How to write a business plan. How to build and create a business plan from scratch: step-by-step technology for creating, as well as examples of ready-made instructions for small businesses. Essential Components of a Good Resume

Last update:  02/17/2020

Reading time: 24 min. | Views: 40308

Hello, dear readers of the Internet magazine about money ""! This article will talk about how to write a business plan. This publication is a direct instruction for action that will allow you to turn a raw business idea into a confident one. step by step plan to achieve a clear goal.

We'll consider:

  • What is a business plan and why is it needed;
  • How to draw up a business plan;
  • How to structure it and write it yourself;
  • Ready-made business plans for small businesses - examples and samples with calculations.

At the end of the topic, we will show the main mistakes of novice entrepreneurs. There will be a lot of arguments in favor of creating quality And thoughtful business plan that will bring the realization of your idea and success affairs in the future.

Also, this article will provide examples finished works, which you can simply use, or you can take as a basis for developing your project. Ready-made examples of submitted business plans can be free download.

In addition, we will answer the most frequently asked questions and clarify why not everyone writes a business plan, if it is so necessary.

So, let's start in order!

The structure of the business plan and the content of its main sections - a step-by-step guide to compiling it

1. How to write a business plan: detailed instructions on how to write it yourself đź“ť

7. Conclusion + related video 🎥

For every entrepreneur who wants to develop himself and develop his business, a business plan is very important. He performs many responsible functions that no other person is able to do differently.

With it, you can get financial support and open, develop your business much earlier than you can collect a significant amount for the business.

Investors generally react positively to a good, thought-out, error-free business plan, as they see it as a way to make easy money with all the troubles invented and described.

In addition, even before the establishment opens, you see what awaits you. What risks are possible, what solution algorithms will be relevant in a given situation. This is not only favorable information for the investor, but also desired plan, if you get into trouble yourself. In the end, if the calculation of risks is too daunting, you can remake a little, transform the general idea to reduce them.

Creating a Good Business Plan is an excellent solution for finding investments and developing your own action algorithms even in the most difficult situations, which are more than enough in business.

That is why, in addition to their own efforts it is worth using "other people's brains". A business plan includes many sections and calculations, research and knowledge, only with successful operation, with which success can be achieved.

The ideal option would be to study all aspects on your own. To do this, it is not enough to sit and read the relevant literature. It is worth changing the circle of contacts, turning to courses and trainings, finding specialists for consultations on certain issues. That's the only way really figure it out in the situation and dispel all your doubts and delusions.

A business plan is worth writing for many reasons, however home is a clear algorithm of actions by which you can quickly get from point A(your current position, full of hopes and fears) to point B(in which you will already be the owner of your own successful business stable and regular income). This is the first step towards fulfilling the dream and the confident status of the middle class.

If you still have questions, then perhaps you will find the answers to them in the video: "How to write a business plan (for yourself and investors)".

That's all we have. We wish everyone good luck in business! We will also be grateful for your comments on this article, share your opinions, ask questions on the topic of the publication.

Successful business development directly depends on the preparation of a business plan.

It is not enough just to make a plan, it is necessary to constantly adjust it in accordance with market changes.

This will allow your business to "stay afloat", receiving income and conducting a clear planning of the expenditure side of the budget.

Each held individual entrepreneur(IP) knows that a well-written business plan is the “foundation” of any activity. Using a business plan, an individual entrepreneur can attract investors or apply for a loan from a bank.

A business plan is a complete program for launching and developing a business, containing detailed information about a product, its release and distribution. The business plan reflects the planned profitability of the company, and also demonstrates financial payback investment.

The preparation of a business plan for lenders should focus on specific financial indicators. The basic rule for writing a successful business plan is to be dynamic and short (no more than 15-20 sheets). Consider how to write a business plan yourself?

Title page

How to draw up a business plan? This requires a sample, especially for a beginner. Any work, first of all, consists of a title page.

This is the "face" of your business. The title page "acquaints" a potential investor with a business idea, so it is very important to learn how to correctly draw it up.

The title page should be attractive and briefly inform the investor about the essence of the business. The obligatory items of the title page are:

  • IP name;
  • contact details of the enterprise (telephone, address, etc.);
  • privacy note;
  • short name of the project;
  • Full name of the head of the IP, his contact details;
  • information on the preparation of a business plan (who made it, when, where);
  • information about the timing of the project.

Want to know more about writing business plans? Then the next topic is for you. : purpose and structure, algorithm and examples.

Read about how to open an online store for free and quickly.

A cafe is a business that can bring big profits in the future. Here is everything about how to open a cafe, a business plan with cost and profitability calculations.

  1. Summary.
  2. Project descriptions.
  3. Carrying out market analysis, evaluation of competitors.
  4. Marketing strategy.
  5. Production, organizational and financial plans.

The summary is a brief and general information about the project. The volume of the resume should not exceed 1 printed page. The resume contains information about the field of activity and financial results companies that are expected. The summary also substantiates the goals of creating the project, its uniqueness and benefits for investors.

Product Description

When compiling a description of products, it is necessary to focus on the usefulness of this good.

You can also make a brief comparison of this product with analogues, dwelling on the main differences.

The Product Description section should provide an opportunity for analysis further development business.

Description of the business model

The business model is a simplified version of the functioning of all IP systems and business processes. Creating a business model is one of the most important steps in the stage strategic planning activity of the company.

A business model succinctly describes how a company creates and sells its product. The development of the business model is entrusted to the IP management team.

Market and industry analysis

At the stage of market analysis, it is necessary to get acquainted with the situation in detail, analyze the total volume of potential sales for the products produced. You can also make a trial batch of goods in order to study the behavior and reactions of buyers to it. Analyzing the market, it is necessary to evaluate competitors.

The general scheme of a competent business plan

How to write the right business plan? A competent business plan contains detailed information about the main competitors to understand the prospects for the development of IP.

Strategic SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis is carried out in order to determine the actual state of the company and highlight the prospects for its development in the long term.

At the stage of conducting a SWOT analysis, strengths and weak sides companies, risk factors and market opportunities are assessed.

SWOT analysis helps the IP management to evaluate the following points:

  • the presence of an IP advantage in the market for similar goods;
  • vulnerable ("bottleneck") places of the company;
  • chances of making a profit;
  • threats from the market and competitors.

Risk assessment and management

An integral part of the business plan is the concept of risk management.

This section is designed to prevent the occurrence of adverse events in the company's activities in order to avoid significant financial losses.

Active risk management implies their prevention at the decision-making stage. In this case, risk management is related to marketing research market, which shows the probability of incurring losses based on an assessment of demand and pricing policy competitors.

Any investor who decides to invest funds pays attention to the risk of losing the invested capital.

Sales strategy

A sales strategy is a comprehensive planning consisting of answers to the following questions:

  • How (through what channels) will the product be distributed?
  • What will be the price of the product?
  • How to interest buyers?
  • How to create an ad? How much money to allocate for this?

In this section, it is necessary to analyze the market and make a clear description of the conditions under which potential buyers will become clients of the IP.

organizational plan

In the section "Organizational plan", as a rule, the general structure of the IP and the role of each of its links in the process of production and sale of goods are indicated. In addition to the general structure of the enterprise, investors are interested in information about each member of the management (if the company plans to raise capital).

This paragraph demonstrates the general table of income and expenses of the company, draws up a forecast balance, calculates the calculation (cost) of goods.

Composing financial plan, it is necessary to calculate the payback period of the project with a breakdown of flows Money by months.

When working on a business plan, you should not overdo it. Consider only basic information. It is important that the investor, after reading the first two pages, already understands what is at stake. The data used in the preparation of the business plan must be 100% reliable.

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In this article, we will analyze in detail what a business plan is, why it is needed and how to write it correctly.

Greetings, dear readers! Alexander Berezhnov is in touch. Today we will talk about business, or rather about business planning.

As you know, any business or project starts with. But it doesn't carry much value on its own, since most people come up with dozens of ideas every day.

Many famous entrepreneurs, outstanding people in the field of management training, leadership and planning speak about this. These are Stephen Covey, John Maxwell, Vladimir Dovgan, Alex Yanovsky, Tony Robbins and others.

Surely you had situations when an idea was born, but you didn’t have enough time and energy to bring it to life, and most importantly, you didn’t know where to start.

This article will be useful for both beginners and existing entrepreneurs, because, as you know, any thriving company or project always has a plan to achieve its goals.

When I myself was trained in the field of business planning, I well remembered the words of one of the trainers:

A dream differs from a goal in that it does not have a clear plan to achieve it!

In other words, if you don't have good plan to achieve a goal, it is unlikely that it will become something more for you than just a dream, even after many years.

In this article, I will cover issues related to business planning, as myself I have experience in writing business plans for my own entrepreneurial projects. And in order to convey information in an accessible language, before writing the article, I talked with two of my acquaintances who are professionally engaged in writing business plans for entrepreneurs to order in order to attract third-party capital to their clients' businesses. The guys help by writing professional business plans to entrepreneurs in obtaining loans, grants and subsidies.

Dear readers, I draw your attention to the fact that in these articles we will consider a simplified model for writing a business plan for starting a small business. And if you are faced with the task of writing a business plan for big company, then I advise you to use the services of professionals who specialize in this.

I won't take any more of your precious time, let's get started...

1. What is a business plan

Every term has many definitions. Here I will give my own, it is quite short and reflects the main meaning of the concept of "business plan".

Business plan- this is a document or otherwise a guide that describes the idea of ​​the project, business processes and mechanisms for their implementation in order to achieve the goals stated by the author of the document (business plan).

In general, business planning, like any process, should have a goal, in this case, the success of your project will depend on 3 key factors:

  1. Awareness of your level at the current time (point "A");
  2. A clear idea of ​​​​the ultimate goal of where you (and your company) plan to be (point "B");
  3. A clear understanding of the sequence of steps to get from point "A" to point "B".

2. What is a business plan for?

From my own practice, I will say that a business plan is needed globally in 2 cases, and in each case its writing is different in a certain way.

These are the cases:

1. Business plan for investors(creditors, grant givers, bodies providing state support in the form of subsidies, etc.)

Here, the main purpose of the business plan is to prove the viability of the project and the efficient use of funds. And it does not matter whether you will return them, if it is a loan or not, if it is a subsidy or a grant.

In a situation where you are thinking about how to write a business plan for investors, you need to emphasize the logic of the actions you are planning to take, perhaps even bluffing about certain points that will help you get funding. When writing a business plan, you can embellish something, but the main thing is not to get carried away.

In a word, your ready plan should be clean, neat, logical. Everything should be beautifully painted in it, explanations of the facts you have given, and so on.

It will not be superfluous to prepare a good computer presentation and speak publicly to investors.

Therefore, when I am asked how to write a business plan, I ask the question in response: “For whom is a business plan being drawn up? For yourself or for investors?

2. Business plan for yourself(according to this plan, you will actually act for successful implementation own project)

Let me explain with an example. If, when writing a business plan to attract funding, you write that you need 300,000 rubles to buy 10 computers, then further in the form of a table you paint a detailed estimate:

â„– Expense name Quantity (piece) Cost, rub.) Amount (rub.)
1 Intel based system unit10 20 000 200 000
2 Samsung monitor10 8 000 80 000
3 Mouse10 300 3 000
4 Keyboard10 700 7 000
5 Speakers (set)10 1 000 10 000
Total: 300 000

That is, you really need 10 computers to run the project. This is how you write it. BUT!

If you are making a business plan for yourself, then most likely even this small estimate for computers will look different for you. You will ask why?


You know that you and your partner, with whom you are going to open a business, already have 3 computers for two, and you can find 3 more computers at your father at work, at home on the loggia and at your grandmother in the garage, having upgraded them a bit.

This is very figurative, but I think you understand the meaning. All this concerns the available resources, but for the investor, you will request funds for the purchase of new office equipment, since you will need to document it.

The same thing, if you are going to open a business in the field of cargo transportation, then in the business plan for the investor you write that you need 5,000,000 rubles to buy 5 trucks. Then it will be easier for the investor to navigate the expediency of using his funds.

Even if you already have 1 or 2 similar trucks, you can simply add them to a new fleet when you receive funding and everyone will be happy.

Because there is often a situation when, in negotiations with an investor, you say that for successful functioning your project needs 5 trucks, but in principle you have 2 ... And then you start to disorientate the investor, saying that one of these trucks was bought in half with your friend, and the other belongs to your wife and she may not give it to you for a new project and etc.


Write a business plan for investors as much as possible detailed and beautiful.

When writing a business plan for yourself, focus on the resources you have and write such a plan as close as possible to yours. realities.

Moving on to the technology of writing a business plan ...

3. How to write a business plan

Drawing up a business plan begins with a preliminary analysis of the current situation.

Before moving on to formulating, describing and filling sections, you need to gather together all the information that you own, and if it is not enough, then fill in these gaps using third-party sources or by contacting specialists.

One of the recognized technologies for preliminary analysis before the upcoming business planning is the so-called SWOT analysis.

It is quite easy to understand and clearly structures all the information you have.

4. What is SWOT analysis and how is it applied in business planning?

SWOT is an abbreviation and stands for:

  • S trends- strengths;
  • W eakness- weak sides;
  • O pportunities- opportunities;
  • T hreats- Threats.

SWOT analysis is needed in order to assess the internal and external factors of the company, making an objective picture for the upcoming business planning.

For example, in your case it could be the following indicators:


  • Low cost of production;
  • High professionalism of the project team;
  • The company's product (service) has an innovative component;
  • Attractive product packaging or a high level of company service.

Weak sides:

  • Lack of own commercial premises;
  • Low brand awareness among potential buyers.

Opportunities and Threats are characteristics of the external environment that the company cannot directly influence, and therefore, they can influence the outcome of its work in the future.

These factors can be:

  • Economic and political situation in the country or region;
  • Socio-cultural environment (features of the mentality of consumers);
  • The level of technology development in the territory of doing business;
  • Demographic situation.

According to the analysis of the current conditions, it is possible to highlight the potential of the future project.


  • Introduction of new materials and technologies for the production of the company's product;
  • Obtaining additional funding for the project;
  • Product design adaptation to the cultural and age characteristics of the region.


  • High customs duties for raw materials for the production of goods;
  • Strong competition in this market segment.

After the SWOT analysis is done, you can proceed to the description of the sections of the business plan. Below I will describe each of them, explain my point of view, and in the 3rd part of this instruction I will give in a concise form examples of filling out each section. This will help you visualize the technology of writing a business plan.

And so that my examples are not general phrases like “it’s better to be healthy and rich than poor and sick,” I will reveal the question “How to write a business plan” using the example of opening anticafe or in another way time cafe * .

anticafe(or time-cafe) is a new format of cultural and entertainment establishments that first appeared in Moscow in 2010.

Their essence lies in the fact that visitors do not order their own food and drinks for money, as in an ordinary cafe, but pay by the minute for the time they are in the establishment. For this payment, they get the opportunity to play board games(for example, the very popular game ""), play video games on the X-BOX game console, organize your own events: birthdays, corporate parties, parties, and also enjoy free WI-FI Internet.

Here visitors can also participate in entertainment and educational activities: musical and theater evenings, trainings, clubs foreign languages, take training courses on playing musical instruments and so on.

By the way, personally, as a person leading a healthy lifestyle, I am glad that in these establishments it is not allowed to drink alcohol and smoke.

5. What sections should be in a business plan

In order to understand the structure of a business plan, you need to decide on its sections. I will offer you my own version, which is classic for most business plans.

Business plan sections:

  1. Introduction (summary);
  2. Description of goods and services;
  3. Market analysis and marketing strategy;
  4. Production plan;
  5. Organizational plan;
  6. Financial plan (budget);
  7. Expected results and prospects (final part).

When starting to develop a business plan, I recommend that you conduct a small brainstorming session, describing your idea on 1-2 A4 sheets. This is necessary in order to understand the big picture and only then proceed to the detailed description of the above sections.

Important point!

Before filling out the sections in detail, collect as much information as possible on the topic of your project (business).

It can be:

  • Industry analysis with quantitative indicators;
  • Ways to promote your products or services;
  • Current competitors in the market;
  • The amount of tax deductions for your company;
  • Technologies applied in the industry of your future business.

All this will help you write a business plan as efficiently as possible on your own and not look for material for its sections along the way. This way you save a lot of time and get good results.

In the second part, we will analyze in more detail how to fill out the sections of the business plan.

A business plan is a detailed description of the future small, medium or large-scale enterprise, its theoretical image is a model that will subsequently be embodied in a firm, company, store, production. This is a kind of extended estimate that needs to be drawn up in order to understand how much investment will be needed, their sequence - determining what is needed first and what things can be purchased later. In this article, we will tell you how to write a business plan yourself. Sample drafting will be considered for starting a small business.

Why is this needed?

Drawing up a business plan indicates a serious approach to business and allows you to progressively, orderly go towards its implementation. A detailed business plan takes everything into account, including possible changes situation in the market and in the economy, which will lead to unforeseen costs.

Another important point is that without a detailed description of the project, a thorough analysis, banks will not give a loan for organizing their business. In this case, the business plan should take into account all possible points so that the bank's specialists have no doubts about the success of the enterprise.

From simple to complex

You can write your own business plan. It is not difficult and step-by-step instruction will help to master the basics of such an important process for an entrepreneur. The skill of independent business planning will save money when organizing your own business, and will also become a good source of income if you use the theoretical base correctly.

To draw up a business plan, one should move from simple to complex, gradually developing and deepening the degree of economic research. This, in particular, concerns the substantiation of the commercial feasibility of a business by studying the market.

Sample structure

In order to draw up a simple business plan yourself, for example, on opening a women's handbag store, first you need to know it overall structure, examine the skeleton, which consists of:

  • A summary is a general description of the future project, which briefly describes the essence of the business plan. Compiling a resume takes place in an arbitrary form and should be extremely concise, capacious, concise. Its volume is up to 10 sentences.
  • Tasks and goals, where the goal is the end result, and the tasks are a description of how it is planned to achieve it. Compilation of this paragraph is mandatory, as it is the basis for further research.
  • The description of the end result is an already operating business. Here it is told about its functionality, the visualization of what is planned is carried out. This is perhaps the most difficult, it is necessary that everything be done correctly. Here the structure of the future enterprise is signed: departments, divisions, their functions, responsibilities. Accordingly, it is necessary to make staffing. This can be done as a separate sub-item in the form of a diagram, so that structural interaction was obvious. Creating such a scheme for a small business is a simple matter, it is much more difficult to write a description of a large-scale project.
  • The financial plan is a voluminous part, which implies a detailed description of expenses, including payment wages, monthly expenses for the maintenance of the enterprise. In addition, profitability calculations and a payback period should be included here. The last points are purely theoretical calculations, which are based on the desired data. But at the same time they are a benchmark for business development. For example, if the real profit is significantly lower than the calculated one, it is necessary to conduct a deep functional analysis and work on the mistakes. This is important both for a large project and for a company with no more than a dozen employees. Sources of funding should also be listed here. This equity or a loan with calculations of the interest rate on it and the repayment period. Here you will need calculations from the marketing section of the business plan. They largely affect the profitability indicators, and therefore determine the solvency of the enterprise. This also includes drawing up a price list or tariff scale - determining the cost of services or goods.
  • Marketing plan - this section should contain information about which audience the product or service is aimed at. For example, a spare parts store will sell components for foreign premium or budget cars. It can also be specific brands or even one manufacturer.

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Here the business plan should also answer the questions:

  1. Where will the company, shop, enterprise be located. This item includes a detailed description of the required geographic location. For example, it is desirable for a beauty salon to be located on busy streets, close to business and entertainment centers, public transport stops. Drawing up a subparagraph requires the study of theoretical material - the basics of marketing policy.
  2. Competition research, which includes counting the number of firms and businesses that provide the same services or sell the same products. It is desirable to monitor their activities or at least their pricing policy. You can do it yourself or hire people. You can draw up a subparagraph using official economic and social studies.
  3. Development directions should be determined. ultimate goal This subparagraph is always an increase in profits, so it is quite difficult to correctly compose it yourself. Most entrepreneurs often rely on promotions, but here you should definitely pay attention to the development of the service. Indeed, a 100 percent result will give innovative ideas that you need to come up with yourself. Also an excellent option would be the introduction of concepts that have just appeared and have not yet been widely used.

Compiling answers to all of the above questions is the justification for the feasibility of organizing a particular type commercial activities and determining the possibilities of its future development.

  • Organizational plan - effective structural organization company enterprises. Here the business plan answers the questions:
  1. Which employee reports to whom?
  2. What are the responsibilities of each employee?

At the same time, the division of labor should be as rational as possible, but at the same time reasonable. This means that the burden on employees must be adequate.

The section is designed to create a personnel structure of the enterprise, which will determine its efficient work with the possibility of further development, which implies a certain increase in the workload on staff without the involvement of additional specialists. For beginner dummies, there are ready-made templates of organizational plans that are easily adjusted depending on specific conditions and tasks. Drawing up an organizational plan does not take much time.

  • Personnel policy - here the main milestones of work with personnel are laid. This concerns, first of all, the training of employees and their professional development. The subsection also provides for the education personnel reserve. The definition of personnel policy is extremely important for large companies with a large staff, but for a small store it is not very important. But it’s worth compiling it for yourself if you plan to expand and transform one outlet to the network. There is no way to do without a well-thought-out personnel policy.

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Creating a business plan using the template above is quite simple. This is a practical guide for beginners, where there are no complex theoretical calculations with abstruse terms and complex calculations, everything is extremely clear and easy to understand. At the same time, it should be noted that production planning is the most complex process that requires a professional approach.

Where to invest 50 thousand rubles

In this article, we have collected all possible options where you can invest your money.

So we looked at how to write a business plan yourself. We hope that the provided sample for small business has helped you in preparing for writing such a document on your own!