Last update of ZUP 2.5 in the year. The TANAIS company starts a project for the implementation of DIRECTUM in the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation. Data transfer result

Dear customers, we inform you that 1C (developer software products"1C", Moscow) stops supporting version 2.5 of the program "1C: Salary and Human Resources" * and version 1.0 of the program "1C: Salary and Human Resources budgetary institution". Users are recommended to switch to the new modern version 3.1 of these programs, which meets all the requirements of changing legislation.

The end of support for the old editions of these programs is planned from January 1, 2018. At the same time, updates for the old editions 2.5 and 1.0, required for submitting reports for 2017, will be released before the deadline for submitting reports for 2017, i.e. until the end of the 1st quarter of 2018. However, there are no plans to support the changes in the legislation of 2018 in these updates.

Due to the partial change in the configuration structure of the new version, it is not possible to perform a simple update of the program to the new version. Therefore, the transition is implemented by transferring (uploading and downloading) data from the old edition to the new one.

Users can make the transition on their own completely free of charge. To do this, in edition 3.1, when starting the program, follow the instructions of the initial setup assistant (do not forget to make an archive copy of the infobase in the old edition).

You can also use the help of 1C-Rarus specialists for professional data transfer.

In the standard transfer option, only the minimum amount of information is transferred, sufficient to start accounting in new edition... A "full" transfer to individual cases(not recommended by 1C). The cost of specialist services is calculated individually.

The standard version provides for the transfer of the following data:

  • directories: institutions, departments, positions, employees and the main reference information related to them;
  • accrual and deduction with a regulated method of calculation (salary, bonus, writs of execution, etc.);
  • the list of positions of the staffing table is not transferred, but is formed according to the staffing table;
  • standard arrangement for the month of the beginning of operation;
  • personnel history of employees to fill in their personal cards;
  • data for calculating average earnings: for FSS benefits - for the previous three years, for vacations and other cases - for the previous 15 months;
  • accounting data for personal income tax and insurance premiums in the year of transfer (if the operation does not start from the beginning of the year);
  • balances of settlements for the month of commencement of operation.

In the standard version, data such as:

  • information about the current employees-contractors of the GPC;
  • accruals and deductions with arbitrary formulas;
  • personnel history of employees for the formation of analytical reporting;
  • actual charges and payments for the formation of analytical reporting;
  • valid at the time of the transfer of leave, including childcare.

The transfer can be made in any month of the year. It is recommended to “close” a certain month in the old edition before the transfer, ie. make all charges and payments. After that, carry out the transfer, and start keeping records in the new edition. In this case, in parallel, you can continue to keep records in the old edition to compare and evaluate the results.

You can learn more about the transition to new editions:

  • in the information letter of the company "1C"
  • in your information system 1C: ITS

Dear accountants and calculation specialists wages and personnel accounting!

We would like to inform you that the developer of software products company "1C", from January 1, 2018, will stop supporting version 2.5 of the program "1C: Salary and Human Resource Management" * and version 1.0 of the program "1C: Salary and Personnel of a Budgetary Institution". At the same time, updates for the old editions 2.5 and 1.0, which are required for the submission of the annual reports for 2017, will be released until the end of the 1st quarter of 2018. But there are no plans to support changes in legislation for 2018 in these updates.

Due to the partial change in the configuration structure of the new version, it is not possible to perform a simple update of the program to the new version. Therefore, the transition is implemented by transferring (uploading and downloading) data from the old edition to the new one. You can either independently make a free transition or use the professional help of our specialists in transferring data from ZUP 2.5 (ZKBU 1.0) to ZUP 3.1 (ZKGU 3.1).

The following data is transferred:

  • Personnel information for the formation of an employee's personal card (without the personnel documents themselves)
  • Directories (Employees, Individuals, Positions, Departments, Staffing table)
  • Data for calculating average earnings for leave and sick leave for the previous two years
  • Data for generating reporting for the current year (without the possibility of editing)
  • Current planned employee accruals on the transfer date
  • Settlement balance at the transfer date

Not transferred:

  • Data on accruals, deductions, employee benefits. (The formation of a set of accruals or pay slips should be done in the old program)
  • Other charges. (Some of the charges must be re-configured in the program)
  • The documents. (All data is transferred to specialized registers. Data for previous months cannot be corrected automatically)

Work required after data transfer for successful payroll calculation (paid separately at the request and needs of the customer):

  • Generate reporting for the previous period and compare with reporting in the old program (6-NDFL, 2-NDFL, RSV, 4-FSS)
  • Check the data at the start of operation
  • Check the calculation of average earnings for vacation and sick leave by calculating the documents in the old and new programs.
  • Set up accounting for the specifics of the institution.
  • Set up all the necessary types of accruals and deductions.
  • Customize reports for the needs of the institution.

12.04.2018 17:46:01 1C: Servistrend ru

Termination of support for 1C ZUP 2.5

Since April 2018, 1C company ceases to release updates for programs:

  • 1C Salary and Personnel of a budgetary institution 1.0
  • 1C Medicine. Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 1.0

Official information from the 1C website:

Users of 1C Salary and Personnel Management 2.5 (1C ZUP 2.5) to continue maintaining accounting and tax accounting conforming to the current legislation, it is recommended to switch to (3.1) as soon as possible. Now it is the 3rd version of 1C ZUP that will be the main one, and regular updates will be issued for it. 1C ZUP 2.5 will no longer be updated, because of which it becomes meaningless to use the program for calculating and paying salaries, deductions and contributions, since it will generate reports according to outdated forms. The latest releases of 1C ZUP 2.5 will contain up-to-date versions of the report forms for delivery for 2017. It will be necessary to generate reports for the I quarter of 2018 already in version 3.1.

Switch from ZUP 2.5 to ZUP 3.1 in 2018- this is to receive many benefits affecting all aspects of an accountant's work and personnel service... Technical innovations, a convenient and intuitive interface, an improved system of personnel cards, documents of accruals and payments, and the very capabilities of the 1C 8.3 platform will pleasantly surprise users of 1C ZUP 2.5.

Commit transferring ZUP 2.5 to ZUP 3.1 You can in our company, for which we have developed a special regulatory procedure for the transition from 1C ZUP 2.5 to 1C ZUP 3.1, thanks to which this process occurs quickly and efficiently. All information accumulated in the old database will be transferred to the new version 3.1 database without any problems.

Cost of transition from ZUP 2.5 to 3.1 consists only of the volume of services provided for the transition. You do not need to buy any additional licenses for the transition to 3.1 - only the working hours of the 1C programmer are paid.

Do not put off until tomorrow what you can transfer to ZUP 3.1 today! With the end of support for ZUP 2.5, there will be quite a lot of people interested in the transition, and therefore the date of the transition will need to be agreed in advance so that the relevant specialists are free. Upgrade to ZUP 3.1 now to avoid future problems and annoying delays.

For a detailed acquaintance with the advantages and reasons for the transition from 1C ZUP 2.5 to 1C ZUP 3.1, you can read on our dedicated procedure. You can also leave a request to receive free instruction for self-transfer from ZUP 2.5 to ZUP 3.1.


In 2017, support for 1C: ZUP 2.5 was limited, and its complete termination is planned for the 1st quarter of this year, when all users will report to the regulatory authorities for 2017. After the end of support, the program will no longer be updated legislative framework, reporting forms are updated and other important changes are made.

Since 2018, 1C has been ending support for the 1C: ZUP 2.5 edition. In this regard, users need to switch to a more modern edition - 3.0, which is distinguished by advanced functionality, support for cloud solutions, a thin client and a web client, and an improved interface.

Will there be support for ZUP 2.5 in 2018: Due to a partial change in the configuration structure of the new version, it is not possible to perform a simple update of the program to the new version

Currently, the current version is 3.1. All changes in legislation related to 2018 will no longer be supported in the outdated edition. Also, the functionality of version 2.5 will no longer be improved.

In this regard, users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to the current version 3.1. Moreover, it is better to start planning the transition now. This will allow you to quickly fix errors that may occur when upgrading to a new version. In addition, for the first time you can keep records in two databases at once in order to have time to get used to the interface of the new edition of ZUP 3.1. In the future, this will help you solve operational tasks faster.

There is one more important point why experts recommend switching to the current version of the program in advance: in last moment There will be many, and there may be no specialists who will help you make the transition in time. And the task of the transition is still better to entrust to specialists, tk. this will not be a simple update (as in the transition from Accounting 2.0 to 3.0), but the transfer of data from one program to another.

Will there be support for ZUP 2.5 in 2018: transition procedure

In addition to 1C: ZUP 2.5, support for 1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 1.0 and 1C: Medicine. Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 1.0 ".

Version 3.1 of the corresponding configuration is provided at no additional charge to registered users of products that include the configuration "Salary and personnel management", "Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution" or "Medicine. Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution". The procedure for obtaining is indicated in the registration card of the software product. In particular, users of the PROF and CORP versions must have a valid 1C: ITS IT support agreement.

To migrate to revision 3.1, you must install the latest officially released version of the configuration revision 3.1. The required platform version is specified in the "New in version" file included in the configuration delivery. It is recommended to update the configuration to revision 3.1 from the latest officially released version of the previous revision.

All required versions of the platform and configurations are published on 1C: ITS disks, and are also available in the "1C: Software Update" service on the 1C: ITS portal. The listed distributions can also be obtained from us. Methods for upgrading to revision 3.1 are included in the delivery of the corresponding configurations.

In addition, users of version 2.5 of the "Salary and personnel management" configuration and version 1.0 of the "Salary and personnel of a budget institution" configuration can immediately switch to using version 3.1 in the 1C: Enterprise 8 via the Internet service.

Transition to revision 3.1 from standard solutions
The transition to revision 3.1 is performed by transferring data from the infobase of revision 2.5 or 1.0, respectively, to information base version 3.1. The transfer of normative and reference information and accounting data is carried out, which is necessary to continue maintaining personnel records in edition 3.1, calculating salaries, preparing reports, etc.

To carry out the transfer of data from the previous version 2.5 or 1.0, it is enough in version 3.1 when starting the program, follow the instructions of the initial setup wizard.

For users who have a valid 1C: ITS contract, it is also available detailed instructions on the transition as part of methodological support.

Upgrade to Revision 3.1 for Configurations Changed During Implementation
Users of the configuration changed during implementation (customized, configured) to switch to version 3.1 are recommended to contact the official partner of 1C that serves them.

The very provision of edition 3.1 to the official users of the configurations "Salary and personnel management" and "Salary and personnel state institution"does not require additional payment. However, users of the PROF and CORP versions must have a valid 1C: ITS agreement, and at the same time the services of 1C partners for translation to version 3.1 from the previous version may require additional payment.

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In accordance with the office. a letter from 1C company (N22222 dated 11/18/2016) in 2017 will provide limited support for the following configurations:

  • "Salary and personnel management" version 2.5 (hereinafter ZUP 2.5);
  • "Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution" version 1.0 (hereinafter ZiK 1.0);
  • "Medicine. Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution "version 1.0.

Limited support implies that 1C will release updates until the 1st quarter of 2018(there will be an opportunity to submit annual reports for 2017), however, the updates will not develop functionality, as well as increase the level of automation and user experience (including 100% automated filling of 6-NDFL reporting will not be implemented), therefore 1C recommends to go for new editions of software products now. Support for ZUP 2.5 and the release of updates after 04/01/2018 will not be carried out.

  • military registration and the formation of the necessary reports are fully automated
  • no need to duplicate personnel documents calculated: the corresponding charges (for example, for vacation) are made together with the registration of the personnel fact
  • the problem of taking into account payments to employees who are not employees of the labor contract (former employees, shareholders)
  • documents have been developed for the appointment of common types of deductions (trade union fees, voluntary insurance contributions, etc.)
  • the list of supported salary payment locations has been expanded: in addition to payment through the cashier, issuance through the distributor has been implemented, and payment through the bank can be carried out both to a personal account within the framework of a salary project, and to an arbitrary bank account specified by the employee.
  • automated filling of corrective forms for the FIU in some common situations
  • implemented statistical reporting forms: P-4 (with the possibility of automatic filling), P-4 (NZ), 3-F, MP (micro), PM
  • implemented auto fill 6-NDFL report (there are several of the rarest operations that have to be reflected in the reporting manually. 1C plans to automate the filling of 6-NFDL reports by 100% in future releases). and much more.

Also familiarize yourself with the benefits of the Payroll and Human Resources configuration, rev. 3 "as compared to version 2.5 can be found on the 1C website, and with the advantages of" Salary and personnel of a public institution "- / advantages /.

It is currently not planned to remove the configuration "Wages and personnel management of KORP" from support of revision 2.5. The withdrawal from support for this configuration will be announced at least one year in advance.
