Presentation on the topic of the state budget. State Budget State Budget Presentation

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STATE BUDGET - an estimate of state revenues and expenditures for a certain period of time, most often for a year, compiled indicating sources of government revenues and directions, channels for spending funds. The state budget is compiled by the government, approved and adopted by the highest legislative bodies. During the execution of the budget, its partial revision may take place. In the Russian Federation, the state budget is divided into the federal budget and the budgets of the subjects of the Federation.

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Functions of the state budget: Regulates the state's cash flows, strengthens ties between the center and the subjects of the federation Legally controls the actions of the government Carries information about the intentions of the government to participants in economic activity Defines the parameters of economic policy and sets the framework for possible government actions

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Almost every economic institution (enterprise, firm, branch of the economy, bank, economic and financial funds, etc.) has a plan for collecting income and using expenses. All socio-political institutions (government organizations, political parties, etc.) also have budgets. The state budget serves as a prerequisite and financial basis for the functioning of the state and the implementation by it of those functions that society has authorized it to perform. With the help of the budget, issues of financial regulation at the macro level and on the scale of the entire economy are solved. The economic significance of the budget lies in the fact that it forms a significant part of the final demand (due to its funds, most of the income from the population is formed, large volumes of products are purchased, and state reserves are created). Significant financial flows pass through the budget, it directly affects the formation of important economic indicators.

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State budget revenues: Taxes on income of legal entities and individuals Receipts from the real sector (profit tax) Receipt of indirect taxes and excises Duties and non-tax fees Regional and local taxes

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State budget expenditures: Industry Social policy Agriculture Public administration International activities Defense Law enforcement Science Health

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A balanced budget is a budget in which the ratios of income and expenses are equal. If revenues and expenditures in the budget differ, then the budget deficit or surplus. The budget deficit is the amount by which the government's spending exceeds its revenues. A budget surplus is the amount by which government revenues exceed its spending. Surplus occurs quite rarely, most often there is a budget deficit. That is, for the implementation of all expenses, it is necessary to find additional funds. These funds come from sources of financing the budget deficit.

State budget

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Chapter 4. Economy of the state. The state budget. Ministry of Finance of Russia, Moscow. Budget functions. Financing the production of public goods that are not produced by a market economy. Redistribution of income in accordance with the objectives of state policy. Planning and forecasting public finances. Legislative consolidation of the formation and use of state funds. budget process. Budget revenues. Taxes. Types of taxes. Budget spending. Budget balance. A budget deficit is an excess of spending over income. Russia: budget balance (in % of GDP). - State budget.ppt

RF budget

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The budget system of the Russian Federation. Budget. Consolidated budget of the Russian Federation. Stages of the budget process. participants in the budget process. Budget revenues. Tax revenues consist of the following subgroups: The tax system of the Russian Federation includes types of taxes and fees. Non-tax revenues include the following subgroups: Gratuitous transfers consist of subgroups: - From non-residents; - from budgets of other levels; - from state off-budget funds; - from state organizations; - from supranational organizations; - Funds transferred to target budget funds. Government spending. Problems of the state budget of the Russian Federation. - RF budget.ppt

budget system

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The concept, essence and principles of the budget system. The state budget -. The budget system of the Russian Federation. Principles of the Budgetary system of the Russian Federation. The principle of targeting and targeted nature of budgetary funds. The principle of unity of the budget system of the Russian Federation. The principle of delimitation of revenues and expenditures between the levels of the budget system of the Russian Federation. The principle of independence of budgets. The principle of equality of budgetary rights of subjects of the Russian Federation, municipalities. The principle of budget balance. The principle of efficiency and economy in the use of budgetary funds. The principle of publicity. The principle of budget reliability. Scheme of the budget system of the Russian Federation. - Budget system.ppt

Russian budget

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The budget system of the Russian Federation

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budget system. government loans. extrabudgetary funds. State device. Federal. Unitary. Budgets: 1. Federal 2. Regional 3. Local. Budgets: 1. Central 2. Local. Consolidated budget. Federal b. B. subjects. Local b. B.kraev. B. areas. B. republics B. cities of federal significance. B. autonomous regions. Regional. B. districts. B. cities of regional subordination. District. B. cities of district subordination. B. settlement organizations. The budget system of the Russian Federation is based on the principles: Legislative acts regulating the functioning of the budget system of the Russian Federation. - Budgetary system of the Russian Federation.ppt

The state budget

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Financial system and financial policy of the state. The main questions of the topic. Public debt Taxes: essence, functions, rates. 1. Finance and financial system: essence and functions. The concept of the state. The need for state intervention in the economy is due to: State regulation of the economy. The main methods of state regulation of the economy. Legal regulation Administrative regulation Economic regulation. Methods of state regulation of the economy. Features of modern finance. 2. State budget as a special form of public finance. - State budget.ppt

State budget of the Russian Federation

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The state budget. Annual government spending plan. The budget system of the Russian Federation. The structure of the state budget. The concept of an annually balanced budget. The concept of the state budget. tax income. State budget expenditures. Income is greater than expenses. Budget. Surplus. Deficit. Types of budget deficit. Reasons for the deficiency. Sources of financing budget deficits. Permissible limits of budget deficits in the Russian Federation. Classification features of the budget deficit. Deficit management. Excess of income over expenses. Excess of expenses over income. - State budget of the Russian Federation.ppt

Budget of the Russian Federation

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The budget of the Russian Federation. The principle of efficient and economical use of budgetary funds. Local self-government bodies independently manage the funds of local budgets. The excess of income over expenses is not subject to withdrawal by state authorities. In the revenue and expenditure parts of local budgets, financing of issues of local importance is provided separately. The subjects of the Federation distribute regulatory revenues between budgets. Revenues of local budgets can be transferred to other budgets. The executive authorities of the constituent entities provide tax credits, deferrals and installment plans for the payment of taxes. - Budget of the Russian Federation.ppt

budget accounting

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Budget reporting. Basics of compilation. Budget accounting. Unified methodology. Accounting is carried out in accordance with the chart of accounts. The main managers of budgetary funds. Annual report. Chief Administrators. budget classification. The main directions of change. Subjects of budget reporting. Structural scheme of budget reporting. Instruction structure. General provisions. Budget reporting is signed by the head. Forms of reports of the chief manager. Frequency of reports. Exclusion of interrelated indicators. Consolidated report. Help indicators. Help features. - Budget accounting.ppt

Budget execution

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Development, approval and execution of the budget. Budgetary decisions are limited by previous decisions. The draft budget is based on the president's budget message. Consideration by legislators of the draft budget begins in parliamentary commissions even before the start of official hearings. Consideration of the budget is usually divided into several stages (readings). In parallel with the budget, lists of programs are considered and approved, laws are adopted that authorize budget revenues and expenditures. Budget execution is the responsibility of the government. The tax authorities and the treasury play an important role in the execution of the budget. - Budget execution.ppt

Quality of public services

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Sources of indicators in Russia. Organization of monitoring. Quantity monitoring. Indicators. Groups of indicators. What is in the statistics for each of these groups today. Expenses. Product metrics. Bank of ready documents. The procedure for introducing new indicators. Result. Service quality indicators. Efficiency. Productivity and efficiency. Who should collect information. Advantages and disadvantages. - Quality of public services.ppt

Interbudgetary relations

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Intergovernmental relations. Relations. Story. New Constitution. The system of federal financial support for the regions. Regional Financial Support Fund. The task of interbudgetary relations. Classification of interbudgetary relations. The question of the distribution of expenditure obligations. Components of an expense obligation. Indirect assessment of the spending needs of the regions. Method. Assessment of expenditure needs of the regions. Application of a single standard of budget expenditures. Estimation of expenditure needs of the regions based on actual expenditures. Revenues of territorial budgets. Distribution of tax revenues. - Interbudgetary relations.ppt

Distribution of budget appropriations

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Analytical distribution of budget allocations for projects of state programs of the Russian Federation. Preparation of the analytical distribution - background. Annex - analytical distribution for 2011-2013 - updated. Preparation of the analytical distribution - immediate plans for 2011. + Annex No. 42 - list of uncoordinated issues: code of the state program. How to indicate the codes of state programs. Executive agencies. * billion rubles preliminary assessment of the Ministry of Finance of Russia, open part, Federal Law for 2011-2013. Analytical distribution of budget allocations of the federal budget for 2012-2014 in the areas of state programs of the Russian Federation*. -

"Interbudgetary relations" - Powers to regulate issues of war and peace. Calculation of equalization transfers. provincial budgets. New Constitution. Allocation of grants. horizontal imbalance. Revenues of territorial budgets. vertical imbalance. Compensation for missing income. regulatory income. Methods of cost-income equalization.

"Budget of the Russian Federation" - Government spending. Free transfers consist of subgroups: - From non-residents; - from budgets of other levels; - from state off-budget funds; - from state organizations; - from supranational organizations; - Funds transferred to target budget funds. The budget system of the Russian Federation.

"Budget accounting" - Help features. budget classification. The main managers of budgetary funds. Structural scheme of budget reporting. Budget reporting. Forms of reports of the chief manager. Accounting is carried out in accordance with the chart of accounts. The main directions of change. Budget accounting. Instruction structure.

"State budget of the Russian Federation" - Excess of income over expenses. The state budget. Reasons for the deficiency. Balanced budget. tax income. Income is greater than expenses. The concept of an annually balanced budget. The structure of the state budget. The concept of the state budget. Reducing budget spending. Ways to overcome the budget deficit.

"Russian budget" - Classification of target articles. Economic classification of budget expenditures. The amount of financial resources needed by the state. Classification of funding sources. Budget, budget device. unitary state. Possibility of economic and statistical analysis. Budget classification of income and expenses.

"Budget of the Russian Federation" - In the revenue and expenditure parts of local budgets, financing of issues of local importance is provided separately. Revenues of local budgets can be transferred to other budgets. The executive authorities of the constituent entities provide tax credits, deferrals and installment plans for the payment of taxes. Transfers.

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Presentation on social studies on the topic: "State budget"

The state budget (from the English budget - a suitcase, a bag of money) is the main financial plan of the state for the current year, which is a list of its cash income and expenses and has the force of law.

In federal states, along with the federal budget, there are also budgets of subjects of the federation and local budgets. Thus, the state budget system of Russia includes the federal budget, 22 budgets of the republics within the Federation, 56 regional and regional budgets, the budgets of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sevastopol, 10 district budgets of autonomous districts and about 29 thousand local budgets.

The procedure for drawing up, reviewing, approving and executing the budget is called the budget process. The budget process in the Russian Federation is regulated by the Constitution and legislation of the Russian Federation and consists of five stages: Stage I - preparation of a draft budget by the Government of the Russian Federation; Stage II - consideration of the draft budget by the State Duma and the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation; Stage III - approval of the budget, adoption of the law on the budget by the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, signing by the President of the Russian Federation; Stage IV - budget execution, which is carried out by executive authorities from January 1 to December 31 annually. This period of time is called the fiscal year; Stage V - drawing up a report on budget execution and its approval (usually within the first 5 months of the next year).

The state budget of the country is approved by the legislative body of power - parliament; in the Russian Federation - by the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. It is compiled for one year. Consists of the federal budget and regional budgets (in Russia - republican, territorial and regional). The state budget includes the amount of tax revenues from individuals and legal entities and potential expenditures.

Similarly, the budgets of the subjects of the Federation and local budgets are developed and approved.

The budget of any state consists of two parts - revenue and expenditure.

Budget functions: redistribution of national income; state regulation and stimulation of the economy; implementation of social policy; the costs of financing the social and cultural field (education, health care, social security), defense and management; current expenses (for wages); on reserves (savings, loans).

The difference between government revenues and expenditures is the balance of the government budget. If the amount of budget revenues exactly matches the amount of expenditures, then the budget is balanced. Sometimes the amount of income exceeds the amount of expenses. This positive balance is a budget surplus. However, in most countries at all times, government spending exceeded its revenues. That is, the budget balance was negative. This is a budget deficit.

A budget deficit is a state budget in which expenditures exceed revenues. As a rule, such a situation arises in conditions of a structural economic crisis or as a result of the irrational activities of government bodies.

Classification of the state budget deficit: primary deficit - total deficit minus interest payments on public debt; actual deficit - the difference between actual government revenues and expenditures, which is a negative value; structural deficit - the actual deficit calculated for a certain level of national income in conditions of full employment; cyclical deficit is the quantitative difference between the actual and structural deficit of the state budget. Such a deficit arises as a result of the dynamism of economic activity during one cycle.

Ways of financing the state budget deficit Issue of money. Inflation is dangerous, but there are also advantages of moderate emission: it quickly stimulates investment growth and a slight increase in GDP. Loans from the population and firms of their country (increase in domestic debt). The state issues securities, sells them to the public and firms, and uses the funds received to finance the state budget deficit. Loans from other countries, from their citizens or from international financial organizations (increase in external debt). The advantages of this method are its non-inflationary nature and the possibility of obtaining large sums. The disadvantages are associated with the payment of external debt, which leads to a reduction in domestic demand and output and to the depletion of the country's gold and foreign exchange reserves.

Presentation on the topic "State budget" in economics in powerpoint format. This presentation for 11th grade students tells about what the state budget is, the budget process and the budget system of the Russian Federation, what structure the state budget has and how to overcome the budget deficit. Presentation author: Dusadbikova R.N.

Fragments from the presentation

The state budget- this is the main financial document of the country, which is a list of its cash income and expenses and has the force of law.

Basic principles of organization of the budget system

  • The principle of separating income and expenses
  • Independence of the budgets included in the budget system

The budget system of the Russian Federation

  • Federal budget (first level) Developed and approved in the form of a federal law
  • Regional budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (second level) Form of formation and spending of funds intended to ensure the tasks and functions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
  • Municipal budgets, local budgets (third level) Form of formation and spending of funds intended to ensure the tasks and functions of municipal formations and self-government bodies

Structure of the state budget

  • Budget revenues
    • tax
    • non-tax
  • Budget expenditures
    • public administration
    • International activity
    • national defense
    • law enforcement
    • housing and cultural events
    • public debt service
    • National economy
    • expenditures of trust state funds

Ways to overcome the budget deficit

  • reduction of state expenses
  • new sources of income
  • organization of the issue of money
  • loans from the public or from other countries and international organizations