What antibiotics are given to chickens. What antibiotics are used to treat laying hens and broilers

All infections that infect poultry are treated with antibacterial agents. These drugs suppress the vital activity of pathogenic bacflora. For various diseases, different antibiotics are used for laying hens and young animals in the first days of life. The scheme and dosage of treatment for chickens that give meat and eggs are also different.

Application rules

Usually, the same drugs are used in the treatment of infectious diseases in both humans and pets. The concentration of the active ingredient in each case will be different.

When choosing an antibiotic for chickens, you should be guided by several nuances:

  1. Weight. For adults, a larger dose and concentration are used than for young animals.
  2. origin of the drug. It is worth giving preference to high-quality agents that gradually accumulate in the blood and tissues in order to completely destroy the infection. Along with this, such therapeutic agents should be completely excreted from the body in a short time.
  3. The general condition of the sick individual. For therapeutic purposes and for prevention, drugs of a different spectrum of action and in different dosages are used.

All chicken products (meat, eggs) lose their taste after treatment. Therefore, eggs can be eaten only a week after prophylaxis, and chicken meat after antibiotic treatment - not earlier than three weeks later. With a full course, it is worth using chicken products only a month after treatment.


Broilers, especially young and day old chicks, are the most susceptible to disease. This is due to the rapid weight gain and intensive growth, in which the bird cannot regulate its body temperature. Broiler chickens do not tolerate cold well and react sensitively to external factors.

For preventive purposes, it is required to conduct a course of antibiotic therapy in the period from 4 to 11 days of life. Broad-spectrum drugs are used, as well as selective drugs.


Antibacterial agent, the second name is "Metronidazole". Despite the fact that this drug does not belong to the group of antibiotics, it is able to cure sick individuals from many diseases:

  1. coccidiosis. The tablet preparation is ground into powder, then dissolved in warm boiled water. You need to solder for ten days. Broiler chickens in the first days of life are given a medicinal drink three times a day.
  2. Histomonosis. A contagious and rapidly spreading disease. Dosage and treatment regimen is carried out according to the instructions and for 10 days. Individuals are soldered three times a day, a week later the course is repeated.

Soluble tablets help to get rid of stomach and intestinal disorders. Sick birds are given a medicine diluted in water according to the following scheme - 20 mg / 1 kg of weight.


Often furazolidone is used not only for bacterial, but also for viral infections.

Generic drugs

Being engaged in poultry farming, it is necessary to provide proper conditions for growth and productivity not only for broilers, but also for ordinary birds. Chickens do not have immunity to protect against infection.

For prevention, breeders use broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs.


The active substance is enrofloxacin. This drug is available in two forms - liquid and powder. This is one of the most powerful drugs that can only be used as directed by a veterinarian.

Baytril is used both for prevention and for the treatment of many diseases. To prevent diseases of broiler chickens, ordinary chickens are watered for three days. Then they give a complex of vitamins and minerals.

Treatment of infectious diseases is carried out according to a certain scheme:

  1. On the first day, the dosage is 50 ml / 100 liters of water. The medicine is given once a day. On the second day, the dose of the drug is doubled by the same amount of water and the medicine is divided into two doses. On the third day, dissolve 200 ml in the same volume of water and water the birds every six hours. On the last day, 400 ml of the drug is used per 100 liters of water and soldered every three hours. The course lasts from three to five days.
  2. With salmonellosis and other mixed infections, the same scheme and duration of treatment are applied. After four days, the therapy is repeated.


Synthetic broad-spectrum antibacterial drug is effective against certain viral strains, bacteria and spirochetes.

This tool is used for salmonellosis, meningitis, gastroenteritis and all diseases of the respiratory system. For each disease, the same dosage is used, but the age of the bird is taken into account:

  1. Giving these antibiotics when raising chickens costs no more than three days. Such prevention is necessary so that the chickens do not die and fully develop.
  2. Treatment of broiler chickens is carried out according to the following scheme: 3-8 g of the substance is spent on each individual and given three times a day. The duration of therapy is a week.
  3. For adult laying hens, the dose is 20 g per individual. Treatment lasts no more than two weeks.


A low-toxic agent derived from two active substances - sulfadimesine and trimethoprim. Effective against staphylococci, streptococci and Klebsiella.

Dosage does not depend on age:

  1. 1 ml of the substance is dissolved in a liter of water and the bird is fed for several days.
  2. At the stage of exacerbation of the disease, ditrim is given according to the same scheme twice a day with an interval of 12 hours. The course is no more than seven days.


Broad-spectrum antibiotics for chickens destroy not only bacterial, but also fungal microflora. Effective in the fight against staphylococci, mycoplasma, streptococci and some types of fungi. Enroflon is effective in bronchopneumonia.

Therapeutic therapy is five days, the course of prevention is three days. The dosage is described in the instructions.

Antibiotics for laying hens

For such birds at home, breeders try to select products that are quickly removed from the tissues and blood of the bird.


It has a wide spectrum of action: it destroys many bacteria and viruses. The pharmacy is sold in the form of injections and powder. It is used in combination with sulfonamides, which enhance the effect of biomycin.

This antibiotic for chickens and hens copes well with pullorosis, coccidiosis and mycoplasmosis in laying hens.


The medicine of the sulfanilamide group, low toxicity, is used for coccidiosis, salmonellosis, pneumonia, catarrhal bronchopneumonia, tonsillitis and laryngitis.

The greatest effect is achieved if the drug is administered intramuscularly and orally at the same time. Therapeutic therapy for laying hens lasts from 4 to 6 days.


These antibiotics for chickens belong to the tetracycline group and destroy many pathogenic bacteria. But in recent years, infections resistant to this agent have become increasingly common.

Can a bird be treated with an antibiotic?


There are different antibiotics for treating chickens that can be given to them for prevention purposes. To get a good result, it should be given strictly according to the established scheme and dosage. Then the treatment will be effective and it will be possible to achieve high performance in chickens and get delicious eggs and meat.

Chickens are particularly vulnerable to the effects of microorganisms. If the cause is not diagnosed in time and treatment is not started, the entire livestock may die.

Most diseases in these birds are completely cured with antibiotics such as Oflosan, Levomycetin, Tetracycline and Penicillin. They localize the focus of the disease in the bird's body and prevent the reproduction of harmful bacteria, help prevent inflammation.

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    Diseases of chickens that are treated with antibiotics

    Diseases in veterinary medicine are divided into two types:

    Antibiotic treatment of invasive diseases is not carried out.

    Infectious infections are often epidemic in nature and are quickly transmitted to healthy individuals. These include:

    • smallpox;
    • flu;
    • coccidosis;
    • salmonellosis;
    • laryngotracheitis;
    • pasteurellosis;
    • mycoplasmosis.

    Before using antibiotics for chickens, you need to consult a veterinarian. It is not recommended to choose a medication on your own. When the medicine is prescribed, you should read the instructions for use.


    The drug (international non-proprietary name - ofloxacin) belongs to the pharmacological group of antimicrobial agents - fluoroquinopolone. The medicine comes in the form of a solution that is taken orally. It is a broad-spectrum drug against harmful microorganisms, especially Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria.


    Oflosan is effective in the treatment of chickens and broilers. It can be given to a bird from the first days of life. It is prescribed for the following diseases:

    • colibacillosis;
    • salmonellosis;
    • necrotic enteritis;
    • arthritis;
    • laryngotracheitis.

    The drug has contraindications. It is not recommended to treat laying hens with medication. Ofloxacin accumulates in eggs, which can be harmful to humans if eaten. The product is not suitable for chickens with a weakened nervous system. Oflosan is forbidden to be used in conjunction with levomycetin, tetracycline, cephalosporin.

    Mode of application

    Ofloxacin is recommended to be given to sick birds orally, mixing the solution with drinking water. Before use, the container with the medicine must be thoroughly shaken. For meat breeds, 50 ml of the drug is mixed with 100 ml of water, for other varieties of domestic chickens, a 1: 1 ratio is recommended (100 ml of the product per 100 ml of water). The course of treatment is 5 days. Birds should drink only the drug mixed with water. The remaining containers with liquid during the treatment period must be removed.

    With an overdose and individual intolerance to the components of Oflosan, side effects may occur. These include:

    • refusal to eat;
    • lack of coordination;
    • vomit;
    • lethargy;
    • drowsiness.

    For the prevention of diseases, Oflosan is used in a ratio of 1: 3.


    The drug is available in the form of white or yellowish tablets. for oral administration.

    Levomycetin is stored in a dark, cool place for no more than 5 years.


    With the help of a medication, the bird is treated for genitourinary infections, as well as for:

    • bronchopneumonia;
    • gastroenteritis;
    • salmonellosis;
    • colibacillosis;
    • meningitis.

    Mode of application

    For poultry, it is necessary to prepare a solution by first crushing the tablet. The powder must be diluted at the rate of 30 mg per 1 liter of water. The course of treatment should not exceed 7 days. If the temperature and symptoms of the disease disappeared earlier, the reception should be discontinued.

    In case of an overdose or individual intolerance, you may experience:

    • vomit;
    • diarrhea;
    • skin rash;
    • flatulence of the intestine;
    • dermatitis;
    • inflammation of the mouth and throat.


    The antibiotic has a detrimental effect on gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, including:

    • spirochetes;
    • rickettsia;
    • leptospira.

    Available in the form of a powdery substance of pale yellow color and tablets.


    Tetracycline is treated with:

    • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • dyspepsia;
    • pasteurellosis;
    • salmonellosis;
    • colibacillosis;
    • coccidiosis;
    • pullorosis (typhus).

    Mode of application

    The course of treatment lasts 5-6 days. At this time, poultry is recommended to give 20-50 mg/kg body weight 2 times a day. It is forbidden to use the drug for more than a week. Tablets are mixed with food or water, after crushing. It is impossible to boil food with a medicine; when heated, it loses its medicinal properties.

    As a prophylaxis, tetracycline is given to chickens for 10-20 days at a dosage of 20 mg / kg of bird weight.


    The drug is available in the form of a white powder. The drug is administered to the chicken intramuscularly.

When breeding chickens, in addition to the breed-specific features of keeping and feeding, it is necessary to maintain a suitable temperature and humidity in the chicken coop. It is important to clean and disinfect the house every few days to prevent infections. With the disease, the condition of the bird worsens significantly, the quality of meat decreases and the cost of growing increases. However, livestock breeding almost never goes without diseases, which can be fought with antibiotics.

About antiviral drugs for chickens

The use of antibiotics for chickens is appropriate to increase productivity. An excessive amount of harmful microbes in the body of a bird leads to a significant decrease in growth rates, egg production and a deterioration in meat quality.

Part of the bacteria when drinking chickens in small doses can acquire resistance. Therefore, antibiotics are given to laying hens only with a rapid release of residues from the body.

The use of antibiotics for chickens is appropriate to increase productivity

For the prevention of diseases, day-old chickens and laying hens are soldered with antiviral drugs before the start of egg production. If during this period the individual looks very bad, and there is only one result - slaughter, then it is absolutely impossible to eat its meat.

It is impossible to do without the use of medicines when breeding and growing broilers and egg breeds. Medicines can be given with food or water. Moreover, the second option is preferable, since it is sometimes difficult for chickens to feed food with a mixed preparation.

Some compound feeds already contain antibacterial components, so chickens can be fed with them. And broilers and pullets are especially in need of such stimulating supplements.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics for laying hens, broilers, chickens

There are some nuances in the treatment of birds of one age or another with which the breeder must familiarize himself in advance so as not to harm them.

Issuing antibiotics to day old chicks

Soldering of young stock is necessary to reduce the risk of mortality during rearing. In combination with antibiotics, vitamin and mineral preparations are used. Such soldering instead of individual processing has the following advantages:

  • does not spend much time;
  • every chick is protected. One-day-olds may refuse to eat, but will continue to drink;
  • in dissolved form, mineral supplements and organic substances are more easily absorbed by the body.

The agent is introduced into the diet from the first days after leaving the egg according to an individual scheme given in the instructions for the drug.

Important! Antibiotics for day old chicks are most often used as a preventive measure.

Soldering schemes:

  • In the first 7 days of life, vitamin complexes and glucose-containing products are added to the chicks' drinkers. After that, you can use antibacterial drugs for up to 5 days.
  • From 1 to 5 days, antiviral drugs are added to the drinkers, from 6 to 11 - vitamin complexes. From the age of two weeks, the addition of vitamins to the drinkers is repeated for 3 days. After that, antiviral agents are again introduced into the diet. In the absence of coccidiostats in the feed, baycox is added.

Another soldering option:

  • on the first day, vitamins are given with the addition of glucose up to 20 g;
  • secondly, in drinkers dilute to 500 mg of tetracycline;
  • the next two days, the same amount of chloramphenicol is added to the water;
  • from 2 to 5 days, they are drunk with drugs from the penicillin group;
  • further repeat fortification;
  • strengthening of the bird skeleton is carried out by adding calcium gluconate to the feed at the age of 5 days to one and a half months of age.

What antibiotics can be given to chickens:

  • enrofloxacin;
  • tylosin;
  • tromexin.

All these drugs can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription.

Issuing medicines to chickens for infection

A cure for chickens for infection is applicable only if the diagnosis is accurate, since the manifestations of many diseases are similar to each other (wheezing, flow from the nostrils, death on the legs, etc.). For a complete cure, it is necessary to establish from which group of bacteria or viruses pathogens.

Baytril, levomycetin, etc. are used for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.

Baytril is enrofloxacin, which belongs to the class of fluorine-containing quinolines. It is produced in a soluble form for injection and for adding to feed. Applies as follows:

  • For preventive purposes, baytril is diluted in water in a proportion of 1 ml of the drug per 2 liters of water. You can start applying from the second day of the bird's life.
  • For the treatment of acute infectious diseases of a bacterial and viral orientation, it is carried out as follows: on the first day, the bird is drunk with the addition of the drug to the water at a ratio of 1:2. Every next day, the amount of the drug in relation to water doubles, that is, day 2 - 100 ml of the drug per 100 ml of water, 3 - 200 ml of the drug per 100 ml, etc. The average duration of treatment is 3-5 days.
  • If a bird is diagnosed with salmonellosis associated with mixed diseases, the scheme is similar. The course of treatment lasts 5 days or longer.

Levomycetin is a derivative antibacterial drug that destroys viruses, spirochetes. Can be applied to all farm animals. It is contraindicated to give chloramphenicol to individuals with diseased kidneys or liver. As an antibacterial agent, it is used for salmonellosis, inflammation of the meninges, problems with the lungs and the gastrointestinal tract. When applying, you need to take into account the age of the chickens. The dosage of the drug does not differ in different diseases.

Soldering courses:

  • in the prevention of chloramphenicol use no longer than 3 days;
  • young animals are given the drug three times a day, 3-7 mg per bird, duration - 1 week;
  • adult stock should receive 20 mg per individual per day for up to 2 weeks.

Antibiotics for broilers of different ages

Domestic young broilers are most often susceptible to various diseases. Features of the breed - extremely rapid growth and weight gain - cause a deterioration in thermoregulation, which is why they quickly become supercooled and get sick. Therefore, they must be given general strengthening drugs. Antibiotics for broiler chickens are applied from 4 to 11 days. For treatment, universal remedies are used: trichopolum, furazolidone and other antibiotics for broiler chickens.

Metronidazole (Trichopolum)

You can do this in the following way:

  • For prevention, the drug is added to dry food in proportions of 20 mg per 1 kg of live weight. Course duration - 5 days. Repeat every 14 days until the age of one and a half months.
  • For coccidiosis, the drug is diluted in heated water in a proportion of 0.1 g per 1 kg of live weight. Broiler chickens need to be fed 3 times a day. Course duration - 10 days.
  • With histomonosis, the proportion is 0.25 g per 1 kg of weight. Everything else is the same as with coccidiosis.
  • Trichomoniasis will require dilution of the drug in a ratio of 25-50 mg per 1 kg of weight. The solution is given to chickens for 2 days, then antibiotic therapy is repeated after 7 days.

Furazolidone is a broad-spectrum antibiotic for broilers. Destroys pathogenic microorganisms and promotes the restoration of beneficial microflora. Can be used from 10 days of age. The dose of the substance is calculated based on the diagnosis.

How to give this antibiotic to young broilers and laying hens:

  • For prevention, the agent is added to the feed or to the drinker. Dosage 3 g of medicine per 1 kg of body weight. The course lasts 3 days.
  • At the beginning of oviposition, it is used in the prevention of diseases in laying hens. It is necessary to introduce into the feed 5 g per 1000 chickens. Duration up to 5 days.
  • In the treatment of coccidiosis, rod-shaped bacteria are added to normal feed 2 times a day in a proportion of 2 mg per 1 bird until they reach the age of one month. More adults should receive 3 mg of the drug. Duration of addition - from 3 to 9 days.
  • For viral or bacterial infections, treatment takes up to 1 week. The proportion of 3 mg of the substance per 1 kg of live weight. Repeat after 1.5 weeks.

Treatment of coccidiosis

Features of antibiotics for chickens

Birds should be treated with antibiotics starting at a young age. This significantly reduces the risk of infection with viral diseases. Many adult chickens suffer from chronic coccidiosis or histomonosis. And if it practically does not harm them, then the young can die in the case of an acute form of these diseases. Therefore, the use of antibiotics for chickens in the first days of life is necessary for growth and development.

Suitable for this:

  • penicillin;
  • tetracycline;
  • levomycetin;
  • tylosin;
  • tromexin.

Antimicrobial drugs remain in the body of a sick bird for a long time. Residues of medicines can come out a month after taking. This significantly impairs the quality of eggs, so it is not recommended to eat laying products during antibiotic therapy.

In order to avoid such a situation, it is worth worrying about preventive drinking with antiviral drugs from the first days of the life of chickens. If everything is done correctly, as described above, then the number of birds will be healthy, and meat and eggs will be delicious!

Kira Stoletova

In addition, it is worth mentioning that it is possible to solder antibiotics for broiler chickens or laying hens not only in case of actual, but also for prevention. Especially in small chickens, they are given vitamin supplements with the addition of an antibiotic from an early age in the first days in order to get excellent chicken meat in the future. Let's start the story about medicines with a description of the first-aid kit, which should be in the arsenal of any farmer.

The contents of the first aid kit when breeding chickens

It is quite common that each person has a first aid kit in his house - medicines that may be needed for first aid when the situation threatens life, or for the treatment of simple ailments. The same applies to poultry, including laying hens. Here is a recommended list of medications that should be present for the treatment of broilers:

  • Peroxide in liquid form
  • Activated carbon or any other enterosorbent
  • regular soda
  • Zelenka, iodine
  • Castor oil
  • Pipette set
  • Syringes for injection and for measuring drug doses
  • Cotton wool and bandages
  • Antibiotics

As you can see, antibiotics are also on the list, since the treatment of many diseases, alas, is not complete without their use.

What antibiotics should be in the first aid kit

The most commonly used antibiotic for poultry, including broiler chickens, is Bystril. The active substance that fights the causative agent of the disease, enrofloxacin, has a wide spectrum of action, is well absorbed and begins to act quickly. It is used to treat such terrible diseases as:

  • colibacillosis
  • Enteritis
  • Hepatitis and many other diseases caused by germs

The second most commonly prescribed antibiotic for chickens is Enroflon. Unlike the previous drug, which is most often produced as a solution for intramuscular injection, Enroflon is produced in the form of a concentrated liquid that must be diluted with drinking water, that is, soldered. If you list the diseases that this antibiotic successfully fights, then they will look identical, as in the previous description.

Enroxil is an antibiotic that also acts on the basis of enrofloxacin. It is most often prescribed when the gastrointestinal tract of chickens is affected, and it is necessary to make sure that the causative agent of the disease will respond to the administration of enroflosacin, that is, it will be sensitive to it. As you know, you can verify this only with the help of laboratory tests, that is, by passing the biomaterial of the bird for analysis.

Amoxicillin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic designed to fight diseases that affect the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, and urinary system.

If it is difficult for you to decide what the composition of your first-aid kit for poultry should be, then you can buy a ready-made set of veterinarians, now this option is available in many veterinary pharmacies, you can also make such a purchase on the Internet. If you believe the reviews of poultry farmers, then such a "bulk purchase" is more profitable than buying medicines separately.

What other medicines may be needed

In addition to those drugs described earlier, the following medicines can be attributed to the essentials for chicken:

If all these drugs are available, you can be calm, as you can help the chicken in almost any case, with the exception of diseases for which there is no cure, that is, the bird dies in 100% of cases. It is about diseases and antibiotics used to combat them that will be discussed further. Let's start with the most common and at the same time dangerous disease called salmonellosis, we will describe its treatment first.

Chickens with antibiotics: how chickens are treated and people are maimed


Chickens get sick! / Use antibiotics for chickens???? / How to treat

Antibiotics in the treatment of salmonellosis

As mentioned earlier, salmonellosis or chicken typhus is one of the most dangerous and common diseases among poultry. Its insidiousness lies in the fact that at first the pathogen may not make itself felt, although at this time the bird is contagious, infecting not only other laying hens, but also the rest of the poultry, including the danger awaits a person, creating a threat to life.

Symptoms of salmonellosis:

  • Broilers noticeably weaken, the general condition is lethargic, apathetic, the bird tries not to move once again
  • Breathing changes, becoming sharper and noisier
  • In the acute stage, partial or complete paralysis is possible.
  • The mucous membrane becomes yellow, while purulent discharge may appear from the eyes and nose
  • The stool becomes offensive, often there are impurities of blood and foam
  • Appetite disappears, the chicken stops not only eating, but also drinking

It is worth saying that in no case should you eat the meat of a sick chicken. Veterinarians most often prescribe baycox, which was previously written in detail. However, until now, experienced farmers continue to use the well-known cheap antibiotic Levomecithin. It is given to chickens three times a day, calculating the dosage based on the recommendations given in the instructions - 40 mg per 1 kg of weight, also do not forget to drink the bird with a probiotic. It is worth saying that levomecithin is also suitable for prevention.

Treatment of coccidiosis

Before starting antibiotic treatment for chickens, it is necessary to quarantine the sick bird to prevent further spread of the disease.

After that, start the course of treatment. For this, drugs such as Brovermectin, Trisulfon, Solikoks, which we talked about earlier, are suitable. Along with them, the familiar Furazolidone and Zolen have proven themselves well. It is recommended to give antibiotics to chickens with food or drink.

Chicken typhus or pullorosis

Pullorosis can affect both adults and day old chicks. How to determine its presence? Birds stop eating, have a strong desire to drink, feces turn white, chickens often fall to their feet, after which they fall on their backs.

What antibiotics are used in this case? Pullorosis is caused by bacteria that a drug such as biomycin successfully fights. However, for a more lasting effect, veterinarians recommend using it in tandem with Furazolidone.

Treatment of chicken cholera or pastrellosis

Pastrellosis affects not only chickens, but all types of poultry. Typical signs of the development of avian cholera are the following symptoms:

  • Increase in body temperature
  • The chicken stops moving
  • There is constant thirst, while the appetite disappears completely
  • Stool frothy, often with blood streaks
  • The scallop along with the earrings becomes bluish

Veterinarians prescribe antibiotic treatment in this case. The most effective drug that can defeat pastrellosis is sulfamethazine. It must be given at the rate of 1 gram per liter of water, after three days, the dosage changes - the dose is reduced to 0.5 grams.

What antibiotics are needed in the treatment of colibacillosis

Any poultry can suffer from this disease, while the gastrointestinal tract suffers. The symptoms are characteristic of ordinary food poisoning, however, sharp noisy breathing with wheezing and fever can be noted.

How can you help the bird so that the chickens do not die? Of course, broad-spectrum antimicrobials will come to the rescue, and the sooner treatment is started, the greater the likelihood of an early cure. Veterinarians recommend the use of terramycin, it must be given along with the feed that the chicken is used to pecking at. The instructions indicate the dosage of 100 mg per 1 kg of feed, try not to violate this proportion.

Now you know what antibiotics are used to treat a particular disease in a chicken. Do not forget that self-medication at home can have sad consequences, so it is recommended to consult a veterinarian about the treatment of diseases in poultry. And, of course, do not forget about disease prevention.

In order for a broiler chicken to grow up healthy, proper housing conditions, proper feeding, and medical care are necessary. Infectious diseases are very dangerous for broilers, which are caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi and lead to high mortality of livestock, causing significant economic damage to farmers and owners of farmsteads.

The first two weeks are the most responsible and difficult time in growing broilers.

Digestive disorders are frequent in day old chicks, because their system is still undeveloped. They must be provided with heat, since they are not yet able to regulate the temperature. The room is heated to 32-34 degrees, the water should be at a temperature of 25 degrees. Gradually, the temperature in the room drops to 24 degrees.

If chickens are purchased in the summer, then heat is often the cause of death, so special attention must be paid to ventilation.

Due to the lack of light, chickens can die, so during the first week the chicken coop should be lit around the clock, the chickens constantly drink water and peck grain. Starting from the 8th day to the 11th day of life, chickens begin to be treated with antibiotics for prophylactic purposes. Before that, they are soldered with vitamins and a glucose solution. After a three-day course, a break of 7 days is made. They are again soldered with vitamins for five days, and again a course of antibiotics for three days. With the maturation of the bird, the intervals between taking vitamins and antibiotics can increase up to 14 days.

But when an infection enters the chicken coop, the course of antibiotic treatment is changed in accordance with the diagnosis, which is established by the veterinarian.

In the first days of life, escherichiosis is dangerous for chickens. There is evidence that mortality from this disease among chickens in some farms reaches 30% of the population. Still dangerous: coccidiosis, salmonellosis, colibacillosis.

Many breeders are against antibiotic prophylaxis, but these infections often develop so rapidly that it is simply impossible to respond in time, and the result is very deplorable.

Antibiotics for prevention

Therefore, it is better to know which antibiotics to prevent dangerous diseases.

For this purpose, preference is given to antibiotics of the tetracycline group. But due to the duration of their use, microorganisms have already adapted (mutated) and become resistant to such drugs.

Therefore, furazolidone is increasingly being advised for broiler chickens for prophylactic purposes. They are soldered in the second week of life, and how to give Furazolidone for broiler chickens - so that there is no more than 3 grams of medicine per 1 kg of chicken weight. If signs of infection appear, then the treatment is extended from 5 to 8 days.

Veterinary medicine does not stand still, new generation drugs for the treatment and prevention of poultry diseases appear. Popular drugs with the active substance enrofloxacin. Preparations containing it are Baytril, Enroflon for broiler chickens, Enroxil.

Thanks to these antibiotics, chickens will not get sick with colibacillosis, pasteurellosis, mycoplasmosis, salmonellosis. The chickens are soldered for three days, while 0.5-1 ml of medicine is added per liter of water.

To prevent the disease that develops with intestinal damage and reduces the bird's resistance to infections - coccidiosis, coccidiostatics are used: Coccisan, Monlar, Tsigro, Amprolium, Clinakox, etc.

When buying chickens in the market or factory, you should be interested in the prevention carried out.

If the chicks have not been fed or vaccinated, then the bird may already be infected. Babies should be kept separate from adults, which are placed according to age.

Penicillins, tetracyclines and levomycetin

Antibiotics are given in appropriate doses, how to give Penicillin to broiler chickens - intramuscularly in the chest (young animals 100 IU for five days).

Of the antibiotics of the penicillin group: how to give Ampicillin to broiler chickens with arthritis? In this case, it is prescribed as follows: 20 mg of ampicillin per 1 kg of broiler weight is given for 5 days in a row.

Of the tetracycline antibiotics, Tetracycline is used for broiler chickens - dosage according to age, Chlortetracycline, Oxytetracycline, Dolink.

Chlortetracycline is administered by adding to water (1000 mg per liter), or 500 mg is added per kg of feed.

Oxytetracycline is prescribed depending on the weight of the bird (10-50 mg per kg of weight twice a day, as well as intramuscularly), and how to give Tetracycline to broiler chickens - 20-50 mg per kg of poultry should be given for five days from an interval of 12 hours.

Dolink represents the second generation of tetracyclines. Effective against pathogens of pasteurellosis, mycoplasmosis, clostridium, salmonellosis, colibacillosis. The drug is diluted with water (1 ml is given within 3-5 days). During treatment, the bird drinks water with the drug.

Such preparations for 1.5-2-month-old chickens for the purpose of prevention should be given 1 time in two weeks, not more often.

Dyspepsia, leptospirosis, pullorosis, colibacillosis, colienteritis, leptospirosis, infectious laryngotracheitis, urinary tract infections, bronchopneumonia, pasteurellosis are treated with Levomycetin. The second name of this medicine is Chloramphenicol, but how to give Levomycetin to broiler chickens for infectious diseases? It is given orally 2-3 times at the rate of 30-50 mg per kg of bird weight.

From the age of one month, you can prescribe Metronidazole for broiler chickens or Trichopolum, especially if the bird is sick with histomonosis.

New antibiotics

The most dangerous periods, according to veterinarians, are 1-5 days, 20-25 days and 35-40 days. At this time, birds often suffer from respiratory diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, joints.


Very effective, in this case, the drug Enroflon. Refers to fluoroquinolones. Give diluted at the rate of water needed by the bird per day - 0.5 ml per liter. Before slaughter for 11 days stop treatment with the drug.

Keproceril WSP

For the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, Keproceril for broiler chickens is popular - the reviews are good. This is a combined antibiotic with a very interesting composition. It consists of the polypeptide antibiotic colistin sulfate, the tetracycline antibiotic oxytetracycline, the macrolide antibiotic erythromycin, the aminoglycoside antibiotic streptomycin sulfate. Thanks to vitamins A, D3, E, K3, B2, B6, B12, C, all metabolic processes are activated, metabolism is normalized.

It is a drug with high bioavailability. They treat the dangerous disease salmonellosis, which accompanies severe enteritis and fever, colibacillosis, which is similar to salmonellosis in symptoms, pasteurellosis and other diseases caused by streptococci and staphylococci. For use, the drug is diluted with water (1 g per liter) and drunk during the day for a week. Do not prescribe to birds up to 16 weeks of age, as it accumulates in eggs.


Increasingly, Tylosin is used for broiler chickens, which is a macrolide with a wide spectrum of action on microorganisms. It is produced in the form of a powder of half a kilo and 10 kg, granules - 15 kg each. The antibiotic is characterized by fast and prolonged action, coccidiostatic effect, good compatibility, low toxicity.

Antibiotic Tylosin can be mixed with feed (granulate), added to drinking water, aerosol treatments, hatching eggs.

The dosage for birds is 0.5 per liter of water, they drink for 3-5 days. Other water is not given to the bird.

0.4-0.8 kg of granulate per ton is mixed with feed and given for the prevention and treatment of mycoplasmosis and infections caused by bacteria during the first 3-5 days of life and 1-2 days to 3-5-week-old chickens.
On farms, hatching eggs are treated with Tylosin solution to eliminate mycoplasma.