Typical job description of the deputy head of the organization. Job description of the deputy director of the enterprise. The procedure for appointment and dismissal from office

Job description the deputy director regulates labor relations. The document spells out the procedure for appointment and dismissal, employee subordination, qualification requirements, necessary knowledge and skills, a list of documents that he should be guided by in the course of his activities, functional duties, rights, as well as his responsibility.

Sample of a typical job description for a deputy director

І. General Provisions

1. The deputy director belongs to the category of "managers".

2. The deputy director reports directly to the director.

3. The deputy director is hired and dismissed by the order of the director.

4. A person who has higher education and at least five years of experience in managerial positions in the relevant industry organization.

5. During the absence of the deputy director of his rights, functional responsibilities, responsibility is transferred to another official, which is reported in the order for the enterprise.

6. In his activities, the Deputy Director is guided by:

  • regulatory documents related to its activities;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • orders and orders of the director;
  • The charter of the enterprise;
  • this job description.

7. The deputy director should know:

  • regulatory legal acts that determine the production, economic, financial and economic activities of the organization;
  • equipment used, production capacity and human resources;
  • fundamentals of technology for the production of products manufactured by the organization;
  • tax, civil, labor, economic legislation;
  • the procedure for drawing up and agreeing plans for production, economic and financial economic activity organizations;
  • market methods of business and enterprise management;
  • the procedure for the conclusion and execution of contracts;
  • supply and demand of the market segment in which the organization operates;
  • organization of labor and production;
  • norms of business etiquette and communication;
  • internal labor regulations, fire safety.

II. Job responsibilities of the Deputy Director

The Deputy Director performs the following functional duties:

1. Establishes the work and effective interaction of structural divisions of the organization, controls their activities.

2. Develops and coordinates, together with the director of the enterprise, plans:

  • production development;
  • financing of organizational units.

3. Controls the timeliness of submission to the director of the established reporting.

4. Delegates and entrusts the solution of certain issues to other officials - heads of departments of the organization.

5. Approves staffing table.

6. Establishes official salaries, allowances.

7. Supervises the organization of work to stimulate staff.

8. Takes measures to resolve issues related to financial, economic and production activities.

9. Assists in the implementation of tasks related to the current organizational and executive work of the organization.

10. Ensures the full implementation of the company's obligations to suppliers, customers, creditors, as well as economic, labor contracts.

11. Takes measures to improve the planning of the economic performance of the organization, to create and improve the standards of labor costs, the use of production capacity, the expenditure of inventory.

12. Supervises keeping records of expenditure and receipt of funds, use of inventory items.

13. Implements measures to maintain a thrifty attitude to material, labor and financial resources.

14. Monitors compliance with financial discipline.

ІІІ. Rights

The deputy director has the right to:

1. Sign the established documents.

2. Act by power of attorney on behalf of the organization.

3. Represent, by power of attorney and by order of the director, the interests of the enterprise in relations with counterparties, authorities state power, other management structures.

4. Require subdivisions of the enterprise to submit materials necessary to fulfill their job duties.

5. Check the activities of the organization's divisions in terms of the economy and production, give them appropriate instructions aimed at increasing efficiency.

6. Send to the director proposals to reward employees of departments for high performance indicators and to recover for violation established requirements in terms of the organization and economics of production.

7. Extend rationalization proposals in relation to the activities of the enterprise.

IV. A responsibility

The Deputy Director is responsible for:

1. Providing inaccurate information to the management, employees of the organization or other persons.

2. Causing material damage to an enterprise, contractors, employees, the state.

3. Violation of the provisions of decisions, decisions of the management of the organization.

4. Disclosure of commercial secrets, confidential information.

5. Fulfillment of their official duties contrary to the norms and rules established in the organization.

6. Offenses committed in the course of their activities.

7. Violation of labor discipline, safety, fire protection, internal labor regulations.

8. Conducting unauthorized meetings, negotiations related to the activities of the enterprise.

The duties of the deputy director in the job description and the content of other sections may differ depending on the specialization.

For example, the deputy director for general affairs is responsible for organizing work to ensure the economic services of the enterprise. He takes part in the conclusion of business contracts and monitors their implementation. Ensures the creation of safe and comfortable working conditions for subordinates, staff compliance with fire safety rules, industrial sanitation standards.

The main task of the Deputy Director for Production is the timely release of high-quality products. He promotes the implementation of the latest planning and production systems.

The deputy director for educational work is in charge of the educational process. He organizes extracurricular and extracurricular educational work with students.

Deputy Director for educational work ensures the fulfillment curricula and programs, monitors the work of the teaching staff.

(name of institution, organization)
(Name, signature)

“___” ______________ 200_


I. General Provisions
1. The deputy director belongs to the category of managers, is hired and dismissed by the order of the director of the company.
2. A person with a higher professional (technical or engineering and economic) education and work experience in managerial positions in the relevant profile of the industry enterprise for at least 5 years is appointed to the position of deputy director of an enterprise.
3. The deputy director reports directly to the director.
4. In his activities, the Deputy Director is guided by:
- regulatory documents on the work performed;
- the charter of the enterprise;
- internal labor regulations;
- orders and orders of the Director;
- this job description.
5. The deputy director should know:
- legislative and regulatory legal acts governing the production and economic and financial and economic activities of the company, decrees of federal, regional and local government and management bodies that determine the priority areas of development of the economy and the relevant industry;
- methodological and regulatory materials of other bodies concerning the activities of the firm;
- profile, specialization and features of the structure of the company;
- prospects for technical, economic and social development industries and firms;
- production capacity and human resources of the company;
- production technology of the company's products;
- tax and environmental legislation;
- the procedure for drawing up and agreeing business plans for the production and economic and financial and economic activities of the company;
- market methods of business and management of the company;
- a system of economic indicators that allow an enterprise to determine its position in the market and develop programs for entering new sales markets;
- the procedure for the conclusion and execution of business and financial contracts;
- market conditions;
- scientific and technical achievements and advanced experience in the relevant industry;
- management of the economy and finances of the company;
- organization of production and labor;
- the procedure for the development and conclusion of sectoral tariff agreements, collective agreements and regulation of social and labor relations;
- labor legislation;
- rules and norms of labor protection;
- regulations business communication;
- rules and approaches to working with clients;
- internal labor regulations;
- fire safety rules and regulations.
6. During the absence of the Deputy Director, his duties are performed in established order another deputy director, who is fully responsible for the proper performance of the assigned duties.

II. Job responsibilities
1. The right to sign a number of documents.
2. Organizes the work and effective interaction of all structural divisions, workshops and production units, increases the profitability of the company.
3. Develop and agree with the director of the company plans:
- development of production for a year;
- budgeting of the company (for a quarter, a year).
4. Solves issues related to the financial and economic and production and economic activities of the company.
5. Instructs other officials to manage certain areas of activity - heads of production units and branches of enterprises, as well as functional and production departments.
6. Supervises the work of all structural divisions of the company.
7. Organizes the current organizational and executive work of the entire company.
8. Ensures that the firm fulfills all obligations to suppliers, customers and creditors, including bank institutions, as well as economic and labor contracts.
9. Approves the staffing table of the company, sets official salaries and allowances on a quarterly basis or as needed.
10. Supervises the organization of work in the company to stimulate personnel.
11. Ensures strict adherence to the regime of saving material, labor and financial resources.
12. Carries out work to improve the planning of economic and financial indicators the activities of the enterprise, to create and improve the standards of labor costs, the expenditure of inventories and the use of production facilities.
13. Carries out control over the procedure for accounting for the receipt and expenditure of funds, the use of material assets.
14. Ensures control over the course of compliance with financial discipline.
15. Controls the timeliness of reporting on the results of economic reporting on the results of economic activities in the prescribed manner and time frame for consideration by the director.
16. _________________________________________________________________.
17. _________________________________________________________________.

The deputy director has the right to:
1. act on behalf of the company under a power of attorney.
2. to represent the interests of the company in relations with citizens, legal entities, public authorities and management by power of attorney and by order of the director.
3. to check the activities of all divisions of the enterprise in the field of economics and organization of production, give them appropriate instructions aimed at increasing its efficiency.
4. to require the subdivisions of the enterprise to submit materials necessary for the performance of the duties stipulated by this Regulation.
5. to submit proposals to the director of the enterprise on rewarding employees of all divisions for high economic performance and holding them accountable for violation of established requirements in the field of economics and organization of production.
6. _________________________________________________________________.
7. _________________________________________________________________.

IV. A responsibility

The Deputy Director is responsible for:
1. non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of their duties stipulated by this job description, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation.
2. offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.
3. Causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation.
4. disclosure of commercial information.
5. Conducting without the permission of the director of interviews, meetings, negotiations concerning the activities of the company.
6. violation of discipline requirements in accordance with the norms of the current labor legislation, for violation of the internal labor regulations in the company.
7. _________________________________________________________________.
8. _________________________________________________________________.

structural unit: _____ (signature) _______________ (full name) “____” ____________ ____
Boss legal department: _____ (signature) _____________ (full name) “____” ____________ ____

I have read the instructions: ________ (signature) _______________ (full name) “____” ____________ ____

1. General Provisions

1.1. Deputy Director for General Affairs belongs to the category
managers, is hired and dismissed by order of _______
(name of the manager's position)
1.2. Deputy Director for General Affairs directly reports
(name of the manager's position)
1.3. For the post of Deputy Director for General Issues,
there is a person who has a higher professional education and work experience for
leadership positions for at least ___ years.
1.4. The deputy director for general affairs should know the regulations
instructions, orders, orders, other governing and regulations
higher authorities concerning administrative and economic services
niya; the structure of the enterprise and the prospects for its development; means of communication, you-
numeral and organizational techniques; procedure and terms of drawing up from-
parity; means of mechanization of manual labor; the procedure for acquiring equipment
duction, furniture, inventory, stationery and decoration
payments for services; fundamentals of economics, labor organization, production and
management; labor legislation; internal labor rules
order; rules and regulations of labor protection.
1.5. In his work, the Deputy Director for General Issues of Management
maintained by:
- legislative and regulations regulating production
water-economic activity of the enterprise;
- the charter of the enterprise;
- labor regulations;
- orders, orders and other instructions of the head of the
- this job description.
1.6. During the absence of the Deputy Director for General Affairs
his duties are performed by the appointed in accordance with the established procedure his replacement
the person who is fully responsible for the proper performance of these obligations

2. Functions

The Deputy Director for General Issues is responsible for the following
2.1. Participation in the conclusion of business contracts of the enterprise and
control over their timely and accurate execution.
2.2. Taking measures to expand the economic ties of the enterprise.
2.3. Control over the safety of the property of the enterprise.
2.4. Ensuring healthy and safe working conditions for subordinates
performers, control over their compliance with the requirements of legislative
and regulatory legal acts on labor protection.

3. Job responsibilities

To perform the functions assigned to him, the Deputy Director for
general issues is obliged:
3.1. Organize the work and effective interaction of those entrusted
him structural divisions, workshops and production units, directions
to promote their activities for the development and improvement of production, increase
improving the efficiency of the enterprise, quality and competitiveness
manufactured products.
3.2. Organize production and economic activities on
widespread use the latest technology and technology, progressive
forms of management and organization of labor, rational use
production reserves and economical use of all types of resources.
3.3. Solve issues related to production and economic activities
the performance of the enterprise.
3.4. Ensure compliance with the rule of law in the implementation of economic
but economic ties of the enterprise.
3.5. _____________________________________________________________.

The Deputy Director for General Affairs has the right to:
4.1. To represent the interests of the enterprise in relations with other
organizations and public authorities.
4.2. To get acquainted with the projects of decisions of the management of the enterprise, concerning
in his activities.
4.3. Submit suggestions for improvement to management
activities of the enterprise.
4.4. Sign and endorse documents within their competence
tion, issue orders for the enterprise, signed by him, within
their competence.
4.5. Conduct correspondence with organizations on issues included in its
4.6. Interact with the heads of structural services
enterprises, receive information and documents necessary to carry out
their job responsibilities.
4.7. Control the activities of subordinate structural sub-
divisions of the enterprise.
4.8. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the
fulfillment of their official duties and rights.
4.9. _____________________________________________________________.

5. Responsibility

The Deputy Director for General Affairs is responsible for:
5.1 for non-performance ( improper performance) their officials
duties stipulated by this job description, within
lax determined by labor legislation Russian Federation;
5.2 for those committed in the course of carrying out their activities
offenses - within the limits determined by the current administrative,
criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;
5.3 for causing material damage - within the limits determined
labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

What are the requirements for a deputy director? What responsibilities does this specialist have? These and many other questions will be answered in the article.

The Deputy Director for General Affairs, according to the job description, has several main professional goals:

  • This includes ensuring the information and economic security of the organization. The represented specialist must contribute to the continuous development of the company, as well as form personnel reserves.
  • The employee is obliged to competently and efficiently engage in the selection and training of personnel. The assignment of workers to specific missions is also within the competence of the specialist. Do not forget about the main goal of the deputy director: to provide comfortable and modern conditions labor.
  • Finally, the Deputy Director for General Affairs must maintain the established standards and norms at all times. If necessary, standards should be created.

Deputy Director for General Affairs: job description
Example # 1

This instruction is indicative only. It can be used as a basis for the development of appropriate instructions for an employee, taking into account the specifics of the organization's activities.

Organization name APPROVED


INSTRUCTIONS of the head of the organization

N ___________ Signature Explanation

Place of Compilation Date



  2. The deputy director for general issues (hereinafter - the deputy director) belongs to the category of managers, is hired and dismissed by order of the head of the organization.
  3. For the post of deputy. Director is appointed by a person who has a higher professional education in the specialty "Economics and Management" and work experience in the direction of professional activity, including in leadership positions, at least 5 years.
  4. In his activities, the deputy. director is guided by:

- legislative and regulatory documents governing the production and economic and financial and economic activities of the organization;

teaching materials relating to the activities of the organization;

- the charter of the organization;

- orders, orders of the head of the organization;

  1. Deputy the director should know:

- regulatory legal acts that determine the directions of development of the relevant industry;

- other guidance and normative materials of higher and other bodies concerning the activities of the organization;

- profile, specialization, features of the structure of the organization;

- prospects for technical and economic development industries and organizations;

- the production capacity of the organization;

- the fundamentals of the production technology of the organization's products;

- the procedure for the development and approval of plans for economic and financial activities of the organization;

- methods of business and management of the organization;

- the procedure for keeping records and drawing up reports on the economic and financial activities of the organization;

- organization financial work in the organization, logistics, transport services and product sales;

- organization of loading and unloading operations;

- the procedure for developing standards working capital, consumption rates and stocks of inventories;

- the procedure for concluding and executing business contracts;

- economics, organization of production, labor and management;

- fundamentals of labor legislation;

- rules and norms of labor protection and fire safety.

  1. During the absence of the deputy. the director of the organization, his duties are performed in the prescribed manner by an appointed deputy, who bears full responsibility for their proper execution.
  3. To perform the functions assigned to him, the deputy. the director of the organization is obliged:

6.1. Interact on behalf of the director with state authorities, local authorities, legal entities of all organizational and legal forms and individuals on various issues within their competence.

6.2. By power of attorney, act on behalf of the organization, perform legal actions, represent it in all organizations and institutions.

6.3. In the absence of the director, sign financial documents, administrative documents.

6.4. Participate in the development of local regulations governing social and labor relations in the organization.

6.5. Organize the conduct, as well as methodological, informational and organizational support for the certification of employees.

6.6. Organize work on placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for the needs of the organization.

6.7. Take part in the annual inventory of property and material values.

6.8. Monitor the execution of orders and orders of the director.

6.9. Organize the proper design and storage of archival materials.

6.10. Prepare information and draw up reports on civil defense matters.

6.11. Take the necessary measures to develop the structure and staffing table.

6.12. Ensure timely drafting required documents and inquiries at the request of organizations.

6.13. Participate in organizing work to improve the qualifications of employees.

6.14. To contribute to the development of the material and technical base of the organization: to accept applications from divisions for the purchase of organizational and computer equipment, duplicating equipment, furniture, various equipment; on the basis of applications from divisions, compile summary data on the acquisition of property; participate in the purchase, delivery and installation of the specified property; provide warranty service for the purchased property.

6.15. Carry out the necessary measures related to the safety and efficient use of property.

6.16. Accept applications from subdivisions for conducting small renovation works and organize their implementation.

6.17. Within the limits of their authority, endorse orders, regulations and instructions.

6.18. Participate in drawing up a comprehensive plan for improving labor protection conditions and sanitary and recreational activities.

6.19. To create safe and harmless working conditions for those working in subordinate units.

6.21. Develop and approve plans for scheduled preventive maintenance of industrial buildings and structures, equipment and monitor their timely implementation.

6.22. Provide divisions of the organization with personal protective equipment and fire extinguishing equipment.

6.23. Ensure good condition and safe operation Vehicle organizations, timely technical inspections and surveys.

6.24. Provide road safety, safe organization of traffic flows and movement of workers, maintenance in proper condition of driveways and passages.

6.25. Organize the normal operation of sanitary facilities and devices.

6.26. Ensure that the working subordinate units fulfill the requirements of labor legislation, regulatory legal acts on labor protection and safety, GOST safety requirements, occupational health and safety standards, industrial sanitation and fire safety, labor protection instructions.

6.27. Organize trainings, test the knowledge of working subordinate units on labor protection issues, conduct briefings on labor protection at workplaces and fire safety.

6.28. Participate in the work of the commission for checking the state of labor protection and safety, industrial sanitation and fire safety in subordinate divisions and in the organization; in the work of inspections by state supervision and control bodies; in the analysis of industrial injuries and occupational diseases in subordinate units, the development of measures to eliminate occupational injuries and occupational diseases.

6.29. Develop, agree and approve instructions on labor protection, additions and changes to standard instructions, to provide them with those working in subordinate units.

6.30. Organize the implementation of decrees, orders, orders of ministries, orders of the organization on health and safety issues, as well as decisions and orders of state supervision and control bodies.

6.31. ___________________________________________________________.

  2. Deputy director has the right:

7.1. To represent the interests of the organization in relations with other organizations on economic, financial and other issues.

7.2. Submit proposals for improving economic and financial activities for consideration by the director of the organization.

7.3. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

7.4. Receive from the heads of structural divisions of the organization (specialists) information and documents necessary for the performance of their official duties.

7.5. Submit for consideration by the director of the organization ideas about the appointment, relocation, dismissal of employees of the organization, proposals for their encouragement or the imposition of penalties on them.

7.6. Require the director of the organization to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

7.7. Participate in the discussion of labor protection issues submitted for consideration of meetings (conferences) labor collective(trade union organization).

  2. Deputy director reports directly to the director of the organization.
  3. Deputy director interacts on issues included in his

competence, with employees of the following structural divisions of the organization:


_____________________________________________________________________ ;



- With _________________________________________________________________:





  2. The work of the deputy. the director is assessed by the immediate supervisor (another official).
  3. Deputy the director is responsible:

11.1. For non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11.4. For non-observance of the rules and norms of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection - in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus and local acts in _____________________.

Job title

head of structural

divisions _________ _______________________

Signature Signature decryption

I have read the instructions _________ _______________________

Signature Signature decryption


Example No. 2

I approve

_____________________________ (Last name, initials)

(name of the organization, its organizational and legal form) ________________________________

(director; other person authorized

approve job description)




(name of institution)

00.00.201_y. No. 00

  1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description establishes the rights, responsibilities and duties of the Deputy Director for General Issues _____________________ (hereinafter - the "enterprise").

Institution name

1.2. The Deputy Director for General Affairs reports to _____________________________________.

(name of the manager's position)

1.3. A person with higher professional education and work experience at

leadership positions for at least ___ years.

1.4. The deputy director for general affairs should know:

- orders, decrees, orders and other normative and governing documents

higher authorities that deal with administrative and economic services;

- the structure of the enterprise and the prospects for its development;

- means of organizational and computer technology, communications;

- the timing and procedure for drawing up reports;

- means of mechanization of manual labor;

- the procedure for purchasing furniture, equipment, stationery, inventory and registration of payments for services;

- fundamentals of labor organization, economics, management and production, labor legislation, internal labor regulations, labor protection norms and rules.

1.5. In the course of his work, the Deputy Director for General Issues is guided by:

- normative and legislative acts that regulate the production and economic activities of the enterprise;

- the charter of the enterprise, labor regulations, orders, orders and other instructions of the head of the enterprise;

- this job description.

1.6. During the absence of the deputy director for general issues, his duties are assigned to his deputy appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who is responsible for the proper performance of his duties.

  1. Functions

The Deputy Director for General Issues is responsible for the following

2.1. Participation in the conclusion of business contracts of the enterprise and

control over their accurate and timely implementation.

2.2. Taking measures to expand the economic ties of the enterprise. Control over the safety of the property of the enterprise.

2.4. Ensuring safe and healthy working conditions for subordinates, monitoring their compliance with the requirements of regulatory and legislative acts on labor protection.

  1. Job responsibilities

To perform the functions assigned to him, the Deputy Director for

general issues is obliged:

3.1. To organize effective interaction and work of the workshops, departments and production units entrusted to him. To direct their activities towards the improvement and development of production, increasing the efficiency of the enterprise, the competitiveness and quality of products.

3.2. Organize production and economic activities based on modern technology and technology, progressive forms of labor organization and management, reasonable use of production reserves and economical use of all types of resources.

3.3. Solve issues that relate to the production and economic activities of the enterprise.

3.4. Ensure compliance with laws in the implementation of economic and economic relations of the enterprise.

  1. Rights

4.1. To represent the interests of the enterprise in relations with state authorities. authorities and other organizations.

4.2. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise, which relate to its activities.

4.3. Visa and sign documents within their competence, issue orders for the enterprise with their signature.

4.4. Make proposals for improving the work of the enterprise for the consideration of the management, carry on correspondence with organizations on issues that are within its competence.

4.5. Monitor the activities of subordinate structural units of the enterprise.

4.6. To interact with the heads of the structural divisions of the enterprise, to receive documents and information necessary for the performance of their official duties.

4.7. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their rights and official duties.

  1. A responsibility

5.1. For offenses committed during the period of their activity - within the limits that are determined by the civil, administrative and criminal legislation of Russia.

5.2. For material damage - within the limits determined by the criminal, labor and civil legislation of Russia.

5.3. For improper performance, or failure to perform their duties, which are provided for by this job description, - within the limits determined by the labor legislation of Russia.

Head of structural unit: _____________ __________________

(signature) (surname, initials)

I have read the instructions,

one copy received: _____________ __________________

(signature) (surname, initials)

Example No. 3

I approve

_______________________________ ______________ _________________________

(organizational and legal form, name of organization or other enterprise


(Full name, position of the head, official authorized to approve the job description)

"___" ____________ 20__

Job description

Deputy Director for General Issues


(name of organization, enterprise, etc.)

This job description was developed and approved on the basis of employment contract with the Deputy Director for General Affairs and in accordance with the regulations Labor Code Of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations.

  1. General Provisions

1.1. The Deputy Director for General Issues belongs to the category of managers, is hired and dismissed by order of ____________________________________________ (name of the position of the manager).

1.2. Deputy Director for General Affairs is directly subordinate to _____________________________________ (name of the position of the head)

1.3. A person who has a higher professional education and at least ___ years of experience in managerial positions is admitted to the position of Deputy Director for General Issues.

1.4. The deputy director for general issues must know the decrees, orders, orders, other governing and normative documents of the higher authorities concerning administrative and economic services; the structure of the enterprise and the prospects for its development; means of communication, computing and organizational technology; the procedure and terms for drawing up reports; means of mechanization of manual labor; the procedure for the acquisition of equipment, furniture, inventory, stationery and registration of payments for services; fundamentals of economics, labor organization, production and management; labor legislation; internal labor regulations; rules and regulations of labor protection.

1.5. In his work, the Deputy Director for General Affairs is guided by:

- legislative and normative acts regulating the production and economic activities of the enterprise;

- the charter of the enterprise;

- labor regulations;

- orders, instructions and other instructions of the head of the enterprise;

- this job description.

1.6. During the absence of the deputy director for general issues, his duties are performed by his deputy appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who bears full responsibility for the proper performance of these duties.

  1. Functions

The following functions are assigned to the Deputy Director for General Issues:

2.1. Participation in the conclusion of business contracts of the enterprise and control over their timely and accurate execution.

2.2. Taking measures to expand the economic ties of the enterprise.

2.3. Control over the safety of the property of the enterprise.

2.4. Ensuring healthy and safe working conditions for subordinate performers, monitoring their compliance with the requirements of legislative and regulatory acts on labor protection.

  1. Job responsibilities

To perform the functions assigned to him, the Deputy Director for General Issues is obliged:

3.1. To organize the work and effective interaction of the structural divisions, workshops and production units entrusted to him, to direct their activities to the development and improvement of production, to increase the efficiency of the enterprise, the quality and competitiveness of the products.

3.2. To organize production and economic activities based on the widespread use of the latest technology and technology, progressive forms of management and organization of labor, rational use of production reserves and economical use of all types of resources.

3.3. Solve issues related to the production and economic activities of the enterprise.

3.4. Ensure compliance with the rule of law in the implementation of economic and economic relations of the enterprise.

3.5. _____________________________________________________________.

  1. Rights

The Deputy Director for General Affairs has the right to:

4.1. To represent the interests of the enterprise in relations with other organizations and government bodies.

4.2. To get acquainted with the projects of decisions of the management of the enterprise concerning its activities.

4.3. Submit proposals for improving the company's activities for consideration by the management.

4.4. Sign and endorse documents within the limits of their competence, issue orders for the enterprise with their signature within the limits of their competence.

4.5. Conduct correspondence with organizations on issues within his competence.

4.6. To interact with the heads of the structural services of the enterprise, to receive information and documents necessary for the performance of their official duties.

4.7. Monitor the activities of subordinate structural units of the enterprise.

4.8. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

4.9. _____________________________________________________________.

  1. A responsibility

The Deputy Director for General Affairs is responsible for:

5.1 for non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of their official duties, provided for by this job description, within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

5.2 for offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

5.3 for causing material damage - within the limits determined by the labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

5.4 ______________________________________________________________.

The job description is developed in accordance with _____________________

(name, number _______________________ and date of the document)

Manager (initials, surname)



"__" _____________ 20__


___________________________________ (initials, surname)

(Job title)



"__" ________________ 20__

I have read the instructions: (initials, surname)



"__" _____________ 20__

Duties of the Deputy Director for General Affairs

Choosing an employee for this position, be sure to look at its compliance with the following requirements:

  • work experience for leadership position must be at least three years old;
  • the presence of a higher professional education is required;
  • compulsory knowledge of the regulations governing the administrative and economic issues of the activities of companies and labor law;
  • knowledge of the basics of enterprise economics, labor protection, management and organization of labor processes;
  • negotiation skills;
  • practice of participation in tenders.

When hiring an employee for the position of deputy director to resolve general issues, they give preference to those candidates who not only meet the specified list of requirements, but also know the specifics of the company and its industry. Despite the fact that the general issues of production and economic activity of enterprises are similar in many industries, the industry specificity is still reflected in them. And knowledge of these nuances is a necessity for the normal functioning of the company.

Responsibilities of a specialist

The job description of the Deputy Director for General Affairs sets out the requirements and functions.

Here are the most common ones:

  • Timely development, implementation and adjustment of business plans related to security in the organization (how often such plans are developed depends on the organization itself; as a rule, this happens once a year).
  • Formation of organizational personnel policy; drawing up an annual personnel plan.
  • Development and implementation of a system for checking applicants for vacancies; organization of a high-quality screening system for candidates for jobs.
  • Organization of permanent and effective work for the preparation of the personnel reserve.
  • Organization of effective competitions to attract the most promising and competent specialists to work in the organization.
  • Organization of a high-quality adaptation procedure for each new person in the organization; appointing for this purpose the elders or mentors who would help new workers to get used to the workplace as soon as possible.
  • Control over the distribution of responsibilities for working with personnel documentation.
  • Preparation of all the necessary materials and documents for the presentation of certain employees for awards or incentives.
  • Search and execution of all documents and materials for imposing on employees, if necessary, administrative or disciplinary responsibility.

Industry specificity of the position

Industry specificity is reflected not only in the company's activities, but also in the responsibilities of its employees, including those in management positions.

Therefore, the Deputy Director for General Affairs, working:

  • v agriculture- must have a specialized higher education; know the essence of agricultural work and the technology for managing them, know about the norms and requirements that are in effect in agriculture; know about the indicators used in the industry that characterize production and economic activities;
  • in trade - must have a legal and (or) economic higher education; know about the requirements for the storage of products and goods, for labor protection, sanitary conditions, fire safety; know the peculiarities of the trading process and equipment, and logistics; be able to develop business plans;
  • in education - must have a pedagogical and (or) economic, legal higher education; know the procedure for placing orders to meet the needs of an educational institution; take part in the annual audit of the material assets of the institution; know the procedure for organizing and storing archival materials; must implement measures to ensure the fire safety of the facility;
  • in production - must have a technical and (or) economic higher education; is obliged to know the methods of maintenance and the arrangement of production and office equipment and other objects, the basics production processes, plumbing, land and construction works.

The deputy director receives an appointment to this position from the director of the company by the decree of the corresponding order. This position is available for persons who have higher specialized education and work experience of the full 5 years as a manager of any level. If all places of work during this period correspond to the profile of a particular enterprise, whose recruiters decide to hire.

What is the deputy director guided by?

  1. Regulatory documentation, rules regulated by both legislative acts and the specifics of the internal order.
  2. The main charter of the enterprise, which was drawn up at the very beginning of its opening.
  3. The rules and features of the internal regulations that relate directly to the implementation labor activity, the peculiarities of its correct, competent and safe conduct.
  4. Each separate orders and instructions, both in writing and orally, emanating from the director of the company.
  5. Job descriptions, which are prescribed for deputy directors of any profile or narrow focus.

What does a deputy director need to know?

  1. The main norms of legislation and other binding regulatory enactments that determine the specifics of conducting economic and economic activities of a particular enterprise. Decisions, instructions and additions to the legislation of the federal, regional and even local scale are important. It is necessary to single out from the main information provided the priority sectors and directions that are promising for the development of the enterprise. This is provided for by the duties of the Deputy Director.
  2. Regulatory features and methodological rules of various bodies concerning the activities and development of a particular unit, as well as the entire company.
  3. Prospects for the development of the firm and certain aspects of a specific industry.
  4. Production capacities, the ability to use resources in full, the company's human resources and the possibility of modernizing manual and automated labor.
  5. Legislation related to narrow topics of taxation, as well as environmental characteristics and responsibility for the activities of the company.
  6. The procedure and features of the preparation, design and approval of the concepts of business plans for both the economic and economic spheres of the enterprise.
  7. Business methods and features and management of the firm, related to market relations.

Job responsibilities

  1. Control the peculiarities and conduct of the company's activities both financially and economically.
  2. Ensure the usefulness of the activities of all departments and employees of the company to achieve optimal use of both material and financial resources, forming the concept of all aspects of production. Accelerating profit-making from methods that have been introduced recently. This is determined by the duties of the Deputy Director.

Important aspects in work

  1. Taking measures and ensuring accelerated turnover of products through the timely and beneficial conclusion of contracts of economic and financial importance. You should choose enterprises with proper experience and reputation so that there are no complications in the work and activities of the entire company. This includes the job responsibilities of the Deputy Director of Education.
  2. Lead and supervise activities to save and conserve unnecessary resources, as well as their complex application. It is necessary to improve the rationing of the costs of raw materials, control its use on a production scale, as well as, if there are no materials and additional funds necessary for the activities of the company. This is provided for by the duties of the Deputy Director.

Difficult responsibilities

  1. Improve the economic performance of the company and form indicators with improved standards, monitor the performance of all functions by responsible employees. It is necessary to gradually strengthen and, if possible, expand the enterprise, its scope of activities, and strengthen the regulatory and financial discipline. This is provided for by the duties of the Deputy Director for Educational Work.
  2. Prevent and promptly eliminate the accumulation of a large amount of material assets, as well as excessive consumption of materials or damage to equipment due to improper operation or too intensive operation. This is part of the job responsibilities of the Deputy Headmaster.

Business Observation Responsibilities

  1. Control and, if necessary, take part in the preparation and execution of financial documents and various estimates that determine economic costs on various areas of modernization and processing of production technologies, which is the responsibility of the Deputy General Director.
  2. Control the modern preparation and delivery of reporting documents, making calculations and their inclusion in the main package of documents required by the company's employees, which provides for the duties of the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs.
  3. Continuously oversee the implementation of plans by employees, the relevance of standards, and the ability to make the manufacturing process more profitable by moderately increasing operational measures for certain equipment, which includes the duties of the Deputy Director of General Affairs.

Additional responsibilities

Sometimes the CEO is not present, he may also be absent for a long time. Then his main duties are transferred to the deputy. This employee must conduct successful and rational negotiations with customers and partners, arrange various meetings, hold events, the main goal of which is to modernize production and expand the company's activities. This includes the duties of the Deputy Director for OIA.

The employees of the enterprise are directly subordinate to the deputy director, so he must not only supervise their work, but also take all the necessary actions to make it easier, safe and effective. This employee develops, improves and implements the rules and regulations of labor discipline, provides proper support and guarantee of compliance with the basic requirements for labor protection and fire safety. This is provided for by the duties of the Deputy Director for Production.

This employee brings the requirements and orders of the General Director to the employees, monitors and, if necessary, ensures their implementation. He regularly informs the general director of the company about any malfunctions or deviations in work that can lead to significant economic or material damage, if necessary, he follows his instructions and decrees designed to eliminate and correct any inconveniences in the system.

Deputy director's rights

The deputy director has the right to:

  1. Give orders and advise all employees on issues related to their work activities or incidental problems.
  2. Take an active and active part in the preparation of various projects, orders, instructions and important instructions. Also, this employee can participate in the preparation of estimates, analyze the appropriateness of the actions taken and convey his reasoning to the CEO and to the entire team. He has the right to participate in the formation of the concepts of contracts, take into account their relevance and, if possible, perform all actions solely for the expansion and development of the company.
  3. Inform personally to CEO about all the shortcomings in the enterprise that were identified by the deputy independently or transferred to another employee. His duties include not only timely informing about various disadvantages, but also the introduction of proposals that relate to the improvement of the enterprise as a whole or the modernization of the activities of certain departments.

What else is the deputy director obliged to do?

  1. Carry out representative activities in the interests of the company. The deputy director can interact with government agencies, make decisions within his own competence, various organizations and institutions, if the issues discussed concern commercial activities firms or are urgent.
  2. To carry out requests for the necessary documentation from various structural divisions of the enterprise, if it is necessary for the possibility of carrying out the main job duties of any employees or the deputy director himself.

The deputy director is responsible for providing employees with optimal working conditions, and must also monitor the proper operation of all divisions, eliminate shortcomings in a timely manner or participate in making decisions on the modernization of the company's activities. He must also form an accurate list of the duties of employees, timely submit reports on the activities of the company as a whole, reporting to the CEO.