Job description of the head of the planning and economic department. Job description of the head of the planning and economic department Head of the planning and economic department of a budgetary institution

The head of the planning and economic department is a responsible position that requires a certain level of qualification, knowledge and skills. The essence and content of this profession are reflected in the job description. The document defines the rights, duties and responsibilities of such an employee.

General provisions

Job description head of the planning and economic department is based on the following general provisions:

  • The position belongs to the category of executives (top management).
  • The applicant for the position must have higher education in the field of economics (or an engineering and economic specialty).
  • The applicant for the position must have at least 5 years of work experience related to economic planning (or another period established by the potential employer).
  • The appointment and removal of an employee from a position is carried out CEO enterprises.
  • During the absence (vacation, business trip, sick leave) of the head of the planning and economic department, the deputy (or other designated person) performs his duties and bears full responsibility as provided for by the instructions.

What guides the employee

Head of the planning and economic department in his practical activities should be guided by a number of documents. Namely:

  • legislative, regulatory, local acts related to financial and economic activities;
  • organizational and administrative documents of the management, directly related to the work of the department;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • legislation in the field of labor protection;
  • health and safety standards;
  • instructions, instructions and decisions of the enterprise management;
  • job description.

Working conditions

The job description of the head of the planning and economic department identified an employee. Here are the main points:

  • The mode of work is determined by the internal labor regulations adopted and established in the organization.
  • If there is a business need, the employee can go on business trips.
  • For prompt decision work issues, the employee can be provided with official transport.
  • Employment type - full time.
  • Value wages is determined by the personnel policy of the management, the quality of the performance of official duties, the results achieved, the qualifications and experience of the employee.

What a specialist should know

The head of the planning and economic department must have certain knowledge. Namely:

  • regulatory legal acts regarding financial and economic and economic and production activities;
  • methodological materials on the economics of the enterprise;
  • enterprise development strategy;
  • perspectives further development industries;
  • specific features organizational structure enterprises;
  • current state and development trends of the sales market;
  • organization of the development of production plans economic activity;
  • procedure for drawing up business plans;
  • economic standards and calculation of enterprise performance indicators;
  • organization of statistical accounting and document circulation;
  • technique economic analysis the enterprise as a whole and its divisions separately;
  • the procedure for determining the cost;
  • determination procedure economic efficiency the work of the enterprise;
  • development of standards;
  • improvement measures production process;
  • domestic and overseas experience in the field of rationalization economic activity enterprises;
  • economics of labor and management;
  • technology of production activity;
  • means of communications and computing;
  • labor legislation;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • labor protection standards.

Skill level

The professional skills of the head of the planning and economic department of an enterprise depend on the quality of education and work experience. The levels are described in the table.

Skill level Description
No experience in this position

Higher economic or engineering-economic education;

Confident knowledge of the program "1C";

Ability to analyze the results of economic activity;

Knowledge of methods of economic analysis;

Basic knowledge of bookkeeping and tax accounting;

Two years of experience in economic planning

Minimum experience in this position

Knowledge of management accounting;

Experience in the field of enterprise budgeting;

Experience as a leading economist or head of the planning and economic department of at least one year

With experience in this position

Skills in the development of financial regulations and their implementation in the practical activities of the enterprise;

Experience in preparing detailed business plans;

Experience of working in small organizations with a narrow specialization;

At least three years of experience in this position

With extensive experience in this position

Construction Skills financial models and their implementation in the practical activities of the enterprise;

Experience in large organizations with an extensive network and a complex organizational structure;

Skills in the field of automation of the work of the planning and economic department;

Preferred Knowledge foreign languages for free communication and business correspondence;

Additional education in the business field (trainings, courses, seminars, and so on);

At least five years of experience in this position


The instructions outline the duties of the head of the planning and economic department. Namely:

  • management of the work on the preparation of economic plans;
  • leading the preparation of plans by the company's divisions by type of activity;
  • participation in the development of the organization's strategy and its adaptation to external changing conditions;
  • management of the preparation of long-term and medium-term financial, production and commercial plans;
  • bringing plans and orders of management to subordinates;
  • organization of the development of technical and economic standards;
  • ensuring the drawing up of opinions on draft wholesale prices;
  • management of economic analysis by type of activity;
  • leadership in the development of measures and methods of effective spending capital investments;
  • organization of control over the implementation of planned tasks by departments of the organization;
  • preparation of promising proposals for the development of the enterprise;
  • development of methodological foundations for accounting and analysis, as well as technical and economic planning;
  • participation in the development of unified documents.

What does the employee provide?

The head of the planning and economic department must provide a number of work parameters. Namely:

  • high-quality and timely fulfillment of the tasks of the unit;
  • discipline in the ranks of subordinates;
  • safety of reporting documents;
  • non-disclosure of commercial secrets (including personal data of the management and employees of the enterprise);
  • security fire safety and proper working conditions for employees of the department.


The job description of the head of the planning and economic department clearly spells out the rights of the employee:

  • act on behalf of the department and represent its interests in cooperation with other departments of the enterprise;
  • establish a list of duties of subordinates;
  • put forward proposals for improving the production and financial activities of the organization;
  • request and receive information from structural units;
  • make representations about the appointment, transfer, promotion, prosecution or dismissal of employees;
  • take part in the development of draft orders, contracts and instructions;
  • interact with heads of other departments;
  • involve specialists from other departments in the development of financial, production and commercial plans;
  • approve and sign plans, reports and other documents;
  • to correspond with structural subdivisions and external organizations.

Service Relations

In the process of work, the head of the planning and economic department interacts with representatives of other departments of the enterprise. These relationships are described in the table.

Subject Interaction
Design and Technology Center

Material consumption rates;

Reducing losses from non-compliance with standards and plans;

Costs for technical re-equipment

Department of Capital Construction

Data on the consumption of electrical energy;

Repair cost data;

Capital construction cost data


Data on prices for raw materials and materials;

Unsold balances of goods;

Remains finished products, not shipped from the warehouse;

Services rendered for the main and related activities;

Information about the balances of divisions;

Information about the workshop cost

Financial department

Information about the shipped products;

Planned and actual information on rental income;


Operational information on the amount of products sold

Sales department

Obtaining information about the production plan for the main and related products;

Data on the balance of finished products for the last month

Department of Management Technology

Memos reflecting the inconsistency of the documentation with the system adopted at the enterprise;

Providing draft documents related to the work of the department

Economists of workshops of the main and auxiliary industries

Obtaining reports and explanations on the cost of production;

Information about the use of raw materials and materials;

Reporting data on work in progress

Engineer for the organization and regulation of labor

wage regulations;

Data on the complexity of the production of products

A responsibility

The instructions (official) of the head of the planning and economic department indicate the scope of the employee's responsibility. Namely:

  • for non-fulfillment or dictated by the instruction and labor legislation;
  • for offenses committed in the course of professional activity;
  • for causing material damage to the enterprise;
  • for poor-quality or untimely execution of instructions and orders of higher management;
  • for illegal for personal purposes;
  • for providing false information about the results of the work of the entrusted department;
  • for failure to take measures to identify violations of labor safety.

Evaluation of the work of an employee

The evaluation of the work of an employee is carried out as follows:

  • The main evaluation criterion is the completeness and timeliness of the fulfillment of the duties of the head of the planning and economic department.
  • The immediate supervisor evaluates the results and progress of the work on a daily basis, directly in the process of activity.
  • Periodic inspection (at least once every two years) is carried out by the attestation commission on the basis of reporting documentation.

[Name of company]

Job description

I approve

[Position name] [Organization name]

______________/___[FULL NAME.]___/

Head of planning and economic department

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines functional responsibilities, rights and responsibility of the head of the planning and economic department [Name of the organization in the genitive case] (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

1.2. The head of the planning and economic department is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the Company.

1.3. The head of the planning and economic department belongs to the category of managers and is subordinate to:


Economist for labor and wages.

1.4. The head of the planning and economic department reports directly to [name of the position of the immediate supervisor in the dative case] of the Company.

1.5. The head of the planning and economic department is responsible for:

The work of the department, the timely and high-quality performance of its tasks as intended;

Performing and labor discipline subordinates;

Safety of documents (information) containing information constituting a trade secret of an organization (enterprise), other confidential information, including personal data of employees of an organization (enterprise);

Ensuring safe working conditions, maintaining order, complying with fire safety rules in the premises of the department.

1.6. A person who has a higher professional (economic or engineering and economic) education and work experience in the specialty in the field of organization can be appointed to the position of head of the planning and economic department. financial activities at least 5 years.

1.7. In practical activities, the head of the planning and economic department should be guided by:

Legislation, regulatory legal acts, as well as local acts and organizational and administrative documents of the organization (enterprise), regulating the financial and economic work and activities of the financial service and department;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules of labor protection and safety, ensuring industrial sanitation and fire protection;

Instructions, orders, decisions and instructions of the Deputy Director for Financial and Economic Work;

This job description.

1.8. The head of the planning and economic department should know:

Legislation, regulatory legal acts on the organization financial work;

The organizational structure of the organization (enterprise), the system of its provision with financial resources, the procedure for its functioning, the organization of financial work;

Current and prospective needs of the organization (enterprise) in financial resources, methods of their planning and forecasting;

The tasks of the department to meet the needs of the organization (enterprise) in financial resources, its ability to solve these problems;

Methods for analyzing the financial activities of an organization (enterprise);

Status and prospects for the development of financial markets;

financial and accounting and reporting;

The procedure for drawing up financial plans, forecast balances and budgets Money, plans for the sale of products (works, services), plans for profit, distribution financial resources, efficiency definitions financial investments, normalization working capital;

system financial methods and levers that provide control financial flows organizations (enterprises), procedure and forms of financial settlements;

The procedure for financing an organization (enterprise) from the state budget, short-term and long-term lending, attracting investments and borrowed money, use own funds, issue and purchase of securities, accrual of payments in the state budget and state extrabudgetary social funds;

Advanced domestic and foreign experience in organizing financial work;

Composition and structure of financial and accounting documentation of the financial and economic service and department;

Management (to the extent required for the effective management of the department), Business Etiquette, rules for conducting business correspondence on financial matters;

Means of computer technology, communication and communications;

Rules and norms of labor protection.

1.9. During the period of temporary absence of the head of the planning and economic department, his duties are assigned to [name of the position of the deputy].

2. Functional responsibilities

The head of the planning and economic department is obliged to perform the following labor functions:

2.1. Lead the work of the department and manage it confidently.

2.2. Ensure timely and high-quality performance by the department of daily tasks assigned to it in strict accordance with the approved work procedure.

2.3. Organize the management of the Company's financial resources.

2.4. Provide development financial strategy Company, projects of long-term and current financial plans, forecast balances and budgets of funds, as well as bringing approved financial indicators to the divisions of the enterprise.

2.5. Participate in the preparation of draft plans for the sale of products, planning their cost and profitability of production, profit calculations and income tax.

2.6. Determine the main and reserve sources of financing of the Company's activities.

2.7. Manage activities for managing the assets of the enterprise, optimizing their structure.

2.8. Ensure the timely receipt of income, the execution of financial settlement and banking transactions in a timely manner, payment of invoices of suppliers and contractors of the Company, repayment of loans, payment of interest, wages, transfer of taxes and fees to the federal, regional and local budgets, to state extra-budgetary social funds, payments to banking institutions.

2.9. Analyze the financial activities of the Company, based on the results of the analysis, develop proposals aimed at ensuring solvency, preventing the formation and liquidation of unused inventory items, increasing the profitability of production, increasing profits, reducing production and sales costs, strengthening financial discipline.

2.10. To carry out personally and through subordinates effective control over the state of financial work, the implementation of financial plan and budget, product sales plan, profit plan and other financial indicators, behind the termination of production of products that do not have a market, the correct expenditure of funds and the targeted use of own and borrowed working capital, the correctness of the preparation and execution of reporting documentation, the timeliness of its provision to external and internal users.

2.11. Provide traffic records financial resources and reporting on the results of financial activities in accordance with the standards of financial accounting and reporting, the reliability of financial information used by the Company.

2.12. Manage the development of documentation for the department.

2.13. Ensure the rational use of material, technical and other means of the department in the interests of fulfilling tasks for their intended purpose.

2.14. Ensure reliable protection of information (documents) containing information constituting the Company's commercial secret, other confidential information, including personal data of the Company's employees.

2.15. Manage the training of subordinates, create conditions for them to improve their skills.

2.16. Monitor compliance by subordinates with the internal labor regulations, safety requirements.

2.17. Use in relation to subordinates the granted rights to encourage them (bring them to responsibility).

2.18. Manage planning and reporting on the activities of the department.

2.19. To study, generalize and apply in the daily activities of the department advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of finance.

2.20. Timely and fully work out and submit officials reporting and other documentation with appropriate powers.

If necessary, the head of the planning and economic department may be involved in the performance of his duties overtime, by decision organization director in the manner prescribed by labor law.

The head of the planning and economic department has the right to:

3.1. Make decisions in order to properly organize financial work, ensure the daily activities of the department - on all issues within its competence.

3.2. Submit to the immediate supervisor your proposals for encouraging (bringing to account) the employees of the department - in cases where their own powers are not enough for this.

3.3. Prepare and submit to the deputy immediate supervisor your proposals for improving the financial work, the activities of the department (its additional personnel, logistics, etc.).

3.4. Participate in work collegiate bodies management when considering issues related to the financial work and activities of the department.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

4.1. The head of the planning and economic department bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in individual cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation - and criminal) liability for:

4.1.1. Non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of official instructions of the immediate supervisor.

4.1.2. Failure or improper performance of labor functions and the tasks assigned to him.

4.1.3. Unlawful use of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work entrusted to him.

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.1.6. Failure to comply with labor discipline.

4.1.7. Offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.1.8. Causing material damage and / or losses to the enterprise or third parties related to the action or inaction during the performance of official duties.

4.2. Evaluation of the work of the head of the planning and economic department is carried out:

4.2.1. The immediate supervisor - regularly, in the course of the daily implementation by the employee of his labor functions.

4.2.2. Certification Commission enterprises - periodically, but at least once every two years based on the documented results of work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for evaluating the work of the head of the planning and economic department is the quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for by this instruction.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The mode of operation of the head of the planning and economic department is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established at the enterprise.

5.2. In connection with the production need, the head of the planning and economic department can travel to business trips(including local importance).

5.3. To solve operational issues related to the production activities of the department, the head of the planning and economic department may be allocated official vehicles.

6. Right to sign

6.1. To ensure his activities, the head of the planning and economic department is given the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues that are part of his functional duties.

Acquainted with the instructions ___________ / ____________ / "__" _______ 20__

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head of planning and economic department
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I. General provisions

  1. The head of the planning and economic department belongs to the category of managers.
  2. A person who has a higher professional (economic or engineering and economic) education and at least 5 years of work experience in the specialty in the field of economic planning is appointed to the position of head of the planning and economic department.
  3. Appointment to the position of the head of the planning and economic department and dismissal from it is carried out by order of the director of the enterprise upon submission
  4. The head of the planning and economic department should know:
    1. 4.1. Legislative and normative legal acts regulating production and economic and financial and economic activities.
    2. 4.2. Methodical materials concerning the economy of the enterprise.
    3. 4.3. Strategy and prospects for the development of the enterprise.
    4. 4.4. Prospects for the development of the industry.
    5. 4.5. Profile, specialization and features of the structure of the enterprise.
    6. 4.6. Status and development prospects of the sales market for products, works (services).
    7. 4.7. Organization of the development of long-term and current plans for the production and economic activities of the enterprise.
    8. 4.8. The procedure for developing business plans.
    9. 4.9. The system of economic standards and indicators of the enterprise.
    10. 4.10. Organization of statistical accounting, planning and accounting documentation, terms and procedure for reporting.
    11. 4.11. Methods of economic analysis of indicators of production and economic activity of the enterprise and its divisions.
    12. 4.12. The procedure for determining the cost marketable products, development of standards for material and labor costs, wholesale and retail prices.
    13. 4.13. Methods for determining the economic efficiency of implementation new technology and technology, measures to increase the competitiveness of products, improve the organization of labor and management.
    14. 4.14. Domestic and foreign experience in the rational organization of the economic activity of an enterprise in a market economy.
    15. 4.15. Economics and organization of production, labor and management.
    16. 4.16. Fundamentals of production technology.
    17. 4.18. Means of computer technology, communications and communications.
    18. 4.19. Fundamentals of labor legislation.
    19. 4.20. Internal labor regulations.
    20. 4.21. Rules and norms of labor protection.
  5. The head of the planning and economic department in his activities is guided by:
    1. 5.1. Regulations on the planning and economic department of the enterprise.
    2. 5.2. This job description.
  6. During the absence of the head of the planning and economic department (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a deputy (in the absence of such, a person appointed in in due course), which acquires the relevant rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to it.

II. Job Responsibilities

Head of planning and economic department:

  1. Manages work on economic planning at an enterprise aimed at organizing rational economic activity in accordance with the needs of the market and the possibilities of obtaining the necessary resources, identifying and using production reserves in order to achieve the greatest efficiency of the enterprise.
  2. Leads the preparation of draft current plans by the divisions of the enterprise for all types of activities in accordance with the orders of consumers of products, works (services) and concluded contracts, as well as justifications and calculations for them.
  3. Participates in the development of the company's strategy in order to adapt its economic activity and management system to changing external and internal economic conditions in market conditions.
  4. Manages the preparation of medium and long-term integrated plans for production, financial and commercial activities(business plans) of the enterprise, coordinates and mutually links all their sections.
  5. Provides bringing planned targets to the departments of the enterprise.
  6. Organizes the development of progressive planned technical and economic standards for material and labor costs, projects of wholesale and retail prices for the company's products, tariffs for works (services) taking into account supply and demand and in order to ensure the planned amount of profit, compiling standard calculations of products and monitoring the introduction of they are current changes in planned and estimated prices for the main types of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products used in production, cost estimates for marketable products.
  7. Provides preparation of conclusions on projects of wholesale prices for products supplied to the enterprise.
  8. Provides leadership:
    1. 8.1. Conducting a comprehensive economic analysis of all types of enterprise activities.
    2. 8.2. Development of measures for the efficient use of capital investments, increasing the competitiveness of products, labor productivity, reducing the costs of production and sales of products, increasing the profitability of production, increasing profits, eliminating losses and unproductive expenses.
  9. Organizes control over the implementation of planned tasks by the enterprise's divisions, as well as statistical accounting for all production and technical and economic indicators of the enterprise's work, preparation of periodic reports on time, systematization of statistical materials.
  10. Prepares proposals on specific areas of market research in order to determine the prospects for the development of the enterprise, coordinates research aimed at improving the efficiency of its production and economic activities.
  11. Together with the accounting department, it provides methodological guidance and organization of work on accounting and analysis of the results of production and economic activities, the development of rational accounting documentation.
  12. Provides development teaching materials on the technical and economic planning of the activities of the enterprise's divisions, the calculation of the economic efficiency of the introduction of new equipment and technology, organizational and technical measures aimed at increasing the competitiveness of products, works (services).
  13. Organizes the development of unified documentation, economic standards, the introduction of mechanized and automated processing of planned and accounting information.

III. Rights

The head of the planning and economic department has the right to:

  1. Act on behalf of the department, represent the interests of the enterprise in relations with other structural divisions of the enterprise and other organizations on production, economic and financial and economic issues.
  2. Install job responsibilities for his subordinates.
  3. Submit proposals to improve the production and economic and financial and economic activities of the enterprise for consideration by the management.
  4. Request the necessary information from the structural divisions of the enterprise.
  5. Submit for consideration by the director of the enterprise:
    1. 5.1. Representations on the appointment, transfer and dismissal of employees of the planning and economic department.
    2. 5.2. Offers:
      • on the encouragement of distinguished employees;
      • bringing to material and disciplinary responsibility violators of industrial and labor discipline.
  6. Participate in the preparation of draft orders, instructions, instructions, as well as estimates, contracts and other documents related to the activities of the planning and economic department.
  7. Interact with the heads of all structural divisions on the issues of production and economic and financial and economic activities of the enterprise.
  8. Involve specialists of structural subdivisions of the enterprise to participate in the development of plans for the production, financial and commercial activities of the enterprise.
  9. Approve and sign documents related to the production and economic and financial and economic activities of the enterprise (plans, reports, etc.).
  10. Independently conduct correspondence with structural subdivisions of the enterprise, as well as other organizations on issues within the competence of the department and not requiring the decision of the director of the enterprise.

IV. A responsibility

  1. The head of the financial department is responsible for:
    1. 1.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
    2. 1.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
    3. 1.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. The head of the planning and economic department is also personally responsible for:
    1. 2.1. Untimely and poor-quality execution of documents on behalf of the director of the enterprise, improper record keeping in accordance with current rules and instructions, as well as the use of information by employees of the department for non-official purposes.

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Salary depending on the experience of the applicant

We bring to your attention a typical example of a job description for the head of the planning and economic department, a sample of 2019. Job description of the head of the planning and economic department should include the following sections: general position, official duties of the head of the planning and economic department, the rights of the head of the planning and economic department, the responsibility of the head of the planning and economic department.

The following items should be reflected in the job description of the head of the planning and economic department:

Job responsibilities of the head of the planning and economic department

1) Job Responsibilities. Manages the work of economic planning at the enterprise, aimed at organizing rational economic activity in accordance with the needs of the market and the possibilities of obtaining the necessary resources, identifying and using production reserves in order to achieve the greatest efficiency of the enterprise. Leads the preparation of draft current plans by the divisions of the enterprise for all types of activities in accordance with the orders of consumers of products, works (services) and concluded contracts, as well as justifications and calculations for them. Participates in the development of the company's strategy in order to adapt its economic activity and management system to changing external and internal economic conditions in market conditions. Manages the preparation of medium-term and long-term comprehensive plans for production, financial and commercial activities (business plans) of the enterprise, coordinates and mutually links all their sections. Provides bringing planned targets to the departments of the enterprise. Organizes the development of progressive planned technical and economic standards for material and labor costs, projects of wholesale and retail prices for the company's products, tariffs for works (services) taking into account supply and demand and in order to ensure the planned amount of profit, compiling standard calculations of products and monitoring the introduction of of current changes in planned and estimated prices for the main types of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products used in production, cost estimates for marketable products. Provides preparation of conclusions on projects of wholesale prices for products supplied to the enterprise. Manages a comprehensive economic analysis of all types of enterprise activities and develops measures for the effective use of capital investments, material, labor and financial resources, increasing the competitiveness of products, labor productivity, reducing production and sales costs, increasing production profitability, increasing profits, eliminating losses and unproductive expenses. Organizes control over the implementation of planned tasks by the enterprise's divisions, as well as statistical accounting for all production and technical and economic indicators of the enterprise, preparation of periodic reports on time, systematization of statistical materials.

The head of the planning and economic department should know

2) The head of the planning and economic department, in the performance of his duties, must know: legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating production and economic and financial and economic activities; methodological materials relating to the economics of the enterprise; strategy and prospects for the development of the enterprise; prospects for the development of the industry; profile, specialization and features of the structure of the enterprise; state and development prospects of the sales market for products, works (services); organizing the development of long-term and current plans for the production and economic activities of the enterprise; procedure for developing business plans; system of economic standards and indicators of the enterprise; organization of statistical accounting, planning and accounting documentation, terms and procedure for reporting; methods of economic analysis of indicators of production and economic activity of the enterprise and its divisions; the procedure for determining the cost of commercial products, the development of standards for material and labor costs, wholesale and retail prices; methods for determining the economic efficiency of introducing new equipment and technology, measures to increase the competitiveness of products, improve the organization of labor and management; domestic and foreign experience in the rational organization of the economic activity of an enterprise in a market economy; economics and organization of production, labor and management; basics of production technology; means of computer technology, communications and communications; fundamentals of labor legislation; labor protection rules and regulations.

Qualification requirements for the head of the planning and economic department

3) Qualification requirements. Higher professional (economic or engineering) education and work experience in the specialty in the field of economic planning for at least 5 years.

1. General Provisions

1. The head of the planning and economic department belongs to the category of managers.

2. A person who has a higher professional (economic or engineering and economic) education and at least 5 years of work experience in the specialty in the field of economic planning is accepted for the position of head of the planning and economic department.

3. The head of the planning and economic department is hired and dismissed by the director of the organization.

4. The head of the planning and economic department must know:

  • legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating production and economic and financial and economic activities;
  • methodological materials relating to the economics of the enterprise;
  • strategy and prospects for the development of the enterprise;
  • prospects for the development of the industry;
  • profile, specialization and features of the structure of the enterprise;
  • state and development prospects of the sales market for products, works (services);
  • organizing the development of long-term and current plans for the production and economic activities of the enterprise;
  • procedure for developing business plans;
  • system of economic standards and indicators of the enterprise;
  • organization of statistical accounting, planning and accounting documentation, terms and procedure for reporting;
  • methods of economic analysis of indicators of production and economic activity of the enterprise and its divisions;
  • the procedure for determining the cost of commercial products, the development of standards for material and labor costs, wholesale and retail prices;
  • methods for determining the economic efficiency of introducing new equipment and technology, measures to increase the competitiveness of products, improve the organization of labor and management;
  • domestic and foreign experience in the rational organization of the economic activity of an enterprise in a market economy;
  • economics and organization of production, labor and management;
  • basics of production technology;
  • means of computer technology, communications and communications;
  • fundamentals of labor legislation;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

5. In his activities, the head of the planning and economic department is guided by:

  • the legislation of the Russian Federation,
  • the charter of the organization,
  • orders and orders of the director of the organization,
  • this job description,
  • The internal labor regulations of the organization.

6. The head of the planning and economic department reports directly to the director of the organization.

7. During the absence of the head of the planning and economic department (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by the director of the organization in the prescribed manner, who acquires the appropriate rights, duties and is responsible for the performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Job responsibilities of the head of the planning and economic department

Head of planning and economic department:

1. Manages the work of economic planning at the enterprise, aimed at organizing rational economic activity in accordance with the needs of the market and the possibilities of obtaining the necessary resources, identifying and using production reserves in order to achieve the greatest efficiency of the enterprise.

2. Leads the preparation of draft current plans by the divisions of the enterprise for all types of activities in accordance with the orders of consumers of products, works (services) and concluded contracts, as well as justifications and calculations for them.

3. Participates in the development of an enterprise strategy in order to adapt its economic activity and management system to external and internal economic conditions that change in market conditions.

4. Manages the preparation of medium-term and long-term comprehensive plans for production, financial and commercial activities (business plans) of the enterprise, coordinates and mutually links all their sections.

5. Ensures the delivery of planned targets to the departments of the enterprise.

6. Organizes the development of progressive planned technical and economic standards for material and labor costs, projects of wholesale and retail prices for the company's products, tariffs for works (services) taking into account supply and demand and in order to ensure the planned amount of profit, compiling standard product estimates and monitoring introducing into them the current changes in the planned and estimated prices for the main types of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products used in production, the estimated cost of marketable products.

7. Ensures the preparation of conclusions on projects of wholesale prices for products supplied to the enterprise.

8. Manages the conduct of a comprehensive economic analysis of all types of activities of the enterprise and the development of measures for the effective use of capital investments, material, labor and financial resources, increasing the competitiveness of products, labor productivity, reducing production and sales costs, increasing the profitability of production, increasing profits elimination of losses and unproductive expenses.

9. Organizes control over the implementation of planned tasks by the enterprise's divisions, as well as statistical accounting for all production and technical and economic indicators of the enterprise, preparation of periodic reports on time, systematization of statistical materials.

10. Prepares proposals on specific areas of market research in order to determine the prospects for the development of the enterprise, coordinates research aimed at improving the efficiency of its production and economic activities.

11. Together with the accounting department, provides methodological guidance and organization of work on accounting and analysis of the results of production and economic activities, development of rational accounting documentation.

12. Ensures the development of methodological materials for the technical and economic planning of the activities of the enterprise's divisions, the calculation of the economic efficiency of the introduction of new equipment and technology, organizational and technical measures aimed at increasing the competitiveness of products, works (services).

13. Organizes the development of unified planning documentation, economic standards, the introduction of mechanized and automated processing of planning and accounting information.

14. Supervises the employees of the department.

15. Complies with the Internal Labor Regulations and other local regulations organizations.

16. Complies with internal rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

17. Ensures cleanliness and order in his workplace.

18. Performs within employment contract orders of employees to whom he is subordinate in accordance with this instruction.

3. Rights of the head of the planning and economic department

The head of the planning and economic department has the right to:

1. Submit proposals for consideration by the director of the organization:

  • to improve work related to the provisions of this responsibilities,
  • on the encouragement of distinguished workers subordinate to him,
  • on bringing to material and disciplinary responsibility of employees subordinate to him who violated production and labor discipline.

2. Request from structural divisions and employees of the organization the information necessary for him to perform his duties.

3. Get acquainted with the documents that define his rights and obligations in his position, the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization's management regarding its activities.

5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance, including the provision of organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

6. Other rights established by the current labor legislation.

4. Responsibility of the head of the planning and economic department

The head of the planning and economic department is responsible in the following cases:

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the organization - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Job description of the head of the planning and economic department - a sample of 2019. The duties of the head of the planning and economic department, the rights of the head of the planning and economic department, the responsibility of the head of the planning and economic department.