How to increase kiosk sales. Using a grocery store as an example, how to increase revenue in a store: market mechanisms in action. Sell ​​for a large amount

The business must be profitable. The main indicator of successful development is growing profitability. How to increase sales in a retail store when the market is oversaturated with products and competitors? These days, this question is relevant for both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs. There are many tools and ways to influence income growth, we will consider the most effective ones.

Each business is unique in its own way, the peculiarity of retail is the piece-by-piece sale of goods. The customers of these stores are ordinary people. This is the only resource on which all attention should be focused. Based on needs an ordinary person, business strategies are built and events are organized to increase sales in retail... The task of the seller is to convey the product and sell it competently. Marketing technologies help to learn about the needs and preferences of consumers. They are also effective when it comes to selling goods. Before practicing technologies to increase profitability, it is important to find out what went wrong and why sales are declining.

This analysis will help solve many problems.

Conditions and factors affecting profitability

External factors can reduce the profitability of a retail store: economic and political crises, weather disasters, etc. A person cannot change these circumstances, but there are other reasons that reduce profitability. Many of them are caused by the fault of the store owners. Shortsightedness and passivity of the management, the presence of competitors, irrational use of premises and the lack of transport interchange lead to mistakes. There are many negative factors, but most often incomes fall for the following reasons:

  • inexpressive design;
  • insufficient or too wide range;
  • poor quality service.

The solution of the indicated problems guarantees a good result and return. You no longer have to think about how to increase sales in the store and "survive" among competitors. Success comes to those who act, not wait. As for the buyer, his attention needs to be won. Nowadays, it is not enough just to sell a quality product. People go and return to where shopping is pleasant.

About buyers and ways to attract customers

The modern buyer is very demanding. Preferences depend on impressions and the more pleasant emotions and reviews, the higher the likelihood that they will return to your store to spend money. The buyer is pleased to come to a cozy room, communicate with polite sellers, see attractive prices and participate in interesting promotions. All of these points have a significant impact on increasing sales in retail and have a positive effect on income growth.

Many people know that it is necessary to work with the client base, but how to do it correctly? To begin with, it is important to analyze traffic and select those people who are really ready and will make purchases in your store. Loyal customers should become favorite customers. Such people should be appreciated, pleased with novelties, and pampered with discounts. They are usually active and loyal, know about your store and drop in there often. Even if they just walked in and didn't buy anything, they need to be greeted and seen off in a friendly manner. If you need to buy something, a regular customer will be the first to visit your store.

For casual visitors, it doesn't matter in which store to leave money. They go for assortment, prices and convenience of shopping, they love sales and promotions. There are many newcomers among casual buyers and this is definitely not your target audience. In any case, they should not be ignored. Service should always be at its best, and everyone who has entered your store should leave it satisfied.

Customer retention

Clients can be lured away from competitors. You can lure in at a price or offer a new, unusual product. There are many marketing tricks, but there is a rule in trade that has been tested in all areas: retaining buyers is easier and cheaper than finding and attracting new ones.

You can hold different ways... Most of them are based on attention and special treatment for each customer. In retail, individuality works very effectively. Make the visitor feel welcome and special. Give souvenirs, congratulate you on the holidays via SMS or e-mail, make a sidka on your birthday, thank you for your purchase. All these courtesies will be appreciated and positively reflected in sales.

If you sell clothes, you can stimulate with sales. When prices decrease, be sure to justify this action. The buyer must be aware of the nuances, otherwise he will think that they are trying to shove him a defective or poor quality product... In search of a solution to the question of how to improve trade in a clothing store, it is better to exclude deceptive ways immediately. There is a risk of losing regular customers and facing the problem of finding new ones. Approaches must be honest. By the way, this rule also applies to advertising campaigns.

Advertising opportunities for retail stores

You need to advertise yourself when you have something to offer, otherwise the investment will be meaningless. If you are sure that the assortment is complete and worthy of the consumer's demand, get down to a plan of promotional events. It all depends on financial capabilities. It doesn't matter how much you are willing and able to put together, advertising should inform and stimulate. On retail market emotions play the most important role.

The audience must be captured, interested and carried away.

How to improve sales in a clothing store

There are many ways, we will highlight the most common and effective marketing communications:

  • social networks;
  • radio and television;
  • printed matter: booklets, leaflets, stickers, etc.
  • pavement signs, bright signs, banners;
  • cards regular client: bonus, privileged, accumulative;
  • mass events with the participation of animators.

This list can be continued, since the possibilities of the advertising market are not limited. For the sake of unique PR, many store owners are willing to spend a lot of money. A well-organized advertising campaign increases the entrepreneurs' chances of success, but how to increase retail sales if advertising is ineffective? This, unfortunately, happens often. The money has been spent and there is no expected influx to the store. There may be several reasons: the wrong place is chosen, the assortment is not in demand, advertising texts and videos are unattractive and do not call for action, excessive intrusiveness of advertising. The latter, by the way, is annoying and can scare away the buyer.

Effective advertising

To avoid these mistakes and unreasonable investments, you need to act carefully and taking into account the needs of your consumer, who lives near the outlet. Elevator flyers, roadside banners, tenders and promotions in the store itself. This concentration allows you to "tie" the customer and make sure that he only returns to you for shopping. Stimulation should be constant, but do not overdo it in the desire to "feed" clients. When making discounts, keep in mind that some buyers get used to it. They come, look and don't buy, waiting for the price to drop.

What does the store's attraction force depend on? Design and assortment

The increase in sales directly depends on the image. A visit to a store leaves different impressions, the better they are, the more often and more people will buy from you. Beautiful design, availability of goods, high-quality assortment - all these are the main components of a favorable image. Excessive pathos can repel, at least every third buyer thinks so. They are simply afraid to enter such stores, initially assuming that everything is expensive there.

To the display of goods and showcase design often attract designers and merchandisers. With a modest budget, you can not spend money on these services. Having studied the nuances, everything can be organized on your own. Take a look at your store from the outside, through the eyes of a buyer. Unattractiveness and inexpressiveness are always repulsive, visitors will simply pass by. They need to be interested by playing on curiosity.

Product layout rules

There are certain rules, guided by which, you can positively influence the increase in sales in a retail store:

  • The display of goods should be understandable and accessible so that it can be touched, sniffed, turned in the hands. In retail, the arm's length rule applies. The client takes the product he can easily reach. If the product is above or below the designated area, it will be ignored.
  • The buyer must understand the logic of placement, quickly navigate, easily move around and find the right one. Many are frightened by the inconsistency. The product must be categorized into groups, sets or brands.
  • The themes for the design should be relevant, and the shop windows should showcase your product. If you sell clothes, the perception needs to be refreshed by rearranging and updating the mannequins. This is a very effective measure in deciding how to increase sales in a clothing store. People often buy exactly what they like on the mannequin. If these are counters, everything should be beautiful. Consider a quality sign. Keep it bright and informative, and don't experiment with fonts, the titles should be readable.
  • Monitor cleanliness and temperature. The customer will not stay in a store where it is hot or cold. The temperature should be comfortable and the cleanliness impeccable. No dust or unpleasant odors.
  • It has been proven that a customer spends a longer time in a store with neutral, low-sounding music. A nice little thing can inspire an unplanned purchase and increase traffic.
  • Prices, especially low prices, should be visible and correspond to reality. Don't cheat the buyer. After realizing that he has been tricked and the prices from shop windows and mannequins differ from the cost of goods on the shelves, your store will no longer be entered.
  • Store doors must always be open.

Reasons for the decline in sales

If your customers do not return to you, the reason may be insufficient stock. Compare yourself to your main competitors. Chat with customers and find out what they want to see on the shelves. The circle of buyers is formed gradually, but it depends on you how attractive and passable your store will become.
The reason for the decline in sales is often the too large assortment. Finding what you need becomes problematic. The buyer will be confused and leave without a purchase.

You need to sell what is being sold, but if some product was quickly sold,
no need to buy the same. Surprise with new products, this is the perfect solution. At least, this is the opinion of those who managed to solve the problem of how to increase sales in a clothing store and avoid financial losses. Very efficient implementation related products... You can offer a bracelet to a dress, a scarf to a coat, a belt to trousers. The bargain counter works well. Many find it difficult to resist the temptation to buy something from this price range.

Sales are unpredictable. If the product "gets stuck" in warehouses and gathers dust on the shelves, you can think about changing the assortment. Analysis of sales dynamics and prompt response to changes in demand helps to increase profitability.

Personnel issue

The success of any business depends on the quality of service, namely on the seller selling the product. How to increase sales in a retail store if the seller does not have enough experience? In fact, this is not a problem. Skills are easy to learn, motivation and training help. In-house marketing is very important. An interesting pattern was revealed: the higher the salary and the better the working conditions, the more diligent the seller, and, accordingly, the higher the sales.

The modern buyer does not just go to the store to buy something, it is important for him to enjoy the process itself. And the seller should help with this. A good employee is able to sell any product, a bad one will not sell even the highest quality one.

The seller's inability to start a dialogue is the main reason for ineffective trading. There is a lot of writing about how to increase sales in a clothing store. Among the qualities necessary for the seller are the ability to settle conflicts, smile, competent speech, knowledge of the assortment. All this is welcome, but there are human qualities that are very difficult to eradicate. According to customer surveys, the most repelled by the arrogance, importunity and untidiness of the seller. If there is such an employee in your team, do not waste time on re-education. Find another seller and teach him all the intricacies of the trade.


In order for a customer to go to a store, you need to be not at the level of competitors, but higher and better. Analyze the work, look for weak points, work on mistakes and use all the wonders of ingenuity. This is the only way to increase retail sales. Uniqueness should be in everything: product, price, service. Profitable business- this is, first of all, the use of all the necessary resources, material and non-material.

Unfortunately, a universal way to increase profitability has not yet been invented, but there are certain rules and approaches, following which you can achieve good results.

How to increase sales in a small store? Often it is enough to rearrange the goods on the shelves for this. Or, scientifically speaking, to do merchandising. A quick survey of small grocery store owners, conducted by SB, showed that most of them have little idea of ​​what merchandising is.

Question: "Do you use merchandising methods in your work?" - and completely baffled. “And what is the use of them?”, The owners of outlets shrugged their shoulders. Let's try to answer this question.

Marketers estimate that two-thirds of shoppers come to a store without a clear idea of ​​what exactly they want to buy. They make their purchasing decisions by looking at the shop windows.

Let's say a man goes out for milk. Standing at the counter and seeing a large selection of sour cream, he may remember that today is dumplings for dinner. Means, sour cream must also be grabbed. And then mouth-watering chunks of cheese come into view. Why not grab it for breakfast? And next to it are the advertised glazed curds that the child has been asking for for a long time. Perhaps we should take heels.

Thus, instead of one carton of milk, the customer will take with him a whole bag of groceries. And the merchant who has chosen the right assortment and placed the goods on the counter gets additional profit.

What is merchandising ...

This is a set of measures aimed at increasing store sales. Many people believe that merchandising is just the rules for the correct display of goods. In fact, the tasks of this science are broader. The following activities also belong to the field of merchandising:

  • selection of such an assortment of goods that best meets the needs of buyers,
  • creating a unique, attractive atmosphere in the store,
  • distribution of advertisements and information about the goods sold here at the point of sale.

... and how much does it cost

Many store owners believe that merchandising services are only available to very wealthy companies. This is not true. Even a very small company with a modest income can get a little consultation from a specialist who will come to your store. In Moscow, such a consultation costs $ 300-400. In addition to contacting a specialized marketing agency, you can also invite a "private trader". The average salary of a metropolitan merchandiser in Moscow is $ 200-400 per month. He probably will not refuse to put things in order in the store in his free time from work. For a fee comparable to his salary.

Take a look around

Merchandising starts with assortment formation. It is important not only how the goods will be laid out on the shelves, but also what will be sold in the store. You can build a stunning pyramid of cans of sprat. But if there are few buyers of this fish among the buyers, efforts to create a beautiful display case will be in vain. Therefore, the store owner needs to have a clear idea of ​​who his buyer is.

“Very often, entrepreneurs try to sell what they themselves consider necessary,” said spouses Ruben and Kira Kanayan, consultants of Union Standard Consulting, who work in the field of interior design and merchandising in retail. - At the same time, it is not taken into account that many of the presented goods do not correspond to the interests target audience and only occupy the retail space. Although in their place there could be other products demanded by customers.

To imagine a portrait of your customer, you first need to just look around and evaluate what objects are located in the vicinity of the store. And draw conclusions. For example, if a school is located nearby, then it is necessary to expand the range of goods loved by children: soda, chocolate, chewing gum, baked goods. And if there is a university nearby, then it is necessary to increase the share of low-alcohol drinks on the shelves: beer and all kinds of cocktails, which are consumed in large quantities by students.

A small grocery store operating in a large shopping center where people come to buy shoes and clothes, it is better to focus on confectionery and alcohol. Those who choose gifts will be happy to buy these goods. And many of those who go home with a new thing will not deny themselves the pleasure of celebrating the purchase with a cake or brandy. Of course, other products should be on the shelves too. But it is not advisable to display several brands of milk or butter in such a place. After all, residents of nearby houses are unlikely to purposefully go to the universal shopping center to fill the refrigerator. Most likely, they will go to a specialty grocery store.

One more observation. If there are many offices of commercial firms, government agencies or some kind of workshops in the area of ​​your store, then the emphasis should be on fast food products: coffee and tea bags, soups, noodles and various cereals. On the shelves, there must be meat and fish cuts, bread, pastries and pastries. And besides, in such a store, the expensive ones will surely do well. alcoholic drinks and souvenirs. Visitors will buy them to colleagues in honor of birthdays and various holidays.

It is very important that the formation of the assortment is carried out taking into account the income of the target group of consumers. Observe who mainly visits your store - wealthy people, middle-income citizens, or low-income old women. And take the necessary measures by increasing or decreasing the share of certain goods on the shelves.

Everyone knows that people who earn good money constantly do not have enough time for household chores. Therefore, they will certainly notice your store if they find in it a wide range of salads, semi-finished meat products, high-quality frozen products that can be quickly prepared and served. And low-income citizens will turn into your regular customers cheap milk in plastic bags and inexpensive chicken legs.

How to find your face

Many retailers make a serious mistake by copying the assortment of their closest competitors and presenting only well-known brands of goods in the windows. Coming to such a store, a customer sees a standard set of brands on the shelf: J7 juices, Coca-Cola drinks, Domik v Derevny dairy products, Doctor's sausage and Gouda cheese. If a merchant adheres to such a commodity policy, then his only difference from the "store opposite" is the prices. And if suddenly they become higher, then regular customers flow into a competing outlet. Therefore, in order not to be content with the money of only casual passers-by, each store should have its own assortment "face".

- The most promoted products are sold everywhere. Therefore, buyers know very well their average cost. And if you put a high price on, say, a well-known vodka, soda or juice, you will immediately acquire the image of an expensive store. Consumers will assume that all your other products are also expensive, ”warns Kira Kanayan. - But if you agree on the supply of high-quality products with some small factory from the provinces, then the buyers will have nothing to compare with and you will be able to dictate your prices. You can make good money on such products. And well-known brands, by the way, are often more profitable to sell by low prices... This will create the image of a "cheap" store, attract additional customers and make a profit on other products.

But at the same time, you should be very careful with the prices of alcoholic beverages. If the vodka you sell turns out to be the cheapest in the area, then very soon a typical audience will begin to gather near your store. At first, the volume of trade may grow, but then it will sharply go down. Among your buyers there will be fewer housewives and respectable married couples who are unpleasant to shop in a company with "drunks".

Any outlet can find its zest by offering consumers a product that competitors do not have. A simple example. One small store, located in a residential area of ​​Moscow, has allocated an entire window for cakes.

“You cannot find such a selection of cakes - about 20 names - in any of the nearby stores,” says the manager Konstantin Filyaev. - Therefore, all the locals come to us for sweets. And at the same time they buy something else. This allows us to trade consistently at any time of the year.

In cramped quarters and resentment

Very often, merchants cannot resist the temptation to put as many items on the shelves as possible. They say that they will be able to sell something. As a result, the sales area becomes cluttered with shelves, refrigerators and chests. And in such tightness, it becomes very uncomfortable for visitors to make purchases.

How to determine if the store has "excess" retail store equipment? For this it is necessary to calculate the coefficient of the installation area. It is defined as the ratio of the area occupied by the equipment to the total area of ​​the sales area.

Installation area coefficient = S installation area, m2 / S sales area, m2

The optimal value of this coefficient is 0.25-0.35. If the resulting result exceeds this norm, then there is too much equipment in the store. And it is better to remove some of it by giving up some "extra" goods.

Best Places - Best Goods

One of the most difficult tasks of merchandising is the correct placement of product groups in trading floor and individual goods on the shelves.

Most buyers are right-handed. Therefore, they begin to inspect the shelves on the right side and go around the store counterclockwise. Thus, the right side of the store turns out to be a more attractive area for shoppers than the left side. It is worth placing the most popular products in it. In a small shopping pavilion with an area of ​​10-15 sq. m "strong" is the right side of the central shelving and display cases.

Other important questions. Which product should have a good place? And what product can you "push" into the far corner?

“It all depends on the sales forecast,” says Ruben Kanayan. - For example, the Vesely Molochnik brand is expected to account for about 5% of all dairy sales. This means that these products need to allocate about 5% of the total area on display cases.

The best products- both in terms of sales volumes and in terms of their profitability - should occupy the best places. But how do you determine which product is more worthy? To do this, it is necessary to find out what share in the total trade turnover is occupied by this or that commodity group. Then add up the length of all the shelves in the store. And calculate how much space in percentage terms falls on a particular product. If, for example, ketchups and sauces occupy 6% of all shelves, and their share in the turnover is only 2%, then it is necessary to reduce the display of this group. And place some other product in the vacant space.

However, if it turns out that some product brings more profit than others, you should not increase its share on the shelves several times by narrowing the range of other brands. For example, if expensive J7 juice brings a good profit, you shouldn't occupy the entire shelf with it, completely removing the cheaper "Orchard". After all, the store can lose customers who prefer less profitable products, which will inevitably lead to a decrease in income. In other words, having won on one product, you can generally lose much more.

Don't put cakes next to the herring!

When deciding where to place certain goods (bread, dairy products, gastronomy, etc.), you need to take into account a number of important subtleties.

  1. Products of one group must be in one place. For example, if you are trading drinking water then the entire assortment must be presented in the soft drinks department. Even if special water for children is available on the market, you should not put it next to baby food. After all, most buyers will still look for different sweet fizzy in the juice-water section.

    However, if the area allows, then you can create additional seats sales. For example, in the summer, several types of juices and water can be sold in all departments. The demand for drinks in the hot season is growing, and this technique allows you to increase turnover.

  2. Place like-with-like - liquids next to liquids, frozen foods - next to frozen foods.

  3. Observe the rule of "appetizing neighborhood". Imagine that a person comes to a store for a marshmallow. He may refuse to buy if sweets flaunt on the same shelf with smoked herring or spicy Korean carrots. For the same reason, you should not put shrimp and frozen cakes in the same refrigerator.

  4. Place items that are commonly used together side by side. For tea, it is appropriate to offer cookies and sweets. Beer - chips, salted nuts and dried fish. And, for example, in the meat department it is logical to present a wide range of spices. If a person buys meat, then, perhaps, they also need pepper or lavrushka, and it would be very appropriate to remind him of this.

  5. In small shops, it is better to group goods not by brand, but by type. For example, a store has a household chemicals department. All dishwashing detergents must be placed in one row on the shelf with a corresponding sign. In the other, there are oven cleaners, in the third, carpet cleaners, etc. And then it will be easy for customers to choose the right thing.

  6. You can set aside a permanent place for products that are sold at low prices. Mark these areas on the shop windows with signs "New" or "Product of the day (week, month)". Try to make sure that people know that they will always see something new in your store or will buy the desired product cheaper than elsewhere.

The best shelf

The most winning shelves are those that are located at eye level. Therefore, the central part of the rack attracts the eye of the buyer the most. And this is where the best-selling products or those that the merchant wants to make as such should be located.

For the same reason, goods for children (candy, chocolate eggs with a toy, etc.) should be placed at the level of the child's face and outstretched arm.

The cheapest and most voluminous products should be laid out on the lower shelves, for example, cereals, packaged directly in the store. The purchase of such items is usually planned in advance. Therefore, people in need of the same cereal will find it on the bottom shelf. And on the lowest shelf, which practically does not fall into the field of view of buyers, you can place inventory.

The top shelf is also not the best place. As a rule, the goods that are located here are well seen only by men and not at all by women. This is due to the peculiarities of visual perception of different sexes. Men are used to looking into the distance. They are capable of snatching out the necessary objects with their eyes from afar, but poorly notice products and things under their very noses. And women, on the contrary, entering the store, immediately stick to the shelves located at eye level and below, and rarely raise them "to heaven." Therefore, you should not lay out products that are included in the main assortment on the top shelf.

Well, if you need to increase sales, do not hot goods? There are some tricks for this, too. For example, they can be placed among the goods in strong demand. This technique is called "popularity borrowing".

And finally, one more recommendation. In small shops, as a rule, horizontal display of goods on the shelves is used, when the products of one group are lined up. If space permits, pallets can be used instead of display racks. This is the name of the special platforms designed for storing and transporting goods. They can display beer, low alcohol cocktails, water, juices. In the minds of buyers, such a calculation is associated with a low price. Therefore, buyers willingly make purchases from pallets.

Build up stocks and keep order

It is very important that showcases and racks are literally full of goods. The visitor should be sure that your store has everything he needs in abundance. Therefore, it is impossible to leave free space on the shelves, and the resulting "holes" can be instantly filled with new goods.

It also happens: there is a sample of the product on the showcase, and a piece of paper with the word "no" is attached to it. This is a very serious mistake! A shopper worn out over a working day, who sees that you "do not" have any frozen cauliflower or pancakes with meat, will inevitably experience irritation. And he will probably think: "Is there anything here that I need?"

In order not to get lost in the face, it is necessary to draw up a delivery schedule in such a way that there is a constant stock of the most popular goods or goods with which there are interruptions. It is definitely worth increasing the stock of those products that are actively advertised on television and in the press. Usually, during advertising campaigns, the demand for them grows noticeably.

And finally, the last rule of merchandising. After the store owner has arranged all the goods in their places, he must demand strict observance established order from sellers.

- Very often sellers lay out goods so that it is convenient for them to get them, - Kira Kanayan notes. - And sometimes they move to the best place a not in demand, stale goods - so that they "go away" as soon as possible. The store owner must constantly make sure that such mistakes are not made.

How to issue price tags

  1. The price must be clearly marked and clearly visible. After all, it is the price that most often serves as a criterion on the basis of which the buyer makes a choice.

  2. The price tag should not cover the packaging. This is due to the fact that many buyers remember what the product they like looks like, but at the same time they do not know exactly what it is called.

  3. Prices for goods located nearby can vary greatly. Therefore, price tags should be located so that the buyer does not confuse one product with another. Otherwise, paying at the checkout, he will experience a lot of unpleasant emotions: from bewilderment to shame and discontent.

  4. Price tags should be written in legible, neat and attractive handwriting.

  5. Price tags with information on similar goods should have a uniform format.

Own business is the optimal solution for those who are tired of working for an "uncle" or "aunt". However, this or that enterprise is not a guarantee of a comfortable old age and financial prosperity. It is important to conduct your business correctly and try to avoid the most common mistakes that can lead to not the most favorable consequences.

Good location and low prices are not enough to promote a grocery store. Competitors and potential buyers play an important role, and should be considered first of all.

Given the fact that a grocery store already exists in a certain area, the choice of the optimal location no longer has the right to exist. This means that it is necessary to build on the existing features of the enterprise, that is, to make sure that the location of the store plays into the hands of its owner.


Grocery stores are a very competitive type of business.

In order to work successfully in this area of ​​business, it is necessary to take into account competitive enterprises and use strengths their business.

For example, arrange sales and lure shoppers with low prices, run advertising campaigns and report discounts.

Working hours

The opening hours of the grocery store play an important role. Is there a convenience store nearby? If not, why not extend the running time of your own? This will increase the number of buyers and.

Of course, you will have to tinker with obtaining permission to trade at night, but the possibility of selling alcoholic beverages will be a key factor that will increase the profitability of the enterprise.


How it works? Let's take, for example, the real cost of 1 kg of oranges - 50 rubles. We reduce the price and inform the buyers about it. We calculate the amount of the estimated loss and redistribute it to other goods.

The most correct and correct policy, which is guided by experienced entrepreneurs who have achieved success in their business, is to sell a lot, not dearly. That is why novice businessmen need to learn how to increase profits with a large turnover of products, and not try to make capital by selling bread at the price of meat.

It is enough to go through the shops of competitors and set the price for this or that product at least one ruble lower than in similar stores. This will allow you to grow and acquire an expanded customer base.


This is a separate topic in the conversation about the right way of doing business. No matter how good a grocery store is, no matter how low the prices are, all this does not matter if an angry and untidy aunt sits at the counter or cash register, spitting seeds and rude to customers.

It is the attitude of the staff to the client that plays a fundamental role in the successful development of any commercial enterprise... The buyer should receive an answer to any question posed regarding the work of this or that grocery store... It is unlikely that the same old woman who asked about the composition of the sausage and did not receive an answer will want to go to this store again. But a woman who came for a liver for a cat, seeing a pleasant attitude towards herself and due attention, will certainly want to return to this grocery store.

A courteous attitude towards customers is the key to a favorable customer experience about a point of sale.

The most common mistakes aspiring entrepreneurs make

Surely many have tried more than once to reproduce in reality all of the indicated, but have not been able to achieve the desired result. In order to make sure that your actions are correct, you should pay attention to a few more points, the fulfillment of which is necessary for the successful development of a grocery store:

  • A grocery store sign should be stylish, vibrant, creative and eye-catching, not a dusty reflection of the Soviet era.
  • Some products should be priced lower than competitors. It really works for the good of the grocery store.
  • The assortment list leaves much to be desired. It's in Soviet times the sausage was of the highest and first grade, that is, only two names. Now the buyer has the opportunity to choose the best for himself and his family. This is what you need to use, constantly expanding the assortment list of the store. There is no need to be afraid of experiments - you can try to sell exclusive sorts of coffee or alcoholic beverages, try to sell sausages of an uncommon type. By the way, not every grocery store has rabbit or beef meat products - why not take advantage of this absence and fill this gap?

  • Lack of an exclusive product. You need to make sure that in the city only in your store you can buy this or that product. You can spend advertising campaign, arrange for a weekend tasting of an exclusive sauce from a well-known manufacturer - later, customers will know that it is in this store that a wide range of all kinds of dressings for dishes is presented.
  • Low prices and appropriate quality of food products. Sometimes you shouldn't fall for the clever tricks of unscrupulous suppliers and buy low-quality products from them at a low price. Better to take quality, not quantity.
  • Lazy and illiterate salespeople who, among other things, are still not clean on their hands. Here the conclusion itself suggests itself - no one will go to the store again, where the sellers are rude or deceived.

Today's times are characterized by a large number of retail chains that place their retail facilities literally at every turn. Oddly enough, but an ordinary buyer still lacks an individual approach and communication with the seller. That is why we have every chance to win their niche from large enterprises and win over the buyer.

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and processing of personal data

1. General Provisions

1.1. This agreement on confidentiality and processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) is freely accepted and of its own free will, applies to all information that LLC "Inseils Rus" and / or its affiliates, including all persons belonging to the same group with LLC "Inseils Rus" (including "EKAM service" LLC) may receive information about the User while using any of the sites, services, services, computer programs, products or services of "Inseils Rus" LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Services) and the course of execution of any agreements and contracts with the User by Insales Rus LLC. The User's consent to the Agreement, expressed by him within the framework of relations with one of the listed persons, applies to all other listed persons.

1.2 Use of the Services means the User agrees with this Agreement and the terms and conditions specified therein; in case of disagreement with these conditions, the User must refrain from using the Services.

"Insails"- Society with limited liability"Inseils Rus", PSRN 1117746506514, INN 7714843760, checkpoint 771401001, registered at the address: 125319, Moscow, Akademika Ilyushin st., 4, building 1, office 11 (hereinafter - "Insales"), on the one hand , and

"User" -

or individual possessing legal capacity and recognized as a participant in civil legal relations in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

or entity registered in accordance with the legislation of the state of which such a person is a resident;

or individual entrepreneur registered in accordance with the legislation of the state of which such a person is a resident;

which has accepted the terms of this Agreement.

1.4 For the purposes of this Agreement, the Parties have determined that confidential information is information of any nature (production, technical, economic, organizational and others), including the results of intellectual activity, as well as information about the methods of carrying out professional activities (including, but not limited to: information about products, works and services; information about technologies and research projects; information about technical systems and equipment, including software elements; business forecasts and information about prospective purchases; requirements and specifications of specific partners and potential partners; information, related to intellectual property, as well as plans and technologies related to all of the above), communicated by one party to the other party in writing and / or electronic form clearly designated by the Party as its confidential information.

1.5. The purpose of this Agreement is to protect confidential information that the Parties will exchange during negotiations, concluding contracts and fulfilling obligations, as well as any other interaction (including, but not limited to, consulting, requesting and providing information, and performing other instructions).

2. Obligations of the Parties

2.1. The Parties agree to keep secret all confidential information received by one Party from the other Party during the interaction of the Parties, not to disclose, disclose, disclose or otherwise provide such information to any third party without the prior written permission of the other Party, with the exception of cases specified in the current legislation, when the provision of such information is the responsibility of the Parties.

2.2. Each of the Parties will take all necessary measures to protect confidential information, at least using the same measures that the Party applies to protect its own confidential information. Access to confidential information is provided only to those employees of each of the Parties who need it reasonably to fulfill official duties for the execution of this Agreement.

2.3. The obligation to keep confidential information in secret is valid within the term of this Agreement, the license agreement for computer programs dated 01.12.2016, the agreement of accession to the license agreement for computer programs, agency and other agreements and for five years after termination their actions, unless the Parties separately agree otherwise.

(a) if the information provided has become publicly available without violating the obligations of one of the Parties;

(b) if the information provided has become known to the Party as a result of its own research, systematic observations or other activities carried out without the use of confidential information received from the other Party;

(c) if the information provided is lawfully obtained from a third party without the obligation to keep it secret until it is provided by one of the Parties;

(d) if the information is provided at the written request of a public authority, other state body, or local self-government body in order to perform their functions and its disclosure to these bodies is mandatory for the Party. In this case, the Party must immediately notify the other Party about the received request;

(e) if the information is provided to a third party with the consent of the Party, the information about which is being transferred.

2.5. Insales does not verify the accuracy of the information provided by the User and is unable to assess his legal capacity.

2.6. The information that the User provides to Inseils when registering in the Services is not personal data, as they are defined in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 152-ФЗ dated 07/27/2006. "About personal data".

2.7 Insales reserves the right to amend this Agreement. When changes are made, the date is indicated in the current edition last update... The new version of the Agreement comes into force from the moment it is posted, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Agreement.

2.8. By accepting this Agreement, the User realizes and agrees that Inseils can send the User personalized messages and information (including but not limited to) to improve the quality of the Services, to develop new products, to create and send personal offers to the User, to inform the User about changes in Tariff plans and updates, to send the User marketing materials on the subject of the Services, to protect the Services and Users and for other purposes.

The user has the right to refuse to receive the above information by notifying this in writing to the email address of Inseils -.

2.9. By accepting this Agreement, the User understands and agrees that the Inseils Services may use cookies, counters, other technologies to ensure the performance of the Services in general or their individual functions in particular, and the User has no claims against Inseils in this regard.

2.10. The user is aware that the equipment and software used by him to visit sites on the Internet may have the function of prohibiting operations with cookies (for any sites or for certain sites), as well as deleting previously received cookies.

Insails has the right to establish that the provision of a certain Service is possible only provided that the acceptance and receipt of cookies is permitted by the User.

2.11. The user is solely responsible for the security of the means chosen by him to access the account, and also independently ensures their confidentiality. The User is solely responsible for all actions (as well as their consequences) within or using the Services under the User's account, including cases of voluntary transfer of data by the User to access the User's account to third parties on any terms (including under contracts or agreements) ... At the same time, all actions within or using the Services under the User's account are considered to have been performed by the User himself, except for cases when the User has notified Inseils about unauthorized access to the Services using the User's account and / or about any violation (suspicions of violation) of the confidentiality of his account access means.

2.12 The User is obliged to immediately notify Insails about any case of unauthorized (not authorized by the User) access to the Services using the User's account and / or about any violation (suspicion of violation) of the confidentiality of his account access means. For security purposes, the User is obliged to independently carry out a safe shutdown under his account at the end of each session of work with the Services. Insails is not responsible for possible loss or damage to data, as well as other consequences of any nature that may occur due to violation by the User of the provisions of this part of the Agreement.

3.Responsibility of the Parties

3.1. A Party that has violated the obligations stipulated by the Agreement regarding the protection of confidential information transferred under the Agreement is obliged to compensate, at the request of the affected Party, for real damage caused by such a violation of the terms of the Agreement in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2. Compensation for damage does not terminate the obligations of the offending Party to properly fulfill its obligations under the Agreement.

4.Other provisions

4.1. All notifications, inquiries, requirements and other correspondence under this Agreement, including those that include confidential information, must be made in writing and delivered in person or by courier, or sent by e-mail to the addresses specified in the license agreement for computer programs dated 01.12.2016, the agreement of accession to the license agreement for computer programs and in this Agreement or other addresses that may be further indicated by the Party in writing.

4.2. If one or more provisions (conditions) of this Agreement are or become invalid, then this cannot serve as a reason for the termination of other provisions (conditions).

4.3 The law of the Russian Federation shall apply to this Agreement and the relationship between the User and Insales arising in connection with the application of the Agreement.

4.3. All suggestions or questions regarding this Agreement, the User has the right to send to the Inseils User Support Service or to the postal address: 107078, Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, 18, p. 11-12 Business center "Stendhal" LLC "Inseils Rus".

Date of publication: 01.12.2016

Full name in Russian:

Limited Liability Company "Insales Rus"

Abbreviated name in Russian:

LLC "Insales Rus"

Name in English:

InSales Rus Limited Liability Company (InSales Rus LLC)

Legal address:

125319, Moscow, st. Academician Ilyushin, 4, building 1, office 11

Mailing address:

107078, Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, 18, p. 11-12, BC "Stendhal"

INN: 7714843760 Checkpoint: 771401001

Bank details:

The profitability of a grocery store depends on many factors, first of all, on the volume of sales, the quality of work of your employees, the location point of sale etc. How to increase revenue in a grocery store - for this there are effective tools that take into account these and other factors.

How to increase your grocery store revenue

How effectively a particular business, in our case, a grocery store, works, shows its profitability, profitability. The amount of profit depends on revenue and costs.

There are two ways to increase your revenue:

  1. Increase the price of the products sold.
  2. Start selling more in quantitative terms.

Both options can lead to increased revenue. However, in reality, the first option is practically unrealizable. Any store, regardless of specialization, is forced to exist surrounded by competitors. Therefore, it is most likely that it will not work to increase revenue by increasing the price.

It is possible to increase revenue in a grocery store by raising prices only if the elasticity of demand for the products sold is extremely low or even close to zero, that is, this demand practically does not change - as if you do not raise the price, they will still buy in the same volume ...

This can happen, for example, if there is only one store and is located in a hard-to-reach area, where residents are literally forced to buy products at the offered prices.

In the current conditions of a tough competitive environment, a more realistic way to raise revenue is to increase sales in the physical sense - in pieces, etc. There are effective ways and tools for this.

For example, the Biznes.Ru program will allow you to control sales, receive detailed assortment analytics and the history of goods movement in just a few clicks!

How To Increase Your Grocery Store Sales: 15 Ways

1. Reduce the price.

It was stated above that an increase in price is unlikely to increase the volume of revenue and sales. However, sales can be increased, on the contrary, by lowering prices.

If you slightly reduce the price of popular products, it is quite possible that people will not come to your competitors, but to you to buy these particular products.

The apparent decrease in the flow of money due to lower prices will be offset by volumes. That is, more will be bought at lower prices in quantitative terms, respectively, the total amount of your proceeds will increase.

Price reductions may not be permanent, often unnecessary. Sometimes it is enough to carry out promotions to temporarily reduce prices, for example, to conduct sales of certain products at reduced prices, sales according to the scheme "3 units of goods at a price of 2", etc.

In this case, the increase in revenue will be temporary - for the duration of the promotion. But at the same time, visitors and customers may develop a habit of coming to your store.

One type of stock is a seasonal decline in prices, which also leads to an increase in revenue. For example, sale of winter clothes and shoes at a discount in spring, sale of last year's clothing collections in clothing stores, sale of vegetables and fruits in autumn at low prices, etc.

2 . Move to a more passable place - another effective way to increase in-store sales. More people means more purchases, which means more revenue. But in conditions of high competition between stores, it is not easy to find a place with higher traffic.

An entrepreneur needs to constantly monitor where such places may appear, what shopping malls are being built, where there is good traffic.

3. Convenient navigation in the store.

The more comfortable it is to move in the store, the more often customers visit it, the more sales and revenue.

4. Always available sellers who are competent and can advise the buyer on the products in a timely manner.

5. Actual price tags, informative and original design.

6. Correctly filled shelves- this is already work related to merchandising.

7. Possibility of delivery under certain conditions. For example, free shipping home if the purchase amount reaches a certain level.

8. The ability to pay for purchases by non-cash method(using bank plastic cards).

9. Installing ATMs of popular banks in the store, as well as electronic payment systems.

10. Lease of free space in the store or sublease for all sorts of kiosks, for example, for the sale of magazines and newspapers, flowers, or for repair shops for shoes, locks, etc.

11. If the area of ​​the store and other free resources allow, organizing a children's room or playground in the store.

12. Expansion of the assortment, upselling... A customer will visit your store more often if he buys in your store what he usually buys in several stores.

For example, a person will become your regular customer if, with daily bread and milk, he can buy, for example, pastries, toothpaste, etc.

13. Discount cards... This is also a way to increase customer loyalty, make them your regular customers and increase your revenue.

Instead of discount cards, there can be accumulative cards. This is when some bonuses accumulate on the buyer's card, the volume and quantity of which depends on each purchase. The buyer can use these bonuses in the future to pay for the next purchases.

A variety of accumulative cards are cards that have the so-called "cash back", from English it means "cash back". This is the same as bonuses, only money is returned to the card from each purchase.

For example, on a card with a cash back of 10%, when buying in the amount of 1,500 rubles, the buyer will return 150 rubles. The buyer will be able to use this refunded money for further purchases.

Discount cards, cards with bonuses or cash back, as well as other discount events, lead to the fact that customers come to you more often, buy from you more often, recommend your store to their surroundings. As a result, your revenue is growing.

In the service for automating grocery stores Business.Ru you can fully implement the loyalty system, set up discount and accumulative cards, as well as cards with a validity period. These and other features are combined with an intuitive interface that allows you to perform complex operations in a couple of clicks!

14. Coalition.

This is when you merge with other stores and make one promotion together. Therefore, it is "more interesting" for a customer to come to shop in one of the stores of your general coalition. Examples of coalition events are bonus cards of retail chains ("Piggy bank" and others).

15. Reviews.

In the modern information society, any negativity that can happen in your store will immediately end up in social networks... This will negatively affect store traffic and revenue.

Therefore, an entrepreneur needs to work with customer reviews. This work should be carried out in two directions: firstly, to prevent negative reviews, and secondly, to stimulate positive reviews. This will also lead to an increase in your sales.

Many of the above ways to increase revenue are also related to more narrow tasks, for example, increasing the conversion of store visitors to customers or increasing customer loyalty.

This is not surprising: both increasing conversion and increasing loyalty are aimed at solving one common task - increasing the store's revenue, increasing the efficiency of its work.

The above methods of increasing revenue should be applied when the most relevant conditions are created for each of this method, for example, seasonal discounts.

The entrepreneur must also constantly monitor his financial condition to find out which ways to increase revenue and in which cases are most effective. Most likely, an entrepreneur will need to use these methods in combination, and some tools to increase revenue need to be applied on a continuous basis.

Complex automation of trading at a minimum cost

We take a regular computer, connect any fiscal registrar and install the Business Ru Cash application. As a result, we get an economical analogue of a POS terminal as in a large store with all its functions. We bring goods with prices to the Business.Ru cloud service and start working. For everything about everything - a maximum of 1 hour and 15-20 thousand rubles. for the fiscal registrar.