Open a rental office: documents and what you need to know? Boat & Catamaran Rental Business: Step by Step Plan

Looking through the newsreels of the Soviet era, you often come across footage of people resting on the shore of a reservoir. It was a tradition! After work and on weekends, people went to rest to the shore of the reservoir. In the summer, when it seems that everything is about to melt - the shore of the reservoir has been and remains a favorite vacation spot. Together with the Soviet Union, plans for the development of the infrastructure of the shores of reservoirs were gone. Today, in provincial cities, except for eating barbecue and swimming, there is no entertainment.

This is where the possibility of organizing a small business opens up: you can organize a rental point for catamarans, boats and other floating facilities. But before you get down to business, it's better to think it over carefully.

Instructions for organizing a rental point for boats

We are offering to you step by step plan to implement the idea of ​​renting boats into a real business that makes a profit.

Registration as an individual entrepreneur

First of all, you need to get the right to do this type of business. To do this, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur and choose a taxation system. Practice has shown that in this case it is easier and more profitable to tax under the simplified system (the result is equal to income minus expenses).

Choosing a location for a business location

Your next step will be to choose a place for organizing a rental point for boats and other floating facilities. When choosing a place, remember that the place must be visited. A beach within the city is well suited for your business purposes.

Conclusion of a lease agreement

You need a lease agreement for the location of the rental point. First of all, find out who owns (controls) this piece of land. The easiest way to do this is to contact the district administration. Then you need to find the owner of the land and make an appointment. If at the time of your meeting the land is empty, then you should not have any problems.

Purchase of swimming equipment

With the help of the Internet, you can find and purchase the swimming equipment you need. The number and type of swimming facilities you choose based on your capabilities.

For example: with a budget of 90,000 rubles, you can buy the following floating facilities:

  • inflatable scooter for children (up to 50 kg) at a price of about 17 thousand rubles
  • inflatable scooter (up to 75 kg) at a price of about 29 thousand rubles
  • bumper boat at a price of about 25 thousand rubles
  • mechanical bumper boat at a price of about 20 thousand rubles.

The total capital expenditures will amount to RUB 90,000.

Staff recruitment

It really depends on you how quickly you want your business to pay off. In order for the business to quickly pay off, it is advisable to rent out floating facilities yourself. The first 2 weeks are very important for an entrepreneur. You will find out the demand for your service and many little things that will be useful in the future in relations with employees.

Well, if you decide to hire workers, then one person per shift is enough to service one rental point. You choose the payment yourself, as much depends on the region.

Also, for the development of your business, it is important to monitor the work of employees and you need to come to the outlet at least once a day and monitor its work. On weekends, it is better that you accept money for rent yourself.

This will allow you to be sure that your employees are not stealing from you.

Boat business income and expenses

Your capital expenditures amounted to 100 thousand rubles (90 thousand rubles for the purchase of equipment and 10 thousand rubles for the delivery of equipment).

Further costs:

  • lease of land for the location of the rental point about 15 thousand rubles;
  • pay wages two employees will be about 30 thousand rubles;
  • other taxes are about 10 thousand rubles.

Total costs will amount to 55 thousand rubles.

Don't expect the revenue to be the same every day. There are a lot of factors influencing it: weather, day of the week and others.

On average, the rent for one boat for 30 minutes will be 150-200 rubles. On weekdays, daily revenue will be 2-3 thousand rubles, and on weekends up to 10 thousand rubles.

On average, you can earn up to 100 thousand rubles a month.

If you subtract all expenses, then you will receive a profit of 45 thousand rubles per month. And in 2 months you will fully recoup your project.

But do not forget the summer is not constant, so this business should be started at the beginning of the season, otherwise you risk not recouping it.

The rental of boats and catamarans on the city ponds is already quite developed. However, it is problematic to rent a boat outside the city.

The business idea is organization of a boat rental point on reservoirs outside the city (for recreation, fishing, etc.). Recently, people are increasingly trying to go out into nature. Rest on the water is a great opportunity to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city. However, not everyone can afford their own craft. If we are talking about a motor boat - the cost of a boat, not everyone can handle the motor. The boat needs to be stored somewhere - you need a garage. To transport the boat, you need a trailer (the cost is about 20-40 thousand rubles). To transport a trailer on a car, you must install a tow bar (5-15 thousand rubles). In addition, the vehicle itself is required. In general, there are many "buts".

In addition, when a large company of fishermen gathers for fishing, there is not a place for everyone in the boat - usually 2-3 fishermen can fit in a fishing boat, no more.

An excellent option for vacationers, fishermen would be rent a boat.

The idea of ​​a business is more suitable for those who live outside the city near a river or lake. It would be economically inexpedient to travel out of town specifically to do this business.

Whoever has had a chance to relax on a river or lake knows: as a rule, there are not so many convenient places where you can launch a motor boat. Usually the banks are swampy, and it is not possible to drive directly to the water everywhere. Convenient access roads to the water on weekends are often simply packed with cars that bring fishermen.

For starters, you can buy one boat and try to rent it out. You just have to hand out business cards to those who came, or just stick a sign with information about renting a boat at the place where boats are usually launched - and you can be sure that within a week or two the demand for your boat will appear.

If you plan to develop your business seriously, you should study legal issues the use of small vessels. First of all, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the Code of Inland Water Transport of the Russian Federation, the Water Code of the Russian Federation - at least with their main provisions.

For boats over 200 kg, state registration is required. Each registered small craft must have its own an identification number, which is indicated on board the vessel.

Are not subject state registration ships weighing up to 200 kilograms inclusive and engine power (if installed) up to 8 kilowatts (up to 10.88 hp) inclusive, as well as sports sailing ships, the length of which should not exceed 9 meters, which do not have engines and on which seating areas are not equipped.

A license is required for a motor with a capacity of over 3.68 kilowatts (over 5 horsepower).

Accordingly, boats with a motor less than 5 hp. and weighing no more than 200 kg, you can safely rent out capable citizens without fear of claims from the State Inspection of Small Vessels (GIMS). The need to comply with the requirements of the legislation arises where water bodies are controlled by the State Inspection Service. And how many reservoirs in Russia that are not controlled by GIMS ...

In the future, to implement the idea, you will have to purchase a sufficient number of boats. Rubber, plastic, wood, metal - it all depends on the amount initial capital that you have. In addition, you will encounter different categories clients. Someone will be quite satisfied with a rubber boat; give someone a metal boat with a motor. For the safety of customers, it is advisable to purchase also life jackets, circles.

If you develop your business seriously, you will have to equip a boat station although not required. Well, or equip a marina / pier, as well as a shed for storing boats. To ensure the legitimacy of the business, it is necessary to resolve the issue with the administration for the lease of a plot of land (which is in charge of the necessary plot adjacent to the reservoir).

An important issue is the protection of property. Boats can be locked in the garage for the night, or they can be chained to a stationary anchorage on the shore. Finally, it is possible to insure boats against theft, etc.

Please note that if clients are engaged in illegal fishing (in other words, poaching), the boat may be confiscated by the relevant authorities - therefore, it is better to take a deposit from clients who rent a boat.

It is advisable to conclude a lease (rental) agreement with the client. Firstly, this is your insurance from a legal point of view, if the client does not return the boat (steals, drowns, ...) - although the deposit is the best insurance; and a guarantee that there will be no claims against you as a business organizer (the client signs that he has examined the boat, there are no claims, all risks are assumed).

Your clients can be fishermen (spinning anglers; lovers of bottom fishing; just fishermen who prefer quiet and calm fishing from a boat; lovers of trolling (trolling), etc.). Just city dwellers in order to relax on the pond. But not only the townspeople want a quiet romance on the lake. Villager they would also like to take a boat ride.

In addition to the main business, you can also lease fishing equipment for everyone, sell bait (bloodworms, worms, maggot), and complementary foods. You can also bring fishermen to the place of fishing - for example, a few kilometers upstream or downstream, and in the evening pick them up from there. In this case, you cannot do without an assistant (s).

In the future, you will be able to organize a resting place on the shore - to put gazebos, barbecue facilities, equip a small sandy beach.

More information on this idea for starting and running a business can be obtained.

In summer, people rush to hide from the heat on the banks of a reservoir, river or lake. Once in nature, the main pastime is swimming and eating barbecue. There is no more entertainment. This is where the opportunity to organize small business based on boat rental.

Acquisition necessary equipment and inventory will not be difficult. Everything you need can be found on the Internet. The number of purchases to meet different requests depends only on the availability of start-up capital. At the same time, you can start with a minimum set of services provided, and in the process of business development - increase and diversify them.


Today, there is an increase in interest in a healthy lifestyle. You can actively relax with the greatest benefit to the body only in nature: in the forest, near a reservoir or in the mountains. Water activities are most popular during the hot season.

Before starting a project, you should decide on the category of your potential customers. This is important for an advertising company and in order to correctly compile a list of necessary acquisitions for a business.

Future customers of the rental point include:

In addition, boat rental with a motor will be in demand among fishermen. If funds allow, in order to attract them, you can purchase an additional special attachments for fishing boats.

Catamaran and boat rental can be called a very profitable event. This business does not require large expenses to start, but the profit from it is very significant.

Business registration and organization

To start moving towards starting a boat and catamaran rental business, there are a few basic steps to take:

  1. Find a suitable area for the location of the rental point.
  2. Register a company.
  3. Purchase equipment and inventory.

Required Documentation

For the organization entrepreneurial activity need to register as individual entrepreneur in the tax office and choose a taxation system. A simplified taxation system is most suitable for this type of activity.

V tax office you will need to collect a package of the following documents:

  • application for registration as an individual entrepreneur;
  • confirmation of payment of the state fee;
  • passport and its copy;
  • application for the transition to a simplified taxation system.

Future owners of floating craft rental need to know that small vessels are controlled by GIMS of Russia.

This structural unit controls boat bases. It pays attention to the conditions in which the floating equipment is stored, their anchorage, as well as ensuring maximum safety on the water.

No need to register:

  1. Small boats less than 200 kg with motor power up to 8 kW.
  2. Sailboats without an engine and resting places.

In the absence of such floating facilities, the rental owner does not have to worry about registration. However, the boat station will definitely be checked for the availability of the necessary life-saving appliances.

Seat selection

The main indicator when choosing a place for a boat rental business is popularity and attendance. In addition, it is important to consider that people should be able to get to it without too much difficulty.

An excellent option would be to open a rental point near an artificial reservoir in the park. An alternative would be organized spontaneous beaches, which are more frequently visited than officially designated places.

It will be advisable to pre-take care of the availability of equipment for the transportation of watercraft, if the choice of a bathing place will be determined by the customer.

Having chosen a place, you need to take care to build the marina correctly. She must fit everyone necessary requirements, the main of which are safety and convenience. To place a rental office, you will most likely need to conclude a lease agreement. The first step is to:

  • find out who owns this site by contacting the district administration;
  • meet with the owner and conclude an agreement with him.


Today there is a wide range of swimming aids. Their choice depends on the financial capabilities of the entrepreneur.

The main ones include:

  1. Rubber boat.
  2. Wooden boat with oars.
  3. Catamaran.
  4. Children's inflatable scooter.
  5. Bumper boat.

In addition to the above equipment, it will be necessary to purchase lifebuoys and vests. It is better to buy oars with a small margin. It will be necessary to develop instructions for the behavior of beach visitors on the water and actions in a dangerous and non-standard situation. As well as the rules for the use of life-saving equipment and swimming equipment. All instructions must be posted in a conspicuous place.


When selecting personnel, it is necessary to take into account that the employee of the rental point must at the same time be a technician who can service the floating facility, a lifeguard and, if necessary, also a security guard.

To make the business pay off faster, you can save on hiring workers and be engaged in renting boats and catamarans yourself. In addition, being at the rental point, the entrepreneur learns about the demand for the services offered to him and many of the necessary little things that are important in this type of business.


A large, bright sign above the beach will grab the attention of customers. The minimum option would be a flip-chart, represented by a quick-erasable board with the inscription "rental" and the indicated prices.

If the beach is located separately or on its territory there are several places of mass gathering of people, advertisements should be placed on several banners.

An irreplaceable assistant in attracting clients is a megaphone. You should walk with him along the beach and invite him to take a trip on a catamaran.

You can create excitement by riding a free catamaran yourself. Carrying out promotions is always beneficial. For example, an additional flow of customers can be organized by making an offer at the beginning of each hour to the first customer to ride for free.

The financial component of the business

An important component of any business is its financial results... Calculation of the return on investment of a boat rental business shows that its profitability depends on many factors. Both the day of the week and the weather conditions matter. Do not forget that this business is seasonal. He has short term... Therefore, it must start from the first days of the beginning of the season at the end of May.

Opening and maintaining costs

Capital expenditures for the opening of a rental point for swimming facilities will amount to about 150,000 rubles. In addition, there will be monthly expenses for:

  • land plot lease -15,000;
  • salary to employees (2 people) -30,000;
  • taxes and mandatory payments - 10,000.

Total - 55,000 rubles.

For high-quality service of the rental point, it will be enough to hire two employees with shift schedule... The entrepreneur should visit the rental point during the day to monitor the staff and collect the proceeds.

Amount of future income

You should not count on income stability in this type of business. Payment is accepted depending on the boat and the time of use. On average, the cost of renting one boat for 30 minutes ranges from 150 to 200 rubles. On weekdays, revenue can range from 1,500 rubles. up to 3,000 rubles, on weekends the amount will increase to 10,000.

On average, if the rental point is located in a popular location, you can earn up to 100,000 rubles a month.

Payback period

Subtracting all expenses, the rental profit will be 30,000 rubles. Based on these data, the business will pay off within one season.

A boat rental business project is an enterprise that represents one of the entertainment that is easy to organize with little capital and generate a decent income. When it gains the necessary popularity, it can be expanded. An excellent option would be to build a small gazebo on the shore, where visitors can relax and enjoy barbecue.

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How much money does it take to open a bike rental

Bicycle rental refers to uncomplicated business with minimal start-up investments. The cost of opening a small bike rental shop starts at 250 thousand rubles. Usually, the main start-up costs include the purchase of 10-15 bicycles and the purchase of spare parts for them. With a competent business organization, the start-up costs are paid off in one season.

Bike rental refers to an uncomplicated business with minimal start-up investments. The cost of opening a small bike rental shop starts at 250 thousand rubles. Usually, the main start-up costs include the purchase of 10-15 bicycles and the purchase of spare parts for them. With a competent business organization, the start-up costs are paid off in one season.

Why is the rental still relevant, because today you can buy a new bike for only 5,000 rubles?

The main reasons for the demand for rental:

Reason 1. A city dweller simply has nowhere to store a bicycle, you can't put it in a room, the balcony is also busy;

Reason 2. Bicycles are often rented by small amateur companies (couples) who ride only a few times a season and because of this it makes no sense to buy their own bike;

Reason 3. There is always a choice at the rental point different types bicycles, for example mountain, road, two-suspension, etc., moreover, often not for 5-6 thousand rubles, but quite expensive models and everyone can ride any of them;

Reason 4. It is not uncommon for the rental to be located in tourist, cultural and resort towns where the majority of clients are visitors and vacationers who probably do not take a bicycle with them on a trip;

Reason 5. Riding a bike in a green park and picturesque corners in a company with friends is fun, interesting, athletic and healthy!

How to start opening a bike rental

To open a bike rental point you need:

  1. Registration of individual entrepreneurship. As a taxation system, you can choose the STS, UTII or patent;
  2. Rent of premises from 20m2 or installation of a mobile trailer for placing bicycles and equipment;
  3. Purchase of 10-15 bicycles, with a total cost of 150 thousand rubles;
  4. Hiring workers from 2 people. For the daily work of the rental point from 10:00 to 19:00, it is enough to set a shift work schedule for 2 people.

Let's highlight the main conditions for the successful organization of a bicycle rental point:

  1. The rental point should be launched in a city with a population of at least 50 thousand people. A rental office opened in a rural area will not even recoup the start-up costs, since there will be very few customers. The exception is resort villages, where in the summer there are many tourists;
  2. Bicycle rental should be located in areas of high traffic of people. It is also necessary to have favorable conditions for cycling, for example, park areas, tourist centers, etc.
  3. Availability of different models of bicycles at the rental point: mountain, road, full suspension, women, children, etc. The assortment is necessary primarily in order to please every client, since families, young couples, children of different ages, lovers of fast driving, etc. will contact the rental point. Naturally, each of them has its own type of bike. It is better to buy bicycles during off-season, when the manufacturer sets the minimum prices.
  4. Bicycles must be good quality, do not skimp on cheap models. It is better to take 15 expensive and high-quality models than 50 cheap ones, which will quickly fail. For a small town, it is enough to purchase two models for each type of bike. Further in the course of activity, depending on demand, you can buy the necessary models.
  5. The presence of a bicycle repairman at the rental point, as bicycles will break down and someone has to repair them. Plus, you can provide repair services, which will bring additional profit.
  6. Bicycle rental office - seasonal business, which lasts from April to October, so it is necessary to open in the spring.
  7. The presence of competitors. If a bicycle rental office is already open nearby, then in most cases it is better to organize a business elsewhere.

Compliance with these conditions will increase the profitability of the rental point several times.

Theft of rented bicycles is a separate topic of conversation. Of course, you will take an identity document (passport or driving license) from the client on bail, but there is a possibility that false documents will be pledged. Take in pledge full cost a bicycle is not an option, rarely anyone has large sum money. However, such situations will not happen often and are unlikely to have a serious impact on the profitability of the rental shop.

How much can you earn on this business

Let's calculate the approximate profitability of a small rental point for 15 bicycles located in a park area of ​​a city with a population of about 300 thousand people.

The average rental price in the regions is 150 rubles per hour. Let about 20 people use the rental in one weekday (on average, 1-2 people per hour). On weekends, for obvious reasons, the number of clients doubles, that is, about 40 people a day. In total, it turns out that about 500 people will use the rental in a month (minus 5-6 rainy days). In this case, the proceeds will be about 96,000 rubles per month.

At the same time, the monthly expenses of the rental point include:

  • Rent, from 5 thousand rubles;
  • Salary of 2 employees, from 25 thousand rubles;
  • Repair, depreciation - from 10 thousand rubles;
  • Taxes and deductions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation - from 10 thousand rubles;
  • Other expenses - from 5 thousand rubles.

Total net income per month will amount to 41,000 rubles. For 6 months of operation (from April to September) the total profit of the rental point will be 246,000 rubles.

Additional income of the rental point can be obtained through:

  • Bicycle repair services;
  • Sale of bicycles, spare parts and other sports equipment;
  • Inclusion in the rental of additional equipment: roller skates, kites(for children), scooters, etc.

Additional services will increase revenue by 1.5 - 2 times.

You shouldn't expect super profits from bike rental. Rather, it is a proven seasonal business, with low start-up costs, and does not require special training and experience from the entrepreneur. At the same time, it is possible to recoup the costs incurred in the first season of work. These facts make the bike rental business affordable for many aspiring businessmen.

What equipment to choose for a bike rental business

The main equipment when starting a bicycle rental business will be themselves vehicles... To have an extensive customer network, you will need to purchase various models. For example, if the rental point is open in a park equipped with sandy paths, dirt paths, then the main part should be occupied by models equipped with a rear shock absorber, as well as cross-country. For alleys and embankments, models intended for urban areas are ideal. Let's not forget about the children's and female audience. You will also need to buy vehicles for them. In addition, you need to purchase a good repair tool and Maintenance... You will also need to buy additional equipment, which includes helmets and elbow pads, pedal belts and knee pads, gloves, etc.

What OKVED to indicate when registering a bicycle rental

When registering a business, you must indicate the code 71.40.4, which, according to OKVED, corresponds to the rental of inventory and equipment for recreation and leisure.

What documents are needed to open

The best option when registering a bike rental business will be an individual business. For this we need the following documents:

  • application to the Federal Tax Service of the established sample;
  • photocopies of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • pay the state fee for filing and reviewing the application.

For the rental point itself you need:

  • book of complaints and suggestions;
  • rules and conditions of rental, skiing;
  • magazine for the safety of cycling.

Which taxation system to choose for bike rental

When choosing a taxation system, it is best to choose a simplified one. Choosing it, you will need to pay tax in the amount of 6% of the profit received.

Do I need permission

To start a bicycle rental business, you will need to contact the city administration and obtain permission from them to open.

Catamarans rental business idea. How to open a catamaran rental.

Recently, you can see the growing popularity of boat trips on catamarans on city beaches and lakes in parks. At the cost of such a walk is about 200 rubles. in half an hour, the number of people wishing to ride with a family or in the company of friends is more than enough. Especially popular are compact 2 - 4-seater catamarans made of impact-resistant plastic with an awning from the sun, which are just suitable for a family outing with children.


How to start a catamaran rental business.

The first thing to start with is to find a place to place a rental point, a well-visited beach, a pond near a recreation center, places of mass recreation for tourists, a lake in a park are suitable.

The next step will be to obtain a permit and conclude a lease agreement with the administration at the location of the reservoir, pre-register as an individual entrepreneur and choose a simplified taxation system for the provision of entertainment services to the population.

Catamarans (beach) are not subject to registration, they are not small boats, they do not need to be registered with the State Inspection Service of the Russian Federation.

Water bike catamaran of domestic production (price 800-1000 $).

  • Length - 2.45 m.
  • Width - 1.45 m.
  • Height - 0.67 m.
  • The number of passengers is 2-3 hours.
  • Total capacity is 4 hours.
  • Carrying capacity - 250 kg.
  • The weight of the catamaran is 50 kg.
  • The body is made of impact-resistant ABS plastic.

There is a similar four-seater version of the catamaran.

For a catamaran rental point, it is advisable to build a small pier for easy embarkation and disembarkation of passengers, not everyone will want to go into the water to board a catamaran, especially women and children.

You should also take care of storing catamarans at night, there are several options.

Catamarans remain on the pier, but they will have to be guarded, if this is a recreation center, then you can agree with the base guard for a reasonable fee to take them under protection.

You can store the catamarans at night for storage in the nearest utility room or rental garage. Since the weight of water bikes is about 50 kg, it is better to use a trolley for transportation.

If none of the options is feasible, then you will need a gazelle-type car for transportation, but every day it is quite time consuming to drag catamarans back and forth.

Rent of boats and catamarans.

The rental process itself is not complicated, you set the rental price, the rental time can be half an hour or an hour, if the workload is high (there is a queue) it is better to set it for half an hour. You also select the rental cost based on demand, the average cost is 200 - 250 rubles. in half an hour.

Clients pay the cost of rental in advance, after which you give a small briefing on the safety of behavior on the water, it is desirable to print it and place it right on the pier.

Rules of conduct on the water.

It is prohibited:

  • Rocking and flipping the catamaran.
  • Arrange collisions with other catamarans.
  • Drink alcohol on the catamaran.
  • Swim outside the permitted skiing area.

For violation of the rules, termination of rental without a refund.

IMPORTANT! You should not be allowed to ride on a catamaran fairly drunk vacationers, they can not only turn the melt over, but also fall out of it themselves, and you do not need extra problems.

The opening hours of such rental points are from 9 am until dark. Most often, parents with children ride. Children under 14 years old are allowed to ride only with their parents or under the supervision of parents, in this case, the parents take responsibility for themselves, children need to be given inflatable life jackets. Even if parents do not want to wear vests for their children, they must take them with them on the catamaran.

Usually the business pays off in the first month of work, even with not full partial workload, each catamaran makes a profit of about $ 1000 per month.

Catamarans rental business idea.

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