Order of warning for violation of the sample. Sample order for violation of labor discipline. In what cases is an order issued for a reprimand for improper performance of official duties?

Disciplinary Order: Procedure for

In case of violation by an employee labor discipline the employer has the right to draw up an order on the application of disciplinary liability to him, for which 1 month is given from the moment the misconduct was discovered (part 6 of article 193 Labor Code RF), but within 6 months from the date of its commission.

IMPORTANT! The exceptions are violations revealed during the audit or audit (for which they can be punished within 2 years after the commission), as well as those established in a criminal case (there is no restrictive interval).

When a penalty is imposed, the severity of the violation, the circumstances of its commission must be investigated (part 5 of article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Before drawing up an order for disciplinary action, an employer must:

  1. Record the violation by an act or other document.
  2. Request explanations from the employee, for the compilation of which the latter is given 2 working days.
  3. If necessary, upon the expiration of the specified period, draw up an act of refusal to explain.
  4. To consult with the trade union in accordance with Art. 373 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if the violator is a member of it, and the selected penalty is dismissal.
  5. Issue a collection order.

The procedure for issuing an order is as follows (part 6 of article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  1. Registration of the order itself.
  2. Familiarization of the employee with it within 3 days (only days spent at work are counted) and submission of a copy at the request of the employee.
  3. Registration of the corresponding inscription on the order if the employee refuses to sign (part 2 of article 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

We draw up an order to bring an employee to disciplinary responsibility. Sample order

The current legislation does not establish any requirements for the content of the order on bringing to disciplinary responsibility, with the exception of the T-8 form (the form of the order for dismissal, for more details on filling it out in the article Orders on personnel - what are these orders?). But based on practice, it is necessary to have the following information in the order:

  1. Introductory part:
  • date and number;
  • document's name.
  • Motivation part:
    • reasons for disciplinary action, a brief description of the circumstances of the offense;
    • information about the employee's act;
    • provisions of legislative acts, as well as local acts that have been violated.
  • The operative part:
    • link to articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
    • personal data of the person who is brought to justice, indicating the position, as well as the structural unit;
    • a list of documents that served as the basis for the specified proceedings;
    • position, as well as personal data of the head who made the order;
    • a place for the indicated employee to put a mark on familiarization with this order.

    IMPORTANT! Dismissal does not require the preparation of 2 orders: on collection and on dismissal - everything is recorded in one. In the case of drawing up 2 documents, there is a high risk of getting confused in the procedure (for example, not getting a preliminary opinion of the trade union, see the appeal ruling of the RF Armed Forces dated 09.11.2012 No. 60-APG12-7).

    You can download a sample order on disciplinary action by following the link: Sample a disciplinary order.

    We draw up an order on disciplinary responsibility in the form of a comment

    An order to bring an employee to disciplinary liability in the form of a comment must contain the following information:

    1. Introductory part:
    • the name of the company, the head of which is issuing the order;
    • date and number;
    • document's name.
    • the reasons that served as the basis for the imposition of a penalty.
    • the will of the employer to announce a comment to the employee;
    • Name of such employee.
    1. Motivation part:
    1. The operative part:
    1. Appendix - grounds for collection (service notes, acts, etc.).
    2. Position, as well as personal data of the head who drew up the document.
    3. A place for the indicated employee to put a mark on familiarization with this order.

    You can download a sample order of disciplinary responsibility for comment by following the link: Sample order of disciplinary responsibility in the form of a comment.


    A disciplinary order is the final document in which the employer sets out the essence of the type of punishment applicable to the employee for violation of labor discipline. There is no official sample of the order for disciplinary liability, with the exception of the form of the order for dismissal, therefore personnel services has the right to compose them independently.

    A disciplinary order is issued on the basis of an employee's explanation (in writing) who has violated labor discipline.

    A unified form of drawing up a disciplinary order is not provided for by law, therefore this document is drawn up on the organization's letterhead. The prepared order on punishment is signed by the head of the enterprise; the violator himself must sign it. At the very top, you should indicate the name of the enterprise, the name of the document (Order) and put its number. Slightly below the city is written (on the left) and the date of the order (on the right). Then you need to indicate the title of the document "On the imposition of a disciplinary penalty." In the text itself, it is necessary to describe the situation that caused the imposition of a penalty. The name, position of the offender, the date and time of the act, the presence / absence of a valid reason and its written confirmation are indicated.

    After that, you can specify the documents that are the basis for drawing up this order (service notes, acts, explanation of the guilty person, etc.). Further, the actual punishment is assigned (for example, a remark, a reprimand, a severe reprimand). Following this, the actions that are taken in connection with the violation are indicated, for example:
    • a disciplinary penalty is announced to the guilty person;
    • the day is counted as absenteeism (if absenteeism took place);
    • the violator is deprived of bonuses, allowances, etc .;
    • the employee is notified of the possible consequences of a repeated violation;
    • the HR department is instructed to prepare the necessary documentation;
    • the head of the guilty person undertakes to familiarize the employee with the order against signature.

    At the very bottom of the document, the position of the person who drew up the order is indicated, his signature with a decryption is put. If the disciplinary offender refuses to provide written explanations or sign the familiarization with the order, an appropriate act should be drawn up. Here you can download:

    Information about the disciplinary sanction is entered in work book only if it acts as a dismissal.

    An order-reprimand for violation of labor discipline is an order of the manager to bring an employee to disciplinary responsibility in the event of his committing disciplinary offenses. In order to avoid legal claims, the employer should be aware of the rules, structure and procedure for issuing such an order.

    What is non-observance of labor discipline

    The current legislation does not regulate all types of possible violations, however, it establishes the concept of "labor discipline" ( Art. 189 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). A set of rules binding on all employees, formulated on the basis of the Labor Code, is reflected in such a document as internal labor regulations, in other local regulatory legal acts and affects corporate ethics.

    In order to bring an employee to disciplinary responsibility, the management must prove the following circumstances:

    • non-fulfillment / improper fulfillment by an employee of his duties;
    • the employee's fault;
    • a causal relationship between the unlawful, guilty behavior of the employee and the failure to comply with the duties assigned to him.

    Among the most common misconduct associated with violation of labor discipline are:

    • lateness and absenteeism, as well as leaving before the end of the working day;
    • bad faith execution job responsibilities;
    • non-observance of labor protection standards;
    • appearance at the workplace in a state of alcoholic, drug or other toxic intoxication;
    • theft, waste and damage to property owned by the employer;
    • disclosure of commercial secrets;
    • refusal from medical examination or training, which are necessary for work;
    • committing a wrongful act;
    • non-observance of subordination;
    • ignoring instructions and orders;
    • an immoral act (if the work is related to upbringing and education);
    • deliberate actions that undermine the authority of the leadership.

    At the same time, to gross misconduct, which, in accordance with Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, are grounds for dismissal, include absenteeism, drunkenness, forgery, divulging secrets, theft and immoral behavior.

    Penalties for violation of labor discipline

    Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes an exhaustive list of penalties that the employer has the right to apply to the employee. It:

    • comment;
    • rebuke;
    • dismissal.

    The comment is rather educational in nature and does not entail serious consequences for the employee, however, in the event of a systematic violation of work discipline, this will become the basis for imposing more serious sanctions, up to and including dismissal. But whatever form of punishment is chosen, an order is drawn up to collect.

    Terms of application of punishment

    Misdemeanors have a statute of limitations - an employee can be brought to justice only within 1 month from the date of discovery of the violation. But there are also longer periods:

    • 6 months from the date of commission;
    • 2 years - if violations are revealed during the financial and economic, audit, audit;
    • 3 years - if the anti-corruption law is violated.

    The calculation of the month from the date of discovery does not include the vacation time and the sick worker.

    Common mistakes employers make

    Sometimes employers use a sample order "warning of violation of labor discipline", but there is no such type of penalty as a warning in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This measure can only be applied to certain categories of workers whose activities are regulated by special laws. So, the warning about incomplete official compliance is applied to civil servants along with those established in article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation types of punishment (the law "On state civil service"Dated 27.07.2004 No. 79-FZ).

    As for such a favorite method of restoring order among personnel as fines, there are also some nuances here. Since the fine does not apply to the collection measures established in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the write-off of funds from the employee is a gross violation of the law, for which the employer can be held accountable. Therefore, it is prohibited to issue an order on fines for violation of labor discipline. However, the legal subtlety lies in the fact that if the disciplinary sanction has not been extinguished, then the employee may lose part of the bonus, which in the internal acts of the organization may be called a “fine”. Thus, it is impossible to simply fine the employee - it is necessary to impose a disciplinary sanction, for example, a reprimand, which may entail the deprivation of the bonus (in the event that such a condition is contained in a local act, for example, in the provision on bonuses).

    Documenting the foreclosure

    A single sample of an order on violation of labor discipline is not established by law, and each company develops it independently.

    The procedure for announcing a reprimand

    Let's consider the procedure for imposing a disciplinary sanction on the example of the most common of them - a reprimand. Step by step, this procedure should be formalized as follows:

    1. The fact of misconduct is established. It is important to remember the statute of limitations: the reprimand must be pronounced within a month from the moment the misconduct was discovered.
    2. The guilty employee provides written explanations within two days ( Art. 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If the employee refused, then it is necessary to draw up an act of refusal in the presence of witnesses.
    3. A reprimand order is issued.

    When preparing a sample order on non-compliance with labor discipline, the personnel officer must indicate the following information:

    • Full name of the employee;
    • his position and division (department);
    • committed misconduct with references to legislation, agreement and local acts of the company;
    • type of penalty applied.

    A sample order is a reprimand for violation of labor discipline.

    In case of violation of labor discipline, destruction or damage to company property, or systematic failure to comply with the labor standard specified in the plan, the employee is brought to justice, including disciplinary action. If a violation of discipline or other official misconduct is revealed, the employer may issue an order to bring the employee to punishment in the form of a disciplinary sanction. Such punishment can be imposed in the form of a reprimand, deprivation of a bonus or dismissal. The application of a specific penalty is attributed by law to the exclusive competence of the employer.

    How to issue a disciplinary order?

    The employer must legally draw up a disciplinary order for the violation committed. If mistakes are made or an incorrect basis is applied according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the order will be canceled and declared illegal.

    In order to correctly draw up a document, the following structure must be observed:

    • The introductory part must contain all the details of the organization and information about the offending employee. It is possible to use the company letterhead;
    • The number and place of drawing up the act should be indicated;
    • The descriptive part of the reprimand order must include a statement of the circumstances disciplinary offense... Describe how the default was expressed;
    • You need to specify the item job description or employment contract which was violated by the actions of the employee. This may be delay, non-fulfillment of planned targets or other circumstances;
    • The announcement of the punishment must be justified by the relevant norm of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Therefore, in the administrative act, it is imperative to make a reference to the norm of the law, which allows the employer to punish an employee who has committed a misdemeanor.

    When the document is drawn up, you need to familiarize the employee with it against signature. In this case, the date of acquaintance should be indicated.

    Disciplinary order in the form of a remark

    This form of punishment is chosen in connection with minor and non-systematic violations of duties by the employee. In the meantime, the employer can choose an even milder punishment in the form of deprivation of the bonus. When drawing up the specified act, it should be remembered that the punishment should not only be based on the fact of violation, it should be justified. This means that the imposition of a penalty arbitrarily, only by the decision of the employer, is not allowed. Such an act will be declared illegal, and its effect will be canceled.

    Order on reprimand for failure to fulfill official duties

    Non-performance job responsibilities is itself a sufficient reason to impose a penalty on the employee. However, the employer has the right not to apply disciplinary measures. However, in case of a gross or repeated violation, punishment is simply necessary. In such cases, a strict penalty will not be sufficiently justified, so a comment can be dispensed with.

    Disciplinary order in the form of a reprimand

    It is necessary to understand that any collection presupposes the receipt of information about it and its verification. If a serious violation or systematic failure to fulfill his duties is committed, the employer has the right to punish the employee and issue a reprimand to him. A reprimand is one of the most severe punishments provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    This penalty should be announced in strict order:

    • When information about the alleged breach of duty is received, the appropriate executive is obliged to draw up a memo. It reflects the situation and the essence of the offense;
    • Then a check is carried out. It consists in obtaining an explanation from the culprit and other persons who are aware of the violation of obligations;
    • If the information is confirmed, the employer draws up and signs a reprimand order.

    Compliance with these points guarantees that the employer's decision to collect will not be recognized as unlawful.

    How long does it take to familiarize the employee with the reprimand order?

    Familiarization completes the foreclosure process and is an integral part. The act of punishment should be presented to the person immediately after its publication. If the person evades acquaintance, then the document must be sent to him by mail by registered mail with notification.

    A reprimand order for violation of labor discipline -

    Neglect of labor discipline is a clear reason for prosecution. It can be absenteeism, being late, or being drunk. The most serious punishment is dismissal.

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    First you need to understand the basic concepts.

    Labor discipline is a set of rules in force in an enterprise. All employees must comply with them. This includes the rules of procedure, corporate ethics, labor protection rules, etc.

    Also, for educational purposes, a warning order may be drawn up in connection with a violation of discipline. It is issued in the case when the employer decided not to punish the employee, but to confine himself to an oral warning about the need to comply with the procedure established at the enterprise.

    Sample order: warning about violation of labor discipline

    Sometimes an employer who has shown loyalty to the offending employee may not draw up a separate order in relation to him, but limit himself to an indication concerning all personnel.

    Sample order on compliance with labor discipline

    With the order, the citizen must be familiarized with the signature within 3 days. A copy of the order is included in the employee's personal file.

    If the employee refuses the request to sign the order, the employer will be obliged to draw up an appropriate act in the presence of two witnesses.

    There is a limited period for imposing a penalty, which is equal to one month from the day of the violation. After 6 months, the penalty cannot be applied.

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