Why should laying hens not be given antibiotics? Methods for breeding penicillin for chickens and hens

Prevention of diseases in chickens with antibiotics is a prerequisite in order to grow a healthy livestock. If chicken is slaughtered at least 2 weeks after taking the medicine, then its meat will not harm a person.

Such preparations, when used correctly, will preserve the livestock and will not harm the consumer after the slaughter of the bird. One of the most common antibiotics for chickens is Levomycetin.

Properly prescribed medications reduce the risk of contracting diseases of a bacterial origin. In most cases, they guarantee recovery.


  • Erythromycin;
  • Tetracycline;
  • Levomycetin;
  • Baytril;
  • Cigro;
  • Koktsisan;
  • Enroxil;
  • Sulfadimezin;
  • Biovit;
  • Enrofloxacil.

To combat bacterial infections in laying hens, special veterinary and "human" preparations are used. One of them is Levomycetin, the dosage of which must be prescribed with caution, otherwise the medication will not cure the bird, but will accelerate its death.

From the moment the chick hatches from the egg, the life of the chick is at risk due to possible bacteria. Antibiotics are prescribed for prophylactic purposes from the first days of a chicken's life, but after a course of vitamins and a short respite.

This is necessary to strengthen the natural immunity of the bird.


The fact that the bird is sick is indicated by a number of signs:

  • lethargy;
  • Refusal of food;
  • bloody diarrhea;
  • Bad smell in the exhaled air;
  • Gurgling or screaming when inhaling and exhaling;
  • Litter of an unnatural color (green, white, bluish, with an admixture of foam);
  • Whitish liquid from the beak.

If a laying hen has three of these symptoms, she is separated from other livestock and fed with increased doses of antibacterial drugs, depending on the pathogen. The rest of the chickens are given standard doses of the antibiotic.

Blueness, flabbiness, unnatural color of the comb or earrings, difficulty breathing, swelling or swelling of the laying goiter deserve special attention.

They point to:

  • Marek's disease;
  • Bird flu;
  • Newcastle disease.

These diseases are incurable and dangerous for animals and humans. With a confirmed diagnosis, the entire population of chickens must be destroyed.

Antibiotics are used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, as this is the only way to protect pets and birds from diseases.


On the third day after hatching from the egg, the chickens are given broad-spectrum antibiotics: Enrofloxacin, Enroxil, Enroflox, Baytril. Dosage: 0.001 l of the drug per liter of water.

To prevent coccidiosis in young meat breeds and laying hens, Monlar, Tsigro, Koktsisan are used, but in a sparing dosage: half a milliliter of the drug per liter of water.

Strong medicines, especially the penicillin series, are acceptable for use in adults from one and a half months.


Levomycetin is one of the most effective and safe drugs for laying hens. It is detrimental to gram-positive and gram-negative strains of bacteria, including Salmonella enterica. Suitable for the treatment and prevention of salmonellosis, laryngotracheitis, influenza, intestinal infections.

Therapy is started after the detection of the disease of the bird and the confirmation of the diagnosis. Timely started treatment guarantees the safety of the livestock.

When infected with pasteurellosis, recovery occurs a week after the course of Levomycetin.

The prognosis is affected not only by the correct use of medications. An important role is played by the conditions of detention, the composition of feed and the level of health of farm animals and birds.

The chances of recovery in birds suffering from hypovitaminosis, who live in unsatisfactory conditions, are reduced to 70%. Healthy individuals, who receive a course of vitamins in a timely manner and are kept on high-quality feed, recover almost completely.

How to give Levomycetin to chickens depends on the size and age of the bird.

  • Adults are given three times in 24 hours. The dosage is calculated taking into account 30 g per 1 kilo of the individual's weight.
  • In order to prevent levomycetin, chickens are given from the first days of life at a dosage of 5-10 mg per liter of water. To do this, the tablet is crushed and diluted in liquid. In order for the chicken not to resist, it must be held by the beak.

Important: the drug tastes bitter. If you add it to the drinking bowl, the bird will “reject” such water as soon as it has tasted it. It is better to mix the antibiotic with the feed.

Levomycetin for chickens is also given on fish oil (at the rate of 300 mg of the drug per 100 g of fish oil).

Questions and answers

Consumers are concerned about the question: are all chickens given antibiotics?

Answer: all, anticipating the medicine with a course of vitamins. Otherwise, most of the heads will die, barely reaching a couple of months. Broiler chickens aged 2–2.5 months are more vulnerable to diseases to which adults have developed immunity.

At the end of the course of the antibacterial drug, a week-long break is taken, then the bird is again given vitamins, and after three days of respite, the antibiotic is taken again. Pathogenic microbes in the body of chickens die in the presence of constituent drugs. Almost all antibiotics have a cumulative effect.

Important: All chemicals that enter the body of the chicken come out naturally.

Articles devoted to the dangerous effects of such drugs that enter the human body along with meat are widely circulated. Allegedly, a person will develop immunity to antibiotics. This is partly true.

If the farmer observes the time allotted for preparation for slaughter after the use of medicines (about half a month), the health of the buyer is not in danger. The permissible level of "chemistry" in products is regulated by GOST 31903-2012.

This drug belongs to the group of antibacterial drugs. It helps to get rid of the animal from the active development and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. The active ingredient of Penicillin for chickens is benzylpenicillin sodium salt. The drug is available in the form of a white or yellowish powder, which is easily soluble in water.

The cost of Penicillin is approximately 11 rubles. This is the price of 1 bottle.

Note! The drug has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiviral effects on the body of the affected chicken. It is quite effective and, at the same time, a cheap drug.

Indications for use

This drug is used to treat infectious diseases in chickens. It effectively fights a variety of pathogenic microorganisms, namely:

  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • enterococci;
  • pneumococci;
  • moningococci.

That's why Penicillin should be used in the treatment of chickens and who are diagnosed with such diseases:

These diseases develop rapidly, so an experienced chicken breeder will notice them at the first ailments of poultry. After detecting a sick chicken, treatment should be started immediately. At the same time, sick chickens should be isolated from healthy animals, since infectious diseases are quickly transmitted by airborne droplets.

The required amount of the drug

To combat infectious diseases in chickens, it is required to use this drug by intramuscular injection. To do this, you must first dilute penicillin for and chickens with sterilized water.

Depending on the age of the sick animal, this needs to be done in the following ways:

  1. Young chickens should be treated with Penicillin by dissolving the powder in a 0.5% novocaine solution or in purified sterilized water. A single dose for intramuscular injection is 50,000 units per 1 kg of animal body weight.
  2. Adult chickens need to dilute 30,000 units of penicillin per 1 kg of body weight.

The duration of such treatment should be no more than 1 week. If the chicken has a severe form of an infectious disease, then this period must be extended to 10 days. In this case, the drug for maximum efficiency can be administered intravenously, reducing its dosage by 2 times.

REFERENCE! Also, the medicine can be used and aerosol, which will help to quickly restore the normal state of a sick chicken. The dosage remains unchanged.

Signs and actions in case of overdose

Using this drug in excessive amounts can cause allergic reactions such as hives, sore throat, or dermatitis. If such symptoms are observed about a sick animal, then the only action that the chicken breeder should take is to completely stop treating the chicken with Penicillin.

Also for 3-5 years, antihistamines should be given to the affected chicken. After the chicken has fully recovered, do not eat the eggs laid by it for 2 days. If the slaughter of the animal was planned, then it must be postponed for 3 days.

Penicillin in the elimination of infectious diseases of poultry is very effective, as well as an affordable remedy today.

All infections that infect poultry are treated with antibacterial agents. These drugs suppress the vital activity of pathogenic bacflora. For various diseases, different antibiotics are used for laying hens and young animals in the first days of life. The scheme and dosage of treatment for chickens that give meat and eggs are also different.

Application rules

Usually, the same drugs are used in the treatment of infectious diseases in both humans and pets. The concentration of the active ingredient in each case will be different.

When choosing an antibiotic for chickens, you should be guided by several nuances:

  1. Weight. For adults, a larger dose and concentration are used than for young animals.
  2. origin of the drug. It is worth giving preference to high-quality agents that gradually accumulate in the blood and tissues in order to completely destroy the infection. Along with this, such therapeutic agents should be completely excreted from the body in a short time.
  3. The general condition of the sick individual. For therapeutic purposes and for prevention, drugs of a different spectrum of action and in different dosages are used.

All chicken products (meat, eggs) lose their taste after treatment. Therefore, eggs can be eaten only a week after prophylaxis, and chicken meat after antibiotic treatment - not earlier than three weeks later. With a full course, it is worth using chicken products only a month after treatment.


Broilers, especially young and day old chicks, are the most susceptible to disease. This is due to the rapid weight gain and intensive growth, in which the bird cannot regulate its body temperature. Broiler chickens do not tolerate cold well and react sensitively to external factors.

For preventive purposes, it is required to conduct a course of antibiotic therapy in the period from 4 to 11 days of life. Broad-spectrum drugs are used, as well as selective drugs.


Antibacterial agent, the second name is "Metronidazole". Despite the fact that this drug does not belong to the group of antibiotics, it is able to cure sick individuals from many diseases:

  1. coccidiosis. The tablet preparation is ground into powder, then dissolved in warm boiled water. You need to solder for ten days. Broiler chickens in the first days of life are given a medicinal drink three times a day.
  2. Histomonosis. A contagious and rapidly spreading disease. Dosage and treatment regimen is carried out according to the instructions and for 10 days. Individuals are soldered three times a day, a week later the course is repeated.

Soluble tablets help to get rid of stomach and intestinal disorders. Sick birds are given a medicine diluted in water according to the following scheme - 20 mg / 1 kg of weight.


Often furazolidone is used not only for bacterial, but also for viral infections.

Generic drugs

Being engaged in poultry farming, it is necessary to provide proper conditions for growth and productivity not only for broilers, but also for ordinary birds. Chickens do not have immunity to protect against infection.

For prevention, breeders use broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs.


The active substance is enrofloxacin. This drug is available in two forms - liquid and powder. This is one of the most powerful drugs that can only be used as directed by a veterinarian.

Baytril is used both for prevention and for the treatment of many diseases. To prevent diseases of broiler chickens, ordinary chickens are watered for three days. Then they give a complex of vitamins and minerals.

Treatment of infectious diseases is carried out according to a certain scheme:

  1. On the first day, the dosage is 50 ml / 100 liters of water. The medicine is given once a day. On the second day, the dose of the drug is doubled by the same amount of water and the medicine is divided into two doses. On the third day, dissolve 200 ml in the same volume of water and water the birds every six hours. On the last day, 400 ml of the drug is used per 100 liters of water and soldered every three hours. The course lasts from three to five days.
  2. With salmonellosis and other mixed infections, the same scheme and duration of treatment are applied. After four days, the therapy is repeated.


Synthetic broad-spectrum antibacterial drug is effective against certain viral strains, bacteria and spirochetes.

This tool is used for salmonellosis, meningitis, gastroenteritis and all diseases of the respiratory system. For each disease, the same dosage is used, but the age of the bird is taken into account:

  1. Giving these antibiotics when raising chickens costs no more than three days. Such prevention is necessary so that the chickens do not die and fully develop.
  2. Treatment of broiler chickens is carried out according to the following scheme: 3-8 g of the substance is spent on each individual and given three times a day. The duration of therapy is a week.
  3. For adult laying hens, the dose is 20 g per individual. Treatment lasts no more than two weeks.


A low-toxic agent derived from two active substances - sulfadimesine and trimethoprim. Effective against staphylococci, streptococci and Klebsiella.

Dosage does not depend on age:

  1. 1 ml of the substance is dissolved in a liter of water and the bird is fed for several days.
  2. At the stage of exacerbation of the disease, ditrim is given according to the same scheme twice a day with an interval of 12 hours. The course is no more than seven days.


Broad-spectrum antibiotics for chickens destroy not only bacterial, but also fungal microflora. Effective in the fight against staphylococci, mycoplasma, streptococci and some types of fungi. Enroflon is effective in bronchopneumonia.

Therapeutic therapy is five days, the course of prevention is three days. The dosage is described in the instructions.

Antibiotics for laying hens

For such birds at home, breeders try to select products that are quickly removed from the tissues and blood of the bird.


It has a wide spectrum of action: it destroys many bacteria and viruses. The pharmacy is sold in the form of injections and powder. It is used in combination with sulfonamides, which enhance the effect of biomycin.

This antibiotic for chickens and hens copes well with pullorosis, coccidiosis and mycoplasmosis in laying hens.


The medicine of the sulfanilamide group, low toxicity, is used for coccidiosis, salmonellosis, pneumonia, catarrhal bronchopneumonia, tonsillitis and laryngitis.

The greatest effect is achieved if the drug is administered intramuscularly and orally at the same time. Therapeutic therapy for laying hens lasts from 4 to 6 days.


These antibiotics for chickens belong to the tetracycline group and destroy many pathogenic bacteria. But in recent years, infections resistant to this agent have become increasingly common.

Can a bird be treated with an antibiotic?


There are different antibiotics for treating chickens that can be given to them for prevention purposes. To get a good result, it should be given strictly according to the established scheme and dosage. Then the treatment will be effective and it will be possible to achieve high performance in chickens and get delicious eggs and meat.

The health of birds for the breeder is a matter of paramount importance. The smallest chickens are considered especially vulnerable, but adults can also be at risk from pathogenic viruses and infections. Crosses are most susceptible to various ailments, including well-known broilers. Antibiotics have been widely used for the prevention and treatment of various diseases in broiler chickens. So, what antibiotics to give to broiler chickens in the first days of life and those that are already older, we will find out together!

When to give antibiotics?

Antibiotic drugs have a very pronounced effect. Representing a substance of antimicrobial action, antibiotics are designed to suppress the growth of pathogenic organisms or completely destroy them. Sometimes antibiotics have an adverse effect on the body of the animal they are treating, in particular on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, in no case should this type of therapy be abused, and these drugs should not be addictive either, otherwise they will not produce the desired effect at the time of urgent need.

Note that the cultivation of broilers has its own scheme: first they are soldered with glucose and vitamins. And only at the age of 8 to 11 days, as a rule, antibiotics are given. It is wrong to give them immediately after hatching, because a newly hatched chick has a sterile internal environment and does not yet have a microflora. In the process of growing up, it is vitamins and the right diet that will contribute to the formation of immunity and an internal non-pathogenic environment. And if there is a development of pathogenic organisms, antibiotics will neutralize the action of these pathogenic organisms.

Antibiotics are given in a course - 3 days in a row. Then a break is made and during the week the small broiler rests from the drugs. Then, after a five-day course of vitamins, a three-day course of antibiotics is repeated and a break again. This scheme should be maintained throughout the broiler fattening period. As a rule, they are not kept for more than 45 days, because this time is quite enough to grow a bird with the required weight.

The nuance is that as they grow older, the interval between vitamins and antibiotics can increase and be from 7 to 14 days. Remember that in the case of infectious diseases or epidemics, antibiotics can be prescribed, so to speak, out of competition.

Then the whole scheme can change, as well as the drugs that are used. Be sure to use drugs when infections or viruses enter your chicken coop. With such diagnoses as mycoplasmosis, salmonellosis, laryngotracheitis, colibacillosis and some other diseases, appropriate treatment is indispensable. The main thing is to stop antibiotic therapy 2 weeks before the slaughter of the bird, because the drugs accumulate in the body of the bird and make eating its meat undesirable for humans.

What antibiotics are best?

Many breeders categorically oppose the use of antibiotics when fattening broilers, however, bird diseases often manifest themselves so rapidly that the owner simply does not have time to react to them in time. As a result, he can lose most of his livestock, so prophylaxis, including antibiotics, takes place in most farms.

There are broad-spectrum antibiotics, and there are those that should be used in each case. Does antibiotic therapy differ depending on the age of the birds, read on.

In the first days of life

Tetracycline antibiotics have become very widespread for the prevention and treatment of small broiler chickens. However, they have been around for a long time, and pathogens mutate very quickly and develop resistance against drugs. Therefore, we would not recommend such antibiotics for use from the first days of life.

But now such a drug as Furazolidone is more popular, it is recognized as non-toxic not only for poultry, but also for other pets. They give it for the purpose of prevention to the birds, which went to the second week. Sensitive to Furazolidone are microorganisms that cause colibacillosis, salmonellosis or similar bacterial diseases.

The dosage should be no more than 3 g of the drug per 1000 g of live weight of chickens. If, unfortunately, your birds are already sick, the course of treatment should be 5-8 days. In addition to Furazolidone, drugs such as Levomycetin, Streptomycin or Chlortetracycline are used to treat and prevent the above diseases. However, the active ingredients of Furazolidone affect pathogenic organisms more actively.

With the development of poultry farming, the development of the veterinary industry and the emergence of new generation drugs are very helpful to breeders in the fight against avian viruses and diseases. One of these drugs is enrofloxacin in its pure form or preparations containing it - Baytril, Enroxil, Enroflox. The use of the above drugs from the first days of life of chickens will help prevent the occurrence of such dangerous diseases as salmonellosis, colibacillosis, pasteurellosis, mycoplasmosis and many others, young animals are more susceptible to them. Apply in a course for 3-5 days at the rate of 0.5-1 ml per 1 liter of water orally.

Oral antibiotics such as Colimycin and Gentamicin have a similar effect. A dangerous disease for young broilers, especially when grown outdoors, is coccidiosis, which affects the intestines, negatively affects the gastrointestinal tract and reduces the overall resistance of the bird to external pathogens. For the treatment and prevention of coccidiosis in your broilers, we recommend the antibiotic Coccisan, Cigro or Monlar.

It should be noted that when buying young animals in the market or poultry farm, find out if the chickens have already been drunk with something before or vaccinated. If not, then think about it, perhaps you are buying a bird already infected with something. And do not keep small broilers with grown-ups, each age group should have its own cage, with its own unique microflora.

Broilers older

As has been repeatedly noted, it is not advisable to keep broilers for a long time. Therefore, the age of 1.5-2 months is usually sufficient for broilers. The use of antibiotics at this age more than once every 2 weeks is advisable if there is a threat to the health of your livestock. For grown broilers, broad-spectrum antibiotics are often used, these include Biomycin, Stremtomycin, Penicillin. Basically, the drugs used are the same as those described earlier, the question is in the dosage. As the chicks grow, it naturally increases.

But, in addition to the antibiotics already listed, from the age of 4 weeks, broilers are given Metronidazole or Trichopolum in case you suspect histomonosis in birds. Remember that you should not use several antibiotics at the same time, because this is a strong burden on the bird's body. In combination with antibiotic preparations, it is better to give probiotics. After all, antibiotic therapy, especially if it is not prevention, but a full-fledged treatment, is stressful for the chicken's body. And probiotics have a beneficial effect on the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and help broilers more easily endure this stress.

Video "How to care for broilers"

The following video tells in detail not only about antibiotic preparations for broilers, but also what the conditions for their maintenance should be so that no diseases will definitely happen to them!

Experienced poultry farmers have such a thing as a first aid kit for chickens.

It includes a variety of drugs that will help provide first aid in force majeure situations, including antibiotics.

Many owners of small farms are categorically against the use of such potent drugs, but in some cases it will not be possible to cope with proper nutrition and good living conditions.

List of antibiotics for the treatment of laying hens and meat breeds

In the first-aid kit of the poultry breeder, there can be both specially selected for poultry and “human” preparations.

  • Levomycetin

It is used to treat salmonellosis, colienteritis, colibacillosis, leptospirosis and other diseases of infectious etiology. The dosage is calculated according to the formula 30-50 mg per 1 kilogram of chicken live weight, the medicine is given to the bird three times a day.

  • Biomycin/Tetracycline

Indicated for the treatment of chickens from smallpox, which is manifested by characteristic skin lesions of the bird and a white coating in the oral cavity. Tetracycline or Biomycin is given to the bird at a dosage of 5-10 mg per 1 kg of live weight for 7 days. Antibacterial treatment with the drugs in question is advisable only at the beginning of the development of pathology.

  • Erythromycin

It is actively used for the treatment of mycoplasmosis - a respiratory disease that is manifested by hoarse breathing, coughing, reddened eyes of a bird. The dosage of Erythromycin is 40 mg per 1 kg of live weight, the course of treatment is a week. Usually one course of treatment is not enough and after a three-day break, the weekly antibiotic is repeated.

Human antibiotics for chickens it is necessary to give only in strictly indicated dosages - even a slight excess of the amount does not lead to recovery, but, on the contrary, to the death of the bird.

If you have to grow broilers, then you need to know some rules for the use of antibiotics for them:

  1. Antibacterial drugs are used from the first days of life of broiler chickens, but at the beginning it will be necessary to drink the bird with vitamins - its immunity should get stronger.
  2. From the 3rd day of life, broiler chickens are given a broad-spectrum antibiotic Enrofloxacin - for 5 days, 1 ml per liter of water orally (simply added to drinkers).
  3. Enrofloxacin is successfully replaced by Baytril, Enroflox or Enroxil, which are fed to chicks in the same proportion.
  4. Prevention of coccidosis in chickens of meat breeds is reduced to their intake of Monlar, Coccisan or Cigro. The dosage of these drugs: 0.5 ml per 1 liter of water orally (orally).
  5. For grown-up broilers and chickens of meat breeds (from one and a half months), broad-spectrum antibiotics are used - Biomycin, Penicillin. They are given for three days with a break of 14 days in the same dosage as indicated above.

Be sure to have in the poultry breeder's first aid kit broad spectrum antibiotic for laying hens Biovit. This drug contains chlortetracycline, which is capable of destroying most pathogenic bacteria, and can be used not only for the treatment, but also for the prevention of almost all infectious diseases of poultry.

In what cases it is worth resorting to the treatment of chicken with antibiotics

Antibiotics are not vitamins that need to be fed to poultry on a regular basis. These are drugs, so their use must be reasoned.

Without fail, antibacterial drugs are given from 4 to 11 days of life to chickens of meat breeds (broilers) - this will serve as a prevention of infectious diseases.

The drugs under consideration are irreplaceable even if the livestock is already sick - signs of infection even in one chicken are a 100% indicator of the need for a course of antibiotic therapy for the entire herd.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics begin to be given to the chicken flock when the following signs of disease appear:

  • eye redness;
  • sneezing and coughing;
  • white discharge from the beak;
  • "gurgling" sounds when breathing;
  • lethargy and lack of interest in food;
  • admixture of blood in the litter;
  • liquid, watery and foamy litter;
  • green litter.

Note: if only one or two birds have signs of the disease, then they should be separated from the general herd and given antibiotics in “shock” doses, but to the rest of the livestock - in standard ones. More precise dosages are given in the instructions for the drug.

Some poultry farmers take advantage of the fact that the preparations in question help maintain a vigorous state of the bird even with an existing infectious lesion and accelerate the process of its growth.

The uncontrolled use of antibiotics and growth hormones is a direct way to the fact that a large amount of harmful / toxic substances will accumulate in poultry meat, and the taste of meat will be spoiled.

Is it possible to eat egg and chicken meat after antibiotic treatment

Since it is necessary to carry out prophylaxis with the drugs under consideration for the number of chickens, the question arises: “how long does the antibiotic come out of the chicken?”.

If these drugs were given to livestock as a prophylaxis, then their dosage was small - it will be possible to eat eggs 3 days after cessation of therapy, and meat - after 10-14 days.

If the chicken was bought at the market or from a farmer, then no one will give any guarantee that there are no antibiotics in the meat - perhaps a week before the sale, the farmer carried out another livestock prevention.

How soak chicken for antibiotics:

  1. Sprinkle the meat with salt and baking soda, plunge into cold water and let sit for 15 minutes.
  2. Soak in water with the addition of table vinegar or table salt at the rate of 2 tablespoons of any component per liter of liquid for 2 hours.
  3. You can use mineral water - you need to fill it with chicken and leave for 1-2 hours.
  4. Lubricate the chicken with whipped protein and place in a solution of milk and water (in equal proportions) for 2-3 hours.

Chicken of doubtful quality should not be used to prepare a rich broth - after boiling and 30 minutes of boiling, the broth is drained, the meat is washed under running water and then boiled again.

If the chicken was previously soaked, then it is enough to boil it for 10 minutes, and then change the broth to clean water and continue cooking.

Antibiotics are indispensable in the process of growing laying hens and meat breeds, but these drugs should be used only in accordance with the instructions and according to indications.