Resume options for applying for a job. Examples of the best resumes for applying for a job. Best resumes without work experience: examples. Add a photo to your resume

Lately, I often have to help with resume writing. Some kind of general desire to change everything that is possible: life, work, place of residence. The most accessible thing is to change your job for a better one. The first step, so to speak.

As a rule, to establish yourself as a specialist, you need a convincing and well-written resume. And who said resume writing isn't copywriting? What another!

Perhaps the most important selling text for your own good. Unique text that will help you sell your skills, your professional quality for the highest possible price.

Your resume should be a well-written document that demonstrates your integrity and professionalism in every line and in every paragraph. There is no place for a spacious biography. No one cares how many times you have been married or what kind of trials you have gone through.

  • It should contain a laconic presentation of information that in a favorable light will distinguish you among the host of applicants, as a class specialist, professional.
  • Moments of professional growth and achievements that will make the attention of personnel officers and the employer personally to you: such a valuable and necessary specialist for the company.

Example of a professional resume

How to write a good resume

  • Headline or heading.
  • The purpose of the resume.
  • Education.
  • Work experience and position you are applying for.
  • Desired payment.
  • Additional information.

Now in more detail on each item.

V "Header" we indicate our data:

  1. Surname, name, patronymic - this is a must
  2. Indicate the year of birth if you think this information will add points to you. The price includes people 30-35 years old. The chances for 45-year-olds and 19-year-olds are significantly less. But she couldn't hide it in a sack. You will indicate the years of study. So here you decide whether to advertise your age from the very first lines or not.
  3. Marital status is also not necessary, but desirable.
  4. Address, phone, e-mail, skype. All those contacts that you deem necessary. This is an obligatory item.


If there are several phones, be the first to indicate the phone on which you are available at any time.
A potential employer has a lot of you, job seekers. If you don't get through the first time, consider the train gone and the longed-for vacancy too.

In chapter "Target", clearly state the position you are applying for.


As a rule, a resume is written based on the vacancy that is currently required by the employer. It is not necessary to indicate several positions at once in one document.

  1. Write a separate resume for each ad.
  2. One job offer - one resume.

In the graph "Education" start with the profession and diploma that give you a reason to qualify for this position.

Indicate educational institution, qualifications, GPA.
If you attended advanced training courses in the profession or had an internship at a prestigious enterprise, be sure to write about it.

Honors degree? Be sure to point out this circumstance. Academic degree? Generally gorgeous.

On a note

Feel free to talk about all the achievements in the field of activity for the position in which you are applying.

If the education does not correspond to either the position or the profession, the name educational institution, years of study, diploma or certificate of education are indicated in mandatory.

Additionally, write about your level of computer and Internet proficiency.
List the programs you work with and are fluent in.

Be sure to indicate the level of language proficiency. If, of course, such knowledge has a place to be, and consider that additional points are in your pocket.

You can also indicate the presence of a driving license and the presence of the car itself.
For some reason, this question of the employer in an oral conversation when applying for a job sounds very often, even if the applicant came to be hired as a janitor or salesman.

Count "Work experience and desired position" Is the most important part of your resume.

  • Start from your last job. In which organization, how long, in what time frame did you work. Do you continue to work there at the present time?
  • Indicate your achievements, successes, refresher courses, anything that can confirm your competence and serve to your benefit.
  • Do not list the data of the work book, write about real work experience, operate in terms, indicate those character traits that will help you achieve success in the position for which you are applying.

The employer must see you as a person with all the necessary set of knowledge, skills and character traits.

However, trainings and courses that are not relevant are not worth listing. It is unlikely that a future chef will be useful to know that you have taken origami courses if he is considering your candidacy as an economist or HR manager.

Question desired payment- the most delicate in the resume.

On a note

If you know your worth, as a specialist, and are not ready to work for an amount less than you estimate yourself, feel free to write it.

If you are applying for the same position in which you worked in another place, and you know how much such a vacancy is paid for, write the amount of the estimated salary. Note, however, that your pay plans and those of your employer may not be the same.

If you know your lower earnings limit, then write that you expect to be paid at least a certain amount.
You can omit this item at all and respond to ads where the salary for the vacancy is indicated.
Another example:

How to avoid annoying mistakes

  1. First of all, the resume must be written correctly, without mistakes and clumsy phrases. Proofread what is written and make sure that all the terms, names of programs, abbreviations of educational institutions are written by you correctly and do not contain annoying clues, errors and inaccuracies.
  2. A poorly written resume makes an unfavorable impression. It "hurts" the eye right away, when reading it, and it may not come to an interview at all. Even if the data you specified would suit the potential bosses in the best possible way.
  3. It is better to place your resume on one sheet. It is worse if it is in two and a pack of several pages is completely useless.
    Imagine a recruiter or employer who is forced to read the multi-page opuses of every job seeker-writer. Usually, only the beginning is carefully discerned.
  4. This single page must be readable. Both too small and large print are unacceptable. Ideally 12 pt.
  5. The text should not be "solid". Break it down into paragraphs of 2-3 sentences.

Put your soul into your resume, do not "dry" the text with paperwork. But don't overdo it either. Choose a middle ground between a statement of facts and a list of skills, insert a flavor of uniqueness.

The employer must see in you both a specialist and a person aimed at career growth... A specialist, from cooperation with whom the company will benefit and a person with whom it will be comfortable to work.

Very important

Writing a competent, convincing resume is not a five-minute affair. Take the time to do this once, create a template, a base, and adjust it as needed.

It will be nice if the document includes your photo: small, but good quality... This will add pluses to a positive decision and your resume will not get lost in a heap of faceless and dry-official presentations of competitors.

Now you know how to compose good summary on one's own. Don't rely on online resume writing services. Unique texts always stand out against the template, you will have a chance to attract the attention of the employer.

A resume is the first step in your search for a prestigious and well-paid job that should lead you to an interview. Make it literate and persuasive.

Resume - in short, it is self-presentation. Moreover, both professional and personality traits... In it, you can describe your achievements, merits, and those skills and abilities that you think will be of interest to the employer and will be perceived positively by him.

As a digression: if you need a ready-made example, then at the end of the article you can download the forms + samples on how to write a resume for a job correctly (relevant for 2017-2018). Documents in the .doc (Word) format. Further it will be stated step by step resume writing.

A striking example of a resume: go to sites like or and select the category you are interested in. Basically, people who want to find a job fill out all the items in detail.

When writing a resume, pay attention to the main aspects that are outlined below. By observing them, you will write it as correctly as possible, avoiding obvious mistakes.


"Brevity is the sister of talent" - the proverb is the best suited in this situation. Ideally, strive to ensure that all information fits on one A4 sheet. Imagine the situation yourself, put yourself in the shoes of a specialist: you need to check dozens or even hundreds of resumes sent. With a high probability, you will put off too long "essays", or simply will not finish reading them to the end. State only the essence.


There is no need to "embellish" and write something that does not exist or did not exist in reality. Unfinished courses, knowledge of a foreign language, the ability to see through walls - if this is not the case, then you do not need to write it. Believe me, later this can turn out to be sideways: either you "fail" at the interview, or already at the workplace, when you need to show a non-existent skill. In addition, the employer can verify the accuracy of the information you provided by making a couple of calls.


When writing your resume, specify the dates and places where it makes sense. Typical examples: worked “somewhere”, or took courses “somewhere”? If it is directly related (or indirectly, but will be a plus) to your employment, write "when" and "where".

How to write a resume for a job? (+ sample), 2018

As you know, when applying for a job, a decent, and sometimes a huge number of different resumes pass through the hands of a specialist. This means that you have at most 1-2 minutes at your disposal. During this time, you must convey basic information to the employee. In this case, many factors can play a role, and in order to increase your chances of a favorable outcome, you need to write a resume as correctly as possible.

The technical side

First, let's take a look at the technical aspects of how the document should look. We focus on a well-known program Microsoft Word.

  1. Whether or not to write the word "Resume" in the title - here people's opinions differ somewhat. Best of all, write.
  2. When choosing a font, opt for Times New Roman. It is considered the standard in most organizations.
  3. The text color is black.
  4. The line spacing is 1.
  5. Margins: top margin - 2 cm, bottom - 2 cm, right - 2 cm, left - 1 cm.
  6. Some words of particular importance can be highlighted in bold. But not in any way, do not overdo it.
  7. We keep the rules of writing by dividing the text into paragraphs.
  8. Nothing extra. No non-business symbols or icons.
  9. The photo should be no more than 3.5 by 4. As in the passport.

Resume structure (step by step)

Now let's move on to the key points. Writing rules:

1. Basic information

  1. Full name is written in full, in the nominative case
  2. Date of birth entered
  3. Actual address of residence. If the address is temporary, indicate how long you will be staying there, and where you can then be found.
  4. Indicate your mobile phone number, and if you have one, your home phone too. If there is a time frame (for example, you cannot speak during the day), then also, correctly, write about it.
  5. E-mail, ICQ (or Skype), fax (if any)
  6. Marital status, presence or absence of bad habits (optional), health status. If you think that this information it is appropriate to give, then write.

2. Education

If you have not one, but several formations, then indicate each of them, in order. Writing paragraph:

  • Place of study (name)
  • Period of study
  • Speciality

3. Work experience

Please note that the order is reversed here: first, the last place of work is written, and then, in descending order. Writing paragraph:

  • Work period
  • Company name
  • Position

What if you have no work expirience for writing a resume? In fact, there is a way out here as well. In this case, you can replace the heading "Work experience" with simply "Experience". You can specify the following in it:

  • passing undergraduate practice
  • internships
  • courses studied
  • volunteering
  • part-time work (if the vacancy allows)

In the paragraph "Education" (located above), provide more information: specify the topic thesis, the courses you have taken. Provide your theoretical basis.

4. Achievements

An important point. Fill it out as accurately as possible, without missing more than one detail. As you know, the employer must see what he will pay you for. wages... If you really have any achievements, then write specifically. If not, skip the item.

5. Additional information

Here you can write what additional, and most importantly, useful skills you have. The block is not the main one, but, nevertheless, it is definitely not worth neglecting it. This is the final point, and it is quite possible that it is this information that will "finish off" the employer and tip the scales in your favor.

The structure may differ depending on the sought place of work. It is given as an example, if necessary, make small or large changes:

  • Knowledge computer programs
  • Driving license
  • Possession foreign languages
  • Personal qualities
  • Other. Anything to add? Feel free to indicate information that you consider important.

It is very good if you left your previous job without problems and incidents, and the relationship with the management was favorable. Having a recommendation will positively affect your reputation and increase the degree of trust in you. Writing paragraph:

  • Previous manager's position
  • contact number

Even if there is no call, in any case, you win: the very presence of contacts indicates that you are related to your work Seriously.
That's all. Your resume is ready... You can send it to a potential employer, or post it in the appropriate services.

Below we indicate what salary you are counting on. The final version will look like this:


The above text is aimed at those who plan to write a resume step by step. But if you just want to "compare", or write by example, then here you can download samples of ready-made documents.


Here you can download and see what a resume writing sample looks like when applying for a job.


Blank form (to fill in, insert your details):

Introducing a professional resume template for applying for a job and ready-made examples resume for different professions which you can download for free in DOC (WORD) or PDF format. Our sample resume is compiled by highly qualified job search and career development professionals with years of experience in the industry. In this form, a resume is convenient and attractive for HR professionals and everyone who decides on the selection of candidates for an interview.

What a professional resume template looks like

Sample resume for applying for a job

Smirnov Alexander

Date of birth: 01.04. 1981

Accommodation: St. Petersburg, Primorsky district. Ready for business trips.

Ready to move to Moscow.

Contact Information:

Phone: +7 (9xx) xxx-xx-xx

Email: [email protected]

Career objective: Head of Sales Department

Desired income level: 100 thousand rubles

Key skills:

  • Sales department management.


  • Created a sales department from "0". Subsequently, the department (5 people) under my leadership regularly carried out the plan to attract new customers and sales;
  • Brought 7 key clients to the company (up to 50% of orders in total);
  • Developed and implemented the technology for the sale of technically sophisticated equipment in the company.


10. 2008-07. 2014 Head of Sales Department

LLC "NNN-group" (, St. Petersburg

Scope of the company: wholesale construction equipment and accessories

  • Sales department management (subordinate up to 5 people);
  • Working with key clients, eliminating disagreements that have arisen;

07.2003-09.2008 Sales Manager

LLC "XXX-group" (, St. Petersburg

Field of activity of the company: wholesale of construction equipment

  • Active sales, the expansion of the customer base;
  • Working with key clients, eliminating disagreements that have arisen;
  • Timely and systematic monitoring of prices for similar products of competitors;
  • Dealing with accounts receivable.


2003 St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, St. Petersburg

Faculty of Labor Economics and Personnel Management; Specialty: "Human Resources Management"; Qualification: "Manager" (Diploma with honors).

2003-2014 Attending numerous seminars and trainings on sales and working with clients ("Cold Calls", "SPIN Sales", "Active Sales", "Sales of Services", "Tough Negotiations", "Dealing with Objections", etc.)

Additional Information:

Foreign languages: English - advanced.

PC knowledge: confident user (MS Office; CRM; 1C).

For your convenience, you can download our sample resume in DOC (WORD) or PDF format:

When writing a resume on English language it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of foreign standards and the specifics of individual companies. We give standard sample resume in English, suitable in most cases.

A resume is one of the most powerful tools in the hands of a jobseeker. There is a version that a well-written resume can replace an interview, and therefore can become a kind of guarantor of successful employment.

There are no uniform standards that determine how to write a resume, neither in Russia, nor in the world. But there are recommendations backed by the experience of HR professionals and experts. We will pay special attention to them.

Resume types in modern classification

Some HR experts believe that a resume is a type of document that can be classified into several flavors. In particular, there are researchers who subdivide these types of resumes into documents adapted to a specific vacancy or general, as well as subdivided according to their purpose into chronological and functional.

Choosing one (or combining several) will affect how a particular candidate prefers to write a resume.

Resume - only for vacancy

Many HR experts advise that only targeted resumes are sent to the employer - those that indicate a candidate's desire to apply for a particular vacancy. Companies, according to experts, do not particularly like to deal with people who decide to simply declare themselves without a specific purpose and do not know how to write a resume, applying for a position suitable for themselves.

Resume - for any job

The opposite point of view - it is possible and necessary to send a resume in which a person reflects a willingness to work in principle. The company itself should "appoint" the candidate for the vacancy for which it sees fit.

Chronological view of the resume

Such documents set out the candidate's career path in relation to the sequence in time (forward or backward). This is now the most common type of resume. Its main advantage is that the employer sees a fairly detailed picture of the candidate's work biography. The main drawback is that it is not easy to single out a stage that is especially important for an HR manager reviewing a resume, and it is not at all a fact that he will be able to see it himself.

Functional resume view

This type of document reflects the qualifications of the candidate, his professionalism, experience, and the results achieved. The sequence of facts reflecting the work biography, as a rule, fades into the background. Some HR specialists treat this type of resume with a pronounced distrust, believing that a person could not state the facts quite correctly (somewhere to ascribe someone else's achievements to himself, somewhere to wishful thinking).

There is, of course, a combined type of resume that combines functional and chronological features. You just need to be able to state the facts in the right structure. Our small instruction can help to determine how it should look like (and after reading it, we will be able to see an example of how to write a resume, a sample of how to write it).

Optimal resume structure

HR specialists believe that the following structure of a resume can be typical:

1. Title (full name of the candidate).
2. Purpose of submitting the document.
3. Basic information about the candidate.
4. Education.
5. Work experience and other activities.
6. Additional data.
7. Conclusion.

This is a relatively universal scheme, it is suitable for people who want to understand how to write a resume for an educator, engineer, manager, one might say, for any profession.

What do we write in the title

It is recommended to write only the full name, as well as the name of the document "resume" (so as not to get lost on the desktops personnel service). The heading should be spread across the entire width of the sheet, and the word "resume" in the middle.

What do we indicate the purpose

It all depends on one of the two strategies described above - the desire to work in a specific position or the intention to find a job in principle. If the first option - we write in the goal "competition for a vacancy such and such" (for example, "designer", "programmer", "engineer"). If the second - we write in the goal of "employment in the profile of such and such" (for example, "sales", "research", "marketing").

In the same section, many HR specialists recommend prescribing the desired salary conditions (if possible, we prescribe the market average figures), the form of employment (which can be full, partial or temporary). It can be noted that there is a willingness to work remotely, for business trips, and a flexible schedule.

Basic information about the candidate

These include:

  • Full name, date of birth.
  • Registration address (actual residence).
  • Marital status, whether there are children.
  • Contacts - phones, e-mail, VOIP, social media profiles.
  • General work experience (in years).


How to write education on a resume? We indicate the name of the university (or secondary vocational educational institution), its full form (that is, for example, not FG, but “federal state.” We write the year of admission, graduation and specialty (qualification). We indicate the number of the diploma. And so - for each institution where you studied.

If there are professional certificates obtained outside the university (for example, courses in advanced knowledge of programming languages) - indicate below (name of the course, place and duration of training).


Experts advise to write what is set out in work book over the past ten years. If the work was in several segments, then you can somehow highlight them.

Here's an example.

2005-2007 - sales activities:

  • Position: manager (company such and such), 2005
  • Position: Sales Representative(the company is such and such), 2006-2007

In 2008-2014 - activities in the field of entertainment:

  • Position: TV presenter (channel such and such), 2008-2010
  • Position: general manager(TV channel such and such), 2010-2014

How to write a resume if you have no work experience? In this case, you can include in this document information about the activities that will give the employer a more or less tangible idea of ​​the qualifications of the candidate.

Examples can be as follows (in particular, they will help to understand how to write a resume for a student):

In 2011 - activities in the field of logistics:

  • position: assistant to the general director (such and such a company) in the framework of labor practice.

In 2012 - activities in the field of civil service:

  • position: chairman of the election commission (number such and such) at the presidential elections in the Russian Federation

Additional Information

Here it makes sense to indicate the skills that can help in the work: knowledge of computer programs, foreign languages, personal qualities (but not to praise yourself too much, but to indicate only those that may be relevant vacancies or the field in which the company operates).

In the same section, contacts of persons who can give a recommendation will be useful. This, according to HR experts, is very appealing to employers. The availability of recommendations will especially help those who do not have work experience with a work book.

Additional information also includes professional and other achievements. For example, if at the previous job there were certificates or awards, you need to indicate this (and explain why).

Final part

Here HR specialists recommend that you state the rationale for contacting the company with a resume. It is necessary to indicate why a person chooses a particular employer, and not some other (but without laudatory phrases like “I only dreamed of getting to you”). You can, as an option, indicate that this company has all the conditions in which you can reveal your professional potential.

The specified structure of how to write a resume correctly is a completely theoretical example. A little later we will come to the practical component. But for now, there are other important nuances.

How to write a resume

We looked at how to write a resume in terms of content. The next moment is the design. It is best to create a document on A4 sheet. Formatting settings (mainly for the size of the fields) can be left as set by default in the editor Word or its equivalent. If there are any unusual ones - set the field width to 3 cm on the left, 1.5 cm - on the right. Optimal font size is 12, line spacing is single. It is better to justify the text, set hyphenation.

HR professionals strongly discourage the use of exclamation marks, capital letters without abbreviations, or bold type (as well as italics or underlining) in a resume.

It is not always appropriate to insert tables into a resume - they can only take up space and not carry the necessary information.

HR experts differ on the photo (whether to post or not). Opponents of the placement say that a resume with a photo is almost a sign of bad taste, supporters say that this is a global trend, and Russians need to join it.

The resume shouldn't be too long. Ideal if it is one page.

The main mistakes in working with resume

Experts identify three types of basic mistakes that candidates make when writing a resume.

  1. Too short statement of facts.

    The thing is that, as a rule, people are called in for an interview who were able to provide so much information about themselves that the HR manager only had additional questions. The main facts have already been stated.

  2. Too wordy.

    A resume, experts emphasize, should not be an autobiography. Employers are not interested in facts that are not directly related to work: hobbies or, for example, philosophical and political views. And those that have, it is quite possible to state it on one page. The HR manager will ask about hobbies and the like, if he sees fit, at the interview.

  3. When one resume is sent to several different vacancies.

    Above, we noted that there are two optimal strategies: "work on the vacancy" and "work in principle". If a person has chosen several vacancies, then, it seems, what prevents to apply a certain combined version of writing a resume? But HR experts say that the intention to apply for several vacancies at once may indicate that the candidate himself does not know what he wants from the job. If there are several vacancies, then you need to draw up several resumes (each of which should be adapted according to experience, education) for a specific position. It is a completely different matter if a person makes it clear to the manager that he is really applying for several vacancies through separate resumes, in which the legitimacy of such an intention is clearly and reasonably stated. In which it is written that there is both experience and qualifications for each position.

Do I need a cover letter?

HR managers advise to write it and attach it to the resume. The main purpose of this document is to show how a candidate differs from others with a similar resume at the level of presentation of thoughts, internal beliefs and attitudes, which are readable in cover letters. Many HR professionals only evaluate a resume in conjunction with a cover letter.

There are few requirements for this document - this is just another A4 sheet placed before the one on which the content of the resume is stated (that is, the employer needs to read the cover letter first). This leaflet contains several suggestions about why the person decided to apply for the vacancy. How is this different from the "goal" section? A statement of the motive. V cover letter a person reveals what drives him to look for a job. The "goal" is what he expects from the search.

Dos and Don'ts when writing a resume

HR professionals caution against taking a series of actions that will almost certainly result in a failure in the interview or refusal to further consider the personality of the resume writer as a candidate for the position.

The first is to write a fictitious name that does not correspond to the real date of birth. It is an absolute bad manners to impersonate another person (who may have the necessary experience and qualifications) in order to be summoned for an interview. The identification of the candidate must be unambiguous.

The second is to give incorrect information on work experience (it is especially important to write true terms for the implementation of activities) and education. As a rule, employers check this by calling their contact information (or their channels).

The third is to ignore the key facts that the person is suitable for the job. These may include, for example, job duties... The ability to avoid this is especially important for people who want to learn to understand how to write a resume to a bank and others financial institutions... It is in these segments that experience is not so much important as the content of previous work. For example, an accountant who worked in a sports club and charged foreigners 'salaries, and an accountant who worked in the civil service and charged officials' salaries - in the eyes of an HR manager - are different specialists, despite the fact that the position sounds the same (and, quite possibly, both accountants studied at the next desk in the university).

Sample of a good resume

Let's move from theory to practice. Let's see how to write a resume, a sample of which can be highly appreciated by modern HR professionals. Take a job opener like Marketing Director. This, of course, is just an approximate resume form - how to write this document in fact, is determined by the candidate himself.


Everything is extremely simple here. "Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich. Summary". Place it in the center of the page. Do not forget to highlight the title in a larger font (14-16 is possible).


In this case, we are talking about applying for a specific vacancy - above we have already outlined how to write a resume for a job within the framework of the desired positions. Citizen Ivanov will state the following goal: “Employment for the position of Marketing Director” (we also indicate in which company).

Here we prescribe the conditions for the salary. "The desired level of income is 90 thousand rubles a month." HR specialists do not recommend writing "by agreement" - especially when it comes to a managerial position.

Basic information

Full name - Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich.

City of residence - Samara. It is useful to indicate “ready for business trips”.

Education: higher engineering.

Marital status: married, three children.

Work experience: since 2000 (14 years).


National Research University "Higher School of Economics" (Moscow): 2001-2006

Specialty: enterprise management.

Diploma number: such and such.

Additional education

  • course "Technique of persuasion" (Moscow, Academy of National Economy, May-June 2003);
  • course "American Sales" (Vladivostok, Russian-American Center of Business, January-February 2005).


2000-2002 - activities in the field of high technologies:

  • position: IT consultant (2000) in the company such and such;
  • position: Microsoft software sales director (2001-2002).

2003-2014 - activities in the field of sales:

  • position: Deputy General Director (2003-2007) in the company such and such;
  • position: General Director (2008-2014).

additional information

  • Knowledge of foreign languages: English (upper-indermediate level).
  • Knowledge of office programs Word, Excel, Access, Front Page.
  • Knowledge of graphics programs Corel Draw, Photoshop.
  • Ownership of 1C packages.


You can write like this. “Having gained the necessary experience in Russian companies, I consider it necessary to move in the direction of international business. In this regard, I see myself as a sales director in the company. " This is roughly how to write a resume correctly, an example of a more or less attractive document template for a modern employer.

The recruitment industry in Russia is actively developing. There are some other helpful tips on how to write a resume correctly. Russian HR specialists advise that you do not need to state absolutely all the facts about yourself in your resume. You need to limit yourself to work and training experience that is directly related to the future vacancy and, which is important, relevant to the profile of the employing company.

The section on work experience should contain information that not only reflects the essence of the activity and its duration in a specific position. It is important to remember before writing a resume, an example of any achievements. It will be great if their essence is such that no one else has been able to achieve similar results. It is important for HR managers to strive to reach new heights.

Similarly, in the section on education, it is desirable to reflect something that can impress the employer. For example, writing some scientific work on the most important problem or the invention of something in a university laboratory. It can be indicated that there were victories in olympiads, competitions, and personal scholarships were assigned.

If the candidate has absolutely no experience and understanding of how to write a resume, you can always download a sample of one from specialized sites. But it is desirable, of course, to master the methods of drawing up such documents on their own.

The most important recommendation of HR specialists is to re-read the resume several times. Ideally, ask someone else to do it. It will be great if this person turns out to be an experienced HR manager. It is very important how to write a resume correctly, not only in terms of texture, but also in terms of spelling, style and grammar. This factor is of great importance for employers.

The most common question is "How to write a resume?" visits newcomers who have just graduated from educational institutions. Young job seekers do not always know what they want, so it is even more difficult to imagine what a potential employer expects from them. As for professionals and those who are in a creative search for their path, they tend to be more confident in themselves, despite the fact that they make just as many mistakes in their resume than former students. Today we will learn how to write a resume so that it is guaranteed to become your pass to the interview.

You can write a resume in different ways. It has no fixed form. But there is a list of recommended columns. Competent resume always contains:
  1. Personal data: name, age, address, marital status, contact details of the originator.
  2. Purpose: what position you are applying for and why.
  3. Work experience: in chronological order, starting with the last job, the years of work, company names, position, responsibilities and achievements are written.
  4. Education: years of study, name of educational institution, specialty.
  5. Additional information: all your additional knowledge, skills, talents and character traits that will favorably distinguish you from other candidates and help you in your new job.
  6. Recommendations: an indication of the ability to provide them.

You should not be creative in this regard and omit one of the points, it is unlikely that a recruiter will appreciate this.

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Remember: your resume should be short, specific, and honest. Write using active voice. Try to be as specific as possible. For example, write not “trained”, but “trained 20 new employees”. As for the volume, 1 A4 sheet is considered ideal. Writing less is not worth it, more too. Anything else that needs to be said, say in the interview. In the "Work experience" section, indicate only the information that relates to the future position. For example, if you worked as a counselor in a camp, and you are applying for the vacancy of a secretary, then you can keep silent about such a fact of a work biography. This is especially true for those with a rich and varied work experience. If you list your entire career, the resume may be too "motley", not having a general focus. This makes a negative impression, and such a resume runs the risk of ending up in the trash.

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As for the "Training" column, it should be filled out as much as possible for those who have just received a diploma, and briefly discussed for those who have solid work experience. It can be difficult for a former student to write a resume; it is tempting to list all the received "cuts" in order to increase the volume of the resume. But, if you are planning to take the position of a sales manager, do not write that you have completed courses in floristry, it is better to indicate that during the month you had training practice at an enterprise where you had similar responsibilities.

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Another mistake that job seekers often make is to write a resume and send it out to all vacancies. For each case, the resume must be compiled separately! Especially if you are just starting your career and try yourself in different professions. Can't be the same as a web designer's resume, even if you're good at both topics. The resume should have a purpose, where all of the following will obey it. Everything that is described should logically flow to the main goal and belongs to one professional area. This will give you the impression of a whole person who knows what she wants.

Before you sit down and write a resume, imagine yourself in the place of the person who will receive this resume. Find out more about the company in which you are going to get a job, about the specifics of its work, think about what they can expect from the future employee, and what exactly you will be of interest to them. Believe in yourself, prepare carefully - and you will definitely succeed!