What does self-employment mean. Employment. A look at the problem. Contract between individuals

Hello businessmen! What's up? How is your mood? I have spring) Today I decided to raise such a serious and painful topic as “opening your own business”. Naturally, it is impossible to describe everything in one article! Here I would like to consider the main pros and cons of "owning my own business" and try to answer the question - Open your own business or continue to work for hire?

I’ll make a reservation right away that this material is more suitable for beginners in the topic of business - those who are tired or for other reasons do not want to work for hire and decide to open their own business.

Advantages of your business

Here are the pluses. And I put money in last place for a reason. The initial stage of doing business is not the most profitable, plus it takes some time to recoup the investment, and even if this is the first business in life, the payback period will obviously stretch.

As a result, if the business is not big (as examples, a small car wash, a mini-cafe, a business in a garage, etc.), then it takes at least six months to a year to reach zero. If we talk about large business, then the payback period can be 5 years or more ...

Therefore, I would not recommend counting on wealth at first))

Cons of your business

As you can see, there are plenty of pros and cons. Therefore, before throwing myself into the pool with my head, I would carefully analyze and weigh all the pros and cons.

Among my acquaintances there are those who neglected all these factors and hurried to implement their not the newest and most promising idea. The results were mediocre. One comrade simply could not establish at least some processes, everything stopped at the stage of searching for clients, while the other completely went bankrupt!

Of course, there are also "reckless" adventurers who not only dive into the pool, but also boil it well)) And many of these just launch innovative and successful startups. But it seems to me that the percentage of such geniuses is extremely small, and I am clearly not like that: I analyze and carefully weigh more often. Therefore, I give advice from my bell tower.

  • The best option is to start your own business in parallel with your main job. Market research, prospecting, developing a business plan, a product or service prototype, even the first sale - all of this can be done in combination with the main place of work. After all, they pay a salary there, and a constant income at the start of a business will not be superfluous at all!
  • It is quite good if you start organizing your business while in a leadership position. Even if there is an option to work as a boss, but for the "same" money and with a large front of tasks - agree! You will get an experience that is very useful!
  • If the planned business does not require significant investments, it is better to try to set aside the N amount in advance. A little, but put it off. This money will always come in handy)) As an example, if you set aside 10,000 rubles from wages every month, then you get 60,000 in half a year. Quite enough for many home or garage ideas.
  • In continuation of the previous paragraph - try not to take loans. Of course, if a large-scale project is planned, then it is rarely possible without investments and loans. But if you want to engage in the production of custom-made carved furniture in the garage, then 60 thousand hard-earned deferred finances are just enough for a minimum set of tools.
  • Be sure to plan everything, write it down and count! If there are no such skills and habits, then start developing them. You can't keep everything in your head. It is a fact. There is a lot of good literature on the topic of planning, you can buy a real book in any bookstore.

    Well planned - half done

  • Try to find companions. It is still difficult for one, especially if you have never had such experience and you have not worked as a top manager. Perhaps someone you know would like to do the same, or there is a specialist who can be attracted on a partnership basis.
  • Start building up on your own. Perhaps many will neglect this advice, but many have never read business literature, have not thought about planning personal time, calculating personal finances, and have not attended seminars and trainings. Without all this, even if you manage to start car repairs in the garage, you won’t go further than a viewing hole and a set of keys!

So open or not?

I think so. If you are an enterprising person, purposeful, with your own specific opinion, who has not 1-2, but many ideas, and the idea of ​​​​your business visits your head more and more often, then it’s definitely worth a try. But! Be sure to take into account the above: having thought it over well, planning, saving up some money, combining it with the main work.

But once you start, just go ahead! Believe, live your business to the last!

And for a snack, although not quite on the topic of starting a business, an interesting conversation.

With respect and faith in a bright future, Alexey Zaitsev.

7.28 It is sometimes unclear whether a worker is an employee or self-employed; for example, some performance-based workers may be employed, while others may be self-employed. This distinction is also important when dividing the household sector into subsectors. The definitions in the SNA follow the decisions of the International Conference of Labor Statisticians (ICLS) regarding definitions of the economically active population. However, for the SNA, the main purpose is to clarify the nature of the employment relationship in order to distinguish between wages and other types of income. Individuals who may be classified as "self-employed" in labor statistics, in particular some owners of quasi-corporations and owners who manage corporations, are treated in the SNA as employed. Further discussion of the definition of workforce and related terms is provided in Chapter 19.

Employment relationship

7.29 For a person to be classified as employed (ie, either employed or self-employed), that person must be engaged in an activity that is included in the SNA production boundary. An employment relationship develops between an employer and an employee (for example, between an enterprise and an individual), when a written or oral agreement is concluded between them, which may be official or informal, which, as a rule, is voluntary for both parties; in accordance with such an agreement, the employee performs work for the enterprise, for which he receives remuneration in cash or in kind. The amount of remuneration usually depends on the hours worked or on some other objective indicator of the amount of work done.

7.30 The self-employed are those who work for themselves, and the enterprises they own are not identified in the SNA either as separate legal entities or as separate institutional units. This category includes individuals who are sole proprietors or co-owners of the unincorporated businesses in which they work; members of production cooperatives or contributing family members (for example, family members who work unpaid in an unincorporated enterprise).

    Persons engaged in the production of products for their own final consumption or accumulation (on an individual or collective basis) are classified as self-employed. While the value of producing such products may be imputed based on related costs, including estimates of labor costs, no imputation of the wages of those involved in the production of these products is made (even in the case of collective or community projects carried out by groups of people working together) . The excess of the imputed value of output over cash costs and taxes on production is treated as gross mixed income.

    Contributing members of family businesses, including unpaid workers in unincorporated businesses wholly or partly engaged in market production, are also considered self-employed.

    The entire share capital of a corporation may be owned by a single shareholder or a small group of shareholders. Where the shareholders of a corporation are both employees of the corporation and receive remuneration for their work in a form other than dividends, they are classified as employees. Owners of quasi-corporations who work for those quasi-corporations and receive remuneration other than dividend payments are also classified as employees.

    Home workers may either be employed or self-employed, depending on their particular status and circumstances. A more detailed description of this category is given below.

7.31 Self-employment remuneration is treated as mixed income.

7.32 Students who are consumers of education or training services are not employees. However, if students also have a formal obligation to contribute some form of labor to the production process of an enterprise (for example, as apprentices or similar categories of trainees and trainees, apprentice clerks, nurse trainees, research assistants or teachers, trainee physicians, etc.), they are considered employees regardless of whether they receive any monetary remuneration for the work they perform or not in addition to training received as income in kind.

Employers and self-employed without wage labor

7.33 The self-employed can be divided into two groups: those who have their own paid employees and those who do not. Persons of the first group are called employers, and persons of the second group are called self-employed without hired labor. This distinction is used for the purposes of subsectorizing the household sector. The category of self-employed without wage labor can be further subdivided into homeworkers who enter into a formal or informal contract to supply goods or services to a particular enterprise, and self-employed without wage labor who may be engaged in either market production or production for own final consumption or accumulation.

home workers

7.34 Homeworkers are persons who, by prior arrangement or contract with a particular enterprise, commit themselves to work for that enterprise or to supply a certain amount of goods or services to that enterprise, but whose place of work is outside any of the establishments that are part of that enterprise. The enterprise does not control the expenditure of working time of such employees and is not responsible for their working conditions, but it can carry out quality checks of the relevant work. Most of these workers work from home, but may use other premises of their choice. Some homeworkers work with equipment or materials (or both) provided to them by the respective enterprise, while other homeworkers may purchase their own equipment or materials (or both). In both cases, part of the production costs are covered by the employees themselves, such as the actual or imputed rent for the premises in which they work; payment for heating, lighting and electricity; storage and transportation costs, etc.

7.35 The category of workers under consideration has the characteristics of both employees and self-employed workers. Assigning them to one category or another depends, first of all, on what is the basis for their remuneration. A distinction can be made between the following two cases, which, in principle, differ significantly:

    The remuneration received by an employee directly or indirectly depends on the volume of work performed, that is, on the amount of labor spent in any production process, regardless of the cost of the product produced or the profitability of the production process. It is understood that with this method of remuneration we are talking about employees.

    The income received by a worker is determined by the value of the product produced as a result of a particular production process for which this worker is responsible, regardless of the amount of labor invested. It is understood that with this method of remuneration we are talking about self-employed workers.

7.36 In practice, these criteria do not always clearly define who is employed and who is self-employed. Thus, home workers who use the labor of others, whom they pay to do the work, should be classified as self-employed owners of unincorporated enterprises, that is, as employers. Therefore, it is important to draw a line between self-employed workers who use wage labor and those who are employed.

7.37 A homeworker is considered to be an employee if there is an employment relationship between him and the enterprise concerned. This implies the existence of an explicit or implicit contract or agreement under which the remuneration of such an employee is based on the work performed. On the other hand, if there is no such explicit or implied contract or agreement, and the income received by the homeworker depends on the value of the goods or services supplied to the enterprise, then that worker is considered to be self-employed. This suggests that decisions about markets, scale of operation and financing are likely to be made by the self-employed homeworker, who is usually also the owner or tenant of the machinery and equipment with which he does his work.

7.38 Proper classification of home workers is essential for the compilation of accounts. For example, in the case of self-employed workers without wage labor, the entity's payments to such worker are recorded as purchases of intermediate goods or services. For the homeworker, the enterprise's payments represent the value of the output produced, and the excess of that output over the homeworker's direct costs (considered as intermediate consumption) represents the gross mixed income. When he qualifies as an employee, the enterprise's payments are recorded as wages and, therefore, are paid out of the value added created by this enterprise. Thus, the classification of homeworkers determines the distribution of value added among enterprises, as well as the distribution of income between the wages of employees and the net mixed household income of homeworkers.

Surely, many have thought more than once what to choose: work for hire for someone else's uncle or organize your own business? In this article, I will try to compare these options and show why it is not profitable to work for hire in our country.

To begin with, let's define: for what purpose does a person actually work? No matter what anyone says, there are usually only two reasons that motivate us to go to work:

  • Earn the necessary amount of money for life here and now.
  • Secure your future, in fact, earn a pension and a comfortable old age.

We are used to the fact that in order to achieve these goals, you must first get a decent education, and then find a good (preferably well-paid) job. However, with the collapse of the USSR, in a market economy, an alternative option became available to us - to open our own business and go into business.

To assess the possible prospects, it is necessary to consider the pros and cons of both options. In this case, both psychological and economic aspects should be taken into account.

Psychological aspects

" Employment

Many people think that by working in a large company, they are part of something big and benefit society. This is not entirely true. Undoubtedly, bring benefits to society, but do not forget that you work for someone else's uncle and benefit (profit) only to him. By taking a job in a company, you initially put yourself in a dependent position and, in fact, no longer belong to yourself.

At any moment, the bosses can begin to dictate their conditions, load them with additional duties and demand their fulfillment. And if your work does not suit him, you can easily be shown the door. After all, there are more than enough people who want to take a warm place in the office.

Another motive that encourages a person to go to hired workers is the desire to gain some experience and climb the career ladder. But even here it is not so simple. No matter how wonderful and successful your career is, there are a number of limitations.

  • Firstly, you will never rise above your boss, since it is not profitable for him, that is, you will remain a dependent employee who follows someone's instructions.
  • Secondly, your ambitions in terms of high earnings also cannot always be satisfied, since wages cannot grow indefinitely: at a certain point, when it reaches the set limit, there will be nowhere to grow further.

» Work for yourself

Your own business is an opportunity to work as long as you want, and receive income in direct proportion to the efforts expended.

In this case, the amount of income depends only on you, on your capabilities and desires.

Here you will not have bosses who would indicate what, when and how to do it. However, this is where the biggest difficulty of independent business lies - to organize yourself. Without self-discipline and self-organization, it will not be possible to build your business. No one but yourself can make you work and you have to rely only on yourself. Otherwise, the business is doomed to failure.

However, this option removes restrictions - there is no pressure from above, there is no limit to self-improvement and career growth, and your potential earnings are also inorganic.

Financial aspects

" Employment

When we get a job, we get a guaranteed salary. And this is perhaps the only plus. The employee knows in advance his salary and the minimum amount that he will receive no matter what.

However, the salary in this case is only a part of the money that the employer could pay you.

How much, you ask? It's very simple - taxes. Have you ever wondered how much taxes you pay, working at the enterprise or in the company? But it has long been known that the income of employees is the most taxable payments of all existing. Don't believe? Let's count.

Suppose an employer is willing to pay you 50,000 rubles for your work. Of this amount, in any case, the state will withhold 13% of income tax from you (6,500 rubles). Those. you will be left with 43,500 rubles. Everything would be fine, if not for one more but!

In addition to personal income tax, your wages are subject to another 30% additional fees (according to the latest changes in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

  • 22% must be given to the Pension Fund, and this is as much as 11,000 rubles.
  • 2.9% - to the Social Insurance Fund (1450 rubles).
  • 5.1% - to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (2550 rubles).

Those. in fact, it turns out that in addition to the wages accrued to employees, the employer must give another third of it to the state. In our example, the employer for one employee will have to pay not 50,000, but all 65,000 rubles.

Due to the huge tax burden, the employee will never receive the amount that the employer is willing to pay him. Since, if he can allocate only 50,000 for wages, then only 35,000 rubles will go directly to the employee (50 thousand - 30% of contributions). At the same time, the employee will receive even less in his hands, since 13% of income tax will be deducted from him, i.e. the real salary will be 30,450 rubles.

As you can see, working for hire, a person actually loses almost half of the money earned, since we are deducted monthly at 43%.

Retirement savings is, of course, good, but there are plenty of alternative options. But we will talk about them a little later.

» Work for yourself

When you work for yourself, you are dependent on a confluence of a variety of circumstances. You do not have a fixed salary, and the amount of earnings depends only on you: on the number of clients, your professional qualities and the ability to sell yourself, your services or goods. At the same time, as mentioned above, income is practically unlimited, and there is an incentive to develop and increase your income.

In addition, the tax burden on private entrepreneurs is significantly lower than on an employee. Each individual entrepreneur working on the simplified tax system (simplified taxation system) pays 6% from the income received (or 15% of the amount of income minus expenses). At the same time, in 2012, social contributions, according to the latest changes in the Tax Code, were reduced to 20% of the income received (last year, contributions accounted for 26%).

That is, if an entrepreneur has earned 50,000 rubles, he is obliged to pay the state 3,000 rubles of the Single Tax ( 6% ) and about 10,000 rubles of contributions to the Pension Fund (20%).

And even then, this amount will be less. Since ~ 10,000 rubles is an annual amount. If you break it down into 12 months, you get a monthly deduction in favor of the pension fund of about 830 rubles.

Thus, he will have about 46,000 rubles left. And this is noticeably more than 30,000 for an employee.

But an individual entrepreneur has one more thing in this regard. beneficial advantage. The Tax Code allows you to reduce the amount of tax by the amount of contributions paid to the Pension Fund.

For example, you, as an entrepreneur, earned a million rubles in a year. In this case, the tax that you have to pay will be 60,000 rubles. Imagine that the amount of contributions to the pension fund for the year amounted to 10,000 rubles (I don’t write the exact amount, since it changes every year), then you can deduct these 10,000 rubles from the accrued tax amount, i.e. out of 60,000 rubles and thus, the total tax amount will be only 50,000 rubles.

As for the pension, while working for yourself, you also make payments to the Pension Fund and are entitled to receive from the state in the manner established for all citizens. In addition, by working for oneself and receiving a large salary, a person has the opportunity to independently save up for old age.

You can even set aside 10%-30% of your income every month and, having accumulated a certain amount, invest in some financial instruments, a person can earn a certain amount of capital by retirement. Even the simplest way - in 20-30 or more years, with regular replenishment, will allow you to make very impressive savings.

For more risky investors, there are many other options: non-state pension funds, etc. There are actually a lot of options, and everyone can choose the most suitable for themselves.

By the way, if the words listed above seem difficult for you, then I recommend studying the course ““, which will explain the essence of these financial instruments in a simple and accessible form, help you make your own and get a much more tangible income than investing in bank deposits.

Summing up

For supporters of employment, main argument in favor of this option is a guaranteed salary and confidence in the future. However, no one guarantees you a lifetime job, the situations are different: you can be fired, laid off, reduced wages, etc. So on closer examination, it turns out that guarantees and stability are illusory, since a person does not belong to himself.

At the same time, your business, with the right approach to development, after a certain time, brings a good return. Yes, your business requires constant attention, control and action. It's like the birth of a small child. If you do not work, no one will pay you, but you get self-satisfaction from the fact that your work is appreciated, and this is a good incentive for further development.

Key benefits of working for yourself:

1) Freedom and flexible working hours. You can choose when to work. There is no boss behind your back who demands the impossible from you. You yourself choose with whom to work, what kind of work to take on, and who not to work with. However, if you are serious about business and want to earn a good income, then you will have to work hard. The fact that you can play the fool and do nothing, and they will pay money for it - these are fairy tales.

2) Income growth. If a person is employed, then the increase in salary depends solely on the decision of the boss (in the best case, it will be indexed 1-2 times a year). When a person works for himself, the level of income depends only on him. That is, he worked a lot - got a lot, worked a little - got a little. But you don't have to blame anyone but yourself for this. You can decide how much you want to work and earn. Based on this, you set specific goals for yourself and move towards them.

3) Professional growth. When you work for yourself, you are responsible for the result of your work. This is an incentive for development, increase in productivity and quality of their work. And as the quality goes up, so does the income.

Of course, your business has some disadvantages. The main one is that all responsibility lies with you. And at first, you will have to perform a lot of responsibilities. Often, a business will take much more time and effort from you than a job.

The choice is yours! However, the advantages of private enterprise are obvious, and they significantly outweigh the disadvantages. You are the masters of your own life. If you are ready to take on such responsibility and start your own business, go for it.

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Is it possible to apply for an IP while working for hire? An individual entrepreneur has a dual status: on the one hand, it is an individual, on the other, it is a business entity. Knowing about such specifics, it can be assumed that an individual entrepreneur has the right to simultaneously conduct his own business and work in the staff of any organization on the terms. This assumption is correct.

Is it possible to work and open an IP

Individuals - with the exception of civil servants - have the right to register an individual entrepreneur and start their own business without leaving their main place of work. They can cooperate with the employer on the terms of an employment contract and provide services on the basis of civil law contracts.

The exception is those categories of workers who serve the needs of the state: officials, military personnel, employees of the prosecutor's office and security agencies. This contingent does not have the right to do business - it is impossible to sit in the chair of a deputy and the chair of one's own office at the same time.

Some are concerned about the question: “Is it possible to issue an IP if I officially work, and not inform the boss about it?” We answer: yes. An employee is not required to notify the employer that he has received a certificate and is now doing business in his spare time from his main job. Only employment records are entered in the work book, data on individual entrepreneurs are contained in the state register and are available upon official request.

However, employers themselves are often interested in preferring an individual entrepreneur to a full-time employee, and, having learned about the new status of an employee, they can offer him to change the format of further work. The fact is that if an individual entrepreneur performs some work function, the company saves to a large extent on the so-called payroll taxes - an individual entrepreneur pays insurance premiums for himself. In addition, an incoming employee in the status of an individual entrepreneur does not need to pay vacation and sick leave, he is also not entitled to a social package. The absence of labor guarantees does not benefit the individual entrepreneur, but his benefit is smaller deductions from his earnings. For example, on a simplified taxation system, 6% of income must be paid to the budget, while 13% of income tax is deducted from the salary of a full-time employee.

However, having registered an individual entrepreneur, you should not rush to apply for dismissal in order to switch to a different format of cooperation with the employer. The problem is that the scenario described above is viewed by the tax authorities as a desire to evade taxes by unreasonably replacing labor relations with civil law ones. Despite the fact that the judiciary in proceedings on this issue often takes the side of the individual entrepreneur and his counterparty, this should not be abused.

If an individual entrepreneur works under an employment contract, he enjoys all the benefits of such cooperation. On time, he is paid a salary, he can count on a bonus, he rests on vacation at the expense of the employer, and in case of dismissal he receives a dismissal allowance. When an individual entrepreneur is employed, he is obliged to comply with the internal labor regulations.

Can an individual entrepreneur work under an employment contract

The reverse situation, when an individual entrepreneur decides to get a job in the state, is also legal. In this case, the applicant appears at the interview as an individual, and it is not necessary for him to “close” the IP.

If an individual entrepreneur works in an organization on the terms of an employment contract, his entrepreneurial status does not matter to the employer. Settlements with the employee and funds are carried out in the general order for all. Among other things, the employer pays insurance premiums from the salary of an individual entrepreneur. However, the fact that an individual entrepreneur works as an employee of the company, and contributions to funds are made for him as an individual, does not relieve the individual entrepreneur from his obligation to pay for himself.

The question of whether it is possible to work and be an individual entrepreneur also affects the financial aspect. Having settled in the state, the individual entrepreneur continues to pay insurance premiums for himself, even if he does not devote time to his own business at all and does not receive income from it.

According to the law, an individual entrepreneur is obliged to pay insurance premiums for himself throughout the entire time he is an entrepreneur, with the exception of grace periods for non-payment. Such periods include time periods when a person cannot conduct commercial activities because he serves in the army, takes care of a child under one and a half years old, a person over 80 years old or a disabled person. Also, beneficiaries can be IP spouses of diplomatic workers or contracted military personnel who have not been able to get a job for five years. In other situations, insurance premiums are supposed to be paid, even IP pensioners do this. If payments to funds seriously complicate the financial situation, it probably makes sense to initiate the procedure for deregistering an individual entrepreneur from tax records.

In the case when an individual entrepreneur works on a labor basis and retains his entrepreneurial status, insurance premiums paid by both himself and his employer go to the account of the insured person. When forming a pension, all of them will subsequently be taken into account.

For himself in 2019, the IP pays 36,238 rubles. minimum insurance premiums. If income is above 300,000 rubles, then another 1% is charged in excess of this limit (for example, with income of 500,000 rubles per year, an additional 2,000 rubles of contributions must be paid). If an individual entrepreneur has employees, he also pays to the funds for them - in the general case, the amounts are calculated at 30% of payments under employment contracts (with some exceptions).

Thus, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to work and have an IP is most often positive. The materials on our website will help you deal with taxes and individual entrepreneur contributions. Here you can prepare documents for registration of IP. It's free and takes no more than 15 minutes even for inexperienced computer users.

Ruslan Zaydullin, CEO of DOC+ mobile clinic

I once saw a study on the middle age (too lazy to look for a link, of course) of founders of successful startups, and despite the romantic ideas about brilliant students who left their second year to change the world, the proportion of people with experience is much higher (read about the results of the study - Rusbase).

Let's look at the question objectively: going to do business without corporate experience is considered cool, because, not knowing how "old people" from boring companies do, you do everything anew, with a pure and open mind, inventing things taking into account your own sense of correctness, modernity and adequacy. This has its own logic, of course, and a person who has worked in the same company/industry for 30 years with a low rate of innovation and the main focus on process optimization (rather than inventing from scratch) can really automatically start doing “as he always did” , and this will not lead to a cool innovation.

On the other hand, when you solve a problem in a startup (and it needs to be solved quickly and preferably immediately efficiently), then the experience of solving a similar problem is extremely useful.

In addition, not all tasks are basic for a startup - it has some key innovation in which some process / product is done differently from everyone else, but other non-key areas can often be solved by generally accepted methods.

Experience in some function (or better in several) in a mature company (or better in several) in a mature industry (well, you understand) gives a set of cases in the spirit of “big uncles solve this problem this way”, which can be used by reducing risks and increasing the speed of work. Therefore, corporate experience, it seems to me, greatly increases the chances - the main thing is that these are cool and relevant companies, and you look at this experience not as a bible, but simply as one of the ways to organize work.

2. I would not be able to do business right after high school

Ekaterina Makarova, co-founder of car sharing BelkaCar

If a specialist is especially talented, he can immediately start developing his own business, but this is rather a non-standard situation. These are people of Durov's level. But here I mean medium and large businesses. The main base is formed by the experience of working in large companies, without which a person is not able to rebuild the necessary processes in his business. If he has never worked for hire, he will not draw up even an elementary contract.

Experience in large companies taught me competent project management. I could not do business immediately after university, because the amount of information needed to solve current problems at that time was close to zero.

Again, you need to understand that the time period during which you can actually master everything that is required in the future in hiring depends heavily on the specifics of the business. In IT, it takes on average up to 5 years to get normal experience. Someone may need less time, but it depends on the level of genius of a particular specialist.

Most large companies offer various internship options and cross-functional Leadership programs, where those who wish can try themselves in several departments, trying on one or another functionality. This is my main advice - try more, this is the golden time to decide what you want to do in the future.

3. The main thing is not to sit still

Egor Evlannikov, head of the private club for entrepreneurs Equium and co-founder of the network of creative spaces SoulFul Loft

The world is changing very quickly, and everything that used to be really stable (for example, corporations, big banks) is now forced to transform to the modern pace. Classical education is no longer entirely relevant - you have been studying for 5 years, but it is not clear whether it will be useful to you or not. The only thing that will definitely be valuable is experience. Therefore, it is not so important whether an aspiring specialist chooses the path of entrepreneurship or hiring - real development can only occur through work, so both of these opportunities are equally successful.

Any experience is both an advantage and a disadvantage. The positive side is understandable, the negative is that sometimes the experience fetters.

Corporate experience is needed, rather, not for an entrepreneur, but for an operations director who is engaged in building, developing and scaling a business, because at some point you come to the task of building a system. And when a person worked from the inside, he understands how the system in big business is built not according to books, but as part of it.

My first hire was non-classical. I worked in television and then I learned to work in conditions of a very tight schedule, super-tight limited resources, without sleep for several days. We were in a situation where the overall success of the project depended on each person in the team, and even small positions like the administrator were so critical that they could lead to losses of millions of rubles a day. And when you work with stars of the first magnitude, and everything happens on some island in the Indian Ocean, then the price of a mistake increases several times. In companies with developed sales departments, I saw how you can build various systems - both tangible and intangible.

If I had the opportunity to start all over again, then I would choose exactly the path that I went through, because I am a very happy person and I really love what I do. Of all the business projects that I have ever taken on, 3 or 4 have fired, but it is the mistakes that become the necessary critical base for building a strong foundation.

In order to understand what you are ready to do all your life, you need to try different things, and therefore there needs to be a balance between trying and “listening” to yourself. The main thing is not to sit still, but to do, do and burn

4. Work at a startup first

Mikhail Peregudov, CEO and founder of the Food Party

Of course, there is no single recipe for how to successfully start your own business, everyone has a different path. There is the first option - to create your own business after university or even without education, but it makes no sense for such people to read such articles. And there is another, more optimal scenario, which was described by Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba Group. The recipe is this: study until the age of 20-23, work in a small but growing company from 23 to 30. In a small one, because you will have a direct connection with the founders, and you will see how they manage the business, and in a growing one, because it means that these are successful founders, and they will have a sense to learn, and you yourself will develop. After that, start your business.

When I heard this story from Jack Ma, I smiled. That's what happened to me. After graduating from the university, I got into the startup webinar.ru, where I worked hand in hand with the founders, and then I launched the Food Party. The experience of working in a startup helped me launch my project, it was a very productive time. And I adopted many tricks and solutions from work in the webinar.

5. Do what you love

Evgeny Nikonov, founder of creative agency BezNebes

It should be said right away that it is impossible to generalize here and not everyone will have one choice. The fact is that the beginning of a career for each person develops individually. You can try hiring, because in this case the young specialist can get the experience and knowledge he needs in the future. If he makes a mistake while working for another company, more experienced colleagues or management will help him correct it. But if you make a serious mistake at the very beginning of the work of your company, this can be fraught with much more serious consequences.

In addition, not everyone likes to run their own business, someone does a much better job as an employee. And there is nothing wrong with that - a great career can be made both as an entrepreneur and as an employee of a company.

Experience is, first of all, the ability to communicate with people, work in a team (no matter how hackneyed this phrase is), the skill of multitasking and stress resistance. By working for a company, a future entrepreneur can gain an understanding of how the business generally functions. Such work makes it possible to look at everything globally - training, career growth.

I worked for hire many years ago - in the early 2000s I was engaged in the design of the radio broadcast of a then popular radio station. There was a lot of work, it was interesting, plus it helped to gain much-needed experience in solving non-standard situations, communicate with a variety of people, and act quickly. It cannot be said that the experience and skills gained were critical for the implementation of their own plans. But they did provide some benefit.

I would probably become the second person after Satoshi Nakamoto in terms of the number of mined bitcoins. You know how they say: "If I had known the buyback, I would have lived in Sochi." This is, of course, a joke. Seriously, I would not change anything, everything went and goes exactly as it should.

After graduation, you are free to do whatever you want. And you need to try yourself in everything that you like. After all, the truth is said that a person succeeds precisely in those areas that he likes. Think about what you like, what you would like to do, if not all your life, then at least a decent amount of time. Find yourself and your favorite pastime.

I will also give advice that applies to both boys and girls - after university it is not at all necessary to immediately create a unit of society, that is, a family. Of course, if you want it, please. But if you are looking for someone to connect your fate with just because “it’s supposed to be,” then think about it again. You can always create a family a little later, but the time after university should be used to make a good career, start a business.

6. Your startup will teach you how to make decisions

Dmitry Dumik, founder of Chatfuel

The best thing you can do for yourself in the few years after high school is to get as many skills as you can, make as many mistakes as you can, and get to know yourself as best as you can.

The quickest way to do this is to start something on your own, but that's a lot more painful. But you will have a chance to hone, perhaps, the most important skill - the ability to make decisions in a situation where no one knows a damn thing and there is no one to rely on except yourself.

7. Ignore the opinions of authorities

Konstantin Evdakov, CEO of CarMoney

Definitely worth doing your own business - I'm an entrepreneur and have never been employed. I started building my own business in the 1st year, so I basically had no education. But in such cases, you need to listen, first of all, to yourself, because it is worth going into entrepreneurship if you are ready to take risks and take responsibility for yourself and others. If not, try yourself in a job for hire - a talented and hardworking employee will build an excellent career in employment.

Of course, having corporate experience is a big plus for an entrepreneur. He learns how large companies are organized and administered, which can help in creating his own business. However, if I started all over again, I would not change anything and again concentrate on my business.

8. You can always drastically change your path.

Andrey Myakin, co-founder and COO of TNOMER

If you feel that you can start a business - start. But proportionality is important: you as a person, your experience and knowledge must be proportionate to the business. It is difficult to go into big water right away, but you can feel it by opening a microbusiness. You can develop your business in parallel with hired work, while gaining useful experience and expanding your circle of acquaintances.

As a student, I dabbled in small projects. After uni, he launched a youth clothing franchise in 5 regions. At other times, he advised clients on creating their own regional networks. But all this is in the background, I devoted most of my time to my career. It was the corporate experience that defined and shaped the main part of my background, which became the foundation for a large business.
Experience is the amount of information passed through the prism of your perception. And corporate experience is the maximum concentration of information flows and business processes.

Regardless of the scope and scale of the business, the most fundamental thing is the ability to plan. The leader must understand when and what tasks to solve on his own, and what to delegate to the team. You need to be able to grade tasks, identify priorities, include them in the overall chain, allocate sufficient resources, and determine the expected result.

The second skill that I received on my corporate path is the ability to analyze a huge number of processes at once. And the third important point is the circle of communication. After university, you make acquaintances in one or two areas. I traveled the country from South Sakhalin to Kaliningrad, I made friends from various fields: media, PR, finance, legal, GR. And this is extremely useful for your own business. It was the corporate history that formed the circle of my friends and acquaintances, in particular business partners.

I would give advice to those who have just entered the university. From the first year, absorb knowledge, acquaintances, experience as much as possible. Because the university is 5 wonderful years for development, when you have no children, no property and great responsibility. There, in the future, it will no longer be possible to suspend traffic for several years. Make the most of it now.

Communicate with successful and interesting people, build equal relationships with them. Try to understand what you love to do. Remember that the chosen profession does not define you for life. You can always drastically change your path - don't be afraid of it.

9. Work for Hire to Understand All Processes

Vladimir Shabason, co-founder of the Fins.money service

People who have a business streak should try to start their own business as early as possible. Especially if by the time of graduation from the university there is a cool idea that does not let go, and an understanding of how to implement it. You have to try and get experience.

But there are many nuances in business, so I would suggest the following strategy. A friend of mine really wanted to open his own cafe. And he even had an interesting concept. But before starting his own business, he went to work as a hired administrator in a restaurant. Within six months, my friend learned about the restaurant business a lot of things that will never be taught at the university. Then he was offered the position of manager, but the motivation to open his own business was very strong, and he refused. Now this man famously manages his own cafe and is going to open a second one.

I think that this is the right strategy - to decide on the business segment of interest, work for hire in order to learn all the processes, while honing your unique idea and making connections, and only then go into your own business.

The main thing at the same time is not to succumb to the persuasion of the employer and not to remain in the position of an employee, otherwise there are chances to hang.

But all this is true only for people with a business streak. Careerists have their own way. And about the "plan B" - what to live on and what to do if the business does not work out, it is also better to think in advance.

10. Start Your Business Now

Yakov Novikov, co-founder of Modulbank

The best time to start a business is today. You should not wait for the completion of the university, 5 years of a career in a corporation. There are many examples of entrepreneurs running successful businesses without education. At the same time, a stable job can become a serious barrier to starting a business - you have to risk your money, they stop receiving text messages with salaries 2 times a month - but you want stability.

But if you go to work - choose a company that will become a cool school for you. For example, in our company, each employee goes through the "hero's path" as an entrepreneur, pumping skills that significantly increase his market capitalization or help launch his own business. In general, when launching a bank, we wanted an employee to leave it with one goal - to start their own business.

11. It is impossible to build a successful business without experience.

Alexey Antonov, co-founder of SONM

Hiring is the best way to start a career. Most of the initiatives of their own business after graduation, unfortunately, are doomed to failure for objective reasons. It is impossible to build a successful business in any field without experience, no matter how talented you are. The cases of success of startups created by the founders immediately after graduation are exceptions, they are 1-2%. Moreover, a startup, in principle, is not a very promising idea if you are looking for something reliable. It is better to start a business, having already developed its own expertise.

On the other hand, having worked in a corporation for too long, you risk losing both enthusiasm and fuse, and you will never get to your business. Therefore, as with the answers to all such important questions, there will be no unambiguous solution. If all the other cards have developed, you are a purposeful person interested in development, you know how to manage people, lead, have your own capital - then, having earned expertise in any industry, you can try to start doing something. But you should not just rush into battle, even with the support of parents or relatives, never having worked anywhere. It will just be more expensive training, instead of a job that at least pays.

In general, employment helps to develop many other qualities in oneself, in addition to expertise in a particular area. Many novice start-ups did not work under anyone's leadership, therefore they themselves do not know how to manage and do not like it. Employment allows you to figure out how to manage finances, where and where the numbers go in business, inevitably teaches you how to work with documents, and just learn how to do it.

Personally, from what I learned while working for hire, I use almost everything in business. I can’t imagine what is in the head of a university student after graduation, because 10 years after graduation, you already forget what you were thinking about. How can you start your own business at the age of 20, what will it be like?

There is such a popular phrase that behind every Mark Zuckerberg in a T-shirt, there are eight uncles in jackets, and they are all forty, fifty years old. This is how it happens in practice.

Pretty much everything I've learned in business has either been through experience or came from different situations. For example, a long passion for playing poker helped me a lot, and the application of what I learned in practice within the business. For example, understanding what risk / reward is, the expectation from some action, how Game Theory (GTO) works, what variance is, and so on.

Therefore, you need to start working as early as possible. Get carried away with something related to money, become a fan of a particular business, direction. Understand it, become an expert in it, and inevitably it will start making money. It doesn't have to be your main occupation, but it's good. If you want to make money, it is better to face the truth and engage in profitable activities. At least, all my life I was looking for what would be the most profitable for me in terms of money, and only then it became my favorite thing, and not vice versa.