Organizational skills in a resume. What skills should you include on your resume? An example of professional qualities for an accountant's resume

What are the skills and abilities to indicate on the resume?

Choose 5-7 basic skills and abilities required for the position for which you are applying.

These basic resume skills can be:

  • Expertise in your professional field
  • Knowledge of legislation
  • Knowledge of special programs
  • Understanding the specifics of your industry, knowing the main players
  • Team leadership

It is important not to confuse skills and achievements. Skills are what you are good at and know. Achievement is how you succeed with your skills and knowledge.

Examples of resume skills

  • Active sales, expansion customer base;
  • Working with key clients, elimination of emerging disagreements;
  • Department management (5 people).

Examples of achievements

  • Brought 7 key clients to the company (up to 50% of orders in total);
  • Created a sales department from "0". Subsequently, the department (5 people) under my leadership regularly carried out the plan to attract new customers and sales;
  • Developed and implemented the technology for the sale of technically sophisticated equipment in the company.

Computer skills in the resume are indicated in the "Additional Information" section

  1. Indicate the level of PC proficiency in accordance with the classification: User - Confident User - Advanced User - Programmer.
  2. List the programs you own. Be sure to include software versions. This might be important. For example, you should specify not only 1 C, but also version 8.2.
  3. You can also indicate the degree of ownership of org. technique if that skill is important to the job you are applying for.

Posted On 15.12.2017

Any company strives to find the best employee for every position that requires a number of mandatory professional skills. Fortunately, most job seekers have some form of this skill. Employers determine the capabilities of candidates according to the list of skills presented by them, as well as the indicated advantages / disadvantages. Thus, every job seeker must prepare himself for a job search, taking into account all the means of communication that the employer pays attention to. The following means of communication should be considered: your resume, transmittal letter and interview.

You can present your skills in the best light and validate them with previous work experience. In this article, we have provided an approximate list of required professional skills that must be indicated on a resume. You can edit this list and add additional skills to your resume to suit your needs. Below is a table with examples of professional skills that you can include on your resume. The table is divided into the main professions and the skills they require.

Skills and abilities Top manager Sales and Marketing, Customer Service Programmers, Designers, Research and Development, Teachers
Time management skills + +
People management skills +
Personal communication skills + +
Skills business communication + +
Speaking skills + +
Business management skills + +
Strategic thinking +
Creative thinking + + +
Organizational ability + +
Effective listening skills + + +
Ability to make a decision + + +
Ability to solve problems + + +
Ability to negotiate + +
Ability to work in a team + +
Ability to conduct trainings +
Ability to educate others +
Ability to learn quickly + +
Effective learning skills + +
Analytic skills + +
Ability to make risky decisions + +
Sales skills + +
Ingenuity + +
A responsibility + + +
Reliability + + +
Creative skills + + +
Determination + + +
Business ethics + +
Critical thinking skills +
Customer service skills + + +
Perseverance + +
Multitasking + +
Tact + +

Skills to include on your resume

Below are examples of skills and abilities that can be listed on a resume.

Key Skills - Sample Resume

  • analytical thinking, planning skills;
  • developed skills of oral and interpersonal communication;
  • organizational skills, the ability to prioritize;
  • analyzing problems, using judgments, the ability to effectively solve problems.

Examples of other special skills

Oral and written communication, the ability to establish contact with partners and clients, business development, a high level of customer service, attention to detail and organization, self-sufficiency and activity, hospitality provided to clients and partners, professional public speaking skills and experience in conducting presentations, the ability to conduct effective trainings with others.

  • motivation, initiative, high energy;
  • oral communication skills;
  • decision making, critical thinking, organization and planning;
  • tolerance and flexibility in different situations.

Other skills:

  • leadership communication skills;
  • business leadership skills;
  • technical and technological skills;
  • organization skills;
  • project management skills;
  • marketing and key sales skills.

Examples of professional skills for different professions

Key skills for project managers

  • experienced team leader with the ability to initiate / manage various functional teams and multidisciplinary projects;
  • critical thinking, decision making and problem solving skills;
  • planning and organization;
  • excellent interpersonal skills;
  • project management skills: influence, leadership, ability to negotiate and delegate;
  • conflict resolution;
  • the ability to adapt to conditions;
  • stress tolerance.

Key skills for educators

  • motivation;
  • initiative and high energy;
  • developed oral and personal communication skills;
  • decision making, critical thinking, organizing and planning skills;
  • tolerance and flexibility in different situations.

Key skills for accountants

  • analytical thinking, planning;
  • accuracy and attention to detail;
  • organization, the ability to prioritize;
  • problem analysis, use of judgment, ability to solve problems effectively.

Key skills for customer service

  • developed communication skills;
  • analysis of problems and their solution;
  • organizational skills, focus on customer service;
  • ability to adapt, ability to work under pressure;
  • initiative.

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What professional skills should you include on your resume? Example

The qualities you want to tell your employers about should be clearly articulated, and not just "thrown to the wind". Sociability / responsibility and creativity - all this, of course, is great, but meaningfully useless.

So let's go over the skills that you keep forgetting to mention. If you don’t know what to write in the “skills” column, there is one more material for you!


We remind you right away that the skills that you will share with your employer should be directly related to the position for which you are applying. Brevity and specificity is the first rule of a resume.

// Leadership

Of course, this is an important skill for everyone involved in managing a company or even working in a team - sooner or later each member of it will be faced with the need to take initiative. So, if you know that you can be a leader in a team at some point, then this quality can always be mentioned (and even necessary!).

We write:

know how to resolve conflicts in a team, are ready to help colleagues, listen to criticism, are ready to lead, take responsibility for the team's decisions ... - everything sounds more specific than “I have leadership qualities”.

// Sociability

This quality-skill is also directly related to leadership. The fact is that with people you need not only to be able to communicate, but also to understand that there should be a factor of business relations and mutual benefit between you. When you write “sociable,” you don't have to think about the fact that you have great friends and that you are great friends with colleagues.

We write:

networking, knowledge of cold calling techniques, building relationships with clients, the ability to work in a team.


It's good (great, great, no value for money) if every skill you mention is backed up on your resume with an example that proves you have it. For example, let's compare the "outgoing" Ivan or Ivan, who organizes events and attracts famous speakers using his ability to communicate and seek contacts.

// Organization

First, in Russian, "organization" can have two adjacent meanings: you are organized, punctual, you understand what a "systemic" approach is, or maybe you understand how to organize a lot of people and make the gears turn. So in this case, we would advise you:

We write:

organizing events, monitoring meetings, scheduling, scheduling (great word for a resume!), time management

// A responsibility

This is mentioned only by those people who just want to tell the employer “I can be trusted!”. But there are much more correct ways to prove that you are a responsible employee, for example, by mentioning that you were engaged in project activities or that they were engaged in serious financial calculations - everything that had a specific result will be useful to mark instead of "responsible".

We write:

project activities (completed n.

projects), working with a client n., creating an advertising company n.

// Learnability

We are all trainable. Otherwise, they could not talk, write, eat, walk. This is a normal skill not only for humans, but also for animals. Another superfluous and too "general" word for your resume.

We write:

independently studied the program n., mastered the programming language n., actively attend trainings, create a personal website, desire to use skills in different departments

// Critical thinking

You know that today everyone is a film critic.

Professional resume skills

But what is in practice - when you need to show the skills of a real analyst, to say something after the presentation, everyone suddenly has no thoughts.

We write:

search for information, ability to analyze n. in n., reporting in n., reviewing

// Stress tolerance

It is an indispensable, wonderful, and much needed skill. But it's not a skill in fact - it's a character trait, like communication skills, for example. You can learn how to deal with stress, but most likely, by applying this characteristic to yourself, you mean that you can work under pressure, in conditions of deadlines and at a fast pace. So tell me about it!

We write:

the ability (EXPERIENCE!) to work in deadline mode, the ability to make decisions quickly, knowledge of the market, understanding the specifics of competition in the industry, the ability to cope with crisis situations

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Chapter 1. Knowledge, skills and abilities in the learning process

Chapter 2. Functioning of the "knowledge-skills-skills" triad in modern didactics

Chapter 3. Practical aspects of mastering knowledge and skills


List of used literature


Relevance... As you know, the transition from the state of untrainedness to the state of certain training is carried out through the mastery of a certain amount of knowledge, abilities and skills, and each didactic process has quite definite fundamental capabilities in terms of the quality of their formation in students for a given time.

Until the 80s. In the twentieth century, it was traditionally believed that the content of specialist training is reduced only to these components. Later, two more were identified - the experience of creative activity and the experience of an emotional-value attitude to reality.

The formation of general educational skills and abilities is one of the priorities of modern education, which predetermines the success of all subsequent education.

In new educational standards primary general education the formation of general educational skills, as well as different ways special attention is paid to the activities: they are separated into a separate block both at the level of the minimum content and at the level of requirements for the level of preparation of those who graduate from primary school.

The issues of general educational abilities and skills in pedagogical science and educational practice have been studied for more than a decade, however, until now, the main disadvantage of modern education, including primary education, is associated with the inability of schoolchildren to learn.

Teachers primary school so far, it is with difficulty that they are transitioning to an orientation towards the new goals of primary education, formulated in the course of modernizing the structure and content of education: to teach younger schoolchildren to learn, to shape their learning activities.

As before, the main emphasis is placed on mastering knowledge, skills and abilities.

The effectiveness of learning will increase noticeably if the student begins to work meaningfully on his development, begins to strive to independently find and eliminate his mistakes - in writing, in speech, in organizing his own activities. To do this, he needs to learn to research, analyze his own activities in order to identify his mistakes so as not to make them in the future, and his achievements in order to record and reproduce them. That is, the effectiveness of training directly depends on the formation and development of general educational skills and abilities.

Purpose of the study- to consider the problem of the formation of a mechanism for the assimilation of knowledge and skills in the learning process.

Research objectives :

1. Consider the features of knowledge, skills and abilities in the learning process.

2. Analyze the functioning of the “knowledge-skills-skills” triad in modern didactics.

3. Determine the practical aspects of the assimilation of knowledge and skills.

Object of study- the fundamental characteristics of knowledge and skills in the learning process. Subject of study- determination of the features of the formation in the learning process of the mechanism for the assimilation of knowledge and skills.

Research hypothesis: we proceeded from the fact that the assimilation of knowledge and skills is a complex process, including the mastery of a set of various operations and actions.


Knowledge, skills and abilities in the learning process

Knowledge in teaching is understood as the basic laws of the subject area that allow a person to solve specific production, scientific and other tasks, i.e. facts, concepts, judgments, images, relationships, assessments, rules, algorithms, heuristics, as well as decision-making strategies in this area.

Knowledge is elements of information related to each other and to the outside world.

Knowledge properties: structuredness, interpretability, connectivity, activity.

Structability - the presence of connections that characterize the degree of comprehension and identification of the basic laws and principles operating in a given subject area.

The interpretability of knowledge (to interpret means to interpret, explain) is determined by the content, or semantics, of knowledge and the ways of its use.

Knowledge connectivity - the presence of situational relationships between the elements of knowledge. These elements can be linked together in separate blocks, for example, thematically, semantically, functionally.

Knowledge activity is the ability to generate new knowledge and is conditioned by a person's motivation to be cognitively active.

Along with knowledge, there is the concept of data. Although it is not always possible to draw a clear line between data and knowledge, nevertheless, there are fundamental differences between them.

Data is an element of knowledge, i.e. isolated facts, whose relations with the outside world and among themselves are not fixed in them.

Distinguish between declarative knowledge - statements about objects of the subject area, their properties and relations between them, and procedural ones - they describe the rules for transforming objects of the subject area. These can be recipes, algorithms, techniques, instructions, decision-making strategies. The difference between them is that declarative knowledge is communication rules, and procedural knowledge is transformation rules.

  • stored (remembered);
  • reproduced;
  • are checked;
  • updated, including restructured;
  • are transformed;
  • are interpreted.

Skill is understood as a way of performing an action mastered by a person, provided by a certain body of knowledge.

7 essential skills to look for when recruiting

Skill is expressed in the ability to consciously apply knowledge in practice.

Skills are automated components of a person's conscious action that are developed in the process of performing it. A skill arises as a consciously automated action and then functions as an automated way of doing it. What this action became a skill, means that the individual, as a result of the exercise, acquired the ability to carry out this operation without making it his own conscious goal.

The strength of the assimilation of knowledge is one of the goals of training. The result of lasting assimilation is the formation of stable structures of knowledge that reflect objective reality, when students are able to actualize and use the knowledge gained. However, in practice, this goal is not always achieved. Everyone knows the student's motto - "Pass (exam) and forget, like a bad dream."

But if knowledge is forgotten, then why waste time (and money) on mastering it?

The aim of the training is professional skills and skills.

Research by psychologists has shown that acquired skills remain forever, and skills - for years, and theoretical (declarative) knowledge is quickly forgotten. Nevertheless, in many cases it is the strength of knowledge assimilation that is the goal of the intermediate stages of learning.

The modern understanding of the mechanisms of learning activity, leading to a lasting assimilation of knowledge, allows us to formulate a number of recommendations.

In modern learning, thinking takes precedence over memory. It is necessary to save the strength of students, not to waste them on memorizing low-value knowledge, not to overload memory to the detriment of thinking.

Prevent misperceptions or misunderstandings from becoming entrenched in the student's memory. The student must remember what is learned, well understood.

The material that requires memorization should be enclosed in short lines: what we should carry in our memory should not have extensive dimensions. From the series to be memorized, exclude everything that the student himself can easily add.

Remember that forgetting what is learned is most intense immediately after learning, so the timing and frequency of repetitions must be consistent with psychological patterns forgetting. The greatest number of repetitions is required immediately after the students are familiar with the new material, that is, at the moment of maximum loss of information, after which this number of repetitions should gradually decrease, but not disappear completely. It is advisable for students not to time their own reproduction of the material to the moment immediately following the perception of the material, but to let him first rest a little. Experimental studies indicate that the best reproduction takes place, for the most part, not immediately after the first perception of the material, but some time (2-3 days) after it.

Intensifying the involuntary memorization of students, do not give direct assignments or instructions: it is better to interest the students, from time to time "warm up" the interest that has arisen.

Do not start learning new things without first forming two essential qualities: interest and a positive attitude towards him.

Follow the logic of the presentation of educational material. Knowledge and beliefs, logically related to each other, are assimilated more firmly than disparate information.

Rely on the fact established by science: an important form of strengthening knowledge is their independent repetition by students.

Follow the logic of learning, because the strength of knowledge that is logically linked to each other always exceeds the strength of assimilation of scattered, loosely connected knowledge. Provide the opportunity for students to view the material from different angles, from different angles.

Since the strength of memorizing information acquired in the form of logical structures is higher than the strength of scattered knowledge, knowledge presented in logically integral structures should be consolidated.

In the practice of teaching, it is not uncommon for a means of solid assimilation of knowledge to be repeated multiple times of the stated educational material. However, reliance mainly on rote memorization, without deep awareness of internal laws and logical sequence in the system of assimilated knowledge, is one of the reasons for formalism in teaching. Memorization and reproduction depend not only on the objective connections of the material, but also on the attitude of the individual to it (for example, the student's interest in knowledge). An important condition for the lasting assimilation of knowledge is the correct organization of repetition and consolidation of knowledge. The most firmly assimilated knowledge is acquired independently, when performing research, search, creative tasks.

You can interest the employer if you immediately write in your resume about what you can do. This will help him determine how quickly you can adapt and understand the nuances of the work.

Key resume skills: examples

To understand how to properly write about your skills, you can look at an example of professional skills on your resume. Just be sure to correct for your personal experience, the requirements of the employer and the specifics of the future position.

Possible professional skills

It should be understood that in this section of the resume, you need to indicate your basic skills. If you do not have work experience yet, then you can enter the results of undergraduate practice. Almost all resumes can include the following skills:

  • work with a PC;
  • knowledge of foreign languages ​​(indicating your level) - this can be fluency, the ability to perceive written information and translate it with a dictionary;
  • ability to analyze documents;
  • work planning and organization of the work process;
  • ability to make decisions quickly.

But they should be used in cases where you do not have practical experience and any achievements.

Skills for communication professions

Sending a resume to the emerging vacancy of a sales assistant, you must describe your experience and indicate what you can do. The professional skills of a salesperson may include the following:

  • experience in communication and direct sales;
  • the ability to adapt and look for an approach to the client;
  • opportunity to work in stressful situations, under pressure;
  • willingness to communicate politely, without imposing one's own position;
  • the ability to move away, but at the same time fulfill their duties;
  • the ability to solve problems without involving the administration.

You need to convince your employer that you can communicate with people and sell products.

But for a psychologist there will be other requirements. He can be shown what he has worked with and what he can do best. He may have the following professional skills:

  • diagnostics of personality, relationships;
  • solving problems in a team and a family;
  • conducting tests and interpreting their results;
  • conducting trainings;
  • solutions to personal growth problems;
  • listening, empathy, calming;
  • search for approaches to each client;
  • implementation of psychological rehabilitation measures;
  • work with phobias, shocks, stresses.

Skills of narrow specialists

The selection of candidates begins with the assessment of the resume. If you want to be scheduled for an interview, then list your basic skills, not hoping that a couple of general phrases will be enough. You can see an example of professional knowledge for a sysadmin resume to understand what needs to be specified. The following skills can be distinguished:

  • practical experience in laying and diagnosing networks;
  • providing technical support and working with clients;
  • diagnostics of failures and malfunctions;
  • experience with servers, their installation and customization for specific tasks;
  • monitoring the operation of systems;
  • risk planning and development of IT structure recovery schemes;
  • ability to work with Windows programs;
  • knowledge of technical English;
  • installation of equipment, adjustment of its work;
  • control of the appropriate level of information security;
  • work with technical documents.

Don't go overboard with listing! Too many programs announced may raise doubts about the level of your proficiency in each of them. After all, real competence is acquired not even in one month.

But the professional skills in the accountant's resume may look like this:

  • maintaining tax and accounting records;
  • knowledge of relevant legislation;
  • ability to work with accounting entries;
  • inventory taking skills;
  • ability to manage primary documents;
  • knowledge of the principles of calculating sick leave, payroll;
  • skills in drawing up and submitting reports;
  • knowledge of the "Client-Bank" system, profile accounting programs;
  • the ability to carry out mutual settlements, reconciliation acts.

Don't write skills that you don't have. After all, this can be identified at an interview or on the first working day.

For an employee or head of the legal department, you need to be able to work with documents and look for the necessary information.

For a lawyer, the following professional skills are generally expected:

  • the ability to draw up and analyze the submitted contracts;
  • Negotiation;
  • representation in courts;
  • implementation of claim activities;
  • drafting legal documents;
  • support of the company's activities;
  • legal support for the work of the organization;
  • representation of the company in government agencies and various instances;
  • ability to work with legal documents and legislative framework submitted electronically.

Having indicated such skills, be ready to confirm them in the interview.

An employer may ask for specific examples or a practical task that requires these skills.

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When filling out the graph of skills and abilities, people often indicate standard, stereotyped data about their abilities, because they do not know how to properly present themselves in a favorable light and do not pay attention to the position of the employer. Usually this is purposefulness, sociability, etc. Let's take a closer look at this issue and learn how to correctly write our skills in a resume!

This is the experience gained, the knowledge gained in the process of working in your specialty, or you have often had to deal with certain situations in your life and you have learned to subordinate circumstances to your needs. For example:

  1. In progress- You were instructed to check documentation, recalculate estimates, fill out tax returns or invoices…. It follows that you are an attentive person, scrupulous and you can safely consider this your skill.
  2. In the process of life- what were you praised for, or were you given diplomas? In this area, you have superiority and possess certain skills. Remember what friends ask you for help, with what problems - this is the area of ​​competence that you need to indicate in the resume

A common mistake

Everyone confuses two different points to write on a resume: skills and qualities. If a professional skill is the ability to work with document flow, then quality is a personal characteristic - scrupulousness, attentiveness. Such data must be entered in the column:.

Section writing rules

  1. Honesty is the key criterion.
  2. You need to meet the requirements specified in the vacancy (see below).
  3. Understand specifically what you can and know.
  4. Have experience with the specified skills
  5. Ability to apply acquired knowledge and experience

Give detailed information on important details, for example:

Sales skill- 8 years in the field of sales, of which 5 years are the head of the sales department.

If you have no experience in any duties, write about your theoretical knowledge, for example:

Knowledge of the basics of negotiation- I took special courses.

This column is placed after the specified one, thereby confirming which skills have been acquired. But for a more successful outcome, it should be placed at the very beginning - so the recruiting manager will immediately see your qualifications and accept your resume for further consideration, for example:

What knowledge and competencies are important for an employer

The right employee is the most suitable one for the duties assigned to him. And in order to correspond to the idea of ​​the bosses about the candidacy for the position you have chosen, it is enough to carefully study the vacancy and submit the skills and abilities for the resume corresponding to the requests in the ad.

An example of a vacancy for a managerial position:

Your key skills and abilities must imperceptibly repeat the requirements specified by the employer, starting from responsibilities that will need to be performed. For example like this:

  • Ability to organize and optimize the work process.
  • Knowledge and ability to work with “any” types of documentation.
  • Investment capital management skill.
  • Skills of creating a flow of customers in new industries of enterprises.

Expert opinion

Natalia Molchanova

HR manager

In fact, all you need to do to fill out the column is to paraphrase the employer, of course, taking into account your own abilities.

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Correspondence of knowledge to the desired position

Depending on the profession - the appropriate competencies differ from each other! When filling out this section, be aware of the importance of the vacancy, because professional skills and abilities suitable for a lawyer are not suitable for the seller.

It is necessary to rewrite the column every time you change the direction of activity.

Skills and abilities for leaders (leadership)

  • Ability to allocate your time (time management).
  • Personnel selection and management skills.
  • Business communication skills.
  • Negotiation skills.
  • Strategic planning skill.
  • Salesmanship.
  • Ability to organize a workflow.
  • Staff motivation skills.

Skills and skills for sellers (communicative)

  • Ability to persuade.
  • Skills of direct, telephone sales.
  • Effective communication skills.
  • Teamwork skills.
  • Objection handling skills.
  • Ability to write commercial proposals.

Skills and abilities for specialists (technical)

The knowledge of this area is purely individual for different professions, indicate skills based on experience and requirements in the vacancy, but there are several factors that unite technicians

  • Ability to complete work.
  • Skills of working with the necessary equipment.
  • Knowledge of the required programs.
  • Data processing skills.

Skills and skills for lawyers (law, document flow)

  • Documentation skills.
  • Ability to solve complex problems.
  • Skills of working with regulatory authorities.
  • Knowledge of the legal framework.
  • Ability to defend a position.

Other skills and abilities

  • Ability to keep a budget;
  • skills of conducting booze. accounting;
  • commercial writing skills;
  • client base management skills;
  • planning skills;
  • analytical skills;
  • certification skills;
  • skills;
  • programming skills;
  • skills in working with office equipment;
  • skills in work with document flow;
  • skills in drafting contracts, tax returns, claims, complaints;
  • skills in conducting promotional events, banquets;
  • equipment diagnostics skills;
  • system monitoring skills;
  • the skill of organizing work processes;
  • skills to work with a large amount of information;
  • the ability to set priorities;
  • skills in working with electronic databases;
  • Computer skills;
  • communication skills;
  • the ability to work in different fields of activity;
  • multitasking skill;
  • ability to adapt;
  • ability to work with suppliers, purchases, goods;
  • knowledge of inventory.

Skills and skills for a resume, a real example

The summary consists of several points. The main components are a description of work experience and an indication of professional skills. What to write in a resume, what skills and abilities to indicate, our article will tell you.

Key phrases are given a separate place in the resume. This section describes the professional skills and qualities of the employee. Usually, here you need to indicate your abilities, which a person is ready to apply during work.

Skills should not be confused with your personal qualities. Key skills are conventionally divided into:

  1. Communications. A person's ability to establish contacts with potential partners;
  2. Organizations. These skills help to organize the work process and get the most out of the work;
  3. Thinking outside the box. This type refers to employees who can embody original ideas in the workflow.

When writing a resume, you must adhere to minimalism. You should not immediately describe all your best qualities, skills. For each profession, certain skills are important, which must be indicated in the resume.

General skills and abilities

A well-written resume is the key to getting a job. It is important to indicate all your professional qualities, which will reveal the person as an experienced employee as much as possible.

In the summary, skills and abilities are indicated as a separate paragraph. It is necessary to clearly describe your qualities and professional skills.

When a resume is written for the first time, and there are no professional skills, but only education. Then the university and the year of its graduation are indicated. In the skill section, it is worth indicating those qualities that are most characteristic of the applicant.

After graduation, characteristic skills and abilities are acquired that can be indicated in the resume. This will not be a mistake. The main thing is to correctly present your capabilities so that the employer can see the potential employee of his company.

We do not confuse the description of our abilities and personality traits.

It is important to understand that professional ability and personality traits are two different parts of a resume.

A job seeker's abilities are certain qualities that he possesses to work effectively. The resume needs to be divided and written about your abilities and personal qualities.

In abilities it is worth indicating what a person has acquired during his work. Perhaps there are skills in organizing a workflow. Thinking outside the box helps in solving many controversial points at work. The ability to resolve conflict situations and find an approach to the client also refers to ability.

Personal character traits are what characterizes a person as a person. Resistance to stress, dedication, endurance - all of this refers to personality traits.

By clearly understanding the differences between the two, you can write a correct and noteworthy resume.

What to write in a resume for a manager

If you are going to get a job as a manager, you need to make correct resume... First you need to describe your work experience. The more work experience, the better.

To get the position of a manager, the resume must look decent and contain the information that shows that the applicant is worthy to occupy this position. The resume should reveal the skills of personnel management.

Success in writing good resume depends on its informativeness: information should be short and useful, not contain introductory words.

It is important to indicate examples of conflict resolution in the resume. Especially if it concerns a specific company for which a resume is submitted. So, the candidate will show his skills and abilities.

Information about your achievements in work will be appropriate. Perhaps the applicant has experience in optimizing work or participating in bringing the company out of the crisis. This will be an advantage when considering job candidates.

What to write on a resume for salespeople, consultants, secretaries, bank employees

One of the most popular professions are salespeople and consultants, secretaries and bank clerks. There are a lot of vacancies in this area on job search portals. But this does not mean at all that anyone can take on this profession.

In order to get a job that involves selling, you need to create a resume that sells itself. If the candidate was able to write a decent resume, the employer will not disregard him. Good salespeople are a guarantee effective work enterprises and maximizing profits.

It is important for the employer that the candidate knows what the company is doing and can adequately represent this product on the market. Therefore, those who have experience in this area have more chances.

In this field of activity, stress resistance and the ability to communicate with people are important. In personal qualities, you need to describe your communication skills. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​will also be a plus.

For secretaries and bankers, a tidy appearance, communicativeness, ability to work with office programs, quick learning, knowledge of foreign languages. All this must be indicated in skills and personal qualities.

Skills and skills for teachers leading seminars and trainings

Educators play a leading role in the life of every person. This profession requires responsibility and endurance. Not everyone can adequately cope with this vocation.

To obtain the position of a teacher, you must have an appropriate education. Getting a job in a school in your specialty is not that difficult. It is enough to indicate your pedagogical education in your resume. The salary of the teacher depends on the length of service and skills. The more work experience, the more there will be wage... In the resume, you must write about your communicative qualities, love for children and the ability to find a way out of any conflict situations.

To get the position of a facilitator at seminars or trainings, you must have experience in this area. The resume should indicate education, previous work experience. The main thing in choosing a candidate is the presence of organizational skills and the ability to present material.

Speaking skills are equally important. For the profession of a presenter at seminars, it is important to interest the listener and present useful information. During trainings, it is necessary to share experiences that will be useful to the listener.

For these professions, the main skill that is indicated on the resume is education and the ability to interest the audience so that there is a desire to go to classes.

For technical specialists: programmers, system administrators

Currently, the profession of programmers is widespread and in demand. Computers take up most of human life. A lot of programs and games appear, for the development of which a large number of people are involved.

It is not necessary to have a proper education to become a programmer. It is enough to be a confident PC user and complete programming courses. The main skill that should be noted on the resume is knowledge of foreign languages. Moreover, you need to know them at a high level. English is considered the main programming language, but knowledge of additional languages ​​will be a plus for the candidate. In addition, if there are problems with foreign languages, but the applicant is at the stage of study, then this must be written in the resume.

If the applicant has examples of his work, for example, creating a website, writing his own program, interesting developments, then this is indicated in the resume.

Skills and abilities for accountants, auditors

Indicating the skills that are specific to the profession of accountant and auditor is the main component of the resume. Skills in this area of ​​activity are considered as the ability to apply knowledge in accounting in practice.

In the resume, it is necessary to write the length of service in a similar position and list the skills that were used in the previous place of work. The maximum disclosure of skills in the resume is considered the main thing when choosing a candidate. The key to success in this matter depends on the correct presentation of information. No need to write too long and abstruse phrases. Everything should be laconic and competent. The foregoing should convey the skills and experience of a specialist in this area.

In order for the resume to give an effective result, it is necessary to describe not general skills, but precisely those that are characteristic of the applicant and he used them at the previous place of work.

  • Making tax calculations for foreigners;
  • Execution of foreign exchange transactions, their control and making payments.

The skills and abilities of an accountant and an auditor depend directly on the acquired knowledge in the process of working at the previous place. If there is no work experience, it is necessary to focus on quick learning and the acquired knowledge at the university.

Skills and skills for lawyers

Working as a lawyer is a complex profession that requires constant study of the material and deepening into the legal framework.

To obtain this position, you must have the following qualities:

  1. Stress tolerance
  2. Ability to think logically;
  3. Ability to find an approach to the client;
  4. Ability to look for ways out of difficult situations;
  5. Ability to properly organize your working day;
  6. Ability to interact with many specialists.

The resume must indicate all these basic qualities, as well as write the skills that were acquired in the process.

A good lawyer should be able to speak correctly and beautifully. A clear, competent and convincing speech not only attracts the client, but also other specialists with whom it is necessary to work.

Writing is considered to be the main skill for a lawyer. The legal side of this profession is so incomprehensible to ordinary people that the task of a lawyer becomes a written presentation in a more understandable form of complex legal terminology.

In this field of activity, the main one is the ability to think analytically. Sometimes the matter is so complicated and confusing that one cannot do without logical thinking. This is a complex skill that needs to be developed over the years.

Memory for lawyers is the main tool in their work. It is necessary to study a large amount of the legislative and legal framework not only of your own country, but also of other states.

For in the legal field, it is necessary to list all the skills and abilities that were acquired in previous jobs, and indicate professional qualities that are not typical for others.

Example of skills and abilities in a resume

A resume has both general and specific skills. They are individual for a specific profession. Thus, all specialists can have common skills.

Common skills include:

  • diligence;
  • stress tolerance;
  • fast learner;
  • Knowledge of foreign languages;
  • ability to establish contact with a client;
  • work with computer;
  • grammatically correct speech.

Each profession has certain skills and abilities. So, for an accountant you need:

  • have analytical thinking;
  • be able to organize a workflow;
  • respond quickly to situations that occur during the day;
  • attentiveness;
  • the ability to analyze your own work;
  • ability to use accounting software;
  • the ability to prepare reports for verification.

Learn about key leadership skills in this video:

Form for accepting a question, write your

They are also a very important section that HR specialists pay attention to. Here you can mark your additional professional skills and experience, which is your advantage among other applicants. Neither experience nor education will tell a potential employer about your skills. And it is very important in combination with your achievements and professional knowledge create an understandable, clear and beautiful picture for the employer. And among the variety of options presented, you need to understand what skills to write. Let's take a closer look.

First of all, it is worth indicating those skills that are related to the desired position and do not conflict with the required competencies.

Examples of common key resume skills:

    Analytical thinking

    Ability to plan

    Developed oral and interpersonal skills

    Organization skills

    Ability to prioritize

    Precision and attentiveness

These skills are especially suitable for job seekers with no work experience, such as college students or graduates. When describing your skills, it is worth mentioning everything that, in one way or another, is related to the future position. It can be victories in olympiads, competitions or organizing student events. Also, more and more employers are demanding knowledge foreign language and computer skills. So do not forget about this, too. If you have already chosen a company where you are going to send your resume, you can use the requirements in the vacancy as a template to complete information about yourself.

Where should the skills section be located?

Typically, the Key Skills section is placed after the Work Experience section, summarizing your competencies, explaining what knowledge and other useful competencies you have.

However, there is another option for building your resume, indicating the key skills immediately after the personal data and the desired position. And then in the column "work experience" explain exactly where and when you got these skills.

Professional skills in a resume - a sample example for university graduates without work experience

Vacancy: Marketing Analyst

Key skills:

Knowledge in the field of sociology and marketing analysis;
Experience in conducting sociological research during the period of study;
Diploma on the topic "Research marketing activities firms ";
Excellent command of Russian and English;
Experience in writing articles for the university website;
Work experience as a sales assistant, which contributed to the development of communication skills;
Fluency in PC, knowledge of Word, Excel, Power Point programs at the level of an advanced user.

Key resume skills examples for different professions

First of all, when drawing up a resume for a specific vacancy, you must carefully read the requirements of the employer. This is often where you can find clues about what to list in the Key Skills section.

Below, we give examples of various areas of the employment sector and what is most often indicated in correctly written resumes.

    experience in concluding trade transactions;

    business communication skills, negotiation;

    experience in exhibitions, product presentation;

    maintaining and expanding the client base;

    drafting and concluding contracts;

    conducting primary accounting;

    control of shipment and delivery of goods;

    Experienced PC user, knowledge of 1C, Word, Excel;

For the position of the head of the sales department, add the same:

    Experience of replacing the head of the department;


    Coordination of the work of subordinates;

    Employee motivation.

Key skills in a resume example for a position

Usually programmers indicate knowledge of certain technologies, programming languages:

    knowledge of technologies and languages: J2SE ‚J2EE, JPA, JAXB architecture, Hibernate;

    programming languages: Java, С ++, PHP ‚JavaScript, Phyton; XML ‚HTML; SQL, JPQL;

    management software: SVN, Maven, Archiva, CruiseControl;

    Unix OS administration: Linux Fedora / Ubuntu / Slackware / OpenSUSE ‚FreeBSD;

    databases: MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL

Key skills in a resume example for a position

    analytical thinking;


    accuracy and attention to detail;


    the ability to effectively solve problems;

    knowledge: taxes, GAAP reporting, ACCA Dip IFR certificate, auditor's certificate;

    possession of programs: 1C, BEST, SUN, CMS, Consultant, Garant, MS Office;

For the position of chief accountant, it is also worth adding:

    more than 5 years of experience in the position of chief accountant;

    successful experience in accounting management (up to 10 people);

    English colloquial.