The scope of activities of the tax office in the summary. How to write a resume for a tax officer so that you don't get more rejections. Correct Accountant Resume Sample

, environmentalist, legal assistant, HR specialist, 400 $ USD. Nikolaeva Anastasia Olegovna, 28 years.
Target: Environmentalist, Legal Assistant, HR Specialist Expected Level wages: from 15,000 rubles. English - basic knowledge Work experience (2 years 6 months): August 2015 - March 2017 Organization: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 2 for the city of Krasnodar Position: chief specialist-expert of the HR and security department Responsibilities: - carrying out work on the formation of personal files of employees Inspections, timely introduction of changes related to labor activity, inventory of personal files; - conducting in established order office work in the department, storage and filing in the archive in accordance with the nomenclature of the department; - control over the completeness and reliability of the BCS database (personnel records); - accounting for the provision of vacations for employees of the Inspectorate, drawing up a vacation schedule, monitoring compliance with the schedule; maintenance of T-2 and T-2GS cards of employees of the Inspectorate, timely introduction of changes in them related to labor activity; - accounting for the use of working time, timely formation of the timesheet and registration of certificates of incapacity for work; - execution of orders for the secondment of employees of the Inspectorate; - organizational and documentary support of the mentoring process and coordination of mentoring work; - carrying out work on calculating the length of service of the state civil service, giving the right to establish a monthly bonus to the official salary for length of service; - submission of monthly reports to the FIU on form SZV-M; - monitoring the reliability of the information provided by the employees of the Inspectorate in the annual certificates of income, expenses, property and property obligations of state civil servants, as well as a citizen applying for a federal position public service; - organization of the development of professional and qualification characteristics (job regulations) for government positions... February 2014 - November 2014 Organization: LLC “Specialized Legal Center for the Protection of Bank Borrowers” ​​Position: Legal Assistant Responsibilities: - legal analysis of loan agreements; - carrying out actions for the pre-trial settlement of the dispute; - preparation and filing of claims to the court; - interaction with government and non-government organizations in order to submit and receive various documents; - preparation of draft documents: contracts for the provision of legal services, agency contracts, pre-trial claims, statements of claim, specified requirements, petitions, objections to statements of claim, responses to appeals. Education: 2014 Kuban State Agrarian University, Krasnodar Faculty of Law, Jurisprudence 2013 Kuban State Agrarian University, Krasnodar Faculty of Ecology, Ecology Continuing education, courses: 2016 services "Specialization: staffing in tax authorities Personal qualities: Purposefulness, responsibility, punctuality, perseverance, attentiveness, work for a result, resistance to stress, the ability to work in a team, the ability to independently make decisions.

Looking for a job or planning to look for one?

Our sample of filling out a resume for the position of a tax inspector (an experienced specialist or a beginner with no work experience) will help you. Competent resume will greatly increase your chances of finding a job.

There are two types of tax inspector resume template

  • For experienced professionals.
  • For those who have no experience yet.

Benefits of the template

1) Frequent invitations to interviews. We have already helped many people to compose a "selling", strong resume and realized what worked and what didn't. This tax inspector resume sample is a proven practice.

2) Standard format. Every hr manager and director will instantly find the information they need in their resume. It's simple.

3) Compactness. If you think that someone needs 4 sheets of your work experience, you are deeply mistaken. HR managers love it when everything is clear, convenient and simple. Our sample is an example of the correct resume writing for the job of a tax inspector.

4) Important things at the top. What is important to the employer will be located at the very top and will immediately catch the eye of those who are engaged in recruiting. This will give you an edge over other candidates.

5) The resume can simply be changed depending on the vacancy. To quickly find Good work, it is most effective to slightly change the resume for each vacancy. It's simple - download and use our sample of how to write a tax inspector resume. It allows you to make changes instantly.

To download a sample resume of a tax inspector, click on the link below.

Friends, hello everyone! Today we will talk about interesting topic... How to write a resume for a former tax officer? They say that there are no former tax officers. At least many employers think so and do not want to get involved with people who have worked in the tax authorities. And no samples of tax resumes downloaded on the Internet, don't help... It’s as if a black mark was placed on you.

If you are experiencing all this for yourself, then let's figure out together what to do in this situation. First, let's think about why the tax authorities do not want to hire. Employers are afraid that if for some reason they have to part with an employee, then there may be big problems... After all, the former tax officers still have connections and, knowing the entire internal kitchen of the organization, they can in revenge leak this information and cause great harm.

Therefore, usually tax officials, both former and current, try to be within a cannon shot keep out to the company, and even more so to important documents. And when the employer suddenly sees in the resume that the applicant worked in the tax office, then very often he throws this resume into the trash can.

On the other hand, I also know of examples when former tax officers got a good job. There are cases when tax officers became, for example, financial directors and were highly valued by their employer. Although such cases are rare. After all, this requires adequate an employer who is confident in himself, who has nothing to hide and fear. He sees how a person with tax experience can be of great benefit.

Therefore, the former tax officer needs to start writing a resume with clear understanding where he has the best chance of getting a job. Most likely small and medium-sized firms are not your option. In firms of this caliber, if you go to accounting, for example, you may not have enough practical accounting skills. In addition, most likely such firms will be afraid to contact the former tax officer for the above reasons.

On the other hand, large, reputable corporations can give you better job opportunities. Because in such organizations there may be positions such as tax accountant or tax optimization specialist, and so on. You should apply for such a position easier, because all your previous experience is tailored for this case.

Another interesting and promising direction for you may be work in a consulting firm. After all, you will be on your head with your knowledge above those who had no experience of working on the other side of the barricades. What about an audit company? If you have participated in on-site inspections, then you are a ready-made specialist, the main thing is to sell yourself correctly.

These are the first things that came to my mind. You have to sit down and just think, brainstorm and define for yourself which job is best for you. I am sure you can find a lot of options for yourself. By the way, I have a series of articles on how to determine what is the best for you to do.

Ok, have you decided on the focus directions? Now we prepare for each direction separate summary. We discard all templates and resume templates and write the resume ourselves. Why? I answered this question in my free mini video course, which I highly recommend you watch here.

When preparing your resume, keep in mind the position you are targeting and think that important employer? What can you offer that other job seekers cannot? Make a list. Thus, your experience of working in the tax authorities can be the opposite of yours. strong point that gives you an edge rather than alienating potential employers.

Beyond that, don't be afraid to start in low-ranking positions. Remember that for an employer, you at risk so you may need to spend some time to build trust and prove your worth before you get a more responsible position.

And do not forget that you need to inform the tax office that you were hired in order to do not break the law and that there is no conflict of interest.

I repeat, if you are a former tax officer, then the stage when you define the job in which tax experience is vital. If you do everything right, then you will become a strong candidate.

And now for the traditional video. Let's just listen today good music.

Bye everyone,