I throw someone else's .... With the light hand of a well-known character from the government, they threw up an electronic bureaucracy that will eventually devour itself.

There are also combinations Moscow ACS-DTI and Moscow GCMPP. ACS-DTI stands for automated sorting center - an additional technological index. It means that the letter sent using DTI has visited the Moscow automated sorting center. GTsMPP means the main center of long-distance mail transport.

Perhaps this is the site confirmation code - “GOS. Services"

Our dear mothers, our aged mothers, be careful, call your children, ask for advice before surfing the Internet on questionable sites that entice you with "good" medicines for 1 ruble

The notification for the number ZK-4555 came to the name of Bizikin V.V. His mother answers. He died on July 22, 2015. What penalties can there be?

This is a way of fraud, first a letter came to my sister's name, she did not receive this letter, now it has come to mine. All the fines come from the traffic police, in Podolsk there are scammers who are trying to deceive people to take money from people, mostly fooling pensioners, and this is just a new way of earning money. And everywhere from where - PODOLSK DTI - people do not receive these letters and do not go to the post office, DO NOT pay fines. Fines are put in a mailbox, with a photo from a video camera with a disassembly of the violation.

Podolsk dti

freaks podolskie- I'll find a flashlight in the ass shove. where bitches my mirror whores? bullshit sent by the condom, so you won't get AIDS.

Do not write anything out of Podolsk, a complete deception to throw out all the envelopes.

I remember in Soviet time as children, how we rejoiced letters in the mailbox from different parts of the big Country, and now they bring one grief in their messages - money, money, money - pay money, give money, give money, give money!

The crooks hide behind a postal abbreviation, there is no clear return address, and therefore no responsibility. In the notice on the parcel post, they ask for 4310 rubles.

In chapter Other social topics to the question I received a notice on a registered letter from the return address 142166 Podolsk-DTI. What is this organization? given by the author Winnie the Pooh the best answer is DTI - an additional technological index. If you find in your mailbox a notice or notice of receipt of a registered letter, the addressee of which is DTI, you should understand that this letter came to you from one of the state services of the Russian Federation. You need to go to the post office and pick up the letter.


Received a letter from the addressee - Podolsk DTI, who is it

These abbreviations are deciphered as follows:

  • Traffic police;
  • Tax inspection;
  • Banking services

    Usually, you receive a notification about the presence of this letter in which Podolsk, or another city, is indicated as the sender, unfortunately it will not work out from whom exactly the letter came until you receive it in the mail.

    Many of us receive registered letters from a certain addressee under the name of DTI. Let's figure out who this mysterious addressee is.

    The addressee in the notification, for example: Podolsk DTI, means that the letter was sent from the city of Podolsk, from any state structure.

    GTsMPP means the main center of long-distance mail transportation.

    To receive this letter, you must come to the post office indicated in the notice, you must have a passport with you, without a passport you will not be given this letter.

    Sometimes similar letters come from addressees:

    Letters from the addressee of DTI usually contain the following:

    DTI is an additional technological index. Serves to offload major postal codes. Basically, this address hides letters from the following government departments and services that use it to officially send registered letters to citizens:

    The content of letters from these addressees, similar to the above, is fines, information from the Pension Fund of Russia, from the tax office, etc.

  • traffic fines;
  • fines and notices from the tax office;
  • bank credit cards;
  • replies to letters to the civil service;
  • and other.

    DTI registered letter - what is it

    So, a resident of Nizhny Novgorod, having understood from the notice marked “Podolsk DTI (registered letter) that this shipment came from a city near Moscow, in which he had never been, can ignore the notice. However, you should not do this - even if you are sure that the message was sent by mistake, you need to receive it.

    • ASC- automated sorting center. Often in the notifications next to the DTI mark, the Moscow ASC is indicated, which is not surprising - the automated center near Podolsk per day sorts up to 3 million items, conducts about 25% of the country's postal exchange;
    • GTsMPP- the main center of long-distance mail transportation, has more than 50 branches.

    You should not ignore the message with the DTI marker. If it is from the tax, then you will have to make a mandatory contribution, and penalties will be charged for the delay. In the event that the postal item concerns a fine for violation road rules, timely receipt of notification will allow you to take advantage of a 50 percent discount if the committed misconduct falls under the relevant rule.

    To find out who sent the message, you need to enter the identifier number (a combination of 14 digits under the barcode in the notification) into the search box under the "Track" button on the main page of the postal service website. The system will issue the sender and show the progress of the transfer - all points through which the letter passed (Mytishchi, Sharapovo, etc.)

  • Russian Pension Fund;
  • tax office;
  • resource supplying organizations;
  • Insurance companies;
  • banks;
  • other departments and organizations.

    In notifications, the abbreviation DTI is accompanied by the name of the city - the place of departure and a combination of numbers of six characters, as in the postal codes of settlements. In this case, the first two or three digits of the conditional and real indices are the same. So, in a registered letter sent from Moscow, the DTI index starts from 10, the cities of the Moscow region - from 14, St. Petersburg - from 190, Kemerovo - from 650, Yekaterinburg - from 620, and from Volgograd - from 400.

    Next to the DTI index in the notification, there may be other designations, which are called the sorting point that processed the letter:

    But it happens that a notice of payment of a fine for a traffic violation is received by a citizen who does not have a car, or the requirement to pay property tax is addressed to a student who does not own a home. The same surname can get into such a situation.

    You can also identify the sender before visiting the post office - using the Russian Post website. The tracking service does not require registration on the resource, which is convenient for users who need the service only from time to time.

    Letter with the abbreviation DTI - how to decipher and identify the sender

    Using the DTI index, government agencies can contact the desired addressee. This allows bulk mailing. Use the service:

    In this way, the body that sent the message (tax inspection, traffic police or other service) is determined, but you can see the contents only after receiving the letter, since such items are delivered upon presentation of a passport and against the addressee's signature. Neither the Internet service nor the "hot line" (+7 800 200-58-88) of the postal operator this information will not be provided.

    Since registered letters are registered by mail, the recipient, like his authorized representative, will need to sign for receipt with the presentation of an identity document. In addition, upon receipt of a notice of a registered letter, you can find the necessary information about it even before visiting the post office. To do this, you need to enter an additional index on a specialized website or call the hotline. But in the notification itself or on the website, the sender is not indicated, therefore, for an accurate analysis of the situation, you will need to receive a letter and proceed further according to the circumstances. Why do federal services use DTI? DTI have no telephone numbers, no legal address, no staffing or employees. These are virtual indexes that are assigned to various federal agencies and are used when sending parcels or letters.

    Find out more information by calling the free hot reference service of the Russian Post Office at 8-800-2005-888. It is imperative to get a certified envelope in the mail, because it can contain valuable information, and not just fines. A postal notification of the need to receive such a letter is no different from the same for any other correspondence.

    Moscow Viewed 15672 times. Asked 2013-05-31 11:01:18 +0400 in the topic 'Other questions'. Smolensk DTI - what is it? Where does the certified letter come from? - 2.

    For example, if the index on the received registered letter is 145110 Mytishchi-DTI, then the sender is the Federal Tax Service. This is how the FTS sends a notification on the calculation of property tax to individuals.

    If you disagree with the text of the received official letter, you should not ignore it, but you should appeal to the authority that initiated the message by attaching a copy of the received envelope with the date of receipt stamped.

    A registered letter to DTI - what is it. DTI stands for the concept of an additional technological index. Official letters of a registered character with such a postscript are sent by the state services of the Russian Federation to their citizens.

    This is what I am doing. What is it? Decoding DTI. LNB.

    Currently, there has been a custom warning with the index 190855 St. Petersburg DTI. By and large, I do not have a definition in any way what it is ... who is able to decipher it in the direction, please, here, and in this case, an even number does not understand in any way to go to the mail or not.

    Is this a new kind of paving? answers: 5

  • I received a notification Mytishchi-DTI 141042 .. replies: 2
  • FROM MYTISCHA-DTI 141042. WHAT CAN IT BE? answers: 2
  • A parcel arrived: the official of mytischi-dti, 141042. answers: 2
  • A notification came from mytischi-dti 141042.
  • 145101 Mytishchi-DTI
  • 145102 Mytishchi-DTI
  • 145104 Mytishchi-DTI
  • 145106 Mytishchi-DTI
  • 145107 Mytishchi-DTI
  • 145110 Mytishchi-DTI

    If you have any problems with your shipment, you can clarify the information at the post office or by calling the hotline: 8-800-2005-888. All post offices, their contact details, statistics of statuses and time of delivery of parcels are available in the directory. Residents of the city of Mytishchi quite often receive letters with the abbreviation "Mytishchi. DTI". I received a letter of happiness from the traffic police. I read these mysterious three letters "DTI" as - road traffic inspection.

    existed. Until then, I later used my own surname on the website of the bailiffs and was quite taken aback that they were given my 1,000 rubles. =) They never took her from me. ACCORDING to the statute of limitations, this was filmed from the bailiffs.

    Very often it is used by the traffic police, bailiffs, as well as tax inspectors. What is contained in a registered letter from DTI If a notification is received for a letter with a postscript DTI, this means that some state service of the Russian Federation is transmitting information in this way. When a registered letter is received by mail, no one will be able to recognize the sender by the envelope.

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    If your sender is the Mytishchi district of the Moscow region, then the indexes of the organizations that sent the letter begin with “1. The post offices of the city of Mytishchi have a value from 1. The Balashikha district in the Moscow region has indexes with the "highest" value.

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    But in this case, the first three digits are “1. As you can see, on “1. Let's designate the indexes of Mytishchi-DTI from which you can receive notification by mail about a registered letter: 1. Mytishchi-DTI; 1. 45. Mytishchi - DTI; 1. 45. Mytishchi - DTI; 1. 45. Mytishchi - DTI; 1. 45. Mytishchi - DTI; 1. 45. Mytishchi - DTI. It is these additional technology indices that government agencies use to send mass correspondence. Such correspondence must be sent by registered mail.

  • Certified letter dty - what is it?
  • Perm-dti - what is it? how does it stand for? where is the certified letter from?
  • Krasnodar-dti - what is it? how does it stand for? where is the letter from?
  • rpo tracking
  • Mytischi dti registered letter
  • Certified letter dti - what is it
  • Mytischi-dti registered letter what is it

    Krasnodar-dti - what is it? how does it stand for? where is the letter from? Such an abbreviation may be known to many under the decoding of the Road Transport Inspectorate.

  • Notice - mytischi dti, registered letter
  • Registered letter dty
  • Moscow asc dti registered letter
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  • Mytischi dti registered letter what is it
  • Dti mytischi registered letter what is it
  • Mytischi dti registered letter what is it 141944
  • Mytischi dti registered letter that this is tax

    A registered message is represented by a marked postage. The recipient (or his legitimate adherent) is handed a similar message with a receipt for receipt of the document next to it. Frequently Asked Questions 1. Who is the sender? What does this mean? Correspondences with the index "DTI" have long been popularly called "messages of happiness" among the people.

    Mytischi dti 20gr legal letter

    DTI additional technological index ", some write about car fines, but neither me, nor even more than 10 summer child we do not drive a car and we received no registered cars in our name, reveal the secret of what is there Quote

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  • I received an activation code for a public service website in general - there was already such a topic here Quote
  • I received a fine for speeding and greetings from the tax office Quote
  • traffic fines Quote
  • and I have a traffic police fine Quote
  • I had a fine for speeding, I also climbed the whole Internet and did not find anything, I had to go to the post office, reveal the secret)
  • Mom got a dividend report. Factory shares. Dty is an additional technical index. Maybe housing taxes? They come to everyone in their own envelope.

    Certified letter to DTI - what is it?

    In a registered delivery of DTI, there may be a fine for violations of driving rules, tax, payment card from the bank. The sender in the letter to DTI does not appear, it is possible to find out which state service sent the message only after a receipt for receiving the notification and opening the notification.

    Before arriving at the addressee, the letter from DTI visited the center, where automatic sorting of correspondence is performed. However, you cannot find legal information about the sort center, and neither can the virtual index.

    DTI is an additional technological index

    This abbreviation, as the return address, is indicated on registered mail notifications. Do not be intimidated by the strange abbreviation, this is just a technical index, which is added additionally, used by the public service when sending notifications or letters of an official nature.

    In reality, there is no DTI, and he also does not have an address. Such an abbreviation is given by automated centers in which correspondence and centers of main mail transportation are sorted.

    What to do in case of erroneous delivery

    In the event that you believe that a registered letter from DTI was sent to you by mistake (for example, you do not have a vehicle, and a fine for driving violations has arrived), you can submit an application stating that you do not agree to clarify the situation.

    But, as a rule, when it comes to a fine from the traffic police, the registered message contains a photo registrar application, confirming that traffic rules were really violated.

    If an error still occurs, the letter cannot be ignored, it should be appealed to the authority that sent it.

    How to get a DTI notification

    You can pick up the DTI notice at the local post office

    You can check the information about the notification on our website or call the postal information service, on a free phone, the line works around the clock.

    It is imperative to receive a letter from DTI, since it may contain not only fines, but also important information.

    It happens that a resident of Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Omsk receives a letter from the addressee: "Krasnoyarsk DTI". Such shipments are not uncommon and the unusual address is simply explained by the printing and distribution of these notifications from public services dealt with the Krasnoyarsk branch.

    Such address of the sender should not be questioned, and the letter should certainly be obtained from your post office.

    In most cases, a registered letter from DTI is sent by such state services as:

    • Traffic police;
    • inspectorate dealing with taxes;
    • bailiffs.

    Where is DTI located?

    DTI is not a real branch providing communication services. It does not have a phone number, address, or working hours like ordinary Russian Post offices.

    DTI can be called a virtual index, it is used to reduce the load on the main, actually operating indexes of post offices.

    Thanks to DTI, it was possible to reduce the load on the main stream of letters passing through ordinary post offices. More than 800 virtual technical indices were generated on the territory of Moscow alone.

    It is very convenient for government agencies to use the DTI index. Lacking information on the postal address, they are able to send letters, specifying other information that allows you to identify the addressee.

    The main advantage of the DTI virtual index is that it shortens the time it takes for the correspondence to be delivered.

    Notice - Mytischi DTI, registered letter

    A postal notification of the need to receive such a letter is no different from that for any other correspondence. However, the sender himself is not indicated. Instead, in the column "from where" the Mytishchi DTI may be, the registered letter itself can be obtained already with a passport at the post office. In fact, this is a mailing from government or commercial structures, and in the column "from" thus only the designation of the sorting center is indicated.

    What is Mytishchi-DTI and why they make such a mailing list

    First of all, the abbreviation itself, that is, DTI. it Additional Technology Index, which is assigned by the actual sender of the letter. The index itself is completely virtual and is used only to offload physical post offices during mass mailings from these structures.

    The presence of such a mark means that the letter passed through the capital or Moscow region automated sorting center (ASC), through which up to a quarter of all correspondence of this kind in the country passes. The computer system processes letters in it, replacing the person. The center has been operating for 7 years.

    Deciphering the index itself is a completely useless exercise, since it is not tied to anything real, although it is drawn up according to certain rules and the first two digits, that is, 14 (and they are always the same for all letters with DTI), indicate the capital region on the country's postal map. There are over 800 such "addresses" in Moscow now.

    The following technological indices are used by government agencies:

    • 145101 Mytishchi-DTI
    • 145102 Mytishchi-DTI
    • 145104 Mytishchi-DTI
    • 145106 Mytishchi-DTI
    • 145107 Mytishchi-DTI
    • 145110 Mytishchi-DTI

    Such shipments have a number of features:

    • they are always free for the recipient;
    • the sender does not need to indicate the exact address of the citizen, because this is already the task of the local post office;
    • receipt of such a letter (as well as any other registered letter) is possible only by a specific citizen or his legal representative;
    • mailing lists for legal entities persons are also received only by authorized employees of such;
    • if the recipient plans to appeal the very content of the letter (for example, a fine or tax recalculation), then you will need to keep the postal receipt;
    • in the column of the notice "from where" the ASC of Moscow or the cities of the region may be indicated, but such letters are sent throughout the country.

    Attention! An important nuance is the impossibility of responding to such a letter until you receive it, because the suffix shown on the postal receipt is not tied to a specific address. The letter will be returned with the wording "the recipient is not correctly specified." You only need to reply to a specific sender.

    Government agencies use mailing through the ASC, because they are required by law to send their correspondence by registered mail. The fact is that in order to obtain it, you will need to provide a passport, that is, an outsider will not receive them. In addition, the postal employee will record this in his database.

    All this is necessary in order to start the countdown of the form "from the moment of receipt" or simply to have confirmation that the addressee received the necessary notification and can no longer refer to ignorance in a particular issue. This is very important for bailiffs, summoning people to meetings, etc.

    Which government agencies use the DTI mailing list?

    Technically, any large mailing can go through the sorting center, but of course there are some state corporations whose letters receive an additional index much more often than others. Among them are:

    • MADI - Moscow Administrative Inspection. It was founded in the capital under the last mayor. It is she who sends out fines for illegal parking, ignoring signs, etc. In other words, in Moscow it replaces the traffic police in terms of notifications;
    • Traffic police - for the rest of the country;
    • Federal Tax Service, which sends out its notices. Always uses the same index from Mytishchi - 145110. The peak of the mailing falls on the time when the declarations are filed;
    • federal portal Public Services;
    • Federal Bailiff Service;
    • Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
    • judicial authorities of any instance;
    • investigating authorities: prosecutors, UK or police.

    Attention! You will not know the specific sender until you receive the letter in the mail. The postal receipt does not contain any specific information, although you can try to "punch" a specific index over the Internet.

    Also, avoid any emails that require payment. No state federal Service does not take any money for this, as well as no self-respecting commercial structure. Thus, only fraudsters who take advantage of the ignorance of the population can demand payment.

    What can they send in this way?

    One way or another, most often the sender is a government agency that wants to notify an individual or an organization. The specifics and content of the letter will already depend on the scope of the institution. The most common cases are:

    • notice of a fine for traffic violations. In Moscow, and in other large cities, cameras equipped with a police radar (for speed, fixing the intersection of solid ones, etc.) are widespread. If you fall under one, you will receive a receipt;
    • confirmation of registration from the portal of State Services. The letter contains a confirmation code that must be entered on the site;
    • notification of the need to repay the next payment or the occurrence of a delay in certain obligations (alimony, payment of the awarded debt, etc.) from the FSSP;
    • a newsletter from the tax authorities reminding you to pay off land, property or other tax;
    • a subpoena from the court or investigating authorities.

    Attention! Recently, registered letters from commercial banks, and even ordinary commercial structures, have also passed through the Automated Sorting Center.

    There is little pleasant here, because this means that your personal data, and specifically your home address, is used for banal advertising mailing. Such letters may contain:

    • advertising mailing from the sales department of a commercial company (invitation to an exhibition of products, a booklet with a price list, etc.);
    • call for cooperation from legal entity to your company (b2b mailing);
    • a letter from the bank about the issue of a card ordered to you or also a regular loan offer, placement of a deposit, etc.;
    • such notifications are received by the recipients of new plastic cards from electronic payment systems such as YAD, WebMoney or QIWI;
    • a notice from a credit institution about the transfer of your overdue debt to collectors;
    • distribution of reports to shareholders by the governing body.

    These are the most common types of registered letters that go through the ASC.

    Attention! Thus, the only one who cannot send such a letter will be the usual physical person, customized messages from any company or government agency may well pass through the "hands" of this center.

    In other words, from the Moscow ASC, or from Mytishchi, a registered letter from DTI can come for any reason typical for this form of mailing. It's just that if in this sorting center a letter received a technical index due to the massiveness of similar letters, then this will be reflected in the mail notification.

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